PROJECT 3 Math Tutorial HTML/CSS Website

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1 Huntington Park High School Internet Publishing 1B PROJECT 3 Math Tutorial HTML/CSS Website Project 3 Due: 3/16 Storyboard Due: 3/9 You will work together with your group to create a website that follow a single CSS. Each group will select one general topic from Algebra II (See attached list of Algebra II standards) to be the topic of their website. Then each individual student will design the home page (index page) and every other student in the group will design one additional page. Students will work together to create a common style sheet that will be applied to all of their pages. Your pages will be uploaded to a website that Mr. Adolfo will create and that will be used by other students. Grade: 120 points possible In Project 2, students will work cooperatively to create an HTML/CSS multiple page website that uses a common Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). Each page in the site will contain: 1. Five sections, using <div> tags. These sections will be the Header, the Menu, the Content, Navigation, and the Footer. 2. The Header with the name of the group, the subject (algebra II), the topic, and the subtopic. 3. The Navigation with working links to the other pages in the site. 4. The Menu with two kinds of links. The fist links will allow student to go to specific problems in the Content area of the page. The second will be links to outside webpages that can assist students with the topic. 5. The Content area which will describe three different example problems for students to solve and an explanation of how to solve it. It will also a link to a YouTube Video that assists students in solving the problem. 6. The Footer with the solutions to the example problems and links to return to problem section of the page. You will also:: AME.A.A2.1 Analyze the way in which technical design (e.g., color theory, lighting, graphics, typography, posters, sound, costumes, makeup) contributes to a performance or presentation. AME.A.A2.2 Know the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a production for audio, video, electronic, or printed presentation. AME.A.A2.3 Use technology to create a variety of audio, visual, written, and electronic products and presentations. IT.B.B2.1 Know multiple ways in which to transfer information and resources (e.g., text, data, sound, video, and still images) between software programs and systems. IT.B.B2.2 Understand the differences between various Internet protocols (e.g., http, ftp, mailto, and telnet). IT.B.B5.1 Understand the purpose, scope, and development of a Web site. IT.B.B5.10 Differentiate among various versions of Internet programming languages.

2 Your grade will be based on both the efforts of the group and your own individual effort. The group will get one common grade for both their webpage design and their common CSS file. The rest of your grade will be for your individual web page, and the inclusion of the required elements. Your page will also be graded by Mr. Jackson for your explanation to the problems. PRE-PRODUCTION PLANNING: THE STORYBOARD (20 Points) Each student must submit a copy of the storyboard for their webpage. The storyboard will be used as the basis for the style sheet. The storyboard should describe each of the following elements: 1. The overall page layout. 2. The size and location of the divs 3. The style of the fonts, backgrounds, links, and images for the overall page 4. The style of the fonts, backgrounds, links, and images for each section if different than the default style for the page. 5. A description of the content to be used with the names of images, links to YouTube Videos, list of sites to be linked to,. The 20 points will be for including all the required elements above. All members of the group will receive a different amount of points for this category. COMMON DESIGN AND COMMON STYLE SHEET (40 Points) Students will create a style sheet that will be linked to each page in the website. The style sheet will contain the following tags for the following: Styling Backgrounds Styling Text Styling Fonts Styling Links Styling Images Of the 40 points, 10 will be for aesthetic quality and layout (used of rule of thirds, colors, etc.), 10 will be for proper use of tags, and 20 will be for including all the required elements above. All members of the group will receive the same amount of points for this category. INDIVIDUAL WEBPAGE (60 Points) Each student will create an HTML webpage the includes all the elements listed above under storyboards. The 60 points for the project will be assessed in the following areas: Properly linked to style sheet, 10 points Contains required content, 20 points Math properly explained. 15 points Is aesthetically pleasing, 15 points All members of the group will receive a different amount of points for this category.

