Tulsa County Assessor's Monthly Revolving Fund Report

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1 Tulsa County Assessors Monthly Revolving Fund Report Board of County Commissioners: n compliance with the provisions of Title 19 0.S. 684, this report is submitted forthe Assessors Revolving Fund. A total of$ was deposited with the Tulsa County Treasurers Office from the Assessors Duplicating Fees for the Reporting Period from February 1st 2017 through February 28 1 h Disbursements in the amount of $0 have been made from this fund for this Reporting Period. The balance in the Assessors Revolving Fund at the end of the reporting period is $11, Ken Yazel Tulsa County Assessor Date f ) 411# /t://7 cc: Ron Peters, BOCC Chairman John Smaligo KarenKeith Placed on commission meeting agenda for March 22, 2017.

2 Tulsa County Assessor Fee Revolving Fund PRNTNG AND DUPLCATNG MONTH JanuaryFebruary YEAR2017 Date Daily Total Employee Weekly Total Week Beginning 01/30/ /31/ /01/ /02/2017 Week Ending 02/03/2017 $ 0. $ 0. $ 525. $7.. $ o.oo dz dz $532. :i

3 Plea5e nitial When L_ogging. county Assessor Tulsa eounfy, Oklalionia cash Receipts :.....oate.l:.202ol c!! 1: i µa. t. +* +* do oa oo aa oo. + * ao i ]. ja l. :. 1...!;1 () bo () Jo D jo

4 PleaSe nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa counf:y. Oklalioma.... Date /: 5/J,o17.. lilll 1.,, 1,,., 1 1, 1@ +* +* oo og 0 0 (r <) oa oa i l +* il r"!llll b lod 10 1 o lob o.:c;

5 PleaSe nitial When L_ogglng. County Assessor. Tulsa eounty, Oklalion\a.. Date 4 " n1+"t_j_., _ * LC? LC? c \ t + * 88 d *\ ll!ll.. + * 88 t.. =; q +ij* oc.. 0,, g LC) 0 LS.> :,,,. M ll " " " " " / a!s"j:s l SL,"5 VD =o a.at

6 PleaSe nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa COuntY, Okla!ioll!!.Date :;< ::d_1.l Cmelssu M 0 Y Gash Receipts "#tf<!tj i!jfj ll j, 0 " ma.. (;;i ; <::. AA,,./J. r. e. lrt/, rjl,. t!){} t. Y (1 l. tj.,.(/, r ". ta..,. :_".. * +* +* DD DD 1 o DD ".. r r r r ;._ ; ns Cl( " ta.. ij &_ \ \: < 0., ",,. " : " " ". "..,,,,..... ijo if U D (J J.. "

7 Plea$e nitial When l,ogging. County Assessor. TUisa coun!y, Olclao"la.. Date J.:.317 cash Receipts Da!elssue. M D Y.. j :.. q/ J " 1 1 /i. " 1 V / l / " " 1 g / J k. u. \.. /, / " ". " ; " ij. +* r * + * Oo OD D + 0 Oo Do OD 0 0 ar,a\:, d!!,,. ri \. 0, g <\ " " ".... f..,,,..:,,,.... ra,,_,;), ;.<,_ r;,/f.,

8 Tulsa County Assessor Fee Revolving Fund PRNTNG AND DUPLCATNG MONTH Februarv YEAR2017, Date Daily Total Employee Weekly Total Week Beginning 02/06/ /07/2017 $ 0. $ 0. 02/08/ /09/2017 Week Ending 02/10/2017 $ 0. $ 0. $ 0. $ {,l}j Ctl OO *)

9 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa eounty, Oklalio"!a. Date :.;(".; (o f. f /// / 7 1,;., /,/. (/ 1,,,. +* DD ;; 80 a :: a ;: l,,,.rii+11,. L, 1,..<:! a d 01J

10 Please nitial When L_ogging _ County Assessor _ TulsaCountY, Oklalioma Date :21/1. Cate ssued Reeeivedfrom _. tem. Perttem Total Due Total Received Change Returned nitials _ MOY / /1. :, /// ", \ _/!! " A </ / l:il / (/ /} l/ ; V q/. / L/ _, / rn? 11ll1l:1r1"\Jl+l+llll fib : " " + * +* +* + ijj, ; 1111+lf Cl 0 Cl 0 Cl Cl ; ; <\ ::,.;,_ \_ ;: = 11ll+J, <" J, \, _<;ri i8j ". ii "..&. v () j)

