arxiv: v1 [] 13 Sep 2015

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1 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES ANDREA D AGNOLO AND ASAKI KASHIWARA arxiv: v1 [] 13 Sep 2015 Abstract. On a complex manifold, the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence embeds the triangulated category of (not necessarily regular) holonomic D-modules into that of R-constructible enhanced indsheaves. The source category has a standard t-structure. Here, we provide the target category with a middle perversity t-structure, and prove that the embedding is exact. In the paper, we also discuss general perversities in the framework of R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves on bordered subanalytic spaces. Contents Introduction 2 Notations 5 1. T-structures Categories T-structures Slices Exact functors Sheaves R-constructible sheaves Perversities Enhanced ind-sheaves Semi-orthogonal decomposition Ind-sheaves Bordered spaces Ind-sheaves on bordered spaces Ind-sheaves with an extra variable Enhanced ind-sheaves Operations Stable objects Enhanced perverse ind-sheaves 31 Date: September 12, athematics Subject Classification. Primary 18D, 32C38; Secondary 18E30. Key words and phrases. holonomic D-modules, t-structure, perversity, enhanced ind-sheaves. The second author was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 15H03608, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 1

2 2 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA 3.1. Subanalytic bordered spaces Intermediate enhanced perversities R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves Dual intermediate enhanced perversity Enhanced perversity Riemann-Hilbert correspondence Subanalytic ind-sheaves Enhanced tempered distributions D-modules Enhanced tempered holomorphic functions Riemann-Hilbert correspondence 63 References 64 Introduction On a complex manifold X, the classical Riemann-Hilbert correspondence establishes an equivalence DR X : D b rh (D X) D b C-c (C X) between the derived category of D X -modules with regular holonomic cohomologies, and the derived category of sheaves of C-vector spaces on X with C-constructible cohomologies ([7]). Here, DR X () = Ω X L D X is the de Rham functor, and Ω X the sheaf of top-degree holomorphic differential forms. oreover, the functor DR X interchanges the standard t- structure ond b rh (D X) with the middle perversity t-structure ond b C-c (C X). In particular, DR X induces an equivalence between the abelian category of regular holonomic D X -modules and that of perverse sheaves on X. The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence of [4] provides a fully faithful embedding DR E X : Db hol (D X) E b R-c (IC X) from the derived category of D X -modules with (not necessarily regular) holonomic cohomologies, into the triangulated category of R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves of C-vector spaces on X. Here, DR E X is the enhanced version of the de Rham functor. The source category D b hol (D X) has a standard t-structure. In this paper, we provide the target category E b R-c (IC X) with a generalized middle perversity t-structure, and prove that DR E X is an exact functor. Generalized t-structures have been introduced in [10], as a reinterpretation of the notion of slicing from [3]. For example, let D b R-c (C X) be the derived category of sheaves of C-vector spaces on X with R-constructible cohomologies. Then, if X has positive dimension, D b R-c (C X) does not admit a middle perversity t-structure in the classical sense. That is, there

3 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 3 is no perversity whose induced t-structure on D b R-c (C X) is self-dual. However, it is shown in [10] that D b R-c (C X) has a natural middle perversity t-structure in the generalized sense. This generalized t-structure induces the middle perversity t-structure on the subcategory D b C-c (C X). oreover, it is compatible with our construction of the generalized middle perversity t-structure on E b R-c (IC X), since the natural embedding D b R-c (C X) E b R-c (IC X) turns out to be exact. From now on, we shall use the term t-structure for the one in the generalized sense, and refer to the classical notion as a classical t-structure. Let k be a field and a real analytic manifold, or more generally a bordered subanalytic space. Let E b R-c (Ik ) be the triangulated category of R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves of k-vector spaces on. In this paper, we also discuss the t-structures on E b R-c (Ik ) associated with arbitrary perversities, and study their functorial properties. Let us give some details. On the set of maps p: Z 0 R, consider the involution given by p (n):= p(n) n. A perversity is a map p: Z 0 R such that p and p are decreasing. Let D b R-c (k ) be the derived category of R-constructible sheaves of k- vector spaces on. For a locally closed subset Z of, let k Z be the extension by zero to of the constant sheaf on Z. For c R, set p D R-c (k ):={F D b R-c(k ); for any k Z 0 there exists a closed subanalytic subset Z of dimension < k such that H j (k \Z F) 0 for j > cp(k)}, p D R-c (k ):={F D b R-c (k ); for any k Z 0 and any closed subanalytic subset Z of dimension k one has H j RHom(k Z,F) 0 for j < cp(k)}. Then (p D R-c (k ), p D R-c (k ) ) is a t-structure in the sense of Definition oreover, the duality functor interchanges p D R-c (k ) and c R p D c R-c (k ). In particular, the t-structure ( 1/2 DR-c (k 1/2 ), DR-c (k ) ) c R associated with the middle perversity m(n) = n/2 is self-dual. The analogous definition for R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves is pe R-c (Ik ):={K E b R-c (Ik ); for any k Z 0 there exists a closed subanalytic subset Z of dimension < k such that H j (π 1 k \Z K) 0 for j > cp(k)},

4 4 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA pe R-c (Ik ):={K E b R-c (Ik ); for any k Z 0 and any closed subanalytic subset Z of dimension k one has H j RIhom(π 1 k Z,K) 0 for j < cp(k)}. It turns out that ( pe R-c (Ik ), p E R-c (Ik ) ) is a t-structure, but it does c R not behave well with respect to the duality functor D E. Hence we set p ER-c (Ik ):={K E b R-c(Ik ); K E p R-c (Ik ), D E K E c 1/2 p R-c (Ik )}, p ER-c (Ik ):={K E b R-c (Ik ); K E 1/2 p R-c (Ik ), D E K E c p R-c (Ik )}. Then ( p E R-c (Ik ), p E R-c (Ik ) ) is a t-structure, and the duality functor interchanges p E R-c (Ik p c R ) and c ER-c (Ik ). In particular, the t- structure ( 1/2 ER-c (), 1/2 E R-c ()) associated with the middle perversity m(n) = n/2 is self-dual. c R Going back to the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, the enhanced de Rham functor DR E X : Db hol (D X) E b R-c (IC X) is exact with respect to the t-structure associated with the middle perversity. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 1, we recall the notion of t-structure on a triangulated category. We also recall the t-structure on the derived category of R- constructible sheaves on a subanalytic space associated with a given perversity. In Section 2, we recall the notions of ind-sheaves and of enhanced ind-sheaves on a bordered space. In both cases we also discuss the exactness of Grothendieck operations with respect to the standard classical t-structures. In Section 3, we introduce the t-structure(s) on the derived category of R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves on a bordered subanalytic space associated with a given perversity. We also discuss the exactness of Grothendieck operations with respect to these t-structures. Finally, in Section 4, we prove the exactness of the embedding, provided by the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, from the triangulated category of holonomic D-modules on a complex manifold into that of R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves. Acknowledgments The first author acknowledges the kind hospitality at RIS, Kyoto University, during the preparation of this paper.

