The Lord Speaks Job 38:1-40:24

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1 Lesson 140 The Lord Speaks Job 38:1-40:24

2 MEMORY VERSE JOB 40:2 S hall the one w ho c ontends w ith the Alm ighty c orrec t Him? WHAT YOU WILL NEED: A large bag of popcorn, two empty bags or bowls, and two small dessert paper plates. A sun catcher template for each child, colored pencils or crayons, a hole punch, ribbon, cotton balls and cooking oil. Red construction paper, scissors, glue sticks, markers and small slips of paper. ATTENTION GETTER! What a Mess We Can Make of Things! For this activity you will need a large bag of popcorn, two empty bags or bowls, and two small dessert paper plates. Split your class up into two teams. Have them line up on one side of the room. Set the two bags or bowls at the other end of the room. Set one opposite each team. Set the large bag of popcorn between them. The object of the game will be to get the most popcorn into the two bags or bowls at the other end of the classroom. Give each team a small, dessert sized paper plate. The teams will each dip their plate into the bag of popcorn and transport the popcorn across the room and dump it into the bag or bowl with spilling as little as possible. The child going will then race back to their team and hand the plate to the next person who will go. Depending on whether your class is an older class or younger class you can have the older children have to carry the popcorn on a

3 plate that is turned upside down (more challenging) or for the younger children have the plate right side up. After everyone has a chance to carry, check to see who has the fullest bag and declare a winner. You may also want to declare a winner for the least messiest. Have all of the children gather around and introduce today s lesson. We will see today that God asks Job about 70 questions. He can t answer any of them. Job learns some valuable lessons about how we can sometimes make a mess of things when we try to be smart in our own eyes. Just like the popcorn got everywhere we can learn that we are never perfect. Only God is perfect. God is wiser than man. LESSON TIME! In law cases taken to court the prosecutor will speak, then the defense speaks, and then the judge has the final word. In a sense, this is what is happening in our lesson today. Job's friends have spoken, Job has spoken, and now the great and awesome Judge will speak forth the truth. Job had boldly spoken to the Lord, as we often do, yet when God spoke Job had no defense and was silent before God. What was it that God said that left righteous Job speechless? In this week s lesson, we will find out. God is wiser than man. J O B 38:1-3 T h e n t h e L O R D an s w e r e d J o b o u t o f t h e w h i r l w i n d, an d s ai d : " Wh o i s t h i s w h o d ar k e n s c o u n s e l by w o r d s w i t h o u t k n o w l e d ge? N o w p r e p ar e y o u r s e l f l i k e a m an ; I w i l l qu e s t i o n y o u, an d y o u s h al l an s w e r M e.

4 Here we see who directly answers Job. It is the Lord God Himself, not an angel or anyone else, just God. Each one of Job s friends gave their counsel and it changed nothing. Now it was time for God to share His views, and His judgment is always according to truth, above man s ways. God is able to show us where we fall short and lead us to turn from our sin, and He is able to bring forth our righteousness as the light and our justice as the noonday. (Psalm 37:6) How did God speak to Job? He spoke out of the whirlwind. What a mighty voice God has, that He can speak in the midst of a storm and His voice is perfectly heard. We can remember that in the middle of whatever storm or trial we are in, God s voice can be heard over the storm we are going through. God was speaking to Job. He spoke to convict Job of his sin first, and then justifies Job from the accusations of his friends. Job desired to hear from God, and God knew this. Do you desire to hear from God? Would you be ready for what He would say to you? What did God say to Job? God charges him with not understanding what he was saying. We must never confuse God s wisdom with our foolishness (1 Corinthians 3:19). God s counsels are deeper than we can understand. God then instructs Job to stand up and be ready now to give some answers himself. We must be ready when God speaks. Job needed to be ready, for much would be revealed to him of his own heart. God told him He would question him and Job would answer. If we call upon God, He will answer. But sometimes He will bring the questions to us. God is wiser than man. J O B 38:4-11 " Wh e r e w e r e y o u w h e n I l ai d t h e f o u n d at i o n s o f t h e e ar t h? T e l l M e, i f y o u h av e u n d e r s t an d i n g.

