HBio Evolution 2 Practice test

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1 HBio Evolution 2 Practice test Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. The genes carried by all members of a particular population make up the population s a. allele frequency. b. phenotype. c. genotype. d. gene pool. 2. If an allele makes up one half of the frequency of a population s allele for a given trait, its allele frequency is a. 100 percent. b. 75 percent. c. 50 percent. d. 4 percent. 3. Natural selection acts directly on a. alleles. b. genes. c. phenotypes. d. mutations. 4. In a fox population, the allele frequency of a gene for red fur changes from 20 percent to 30 percent. What can you say about that population of foxes? a. The population is expanding. b. The population is evolving. c. The population is decreasing. d. The population is not evolving. 5. Sexual reproduction among members of a population results in a. different types of alleles in the gene pool. b. changes in the allele frequencies in the gene pool. c. no changes in the allele frequencies in the gene pool. d. an absence of genetic variation in the population. 6. A change in the genetic material of a cell is called a a. recombination. b. polygenic trait. c. single-gene trait. d. mutation. 7. Three sources of genetic variation are a. genotypes, phenotypes, and polygenic traits. b. sexual reproduction, lateral gene transfer, and mutations. c. single-gene traits, polygenic traits, and adaptation. d. directional selection, disruptive selection, and stabilizing selection. 8. In organisms that reproduce sexually, most variation that can be inherited is due to a. mutations during gamete formation. b. polygenic traits. c. gene recombination during sexual reproduction.

2 d. the effects of radiation. 9. Genetic recombination includes the independent movement of chromosomes during meiosis as well as a. mutations from radiation. b. changes in the allele frequencies. c. crossing-over. d. mutations from chemicals. 10. The genetic recombination that occurs as part of sexual reproduction a. changes the gene pool s allele frequencies. b. does not change the gene pool s allele frequencies. c. keeps the phenotypes consistent. d. is caused by radiation or chemicals. 11. A single-gene trait that has two alleles and that shows a simple dominant-recessive pattern will result in a. one phenotype. b. two phenotypes. c. four phenotypes. d. millions of phenotypes. 12. An example of a single-gene trait is a. sickle cell anemia in humans. b. fur color in cats. c. length of snails. d. beak size in the Galápagos finches. 13. The number of phenotypes produced for a given trait depends upon a. the number of genes that control the trait. b. which form of the trait is dominant. c. the allele frequencies of the various alleles. d. the relationship of allele frequencies to Mendelian ratios. 14. The frequency of phenotypes for a typical polygenic trait is most often illustrated as a. a scatter plot. b. a bell-shaped curve. c. a pie chart. d. a histogram. 15. Compared to a polygenic trait, a single-gene trait tends to have a. fewer phenotypes. b. more phenotypes. c. the same number of phenotypes. d. phenotypes that form a bell-shaped curve. 16. A polygenic trait can have a. many possible genotypes, but few possible phenotypes. b. many possible genotypes, producing many possible phenotypes. c. fewer phenotypes than most single-gene traits. d. fewer genotypes than most single-gene traits.

3 Figure One end of Figure 17 1 shows an increase in average beak size for a population of birds. When individuals at only one end of a bell curve of phenotype frequencies have high fitness, the result is a. directional selection. b. stabilizing selection. c. disruptive selection. d. genetic drift. Figure Figure 17 2 shows highest fitness toward the center of the curve. When individuals with an average form of a trait have the highest fitness, the result is a. not predictable. b. disruptive selection. c. directional selection. d. stabilizing selection.

4 Figure Figure 17 3 shows smaller and larger beaks in a population of finches. One group of birds has a short, parrotlike beak and another group has a long, narrow beak. What process has probably occurred? a. directional selection b. disruptive selection c. stabilizing selection d. genetic drift 20. If a mutation introduces a new skin color in a lizard population, which factor might determine whether the frequency of the new allele will increase? a. how many other alleles are present b. whether the mutation makes some lizards more fit for their environment than other lizards c. how many phenotypes the population has d. whether the mutation was caused by nature or by human intervention 21. In genetic drift, the allele frequencies in a gene pool change because of a. mutations. b. chance. c. natural selection. d. genetic equilibrium. 22. Which of the following events do biologists consider a random change? a. directional selection b. speciation c. disruptive selection d. genetic drift 23. Genetic drift tends to occur in populations that a. are very large. b. are small. c. are formed from new species. d. have unchanging allele frequencies. 24. The type of genetic drift that follows the colonization of a new habitat by a small group of individuals is called a. the Hardy-Weinberg principle. b. the founder effect.

