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1 This can be 2 lectures! still need: Examples: non-convex problems applications for matrix factorization x = prox_f(x)+prox_{f^*}(x) use to get prox of norms!


3 WHY PROXIMAL METHODS Smooth functions minimize f(x) Non-differentiable minimize f(x) Gradient descent Newton s method Quasi-newton Conjugate gradients etc Proximal methods Constrained problems? minimize f(x) subject to g(x) apple 0 Lagrangian methods h(x) =0

4 PROXIMAL OPERATOR prox f (z, ) = arg min x f(x)+ 1 2 kx zk2 objective proximal penalty Stay close to z

5 PROXIMAL OPERATOR prox f (z, ) = arg min x f(x)+ 1 2 kx zk2 stepsize prox f (z,t) z

6 GRADIENT INTERPRETATION prox f (z, ) = arg min x f(x)+ 1 2 kx zk2 assume differentiable rf(x)+ 1 (x z) =0 x = z rf(x) Two type of gradient descent Forward gradient x = z rf(z) Backward gradient x = z rf(x)

7 SUBDIFFERENTIAL prox f (z, ) = arg min x f(x)+ 1 2 kx zk2 non-differentiable 0 1 (x z) 0=g + 1 (x z), for some g Backward gradient descent x = z g

8 EXAMPLE: L1 prox f (z, ) = arg min x x kx zk2 Is sub-differential unique? Is solution unique? prox f (z,t) z

9 PROPERTIES backward gradient descent prox f (z, ) = arg min x x = z f(x)+ 1 2 zk2 forward gradient descent x = z rf(z) Existence Exists for any proper convex function (and some non-convex) Exists only for smooth functions Uniqueness Always unique result Sub-gradient unique if differentiable

10 RESOLVENT prox f (z, ) = arg min x f(x)+ 1 2 kx zk2 non-differentiable 0 1 (x z) z z 2 + I)x x + I) 1 z =prox f (z, ) unique

11 EXAMPLE: L1 prox f (z, ) = arg min x x kx 8 >< 1+ 1 (x? z)=0, if x? > 0 >: 1+ 1 (x? z)=0, if x? < 0 1 (x? z) 2 [ 1, 1], if x? =0 zk2 shrink(z, ) = 8 >< x? = z, if x? > 0 x? = z +, if x? < 0 >: 0, otherwise

12 THE RIGOROUS WAY prox f (z, ) = arg min x max minimize 1 x kx dual problem 1 X 1 ( / ) 2 k zk2 or 2 k zk2 subject to k k 1 apple Lagrangian zk2 minimize x x ky zk2 + hy x, i y z + =0 y = z = z max(min(,z), )

13 SHRINK OPERATOR y =shrink(x, 1)

14 NUCLEAR NORM kxk = X i Singular values Why would you use this regularizer? If X is PSD, we call this the trace norm kxk = X i = trace(x)

15 NUCLEAR NORM PROX minimize kxk kx Zk2 Same singular vectors minimize kus X V T k kus XV T US Z V T k 2 minimize S X ks X S Z k 2 S X =shrink(s Z, ) X = U shrink(s Z, )V T

16 CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS C = some convex set X C (x) = ( 0, if x 2 C 1, otherwise proximal minimize X C (x)+ 1 2t kx zk2 What does this do? Does the stepsize matter?

17 2-norm ball EXAMPLES C = B 2 = {x prox 2 (z) = z kzk kxk apple1} min{kzk, 1} infinity ball C = B 2 = {x kxk 1 apple 1} prox 1 (z) i =min{max{z i, 1}, 1} positive half space C = {x x 0} prox + (z) = max{z,0}

18 HARDER EXAMPLES semidefinite cone C = S ++ = {X X 0} prox S++ (Z) =U max{s, 0}V T L1-ball C = B 1 = {x kxk 1 apple 1} prox 1 (z) =???

19 PROXIMAL-POINT METHOD minimize f(x) backward gradient descent x k+1 =prox f (x k, ) =x k+1 ) x k+1 = arg min f(x)+ 1 2 kx xk k 2 stepsize restriction? does it depend on the norm? Would you ever use this?

20 FORWARD-BACKWARD SPLITTING minimize x g(x)+f(x) non-smooth backward gradient descent smooth forward gradient descent FBS forward step backward step ˆx = x k rf(x k ) x k+1 =prox g (ˆx, )

21 WHY FORWARD BACKWARD? forward step minimize x g(x)+f(x) ˆx = x k rf(x k ) backward step x k+1 =prox g (ˆx, ) x k+1 = x k rf(x k k+1 ) fixed-point property x? = x? rf(x? ) 0 2rf(x? )+@g(x? )

22 GRADIENT INTERPRETATION forward step backward step ˆx = x k rf(x k ) x k+1 =prox g (ˆx, ) x k+1 = x k rf(x k k+1 ) ˆx x?

