A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees

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1 A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees Hyun Jung Park 1, and Tiffani L. Williams 2 1 Department of Computer Science, Rice University hp6@cs.rice.edu 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University tlw@cse.tamu.edu Abstract. Phylogenetics is concerned with inferring the genealogical relationships between a group of organisms (or taxa), and this relationship is usually expressed as an evolutionary tree. However, inferring the phylogenetic tree is not a trivial task since it is impossible to know the true evolutionary history for a set of organisms. As a result, most phylogenetic analyses rely on effective heuristics for obtaining accurate trees. These heuristics use tree score as a basis for establishing an accurate depiction of evolutionary tree relationships. Relatively little work has been done to analyze the relationship between improving tree scores (fitness) and topological accuracy (distance). In this paper, we present a new fitness-distance correlation coefficient called r FD to quantify the relationship between evolutionary trees. By applying this measure to three biological datasets consisting of 44, 60, and 174 taxa, our results show that improvements in fitness are strongly correlated (r FD > 0.8) with topological accuracy to the best-tree-overall. Moreover, we investigated the use of the r FD coefficient if the best overall tree is not available and found similar results. Thus, our results show that r FD is a robust measure with several potential applications such as the development of stopping criteria for phylogenetic search. 1 Introduction Given a collection of n organisms (or taxa), the objective of phylogeny reconstruction is to produce a phylogenetic tree describing the evolutionary relationships between the organisms. Evolutionary trees attempt to predict the past with information (e.g., biomolecular sequences, morphological data) from current-day organisms. From tracking the transmissions of diseases to improving agricultural practices to meeting the needs of a growing population, the societal impact of phylogeny reconstruction is tremendous. Maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) are two of the major optimization problems used to reconstruct phylogeny reconstruction, but both are quite difficult to solve since they are NP-hard problems. Hence, heuristics are used to search for the optimal-scoring tree in the exponentially-sized tree space. (For n taxa, there are Most of this work was done while at Texas A&M University. S. Rajasekaran (Ed.): BICoB 2009, LNBI 5462, pp , c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009

2 332 H.J. Park and T.L. Williams (2n 5)!! possible evolutionary trees.) However, the actual objective of phylogeny reconstruction is to obtain a reasonable estimate of the underlying evolutionary history (as represented by the branching order, or topology of the phylogeny). We investigate whether the goals of a phylogenetic heuristic (i.e., finding the optimal-scoring tree) correspond to the actual goal of phylogenetics, which is depicting accurate relationships between organisms (i.e., topological accuracy). The optimization function value is the primary guidance mechanism that is used by phylogenetic heuristics in their search for a (globally optimal) solution to a given dataset. For this guidance to be effective, ideally, the better the trees are rated, the closer they are to the true evolutionary history. In this paper, we evaluate the nature of the relationship between the tree scores and the distance between trees for a given search landscape. We develop a new measure, which was motivated by the work of Jones and Forrest for genetic algorithms [10], to summarize the relationship between tree fitness and tree distance. Our measure, called r FD, tests whether better-scoring trees correspond to more accurate topologies. Hence, r FD measures the correlation between fitness (tree scores) and distance (topological accuracy) to a target tree of interest. (The term fitness is often used to refer to evaluation or objective function values.) Given that r FD is a correlation coefficient, its value ranges from -1 to +1. Our contributions. Our investigation of the correlation between fitness and distance addresses the following research questions. 1. What is the correlation between tree scores and their topological distance to the best-tree-overall? 2. How sensitive is the r FD measure to having access to the best-tree-overall? In other words, what is the robustness of the r FD measure if one uses the best-tree-so-far? Given that the true evolutionary history for a set of organisms is unknown, a reasonable substitute is to use the best-scoring tree found by any phylogenetic method as the best-tree-overall or true tree. The other target tree of interest is the best-tree-so-far. A phylogenetic heuristic may not always have access to the best overall tree tree especially if the dataset of interest has been newly created. However, every heuristic will have access to its best-tree-so-far, which changes as the phylogenetic search makes improving moves based on fitness in its attempt to find the optimally-scoring tree. To address the above questions, we developed a heuristic called Simple Local Search (SLS) that reconstructs trees based on the maximum parsimony criterion. Our SLS heuristic is an implementation of the hill-climbing strategies employed in popular phylogenetic software packages. Since we implemented SLS, we can collect a variety of data regarding the choices that SLS makes during a search. One of the advantages of using SLS is that we can collect trees of all different fitness values on its search for the best-scoring tree. Commercial phylogenetic software such as PAUP* [17] does not provide us with this type of control. Also, we were unable to get TNT [9] to provide us with this type of functionality. Although SLS performs comparably to PAUP* and outperforms Phylip [3], our

