!Ethiopian Strategy; Way

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1 a t y E d l t l o M f T B y o u 18, NO. 1 8 taljr Machne Takes BoldTra F v e B a n d t s H o l d D o. A n d E s c a p e W t h R s U r o a t f l ; : (By Th«A*» A U l E m V 3 L L E,. 0 M 0 H g u n ro b b e rs ra d e d a n E r e r& to d a y, held a t b a y a d o z en nt w th m al po u ch es w hlcl o ffc cflhtlq.ooo. T h e g u n g w a le d u n tl th c P ttsb u rg h,«to p p c d a tth e.g a t hem h e ld u p E a r l P a v a, a nc ; 4 le.p la tfo n n. A t le a s t f o u r o f h c m h n d m a ch n e Rns, D avl8 «n ld. : O ne o l th e m fr e d a ahvt nto the null c tr and ordered the three clerk to come oultlde. BUnd n Une..... "A couple ot the oler robbers nl the lame lme were Holdng up evecvone on tha lu tlou platform. andmtdfrth»m«tm>dlo»*.llne; Another robber, wth gun n lnnd, forced Enflneer Charlea 8hnU and Prcjan P. O. Leuschner oul ot thc locomotlye cab." One ot the robbers, cnterlns the m alcar.»lrada«hatu, grazed the torehead of Otlln Workman, a clerk. t nlsed a bump but dd not serleuly burt hm. llry *t«rtcd Rhootlng but flopped when we came out." sad P. E, ChrLMy. nnolher clerk n Ue car, As qulcklynaworkmon.ohrlsty, nnd eve Wurrcn, a thrd clerk, lelt thfl car, the robber stored throwng mnll pouches oul of the door. Dnvls Md. rrw tcd nlo Kmlce "Then they made me and Robert BrockcUT* noeann5rcnrer, C4rry «evcn poueles to helr watng automoble. k n anohtr mnute the whole,e«ng fled. Durtnt the robberj, Mrs, W. L cott of OnrrvtuvKle wnlked onto the tatloa platform. he was un< aan tb a th e hddup w u n prog re«.o n «o fk e robberpushed machlno u n aganst her back. ;*OflC bock aganst the stalloa vou or r u drll vou," ha shouted,., Tha *ubl kepclhrtralunde { O o o U a O m a 3.C01 ) L g h t s H A D O W n D a y s E v e n t t tby The Asjoelaled Pr«B> Clllt o f TOQgUOB KAUKAtmA. W Urohn Murph] of Brtjoklyn, NewYork, knock«tor the door ol a Kaukouna homo nnd.handed the housewfe a card. Th card set forth Dal the bcwcr wa;. unblfl.to.pcojcand n need.of food The «oman u ld she w t sorry tlt had none to gve. "Why havent you?" she wld th Murphy admtted to udge Thom as H. Ryan thnt t was all a fraut and was Knt lo the counly dclen hoppng W at A HATNG, Neb. H e r m a V 8jlro«d«r,pruUlea.otlu:.chaubt, of commcrce, found a tcum of horse shverng n a vacant lot near h home. He callcd a polceman, wh ed thc horjc behnd He crubc: to Uto street dtmrmlnl bulldlnj Wheretheanlmaswcre blblod fo te ttlblu. A farmer had left the team whll he and hs wfe went shoppng, Q u to a O om plm ont UD ANOELlOncarm.d drlv log bclug. agouul. Uo su tc rnlfl< code, MUton L. Mjgrant, 8,»loo< before Tratlle Coun udge Wllbu C. Curtl. Who waa U ut lady you wer drvng wlh that lghlv nskcd U udke. "Tlat..ff(QlrrVeU U ul was m: wuc," aald kygranl. sad the udge. "ll make Ue fln l g h t s, " N l4ue=f& MUof r r.. OAK a, Caat. a m e s Rch r a a r w VMouFla~ U eeled here todnyhanks to polce, fre men. jowcr company cmnloyc. nm the 8 P,C j\.... The horse wos.holslcd out at a. m. from a sfoot deep water pp. dtch nto whch he fell sometlm before mldolfbt. PasMTslv who heard tha anlm ar dstressed whnnessummoned Wal ler K. Osbon. local secretary of th.p.o.a. Osborn called Um polce the polce called the fremen and th fremen summoned tha power com, pany employes wth a derrck,. The mn«ed forces nduced th f honw lo qut sllng,dqwn n th narrow trench,.tjn a slug;unde E T l GunGang ;4O,OO0 n lnhpmup Dozen pectators a t Bay th Mal acks at Oho oad taton Asaoclated Preu).... n, N qv. 7 a gany of fve rnnchne»ralroad.passenger and m al tralf n fltartlcd spectators, and cacapcd ffcuu sad probably contaned nt,hc trjn, bound from Cleveland t( ;.GarrcttavllcjtatlQ.rheDneol a newa dealer, who was watng or lrpqfflo:pl : H[LDN[C[8AR up?"" otllclals Beleve Prces Re move Need cr Federal n " ubsdy Prcgram the a t d WAm T T nn Kor. 7 bv> A. a Lookng orer markc reports th a t not ahowed sharp prce luer/aset for poutoe* durlnr the past 30 days, (op* AAA offcals Md today they be E lleved the proposed federal sob* or. kldy program to boost 19U crop sy prtceswodld be annectomry Market rccords alow prces of on.fljor commcfclal varety of p o u t have more than doubled and prcc of another type almoft doubled. rrtes"* DoofU rees E ojr4clj.«alh;rw cslet lulo wrccuago o lale polalom are grown comune< >hele narket reacuon to preparaton or compulsory jw U to producub / L control next year were ded n pnncwl reasojm for the prce n creuac. rob. he AAA tejxkrted today that t) (( market prlceo,b.~malne for p o u c toes ot tne Oreen MounUln varte whch was M cenu per loo poud on epember 30, k«s per 10 nder oanwu*.. " 7 The market.prlos fo.b. daho lo ) Um daho AusKt Burbank varlel: M cenu per 100 pounds on eptem pounds on November fl. a *16 AAA subsdy provrum. an, nounced October 18. cnllfl for tl tatoes of the 103 crop whch ma be Uueatencd wlu wasu because c low prces and glutted morkeu.", Plau also were advanced for u * Ubllslmwnt of marketng ogee mcnu n Wesem slates. Under the suggested plan, th AAA would hava msdfl paymcn rphy to farmers of 35 cenu for each 10 <ton p o u n d so t» u to cs dverted lat nnd lvwlock feed, slarch, jwato flou Tlte or alcolfol. The paymcnw.wcrc to was mnde on slpulutcd grades of pola food. toes. Kund) would lave been take tlw from the 30 percent of th e gro customs recepu Ml asde lor h 1 the agrculture department n lhe AA nmendmenu,atthe UmeUe..u nom offcal esumatc. of the cost range raud from»3,000,000 to M.OOO,000. eten AAA olllclals sad that arrange mont*forth»wrplu»<uvof»lon.»la would be eompleled as rnpldly a possble and th a t the plnn woul m a n o p e n " any grower wh,b,. wlslcd to take advantage of t. Th o r offlcflls,how!vet,almo5rwercun nmous n a belef that few groa ers would be nterested now n ustn the p la n " Eat Three quares,»mt ays Brdegroom, 9( U o aa N Q E L E fo v K E : three Kuares" a dny. dont clrl lo excess and smoke all you wr s Ue advce for a long lfe gve by a brdegroom Wllam Adams. 01 veteran. ajur On blruday yesterday, he toe Mrs. BeUy Frankln. 44. to neart " Y snla Ana eud was marred to hc Adnms haa been morrltd twce b< foce ond hs brde once. He haa * son, 25. and a daughter. 89. fne ". y Anm als, P fre L nnd LO ANOELEa. Nov. 7 (/P)An: nwls nnd arnslwa devourtwc at ffths Of the Unted tates agrcu: ppe loral output. A.,, Loren*, nutr; etlme Uonal rtxarch dreclor of the Cal; fomla frut growers exchange. Val mals here today. W al Aldrejslng outhern Callfofn f the denlnl hyblenlsu, lo rrn x also rt ollcc, ported lhe rse and fall of worl d thc populaton s drectly prt>portlonn com to the amount of green food whlc can be produced. 1 the Esllmatlng the annual ngrlcultu the al producuon of thu eountryot M ACCVRA W N TW o n s F peo lock n..pgn p um ne General NcnCcmpllanoe n a y dlcated Fcllowna Court Rulng Act Overtep Bounds ol Constltuto ~ <ByThe AMOclated P r e u ) W A H h N G T O t f r o v. 5 A a tro n g p ro b n b lty th a m o.st p;w c u tlty holdn; co m p an e s w ll refu s e to reg a. tc r w th th o se c u rte s com m sso n D ecem ber 1 np p eare o n u c h a.c t o n whcww««< 1p r e v e n t n lm n a tra to n o f th h o ld n g. c o m p a n y. la w be came a vrtual cerutoty n th mns ol semo tecurluet eommt n u son offcals when a BalUmora fed ernl udge held the act unconsu tutona n ts frst court test. At Ute same Ume, t was report ed n commsson clrclm th a t eve Rc* before the rulng, te n ra l mpbrtan ; uttr*tw,)tt5 hr aavtm r m pancs nol lo regster. Only Ure weeka reman before the flr«regls trallon dendllne, RctMraUon Expeced nfotmal rtpm j hare reaehed«h commsson that the AssocUted Os and Electrc company, whch fough the act bftterly n congreu and fhe Bh* URUf**! promlnfnty n lobbyng n ren vcsugatlons, would regster. Whe ther U «BUlmore dwuon woul chansethe company* plans waa un certan. Only one regstraton has bee rces receved a t lhe commsson lo dat and thnt was for n very small cor The la y e r con«m s hav!0 of (Contnued on Page a. CoL 0) jlned FO 8TT[8LOE luds Hopkns* DenlB Progra ;, " Operated to Ad Admnstraton l * WAHNOTON, Nov. 7 f/pjpot addluo«alale*lhode lalon O eorgurow aftndn ewm cxleo:,. 5 ordered eut otl lhe dole today as Hnrr? U Hopklttt l * dlgnanlly dened that thc wwl relef program wns beng operoted alrt the Roosevelt admnlstrauon. Hopkns acton boosted to 13 U 1; number of stau s whch 1» sal, r "have gotten ther U tt relef grants tntft *>e waa playlr flour p o " " " n reponre to»pre tn w> conference nqury about assertlo U ut W A proecu were rehased : loken he eve of the eletlon. * * he emphaaued, " not n poluca and the polltlca, can ye fhelr heads ol." W e l l D r e s s e d D o g f y W e a r s G o a t r B o o t CHCAOO. Nov. 7 Ul Ha sn t ROod enourlj for the fashlo able QWO dog sw lnu r. coatu When t snows he sll have a f conl of beran wolf. When t ral he wn wear a mlncont nnd ho, everythng tnlhcr boou. 1, yes, fur coau n.blnck. wht q n t.ll) Uld Cray; r a n l. n brls colors and pwgear of stout leatl cr are dlspuyed by uptotheml drnk. PKtPNG DANKEn AK pp, TORAGE FOR BLVE PEPlNO.,C hlnvn ov. 7 &P> took Bankers moved today to prarent earby dran on lplngs allver reoorv ) her, estm ated a t hangh :ebe drllnrs fabout $330,000. T hey.d faa a elded lo ask the government to p r vde storage facultes for t. Parastes Take fmgcslcmp A nlafter hnest asd parastes abo tw o.«.000, w ru t rcul "The popuutlon of, Amerca b lu trlllo rj Columbus ducovery waa st Call* tlonary a t 1,M0;000." Loren aal, Wald "nl.t number of people was all th \ coull be aupported bythe ]ndur ofna 1bow nnd arrow. Now, «1U specs } rc.lzpd aerculmral methods, we c world \uppon n exces of 150,000,000 yx otne n tho samb a rtt. vhlch No matter how weu dreued people may be,"or how well fed. ltur1 they do. not lave the proper deta:,1 fequlremens to support them, a po UayLUlaQ«.>.!l.p<)a»uoo...T U..< rc or Lo.cu 0. 4TAN AOCATED F F A L ] rwln FALL3, DAHO, FRDAY?*osed G r l s D e c l n e T o T e l l N a m e s A f t e r D a v n g B o y s L f e BEND. O re, Nov. 7 W Two l f t womea who declned to l u s dentfy themaalva, aared Lury U Undlfer. four yeart old. from deaut n t»lcy Deaehute* r m today. tn : T h e le* thalleted u Uw chld fouovet] tome duck out p4»e on UB partly roen lurfae*. He screamed antf waa beng dragged ta n «surface by a heavy coat when the two un tnn dentuledwotaen rcaehed bun. TUey llnkod hands and pulled hlh rom U «atrtam. «...The glrlmenuoned they were r.. l ujustpaasng.thm ghcnc.but (u. [ Larrys father was tryng to fnd them tonght to express hs grau 3 ln g ; (ude. g s. om, m f. 11 Ar Transport Company Ar t n o u n c e s Dscovery of, Mssng Party Eom~ rra FABBANK, Alaska, Not. (/D Tbe oolom o( ths N ortbcn Ar T r a n p o r t oempany an nosneed today tb a t flo l a d, Hwraaa and hs flre poskbgen H»W r*m en»tbrd*yoo»fu gb Oas,j fom OawMn, KakoB Tetr UBht lory, are aafa a CasaUr road (hen heoae, U mue«from Dawoa. : n... Vh«. A searchug >laofl ploted by K Randall sghted U u party, but w luq. unable to land, U u company r ported. been Hermans plane, however, w dau. seen on an sland n tbe Yukon rv com and Ue sx m ea came out of a cab have andw aved to Randall aa he at Randall wa< accompaned 1 Charles W. MUls and UAHod E< P mundson a» ofc#etwr».muum* k sage the company s offlcea hera L fndng the loet flers. MHermans puae w at not damage bul wll not be flwn oul UntU U ru e r reeet bardtr. t w u beluv h u a that tba alx men would re tu toon to Dawsott by dos Uam. Mslng n U».aa o e terrtloty: wlfch pnot Art U lus and tb r pomenfvs w en loat lasttum m 1 and haver lound. teara wafa U when they talud to arrlva bara Ba Herman s passengen were Oeor Pour Townsend, Dawson: Oscar Adar lon ulphw Creek; W alter am eo WhlU H orsy ukon Terrtory: a deral Pettr Fuak and O. rea, puc n drulers enroute lo Vancouver, Br sxrks sh Columba, t d to BDyBlLlg O E N llll c l«, lan No.lFemalePubl Enemy May Rest n Paupers Grave l o t s Ka n s a s cy. Nov. m au fau of Vvan Clase, poll Har sad today, os the bod of thc sla Won gangland quten ny unclnlmcd n.th s K n n sasty morgue... The lavuh funeral Ue "bg thot a fur of crme oncc provded for U»< rans PsU appeared only a myth as fu hold eral home attedanu sad they h receved no word from Ue fam vhltc, frends of the Ualn woman. >rsht Ood/ Feumt n Car eath Authortues held te few belbn mn> ngs of the reputed No. 1 fems publlo enemy whose body was fou here unday marnng ammed gr tesquely n a motor car. There w, V a t t bll besde her. Her cheap green dreu waa soak p) wth blood from awound made ent a abuuet. ; wrvh PoUce beleved Ute tan wom nghaf who allegedly had assocaud w y de rsh OMalley ond Alvn Ka pro mobs, wos "te woman n rc wbo aded n holdups hera netu but her ordnary clothng l = dloaud aheftadmtletnoner. Bha bad a large purse n whl sha carred her revolver ond ca u rdges wrapped n a hundkerchl p s O n e A r w e C B e a T l o l l s O w n t o k c about.. REDWOOD CTY. C»llf Nov. a be W Polloo.Chhjf C. U.CoUUa.aee] ; su> n f a onearmed bcggsr alleged aald. annbylng housewlra, booked Fra that Hoover aa a auspect uxsy becau duns ba answered genaraldsscrlpuor «cut yet had makngs for rollng hs o* can elgmreu. )er» "A oneluuded cgsret roller, eh sald.um chef to Hoover. O. 1 led a RoBmaone. ed. U H o o w flderted and then adml letary ted, CoUna aad. that he folded ot por* arm behnd hm whle askng aln from «rtnpal>,>]ta Wl jbooked <».ft.>3granc)rcr(fc,. P R E N E W P A T K t t C L D LY M O RNNG. NOVEM BER,8, H rpmtatememl!! 8» E B«nL[ «EBl PflLl! D e m o c ra tc a n d R e p u b l c a p o k e sm e n A lk e C lal E e c llo n R e s u lts H e a j j j n crease n W ar Chesl e r e By The AssoclaUd Press) h ul, U W A H N G T O N N o v,7 g n a lln g f u ro u s f g h tn g 0 the lllg dectons front. Den o c ra tc a n d R e p u b 1 c a apoku.mncn a lk e to d a y c la n c d tlm t th e re s u lts o f T uo \ d a y s b a llo tn g w o u a hel f l L t h e p a r t v caj Pajg / f u n d s. K n T h s electon a fte r c ry fo l \ n lowed"lhe~*ame thetaemuntedl bolh O.O>. and Nev Deal lewle. lb conlendlng that tha oukr ale & n. had come off tecond best when U vote castng n New York, New e sey. Pcnusylvanlo.a n d Kenlucl waa taken as a whole. More Uan one pollucal observ beretw a*u r7«r«n«b roft ho;,, counur clsuns a t a sgn ot U * heavest knd of pollucal crapplr n Ue twelve monuu before U ncxl prtsldentlal race t decded, ten. formal suument*maklng w f b t ol but ckm tnrtay(ltlectl! a r t. here rushed forw ud wllb wrttu Md vords on Ue unusually heavy plu alty aceorded A. B. Chandler. Dta oerat. as vlclor n the Kentucl fubernstorul raee. More lonty E xpects AtRepublcan headquarm, boe was aver, a responsble offcal cooten rver cd that Ue s u u elecuons aa cabn whole showed the New Deal ccu: and be slopped, and Uat, Uerefore. t :heo. oreasedeooulbuuomtou)»0,0;: by cause mght be expected. E d. Al Demoeratlo betdquart«r> o a a eocrfspondng.jpokfhmn.maldl Ta of ed thst an elecuon reveaung heavy a vo«for New. Deal adbe aged expecud to toenm 1 t» fuoncla support. Uvffd p»ttnrr«n leadft bera plan e tum wera hsaruned by Ua tnueky r tu m. When udge Kng wope, U R«pubUcan lubemataral Candda w b o d e nftnenuoq of Ue Ne nm er D al., conceded lhe tecuod \6, (e( to Obandler, who appealed lor vet R«u u A Hoosevett follower, thera we: lukt, nrtleanm. tlm hu flnsl plurau m ght reach lojooo. UnofflcUUy. some at Republcs hcadquarurs concedcd Unl U etocttonahaddsm oastrae d mj Presdent RooseveU malnulned «B,., mpressve peonsl prestge. At the tome tme, however, U noted u sgnulcnnt sgns lhe R< publcan assembles n New Yor thelncreasedmajoryln hene ersey assembly and the Pcnsy vanla returns. emkad0v1ew 8 4A1EWER8 KAOOHMA. Kyualu. Nov, (Prday) (/P> Emperor lllrohllo > > apan arrved lodyabosrd lhe ba. thc cnu erh ljr to wltntw fle jbc m aneuven: OlflW PLE 3 L 0 B P «slan. " M o t le rs. T a k e f r m t a r u A g a n s t Any M ercy lo r, Y o u n g lay er omlly. CEDAR RAPD, lown. Nov, 7 (, CUrence Dtrowt pn tor Ly long Messner. 33. Cedar Rapds yout smsle fter\ ng a Ufa senunce for the a U fkm urder of a sx year old cl f"* eght years ago, roused oewph * «protest today from Cedar Rapl mothers. Mkftd tarrow, long an undtrdogdsfcn er. ueaday appealed to Govern Clyde L. Herrng lo grant Mcssn " * " execuuv9 clemency, declsnng: * *f " couldnl sleep nlghu f dld ry to do somethng for U «boj.m,,a mother* protest centered stug Parent.Teachere assocaton nnrflh lyhfwm K.m Bhlch membew a» wtu c an Herrng." assocutlon c fleers aald. proustlnt any mer for Mfuner," who confewed hc n lacked and alrangled llltle KaU lw.»forr*»t.ln..the;ba«mt of jgg va?a;lh9u»e,... ov. 7 Forced Det No te n elasse s Tank strateg y Uons,.. PERRE. 8. D,. Nov. 1C own Mussoln h<a plooed the Un lona 00 a det so the war can eh7 on. Aa long oa h«can fve c ). K. ther apaghetu, Ucy ant gol to worry. mlt don t gueat elasse wlt u 1 one a forced det on hu outft, alma he fed em. a few touare mes m s. >lldortm..:aa>ta..weac.ahc bcd deauty ther morala. COMPLETE A L.1985., [eghts g n P a t h o f E t h E f l P le a n lam le a n e s ts g on lem* lm < 1 1 u e s * M.n. h e ljf l a H M y fo. d b y j g y j f l e g s e ade tho. e r V :ucky erver. M j / < r u B thow / / m U»e led. t waa. l.du t u n T H E s t; p tc tu r c 8. j u s t arrv e K " * th e c a p tu r «o f A d u w a an 2 y ta la n le s o n s fnvachng.n( tv o p r e s t, c a n y n g C o p t ta ln n a rm y a a t e n te. n a tv e s aa th e y occupy A p j o l M j T : MUld H t lyl ash t P rofte bcr raaae,, x G e n o a n s e n t e n o E n d 1, u» ; fbjsnua ROME, N o v. 7 P a s c U t vous p r b flte o r a, s p e c u la to rs a n d «r a ru m o ra. rauty X T.ny «can to m p rso n m e n t the s p e c u la to n. T h e a to re s o f ol Umt p o r a r ly w d. th o p r o p re to r d #n F a s c s t p a r ty. A m o n g th o s e a rr e s te d w c w f.peaghdfrcll to of bot*. la.color.adolawmaker5.bac Charge;Aganst ecretary of tate flt DENVER, Nor. 7 T h,l Colorado house of reprtsentauve tl TO tm tonlghrtrh m pfsehecr* 1 tary o f UU ame* f. Carr o 10 porported le t of malfcaaanc >. j n hu admnlntrallon of the su t lana Unuor U etn«ln.departm«nl. p The vou was 46 for mpeachme and 16 agaln. mmedlalely the house whrl nto the busc.. of pckng a cos mlltce lo dntl le lormal ortcl <p of mpcachme wllch wu.be se Lyle {fl Che nnate urre C trr Ktll,ouU rcd. V By lu acton the lower house u; " lera charge h s tlc seoreury lu P " 1negulorly munnced the UnporU fend dvson, emor ~ 4~om orn h la d d r u the extraordnary sesson accu» Carr of "gross offcal mlsconduc 1 (ConUnUed on Page 3, Col 4) ed n on of jfphyscan s ; Drve fo / L 6 r o d N,lo v 7 V.