23 MAJORIZATION- MINIMIZATION minimize h(x) surrogate function m(x k )=h(x k ) m(x) h(x), 8x surrogate majorizes f f m x k x k+1

24 MM ALGORITHM minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) f(x) apple f(x k )+hx x k, rf(x k )i kx xk k 2 apple 1 L f m x k x k+1

25 MM ALGORITHM minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) f(x) apple f(x k )+hx x k, rf(x k )i + 1 minimize m(x) =g(x)+ 1 2 kx xk k 2 minimize m(x) =g(x)+f(x k )+hx x k, rf(x k )i kx xk k 2 2 kx xk + rf(x k )k 2 f m x k x k+1

26 MM ALGORITHM minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) f(x) apple f(x k )+hx x k, rf(x k )i + 1 minimize m(x) =g(x)+f(x k )+hx x k, rf(x k )i kx xk k 2 minimize m(x) =g(x)+ 1 2 kx xk k 2 2 kx xk + rf(x k )k 2 prox(x k rf(x k ), )

27 PROXIMAL POINT INTERPRETATION minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) f(x) apple f(x k )+hx x k, rf(x k )i kx xk k 2 apple 1 L build a proximal penalty / distance measure d(x, x k )= 1 2 kx xk k 2 f(x)+hx x k, rf(x k )i + f(x k )

28 PROXIMAL POINT INTERPRETATION minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) d(x, x k )= 1 2 kx xk k 2 f(x)+hx x k, rf(x k )i + f(x k ) minimize h(x)+d(x, x k ) minimize g(x)+ 1 2 kx xk + rf(x k )k 2 prox(x k rf(x k ), )

29 SPARSE LEAST SQUARES minimize g(x) + f(x) minimize µ x kax bk2 non-smooth smooth forward step ˆx = x k rf(x k ) ˆx = x k A T (Ax k b) x k+1 = arg min g(x)+ 1 2 kx backward step ˆxk2 x k+1 = arg min µ x kx iterative shrinkage / thresholding x k+1 =shrink(ˆx, µ ) ˆxk2

30 SPARSE LOGISTIC minimize g(x) + f(x) minimize µ x + L(Ax, y) L(z,y) = X i log(1 + e y iz i ) ˆx = x k rf(x k ) forward step ˆx = x k A T rl(ax k,y) x k+1 = arg min g(x)+ 1 2 kx backward step ˆxk2 x k+1 = arg min µ x kx x k+1 =shrink(ˆx, µ ) ˆxk2

31 EXAMPLE: DEMOCRATIC REPRESENTATIONS { 1 minimize kax bk2 2 subject to kxk 1 apple µ minimize X µ 1(x)+ 1 2 kax bk2 forward step ˆx = x k A T (Ax k b) backward step x k+1 = arg min X 1(x)+ µ 1 2 kx =min{max{ˆx, µ},µ} ˆxk2

32 EXAMPLE: LASSO { 1 minimize kax bk2 2 subject to x apple µ implicit constraints minimize X µ 1 (x)+1 2 kax bk2 forward step ˆx = x k A T (Ax k b) backward step x k+1 = arg min X µ 1 (x)+ 1 2 kx ˆxk2

33 TOTAL VARIATION minimize µ rx kx fk2 Dualize the easy way z = max z 2[ 1,1] µ z = max z 2[ µ,µ] why? min max 2[ µ,µ] h, rxi kx fk2 hr T,xi max min 2[ µ,µ] x hrt,xi + 1 kx fk2 2 r T + x f =0

34 TOTAL VARIATION minimize µ rx kx fk2 max min 2[ µ,µ] x hrt,xi + 1 kx fk2 2 optimality condition r T + x f =0 x = f r T max 2[ µ,µ] hrt,f r T i krt k 2 max 2[ µ,µ] hrt,fi hr T, r T i krt k 2 1 max 2[ µ,µ] hrt,fi 2 krt k 2 max 2[ µ,µ] 1 2 krt fk 2