5 Wh o d e t e r m i n e d i t s m e as u r e m e n t s? S u r e l y y o u k n o w! O r w h o s t r e t c h e d t h e l i n e u p o n i t? T o w h at w e r e i t s f o u n d at i o n s f as t e n e d? O r w h o l ai d i t s c o r n e r s t o n e, Wh e n t h e m o r n i n g s t ar s s an g t o ge t h e r, An d al l t h e s o n s o f G o d s h o u t e d f o r j o y? " O r w h o s h u t i n t h e s e a w i t h d o o r s, Wh e n i t bu r s t f o r t h an d i s s u e d f r o m t h e w o m b; Wh e n I m ad e t h e c l o u d s i t s gar m e n t, An d t h i c k d ar k n e s s i t s s w ad d l i n g ban d ; Wh e n I f i x e d M y l i m i t f o r i t, An d s e t bar s an d d o o r s ; Wh e n I s ai d, ' T h i s f ar y o u m ay c o m e, bu t n o f ar t h e r, An d h e r e y o u r p r o u d w av e s m u s t s t o p!' " God now begins to humble Job by showing him his ignorance even concerning the earth and sea. God asks Job if he can tell Him where he was when this lower world was made, and did Job assist in creating the world? This statement shows us the greatness and glory of our God. He is the only living and true God, and a God of power. This encourages us to always trust in Him for everything. God did not ask us for advice when He created the world, and it is an awesome creation. We would have just messed things up. It s a good thing that He didn t ask us for our wisdom. God then asks Job many questions beginning with how did the world become so perfectly framed, so exact and with perfect proportions, who can determine the circumference and diameter? Who can determine the lines that are drawn on the globe? How is it so firmly fixed? It is hung upon nothing, yet it cannot be moved, nor does it sink from its own weight?

6 Who laid the cornerstones so that the parts of it do not fall down? Can Job repeat the praises that were sung at creation? They responded at the glory of God, the creator of the entire world. Who commanded the waters and at God s rebuke they fled? God manages the raging sea in spite of its strong tide and waves. He handles it just as a mother does the child in swaddling clothes. It says He made the clouds and thick darkness to hold it. He had a specific place for the sea, just as He does for each of us, and a determined plan for us. In verse 11 we see God s power over the sea. As mighty as the sea is, God has it under control. God is wiser than man. J O B 38:12-24 " H av e y o u c o m m an d e d t h e m o r n i n g s i n c e y o u r d ay s be gan, An d c au s e d t h e d aw n t o k n o w i t s p l ac e, T h at i t m i gh t t ak e h o l d o f t h e e n d s o f t h e e ar t h, An d t h e w i c k e d be s h ak e n o u t o f i t? I t t ak e s o n f o r m l i k e c l ay u n d e r a s e al, An d s t an d s o u t l i k e a gar m e n t. F r o m t h e w i c k e d t h e i r l i gh t i s w i t h h e l d, An d t h e u p r ai s e d ar m i s br o k e n. " H av e y o u e n t e r e d t h e s p r i n gs o f t h e s e a? O r h av e y o u w al k e d i n s e ar c h o f t h e d e p t h s? H av e t h e gat e s o f d e at h be e n r e v e al e d t o y o u? O r h av e y o u s e e n t h e d o o r s o f t h e s h ad o w o f d e at h? H av e y o u c o m p r e h e n d e d t h e br e ad t h o f t h e e ar t h? T e l l M e, i f y o u k n o w al l t h i s. " Wh e r e i s t h e w ay t o t h e d w e l l i n g o f l i gh t? An d d ar k n e s s, w h e r e i s i t s p l ac e,

7 T h at y o u m ay t ak e i t t o i t s t e r r i t o r y, T h at y o u m ay k n o w t h e p at h s t o i t s h o m e? D o y o u k n o w i t, be c au s e y o u w e r e bo r n t h e n, O r be c au s e t h e n u m be r o f y o u r d ay s i s gr e at? " H av e y o u e n t e r e d t h e t r e as u r y o f s n o w, O r h av e y o u s e e n t h e t r e as u r y o f h ai l, Wh i c h I h av e r e s e r v e d f o r t h e t i m e o f t r o u bl e, F o r t h e d ay o f bat t l e an d w ar? B y w h at w ay i s l i gh t d i f f u s e d, O r t h e e as t w i n d s c at t e r e d o v e r t h e e ar t h? Here we see that God gives Job six more questions. God asks him if he commanded the morning and caused the dawn to know its place? We did not create the regularity of day and night. It is the glory of God that it shows, and His glorious work. There is nothing that man can do to change the rising or the setting of the sun. The morning light is a joy to the righteous, but the evil does not love the light. God sees that, and makes the light a minister of his justice as well as of his mercy. Imagine a large tablecloth that you take and shake to get rid of crumbs. God said the light is designed to shake the wicked out of the earth. God says the light is withheld from the wicked, they lose their comforts and their high arm is broken. God will break their pride and evil intentions. God asks Job if he knows what lies at the bottom of the sea. Have the gates of death been open to him? Death is a great secret held from us by God. We need to be sure we are facing the gates of heaven when the gates of death open to us, then we need not fear death. Did Job know the breadth of the earth? Could he comprehend it and describe it to God? If we cannot describe the breadth of the earth, do we dare try to tell God what is right?

