Item 37. The End of Time for All Governments and Rulers. 18 Total Pages

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1 Item 37 The End of Time for All Governments and Rulers 18 Total Pages With new information for the construction of the universe, we have learned that there are two possible outcomes for the destruction of all governments and rulers, just like two possible outcomes for our probability models. We will start the second possible outcome on Page 11. See, how the number of the Wild Beast gives the time of its destruction. 1

2 The End of Time for All Governments and Rulers Daniel s Prophecy gives us the time of destruction for all governments and rulers, that will include the destruction of the thing that causes desolation, and the wild beast with its number 666. He also gives us important dates in Jesus history, that corresponds to the creation of the universe, as all things were created through Christ Jesus. Daniel s Prophecies are related to days, weeks, months, and years, as well as creation, of the Heavens and the earth. We have a dual constructed geometry for the creation of the universe, so that its not strange that we have dual applications to that geometry, that also corresponds to Daniel s Prophecies. See ( M-Theory Part One, for our illustrations for the construction of the universe that also gives us two sets of geometry. These are the history making Poincare geometries, where it is possible that our Poincare two geometry represents our inflationary universe, then after reductions due to inflation, our end result is our Poincare one geometry. Let s look at Daniel 2:44 where He tells us of the coming destruction, for all governments and rulers. In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms. Jesus told us to pray for that kingdom that will bring an end to all governments and rulers, making way for God s kingdom to take full control over all the earth. We know from Jehovah God s original words to Adam that mankind was created to live forever on earth, Isaiah 55:11. We can now know that his original purpose for mankind could begin to take place in the fall of 2,019. How the End of Time for All Governments and Rulers is Calculated According to Daniel s Prophecies Jehovah God s kingdom by Christ Jesus was set up in the Heavens in 1914 C.E., that time period started in 607 B.C.E. with the destruction of Jerusalem. This gave us 2,520 years where we had to add a year as going from B.C.E. to C.E., there was no zero year, just from one B.C.E. to one C.E. 2

3 This time period from Daniel is called the appointed times of the nations, or the Gentile times, an un-interrupted time period that lasted from 607 B.C.E. to 1914 C.E. when Christ Jesus began His kingdom rule, in the Heavens. A Full Limit to the Appointed Times Next, Ephesians 1:10 tells us that there will be a full limit to the appointed times, years added to 2,520 years that will give us the end of time for all governments and rulers. By using Jehovah God s time table of a year for a day, related to Daniel 12:11 and 12 we have 1,290 days plus 1,335 days that gives us 2,625 total days of years where our dual time application started in 607 B.C.E. when we subtract 2,520 years from 2,625 years we have 105 years added to 1914 that takes us to the fall of 2,019 for the possible destruction of all present governments and rulers. If you get a copy of our Poincare One Geometry from M-Theory Part One, you can learn how Daniel s Prophecies are also related to the construction of our universe. We can start with 2,520 years broken up in two sets of dual numbers, 25 and 20. As dual numbers are related to our dual constructed universe. 25 gives us our 25 faces (areas) of our Poincare One Geometry network structure parts, and 20 gives us our 20 wave structure lines to the perimeter of our universe of points, lines and faces. Then 2,625 gives us our dual numbers 26 and 25 where 25 gives us our 25 network structure parts plus our vacuum sphere, that encloses our network parts of 25 faces, from our Poincare One Geometry. Network parts, consist of points, lines, and faces. See, our probability models (E) and (F) that can be broke up into two sets of dual parts, that are the end results for our dual constructed universe, of matter and anti-matter. Our Poincare One Geometry also gives us 10 points, 25 faces, and 34 lines that totals 69, that corresponds to 69 weeks of years that ended at the baptism of Jesus Christ in 29 C.E. according to Daniel s Prophecy. Then, 70 weeks of years, corresponds to plus one, our vacuum sphere part, that contains our 69 network structure parts. Our vacuum sphere gives our dark night skies. You may want to see all the scriptures that show these important parts of Daniel s Prophecies, that are also related to Christ Jesus, and our dual constructed universe. 69 weeks of years, gives us 7 days a week times 69 weeks = 483 years. 3

