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1 Astronomy & Astrophysis manusript no. paper2 ESO 2012 February 2, 2012 Asiago elipsing binaries program IV. SZ Camelopardalis, a β Cephei pulsator in a quadruple, elipsing system E. Tamajo 1,2, U. Munari 2, A. Siviero 3, L. Tomasella 2, S. Dallaporta 4 arxiv: v1 [] 1 Feb Department of Physis, University of Zagreb, Bijenička esta 32, Zagreb, Croatia 2 INAF Astronomial Observatory of Padova, Asiago (VI), Italy 3 Department of Astronomy, University of Padova, Padova (PD), Italy 4 ANS Collaboration, /o Osservatorio Astronomio, via dell Osservatorio 8, Asiago (VI), Italy Preprint online version: February 2, 2012 ABSTRACT We present a spetrosopi and photometri analysis of the multiple system and early-type elipsing binary SZ Cam (O9 IV + B0.5 V), whih onsists of an elipsing SB2 pair of orbital period P = 2.7 days in a long orbit ( 55 yrs) around a non-elipsing SB1 pair of orbital period P = 2.8 days. We have reonstruted the spetra of the individual omponents of SZ Cam from the observed omposite spetra using the tehnique of spetral disentangling. We used them together with extensive and aurate BVI C CCD photometry to obtain an orbital solution. Our photometry revealed the presene of a β Cep variable in the SZ Cam hierarhial system, probably loated within the non-elipsing SB1 pair. The pulsation period is ( ± ) days and the observed total amplitude in the B band is ( ± ) mag. NLTE analysis of the disentangled spetra provided atmospheri parameters for all three omponents, onsistent with those derived from orbital solution. Key words. binary stars stars: binaries: elipsing stars: fundamental parameters 1. Introdution In the past several deades, new theoretial models have been established in order to inlude a number of physial proesses and phenomena, whih are important for understanding the struture and evolution of high-mass stars. These proesses are onvetive ore-overshooting, semi-onvetion, rotational material mixing and mass loss due to stellar winds. However, empirial onstraints on these features remain of high priority, despite steady improvement in observational tehniques and apabilities (Hildith 2004). Elipsing binaries of the detahed type are a great resoure for obtaining aurate values of stellar masses, radii, and luminosities (Andersen 1991; Torres et al. 2010). Given that the omponent stars have the same age and initial hemial omposition, elipsing binaries have been extensively used to test preditions of stellar models (eg. Siviero et al. 2004, Tomasella et al. 2008a,b). SZ Cam (=HD V=6.9 mag) is an early type elipsing binary (B0 II-III + O9.5 V aording to Morgan et al and Budding 1975), whih is a member of the very young open luster NGC For this luster, the ompilation of literature data by Dias et al. (2002) lists an age of 10 Myr, a distane of 1.0 kp, and a radial veloity of 9.7 km s 1. The photometri variability of SZ Cam was disovered by (Guthnik & Prager 1930), and light urves were presented by Wesselink (1941), Olsen (1961), Kitamura & Yamasaki (1971), Polushina (1977), Chohol (1980), Gorda and Polushina (1987), and Gorda (2000). Their observations were arried out by means of photographi or photoeletri photometry. The photoeletri observations an attain a high intrinsi auray, but not in the ase of open lusters Send offprint requests to: where many other field stars enter the aperture of the photometer (usually several tens of arse wide), and even less so in the ase of SZ Cam that has a similarly bright star (HD 25639), itself member of NGC 1502 and a variable star, just 18 arse away. All light urves of SZ Cam so far published have been judged by these authors to be noisier than expeted from the high brightness of the target star. This was attributed to the perturbation of the photometri measure by nearby stars, and no investigation of an intrinsi variability has been arried out in addition to the elipse modulation. SZ Cam was first reognized as a spetrosopi binary by Plaskett (1924), and spetrosopially was found to be a triple stellar system by Mayer et al. (1994; 2010). The presene of the third omponent has been onfirmed by spekle interferometry (Mason et al. 1998). More spekle measurements were published by Gorda et al. (2007) and Balega et al. (2007). These spekle measurements deteted an orbital motion for the tertiary omponent but one that is extended long enough in time to over only a small ar of the overall orbit. Lorenz et al. (1998) and Mihalska et al. (2007) have found that the tertiary star is itself a lose, single-lined binary, thus making SZ Cam a quadruple system. The main parameters of the orbital solutions so far published (Harries et al. 1998, Lorenz et al. 1998, Mihalska et al. 2007, Gorda 2008, Mayer et al. 2010) are based on radial veloities obtained over limited wavelength ranges (sometimes just a single line, as in the ase of Hα for Mihalska et al. 2007), sometimes on low S/N spetra or at medium to low resolving powers. The tehniques used to measure the radial veloities varied from multipeaked ross-orrelation funtions, to simple multi- Gaussian fitting to some individual lines, to spetral disentangling of a single line (Hα). The resulting orbital parameters dif- 1

