SID: So, let me take you back to that meeting you had with a hundred people with arthritis. Tell me what occurred.

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1 Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest doesn't have just one healing angel. She has seven healing angels that travel with her wherever she goes and tells her what to pray. Even group healings take place. Like, at a meeting she was at, there were a hundred people instantly healed of arthritis. Want her to pray for you? Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing onto planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of "It's Supernatural." SID: If someone has one healing angel that goes with them wherever they go, I think that's fabulous, but my guest has seven healing angels. Tell me about how they operate with you... these healing angels. BECKY: I was ministering at a healing conference in Ocala, Florida and, during a break between the seminars, one of the pastors came up to me and he said, "Becky, do you know you have an angel that follows you wherever you go?" I said, "Yes, I do because people see him," and he said, "You actually have seven," and he said, "The six follow the one." BECKY: He says, "Do you know what the angel does?" I said, "Tell me. What does my angel do?" He said, "Well, he has this little book and he reads from his book into your ear, and after he's done saying what he's reading from his book, you then repeat what he says." Then, he said, "Do you know what he does when you pause?" I said, "Tell me. What does he do when I pause?" He said, "He's searching through his book and when he finds another thing that he wants you to say, he reads it out loud to you and then you repeat what he says." Sid, that is, to me, very prophetic, and I believe that's how the prophetic works because all we do, when we minister in the prophetic, is we surrender our voices to him and we speak what the Spirit of God would have us say. SID: I'm just, kind of, curious. Do you, sometimes, hear a voice and speak what you hear, or you just speak it because it's coming out of you? How does that work? BECKY: It works both ways. Usually, it's just I have surrendered my voice, many years ago, to the Holy Spirit. I just open up my mouth and He starts speaking. Sometimes, I literally will hear Him speak in my ear. He'll call me by name, and I will hear Him. I'll actually even feel His breath in my ear, and He speaks to me. So I just repeat what He says. SID: So, let me take you back to that meeting you had with a hundred people with arthritis. Tell me what occurred. BECKY: I was ministering about the redemptive blood of Jesus, and I think this might've been in Pennsylvania. It was time to give the altar call for healing, and I heard the Spirit of God say to me, "Call out people with arthritis. Tell them to come forward," and so I did that. I said, "If you're struggling with arthritis, I want you to come forward. We're going to minister to you first." I'm serious, about a hundred people stood up and came immediately to that altar. There

2 were so many of them, to save time, I just had them hold hands in groups, and I released the healing Power of the Holy Spirit to them in that manner. I said, "In Jesus' name, I renounce the spirit of arthritis, and I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your joints, and I command the pain and the swelling to be gone." I told them, "Put your faith in action and do what you couldn't do." They started moving their body parts, and almost every, single one of them were instantly healed. SID: Tell me about the... Listen to this. A brain tumor melted. BECKY: It's an amazing testimony. I know a woman in Europe, and she ed me, and she said, "Becky, I wasn't feeling good, and I had to go to the doctor," 'cause she started to faint and things. So she went to the doctor and they ran some tests on her, and they found out that she had a brain tumor. They said they had to operate on her very soon. BECKY: So she went home and she ed me right away, and she said, "Becky, will you please pray with me?" I said, "Okay, I'm praying with you. I'm joining my faith with you, but I want you to start prophesying this over your own body in Jesus' name," and I said, "Say, 'in Jesus' name, I renounce the spirit of death. In Jesus' name, I renounce this tumor and I curse it at its very root and its very seed. In Jesus' name, I command it to shrivel up and be eliminated from my body, in Jesus' name'." BECKY: I said, "Keep saying it over and over. However many times it comes to you. You just keep speaking it out. You keep prophesying that over your body." She had to go to the doctor the very next day for another test, 'cause they were SID: Excuse me. That was key. You said you speak to your own body? BECKY: Yes. SID: Explain that. BECKY: According to God's word, Proverbs 18:21, we have the power of life and death in every word that we speak. There are certain times when you need to speak life to something and other times, when it comes to Satan and his works like sickness and disease, we need to speak death to certain things like tumors. We need to speak out loud, 'cause it's not what you're thinking that's going to come to pass. It's what you are speaking out loud. SID: So let me take you back to the person that had the tumor. BECKY: Yes. So, she goes to the doctor the very next day and, all day long the day before, she's been prophesying this over her own body. She gets to the doctors, and they run some more tests, and there are several doctors there because they're going to be operating on her within days. They're all just confused about what they're seeing on these tests. They're starting to argue with one another because they had never seen anything like this.

