Li fe Sci ence. August 1, 2009

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1 Science Curriculum Matrix Li fe Sci ence The Science Vertical Team has revised the Life Science Curriculum Matrix for In addition to the necessary correlation to the Virginia Science Standards of Learning, the Life Science content is organized by both concepts and topics. We encourage you to utilize this document while planning for instruction. A more dynamic version of this matrix is available on our wiki site at We anticipate making additional updates to this document as the school year progresses. Please contact Tony Borash with your comments and suggestions at In addition to this document, we recommend that you review the Life Science Curriculum Framework for additional clarification regarding the Life Science SOL and the Life Science Enhanced Scope and Sequence for unit and lesson planning resources. Thanks, The Science Vertical Team

2 Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic CONCEPT: COMMUNICATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Information can be collected, verified, organized and communicated in purposeful ways. Students should: Design a data table that includes independent variable, dependent variable, number of trials & mathematical means. Identify what is deliberately changed in the experiment and what is to be measured as the dependent variable. Evaluate the design of an experiment and the events that occur to determine which factors may affect the results. Analyze variables in an experiment and decide which must be held constant. Determine the independent variable and control the experiment. Construct appropriate graphs, using experimental data sets. Develop conclusions based on a data set. Distinguish between observational and experimental investigations. Given an experiment the student will identify the hypothesis, the independent and dependent variables, the control, and the conclusion. Write a good hypothesis. Tell the purpose of a control. Name the independent and dependent variables. Name the parts of a graph that should be on every graph. Compare independent and dependent variables. Construct and label a graph from a data table. Given a hypothesis and data, construct a lab report that includes hypothesis, materials, procedure, data table, and conclusions. Explain why a number of trials is required when doing an experiment. Given a problem compose a hypothesis, design an experiment, experiment, collect data, construct a lab report that includes hypothesis, materials, procedure, data table, and conclusions. Design an experiment independently. Given two student lab reports judge which is most clearly communicated as well as which is the easiest to verify scientifically. SOL: LS.1abefghi The student will plan and conduct investigations in which (a) data are organized into tables showing repeated trials and means; (b) variables are defined; (e) sources of experimental error are identified; (f) dependent variables, independent variables, and constants are identified; (g) variables are controlled to test hypotheses, and trials are repeated; (h) continuous line graphs are constructed, interpreted, and used to make predictions; (i) interpretations from a set of data are evaluated and defended. independent variable dependent variable (responding) number of trials control horizontal axis vertical axis mathematical mean hypothesis analysis safety conclusions

3 Life Science: Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic CONCEPT: SCALE: Measurement ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Measurement represents properties on a numerical scale. How to select appropriate tools for collecting qualitative and quantitative data and record measurements (volume, mass, and distance) in metric units. Name the SI Units of volume, mass, length, and the prefixes that are used to describe 1/10 th, 1/100,1/1000 and 1000 times when attached to the SI unit. Make measurements and record data using the appropriate SI units. Collect metric measurements as experimental data. Use SI units and calculate mathematic problems using them correctly. Convert millimeters to centimeters or kilometers to meters or centigrams to grams. SOL: LS.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which (c) metric units (SI International System of Units) are used. SI International System of Units decicentimillikilometer liter gram

4 Life Science: Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic CONCEPT: COMMUNICATION: Model ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Models vary in complexity and facilitate understanding through the use of familiar concepts. Students should understand that we can: Create physical and mental models as ways to visualize explanations of ideas and phenomena. Identify, describe, and apply the generalized steps of experimental (scientific) methodology. Discuss how a model can be used to understand a complex living structure, function, or process. Compare a model of a flower, a labeled picture of a flower, and a real flower to describe how they are alike and different. Justify why using the scientific method to observe the world around us has been helpful to increase the quality and the amount of information man understands about the natural world. Construct an analogy to explain the functions of the parts of a cell and justify why the analogy helps us understand how the cell functions. Construct a model of a cell, tissue, organ, organism or biome. model nature of science analogy SOL: LS.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which (d) models are constructed to illustrate and explain phenomena; (j) an understanding of the nature of science is developed and reinforced.