2 Table 1. Comparison of various orbital solutions for the elipsing pair in the quadruple system SZ Cam. Harries et al. (1998) Lorenz et al. (1998) Mihalska et al. (2007) Gorda (2008) Mayer et al. (2010) this paper K 1 (km s 1 ) 225.8± ± ± ± ±2.8 K 2 (km s 1 ) 259.1± ± ± ± ±3.6 M 1 (M ) 18.5± ± ± ± ±0.54 M 2 (M ) 16.1± ± ± ± ±0.38 q= M 2 /M ± ± ± ± ±0.006 R 1 (R ) 8.5± ± ± ±0.05 R 2 (R ) 7.9± ± ± ±0.12 T 1 (K) ± T 2 (K) 2 542± ± ± ±255 γ (km s 1 ) 12.0± ± ± l % 20% 30% 25.5±0.7% e assumed from NLTE modeling not onstrained by orbital solution (see Table 4). the value of l 3 is for the V photometri band. fer from one published solution to the other, muh more than the quoted errors as illustrated in Table 1. The motivation for this new effort on SZ Cam is multifold: (i) to obtain a omplete new set of high auray BVI C photometry with long- fous CCD imaging, able to aurately split SZ Cam from any surrounding disturbing field star and thus greatly improving on existing photometri data. In addition to providing better elipse light urves, these data are used to investigate and haraterize any intrinsi variability displayed by any of the four omponents. We have indeed disovered that one of them is a β Cep pulsator. (ii) to derive the radial veloities of the omponents of SZ Cam via spetral disentangling of the whole optial spetrum from REOSC Éhelle high-resolution data. Without limiting the RV measurement to just a few lines of assumed Gaussian shape as happened in previous studies, we are onfident the results should gain in auray. (iii) To derive with NLTE analysis the temperature and gravity of the stellar omponents of SZ Cam, and ompare them with the results of orbital solution and with expetation from theoretial isohrones. 2. Observations 2.1. Spetrosopy The spetra of SZ Cam were obtained in 2005 and 2011 with the REOSC Éhelle + CCD spetrograph on the 1.82 m telesope operated by Osservatorio Astronomio di Padova at Mt. Ekar (Asiago). The observing log is given in Table 2. A 2-arse slit was adopted with fixed E-W orientation, produing a PSF with an FWHM of 1.75 pixel over the whole observing ampaign, orresponding to a resolving power lose to R p The PSF is measured on the night sky and on omparison lamp emission lines (and onfirmed by analysis of telluri O 2 and H 2 O absorption lines). Even if uniformly illuminating the slit, the night sky and omparison lamp emission lines are onsidered a fair approximation of the stellar illumination mode of the slit given the typial seeing (around 2 arse) and the deliberate manual guiding of the star on the slit for half an hour eah exposure. The manual guiding was preferred over the equally possible automati one to avoid introduing spurious, low-amplitude veloity shifts aused by the star not being kept exatly on the slit enter by the auto-guiding. Table 2. Journal of observations. The S/N is omputed on the ontinuum at 5870 Å. The timesale is UTC. ID HJD Phase S/N ID HJD Phase S/N ( ) ( ) Exposures of a thorium lamp for wavelength alibration were obtained both immediately before and soon after the exposures on SZ Cam, on whih the telesope was still traking. These two exposures of the thorium lamp were ombined before extration, to ompensate for spetrograph flexures. From the start of the first thorium exposure to the end of the last, the whole observing yle inluding the exposure on SZ Cam took about 40 min. Aording to the detailed investigation and 2D modeling by Munari & Lattanzi (1992) of the flexure pattern of the REOSC Éhelle spetrograph mounted at the Asiago 1.82 m telesope, and onsidering that we imarily observed our target 2

3 Table 3. BVI C photometri data for SZ Cam. HJD = helioentri JD ( a ). The timesale is UTC. date HJD V err B V err V I C err a: Table 3 is published in its entirety in the eletroni edition of A&A. A portion is shown here for guidane regarding its form and ontent. Fig. 1. Two examples of H α profiles for SZ Cam from Asiago REOSC Éhelle observations. The features of the primary (P), seondary (S) and tertiary (T) stars are labeled. The three lower urves are the spetra of the three individual omponents, normalized to their light ontribution, as we disentangled from the whole set of 40 REOSC Éhelle spetra overing all orbital phases. when it was rossing the meridian, the impat of spetrograph residual flexures on our observations orresponds to an unertainty below 0.2 km/s, thus ompletely negligible in the ontext of our study. The absene of a systemati veloity off-set and of random veloity errors lower than 0.3 km/s are onfirmed by (i) the measurement by ross-orrelation of the radial veloity of the rih telluri absorption spetrum in the red portion of all our spetra, and (ii) the measurement of all night sky lines we deteted in our spetra, relative to the ompilations of their wavelengths by Meinel et al. (1968), Osterbrok & Martel (1992), and Osterbrok et al. (1996) CCD photometry CCD photometry on SZ Cam was olleted in Johnson s B and V bands and Cousin s I C. A total of 1423 BVI C observing sequenes were obtained in 43 different observing nights, from August 28, 2010 to February 11, They are reported in Table 3. Three minima were overed well by ontinuous monitoring throughout the desending, minimum, and asending branhes. The time of entral elipse for them ourred at HJD , , and ( ). The telesope was a 0.3 m f/8 Maron Rihey-Chretien