8 God challenges Job to describe how light and darkness were first made. God ordered and designed the light and darkness and we cannot change it. We see morning come, then the darkness, which is then ushered away by the morning. The might and majesty of God come into play here. God tells us that in the clouds the snow and hail are generated, and there seems to be an abundance of them laid up in the clouds. God is in control of them to disperse them, as He desires. We see what vanity or foolishness it is to strive against God. God is wiser than man. Sun Catcher God told Job to consider light and how it declares His glory. How has God shown His glory to you? We will make a sun catcher to help us to remember how God has shown His glory in our lives. You will need a Sun Catcher template for each child, colored pencils or crayons, a hole punch, ribbon, cotton balls and cooking oil. Refer to the directions on the templates to make the sun catchers. After making them the children can hang them in their windows and they will give the appearance of stained glass. J O B 38:25-41 " Wh o h as d i v i d e d a c h an n e l f o r t h e o v e r f l o w i n g w at e r, O r a p at h f o r t h e t h u n d e r bo l t, T o c au s e i t t o r ai n o n a l an d w h e r e t h e r e i s n o o n e, A w i l d e r n e s s i n w h i c h t h e r e i s n o m an ; T o s at i s f y t h e d e s o l at e w as t e, An d c au s e t o s p r i n g f o r t h t h e gr o w t h o f t e n d e r gr as s? H as t h e r ai n a f at h e r? O r w h o h as be go t t e n t h e d r o p s o f d e w? F r o m w h o s e w o m b c o m e s t h e i c e? An d t h e f r o s t o f h e av e n, w h o gi v e s i t bi r t h?

9 T h e w at e r s h ar d e n l i k e s t o n e, An d t h e s u r f ac e o f t h e d e e p i s f r o z e n. " C an y o u bi n d t h e c l u s t e r o f t h e Pl e i ad e s, O r l o o s e t h e be l t o f O r i o n? C an y o u br i n g o u t M az z ar o t h i n i t s s e as o n? O r c an y o u gu i d e t h e G r e at B e ar w i t h i t s c u bs? D o y o u k n o w t h e o r d i n an c e s o f t h e h e av e n s? C an y o u s e t t h e i r d o m i n i o n o v e r t h e e ar t h? " C an y o u l i f t u p y o u r v o i c e t o t h e c l o u d s, T h at an abu n d an c e o f w at e r m ay c o v e r y o u? C an y o u s e n d o u t l i gh t n i n gs, t h at t h e y m ay go, An d s ay t o y o u, ' H e r e w e ar e!'? Wh o h as p u t w i s d o m i n t h e m i n d? O r w h o h as gi v e n u n d e r s t an d i n g t o t h e h e ar t? Wh o c an n u m be r t h e c l o u d s by w i s d o m? O r w h o c an p o u r o u t t h e bo t t l e s o f h e av e n, Wh e n t h e d u s t h ar d e n s i n c l u m p s, An d t h e c l o d s c l i n g t o ge t h e r? " C an y o u h u n t t h e p r e y f o r t h e l i o n, O r s at i s f y t h e ap p e t i t e o f t h e y o u n g l i o n s, Wh e n t h e y c r o u c h i n t h e i r d e n s, O r l u r k i n t h e i r l ai r s t o l i e i n w ai t? Wh o p r o v i d e s f o o d f o r t h e r av e n, Wh e n i t s y o u n g o n e s c r y t o G o d, An d w an d e r abo u t f o r l ac k o f f o o d?

