Nefertiti. Echoes of. Regal components evoke visions of the past MULTIPLE STITCHES. designed by Helena Tang-Lim

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1 MULTIPLE STITCHES Nrtiti Ehos o Rgl omponnts vok visions o th pst sign y Hln Tng-Lim Us vrity o stiths to rt this rgl yt wrl sign. Prt sping llows squr s to mk roun omponnts tht rp utiully. FCT-SC Klmh Pulishing Co. This mtril my not rprou in ny orm without prmission rom th pulishr.

2 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 3 g FIGURE 4 FIGURE 2 Crt musum-worthy nkl y wving gntl urvs into n-shp omponnts n oorinting toggl ring. A right-ngl wv toggl r s n intrsting lmnt, n twist hrringon rop omplts this lovly sign. 14 mm isk stpystp Smll pnnts [1] On 1 y. (.9 m) o Firlin, tth stop (How-Tos), lving 6-in. (15 m) til. Pik up 14 mm isk. [2] Pik up n 110 s n thr olor A 150 s s. Rpt this pttrn our mor tims, n thn pik up n 110. Sw through th isk n th irst 110 pik up in this stp (igur 1, ) to rt hl-ring roun on g o th isk. [3] Pik up 5 mm Til, n A, n 110, n n A, n sw through th rmining hol o th Til. Sw through th nxt 110 in th hl-ring o s pik up in stp 2 ( ). Rpt this stp our tims ( ). [4] Sw through th isk n th nxt our s, xiting th ntr 110 t th n o th Til ( ). [5] Pik up two As, 3 mm rop, n two As. Sw through th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stp to orm loop roun it, n thn sw through th nxt A t th n o th Til (igur 2, ). [6] Pik up two As, n 110, n two As, n sw through th nxt A n 110 t th n o th nxt Til ( ). [7] Rpt stps 5 n 6 on ( ). [8] Pik up thr As, 3 mm ion rystl, n thr As. Sw through th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stp, n thn sw through th irst thr As n th 3 mm rystl pik up in this stp ( ). Pik up two As, thr rop s, n two As. Sw through th 3 mm rystl, th nxt thr As, th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stp, n th nxt A t th n o th Til ( ). [9] Rpt stps 6 n 5 twi, n thn sw through th work to xit th ntr 110 pik up in th prvious stith ( g). [10] Pik up two As, rop, n two As, n sw through th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Sw through th nxt thr As, n 110, thr As, n n 110 (igur 3, ). Rpt this stp thr tims, ut in th lst rpt, sw through th work to xit th isk ( ). En th working thr n til (Bsis). [11] Mk totl o thr smll pnnts, ut or th thir smll pnnt, 5 mm Til 3 mm ion rystl 3 mm ring/rop 110 s 150 s, olor A 150 s, olor B strt with y. (1.4 m) o Firlin inst o 1 y. (.9 m), n on t n th working thr. [12] Pik up 23 As, n sw through th isk to orm hl-ring roun th rmining g o th isk. Sw through th irst A pik up in this stp (igur 4, ). [13] Pik up n A, n sw through th A your thr xit t th strt o this stith n th nxt A in th hl-ring ( ). Rpt this stith ight tims, sw through th nxt iv As in th hl-ring ( ), n thn stith nin As to th lst nin As in th hl-ring. Sw through th isk, th irst nin As in this stp, th nxt iv As, n th lst nin As in this stp ( ). Sw through th isk ( ), n n th working thr.