( A a s. palgn.,t«*ublsh "Uw rght >ulfctlng from leurol "C lll dsease tode w as announced t day afu r an Englsh doclor wtu r porud to hove odmlttrt fve "mcr "A kndly faeed elderly famuy do tor." aold the Dally Mall, lold tt lu l 0 "confeason. an so re taken lfe on* fw dffert t em occolon., My consclcnce ncv golnr prcked me. atu cony wth x memortes of those cases and t t um happy facea before they ded." t. f Moynlhan. one of DrU meau most dlstlnguuhed aurgcont, dl ablas "Uu rg h t to d e. * r t thopla s nvaders ved f r o m E u r o p e, llu s tra te n pa a n d t h e H o ly C ty o f A k su m h t.n o r th c m E th o p a. A b o v e :. A.m ptc c ro s s, welcomofl le ad e rff t>f tl: e A d u w a. B elow : A a k a ra rou A k su m. (/P )P a ra m o u n t N e«e u t 4 = eer, Defeats need to Prson n Drve t peculaton u> A«oc»w V. **? t ta l y B truck s w f tly t o d a y a t w. d th o s e w ho c rc u la te ::d c f c a tls l» ftt fen fla. Bx m en w e r e se n te n e n t "o fl slbntls n a n e f f o r t to e t o th e r m e rc h an ts w e re clo.scd te r to r o s tth o r n o m b o rsh p n U w e re fo re g n e x ch a n g e d e a le rs a 4perH ons *u«]>ectcd o f spec 0 lu tn g n fo re g n m o n e y ar a elln g h e lrn b c lo w th e o fcal prlcc. A co al d e a le r w llll held for euhng a check at Nl 7 n w. l H l ; r A lhfle:rotnc am paln Acllon tgnls boncuons, whl wll ehsge the conunrrcul map a c k Europe by dvertng nnly s;(rs "wrk. Everrathlees > ln 1. n. lullas, t Waa announced. «not ronpfr n ntnta n countr ndoptltr suctlonx. Four welghul: era sclcuuled to op>enr n Pars 4 He clued not to go. Tll., lokevcr. wll not aff r on pcs, snce Oermnny s regarded lonce a "frlcnclly" country and othlc su U ult be w nl lo lhe rclch. Aust and Hungsry,... unen Oresmaken a t T urn decld even lo btr styles of aancuonl countres, Only talnn nrllsu" w ggjj. be ured for dc.lkt. l wu atre U, nl Turn, center of the drv*smukl. nluto. ll be ** **» ubtulbles Penlrr. Mussoln opproved hunl for tblut«, for goods r * P produced n ths countrj when Tutw tlr /l. ltrfleekmtotauflc wool. HeMve mpetus lo tle fg rtont eeoomlc freedom by publl pralm«,t!om h e u a charged.*1 «to gellng U. xuted El Duce exsmtned and lked torn ducl" lea oc the new wool made frt 4) (Conllnued on Pago 2. Col. ) toryrtarts or Rght to D( "om "TllU U s ctlousptopoauo h t ot aald th! w r,»ho hoj been an a arable vocouofu.c;on;on.of a, v 4 lo unlnry eutlanulu kkollutlon ns re clely.. Lord Mo)Tllnn announced t r gmptffwhte)h> anfl nther,! tlu?ll»;ncnber*or Uw medl proff.von sml clertrymcn belong h, caucd u melng December 10 eathref* of the BrUh Mw?!! cal n.vk>cullo n London.to p?,t! pose layltg lle whole propoet : W pre the counltt." Una * krd Mojnlhan sad hc plonr, dt U. prcscnt a bll provdlng.for des jrw*. f.rarlalt flrfmvtulwk. tn. Uu. porlamoal. l f l r MmuMm tdoellhe FascstCommandorj Mov Cautously Fearlul ol!ethopan trategy; Way to Obeotlve eems Clea Z. VvTh«ta ly s A frc a n leg o n s p o sed th e r m o d e m m g h t o n 0 m o u n ta n r m a b o r e M akale T h u rsd a y n g h t A t d a w n to d a y th e w ndng F a sc st c o lu m n s w ll descend ~ ~on~thu t d ty a n dbeyond. cat tere d b a tth a rd ap fttc h w n d a r n Bref M (By Thfl AttocUted Prm) n ON NORTHERN AFRCAN K l FRONT Dueea ormlea poked for dawn drve beyond Makale; w otund batueslttely:" 3 ADD ABABACrown prnee ah f l ROMCMus«)tnt arresu, e* \ Ue, war profteers. 1 OENEVANaUons aea bg loss t et n sanctons halt of clearng >.1 agreementa. BERUN Relcb rtoals a f t ~danblelmreled arm ta b tn u. y. connnn speculauon ban. LONDONBrUln promse* to RBr.retp e et. E gypts..su tu...wont, th e make Alexandra naval bam. }ute ewa cated, m ay He n th e r path. E v e n n M a k a le re th lo p a r regulars. n khak unforms, wen seen by scouu. But messages t< lullon offcers, brought by muv nnn«rafrom tba;.dt]rln(u calc< Makalo x a a hoetue.to.ua elassu; U u t most ot Uun ha< W t., BT leu TnqH 8M U 4 Naverbatcsa. U4 talun oom m andns tocdc n v y pncauucb, 4 ThtfbeUeved tba Elblopans, u 1 0 n > e a lv e d.tu a t< y,» tr * fut rlnfbm lrm tw upu flrterrttor hoyto to t g ) Uu je Uta wtl w a r w dlvtn off M*.. shop batue wth A skar,\o lulu ntralned tuuvea. d tba nrsu rous land beyoa need Makale. between U ut noruurs cl; c BM HH lumm HolU to Addl A b a b a, more.hosue Urops were see by ar scoua omewhere,rbacko(makaurr» poru from nauves hava ndcated nd les a vast EUoplon army. folelde BalUllon r n Ua Ethopan cnplul Uen a n d Bven.wer* rumors that o sulcld > o f batu)loo"uuanueacledluclt4 (Contnued on Paga 3, CoL l>..euetl ro «8T C R f Eastern daho Mep to Retal tatus Wth WPA, Of; nj lclaannounoes ed as w tr REXBURG, dabo, Nov. T WV.AU rcuet workers capablo.of gong ctded nu the felds of Bngham. Bome unlsu rtu* ehenon, Madson and Fre,111 mont eountlea of eosura daho were released today from Works uklff ProffeM AdmlnUlraUon ou lo help harvest lhe sugar beet crop whch has bern edtngertdj>r. freesng weather. > not announcng tbelr release to n he day, Roy C. Lane, tu te drector o r,.. labor manobemtnl. sad thfl me flbht not low lelr slolu W tm n blcly ond can return to Uer job Bllh «b fl.uft73.0mjou4 flf.beca. rep resentng 33 per cent of U u.cro held by 3000 growers, have bee frtn harvesud. W»*e Gusr»nle*d ) TranspwUtlon and o wage cf } per ton was guaranteed by offcl = of Um UuhldAQ. 8ugw cofflpos Lane declared, nus agreement «reachedofu r * serloaof eonferenee. at fluck/oot.aw Maho Fals.,, 0 Douglas colly, agrcultural sup a eruudv ot Ue sugar companj sad he was grutued wtth Ua ret poose of Ue.worke:t and Um coop uan enuonof thew orla Progreu M. mlnlstralon ond lho dahoemerg.vm ency Hellef A d y n U o n... ; Mr. Lane decarel to per cenl o Uo men workng oa U»e projtc yesenuy wem lntotha boetleld 1 the loday and only those unabl t lq..wok n Ue flddt,rcnuuc<l<» (dlcol proecu. By tlu method, he t 1 g htd wll be poeble lo keep elderly ne 10 a t u. work on Ue projecu and pem 14 FAGE8 5

2 PE E p E aewral Hok y Mwwmpaf ubkfl ~ ottnw.t fl. ndm pu cb a n «xeok { ran U 3 per M at n u u MlM U x, B o t flotf.»ttecb«r p m n, t M te «; a % M lm ot eptsoo* w rltu a f Bm DM esdarf. eotfnt«.on<r e t 1 HUM t n d «dffllntnt«of Um lav. B» ba4 tt» t lalw to relftaua < tbwuua w u n la U w t n a a t c apt, but U» t «tlh b r lucb 01 gadau flw t n u e o fu H alw n M tbat tba a l l e t t4t Ooop«tlT* MarkeUnc act, to tb m D bcn a n not ocm vt; th a t U daho punhaatr or an autooufal cmuld ol lda)u> U so t toeludw} 1 tb t u law, and th at ttw lalm mac b r th* Z<W» Re»fU«n*Dt eenw atlooatabot Mf. MUler held lhal»vkp< n b a o M m u ltm M k e d p eq oontm U to atn, and a e t u eot tracta; th a t ehartublt tnututle a n pecncallr oem ptm when tb«salw m tt, bu aot «4ea u e t a m ad to them: that eoopw U m e ~ nm latd under tb» n a rte tlm a ct a, not nem pt; th a t Maho p a r ttm tax beeaow o n n U b ll cemauke Ttvulatlon. aad that U Uxed. : Y o u n t e r s G e t, A aa* of T * t a " «l wm*«t* eow w d thoufh th ellr elerk «; le t TMtardajr and for th (n t tn to the hwocy ot tha elr. b l e l eand a h U t «Urpattt.pr< Ttdd for tb* ncu>» tm ate. a a ordlaa&o. and trom tha tls thu tbw drd a lu d O u rth a ltt " t u t v e n h e n th r w n tr ««n«k U a tuzm d eut l a n a w to tm la th tr quarter. n lt4 r ther buu y ad n e e ln th* puu. Tb* plata have black letterlof < ft vhlt«backgroubd aad m n r b o r ta th d t r 9U tt be n f b U r t g l ddea. THWmNQTOCE. WAT FOR DAWN TO LOOE AVAUNCH X a M a H o F u a. o d,» m a ol b t a r m u to o u k dh pw tu OefuM o f tb t e u r.. tdau:. h n d ln t U n t ef U a, toon v. H a n for t o Dwr* lh tl h tr u n a n n t d o w n Plnee At WOM&. a rr n a a t Addl Ababa a U tt be a m m 9 k lb sta fu a rd a c a ln tth a p o n b a Of anjthlnf taappnln to hu fau *ln0* u t] M tbm a t M lt a a f f B a «1a talr, Due Mru> h a rd «tp ro fte en rm a n r Oeno«: v e n orrefted; tlx 2sa a were s fflsqaod 0uylB0flLla.war y o ttl a tallaa athleu v e a t eom pu : "naetloolst a a t l o &. Uedlet barred "waeuonlt* fahlea. O em anr. aanoud daf <h* alna had, barred anna te ether beulse lawwoved, t o a o p v a r pror n lala ln g the Q T ~ asn o an e Wdoeedar b r th* Zacue of N O em T T ottw rao T aarb O lon belodg, a pokesman eald! "Wo a n wllunf to Halt extr ordlqary purchase* ot food<tu( (deled fctrltolr andbthlop But we hop* to o on wth nonn rade." flacrulm to aaeuena Frane* and olher balkuu. a t a«va, let t be knowa «upem]oa olearln a«reemenu between Leaf au te and ta lr on Nonm ber 18 w reault la eoulderable BuU, a non*me&ber. told t Leasue the won t portlopau n aa eto*u.abdlnw»dt*balt<», mrl«ad edltau aa Bcvnts~«.lU 9,000 tohs of ftnea BralUaa bc thu week.. Hgh BrtUK lourcm n Lond aad O reat B rua had a o u r a t had so ntenton of ut: the tatemauonal eltuettoa to chan the eutua of that vrtual protect rate. Kor wul BrlUla attabluh a nt ~ ba»eat*al*«a«lrla,.l» mrma.gtrt TALY LAHE OUTAT PROFTEER, DEFEAT 7 (Oaaaed From Pate One). r w a r ja.e tw r f lf " plant*. He aaw materal made underwear aod clothlnt and lean... th.preaent poduotlon vaa alre 1100 pound a dar. or enouth clothe 30,000 penon a mot>th. Tmen~«Betloa»coa»eNoteml 11, eoooenlm* ald, tbo commen doq tto aanctlonlst countres be, U c a l l r *ealed..a lteadr. ther oouunued. t peats sunpte (0 tcnnlnate a full h... or the m poruw hch n 93 c< taly 7,0M, Ure (the Ur*. nlufd *t;about aa eeotj). evea a mota drasue curtalment...vara a n found to do wlttwut ma,thlnb* or (o reptaceth?m T ltl», U a product. lr. BBBWHBH r ~ n u T K >» T O M T B al dmh wtt nuc a tw k r. e l o wtb rala a> ffo ld.. m b and low tam pvatum r v a p e t baometne p re m m a t» p m. v n tb a lm aebe and the humwltr ranj ert B. TO aad N per cant ot uturatloa. today Weather a r u afo wa* part a to r eloudr v lth temperaturt of 70 at ot a, n degna. M a x ~ Temperatures Rse n N orw est Are h or> M r v u th a r. v h noroal t t a a ebo n & «n a l tem peratum p n v <«c.uj».rofto«jotl ht, M Wj daho p n w n a eoauauaa lo eotr U >tbalr plauau. A le v p ta n u rtb m.h ll th a moved dova trom AlberU towtj nobue K o au n a. oaulnf acreadnt elmd M n n M and mud temperaturea la Mo m ade tana: H atr nporu a nazlmum ctwt W d a m n for todar MoPwellf U ot K u oeeu m 4 ln that.r«m paper tbdur, h o n T tf ~ ; : rs. ntftm Wth ran at Phoenx tonght. t h e r M r veathur and mld tempt H m turm pnrau n th MUUalp; et er* A low prtnure area. t eet e t k n tral o n r tbe lower G n a t Lakea U w nlht, oau»la ralb lnnw Yo 2 W ahtofton. D b... 2 «~ s a! s. a s» «2; a a asf e G a M lenwl ta ra. Presdent emte Message ( ympalhy to W lo ro f R6v. Blly unday cm O A O O nw fu H T bom aw A of n>eaa«e* condounf the Rt V a a r aundarjjndow n the ao CHE vangellfa audden death w e borne to the N n th etde home whe,, hu bodr lar tdar. oae came from Pretldent Pnn hold Ua D RttMovelu Another w u m T a b r U aror PlonUo H. U Q uardla e ttr. Kew York. O thers w en torward rght by trlenda>promlnent and obeu hf te who had known uaday when f. founred the baubau ptba and t «"lawduat t r a P t h rtm artal n vul Nooaa. la the Buoyed by thu m pnaaln mat eymptthy. tha wldo A lla M UMea Bw oay. announoea» and neral aervleea would be held at ovb*d prm rflaturdayattbeloodyd lbtutr mortal ehuroh la Chcago, m * bo fath wll Ua la atata n the edulce 1 aeveral houra belon the rltca la the oooductod. readly u n. unday turned to the m...h» hnh«around tb* goapel crcut for ald truck cded h* prvate aeontarr a taeoaa planlt.aenu ey A cklcyjf.phu a a. delphla; bla aong leader, Uon.jr tt* BfldehcaV M andhu aw trh at prlaala CUrc of Chcago. They wu au p«l a U e l ; t h h e obaequlat. tto la The two aooa. m U aa. r a; dlelea Pau), arrved b r plana trocn Loa A u lelea to oomfort ther mother. Oready st. unday dacusaed n a ph lulger* oaophlo ven the death ot her 1 wodu. yearold huband from a heart xmeed U ck U stnlght.6haaald: >f Na> Ht VM seulbe about death. 1 longer tn n n n m l r T O te r d r r f te knov you11 be au rght. No o extra can take h ll plao* but know latuka n u who aaved a mllon aoula k lopa hare no Uouble gettng nto heave lonnal w uuully of the yean they had trecued the eva gelutlo road togetlcr. he ellmal at Oe appeared bcton $3.000,C,]02, g! pcraou. League yellowed nawaper ell 18 wll pne* told the Rev. unda: o«n prevew ot hs eternal lte. : td the prophesed 29 rears ago: n a a n " ll BO up and shake csua»lro.l tlwhawl.thm H aafcto aea Abr,U gel Thnk of altung v lth Pel a beet amea and ohn. W hat a good tl well have." d o n Gant n Hosptal W atng F o! Brea, LO ANOELB l. T WVoh * Aaaen. c lr m gant who. la auflt lnsfrom thecondltlonn»»w ll Y rot hl.t towerng growth, ta confln n a hopltal h e n walung (or T C T "KW break." \ d 1. gtld el(ht*oql, n ln. n e h " n a n u n«). m aaev d h l b tn~a h u p l bed and «ug)t anopenlng a t end Afht bandagad foot t r f T hat toe haa eaued roe a «o" h aald. t w u reeled but U healng now." w h to,pm.»cftn sad Aaen s body. been weakened by the condlt thafm atehlm a glantandhla c m w h a j been dagnoaed u "proba. «v u tdenoma of the anteror puultar A a»n, who la year* ot a t ap lad he onee attracted a gate ull har a t a Toronto crcus o t 34 eot drena day. Ur* la " have made plenly of money«, gave t aw ay.lo frend*," he w u U b» uvmnm«p~mtnm«ur«mb»ul lent a another luckr break, bt n e t tl many r m gong to aave mnay." V n a TtasenwTB tacn W tfe hojpl l u t algbu a K K E m "OFFFCK tu V t. Banquet and Eqtertafnmc,> u. Mark D ltre t Depu tv«comlno rlahl* low tn A m r a m o t u a a p n a a n t k waa 8 lf & n n ln b. :barltcm.ftffl*el range> of tha lodge. v lth ntaton ol oa. cabdtdate for membenhlp. and partlr baa«b«t wrrw l n th* lodge hal 0 aad membes ot the order v e n t*atu of th* ortlolal ta lt of Homer H elwn of Bolae, dutrlet dputy gr*,.. n U te d ruler, to Twla fw l X lo d n Uat evanlng. n attonda r e f t * delegaton e t 10 memben tbe u n r» )d n and about w m «t b m of the local lo d g e. X T h dlatrlcl deputy, vbo follow Uw lodge m eltng and prognm 1 ; nlgbc, oonduet«d a achool for ( 1 offoera, v u aeeompan h m by Bd8alrd of Bola*. pnald of th* daho BU to Elka aaoctau O ftf Ooleman,»oa of o. K. Oo " man, a truatee of the tocal led *<ta th e canddate nluated l ffl«nb*rthlj» h u t erenln#. T ha fueat artu t. 81g KamU rton. n splendd volo, aang a group f gent*:lftet«untflngmaabd.t am, receved by hu audence;. a o er»pp<*»0 on the Orpheum. P U g u Lowe a ad l c h o o Ma croulu and haa Rng much abro M»*». O. P. DuvaU of T vm Pa k ««om panlm ent at pano. H arrr A. BaH, eu lto d ruler ot t T w lnpau alodge,lflrodueedt utnor vltltlng olflolala andam m ber. other apeaken at the dnner n t whch w u aerved a t : r*l g l t j n l l.th j o d e.nae.u refltmotok rll E ttoberu M otor company, dealer lenar Aubum and Hupmoblle eara. movng thu veek from tha chwa T f l buudlflf to th a Ltnd Oarage bul QV. M econd avanud vest. Oa: l l W. Roberta, propretof aatd l{ n C The Roberta company wll oceu l l n v h t.h a» been th e servce depa: lu U ment o t the U nd garage and v furnsh a eompleto auto lervl n e front wndow of the gan le o f tnnlahea ahowroom space tor t< a Q b U e a Mr.Roberta sad. CANAL COMPANY DATE NEXT ANNUAL MEETH "An annual meetu)g~e Twn n Oanal companys stoekholden U be held on Tuesday, anurr M. h e n companys board ot 11 dlrecton for the comng year a transact other busness nclden, to the oompanys annual meeungs, v u announced heroyesterday, ruted Pnxlea a n to be n the hands the aecntary on or berore ann» n t e. PROBATE PROCEEDNG BEGUN N TWO ETATE Wdow,.... a t 2 rome appled to the dstrct ccn ym t bce.yeaerdav for appontment t body tdmlalauaux ol Ute ell M l ce tor mother. U ra. BcrUe Terhune. w ca a n ded l u t May 10. The etoe ndue TAln FaUa property valued a t to t men Mrs. Keel la the only her lvng nhanrt daho, The oth e n a n au>n n Cl ad n cago, and two daugblers, one llv tss lo n prlng/leld, 2Ulnol>. and he oo r and n Ban rranclsco. A.. M jen pjula Twn f a lls s the pettoners Uomtr torney. Harrr D.A.Pattrr3on.:?pr«sentM par. W. Porter of Twn Falls, attc ney. l)aa eplled to the probate co aod ter a decree th a t the estato o f ; t An wfe, Mrs. Celestla A; Patterson v r. ded l u t August 10, w u commun k phll property, and awardng t to h er 72 The tato ncludea a 40acre Tv Lrt at Falls county farm. on. B e l e f Dead, o one W rtes H farenl now t la WU lola K u, Nov, 1 W VUltlavea. trom a m an v h o clams to be ft e 50 they beleved to have been sl evat n Oklahoma today.gave sy lo? mattd nnd Mr%. C. Epley but rased 000,000 qumtlon ot dentty ot the m whose body they dentfed and b clp led nearly fve yean ago. mdsjs. The Bpleys sold today they beb lte. He ed the letters, maled from Aut Tex, to be authentc. U by The grevng parents dcntr d tme of c lr aon fatue Onptey, brought t here for bural. Anotl son. c. C. Bpley. and. F. BW of lola. also dcnutled Uo body that of Hallle Epley. a n lr tocently Mrs. lev ncdved C a K Busr sgned "HcOlle. An excha (t etters h u followed but (he t ohaa ],u offered noexplanaton ot luffw M tlota nkeeplng slent u to owbe wterenboutarhb ndlca te d h a mnncd tended to n tu m home soon fo for a vst U 5; Ben Berne Forgets. 