Programming Languages in String Diagrams. [ four ] Local stores. Paul-André Melliès. Oregon Summer School in Programming Languages June 2011

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1 Programming Languages in String iagrams [ four ] Local stores Paul-André Melliès Oregon Summer School in Programming Languages June 2011

2 Finitary monads A monadic account of algebraic theories

3 Algebraic presentations of effects We want to reason about programs with effects like states, exceptions... Computational monads: A pimpurep B = A ppurep T (B) Algebraic theories: operations : A n A and equations

4 A useful correspondence Recall that a monad T : Set Set is finitary when it preserves the filtered colimit. Important fact. There is an equivalence of categories the category of algebraic theories the category of finitary monads 4

5 Finitary monads Alternative definition. A monad T : Set Set is finitary when the diagram FinSet Set T i id i T Set exhibits the functor T as a left Kan extension of T i along i. 5

6 Finitary monad A monad T on the category Set is finitary when every map [1] TA factors as [1] e T [p] T f TA for a pair of maps [1] T [p] [p] A. 6

7 Finitary monad Moreover, the factorization should be unique up to zig-zag: [1] e 1 e 2 T [p] T f 1 Tu T [q] T f 2 TA 7

8 The Kleisli category of a monad The Kleisli category Set T associated to a monad T : Set Set has sets as objects, and functions f : A T(B) as morphisms from A to B. An alternative formulation of the category of free algebras. 8

9 The Lawvere theory of a monad The Lawvere theory Θ T associated to a monad T : Set Set is the full subcategory of Set T with finite ordinals [p] = { 0, 1,..., p 1 } as objects. Remark. The category Θ T has finite sums. 9

10 Algebras of a monad A set A equipped with a function alg : TA A making the two diagrams below commute: TTA T ( alg ) TA µ alg TA alg A A η A TA id alg A 10

11 Key theorem [ originating from Lawvere ] The category of T-algebras is equivalent to the category of finite product preserving functors Θ op T Set This property holds for every finitary monad T. 11

12 Finitary monads as saturated theories The finitary monad describes the equational classes of the theory : Tn = terms with n variables modulo equations where n = x 0, x 1,, x n 1 The monad often reveals a canonical form for the equational theory.

13 Mnemoids An algebraic presentation of the state monad

14 The state monad A program accessing one register with a finite set V of values A impure B is interpreted as a function V A pure V B thus as a function A pure V (V B) Hence, the state monad T : A V (V A) 14

15 What is an algebra of the state monad? An elegant answer by Plotkin and Power [2002]

16 Mnemoids A mnemoid is a set A equipped with a V-ary operation lookup : A V A and a unary operation update val : A A for each value val V. 16

17 Mnemoids Typically, the lookup operation on the boolean space V = { false, true } is binary : lookup : A A A The intuition is that lookup (u, v) = { u v when the register is false when the register is true 17

18 Annihilation lookup update update V A A V lookup id A term = lookup val update val term 18

19 Annihilation lookup update Here, the map update V : A A V is the V-ary vector update 0,, update V 1 also noted val update val 19

20 Annihilation lookup update x = x x true false 20

21 Interaction update update update val2 A A update val2 update val1 A update val1 update val 2 = update val2 21

22 Interaction update update val 2 val 1 = val 2 22

23 Interaction update lookup A V lookup A A val update val A update val A update val lookup x term(x) = update val term(val) 23

24 Interaction update lookup x y = true x true 24

25 Key theorem [ Plotkin & Power ] the category of mnemoids is equivalent to the category of algebras of the state monad Provides an algebraic presentation of the state monad 25

26 A proof in three steps 1. establish that the state monad T is finitary [easy] 2. construct a functor [easy] ι : Θ M Θ T starting from the Lawvere theory Θ M of mnemoids by interpreting the update and lookup operations and by checking that the equations are valid in Θ T 3. show that the functor ι is full and faithful [rewriting] 26

27 Store with several locations Algebraic presentation of the state monad

28 The global state monad The state monad is generally defined as T : A S (S A) for a set of states S = V L induced by a set L of locations and a finite set V of values. 28

29 Global store [Plotkin & Power ] A global store is a family of compatible mnemoidal structures lookup loc : A V A update loc,val : A A one for each location loc L. A tensor product of algebraic theories 29