3 A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees 333 goal is not to recommend that SLS replace other established phylogenetic search methods. We simply designed SLS to collect all the phylogenetic trees it visits in tree space in order to explore the correlation between fitness and distance between a collection of evolutionary trees. With SLS, we study the fitness distance correlation coefficient, r FD on three biological datasets consisting of 44, 60, and 174 taxa. Our results show that improvements in fitness (MP scores) are strongly correlated (r FD > 0.8) with topological distance to the best-overall-tree. For random trees, the r FD value ranges from 0.2 to 0.4. The r FD correlation coefficient also shows high correlation when the search only has access to the best-tree-so-far. One of the interesting features of the r FD value in this context is that as the search progresses through tree space the r FD values increase. Hence, the r FD values near the end of a search are much higher than those during the early stages of the search. Hence, the r FD value can be used as a mechanism for monitoring the amount of diversity found in the trees found during the search. It can also be use as a way to monitor how the search is converging toward the optimal-scoring tree. 2 Basics 2.1 Tree Fitness We use the maximum parsimony (MP) criterion to compute the fitness of a phylogenetic tree. MP is an optimization problem for inferring the evolutionary history of different taxa, in which it is assumed that each of the taxa in the input is represented by a string over some alphabet. The symbols in the alphabet can represent nucleotides (in which case, the input are DNA or RNA sequences), or amino-acids (in which case the input are protein sequences), or may even include discrete characters for morphological properties. It is also assumed that the strings are put into a multiple alignment, so that they all have the same length. Maximum parsimony then seeks a tree, along with inferred ancestral sequences, so as to minimize the total number of evolutionary events (counting only point mutations). Formally, given two sequences a and b of the same length, the Hamming distance between them is defined as {i : a i b i } and denoted as H(a, b). Let T be a tree whose nodes are labeled by sequences of length k, andleth(e) denote the Hamming distance of the sequences at each endpoint of edge e. The parsimony length of the tree T is e E(T ) H(e). The MP problem seeks the tree T with the minimum length; this is the same as seeking the tree with the smallest number of point mutations for the data. MP is an NP-hard problem [6], but the problem of assigning sequences to internal nodes of a fixed leaf-labelled tree is polynomial [5]. 2.2 Robinson-Foulds Distance In our experiments, we compare trees found by our Simple Local Search (SLS) algorithm to target trees for the data under consideration. We use the Robinson- Foulds (RF) distance to measure the topological distance between trees. The

4 334 H.J. Park and T.L. Williams RF distance between two trees is the number of bipartitions that differ between them. It is useful to represent evolutionary trees in terms of bipartitions. Removing an edge e from a tree separates the leaves on one side from the leaves on the other. The division of the leaves into two subsets is the bipartition B i associated with edge e i.letσ(t) be the set of bipartitions defined by all edges in tree T. The RF distance between trees T 1 and T 2 is defined as d RF (T 1,T 2 )= Σ(T 1) Σ(T 2 ) + Σ(T 2 ) Σ(T 1 ) 2 Our figures plot the RF rate, which is obtained by normalizing the RF distance by the number of internal edges and multiplying by 100. (Assuming n is the number of taxa, there are n 3 internal edges in a binary tree). Hence, the RF rate varies between 0% and 100%. Two trees with no bipartitions in common will have an RF rate of 100%. Identical trees have an RF rate of 0%. 3 Fitness Distance Correlation We compute the correlation between tree characteristics based on a measure proposed by Jones and Forrest for genetic algorithms [10]. Their measure computed the correlation between the fitness and Hamming distance between n individual solutions in a population. We extend their measure for use in a phylogenetic search. In particularly, consider a set F = {f 1,f 2,...,f n } of fitnesses (or MP scores) and a corresponding set D = {d 1,d 2,...,d n } of n RF distances to a target tree. In our study, the target tree will either be the best-tree-overall or the best-tree-so-far. We compute the correlation coefficient, r FD, between the two sets F and D as r FD = c FD, where σ F σ D c FD = 1 n (f i n f)(d i d) (1) i=1 is the covariance of F and D, andσ F, σ F, f, and d are the standard deviations and means of F and D, respectively. Consider a set T of phylogenetic trees. We would like to compute the r FD correlation coefficient using the trees in T.EachtreeinT will have a fitness value (or MP score). Those MP scores compose the set F. Moreover, the topology of each tree in T will be compared to a target tree t. The topology of a pair of trees t i and t j is compared by computing their RF distance, d RF (t i,t j ). Since we are interested in computing the RF distance between all trees in T and a specific tree t, we perform a one-to-all comparison between the trees in T and the target tree, t. A strongly positive (or negative) r FD coefficient, 1 r FD +1, indicates that the solution quality gives good (bad) guidance searching for the target tree. r FD values close to zero indicate no clear correlation between fitness and distance. The search is essentially wondering aimlessly in tree space.

