r;-7~-r13~-1.' ~ I) i-rl;'o .IT{ f'/ {- r ~~ / \'A 1f

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1 r;-7~-r13~-1.' f... ::;( ~1tJ:, 1J -; It B1t: I. Complete the following sentences by writing the appropriate location chosen from the words below. ~ ~L 1.1-"3 '::J v- r ~tf " ~ 1(\,t:\ 'Iv -t-rl;\ : 0)l2l1: I;{ ~ I) i-rl;'o :t / ~ ~6 ~ Jt t: \ 'Iv T'-r I;~', L;L t": T'-r 1;'0 :' -tf L 1J ~ 3. Zf1tJ+mtO)4ft11"~T' 8 *' 1:11"< IvT'-r J: 0 ~I;' G "" tb 1;' It i -r 0 ([) 4. / \'A 1:* I) t: \ 'Iv T'-r tt t"~o I;L t": I: ~ I) i -r 1;'0 ~~ ~L 5. ~~~ ~ 8 *,t: tb L t: \ 'Iv T'-rl;\ : O)l2lt: I;{~ I) i -rl;'o 6. ~J:;~I;{~ I) i -tt lvi;' G, ""11""?1', J:;~ ~ tb L l'*- i -rtlo 7. t; J: "?t ~ I:it-g;5L fj.'tt it If'fJ.' G fj.'\ 'Iv T'-r 1;\ Iit" : T'-r 1;'0 8. : O)~ ~ t ~t:\ 'Iv T'-rl;\ : 0)l2l1: I;{~ I) i -rl;'o L L.' L -tt L ~ '7 ~ 1;.' 9. ~mto)*jttf:~~t'*;m~""11"< ~ t I) T'-r 0 liiji \ 'T'-r 1;'0 ([) 10. :J - l:: - ~iklv T', J:;-g;5~ L i L J: -) 0 ""11"~ i L J: -) 0 t (i \ \ ~, L 11. -/ t- '7 '/' r t *~t~1( \, t: \ 'Iv T'-r I;{, \' \, ~ ~P"?l'~,i -r 1;'0 ~ L 13. *'~1if I) t: \ 'Iv T'-r I;\ \' \, ~ ~P"?l'\,i -r 1;'0 11; ~d 1;'( lil 14. : O)!BJI: t- I) A r ~O) I;{~ I) i -rl;'o : 0)~i3~ T'~;t ll' ~\'0 t1>in')\\ ;( 15.1f~fJ.' l:: n ') 0)~I;{Jtit6 t Bf1 ~ i L t:l;\ t"o) T'-rl;'o (f I; ~..,.' L < i : i ~.'L ~m~rg ~7! :J / t:'..::. ~.~rg ;t~ ~ J: i T I'.IT{ f'/ {- r ~~ / \'A 1f ~.., -;! T Iv : i ;t L : i L rp i ~.L ~1kJt ~1iI ~~it-g;5 ~l11" "tj rp i t J: i I~i~:t~ rp7(fl~d f~1j!~ t' -).i: ~ ;{ Iv ~n~~lii 163