7 T o r K s Br.(. TOWBON, Md., Nov. 7 (yp) r u n old maestro of sta moves ond rado, was nurrled h a* h u Dorothy Wesley, M. ndltlon Beach, Florda.. s cue leader wm ncrvou, g robawe.8 love, honor a n d ltary." «no»«nt, and (orgo lo ku hl br )t age. tu ale remnded unt a te ot «o Ple * nurrled at r chll of tho nav. Erfgf c. Pow alorlly otter owalnl a lleeae ley and Baltmore counly courthouv e Md. On tbo mutlase llcene, the no u g tv.w u o a m la. c & k :u a.w M. (t tlma vorced from hla tn t «Ue epu ber 16, loss, under hls real na loptta fnamlntselllj. Ko sad h e TW PfyAUBDA] «s p g u l b e e a m e D u c k a y l l O r e n N l w r c AH TRANOBOO. HWfl y («) m nf *cavll>m fuu, d u c k > l en mom duck, ao* M. n a th e lln e o ta rg u B K Q tb rt B t Oee n Muncpal A tdgert laa UM rus court he** todar. sdg* l as n a flmmtl t «= f 7, " «. Q. sure?*.. d 5 "ure; m* khlun»~on* duelt, «ju for To Pon» Oe* u happor aa f latum and the eouh ww* la ecnpto "Two MaguUs, tnsated ut u lttru. potnt/ar to tb * eareaa held up by Qama W ardan L u Bh )*n of "One duck. K»." saled T» ro m m Oee, Chnatown a a buleher v a drver. GD» Creae BgM* «Pe»U r.m T o P o n f 0«ema<W t elear to eo extent th a t h* bad aho«a t ( o. duek. whle on h* v a y to ft Cbto w,, shrmp camp acroaa the ber, a the two aeagull* flltud aeroe : alghu a t an unhappr moment nnbo. f yurt ot Warden h e w a ated 1 H w u Chnese punlahed for klluoc j H e wf.vw fh are p M ttu a t y t t,p a n ** because of Uelr ndurtr< M rco acavengerng habt*. P ont Oee «,broad, tended the guua v t n ju st vlctl PtlU of tato. t tbe udge L aurua aetued th* mat by gtvtnf the OWnea*ft tonc ofue suspetsded sentaoc*. d th e. b t t. o t HOUE VOTE TO "W. m pe ac h E EC ; tc (ConUnued Prom Page One) n hu admlnstrauon of the llq j l l p d * p a rtm n t U lm : L n * 4 w.m «m b elav tl# a t) com m ltue tmanlmoualy Toted lltf to mpeachmenc resoluton and saw f*. la adopted by the houso a fe v mlnu b*ud* *** pneented. Qjyu Mlseeadwrt Charge! l u t followng t the *ubaunoe.of ft >gt the enmmjttee atyled K cupr "speelftuuau o f o tttm B spart duct upon the part of Mr.amea d wn oajf. u aecreuryot uta:* enlce.. T h at Can consplnd v ltb v a g s Ham E. OToole to e x to rt«. %rll r tour of from the McKeasonR<! bns, nc., wholesale drug compa... twdetatlonfof th e c E promse" of the dng frm s tb T N Q 3, c f f "compur" atum : td to obtan an wknown"*um s to consldenktlen of hs eomprotn 14. to and adutm enf of the compan t fve tax dltrculy. r and.that Carr recklealr and hco dental petently" attompted to (etue ngs. t McKeasonnobblna llabluty for <»y. lum of.ooo whaa he oould aao nds of toln th a t the lablty amounted nnry more than 133, l l a t the aecntary authorl and pennud the Kngly Wn* a G * Bprlt company to conduct bu. neaa from AprU 13 to August Mc wthout a auto lloenae, 8. T h at Carr allowed the W«at«court crate stm luly vlthout a uconse >nt u fl. T h at he allowed the Kn her eom pany to >a7 the su te esdse. who on "Pslco Punch" n t the n u of.eludes cento a pnt when the la v rt)ul tooo. paym ent of 30 oenu a pnt. ng n 7. T hat he attem pted "cerru 1 Ch ly" to obuln from a Center au lvng moble agency 1300 for hayng" ouer er«d hs nflucdce n proeurlnjr t ers or su to of Colorado to purchase s at automoble (rom th a t (rm. T h at he eonducud hu otflce M by "8uchaw dteu, eatet Ktn attor dem onstnto hla "unrtneu >courl co«ut the a tta n ot sad otflc of hs». T h at Carr eesflsunuy vola n vho eutelawaby faulng to depoott nunlly cal offce recelpu dally wtth < ) hm. slate tnasury.. TvlQ 10. T hat Carr laxpresslr autfn laed" and permltud lquor deal to pay K lae ta n * a t lower n provldcd for by pror llguor t *> when h t should luve charged ht n t s e r ratea provl(ffl>y suoeequen la :<lt*rs. m a c h n e gun gang lom. TAKE $40,000 N m.; BOLD TRftN HOLD d bur (Contmued F n m Pago Ono) bellev \utln, th e r control for nearly 10 mlnu Aa th* gang wat fleeug, Chrl ntlded so t a gllmpe ot ther auto Uce: jndr{ut«dtho.num ber.topc th a t drtce npeceon who lu ljdlff, and acene from dstrct hmd<u«rten nother Cleveland, about 40 nllej away. Dlshop Only two memben or tod ody aa robbery s gang took, precautons hde ther dentlly.one who appe ved a ed to be th e leader wore a m aango Chrtsty tald. The olher wore amo lft ton gtaases. o t hu to hs lo p T h a ld ttn K c ro u s BRONCHT ts C o a g h T o m g h t rdc Xlfcougha look alke to BucU< M xture(trljle aellng»:=ofe"alp ) Ben thts gnn d medcne uuoly stops suge, ordnary cooghlheous old d d h e n aeated cough and the penal M of bronchal cough ere under a tte r uat a few due» n o more t 15. s>. menttng, sleepleu nljltt. B uckleyx atu llcrrnt fa brde PW nft. acu lke a n u h," Oe botue today a t TroUnscrTPla at the MajesUo Pharmacy. n Plle >avarr th e M odtm Otg store or a n ; 8 w a t ru*»v> x " dssatsfed plan,adv. )MLt NBW8, T f f l K m «tokys (*) 2: Drectors Meet for Fl ; 2 «Drve Plane; Campagn. Open Tuesday ttr p lt., 11,000, 0.1 n vtaw dll UMoTWlllP»lUC»mntmltfCt ttld met n th t olub rooms Twn r f b* Chamber ot Oommeree U st evea to ae to rou but faa] detals fo r tb < nual drve whch vll gtt undar udge Tueadar Monmber 13, aad la *ch ffm.* ued to contnue tor approsmal hff aweek. Of the $U,000 lhat the bo a m exptcu to rase throuh an nt sre eampalga. MH per cent go to th* AasoeUUd Oharltla, per cent wll go to the a n t Armr and t per e«nt wll ko matng, the Boy couu of Amcrca. aome OUfer recplm u of the fund t one P.T. A. hot lunch pwect. 7 hlnese esot; R td Orotc per eent; ( and Beservas..T per eenl; daho 01 hu drena Home Flndm g. aodety, m t par cent; Anluberculoala aa«< atlon. a p«r cent; Oamp P n Ol d the 3 P*f cent. Pv.per c eat vll r sea lnto~an expense and contlnge: tflous O H. Detweler wa«elected * eea temporary chalnnan ot the Oc ctras munlty Chest durng the abaeoec R.. Tofflemre channaa, wbo callcd a u t yaslerday. The drector* tnrtted eooperat of T w lnpallaarane due W fact that all chldren wthn «llglbl«tolu.benellls and W Bell v u delegated to plead nla UMfc **** surroundln r n l s t v u p o ln le F w rth a l Pfoa jjj s acceptable to «eu of cosh. =)sllb g T t a r t. Thelt, Fraud and Removal Bodes Wthout Author fs n e p a, OAKLAND, Calf, Nov. 7 W) tjrlbe" parsons v e n undtr adeta today by tb* Alaouda county «n loanr 1* nvesugaoa nto Affars of tho E u t Bay mausoleu,t«t«t h o a e ln c u s w c ro A.E.N 6 prealdent and manager of the a u oleum; H any L. McAUlsur, u tor A«nclKO.Rltoner for tho > nn. M lu.m hffl Dstrct Attorney Earl W am a vt held tbe name of lhe other per pendng tbo ajrest. The nvesllgauon followed a c( U the plant by Mrs. Edth M. Kyah, Ho n tho Texaa, (hat the» d r o f. brether, ohn c. Poter. who ded, sa lt U k* C lly m 1935, had b moved to another crypt wthout Lortaed» W etlckpu «>n dsappeared from ht coffn. h M.lndlctm enu nclude A a t Ut 1 amerapted gn theft., conplney to commt p«fttem andm u d. and removal u wthout authorzaton. he kfew nothng of the auekpt f 51bAH0AN ATTEND RECLAMATON MEET rrupl tu t6 BO, Nov. 7 m oover Ross announced ths attenoon ur the U daho men bave beea nan «an delegate* to tbe oatloasl teclac tlon assocaton meetng n tlce n Lake Clty:NoTcm6cr B.a n d». anncr ~B e«da*tnem,flenatar «m n U to Pope (Ddabo), G oagtennan fflce." W orth C U t (Ddaho) axvc olated sreasman Compton. Whte < t ts daho) are eapeoted to attend, h the Marshall Dana of l>ort]snd. 0 gon. s charman of tha a»oc jthor (on. lealers The ddesateonaraedlpelud«n t «R. B. hepherd and H. W. llu las baus of erome, and. L. Mon hgh ot Burley. T o o L d t c DUP T o C l f l t U f y O m O N U lo DELVEBED. E w h ; ««w. L O W s a L P O L D N OR 552? front of Roxy theater Wedne H lth c n n a e r keep monerand t w n ecw nu to NeWTortlM: queeuona uked. Tom McDavtl y " * m s to ppearm uk, Brownng» ~ pecal Q u n ro U ) TKOOK ~ Lo wheelba**. dual f t 9 M t j... vh««l.food*hpe. PONTlAO. cuar W Bedaa a lp of D O O a»lm 8 BwUnr» o p sa a palat,good d deep s h a p e 9 * 7. slaten P L Y M O m wntrol jjjo sedaa r e to r ro B D P 0 R D r?. 1 T f t V j c j Her at Euy QA.C. Terns rdod Brownng " A u t e C c»! B D C K P O N T DAHO, rap A T MOBKO,» T D E C O N : B L O C K } U.. P R O O R A M.F O R llr H P jw X O N C E R lunt (CenUnutd Wt» H* on*) m am uoed atrtct auenee «n tb Fnal e v t r t w Dtdstoa gn H n b e n of tb * c o sn M o o s T ra sr s n k T m w a tajor g m a.. u «>»t*tftt wtt< "dlu Ud* ua lu.e p a n w m y d u m u m n d 2 thaft QTftUdattet ef ea* pteru t f w ar TO 1; de»» soarhlr a elmtmsonl **25. P m o lb. Than ttmntt UUlt dodbe. tu mr. but that tb* rmmmtot» ntea pnpand (Or an adrgrae H, f cottpula ntum to teftsu r. TtUm O p p trtn llv fer T tu ko to On th o tn t regutnuoa d Deoember 1, h e eompwlea tr e a d ftn ; ed upon to report brtfl] (bolr : 7 >pef tentlon t e recm er fully a t % U l; O trl dat< to b e aet b r th e eonataal >Ohll Rafusftl to m eet thu (n t det r. 3H Une woud provld* the eonmlss a v th an opportuallr for a U al c Otrlf. of (u ovn.»ul go m a c r b a l t h o r ; K ot; 7 w» boltlnj com paw act detl l e f f u ed o gve th o to rem n R t»o< m f o r» m t p n t reo rp n ln tlo n t b e f HUty lndu*trrtod*r w m h w w u nvald n ts enunly. rtd e r a l Dstrct udge Wnam Coleman ned to th a t effect n those worda a nstncuw tnuleea of t h e Amercan.e u w tj Pulllw vleo ooopauy tu U a l a c tu nvsldand ott?oeffect; 5 * Auounceflent fa New York tl * an sppee would be taken appare 3fbudod.boca#.to.vaM* tb * j pren* court of the Unt«4 U U a lu ft M t Kea** udge C(deman look th* poall U L that oongrtaa lagranu r t v m [ r t* avful power under tb t «lutuuon n enacunf tbe mea* n r e r E. s t r, n r n tlona w t u tu u u network aought. AaaaUlng th e new U v., four m an grounds, h* deecrtbed o f as groasly a rb tra rr. unngasona and caprctoua" and of aueh ntu }r* that t v u mpohlble to tepar frnm tlt, qtmlld acetlona j n d j nto tffe c t p«ru ot tbe aot, f a a ao lb e rv lte m lb t be.vald.".... («}. Tba udge held th a t thaw v u Aownt eoutuloo becmea eouosal for p to the = Nobel,» a u s. Baa n. a V * wth Penoa com t a Uou* tf h tt Ued n / 9 been B M W U U per B fw g sg m j j B lqn»> f l harges f l grand f l petty. H! val ot n n n 0 T N G 7 v f vemor. l A \ a lhat 1 >. > C \ named llamah:; DREE b : FOR H O L m A : dorgaa 1 1 1? A O ] PEC. $ «. neday 1, n d «. wrtto ; avttt. == c. w, s You wllmwnlt w* Look nto your soda! Uf< 7 5 we] we know yoor 15 of e» r.t h e «tre n w s n stunnln modelt< g oter at the Thnks *ndgl*raorout p 5 V nlghtnt to 2(h 9 The nac 1, M 0 T E t t o», 1 9 M : vbo.d<«nw U tn DM eent R «cbareofeedthoabdfctml ERN8 e o E f f l a c o w t d r n a n r M ) p te e* ftb ta a fh n d O (tta e e a ~ r z nehded ta tb eoatwr m e U M fto tv u ohn W. DavU, ll Demoerntle aemta** tae pndde O eren u M atl Tt*4. a ta le n m a a n l atteomy b ~? tb a ltm e M w M fe n a M B te a t g > e e A n d t r the eoa te. B M l T M d l a p f t r t y a h t o a p p e a l w m l A «r l e.n W a t a T f t M 2 T CO. la e, aald Ul Ww York h t r. f, laatn eted Baywad H aoqtoa Bstlmon, a e t e eetaef, to p para a n appeal T e PubUe aem ee c ea p aa r fl la reeolnrablp usder the feda banknptoy aet m on than» j. f. t., MO and tnsteee w en apponted lu n o rfa o lsa U W H e trttsu e te e«fld«<, tn thetr atu ck o r the th st eotnpuattee wth lu prorut would make plans tor nprganl Uoa mpoaabte of coelloo,. rrwtlee* Babe <)aaatte ~ n flevera plan* for tba n n g a a l M tn tlon «e n pendlnt betcn U power col*m«naad:thetnh>ae aaked t on of for a nllng u to vhetber U u hlld should ro ste r v llh tbe aeeurl exchange commlatlon, u requred lam 0. the loss K t. n questonng tbe :t and vlsabulty ot aueh teffwratlon, l :«the tnsteee queattoned the eonttttatl Utea Blly o f the act. sat tn " Attomey for the"tujte<j. le lect.. n r t h a l lhe«asaoffend aft.! t tb a t porbm ltr for a U ft of the f larenu wreto Davl* and h e entered b e su cast M countet ter D r. P trd U t t T ~ enbc ch rb alllm ondenu K stockholder lo the eoopanr. oatlon Burco, me then entered th t e u defetdanl a «oa> udge Colemanr decson coop leasure ed M typewrtten pates..n a v «* to t ter7rler readtoattorrey,4e g te na> (our reasons tor holdng tt uno k was suluuonsl. They w en: aw on A That congres* "flsgrantly < bedt ctedod lu lawful pow«r under lonsble commeroe clause of the couu nature tlon" la that tha provlsloas ot pante aet arc, aotther b r ther exp Bd put sw age nor by a nr reasonable l f l plalb nrc TPttlrotm reaul... e dto.tberegulau tm ot publlo.he w u no ng oompanlet and thetr aubaldlaj r par or affuateawhenettted nlnt g m M hk m. j p W 5 f / H j y calj ;. 9 5 Compare them Wth Expensve Dresses jl w*h»ve bwn. prjlnr W u t e "... t l n l U low, ar ntedt for ths tme r e drtasm (or brdgu.;. ncheww. There a r» to bowl ht ftm llr nksgrlftff dnner... gowns <0 WjCuat. lndere.n»vm dlmar C& br bate t ttdtd Mnto* tctmutk mat t t e a. UBcat "ttt to u TltaaOr even baa ttlavm tteeopaae* do. U a n w t B w r t r w w m «t «t.» T 7 a on" tta HnaWMtaa to efmlmd ttedt peradt vtm ttepqh * «, m albwto eeompta. tbto Mw r r s v K r r *.! s ot tb t M w o c T W a t" Pw laltvw ) pro t* awful ablborttr tnder tb* po de eoaqdeulr ttw UN o( lb* BHOl 1 ( tb e all peraona aad corpentoaa ra: hraead wthla th* act wth m b* Bur* to ad thstr MttvlUa, u a pntall bad lo r soeonpu am la d o u a «< n ot cobpemnt eoapuaam v ttb tt >pre> act* regulnaeau, ntardle* t vhethcr a a r partcular u* e t tt fu *d maus or a n r partcular thng man* *dfl«l U. tn fact of aueh charaeur aa ree year sonably to warrant exdualon. Th edfor u. tbe tduakm b e tn n e relaue eop neceaaarly to the um lulf, but e aet, th e user of the malls, aona ccoogrea# vlouted tl m lta rtqulmne&t of due proeeee et U under the ffth amendment to tt consttuton n that many of tl aot* p ro v en a n g re a M n r «tt* e * h e nvald provulos ef tt aet,fasp<uoflu «epanblu ercu us are so multfarous aad so tnt, m aul] and npeatedlr nlervove au thttwghoot th e a rt la torend, t h m nctpable of separauen tm Boh p trts nf tha aat, r tnv. «tt erwlse, mght be vaud. b e oou o h n o r n v r w j l a t a t r a a d f t t an ettect ahogether dufen fro m ta a t unnewaaaarhr prodow m br, l u provttlons Tlewed a* a vbol f d» e tfe ejl» A ttm pte e a u reely a clause *«Tlve«save, pes * hajta, the pteauwa." o n. TvmBLOW o r r OLADW ATPrT«a«r>toV.tW n n An otl w«u three blocka otf U a street h e n blew out and PK*ent< ly ex a tre th n a t la the refner dlstrl :r the tonght but w uput under contr ftjtu a ew houn laur. jf the..,,, M xpteu MOVE TW OBOAPTULATf! le lm HOLLYWOOD Tenor AU trtc l oneehatsolvtdthe pn»lrm hold pracuflng opera wthout dutau Uarles hu ncghbon. He h u nstoued tnur* small pano ea h b»fodt acboem * ] w ~ H m 1 v v r,v,l 1 1 tla hop

