Prentice Hall Chemistry (Wilbraham) 2008 Correlated to: (High School)

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1 Standard 1: Scientific Investigation - Discover, invent, and investigate using the skills necessary to engage in the scientific process Topic - Scientific Inquiry Benchmark SC.CH Describe how a testable hypothesis may need to be revised to guide a scientific investigation SE/TE: 22, 34 The student: Describes a testable hypothesis and how it might be revised based on data from chemistry investigations and primary sources (e.g., results, class data, information from a reputable source). SE/TE: 22, 34 Benchmark SC.CH Design and safely implement an experiment, including the appropriate use of tools and techniques to organize, analyze, and validate data SE/TE: 23, 45, 56, 94, 120, 137, 142, 199, 200, 226, 245, 267, 279, 304, 308, 326, 345, 367, 372, 400, 402, 428, 437, 448, 458, 489, 497, 522, 533, 544, 574, 604, 617, 653, 655, 682, 684, 746, 753, 774, 809, 818 The student: Prepares a chemistry lab report documenting the procedure(s) and the safe and appropriate use of tools (e.g., computer probes, meters, timers) and techniques (e.g., repeated trials, statistics, significant figures, spreadsheets, databases) to organize, analyze, and validate data. SE/TE: 56, 94, 120, 137, 200, 245, 267, 304, 345, 367, 400, 437, 458, 497, 533, 574, 617, 655, 684, 753, 774, 809 Benchmark SC.CH Defend and support conclusions, explanations, and arguments based on logic, scientific knowledge, and evidence from data SE/TE: 23, 45, 56, 94, 120, 137, 142, 199, 200, 226, 245, 267, 279, 304, 308, 326, 345, 367, 372, 400, 402, 428, 437, 448, 458, 489, 497, 522, 533, 544, 574, 604, 617, 653, 655, 682, 684, 746, 753, 774, 809, 818 The student: Prepares a chemistry lab report that draws logical conclusions and formulates explanations and arguments from the results of investigations. SE/TE: 56, 94, 120, 137, 200, 245, 267, 304, 345, 367, 400, 437, 458, 497, 533, 574, 617, 655, 684, 753, 774, 809 1

2 Benchmark SC.CH Determine the connection(s) among hypotheses, scientific evidence, and conclusions SE/TE: 23, 45, 56, 94, 120, 137, 142, 199, 200, 226, 245, 267, 279, 304, 308, 326, 345, 367, 372, 400, 402, 428, 437, 448, 458, 489, 497, 522, 533, 544, 574, 604, 617, 653, 655, 682, 684, 746, 753, 774, 809, 818 The student: Prepares a chemistry lab report that supports or refutes a hypothesis based on an analysis of experimental data. SE/TE: 56, 94, 120, 137, 200, 245, 267, 304, 345, 367, 400, 437, 458, 497, 533, 574, 617, 655, 684, 753, 774, 809 Benchmark SC.CH Communicate the components of a scientific investigation, using appropriate techniques SE/TE: 56, 94, 120, 137, 200, 245, 267, 304, 345, 367, 400, 437, 458, 497, 533, 574, 617, 655, 684, 753, 774, 809 The student: Presents the question, testable hypothesis, experimental design, analysis of data, and conclusions to the chemistry class using appropriate methods of communication (e.g., PowerPoint, essay, oral presentation, poster board, lab report, research paper). SE/TE: 23, 45, 56, 94, 120, 137, 142, 199, 200, 226, 245, 267, 279, 304, 308, 326, 345, 367, 372, 400, 402, 428, 437, 448, 458, 489, 497, 522, 533, 544, 574, 604, 617, 653, 655, 682, 684, 746, 753, 774, 809, 818 Benchmark SC.CH Engage in and explain the importance of peer review in science SE/TE: 25 The student: Examines a peer s chemistry investigation for logic and validity based on evidence. Explains the importance of peer review to the process of scientific inquiry. SE/TE: 23, 45, 56, 94, 120, 137, 142, 199, 200, 226, 245, 267, 279, 304, 308, 326, 345, 367, 372, 400, 402, 428, 437, 448, 458, 489, 497, 522, 533, 544, 574, 604, 617, 653, 655, 682, 684, 746, 753, 774, 809, 818 2

