Chapter 1. Introduction: Biology Today. Lectures by Chris C. Romero, updated by Edward J. Zalisko

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction: Biology Today PowerPoint Lectures for Campbell Essential Biology, Fourth Edition Eric Simon, Jane Reece, and Jean Dickey Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Third Edition Eric Simon, Jane Reece, and Jean Dickey Lectures by Chris C. Romero, updated by Edward J. Zalisko 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. 0

2 Biology and Society: Biology All Around Us We are living in a golden age of biology. Biology provides exciting breakthroughs changing our culture. Molecular biology is solving crimes and revealing ancestries. Ecology helps us address environmental issues. Neuroscience and evolutionary biology are reshaping psychology and sociology Pearson Education, Inc.

3 Figure 1.00

4 THE SCOPE OF LIFE The Properties of Life Biology is the scientific study of life. Life is structured on a size scale ranging from the molecular to the global. Biology s scope stretches across the enormous diversity of life on Earth Pearson Education, Inc.

5 (a) Order (b) Regulation (c) Growth and development (d) Energy utilization Figure 1.1a

6 (f) Reproduction (e) Response to the environment (g) Evolution Figure 1.1b

7 (a) Order Figure 1.1ba

8 (b) Regulation Figure 1.1bb

9 (c) Growth and development Figure 1.1bc

10 (d) Energy utilization Figure 1.1bd

11 (e) Response to the environment Figure 1.1be

12 (f) Reproduction Figure 1.1bf

13 (g) Evolution Figure 1.1bg

14 Video: Seahorse Camouflage 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

15 Life at Its Many Levels Biologists explore life at levels ranging from the biosphere to the molecules that make up cells Pearson Education, Inc.

16 Biosphere Ecosystems Communities Populations Figure 1.2-1

17 Biosphere Ecosystems Communities Populations Organisms Organ Systems and Organs Tissues Figure 1.2-2

18 Biosphere Ecosystems Communities Populations Organisms Organ Systems and Organs Organelles Tissues Molecules and Atoms Atom Nucleus Cells Figure 1.2-3

19 Biosphere Figure 1.2a

20 Ecosystems Communities Figure 1.2b

21 Populations Organisms Figure 1.2c

22 Organ Systems and Organs Figure 1.2d

23 Tissues Figure 1.2e

24 Nucleus Cells Organelles Figure 1.2f

25 Atom Molecules and Atoms Figure 1.2g

26 Ecosystems Each organism interacts continuously with its environment. Organisms interact continuously with the living and nonliving factors in the environment. The interactions between organisms and their environment take place within an ecosystem. The dynamics of any ecosystem depend on two main processes: Cycling of nutrients Flow of energy 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

27 Loss of heat energy ECOSYSTEM Inflow of light energy Consumers (animals) Chemical energy (food) Producers (plants and other photosynthetic organisms) Cycling of nutrients Decomposers (in soil) Figure 1.3

28 Cells and Their DNA The cell is the lowest level of structure that can perform all activities required for life. All organisms are composed of cells Pearson Education, Inc.

29 We can distinguish two major types of cells: Prokaryotic Eukaryotic 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

30 The prokaryotic cell is simpler and smaller and contains no organelles. Bacteria have prokaryotic cells Pearson Education, Inc.

31 The eukaryotic cell is larger, more complex, and contains organelles. The nucleus is the largest organelle in most eukaryotic cells. Plants and animals are composed of eukaryotic cells. Video: Seahorse Camouflage 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

32 Prokaryotic cell (bacterium) Organelles Smaller Simpler structure DNA concentrated in nucleoid region, which is not enclosed by membrane Lacks most organelles Eukaryotic cell Larger More complex structure Nucleus enclosed by membrane Contains many types of organelles Nucleoid region Colorized TEM Nucleus Figure 1.4

33 All cells use DNA as the chemical material of genes. Genes are the units of inheritance that transmit information from parents to offspring. The language of DNA contains just four letters: A, G, C, T The entire book of genetic instructions that an organism inherits is called its genome Pearson Education, Inc.

34 The four chemical building blocks of DNA A DNA molecule Figure 1.5

35 Genetic engineering and biotechnology have allowed us to manipulate the DNA and genes of organisms. Bacteria can make insulin because a gene for insulin production was transplanted into their DNA Pearson Education, Inc.

36 Figure 1.6

37 Life in Its Diverse Forms Diversity is the hallmark of life. The diversity of known life includes 1.8 million species. Estimates of the total diversity range from 10 million to over 100 million species Pearson Education, Inc.

38 Grouping Species: The Basic Concept Biodiversity can be beautiful but overwhelming. Taxonomy is the branch of biology that names and classifies species. It formalizes the hierarchical ordering of organisms Pearson Education, Inc.