5 Life Science: Life Processes: Cell CONCEPT: System: Organization ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Systems at different levels of organization can manifest different properties and functions. The parts and functions of cell organelles. How to use the light microscope to observe plant and animal cells. How to differentiate between mitosis and meiosis Illustrate and name the parts of a cell (Plant and Animal). Match the structure name to its graphic and to its function. Construct a 3-D model of a plant and animal cell Distinguish among the following: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall, vacuole, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, and chloroplast. Compare and contrast examples of plant and animal cells, using the light microscope and images obtained from microscopes. Create a flipbook explaining the phases of mitosis and meiosis. Create an analogy using the parts of the cell in comparison to a business, system, or complex machine. cell cell membrane cell wall nucleus nuclear membrane cytoplasm vacuole mitochondrion Endoplasmic reticulum chloroplasts chromosomes golgi bodies ribosomes lysosomes centrioles organelles mitosis meiosis prophase metaphase anaphase telaphase SOL: LS.2 a,b,d The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of cells. Key concepts include: (a) cell structure and organelles (cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, vacuole, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus and chloroplast); (b) similarities and differences between plant and animal cells; (d) cell division (mitosis and meiosis).

6 Life Science: Life Processes: Cell CONCEPT: SYSTEMS ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. The development of the cell theory. The three components of the cell theory. Describe and sequence the major points in the development of the cell theory. List the components of the cell theory. Illustrate the phases of mitosis and meiosis. Construct a time line of the discovery of the cell and its parts. Distinguish between the results of mitosis and meiosis. Compare the differences and similarities between a plant and an animal cell. Create an analogy using the parts of the cell in comparison to a business, system, or complex machine. cell cell membrane cell wall nucleus nuclear membrane cytoplasm vacuole mitochondrion endoplasmic reticulum chloroplasts chromosomes golgi bodies ribosomes lysosomes centrioles organelles mitosis meiosis prophase metaphase anaphase telaphase SOL: LS.2c The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of cells. (c) development of cell theory;

7 Life Science: Life Processes: Organism CONCEPT: SYSTEM: Organization ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. How to differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms. The differences of the life functions of unicellular and multicellular organisms. The various basic life functions of organisms. How materials move into and out of cells in the processes of osmosis, diffusion, and active transport. How to differentiate among cells, tissue, organs, and organs systems. Name common examples of unicellular and multicellular organisms. List the hierarchy of cellular organization (cells, tissue, organs, organ systems). Compare and contrast how unicellular and multicellular organisms perform various life functions. Conduct a lab where students investigate the Kingdom Protista (unicellular organisms) looking at: respiration, excretion, response, reproduction, ingestion and movement. Explain the role that each life function serves for an organism. Conduct an experiment demonstrating the movement of material in and out of the cell. Suggested materials: plastic bags or eggs. Create a skit, poem, or comic strip explaining life functions or the movement of materials in and out of the cell. Debate and justify whether viruses are living or nonliving organisms. unicellular multicellular hierarchy respiration excretion growth irritability/response reproduction osmosis diffusion active transport cells tissues organs organs systems SOL: LS.3 The student will investigate and understand that living things show patterns of cellular organization. (a) cells, tissues, organs, and systems; (b) life functions and processes of cells, tissues, organs, and systems (respiration, removal of wastes, growth, reproduction, digestion, and cellular transport).

8 Life Science: Living Systems: Organisms CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Organization ENDURUNG UNDERSTANDINGS: Systems at various levels of organizations can manifest different properties and functions. The basic needs of all living things. How to distinguish between the needs of plants and animals. There is a specific range or continuum of conditions that will meet the needs of organisms. How organisms obtain the materials that they need. List the basic needs of all living things. Observe birds in the local community and investigate their niches. Compare and contrast the needs of plants and animals. Conduct a lab by playing Oh Deer (Project Wild). The students will then analyze how the population can fluctuate depending on the availability of habitual needs. Create an organism that can live in a given environment with specific conditions. Create plausible hypotheses about the effects that change in available materials might have on particular life processes in plants and in animals. Design an investigation from a testable question related to animal and plant life needs. The investigation may be a complete experimental design or may focus on systematic observation, description, measurement, and/or data collection and analysis. adaptation structural behavioral instinct learned behavior migration mimicry camouflage ecosystem niche community population organism habitat limiting factors carrying capacity food nutrients water gases shelter space SOL: LS.4 The student will investigate and understand that the basic needs of organisms must be met in order to carry out life processes. (a) plant needs (light and energy sources, water, gases, nutrients); (b) animal needs (food, water, gases, shelter, space); (c) factors that influence life processes.