11 Please nitial When Logging. County Assessor. Tulsacounfy, Okloma Date )_;_g{{ Datelssu. M D Y ,. / \. /. / r,,,, J J l rn /. /l ),{_ / n / r; rn v < l) k v l v " " " " ". +* + * + Do OD 0 0 DD r \. d. ;! " +.*.. " ". ". " ".o r ;,. 01f

12 PleaSe nitial When Logging. County Assessor. Tulsa count:y, Oklatio111a. Date J_i.11 &:Date ssue. M 0 Y / / f \. /., /. ). /) ) " f\ J ) 17 ",,( (/ LA/ v \? J. " /. t! M {\ " r.l\ " { c \ \ ( \...., ".. 1 " +*. go + *. + 0 Do. oc, Do oo i: Do Do gs:a + Do D ck 0 ;: D er \ :(\,.,.. _. > " " ll.! ta ll 0 0 flli

13 Plea5e nitial When Lpgging. County Assessor. Tulsa counfy, Oklatiom_a. Date ::i.:_ J 0.1 ( Date ssued Received from. MOY 11tt++ +* Per t em. TotalDue, Total Received Ch ange Returned lniti \".. /f v,_ / "\... :. 11 f / _ j 7. ) ) /,; v v. L gl ",,;. " L_ r.. f OD?? OD +* + _ 9 oo 9.9 1rtt+ r a a? 1++!. 0,: \".c. :i, 1i;t, +++. tj a ;:: a,. _J i l ;: ",_ cuj. (:

14 Tulsa County Assessor Fee Revolving Fund PRNTNG AND DUPLCATNG MONTH February YEAR2017 Date Daily Total Employee Weekly Total Week Beginning 02/13/ /14/2017 $ 0. $ 0. 02/15/ /16/2017 Week Ending 02/17/2017 $ 0. $ 0. $ 0. $ cu uu])

15 Please nitial When l.ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa county, Oklalioma Date :;;J._/3 /.t, * +. * 0 oo oo r, OD * + *... 0:.: _,.... O..

16 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa county, Oklalioma.. Date 2."llf.{ liiiii: Date ssue. M D Y.... h :... jl/ /.. " /\ /( \ 1, llil v. )./ r };:::_. " v v iii " ;,; ".@., Q: + * + * +< + Do oo 0 0 D,., D 99 ao :::6 ( Cj "is.,,, : " " i "...(,. ".,;_ :!J 0 rut.

17 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor Tulsa count:y, Oklalioa. Date :.j c, f 111 J./ /V7 4 jy \. C J. f f..l +* Do Do r1.., /\ + * 30 D c:::>.,.,,. + * 30 D 8.a D c 0.. rn> ".,d> 0l Q_(,f

18 Date lssu M D Y Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa count:y, Oklalio!J\a. Date :.j: iii !/. "/, c // " J 6 / /1,,.V1 / / 1 u ;;;;,.),/ " ",,;,.. ". +* +* +* +1 "::(: OD DCJ D OD OD 11+t+ oo c " 0 ao \ c::\ "\ l ; \_ t ! l {. " " ".,;,;..,,. _, _, ;. r CJf.,

19 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa counf:y, Oklafiolt\a. Date J.:. 11./1./ ".J/../ J 10 / v 7 7 1,,,,1 7 r <; \: +*.. Do Do Do + * DD \ " + >< t t OS 0: :c + a ; " " 1 mi ll1j.: r J!_:!}fi

20 Tulsa County Assessor Fee Revolving Fund PRNTNG AND DUPLCATNG MONTH February YEAR2017 Date Week Beginning 02/20/ /21/ /22/ /23/2017 Week Ending 02/24/2017 Daily Total $Holiday $ 0. $ 275. $ 0.50 $ 50. Employee Weekly Total $ J Cf25.50}0

21 Please nitial When L.ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa county, Oklatiom,a. Date_:),,.;_2./. f. O:t :su....,.,, /. :...,/. " /.. f\... \. /.. h ". (7\?i. 11 /l jj) \.. " l / v vv f. J /,, "!.>:.\ \. / " i \ m \_",. lta \..!. +* +* +* + 0,.; "J " oo a cl;;,\, o 0 oo o _.o i 1 Do,. 0 o:,o 1 ; o 0 oo oo t Do \., * i!.....,.:,, ",,., J ( jf. /.

