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2 The Sengs abconoshow hemoozapsneface wcommuncaewhyouvehce secu.befoemoozaps canconnecoyouvehce,hesengsabneedsobeconfgued.inmoscases,hscanbedoneusnghe Auo-deec feaue. Thesofwaewscanhoughheavaabeposfoafew secondsandshoudeunwhhemessage, Ineface found. Oncehenefacehasbeenfound,cck Save. Thesengsaenow savedoheuseaccounandhspocessdoesnoneedobeepeaedhenexmemoozapssused. IfAuoDeeccannofndheneface,peaseefeoheoubeshoonggudeoconacus. Anoponfoconneconypecanasobefoundundenefacesengs.Thedefauconneconypeofauomac wokswewhmosvehces.insomecases,maybenecessayomanuayseecaconneconypeompove conneconwhheecu. PAGE 1

3 ReadngheECUupoadsacompeecopyofheECU s opeangsysem oyoupc.theecucanonybeead whhekeyonandengneoff.thenaeadofhe ECUsaongepocesshanwngnew fesohe ECU.ThesofwaeweadeachsecoofheECU. Whencompee, nafemaybewenbackoheecufaanyme hevehceneedsobeeunedosock. Upoadyousaved.mzfeo hp:/ onaeheunng pocess.themembesewauomacayemausandwe wschedueyouune.onceschedued,you ecevean emaconfmngyounauneseup. Typcay,youwnoneedoepeaheECUeadpocess. PAGE 3

4 MOTOZA PS1. 8T&2. 7TUSER MANUAL W ng heecu s hemossens veope a onpe f o medw hmo ozaps. Spec a ca eshou dbe akenwhenw ng heecu oensu e ha hev eh c e sba e y s ngoodcond onandaccesso es wh chcancauseuns ab ev o age, ( suchasaud oequ pmen ), shou dbe u nedof f.wes ong y ecommend heuseofa ba e y ende, ( noaba e ycha ge ), whenw ng heecu oensu es ab ev o age.we ecommend1 o3ampsas he se ngf oy ouba e y ende. Thew ep ocess ss m a o he eadp ocess. TheECUcanon ybew enw h hekeyonandeng neoff. Thew e f unc on spe f o medmuchf as e han he eadf unc onason ysec o sof heecuwh chhav ebeenchangedw bew en. When hew ngp ocessbeg ns, heusew bep omp ed ose ec hef e obew en.f esmusbeof he. m zf o ma. Bydef au, Mo oz apsw ookf of es nc: \ Mo ozaps\ MyECU.Youmays o ef es nanyd ec o yony oucompu e hay ouw sh, buy ouw need opo n hesof wa e o hed ec o yy ouhav echosen. Onceaf e sse ec ed, hesof wa ew beg n ansf e ng hef e o heecu.du ng h sp ocessase esofp og essba s w epo hes a usof he ansf e.whenf n shed, heusew ece v ean ECUW esuccessf u messageandbe p omp ed osw ch he gn on o heoffpos on.wa f oa eas5secondsbef o esw ch ng hekeybackonands a ng heeng ne. PAGE4

5 TheLogECUabaowsusesoeasysendfeso Moozafoevew.Addonay,canbeusedovew vaoussesofdaafom heecu.usehedop-down menuoseechedaaseobedspayedwheoggng.regadessofhedaaseseeced,adaaw beecodednheog. Tobegnoggng,cckheecodbuonaheopgh ofhesceen. Afedaogsopenedafecckngecod.Eneafename andcckok.youfewbesavedasa.csvfe.thesofwae whenseuphehghspeedsessonandbegnoggng.whsomeecu smayakeafew momensbefoeyouseedaaon hesceen. Toendyouoggngsesson,ccksop. Sessonsmayasobepausedandesumedbyccknghepausebuon. Oncecompeed,hsfeypesvewabeasaspeadsheenpogamssuchasMcosofExceoGoogeDocs.Aunsae mec. Befoeecodngadaaogafensangaune,20mnuesofnomadvngssuggesedoaowheECUoadap. Afehspeod,wesuggesoggngfo15mnuesoso.Ideayaogwncude,de,hoe,acceeaonanddeceeaon.Ifssafeodoso,ahadpun3dgeaoedneshepfu. PAGE 5