4 This time period is related to the lifetime events of Jesus that can be shown by most any of Jehovah s Witnesses. The number 69 is related to the construction of the universe, by the total number of our Poincare One Geometry of 10 points, 25 faces, and 34 lines, as all of creation came through Christ Jesus, so that here, we have Daniel s Prophecies related to the construction of our universe, as well as events in the life of Christ Jesus. You may wonder why Daniel gave us a total of 70 weeks of years, 69 plus one that matches the structure of the universe, when we count our vacuum sphere. That week of years was different as it was divided in half (three and one half years). It was at that time Christ Jesus gave his life as a ransom sacrifice for all mankind. You can also learn of the event that also took place at the end of those seven years. From our geometry and our probability models that gave us all possible outcomes for creation (M-Theory Part One) we can learn how Daniel s Prophecy is related to the structure of our universe. Our geometry shows that we have a dual constructed universe that can be divided into two equal halves related to two infinite parts, time and light. Each dual outcome of all of our six probability models totaled 1.5, as one half represents ½ spin particles for the mass creation of the universe, then each dual outcome also totaled one as we have a whole numbered geometry. When we count all the outcomes of our 6 probability models we have 322 times 1.5 = 483, the very same number that gave us the total of 69 weeks of years related to Christ Jesus, and also the construction of the universe. Some Related Parts of the Relativity of Numbers We know that 2,019 could be correct by corresponding integers, as 2,019 is the entanglement of 1,290 days of years, by containing the same integers. Then with quantum math of reducing to a single integer by addition, our results for 1290 and 1,335 days are 12 = 3 for each one, where our dual number 12 is one of our two Heavenly complete numbers, 12 and 7, that the scriptures relate to the creation of the Heavens. 12 and 7 = 19, as 19 gives us the 19 coin tosses that produced all possible outcomes of our six probability models. 12 = 3, can give us the difference of 3 years for our two different possible outcomes for the destruction of all governments and rulers. Then, forming our quantum fraction from 12 we have ½, as each half of our network geometry gives us 6 divisions of time and space. 4

5 This would bring us to 48,000 years from the beginning of creation as 48,000 also gives us 12 = 3. Thanks to our creator for the relativity of numbers. The Heavens and the earth were created simultaneously in 42,000 years 6 divisions of 7,000 years each by inflation. In Isaiah 46:10 it tells us that there is a final part from the beginning, also related to the 1,000 year rule by Christ Jesus, the 1/7 part of the seventh day of 7,000 years. Next, we want to apply our Quantum math application of reducing to a single integer by addition to the years involved from 607 B.C.E. to 1,914 C.E., as well as 607 B.C.E. to 2019 C.E. Set One Set Two A. From 607 to 1 B.C.E. = 606 = 12 = = 12 = 3 B. From 1 to 1,914 C.E. = 1,914 = 15 = 6 2,019 = 12 = 3 C. 2,520 = 9 2, = 6 2,520 years gave us the time period from the last king of Israel to the establishment of Jehovah God s kingdom in the Heavens by Christ Jesus. How do we come to understand our results of our three integers 3, 6, and 9. We have shown that the correct value of Pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) is When we start with our count of numbers for our diameter beginning with one, two, three, and so on, (an infinite procedure) and multiply them by the real Pi, then reduce our results to a single integer by addition, we will obtain this infinite repeating set of integers 3, 6, 9... We have also shown that 3 and 6 are 5 dimensional integers, and that 9, is our integer for our fifth force, our super velocity. These three integers represent infinity, as they can be carried out forever. So then, it s not strange that they are related to God s everlasting kingdom, that is infinite. We have shown that when we add 3, 6, and 9 we have the 18 parameters related to the construction of our universe. When multiplied we have 3 times 6, times 9 that gave us 162, the 162 individual whole number parts of our probability models (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) that was produced from our probability model (A) M-Theory, see M-Theory part one that gave us our illustrations for the construction of our universe. 5