2 II. You are waiting for a bus at the bus stop near your school. A Japanese tourist asks you the following questions. Circle the correct answer based on fact. i ~,~(... /... ~ i.;:"" ;( /... 8 *-A. : ~O) -)... t; J: "? t1~~\ i -rl;{, : O)m!:~IJ~~~I;{~ I) i -r-/;'o t' i,j: -:> ;t /... t' i.j: '? ;{ /... 1; ~, t: 1; ~ fj.' t: : ~IJ~~~ T'-r -/;'0 ~IJ~~~Ii : : -/;' G {iji ~" it~\}t'-r J: 0 t:' i,;:-) ;t Iv 8 *- A. : : : -/;' G ~IJ~~~ 1 T' t" 0) (' G ~ \ -/;, -/;' I) i -r -/;'0 ;f,<> ~fj.,t: : -T -) -t-ttl;;t... {7 7 :/-T', ~~\1'} {.n7j\ -=+-jj-, -a:t=m, -=-a:t=m} (' G~ \T'L J: -) 0 8 *-A. : t" -) t ~ I) -/;{ t -)=" ~" ~ \ 1 Lt: 0 III. Describe the following with two adjectives. u':> Ex. : 0) ~ ~ Ii rj;. < 1', ~ kl~\ T' -t 0 1. *h 0) 7i.. t:.' t;ii _ t([) 2. n 7 :L j- I) 70)1<:~~~Ii t.'l 3. ~~O)rm.~rgli 'L I; N. 3l + :J - j- - Complete the following description of the picture by filling in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. Choose the kanji from the box. -- / \' - F\' 7 ~ Iv Ii U G -/;{fj.' f 0) T' \\l' I'''' t "- J(li 0) 1tJT' 11 : 1mli 0) - 7/~lvli 0) Iv T' \\1-ro ;"3/~lvli 0) - (j) -/ "3/ ~ Iv Ii 0) - I-t-.:=.~ I "?1' \\1-to t -- 0) \\1-to., SIll \\i-ro., T' Qt1' \\i-ro -- 1"- 1tJT' L l T' ~ -/;'h\\\\ \\i-ro I: -/;'~"(key) ~ 164 0/ ip ii. ~ *- -g;5 gft.. 3fj -r- ~

3 f....' r;-7~-r13~-2 if;:t ~ 1tJ: _ 1J -; It B1t: _ I. Based on each of the maps, write the name of the person who correctly followed each of the routes described. ~L~L~L~L~L ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ J[ iff ii 41i iii iii t t t t t *0/ w*' *'1' )lj 0 ~ffi hi; -:>5" :i~t/""! Ex. (*0/) : 0) it ~ i "?-r (' 11""?1', ;jz 0) 3t~ };~, T' 7p!: BtI;C:> l'1' ~ \ \0 ~I; :i~tl it 1. ( ): O)it~ i"?-r <"11""?1', -=-ilf 0)3t~/~, T';!:at-/;{"? 1''1'~ \ \0 ;.,.t, -)~. :i~tiv :! 2. ( ): 0) it ~ i "?-r <"11""?l, ;jz 0) 3t~ I~' T';!=BtI;{ "? l r~\\0 ~I; :i ~ TL 3. ( ): 0) it ~ i "?-r <"11""?l, -=-ilf (j) 3t~/~, t t "? t i -:> -r ('11""?l,,->(\.\ j'... 0 ~I; :i~tl 1 4. ( ): 0) it ~ i "?-r <"11""?1', -=-ilf 0) 3t~/~, T'7p!= at I;{ -:> 1''1'~ \ \0 II. Study the map below. Complete the following sets of directions by filling in the names of the correct establishments chosen from the box below. ~~ :i ~ TL 1 Ex. : 0) it ~ i "?-t <"11""?l, =-ilf 0) 3t~/~, T'70!: Btl;{ 6 t, ~ I;.';' ~-tt ( ~ -/;:J.'~ ) Ii-T 0) it 0) 7p1~1~?-=ilf 0) J:;;t T'-r 0 ~ I~~ ~ 1.: 0) it ~ i -:> -r ('11""? 1', ;jzo) ij' t"t';!= atl;{ ~ t, ~I;~;, ~-tt (H ) Ii-T O)itO)7p1~IJO)=~ ~?LJ:;;t T'~ 0 l 2.: 0) it ~ i "?-r ('11""?l, -=-ilf 0)3t~/~, T'7p I:Btl;{ ~ t, W W ~ ~I;~;, ~T ( ) Iiof O)itO)ii.1~IJo)':='ilf O)~~~T'-r 0 ;f i. 'f" ~ ->( ~" /.- \ ChOIces: I < ~~, Ii J.~,..."?...llv, _A.,1T, *'~, /{/~, 11J-)(/Iv~J:< 165