5 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 5 Notations In this paper, we take a field k as base ring. For a category C, we denote by C op the opposite category of C. One says that a full subcategory S of a category C is strictly full if it contains every object of C which is isomorphic to an object of S. LetC, C be categories andf: C C a functor. The essential image of C by F, denoted by F(C), is the strictly full subcategory of C consisting of objects which are isomorphic to F(X) for some X C. For a ring A, we denote by A op the opposite ring of A. We say that a topological space is good if it is Hausdorff, locally compact, countable at infinity, and has finite soft dimension. 1. T-structures The notion of t-structure on a triangulated category was introduced in [1]. As shown in [18], the derived category of a quasi-abelian category has two natural t-structures. They were presented in [9] in a unified manner, by generalizing the notion of t-structure. A further generalization is described in [10], reinterpreting the notion of slicing from [3]. In the present paper, we use the term t-structure in this more general sense, and we refer to the notion introduced in [1] as a classical t-structure. A basic result of [1] asserts that the heart of a classical t-structure is an abelian category. ore generally, it is shown in [3] that small slices of a t-structure are quasi-abelian categories. It is shown in [1] that, on a complex manifold, the middle perversity induces a self-dual classical t-structure on the triangulated category of C-constructible sheaves. On a real analytic manifold, using results of [11], it is shown in [10] that the middle perversity induces a self-dual t-structure on the triangulated category of R-constructible sheaves. Here we recall these facts, considering general perversities Categories. References are made to [11, Chapter I], and to [18] for the notion of quasi-abelian category (see also [9, 2]). Let C be an additive category. The left and right orthogonal of a subcategory S are the strictly full subcategories S :={X C; Hom C (X,Y) 0 for any Y S}, S :={X C; Hom C (Y,X) 0 for any Y S}. Assume that C admits kernels and cokernels. Given f: X Y a morphism in C, one sets imf :=ker ( Y cokerf ), coimf :=coker ( kerf X ). The morphism f is called strict if the canonical morphism coimf imf is an isomorphism.

6 6 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA The category C is called abelian if all morphisms are strict. It is called quasi-abelian if every pull-back of a strict epimorphism is a strict epimorphism, and every pushout of a strict monomorphism is a strict monomorphism T-structures. Let T be a triangulated category. Recall the notion of t-structure from [1]. Definition A classical t-structure ( T 0,T 0) on T is a pair of strictly full subcategories of T such that, setting T n :=T 0 [ n], T n :=T 0 [ n] for n Z, one has: (a) T 0 T 1 and T 1 T 0 ; (b) Hom T (T 0,T 1 ) = 0; (c) for any X T, there exists a distinguished triangle X 0 X X 1 1 in T with X 0 T 0 and X 1 T 1. The following definition of [10] is a reinterpretation of the notion of slicing from [3]. Definition A t-structure ( T,T ) on T is a pair of families c R of strictly full subcategories of T satisfying conditions (a) (d) below, where we set T <c := T and T >c := c <c c >ct for c R. (a) T = T and T = T for any c R, c >c c <c (b) T 1 = T [ 1] and T 1 = T [ 1] for any c R, (c) Hom T (T <c,t >c ) = 0 for any c R, (d) for any X T and c R, there are distinguished triangles in T X X X >c 1 and X <c X X 1 with X L T L for L equal to c, > c, < c or c. Condition (c) is equivalent to either of the following: (c) Hom T (T,T >c ) = 0 for any c R, (c) Hom T (T <c,t ) = 0 for any c R. The next lemma is elementary but useful. It shows for example that, under condition (a), for any c R one has T = c >c Lemma Let X be a set. T <c, T = c <ct >c.

7 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 7 (i) Let (X ) c R be a family of subsets of X such that X = for any c R. Set X <c := X. Then c <c X <c = X <c, X = c <c c >cx <c. X c >c (ii) Conversely, let (X <c ) c R be a family of subsets of X such that X <c = X <c for any c R. Set X := X <c. Then c <c X = c >c c >c X, X <c = c <cx. (iii) Let (X ) c R and (X <c ) c R be as in (i). Let a,b R with a < b. If X <c = X for any c such that a < c b, then X a = X b. Let ( T 0,T 0) be a classical t-structure. For c R, set T :=T 0 [ n] for n Z such that n c < n1, T :=T 0 [ n] for n Z such that n 1 < c n. Then, ( T,T ) is a t-structure. A classical t-structure is regarded c R as a t-structure by this correspondence. Conversely, if ( T,T ) is a t-structure, then c R ( (1.2.1) T 1,T >c) and ( T <c1,t ) are classical t-structures for any c R. For c R, set T c :=T T. Definition Let Σ R be a discrete subset such that Σ = Σ Z. A t-structure ( T,T ) c R is indexed by Σ if T c = 0 for any c R\Σ. If Σ is non empty, this is equivalent to the fact that for any c R one has where s :=max{s Σ; s < c}, t :=min{s Σ; s > c}, T <c = T s, T = T s, T >c = T t, T = T t, s :=max{s Σ; s c}, t :=min{s Σ; s c}. Classical t-structures correspond to t-structures indexed by Z. In this paper, we will mainly consider t-structures indexed by 1 2 Z. The following lemma is easily proved by using Lemma (iii). Lemma Let ( T,T ) be a t-structure on T. The following c R two conditions are equivalent.

8 8 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA (a) ( T,T ) is indexed by some discrete subset Σ R such that c R Σ = ΣZ. (b) For any c R, there exist a,b R such that a < c < b and T <c = T a and T >c = T b Slices. Let ( T,T ) be a t-structure on T. Note the following c R facts. For any c R, one has T >c = (T ), T = (T >c ), T = (T <c ), T <c = (T ). The embeddings T T and T <c T admit left adjoints τ : T T and τ <c : T T <c, called the left truncation functors. Similarly, the embeddings T T and T >c T admit right adjoints τ : T T and τ >c : T T >c, called the right truncation functors. The distinguished triangles in Definition (d) are unique up to unique isomorphism. They are, respectively, given by τ X X τ >c X 1 and τ <c X X τ X 1. Summarizing the above notations, to a half-line L (i.e. an unbounded connected subset L R) is associated a truncation functor τ L : T T L. If L R is another half-line, there is an isomorphism of functors (1.3.1) τ L τ L τ L τ L : T T L T L. Let I R be a proper interval (i.e. a bounded connected non empty subset I R). Then there are two half-linesl,l (unique up to ordering) such that I = L L. The slice of T associated with I is the additive category T I :=T L T L, and one denotes the functor (1.3.1) by H I : T T I. For example, T [c,c ) = T T <c for c < c, and T {c} = T c. One writes for short H c :=H {c}.

