Quarter 1 Practice Questions

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1 Name: ate: 1. biologist in a laboratory reports a new discovery based on experimental results. If the experimental results are valid, biologists in other laboratories should be able to. repeat the same experiment with a different variable and obtain the same results. perform the same experiment and obtain different results. repeat the same experiment and obtain the same results. perform the same experiment under different experimental conditions and obtain the same results 2. The current knowledge concerning cells is the result of the investigations and observations of many scientists. The work of these scientists forms a well-accepted body of knowledge about cells. This body of knowledge is an example of a. hypothesis. controlled experiment. theory. research plan 3. In his theory, Lamarck suggested that organisms will develop and pass on to offspring variations that they need in order to survive in a particular environment. In a later theory, arwin proposed that changing environmental conditions favor certain variations that promote the survival of organisms. Which statement is best illustrated by this information? 4. To test the effect of hormones on plant growth, six potted plant seedlings of the same species were measured and then sprayed with auxin (a growth hormone). fter four weeks of growth under ideal conditions, the plants were measured again. To set up a proper control for this experiment, the investigator should. spray the same plants with different amounts of auxin. spray auxin on six plant seedlings of the same species and grow them in the dark for four weeks. wash the auxin off three of the plants after two weeks. grow another six plant seedlings of the same species under the same conditions, spraying them with distilled water only 5. Researchers performing a well-designed experiment should base their conclusions on. the hypothesis of the experiment. data from repeated trials of the experiment. a small sample size to insure a reliable outcome of the experiment. results predicted before performing the experiment. Scientific theories that have been changed are the only ones supported by scientists.. ll scientific theories are subject to change and improvement.. Most scientific theories are the outcome of a single hypothesis.. Scientific theories are not subject to change. page1

2 6. ase your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the provided information and data table and on your knowledge of biology. The rate of respiration of a freshwater sunfish was determined at different temperatures. The rate of respiration was determined by counting the number of times the gill covers of the fish opened and closed during 1-minute intervals at the various temperatures. The following data were collected. Temperature ( ) ata Table Gill over Opening and losing Per Minute Using the information in the data table, construct a line graph on the grid provided on the next page, following the directions below. ccording to the data, as the temperature increases, the rate of respiration of the sunfish 7. The structural formulas shown represent certain organic compounds found in living cells. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) strand of RN is a polymer made up of many repeating units of the compound represented by Which formula represents a monosaccharide? Organic compounds in which molecules are made up of building blocks containing amino groups are classified as. increases steadily. decreases steadily. increases, then decreases. decreases, then increases. proteins. carbohydrates. lipids. fatty acids 10. Select the compound, chosen from the list below, which is most closely associated with this statement: Some of these molecules are made from three fatty acids bonded to a molecule of glycerol.. arbohydrates. Lipids. Proteins. Vitamins E. Water page2

3 11. Graph I shows the relationship between the relative rates of activity of enzymes and and temperature. Graph II shows the relationship between the relative rates of activity of enzymes and and ph. 13. Which letter indicates a substrate molecule in this reaction? Which organelle is primarily concerned with the conversion of potential energy of organic compounds into suitable form for immediate use by the cell?. mitochondria. centrosomes. ribosomes. vacuoules 15. student filled a bag of dialysis tubing with a milky-white starch solution and placed the bag in a beaker of iodine-water as shown in the diagram. n hour later, the student observed that the starch solution had turned blue-black (positive test for starch). What is the most probable explanation for the change? Under which conditions is enzyme most effective?. at 40 and a ph of 5. at 45 and a ph of 5. at 45 and a ph of 9. at 50 and a ph of 9. The iodine diffused into the bag.. The starch was changed to sugar.. The iodine was changed to starch.. The starch diffused out of the bag. 12. student placed a test tube containing a mixture of compounds into a beaker of water maintained at 30. chemical reaction took place and was completed in 30 minutes. second test tube containing an equal amount of the same mixture plus substance Y was placed in the same beaker of water. The chemical reaction in the second test tube was completed in less than one minute. Substance Y was most likely 16. Which process requires the expenditure of cellular energy?. passive transport. active transport. osmosis. diffusion. an auxin. an enzyme. a sugar. a nucleotide page3