6 We have shown that all prime numbers reduced to a single integer by addition become one of these six time integers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 related to the integers of both positive and negative time 6/7 and 1/7. The prime numbers from our time integers are 2, 5, and 7, that when added total 14, the 14 three-dimensional parts of our Poincare one geometry, our 11 one half time wave structures on 2 spheres within our larger sphere. When multiplied we have 70, our 69 points, lines, and faces, within our larger sphere, that corresponds to 69 and 70 weeks of years, from Daniel s Prophecy. We have shown that 3, 6, and 9 represent infinite applications just like God s Kingdom that would bring life everlasting to the survivors of the coming great tribulation, in the fall of 2019, as mankind begins to live forever on earth. For additional proof, see items one and thirty. Next, our 3 single integers from set 2, gives us 3, 3, and 6 that also totals 12 = 3, the same as our 2 sets of integers from Daniel s Prophecy 1,290, and 1,335, as they could be related to the coming destruction of all governments and rulers. Let s look at Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the constant (feature) has been removed and there has been a placing (of time) for the disgusting thing that is causing desolation there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. We may only know the possible time of its destruction within Daniel s 1,290 literal days, just as the time warning that took place in the first century, as well as 1,919. That time of destruction would take place just prior to the end of 1,335 days. Daniel s Literal Day Applications For the beginning of that end time, according to Daniel s Prophecy, we have to measure back from the fall of 2,019 a total of 2,625 literal days, of Daniel 12:11 and 12. The thing that causes desolation would appear 3 times (related to 12 = 3) once in the first century, a second time in 1919, and a third time now just ahead of us, there is a placing of time by our creator for the disgusting thing causing desolation headed for its destruction along with all government and rulers, that could take place in the fall of There would be one more time that the constant (feature) is removed. You may want to learn what that constant feature is? We have learned about days representing years, and now we could be into a literal application of days, as we may be past Daniel s 1,290 days and into the 1,335 days of his 6

7 prophecy. The difference between these two sets of days is 45 days, that may well be the time period for the destruction of all governments and rulers, in the fall of 2,019. Our dual number 45 is also the total of lines for our Poincare One Geometry when we add our 11 time lines. Keep in mind that Daniel tells us in Daniel 12:12, happy is the one who is keeping expectation (to live on earth forever under God s kingdom) and arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. You could be one of them. Jehovah God has his witnesses here to help you. Just a Few More Things About Creation We have shown that the core of the Earth spins faster than the perimeter of the earth. According to the scriptures, a years time for the core of the earth would be completed in 360 days. As a result Daniel s Prophecy is related to the 360 days for the core of the earth so that (the 7 times) 7 times 360 gives us 2,520 years. Since the core of the earth spins faster its time in seconds is slower by 5.25 days per year, as a result both are completed at the same time. Since we have a dual constructed universe we have a dual count of time in seconds. For our universal time we have seconds per year. Related to our Poincare one geometry time lines. Then for Earth s time we start with seconds per year as we have 60 seconds, times 60 minutes, times 24 hours, that gives us seconds per day can be broken up into 360 days in seconds, and also 5.25 days in seconds. Total Seconds one year in seconds for the earth = 360 days in seconds for the core of the earth = 5.25 days in seconds. Finding Negative Time in Seconds for the Earth We start with earth s time in seconds , then add universal time in seconds , divide that result by 2, and subtract that result from earth s time. The loss of time for the earth per year is 337 seconds. 337 times 48,000 years from the start of creation gives us seconds, divided by seconds per day, gives us days. 7