3 FIGURE 5 j k i h g FIGURE 7 FIGURE 6 Lrg pnnts [1] On 2 y. (1.8 m) o Firlin, work s in stps 1 n 2 o Smll pnnts (igur 5, ). [2] Work s in stp 3 o Smll pnnts, ut pik up thr As t th n o h Til inst o n A, n 110, n n A ( ). [3] Sw through th isk n th nxt iv s, xiting th thr As t th n o th Til ( ). [4] Pik up Til, n A, n 110, n n A. Sw through th rmining hol o th Til just pik up n th thr As t th n o th Til in th prvious row (igur 6, ). [5] Pik up iv As, n sw through th thr As t th n o th nxt Til in th prvious row ( ). [6] Rpt stps 4 n 5 thr tims, work stp 4 on mor ( ), n thn sw through th work to xit th lst our As pik up in th prvious stith ( ). [7] Pik up Til, n A, n 110, n n A, n sw through th rmining hol o th Til just pik up n th thr ntr As your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Sw through th nxt ight As (igur 7, ). FIGURE 8 [8] Rpt stp 7 thr tims, ut in th lst rpt, sw through only our As inst o ight. [9] Sw through th nxt thr s, xiting th ntr 110 t th n o th Til in th son row ( ). [10] Pik up two As, rop, n two As. Sw through th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stith n th nxt A ( ). [11] Pik up n A, n 110, n n A, n sw through th A n 110 t th n o th nxt Til in th son row ( ). [12] Rpt stps 10 n 11 twi, n thn rpt stp 10 ( ). [13] Pik up two As, n sw through th A n 110 t th n o th nxt Til in th son row ( g). Work s in stp 8 o Smll pnnt (g h). Pik up two As, n sw through th A n 110 t th n o th nxt Til in th son row (h i). [14] Rpt stps 10 n 11 thr tims, n thn rpt stp 10 (i j). Sw through th work to xit th lst 110 pik up in th prvious stith (j k). [15] Work s in stp 10 to loop o two As, rop, n two As to th rmining ntr 110s on oth sis o th ntr rop. En th working thr n til. [16] Rpt stps 1 15 to mk son lrg pnnt. [17] To gin th ntr lrg pnnt, rpt stps 1 3. [18] Rpt stps 4 n 5 twi (igur 8, ). Pik up Til, n sw through th thr ntr As rom th hl-ring t th top o th smll ntr pnnt ( ). Sw through th rmining hol o th Til just pik up n th thr As t th n o th Til twn th irst n son rows ( ). Rtr th thr pth, xiting th thr As twn th Til just pik up n th orrsponing Til in th irst row o Til s. [19] Rpt stp 5 n 4 twi. Sw through th work to xit th lst our As pik up in th prvious stith. [20] Rpt stps 7 15, ut in stp 13, sw through th thr As twn th Til s, omitting th rystl-nrop mllishmnt. Toggl ring [1] On 2 y. (1.8 m) o Firlin, pik up n 110 n thr As. Rpt this pttrn

4 nin mor tims. Sw through ll th s gin to orm ring, lving 6-in. (15 m) til. Exit n 110. [2] Pik up Til, n A, n 110, n n A, n sw through th rmining hol o th Til. Sw through th nxt 110 in th ring. Rpt this stp nin tims to omplt th roun. [3] Pik up thr As, n sw through th nxt 110 in th initil ring. Rpt to rt son lyr o As in th initil ring, n xit n 110. [4] Pik up Til n n A. Sw through th ntr 110 t th top o th orrsponing Til in th irst roun o Til s. Pik up n A, sw through th rmining hol o th Til just, n ontinu through th nxt 110 in th initil ring (photo ). Rpt this stp to omplt th roun, n thn stp up through th s to xit ntr 110 t th top o pir o Til s. Sw through th jnt A ov Til in th roun. [5] Pik up two As, n 110, n two As, n sw through th A, 110, n A t th n o th nxt Til in th initil ring (photo ). Rpt this stp nin tims, xiting n 110 t th top o on o th Til spoks. [6] Pik up two As, n sw through th ntr 110 in th stith or th nxt Til spok. Pik up two As, n sw through th A, 110, n A t th n o th nxt Til spok. Rpt this stp nin tims, xiting n 110 t th top o on o th Til spoks. [7] Pik up nin As, n sw through th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Rtr th thr pth to sur th loop o As. [8] Sw through th work to xit th nxt 110 long th outr g o th ring. Pik up two As, rop, n two As. Sw through th 110 your thr just xit. Rpt this stp 18 tims, n thn n th working thr n til. Toggl r [1] On 2 y. (1.8 m) o Firlin, pik up ight As, lving 12-in. (30 m) til. Sw through th irst six As gin to orm ring. [2] Working in moii right-ngl wv (How-Tos) with two s pr si, stith strip ight units long. You will pik up six As pr stith n sw through th irst our As pik up in h stith to gt in position to strt th nxt stith. [3] Work son row (How-Tos) o o th irst using six As or th irst stith n our As or th susqunt stiths. Rpt this stp to stith thir row. [4] I sir, wrp th rows o rightngl wv roun orm, or ol th work lngthwis to orm tu. Pik up two As pr stith (photo ) to work onnting row o o th pirs o g As in th irst n thir rows. [5] Sw through pir o As long th long g o th tu. Pik up olor B 150 s, n sw through th nxt pir o As long th sm g. Rpt this stith twi, n thn work on stith with n 110. Work thr mor stiths using Bs (photo ). [6] Sw through pir o n As to mllish th nxt g s in stp 5, ut only us Bs long th nxt g. Rpt to mllish ll th gs, n thn sw through th work to xit th 110 to th ntr o th irst g. [7] Pik up 10 As, n sw through th 110 your thr xit t th strt o this stp to orm loop. Rtr th thr pth, n thn sw through th work to xit pir o As long th n o th tu opposit th til. [8] Pik up B, n sw through th nxt pir o As long th n o th tu. Rpt to B to h ornr o th n roun. Exit ornr B. Pik up n A, 4 mm ion rystl, n n 110. Skip th 110, sw k through th 4 mm n A, n sw through th ornr B your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Sw through th nxt pir o As n ornr B. [9] Pik up n A, n sw through th 4 mm n 110 ov it. Sw k through th 4 mm n th A just pik up, n ontinu through th B your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Sw through th nxt pir o As n ornr B. Rpt this stp twi, n thn n th working thr. [10] Rpt stps 8 n 9 using th til. Twist rops On omortl lngth o Firlin, us ltrnting As n Bs to mk our- lr (Bsis), lving 20-in. (51 m) til. Using th lr s s, mk twist tuulr hrringon rop (Bsis) in. (10.8 m) long. En n thr (Bsis) s n, mking sur to n with t lst 8 in. (20 m) o working thr whn you omplt th rop. Rpt to mk son rop.