telesope, privately owned by one of us (S. D.) and operated in Cembra (Trento, Italy). It was equipped with an SBIG ST-8 CCD amera, array, 9µm pixels 0.77 /pix, with a field of view of The BVI C filters are from Shuler. The observations were treated in the usual fashion for bias, dark, and flat-field frames olleted in eah of the nights when SZ Cam was observed. The photometri measurements were performed with aperture photometry, with optimally hosen values for radius of aperture and internal and external radii of sky annulus. The optimal values were automatially and iteratively set by the ondition of minimizing the rms of the many loal photometri standard stars on eah observation (see next paragraph) from the linear olor equations. In spite of being loated within the well-populated open luster NGC 1502, the auray of aperture photometry was not affeted by the presene of nearby luster members, as extensive tests with PSF fitting photometry proved. The long foal length, good seeing, aurate auto-guiding, and the exellent optial quality of the Rihey- Chretien telesope were all instrumental to ahieve this result. The zero point and olor equations of the photometry were alibrated against the B,V photometri sequene of Hoag (1961) for NGC 1502 and against the V I C of the omparison sequene alibrated by Henden & Munari (2006) around the nearby CI Cam. The median slope of the V olor equation was with a semi-interquartile range of The median and the semiinterquartile ranges were and for the B V olor equation, with and for V I C. The errors reported in Table 3 are the total budget errors, whih are the quadrati sum of the Poissonian error and the error assoiated to the transformation to the standard system as defined by the Hoag (1961) and Henden & Munari (2006) standard stars. The median and semi-interquartile ranges of the total error budgets for V, B V, and V I C are and 0.001, and 0.002, and mag, respetively. 3. Spetral disentangling 3.1. The method The tehnique of spetral disentangling (hereafter SPD) allows isolation of the spetra of the individual omponent stars of a double-lined spetrosopi binary system, using as input many observed spetra distributed well in orbital phases. It was originally formulated in the wavelength domain by Simon & Sturm (1994) and in the Fourier domain by Hadrava (1995). The tehnique simultaneously returns the best-fitting spetra and the orbital veloity amplitudes of the two stars making up the binary. A detailed overview of SPD an be found in Pavlovski & Hensberge (2010). The disentangled spetrum for eah omponent of the binary ontains the ombined signal of all the input spetra and has a muh higher signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) ompared to them. The total S/N value in a disentangled spetrum of omponent n is S dis f n S obs Nobs, where f n is the frational light ontribu- 3

4 Fig. 2. Comparison between the disentangled spetra (points) and best-fitting NLTE theoretial spetra (solid lines) for H γ, H β and H α Balmer-line. Labels P, S, and T mark the primary, seondary, and tertiary omponents, respetively. tion for omponent n and S obs and N obs are the S/N and number of input spetra. The spetra of the individual omponents an be analyzed in the same way as those of single stars (Hensberge & Pavlovski 2007; Pavlovski 2004; Pavlovski & Southworth 2009; Pavlovski et al. 2009; Pavlovski & Hensberge 2005). The usual degeneray between T eff and log g whih are so ommon in the atmospheri investigation of isolated single stars, is lifted in the ase of elipsing binaries by the very preise log g provided diretly by the orbital solution (Hensberge et al. 2000; Simon et al. 1994). Compared to other methods of radial veloity measurement, SPD has some advantages. First of all it is independent of template spetra, so it avoids any systemati errors due to spetral differenes between the target and template stars. Seond, disentangling is not affeted by the blending of spetral lines of the two stars (see Hensberge et al. 2000; Southworth & Clausen 2007). Third, it does not require the real lines to resemble speifi profiles (Gaussians) or to be symmetri. These two onditions are usually impliitly assumed in many investigations where blended line profiles are fitted with ombinations of multiple Gaussians. There are also a few disadvantages of the SPD approah. The first of these is that the ontinuum normalization of the input spetra has to be very preise in order to avoid lowfrequeny spurious patterns in the resulting disentangled spetra (Hensberge et al. 2008). Another disadvantage is that relative ontinuum light ontributions of the two stars annot be found using SPD, sine this information is itself not ontained in the observed spetra, unless a spetrum has been obtained during an elipse (Ilijić et al. 2004). The SPD an equally treat eentri and irular orbits. SZ Cam has been proven by previous studies (and onfirmed by our photometri solution below) to be haraterized by zero eentriity. To hek it further, we first run the SPD by letting unonstrained the eentriity, and got no signifiant deviation from e = 0. Consequently, we fixed a zero eentriity and ran a final SPD that provided the results used in this paper. In setting e = 0, the SPD onverges on the spetra of the individual omponents that provide