Biology Partnership (A Teacher Quality Grant) Lesson Plan Construction Form

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1 Biology Partnership (A Teacher Quality Grant) Lesson Plan Construction Form TITLE: COMPARING MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS LENGTH: 110 MINUTES OR 2 CLASS PERIODS COURSE: GENERAL BIOLOGY COURSE LEVEL: REGULAR BIOLOGY OR HONORS BIOLOGY GROUP MEMBERS: MELVIN FLORES, LARIE LAUDATO, GLEN SOLTES MENTOR: LISA DAVIS Motivation (Diagnostic required): - Use the attached Pre/Posttest to diagnosed students prior knowledge of mitosis and meiosis. After the Pre/Posttest, activate student s prior knowledge by asking them what they have learned about mitosis and meiosis. Ask a volunteer to state the differences between mitosis and meiosis. If students struggle to answer the question, present them an animation showing the differences between mitosis and meiosis by clicking on the link below. While students are watching the animation, they should be taking down notes. After the animation, ask again a volunteer to describe the differences between mitosis and meiosis. Then introduce the lesson topic on Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis. mitosis.html Needed Materials, Set-Up (description, diagram), Student Groupings, Transitions, Community Resource Students will be working in pairs in a computer lab station and will need the following: a. A copy of the activity sheets on Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis (See attached) b. Black and Red Pens c. Internet-connected computers d. Poster/Chart Paper Students will be writing down their answers in the Poster/chart paper for the whole class discussion (brainstorming and student conversations). Keys for teacher: (see attached) Page 1

2 Below is the suggested classroom set-up for the labs. Students will be working in pairs while completing the activities on comparing mitosis and meiosis (see attached activity sheets). When students are finished they go back to the classroom for discussions, reflections and checking of understandings. Outcomes Dimensions of K-12 Science Education Standards (minimum is 1), 1 from each dimension Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (minimum is 1), 2 Content Literacy Standards (minimum is 1, with CCSS), 1 Common Core State Standards (minimum is 1, with CLS), 1 Specific Learning Outcomes (minimum is 1 aligned with standards & higher order) Codes and descriptions for Standards, how achievement measured, how outcomes shared with students. Dimensions of K-12 Science Education Standards Scientific & Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Analyzing and interpreting data Constructing explanations and designing solutions Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information Crosscutting Concepts Patterns Cause & effect: Mechanism and explanation Scale, proportion, and quantity System and system models Structure & Function Stability and change Page 2

3 Disciplinary Core Ideas LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits across generations, focuses on the flow of genetic information between generations. This idea explains the mechanisms of genetic inheritance and describes the environmental and genetic causes of gene mutation and the alteration of gene expression. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Standard 16: Heredity & Reproduction SC.912.L Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. SC.912.L Describe the process of meiosis, including independent assortment and crossing over. Explain how reduction division results in the formation of haploid gametes or spores. SC.912.L Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate to the processes of sexual and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation. (Also assesses SC.912.L.16.8) Common Core Literacy Standards Reading Standards: Science & Technical Subjects - Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Speaking & Listening Standards: Comprehension & Collaboration Key Ideas and Details CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions. Craft and Structure CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9 10 texts and topics. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts. Learning Outcomes 1. Students will explain the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis, using information gathered from different sources, with 100% accuracy. 2. Students will explain the significance of meiosis and mitosis in living organisms by giving examples, with 100% accuracy. 3. Students will construct a diagram showing the differences in the different stages of mitosis and meiosis with 100% accuracy. 4. Students will predict what will happen to the cell if it cannot undergo mitosis and meiosis with 100% accuracy. 5. Using what they ve learned about the differences of mitosis and meiosis, students will draw and illustrate the prophase and metaphase of mitosis and meiosis with 100% accuracy. Page 3