5 Assmly [1] Using th 20-in. (51 m) til rom on o th rops, pik up n 110, 4 mm, n n 110, n sw through th isk rom on o th smll pnnts. Pik up rpting pttrn o n 110 n 4 mm our tims, n thn pik up n 110. Sw through th isk rom lrg pnnt. Pik up rpting pttrn o n 110 n 4 mm iv tims, n thn pik up n 110. Sw through th isk rom th lrg ntr pnnt. String th son hl o th nkl s mirror img o th irst, ning with n 110, 4 mm, n n 110. [2] Sw through n n stith o th othr rop, swing through th n th 20-in. (51 m) til is xiting. Sw through th work to rtr th thr pth, n thn n th irst 20-in. (51 m) til. Using th 20-in. (51 m) til rom th othr rop, rtr th thr pth o th strung pnnts, sw through th work o th irst rop, n thn rtr th thr pth son tim. En th son 20-in. (51 m) til. [3] Using th rmining thr on on o th rops, pik up 4 mm, n 110, thr As, n 110, 4 mm, n 110, n 10 As. Sw through th loop o As rom th toggl r, n sw k through th lst 110, 4 mm, n 110 just pik up. Pik up thr As, n sw through th irst 110 pik up n th ollowing 4 mm. Sw through th s in th lst w rouns o th rop to xit in th stith opposit th on your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Rtr th thr pth o th toggl onntion, n n th thr. [4] With th rmining thr on th othr rop, pik up 4 mm, n 110, n 10 As. Sw through th loop o As rom th toggl ring, n sw k through th lst 110 n 4 mm pik up. Sw through th s in th lst w rouns o th rop to xit in th stith opposit th on your thr xit t th strt o this stp. Rtr th thr pth, n n th thr. mtrils nkl 18 in. (46 m) 6 14 mm isk s (Czh, mtt ronz pok) 77 5 mm Til s (Miyuki 2006, mtt mtlli rk ronz) 25 4 mm ion rystls (Swrovski, rystl Doro) 5 3 mm ion rystls (Swrovski, rystl Doro) 5 g 3 mm ring/rop s (Mgtm, mtlli ronz) 2 g 110 s s (gol) 150 s s 8 g olor A (Toho 557, mtlli gol) 4 g olor B (Miyuki 462, mtlli rinow ronz) Firlin 6 l. tst ing nls, #12 Hln Tng-Lim livs in sunny Singpor n got th ing ug tr mking hr irst pir o shos in Atr rtiring rom orport li, sh now signs n slls hr work jwlry, kits, n pttrns onlin t


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Preview. Graph. Graph. Graph. Graph Representation. Graph Representation 12/3/2018. Graph Graph Representation Graph Search Algorithms /3/0 Prvw Grph Grph Rprsntton Grph Srch Algorthms Brdth Frst Srch Corrctnss of BFS Dpth Frst Srch Mnmum Spnnng Tr Kruskl s lgorthm Grph Drctd grph (or dgrph) G = (V, E) V: St of vrt (nod) E: St of dgs

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b.) v d =? Example 2 l = 50 m, D = 1.0 mm, E = 6 V, " = 1.72 #10 $8 % & m, and r = 0.5 % a.) R =? c.) V ab =? a.) R eq =?

b.) v d =? Example 2 l = 50 m, D = 1.0 mm, E = 6 V,  = 1.72 #10 $8 % & m, and r = 0.5 % a.) R =? c.) V ab =? a.) R eq =? xmpl : An 8-gug oppr wr hs nomnl mtr o. mm. Ths wr rrs onstnt urrnt o.67 A to W lmp. Th nsty o r ltrons s 8.5 x 8 ltrons pr u mtr. Fn th mgntu o. th urrnt nsty. th rt vloty xmpl D. mm,.67 A, n N 8.5" 8

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