9 Life Science: Living Systems: Classification CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Organization ENDURUNG UNDERSTANDINGS: Systems at various levels of organization can manifest different properties and functions. How organisms can be classified. The distinguishing characteristics among kingdoms of organisms The characteristics of major animal and plant phyla How to describe the characteristics of the species. Identify a specific organism using a dichotomous key. Describe the characteristics of a species. Conduct a web quest as an introduction to the six kingdoms. Distinguish among the following: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Make a foldable starting with a kingdom and follow it through until the species level. Compare and contrast the six major kingdoms using their characteristics. Create a classification of your own using everyday objects, such as, buttons. Dissect a flower (gladiolus or lily) having the students identifying all the parts of the flower. Create a power point presentation on the six kingdoms. organism kingdom phylum class order family genus species classification Binomial nomenclature Carolus Linnaeus Charles Darwin archeabacteria eubacteria protista fungi plantea animalia physical features stamen anther filament stigma pistil style ovary ovule petal sepal receptacle/stem angiosperm gymnosperm dicot monocot vascular plants nonvascular plants SOL: LS.5 The student will investigate and understand how organisms can be classified. (a) distinguishing characteristics among kingdoms of organisms; (b) distinguishing characteristics of major animal and plant phyla; (c) the characteristics of the species.

10 Life Science: Life Systems: Photosynthesis CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Interactions ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. The process of photosynthesis; the transformation of water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. The energy transfer that occurs between sunlight and chlorophyll. Photosynthesis is the foundation of virtually all food webs. The importance of photosynthesis to plant and animal life. Write the equation for photosynthesis in terms of raw materials and products generated. Explain the importance of photosynthesis to the role of producers as the foundation of food webs. Identify and describe the organelles involved in the process of photosynthesis. Compare and contrast the importance of carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. Analyze the differences generated in two different artificial environments. One plant is placed in a sealed jar with Sodium Hydroxide Pellets (which take all the carbon dioxide out of the air); the other plant is placed in a sealed jar with effervescent tablets in water (which release an abundance of carbon dioxide). Analyze the importance of plants (photosynthesis) in the food chain. Use the program of Bottle Biology to create an observable food chain. Conduct an experiment where the students focus on systematic observation, description, measurement, and/or data collection and analysis. The students plant F1 generation seeds of heterozygous corn plants that will grow a 3:1 ratio of normal and albino corn. They will then evaluate why the albino corn grows until a point, then dies; whereas, the regular corn continues to grow Design an investigation from a testable question related to photosynthesis. The investigation may be a complete experimental design or may focus on systematic observation, description, measurement, and/or data collection and analysis. photosynthesis organelles chloroplast chlorophyll energy transfer sunlight carbon dioxide oxygen glucose water food chain food webs producers SOL: LS.6 The student will investigate and understand the basic physical and chemical processes of photosynthesis and its importance to plant and animal life. (a) energy transfer between sunlight and chlorophyll; (b) transformation of water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen; (c) photosynthesis as the foundation of virtually all food webs.