3 n u n n mefpbt]..... \ \m 7 T f / f. \ sz TWM fall P A a Y MNEW8, TWtW ra L L g, W A n u 0.. raday MOBNNQ, NOVEM UUEK 9, m m y B ack n l U m n n t e d t a t e s j j REBEKAH LODQE QVE! E a r th q u a k e W r «BANQUET A T HAGERMAN,p lodga served a hreeeoutm K H quap Warner, Twn FU l, dutdet n p e r : to Ue offktrs and delefttm that ntendenl ot the UeUwdlK ebm h. *t1 attended grand lodge aad membera > w u g u st speaker at Rupert RoUy of he lodgt at Uw. O. 0. T. hall mdweek acaalon. Wedneday soon Hopkns Consders Revval v;1 H. H. Van Loan Announces Tuesday etvnlng. wlu 3) members /. = 5 5 B 3 «E = y and poka on T h e Power Age and. premnt. becoratlons (or tb M e s,. tl Uealloaa for Bum m.* of Federal Ad for \ Plans After 15 Years u and menu were carred oul.wth Ue. P H l P l howlflg hov maehlm pow«r had lodge color* ol nk and fr«n..m ra, ludents. ot Court Battles replaced va knner. Mra. EUel ooe and» K man labor ponted ta k W M Ml need of revulon ot the aoclal s}«mra.»ne orldley were avated n um. He gave t ftshla.oplnlqd.thtt WAeHlNOTON. Nov. 7 o) C A H O gl P Nov. l a v A tm r rr*antw K br tt*rr oo ct t«ron«tyr n; hgher waguand tlgher prtce stb H tn T jrh oplctna «u l epuktf to* B newly nea # y e *» o f«w rt baule wth M.lofUUlrcl.kln&er and MUa Hea not a wlutovotourpramnt trou*. d tr to be cw ldenv «pu a to n F / / f l B B a f r H hfh lf tn t Vltf. U. B. V aa L o u. ter Ann UrUn.«fer4b banquel \ bl. bce. Hr* 10 (duutloa prt«tu.whch l short tory u d fum wrter, u ld a skt w u gven by tha lo d (t otflc protdnl nxnetloo for 3,OOOW 7 yeaterday 7«He t botr to m arry» t l n. era: lrv Loum Connul, M Hea Two guesu. Presdent O A. 0d<* lkr»or w. yftr. ter Am Martn. Mrs. Flone lark era et Ooodng college and RobeW u r u A e E M f V K j H He sad hc wll take out a lcense Mr*. Emma erey. Mrs. Nora Fallln, r DBder of Coeur dalene, were prea The profnun u t jrctr»»s car ff w g n r H / f n n V today to wed Boxcna Brydlova, Mrs. ma nurklarl andmra. Auddry Clrk. rollowng Ue banquel.. A feature ot Ruper Rotary elub enl. rled OH by ta (deu Emcrgencr 1 H H H m j : w l t t a Hc Hollrtood wrter of ewuh hstory.,](. nolle! AdmloUlralon, whle l to M E m P.. K M n. ]B ha been reported encaged to: bt lu)uldk«<. UKkr th«naw p ltn & a regtur mccllng of. Ute lodge was lo for next week wul b: a book rcvkw H Marjore u a Rambeau, OUdR O tty. Vlrheld at wlch tme M n. Emma e v. of Kwart Chaaea "Ooremment n tll,ooow would m AUoled from M n a w y»n gna Brown Falrt. Marguerte Clay* (. cy. flnt tlplejatc to grand lodge, gaw Busness* by gupcrlntendent la r Woru l*rogrea«admlnltratlon w ton. tox Paulne Oaron and olhera. t, h. r " rcwrt. [ lon Carter of Rupert publc chools, lut)d> lu n y the AalnrlM of n,doo t v. K / H Van Loan pent two 4Mks. n al Mr, ana.mr>, rl Ropef entertan 3j uachet*. t m V b m H H H t year on a nonaupport charge ed a brld}/ club al ther home Prl B alldrca between thc * 3 B 10 4 would bt c«nd lor n nurkry r f M f p preferred by Mrs. Gertrude Van day d. evfnng. Tlcre wete three U Loan, who dvorced hm bl ble of brdge. Hgh Kore was cboou, utd thera woum be d u sea f M t E «award«!m rrandm ra.ohr8anbom~ n adult eduomlon, vocatonal tnln> H that, thr she fledvarous proeed ng. vorkert edueatlon. and n 1 and lo wore waa recelvrt r Mrs. llns* agalntt hm. They were m artehlnc grovnum lo read and H Ocorfc q, mm nnd W. T. Dcken t l rfd n New York n 1915.»rt«. n Mbs Orjdora was dvorced three 5 H V h a ; * o (ar. lhe lovernmcnt tx llonrtte hrr son. Clutrles. Mrs. l yenrs ago from W. C. Rubla. Ml Charles c Blackhart en(erulned a [ pended. or alloctod, about too.* 1 waukee. aa Wsconsn, crmnal lawyer. W.OOO of relef funds tn connecton group nf boys at a Halloween party r Hlth educatonal projecla. m Called rnbllelly eaker Thurxlsy Tl evenng a t the Blackhart 1 home. O am a aere played and a sup j eh a t CcnrtrgQnn Lyd n Mrs, Van Loons dvorce com per «served by te hosteas. ptalnlcsroohargaa th a.van Loao: To dale, the FERA has «>cn P Mn. Cora weeuandwuho>ua». > Wanted her lo haw Uelr daugh *boul t20.q OR ts orn fduca to llr ThurMlay brdge d u b a t her } tcr. Oertrude,now 18. bom n an h< tlon program and approxmately tlo jl, home Thurwayevenlng.TbOT.were 1 7 ;?t!x. < arplane above New York (or pub f[ TH lodasru bu dnrw aa wreeko ekad ta the lateal cahbqnak* olt»*rne vrw unt n old of rural.achoou..,.[ L«>?W.Mo;brldge..Prlwwere. lcty he w ouw rfcelve: jf, l» hll Helena.Menl. R«Kdn% hnw ro«ghoat tbe T ft > «>««* " «l The largest tem n the halt bllon d awarfltl.mr*. ohn anbom and Olten announced hs engagement jj and.damaead.tw *. la U m tesv rrrh *blwn=t5pboto). p e. progrm. hokcver, s 33ej33,0M al "" tootncttrodenranne t<r nn m a rr. rtedfarthep nottcw o ru Agm n } MLv< Donnrtle Bnrosl, fllss PVeda = to her. w utratlon (or Khool coutructlo. Woodlfuj and ack Martn enter j. m rt elnnaaflaw num cotlegc nm nw A LK ER aa*a(c*..walkartl<! Playfully allnned allver dollars u Ttl«>t:9W t*happy.»,f;,n *rv orka sudeal ad program coat ,760 former najror\r«lomed to he old hon homo town atler an absence of thfte down the d rcu fronla of womro lovcen party Frday avenlntf, a t the m two y e w befere t was merged yean. f Walker\ls warng hs derby y to the thrcnt hal greeted hm. pauengera on a sea royac*. h< homes o( Mr. and Ura. ames Barlogl ]o snd Mrs. Lucy Woodhaad. A n the Nallonal Youth Admlnbtra m < Photo).. \ Became too enthustate. (or a jo >ouns brdegroom. n promotng tlu k tonrt et ew ag cn c r* «x p c ctn o»cfl.«nktluntrftslhcfttnlng«. 7 nl ntenls of prelly contmlats n a gf tpend to.ooo.ooo n provdng parttmo oba for college a ad klgh tchool Katherne K, and De Hm aclrcm. who secluded enteralnment. Muble Woody and benuty *1 contest. jy Dan Roper aere awarded prlcca. Hepburn s A te >)(A N > E R studenta, a sd n adng vocatonal v. herself n a nearby house, took off Mao an unconventonal trp to Rcfrehments Uat carred out the tnonldf for youtto who have left > New Romance H nted jj (or New York. Mss Hepburn was eattle * frora Loa Angeles wth a color schema of Halloween were 1dlrt)cedfromnerhusband;xudlo«youngwoman. se 1 NewTwrFallu s to rt e Claasea for Cvlan Conwrvallon T. s LOU. Nov. 7 (fl A chance. n mth, n 1D34.. n a croaa complant. Van Loan of q w. Woodlead. charged Mn. Van Loon herself was.. Corps menbera have cost about Q. ren Tlx*.youK, teople of the lu orremark last nght.by. Leland Hay. lao aotlperfecu ~ g rand another to.000,000 lns wa ward, mannge of KaUcrlne Hep j.j BalfflKD.BTdUtclvgavo» Ha: KKDKK.V, URVKY PROMED, nce hs suy n al. Van Loan jo been authorlced for nstructon ot bur lo w n pany Thursday evenng al bum. lent credekc to perslsttnt reports he and lhe angular scrtcn star " m all caught up now." h» aald noe WATER PRORCT la.1 ha not been n eourt a alngle Ume. tl lh* 600,000 who ara now enrolled, the clurch. A program conssted of n addtloa. tfae CvU Works Admn ha\ a plsy. rcadlngj) and muscal lelcc PEC/ AL PORC : h a s e havo put ther relatons on «matrmonal a.1 «1 as bu.tlne«baala. d. D. Worth Clark <D*daho* nnnomcmarrage s gong to be dlfferdbl. were w pu>cd and refrcahments were BOE. Nov. 7 (;nc ongreum anto today. "All thata behnd me. Ths n, ltratlon, ttw old relef admlntstra mo: tlon. FoUowlng the program gamea tlon ob program, and thc WPA are aocounng for an estmated UO.* Mm Hepburn, who has dened od, hrrf wlny tlml, le hft<l receved! Van Loan haa wrtlen mora Uan sered. 5, O00,000nchwt mflufs artlnew. rr.n,»rrtrr /nformauon» from Dr. Hwood Mead.Ol [200 acroen playa And.numerous ahorl conanctlon. a * forced landng a t the alrrx>rt here, lunrct suks conmluoer. 61 reclc lohesana arllelea. = Q>FEm4G 1 :. n n a pano ploted by her manarer. nmatlon. thal an engneer wll *r Pesrl Dllngham, lu te rttal»ut Tle tao yere alone. rve n Dotw n a few days to be1 VtT* AT BtlRLET!?ln a fflrry ef projecta to provlfletc 1 CARLET FEVEROALRD stlclan. announced tonght. Our buyer secured th e s e r a r e b a rg a n s a f teer severalweekb of r.yward, rrlqled by the (jucsja ]a suplfmranl wutcr supply for NUUALLY PREVALENT n addton lo the t casea.there BORLEY. Nov. 7 Mr. and Mrs. tlona * ara roany othera that mve nol been scourng the eastern rn m a r k e ts a n d now Vwe are gong to o( feld attaclm, refu sed to Bolpe Be vnlley wnter wer*. Albert Mjers and (sughwr, Anna BOE. Nov. 7 f n tr l ty t h r e e reporled rt lo her, Mrs. DllUngham sad answer, naylng he wm not a celebrty o ra Kven star but only scrc Beth, spent Twday nlglrt a t De ; Thc tnes:as«from Dr. Mral waca.cues of scarlet (ever have been re ahe al s nclned to belcve. make ths purchase le as pro ftable to you as t was to us. home of Mr. Myera* unde. Henrj recclvcd tody. Consressna Clark :hwred jm n U w ta attn o w e n k a by The number 1* "unusually large" huband." Kagman and (amly cn route to Florda from Oreton fot a rlt. fafter reparng the shp, Huyw.rd l,by hm to Me#d. <lf l<lfp»rtmcnt of publc BTlfare. M ta mented. Aald, n resxu.c to an tmur sentd dtho health offlcen to the atate for f( ths lme of the year, she com t B B H p m W c m c / 2 m f r o m o u r o w 5 T O o u t f l a n d m l d r p e... t o b a c c o w t: h l o t s o f n a t C u r a f l a v o f B f n o h a r s h n e s s o r K t t e r n e s s.... h e nf A A E C O N D T E P B gcl. t e y l, t o s t a r t v t h, w e t a k e t oj b a c c o : bleed ths h o m e g ro w n tobacco tc w tlfj H *5pcyraromat»cTufkshtol tobacctfs L fromm a a o s s tlc seas. T hese T tobac accos, y ou m ay k n o w, have a H b 5 3 and 1 fragrance f en tre ly dfferent :n t from T o u r own. 0 >T H R D T E P H K h M Thcc esc tobaccos are c ro ssb le n wcldc ded to g e th e r th e b est way we ve found nd to g e t a m o re pleasng and 1 Xa better taste n acgarfftc:.. r u A T WHY a m m v ARE MLD AND YET THEY ATFY m g a g a m f, o r P R B j W A \ Here T h ebv Are! Over 100 of these s s u ts a n d y o u take your cho hoce a f V N ew,fahrcsj=< 4ewUodelslH Plan Conservatve c uts n ngle f l H and Double B reaste ;tcd styles; also port Models n hrred f Backs, H LattceBackjBy!ywng, Easy wng3pregula?m<5 lodels h o rt5 F = f touts, Longs and Exzes. ~Pla~Ble e fg:rnd"oxford e r tures rblusst Greys md Browns.. Plads, Checks " / and Mxtures, and 1all a fne weave, smooth fnshed wo vorsteds: r N g a t n f x t n rk Buldng. w A OVERC DR. Dl ANDREW W A lle R? fl! PEAK AT RUPERT and T O P>CO AT * ngle and 3ouble Breasted! Raglans y or etn leeve mod dols, wth HalfBelt, r!lullelts or no. Ulsteretts, Guord models, Chesterfelds, ngle and Double Breasted Dress Coals and the le greatest selecton of Fancy Back Coat ats ypuve.ever lad. \, ymr eyes on. 1 a u j c P A Q g B M p P g A T g j c u o c t : l o t. Unc pure nl wtml fnhrcb «n plnn Grc>5, B u m a n Ulacks, alw> Novelty Mxl xlrch. t lnhs, C h e ek s a n d Fnf r lncktnnterlal. C l o t tngle c p e o p le from te n d fferen t sla te s vrsltcd d Ol o u r Chesterfeld faccbrcj... 8,200 vstor to rs d u rn g h< p a st y e a r ta f Cbestcrfcldj \s bj Black,, U :crr* Mm Tv.v/ oc... t # 7 X A N D! E R 1 New Twn Falls* tore

4 a! T T V U A g E W 1 land «rt*y Barote p» MoBdv. hj t b t Twta M b M m PoDUhtn Oo. me. Twn nn;t *a Ptm oountr. xdtbo.... ftubuthwl MO OaQj AllUut tau nd u Moeed d n mtll m tlo, p m. m u U» K M m a t l Twn H.ho, undtr U» tet ot Mttcfa 8. 1»7». 7~ ~ s tm s o u m o f fta n s : r r*: B rc m ter, Ptytbl* n Adnac* M per er 4e t nentta. pwabls (o curler Cf offlee.. BT M Aa m T f r M M UUoMdtlKT OntYetT, t......mw m a E o r a s s o o u tb d f u s b to AodaUd Pretl U aelaltelr enttled to Um uw (or pubuntoo ef «n cen dlpatcbe endlted toll, ot BotoUurwlM etedlud la Ul ptper tod to Uu loctl e m pubutwd beretn.a llrltb u o f repobuctuoo o*pedtl dlptebe awtlb tlowcrwd. W pe»m AtocUttd PwaT. ~ Member Audt Buretu of OltnltUow NATONAL BePBUBNTATlTO PRODDEN. Kra AKD PBtTDOeN. ff# York. Ohlco. a u FnnclKO. ZlMNm t m 0 et.qo.flntndaljepoqlblut]. ronerronlnodvertlmmnulkfaomwher* th«ptper U t t fuk «correcuon of that ptrt ot tbe *drertl«n»t la whlcb tho error occun wm be publlthed. wthout chtrge. AU nouect requred bjr kw or by order of courl of couctent urldleucn to be publubed we«lrlf» tll1hl puhllrfd n t..wcdncedfl. tn e of Ulll ptper pnnaut to seeudd UOO. O. A. m s. u tdded thereto by Chapter M. t s senlon Uw ot dbo. BLLY UNDAY * ; To Rovcrcnd flly unday, p ast m usu r o f tho a r t of cmqtlona relgous converson a n d.tho last among th c g re a t lf r e s o f the ovangellsuc type of m nstry, s no m ore and Ws paaflnff wl be sncercly m ourned b y thousandsn dlveraplaces,. W am A. unday w as a professonal baaoba player turned evangelst an d he b rought to the latter feld th e sam e dynam c treatm en t of h s w ork w hch had ganed hm ecognltonaa ah ath eterh ls languagew as. pcturesque, hs methods drect and forccful. He called a spade a spade and hs lteral nterpretatonsandhom elyhom H esnconacctlon w th hs preachng drew to converson countless persons who perhaps could j> ereeehednnohenvsy7 H m vasordanedftpresbyterannujb ter Comparatvely early n h s career b u t he m ade nochange n th e robust, fo rth rg h t ch aractcr of hs servces and hc preferred th e open road to th e com paratve secluson o f th e establshed clwych unt. H e m ade of ;; relgon a tangble, defnte th n g w hch rc qured nether ntellgence nor applcaton to and he lterally gave up hs lfe n the* scyoe o f C hratlanlty accordng to hs concepton of the Word.. H s m ethods and the~ m eans whch he em> r ployed were frequently crucred but none questoned h s alncercy. H e accoptcd whnt he took to be hs destny and he carred the torch. : COHMUNTYCHET.4 u s t u aoon as fn al detals are worked «f. out Tw n P als s to be asked to u n te ts ~ p u raj strngs ahd provldc th 6lftrunV Com m nty Chest fund. The movement, bom somo yeara hrq n an e ffo rt to secure a greater degree of ds> trbuu on of the b urden of rasng by p rvate * donaton the sum s needed, fo r ths th a t o r : 4»H >ther«w nm unty*cu W t«rhm gr*tt. rapdly n publc fa v o r throughout th e coun ljr t~l a today the* Tccognzcd nethod~o carng for such publc demands. Becauso of th e fa c t tb a t the m oney s rased am ong a fa r larg er num ber of doners th an w as ever the case under th e old syatem, general n terest n ths place of com m unty actvty m or* Trfdespread a n d the expense much" m ore u ta b ly dstrbuted, two ponts w hch M,.should go fa r tow ards overcomng any po!< awe objecton to the plan. :: f FR T PRNCPLE 11 Thoee who queston or are begnnng to ;; queston the effcacy of the New Deal aa a ;; rem edy fo r the economc lls of th e naton,;jw ll fn d much satsfacton n th e vew sof Colonel F ra n k Knojt, publsher of th e Chl ;; cago News and possble canddate for the " j Republcan preslclentfal noralnollon....! ;.. Cglonel Knox offers no n,volved plan fo r. th a restoraton of prosperty b ut would flra t. balance the natonal budget by an abolleh ;0tU o system o Wuwftuorafcyn.WHflh ;;tgt2w h c h would, h e sad, eventually con tro l th e lves and fortunes of the people of ; overy state n thc U non, and the nculcaton :: o f. a proatam c f natona cconomy ;vhlch L w u l a,wl]w U ll C eaeral.spendlngn. owcss.. o f ncome practcally over nght. An ovcr ;.h a u ln g of the currency.wth av ew to re, : m ovng al doubt aa to th e value of the dollar s alao ncluded n th a program, together. wkh a reaffrm atonof fa t n th e consttutonal authorty a s well as the opnons j p f the upreme C ourt. Thc rghts of soveregn states cohe n fo r endorsem ent hs»g»nsu h»<»ntrbl»atonof power n \ k g to tt and the adnnstratlo a of Ue n.tcraal affars of th c country aa awh9le from g the naton s captal. T h e a d d re s s c o n s ttu te s a n n d c tm e n t n Be to to o f th c e n U re N e w D cal p r o g ra m a n d, w h a t se em s s tr a n g e e n o u g h n th e jr e s e n t ag e, sm a c k s m o ro s tr o n g ly o f th e th e o re s j a n d te n e ts o f th e D em o c ra U o p a r t y o f u s t * a few y e a r s a g o th a n t d o e s o f th e R e p u b 4 o a n s n n f Uft M m s n c ro t, T h e C olonela r e m a r k s s e rv e t o ll u s tr a te v e ry w ell th e d sta n c e tr a v e lle d b y th o s e n o w a t th e h e lm o f th e p a r t y w h o s e.p r o u d e s t b o a s t u se d to lje th lt t r e p r e s e n te d th e D e (0 m o c rn c y o f th e g r e a t e ff e r s o n. TAX LMT M W llam R a n d o lp h H e a r s t s s tll u n d e c d ed a s to h s f u tu r e p la c e o f re sd e n c e n th e e v e n t t h a t h c c a r re s o u t h s th r e a t to le a v e C a lfo rn a. n th e m c a n U m o h e s a tu d y n g th e ta x la w s o f a n u m r o f s ta te s w h o s e o f ** f c la ls h a v e s e n t h m w n n n v ta tto n s to c h a n g e h s p la ce o f re sd e n c e to th e se. C om cs n o w M rs. W lla m W rlg le y r.. w d o w o f th e la te C h c a g o c h e w n g g u m m a g n a te, w ho a n n o u n c e s th r o u g h h e r so n t h a t s h e too w ll sh a k e Uc d u s t o f C a lf o r n a f ro m h o r fe e t a s a r e s u lt o f th e n o w ncom e a n d» : g F G f ln f o m l P tg r :b o o > t» ; t w u l d seem t h a t f a n y b o d y n th e w o rld s n a p osu on to s ta n d n c re a se d ta x a to n t t sh o u ld b e th e s e tw o. T h c l r w e a lth s to b e «) co u n ted n m llo n s ; t h e r n c o m es m u s t o f n e o e s s tty b e c n o rm o u s. Y e t h u m a n n a tu r o» s 80 c o n su tu to d t h a t m e n, n n d w o m e n to o, w ll go f a r to a v o d p a y m e n t o f ta x e s w h e n taccmsto them thattley orthoso n.ther c la ss a r c b e n g d s c r m n a te d g a n s t o r t h a t a t e r b y m o v n g to so m e o th e r s ta to th e y m a y be so n en ab le d to c u t th e r a n n u a l t a x bll. Ue f f o b a b l y. t sh o u ld n o t b e t h a t w a y b u t a n d t s, a n d th e le sso n t o b e d r a w n s t h a t s ta te s b y r a a y e v y ta x e s w h c h a r e to o h g h f o r th e r ow n best good. TheorcU cayy.u cre a scarcer o n a l ly a n y lm t to U o a m o u n U t h a t m a y b e h e rah cd by to x a U o n. n a p ra c U c a l se n se th e r e m c s a v e ry re a l lm t a n a t m n y \T5!tt«rthot hm Calforna s on thc pont of fndng ths out.. WHY TRV ANOTHEBT... sful. (Ohlctgo Trbune) e ra l AtlouU peuunlbp 1* tbe prevtlllg lone n U>e c o n prtllm lntrle to tn y M v tl conlerenee whch may be v e r ttfm pled, the ljn n of,u» W trtlnetoa treaty t «Eolnc the*d wth halfhearted preptrtllom for tbe.m tw l of tf.e«jrrce«rnt,tfy ore all dbcourajlng. Tte lu o of Umunon* lu eo lwl B ter * r W t s h l n «t o n w t m a d.p o u lb to u» eh jn!ed ; h e s u te s dd t a unbelevable thng n glvlnj up h lp g h t wblch would have made ta fleet tbe m art powerful.ln pa the world. apan soon recovered leom Ue conclatory mood promoted b j Ue act of Ue Amercan Don QuUote. T h elacu hal Toklo wbmlued to a techncal nferorty 1 r c h a been used unceasngly by opanese clauvlnlsta M,to n tn luuuratlon of occldenul nsolence and tn orfcne > n to apthe* ratlanal prwe. o n the end U» Wash ],u ngon conference made a new dlfllculty for every one 11 atlompted to dlspote.. teecbt ewnu have raded Brlllsh fears for the c m jccurlty of.the empre and lla sea roules, ard the d nonc turblng sgns comc rom Mumwa *u: uut ec v h a t ouly regarded when Ue alm of navm T,a. consdered. o je The VMlou agrecmenu sgned at Washlngon, along wth the na>7 lrauton, roch as U» treaty for Ue.... protecuobotohlna.htvfllot hcld.w t<r,.and durng llw Ufe of Ux m pledges the ground h u shuted under th e M t of the negottetors, n jt changng world thla could have been expeced. rk c d Experence has Urown u weght galn<( acreltlc t s treates. They do not reetraln an aggressve naton :d m w hen U~geU~slartM1n l4 strtde.katlonwhlchfor Ue tlmo beng are conlent wllh what they have usually fnd only embarrassmeat n tryng to deal wllh the ouer fellow upon tenns he h a t so nduferenuy algned. t would ctuse no real lover of peace a partcle of v a t? tnxlety U every pretele of holdng another ntern t o r tlonal conference to renew the exprng naval agree* w ere.tbftndgntd A n.allem pt to. get another oun undersundlng s lkely to mlw more mlsutdersland nes than tt wu settle.l o far as the Unted tales s concerned ll wot/ld be much better off l( t dd nol undertake to determne g A Kjut Other peoples sloum hsve but kep dose lo ls e v e r own buslneu of dccldlng what was best (or ts own 1 n purposes. As. a frte ngcn tt wul nol be half as mud suspected of ntrgue as t wll be f l enbages n T ntotaum al conloversyrcgaranguw.jue.o[ otl.kr,,, countres* n«\u power. n e n por A BAU WNTER FOR REDMEK n W aro ffg o n la ay A taundrtduousand ndlansalm ost a thrd o( th< totallndlaa populaton of the ODlted 8ltte * reported by the.buttau of ndan affars to be facng g death by tarvalon or freeung durng th presenl wlntor unless the WPA s as consderate of htm aj of U» jobless Whles. What, then, ot Un new deal for Ue redmen whch o f wa tntnduced wllh to much btll;hoo tlong wllh the C h l rest of tho new d n r We had pttsumed, udgng frotc th e sttlem enu ssued at W uhlnglon tn d from the arguments submtted at (he varlou hearnc hrougb* for oounlry. that tle Republlon sdmlnlstrallon ; 1 * *1 " lp * Amernds most curruy tn d th l f r s t u,c«was lo b«tleln a t last. Under lh* clrvum leh stances, ths staenent l at a hundred thousand tr Hflh 04tnf«r«fd«H».lM H a»d4tf«alh lr«c o n offcals who prevously hsd tnnouneed tb«lo o f wrongs. s r the natur# of an tnu.