4 III. Fill in each blank with the correct particle. Use X if no particle is required. 8 *A. : ~ 0) -)... t; J: "? t -)-/;'I;{\ \i -r ( ),... Iv "(\I : 0)122 ( ) / \';{.1.f ( ) ~ I) i -r-/;'o add DOD ado *-~ ( ) 11"~ t:\ \Iv T'-r 0 T \1 h. 'I; ~ fj.' t: : / \';{.1.fT'-r tlo : (j)it ( -)~' :i~t/"" "'- -r 'b ( )...l- ~ t5 ( it"? 1.., ia ' Xli"" ht, 5J.t"? 1''1' ~ \ \0 :i ~ TIv ) i"? -r <" ( 8 *A. : ~ ~... ~ 0) ( ) 3t~/t?" T'-r ~o ~ fj.' t: : -T -) T'-r 0 ~ I; T: ) t;: -)( -T 0)it ( ) 70 ( ) l' L ( ) 11"< t, ~.'L t, T rm,,~rg( ) ~ I) i -r J: 0 ~ 0) ( ) B \ \ ( ) ~~~T'-r 0 )tit i -r-/;'o t, T 8*A.: li\\, ~O) ( ) B < l, ~\\ ( ) ~~~T'-r tlo ~ fj.' t: : -T -) T'-r 0 ~ I) i -r 0 T I' ~ "L / \';{. 1.fli ~.~rg ( 8*-A. : -T -) T'-r -/;'0 J: < h -/;'I) i L t: 0 ~ I) I;{t -)=" ~" \ \ i L t: 0 ) it ;t ) AO ( ) 1tJ ( ) ) IV. Change the verb to the correct form. Ex. ( i I;{ I) i -r) 1. (ht: I) i -r) 2. (11"~ i-r) Ii L 701: i I;{~ t, ~I;{~ I) i -r 0 lil (f,il'l : O)~~, ~~I;{~ I) i -r 0 (f 1;~"'.'L i "?-r <", 7p!:~1*t~rgl;{~ I) i -r 0.'L I; V. 3l+:J -j-- : Write the antonym (opposite) in kanji. Ex. 0/ ~ 7'~ ~ ~ LAO ~ 4. -k ~ 7. ~\ \ ~ ([) 2. ikh~~ ~ 5.X ~ 8. *- ~\ \~ I-t-.:=.~ I 166

5 .' r;-7~-r13~-3 f..., 1;:t ~ 1tJ: _ 1J -; It B1t: _ 1. Read this story written by a Japanese student. Then complete the following statements by choosing the correct responses. *ho)~ 1tJ Ii ~ffi It \ \-1-0 ~~ O)-=-i - T'-r 0 *h ;f,~ li4ij~a, Ii ;f, ~ :' Ii I... ~mt ="';!:~ ~i -r 0 ~A~~Ji ~ 1;,:-'" 1', 1" L*JTBfl ~ gft to I; Iv T', -emt ="'; ~ ~ tbi -r 0 ~~"" liiji < 0)7i..i! tit ~ T'11"~i -r 0 ;f,~ it~li4ij~a t l t : Iv T'~\ i -rl;' G, it~o)o/t'1pjt tb*-i -tt Ivo -r h 6 : ~ t tb*i -tt Ivo it~ T'~~ i T't: ~\l'\\e:s+-jj- < G \ \ -/;'-/;' I) i -r 0 ~.., ~!:J'\.mt1tJ!:~ ~ i -r 0 *~lij'\.mtf!: Ii til) i -r 0 Ii I1.L L ~ i *~I;{-=mtf!:~h"? 1', /,\'A '7 '/' r (j)#t~ ~ L 1',.nmt =".; *""~.ftt I) i -r 0 ~.ftti) (j)it~ Ii ~ 1 I) : IvT'\ \ i -tt Iv-/;'G, -r hit i -r 0 t: \ \l \\'7 :t - 7 "7 / T' lil~<., 1t~~Bfl\\1'\\i-rl;\ ~-/;'it1'~\6-/;'g, mtk~l Li~\1-ro 1. Keiko is a {A. freshman B. sophomore C. junior D. senior}. 2. Keiko's family name is {A. Yasuda B. Yasuta C. Takata D. Takada}. 3. Keiko wakes up at about {A. 5:00 B. 6:00 C. 7:00 D.8:00}. 4. Keiko {A. reads the paper B. watches TV C.listens to the radio} in the morning. 5. Keiko leaves home at around {A. 5:00 B. 6:00 C. 7:00 D.8:00}. 6. Keiko goes to school {A. with her friend B. with her father C. with her sister D. alone}. 7. The electric train is {A. crowded B. not crowded} in the morning. 8. There {A. are B. aren't} seats on the electric train in the morning. 9. It takes about {A. 30 minutes B. 40 minutes C. 60 minutes} for Keiko to get to school. 10. The electric train is {A. crowded )B. not crowded} on the way home. 11. There {A. are B. aren't} seats on the electric train on Keiko's way home. 12. Keiko sometimes {A. falls asleep B. talks to her friend C.listens to music} in the electric train. 167 I-t-.:=.~ I

