3rd Grade. Slide 1 / 87. Slide 2 / 87. Slide 3 / 87. Time, Volume & Mass. Table of Contents

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1 Slide 1 / 87 Slide 2 / 87 3rd Grade Time, Volume & Mass Table of Contents Hour and Half Hour Quarter Hour, 5 Minute and 1 Minute Elapsed Time AM & PM Measure and Estimate Liquid Volumes Volume Word Problems Measure and Estimate Mass Mass Word Problems click on the topic to go to that section Slide 3 / 87

2 Slide 4 / 87 Hour and Half Hour Return to Table of Contents Telling Time Slide 5 / 87 What do you know about telling time? Telling Time What do you know about telling time? Slide 6 / 87 What does the hour hand (little) tell you? What does the minute hand (big) tell you? How much time goes by each time you get to the next number?

3 Telling Time Put the numbers in the appropriate place. Slide 7 / Telling Time What time is it? Write your answers in the box. Then pull down the shade to see if you are correct. : : Slide 8 / 87 8 : 00 7 : 30 Telling Time Slide 9 / 87 Pull down the shade to find a time. Move the hands on the clocks to the match the time in each box. 7:00 9:30

4 Telling Time Draw the hour and minute hands on the clocks to match the time :00 2: :00 8: Slide 10 / 87 1 The clock shows 10:00. True False Slide 11 / 87 1 The clock shows 10:00. True False Slide 11 () / 87 False

5 2 Can the minute hand can go all the way up to 100? Slide 12 / 87 Yes No 2 Can the minute hand can go all the way up to 100? Slide 12 () / 87 Yes No No Slide 13 / 87

6 Slide 13 () / 87 4 How many minutes does the 6 represent on the clock? Slide 14 / 87 4 How many minutes does the 6 represent on the clock? Slide 14 () / 87 30

7 5 Where should you put the hour hand when showing the time 7:30? Slide 15 / 87 A on the number 7 B between the numbers 6 and 7 C on the number 6 D between the numbers 7 and 8 5 Where should you put the hour hand when showing the time 7:30? Slide 15 () / 87 A on the number 7 B between the numbers 6 and 7 C on the number 6 D between the numbers 7 and D 8 Slide 16 / 87 Quarter Hour, 5 Minutes and 1 Minute Return to Table of Contents

8 5 Minutes When the minute hand moves from one number to the next, 5 minutes pass. Slide 17 / 87 Quarter Hour Slide 18 / 87 When the minute hand moves from across 3 numbers, 15 minutes pass. One Minute When the minute hand moves from one mark to the next, 1 minute passes. Slide 19 / 87

9 Quarter Hour, 5 Minutes and One Minute Slide 20 / 87 Click on the button to play a telling time game. 6 What time does this clock show? A 2:10 B 1:10 C 1:50 D 2:50 Slide 21 / 87 6 What time does this clock show? A 2:10 B 1:10 C 1:50 D 2:50 Slide 21 () / 87 D

10 7 What time is shown on the clock? A 6:57 B 11:06 C 6:00 D 11:30 Slide 22 / 87 7 What time is shown on the clock? A 6:57 B 11:06 C 6:00 D 11:30 Slide 22 () / 87 D 8 What time is shown on the clock? A 10:60 B 11:53 C 12:13 D 12:53 Slide 23 / 87

11 8 What time is shown on the clock? A 10:60 B 11:53 C 12:13 D 12:53 Slide 23 () / 87 B 9 Does the clock show 12:45? Slide 24 / 87 Yes No 9 Does the clock show 12:45? Slide 24 () / 87 Yes No Yes

12 10 Does this clock show 10:10? Slide 25 / 87 Yes No 10 Does this clock show 10:10? Slide 25 () / 87 Yes No NO Slide 26 / 87 Elapsed Time Return to Table of Contents

13 Elapsed Time Slide 27 / 87 The time it takes for an activity to start to the time the activity ends is called elapsed time. Elapsed Time Slide 28 / 87 An example of elapsed time is given below. Amy needs an hour and 15 minutes to drive from her house to her grandmother's house. If she leaves at 1:00, what time will she reach her grandmother's house? Read the next page for a suggestion on how to solve this problem. Elapsed Time Slide 29 / 87 Use a clock Set the first clock for 1:00. Use it again to add an hour and 15 minutes. Check yourself by using the digital clock. Set the second clock to 1:00 by using the arrows under the clock. Then see what time you have after adding an hour and 15 minutes.