10 God has been showing Job his ignorance and lack of understanding. Now God begins to show Job his weakness and helplessness. God commands the thunder, lightning, rain, and more at His command. God has control over the waters, where they go, and He directs the rain where to fall. Because He has control over the rain, He does not neglect the wilderness, the desert land. Every little thing, God is in control of even the smallest rain shower. In verses 34 & 35 we see how weak man is. Could he do such things as these? We have no control over the rain; we cannot command it to rain. We can pray to God for rain, and He may answer, but we cannot command the clouds to let loose the rain. We cannot send the lightening anywhere in the sky, but God can. God has the stars of heaven under His command; they are not under our command. In our weakness, we cannot change their course, where they stay, or anything. The great constellation Orion, could Job keep it in place, or cause it to move? No. Only God controls the heavens. God is also the author and giver, the father of all wisdom and understanding. We have no wisdom in ourselves. Any wisdom that we do have comes from God Almighty. When we realize that, we can never think of ourselves as wiser than God, but come into submission and yield unto His wisdom. We can never number the clouds with our wisdom. Can you stop the rain from falling? Our weakness and helplessness stand out in the light of God s strength and wisdom. Only He can do all things. It is God who provides food for the animals. Have you ever cared for the lions? Probably not, yet they continue to live in the all sufficiency of God s provision. God provides for even the ravens. Men only take care of the things they like and want to care for, usually whatever brings them pleasure, but God s heart is to care for all the works of His hands. God is wiser than man.

11 J O B 39:1-12 " D o y o u k n o w t h e t i m e w h e n t h e w i l d m o u n t ai n go at s be ar y o u n g? O r c an y o u m ar k w h e n t h e d e e r gi v e s bi r t h? C an y o u n u m be r t h e m o n t h s t h at t h e y f u l f i l l? O r d o y o u k n o w t h e t i m e w h e n t h e y be ar y o u n g? T h e y bo w d o w n, T h e y br i n g f o r t h t h e i r y o u n g, T h e y d e l i v e r t h e i r o f f s p r i n g. T h e i r y o u n g o n e s ar e h e al t h y, T h e y gr o w s t r o n g w i t h gr ai n ; T h e y d e p ar t an d d o n o t r e t u r n t o t h e m. " Wh o s e t t h e w i l d d o n k e y f r e e? Wh o l o o s e d t h e bo n d s o f t h e o n age r, Wh o s e h o m e I h av e m ad e t h e w i l d e r n e s s, An d t h e bar r e n l an d h i s d w e l l i n g? H e s c o r n s t h e t u m u l t o f t h e c i t y ; H e d o e s n o t h e e d t h e s h o u t s o f t h e d r i v e r. T h e r an ge o f t h e m o u n t ai n s i s h i s p as t u r e, An d h e s e ar c h e s af t e r e v e r y gr e e n t h i n g. " Wi l l t h e w i l d o x be w i l l i n g t o s e r v e y o u? Wi l l h e be d by y o u r m an ge r? C an y o u bi n d t h e w i l d o x i n t h e f u r r o w w i t h r o p e s? O r w i l l h e p l o w t h e v al l e y s be h i n d y o u? Wi l l y o u t r u s t h i m be c au s e h i s s t r e n gt h i s gr e at? O r w i l l y o u l e av e y o u r l abo r t o h i m?

12 Wi l l y o u t r u s t h i m t o br i n g h o m e y o u r gr ai n, An d gat h e r i t t o y o u r t h r e s h i n g f l o o r? God continues with His questioning, showing His omnipotence and Job s weakness. God knows when animals have their babies and their care for them. As God cares for the feeding of everyone, so He cares about how the creatures are cared for. Man does not help them with the birth of their babies, or the care of them, yet God has directed the animals to know what to do with their young. Now God speaks of the wild donkey, which is free to roam and does not have to work; yet God cares for him. God has made the wilderness and the salt land his home. The ox is able to serve, but not willing to serve, and God challenges Job to force him if he is able. Who, God asks Job, is responsible for the different dispositions in the animals that look alike? There are the wild animals, and the tame ones, the ones that are willing to be cared for by man, and work for them. God is wiser than man. J O B 39:13-18 " T h e w i n gs o f t h e o s t r i c h w av e p r o u d l y, B u t ar e h e r w i n gs an d p i n i o n s l i k e t h e k i n d l y s t o r k ' s? F o r s h e l e av e s h e r e ggs o n t h e gr o u n d, An d w ar m s t h e m i n t h e d u s t ; S h e f o r ge t s t h at a f o o t m ay c r u s h t h e m, O r t h at a w i l d be as t m ay br e ak t h e m. S h e t r e at s h e r y o u n g h ar s h l y, as t h o u gh t h e y w e r e n o t h e r s ; H e r l abo r i s i n v ai n, w i t h o u t c o n c e r n, B e c au s e G o d d e p r i v e d h e r o f w i s d o m, An d d i d n o t e n d o w h e r w i t h u n d e r s t an d i n g.