6 II. What is your daily routine in the morning? Write your answers to the following questions in Japanese. ;f,~ Ii 1. ~ fj.' t: li~~, Mmt ="'; ~ ~ i -r 1;'0 2.* ~Mmt ="'; tb i -rl;'o.., 3.~~!:1iiJmt :"';~ ~ i -rl;'o 4.*-/;' G ~~ i T' t"o) <" G,\ \ ~ I) i -rij'o 5.*-/;' G ~~ i T' t"o) <" G \ \1;'1;' I) i -rl;'o "1'tt"MT*~~,j'o ~ 7. ~ fj.' t: li~ ~l(~ Li -r -/;'0.'L I; III. 3l+ :J - j- - : Write the underlined hiragana in kanji. :i ~ TIv 4. l G i t; t" J:; I) ~ 1"? -r <" \ \ "?l, J: Iv If'lv 6/) (j) 5(~ I~' ~ H ~"!: ~1; i 1;{6 t:, ito) Uf:'I) I: I;{"?: -) 0) t Ivl;{ ~ I) i -r J: 0 168

7 .' r;-7~-r13~-4 fj,' ;t;:t ~1tJ: 1J -; It B1t: I. Which answer is true? Circle the correct answer based on fact. u ~.i,b 1. 8 *"" 4ft11"~ T' 11" < 0) t ~dt' 11" < 0) t Ii \" i!\ \T'-r 1;'0 u ~.).,n A. 4ft11"~ T' 11" < 1j1;{ ~dt'.l,n u ~ B. ~dt' 11" < 1J1;{ 4ft11"~ T' 2. 7~ I) na!: Ii ;{.~1 /~~ 11" < J: I) 11" < J: I) '" A.. ~ J: i ~1$-r~O)t Ii \" -9'"? t i!\ \T'-r 0 Ii \" -9'"? t i!~\t'-r 0 "',(, ~ J: i 8*~~ ~1$-r~O)t t""? t; 0) 1J I){ ~ ~ L \ \ T'-r I)' 0 A.;{. ~1 /~ ~ ~1$-r 61J1;{ B. 8*~~ ~1$-r 61J I;{ Ii L ;f, <> 3.*~0) t ~ < 0) t t" t; G 0) 1J I;{ ~L ;f,<> ~\" A. * ~ 1J1){ ~ < J: I) iti. \ T'-r 0 ;f, <> Ii L Ii\" B. ~ < 1J1;{ *6 J: I) i!\ \T'-r 0 "',(, ~ J: i 8*~~ ~1$-r6J: I) '" Iv ~ i ;{.~1/~~ ~1$-r~J:I) Ii \" i!\ \T'-rl;'o ~ ~ L \ \ T'-r 0 ~ ~ L \ \ T'-r 0 II. Circle your answer to the following comparative questions. Then translate the comparative questions into Japanese and write your answers in Japanese. Ex. Which do you like B. Playing tennis : t, *h0) ~;t L-,tL 1tro, : }; J: <" 0) t : J:; J: <" 1]I;{ 1. Which do you like better? A. Reading books B. Watching TV. L-,tL 1t~: t" t; G 0) 1J I;{ -kf ~ T'-r -/;'0 -kf ~ T'-r 0 : t, *ho)~;;t : 2. Which do you like better? A. Doing homework B. Cleaning your room L-,tL 1tro, : : t, *ho)~;t : I +.:=.~ I