11 Life Science: Life Systems: Ecosystems CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Interactions ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. Organisms within an ecosystem are dependent on one another and on nonliving components of the environment. The interactions resulting in a flow of energy and matter throughout the ecosystem. Energy enters an ecosystem through the process of photosynthesis and is passed through the system as one organism eats and is, in turn, eaten. The amount of energy available to each level (producer, first-order consumer, second-order consumer, third-order consumer) decreases. Materials are recycled and made available through the action of decomposers. Model an energy pyramid. Differentiate among key processes in the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles and analyze how organisms, from bacteria and fungi to third-order consumers, function in these cycles. Read the Lorax and discuss the impact that both the Onceler and the human race has on the environment. Classify organisms found in local ecosystems as producers or first-, second-, or third order consumers. Design and construct models of food webs with these organisms. Determine the relationship between a population s position in a food web and its size. Use interactive ponds/lakes available online. Apply the concepts of food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids to analyze how energy and matter flow through an ecosystem. Students will create an ecosystem in a bottle using Bottle Biology techniques. Design an investigation from a testable question related to decomposers. Create a decomposer column (bottle) as a way to test each question. biotic abiotic living nonliving organisms populations communities ecosystems energy flow energy pyramids food chain food web terrestrial freshwater marine producer consumer decomposer herbivore omnivore carnivore niche SOL: LS.7 The student will investigate and understand that organisms within an ecosystem are dependent on one another and on nonliving components of the environment. (a) the carbon, water, and nitrogen cycles; (b) interactions resulting in a flow of energy and matter throughout the system; (c) complex relationships within terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems; (d) energy flow in food webs and energy pyramids.

12 Life Science: Life Systems: Ecosystems CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Interactions ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. Individual members of a population interact with each other. These interactions include competing with each other for basic resources, mates, and territory and cooperating with each other to meet basic needs. The establishment of a social order in a population may insure that labor and resources are adequately shared. The establishment of a territory ensures that members of a population have adequate habitat to provide for basic resources. Individual behaviors and group behaviors can influence a population. Differentiate between the needs of the individual and the needs of a population. Observe and identify populations in ecosystems and collect, record, chart, and interpret data concerning the interactions of these organisms. Analyze the interactions that occur within a population (competition, cooperation, social hierarchy, territorial) by using a interactive model of a food chain (pond/lake) (Food Chain Program) Observe the types of prey of the owl by examining its pellets. Set up terrariums with a producer (plants), first consumer (herbivore/crickets), and secondary consumer (anoles). Observe the interactions between the organisms. Investigate the needs of each individual organism and how each is depend on one another. organisms population community ecosystem niche competition cooperation social hierarchy territorial imperative influence SOL: LS.8 The student will investigate and understand that interactions exist among members of a population. (a) competition, cooperation, social hierarchy, territorial imperative; and (b) influence of behavior on a population.

13 Life Science: Life Systems: Ecosystems CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Interactions ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. In a community, populations interact with other populations by exhibiting a variety of behaviors that aid in survival of the population. Organisms or populations that rely on each other for basic needs form interdependent communities. Energy resources of a community are shared through the interactions of producers, consumers, and decomposers. The interaction between a consumer that hunts for another consumer for food is a predator-prey relationship. Populations of one species may compete with populations of other species for resources. Populations of one species may also cooperate with populations of other species for resources. A symbiotic relationship may exist between two or more organisms of different species. Each organism fills a specific role or niche in its community. Differentiate between the types of symbiosis and explain examples of each. Identify the populations of producers, consumers, and decomposers and describe the roles they play in their communities. Predict the effect of population changes on the food web of a community. Use an interactive pond website to see the impact that different populations have on the community/ecosystems. Generate predictions based on graphically represented data of predatorprey populations. (Lynx/Hare) Infer the niche of organisms from their physical characteristics. Design an ecosystem. Give the students ten animal descriptions and ask them to design a habitat that meets the needs of each organism: shelter, how they find food, water, attracts mates, raise young, hide from danger, etc they also need to make sure that they create an ecosystem in which all the organisms habitats can be found and where all of them can all live. Read an excerpt called The Day That All The Sharks Died from Peter Benchley s book, A Shark Life. Evaluate how one organism in a food web can play a vital role to an entire ecosystem. SOL: LS.9 The student will investigate and understand interactions among populations in a biological community. organisms populations communities ecosystems producer consumer decomposers predators prey interdependency symbiotic relationships mutualism commensalism parasitism niches

14 (a) the relationship among producers, consumers, and decomposers in food webs; (b) the relationship of predators and prey; (c) competition and cooperation; (d) symbiotic relationships; and (e) niches.