5 A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees Simple Local Search Heuristic Our Simple Local Search (SLS) heuristic operates by successively exploring the neighborhood of a current solution and moving to one of its neighbors. First, SLS uses random sequence addition (RSA) to create the initial starting tree. To construct a RSA tree, we randomize the ordering of the sequences in the dataset. Afterwards, the first three taxa are used to create an unrooted binary tree, T. The fourth taxon is added to the internal edge of T that results in the best MP score. This process continues until all taxa have been added to the tree. Starting trees can also be based on neighbor-joining (NJ) [14] or by generating a starting tree randomly. 4.1 Tree Neighborhoods Once we have a tree T, we improve it by rearranging its edges in a way that improves its maximum parsimony score. There are three main types of rearrangement operations, which defines the neighborhood of T, used in phylogenetic search heuristics [4]. The nearest-neighbor interchange (NNI) operation swaps two adjacent branches on the tree. In other words, it erases an interior edge on the tree, and the two branches connected to it at each end (so that a total of five branches are erased). Afterwards, four subtrees are disconnected from each other. Four subtrees can be hooked together into a tree in three possible ways, where one of the trees is the original one. For a tree T with n taxa, 2(n 3) neighbors can be examined for each tree. Local searches based strictly on NNI operations perform poorly in comparison to their SPR and TBR counterparts. A subtree pruning and regrafting (SPR) move consists of removing an edge from the tree with a subtree attached to it. The subtree is then reinserted into the remaining tree in all possible places, each of which inserts a node into a branch of the remaining tree. Since there are n exterior edges and n 3 interior edges on an unrooted binary tree, the total number of solutions in the neighborhood is 4(n 3)(n 2). In a tree-bisection and reconnection (TBR) move,aninteriorbranchisbroken, and the two resulting fragments of the tree are considered as separate trees. All possible connections are made between a branch of one and a branch of the other. If there are n 1 and n 2 species in the subtrees, there will be (2n 1 3)(2n 2 3) trees in a TBR neighborhood. With a mechanism for generating a neighborhood, we must decide which neighboring tree T should be selected. SLS uses a first improvement algorithm to select a neighbor. If score(t ) <score(t ), then T is accepted to replace the current tree T. The search continues until there is no neighbor T with a better score than the current tree, T. If no better neighbor can be found, a local optimum has been reached and SLS terminates.