3 Topic - Scientific knowledge Benchmark SC.CH Revise, as needed, conclusions and explanations based on new evidence SE/TE: 23, 45, 56, 94, 120, 137, 142, 199, 200, 226, 245, 267, 279, 304, 308, 326, 345, 367, 372, 400, 402, 428, 437, 448, 458, 489, 497, 522, 533, 544, 574, 604, 617, 653, 655, 682, 684, 746, 753, 774, 809, 818 The student: Revises conclusions and explanations based on new chemical evidence from valid sources. SE/TE: 428, 522 Benchmark SC.CH Describe the importance of ethics and integrity in scientific investigation SE/TE: The student: Identifies and describes the importance of ethical and unethical experimentation, citation, and conclusions (e.g., ethics provides guidelines concerning the appropriate treatment of chemicals in the environment; ethics/integrity reduces bias and ensures fair credit of authorship). SE/TE: Benchmark SC.CH Explain how scientific explanations must meet a set of established criteria to be considered valid SE/TE: 22 The student: Describes how a published study meets the criteria of scientific explanations (e.g., they must be consistent with experimental and observational evidence about nature, make accurate predictions about systems being studied, be logical, abide by the rules of evidence, be open to questions and modifications, be based on historical and current scientific knowledge, and make a commitment to making the knowledge public) in order to draw conclusions about the study's validity. SE/TE: 22, 25 3

4 Standard 2: Nature of Science - Understand that science, technology, and society are interrelated Topic - Science, Technology, and Society Benchmark SC.CH Explain how scientific advancements and emerging technologies have influenced society SE/TE: 18-19, 43, 109, 147, , , 242, 259, 313, , , 405, , 463, , , 548, 623, 644, 685, , , 791, The student: Describes a current scientific advancement or emerging technology (e.g., related to transportation or communication) and lists its key features and uses, and its possible impact on society. SE/TE: 18-19, 43, 109, 147, , , 242, 259, 313, , , 405, , 463, , , 548, 623, 644, 685, , , 791, Benchmark SC.CH Compare the risks and benefits of potential solutions to technological issues SE/TE: 18-19, , 791 The student: Compares risks and benefits (e.g., in terms of the impact on populations, resources, health, disease, environment) of alternative solutions to a specific current technological issue (e.g., pesticides). SE/TE: 18-19, , 791 Topic - Acids and Bases Benchmark SC.CH Explain the properties of acids, bases, and salt solutions SE/TE: , 593, 598, , 622, 624, 625 The student: Describes the properties of acids, bases, and salt solutions (e.g., conductivity, reaction with indicator like litmus paper, ph of solution formed by a given salt). SE/TE: , 593, 598, , 622, 624, 625 Standard 3: Properties of Matter - Understand different states of matter Topic - Acids and Bases Benchmark SC.CH Use the ph scale to characterize acid and base solutions SE/TE: , 604, 624,

5 The student: Uses the ph scale to determine the acidity or basicity of a solution. SE/TE: , 604, 624, Benchmark SC.CH Calculate the ph from the hydrogen-ion concentration SE/TE: , 604, 625 The student: Computes the ph of a solution given its hydrogen-ion concentration. SE/TE: , 604, 625 Benchmark SC.CH Explain that buffers stabilize ph in acid-base reactions SE/TE: The student: Describes various buffer systems (e.g., blood) that stabilize ph. SE/TE: , Topic - Gases and their Properties Benchmark SC.CH Apply gas laws to relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature of any amount of an ideal gas or any mixture of ideal gases using PV = nrt SE/TE: , , , 438, , 443 The student: Uses gas laws (e.g. Charles', Boyles', Avogadro's, Dalton's) to solve problems involving relationships between pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of an ideal gas or a mixture of ideal gases using PV = nrt. SE/TE: , , , 438, , 443 Benchmark SC.CH Explain the diffusion of gases using the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter SE/TE: , 437, 438, The student: Describes the diffusion of gases within a closed system (e.g. effect of mass, effect of concentration) using the Kinetic Molecular Theory of matter. SE/TE: , 437, 438,