15 Life Science: Living Systems: Ecosystems CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Organization Enduring Understandings: Systems at various levels of organization can manifest different properties and functions. The living organisms within a specific area and their physical environment define an ecosystem. The major terrestrial ecosystems are classified into units called biomes large regions characterized by certain conditions, including a range of climate and ecological communities adapted to those conditions. Organisms have specific structures, functions, and behaviors that enable them to survive the conditions of the particular ecosystem in which they live. Organisms adapt to both biotic and abiotic factors in their ecosystem. Differentiate between ecosystems and biomes. Recognize and give examples of major land biomes: desert, forest, grassland, and tundra. Show Planet Earth to illustrate the different conditions, climates, and ecological communities that live in different biomes. Compare and contrast the biotic and abiotic characteristics of land, marine, and freshwater ecosystems. Observe and describe examples of specific adaptations that organisms have which enable them to survive in a particular ecosystem. Analyze specific adaptations of organisms to determine how they help the species survive in its ecosystem. Give the students a list of characteristics of a biome, list of organisms and their adaptations. Have the students justify the best organism for that biomes and defend their choice. Create a new animal that could exist in a given ecosystem/biome. Write a creative story that incorporates the six major biomes, making sure to include abiotic and biotic factors. ecosystems biomes adaptations abiotic biotic organisms SOL: LS.10 The student will investigate and understand how organisms adapt to biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. (a) differences between ecosystems and biomes; (b) characteristics of land, marine, and freshwater ecosystems;

16 Life Science: Living Systems: Ecosystems CONCEPT: CHANGE & CONSTANCY: Cause & Effect ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Observable changes occur in nature, and inferences can be made to explain their causes. The living organisms within a specific area and their physical environment define an ecosystem. The major terrestrial ecosystems are classified into units called biomes large regions characterized by certain conditions, including a range of climate and ecological communities adapted to those conditions. Organisms have specific structures, functions, and behaviors that enable them to survive the conditions of the particular ecosystem in which they live. Organisms adapt to both biotic and abiotic factors in their ecosystem. Differentiate between ecosystems and biomes. Recognize and give examples of major land biomes: desert, forest, grassland, and tundra. Show Planet Earth to illustrate the different conditions, climates, and ecological communities that live in different biomes. Compare and contrast the biotic and abiotic characteristics of land, marine, and freshwater ecosystems. Observe and describe examples of specific adaptations that organisms have which enable them to survive in a particular ecosystem. Analyze specific adaptations of organisms to determine how they help the species survive in its ecosystem. Give the students a list of characteristics of a biome, list of organisms and their adaptations. Have the students justify the best organism for that biomes and defend their choice. Create a new animal that could exist in a given ecosystem/biome. Write a creative story that incorporates the six major biomes, making sure to include abiotic and biotic factors. ecosystems biomes adaptations abiotic biotic organisms SOL: LS.10c The student will investigate and understand how organisms adapt to biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. (c) adaptations that enable organisms to survive within a specific ecosystem.

17 Life Science: Living Systems: Ecosystems CONCEPT: CHANGE & CONSTANCY: Cause & Effect ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Observable changes occur in nature, and inferences can be made to explain their causes. Organisms may exist as members of a population; populations interact with other populations in a community; and communities together with the physical environment form ecosystems. Changes that affect organisms over time may be daily, seasonal, or longterm. Plants may respond to light by growing toward it or away from it, a behavior known as phototropism. Animals may respond to cold conditions with a period of lowered metabolism, a behavior known as hibernation. Differentiate between ecosystems, communities, populations, and organisms. Classify the various types of changes that occur over time. Eutrophication, which alters environmental balance; dramatic changes in climate; and catastrophic events, such as fire, drought, flood, and earthquakes. Read a current event article on Global Warming, Have students research the causes of global warming, specifically relating to climate change. Use the information to predict the effect of climate change on a specific ecosystems, communities, populations, and organisms. Compare and contrast the factors that increase or decrease population size. Conduct a lab by playing Oh Deer (Project Wild). The students will then analyze how the population can fluctuate depending on the availability of habitual needs. Conduct a debate about Global Warming/Climate Change. Have the students design lab based on the topic: phototropism. ecosystems communities populations organisms tropism phototropism hibernation dormancy eutrophication climate change catastrophic disturbances carrying capacity limiting factors SOL: LS.11 The student will investigate and understand that ecosystems, communities, populations, and organisms are dynamic and change over time (daily, seasonal, and long term). (a) phototropism, hibernation, and dormancy; (b) factors that increase or decrease population size; (c) eutrophication, climate change, and catastrophic disturbances.