8 Results of Two Ratios This brings us back from the fall of 2019 to the spring of 2019, that could be a cutting off time for gathering those who will survive the coming great tribulation. This corresponds to the spring of 33 C.E. when Jesus gave his earthly life for all mankind. Jehovah God said my own hand laid the foundation (core) of the Earth, my own right hand stretched our the Heavens. Being the first thing formed the core of the Earth contains a north monopole, so that we have two north poles and one south pole. This is how birds and animals know directions. Jehovah God also said the work of His hands the expanse is telling. His two palms give us our two spheres that contains our 10 points and 10 one half time wave structures to the perimeter of our universe network structure parts, 10 is represented by his 2 thumbs and 8 fingers, 10 in the scriptures also represents the Earth, as everything would be related to the core of the Earth as our creator said into all the Earth its measuring line goes. There should be no doubt about the correct geometry of our universe. He is spirit, yet he gives us illustrations that we can understand. We had always thought that 360 days per year was a prophetic year that gave us the time period for 2,520 years, for the establishment of God s Kingdom in the Heavens in 1914 C.E. We now know that it was, due to a set rotation for the core of the earth, of just 360 days per year, an infinite process, giving us three different sets of time related to the earth. The scriptures show that the earth is standing to time indefinite, Ecclesiastes 1:4. Likewise, in Daniel 2:44 it tells us that God s Kingdom will stand to times indefinite. They are related to the 360 literal days of the core of the earth. Universal Time in Seconds Per Year Universal time gave us seconds per year. We have shown that dual numbers, starting from 10 (starting from the Earth) to 99 have application to the construction of our dual universe, our Poincare One Geometry. When we break up into dual numbers we have and 26 dual numbered parts. 31 is our 31 positive parts of our probability Model A M-Theory, related to the construction of our universe, one person a long time ago said every house is constructed by some one, however all things are constructed by God. 8

9 For 55, if we reduce the velocity that moves light in meters to a single integer by addition, we will obtain 55 = 10 = 1. Our dual number 10 gives us our 10 points and 10 ½ time wave structures to the perimeter of our Poincare One Geometry, related to one universe. 69 gave us 10 points, 25 faces, and 34 curved lines of construction of our Poincare One Geometry as well as 69 weeks of years that led to the baptism of Christ Jesus. Last, 26 gave us our 25 network structure faces plus our vacuum sphere line of our Poincare One Geometry. Number Events Related to Our Structure of Time = 27 = 9 Earths starting time in seconds per year. For 360 days = 9 The seconds for the core of the earth per year. For 5.25 days we have = 18 = 9. Nine represents our super velocity related to time. We have two results for 27 as we have shown that 27 is the lowest state for Bosons in GeV where they produced protons and neutrons. Then 27 gave us our 25 faces of our Poincare One Geometry, plus our central overlapping face, within our vacuum sphere gave us 18 for our 18 parameters, for the construction of our universe. Then 9 our highest Quantum integer that represents our fifth force for the construction of mass in transit, deletes the Big Bang Theory. We have shown that 3 and 6 are five dimensional integers so that 36 particles, 360 days, and 36 plus any amount of zero s when multiplied by any whole number and reduced by our Quantum math application to a single integer by addition will always be 9, as 3, 6, and 9 are related to infinite procedures for the construction of our universe. The same is true for our reverse order number 63. Infinite dual prime numbers, primes 2 numbers apart have application to our dual constructed universe. See Item 15 Patterns of Primes set 2. Here we will apply our Quantum math application in set 2 of reducing to a single integer by addition, to primes where our results will be one of 6 time integers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, or 8, that total 27, our lowest state for inflated Bosons, producing mass. Our changed primes for column one will only become 2, 5, or 8, for as far as we want to go, an infinite process of just 3 integers. For our central column between our reduced primes, our 9

