E n a a l a w i d a w a r r a naniyiwanga langw a

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1 E n a a l a w i d a w a r r a naniyiwanga langw a

2 A S to ry A b o u t A n O ld M a n A long long time ago there lived an old man. He used to go hunting for people. B u t th e p eople d id n ot k n ow abou t th e old m an b e c a u s e h e w a s liv in g in th e c a v e a ll th e tim e. Arekberekbakiya nakina nambambilyuma nayiyuwangkwa nakina nungungwurrkwenuma warnumamalyakba. Aburraja wurrakina warnumamalya warningbala nakini-langwa neniyuwangkwa mena medirru-manja nambambilyuma.

3 O ne m orning as the people w ere gathering som e bush -tu ck e r th e o ld m a n h e a rd th e m ta lk in g, slowly he got up from the cave and walked to them M u w ilayabu -m anja m am aw u ra w u rrakina warnumamalya narrarrangbamurru-manja a n in g a n a k in a n e y i y u w a n g k a n en g k irrk a n ey e n g b ey in u m a, a m b a k ila n g w a nuwarmajungwuma medirri-lanwa n alalikena abu rruw aw a.

4 The people w ere still busy gathering the bush-tucker a n d th e r e h e w a s s ta n d in g in fro n t o f th e m. Wurrakina warnumamalya nalyangmurukwayinuma n arrarran gb am a an in gu -m an ja en eja n arjeyu m a a b u rru w u -m a n ja a k w u d a n g w a.

5 T h e n e x t d a y, w h e n th e s u n w e n t d o w n a ll th e men from the villages m arched through the jungle to lo o k fo r th e o ld m a n a g a in. M ingku-m anja m am awura m eningilarriwuru-m anja wurrababumi-langwa warnungkwarba nawurrakiyuweyina angalyi-langwa murungweni-langwa-wiya nenuminanday iu m a n a k in u n e n iy u w a n g k w a.

6 W h e n th e y c a m e to th e c a v e w h e r e h e w a s living The cave was closed. Nawurakiyardu-manja m e d i r r u - m a n j a n a m b a m i l y u m u r r u - m a n j a, m a k i n a n u m i d i k a j u n g w u - n u m a

7 A ll th e m e n sle p t th e n ig h t th e re w a itin g for th e o ld m an, b u t h e w as m agic W u r r a b a b u r n i - l a n g w a w a r n u n g k w a r b a nawurramungkuluma yakwujinaenejanakinaneniyuwanganumijburaryama.

8 All the people ran and ran until they reached their camp. They told their husbands, uncles, fathers, and cousins, about the old man. When they heard about the old man, they got their spears and went to look for the old man. But they couldn't find him anywhere N uw angkidikirreyinum a, w urrakina w arnum am alya y a n d ila n g w a n a rra k b u rra n g a a b u rri-la n g w a a n g a ly a. N a rram a k a a b u rri-la n g w a m a n ja w a rn u m a m a ly a n a k in i la n g w a n e n iy iw a n g k w a n a rru m u rn d a k a rn d irrk a a b u rrila n g w a e n u n g k w a a k w a n e n u m u n a n d a y a e n u w a.

9 H e f l y s l i k e a b i r d a t d a y t i m e b u t a t n i g h t tim e h e c h a n g e s h i m s e l f t o a s n a k e a n d hides himself inside a hole. Nuwurum enam a karrawarilang-wiya wubirra wurrajijaumba alarrungwalyilya nikwuwerrkwajungunama wuburra yingarna kembirra nabuwarrkajungwunama

10 T h e n o n e o f t h e m e n g o t u p e a r l y i n t h e morning a n d s a w th e o ld m a n c h a n g in g h im s e lf from a snake to a man Nuwilyaba nenungkwarba numurajanga alyarrungwalyu-wiya akwa nenirringka nakina nenuyuwangkwa nikuwarrl wajungwunima yingarni-langwa nenumamalyu-wa da.

11 A n d t h e n h e r a n t o a b ig b o s s a n d t o ld h im K e m b i r r a n a n g k a r r a n a r u m u - w a nibungkawa akw a nenumaka.

12 They all surrounded the old m ans cave. W urrakina narrum akwudaka m akina neniyu-wangku - la n g w a m e d ir r a

13 T h e b i g b o s s a s k e d t h e o l d m a n t o com e o u t o f t h e c a v e a n d h e d i d Naruma nubungkawa nenikijardingi-yada. K a m b a n ija r d in g a n a k in a n e n iy u w a n g w a.

14 They killed the old man and buried him insidethecave Kamba nijardinga neniyuwangwa akwa neningaja nenijungwajuwa nakina akwa neniyindirruwarna arrawa m edirru-m anja

15 This work is from the Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages If you have any questions or wish to access information concerning this work, please contact us at Use of this work is subject to the User License Agreement available at This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivs 3.0 Licence Australia which appears as follows: This licence allows users to share, copy and redistribute the work in any medium or format provided they: (i) give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if any changes were made to the work. Users may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that we endorse the user or their use; (ii) do not use the work for commercial purposes; (iii) do not distribute the modified work if they remix, transform or build upon the work, and (iv) do not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything that the licence permits. The full terms of the licence can be found at The creators of this work assert their moral rights to: be identified and named as the creators of this work. This means that if you reproduce the work, you must identify these creators; take action if this work is falsely attributed as being someone else s work; and take action if this work is distorted or treated in a way that is harmful to their honour or reputation. This means that the creators of this work have the right to object to distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or derogatory action in relation to the work. If you share this work, you must identify the creators named in this work and on the Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages website and abide with all other attribution requirements under the Creative Commons licence. Note that any action that is in breach of the moral rights of the author will give rise to a right of the creators to take legal action under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Do not remove this notice Tel: (08) livingarchive@cdu.edu.au

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