30 Annihilation lookup update update loc,v A A V id A lookup loc lookup loc val update loc,val term = term 30

31 Annihilation lookup update x true x = x false 31

32 Interaction update update update loc,val A A update loc,val update loc,val A update loc,val1 update loc,val 2 = update loc,val2 32

33 Interaction update update val 1 val 2 = val 2 33

34 Interaction update lookup A V lookup loc A A val update loc,val A update loc,val A update loc,val lookup loc x term(x) = update loc,val term(val) 34

35 Interaction update lookup x true = x true y 35

36 Interaction update lookup x false = y false y 36

37 Commutation update update A update loc,val A update loc,val update loc,val A update loc,val A update loc,v update loc,v x = update loc,v update loc,v x when loc loc 37

38 Commutation update update val = val val val 38

39 Corollary [ Plotkin & Power ] the category of objects with a global store is equivalent to the category of algebras of the state monad 39

40 Graded monads A stratified version of finitary monads

41 Presheaf models Key idea: interpret a type A as a family of sets A [0] A [1] A [n] indexed by natural numbers, where each set A [n] contains the programs of type A which have access to n variables. 41

42 Presheaf models This defines a covariant presheaf A [n] : Inj Set on the category Inj of natural numbers and injections. The action of the injections on A are induced by the operations defined for 0 loc n. collect loc : A [n] A [n+1] 42

43 Local stores [Plotkin Power] The slightly intimidating monad TA : n S [n] p Inj S [p] A [p] Inj(n, p) on the presheaf category [Inj, Set] where the contravariant presheaf S [p] = V p describes the states available at degree p. 43

44 Graded arities A graded arity is defined as a finite sum of representables [ p 0,, p n ] = } {{ } p 0 times + + n + + n } {{ } p n times where each representable presheaf n : Inj Set is defined as n = p Inj(n, p) 44

45 Graded arities This defines a full and faithful functor Σ Inj op Inj op which generalizes the full and faithful functor FinSet Set encountered in the case of finitary monads. 45

46 Graded monads efinition. A monad T : [Inj, Set] [Inj, Set] is graded when the diagram Σ Inj op T i [Inj, Set] id i T [Inj, Set] exhibits the functor T as a left Kan extension of T i along i. 46

47 Graded monad A monad T on the category [Inj, Set] is graded when every map n TA factors as n e T [p 0,..., p k ] T f TA for a pair of maps n T [p 0,..., p k ] [p 0,..., p k ] A. 47

48 Graded monad Moreover, the factorization should be unique up to zig-zag: n e 1 e 2 T [p 0,, p i ] Tu T [q 0,, q j ] T f 1 T f 2 TA 48

49 Motivating example Theorem. The local state monad TA : n S [n] p Inj S [p] A [p] Inj(n, p) is a graded monad on the presheaf category [Inj, Set]. 49

50 Graded theories A stratified version of algebraic theories

51 The Lawvere theory of a graded monad The Lawvere theory Θ T associated to a graded monad T : [Inj, Set] [Inj, Set] is the full subcategory of [Inj, Set] T with the graded arities [ p 0,, p n ] as objects. Remark. The category Θ T has finite sums. 51

52 Modules over the category Inj An Inj-module is a category A equipped with an action : Inj A A (m, A) m A satisfying the expected properties: (p + q) A = p (q A) 0 A = A 52

53 Modules over the category Inj A category A equipped with an endofunctor : A A and two natural transformations permute : collect : Id depicted as follows in the language of string diagrams: 53

54 Yang-Baxter equation = 54

55 Symmetry = 55

56 Interaction dispose permute = = 56

57 Graded theories A graded theory is a category with finite products with objects [ p 0,, p n ] = 0 0 } {{ } p 0 times n n } {{ } p n times equipped with an action of the category Inj satisfying (A B) A B (1) 1 In particular [ p 0,, p n ] = [ 0, p 0,, p n ] 57

58 The trivial graded theory Σ Inj op is the free Inj-module with finite sums such that (A + B) A + B (0) 0 Π Inj is the free Inj-module with finite products such that (A B) A B (1) 1 58

59 The graded theory of local stores Let מ be the graded theory associated to the monad of local stores. Fact. מ is the free Inj-module with finite sums such that (A + B) A + B (0) 0 such that is a dynamic mnemoid. 59

60 ynamic mnemoids A dynamic mnemoid is a pair of sets A [0] A [1] equipped with the following operations lookup : A V [1] A [1] update val : A [1] A [1] fresh val : A [1] A [0] collect : A [0] A [1] satisfying a series of basic equations. 60