8 III. Rewrite each sentence below. Use!1r" without changing the meaning. ;{ \ \ ~( Ex. Bj(@j I: 11" < 1]1;{ 7"/ ;{.!: 11" < J: I) ~t~t'-r 0 ;t \ \ ~( = 7" / ;{.!: 11" < 0) Ii Bj(@j!: 11" < 11 t" ~t~t' Ii ~ I) i -tt A.t 0 1. ~~ "" Ii ~ T' 11" < 1]1;{ / \';{. T' 11" < J: I) it\\t'-r 0 I! 'I" t, ([) 2. 8*-~~ -g;5-r1]i;{ 8*~~.. < J: I) ~ L\ \T'-ro IV. Write the correct particles in the ( ). Use X if no particle is required. ~ L (f I; ~ -,.'L 8 *,A : ~O)... -r l-;.i -tt Ivl;{, : 0)122 ( ) ~m~rg ( ) ~ I) i -r-/;'o (f I; ~ -,.' L I;.' ~ fj.' t: : ~m~rg T'-r -Q' 0 ;t;t, iji ~\ T'-r J: 0 11 l;~-,.'l 8*A : :: ( ) ~q;ij~rg ( ) t" 0) <" G ~\ ( ) ~ I) i -r -Q' 0 ~ fj.' t: : -T -) T'-r ~;t... ~ ( ) -t-jj'- <" G \ \ ( ) 1;'1;' I) i -r 0 ;f,<> 8 *'A : / \' ;{. ( ) 11" < ( ) t ~\\l11" < ( ) t t" t; G ( ) 1] ( ) it\\t' -r 1;'0 I! 'I" ;f,~ ~ fj.' t: : -T -) T' -r tl;t... ~ \ \l11" < ( ) 1] ( ) / \';{. ( ) 11" < ( ) J: I) it\\t' L J: -) 0 8 *'A : -T -) T' -r 1;' 0 t" -) t ~I) I;{t -)=" ~" \ \ i L t: 0 I! 'I".'L I; III. 3l+:J - j- - : Write the underlined hiragana in kanji. I-t-.:=.~ I 170