5 c. directional selection. d. stabilizing selection. 25. One similarity between natural selection and genetic drift is that both events a. are based completely on chance. b. begin with one or more mutations. c. involve a change in a population s allele frequencies. d. take place only in very small groups. 26. The situation in which allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population remain constant is called a. evolution. b. genetic drift. c. genetic equilibrium. d. natural selection. 27. One of the conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium is a. natural selection. b. mutations. c. nonrandom mating. d. no immigration or emigration. 28. A farmer sprays insecticide on his crops to kill unwanted insects. Most of the insects die, and the chemicals have the effect of damaging the DNA of the insects that are not killed. Which of these has happened? a. Sexual selection among the insects has changed the gene pool. b. Genetic equilibrium has been maintained. c. Mutations have arisen that may have altered allele frequencies. d. Individuals with new genes have immigrated into the population. 29. In a certain population of 100 individuals, one fourth of the individuals have the genotype AA, half have the genotype Aa, and one fourth have the genotype aa. One day, 10 individuals with the genotype aa leave the area and cross a river into a new habitat. Which of these processes has changed the population s gene pool? a. nonrandom mating b. immigration c. emigration d. natural selection 30. According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, genetic equilibrium would be more likely in a population of mice if a. the population size rapidly decreases. b. mutation rates within the population rise. c. no natural selection takes place. d. there is frequent movement into and out of the population. 31. Which factor would most likely disrupt genetic equilibrium in a large population? a. the production of large numbers of offspring b. mating that is not random c. the absence of emigration and immigration d. the absence of mutations 32. The separation of populations by barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water is called a. temporal isolation. b. geographic isolation. c. behavioral isolation.

6 d. genetic equilibrium. 33. A factor that is necessary for the formation of a new species is a. reproduction at different times. b. geographic barriers. c. different mating behaviors. d. reproductive isolation. 34. Which of the following statements defines the members of a species? a. They are temporally isolated from each other. b. They are geographically isolated from each other. c. They mate and produce offspring. d. They have identical genes. 35. What situation might develop in a population having some plants whose flowers open at midday and other plants whose flowers open late in the day? a. behavioral isolation b. geographic isolation c. temporal isolation d. genetic drift 36. The geographic isolation of two populations of a species tends to increase differences between their gene pools because it a. prevents interbreeding between the populations. b. prevents interbreeding within each population. c. causes temporal isolation of the two populations. d. increases differences in courtship behavior. 37. Although they often live in the same habitat, the American toad breeds earlier in the spring than the Fowler s toad does. What can be inferred from this information? a. The two species do not interbreed because of geographic isolation. b. The two species do not interbreed because of temporal isolation. c. The two species interbreed throughout the spring season. d. The American toad will cause the extinction of the Fowler s toad. 38. Which is the first step that occurred in the speciation of the Galápagos finches? a. establishing genetic equilibrium b. behavioral isolation c. ecological competition d. founders arrived 39. The Galápagos finch species are an excellent example of a. speciation. b. genetic equilibrium. c. stabilizing selection. d. selection on single-gene traits. 40. What did the Grants learn about mate choice from the Galápagos finches? a. Phenotype plays no role in mate choice. b. Finches prefer mates with beaks similar in size to their own. c. Finches prefer mates with smaller beaks than their own. d. Finches prefer mates with larger beaks than their own.

7 41. In the Grants study of the Galápagos finches, what process was encouraged by ecological competition during the dry season? a. stabilizing selection b. reproductive isolation c. directional selection d. genetic drift 42. Which statement about evolution in the Galápagos finches is true? a. Natural selection on beak size and shape is driven by available food. b. Stabilizing selection has favored an intermediate beak type for all of the finches. c. Mate choice likely plays no role in the finches evolution. d. None of the finch species is reproductively isolated. 43. Species Y and Z have very different genes. Species A and B have only a few different genes. What is most likely true about these species? a. Species Y and Z are more closely related to each other than species A and B are to each other. b. Species A and B are more closely related to each other than species Y and Z are to each other. c. Species Y is the ancestor of species A and species Z is the ancestor of species B. d. All four of these species are probably equally related to each other. 44. Which of the following can produce a duplicate gene? a. chromosome replication during mitosis b. crossing-over during meiosis c. neutral mutation during transcription d. genetic drift during reproduction 45. What do Hox genes control? a. gene duplication b. mutations c. patterns of embryological development d. molecular clocks 46. Variation in genotype is caused by a. mutations only. b. recombination of genes as a result of sexual reproduction. c. phenotypes changing more quickly than genotypes. d. None of the above 47. The number of individuals with a particular phenotype divided by the total number of individuals in the population is the a. genotype frequency. b. phenotype frequency. c. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. d. allele frequency. 48. recessive allele frequency : dominant allele frequency :: 0.02 : a c b d Natural selection acts a. on heterozygous genotypes.