39 Figure 1.7

40 The Three Domains of Life The three domains of life are Bacteria Archaea Eukarya 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

41 Bacteria and Archaea have prokaryotic cells Pearson Education, Inc.

42 DOMAIN EUKARYA Colorized TEM DOMAIN BACTERIA Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Fungi LM TEM DOMAIN ARCHAEA Kingdom Animalia Protists (multiple kingdoms) Figure 1.8


44 DOMAIN EUKARYA Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Animalia Protists (multiple kingdoms) LM Kingdom Plantae Figure 1.8b

45 Colorized TEM Domain Bacteria Figure 1.8ba

46 TEM Domain Archaea Figure 1.8bb

47 Kingdom Plantae Figure 1.8bc

48 Kingdom Fungi Figure 1.8bd

49 Kingdom Animalia Figure 1.8be

50 LM Protists (multiple kingdoms) Figure 1.8bf

51 Eukarya includes Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Animalia Protists (multiple kingdoms) Protists are generally single celled. Most plants, fungi, and animals are multicellular Pearson Education, Inc.

52 These three multicellular kingdoms are distinguished by how they obtain food. Plants produce their own sugars and other foods by photosynthesis. Fungi are mostly decomposers, digesting dead organisms. Animals obtain food by eating and digesting other organisms Pearson Education, Inc.

53 Unity in the Diversity of Life Underlying the diversity of life is a striking unity, especially at the lower levels of structure. For example, all life uses the genetic language of DNA. Biological evolution accounts for this combination of unity and diversity Pearson Education, Inc.

54 EVOLUTION: BIOLOGY S UNIFYING THEME The history of life is a saga of a restless Earth billions of years old. Fossils document this history Pearson Education, Inc.

55 Figure 1.9

56 Life evolves. Each species is one twig of a branching tree of life extending back over 3 billion years. Species that are very similar, such as brown bears and polar bears, share a more recent common ancestor Pearson Education, Inc.

57 Giant panda Spectacled bear Ancestral bear Sloth bear Sun bear American black bear Asiatic black bear Common ancestor of polar bear and brown bear Polar bear Brown bear Millions of years ago Figure 1.10

58 The Darwinian View of Life The evolutionary view of life came into focus in 1859 when Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species Pearson Education, Inc.

59 Figure 1.11

60 Figure 1.11a

61 Figure 1.11b

62 Darwin s book developed two main points: Descent with modification Natural selection 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

63 Natural Selection Darwin was struck by the diversity of animals on the Galápagos Islands. He thought that adaptation to the environment and the origin of new species were closely related processes. As populations separated by a geographic barrier adapted to local environments, they became separate species Pearson Education, Inc.

64 Darwin s Inescapable Conclusion Darwin synthesized the theory of natural selection from two observations that were neither profound nor original. Others had the pieces of the puzzle, but Darwin could see how they fit together Pearson Education, Inc.

65 Observation 1: Overproduction and competition Observation 2: Individual variation Conclusion: Unequal reproductive success It is this unequal reproductive success that Darwin called natural selection. The product of natural selection is adaptation. Natural selection is the mechanism of evolution Pearson Education, Inc.

66 Population with varied inherited traits Elimination of individuals with certain traits Reproduction of survivors Increasing frequency of traits that enhance survival and reproductive success Figure 1.12

67 Population with varied inherited traits Elimination of individuals with certain traits Figure 1.12a

68 Reproduction of survivors Increasing frequency of traits that enhance survival and reproductive success Figure 1.12b

69 Observing Artificial Selection Artificial selection is the selective breeding of domesticated plants and animals by humans. In artificial selection, humans do the selecting instead of the environment Pearson Education, Inc.

70 (a) Vegetables descended from wild mustard Cabbage from terminal bud Brussels sprouts from lateral buds Wild mustard Kohlrabi from stem Kale from leaves Broccoli from flower and stems Cauliflower from flower clusters Figure 1.13a

71 (b) Domesticated dogs descended from wolves Domesticated dogs Gray wolves Figure 1.13b

72 Domesticated dogs Figure 1.13ba

73 Gray wolves Figure 1.13bb

74 Observing Natural Selection There are many examples of natural selection in action. Galápagos finches change beak size depending upon the size and shape of available seeds. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have evolved in response to the overuse of antibiotics Pearson Education, Inc.

75 Darwin s publication of The Origin of Species fueled an explosion in biological research. Evolution is one of biology s best demonstrated, most comprehensive, and longest lasting theories. Evolution is the unifying theme of biology Pearson Education, Inc.

76 THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE The word science is derived from a Latin verb meaning to know. Science is a way of knowing. Science developed from people s curiosity about themselves and the world around them Pearson Education, Inc.

77 Discovery Science Science seeks natural causes for natural phenomena. This limits the scope of science to the study of structures and processes that we can observe and measure Pearson Education, Inc.

78 Verifiable observations and measurements are the data of discovery science. In biology, discovery science enables us to describe life at its many levels Pearson Education, Inc.

79 Figure 1.14a

80 Figure 1.14b

81 Discovery science can lead to important conclusions based on a type of logic called inductive reasoning. An inductive conclusion is a generalization that summarizes many concurrent observations Pearson Education, Inc.