9 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 9 Note that the map I R/Z is bijective if and only if I = [c, c 1) or I = (c,c1] for some c R. The map I R/Z is injective if and only if there exists c R such that I [c,c1) or I (c,c1]. The following result generalizes the fact that the heart T 0 of a classical t-structure ( T 0,T 0) is abelian. Proposition (cf. [3, Lemma 4.3]). Let ( T,T ) be a t-structure c R on T, and let I R be an interval. (i) If I R/Z is injective, then the slice T I is a quasi-abelian category, and strict short exact sequences in T I are in one-to-one correspondence with distinguished triangles in T with all vertices in T I. (ii) If I R/Z is bijective, then the slice T I is an abelian category and the functor H I : T T I is cohomological. Remark The notion of slicing from [3] is equivalent to the datum of a t-structure ( T,T ) such that T is generated by the family of c R subcategories {T c } c R Exact functors. Let S and T be triangulated categories. Let ( S,S ) c R and ( T,T ) c R be t-structures on S and T, respectively. Definition A triangulated functor Φ: S T is called (i) left exact, if one has Φ(S ) T for any c R; (ii) right exact, if one has Φ(S ) T for any c R; (iii) exact, if it is both left and right exact. Lemma Consider two triangulated functors Φ: S T and Ψ: T S. Assume that (Φ,Ψ) is an adjoint pair. This means that Φ is left adjoint to Ψ, or equivalently that Ψ is right adjoint to Φ. Then, Ψ is left exact if and only if Φ is right exact. Proof. Let c R. If Ψ is exact, then, for S S and T T >c, one has Hom T (Φ(S),T) Hom S (S,Ψ(T)) Hom S (S,S >c ) = 0. Hence, Φ(S) (T >c ) = T. Thus Φ is right exact. The converse can be proved similarly Sheaves. Let be a good topological space. Denote by od(k ) the abelian category of sheaves of k-vector spaces on, and by D b (k ) its bounded derived category. It has a standard classical t-structure ( D 0 (k ),D 0 (k ) ).

10 10 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA For a locally closed subset S, denote by k S the sheaf on obtained extending by zero the constant sheaf on S with stalk k. For f: N a morphism of good topological spaces, denote by, RHom, f 1, Rf, Rf!, f! the six Grothendieck operations for sheaves. We define the duality functor of D b (k ) by D F = RHom(F,ω ) for F D b (k ), where ω denotes the dualizing complex. If is a C 0 -manifold, one has ω or [d ], where d denotes the dimension of and or the orientation sheaf. For a map f: N of C 0 -manifolds, the relative orientation sheaf is defined as or /N :=f! k N [d N d ] or f 1 or N R-constructible sheaves. Recall the notion of subanalytic subsets of a real analytic manifold (see [6, 2]). Definition (i) A subanalytic space = (,S ) is anr-ringed space which is locally isomorphic to (Z,S Z ), where Z is a closed subanalytic subset of a real analytic manifold, and S Z is the sheaf of R-algebras of real valued subanalytic continuous functions. In this paper, we assume that subanalytic spaces are good topological spaces. (ii) A morphism of subanalytic spaces is a morphism of R-ringed spaces. (iii) A subset S of is subanalytic if i(s U) is a subanalytic subset of N for any open subset U of, any real analytic manifold N and any subanalytic morphism i: U N of subanalytic spaces such that i induces an isomorphism from U to a closed subanalytic subset of N. Let be a subanalytic space. One says that a sheaf F od(k ) is R-constructible if there exists a locally finite family of locally closed subanalytic subsets {S i } i I of such that = i I S i and F is locally constant of finite rank on each S i. Denote by D b R-c (k ) the full subcategory of D b (k ) whose objects have R-constructible cohomologies Perversities. On the set of maps p: Z 0 R, consider the involution given by p (n):= p(n) n. Definition (i) A function p: Z 0 R is a perversity if both p and p are decreasing, i.e. if 0 p(n) p(m) m n for any m,n Z 0 such that n m. (ii) A classical perversity is a Z-valued perversity. Let be a subanalytic space. To a classical perversity p is associated a classical t-structure (p D 0 R-c (k ), p D 0 R-c (k ) ) on D b R-c (k ) (refer to [1] and [11, 10.2]). Here, slightly generalizing a construction in [10], we will associate a t-structure to a perversity.

11 Notation Set For Z CS, denote by the embedding. Set For k Z, set ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 11 CS :={closed subanalytic subsets of }. i Z : Z d Z :=dimz (with d = ). CS <k :={Z CS ; d Z < k}, CS k :={Z CS ; d Z k}. Definition Let p be a perversity, c R and k Z 0. Consider the following conditions on F D b (k ) (p k ): i 1 \Z F Dp(k) (k \Z ) for some Z CS <k, (p k ): i! Z F Dp(k) (k Z ) for any Z CS k. We define the following strictly full subcategories of D b (k ) p D (k ):={F D b (k ); (p k ) holds for any k Z 0}, p D (k ):={F D b (k ); (p k ) holds for any k Z 0}. Let us also set p D R-c (k ):= p D (k ) D b R-c (k ), p D R-c (k ):= p D (k ) D b R-c(k ). Note that ( p D (k ), p D (k ) ) is not a t-structure if dim > 0. c R Lemma For c R, k Z 0 and F D b R-c (k ), the following conditions are equivalent (i) F satisfies (p k ), (ii) dim(supp(h j F)) < k for any j with j > cp(k). Proof. It is enough to remark that i 1 \Z F Dp(k) (k \Z ) if and only if supp(h j F) Z for any j such that j > cp(k). Proposition We have the following properties. (i) ( p D R-c (k ), p D R-c (k ) ) is a t-structure on c R Db R-c (k ). (ii) For any c R, the duality functor D interchanges p D R-c (k ) and p c DR-c (k ). (iii) For any interval I R such that I R/Z is injective, the prestack on U p D I R-c (U) is a stack of quasi-abelian categories.