6 336 H.J. Park and T.L. Williams 4.2 Search Path Trees The search history of a phylogenetic heuristic is the set of neighbors selected along the search path to the best tree. Let β represent the type of move used in a neighborhood. Hence, β {NNI,SPR,TBR}. P β denotes the search path trees consisting of selecting the first-improving neighbor from a β neighborhood. The sequence of trees encountered alongthesearchpathusingaβ operation is defined as P β =(t 1,...,t m ). For a path P β, the search examines tree t i before tree t j,where0 i<j m. There are m trees on the search path, P β,wheret 1 represents the initial (or starting) tree, and t m is the final tree (e.g., local optimum). Thus, P β represents the historical record of the phylogenetic search. All of the phylogenetic trees in P β are binary trees. 5 Experimental Methodology 5.1 Molecular Sequences We used the following biological datasets as input to study the behavior of our SLS heuristic. 1. A 44 taxa dataset (17,028 sites) of placental mammals that includes 19 nuclear and 3 mitochondrial gene sequences for 42 placental and 2 marsupial outgroups [11]. In our experiments, both SLS and PAUP* established a best score of 43, A 60 taxa dataset (2,000 sites) of ensign wasps composed of three genes (28S ribosomal RNA (rrna), 16S rrna, and cytochrome oxidase I (COI)) [2]. Our SLS heuristic established a best score of 8,698 on this dataset. 3. A 174 taxa dataset (1,867 sites) of insects and their close relatives for the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rrna) gene (18S). The sequences were manually aligned according to the secondary structure of the molecule [7]. For this dataset, SLS established a best MP score of 7,440. Sincewedonotknowthetruetreeforthesedatasets,weuseanapproximation to the true tree. We run PAUP*, Phylip, and SLS on the above molecular sequences. The best-scoring tree(s) found by these heuristics is considered to be the true tree. Both SLS and PAUP found best-scoring trees with a maximum parsimony score of 43,085 on Dataset #1. Hence, those trees make up the besttree-overall set for this dataset. For the remaining datasets, SLS found the bestscoring trees and as result establishes the best-tree-overall set for Datasets #2 and #3. Accuracy, as measured by the Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is between the trees of interest and the best-tree-overall (or true tree ). We also compute accuracy with the best-tree-so-far (described in more detail in 6.3) by the SLS heuristic.

7 A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees 337 % above best score (log) PAUP(NNI) SLS(NNI) 10 1 PAUP(SPR) PAUP(TBR) SLS(SPR) SLS(TBR) PHYLIP % above best score (log) 10 1 PAUP(NNI) PAUP(SPR) SLS(NNI) PAUP(TBR) SLS(SPR) PHYLIP SLS(TBR) % above best score (log) PAUP(NNI) SLS(NNI) PAUP(TBR) PAUP(SPR) PHYLIP SLS(SPR) SLS(TBR) avg. seconds (log) (a) Dataset #1 (44 taxa) avg. seconds (log) (b) Dataset #2 (60 taxa) avg. seconds (log) (c) Dataset #3 (174 taxa) Fig. 1. Performance of SLS, PAUP*, and Phylip. The same set of random addition sequence starting trees was used by each heuristic. The best scores found for each of the datasets (from smallest to largest) is 43085, 8698, and Each data point represents the average of five runs. 5.2 Implementation and Platform Our SLS algorithm is implemented in C++. Our implementation took advantage of the libcov [1] phylogenetic software package to handle reading data matrices plus we used their data structures to manipulate trees. However, we wrote our own branch-swapping routines as well as developed an algorithm for calculating the MP score more efficiently. We used the HashRF algorithm to compute the RF distances between trees [16]. Random trees were also generated using PAUP*. All algorithms were run five times on each of the biological datasets. All experiments were run on an Intel Pentium D platform with 3.0GHz dual-core processors and a total of 2GB of memory. 6 Experimental Results 6.1 SLS Performance Figure 1 compares the performance of our SLS algorithm to local search heuristics implemented in PAUP* [17] and Phylip [3] on three biological datasets, which are described in detail in Section 5.1. The plots demonstrate that our SLS implementation performs comparably to PAUP* in terms of finding similar scoring MP trees. However, our algorithm does require more time to find good-scoring trees. Given that our objective of understanding the relationship between parsimony scores and topological distance, the actual runtime of a local search heuristic is not of concern here. Our objective is to make sure that the best-scoring trees found by SLS are comparable to those found by PAUP*. We note that Phylip is not competitive in terms of MP scores found to either PAUP* or SLS. 6.2 r FD and the Best-Tree-Overall Before exploring the behavior of the r FD value, we take a look at the search path lengths of all the datasets and neighborhoods used in this study. Table 1 shows