«lm ax. ust when we hnd been lold that (ondlllon \? wero to be much better. t turns out they are muct rhph 3fx,r. > CCC. tq n o t more ths moral U drven home Uw goodln jv cr tenuons ahould not be confused wth accompltshmenl. ) r e.. o lln r r 5 th c r B R E A K F A T FOOD n stl lons Wlltlcal OratorAnd now, s there anyone U th«v aurww «*o wwld lke to ask a jurlcn?. VolceYes, sr. How soon s the band gonk to play t as, /ou}. Mrs. Y0H(gK.edDatH;BhtoourUrsl nt!, Mr. Y. Oh, Whal a treasure! U ts keep t. Uucae» n yx ealug lu T W m FALL DAn. on, jvtx T 1 jfl Day Day By McNTyBE u s t lb NEW VORK. Not. Thought! WlUle strollng: f O ttep Bop tn< a te would notce t. Dtto Homer Cro] n w and Comer Hoy. W nter leeoe: /. ehesuut vendor a g tln t U u U brtn esc w tu wearng t strtw h tt. dwarc 3e O. RoblnM rknowtbov to.«tt e smle a sunburst effect. Nno MarUnl lounda luu skppng down Uree steps. They u y H* >he umpng beaas Ve P s m v Hart l R x. feld. H e r b e r ts Bwope tn d ule of n f l a t a n u T r l f B u wth w a e lt O.O. M dnttte, wper names,nd shpemlng. Mch, tn d W enttchee W tsh. f Uey dont f t t b t t H tr ~ rm B P to k b u M n c t se op n. rd cream.sunty h a lu lte n r Lesllt n H o w n t WU H yj and a re Brook A cofee brown derby or ao hert b e and Uere. Al fmlth. ts enutled U o f all b. d. rghts. tudy n ubquty: BeU U v y. Nc r o rthersm nd llkbthat rngng crash 00, of ten pns n t bowlng tley. Clara Bell Walsh mffrests t female Ro m an enaor. BU H ea n t U fttte n c r. lngup.frlcx rdsla.trou lng.aul a t of the Prc Lane. Wonder how h< V. and Helfltsgrtalong; Look thkes; Bruce Barton and ay nppfn. P. P. A. U t lucker.,,1. for brght yellow Ues. How mtn> around who can ham es a honel te s Maury Paul gaddng hther tn d yor s j r n hl3 lell. To roe tephen Lea cocks hotse that galloped off n all CCr. dl«ectlons.:tupe V d e t. b e Qf«Tne palng of Ue 3yearolf lo t" l r o T T w u f. ho«plullly that has been regl* menled nto a numbered tn d tck etedeflclency..the.htct00rt..unu: t few yean ago. waa tboroughlj contnental ewn to» conderje or tne a tny psform and an toeneeu be #eu operated by puah button*. Th«KK m a n a r r peacocked th e foyer llk< tha an operatc tenor burstng to alng sporung an mperal. Upel flower g r spats dstrbutng ackted d ru n g. Every employco «pok< Pxh7ThTT4lerc0BM~<l0Pnt< * make way (or a nlneslorled apart me\t houfe. hud a note from Bonta tlu ote. olher dsy. The glamorous BonlU o rty the famous "Wne, Women ant u ons" show th st toured tb e prov we*.vear afler yetr. Out n th lall gra.*3. Bonlnta w at our symbol of hgh lfe the champagne, eav one tar and decoueto whrl of Nes York. Pars and London. U ke t,h #. many former troupers, she. ts r Ko}>wood.pla)acebartclcr. partj. * n u» moves now tn d tben, rock Tnn lu m a u d ljw a bungaba red. porch anddreamng of dajs ngone ong the Too. Ull town has a Maxm; agan. Ths Ume ta n tlo East * M s. The orl*lnalmwlm*,ofcour«" s sull al the redfronled standor Uls 5 : = = = ; 1 B, for \ ally Ue Md. 0 M s :, nd 1!... )Vld lne ls own udl th e... dng >ent as lch the rom the M «b* n ons th lt j r j K K ons r V lucb * nenu T O m t l! s b the tead. LY NEW. TTOT T A U g, DA AHO, ra ro A Y MQBNyg, w p Newlyweds Ret ld v y n W j f r rard Up B call te a. ns: t B. Ules Bud!Wbed of dy. n leld hee. lar Mk. lere to E Z e k EBb w R s w.jjh nl, r. MH. AND MR. FR.\NCnOT TON:,en.. llollywoedto reume moton plel rt, n New ersey. OT Pheto. s = s = : = = and thal sho.t braad sweep to the Mede* ;ker um e Uat l Uw ruo Royale. Aad a tn y jhosl of lormer glorj. Hew Yorks ne? Maxms of :o }cnra ago was n Ue yon West 90 s. near Bm dway. t nght efl whrl spnnng tnjelfd ta rto ta n all (or wanderng yokel.thercwaa.t legend U cl.ntele ncluded swarthy rascals who shlp)fd ndes down to old Rlo. And wash room boys who pro* vded "busts n Ue arm." fgl* ld olomons ext from Ue Oa ck* nnd Central P.rk wll end a mul wdely headllaed.reud of. ong hly ntandng. The psle loopound res on t.uf#leur was ong a Uom n Ue :eur colfccllve sde of Uc park commls The,\ona llom they were unable to lke pluck. When he (Vrpartel t was ng. trrelr because the doctors wmed hm hotpullcnuon and a long rest «k wtre mperatlw. flld belonged lo»ke mmy Walker "m " A darung rto uptjdoforthe Walker nrewortt; art ne nealmt theatrcal forune.lte the 10CU.M began to r a t falls the lo the aslle Brock Pemberton. Tlw» of yer s run of hs produclon, "Per and.vnnl Appearance." s sad to have fov* netted consldembly more than ll f 1100,000 for hlm srlf alone. Pem bol berton rarely goes off halfcocked n hs productons, HU flope tre e* few, He mny go plajless for Ureo jf.rwn* tn n row and when he wts a golnc takfs hs ttme. Not even Be " ta. *#c4«;elhlm nthcaft.of ffcj;,lnt.. m.now one of lhe sourvlmged m.mluope8 carrjlng a cold drcacl ms for U» benm boys the ro*y fel rjst lows, al( s»«tnc.5s and lght, who ru b a ck sla p v.rllo x s trcks?"...oee..onjyoure lookng swell." AU tc flm* Begnnng To mell To H L l T " " f a f e g rpveuber 9, 198B turn To Hollywood ONE. oan Crawford, as they arrved n Plclure work after ther recent marrage de* flattxnlng ve suffered has been by d t ther lk. The gnunplett. judest per rks son know s Ue scowlng small the town banker who grudgngly took ght my cash and made tbo only abso a j» lultly safo nestment ve ever lsd. s tl.. (Copyrght. 9W.. Uy..McNaught jmdkae). to; * O U T H E R N BRAN C H CA T T A G E D fc K E W * T O R r?a 1 a POCATELLO. Nov. 7 Charles ong Dlcktns.no\tL..."C rlcketonu e Hearth." dmmauzed by Ollmoto Ue Brown, wll be p jw n tc d a l Ue Vnl ls verslty of daho. southem branch, to nghts of N0Tcmber.2ajtf«L33C. n s cordng to Mss Ndly Mendham, hed uu ng h n d of the dramatcs de* rest partmen. to The cut sclccccd ndude: Loren led* Bn:s, Cabely, a. olu Pety* ng t)lngle; Olendon Davs, Parma, TalkelonrGph"W oodwararblwk foot, Caleb Plummer; RusseU Rel une W. New pymoh. Edward: Ru alls lon Wllllnns. Burley, Dots father; re Neal Moon. Malad. a porter. Vr Femnne parts arc tnken by Mau* ave rlne Pederson, daho Palls, as Dot; han Belj Bttc. Rlchlleld. Mrs, Pl.d nn ng; Helen Hale. Burley. Bertha; ked Maron reuersteln. daho FalU, Tl* are ly lownboy; Rulh Barnes. Black re«foot. Dots moher. A person.to play w tt Tho plrll of Ue Crcket s jet to be Be cloxn. A pnxcuolst»f/fonwsof. Neal Moon, Malad, stage drector; carol Coehran, Eden, and Lols Anged denton. ugar Clly, proptrues; vau nell Ro»nburg. Pocatello, sels; Rta Lc fel Ballly, Pocatello, prompter, and who Oeorge Carr, Pocatello. Hrhts. All 3ec. m c m bttl ol.u e phy producuon lm* claskfl wll assst. Heaven MtUsU. m b t b f 17U K w v u k lubuv m m n 0 N A L (NBWBEHU (OQPTrtlbt. lloo lurt WABBNOTON B y k ty T M k er Q. H O HU. Harold leket h at quleu] tr n n e d bll mo w U at tb e 8u y on b t dum c k tn o e n p stte w n t wll not Q u e Uw proffram. W bat Ult oourt mty ob}««( to tj a lower body dd. t taklnff of law by federtl oondwnatuon. B ut U r cktt b tl abaodoart tbat.pm ed ure for purehte by necoutuohttt undlordf. f Ux7 nfuse to ttl. N dropt Uw cbeoe. He «tu m tt«th t t be hat ntugunted , 000 woru of buldng proecu wbd Um nne d d men" c u n o t toucl wlu Utlr udldtl Mfpter. Housng fegtlauoa tru be tb rblk push* t tbe next Kson.6en Ktoa Wtgncr or New york tudlk tbe problem n Europe Arng O lummeruppoeedly tt rdr mg gestlon. "Bob" h u not m c tle d hl pltns. But t U understood be wu urge t 11,000, federtl expen <UUn«for low*coflt constructon o homes wlu 1200,000,000 to be pem yetrly. nterest rates for the moncj wlu average about 3 per cent. an< U» constnjcuon "ktty".wlu cert u t revolvng tund, = T O W R = W h tp r» n k fu rt«tsj doggera nou ydlpuek ugtrohn H MR stslfflent U ut th e profssxn H domnates the tdmlnlstrtuon. H They deny th a t he recruted tb< U b ra n. tnut,* explanng Uwt Mr Rooevet hmself must bear thal ~ reepofltw llly.tbsyw ProLPtant;,. furter smply sugerted * few mer who seemed to hav a apeclal gft for. framng.and admlnuterlng th«knd of laws the Presdent wanted =3tmUndls.BenCohen,Tomml«= Oorooran, <roomfranketc>.tbe] by ll stores whch ndcate tb a t Mr ler Rooevell rejected Ue professor n l advce more often Uan be tcceplec ook t,»o Tle lla n w d nun begged Mr sd. Rocscvell not to fclure" tho u pt«m» Court or to accept th( ch «h ter decm o n u th e e n d ol NRA, Mr. Franklurterurgtdthal T. the Presdent,submt a stronger caa to tho court. Mr. Frtnkfurter tlst n u ugt uul n hll esrler plea UwtUx admnstraton dodge a couft de clslon as lonj u possble. Anolhc,,!! rebuff U n Uw makng. W hemu U»profusot Ulnks ajau orcar spend tself nto prosperty, tk BooRveltMorgenthsu polcy con temputes a reducton of federal ex 1 w n a m T e 5 = lfa n e n pontble. NOTE. The Truck and Bus dl \1slon of CO s nnnlng nlo snag BUte and local nles to be moppec up,..w legua.aay0pftnha bcfln found tor new U xes n ease processng axes fade out... Tl«n ext bff slrunlf n court nvolvc the Oufey coal law. e ffee ll«no vember... Clllllyhollng con lot; = = 5 : = = =?ld,,, Gudng Your fg Chld By o f! Ar.CX CLAR739A R CHMOND «r; BE&TMK CUANflE L1 Lc Tle baby had lud a very exlausl»nd Ulg day, though no one leemed v All apprecule f. To th e casual ob on server he wau tvo months old am Dchavlnga.vtwomonthsshould. Had anyone troubled to translal = hs actlonsuou»cootsoondln acuvlllea o( two years or even o maturty, Ue results would av been a furprse. Re hadklcked h legs and waved hs arm s so mucl th a t a l0mu«run would h a n bee the equvalent for a grown man and he had cred unul hs voc chords had had as much use a s toastmasters or slum p speaker nfter a long evenngs stran. Ndw, at lhe end of the day, h was hot and uncomforuble. H band lud slpped up under hs am Hsrmd. la a result U dres a bndng and chafng hm. Hs h lr : a fs wrnklf d anrt dam n, hhn ltl was most and rrtated. Had h been a year older he would hav been undressed, rubbed down, an< p u t nto dry doues before bedtme Everyone n the household ha< Ue comfort.of a complete change a nlghbover one. U ut s, but hm self. He would be gven hs suppe andtw rfot edln the sanw clothe lw had worn all day. on Ue theor; Uat babes were nacuve, u d t averse to dressng U tt 11 was bee n o tlo d lstu tjh c m. Many mouers hold ths vew, am consder thal one clange a day enough for any baby. Then the; wonder why the dlld s fretful a bedtme, and tullets a t nght. nb baby does not need clea dothes every nght, but be doe ned t change..the shrt and bam. Qf.one day can be used agan afte a days arng, snd Ue same s tn of nghtgowns. The resalta of tu d t ehange alll show n bettor rest s nghu TUDENT EEKTORY OF OLD DAHO CEDA from a western rw eedar Uee tbo leoo jears old h u been recelvedtr the museum of the Umverslty o daho, souuefn branch, by Charlto O. la rf, chalnnan of mtseuffl com Mlttee.~The trunkw aa foundln U» U r t of. Hells HalfAcre" n ta daho FaUs by Lynn Crandall, wa leonasler there, and w u secure Urough the assstance of Mrs. Bus! Bolcc Trego of BlacWoot. The forestry department la pol sllng the trte secuon th a t l c t establlsl detlnlely the age of U tree. The department alw expec lo obtan nformntlon about pa weather condtons n ths n.*g1o.. rom lhe sze clllc graab. rng Another :ectlon of lve t a e hs. be;n sent tc the hlsorlcal museu m w s m :. H R L G G jmdthbnbw) v a N m p a p r andeat) ona at* p repulof u> foqov wlu an ttucc on (n bofdlngoomptay euy u w... D ont be tlanxwd by ll Bu Ulll talk tlm t u Uwyer workng m tl tdvler. N E W t O t t B r U M lmmllu K r.. * e «au ta «d DlTROrr. OM unusutuy wdlrfo potted Kew Yorlt aeure«tr» beglnbe nh «to get skepuetl about th e tu ktee Uwntldty to d perbuncdct of n OOr cotery.t helrdoubtttrtbtedon retch port from relltble seouu to the ef ucb feet U ut three fcto n a re cotnbln ng to gve tn exaggented pptum tbe of the upturn. One l ermenee that en many corperauons tn d nuvldutu havt decded n twenlknontha that tbe t beuer to bavt goods than c t ug!n a rsng m rkst. A number ~of: hs mporttnt.companes h tv e been wlu buddng raw matertal fmrtbres en far beyond non&tl needt bn ths of premse. ThU h u ncreued tho vol lent ume of commodty stes tn d sumu ncy Uted prlcetbut oblously thu type Uld of buyng cannot contnue ndef rrc nltely. Tben Uwre s Ue fact th a t tran loads of couon, copper, mules, and o t b a r munuod. n a te r lt a..u u. [n raw ~ftae tan sll;peu tb q rt t xr Brtans erder jscklng up tn d e ac U vtyngeneralndctrotdlnjn the pancular. The result U a nloe thow Mr, ng n current buslnesa statstcs h a t but ths knd of b u s n g U non D )t recurrng and m r not last very w n long. Rft Thrd U Ue quesuon wbeuer bus the ness hgh spots arent beng puyed.led up too mueh and low spotssaored. me. Prvatejeports.from.all Moun<Lthe bey..comtryknd.t«lndlcfltoa8much.. Mr. nsders have a deep*roo(«(f dstrust ors of prosperty ballyhoo. They remem ber l»3t and 1Q3. Mr. UNCERTAN, t was Ue couen Bu sus of opnon tt a reoent meetng the of ndustral blgumera tb tt of prcsentupward trend cannot.carry hat nto next summer. Thc meeung.was asc prvate and thto concluslonlng lso off the rec<kd can be taken as snde pk t from the rosy one n wtleh of her feld Washngton h u fath. r u Tf leadng ndustralsts feel Uln can way about t chances are they wll the dscounflher udgment n advance on* by sellng commodtes tn d secur ex Ues before they fgure tb e Utdown e.~ u d w.lf e n o u g h o f tbem do so the declne whch they predct ss dl* certan for the summer of 18 would.ags more probably develop n Uw aprng. of There s no cause for alarm but ped there s for dscreton. Many~V{9pc has art) Uklng posluons on th e b a ss :ase U aklfrare rfrm ld st orasus n c talned boom. Astute New Y orksn ves see lhe fulure u uncertan enough No to warrantkeepng a careful eye to on wndward. n;taff CHOEN FOR,. ; TUDENT NEWPAPER BURLEY. Nov. 7 Tho taff of o((lccrs of the Burley hgh school ro jwper for the comng year haa been chom nat eow T re atoratenn. Davs: assstant edtor, Delbert Par* Mllan; asslsunl busles manager, w Gordon Langlols; art, A nnt Ken OO" on; awjunt art. luart D nr; 0 feaures. Holl Bonham, assstant feature*rmelbap*rker: grls bjwu, lato OeorgU L. colt; bojv sporu, Rob Ung. ert Lambert; senor features; Man. 1 of Trout; unor features, Rachel lavo ahoessler; pholo adllor, Vemon hu Dawson; assstant plou) edtor. ack uch medley; advertsng, oe Hackney; teen assstant. sck Roper: humor, How lan: nrd OUlls; assstant. Roland Dunn: ocal organluuon. Polly Evans, a.ulstnnt. n a osephne haver; snapebots. Helene xts Wlson, and asslsant, Harold Mea chem. he,. Hs CHREMOr GRAMER TOLD OF COWVEWflON lavc BURLEY. Nov. 1 Clremonl and Orangers met Wednesday ewnlnr ;me. "U O meraben n tltendance. Re* had ports of Ue recent U te Orange e a t meetng held n Twn P d U were lm Ue prncpal features of th e ee >per ng and report* were gven by,mr, :hm la d M rs.le«:*rt!>«tfherfy who ory were delegates from Burley and by. to Ur. and M n. Prank Kerablsnlk, beet «ho were also n attendance. T t.*a mwaocod * t.u e.n» cln g *1 that Uw electon of offcers for th? Ll comng year would be b d d t t Ue next meeun*. RefreahmenU were served t t Uw cloee of the evenng, by Mesdtmes ChrU Andetaon, A.. Aylor and Frtnk Toner. and rojte T 8DFEKV80K. PEAK AT MEETNG t t b ORLEY. Not, 1 A t tb e regular sesson of tbe s u rle r Rotary club Tuesdty luncheon w t aerred to th / group a t Uw N tu o n ab o U l.tt whch lnaforest upervsor Blane Bet lar enson spoke on formtry, gvng a detaled account of W wort eovm dl. ~ of T ll mued cboru from the Bur lton ley hgh achool enlerttlned wlu o n Uree numbew. Bryan O aler w u tbo admtted Mamember at the meetw ar n#.... wa* llle UNDERGOE APPENDECTOMT BORLEY, Nov. 1 Harold Don* P * kn on of Mr. and MTfc Bay Dor kn. underwent tn tppendwrtomy t1 Ue Cotuge hospu Wedneadty. Mrs. BeU Bross U t medlotl pa hospul nga. Mrs..Ben Powell w u U k n u has Twn Flls Thursday n t n tmhu <um Unce (or t vult wllh ber sster aad TT nrtflfff