12 12 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA Proof. Note that, for (iii), it is enough to consider the case where I R/Z is bijective, i.e. the case where I = [c,c 1) or I = (c,c 1] for some c R. (a) If p is a classical perversity, the result is due to [1]. ore precisely, for the statements (i), (ii) and (iii) refer to Theorem , Proposition and Proposition of [11], respectively. (b) Let now p be an arbitrary perversity. For c R, denote by c the largest integer not greater than c, and by c the smallest integer not smaller than c. Note that c c = 0. Statements (i) and (iii) follow from (a) by noticing that for any c R ( p D <c1 R-c (k ), p D R-c (k ) ) and ( p D R-c (k ), p D >c 1 R-c (k ) ) are the classical t-structures associated to the classical perversities p c, (n):= cp(n), p c, (n):= cp(n), respectively. Statement (ii) follows from (a) by noticing that one has (p c, ± ) = (p ) c,. Note that ( p D R-c (k ), p D R-c (k ) ) is indexed by ( p(k)z). c R 0 k d Definition The middle perversity t-structure ( 1/2 DR-c (k 1/2 ), DR-c (k ) ) c R is the one associated with the middle perversity m(n):= n/2. Note thatmis the only perversity stable by. In particular, the middle perversity t-structure is self-dual. It is indexed by 1 2 Z. 2. Enhanced ind-sheaves Let be a good topological space. The derived category of enhanced ind-sheaves on is defined as a quotient of the derived category of ind-sheaves on the bordered space R. We recall here these notions and some related results from [4]. We also discuss the exactness of Grothendieck operations with respect to the standard classical t-structures. References are made to [13] for ind-sheaves, and to [4] for bordered spaces and enhanced ind-sheaves. See also [15] for enhanced ind-sheaves on bordered spaces and [16] for an exposition.

13 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES Semi-orthogonal decomposition. Let T be a triangulated category, and N T a strictly full triangulated subcategory. We denote by T/N the quotient triangulated category (see e.g. [14, 10.2]). Proposition Let N T be a strictly full triangulated subcategory which contains every direct summand in T of an object of N. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) the embedding N T has a left adjoint, (ii) the quotient functor T T /N has a left adjoint, (iii) the composition N T T /N is an equivalence of categories, (iv) for anyx T there is a distinguished triangle X X X 1 with X N and X N, (v) the embedding N T has a right adjoint, and N ( N). A similar result holds switching left with right Ind-sheaves. Let C be a category and denote by C the category of contravariant functors from C to the category of sets. Consider the Yoneda embedding h: C C, X Hom C (,X). The category C admits small colimits. As colimits do not commute with h, one denotes by lim the colimits taken in C, and by lim the colimits taken in C. An ind-object in C is an object of C isomorphic to lim ϕ for some functor ϕ: I C with I a small filtrant category. Denote by Ind(C) the full subcategory of C consisting of ind-objects in C. Let be a good topological space. The category of ind-sheaves on is the category I(k ):=Ind(od c (k )) of ind-objects in the category od c (k ) of sheaves with compact support. The category I(k ) is abelian, and the prestack on given by U I(k U ) is a stack of abelian categories. There is a natural exact fully faithful functor ι : od(k ) I(k ) given by F lim (k U F), for U running over the relatively compact open subsets of. The functorι has an exact left adjointα : I(k ) od(k ) given byα ( lim ϕ) = lim ϕ. In this paper, we set for short and denote by its standard classical t-structure. D():=D b (I(k )), ( D 0 (),D 0 () )

14 14 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA For f: N a morphism of good topological spaces, denote by, RIhom, f 1, Rf, Rf!!, f! the six Grothendieck operations for indsheaves. Since ind-sheaves form a stack, they have a sheaf-valued hom-functor Hom. One has RHom α RIhom Bordered spaces. A bordered space = (, ) is a pair of a good topological space and an open subset of. Notation Let = (, ) and N = (N, N) be bordered spaces. For a continuous map f: N, denote by Γ f N its graph, and by Γ f the closure of Γ f in N. Consider the projections q 1 q N 2. Bordered spaces form a category as follows: a morphism f: N is a continuous map f: N such that q 1 Γf : Γ f is proper; the composition of two morphisms is the composition of the underlying continuous maps. Remark (i) If f: N can be extended to a continuous map f: N, then f is a morphism of bordered space. (ii) The forgetful functor from the category of bordered spaces to that of good topological spaces is given by = (, ) :=. It has a fully faithful left adjoint (,). By this functor, we consider good topological spaces as particular bordered spaces, and denote (,) by. Note that = (, ) is not a functor. Let = (, ) be a bordered space. The continuous maps id induce morphisms of bordered spaces (2.3.1) j. Note that (,), where is the closure of in. Notation For a locally closed subset Z of, set Z = (Z,Z), wherez is the closure ofz in, and denotei Z : Z the morphism induced by the embedding Z. Lemma Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. Let Z and W N be locally closed subsets such that f(z) W. Then f Z : Z W induces a morphism Z W of bordered spaces.

15 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 15 In particular, the bordered space Z only depends on (and not on ). Definition We say that a morphism f: N is semi-proper if q 2 Γf : Γ f N is proper. We say that f is proper if moreover f: N is proper. For example, j and i Z are semi-proper. Definition A subset S of a bordered space = (, ) is a subset of. We say that S is open (resp. closed, locally closed) if it is so in. We say that S is relatively compact if it is contained in a compact subset of. As seen by the following obvious lemma, the notion of relatively compact subsets only depends on (and not on ). Lemma Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. (i) If S is a relatively compact subset of, then its image f(s) N is a relatively compact subset of N. (ii) Assume furthermore that f is semi-proper. If S is a relatively compact subset of N, then its inverse image f 1 (S) is a relatively compact subset of Ind-sheaves on bordered spaces. Let be a bordered space. The abelian category of ind-sheaves on is I(k ):=Ind(od c (k )), where od c (k ) od(k ) is the full subcategory of sheaves on whose support is relatively compact in. There is a natural exact embedding ι : od(k ) I(k ) given by F lim (k U F), for U running over the family of relatively compact open subsets of. We set for short D():=D b (I(k )), and denote by ( D 0 (),D 0 () ) its standard classical t-structure. Let = (, ), and consider the embeddings \ i j. The functorri Ri!! induces the embedding D( \) D( ), which admits a left and a right adjoint.

16 16 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA Proposition There is an equivalence of triangulated categories: D() D( )/D( \). Proof. The functor j! induces an exact functor od c (k ) od c (k ), which induces an exact functor I(k ) I(k ) and functors of triangulated categories D() D( ) D( )/D( \). On the other hand, the functorj 1 induces an exact functorod c (k ) od c (k ), which induces an exact functor I(k ) I(k ) and a functor of triangulated categories D( ) D(). Since the composition D( \) D( ) D() vanishes, we obtain a functor D( )/D( \ ) D(). It is obvious that these functors between D() and D( )/D( \) are quasi-inverse to each other. Thus, there are equivalences and one has D() D( )/D( \) D( \) D( \), Denote by D( \) {F D( ); k F F}, D( \) {F D( ); RIhom(k,F) F}. q : D( ) D(), l,r : D() D( ) the quotient functor and its left and right adjoint, respectively. For F D( ), they satisfy (2.4.1) l q F k F, r q F RIhom(k,F). Remark At the level of sheaves, there is a natural equivalence There is a commutative diagram D b (k ) D b (k )/D b (k \ ). D b (k ) ι D() D b (k )/D b (k \ ) D( )/D( \). The functor ι : D b (k ) D() has a left adjoint It coincides with the composition α : D() D b (k ). D() D( ) α D b (k ).