8 b. only on recessive alleles. c. on phenotypes that are expressed. d. on all mutations. 50. The movement of alleles into or out of a population due to migration is called a. mutation. c. nonrandom mating. b. gene flow. d. natural selection. 51. Which of the following conditions can cause evolution to take place? a. genetic drift c. nonrandom mating b. migration d. All of the above 52. nonrandom mating : increasing proportion of homozygotes :: a. migration of individuals : gene flow b. mutation : major change in allele frequencies c. Hardy-Weinberg equation : natural selection d. inbreeding : frequency of alleles 53. What type of population is most susceptible to loss of genetic variability as a result of genetic drift? a. large populations b. medium-sized populations c. small populations d. populations that fluctuate in size 54. The type of selection that may eliminate intermediate phenotypes is a. direction selection. b. disruptive selection. c. polygenic selection. d. stabilizing selection. 55. The hypothesis that evolution occurs at a slow, constant rate is known as a. gradualism. c. natural selection. b. slow motion. d. adaptation. 56. Which of the following traits would not be useful to the study of the genetic variation in a population of fish? a. the length of the fish b. the color of the fish c. the fin size of the fish d. the diet of the fish 57. Flexible digits, a large cerebrum, and arms that rotate at the shoulder are characteristics of a. birds. b. reptiles. c. amphibians. d. primates. 58. A primate that is blind in one eye would have difficulty a. distinguishing between objects on the basis of their color. b. seeing the full range of colors that a primate with two eyes can see. c. estimating the distance to an unfamiliar object. d. holding an object in the hand that is on the same side as that eye. 59. A primate s ability to hold objects in its hands or feet is an evolutionary development that allowed it to

9 a. walk upright. b. use simple tools. c. gather food. d. create elaborate social systems. 60. Suppose a paleontologist discovered a fossil skull that he believes might be distantly related to primates. Unlike true primates, the face is not quite flat and the eyes do not face completely forward. The paleontologist would most likely conclude that the animal lacked a. the ability to form extended family groups. b. the ability to grip branches precisely. c. the ability to manipulate tools. d. the ability to judge the location of tree branches. 61. Which structure(s) in primates enables them to develop complex social systems? a. a well-developed cerebrum b. a long tail c. thumbs and big toes d. a skeleton designed for climbing 62. A tail that is adapted for grasping and holding objects is a. binocular. b. bipedal. c. radial. d. prehensile. 63. Having a thumb that can move against the other fingers makes it possible for a primate to a. hold objects firmly. b. merge visual images. c. display elaborate social behaviors. d. judge the locations of tree branches. 64. Fossil evidence indicates that Australopithecus afarensis a. was primarily a meat-eater. b. had a large brain. c. was bipedal. d. appeared later than Homo ergaster. 65. Bipedal locomotion consists of a. swinging from branch to branch. b. using the tail to grasp branches during walking. c. moving the big toe against the other digits. d. walking on two feet.

10 Figure Researchers concluded from the leg bones of the fossil shown in Figure 26 2 that Lucy was bipedal. Which of the following would also indicate that this hominine was bipedal? a. broad rib cages b. skulls with flat faces c. opposable thumbs d. bowl-shaped pelvises 67. Homo habilis means handy man in Latin. This species got its name because one of its fossils a. had opposable thumbs. b. was found with tools made from stone and bone. c. was found with cooking vessels made of clay. d. had an extra finger on each hand.

11 Figure Study the timeline in Figure 26 3 above. Two hominines whose fossils you would expect to find in rocks of different ages are a. Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. b. Kenyanthropus platyops and Australopithecus afarensis. c. Homo ergaster and Homo erectus. d. Homo neanderthalensis and Australopithecus afarensis. 69. Which statement is true of Homo sapiens? a. They evolved after the Cro-Magnons. b. They have been Earth s only hominine for the last 24,000 years. c. They became extinct about 1 million years ago. d. They replaced Homo habilis in Europe and the Middle East.