5 TWN F A U 8 DALV ux H B W O. fw an c a u a ss/ aao. m FRDAY UOBNXNO, VQY..»vnM ow» o a o o e E a r th q u ak l«e hake s D a w n H o teel l n Helena nfmhb.. fusbl to p B 7 d *U < n b e e a tm. rega* braofht enmduoa to p n pot. to f AT m o T O u m o r lu w A n n am jxrtkn D w am u. d m M MLn y j al«for loana te th* U. & 8. R. R««. APU. B a» w * 01 KO(fOLOLTOllUll t eatmr n engolta Hd, w«rs gradually awlagtnc 7 U t t d by mwwtktmnt. n t a a.;.u to aoeepudo* of Um aovlet vew*,m r rtrh th w. th, u u.d r. «nn m tn* readly rttu m ts aaur* d M v T» M «, C h n a.,frouttoutt.11 p o b l Tb* Unted BtatM waa one ry and customs wben nnabfe te ewato w k r, BdlM pdru M rroubof UM DattoD* whleh nfuaed b dl* t). Eunptan food and cm hog. a u» * km mmnnwn rtll. llvn, h,n Tfct loaa to RnlB. T.. peans out of employn«nt hav* b e n M a Bally T. un s enrolled at Uw te gven relef by Uw Uland. B d a ts UahoanavsAmeroane. R u ss a C e le b ra te s A n n lv BP. e r Tm communst ntamauonal 1*1 Unlveratly of HawalL ratlon tnd Uu n a e n lo n e o oa«execuur* eommltt** tamed an ap* Ttl* demre young grl, who lortsuon. eurly Depends Upon s a r y o t K e d R e v F peatowortentetoonw esthroufh uth tpnktpetfeeteagllsh.camebettout t&b world to on to forcng u aa upon gnduauon from Um T nwe World tablty lu tlo n «fld to th* talothloplan war. to Ught school n Canton. t u her flnl prewot Chna from nvason by a * VlBlt. 2 ftatn ta ru ro p * * a» * # * n d sbeware o«gl» TACOMA. W th HOT. u** dmtroy Pasdaa. r«publle. Uved n n a w a rv u hs $5 *hrtl»p!!yfd tta fonnldbbl* mlll t auted: T h * people* of Uw Um wdowed mout«r n Um W s. Laler he!!, ( r o B c o B B o n n d tmbroumenl n nnel coafuou "de U ry rtreneth today n celebrauon world ar* thlnty for freedom from led nvcluuonary force aganst lh# pend upoa the lecurtty of h o world of ho eghtewu BnlrerBary of the ** th* yok* ef eaplulum; They are Uaneho, who thm ruled Chns, and tll bw t w&j ut whch wa c u red rnoluon whle the govern f"* aganat tmperallstlo wara..thcy wll WlU and was *le«ted tn t provtslonsl " That Hang On, pnlmt outmhta U to tn d n v o r to, ment elamed a great mprovement *nl never bccom* rteoneued to PvclKm." TO. presdent of tho new government n No matter bov many BMdldflM prevant w an from tm tcr Unted n ta fjnanclal and trsde altuauon. on Hb ded n OU.. you have trted for your oongh. chest flatc antor aom F. Popa (D> D* cold or tjronchlal rrltauoa. ym cea daho), lold a m e o f the World rd Tanka, armored eara and feld rta t e c.tx jt r o * nd.t AKan councu her tonlht. (rum ralled over the tooe pa\c AKtERCAN HOME OWNER ret relef now wlu C cem uu la, aolm troublb m aybop R ftogjum.. ON.R t r E lx,ll q A ;Nnlr&llty. Uka Utopa, la ao deal. mcr. n Red quaraaa U u army rat.j T m N a o f t m o r t g a g e s you cannot Bltord to Hm o( afaln, u d lulet. unjrald* paraaed t>ernrs oseph lalln and a n d nob, Nov. 7 c n O. E. Mccel Kel*.OnOAOO VPH Tho wolf on U o% toos n g h t to Ull n MulnUltjr would, beyond any % other leaders of the U. 8. fl. t. j*w7, sut«commusloner of publc bllc doorstep ot the Amercan home the t ct Ul* toub* to ad nature t* qumuon. keep tfp Unted tatea tea, works, announced loday that he <111 lu t few yeara l on the mn. sooue and heal tha nflbmrd a m KcmrnM E. VorosWloff. eomml out ot Wftr, U r. Fop* declared, but tmt open bds November n on a federal leral Bne* lart antary l. the Unted x t bmnes as Ub germ*ladea ptklega s»r ff)t. w.v and navy. n a apeech ha epreaw d doubt *U U ut would works pro«t whch const#!* of con tales Buldng and l/tan league,ue U loosened and expelled. rtvllfrm from horseback, warned be done. of»lro«lon of a roadbed, drsns* nae says MlTO.OOO hs* been pnd on Even U ouer remedes hava daueer of anew world v at but.dec la re the red arm y waa ready for dnggut s BttUsorUed to guanntee faled, dont bo dlseonraged. yeur * "struetures, ncludng two amav mall mortgage prndpals by 3,OCC,OCO QtH»t a< froflu * btldces. and cnuhed gravel wrfac. fac homeowner*. Crtomulslon and to rafuod yeur b e y e pm of the eartha aur*. ~ " any.eventuallty. H e c<nnnlss&r..to OC t»«o7,»a mles of Uw Rooeevell evell ThouandaoffamllW ar* wluln >ln money t you m not B attfledvt. face wher* profta nght be tound. forelcn tm de. A. toaegolt*. announe hrhway from Aberdeen north n lr a y ta ro r two of ownng tler lome. Atnertcan tlu una ar* bully «nga«.» ed tpdrtlon n the countrys for* «T H W l w h a t r e m a n e d o»f f tl the CaplUl Hot«l n Helene, Mo M o n ta n a, a f le r th c la te s t w r l e s o f nngham counly. debtfree, U adds. Oc eomalot w. (M f j tn ba aerch.. ern lnrtebtedrw«to epprwdttwte "f ws Bn loknf to ba atrlctly ty earlk tah««th e r*. T h e hot< hotel waa badly damaped by the le *evere n ahocb o f O c lo b e r 18 and lv one fourteenth of th a t of font lour ~ neutral, we must top all that. We w a s fla tte n e d o u t w h e n anbother o henry te m b lo r sruck U \ da>s d la te r. (/P) P h o to. 5e sn aw. m ul brng our clurena home and ovet BeUte TWna keep Uem bere. "toy Ume have been aaked B R np U C e OF DB. MAYO Ke declared n a pubuo atalement the queston: Can Amerca be neutral? Tha b u t anaxr U. beleve. VC. wth RuAla from now oa wlb have W e : A. r e C o n t n u n gl g O u r P l a n e P r e s e n t ed d To Chnese Grl NofM ln N EO TA LTBRABY RY that natons Uat w ant to trade Amercacan be neutral, but wort. V.. LE UKOn. Mln. MVBlrU* to mr*! ovet terms Bfl.to credt arold r»fr?tfnbr" We a n a t cqdldtrthad alt«r tert; j.. TMaeroFWrWUUam.MayorthooW tomerctttll)ra6d"flpomfteall7m hnm<> nf f le olnnffrtng medcal tm m trleslnwhkktheeorletfe* U actually exuta. We have only two Crtther of tha fanous Mayo pl>v4l r r B B : B E M Q D Er c M z : auemuvea. We m ut ether be com* cmns. whch aerred a. a makeahlft llfl = = = = = = ; pletely a n d unequvocally Uolated hosplal forvlcuma of Ue BWeOx And gvb up all the trade and fnancal c o n u c u wllh foreln na brnr).. r ".* CONTPATON n.. jt ndan massacrc..w now k cty 1 11 N o M o re la v e ry Uont enkbged n war. or we may con* B Thc late Dr. Wllam W. Mayo T B tme"lo tr 4d # l8u u al.t r* e"c oan n camclo EcUturT)jrm!nmBoatln.Mu s ttortl to say about "fou tlnu to trade a s uual and forego N. B8. A few years nler h c bull lle fvd.tc lxnllvc or cntharflc eutrallty, n are lkely to become flnr nld manson W;here, the lrs ; of. h.. v r bu»lne». mvolredtnth ncxt major otf. thr tw worldrcnottnwl hoclcslrr. a: wc ok you to do ks to gc CoUenContraband Mlnn..surg.oa wn. bom. Tlc olrr n;r lo rcu jnr of Knschen alu r r»~d r;xharl«h.«ayo:=rr, Referrng to " the~ p reen flt«lp ~ H rrt a t* a r ntch» s T f ln «n ) tn The wuae. located on tlc loams lhloplao war, tnator Pope re* <:;c 111 your mornng cup of tea o called paauge of the "neutralty mnln street, has long been a )ol Wl CllKC, act" by Um la t congrtaa. "Aa a s re* of hstorcal nterest.nc(reha.*r«l L 4. \ 1 *<1 Tlr ax rcclous AulU n Kruscl! auu o( t, Amercana cannot travel n few years agoby themhyobrolh >th cn tp 10 cause slomncl, lver, gn: on K alan or Ethopan thps, ex* * era. ll was presented lo tlv.* cty. bhxtrtrr and bowels lo luncllon mcept at th e r own rlak, and we cannot hlp mplemenu ot war to AMOA BRDGE OPEM) tr,lly nnrt lenllhlully you clcu cur De Ky.tem of posonous waste and anc ellher,hoexpla UMd. uc and regular blssful bowejac " W a can,how ever,. ahlp cotton APA. amoa f/p> Tl»c flrtt ton tcm r gladden your heart. " to taly from whch lu ly can m an and concrcte brdge n Woslern lefore th e a rs em ptyyou 5 T h r o u g h T h s W< e e k E n d : lacture au tha gun powder ahe amoft waa reeenuy op?rwd by A. C.., frcl lne keener mnd acuvclj >*nev*put«rwfr<aaahlpwheatr vlthout whleh the anny can make, New Zealand of the lerrlory held leld Nn more laxnllvcs no mon 3el uur slure~has been no progreu. Wa can shp steel 1 under a League of Naton* mandale, ale. cathrc. and no constpaton w he t,m dreds have been n comng n despte our t( o r n u p c o n d t o n, t o whch c an quckly be converted R t «T.ns the ValslKano rver and tc you lake your lltle dally pnch o; u proecules. ; A. 9 plncr. a wooden nructure bult. by Kracln. Al Wlley DruR Co. Mu anc take advantaje e of c the shoe bargans we K h a v e b e e n o f f e r n g, "Nov assume thal Ue League o( of., Oermany 34 years ago. (rubklms everywhere. Adv. o we have decc cded to contnue our salel e t h r o u g h F r d a y a n d Natons undcrtakej an tm argo on *uch eommodltlea lo taly to slop top.... *! " aturday. the war. AnAmercan sllp loaded Ulth coton consgned to taly en* trrs tha Medlterratlean. Regardlcjs less «( whal coton growers or conereas* eas*. V B mcn m ay thnk, thal cotton s 1 n. ] B B f f l l K ; ( j n e a t e r V a l x e g s! : ntwnauoral law contntema.eutf ect to confscaton, Butlet OreatBrlUlntyto stop T : F u r t h e r " e (] our hlp and Undertake lo alezc d n c t m r s! ". a n the cotton, and our government mny nny be called on to protest. Our shp / mght be aunk and Amercan newspapers would bannerllne trom coast oasl ws ~ ON 0! y 10 coast th a t Amercan property has ATHERTNC CHEUN.. yearol TOld fhlom f grl fler, wllh an atrplan lane < = k been dealroyed ond Amercan clll prwented her by oulhem Callfo allfornu Chnese for use n tha women aen. te u klled, by «Ranlon, unjust act ~ champonshp ar races lo be held tn U l Angelea November 10. he has U W fl y Wm. ot tb* BrUsh nvy. M hows n be ar. </T Pholo. llo. y f P R C E Word War FfUaUs enator Pope ald th Unted lled ~ H( OE su ta sb e c a m e n v o lv e n Krlous dplomatc controverslu wlu Greal reat y O 1 ForEveryM emr nl b e r o { t h e F a m l y Brllaln and Qemany pror to lu truce lnm) the w o r t o r n n f d AT FALLL WND "went to war to protect.our trode. u be you protect your skn tb\ uayl Men, Women e n a n d C h l d r e n! WEmls DF y. "Out we do not want to go > to UKr." h e contnued. "Mosl of us nrc couvuced that tradug wllh beu bcu. llgercnls wll brng on war. lotwgrcalel dullcullyabouttho.tho problem of neutrally s Ual you cant have your cake and eat ]t too. Foregn trade by whlchwed&poac of cxportvblo surpluses of commodl* odl* les produced n Amcrca, s cssen* sen* Ual to nny degree ot prosperty.. As f (0011 as thot trnda s destroyed, sur L Blus«.wlU.Bllc UD n our.warchoust T A K EA D V A N T A G E c, cs, prlcca wll declne aud wo wll 1 lnd ourselves n the Uroes ot a de r j d e. preuloa. "Tle neurally cgllauon so far cnaced s helpful, lu l a f l t h au s helped to rcduce frcton. favor Bvor / such legllauonbut t does n ot go / lo the heart of (h* problem." f. f. l O W P R C E m 1 dsb of Csrs Kome de 1Fouodseloo C rtn nbbed well no the skn befor* you yc sppy mskup. THttt sll. Rch ol from prevent dryo; wlad aod coneon; fr tb*... ;»Ua.youts:n temnsk ssortaads&oqu.as.suletp jtsy on longer. Try t tods :odsyl T A R A f N o m,, FOUNDATO 3 N C R E A M F R D A Y P E ( N D., A T U R D A Y ECAL j Now ellng for o r A «L o w A s.... REMEMBE ERALEENDATUU R D A Y N G H T HU DONC anok FOR THE FAMl. U :lark, 35c Vcks Vapo Rul u l ).. n : ; :. 4. ; : a 4 C b: ;... z HOOVXRTOraAKOK ona perlal a w rtfj rmntlnlloma > 75cVckBVapoRul e. n s r r t o k z\ \ t o>rk h k ( e eonlltlon you rour cnr for dnfar drvng, PALO ALTO. Calf., Wor. 7 M>) /P) Be uat a ltlle tle smarter than the other fellow, 6 Palmolve oap... * 5 cb tat tatenent of thc Condto o f th c Formcr presdent Herbert Koorer and Mra. Hoover wll leave Loa An and nvoll lal at tamn!nat«ruah. Brng jour 9flc ergens Bath & o a p c scea for New York aturday nght lght e a r n n o l e...lf. then a yen ll be all set for the : FDELTY NATONAL N BANK 01 )F TWN FALL t t l e : o f ) j M p art* to w a r mall Heatng tore... t 4.00 Bayer s Asprn (tl t n o f 1 2 ) c Muncpa Bons Oood Elee. Washer...$17.60 fso > n e n t n sta 1e<1 fo fr r only $ New Char and Otomnn tll.oo and W arrar an ts...220, (( New Ovrratuffed ute.. tm.ro.ro 12oz.Monrealc Olv l v e O l c Lsted Bonds s , Ncw 8x : Axmlnster Bug $27n 710 Kew ftxl Pabco H ug 5 > l t 16 oz.klenzo Ants s e p t c, n e w " Cash and Duou c from H a n k s , , 5 U, Tenor B anjo t 7.60 Oood D avenport F o r m la CC Lbrary Table...t 4.00 New tudo O o u c h ; lao goc W odburys h C.. V 3 h a m p o C ;. :. ; 2 5 C Day B «l*rh 5«bedf.fl[>rldgs, 7 $ 1,0 6 9, Mattresses, D rtssen., Otnlng ng ==2qtBelm(lrtHot,\ t r. W a r B o t f e...7 ;;3 9 C 2 cjt. Belmon Foum n t a n y r n g e cc Captal tock!k.....: , WANTED TO BUT....: ;O O O.Q O.;...E *ttery,udlo». Preasem. Beds,!d,...., P l : u r p l u s tow*. ClrlsMw: or what Uat y Undvded Pn r o f t s a n d R e s e r v e s , UO Man ouh Phone 77 p Y o u r F O cold 60c Lore Tolet oa o a p c by tran. Mr. H o o tr w lr.deltw an..ad>.w are.... T w n F a l s d a h o ).... dress. No. 2 n n attcs whch le has planned, to the Oho ocety of C o m e n a n d l A O O 50c ergers nton n c at thc e c l o s e o f b u s n e s s N o v e m h e r 1, New York, November 18. Mra. Hoover wll altend to Or cout du* (u n e tr F o rd lmjfflr f «r.0 n l y Oc Hnds Honey an d A l m o n d U?#, vqr e f l t t...?... RlOURCE... :. : c E = b u ta D c d. E nabl. ablcs you o do yoar wlolcr drlv> 1 qt. Extra Heavyy R u s s a n loans andt Dscounts......$ ; 1 3 : 4 t H n g n c o m fort rt scated a r. Yfon regulne and drect the heat Federal Rcscr ervc H;ul;.tock yon U n healthful, freah, Mneral O l... Bnk Bldgs., 1F u r n t u r e, F x t u r e s , c FURNTUREg wu h y o n r foot. BARGAN t. Thl heater provde* a perm*, l.oo Noral Aprar ce Overdrafts * D ent NEW AND UED Good Coal n a m e......$15.00 ontoftlp> hewny nstallaton. No morlng t oul. Rear compartment attach* Bayers8plrn(b( : b o cc C.Other Assets U.. Bonds, OhaUa. Baby Beds. Daby Duftgy, PHONE 11 Hgh Chars. DlneUe ets. Buf* fet. etc...! have you. n«membe> «take"»ke ~ gran, poultry or eggs n ej* Deposts , , change for fumlture and also your old furnture. H A Y E. * U N O N M! O T O R C O H. K 0 G? 1,0 6 9,7 3 7 : 3 9 F u r n tu r e E x c h a n g e D R U G T O R E ORD D e a l e r

6 cla n M A N PLAD ~ 7 ~ 1 v e r y h o d p tj w e a r l K m r n v y POR 5 COAT 10»3 5>ECAUV a : PRCE d : 5. 0 H tr«th s w ool Mort p o W cool th o Y jry blo o d d; y. W t U U ~ r. f f y j. " 4;: n...4*«a «W ja % n g? r,c an t> v t o r g e# n * u b... < knock«flb6 P tw e q r lf A " g b. t v l o o fe W ng,»ool j o l d c g nfman m g q s t y r t Q. z o T V w e H Y l l N l D \ t # F f l N T...r = D R Y GOO lood DEPARTMENT 5 A Far Better 1 72x84 srngefff M E T l o f $ P.rl r Wool and Heavy zes to 8 n very nttractlvc Crlsr Cl( T h ese b la n k e ta \vc}{) e}{h P jk)ms nw over. The wt woo, content l«full mour lorurc. Thoy comc n larje blo Wock patterns. A sood smooth wnrm 01 outng «jlftds U ld h a v e sn lc c bndng T rs M HADOW PLAD 1. O M M P U D { mart frocks wth hp length cn V AHD P0C K T 8. lame jackets. Heavy crc crepcs \ * T U N N l e O lu Rtt. 11 a wth lovr V*nccks and Vsh ahap. * W D W N C Ol U M y ~ 0 ed backs. * TH C H tn O. TUCK W l W The Ncw Red, E w he) hell,. Raapberry, Whle,.Golt lold,. g k c c h r d r ow f e k l B Y Turquose You can be dressed cxquls ulstc V! ly n onqof thcsejjxclt ccltlng. 1 / V READYTOWEAR D EPT.. R E A D.T O * W B A R frocks at such a reason) onablc W j }/. cost that you m ust see th w A Wnter hewnfe BeftCT C O A T for $ A m? UP ndvdually and exclualv«ly atylc l r t, coata CO. w th luxurous rlpplo fu r col lars. T he fabrcs aro uu ards nm PorBtraann a fnest.wooltcrcatloa lned w th allk crepo or aatlr. Yo wll fnd th e pck of th o scnbon atylea n ths fne ahown?. f l $ ! n E r $ 3 L 9 j D E P T, NEW BRAD1.ET K M T $ 1 t» ; 9 0 w DRY GOOD DEPT. * ~ H B AN EXTBNV1 V E a " a LEach, F A FACTORY CLOEOUT of 49c and 69c GARM M ENT p r t : T "Tle a w a n V e a f k n l * READYTOWEAR DE f c g O B M a A N w s a a a m r. ( ; m E A r v t v tft /vwl* *V $9.90 HOWNO OF WOMEN BALBR1G6AN K P a j a m a s 9 8 c d re sse s to b o h n d today, T le n a to n s s ty le c ent c r s h a v e Rono wld vtld n b o u t th e m. d e n l fo colc,o)d r T " * The season s most por [>opular sleepngffnrmcnt.tvo Dplece P M w c a th e ro u to f (b n ra.t h t colorfl a ro th o s e (lerj) rlcl ch n ecks Hff bnes w h c h n rc a fc«t*r( 4,rc and round nccke. Two toned t< E t U.of tlcucvv.fr ahons. ; color comblnauons n.sn b n d tfrn ftc d B y Bradle> llev ly cohtra stcd shalcs!: arebmnll? UP medum and larfre. y 1c 8 c, $ 1 0» 9 0 t r EN TORE ~ ~ 7 s» <W K UDDE N FANCY OUT r N G H 9NEPlt:CE PAAMA! " * r: MtRacelvMl M l THB8BMEW!D n h F R O C K $9.9 0 r T w o B c O M g F R 1 D A 1 Ths pecal Event ol H n j p n Fne Rayons R n NoreUy Fabrlen PANTE BTEP.N T VET BLOG QOMERK. K f l hades of Tea R om and Whte zes.tt (o (0 4 2 [..... t f l j lrjc r{ctly Frst Qualty Goods L u te x and Y YokcFnMlPnntles andboome m ers: BodM Tnpp th nvestjgatnt r p = : E t e 1 R a y o n G a rm e nnts \ FOR WOMEK 3N. s a tleved nthe.dry Go Department Y AND ATUBDAY l y UndeD th e Arms t sn t often thah a t even b y constant searchng lg we aro Z B B able to m ake sue such a fn e purchase as th s one. on You really should com e as early aa you can to ta k:e e 0 advantf " T * \ erlng.... DRY ty GOOD DEPARTMENT FNE W rahabte KD AN CAPE $1.98 ( O L TO m M l D llw lleell y o u a b o u t n e w a r r ahl s n s l e m e r c h a n d s e! a n d a b o u t s o m e r e a l m o n m o n e y a t t h e d a h o 1r H E [DAH( OPE D e p a r t m e n t t o r e t h s w [V GlfVandsT lspcnsblcth8wnta. Thf88 cr»ue3a» te ~. hand pcked. Colors o f black, brown nnd navy. vy. Fourbutton onglljs.a.and oncbutton j c o o d s lfflds D \ ". V, B g ; H. 1 1 :2 1 m a! c: r r a t u s t P THAT j WHATWEXAX T m L z ± = l m W n t F r o m t h e B e a. C o. A r r v e d \ w a t n g a n d f o r t h e p a s t t v Every Year When jjl Beaver ends The f f l.= = = ; a g m n t n t n u n M margn s pa. = = = EN TORE ~ MEN! TORE MEN TORE > M E N H E leayy. W O O L H R TC B O Y A ALL WOOL FANCY Boys s 32Ounce All Wool. P A pheavy ACKET ACKE1 T N NAVY COLOB $ ~ B Bl*vvngBB a c k s.! Plan Taorcd Backs M h fwll w n N vy vy Uluts, Khak and Oray $1.98 All n t one prce.!. Tleso 1 fne garnents have full zpper ;... om e o f U c je fnmc e Hhrl.s mvc lobc clbons ll n ln th KuU Zpper Fronts B fronts nnd nrc mado from tho best all wool fab abrlc ob M :! : chcsta. T h e y a r c a tll ffactory closcouts of «# A M l l e >!/.<.:< a rc 10 to.018. ] Hero n n jncket you wouu! uul pny B talnablc. zes G to t( 18. W o jubt aak th a t ( w nnch m o re cxt«n&v{ avc g o o d s f o r f b..uk ht t r n a regular way. a a s you comparc thtft ;.69 1 W arm, d u ra b le nnd \ good lookng... Good Uokng. T H E V E N T...