4 Presentation and Participation: Minimum is 3 strategies from 2 categories, 4 with one from each Content 100% accurate Activity change every 30 minutes, 20 minutes Student participation greater than 30%, 50% Logical sequence, sufficient details for duplication Instructional Strategies: Behavior - Demonstrations, Discussion, Cooperative learning Cognitive - Brainstorming, Simulations, Kagan Strategies, Conversations, Using Analogies Application/Process Project Oriented Guided Inquiry Lab Other - Homework, Providing feedback, Questioning, Cooperative Learning, Self-Assessment Preparation: Prepare copies of the activity sheets that will be provided to the students. Make sure the computer lab station is ready before the students will begin working. Lesson Proper: 1. A pair of student will complete Table 1: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis using internet-connected computers (see attached activity). 2. After completing Table 1, the same pair of student will complete Table 2: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis (see attached activity) using the information they have listed from Table 1. Also, provide the Reading Activity to the students to complete Table 2. At this time, students should be writing down their answers in a poster board or chart paper. 3. When students finished Table 2: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis, asked students to post their work in the classroom wall. Ask students to compare their work from others and make notes of similarities and differences of their answers. 4. Facilitate class discussions. Make sure all students should agree to the final and correct answers. 5. Ask students to rewrite their answers and make necessary changes if necessary. Summary: Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in the production of daughter cells, which are identical to the original parent cell. It is referred to as division for growth and repair. Mitosis occurs in all body cells. The number and type of chromosomes produced are exactly the same as the original parent cell. The parent cell duplicates its DNA by duplicating the chromosomes, the chromosomes then separate to either end of the cell and the cell eventually divides into two daughter cells. Meiosis is a type of cell division that forms cells with half the number of chromosomes normally found in cells of the species. If they did not, on fertilization, the chromosome number would be doubled in the new generation. Meiosis is referred to as division for reproduction. Chromosomes can be matched into pairs, which are similar homologous chromosomes. Each pair is made up of one chromosome contributed by each parent and carries information about the same inherited characteristics. During the process of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes are divided between the separate gametes. In this way, meiosis produces haploid cells, which show variation. This variation has been produced by the random segregation or assortment of chromosomes pairs, or by crossing over where the chromosomes get tangled up when they separate. Page 4

5 Questions: Minimum is 3 higher order analysis, synthesis, evaluation, 5 higher order Aligned with standards/slos 1 must require students to explain AND justify response, 3 must do so 1. How are mitosis and meiosis similar and different? 2. Explain the importance of crossing-over and independent assortment in meiosis and justify how it affects variations in organisms. 3. How is healing of a wound related to mitosis? Explain and justify your answer. 4. In order to survive, an organism must have the correct number of chromosomes. And in order to maintain a consistent number of chromosomes within a species, what must an organism's germ cells do? Explain your answer. 5. Some organisms are capable of reproducing asexually through processes such as budding or parthenogenesis. Is this an example of mitosis? Why or why not? 6. Construct a diagram showing the differences in the different stages of mitosis and meiosis. 7. Predict what will happen to the cell if it cannot undergo mitosis and meiosis. Reflection: Formative assessment required Rubrics and multiple-choice must meet quality standards Explain how students get feedback One constructed response Targets most important concepts To ensure understanding of the covered benchmark, a post-test will be given to the students (see attached document). The post test is the same questions as the pre-test and each item worth 1 point. Results will be recorded and feedback will be given to the students the following day. Discussions will be made to clarify confusions and check on students understanding of the lesson. PART 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE Instructions: Select the correct answer from the options that was provided. Each question worth 1 point. 1) Some organisms are capable of reproducing asexually through processes such as budding or parthenogenesis. What is an advantage of asexual production for an organism? A. It allows organisms to increase population rapidly. B. It allows haploid cells to unite to produce a zygote. C. It allows for greater genetic diversity within a species. D. It allows crossing over to take place during replication. 2) Mitosis and meiosis are processes that occur in an organism during reproduction. Which of the following is a result of mitosis? A. two identical daughter cells B. four haploid cells that have genetic variation Page 5