3 Web Page Storyboard Project Name : [ ] Page Title : Background : Heading Paragraph Graphics : Text Font Size Color Attribute Media Element Sounds : Animations : Video : Interactive : Team Members : Page of

4 Accelerated Math math management program helps every student master every math objective, 1st grade through calculus. This content library provides the of instruction for these : Topic LEGEND Standard (California Content Standard, State Test Objective, or Prerequisite if not referenced) Objective (Accelerated Math objective supporting that standard) Topic 1 - The Real Numbers Students demonstrate knowledge of how real and complex numbers are related both arithmetically and graphically. In particular, they can plot complex numbers as points in the plane. (5.0) Classify real & complex numbers Real Number Properties Properties of real #s Reflex, symm, trans, & subst properties Evaluate polynomials (SAT9) Evaluate expressions for given values WP: Evaluate expressions Topic 2 - Linear Equations and Inequalities Solve linear equations (SAT9) Verify solutions for given equations Solve linear equations WP: Solve linear equations Students solve equations and inequalities involving absolute value. (1.0) Solve equations with absolute value WP: Equations with absolute value Solve inequalities (SAT9) Solve linear inequalities Solve inequalities w/ rational expressions WP: Solve linear inequalities Solve compound inequalities Graph inequalities in one variable Solve & graph linear inequalities Solve & graph compound inequalities Students solve equations and inequalities involving absolute value. (1.0) Solve absolute value linear inequalities Graph absolute value inequalities Graph absolute value inequalities Topic 3 - Relations, Functions, and Graphs Domain and Range Domain & range, relations Students solve problems involving functional concepts, such as composition, defining the inverse function and performing arithmetic operations on functions. (24.0) Determine if functions are one-to-one Evaluate functions for given values Add, subt, mult, div functions Find compositions of 2 functions Find inverses of functions Page 1 of 4 WP: Function problems Graphs of linear equations, inequalities and inverses/write equations of lines Graph linear equations, ax + by = c Graph linear equations, y = ax + b Graph linear inequalities in 2 variables Graph inverses of linear functions WP: Graphing Write equation from slope & point, ax + by = c Solve linear equations. (SAT9) WP: Linear equations Parallel and perpendicular lines Use slope to find parallel & perp lines Identify parallel & perpendicular lines Write eqn through point & parallel/perp to line Topic 4 - Systems of Equations and Inequalities Students solve systems of linear equations and inequalities (in two or three variables) by substitution, with graphs, or with matrices. (2.0) Verify ordered pairs are solutions to systems Solve systems, substitution Solve systems, elimination Determine # of solutions for systems Graph systems of equations Verify ordered triples are solutions to systems Solve systems, three equations WP: Solve systems, number and age problems WP: Solve systems, motion & distance problems WP: Solve systems, coin problems WP: Solve systems, mixture & investment problems Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing Topic 5 - Matrices and Determinants Students solve systems of linear equations and inequalities (in two or three variables) by substitution, with graphs, or with matrices. (2.0) Gaussian elim (row oper with augmented matrices) Matrices, solve systems of equations WP: Matrices Topic 6 - Roots, Radicals, and Complex Numbers Students know the laws of fractional exponents, understand exponential functions, and use these functions in problems involving exponential growth and decay. (12.0)