4 17. Select the cell compound, chosen from the list below, which is best described by the following phrase. double-stranded molecule that contains instructions for the manufacture of cell protein.. N. Messenger RN. Transfer RN. TP 18. Select the cell compound, chosen from the list below, which is best described by the following phrase. Provides energy for biochemical reactions 22. Studies of vacuoles reveal that they are. sites for the attachment of spindle fibers. sites of cellular respiration. reservoirs for water and dissolved minerals. information centers for all cellular activities 23. n organelle found in most plant cells, but absent from animal cells, is the. contractile vacuole. centriole. chloroplast. Golgi complex. N. Messenger RN. Transfer RN. TP 24. Which cell part selectively regulates the entry and exit of substances, as shown in the diagram? 19. Which organelle is present in the cells of a mouse but not present in the cells of a bean plant?. cell wall. chloroplast. cell membrane. centriole 20. Which cell organelle is involved most directly in the digestion of large particles brought into the cell by phagocytosis?. ribosome. mitochondrion. lysosome. nucleolus 21. Most cell membranes are composed principally of. N and TP. proteins and lipids. chitin and starch. plasma membrane. ribosome. nucleolus. nuclear membrane 25. student prepared three different red blood cell suspensions as follows: Suspension ontents red blood cells + normal blood serum red blood cells + 10% salt solution red blood cells + distilled water Which suspension, when viewed under the microscope, would contain red blood cells that appear wrinkled and reduced in volume?.... nucleotides and amino acids page4

5 26. The presence of large numbers of mitochondria in the tubule cells of nephrons suggests that the transport of materials into and out of tubule cells requires. acids. pigments. energy. enzymes 27. ell II most likely represents a plant cell due to the presence of 30. The early study of cells by Schleiden and Schwann contributed to the formation of the cell theory. What is the most probable reason that these early biologists never viewed the cell organelles known as ribosomes?. Ribosomes cannot be observed unless the cell is stained with iodine.. Ribosomes are too small to be seen with early microscopes.. Primitive cells did not need to synthesize proteins.. The presence of ribosomes can only be detected using a centrifuge. 31. The internal structure of a mitochondrion and a choloroplast can best be observed by using... E. F 28. Which structures are found in every living cell?. a plasma membrane and cytoplasm. chloroplasts and mitochondria. a cell wall and nucleus. centrioles and chromosomes 29. Which organelles are usually found in both plant and animal cells?. cell walls. centrioles. mitochondria. chloroplasts. an ultracentrifuge. a compound light microscope. microdissection instruments. an electron microscope 32. To view cells under the high power of a compound microscope, a student places a slide of the cells on the stage and moves the stage clips over to secure the slide. She then moves the high-power objective into place and focuses on the slide with the coarse adjustment. Two steps in this procedure are incorrect. For this procedure to be correct, she should have focused under. low power using coarse and fine adjustments and then under high power using only the fine adjustment. high power first, then low power using only the fine adjustment. low power using the coarse and fine adjustments and then under high power using coarse and fine adjustments. low power using the fine adjustment and then under high power using only the fine adjustment page5

6 33. Which is the correct sequence of historical developments leading to our present knowledge of cells?. electron microscope cell theory compound light microscope. compound light microscope cell theory electron microscope. cell theory electron microscope compound light microscope. electron microscope compound light microscope cell theory 34. Two test tubes were filled with a solution of bromthymol blue. student exhaled through a straw into each tube, and the bromthymol blue turned yellow. n aquatic green plant was placed into each tube, and the tubes were corked. One tube was placed in the dark, and one was placed in direct sunlight. The yellow solution in sunlight turned blue, while the one in the dark remained yellow. Which statement best explains why the solution in the tube placed in sunlight returned to a blue color? 36. Leaves of green plants contain openings known as stomates, which are opened and closed by specialized cells allowing for gas exchange between the leaf and the outside environment. Which phrase best represents the net flow of gases involved in photosynthesis into and out of the leaf through these openings on a sunny day?. carbon dioxide moves in; oxygen moves out. carbon dioxide and oxygen move in; ozone moves out. oxygen moves in; nitrogen moves out. water and ozone move in; carbon dioxide moves out 37. The green aquatic plant represented in the diagram below was exposed to light for several hours.. Oxygen was produced by photosynthesis.. Oxygen was removed by respiration.. arbon dioxide was removed by photosynthesis.. arbon dioxide was produced by respiration. Which gas would most likely be found in the greatest amount in the bubbles?. oxygen. nitrogen. ozone. carbon dioxide 35. The equation below represents a summary of a biological process. carbon dioxide + water glucose + water + oxygen This process is completed in. mitochondria. ribosomes. cell membranes. chloroplasts page6

7 38. Which set of terms best identifies the letters in the diagram below? 41. ase your answer(s) to the following question(s) on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram illustrates a process by which energy is released in organisms. (1) photosynthesis inorganic molecules decomposition (2) respiration organic molecules digestion (3) photosynthesis organic molecules respiration (4) respiration inorganic molecules photosynthesis. Row (1). Row (2). Row (3). Row (4) 39. Which phrase best describes cellular respiration, a process that occurs continuously in the cells of organisms? ells usually transfer the energy that is released directly to. glucose. TP. oxygen. enzymes. removal of oxygen from the cells of an organism. conversion of light energy into the chemical bond energy of organic molecules. transport of materials within cells and throughout the bodies of multicellular organisms. changing of stored chemical energy in food molecules to a form usable by organisms 40. The graphs below show the changes in the relative concentrations of two gases in the air surrounding a group of mice. 42. biological process that occurs in both plants and animals is shown below. Which row in the chart below identifies the lettered substances in this process? Row (1) O 2 O 2 glucose enzymes (2) glucose O 2 enzymes O 2 (3) enzymes O 2 O 2 glucose (4) glucose O 2 enzymes O 2. (1). (2). (3). (4) Which process in the mice most likely accounts for the changes shown?. active transport. evaporation. respiration. photosynthesis page7