7 Theoaddynofeaueesmaeswheehosepoweand oque,hecacuaonsbasedonhechangenknec enegyofhevehceandsndependenofheecu/sofwae.theoaddynoacsasafefoheeguaogge andonyecodsdaaawdeopenhoe.touseheoad dynocckhedynoab,andpessecod.afedaogopens andheusespompedoeneafenameosavehe dynoo.smpyeneafenameandpessok.thesofwae whenseuphehghspeedsessonjusaswoudfo oggngandwheneadyhesceenshoudead Awang WOT(WdeOpenThoe). Afeaunsecoded,hedynoauomacayeunsoheAwangWOTmodeandhedvecandoanoheun.Eachuns ecodednohefeandabeedasun1,2,ec. Afepessngpauseosophemosecenunwbedspayedceany.UseheOpenbuonooadhefufeandvew a unsusngheoponsbuon. Thedynownoecoddaaunssenseshahedvenendsosaapu.Tosaapuhepedamusgoo100% andemanawotfomoehanonesecond.oncehshappens,ecodngbegns.whenhepedasfed,hedynow dspayhewheehp/tqpoedaganshepm angeofheun. TocacuaeyoucankHP,add20%foAWDvehceso12%foFWDvehces PAGE 7

8 Ideay,opeaehecaasfonadyno:saaow pm n 3dgea,sow oonandhengoashghasyou ecomfoabe.tompoveaccuacy,useahghegeasuchas3do 4h.Levegoundwpovdehemosaccuaeeadngsas hecacuaonsbasedonheweghofhevehceands acceeaon.thedynoweadow gonguphohgh downh.tomakeeasonabecompasonshesameseconofackshoudbeused. Thesofwaeusesagenecweghfoeachsuppoed mode,howeve,oponssuchasuggageacksospped neoswafechecubweghofhevehce. Bydefauhedynofeaueuses200bsfobaaswhchaccounsfoadveandafew emsnheca.bohcubwegh andbaasmaybeadjusedundehesengsabafecckngheoponsbuon.addonayyoucanaddoemoveohe vaabes,changexaxsype,pm,speed,me,seecunsovew,changecoosandscaevaues,ec.youcanasoopenand vew apevousyecodeddynoog. Dynonfomaonsanesmaeonyandnousedfounngpuposes. AfecckngOpons,heDaaabwaowaddonavaabesobedspayed,hexoyaxsobescaedandvewngof mupeuns.theseesabaowsfocoocusomzaon. TheSengsabaowsfoadjusmensocubandbaaswegh.CdAmayasobeadjusednheab,howeve,hssno ecommended. PAGE 8

9 MTC (Mu-TuneCono) -Weecommendswchngocaneswhenhefueanks1/8fuoess. -Fosafey,youcannoswchuneswhehevehcesnmoon,buyoucanswchwhheengneunnng. -Onceaseeconsmade,wsayseecedwhenyouswchhecaonandof.AfefashngheECU,heMTCweun oheunenhefsposononhes.(youmaynoceowemngandboos).youcanswchoheappopaeseecon mmedaeyafefashng.ifyoudsconnechebaey,hemtcweunoheunenhefsposon. Mu-TuneCononcudesUseAdjusabeLaunchConoandNoLfShf.NoLIfShfsncudedwhenLaunchCono spuchased.afeauesaeoponaandavaabefopuchasewhamoozaremoetune.theseaddonafeaues maybepuchasedaanymedungoafeheunngpocess.launchconoandnolfshfequeaesppeand fomoedeas. PAGE 9


11 EngagngLaunchCono Launchconocanbudboospessueaasopwhnophyscaoadonheengne. Toengagehefoowngcondonsmusbeme: -Vehcesaasop -Cuchpedasengaged -pm sgeaehanheheshodseeced.(3500shedefau) Aasop,cuchpedadown,bngupheevs.Asevsncease,gnonwbecuohodhepm coseoheseeced heshodwhespnnngupheubo.keepaneyeonyouboosgaugeandachomeeoadjusheheshodeveaaae me.thesoundspeyepc,bepepaed, soud.agan,donoaempousehsfeauewhanyypeofcaaycconveensaed. EngagngNoLfShf Nofshfwengagefhefoowngcondonsaeme: -RPM sgeaehan5000(hsheshodmaybechangedoneques) -Thoeposonsgeaehan90%(hspecenagemaybeaeedoneques) -Cuchpedasengaged Acondonsmusbeueandhenhehoewsayopen,connuepumpngfue,andcugnonomananboospessuebeweenshfs.Assoonashecuchseased,hoeposondeceases,opm fas, aghwndow ofappoxmaey1/2secondomakeheshf.nofshfuseshesamepncpeasaunchconobuhappenssofashaexcessheanhemanfodsn asmuchofaconcen. PAGE 11

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