13 Wh e n s h e l i f t s h e r s e l f o n h i gh, S h e s c o r n s t h e h o r s e an d i t s r i d e r. God asks Job if it was he who gave the beautiful wings to the peacocks. He walks in a great deal of pride. The ostrich is also beautiful, but a foolish bird. This shows us that wisdom does not always go with outward beauty. The ostrich is careless in her care of her babies. She does not hide the eggs in a nest, but leaves them on the ground to be trampled on. We see she lacks natural affection, yet God cares for them by warming them by the sand and the sun. She labors in vain, because she does not care for what comes of her labor. God denies her wisdom and understanding. Though she leaves her babies in danger, when she is threatened she is quite fast to flee from the danger, and is so fast that the horseman cannot reach her. God is wiser than man. J O B 39:19-30 " H av e y o u gi v e n t h e h o r s e s t r e n gt h? H av e y o u c l o t h e d h i s n e c k w i t h t h u n d e r? C an y o u f r i gh t e n h i m l i k e a l o c u s t? H i s m aj e s t i c s n o r t i n g s t r i k e s t e r r o r. H e p aw s i n t h e v al l e y, an d r e j o i c e s i n h i s s t r e n gt h ; H e gal l o p s i n t o t h e c l as h o f ar m s. H e m o c k s at f e ar, an d i s n o t f r i gh t e n e d ; N o r d o e s h e t u r n bac k f r o m t h e s w o r d. T h e qu i v e r r at t l e s agai n s t h i m, T h e gl i t t e r i n g s p e ar an d j av e l i n. H e d e v o u r s t h e d i s t an c e w i t h f i e r c e n e s s an d r age ; N o r d o e s h e c o m e t o a h al t be c au s e t h e t r u m p e t h as s o u n d e d.

14 At t h e bl as t o f t h e t r u m p e t h e s ay s, ' Ah a!' H e s m e l l s t h e bat t l e f r o m af ar, T h e t h u n d e r o f c ap t ai n s an d s h o u t i n g. " D o e s t h e h aw k f l y by y o u r w i s d o m, An d s p r e ad i t s w i n gs t o w ar d t h e s o u t h? D o e s t h e e agl e m o u n t u p at y o u r c o m m an d, An d m ak e i t s n e s t o n h i gh? O n t h e r o c k s i t d w e l l s an d r e s i d e s, O n t h e c r ag o f t h e r o c k an d t h e s t r o n gh o l d. F r o m t h e r e i t s p i e s o u t t h e p r e y ; I t s e y e s o bs e r v e f r o m af ar. I t s y o u n g o n e s s u c k u p bl o o d ; An d w h e r e t h e s l ai n ar e, t h e r e i t i s. " Now God talks about the great strength of the horse. Though man uses the strength of the horse, man did not give it to the horse. It is from God, who also created the beauty of the horse. Was it Job who made the horse to leap, or made him so majestic? Where did the horse s courage and fierceness in battle come from? Next God shows how the birds are proofs of His wonderful power and beauty. God chooses two birds, the hawk, a bird of prey, and the eagle, a royal bird, yet also a bird of prey. God points out the strength and swiftness and direction of her flight, towards the south, when the weather becomes cold. It is God who has given this wisdom to the birds, not man. God points out the height of the eagle s flight, for no bird flies higher than the eagle. Is this done with any help from man, or strength given her by him? No, again, it is only God who controls even the birds. She, unlike the ostrich, makes her nest in high, inaccessible places. As we look at