5 Write nth roots as exponential expressions Simplify rational #s w/ fractional exponents Simplify nth roots WP: Roots Simplify expressions w/ rational exponents Operations with radicals Operations with radicals Solve equations with radicals (SAT9) Solve equations containing radicals Find dimensions of polygon, given coordinates of polygon; find midpoint of segment, given its coordinates (SAT9) Find distance and midpoint Students demonstrate knowledge of how real and complex numbers are related both arithmetically and graphically. In particular, they can plot complex numbers as points in the plane. (5.0) Plot complex numbers on complex plane Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers. (6.0) Write imaginary #s: bi Raise i to powers Add & subtract complex #s Multiply complex #s Mixed operations w/ complex #s Rationalize denominators w/ complex #s Solve eqns involving complex #s Topic 7 - Polynomials Evaluate polynomials (SAT9) Evaluate polynomials for given values Students are adept at operations on polynomials, including long division. (3.0) Add & subtract polynomials Square a binomial Multiply 2 binomials Multiply monomials by polynomials Multiply binomials by trinomials Square trinomials Simplify polynomial expressions w/multiplication Divide polynomials by monomials Divide polynomials Students factor polynomials representing the difference of squares, perfect square trinomials, and the sum and difference of two cubes. (4.0) Factor trinomials Factor perfect square trinomials Factor difference of squares Factor sum or difference of 2 cubes Factor expressions using complex #s Long division, factor higher term polynomials Factor polynomials into binomials & trinomials Factor 4-term expressions by grouping Page 2 of 4 Students are adept at operations on polynomials, including long division. (3.0) WP: Polynomials Topic 8 - Quadratics Students solve and graph quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. Students apply these techniques in solving word problems. They also solve quadratic equations in the complex number system. (8.0) Solve quad eqns, square root rule (real roots) Solve quad eqns, square root rule (complex roots) Factor quadratics, rational roots Quadratic formula, 2 real roots Quadratic formula, complex roots Find & use discriminants Quadratics to solve eqns w/ radical expressions Graph quadratic functions WP: Graph quadratic functions Students demonstrate and explain the effect that changing a coefficient has on the graph of quadratic functions; that is, students can determine how the graph of a parabola changes as a, b, and c vary in the equation y=a(x-b)^2 + c. (9.0) Determine variations in graph of y=a(x-b)^2 + c Students graph quadratic functions and determine the maxima, minima, and zeros of the function. (10.0) Write quad eqns given solutions Determine maxima, minima and zeros WP: Production & profit problems Use Pythagorean Theorem to find length of unknown triangle side (SAT9) WP: Pythagorean Theorem using quad eqns Students solve and graph quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. Students apply these techniques in solving word problems. They also solve quadratic equations in the complex number system. (8.0) WP: Number problems using quad eqns WP: Area & perimeter using quad eqns WP: Other problems using quad eqns Topic 9 - Exponents and Logarithms Students understand the inverse relationship between exponents and logarithms and use this relationship to solve problems involving logarithms and exponents. (11.1) Exponential equations to log form Log equations to exponential form Find logs by converting to exponential form Find natural logs of numbers Students understand and use the properties of logarithms to simplify logarithmic numeric expressions and to identify their approximate values. (14.0) Evaluate and approximate value of logarithm