12 HBio Evolution 2 Practice test Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 483 OBJ: Define evolution in genetic terms. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 483 OBJ: Define evolution in genetic terms. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 483 OBJ: Define evolution in genetic terms. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 483 OBJ: Define evolution in genetic terms. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L MSC: evaluation 5. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 484 OBJ: Identify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. STA: SC.912.L MSC: analysis 6. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 484 OBJ: Identify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 484 OBJ: Identify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 484 OBJ: Identify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 484 OBJ: Identify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. STA: SC.912.L MSC: analysis 10. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 484 OBJ: Identify the main sources of genetic variation in a population. STA: SC.912.L MSC: evaluation 11. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 485 OBJ: State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. STA: SC.912.L ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 485 OBJ: State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. STA: SC.912.L ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 485

13 OBJ: State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 486 OBJ: State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. STA: SC.912.L ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 486 OBJ: State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. STA: SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: analysis 16. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 486 OBJ: State what determines the number of phenotypes for a trait. STA: SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: evaluation 17. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 489 OBJ: Explain how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits. STA: SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 489 OBJ: Explain how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 489 OBJ: Explain how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 488 OBJ: Explain how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits. STA: SC.912.L MSC: evaluation 21. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 490 OBJ: Describe genetic drift. STA: SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 490 OBJ: Describe genetic drift. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 490 OBJ: Describe genetic drift. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 490 OBJ: Describe genetic drift. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 490 OBJ: Describe genetic drift. STA: SC.912.L MSC: evaluation 26. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 491 OBJ: Explain how different factors affect genetic equilibrium. STA: SC.912.L SC.912.L.16.2

14 27. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 492 OBJ: Explain how different factors affect genetic equilibrium. STA: SC.912.L SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 492 OBJ: Explain how different factors affect genetic equilibrium. STA: SC.912.L SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: evaluation 29. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 492 OBJ: Explain how different factors affect genetic equilibrium. STA: SC.912.L SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: analysis 30. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 492 OBJ: Explain how different factors affect genetic equilibrium. STA: SC.912.L SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: analysis 31. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 492 OBJ: Explain how different factors affect genetic equilibrium. STA: SC.912.L SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: evaluation 32. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 495 OBJ: Identify the types of isolation that can lead to the formation of new species. STA: SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 494 OBJ: Identify the types of isolation that can lead to the formation of new species. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 483 OBJ: Identify the types of isolation that can lead to the formation of new species. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 495 OBJ: Identify the types of isolation that can lead to the formation of new species. STA: SC.912.L ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 495 OBJ: Identify the types of isolation that can lead to the formation of new species. STA: SC.912.L.15.9 MSC: synthesis 37. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 495 OBJ: Identify the types of isolation that can lead to the formation of new species. STA: SC.912.L.15.9 MSC: analysis 38. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 496 OBJ: Describe the current hypothesis about Galapagos finch speciation. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 496 OBJ: Describe the current hypothesis about Galapagos finch speciation. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L.15.9

15 40. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 497 OBJ: Describe the current hypothesis about Galapagos finch speciation. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 496 OBJ: Describe the current hypothesis about Galapagos finch speciation. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L.15.9 MSC: analysis 42. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 497 OBJ: Describe the current hypothesis about Galapagos finch speciation. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L.15.9 MSC: evaluation 43. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 498 p. 499 OBJ: Explain how molecular clocks are used. STA: SC.912.L.15.2 MSC: synthesis 44. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 499 OBJ: Explain how new genes evolve. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 501 OBJ: Describe how Hox genes may be involved in evolutionary change. STA: SC.912.L.16.2 MSC: synthesis 46. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 OBJ: ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 OBJ: ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 OBJ: ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 1 OBJ: ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 OBJ: ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 765 OBJ: Identify the characteristics that all primates share. STA: SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 765 OBJ: Identify the characteristics that all primates share. STA: SC.912.L ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 765 OBJ: Identify the characteristics that all primates share. STA: SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 765 OBJ: Identify the characteristics that all primates share. STA: SC.912.L.15.7 MSC: evaluation 61. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 765 OBJ: Identify the characteristics that all primates share. STA: SC.912.L.15.7 MSC: synthesis 62. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 767 OBJ: Describe the major evolutionary groups of primates.

16 STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 767 OBJ: Describe the adaptations that enabled later hominine species to walk upright. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 768 OBJ: Describe the adaptations that enabled later hominine species to walk upright. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 767 OBJ: Describe the adaptations that enabled later hominine species to walk upright. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 767 p. 769 OBJ: Describe the adaptations that enabled later hominine species to walk upright. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L MSC: analysis 67. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 770 OBJ: Describe the current scientific thinking about the genus Homo. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 771 p. 772 OBJ: Describe the current scientific thinking about the genus Homo. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L MSC: analysis 69. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 772 OBJ: Describe the current scientific thinking about the genus Homo. STA: SC.912.L.15.1 SC.912.L SC.912.L.15.11

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