82 Hypothesis-Driven Science As a formal process of inquiry, the scientific method consists of a series of steps. The key element of the scientific method is hypothesis-driven science Pearson Education, Inc.

83 A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a set of observations an idea on trial. Once a hypothesis is formed, an investigator can use deductive logic to test it. In deduction, the reasoning flows from the general to the specific Pearson Education, Inc.

84 In the process of science, the deduction usually takes the form of predictions about experimental results. Then the hypothesis is tested by performing an experiment to see whether results are as predicted. This deductive reasoning takes the form of If then logic Pearson Education, Inc.

85 Observation: My flashlight doesn t work. Question: What s wrong with my flashlight? Hypothesis: The flashlight s batteries are dead. Prediction: If I replace the batteries, the flashlight will work. Figure

86 Observation: My flashlight doesn t work. Question: What s wrong with my flashlight? Hypothesis: The flashlight s batteries are dead. Prediction: If I replace the batteries, the flashlight will work. Experiment: I replace the batteries with new ones. Experiment supports hypothesis; make additional predictions and test them. Figure

87 Revise Observation: My flashlight doesn t work. Question: What s wrong with my flashlight? Hypothesis: The flashlight s batteries are dead. Experiment does not support hypothesis; revise hypothesis or pose new one. Prediction: If I replace the batteries, the flashlight will work. Experiment: I replace the batteries with new ones. Experiment supports hypothesis; make additional predictions and test them. Figure

88 The Process of Science: Is Trans Fat Bad for You? One way to better understand how the process of science can be applied to real-world problems is to examine a case study, an indepth examination of an actual investigation Pearson Education, Inc.

89 Dietary fat comes in different forms. Trans fat is a non-natural form produced through manufacturing processes. Trans fat Adds texture Increases shelf life Is inexpensive to prepare 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

90 A study of 120,000 female nurses found that high levels of trans fat nearly doubled the risk of heart disease Pearson Education, Inc.

91 A hypothesis-driven study published in 2004 Started with the observation that human body fat retains traces of consumed dietary fat. Asked the question: Would the adipose tissue of heart attack patients be different from a similar group of healthy patients? Formed the hypothesis that healthy patients body fat would contain less trans fat that the body fat in heart attack victims Pearson Education, Inc.

92 The researchers set up an experiment to determine the amounts of fat in the adipose tissue of 79 patients who had a heart attack. They compared these patients to the data for 167 patients who had not had a heart attack. This is an example of a controlled experiment, in which the control and experimental groups differ only in one variable the occurrence of a heart attack Pearson Education, Inc.

93 The results showed significantly higher levels of trans fat in the bodies of the heart attack patients Pearson Education, Inc.

94 Trans fats in adipose tissue (g trans fat per 100 g total fat) Heart attack patients Control group Figure 1.16

95 Theories in Science What is a scientific theory, and how is it different from a hypothesis? A theory is much broader in scope than a hypothesis. Theories only become widely accepted in science if they are supported by an accumulation of extensive and varied evidence Pearson Education, Inc.

96 Scientific theories are not the only way of knowing nature. Science and religion are two very different ways of trying to make sense of nature Pearson Education, Inc.

97 The Culture of Science Scientists build on what has been learned from earlier research. They pay close attention to contemporary scientists working on the same problem. Cooperation and competition characterize the scientific culture. Scientists check the conclusions of others by attempting to repeat experiments Pearson Education, Inc.

98 Figure 1.17

99 Science, Technology, and Society Science and technology are interdependent. New technologies advance science. Scientific discoveries lead to new technologies. For example, the discovery of the structure of DNA about 50 years ago led to a variety of DNA technologies Pearson Education, Inc.

100 Technology has improved our standard of living in many ways, but it is a double-edged sword. Technology that keeps people healthier has enabled the human population to double to nearly 7 billion in just the past 40 years. The environmental consequences of this population growth may be devastating Pearson Education, Inc.

101 Figure 1.18

102 Evolution Connection: Evolution in Our Everyday Lives Antibiotics are drugs that help fight bacterial infections. When an antibiotic is taken, most bacteria are typically killed. Those bacteria most naturally resistant to the drug can still survive. Those few resistant bacteria can soon multiply and become the norm and not the exception Pearson Education, Inc.

103 The evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a huge problem in public health. Antibiotics are being used more selectively. Many farmers are reducing the use of antibiotics in animal feed Pearson Education, Inc.

104 Figure 1.19 Colorized SEM

105 Figure 1.19a

106 Figure 1.19b Colorized SEM

107 Growth and development Order Regulation Response to the environment Reproduction Energy utilization Evolution Figure UN1-1

108 Life Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Plantae Fungi Animalia Protists Domain Bacteria Domain Archaea Three kingdoms Domain Eukarya Figure UN1-2

109 Observations Overproduction and competition Conclusion Unequal reproductive success (natural selection) Individual variation Figure UN1-3

110 Revise and repeat Observation Question Hypothesis Prediction Experiment Figure UN1-4

111 Average time to complete maze (min) Key 10 No reward Food reward Day Figure UN1-5

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