9 r;-7~-r13~-5.' f..., i;t ~1tJ: 1J -; It B1t: I. Read the dialogue from Lesson 13 and circle true or false. t'i "-L 1. (if. L ~\ t;-/;{-) : 0) 8 *A.I i ~IJ~~I!II""11"~ t: \ \T'-r 0 t' 7 ;t L 1;.' 2. (if. L \ \ t;-/;{-) fij~~~ liiji\ \ T'-r 0 3. (if.l\\ t;1;{-) 7/~lvli8*-A.!:, r:o)tj:;l) ~i"?-r<"11""?l, 4. (if. L ~\ 5. (if. L ~\ 6. (if. L \ \ 7. (if. L \ \ -.>5" :i~tiv ;jz 0) 3t~,~,~ 70 I:i I;{"?l 0 J t" \ \i L t: 0 :i~t/... t:t t;-/;{-) -=-*'13(j) 3t~,~,0) fiff!:, B < l ~ \ \~~~-/;{~ I) i -r 0 t'i ;t /... t:' t; -/;{ -) ~IJ~ ~ "" li-=-}j[ -/;'t" f i -/;{G fj.'!titii fj.' I) i -tt 0 rpi(fl~'( t; I;{ -) : 0) 8 *A.li!!~1~~"" t 11"~ t: \ \T'-r 0 ~'i,,-l rpi(fl~'( t;1;{-) :(j)8*a.lifij~~1ii""11"< 1tJ!:, ~1j!~""11"< ~t I) 8. (if. L ~\ 9. (if. L \ \ 10. (if. L \ \ T'-r 0 rp 7 (f L ~, ( ;f, <> 11 '!' t;-/;{-) ~1~J6)""li, ~< J: 1)/{AT'11"<7JI;{~\\T'-ro ~I; t;1;{-) ~, itli-r\\l\\i-ro rpi(fl~,( t; I;{ -)!!~1j!~ i T'/ {A T'-=-+-jj-<"G \ \ -/;'1;' I) i -r 0 II. Answer the questions. Use kanji * ~ ~ -g;5 -r 0) t, Bf1 < 0) t, t" t; G 0) 7JI;{t'-r -/;'L \ \l' -r -/;,0 (Use J: I).).' 2. 1( \ \~~I: 11"< 0) t, *-!: \ \ ~ 0) t, t" t; G (j) 7JI;{'1,t ~ l' -r I;,0 (Use t 1t".) (i:i t'i,,-l 3. ~ fj.' t: 0) *- 1;' G ~7!""11" < (j) t, ~IJ~~~""11"< 0) t, *~""11"< 0) t T', t;.' t" : ""11"< 0) I;{-*,iJi \ \T'-r 1;'0 171 I-t-.:=.~ I

10 III. Fill in the ( ) with the correct particle from the list below. You may use a particle more than once. 1. -=* () -/;'t" () ir.. () i I;'n) i -r 0 '1': 2. : 0) t J:; I) () t -)l' L () i "? -r <" () 11"~ i -r 0 3. ~ ~" (j) 1;' t" () 70 () i I;{ I) i -r 0 4. ~ ~" 0) : -) ~ llv () ht: I) i -r 0 t:' i ;t A- 5.-r6t, ~~~~ ( ),1tJ () tbi-ro rpi(fl~"( ~'L 6. ~1~J6] () ~l11" () 7p () ~ I) i -r 0 ~ t, 7. j\:: () 11"~ i -r 0 8. WO)7j () 11"~ i -r 0 <J) t I: Ii X (no particle) I.'L I; N.3l+:J-j-- Fill in the blanks with the kanji that best fits each picture. Choose from the kanji in the box. 2. ~ < It 0) 3.~0) 4.~0) 5. ~O) 70,..t, 0/, iji, 1tJ, ii., 6.~0) < 10. P (j) 11. o 12. o 172

< : ~ Ii V-r'I;' L\\~1~1. \ i -tl;'o

< : ~ Ii V-r'I;' L\\~1~1. \ i -tl;'o oj' r;-7~-r15~-1 ij i r: ------------------------------ 1f -; It 81t: _ I. Read the following sentences and circle Ii\\or \ \ \ \ it depending on your personal preferences, experience or opinions. oj'

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B.o~'\c.~ r;-7~-r7~-1. V A r -7 /' l' 7 J J,t / \' l' r ~ Lt: :: t: I,}{ S I) :i-t 1;' 0. 1.(1;1\\ \\\\;;{.) };tij~ 1<: t: :: t: I; { S I) :i-t 0 -f.a. 0.' r;-7~-r7~-1 it ~~:--------------------------- U -iii B1t: _ I. If the following statements are true for you, circle (;t \ \ and if they are not true, circle \ \ \ \ It. 1.(1;1\\ \\\\;;{.) };tij~

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