the best fit to a sinusoidal radial veloity variation. Therefore, its output amplitude is due to the orbital veloity variation (and its error). To haraterize the omponent stars of the binary, we used the method of fitting syntheti NLTE spetra to the disentangled ones, where the atmospheri parameters and the projeted rotational veloities are determined simultaneously with the relative light ontributions of the stars. A geneti algorithm (GENFITT, Tamajo 2009) is used for the optimization (Tamajo et al. 2011) in order to ensure that the best solution is found in a parameter spae that suffers from strong degeneraies, in partiular between effetive temperature (T eff ) and surfae gravity (log g). Table 4 ompares the results of the NLTE analysis when it is run un-onstrained and when the gravities of the two stars member of the elipsing pair are fixed to the values derived by the orbital solution of Table 5. The rotational veloities of the tertiary stars are orreted for the smearing introdued by its orbital motion around an unseen ompanion Appliation to SZ Cam We analyzed the Asiago REOSC Éhelle spetra of SZ Cam obtained at Mt. Ekar about six years apart, using the SPD proedure analysis as implemented in the FDBINARY ode (Ilijić et al. 2004), inluding all the 40 observed spetra in Table 2. We weighted the input spetra aording to their S/N value. The proedure of SPD was performed in several spetral regions. We onverged to aurate results for the regions of the prominent hydrogen Balmer lines H α, H β, and H γ, while other entered on HeI, HeII, Si II, and Si III lines performed less satisfatorily, given the intrinsi weakness of these lines and the limited S/N of several of our spetra. 4

5 Table 4. Results of NLTE fitting, with the ode GENFITT, of the Balmer lines on disentangled spetra of SZ Cam. The last olumn gives the reduedχ 2. line T eff1 log g 1 v sin i 1 ri 1 T eff2 log g 2 v sin i 2 ri 2 T eff3 log g 3 v sin i 3 ri 3 χ 2 ν (K) [gs] (km/s) (K) [gs] (km/s) (K) [gs] (km/s) NLTE not onstrained by orbital solution H α ±190 ± ±0.012 ±200 ± ±0.014 ±216 ± ±0.014 H β ±190 ± ±0.017 ±220 ± ±0.015 ±229 ± ±0.017 H γ ±250 ± ±0.058 ±300 ± ±0.053 ±268 ± ±0.024 NLTE onstrained with log g 1 and log g 2 from orbital solution H α ±205 fixed ±2.9 ±0.015 ±210 fixed ±3.0 ±0.016 ±220 ±0.035 ±3.8 ±0.015 H β ±220 fixed ±3.4 ±0.018 ±225 fixed ±3.4 ±0.017 ±235 ±0.041 ±4.6 ±0.019 H γ ±270 fixed ±3.9 ±0.042 ±315 fixed ±4.1 ±0.047 ±276 ±0.059 ±5.2 ±0.032 ri 1, ri 2 and ri 3 are the relative intensities of the three omponents to the given line (ri 1 + ri 2 + ri 3 =1.0). The disentangled Hα profile for the tertiary omponent shown in Figs. 1 and 2 deserves some omments. The sharp absorptions aused by telluri O 2 and H 2 O were intentionally not orreted for in the input spetra. The idea was to use them to test the performane of the SPD proedure. In fat, the wide orbit of the tertiary omponent around the elipsing pair (for whih we derive a period of 54.9± 2.2 yr, an eentriity of the wide orbit of ± and a time of periastron passage of ± 10 day, all in good agreement with previous studies), is so slow that from the point of view of SPD the baryenter of the tertiary omponent is essentially at rest, when ompared with the large orbital modulation of the omponent of the elipsing pair. The total amplitude of the shift on the telluri lines imposed by the helioentri orretion is 46 km s 1, whih is similar to the 50 km s 1 amplitude of the orbital motion of the tertiary star around its unseen ompanion (Lorenz et al. 1998). From the point of view of the SPD, they are out of phase with the orbital motion of the main elipsing pair and their radial veloity amplitudes are negligible in omparison. Thus the only effet impinged on the line profiles of the tertiary star in Fig. 2 is a moderate broadening of the stellar and telluri lines (the rotational veloity below derived for the tertiary star is orreted for this smearing). It is reassuring that the SPD proedure attributed the telluri absorptions to the tertiary omponent, leaning them ompletely from the disentangled spetra of the primary and seondary omponents (f. Hadrava 2006). Partiularly interesting in this respet is the presene, on the Hα profile of the tertiary omponent in Figs. 1 and 2, of the sharp telluri H 2 O line at exatly the expeted rest wavelength of Å, even if this line is well within the Hα profile and just on the red of its photoenter. It is worth notiing that the overall disentangled Hα profile for the tertiary star in Fig. 1 differs signifiantly from the shape of the same line for the two other stars. For sake of disussion, we ould desribe it as the apparent superposition of a broader and a narrower omponents. Could it be so beause our SPD proedure has also effetively deonvolved the two ompo- Table 5. Light-urve solution, where the given errors are formal errors due to the WD solution. Parameter Value Error period (days) ± t (primary el. HJD) ± a (R ) ± 0.15 i ( ) ± 0.39 e 0.00 T 1 (K) ± (fixed) T 1 T 2 (K) ± 255 Ω ± Ω ± R 1 (R ) 8.91 ± 0.05 R 2 (R ) 6.70 ± 0.12 M 1 (M ) ± 0.54 M 2 (M ) ± 0.38 M bol, ± 0.04 M bol, ± 0.06 log g 1 (gs) 3.70 ± 0.01 log g 2 (gs) 3.82 ± 0.02 L 1 (I band) a ± L 2 (I band) a ± l 3 (I band) b ± R 1,pole ± R 1,point ± R 1,side ± R 1,bak ± R 2,pole ± R 2,point ± R 2,side ± R 2,bak ± a relative light ontributions (L 1 + L 2 + l 3 = 1); b frational ontribution of the third light at maximum; frational Rohe radii in units of separation of mass enters; 5