6 Properties of logs, simplify expressions Students use the definition of logarithms to translate between logarithms in any base. (13.0) Evaluate logs in any base Students understand the inverse relationship between exponents and logarithms and use this relationship to solve problems involving logarithms and exponents. (11.1) Solve log equations Solve exponential equations Solve equations involving natural logs WP: Compound interest WP: Richter scale (earthquake) Students know the laws of fractional exponents, understand exponential functions, and use these functions in problems involving exponential growth and decay. (12.0) WP: Growth & decay problems Topic 10 - Rational Expressions and Equations Students determine whether a specific algebraic statement involving rational expressions, radical expressions, or logarithmic or exponential functions is sometimes true, always true, or never true. (15.0) Domains of rational expressions Students add, subtract, multiply, divide, reduce and evaluate rational expressions with monomial and polynomial denominators and simplify complicated rational expressions, including those with negative exponents in the denominator. (7.0) Rational expressions, find LCD Simplify rational expressions Simplify rational expressions by factoring Students add, subtract, multiply, divide, reduce, and evaluate rational expressions with monomial and polynomial denominators and simplify complicated rational expressions, including those with negative exponents in the denominator. (7.0) Multiply & simplify rational expressions Divide & simplify rational expressions Add rational expressions Subtract rational expressions Add & subtract rational expressions WP: Rational expressions Simplify complex rational expressions Students add, subtract, multiply, divide, reduce, and evaluate rational expressions with monomial and polynomial denominators and simplify complicated rational expressions, including those with negative exponents in the denominator. (7.0) Solve equations containing rational expressions Page 3 of 4 Topic 11 - Conics and Second-Degree Equations Given a quadratic equation of the form ax 2 +by 2 +cx+dy+e=0, students can complete the square to put the equation into standard form, recognize whether the graph of the equation is a circle, ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola, and graph the equation. (17.0) Conic equation, general to standard form Graph circles Circles, general form equations Circles, write eqns given centers & radii Circles, write eqns using given facts WP: Circles Graph ellipses Ellipses, general form equations Ellipses, write eqns using given facts Graph hyperbolas (standard equation) Graph hyperbolas (general equation) Hyperbolas, find vertices, foci, & asymptotes Parabolas, find vertex from equation Graph parabolas (y = x^2) Graph parabolas (x = y^2) Identify conic by equation Students demonstrate and explain how the geometry of the graph of a conic section (e.g., asymptotes, foci, eccentricity) depends on the coefficients of the quadratic equation representing it. (16.0) Explain how graph of conic depends on coefficients Topic 12 - Sequences and Series Students find the general term and the sums of arithmetic series and of both finite and infinite geometric series. (22.0) Common differences of arithmetic sequences Find terms of arith seq (1st term & common diff) Find specific term of arith seq (1st 3 terms) Find terms of arith seq (formula for nth term) Find general terms of arith seq WP: Arithmetic sequences Find sums of arithmetic series Common ratios of geometric sequences Find terms of geo seq (1st term & common ratio) Find specific term of geo seq (1st 3 terms) Find general terms of geo seq WP: Geometric sequences Find sums of finite geometric series Find sums of infinite geometric series WP: Geometric series Students derive the summation formulas for arithmetic series and for both finite and infinite geometric series. (23.0) Write geometric series in sigma notation Evaluate geometric series in sigma notation Identify results of an algorithm (SAT9) Identify the results of an algorithm

7 Topic 13 - Probability Students use fundamental counting principles to compute combinations and permutations. (18.0) Use fundamental counting principle Evaluate and simplify factorial expressions Calculating permutations Calculating combinations Students know the binomial theorem and use it to expand binomial expressions that are raised to positive integer powers. (20.0) Binomial expansion, find nth terms Students use combinations and permutations to compute probabilities. (19.0) Probability of single events Probability of independent events Probability with combinations and permutations Conditional probability Probability of dependent events Compare odds & probability Topic 14 - Statistics Identify mean, median, mode, or range of a set of data; identify effect on mean, median, or range of set of data (SAT9) Means, medians, & modes of data sets Recognize types of central tendency Solve problems involving normal distributions (SAT9) Normal curves Make prediction from statistical sample; determine correlation, given a set of data; draw inferences from tables and graphs; identify equation of line of regression for scattergram (SAT9) Make prediction from statistical sample Draw inferences from tables and graphs Determine correlation given set of data Identify eqn of line of regression for scattergram Topic 15 - Logical Arguments/Valid Procedures/Induction Students judge the validity of an argument according to whether the properties of real numbers, exponents, and logarithms have been applied correctly at each step. (11.2) Judge validity of argument using prop real #s Students determine whether a specific algebraic statement involving rational expressions, radical expressions, or logarithmic or exponential functions is sometimes true, always true, or never true. (15.0) Determine if alg stmnt is T/F or sometimes true Students apply the method of mathematical induction to prove general statements about the positive integers. (21.0) Use induction to prove statements about pos int Students use properties from number systems to justify steps in combining and simplifying functions. (25.0) Use prop of # system to combine & simplify func California Standards Aligned Libraries produce a nearly unlimited number of dynamic algorithm-generated problems for assisted response (multiple choice) and free response assignments and tests aligned to state standards. Ten California Standards Aligned Libraries are available: Grades One Seven, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Please call us toll-free at to order this Accelerated Math library or to request the Scope and Sequence for other libraries. Accelerated Math Library Custom California Algebra II Stock No. CUSTCAALGII P.O. Box 8036 Wisconsin Rapids, WI (866) Page 4 of 4

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