17 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 17 Letf: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. The six Grothendieck operations for ind-sheaves on bordered spaces : D() D() D(), RIhom : D() op D() D(), Rf!!,Rf : D() D(N), f 1,f! : D(N) D() are defined as follows. Recalling Notation 2.3.1, observe that Γ f is locally closed in N. For F,F D( ) and G D( N), one sets q F q F :=q (F F ), RIhom(q F,q F ):=q RIhom(F,F ), Rf!! q F :=q N Rq 2!! (k Γf q 1 1 F), Rf q F :=q N Rq 2 RIhom(k Γf,q! 1F), f 1 q N G:=q Rq 1!! (k Γf q 1 2 G), Remark The natural embedding f! q N G:=q Rq 1 RIhom(k Γf,q! 2G). ι : D b (k ) D() commutes with the operations, RIhom, f 1, Rf, f!. If f is semiproper, one has (2.4.2) Rf!! ι ιn R f!. Remark Let = (, ). For the natural morphism j :, one has q j 1 j!, l Rj!!, r Rj. The following result generalizes (2.4.1). Lemma Let Z be a locally closed subset of, and let F D(). Using Notation 2.3.3, one has k Z F Ri Z!!i 1 Z F, RIhom(k Z,F) Ri Z i! Z F. Proof. To avoid confusion, let us denote by k Z the extension by zero to of the constant sheaf k Z on Z. Since i Z is semi-proper, (2.4.2) implies k Z Ri Z!!k Z. Hence k Z F (Ri Z!!k Z ) F Ri Z!!(k Z i 1 Z F) Ri Z!!i 1 Z F.

18 18 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA We can prove the second isomorphism similarly. Let = (, ) be a bordered space. By [4, 3.4], one has D 0 () = {F D(); Rj!! F D 0 ( )}, D 0 () = {F D(); Rj!! F D 0 ( )}. Proposition Let be a bordered space. (i) The bifunctor is exact, i.e. for any n,n Z one has D n () D n () D nn (), D n () D n () D nn (). (ii) The bifunctor RIhom is left exact, i.e. for any n,n Z one has RIhom(D n (),D n ()) D n n (). Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. (iii) Rf!! and Rf are left exact, i.e. for any n Z one has Rf!! D n () D n (N), Rf D n () D n (N). (iv) f 1 is exact, i.e. for any n Z one has f 1 D n (N) D n (), f 1 D n (N) D n (). Let d Z 0 and assume that f 1 (y) has soft-dimension d for any y N. (v) Rf!! ( )[d] is right exact, i.e., for any n Z one has Rf!! D n () D nd (N). (vi) f! ( )[ d] is left exact, i.e., for any n Z one has f! D n (N) D n d (). Proof. When and N are good topological spaces, statements (i) (iv) follow from [13]. Let = (, ) andn = (N, N). Replacing(, ) with(, Γ f ), we may assume from the beginning that f: N extends to f: N. (i) follows from the topological space case, using the fact that Rj!! commutes with. (ii) follows from (i) by adjunction. (iii) and (iv) follow from the topological space case using the isomorphisms Rf!! j 1 N R f!! Rj!!, Rf j 1 N R f Rj, f 1 j 1 f 1 Rj N!!.

19 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 19 As (vi) follows from (v) by adjunction, we are left to prove (v). By dévissage, it is enough to show that for F I(k ) one has H k Rf!! F 0 for k > d. Writing F = lim F i with F i od c (k ), one has i Then, for any y N, ( H k Rf! F i ) H k Rf!! F lim H k Rf! F i. i since f 1 (y) has soft-dimension d. y Hk c(f 1 (y);f i f 1 (y) ) 0, Proposition Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. Let n Z and G D(N). Assume Then (a) f is semi-proper, (b) f: N is surjective. (i) f 1 G D n () implies G D n (N), (ii) f 1 G D n () implies G D n (N). Proof. Let = (, ) and N = (N, N). Since f 1 is exact, it is enough to show that, for G D 0 (N) I(k N ), f 1 G 0 implies G 0. Write G = lim G i, where {G i } i I is a filtrant inductive system of objects G i od c (k N ). Recall that this means that G i od(k N ) and supp(g i ) is relatively compact in N. Since f is semi-proper, f 1 G i od c (k ) by Lemma (ii). The assumption f 1 G = lim f 1 G i 0 implies that, for any i I, there exists i j in I whose induced morphism f 1 G i f 1 G j is the zero map. Since f is surjective, G i G j is the zero map. Thus G = 0. Proposition Let f: N be a continuous map of good topological spaces, and {V i } i I an open covering of N. Let K i D(f 1 V i ) satisfy Rf RHom(K i,k i ) D 0 (k Vi ) and let u ij : K j f 1 V i f 1 V j Ki f 1 V i f 1 V j be isomorphisms satisfying the usual cochain condition: u ij u jk = u ik on f 1 V i f 1 V j f 1 V k. Then there exist K D() and isomorphisms u i : K f 1 V i Ki compatible with u ij, that is, u ij u j = u i on f 1 V i f 1 V j. oreover, such a K is unique up to a unique isomorphism.

20 20 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA Proof. The arguments we use are standard (see e.g. [10, Proposition 5.9]). Let us set U i :=f 1 V i. (i) Let us first discuss uniqueness. Let K D() be such that there are isomorphisms u i: K Ui Ki compatible with u ij. Note that for any open subset V of N, one has Hom D(f 1 V) (K f 1 V,K f 1 V) H 0 RΓ(V;Rf RHom(K,K )). Since one has Rf RHom(K,K ) Vi Rf RHom(K i,k i ) D 0 (k Vi ), we have Rf RHom(K,K ) D 0 (k N ). Hence V Hom D(f 1 V) (K f 1 V,K f 1 V) is a sheaf on N. We thus get an isomorphism K K on by patching together the isomorphisms u 1 i u i on U i. (ii) Let us now prove the existence of K as in the statement. (ii-1) Assume that I is finite. In order to prove the statement, by induction we reduce to the case I = {1,2}. Set V 0 := V 1 V 2 and K 0 :=K 1 U0 K 2 U0. Let j i : U i (i = 0,1,2) be the open inclusion. By adjunction, for i = 1,2 there are natural morphisms β i : Rj 0!! K 0 Rj i!! K i. Let us complete the morphism (β 1,β 2 ) into a distinguished triangle Rj 0!! K 0 (β 1,β 2 ) Rj 1!! K 1 Rj 2!! K 2 K 1. Then K satisfies the desired condition. (ii-2) Assume that I = Z 0 and that {V n } n Z 0 is an increasing sequence of open subsets of N. Then K n1 Un K n. Let j n : U n (n Z 0 ) be the open inclusion. By adjunction, there are natural morphisms β n : Rj n!! K n Rj n1!! K n1 (n Z 0 ). Let K be the homotopy colimit of the inductive system {Rj n!! K n } n Z 0, that is, let K be the third term of the distinguished triangle β Rj n!! K n Rj n!! K n K 1. n Z 0 n Z 0 Here β is the only morphism making the following diagram commute for any m Z 0 Rj m!! K m (id, β m) Rjm!! K m Rj m1!! K m1 n Z 0 Rj n!! K n β n Z 0 Rj n!! K n. Then K satisfies the desired condition.