6 Fig. 4. The position in phase of the spetrosopi data used in the disentangling is overplotted on the radial veloity urves from the orbital solution of Table 5. Filled red irles mark the hotter and more massive (primary) star, and the open blue irles the ooler and less massive (seondary) star. Fig. 3. The orbital solution as given in Table 5 is overplotted on our photometri data from Table 3. The middle panel shows the I C band light urve and the other three panels presents the residuals in (B V), (V I C ) and I C (top to bottom, respetively. nents making up the third star binary? We plan to investigate this possibility elsewhere by, in a tailored analysis ombining other spetrosopi and photometri data we are planning to obtain for this speifi purpose. 4. Orbital solution A photometri solution for SZ Cam was obtained with the WD ode (Wilson & Devinney 1971; Wilson 1998) in its WD98K93d version as developed by Milone et al. 1992), by adopting the MODE-2 option, appropriate for detahed binary stars, whih implements Rohe geometry and a detailed treatment of refletion and other physial phenomena. It adopted the mass ratio as provided by the spetral disentangling. We used the version of the standard differential orretions proedure (WDDC) and iterated until all parameter orretions were less than their formal errors. The orbital solution was then refined by inorporating the information on the radial veloity semi-amplitudes derived by the spetral disentangling, so that the radial veloity urve generated by the WD ode mathed that obtained from the spetral disentangling. The full set of fixed and ontrolled orbital parameters are given in Table 5, where the given errors are those formal to the WD solution (the true errors are probably larger, in partiular onsidering that the elipses are only partial and not total). We aution that the formal errors an be optimisti when there are strong orrelations between parameters, so should be on- sidered with are (e.g. Southworth, Maxted & Smalley 2004; Southworth, Bruntt & Buzasi 2007). The orbital solution is overplotted to the observed light urve in Fig. 3. For our modeling, we adopted temperature of the primary star as derived by the NLTE analysis, and the bolometri albedos and gravity brightening exponents appropriate for radiative atmospheres (Claret 2001, 1998), and limb darkening oeffiients from Van Hamme (1993). The final solution shows a negligible dependene on the way limb darkening is aounted for, but it is very sensitive to the strength of the third light. The ontribution of third light implied by the orbital solution is 25.5%, and 26.0% from NLTE modeling of line-profiles (both methods to the same wavelength region, the V band, whose effetive wavelength is mathed by the weighted average of the NLTE results based on H γ, H β and H α lines). The two methods therefor onverge on the same ontribution of third light within 0.5%. To test the effet of unertainty on the amount of third light, we reran the WD solution by first inreasing the third light for +0.5% and then dereasing it by the same amount (i.e. imposing l 3 first to 25.0% and then to 26.0%). The effet of suh a +0.5% hange in the ontribution of the third light reflets in a hange of T eff in the seondary omponent by 1.1%, and a hange of 1.2% in the radii. Thus, the order of magnitude of the differene in T eff between spetrosopy (NLTE modeling) and photometry (WD alulation) are a few hundred kelvins. A disussion of the temperature sale of hot stars is given in Se. 5. Our final solution adopted the linear limb darkening law and onverged on the following limb-darkening parameters: x1(bolo) = 0.500, x2(bolo) = 0.500, and the monohromati ones as x1(mono) = 0.301, x2(mono) = for the primary and seondary omponents, respetively Reddening and distane The mean E B V olor-exess of NGC 1502 amounts to about 0.75 mag aording to Reimann & Pfau (1987) and E B V = 0.70 following Dias et al. (2002) with a possible variation of E B V = 0.2 over the area of the luster (Janes & Adler 1982, 6

7 Yadav & Sagar 2001). The reddening law along the line of sight to NGC 1502 deviates from the standard A V = 3.1, beause it is shifted toward A V = 2.6 (Tapia et al. 1991, Pandey et al. 2003, Weitenbek et al. 2008). Averaging member stars listed by the WEBDA database from the soures of B,V photometry for NGC 1502 we built the olor-magnitude diagram of Fig. 6, where the fit is arried out for a Padova isohrone of solar metalliity and 10 Myr, saled in distane and extintion. The position of member stars in the diagram is so sattered that the fitting with an isohrone is not well onstrained. The satter is intrinsi to the members of the luster, as illustrated by the similarly dispersed olor-magnitude diagram published by Mihalska et al. (2009), who tentatively find E B V = 0.70 and 1 kp distane from their own photometri data for NGC The equivalent width of interstellar lines orrelates with reddening very well. To hek on the reddening to be assumed for SZ Cam in omputing its distane, we measured the interstellar lines appearing on our REOSC Éhelle spetra. The NaI D1,2 lines are learly