15 the magnificence of these few animals, we can see our weaknesses and ignorance, and give to God the glory due Him and to Him alone. God is wiser than man. J O B 40:1-5 M o r e o v e r t h e L O R D an s w e r e d J o b, an d s ai d : " S h al l t h e o n e w h o c o n t e n d s w i t h t h e Al m i gh t y c o r r e c t H i m? H e w h o r e bu k e s G o d, l e t h i m an s w e r i t. " T h e n J o b an s w e r e d t h e L O R D an d s ai d : " B e h o l d, I am v i l e ; Wh at s h al l I an s w e r Y o u? I l ay m y h an d o v e r m y m o u t h. O n c e I h av e s p o k e n, bu t I w i l l n o t an s w e r ; Y e s, t w i c e, bu t I w i l l p r o c e e d n o f u r t h e r. " Now God asks Job a summary question; Shall he who would find fault with the Almighty contend with Him? He who disputes with God, let him answer it. Though it does not tell us of Job saying anything God speaks to him, for He knows men s thoughts. It is the height of foolishness to try to argue with the Almighty God and give Him instruction. If anyone can, let him answer all the questions I have asked is what God is saying. Then Job answers and admits his worthlessness. In humble submission, Job comes to himself and begins to melt into godly sorrow. He did not yield to the advice of his friends, but when God spoke to him it broke him. He realizes he has sinned and calls himself vile. Repentance has a way of changing a person s opinion of himself. Job could not answer, for he knew he was wrong. Thus a change in Job s attitude, showing his repentance, which is what repentance is. God is wiser than man.

16 J O B 40:6-14 T h e n t h e L O R D an s w e r e d J o b o u t o f t h e w h i r l w i n d, an d s ai d : " N o w p r e p ar e y o u r s e l f l i k e a m an ; I w i l l qu e s t i o n y o u, an d y o u s h al l an s w e r M e : " Wo u l d y o u i n d e e d an n u l M y j u d gm e n t? Wo u l d y o u c o n d e m n M e t h at y o u m ay be j u s t i f i e d? H av e y o u an ar m l i k e G o d? O r c an y o u t h u n d e r w i t h a v o i c e l i k e H i s? T h e n ad o r n y o u r s e l f w i t h m aj e s t y an d s p l e n d o r, an d ar r ay y o u r s e l f w i t h gl o r y an d be au t y. D i s p e r s e t h e r age o f y o u r w r at h ; L o o k o n e v e r y o n e w h o i s p r o u d, an d h u m bl e h i m. L o o k o n e v e r y o n e w h o i s p r o u d, an d br i n g h i m l o w ; T r e ad d o w n t h e w i c k e d i n t h e i r p l ac e. H i d e t h e m i n t h e d u s t t o ge t h e r, B i n d t h e i r f ac e s i n h i d d e n d ar k n e s s. T h e n I w i l l al s o c o n f e s s t o y o u T h at y o u r o w n r i gh t h an d c an s av e y o u. Job was humbled, but not quite enough, for again the questions start. God speaks out of the whirlwind, and challenges Job to gird up his loins to have courage and not to faint. God asks Job if he will set aside and render void God s judgment. Would he condemn his God so Job may appear righteous and justified? We must remember that God s judgment is always true, and can never be set aside.

17 It is the proud, who cannot own up to their sin, who condemns God, and tries to make themselves look good to others. What foolishness! God is righteous and just it is man who is wicked and evil if they are not born again by God s Holy Spirit. God is a consuming fire, and all of man s forces against God are nothing. God s arm is strong, and strong enough to save all of mankind. Can you do that? All power and strength come from God. He can do everything without us, and we can do nothing without Him. No one can speak as God can, with His voice He can cause mountains to fall, and the smallest heart to soar. In verse 10, he says, Since you question the manner of the Almighty s rule, deck yourself with excellency and dignity of the supreme Ruler, and yourself undertake the government of the world, if you are so wise, and array yourself with honor and majesty (Amplified Bible). We can never come close to God s beauty and majesty. Matthew Henry says, God decks Himself with such majesty and glory as are the terror of devils and all the powers of darkness and make them tremble; He arrays himself with such glory and beauty as are the wonders of angels all the saints in light and make them rejoice. No one can make the proud humble except the Lord God, which is the next point God brings out to Job. Pride goes before destruction, so we know that proud people will be abased and brought low. If they refuse to bend under God they will break. Nothing they hold onto, as security will save them from God s wrath. Just in the presence of God s glory can man fall on his face in all humility. Has anyone ever fallen on his or her face in humility before you? Only God, in His holiness is perfect. God is wiser than man. J O B 40:15-24 " L o o k n o w at t h e be h e m o t h, w h i c h I m ad e al o n g w i t h y o u ; H e e at s gr as s l i k e an o x.