21 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 21 (ii-3) Let I be arbitrary. Let {Z n } n Z 0 be an increasing sequence of compact subsets of N such that N = n Z 0 Z n. Let us take an increasing sequence {I n } n Z 0 of finite subsets of I such that Z n is covered by {V i } i In, and set V n:= i I n V i, U n:=f 1 V n. Applying (ii-1) with N = V n and I = I n, we can find an object K n D(U n ) such that K n Ui K i for any i I n. Then we can apply (ii-2) with V n = V n Ind-sheaves with an extra variable. Let R := R {, } be the two-point compactification of the affine line. The bordered line is R :=(R,R). Let be a bordered space. Consider the morphisms (2.5.1) µ,q 1,q 2 : R R R, where µ(x,t 1,t 2 ) = (x,t 1 t 2 ), and q 1,q 2 are the natural projections. The convolution functors : D( R ) D( R ) D( R ), Ihom : D( R ) op D( R ) D( R ) are defined as follows, for F 1,F 2 D( R ), F 1 F2 :=Rµ!! (q 1 1 F 1 q 1 2 F 2 ), Ihom (F 1,F 2 ):=Rq 1 RIhom(q 1 2 F 1,µ! F 2 ). Example Let = {pt} and let a,b R. (i) For a b, one has k {t 0} k{t a} k {t a}, k {t 0} k{a t<b} k {a t<b}, Ihom (k {t 0},k {t a} ) k {t<a} [1], Ihom (k {t 0},k {a t<b} ) k {a t<b}. (ii) For 0 < a b, one has k {0 t<a} k{0 t<b} k {0 t<a} k {b t<ab} [ 1]. Consider the standard classical t-structure ( D 0 ( R ),D 0 ( R ) ) on D( R ) discussed in 2.4. Lemma Let be a bordered space. (i) For n,n Z one has D n ( R ) D n ( R ) D nn 1 ( R ), D n ( R ) D n ( R ) D nn ( R ). In particular, the bifunctor is left exact.

22 22 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA (ii) For n,n Z one has Ihom (D n ( R ),D n ( R )) D n n 1 ( R ). Proof. Recall the maps (2.5.1). (i) By the definition, for F 1,F 2 D( R ) one has F 1 F2 :=Rµ!! (q 1 1 F 1 q 1 2 F 2 ). Then the statement follows from Proposition (ii) The proof is similar, recalling that Ihom (F 1,F 2 ):=Rq 1 RIhom(q 1 2 F 1,µ! F 2 ). Remark There are no estimates of the form Ihom (k {t 0},D 0 ( R )) D m ( R ) with m Z 0 independent of. In fact, setting, one has = R n (n 1), F = k {x 0, t=1/ x }, (2.5.2) Ihom (k {t 0},F) / D n 3 ( R ), which follows from π 1 k {x=0} Ihom (k {t 0},F) π 1 k {x=0} [1] π 1 k {x=0} [2 n]. Lemma For K D( R ) and n Z one has k {t 0} τ n (k {t 0} K) τ n (k {t 0} K), k {t 0} τ n (k {t 0} K) τ n (k {t 0} K), Let us give a proof of this result slightly different from that in [4, Proposition 4.6.2]. Proof. Consider the distinguished triangle k {t>0} τ n (k {t 0} K) k{t>0} (k{t 0} K) Since the middle term vanishes, one has k {t>0} τ >n (k {t 0} K) 1. k {t>0} τ >n (k {t 0} K) k{t>0} τ n (k {t 0} K)[1]. By Lemma 2.5.2, the first term belongs to D >n ( R ) and the second term belongs to D n ( R ). Hence they both vanish.

23 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES Enhanced ind-sheaves. Let be a bordered space, and consider the natural morphisms π R Consider the full subcategories of D( R ) j R π. N ± :={K D( R ); k { t 0} K 0} = {K D( R ); Ihom (k { t 0},K) 0}, N :=N N = π 1 D(), where the equalities hold by [4, Corollary and Lemma 4.4.3]. The categories of enhanced ind-sheaves are defined by E b ± (Ik ):=D( R )/N, E b (Ik ):=D( R )/N. In this paper, we set for short E ± ():=E b ± (Ik ), E():=E b (Ik ). By [4, Proposition 4.4.4], there are natural equivalences E ± () N ± /N N = N ± N, E() N E () E (), and the same equivalences hold when replacing left with right orthogonals. oreover, one has N = {K D( R ); k {±t 0} K K}, N = {K D( R ); (k {t 0} k {t 0} ) K K} = {K D( R ); Rπ!! K 0}, and the same equalities hold for right orthogonals, replacing with Ihom and Rπ!! with Rπ. We use the following notations Q D( R ) D( R E(), ) L E, R E Q ± E ± (), L E ±, RE ± for the quotient functors and their left and right adjoints, respectively. For F D( R ) one has L E (Q F) ( k {t 0} k {t 0} ) F, R E (Q F) Ihom ( k {t 0} k {t 0}, F ). For a locally closed subset Z R, we set (2.6.1) k Q Z :=Q (k Z ) E().

24 24 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA There are functors (2.6.2) ǫ: D() E(), F k Q {t=0} π 1 F, ǫ ± : D() E ± (), F k Q {±t 0} π 1 F. The functors ǫ ± are fully faithful and ǫ(f) ǫ (F) ǫ (F). The bifunctors are defined by One has Ihom E : E() E() D(), Hom E : E() op E() D b (k ), Ihom E (K,K ):=Rπ RIhom(L E K,L E K ) Rπ RIhom(L E K,R E K ) Rπ RIhom(R E K,R E K ) Rπ RIhom(Rj!! L E K,Rj R E K ) and Hom E :=α Ihom E. (2.6.3) Hom E() (K,K ) Hom D() (k,ihom E (K,K )). If is a topological space, that is, if is an isomorphism, one has Hom E() (K,K ) H 0 RΓ ( ;Hom E (K,K ) ). Note, however, that Hom E() (K,K ) H 0 RΓ ( ;Hom E (K,K ) ) does not hold in general. Definition ([4, Definition 4.6.3]). For n Z, set Note that E n ():={K E(); L E K D n ( R )}, E n ():={K E(); L E K D n ( R )}. E 0 () {F I(k R ); ( k {t 0} k {t 0} ) F F in D( R )} ={F I(k R ); Rπ!! F 0 in D()}. Proposition ([4, Proposition 4.6.2]). ( E 0 (),E 0 () ) is a classical t-structure on E(). Example Let a, b R with a < b. In the category E({pt}), one has L E k Q {a t} k {a t}, L E k Q {a t<b} k {a t<b}, R E k Q {a t} k {t<a}[1], R E k Q {a t<b} k {a t<b}.