18 Life Science: Living Systems: Human Impact on Ecosystems CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Interactions ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Parts of a system interact to form a functional whole. Ecosystems are dynamic systems. Humans are a natural part of the ecosystem. Humans use the ecosystem to meet their basic needs, such as to obtain food. Identify examples of ecosystem dynamics. Describe the relationship between human food harvest and the ecosystem. Know the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. The students will design a town from multiple perspectives (business, residential, farmers, factory, highway system, etc ). The students will use their perspective to describe ways that human interaction has altered habitats positively and negatively. Compare and contrast population disturbances that threaten and those that enhance species survival. Use the rainforest to debate the pros and cons of human land use versus ecosystem stability. Read an excerpt called The Day That All The Sharks Died from Peter Benchley s book, A Shark Life. Evaluate how the impact of humans on one organism in a food web can cause a ripple effect for the entire ecosystem. ecosystems habitat interdependence natural resources renewable nonrenewable waste management energy production SOL: LS.12 The student will investigate and understand the relationships between ecosystem dynamics and human activity. (a) food production and harvest; (d) population disturbances and factors that threaten and enhance species survival; (e) environmental issues (water supply, air quality, energy production, and waste management).

19 Life Science: Living Systems: Human Impact on Ecosystems CONCEPT: CHANGE & CONSTANCY: Cause & Effect ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Observable changes occur in nature, and inferences can be made to explain their causes. Human interaction can directly alter habitat size, the quality of available resources in a habitat, and the structure of habitat components. Such interactions can be positive and negative. Human input can disturb the balance of populations that occur in a stable ecosystem. These disturbances may lead to a decrease or increase. in a population. Since populations in an ecosystem are interdependent, these disturbances have a ripple effect throughout the ecosystem. The interaction of humans with the dynamic ecosystem may lead to issues of concern for continued ecosystem health in areas including water supply, air quality, energy production, and waste management. Identify examples of ecosystem dynamics. Describe the relationship between human food harvest and the ecosystem. Know the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. The students will design a town from multiple perspectives (business, residential, farmers, factory, highway system, etc ). The students will use their perspective to describe ways that human interaction has altered habitats positively and negatively. Compare and contrast population disturbances that threaten and those that enhance species survival. Use the rainforest to debate the pros and cons of human land use versus ecosystem stability. Read an excerpt called The Day That All The Sharks Died from Peter Benchley s book, A Shark Life. Evaluate how the impact of humans on one organism in a food web can cause a ripple effect for the entire ecosystem. ecosystems habitat interdependence natural resources renewable nonrenewable waste management energy production SOL: LS.12 The student will investigate and understand the relationships between ecosystem dynamics and human activity. (b) change in habitat size, quality, and structure; (c) change in species competition;

20 Life Science: Life Processes: Genetics CONCEPT: SYSTEM: Organization ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Systems at different levels of organization can manifest different properties and functions. DNA is a double helix molecule. DNA is a molecule that includes different components sugars, nitrogenous bases, and phosphates. The arrangement of the nitrogenous bases within the double helix forms a chemical code. Chromosomes are strands of tightly wound DNA. Genes are sections of a chromosome that carry the code for a particular trait. Explain that DNA contains coded instructions that store and pass on genetic information from one generation to the next. (Conduct a web quest to learn about DNA: - What s the Big Deal about DNA. Recognize the appearance of DNA as double helix in shape. Explain the necessity of DNA replication for the continuity of life. Explain the necessity of DNA replication for the continuity of life. Construct a model of DNA. Given the bases of one side of a Helix of DNA, complete the second side correctly. Justify why and how DNA s molecular shape allows it to function. DNA double helix RNA chromosomes nitrogenous bases phosphates adenine guanine thymine cytosine genes SOL: LS.13 The student will investigate and understand that organisms reproduce and transmit genetic information to new generations. (a) the role of DNA; (b) the function of genes and chromosomes