22 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor Tulsa counf:y, Olilalioma... Date :_ 22 l, Total Received " " Change Returned.. < : > : 01.1v. L * 1..,r lnmals 1 r _/).. fl/, Date ssued, M o y F!eceived from 0 :? 2/ 17!tern...,. ".,,,_. f! V < 7JJ " _. / 7. l/v h1, " /,... h,.v or C// :i \ [=ti+== r s s. = 08 e + o +. _.. go + * O rl., \f?.\2 run.? ru oo O o o. "?, $;!.,,.J Nf" 1c=tt== e :::.,, "\_!!.. f<ll. i11 " :.... r.. ",. i )" : at+.. 17> 6[)..

23 Please nitial When L,ogging. County Assessor Tulsa councy, Okloma... Date.;z.:.2 3 : l 7. " 1: :1...t 1i N). i! m ("\\ ; + * ld ld oo \ "( +* + * oo ld ld.. d C\J C\J.. s$ rn c:::;:_ "i *.., C.:. " fl,.iii.iii 1 :. :... f:, :.soj,zo rro [lq.5d fj. a

24 PleaSe nitial When L,ogging. County Assessor. Tulsa CountY, Oklaliom.a..Date :;}. ;1.{1.. Oatelssue. M 0 V _ 3 lfit!:i i J5 n do,., L, : : t " ud %D cm /.,,o. lfb. to o o,t>d.... ll. ".... " rn A. \ "a). L1 v 111 /. y ),, 0 / /. ( vv " // _. * + *.. + * r + o:=o.. ld ld D D c;:i \ o:::: a ) D LD ti (":, % \ t: \ ta!. /, (. ( 1 :...,... ". Kn UD r,.,n rn (}Jf,. ".....

25 Tulsa County Assessor Fee Revolving Fund PRNTNG AND DUPLCATNG MONTH Feb./Mar. YEAR2017 Date Daily Total Employee Weekly Total Week Beginning 02/27/ /28/2017 $ 0. $ 0. 03/01/ /02/2017 Week Ending 03/03/2017 $ 0. $ 225. $ 50. cj cj cj $ * >

26 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor Tulsa counf:y, O<alio"!a...Date :J J_ 7 : { 7.., \, Y."\! 1 \/ 1 T.,,, 117 " 7 tg.!f 7 J J ll/w7\l ::xv _/ 1,,;. 1",/ 1 * +* \ c ni L.. OD + * + * 0 0 OD OD OD.. c::h " 1,,. D 7 o 0 c. 0, 0 " 0. J_: <9,. <\.,. 1;;,.. ",. = f>. d) f. 11

27 Please nitial When L_ogging _ County Assessor _ Tulsa counfy, Oldalioma.... Date :,;; :.,;)_2 : l f. " M D Y Received from tem Per tem Total Due, Total Rei;eivecl Change Returned Jnitiats 11 _J.ri_ / 77 \ 7 J C7 /; 7 _f +r /G 11,; 7, 7 \,/ /;z:: J l7 j " / 7 l i * r + *.. \, + * oo oo do + * 0 0 bo "0 : 0 _ 0 <.C>o.;_, \ 0 i11, 1::. " 1 _c)l:.<"..d lri Ti

28 Please nitial When L_ogging. County Assessor Tulsa county, Olilalioma. Date :.3 {,, :_,.i.. Date lssuedreeeived from.. ltam. Per tem Total Due Total Received Change Returned nitials MDV " 1,,, ti!.. ti! > :irt:iirrtjf11! + * + + :ir=r,trtt/1=+ ; a o o a o o ir=t::trtt/ it=rtt:+t/1+ l (,;] : ti!. Li irf:"l+"t,jj11:1l " \ ", " " ti! 111 ff? /"....,. ::.... ". rw J/ u r fj....

29 Please nitial When Logging County Assessor Tulsa county,. Okloma. 1,. Date 3 :_:_fj.?.ol 7 t._ i * + + (< 9 DD? t D "\ ld to (_) 0 C\J C\J C\J ("\J,, C\J Cd "%. Q) k K :S,.6). f:_ cj_ @,,. / 0 j t;1 12J51 ()() o n?) (,a;:, P

30 Please nitial When Logging County Assessor Tulsa county,.okloma,,. Date3 ;;5/i{ cllecl t±.;:q 1.o " \,.,.. / ",_ f f f f f, } <"! % 6 + OD OD.CJ.CJ tl f_j + OD CJ 0 l f +,Z<.. CJ Cl OD OD q)l r cj E ia1 i " SD loo 15D tjo fj()o C (/

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