25 In particular, ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 25 k Q {a t}, kq {a t<b} E0 ({pt}). Proposition Let be a good topological space. Then the prestack on given by U E 0 (U) is a stack of abelian categories. Proof. The statement holds since U E 0 (U) is a sub-prestack of the direct image by π of the stack of ind-sheaves on R. ore precisely, one has E 0 (U) {F I(k U R ); (k {t 0} k {t 0} ) F F}. Lemma For any n Z one has In particular, Q is left exact. Q D n ( R ) E n1 (), Q D n ( R ) = E n (). Proof. (i) For F D( R ), one has L E Q F (k {t 0} k {t 0} ) F. Hence the inclusions follow from Lemma (ii) It remains to show the opposite inclusionq D n ( R ) E n (). If K E n (), then F :=L E K D n ( R ), and K Q (F). Lemma For any n Z one has R E E n () D n 1 ( R ). Proof. By Lemma 2.6.5, the functor Q [1] is right exact. Hence its right adjoint R E [ 1] is left exact. Remark (i) It follows from Example that the estimate in Lemma is optimal. (ii) It follows from Remark that there are no estimates of the form R E E 0 () D m ( R ) with m Z independent of. (iii) The example in Remark shows that ( {K E(); R E K D 0 ( R )}, {K E(); R E K D 0 ( R )} ) is not a classical t-structure on E(), in general. Proposition The functors Ihom E and Hom E are left exact, i.e. for n,n Z one has (i) Ihom E (E n (),E n ()) D n n (), (ii) Hom E (E n (),E n ()) D n n (k ).

26 26 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA Proof. (i) By the definition, for K,K E() one has Ihom E (K,K ) = Rπ RIhom(L E K,L E K ). Hence the statement follows from Proposition (ii) One has Hom E = α Ihom E. Since α is exact, the statement follows from (i) Operations. Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. The six Grothendieck operations for enhanced ind-sheaves : E() E() E(), Ihom : E() op E() E(), Ef!!,Ef : E() E(N), Ef 1,Ef! : E(N) E() are defined as follows. Set f R = f id R : R N R. For F,F D( R ) and G D(N R ), one sets Q F Q F :=Q (F F ), Ihom (Q F,Q F ):=Q Ihom (F,F ), The duality functor is defined by Ef!! Q F :=Q N Rf R!!F, Ef Q F :=Q N Rf R F, Ef 1 Q N G:=Q f 1 R G, Ef! Q N G:=Q f! R G. D Q : E() E()op, K Ihom (K,ω Q ), where ω :=j! ω D() and ωq :=ǫ(ω ):=π 1 ω k Q {t=0} E(). Lemma ([4, Lemma 4.3.2]). Let = (, ). For F D(k R ), one has D Q (Q F) Q (a 1 D R F), where a is the involution of R defined by a(x, t) = (x, t). Example Let a, b R with a < b. In the category E({pt}), one has D Q k Q {a t} kq {t< a} [1] kq { a t} and D Q k Q {a t<b} kq { b t< a} [1]. In particular, D Q k Q {a t} E0 ({pt}) and Proposition Let be a bordered space. D Q k Q {a t<b} E 1 ({pt}).

27 (i) For n,n Z one has ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 27 E n () E n () E nn 1 (), E n () E n () E nn (). In particular, the bifunctor is left exact. (ii) For n,n Z one has Ihom (E n (),E n ()) E n n 1 (). Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. (iii) Ef!! and Ef are left exact, i.e. for any n Z one has Ef!! E n () E n (N), Ef E n () E n (N). (iv) Ef 1 is exact, i.e. for any n Z one has Ef 1 E n (N) E n (), Ef 1 E n (N) E n (). Let d Z 0 and assume that f 1 (y) has soft-dimension d for any y N. (v) Ef!! ( )[d] is right exact, i.e. for any n Z one has Ef!! E n () E nd (N). (vi) Ef! ( )[ d] is left exact, i.e. for any n Z one has Ef! E n (N) E n d (). Proof. (i) For K E() and K E() one has L E (K K ) L E K L E K. Then the statement follows from Lemma (ii) follows from (i) by adjunction. As we deal here with bifunctors, let us spell out the proof. Let K E n (), K E n (), and L E <n n 1 (). Then one has Hom E() (L,Ihom (K,K )) Hom E() (L K,K ) Hom E() (E <n (),E n ()) = 0. Then Ihom (K,K ) E <n n 1 (N) = E n n 1 (N). (iii-1) The fact that Ef!! is left exact follows from Proposition 2.4.6, since one has L E Ef!! Rf R!! L E, where we recall that f R :=f id R.

28 28 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA (iv) also follows from Proposition 2.4.6, since one has L E Ef 1 f 1 R L E. (iii-2) The fact that Ef is left exact follows from (iv) by adjunction. (v) has a proof similar to (iii-1). (vi) follows from (v) by adjunction. Proposition Let f: N be a morphism of bordered spaces. Let n Z and L E(N). Assume (a) f is semi-proper, (b) f: N is surjective. Then (i) f 1 L E n () implies L E n (N), (ii) f 1 L E n () implies L E n (N). Proof. It is enough to apply Proposition to the morphism f R : R N R and the object G = L E L D(N R ). The bifunctors π 1 ( ) ( ): D() E() E(), RIhom(π 1 ( ), ): D() op E() E() are defined as follows, for L D() and F D( R ), π 1 L Q F :=Q (π 1 L F), RIhom(π 1 L,Q F):=Q RIhom(π 1 L,F). Lemma Let be a bordered space. (i) The bifunctor π 1 ( ) ( ) is exact, i.e. for n,n Z one has π 1 D n () E n () E nn (), π 1 D n () E n () E nn (). In particular, the functor ǫ from (2.6.2) is exact. (ii) The bifunctor RIhom(π 1 ( ), ) is left exact, i.e. for n,n Z one has RIhom(π 1 D n (),E n ()) E n n (). Proof. (i) For F D() and K E() one has L E (π 1 F K) π 1 F L E K. Hence the statement follows from Proposition (ii) follows by adjunction from (i). Let us end this section stating some facts related to Notation