35 FBS FOR TV minimize µ rx kx fk2 max 2[ µ,µ] 1 2 krt fk 2 Dual x = f r T ( 0, z 2 [ µ, µ] X µ (z) = 1, otherwise minimize X µ ( )+ 1 2 krt fk 2 ˆ = forward step k r(r T k f) backward step k+1 = arg min X µ ( )+ 1 2 k =min{max{ µ, ˆ},µ} ˆk2

36 SVM minimize 1 2 kwk2 + Ch(LDw) h(z) = max{1 z,0} min w use the trick Ch(z) = max 2[0,C] max 2[0,C] 1 (1 z) 2 kwk2 + h, 1 LDwi optimality w D T L =0 maximize subject to 1 2 kdt L k T 2 [0,C]

37 SVM maximize subject to 1 2 kdt L k T 2 [0,C] forward ASCENT step ˆ = k (LDD T L k 1) backward step k+1 =min{max{0, ˆ},C}

38 NETFLIX PROBLEM movies people data imputation : fill in missing values low rank assumption: everyone described by affinity for horror, action, rom-com, etc matrix completion

39 NUCLEAR NORM FORM relax minimize rank(x)+ 1 2 mask km X Dk2 data minimize kxk km X Dk2 coordinate multiplication forward ASCENT step ˆX = X k M (M X k D) why not transpose? backward step X k+1 = arg min kxk kx ˆXk 2 what s this do?

40 MATRIX FACTORIZATION minimize X,Y 1 kxy Dk2 2 subject to X, Y 0 forward step ˆX = X k (X k Y k D)(Y k ) T Ŷ = Y k (X k ) T (X k Y k D) backward step X k+1 = max{ ˆX,0} Y k+1 = max{ŷ,0}

41 CONVERGENCE by reduction to proximal-point method minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) Theorem Suppose the stepsize for FBS satisfies does not depend on g apple 2 L where L is a Lipschitz constant for rf. Then h(x k ) h(x? ) apple O(1/k)

42 Nemirovski and Yundin GRADIENT VS. NESTEROV Gradient x 0 Nesterov x 0 x 1 x 2 x 4 x 3 x 1 x 4 x 2 x3 O 1 k O 1 k 2 Optimal

43 FISTA Fast iterative shrinkage/thresholding - Beck and Teboulle 09 FISTA x k+1 =prox g (y k rf(y k ), ) k+1 = 1 q 1+ 4( k ) y k+1 = x k+1 + k 1 k+1 (xk+1 x k ) momentum

44 SPARSA / FASTA idea: adaptive stepsize outperforms acceleration f(x) 2 xt x secant equation rf(x k+1 ) rf(x k )= (x k+1 x k ) g = x minimize least-squares solution 1 k x gk2 2 = xt g k xk 2 = 1 = k xk2 x T g

45 BACKTRACKING based on MM interpretation f(x k+1 ) <f k + hx k+1 x k, rf(x k )i + 1 kx k+1 x k k 2 2 k behaves like Lipschitz constant Choose stepsize t k FBS+Backtracking x k+1 =prox g (x k k rf(x k ), k ) While f(x k+1 ) >f k + hx k+1 x k, rf(x k )i k kx k+1 x k k 2 k k /2 x k+1 =prox g (x k k rf(x k ), k )

46 STOPPING CONDITIONS minimize h(x) =g(x)+f(x) stop when residual is small.but what s the residual?? x k+1 = arg min g(x)+ 1 2 kx 0 k+1 )+ 1 (xk+1 ˆx) 1 (ˆx xk+1 ) k+1 ) form the k+1 ) ˆxk2 r k+1 = 1 (ˆx xk+1 )+rf(x k+1 ) k+1 )

47 HOW SMALL IS SMALL? RELATIVE RESIDUAL minimize h(x) k+1 ) residual r k+1 = 1 (ˆx xk+1 )+rf(x k+1 ) k+1 ) stop when r k+1 = 1 (ˆx xk+1 )+rf(x k+1 ) 0 or equivalently r k+1 r = 1 (ˆx xk+1 ) rf(x k+1 ) relative residual r k max{ 1 (ˆx x k+1 ), rf(x k+1 )}

WHY DUALITY? Gradient descent Newton s method Quasi-newton Conjugate gradients. No constraints. Non-differentiable ???? Constrained problems? ????

WHY DUALITY? Gradient descent Newton s method Quasi-newton Conjugate gradients. No constraints. Non-differentiable ???? Constrained problems? ???? DUALITY WHY DUALITY? No constraints f(x) Non-differentiable f(x) Gradient descent Newton s method Quasi-newton Conjugate gradients etc???? Constrained problems? f(x) subject to g(x) apple 0???? h(x) =0

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