10 infinite results will be 3, 6, or 9 only, then for our third column our only results for our reduced primes will be 1, 4, or 7. You can apply our two prime columns to our Poincare One Geometry by starting from one side with 2, 8, and 5 (applied to 15 faces) then complete the other side with 12 faces (1, 4, and 7) of our third prime column that includes our central overlapping face as two faces, within our vacuum sphere, giving us 27 total faces. Our result is that all faces of our Poincare One Geometry is accounted for. Thanks for our infinite dual primes that were converted to one of 6 time integers, an infinite procedure. With Quantum math 2, 5, and 8 = 15 = 6. Then 3, 6, and 9 = 18 = 9, and 1, 4, and 7 = 12 = 3, as 3, 6, and 9, represent infinite procedures, for both the construction of our universe and mass. There is also a reverse order application for our 3 columns of set 2, where our dual numbers have application Here, we also find of Higgs Mass of 27 GeV, our Higgs Boson that produces protons and neutrons, that also produced 36 particles. Our 6 time integers are from 6/7 positive time and 1/7 negative time, our time lines for the construction of the universe of our Poincare one geometry. The total of our nine Quantum integers 2, 5, 8, then 3, 6, 9, and 1, 4, 7, is 45, the same as our Poincare One Geometry lines, when we add our time lines. Jehovah God is the one who constructed all things through His son Christ Jesus related to the Relativity of Numbers. Thanks to our Creator whose desire is that none should perish, as a result He tells us what we should do. John 17:3. We are here to help. We can be thankful to our creator Jehovah God that He has given us the time of destruction for the thing that causes desolation, the wild beast with its number 666, and all governments and rulers that could take place in the fall of 2019, through His prophet, Daniel, making way for His word s to be fulfilled. 10

11 A Second Possible Outcome It was the total parts of both geometries Poincare One and Poincare Two, that corresponded to the 322 total parts of our probability models (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) that was produced from our probability model (A) M-Theory that gave us our illustrations for the construction of our universe. See M-Theory Part One. With the Riemann Zeta Function we found patterns for prime numbers that gave us time integers for columns A and C, as all prime numbers reduced to a single integer by addition become one of these 6 time integers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, that came from both positive time, and negative time, 6/7 and 1/7. In set 2 of patterns of the primes, page 2 of The Riemann Hypothesis and Zeta Function Parts One we show only 3 possible horizontal outcomes 234, 567, and 891, these three outcomes are quaternions of 3 total parts that can only be added. Column B, of set 2 gave us 3 integers vertically 3, 6, and 9 that gave us our infinite repeating set of 3, 6, 9... an infinite repeating set found with the real ratio for Pi, as shown in Item 41. Our Riemann Zeta Function corresponds to the 3 vertical time lines of our Poincare One Geometry as the universe has no direct horizontal time. Our central line is the ½ part for both the left side and right side Zeta Function. When we applied quantum math of reducing to a single integer by addition we deleted the zeros of the zeta function, as zeros represent infinity, and the construction of the universe has only finite applications. Finding Our 2 Infinite Repeating Sets of Time Integers 285, and 471 Our numbers for triangles and non-square root triangles gives us ever smaller sets of our square area of 2, as (A) will represent our square root of 2 in triangles. (A) also represents out left side vertical time line, (B) represents our central vertical time line, and (C) represents our right side vertical time line, with (C) also representing non-square root triangles for the other half of the universe. Then (B) also represents our ½ line of our Zeta Function for both (A) and (C). see Item 45, page 7 for both square root triangles and squares constructed at the very same time, proving Pell s Equation. 11