29 ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 29 Lemma Let Z be a locally closed subset of, and K E(). One has π 1 k Z K Ei Z!! Ei 1 Z K, RIhom(π 1 k Z,K) Ei Z Ei! Z K. Proof. Note that(z R) = Z R andi Z id R = i (Z R). Hence the statement follows from Lemma Lemma Let Z be a locally closed subset of, and Z Z a closed subset. For K E(), there are distinguished triangles in E(Z ) Ei!! Ei 1 (Z\Z ) K Ei 1 Z K Ei!!Ei 1 Z K 1, Ei Ei! Z K Ei! Z K Ei Ei! (Z\Z ) K 1, where i: (Z \Z ) Z and i : Z Z are the natural morphisms. Proof. Since the proofs are similar, we shall only construct the first distinguished triangle. By Lemma 2.7.6, applying the functor π 1 ( ) K to the distinguished triangle k Z\Z k Z k Z one gets the distinguished triangle 1, Ei (Z\Z )!! Ei 1 (Z\Z ) K Ei Z!! Ei 1 Z K Ei Z!! Ei 1 Z K 1. Since i Z = i Z i and i (Z\Z ) = i Z i, the distinguished triangle in the statement is obtained by applying the functor Ei 1 Z to the above distinguished triangle. Lemma Let c R and Z a locally closed subset of. (i) The following conditions are equivalent: (a) Ei 1 Z K E (Z ), (b) π 1 k Z K E (). (ii) The following conditions are equivalent: (a) Ei Z! K E (Z ), (b) RIhom(π 1 k Z,K) E (). Proof. (i) By Lemma 2.7.6, one has π 1 k Z K Ei Z!! Ei 1 Z K, Ei 1 Z K Ei 1 Z (π 1 k Z K). The statement follows, since the functors Ei Z!! and Ei 1 Z are exact by Proposition (It follows that (a) and (b) remain equivalent when replacing c by c.) (ii) is proved similarly.

30 30 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA 2.8. Stable objects. Setting k {t 0} := lim k {t a}, a k {0 t< } := lim k {0 t<a}, a there are distinguished triangles in D( R ) The objects of E() k {t 0} k {t< } [1] k R [1] k {t< } := lim k {t<a}, a 1, k {0 t< } k {t 0} k {t 0} 1. k E :=Q (k {t 0} ) Q (k {t< } [1]) and k tor :=Q (k {0 t< } ) enter the distinguished triangle (2.8.1) k tor k {t 0} k E 1. Note that we have k tor k tor k tor, k E k E k E and k tor k E 0. Definition The category E st () of stable enhanced ind-sheaves is the full subcategory of E () given by E st ():={K E (); k tor K 0} = {K E (); K k E = {K E (); K k E = {K E (); K k Q {t a} K} L for some L E b (Ik )} K for any a 0}, where the equivalences follow from (2.8.1) and [4, Proposition 4.7.5]. Similar equivalences hold by replacing with Ihom. The embedding E st () E() has a left adjoint k E, and a right adjoint Ihom (k E, ). There is an embedding (2.8.2) e: D() E st (), F k E π 1 F. Note that e(f) k E ǫ(f). For a locally closed subset Z R, we set (2.8.3) k E Z :=ke k Q Z E st(). Lemma (i) The embedding e from (2.8.2) is fully faithful and exact.

31 (ii) The functor k E ENHANCED PERVERSITIES 31 ( ) is exact. Proof. (i) follows from [4, Proposition ] and Lemma 2.7.5, and (ii) from [4, Lemma 4.7.4]. The duality functor for stable enhanced ind-sheaves is defined by D E : E() E st() op, K Ihom (K,ω E ), where we set ω E :=e(ω ). Lemma ([4, Proposition 4.8.3]). Let = (, ). For F D b (k R ), one has D E (ke Q F) k E (D Q Q F) k E Q (a 1 D R F), where a is the involution of R defined by a(x, t) = (x, t). 3. Enhanced perverse ind-sheaves As we recalled in Section 1, a perversity endows the triangulated category of R-constructible sheaves on a subanalytic space with a t-structure. Here, we extend this result to the triangulated category of R-constructible enhanced ind-sheaves. We allow the subanalytic space to be bordered, and we also discuss exactness of the six Grothendieck operations Subanalytic bordered spaces. Recall Notation Definition (i) A subanalytic bordered space = (, ) is a bordered space such that is a subanalytic space and is an open subanalytic subset of. (ii) A morphism f: N = (N, N) of subanalytic bordered spaces is a morphism f: N of subanalytic spaces such that its graphγ f is a subanalytic subset of N, and q 1 Γf is proper. In particular, f: N is a morphism of bordered spaces. (iii) is smooth of dimension d if is locally isomorphic to R d as a subanalytic space. (iv) A subset S of (see Definition 2.3.6) is called subanalytic if it is subanalytic in. (v) A morphismf: N of subanalytic bordered spaces is submersive if the continuous map f: N is locally (in ) isomorphic to the projection N R d N for some d. Let = (, ) be a subanalytic bordered space, and consider the embedding j :.

32 32 A. D AGNOLO AND. KASHIWARA Definition D b R-c (k ) is the full subcategory of D b (k ) whose objects F are such that Rj! F is an R-constructible object of D b (k ). We regard D b R-c (k ) as a full subcategory of D(). Proposition Let f: N be a morphism of subanalytic bordered spaces. (i) The functors f 1 and f! send D b R-c (k N) to D b R-c (k ). (ii) If f is semi-proper, then the functors Rf!! and Rf send D b R-c (k ) to D b R-c (k N). In particular, the category D b R-c (k ) only depends on. Notation For a subanalytic bordered space, set CS :={closed subanalytic subsets of }, LCS :={locally closed subanalytic subsets of }. For Z LCS, denote by i Z : Z the morphism induced by the embedding Z (see Notation 2.3.3). For k Z, set CS <k :={Z CS ; d Z < k}, CS k :={Z CS ; d Z k}, and similarly for LCS <k and LCS k. Definition Let p be a perversity, c R and k Z 0. Consider the following conditions for F D() (Ip k ): i 1 (\Z) F D p(k) (( \Z) ) for some Z CS <k, (Ip k ): i! Z F D p(k) (Z ) for any Z CS k. Consider the following strictly full subcategories of D() p D ():={F D(); (Ip k ) holds for any k Z 0}, p D ():={F D(); (Ip k ) holds for any k Z 0}. Let us also set p D R-c (k ):= p D () D b R-c(k ), p DR-c (k ):= p D () D b R-c(k ). It is easy to check that ( p D R-c (k ), p D R-c (k ) ) satisfies the analogue c R of Proposition (i) and (ii). Note that ( p D (), p D () ) is not a t-structure if dim > 0. c R Lemma For any c R one has ( p α D () ) p D (k ).

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