8 338 H.J. Park and T.L. Williams Table 1. Total number of search path trees for the datasets under study P NNI P SPR P TBR Dataset #1 (44 taxa) Dataset #2 (60 taxa) Dataset #3 (174 taxa) 748 1,698 1,870 Table 2. The fitness distance correlation coefficients (r FD) for all three datasets Fitness distance (r FD) P NNI P SPR P TBR P RAND Dataset #1 (44 taxa) Dataset #2 (60 taxa) Dataset #3 (174 taxa) the result. As the number of taxa in a dataset increases, the number of trees in the search path also increases. This corresponds to there being more trees in the search space to consider for larger datasets. Furthermore, larger neighborhoods (e.g., TBR) have more trees to consider than their smaller counterparts (e.g., NNI). The search path lengths are also important since they represent the number of values in the F and D sets used in Equation 1. For example, computing the r FD value for the 265 search path trees based on an P TBR neighborhood for Dataset #1, results in F = D = 265 values. F will contain the fitness (parsimony scores) of the 265 search path trees. D will represent the RF rate between each of the 265 search path trees to a target tree. In this subsection, the target tree will be the best-tree-overall. Table 2 shows the r FD correlation coefficient of the search path trees used in this study. Based on the table, there is a strong positive correlation between tree scores and their RF distance to the best-tree-overall. The same data that are used for computing the r FD coefficient can be graphically displayed in the form of a fitness-distance plot. Figure 2 shows the results for each of the datasets using TBR-based search path trees (P TBR ). The plots clearly show that fitness and distance are linearly correlated. Hence, a phylogenetic search that only uses fitness as a guide does result in trees that are topologically close to the best-treeoverall. On the other hand, trees randomly extracted from tree space have very low correlationwhen compared to the best-tree-overall. Figure 3 shows the scatterplot of the fitness-distance pairs based on 10,000 trees randomly selected from the search landscape. Here, the r FD value decreases from 0.41 (44 taxa trees) to 0.21 (174 taxa trees). Based on this result, one would predict that the correlation between fitness and distance for random trees will tend toward zero as the taxa size increases. Hence, the r FD value says that the search is wondering aimlessly in tree space, which matches exactly with the behavior of randomly selecting trees.

9 A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees RF rate (%) to best tree (a) Dataset #1 (44 taxa) 20 7 % above best score % above best score 3.5 % above best score RF rate (%) to best tree (b) Dataset #2 (60 taxa) RF rate (%) to best tree (c) Dataset #3 (174 taxa) Fig. 2. Fitness distance correlation (rf D ) for PT BR search path trees on each of the biological datasets. The fitness (MP score) and the RF rate is relative to the besttree-overall tree of trees selected along the path to the local optimum under a TBR neighborhood % above best score % above best score % above best score RF rate (%) to best tree (a) 44 taxa RF rate (%) to best tree (b) 60 taxa RF rate (%) to best tree (c) 174 taxa Fig. 3. Fitness distance correlation for 10,000 random trees, where the size of the trees is related to the number of taxa in the biological datasets. (a) rf D = (b) rf D = (c) rf D = rf D and the Best-Tree-So-Far One of the limitations of how the fitness-distance coefficient is used in other applications is that access to the best (or optimal) solution is required. In phylogenetics, for datasets that have been heavily studied such as the rbcl500 (or Zilla data) [8], [12] this isn t necessarily a problem. Moreover, on the datasets used in this study, we have used numerous software packages (e.g., PAUP* and Phylip) to establish the best-tree-overall. However, it is likely that better trees do exist in tree space, which maybe be found as new phylogenetic heuristics are developed, for these datasets. However, suppose we don t have access to a reliable best-tree-overall? How can the rf D correlation coefficient be of use in this situation? As a phylogenetic heuristic progresses through the search landscape, it will always have access to the best-tree-so-far. In other words, if a search has been running for time α, the search can return the fitness of the best-scoring tree its seen for that particular time point. Our next experiment looks at the rf D coefficient of the search at different time intervals (0%, 20%,..., 100%) of the search. The 0% time interval (or search progress) represents the starting trees. By Equation 4.2, this represents tree t0 in the search path. The 20% time interval