saturated, indiating a reddening E B V > 0.55, while KI 7699 Å has an equivalent width of 0.19 Å that orresponds to E B V = 0.75 following the alibrations of Munari & Zwitter (1997). In the following, we assume the mean value E B V = 0.73 as the reddening affeting SZ Cam. To ompute a distane to SZ Cam from the orbital solution, we adopted a bolometri orretion BC = 3.16 from Bessell et al. (1998) for all three omponents, and for the Sun L = x W and M bol, = The lassial method of determining the distane to an elipsing binary is to alulate the luminosity of eah omponent star from its radius and effetive temperature. The resulting values of absolute bolometri magnitude, M bol, are then onverted to absolute visual magnitudes, M V, using bolometri orretions (BCs). The ombined M V of the omponents is then ompared to the apparent visual magnitude m V to find the distane modulus (e.g. Harmane & Prša 2011; Southworth et al. 2005). We obtained a distane of 870± 30 p for SZ Cam. This lies omfortably lose to the rather unertain value for the distane of the parent NGC 1502 luster. Unfortunately, this determination annot be heked against the Hipparos parallax for SZ Cam, whih is useless sine its error is six times more than the value (Van Leeuwen 2007). Fig. 5. The light urve of theβ Cephei star in SZ Cam, with a period of days and a total amplitude of mag β Cep pulsation The high auray of our photometry allows for searhing and haraterizing the low-amplitude intrinsi variability of the individual stars making up SZ Cam. The presene of a stable and periodi variability with a total amplitude of around 0.01 mag and a period of about eight hours is already evident in our data by looking at the individual long photometri observing runs we olleted on SZ Cam, whih lasted for many onseutive hours. This mirovariability takes the form of a sinusoidal-like disturbane around the light urve modulated by elipses. To isolate this variability, we subtrated the flux orresponding to the orbital light urve at that phase from eah observation, thus working on the residuals. The residuals were then searhed for periodiity using the Deeming-Fourier algorithm for unequally spaed data (Deeming 1975), whih led again to a very strong peak at ± days (7 h 59 m ). The orresponding light urve is presented in Fig. 5. To plot the latter, we took the residuals from the orbital light urve for all 1517 observations, divided the day period into 20 bins, and plotted the mean magnitude and its sigma for eah bin. In this Fig. 6. Color magnitude diagram of the open luster NGC 1502 built from photometri data retrieved from WEBDA database ( The blue open irle marks SZ Cam. The lines are a Padova solar omposition isohrone for an age of 10 Myr, shifted aording to indiated reddening and distanes. way the light urve is muh leaner than when plotting all 1517 individual points. The observed total amplitude is B = (± ) mag, and the orresponding ephemeris is min(b) = (±0.002) (± ) E. (1) Suh a low-amplitude variability, its sinusoidal light urve, and the length of the period are typial ofβ Cep stars. Aording to the atalog ofβ Cep stars of Stankov & Handler (2005), (hereafter ST05), their spetral type range from B0 to B3 and the luminosity lass from I to V, with two thirds of the total being omposed by B1 and B2 stars of luminosity lasses III, IV, and V. Their variability is due to pulsations driven by theκ- 7

8 mehanism (Maeder 2009; Dziembowski & Pamyatnykh 1993; Sterken & Jerzykiewiz 1993; Moskalik & Dziembowski 1992), and the general aspet of their light urves is similar to a sinusoid (Hoffmeister 1985; Sterken & Jashek 1996). They are rare objets, sine the ST05 atalog listing only 93 validated β Cep stars. The median value of their pulsation amplitude is 0.02 mag, and the frequeny distribution of the pulsation periods is a broad Gaussian, entered at days, with the shortest ataloged period days (V945 So) and the longest days (V595 Per). Aording to the ST05 atalog, only fourβ Cep stars are elipsing binaries (η Ori, HD 92024, HIP 84655, and EN La), and only one of them is also a triple system (η Ori). In this ontext, SZ Cam stands out as a very interesting member of theβ Cep group of stars, beause it has the longest known pulsation period, it is elipsing, it is a quadruple system, and it is also member of a young open luster. The bottom panel of Figure 3 suggests that neither at primary nor at seondary elipse is the noise in the light urve due to theβ Cep pulsation redued. This seems to indiate that theβ Cep variable is the primary omponent of the non-elipsing pair in the quadruple system SZ Cam. The spetral type of this star (inferred from the other observable properties) should be B1V, making it a perfet math to the average spetral type of knownβ Cep variables. 