12 Here is part of our infinite list of (A), (B), and (C), where we applied Quantum math of reducing to a single integer by addition, giving us time integers, for (A) and (C). (A) (B) (C) 2 = = 4 8 = = 7 32 = = = = = 8 6 1,024 = 7 2,048 = 5 9 4,096 = 1 8,192 = ,384 = 4 32,768 = ,536 = 7 131,072 = ,144 = 1 By addition we could have two infinite repeating sets of time integers for (A) 285 and for (B) 471. Quaternions can only be added to connect the left side with the right side of our universe, that gives us horizontal applications Remember we only make application of our first set of repeating integers as P is part of NP, however P is not equal to NP, as P is finite and NP infinite. If we add our time integers of (A) and reduce them to a single integer by addition we will always obtain 6, as each half of our Poincare One Geometry has only 6 one half time wave structures as 285 = 15 = 6, then 471 = 12 = 3, as we have 3 divisions of space and time, left right and central, our 3 columns A, B, and C. To get our second application to the time of destruction of all governments and rulers according to our separated time integers columns (A) and (C) we need the application of quaternions and octonions. Quaternions and Octonions We will need our Poincare One Geometry plus The Riemann Hypothesis and Zeta Function Part One to find the applications of Quaternions and Octonions. Octonions are related to our two spheres of our Poincare One Geometry containing the wave structures of our universe. On page 2 of the Riemann Hypothesis and Zeta Function we have a list of some of the twin primes columns A and C, here, we also included twin primes where one important result is that each of those even numbers are dividable by both 3 and 6, an infinite process, as 3 and 6 are 5 dimensional integers, that made the transformation to both our geometry and mass structure of our universe. 12

13 The Infinite Outcomes for Our Even Numbers Here, we have 2 possible outcomes by just using 3 and 6, that also has applications, 6 divided by 3 = 2, then, 3 divided by 6 = ½ that applies to the ½ lines of the Zeta Function. This could be an infinite process for twin primes. Next, we applied Quantum Math of reducing to a single integer by addition to make the transformation to set 2 to get patterns from twin prime numbers, as well as our central even number column. It s here that we will only get three horizontal sets of our Quantum integers 234, then 567, and 891, for each line of integers, these horizontal results are quaternions, sets of 3. They are infinite and are related to our Poincare One Geometry of 3 dimensional space plus time. We will show how our columns A and C will produce infinite repeating sets of whole numbers 285 from numbers of square root triangles, related to the infinite sets of triangles of 471 these will be listed vertically. So then, how are they related to our Poincare One Geometry? Here we have 2 overlapping spheres containing the wave structure of our universe, that also gives us the mass structure of our universe, surrounded by the circumference containing our vacuum space, why our night skies are dark. Our column A of set 2 applies to our left side sphere of our Poincare One Geometry where it is related to 14 faces of the 25 faces of our Poincare One Geometry, that leaves 11 faces for our right side sphere. 14 and 11 have application to our geometry, as 14 has application to our 14 three dimensional parts of our Poincare One Geometry, and 11 gives us our 11 time lines when added to our one half time wave structures. We have shown that all prime numbers reduced to a single integer by addition will become one of these 6 time integers from 1/7 negative time, and 6/7 positive time, for the time structure of our universe, as each time line is 1/7. So that 6/7 applies to each ½ of our universe, and 1/7 is our central overlapping time line. For our time lines, we have two six sided hexagons put together, so that we are minus 1/12, our central overlapping time line. This corresponds to Euler who famously computed the sum of all positive integers that he showed to be minus 1/12. There is a reverse order, to balance the time structure of our universe. So that we reverse our time integers from left to right so that 285 plus 471, represent the left side, and 471 plus 285 = our right side. So then each side has all 6 of our time integers 1, 2, 4, 13