7 PACM.W!TB» V a r H l ng vnlucs th at you wll \ he glad to know about u t Thousanda of people are savng Wo sncerely hope t h at t you : are one of them. m r m PECAL. OF verco)ats Every One A Ke tegular $15.00 Value 1 0) 0 FWE A t f t G ERG > :. Close Out fo r Cash by Our Own Buyer* ouavefst t $ $10OrAny C oatut hlslc sbgevent UuuUv lrcnstctl Blue Melt leltonsw th H ulf Belts Drown McUond, Do Double B reasted Novelty Gray Checka GfayB Ful! Belted ed ] Alodel l» 9 U p lo Only, omo models s f< for horla An odd lot asbortmet of all ru b b er overshoch for smaller boys that you can sav XP««LnonDyDn ;, ze* 3 rtt o 16!af> FRDAY AND > 8ATURDAY 4 L u c k! pu R A N W A L ra l % 7...: Coats ak and ut Mfg. A ly. We have been j g ths shpment t 6 s... Now ts h e re H? fucturcr fl eason Ends 0 Us. They arc on con 1.arc..returned. B eaver ft vlry low /fcertll# you. O/x: re«s Coata 75 O 2 [y w lh T,o(s of n a p jn t o F R D A Y M O N N G BB Y O EEmyTOR lk tuh (9eBnd8 M 9 c h lrt» r w o o :. r m T W r P N G N M E N T Y A G l Qne Wonderf ful Value ECONOMY BAt FRDAY AND ATOTOAY s ~ M u r m g HR T Z25, A Factorv CloMOul Madefo forc ash.d lrecl Ffom,T h fb o flt,v alu el lq v n y y A Large electon to 10 : = t H g «ttor}; o r "v «a tc r prool uppers soud loatn ~ Choose From Three D fferent e r conetructnn. Heavy leath nl lylm, " er aolc. A boot th lt you wll enjoy jy trctly Frst Qualty Goo loods zes 1 ( 0 6 woarnff and wll save on th e lk trped, Crcam Tnted, d. B utton W rappers n shoe bll. All Open F ro n n ts. NEW TEP TO MARTNE nfanln Fnest (auje Rayon n nnd Mercerzcd Bftton...>Vrnppcr8 w lth All lo C penf ronts. nfants* Button W rappers : n D utch Ncek, hort Hleeveand Open Front ont 36: Wool.. C O M P A R E!CCOMPARE O Closng Ont 1 7 Fars Boys Four rbuckle ALL RUBBER O Q <e c PECAL CLO MAN FLOOR MEN TO rore ) U D = MEN PUT sm HEEP VET WTH HEEP PE ELTUNN6 A dandy for «car >and one th a;t t F O R N E N wll appeal to tha boys. oft n u C E C U L E X E TK T H R black elk uppers leather solo andh«el $ n d 6. 0 * M E M E M T \ M «ANFLOOR HOE. D EPT. Gemne nfant Bts Ffeslgwear c.... O V E R H O E [.O E O U T 54nch Voolejs t 79c! A real value f you consder qualty. Full double sole leathe r lned vamps.sled stud lac \c h 6 9 c n The Economy~Ke Readylo*Wear Dept., u o tf. ta ffe tu. tftllns. ome nff hookfr lcather laces. All h>v< h«v» $ 1 * 9 9 $ 1 ; Ua glamnron mrllllf trm.9 * 9 $3.99 g tc tlcr conbthrttl5rc"ffnd E They come n wp»n>t«collar llan RED RUT (RE WEN b l u e T A V Y 3 " wdths: V r... a h (h g # u.w n w *» n (x * l * c b l A a G K A MAN FLOOR HOE DEPT. C. the colors are hom.. hrt Wal! alst lyle* Lavshly trmmed w th 1 slk brad and buttons. k m art new dresses repre resen tn g th e very latest DRYGOOD DEPARTM [M E N T fronfnew Yorkandtna nade fro m m a te ra s t h a t GM earler n thc scanon went nto much hgher prlccd TUL LEADN O!. / L r d g H ~ dressgf: A B L E H Full faslon d, pure slk losc n Borvcc and F \ l j f l chffon weghts. Women who hava thoroughff W \ Vocdfl, D res Weght* ly tested all local hosery value? les tell us that([ v \ nd Flannels, utnsa thcac hose stand up thc l)cst N WOOL WMXTURE ld heavy Coatngs, lomo slk and wool mx* o f a l l : c \ l Was ust 0Opened Up ures. H ero s your ojv ottanltytdavfrfyou DRY GOOD DEPATM TMENT. v \ j * $ 1 y.99. : j cw. A~BGMEW~HP> ment! U NFOOTBA. ECAL AT 1KAYER FNE L LK HOE Y 4 l Chnese Hod Chnese Blue ChlneKc Green % (nvy \ tn Exclusve A Featurntr Kaysera chffon Mn lruklcer. They! W * llrtmtkcr Types s w lh Acton Backs fa v rp c o H tp s n d tcafe l y = Vclvctccn.Trmg. W ooden Buttons OOD3 DEPARTMENT sm art beyond CartrldKc ockpls a ana~ tttchrth ran 7 rep oftt ht...t;,.77;;...;......~...n.vr rcsll *9 MEN TORE A n n f l / \ n P l r x x t V r r l t C X 3 1 h p m e n t ( Husngwe: ear f pp F w t W nter UnderflfMr F or o r H en H as uflt Arrved We Can Fl F t You ReUlsrs, horts, Tals, (B All tb tt e ame E b» lo Ub. There s a M unslntw ear BU Here T h at Wll F l You P erfectly n th U e Weght You W ant. BOV TnnV ALL LEATK 1 4. N C H B 0 0 T a t $ BOY 14nch GOODYEAR WE1.T BOOT r V a t $ ~ M E N 8 1 «. N C H W A T E R P R O O F B O O T a t $ 6 > 9 5 THREMARKA HORY WA A L U E f\! f M E N. T TORE ( r COMPARE TH) H VALUE MEN HEAVY TALL WOOL MACKNAW WCOAT $ :. N avy Blue n Colur... K xtr. warm :*!(;cvcle.ma vests n szesfrom 36 to 48.. A great garm ent fo r w nter at t such a low jrcc. They.. Another factory closcout th a t have half bcltna cbnbn sre 7.e.«to 1C. All Bcnma arc, real b u y... ;....$ " t taped and they arc correctly made... j k FREEMAN t Z " BOY OUTD 3 H 0 E = "FNNET Champons a t t.oo RUBBER FOOTWEA FOR ALL OF THE FAMLY The enthuslaam th a t Free n man sylnff creates s mnu ed by, tho full eatlsfactl Kllon you ll get n w e a rn j them, LAQtE NOn? E L T Y.. 3 A T» 2. 9 :. n.» 3 wljjflno step, r a p ar r bl o f theso sm drt shoes. F a b rc t Prnted uedekds V uedes nnd N ovelty Leathe: thers. New com U.r V j bnatons, d fferent trms. s, Choosc for \* ther flm artness, th er com e fort, and.1. ;:a tholr valuo rght prce. All hoca Ftted By ~ ~ M A N FLO O R HOE D E P T. P DBT Q 00D 8 DEPARTMfT N NECKWEAR 1 $ n r H E m TORE V FNE LK K Am W O O L s! UNo NVKtBWt. j r $2.98 W armtlnww HhontW elght g A faclory closeout ut o f fne unons made by [hest qualty mlls n tb e % 9 country. Tho wool ll content s O. Theae f WaK t fne unons are rea! cally talored lke a fne m l ~ lult bf hw H... $2.98 t 3 / t t MEN! N TORE l / l MEN HE/ AVT WNTER UOTOl ONUT } e» 36 lo O f f at has been most populaf l U M Vwth our customers r ~. Your sze s hero. 1 EN TORE Pajam a Y 9 c m Wartn, well flltlfg outr tng pa~ W f ama»lntwopleco«tyl< ylesnntl sltea from 6 to 18. Thoy como n ellh e rc b a ta or 1.BuUtoyeutylcs New Fresh tock N( ty le sa t Pree* You ( AHord lo Pny. Keep he F e o lw r m j o F A L L ~ p f W D r e ss P u lm p s g l a n d T( le s» 3.9 g j K t M l l t " F n e lk T A Bg Ne ew Lot ol AFlneB Lot 0( DRE = = = = : l MEN TO rore 1 A NEW Hl PMENT W OF MEN BLACK FRCO EAN { $ 1. 1 Real FrHco enns. not an m tat toms and arc strongly bur tackc fabrc s extra heavy and lough 79c 5 7 = 1 W 6 3 = 5 =. s f y T f T y r D r e s s e s = E 19 s aton. They havo wde bot ;s,!::l :.$. 9

8 ; : ;.y. l f A f f l l T O W ;. : %ntsp C h u rc h m e n s C o n fe re n c e A s r g t B H t r R s v r F r e d B a r t l e t l t o P o s t HODBTOW, T tm Not. 7 ( g Th«Hous* ot Blhop* of tha copnlttutcnelfetrt t* o m «b «na toflny and nnsterred»nolh«fvmnorh Dakota to Who n lh* eonclumng KUlon of lu w nual ecunj. Tlo l»o n»w bshops "ere Rt. ju v ; Chu;la. nelfanlder,»ho w u mad# bllwp of North Tokyo, fuc... cttdn# Dlslop ohn McKlm..u d.\erj tov. Leopold KroU. dew of tlr a n ed ral of Port Au Prtnct. HnU. v,ho WM elencd buhop of Mbcrla. scncraty coatfcered ont of lle mol dffcult UMlsmnenU to...nto BplKopftl clw ch,h o l u e c n u Hflv. Robert Erskto* Cunpbcll. who reelnfd ft««mtrvlnj u blhop ot th«bjuntorw Nfgro republc! R n «r b.nop or Norm DakotR. v#* named wsnop ot ;tl»ho to fll * vncfn Mddleton 3. DnrTCU trora daho to tle dloecjo of OeorglB. u t beforo th# hooa*"*demmea Blwp Hemmn Pane of Mlchlaan broupl up Ulf queslon of nm U ga und dvorce and "ked th# btwp* to udj t n nl ls phases ourtng the comng year. The house auuwruod the nallonu councl lo add two new «c r e l «cn u r K e g year*m«clng wu bo Held m Chcago Cftry n Prtsldtog Dshop am e De woltc PerrywlU tll the vacancy la dh)c«6ofa oru D aow PW. by the rm nter ot Dlshop Dartlou to dlfo. Wllh a rnpomry appon ment. A ponnancnt llsuod.. for North DukoU wll be cleclcd when the houm meet* n ,... D E O jnanlettt new leslm tol. hc.ad ot tho mlslonay dlslrlct ot daho, formerly wa e*«uve aecrc. lury ot Ue deparlntnt ot domesl c nmlom of U»e nauonal councl. He also»or; ed as g e n w l lecrelary ot ho tleld department ef the cmrc lt Ke b one of...havng been consecrated only lve ycot tub. Borah mles Over Electons Result Benator W. E. BorahaaUed eryp... ftrtttt T]lt dnjllnffl tft.t rnrm rclegnb U ~w rc ncnlloneu durng ht n u to aod n Twn Falls yesterday after uoon on hs way to daho PalU. Tle acnatornqured abouttho : estent of frost dambse to the Twn FnlL tusltlefstaw crop. Accompaned by C. 0. AnderMn ot Dolsc, enator Borah was on hl way to daho rals to allend a meet ngther* of watcttbeff w avta to consder development ot supplemental water supjlles. En roule ht wns to vst a t Pocnlello and Blacr. foot. He aald th a t he mlcht not ntu rr. to Bose, but perhapj would leav. ftom Pacatello returnng to Wash ngton. D. C. : B R Y l l e Cw et«tea>o fflc«n here earl: ths momlng receved word of h thett of a 1920 Pont roadster bear ng llccnse A367 from a Buh street last nlghl. Two saddles wer = alsoreported stolentromhork** Buhl. netatltb Crtcal R.8. Toffle ntre leftyesterday for Plpeslom Mlnne.ola. whtro hs motherln ~ EV.» rfsro re. M err R ru~ent lnlly. he tubmlttcd lo an oprr nton latc Mondny. M n. Toltkmlr U arm for. d«fom lasrolm tvell lfl last crenlnr fo r Loa Angelt where he plans to \llt frends nn r«l;tht tor ten days, le took th lurnlnre ot nmo W. \\Tlte c L(!cn h. l/ nl,.lo ahrre M Wttu* plun to mnke h* homef lory tt t. Nlcholu MlM Anr lmvry, member ot le unor crll xrs lt), lp.s md a slory "All ll Pnv.s Wotk," ublmfcl n the N la«bof tleat.n tchol; ; :lfa/p, oc of lle must»llc rrn{fu,ht«lo~fuf uv»»/ur ht Unted lnlcf. he tte da;l cr uf Mr. nml.mr. A.. cvy,: AtlU.Mrdlcul Mcrlj.Ur. M.1. Ch.rlr3 n, 5<cut rduu n ludy om u clay»w lo C\l...rllt nrjdlk P;U> AH ;.;ltf«nrl..ou Lu.Atn;1csr to:c!h"f whll Ur. D. L. Ale "lut (t,vn.lu K.k; of M.r AvrkMn Mc.lMl A l; co.clu n.. Ml.l.vn,.» u n > ; /vrr :cal; vvlc, U.lllll hr lrm.; tuhkc.w:.thl drven by Atly.am: >! Kmberly.H Uu ln[e>c:un. ll:rd vur.%on n.tl ru.l.n rm trfa: 3. ;..ycmfrrntr?.rt;. ter un» n akd ly w )lyr.:ch n LvUtt*.*..hulv WhW.lU.y. ln daho Club 11«Un ";et>;:a)llcal" c lu b ttfb rr h Your.s unlveralty, anu one Xt w a flclhf orpjjlmflmn on uput, u.tlc daho club, hav V nem bm hlp of nearly 2M > «cn* l;4t ycnr, and jror>ecs.... an even greaterenrollment ths >t eudrnta trom Tv, ln lall* and ylc ty who are dfllblu for club mt l«rshlp are: ArUur Babbe, a O. Kodc.1, Ara H. Lnd, Wlnlt n. KuBl, WUllam Lyle Prloe. C los Fhllllpe. Foster D. tapjl. Vemls Rchards, M arrtn loor Margo W ey. j M A K E T H M C g (Twn Falla Dal C..., / r > of net. / N u. 0 / / u, r 1 o o f 7 " t o.». / Kds.,. a l h*ll. o. u7 / n>p \ mop../ f ssn, e.. >*88 OP* /. : :#. w = 1 lnt1 a * * * for,len " s o c E n POPULAR COULE MARRED A T TEMPL Mr. and Mrs. une Klrkman. Twn / Fall, ftnouncfl B# man1nbb"ol l. thclr <t«/gh{cr, ATh Vutmt Krk* 111 man, and Bay Anderson. Tvln Palls formerly ot Ogden, nt the LAttet Day nlnu Templo n alt Lake Clly yealerday atlernoon at twc v m r 0«lM(f=Apo«tleDarld0.MeKflr nut) offlclat«d, T>eyw«raatt«ndedl (ter. Mrs. Becky Band. alt Lako Cty. aunt of tho.brldo. tho Mr. and Mrs. Anderson wll bt ly n a t. homa n Twn Falls after Nov< ember ftteenu, where Mr. Ander run son s assocated wth Uto MouH ) hll tato sta te s mplemsnt Company. a «t Mrs. A ndehon r«ently completw ypf«1 AtnrD7w.m»on< n tho.wcstcn pplc state for the Latter Day Balnt ;o ho Ohufch. Mr. Andersoa w u n th lack Hawaan slands tor three year. agaged n smlar church work etum Tley are promnent membera of th leave younger sot of the Twn Pnlls Wart aah U D.. C huch hero. * t h a n k s g v t u em b PREVAL AT LUNCHEON C " rs. O. W. W rght entertaned «9 ~» h r l p tnrhwn W.rtnMrt«y <! emooq. Red. whte and yellow chry s&nthemums formed the room decc nu oss. ant) U» talles and out the decoratons were of Thank glvln* Ueme. Mrs. Oeorje frt WelU, L04 Angeles, and Mrs. Bl, Baley. Eden, won lugh and stcon W W score p re r OCETY PLAN toat CnURCXONVETO >r. n> Arrangements tor lhe OneDt (f t; ConvootloootthoClrUlanChurc here next Monday wero made (mre members of the ChrUtlan Mlsslo ATT foclctr TnarllngjcaUrdayat ornoonat Ue church, M n. Wh flj presdrd ct the busness wer levouonab were led by M * the Oo«lmnn. Mrs! U, N. Ter le of K * Mr of the study book, Mss rene Da by Mrs. K. F. Brpwn. A lell!waa.j]!sq,rcud.frum AUss.Qertm A,.,,, floemuker, mssonary n Afrlc crlb* ** *hncnt. were served. K v E N sc r. m u l chou M usajoss. U * Mlo»lfke was l»les.t ; K. Mrs. L, M. Powell read un d MKU:.Why Mssons?" Mra. u. Kvw WL n charge of a cle\ ;conc(vt on fnnouj women. Refrcs, f:.,,:m nls wero served by Ue hoote lmslcd by Mrs. Haworth. Tho m,,l;,mc;ubwm.benotcmber tne t onb 0 Mss Mao. nv*. t vod, MLn nne MaxweU wlu *, ;n. ram lender. Tlo theme wll.s n Knj.", T K o.o a v (noup,, s. CUCH MEKn. Tt: nrnlm ;O Kpam ucn:l D.y nlls Relct Bwl m L.1T yamly nfternoon n he u O rnnclo,.mrs. Myrllo Bller, cl " Vl.Kler. rrwnled "A MeasnRe Kr.lut lo u b e ry.lull," Mrs. Chrsty Robt >..vy. n, ynknown orju.durut.nchcrs were gven mon n nnd ly pm jutt "H;u:k to Uw crlplt "Wer.; lum uf.7urm slrlbult T o:c~ Lalter Dny nlnl home. VnOGRAM m xw ] ;n :sk \TE> a t c u rc h Ol thc.mcsoncs lurcron McCoy. C on thee nm V.xvul CaUn. R. P. havl:. w. nrteu, tueauu h M slu nnd W. A. Howard were hoje; >fcls of lo the cv.bylrrlnn Ulle.V Ad ls >xar. clely yc.,crlay. afternoon n dylcln ehrch parlors. Mrs. 0. M. au 1>mcm w u lod ll (l.volonals.mro.p, ames Tnbcr, prnrrnn clnlrman, preset vmtred Mss Horotly Cfrpetter. nccomp oe. C ar. ed y Mr*. O. P. Duvall, who apjleye. "Dmn" nnd "Travelln," nnd 1 oor and Lognn. who rend an artcle 1 T W l K F A l X a D A l l d D E L A T H O M E ) a l l y N e w s P a t t e r n n K j U B K n t l x m m a U O M C N T B l te N D U lz lk l r s o c K PATTERN U l» kc%nu,cta n x r e j a reta m to f«d n lo lt7 an k allm llncf n a frock tbe matro % c u t ao cftblly mak* for herseu l Dwsned to lendere, evea lorty.slx w o n lb * consdflus o ;3; those hard to tose extra pound Eaoh d«annaktoc ctep ha«bee almpufled. allowlnr you to cut th, < le lr pototed yoke and room short s1e«ves all tn o» pece an, theres nothng d lffl lt about th sktrt seams, ether. Let th e fabrl decde Um lfe ths frock s lead, for t makes an deal hous frock n percale or broadclou, an ( n a Bovcty «j7jt»eue, a. zaoa famlnlne " at home" frock, Vhe frends drop to for tea. Pattern 3lfl U avalable o ste O, 44 and 40, ls «Ukes 4 yards M nch fabru \ K n u s tra M stepby.tep sewng n U structlons ncluded. or (tamp (oela pralarrrtl for lb Aan* Adam paltm. wn«planl Tm a m n ada h pa ttk n boo tor ral aad Wlot«t ) lu tt eut la tottf butotomlfulututttd pva y«ull fldd lull tb* unan aad *a;t< ua* paturn M lp u you waat to Kn \ youratlt and lamuy wall dreaaad a aeuon t&routt). Bzelualr* ta lfc a (t *wrr oeeaaloaboaa; bmua**. *ehoo patm. ooata, rroeto. uodla... *te T f W a. W 3 f " r f u c t OP BOOK FTPTHX CPCT ftoox AND PATTKBN TOOKTtlE TWKNTTPV* c u m. " M<lf«wort»r*toTwl>Pall«D«ll K«V«P ttm Dtpartoft. TwB Pall 14*60, Ya.d CLUB, 1 o n e 3 2 gram, aa orehetra of hgh eho< boya, T ha CoUeglans." played t«lu fre s h m c n l. were, served at. 1,, table centered w th Uvender chry aauemums and rory U pers to sl.m. ver holders. Mrs. KenT. Wnll an Mrs. W. D. Reynolds poured. Kny O EANERXD C U EL tby AlLGUlLDf,ON Cty, Aseenslon Epscopal Oulld, mee ng yuterday aflemoon a t the hon of Mrs.. W. Newman, hoshot Kov lreet North, made plans for a der tendng ( 0 Twto Palls Deane oun meoltog today at erome, Mrs. Nev 7 m an played a group of sacrod s< leted lecuons. Mrs. ohn E. Hayes rc tem aaaru ca..r>vl7ml»l«>sr A alnu nouneement waa made of tbe Con the munlty Chett campagn wllch b gns next Tuesday, Novemb fork, twelfth. Refreshmenu were serv«f Uo by Mrs. Newman, aslsled by M» Vard. McFaU. COMWNTY A W PLAN BAZAAR AND DNNER. Ad ocety met to tho church pa h. ors~w edd esasr fn n o o n Ml dec Robert Raylpresldtog as hoote ohrr ovenlcen membera and th r Bnk». fluesls, &». Ray Assendnp. M, A Durllng and Mrs. A. 0. klllmn nu present. The afternoon w rcon complettog plans for a bau andsupper to be held n thecon munlly Chureh November twe tleth. upper wll be sened tro n>> «ku> clght ocloclc.aprograffl w begn at eght oclock, followed? *> nn aucuon sale of beauutul a usefulw rtleleew hlehlhaw om hsve made. A specal meeung o.) tho group s called for Tuesd / a t u M»yel>eftwelfth.to"eomplfte 1 W hlt needlewort.autncmber» ofthet w m. {nnntjof gre urged to bo prc M EXECUTVE GROUP Dav. CLUD CALENDAR 0m.T TTcnramTrTnroxccnnvePmu leller p«of tho MaslclY Club. Ms; rtrudcburencelmc, Audrey. Cre&..Luc \frlcn;!,onk and Oela MUler, met nt t lone of Mrs. H. W. Clouchek. Fl Avenue Enst, to plan actvtes jlc yenr. A comp(et«pronrnm...;m>ly nnd recreauon was outlned C. lo, ~ un or ATTENDED. Uuy Contnung the popular. nforr clevcr crles of dances, members ot < fresh V. 0. T. Club attended Uo fl loolcm. rlub dnnce of the season last e 10 next nltg at Radloland. Musc was pl. tftcn :no A l vlu be DNE QU tt \hc4» " b L M N E D ; E P Robert1 C ~ r : m onth,1. *...!.