5. Atmospheri analysis and omparison with stellar models We performed NLTE analysis of the Balmer lines on the disentangled spetra of the individual omponents of SZ Cam. These are the strongest lines in their spetra, and we refrained from using others lines with noisier profiles beause little gain would have been ahieved. In OB stars, numerous oxygen, nitrogen, and silion lines, are superimposed on the Balmer-lines are superimposed, so we arefully seleted parts of their profiles that are free of suh blendings as suitable for mathing to theoretial line profiles. The ode GENFITT has been developed to fit theoretial line profile to hydrogen lines byχ 2 minimization in T eff (Tamajo et al. 2011). We used a grid of theoretial NLTE spetra that were omputed for O-stars over T eff = K in steps of K and log g = dex in steps of 0.25 dex, and for B-stars over T eff = K in steps of K and log g = dex also in steps of 0.25 dex. The results we obtained are summarized in the upper half of Table 4 ( NLTE not onstrained by orbital - solution ) and the theoretial line profile is overplotted to the observed one in Fig. 2. A warning is neessary here about the reported results on the third omponent. The results in Table 4 ome from treating the disentangled line profiles of the third star as if it were a single star. However, in disussing Fig. 1 in Se. 3.2, we onsider that our disentangling ould have ome lose to resolve the tertiary omponent into the two stars that ompose the SB1 non-elipsing pair in SZ Cam. Therefore, the line we modeled as oming from a single star ould atually be the blend of the lines of the two omponents of the SB1 non-elipsing pair. The risk of degeneray between the atmospheri parameters is always present when analyzing stellar spetra. To redue it, we reran the NLTE analysis by fixing log g for the primary and seondary star to the value provided by the orbital solution in Table 5. The results are summarized in the lower half of Table 4. The differenes between the two sets of NLTE results are minimal, whih reinfores onfidene in them. The parameter hanging the most is the surfae gravity of the primary star, showing a differene of mere log g = 0.1 dex. Fig. 7. Comparison of the logt eff - log g plane between the observed values for the omponents of SZ Cam and the theoretial isohrones of the Geneva group (Meynet et al. 1993), whih inlude the effet of stellar rotation and mass loss. Labels P, S, and T mark the primary, seondary and tertiary omponents respetively. The size of the error bars orresponds to the formal errors of the orbital solution in Table 5. Fig. 8. Comparison of the logt eff - log g plane and the observed values for the omponents of SZ Cam and the theoretial stellar traks of the Geneva group (Ekström et al. 2008), whih inlude the effet of stellar rotation and mass loss. Labels P, S, and T mark the primary, seondary, and tertiary omponents respetively. The size of the error bars orresponds to the formal errors of the orbital solution in Table 5. Regarding the effetive temperature (T eff ), its determination in OB stars is a omplex task (e.g. Böhm-Vitense 1981, Crowther 1998). Given the need for a detailed treatment of non-lte effets and the presene of stellar winds (Kudritzki & Hummer 1990), satisfatory modeling of suh atmospheres that inludes the effets of numerous metal-lines remains diffiult to ahieve (f. Shaerer & Shmutz 1994, Hillier & Miller 1998, Pauldrah et al. 2001). Most of published spetral analysis have so far been based on simple non-lte models. For example, the alibration of stellar parameters of O and early B type stars of 8

9 Vaa et al. (1996) is based only on results from stati, plane parallel, pure hydrogen, and helium (H-He) non-lte models. Their derived temperature sale for O stars is found to be signifiantly hotter than most earlier alibrations. Suh simplifiations non-negligibly affet the estimated fundamental parameters of O stars (e.g. luminosities, Lyman ontinuum fluxes, et.). Aurate alibrations of hot stars are ruial for various astrophysial topis, suh as omparisons with stellar evolution models (and the effets of mass loss and rotation), determinations of the initial mass funtion and ages of lusters, ionization balane of HII regions, and supernova progenitors. For a given position of OB stars in the HR diagram, the differene in mass between theoretial models and orbital solutions an be fairly large, for example on the order of 2 M for the binary systems V478 Cyg (Popper & Hill 1991) and EM Car (Andersen & Clausen 1989) even more than 10 M for the system HD (Penny et al. 1999). Beause this involves the transformation from the theoretial HR diagram (L bol vs T eff ) to the observed olor-magnitude one (partiularly in the uvbyβ system), some of the disrepany an be asribed to unertainties in involved distane, reddening, observed photometry, its transformation to T eff (leading up to± K unertainties), and the bolometri orretion. The bolometri orretion (BCs) is a very steep funtion of the assumed effetive temperature (T eff ). For O-stars, a 10% error in T eff results in an error of 30% in the derived bolometri luminosity of a star (see Massey 1998), severely affeting the attempt to use stellar evolutionary traks to determine distanes, initial mass funtions, and ages of lusters (see, Massey 1998, 2005; Slesnik et al. 2002). In addition, a 10% unertainty in T eff results in a fator of 2 or more unertainty in the Lyman ontinuum flux, affeting our understanding of the ionization balane of HII regions and the porosity of the interstellar medium in general (see Oey & Kenniutt 1997; Oey 2005). The rotational veloities derived in Table 4 from NLTE analysis of Balmer lines onfirmed the profiles of the SiIII lines at 4553, 4568, and 4575 Å, from whih we derived 145 km s 1, 119 km s 1, and 90 km s 1, for the