14 5, 7, and 8 that totals 27, that has application to the mass structure of our universe, as due to our inflationary universe all bosons reach their lowest state of 27 GeV where they produced protons and neutrons for mass creation. So then what does our sets A, B, and C represent? We have shown that our infinite horizontal results of 3 sets of integers 234, 567, and 891 represents quaternions, of set 2. The structure of our universe has no direct horizontal time lines, however we do have 3 direct vertical time lines so that for our left side time line we have 2, 8, and 5, then for our central time line we have 3, 6, and 9 and for our right side time line we have 4, 7, and 1. This accounts for all 9 of our Quantum integers. Here is where we have application of our Octonions as these are vertical sets that are multiplied so that 2 times 8, times 5, gives us 80. Then our central integers are 4, 6, and 9 that when multiplied gives us 162. Our 162 parts of our probability models B, C, D, E, and F, that came from our probability model A, M-Theory. Our integers for column C are 4, 7, and 1, that when multiplied give us 28, so that when we apply our reverse order, for our left side we have = 108, for our right side we have in reverse order , is also gives us one half of the total parts of our probability model (A) M-theory related to each half of our universe. Then 28 gives us our 25 faces of our Poincare One Geometry plus our vacuum space, and our vacuum spear line and what could lie outside of our vacuum sphere line, an infinity of light. For all 3 vertical actonions we have 108, plus 162, plus 108, that gives us 378 that when divided in half for our 2 different directions of time, we have 189 GeV for the Higgs Field Mass, as mass was created in transit, by our fifth force velocity. 189 gives us seven sets of 27 GeV. So then, quaternions are vertical applications, related to the time structure of the universe. Our central column B of set 2 is our ½ time line for the Zeta Function for both (A) and (C), a reverse order application, for the vertical time lines of our universe. All of our infinite many sets of quaternions 234, 567, 891, reduced to single integers by addition becomes our highest quantum integer 9 that represents our fifth force velocity. So then, our 2 sets of 108 time integers, accounted for us to get our two complete sets of time integers together related to each half of our vertical time lines (A) and (C). 14

15 It took the time structure of the universe that represents the Riemann Zeta Function for us to establish 108 years as we can calculate each half separately due to our negative time line and area for our central sphere overlapping part. 108 is dividable by our 3 integers of our central vertical time line 3, 6, and 9 that gave us the total of 162, the total of our probability models (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) that also gave us 6 sets of 27 GeV for mass construction, minus 1/7 of one set of 189 GeV, to match our 1/7 negative time line. When we add 108 years to the year that God s kingdom was established in the heavens in 1914, it takes us to 2,022 as the second possible time for the destruction of all governments and rulers. There is 3 years difference between these two possible outcomes, Daniel s Prophecy and our second outcome no doubt related to our prime number 3, the only separated prime in the construction of our universe, that is related to all of the even numbers between our infinite set of twin primes, as a result 3 can be added to 105 make it an even number. It appears that here even numbers terminate, and odd numbers continue on. Time will tell. It was our 2 different directions of time that gave us 108, for each complete set of time integers. These are years related to the time when Jehovah God s kingdom was established in the heavens in So that 108 years plus 1,914 takes us to the fall of 2022 when every government or ruler come to their end. There was one thing that I missed in our first outcome of Daniel s Prophecy that dealt with Jehovah God s time table of a year for a day found in the book of Numbers and Ezekiel. From Daniel 12:11 and 12, we have 1,290 days and 1,335 days that gave these results. 1,290 = 12 = 3 and 1,335 = 12 = 3 just as there is two directions of time, 105 years of Daniel s Prophecy is counted twice, just like 108 years is counted twice, so that here we add our end result of three more years to each set of 105, from 12 = 3. When we add 3 to the 105 years that we established with Daniel s Prophecy, both sets of outcomes for the destruction of all governments and rulers terminates in 2,022. When we subtract the spring of 33 C.E. (when Jesus Christ gave his human life for all mankind) from the spring of the year 2022, we have 1989 years that totals 27, 3 15