6 C. uncontrolled cell division in the form of cancer cells D. a single diploid cell that is genetically identical to the parent cell 3) Mitosis and meiosis are both processes involved in reproduction. Which statement correctly compares mitosis and meiosis? A. Mitosis and meiosis both produce genetic variation within their daughter cells. B. Mitosis results in the production of two genetically identical diploid cells and meiosis produces four haploid cells. C. Mitosis and meiosis are both divided into only four distinct phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and interphase. D. Mitosis results in the production of two genetically identical diploid cells and meiosis produces four genetically identical haploid cells. 4) A scientist is developing a potential treatment for cancer. She grows cells in hundreds of petri dishes and exposes the dishes to environments that are known to cause cancer. After exposure, the scientist determines that some of the petri dishes have cancer cells. What factor do all the petri dishes that contain cancer cells have in common? A. All the petri dishes with cancer cells have a disrupted cell cycle. B. All the petri dishes with cancer cells have been exposed to tobacco smoke. C. All the petri dishes with cancer cells could be treated successfully if they receive the same treatment. D. All the petri dishes with cancer cells have genetically identical cells that make them susceptible to cancer. 5) In order to survive, an organism must have the correct number of chromosomes. To maintain a consistent number of chromosomes within a species, which of the following must an organism's germ cells do? A. undergo mitosis B. undergo meiosis C. become diploid cells D. produce genetically identical offspring 6. Meiosis and mitosis are processes that occur in an organism during reproduction. The process of meiosis results in which of the following? A. two diploid cells B. four haploid cells C. four genetically different diploid cells D. two genetically identical haploid daughter cells 7. Meiosis and mitosis are both processes involved in reproduction. Which statement does NOT describe the process of meiosis? A. Meiosis allows gametes to have a haploid number of chromosomes. B. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes per cell is reduced by half. C. During meiosis II, chromosomes replicate and crossing over allows genetic variation within the species. D. Prior to meiosis I, each chromosome is replicated, and by the end of meiosis II, the number of chromosomes is reduced. 8. If an experimental drug aims to prevent and inhibit the multiplication of cancer cells, which of the following would be the best approach for scientists to take in developing the anticancer drug? A. The drug should focus on stimulating weakened cells to grow and divide. B. The drug should prevent meiosis, but also increase mitosis in the cancer cells. C. The drug should stimulate the cells to continue to divide, but at an increased rate. D. The drug should interrupt the cell cycle and prevent cell division in the cancer cells. Page 6

7 9. During meiosis I, cells begin to divide in a way that is very similar to the process of mitosis. However, what major event takes place in meiosis I that does not occur in mitosis? A. crossing over B. chromosome replication C. interphase D. mutation 10. Which of the following is unique to meiosis? a. Nuclear membrane breaks down b. DNA organizes into chromosomes c. Crossing-over d. Chromosomes align at the central plate of the cell e. None of the above Safety: All concerns addressed, How students reminded included Pre-teaching described Connections to safety rules previously shared explained Before the whole class activities begin, reiterate to the students to observe and follow instructions. Specifically, remind the students of the following: a. No eating, drinking, while working on the activity and throughout the lesson so you can focus on your work and no time is wasted. b. Read and follow instructions and procedures carefully. c. Do not move from one computer to another. d. Keep the work area clear of all materials except those needed for your work. e. Return all unused materials, markers, pens, and other materials to their appropriate containers. f. Clean up your work area before leaving. After working in the computer lab, make sure computers are logged off and chairs are in their proper places. Transformative: Accommodations for at least 2 special needs students one must be ESOL, 3-none gifted Appropriate and sufficient details for duplication For Less Proficient Readers & English Language Learners In pairing up students for the activity, group/sit beginning and intermediate speakers with advanced and advanced high speakers. Ask each pair to collaborate in understanding and rephrasing the instructions for the activity. Students can read instructions individually and work with their partner to clarify confusions. ESOL students will be provided the worksheet in digital form to translate to their native language. Use Visuals for ELL/ESOL/Visual Learner/Students Use the computers to provide visuals, animations and videos to visual learners. Advanced Students Page 7

8 Challenge students to create a rap music comparing mitosis and meiosis using the information listed from Table 1 and 2 of their activity. ESE Students For ESE students, provide a longer time to complete assignments and give more explicit/simplified instructions. Have them also read aloud the description for each stage of mitosis and meiosis. Utilize: Challenges of lesson described-based on observation AND student assessment data, Strengths also listed Recommendation for addressing each challenge is provided Needed re-teaching described Concepts to reinforce or misconceptions to address identified Challenges 1. Availability of internet-connected computers for the students. 2. Some students lack prior knowledge. Reteaching Reteaching will be conducted if majority of the students are unable to obtain a grade of 80 % in the Post Test. A review of the stages of mitosis and meiosis using videos and animations from Khan Academy and Gizmo are necessary to master the benchmark. The teacher can prepare a copy of the table comparing mitosis and meiosis for the students and conduct a wrap-up or review. When asking questions, the teacher should call the students at random. Strengths 1. Students are working collaboratively in the activity. 2. Students can check their understanding by comparing their work to their peers work. 3. Students have the chance to check their mistakes and write down the correct answer. Extension activity (for the Whole Class): Students will prepare rap music and perform it into class. The best rap music will be judged based on the following criteria: correctness and completeness of information (40%), creativity (20%), voice clarity (20%), and energetic (20%) Page 8

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