primary, seondary, and tertiary omponents, respetively. These values are just 1.3% higher than those derived from Balmer lines. In view of the relative intensity of SiIII and Balmer lines, in the rest of this paper we adopt the rotational veloities from Balmer lines. From the orbital solution in Table 5, the expeted orotation veloities would be 167 km s 1 for the primary and 126 km s 1 for the seondary. The seondary essentially math within errors the ondition of orotation, while the primary one, whih is already evolved away from the main sequene, is rotating slower than orotation. For the third omponent, assuming it is orotating with the day orbital period of the SB1 non-elipsing pair, the 89 km s 1 projeted rotational veloity (f. Table 4) would orrespond to a radius of R 5 sin i R. This is lose to the value of 5.5 R expeted for a star of the same temperature and luminosity of the tertiary in SZ Cam. This seems to indiate that the orbital inlination for the SB1 non-elipsing pair is relatively large, too. Figures 7 and 8 ompare the position of the three omponents of SZ Cam on a temperature-gravity plane with Geneva theoretial isohrones from Meynet et al. (1993) and stellar traks from Ekström et al. (2008), whih inlude mass loss and effet of rotation. These traks and isohrones, whih are omputed for single stars, do not math the properties of the omponents of SZ Cam as aurately onstrained by the analysis presented in this paper. In Fig. 7 a single isohrone annot pass through all three stars at the same time, and the masses inferred by the stellar traks in Fig. 8 are muh higher than those provided by the orbital solution. Similar mismathes are ommon for elipsing binaries ontaining young, massive stars, and are disussed at length in Hildith (2004). The evident mismath probably arises from a ombination of stellar models that would benefit from improvement, and from the effet of SZ Cam omponents as members of lose pairs. Evolution of fast-rotating and heavily mass- losing stars, trapped in lose binary systems, is arguably different from that of isolated, single ounterparts. Table 6. Summary of the main properties of SZ Cam. Parameter system Primary Seondary Tertiary E(B-V) 0.73 ± 0.05 dist. (p) 870±30 a SB2 (R ) 23.97±0.15 mass (M ) 14.31± ±0.38 radius (R ) 8.91± ±0.12 (5.0) T eff (K) ± ± ±165 log g (gs) 3.70 ± ± ± 0.03 v sin i ( km s 1 ) 145± ±2.8 89±3.3 M bol (mag) 6.93± ±0.06 ( 5.44) The temperatures and gravities of primary and seondary stars are obtained from a weighted average of values from the orbital solution and the NLTE analysis. The radius and bolometri magnitude for the third star are estimated under the assumption that it is orotating in the SB1 non-elipsing binary (see Se. 5). However, see Se. 5 for a disussion of the differene between method preision and true unertainties for hot stars. 6. Summary The input data for the analysis presented in this paper were a set of 1517 BVI C observing sequenes obtained in 43 different observing nights, and 40 high-resolution REOSC Éhelle spetra, well distributed in orbital phase and varied in S/N. In addition to aurately mapping the elipse light urve, the extreme auray of the photometri data, for the first time revealed the presene of aβ Cep variable in the SZ Cam hierarhial system, probably loated within the non-elipsing SB1 pair. The pulsation period is days and the observed total amplitude in the B band is mag. The omposited REOSC Éhelle spetra were subjeted to spetral disentangling that returned the individual spetra of the two omponents of the elipsing pair and of the primary of the non-elipsing SB1 pair. The disentangled spetra provided the radial veloity amplitudes of the relative orbital motions, and were also NLTE-modeled to derive the temperature, surfae gravity, and projeted rotational veloities of all omponents. This set of data was modeled with the Wilson-Devinney ode, and the orbit of the elipsing pair was derived. Our orbital solution, while onfirming previous results, signifiantly improves on the assoiated formal errors, and for the parameters in ommon it is aurately onfirmed by the results of the NLTE spetral analysis. For the elipsing pair, the radius of the primary is 37% of the orbital separation, 28% for the seondary. 9

10 Noteworthy is that the relative ontribution of the tertiary star to the whole system brightness turned out to be the same. The omparison with theoretial isohrones that inorporates mass-loss and rotation but whih are omputed for single, isolated stars, do not math the properties of the omponents losely of the SZ Cam hierarhial system, whih are evolving in a lose binary onfiguration. This omparison would nevertheless suggest that SZ Cam is younger than 20 Myr, with the primary and seondary stars well away from the ZAMS, and the tertiary loser to it. We hope in the near future to obtain higher resolution and S/N spetra of this interesting objet, with the aim of further onstraining the nature and orbit of the non-elipsing SB1 pair performing a detailed NLTE hemial analysis of all its omponents. The hemial adundanes should onviningly onstrain the age and massloss of the omponents. Referenes Andersen, J., 1991, A&ARv, 3, 91 Andersen, J., Clausen, J. V., 1989, A&A, 213, 183 Balega, I. 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