6 Topic Temperature Benchmark SC.CH Convert between Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales SE/TE: The student: Calculates the degrees Celsius given a temperature in Kelvin. SE/TE: Standard 4: Atomic Structure and Bonding - Understand properties of the periodic table, atoms, and bond formation Topic - Periodic Table Benchmark SC.CH Explain how columns in the periodic table represent elements with common properties and identify metals, semimetals, nonmetals, and halogens SE/TE: , , 180, , 185 The student: Describes how the elements within a column of the periodic table share metallic nature, valence electrons, and a common oxidation state. SE/TE: , 164, 167, 180 Benchmark SC.CH Identify the essential characteristics of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and transition metals, trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, and the relative sizes of ions and atoms SE/TE: 161, , , , 180, , 185 The student: Explains that characteristics of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and transition metals reflect the overall trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, atomic radius, and ionic radius within the periodic table. SE/TE: 161, , , , 180, , 185 Benchmark SC.CH Use the periodic table to determine the number of valence electrons of an element SE/TE: , 193, 208, 211 6

7 The student: Uses the periodic table to determine the number of valence electrons in sodium, oxygen, copper, iron, and gold). SE/TE: , 193 Topic - Nature of Matter Benchmark SC.CH Explain that the nucleus of the atom is much smaller than the atom, but contains most of its mass (e.g. protons and neutrons have almost two thousand times more mass than an electron) SE/TE: The student: Describes the components of an atom in terms of size, mass, and relative distance. SE/TE: , 121, 122 Benchmark SC.CH Explain that spectral lines are the result of transitions of electrons between energy levels and that these lines correspond to photons with a frequency related to the energy spacing between levels by using Planck s relationship (E=hv) SE/TE: , 146, 148, 149, 151 The student: Describes that spectral lines are the result of transitions of electrons between energy levels, that these lines correspond to photons, and calculates either the frequency or the energy of the photons using Planck s relationship (E=hv). SE/TE: , 146, 148, 149, 151 Benchmark SC.CH Explain that atoms combine to form molecules by sharing the outermost electrons to form covalent, or metallic bonds or by transferring electrons to form ionic bonds SE/TE: , 199, 201, 203, 206, , 217, 221, 223, 246, 247 The student: Describes covalent, ionic, or metallic bonds in terms of valence electrons and gives an example of each type of bond. SE/TE: , 199, 201, 203, 206, 207, 211, , 217, 221, 223, 246, 247 Benchmark SC.CH Describe why the chemical bonds between atoms in molecules, such as H2, CH4, NH3, C2H4, N2, Cl2, and many large biological molecules are covalent SE/TE: , 216,

8 The student: Diagrams the chemical bonds between atoms in molecules, such as H2, CH4, NH3, C2H4, N2, Cl2. SE/TE: , 229, , 251 Benchmark SC.CH Explain the movement and properties of atoms and molecules in liquids SE/TE: , 406, , 411 The student: Describe that liquids flow based on the properties of the atoms or molecules within them. SE/TE: 390 Benchmark SC.CH Describe how electronegativity and ionization energy relate to bond formation SE/TE: , 244, , 251 The student: Explains how to tell the difference between a polar-covalent vs. non-polar bond based on the properties of electronegativity and ionization energy. SE/TE: 238, 247 Benchmark SC.CH Identify and explain physical properties of substances (e.g. melting points, boiling points, and volatility) based on the strength of molecular attractions SE/TE: , , 246, 247, 249 The student: Explains that the strength of intermolecular attractions (e.g. dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding) for a given substance determine its melting point, boiling point, and volatility). SE/TE: , , 246, 247, 249 Standard 5: Chemical Reactions - Understand the nature of chemical interactions and solutions Topic - Molar Definition Benchmark SC.CH Explain how the quantity of one mole is set (e.g. defining one mole of carbon 12 atoms to have a mass of exactly 12 grams) and describe its properties (e.g. one mole is 6.02 x 1023 particles (atoms or molecules)) SE/TE: 290, , 314, 315 8