14 Elapsed Time Slide 30 / 87 Not all elapsed time problems have you add time. Some might need you to subtract time. As in this example: The paper says your favorite movie ends at 4:45. You know that the movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes long. What time will the movie start? Read the next page for a suggestion on how to solve this problem. Elapsed Time Slide 31 / 87 Use a number line (or a ruler) Find 4:45 on the number line. 1 hour 1 hour 15 minutes? 4:45 Use the ruler to subtract 2 hours and 15 minutes. What time is it? Elapsed Time Hour Die Slide 32 / Tap this die to give you your starting time. 2. Press the start and stop to flip the coin. Heads means to add the hour and minutes on the dice to the right. Tails means to subtract. Minute Die

15 Elapsed Time Slide 33 / 87 Click the clock to play an elapsed time game. 11 3:00 is three hours later than noon. Slide 34 / 87 True False 11 3:00 is three hours later than noon. Slide 34 () / 87 True False True

16 12 JoAnn has to be home by 5:00. Her friend that lives next door wants her to watch a video that is 30 minutes long. If it is 4:15 now, does JoAnn have enough time? Slide 35 / 87 Yes No 12 JoAnn has to be home by 5:00. Her friend that lives next door wants her to watch a video that is 30 minutes long. If it is 4:15 now, does JoAnn have enough time? Slide 35 () / 87 Yes No Yes 13 Lynda read her book for 20 minutes. If she started reading at 4:52. What time did she finish reading? Slide 36 / 87 A 4:72 B 4:12 C 4:32 D 5:12

17 13 Lynda read her book for 20 minutes. If she started reading at 4:52. What time did she finish reading? Slide 36 () / 87 A 4:72 B 4:12 C 4:32 D 5:12 D 14 How many minutes pass from 1:10 to 2:00? Slide 37 / How many minutes pass from 1:10 to 2:00? Slide 37 () / 87 50

18 15 If Nick needs 25 minutes to do his homework and his mom will check it at 6:00, what time should he start? Slide 38 / 87 A 5:30 B 5:35 C 6:25 D 6:35 15 If Nick needs 25 minutes to do his homework and his mom will check it at 6:00, what time should he start? Slide 38 () / 87 A 5:30 B 5:35 C 6:25 D 6:35 B 16 Ana starts eating lunch at 12:15 p.m. She finishes eating lunch 40 minutes later. Which clock shows the time that Ana finishes eating lunch? Select the correct answer. Slide 39 / 87 A C B D From PARCC EOY sample test non-calculator #5

19 16 Ana starts eating lunch at 12:15 p.m. She finishes eating lunch 40 minutes later. Which clock shows the time that Ana finishes eating lunch? Select the correct answer. Slide 39 () / 87 A C B B D From PARCC EOY sample test non-calculator #5 Slide 40 / 87 AM and PM Return to Table of Contents AM and PM Slide 41 / 87 There are 24 hours in a day. The 12 hours following midnight need an AM following the time and the other 12 hours that follow noon need a PM. What time is midnight?...noon? Here are some examples... Elizabeth is going for a hike in the morning at 7:00. How should she write the time? Keith's soccer game is after school at 3:00. How should he write the time?

20 AM and PM Slide 42 / 87 Sometimes an event starts in the AM and ends in the PM. As in this example... We leave for lunch at 11:22 and return to the classroom at 12:49. How would we write both of these times? Can you give an example of the opposite? Meaning an event that starts in the PM and ends in the AM. AM and PM Slide 43 / 87 Tap on the clock to play a AM/PM game. 17 Midnight and noon are the same thing. Slide 44 / 87 True False

21 17 Midnight and noon are the same thing. Slide 44 () / 87 True False False 18 What time is dance class after school? Slide 45 / 87 A B C D 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:30 PM 10:15 PM 18 What time is dance class after school? Slide 45 () / 87 A 11:00 AM B 1:00 PM C 5:30 PM D 10:15 PM C