3 BECKY: Overnight, that brain tumor actually had melted into liquid, and they no longer needed to operate. They didn't know what to do. So they gave her an antibiotic and sent her home. SID: How does a doctor explain a tumor [that] melts? BECKY: I don't know. I just know there was a lot of fighting going on amongst them. So they called her in the next day and they said, "We want to make sure. So you come in and we're going to run another test," but it showed that it was now gone. Every time they did another test, it just made the testimony of her supernatural healing all the more powerful. SID: You say the most powerful thing is speaking God's word. Why is God's word so powerful? BECKY: Because it's truth. God's word is the truth, and it's more powerful that our five senses, human reasoning. It's more powerful than feelings and it's more powerful than any circumstance we are facing. So, when we speak God's word into a situation, we are speaking His life and it transforms the situation into a miracle. SID: Okay. When we come back, there are many watching us, or in the studio audience, that have gotten really bad reports from doctors. I want to find out the first thing you advise people to do. In other words, do you just pray over them? Well, the doctors said it. It must be true. Maybe there're a higher truth. We'll be right back. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [commercial] We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: Okay. So you go to a doctor and he tells you something you didn't want to hear. It's literally a death sentence. Becky Dvorak, what advice to you give this person? BECKY: Well, I say that you don't give the enemy the last word in your life. You need to take authority over the negative report. That doesn't mean you have to be rude to a doctor because, let's face it, you've gone to him or her for their advice. If they tell you that there's no hope, you're going to die, whatever, you have the right on this earth, and I believe you have the responsibility in the supernatural realm, to use your authority in Jesus and say, "No, I am not going to die, in Jesus' name." SID: All right. Give me a real life example... the boy that had two weeks to live. He had two conditions. He had AIDS and he had tuberculosis. BECKY: Yes. We received a boy. He must have been about 10 or 11 years old, at the time, in the children's home in Guatemala. SID: They run a children's home in Guatemala. Go ahead.

4 BECKY: Yes. So this boy came to us. The HIV count, in his blood, was two and half times more than the level that they consider AIDS, the last stage. That is tremendous. SID: He's about ready to die. BECKY: He is, and one of the opportunistic diseases that attacks someone in that situation is tuberculosis. This was tuberculosis of the lungs, 'cause he was coughing up blood and all of that, which is very contagious. So we received him, and I remember that evening because it came late in the afternoon. That evening, I remember I was holding SID: Excuse me. Did you have the option not to receive him? BECKY: Yes. SID: So, weren't you a little concerned? BECKY: No. SID: Strong woman. All right. Go ahead. BECKY: So, I remember holding him in my arms and I was praying in the Holy Spirit, [foreign language] I was praying in tongues, and I renounced that spirit of death in him and that HIV/AIDS and the tuberculosis and all of that that was happening in his body. I was telling this little boy who was afraid... He didn't know where he was going. He was being told he was dying. Now, he's with us, and he doesn't know who we are. I'm telling him, "It's okay. You're going to be okay. Jesus loves you. You're going to be okay. Don't be afraid." BECKY: The next morning, we had to take him to the hospital, and I started to testify to the doctor and the nurses in the room because they wanted to know who was I and what was my relationship to this boy. So, I explained it, and I said, "I believe in healing, and I see miracles happen to people all over the world, and this little boy isn't going to be any different, and I'm not afraid of this. He's not going to die. He's going to be healed," and they were like, "Yeah? Really? Are you sure?" This doctor started... he, obviously, was not a believer, and he didn't like the faith talk that I was speaking. BECKY: So, I had to step out of the room while they put this tube down, and when the doctor came out, he had already started testing my faith. You know? He came out of the room and he held up this little bottle, this sample bottle, and he looked me and he said, "Tuberculosis. This is classic tuberculosis," and the liquid that they pulled up out of his lungs... it was all peppered all this little black specks all over. I said, "In Jesus' name, he doesn't have it." He got mad at me and he said, "Tuberculosis, classic." I said, "In Jesus' name, he doesn't have it." The doctor left the room, and he shouted out loud at me, "Tuberculosis," and I said, "No. He doesn't have it, in Jesus' name."