61 Garbage collect : fresh dispose val = id 61

62 Interaction fresh update val 2 val 1 = val 2 62

63 Interaction fresh lookup x y = true x true x y = false y false 63

64 Model of a graded theory A model of a graded theory מ is a functor M : מ [Inj, Set] which preserves the finite products and the action of. A stratified version of the usual algebraic theories 64

65 The graded theory of local mnemoids Main theorem [after Plotkin and Power] The category of models of the theory מ of local mnemoids is equivalent to the category of algebras of the local state monad 65

66 Local stores in string diagrams A graphical account of memory calls

67 Annihilation lookup update x true x = x false The equation (A B) A B means that space commutes with time ramification!!!

68 Interaction update update val 1 val 2 = val 2 68

69 Interaction update lookup x true = x true y 69

70 Interaction update lookup x false = y false y 70

71 Interaction fresh dispose val = 71

72 Interaction fresh update val 2 = val 1 val 2 72

73 Interaction fresh lookup x true = y true y 73

74 Interaction fresh lookup x false = y false y 74

75 Interaction fresh permutation val = val 75

76 The Segal condition A basic tool in higher dimensional algebra 76

77 In higher dimensional algebra Exactly the same categorical combinatorics!!! 77

78 In higher dimensional algebra A globular set is defined as a contravariant presheaf over the category defined by the equations 0 s t 1 s t 2 s t s s = s t t s = t t An ω-category is then defined as an algebra of a particular monad T. Is the notion of ω-category equational? 78

79 Level 1 : the free category monad A category C is a graph where every path A 0 f 1 A 1 f 2 A 2 f 3 f n A n defines an edge A 0 n ( f 1,, f n ) A n where the operations n are required to be associative. the arities of the theory are finite paths rather than finite sets

80 Category with arities A fully faithful and dense functor where Θ 0 is a small category. i 0 : Θ 0 A Typical example: the full subcategory Θ 0 of linear graphs [n] = 0 1 n in the category Graph. 80

81 The nerve functor This induces a fully faithful functor nerve : A Θ 0 which transports every object A of the category A into the presheaf nerve : Θ 0 Set p A( i 0 p, A ) 81

82 The nerve functor

83 efinition of a monad T with arity the functor T is the left kan extension of T i 0 along the functor i 0 T i 0 A id T Θ 0 i 0 A This enables to reconstruct T from its restriction to the arities 83

84 Monads with arities this left kan extension is preserved by the nerve functor: Θ 0 nerve T i 0 A id T Θ 0 i 0 A 84

85 A purely combinatorial formulation For every object A, the canonical morphism p Θ0 A(i0 n, Ti 0 p) A(i 0 p, A) A(i 0 n, TA) is an isomorphism. 85

86 Unique factorization up to zig-zag Every map n TA in the category A decomposes as n e Tp T f TA A finite number of words encounters a finite number of letters A finite path in the free category TA encounters a finite path in A 86

87 Unique factorization up to zig-zag The factorization should be unique up to zig-zag of i 0 n e 1 e 2 Ti 0 p Ti 0 q T f 1 Ti 0 u T f 2 TA 87

88 Model of an algebraic theory A model A of a Lawvere theory L is a presheaf A : Θ op L such that the induced presheaf Set Θ op 0 i 0 Θ op L A Set is representable along i 0. 88

89 Key theorem The category of T-modules is equivalent to the category of models of the theory Θ T This property holds for every monad T with arities Θ 0. 89

90 Algebraic theories with arities A 2-dimensional approach to Lawvere theories 90

91 Algebraic theory with arities An algebraic theory L with arities i 0 : Θ 0 A is an identity-on-object functor L : Θ 0 Θ L such that... 91

92 Algebraic theories with arities... there exists a functor F : A A making the diagram Θ 0 L ΘL L Θ0 nerve nerve A F A commute up natural isomorphism. 92

93 Algebraic theories with arities nerve(a) Set Θ op 0 L left Kan extension Θ op L This simply means that the free construction works... 93

94 Theorem the category of algebraic theories with arity (A, i 0 ) is equivalent to the category of monads with arity (A, i 0 ) This generalizes the traditional correspondence algebraic theories finitary monads Also extends the result by Power on enriched Lawvere theories 94

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