18 S e e n o w, h i s s t r e n gt h i s i n h i s h i p s, An d h i s p o w e r i s i n h i s s t o m ac h m u s c l e s. H e m o v e s h i s t ai l l i k e a c e d ar ; T h e s i n e w s o f h i s t h i gh s ar e t i gh t l y k n i t. H i s bo n e s ar e l i k e be am s o f br o n z e, H i s r i bs l i k e bar s o f i r o n. H e i s t h e f i r s t o f t h e w ay s o f G o d ; O n l y H e w h o m ad e h i m c an br i n g n e ar H i s s w o r d. S u r e l y t h e m o u n t ai n s y i e l d f o o d f o r h i m, An d al l t h e be as t s o f t h e f i e l d p l ay t h e r e. H e l i e s u n d e r t h e l o t u s t r e e s, I n a c o v e r t o f r e e d s an d m ar s h. T h e l o t u s t r e e s c o v e r h i m w i t h t h e i r s h ad e ; T h e w i l l o w s by t h e br o o k s u r r o u n d h i m. I n d e e d t h e r i v e r m ay r age, Y e t h e i s n o t d i s t u r be d ; H e i s c o n f i d e n t, t h o u gh t h e J o r d an gu s h e s i n t o h i s m o u t h, T h o u gh h e t ak e s i t i n h i s e y e s, O r o n e p i e r c e s h i s n o s e w i t h a s n ar e. God now ends with a mighty animal, the behemoth. Behemoth signifies beasts in general, but is thought to be perhaps a hippopotamus, elephant, dinosaur, or an animal we do not know. He is strong and well built, and his bones are like bars of iron compared to other animals. He moves his tail like a cedar tree, and the tendons of his thighs are twisted together like a rope. He lives by eating the grass, and is first in magnitude and power of the work of God in animal life.

19 God provides him with sword-like tusks, and only God can master him. How is he fed? Not by man, but by the mountains that God created and where all the wild animals play. God also designed the trees to cover him and cool him. He drinks a great deal from the river, and if it is violent and overflows, he does not tremble; he is confident though a Jordan River swells and rushes against his mouth. Throughout this whole talk, we see the glory of God demonstrated in everything on this earth. We see the strength and wisdom of God, and the foolishness and weakness of man. Why would anyone choose to trust in men or in themselves? If you have not yet trusted in the Living God for your salvation, today is a wonderful opportunity to enter into His family. Next week we will see the ending to Job s trial and what God does next! God is wiser than man. Forgotten Prayer Request Job had prayed for a long time and felt like God wasn t answering Him. Have you ever prayed and felt like God wasn t answering your prayers. We see that God heard all of Job s prayers and finally did answer him. But God s ways are so much higher than our ways. But in all of this we can see God s love and concern for Job. He hadn t forgot about him, nor was everything out of control. God has everything under control and we can rest in that fact. Using red construction paper, cut out two 6 x 8 heart shapes. Glue together the sides and bottom. Leave a slit at the top to place papers in later. On the outside of the heart write out Romans 8:28, For all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. Next give each child a small slip of paper. Have them write out a prayer request, perhaps something that maybe God hasn t seemed to answer in a long time. Don t have them write their names down,

20 God knows. Pass the heart around and have them put the slip of paper into the heart. When everyone has done that ask if anyone would like to share. Keep it voluntary. After a few have shared, you may want to share something. Next, pray, as a class, for all of the requests and that the Lord would answer in His timing. You can save these and pray specifically for your children during the week! PRAYER Lead the children in a prayer of seeking the Lord s wisdom and His ways for our lives. While it is OK to ask the Lord questions about things in our lives, we should never think that we are smarter than He is. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the gospel, give them opportunity to do so.

21 Template - Sun Catcher SUN CATCHER INSTRUCTIONS: P P P P P P P Make as many copies of this template as the number of children in your class. Using colored pencils or crayons to color the picture. In the blank spaces have the children write a way that God has shown His glory, or their favorite Bible verse. Cut out the circle shape and punch a hole for the hanger. Dip a cotton ball into cooking oil and lightly apply it on the sun catcher this will make the paper more transparent. Attach a piece of ribbon or string for the holder. Hang it in a window to catch the sunlight.

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