22 19 What time did the thunderstorm wake you up at in the middle of the night? Slide 46 / 87 A B C D 3:10 pm 7:25 pm 10:00 am 1:30 am 19 What time did the thunderstorm wake you up at in the middle of the night? Slide 46 () / 87 A 3:10 pm B 7:25 pm C D 10:00 am 1:30 am D 20 Is midnight 12:00 pm? Slide 47 / 87 Yes No

23 20 Is midnight 12:00 pm? Slide 47 () / 87 Yes No No 21 Does school start at 8:00 AM or PM? Slide 48 / Does school start at 8:00 AM or PM? Slide 48 () / 87 AM

24 Slide 49 / 87 Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Return to Table of Contents Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 50 / 87 Liquid volume (or capacity) is the measure of how much liquid a container can hold. Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume The volume of this dropper is 1 milliliter (ml). Slide 51 / 87 Have you heard of this measurement? Please give an example.

25 Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume The volume of this dropper is 1 milliliter (ml). Slide 51 () / 87 Teacher Notes After the students give their examples press the split screen button and compare their examples with the ones on the next page. Have you heard of this measurement? Please give an example. Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 52 / 87 This test tube holds about 25 ml. The cup and mug both hold about 250 ml. Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 53 / 87 How much liquid volume is in each measuring cup? 100 ml 75 ml 50 ml 25 ml 90 ml 80 ml 70 ml 60 ml 50 ml 40 ml 30 ml 20 ml 10 ml

26 22 Would you use ml to measure the liquid volume of a bathtub? Yes Slide 54 / 87 No 22 Would you use ml to measure the liquid volume of a bathtub? Yes Slide 54 () / 87 No No 23 How many ml of liquid are in the beaker? Slide 55 / ml ml ml 5 ml

27 23 How many ml of liquid are in the beaker? Slide 55 () / ml ml ml 15 5 ml 24 What is the volume of the liquid? Slide 56 / ml 80 ml 70 ml 60 ml 50 ml 40 ml 30 ml 20 ml 10 ml 24 What is the volume of the liquid? Slide 56 () / ml 80 ml 70 ml 60 ml 50 ml 40 ml 30 ml 20 ml 10 ml 75

28 25 About how many ml would a soup spoon hold? A 4 ml B 40 ml C 400 ml Slide 57 / About how many ml would a soup spoon hold? A 4 ml B 40 ml C 400 ml Slide 57 () / 87 B 26 Would 500 ml be a good estimate for the liquid volume of this soup? Yes Slide 58 / 87 No

29 26 Would 500 ml be a good estimate for the liquid volume of this soup? Yes Slide 58 () / 87 No Yes Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 59 / 87 The volume of this measuring cup is 1 liter (L). 1,000 ml = 1 L Have you heard of this measurement? Please give an example. Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 59 () / 87 The volume of this measuring cup is 1 liter (L). Teacher Notes After the students give their examples 1,000 press ml = the 1 L split screen button and compare their examples with the ones on the next page. Have you heard of this measurement? Please give an example.

30 Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 60 / 87 All of these containers hold 1 L. This size bottle holds 2 L. Some fish tanks can hold 50 L. 27 Would 1 Liter be a good estimate for the liquid volume of this shampoo? Yes Slide 61 / 87 No 27 Would 1 Liter be a good estimate for the liquid volume of this shampoo? Yes Slide 61 () / 87 No Yes

31 28 Which is the better estimate of the liquid volume of this pot? Slide 62 / 87 A 2 ml B 2 L C 2 ll 28 Which is the better estimate of the liquid volume of this pot? Slide 62 () / 87 A 2 ml B 2 L C 2 ll B 29 Which TWO containers could hold more than 1 liter? Slide 63 / 87 A a baby's bottle B a soda can C a bucket D a drinking glass E a large mixing bowl

32 29 Which TWO containers could hold more than 1 liter? Slide 63 () / 87 A a baby's bottle B a soda can C a bucket D a drinking glass E a large mixing bowl C & E 30 Could a bathroom sink hold 10 liters? Slide 64 / 87 Yes No 30 Could a bathroom sink hold 10 liters? Slide 64 () / 87 Yes No No