21 Life Science: Life Processes: Genetics CONCEPT: SYSTEM: Organization ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: System at different levels of organization can manifest different properties and functions. The basic laws of Mendelian genetics explain the transmission of most traits that can be inherited from generation to generation. Traits that are expressed through genes can be inherited. Characteristics that are acquired through environmental influences, such as injuries or practiced skills cannot be inherited. The basic laws of Mendelian genetics explain the transmission of most traits that can be inherited from generation to generation. Traits that are expressed through genes can be inherited. Characteristics that are acquired through environmental influences, such as injuries or practiced skills cannot be inherited. In genetic engineering, the genetic code is manipulated to obtain a desired product. Genetic engineering has numerous practical applications in medicine, agriculture, and biology. Explain the necessity of DNA replication for the continuity of life. Use Punnett squares to predict the possible combinations of inherited factors resulting from single trait crosses. Identify aspects of genetic engineering and supply examples of applications. Evaluate the examples for possible controversial aspects. (Cloning, Stem Cells, Human Genome Project). DNA double helix RNA chromosomes genes Punnett squares traits recessive dominant genotype phenotype heterozygous homozygous SOL: LS.13 The student will investigate and understand that organisms reproduce and transmit genetic information to new generations. (c). genotypes and phenotypes; (d). factors affecting the expression of traits; (e). characteristics that can and cannot be inherited; (f). genetic engineering and its applications;

22 Life Science: Life Processes: Genetics CONCEPT: COMMUNICATION ENDURING UNDERSTSNDINGS: Information can be collected, verified, organized, and communicated in purposeful ways. A series of contributions and discoveries led to the current level of genetic science. Describe the contributions of Mendel, Franklin, and Watson and Crick to our basic understanding of genetics. Explain the necessity of DNA replication for the continuity of life. Research information about the contributions of Gregor Mendel, Franklin, Watson, and Crick. Construct a timeline to show the discovery of what DNA is; what it does; and how man can use it. Identify aspects of genetic engineering and supply examples of applications. Evaluate the examples for possible controversial aspects. (Cloning, Stem Cells, Human Genome Project). DNA double helix RNA chromosomes nitrogenous bases phosphates adenine guanine thymine cytosine genes Gregor Mendel Franklin Watson Crick genetic engineering SOL: LS.13 The student will investigate and understand that organisms reproduce and transmit genetic information to new generations. (g) historical contributions and significance of discoveries related to genetics.

23 Life Science: Life Processes: Biological Evolution CONCEPT: CHANGE & CONSTANCY: Cause & Effect ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Observable changes occur in nature, and can be made to explain their causes. The mechanisms through which evolution takes place include mutation, adaptation, natural selection and extinction. Mutations are inheritable changes because a mutation is a change in the DNA code. Adaptations are structures, functions, or behaviors that enable a species to survive. A mutation may result in a favorable change or adaptation that improves a species ability to exist in its environment, or an unfavorable change. Individuals in a population exhibit a range of variations in a trait due to variations in their genetic codes. The evidence for evolution is drawn from fossil record, radiometric dating, genetic information, distribution of organisms, and anatomical and developmental similarities. Natural selection is the survival and reproduction of individuals in a population that exhibit traits that best enable them to survive. If a species does not include Explain how genetic variations in offspring, which lead to variations in successive generations, can result from the same two parents.. Describe how changes in the environment can bring about changes in species through natural selection, adaptation, and extinction. Describe and explain how fossils are records of organisms and events in the Earth s history. Explain the evidence for evolution from a variety of sources of scientific data. Analyze and evaluate data from investigations on variations within a local geographically diverse population. Interpret data from simulations that demonstrate selection for a trait belonging to species in various environments. evolution Charles Darwin Galapagos Islands mutation adaptation natural selection extinction radiometric dating fossil record Environmental influences genetic variation

24 traits that enable it to survive or to survive changes in the environment, then the species may become extinct. SOL: LS.14 The student will investigate and understand that organisms change over time. (a) the relationships of mutation, adaptation, natural selection, and extinction; (b) evidence of evolution of different species in the fossil record; and (c) how environmental influences, as well as genetic variation, can lead to diversity of organisms.


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