8 43. The diagram shown represents some epidermal cells from the lower surface of a leaf. The arrow shows the direction of the movement of water vapor molecules. Which process is indicated by the arrow? 47. In dissecting a flower in the laboratory, a student cut open a structure containing ovules. This structure was most likely part of the. pistil. stigma. stamen. anther 48. The apical meristems of plants are located. between the xylem and phloem tissue of woody stems. osmosis. active transport. transpiration. anaerobic respiration 44. Sugars are transported from the leaves of a plant to the roots through the. phloem tissue. xylem tissue. pollen tubes. stomates 45. The growing point at the tip of a root consists of an actively dividing tissue known as the. epidermis. xylem. meristem. phloem 46. Two flowering holly plants grew in the same yard. Each year fruit developed on one plant, but never on the other. correct explanation for this observation would be that the plant that never produced fruit. at the tips of roots and stems. uniformly throughout the plant. within root hairs of plants 49. lcohol fermentation and aerobic respiration are similar in that both processes. utilize light. produce ethyl alcohol. require free oxygen. release carbon dioxide 50. In the summary equation below, which process produced the lactic acid? glucose. dehydration synthesis. enzymatic hydrolysis. fermentation. aerobic respiration enzymes 2 lactic acid + 2 TP. had flowers with stamens, only. had flowers with pistils, only. produced cones. produced spores page8

9 51. Which summary equation represents a process that releases the greatest amount of energy from a molecule of glucose?. glucose 2 lactic acid. glucose 2 ethyl alcohol + 2 carbon dioxide. glucose + 6 oxygen 6 water + 6 carbon dioxide. glucose + fructose sucrose + water 56. The diagram shown represents a microscopic structure observed during the process of cell division. Letter indicates a. centrosome. spindle fiber. chromatid. cell plate 52. Which condition would most directly result in the production of lactic acid by some cells of the human body?. an excess of nitrogen in the atmosphere. an insufficient amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere. an excess of oxygen reaching the cells. an insufficient amount of oxygen reaching the cells 53. Uncontrolled cell division is characteristic of. cancer. meiosis. budding. sporulation 57. One difference between miotic cell division in animals and in plants is that in plants. chromosomes are duplicated, whereas in animals chromosomes are not duplicated. chromosomes are separated, whereas in animals chromosomes are not separated. spindle fibers are formed, whereas in animals spindle fibers are not formed. cell plates are formed, whereas in animals cell plates are not formed 58. Which diagram most correctly represents the process of mitosis? Normally, a complete set of chromosomes (2n) is passed on to each daughter cell as a result of. reduction division... mitotic cell division. meiotic cell division. nondisjunction 59. ll types of asexual reproduction involve the process known as 55. The diploid chromosome number in a certain species of fish is 20. How many chromosomes would normally be found in bone cell of this fish?. mitosis. fertilization. artificial pollination. reduction division page9

10 60. Normal mitotic cell division results in each daughter cell having 63. Which statement best explains the significance of meiosis in the evolution of a species?. half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. the same number and kinds of chromosomes as the parent cell. the same number but different kinds of chromosomes as the parent cell. twice the number of chromosomes as the parent cell 61. Meiotic cell division in animals is directly responsible for the. formation of gametes. fertilization of an egg. growth of a cell. production of muscle cells 62. Which process is represented by the diagram shown?. Meiosis produces eggs and sperm that are alike. Meiosis provides form chromosomal variation in the gametes produced by an organism.. Equal numbers of eggs and sperm are produced by meiosis.. The gametes produced by meiosis ensure the continuation of any particular species by asexual reproduction. 64. Most cells in the body of a fruit fly contain eight chromosomes. In some cells, only four chromosomes are present, a condition which is a direct result of. mitotic cell division. meiotic cell division. embryonic differentiation. internal fertilization 65. uring meiosis, crossing-over (gene exchange between chromosomes) may occur. rossing-over usually results in. overproduction of gametes. fertilization and development. the formation of identical offspring. variation within the species. germination. fertilization. mitotic cell division. meiotic cell division page10

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Cells. A. The iodine diffused into the bag. B. The starch was changed to sugar.

Cells. A. The iodine diffused into the bag. B. The starch was changed to sugar. Name: Date: 1. A student filled a bag of dialysis tubing with a milky-white starch solution and placed the bag in a beaker of iodine-water as shown in the diagram. An hour later, the student observed that

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