33 31 About how many liters can a pool hold? A 7 L B 75 L C 750 L Slide 65 / About how many liters can a pool hold? A 7 L B 75 L C 750 L Slide 65 () / 87 C 32 Gwen pours about 3 liters of water into a container. Select the letter that shows about how much water Gwen poured into the container. Slide 66 / 87 A B C D From PARCC PBA sample test non-calculator #13

34 32 Gwen pours about 3 liters of water into a container. Select the letter that shows about how much water Gwen poured into the container. Slide 66 () / 87 A B C B D From PARCC PBA sample test non-calculator #13 Slide 67 / 87 Volume Word Problems Return to Table of Contents Volume Word Problems Slide 68 / 87 George's coffee cup holds 300 ml of coffee. If he took a 10 ml sip. How much coffee is left in George's cup? 300 ml - 10 ml = 290 ml

35 Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Florence bought 3 bottles of soda. If each bottle has a liquid volume of 2 L. How much soda does she have in all? Slide 69 / 87 3 bottles x 2 liters each = 6 liters of soda 33 There are 7 jugs of juice on the store's shelf. Each jug holds 3 liters. How many liters of juice are on the shelf in all? Slide 70 / There are 7 jugs of juice on the store's shelf. Each jug holds 3 liters. How many liters of juice are on the shelf in all? Slide 70 () / 87 21

36 34 The Smith family used 89 liters of water on Monday, 43 liters on Tuesday and 72 liters on Wednesday. How man liters of water did the Smith family use in those 3 days? Slide 71 / The Smith family used 89 liters of water on Monday, 43 liters on Tuesday and 72 liters on Wednesday. How man liters of water did the Smith family use in those 3 days? Slide 71 () / Slide 72 / 87 Measure and Estimate Mass Return to Table of Contents

37 Measure and Estimate Math Slide 73 / 87 Mass is the measure of how much matter an object has. Slide 74 / 87 Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Slide 75 / 87 Objects with more mass are measured with kilograms (kg).

38 35 Which unit would be used to measure the mass of the umbrella? A grams B kilograms Slide 76 / Which unit would be used to measure the mass of the umbrella? A grams B kilograms Slide 76 () / 87 B 36 Which unit would be used to measure the mass of the hat? A grams B kilograms Slide 77 / 87

39 36 Which unit would be used to measure the mass of the hat? A grams B kilograms Slide 77 () / 87 A 37 How many grams do the rolls of coins have? Slide 78 / How many grams do the rolls of coins have? Slide 78 () /

40 38 What is the mass of this duckling? Slide 79 / What is the mass of this duckling? Slide 79 () / Which estimate is better for the mass of the cat? Slide 80 / 87 A 2 grams B 2 kilograms C 20 kilograms

41 39 Which estimate is better for the mass of the cat? Slide 80 () / 87 A 2 grams B 2 kilograms C 20 kilograms B 40 Which estimate is better for the mass of the dime? Slide 81 / 87 A 3 grams B 30 kilograms 40 Which estimate is better for the mass of the dime? Slide 81 () / 87 A 3 grams B 30 kilograms A

42 Slide 82 / 87 Mass Word Problems Return to Table of Contents Mass Word Problems Slide 83 / 87 A pear has a mass of 203 grams. An apple has a mass of 157 grams. How many more grams is the pear than the apple? 203 grams grams = 46 grams Mass Word Problems Slide 84 / 87 A rabbit has the mass of 2 kilograms. If there are 3 rabbits, what is the total mass? 2 kg x 3 rabbits = 6 kg

43 41 A snack bag has 48 grams of carrots and 23 grams of celery. How many grams of vegetables are in the bag? Slide 85 / A snack bag has 48 grams of carrots and 23 grams of celery. How many grams of vegetables are in the bag? Slide 85 () / The total mass of 7 quarters is 42 grams. How many grams does each quarter have? Slide 86 / 87

44 42 The total mass of 7 quarters is 42 grams. How many grams does each quarter have? Slide 86 () / Mrs. Lyles' mass is 68 kg. If she picks up and holds her 13 kg son, what is their total mass? Slide 87 / Mrs. Lyles' mass is 68 kg. If she picks up and holds her 13 kg son, what is their total mass? Slide 87 () / 87 81

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