16 cubed as 27 is also the total of our 6 time integers, shown in our second possible outcome. 12 squared is 144, then the square root of 144 is 12 minus one is 11, as 11 gives us the time structure lines of our universe. As a fraction, minus 1/12, the same that Euler computed from the sum of all positive integers. How the Integer 3 is Related to Time One day in seconds is 60 x 60 x 24 = 86400, times 360 days of seconds for the complete spin of the core of the earth that gives us seconds. Then 5.25 days times seconds, related to time slowing down for the core of the earth (that spins faster than the perimeter) gave us seconds divided by 360 days gives us 1260 seconds for the slowing down of time per each day of 360 days for the core of the earth. All of the numbers listed here are divided evenly by both 3 and 6. See the Riemann hypothesis and Zeta Function Item Number 42, where we could have an infinite process of twin primes that when reduced to single integers by addition gave us these time integers of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, from the universe time structure of positive time 6/7, and negative time 1/7. The even numbers between each pair of twin primes will always be dividable by our integers 3 and 6. We have shown by the real number for Pi, , that we go forward in time by multiplying, and backwards in time by dividing. Our time lines for our Poincare One Geometry are the same as our hexagon lines constructed within our circle circumference that proves the present day Pi invalid. So then, how are both 3 and 6 related? The 6 hexagon lengths are always corresponds to 3 diameter lengths that are always related to the time structure of the universe. See Item 41, that also shows that one can construct a square, equal to the area of a circle circumference, proving the real Pi. The hexagon produced from the radius length applies to every constructed circle circumference, as it is related to the time structure of our universe. We have shown that both 3 and 6 are 5-dimensional number that are related to all 5-dimensions, height, width, depth, time, and light, with both time and light also being infinite, a dual application for our dual constructed universe. 16

17 108 for each direction of time has to be dividable by our central vertical column numbers 3, 6, 9 our 1/7 time lines are also 7,000 years each so that for our 6 divisions of positive time we have 42,000 years for the construction of the Heaves and the earth. With Quantum math 42,000 = 6, just as the year of 2022 = 6, as Isaiah 46:10 tells us that Jehovah God is the one telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. All prime numbers reduced to a single integer by addition continue on to give us extended results to odd numbers just like our addition of 3 years to 105 years. For our 9 Quantum integers we have an imbalance between odd and even numbers as odd numbers total 25, and even numbers total 20. Adding additional parts also proves true in our Poincare Two Geometry as we have 25 faces of our network structure of points, lines, and faces. However, we have our addition of one more face with our vacuum sphere. Then with our time lines we have 11 (odd) plus one our overlapping central time line so that odd numbers can have additions and even numbers terminate. We go backwards in time so that 108 years takes us back to when God s Kingdom was established in the Heavens in 1914, remember 108 was divided evenly by 3, 6, and 9. Then we go backward in time to 607 B.C.E that gives us 2,520 years to the destruction of Jerusalem. That 2,520 years are also divided evenly by 3, 6, and 9. Then both 108 and 2520 are both divided evenly by 12 a number representing Heavenly completeness. So then odd numbers can have additional results and even numbers terminate. Don t forget our geometry that gave us a total of 69 for points, lines, and faces that corresponds to Daniel s Prophecy of 69 weeks of years lead to the baptism of Christ Jesus. that 69 weeks of years also gave us 2 additional outcomes of 483 (odd) years, within 70 (even) weeks of years, where it terminated, you may want to learn about those important events, as Jesus gave His earthly life as a ransom sacrifice for all mankind. Thanks to that sacrifice, very shortly now mankind will begin to live forever on earth, to complete Jehovah s God s original promise. What I thought was two different outcomes for the end of all governments and rulers, was just two different ways of calculating the same time period. 17

18 How the Number of the Wild Beast Tells the Time of its Destruction How can we know that this is true? It s not only governments and rulers that will be destroyed along with the thing that causes desolation. It will also include the wild beast with its number 666, as 6 time 6, time 6, gives us 216, 108 for each direction of time, as it takes the time structure of the universe to know when Jehovah God s kingdom takes full control over all the earth, where mankind will begin to live forever, under Jehovah God s Kingdom. Thanks, Richard Eicholtz 18

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