5 BECKY: A few days later, we received these test results back. This doctor didn't call us. He had someone else call us, and there was no tuberculosis in his body, and they could not even find the HIV in his body either. It was that miraculous. SID: What if you have a child that is labeled, "Autistic"? Becky says she had a child labeled, "Autistic," but she refused to label him that. Tell me about it. BECKY: Amen. You're right. One of our adopted sons, Andres he came to us when he was six and a half weeks old. He had many, many problems and, as we were to find out, one of them was autism. He had the classic symptoms. He couldn't look you in the eye. He spun around in circles. Everything in his life had to spin. It was classic where he would have the tantrums that would last four or five hours, and it would send me in tears. It was so difficult of a situation. My heart went out to him because I couldn't settle him down in the natural. BECKY: I remember Andres was, now, having another one of these tantrums that lasted for hours and hours. I just had to just keep going about my daily business the best I could, and I remember I was changing one of the babies, and I literally heard the Spirit of God say to me, "Take your authority over that autistic spirit now." When I heard it, I stopped what I was doing, and I said, "That's it?" So I turned to him and I pointed to where he was and I said, "In Jesus' name, I renounce that autistic spirit in you now, and I command it to come out of you now, in Jesus' name." The tantrum stopped, Sid, and he never, ever had another autistic fit, ever again. SID: What I think is so wonderful is that when you teach and people do what you tell them to do... for instance, tell me about the friend of a friend that had stage four cancer. BECKY: Yes. This is amazing. Sometimes people think that only someone like myself and a healing ministry can do this. But, no, that's not the truth. God wants all of His people to minister healing wherever we go. That's part of the Great Commission. Right? "If you believe, you'll lay hands on the sick and they will recover." Well, anyway, I was mentoring a young lady, and she's in Virginia. She's been reading my books and listening to my tapes and she comes to the healing seminars and all of that. She ed me and she said, "Becky, a friend of a friend just ed me, and he just was told he has stage four cancer in the lungs and there's no hope and he's about to die. What do I do?" BECKY: I wrote back to her, and I said, "This is what you do," and this is what I tell people to do, "Number one, with the prophetic words of your mouth, you take and you renounce that spirit of death. You renounce that spirit behind that cancer and you curse those cancerous tumors in Jesus' name. You command them to be gone from his body and you declare that he's healed and made whole by the redemptive blood of Jesus." BECKY: So this young lady did this. Well that next week, the man went for another doctor appointment and all the cancer was gone. SID: You know, Becky has so much supernatural to share that we've prepared a special extended segment that you can watch after this show. Just log onto Now, when we come back, Becky is going to share with us the greatest revelation that she has received about

6 how you can have miracles. And, I'm going to tell you, most have never heard this before and I'm going to have her pray for you, if that's okay. We'll be right back. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [commercial] We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: Now, don't forget that after this program is over, you can logon to to watch a powerful extended version of this program. You know, Becky, you had such a powerful revelation of the whipping post. Was this a vision? How did you receive it? BECKY: I was ministering the Word of God concerning how the redemptive blood of Jesus, and I was on the topic of the whipping post from Isaiah 53 four and five. As I'm ministering this to the people, teaching the people, I see a vision and I hear God start speaking to me, and He's asking me, "Did you ever read that Jesus was sick?" Have we ever read Jesus was sick, Sid? SID: No. BECKY: No. He said, "It's because Jesus was an exceptional man of faith on this earth. He operated in faith any time any sickness or disease would try come upon Him. He did not allow it to enter into His body because He knew the power of life and death were in his words." So, when Jesus... when they started to whip Him, what I saw... God was speaking to me, and He said that sickness could not enter into his body because he was such a man of exceptional faith. So, those first initial whippings were to break down His human flesh so that sickness and disease could actually start to enter into His body. BECKY: God actually told me that Jesus was being marinated with our sickness and with our disease. The only way that that could even happen, to begin with, happened because He gave a verbal permission with His words in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He said, "Not My will, but Your will be done." It was our sickness, our disease that was entering into His body so that we could be delivered and free from it, so that we no longer have to have sickness. That is at the point where we received the power of life and death in our words over this sickness to say, "No, not in my body in Jesus' name." SID: Right now, pray a prayer for healing for those that are watching. BECKY: Right now, in Jesus' name, I renounce the spirit of death over your bodies and I release the spirit of life to enter in, in Jesus' name. For that man that is dealing with pancreatic cancer, in Jesus' name, I renounce that cancer and I command it to come out of that pancreas in Jesus' name, and your pancreas is recreated and it functions perfectly, normal, in Jesus' name. BECKY: There is a woman, and she is contemplating suicide because your husband has been unfaithful. I say, in Jesus' name, the Word of God says, "Choose life." You always choose life. I

7 renounce that spirit of suicide that is over you right now in Jesus' name, and I release the ministering angels of the Holy Spirit into your very presence, in Jesus' name. Amen. [commercial] SID: Next week on "It's Supernatural." You know, many believe that there's a difference between encountering the glory realm and engaging in spiritual warfare, but God has called us to experience both. It's called, "Glory Warfare." In this place, I really want you to hear there is no defeat. There's victory. So if you're ready for victory, be sure to join on the next, "It's Supernatural" with Sid Roth. It's going to be an awesome time where you will be empowered to encounter the glory realm for victory.

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