10 340 H.J. Park and T.L. Williams r FD Dataset #1 (44 taxa) Dataset #2 (60 taxa) Dataset #3 (174 taxa) RF rate (%) Dataset #1 (44 taxa) Dataset #2 (60 taxa) Dataset #3 (174 taxa) Search Progress (%) (a) r FD at different search intervals Search Progress (%) (b) RF rate to best-tree-overall Fig. 4. r FD are estimated with search path trees at each search progress on all dataset 9400 r FD = r FD = r FD = Parsimony Score Parsimony Score Parsimony Score RF rate (%) (a) 60% search progress RF rate (%) (b) 80% search progress RF rate (%) (c) 100% search progress Fig. 5. r FD at various points in the search represents tree 0.20 m, wherem is the length of the search path. The remaining tree interval points are found similarly. Figure 4 (a) shows the r FD values based on different search intervals based on a TBR neighborhood. For example, to compute the r FD values at 20% search progress, only trees labeled from t 0 to t 0.20 m are used in the calculation. Furthermore, the RF distances between each of these trees is compared to the besttree-so-far, that is the best-tree found within the 0% to 20% time interval. r FD values in Figure 4 (a) decrease in the beginning and increase again at the 40 % search mark. The initial r FD values are high since there are not many points involved in the calculation. However, after 40 % search progress, the r FD value steadily increases showing a high positive correlation. Figure 5 shows the scatter plots of the r FD values for Dataset #3 at 60%, 80%, and 100% search progress. According to Figure 4(a), the r FD values are strongly correlated by 80% search completion. If the search were to stop early, what would be effect on the topological accuracy of the search as it relates to the best-tree-overall. Figure 4(b) shows the results. For each point, the RF distance between the besttree-so-far at p% search progress is compared with the best-tree-overall. Clearly, at 80% search progress for the two smallest datasets, there is minimal (if any) loss in topological accuracy when compared with completing the search (100% search progress). Furthermore, there is a savings of 20% in overall computational time.

11 A Fitness Distance Correlation Measure for Evolutionary Trees Conclusions and Future Work It is impossible to know the true evolutionary history for a set of organisms. As a result, phylogenetic heuristics attempt to find the optimal-scoring tree in the exponentially-sized tree space. Such a strategy is based on the assumption that better-scoring trees relates to depicting accurately the evolutionary relationships between the set of organisms. We develop a new correlation coefficient called r FD to quantify the relationship between fitness (MP scores) and distance (topological accuracy) of the trees found during a phylogenetic search. Based on a variety of different biological datasets, our results show that improvements in fitness are strongly correlated (r FD > 0.8) with topological distance to the best-tree-overall. However, we also investigated the use of the r FD coefficient if the best overall tree is not available. Every run of a phylogenetic search can produce a best-tree-so-far. By monitoring the search at different time intervals, we also found that the r FD coefficient shows strong positive correlation. Hence, the r FD valueisrobustinthatitdoes need access to the best-tree-overall. As the search gets closer to terminating at a local optimum, the r FD value increases accordingly. Hence, r FD values could be used as stopping criterion to determine when a search should stop. For Datasets #1 and #2, it would safe to stop early (at the 80% search progress point) without any penalties in topological accuracy. Furthermore, a savings of 20% in computation is saved without any corresponding loss in accuracy. Future work will investigate the value of r FD by examining additional datasets. The use of r FD as a way to monitor convergence real-time during a search will also be studied. We plan to improve the performance (in terms of running time) of our SLS implementation and make it publicly available to the systematic community. Furthermore, we plan to apply our approach to more powerful heuristics such as parsimony ratchet [12], RAxML [15], and MrBayes [13] which will allow us to analyze much larger datasets. Acknowledgments This work was funded by the National Science Foundation under grant IIS The authors wish to thank Bill Murphy and Matt Yoder for providing us with the biological datasets used in this study. References 1. Butt, D., Roger, A., Blouin, C.: libcov: A C++ bioinformatic library to manipulate protein structures, sequence alignments and phylogeny. BMC Bioinformatics 6(138) (2005) 2. Deans, A.R., Gillespie, J.J., Yoder, M.J.: An evaluation of ensign wasp classification (Hymenoptera: Evanildae) based on molecular data and insights from ribosomal rna secondary structure. Syst. Ento. 31, (2006) 3. Felsenstein, J.: Phylogenetic inference package (PHYLIP), version 3.2. Cladistics 5, (1989)

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