9 The student: Explains why one mole is 6.02 x 1023 particles of a substance. SE/TE: 290, 296, 314 Topic - Molar Conversion Benchmark SC.CH Calculate the number of moles needed to produce a given gas, volume, mass, and/or number of moles of a product given a chemical equation SE/TE: , 379, 383 The student: Computes how many moles are needed to produce a certain amount of product in terms of volume, mass, and moles, from a given chemical equation. SE/TE: , 379, 383 Benchmark SC.CH Determine the molar mass of a molecule from its chemical formula and a table of atomic masses and convert the mass of a molecular substance to moles, number of particles, or volume of gas at a standard temperature and pressure SE/TE: 296, 299, 303, 314, The student: Calculates the molar mass of a molecule given its chemical formula and a periodic table and use the molar mass to convert a given amount of the substance to moles, number of particles, or volume of gas at a standard temperature and pressure. SE/TE: 296, 299, 303, 314, Topic - Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry Benchmark SC.CH Write balanced equations to describe chemical reactions SE/TE: , , , 337, 339, , 351, 358 The student: Writes and balances chemical equations to represent synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, and double replacement reactions. SE/TE: , , , 337, 339, , 351, 358 Benchmark SC.CH Determine the masses of reactants and products in a chemical reaction from the mass of one of the reactants or products and the relevant atomic masses SE/TE: , 366, , 383 9

10 The student: Calculates the mass of reactant required or the mass of product produced from the mass of one of the reactants or products in a given chemical equation. SE/TE: , 366, , 383 Benchmark SC.CH Balance reactions that involve oxidation and reduction SE/TE: , 656, The student: Balances the overall oxidation and reduction reaction in photosynthesis. SE/TE: Benchmark SC.CH Use laboratory investigations to demonstrate the principle of conservation of mass SE/TE: 55, 357 The student: Uses a laboratory investigation to verify that mass is conserved in a chemical reaction. SE/TE: 55, 357 Topic Solutions Benchmark SC.CH Distinguish between pure substances and mixtures based on physical properties (e.g. boiling point, melting point, and density) SE/TE: 50-52, The student: Classifies a group of unknown substances as pure or mixtures based on boiling points, melting points, and density. SE/TE: 50-51, Benchmark SC.CH Calculate the concentration of a solute in terms of molarity, parts per million, grams per liter, and percent composition SE/TE: , 486, 497, 499,

11 The student: Computes the concentration of a solute in terms of molarity from parts per million. SE/TE: Standard 6: Chemical Thermodynamics - Understand and apply the laws of thermodynamics Topic - Energy and its Transformation Benchmark SC.CH Explain that chemical processes either absorb (endothermic) or release (exothermic) thermal energy SE/TE: , 510, 534, 535, 537 The student: Describes that the transfer of thermal energy is involved in all chemical reactions. SE/TE: Benchmark SC.CH Use known values of specific heat and latent heat of phase change to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature SE/TE: , , , 539 The student: Uses known values of specific heat to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature change of various substances (e.g. water, aluminum, steel) and uses known values of latent heat of phase change to solve problems involving heat flow and phase change between states of matter. SE/TE: , , , 539 Standard 7: Chemical Reaction Rates - Understand the nature of how reaction rates are affected Topic - Chemical Changes Benchmark SC.CH Describe how reaction rates are quantitatively affected by changes of concentration and qualitatively affected by changes of temperature and surface area. SE/TE: , 580, 581 The student: Explains how reaction rates are quantitatively affected by changes of concentration (e.g. rate laws, reaction order) and qualitatively affected by changes of temperature and surface area. SE/TE: , 580,

12 Benchmark SC.CH Describe how a catalyst increases reaction rates SE/TE: , 580, 581 The student: Explains how an enzyme increases the rate of a reaction within the human body. SE/TE: 547 Benchmark SC.CH Explain the concept of dynamic equilibrium SE/TE: 392, 407, , 559, 580, 581 The student: Describes that equilibrium is an ongoing process as opposed to a one time occurrence. SE/TE: 392, 407, , 559, 580, 581 Standard 8: Nuclear Reactions and Energy - Understand the properties of nuclear energy Topic - Energy Release Benchmark SC.CH Describe how the energy release per gram of material is much larger in nuclear fission or fusion reactions than in chemical reactions and how the change in mass (calculated by E=mc2) is small but significant in nuclear reactions SE/TE: 810, 813 The student: Explains how nuclear reactions convert a very small amount of mass into a large amount of energy using E=mc2. SE/TE: 810, 813 Benchmark SC.CH Determine the amount of radioactive substance remaining after an integral number of half-lives have passed SE/TE: 806, 808, The student: Calculates the amount of radioactive substance remaining after an integral number of halflives have passed. SE/TE: 806, 808,

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