< >VEZ.r X T t o PKA 2... h h n ; T... r Ole:. Ad o. n the. m a PounlH o f H ea. am p. s.p.k.t... rcsenlc) Of.l) HANKEL LOT homk OPPO.TK O... )F.rov M t. e l ho p ro, lu X W ttw a. w sct u / a j ~ ~ ed Uuwghout (be m a n f bjr tbo T Ambuudors. Tho host commttee for Ue ert ~! olng ncldlmr. aad K rs. Ronald. lorarca. Mr, and Mrs. A. P. Olund and Mr. and Mrs. O, 3. Bellwood. K m b e rly, ~ b? 7 m f.t O r x P 7 v c H A W lo so ts MR. WALLACE \ tn. A.. Peavey, aenlpr, enter,latoulelbhlcf4:».um,..wauacej v C toumato frends a t lua«booa yes V terday afternoon. W nter chysan and Uemms mado th e luncheon Ubl lron llncuve. blrs. Oharles 3 Deyme rkf won tle prse a t brdge and Mrs u» Wallare receved a courtesty gft. COTRACr CLUB e n AN) (UET? MEET h. MUs Cora ensen enterulned hc L brldkc lub and two guests, Ms. md MBrfjrf Oaets and Mss ear lh, BpraKe, Wedncrfsy evenuw. Mlsf,hrt Helen Parrott won the prlte fo, hgh scdfc. The ho»t«?«.was assljtcc by,ml4s Volet Adams ta Krvtng re trtlnenls. MR.!. remefel Al>lkt:.:<K.< WAYDE CLVL Hn. t l. Plemelsel. guest speak er, dlscnwed World Peace ot a meet " ng of tle WnysldoClub Wednes. T* day allroon a t the home ot Mm "Q ultcy Norr. Mrs. A, a Martyr and ln, «. N. CTampata a.mute«the hfte Mrs. Onrtllo phllllp. was a Rucst ot thoclub. Plans wen «Ma mttfo tnr an>hoall m th tr n lant cember thrd a t.th e homo ot Mra f. OE M. O. KuykendaU. Mrs. Lee mlu ook gavct rep8h 6f th RuhU PWer to U allon mrctug. Tho hostesses.«rv saw «t re/m)»en«j. O., a 2 ADDON AVENUE CLUB» for TO UNUl HUBAND boo. The Addson Avenue ocul Clul t bomo of Mrr. Alber r err W agw yednesdaytem oon. Fou Mor jefflben.were.honor94.a(,a.haod g t V ktrchlefshow erlnhonopafu tl brthdays. A party for the husband was planned for November.twen» tlethrtheafternoonwas spent wltl keoslngon. The next meeung of tt clubwlu be wth Mrs. aen mllh. FAREWELL PARTY 1 HONOR WLON FAMLY M r."t (rttrrr ottttm a3nn daughter, who arc leavng soon fo Calfomln. were honored ot a fare well party Wednesday evenng b 1. neghbors and frends t tho hom ot Mr. and Mrs. Carl Prtsk. Fou Ubles ot pl;«hle were a t play dur ; m Uo evenng. Mrs. W. 0. mlll anh T obcrtw M nporw arm or chool prlua and Mrs. OuyTumer an 1 two Clarence Pleree, low score prze; Refreshments were served. a t a. hrys *»»»» w d C o m n g t. c e t f Mr«,L(tdaHoebelrAWrwonh grandmaron.of.ucorrrr nf.lh neet Eastem tar, wlu make her ottlcl home vjt to oulstcr chapter. No. hone tlls evenng. At 3:30 oclock a schn r ot Mtruetlon wlu be held. Mra, fry w. McRoberts and K ra. E.. tu New lone, past worthy grand matron <1 wll accompany Mra. locbel ru read wn Fnlls. csl lrr OPEN W E n Offces of Western Optcal com pa* tto V c e k o rtu nrefc n «U m lthvrctfbulldtogrcharl«> FVhr, prcsldenl ot the company snl * here yeslerday. n charge ot theloeal otflces M: lman j y n n ls Morgan nnd Tlomw Wll * kto. The frm here wll, serve e manufncturlng.ooucuna.foroporn elrlsu and complete grtntlnff equp ment 1s beng mtalled. m Western Opllcal company. esut llshcd15yearoflgo, haa w ju an 1 and l..c l t y and cne n Prov fomen jpd, le vss, fornal t evb, u n n «r tlauty COAL ) A T D N E, W Y O. > R C E E ack «A lv r D,U»crc a A 4 00lbs. P.. $9, ,. 5 0 c ",...*8r75.w...,T ,50c t5e 5.2 >... G.on...15c n U frt A X. H le a a a fa c lo n n KveVy T on L Phone E U.W O O D..M ffr. rllffwvt. = mmm G e n e ra l L a w to n C a m p a n A u x la ry E n te r ta n L r s Members of the offcal staff of t. lhe daho Department Unted pansh War V otaat and AlxUlary, ncludng Thomas w. McDonough of. Bose, depttrtmet commander, and j! M r8, Harper of P.w tle. department, presdent, attem rd separate aesalon u f.. 1of Oeneral La*1< eamp and AuxU, lary n the Lcffn Memoral buld lb hero nat evennr. and then wert ntroduced at.a ont aaslon al dnner. A prognun of rnlerulnmert fot flhe ont tocludcd vocal numbers by Mr*. Nelle Ostrom. and k.reatung by.her wn, fn est Oatrom, «t O f hw eaaay on te panlshamer ncslenn war th a t m one ot Uoae U m. ftw rded prl#e«n n reoent contest rtyn for Twto PnlU tnkl ool atudenta led Department nrccrs, n addltlor lllpe> the deartm t commander,.r aercntentvnce a l l;:t evenngs meet rw. T L hnnlaln Hagln Mrs.of Pnyctte. Chl.f of s u tf Morela nlu of Pnyelle njp<vl(r C. F. McNealj d e r.) nt Pller. and dee Advocate Erevetl erv.: M. aeeley ot Twn Falls. Dr. a. C. Wnt. comtntnder o : Oeneral Lawloh camp. waa mturte of ceremonles at the jont meettog l l u f E L f r f f s m t t f f l w t w th.r: r tc lh. T.. Uoyd. plnneertbln Fall;,esdenl.who K the p.wt two yean has been connected wth vartouj federal rrllef prr«ranv, wth offlcea T ndnt otsprt*lnl*ln* * *l for wll open the daho offce for ttw are. reaeulement armlnwratlnn. He tj by cnnnectrd wllh :?!< fdeml offce tr lome Portland. Ue waa n cn.ffrence h e re th f. week wth W.ller A. Klne, bustnes! mnnarer ot thr re>eltlement dlvl. on, ar«l locaton tor lhe n fw r Wlcc V.U1 be anr,nunced n the nea : future. Tle reaeltlement nrogram wn al,». nclude Uc adusung. of.fam rtebl. A*jW.tln«Mr. Lloyd here wll be two feld men, C, C. Clark ol * Pocatello and C. H, Frtfnd ot Moa.H.y.nNE.MARlAr.r. CHlKCH W Kt h, OREENWCH, j Ks. n th, 47 church btlldlrff.vred ths commu choo nlty. only one couple exchange p marrlase vows n t. ust befofl th ta rhureh burned n eptember. trum 1. t o Z y a N r ~ 1 snld wn! w u. T h e Mlrace tlder" N«. g nee. T he lver Bandold ted n j; Novelty fust MMleftoNcw Commc: unday! T H r g A t a n w B 1 1 WARREN WUUAM PATVOA CLU H t t u TABOT.0*HVeV TO s p : A s... \r..> B r %uffsnn 3 f d ( C a t n 5 s e r t j t ) r H s l B e V a o a t e d t a v o r of Young People Of NElAr YORK. N or..t WVVouU, H. whch "m ust be serred w as pctured,n. today by Dr. W alter B Ptkn at gettlnn lttle more than Ue cnmb* th a t fuu from the todustrlal Uble ol OM >c. ""5 The auuor and ColumbU unver * ally professor. n an ntenlew, re * lt4srated hu belef th a l lfe beglm a t forty " and urged tho need of s securty plan for older people, nol At BO much for thelr own sakes as lr Ue nteresu of Ue yotmg. for U n lfss we settle the old age prob wal em of early retrem ent wlu ren and sonnble comfort and securty, * hc om. aald. "the su tus of the rlstog gentr ter atlon wll become som uch worst loae th a t t wll lead to socal revoluton lest Wthn a decade, under the presen nta trend, everyone under 30 would b«lon wthout a permanent ouccpatlon..to. O n ly jsm l e f t " By next uno the Townsend ol( ly fm lhe natlonol e?«llon... VRegffdless of U econome talu cy. the Townsend plans power le: o f a te /tet (at t s morlng to an a general soluton of the problem ol tog. monopoly of good oba by elderlj people whleh s runng the carter! of thc yomg." n r t g r e s t e C l o s g r u t Durng H o r d a y Commemorattog lhel7lr»nhver 5* sary of the Armstce, that morket «r a the end of the World war. Twlr loua Fnllsbusness louscswlll malnutr ces unday hours next Mondny, botf»>w» hnkn wll be closed and publlt the schoob wll dlsmba at 3 p. m. ] ts The poaloftlce wll remato oper e tn Monday momlng and mall wll b< delvered on bolh clly and rura th routes. Cty nnd counly otflces wu n" be closed all day.,, Under the auspces of Twto Fall lmerlcan.leslonpotuucprngnu wll open a t 11 a. m. wth publl ceremones a l the Orpheum theate, A luncheon for W orld war veteran WlU be held a t Use Park houl a noon, a foolball game between FUe and Twn Fals learns wl be play : of ed a t Lncoln feld n the afternoo *0** nnd the Legon wll sponaor a publl dance at Radloland n ho evenng. BN ANTA LKE TO WTA>T: rl!occvw OODOr>=Anlt«tz>nla m u mufflers on her own hand loom. ged t h e UNCLE OEK n o H a l TODAY and TOMORROW! Rdng Wllh New peed! heotnc Wllh New Darngl H : V " P L 9 + \ Comey Cartoon Noveltlea H j C O M N G U N l) A Y h B K O B A D ld a 3 U L LU NOTE: fa All n Vun, and 3N Never Rase Onr Prcea! KDDE}; loo ADULT upreme Trur C ou" Cleopatra" M O O E BO O K A U D T E D B Y LO D G E O FF C A TV m o u s. var. 7 Mocm lodg mat WedBCKlay stcnlnt a t tb * Moom ball. R. a. nadeuffa, deput tprm e audtor, v u b o n n th t*l aftemoen and audted tta book Ha f e w f n a aeeu b M B naooea and membatblp n a oo um aob 7jtr.~ yortt~ o.cetm coodueted the aaettog. Tba z«dl( of tha Uooaa w m lovlud o rer f< retreshomots aod a aodaf boor fol uth. lo td.. t h e Needle C fh t dub m at wtt mbs, * " ;., leof * ] ; j D T A R t T O E hc. T f e c a r f a c e o f :... Armed wth a doctors 1 sent fghu a (boaaand kders n the thrllng s«llondrana alnee j Men.. old!»«t c r., lerly 1 a y 1 rked:,.1 k? luto V both, bllc, llk y B \ r f 4 jranl. B t ubllc n 5 R V r Bter.t \ k <. rans» k. \ v M m M M FUer;... ubc ng., Ktrts a f ADDED f f f l DasttrW ett Tom PatrlcoU ypt tttyn ew l a! l.a T.U E O u r T B c M d n te F ro lc t a r l R ffht b y A ll M O N A T M ls tln C a r n lt jll C o n A s T s u n. la d o w h n d "! D an c c Floor O n T h s 1 C,K N H A T K n 222. : : K 1 ~ H D ( ( 1 5C u t t p h o f t h e M a s t e r o f p L B. DE MLLE fl Cowmandmenh" Kng of Kmn>"» a" NOW petonlt h cownlng achev t p l O R E l t a t O U N G H E N R T W C O X O N ,wwM n,rlm ur T A R T U N D A Y R P H E U M \. C t t. aaaaoq..waduklararac> nood, A short buraaa BetUng w u A L W d U Of tl afumoofl w u p tn t v ttb and nslu o, T nb em bera and ooo guest wtr* w O T t.r «f ly h n tn u wtre serred UB.. W. ohnson rstu d wth b e her daugbtar, M n. Barold ebennan. «ta. ta Bolso Ust week. W brldg. d u b «U Um deeen luneh w u lenrod. U n arah Oould receved Ue hgh prse fo<* Mrs. Ruby OUQpe. consolaton and Mrs. Dorothy enclalr, U e guesl wtth prlae.. rbay! tf Medcne. a U l h* lhe ce >Q 5 3 A W araer a re r Pltfart wm A N N DVORAK BARTON M aclane l/t h V K tllg ln "g.m rb l 5 [RDAY.N1TE. D n n cc w th (h e A nsura cc o f a N D A Y N T E r l n t f a l 12:01 wtarl th e H o ld a y \,lte n d n B Th. D an ce \ N D A Y N T R j) a c e = P r c e H n t s H ntj o n f c tt E tc, l" O ffc rflth e L n rp re aln n d F n e fl, T m c l f o r Y our H old a y P a r ly, n n d h s N K U T H A W K vlm K R.Y l O W L A X D = spectacle! H jjm M ovomonll a X W tu n \ \ f p w V B H [

9 t a ONLTOf, lollelf *T00 MANT MAMOAO* U O n n D AT la/t LAXB a m u s e 5 ; M E N T OBE CHOP DVOBC nu K lv YBROCr 8AZ/T L A D o r r r, mot. 7 W h dabe, asd Mtlte aunl 9rma, k UlAML Fla. (X V Then a n not A mataae M m t w u tsaued toda Bu.uaho.. T too many dlvorees, but tbere are L too many marrage*. 1 o mya udge H. P. AlUnson. wbo haa tred many dlroro* caats durng hu 13 yeara on tbe bench C la L L E N C E W E E K E Dr. ocrates Now howlm at the Orpheum END l CE CREAM ap E aa L 1 here. l T M R f r a n r s t a n t w c«s Losses n Orchards and Ve 2., "There. y(hng»4ra..n «t..a ac h O fter A ssstance to getable Felds Total h P tnn Uke to p t aarrlfd. and go aheaf b u tte rs c o tc h Unemployed $ 1 0,0 0 0,0 0 0 wluoul welshng th# terrllc emo tlonal. economc and sprtual rt fponslbuues t h r e astumlog," C E C R E A M B O «. Nov. T MVApproxlmtUlj 8AN PRANOCO, Nov. 1 {P,, M.OflQ penon art reltend wttb Ut, Adraoclflg wnters frst austalaed TRACY RAED GnNCA PU s...ak FOR T AT YOW UB FAVORTE FOUNTAN! th* umt«d U tu fmmpkormnt n t putt from the Arctc npped PaelDc MTvlc* «nd lhe tldo UM etnplor* 7 coatt crops (oc loac* totaung about HOLLYWOOD (l L te Tracys * soue~, a «t am ee n ld»hft WWU» f t 110, a eompuauon ot flgutcs f n t buslneas venture was a gunea ol BoUe, u sb u n l dlwtor ot Um tw (rom OlflcUl and unotfleul sourcea C O O P E R A TnV E C R E A M E R Y pg tarm. whch he conducted proftably n the basement ot hts home. mf. ; llll u u ortnltauoa. told mcmbt Dt ot ndleated today.. ttw U O s a dvloa botrd t ther rtr llntl. meelg here t«l«y. The m uerng cold, whleh kept teoperaturea ta r below normal tor :,.... j o r ths <.ooo, w>lt«nuld, only dy m art Uap «v c tk. before ll lfted T ut:b,ooom TtlleTeU «ta.ll» be.. Tuesday, aprtad n la lanlt:oceb. renuuntne s.000 s n ether Unpor ards andttetabls felds o( Washngton, Orcgeo, daho and Oalltor arlly employed bccaum o( ahmotl ta work and fw other rcttow, or are re n». merely aetklng belter ob*. Greatest damage n llte NorUtwetl T he daho d a te emplo}nenl aerwas to applea and potatoes, wlue n vlce u aflluatcd wuh lhe V6R. Callfomla tam&toatatul la lhe tlelds \ H P E C A L P e e V s > o a o s were wped out. Peas, except n the o f f e r n g o f «h e h has dulrlct oncea a t daju ho Falla. Pocaullo and T rn Palla. The mperal ralley, were fto per cent MR. VVAN CHAE. M eoutledaa autc «:sanu(]on hu dltrtet ot )tlor runed. Ooosldenble damage was m s an asweute ef gaagtera a ad a llcea a t Bom and LevMon. wllb slso reported to Ue CalUomla grape kdnaptnc laspecl. wat fonad n an aatomeblte n Raasaa Cty, o n e 4 0 o z. p a c k c a g e a n d o n e 1 6 o z apackage. t and cotton cropa. o h n W. Portm an of Pocatello dl* K ctlnc both. There are branch of n W aabugton auk. where the Ue shol to deathm /n Pbole. P e e t a O r a n u l a t e d o a p f o r... prce of zome regetablesadvanced c > TO u e r M K w f t e w t u y r j w w n T he board met wth Oovernor estmated the loeses art4mo.ooo for tor Roes, who app<>lhm the m cnben n pplcs, 11,000,000t o r poutomt 4Dd y C n e 4 0 O B. p a c k a g a a n d o B a n t :\ Crytal.: v Mveral wnk* a<o. Knsey 8. Robn*»2.000 for celery. hlppen tald Ue son of ott. charman, presded tj< Heads Legal Probe cold snap reduced eattle tnllk re W h t e o a p { l o r... tle aeuon c 5 oa h a t mads "GMen tw b a aaeeeaa b c«p(«to 10 per oent. CrvBmed wllh he thrllng aetlea Koreman Tells Psrpea* D r. oerates, the new Paal Mnnl ml 1starrng plelare whch opaaa a t lhe he The daho department of agrl* [r* r%: Foreman lold Ue board thal lu U 1O rphean today. n bls.acen* we! see *e< Barton MacLane aad Aaa Dvorak culture tu d crops damaged by the. e v e n G a n t C: v r ; y a t a l W M t e a n d o m ne looz. )urpoe«s to ad the drector tn wth < he sar. cold Uere could be sold for ta,7.000,000 P e e t s O r a n n l a t e d o a p t o r... worltlng mt ptnn. nr «pfrm«n«>nt. a t present prce*. F. Lee ohnson.... ;... 3 C depertnenfrreommlsalooernflaldjfrom T r w dftloet*le«nploytaent aervloe. r "We a rc nol orjanlaed," heaald, "M an cmcrfcn(;yb6<yn*mnder ler a t r r t a t s r O U T t A W E M l U N T O P to 7000 crtoads o t potatoes out. R 0 X Y N E W P R 0 G R AM M of Ue,esUmBtc<1.90,OOO.c«L.cns.l»d u d Z V e n a M l «g u r a ~ C t a W l d t loajpandohe o k auluaoce durlnff the prcscne perod b e e Q jt. 10 T h e daho apple loas w u jrfaced o o z. F e e t s G r a n n l a t e d o a p t o tof c ; T hersshonestyevenam ong eubllsh a permanent aervlet alm art500lot50ft"e«loads o u f o fh Utr e Uevet"but not much. llar to th a t lo cpcrauon n other expected 5500 carlood yeld. nspec lecm*, The truth s agan demonstrated n "OutUwed Guns." the. states,.to lhal.une;npoyed persona n s? tor. O. D unan aald Um money y F o u r G o l d e n p e c a l, s o f t w h e a t t,4, M b.bag$1.29~ c a n a alllm es lecl tlu t tltey may losa would be. about 1100,000 aasum* UnWreal advenluro" dram a whch receve assstance rom tbe lederal ng 3000 carloads were runed. 5 s now playmg a t tho Roxy theater. Oalltomlaa lossea were estmated «ow r>,»ntlnoblalnlnb w orluw e.. byeommusloraedronlntormatlon j m s c 3! mve loskea a t the past, we are dscussng L y C O F F E E U role. the present, and m want nt n u ] M» of Ue tederalstate crop reporung m ost of all to look to the future... servce, a t OO.OOO tor peas. UM.OOO % t h a s e a n d anbo n bom a D ated, 2 5 C An exctng angle of the plot RAQ DATE for tomatoes. 1200,000 for grapes and H b. f o r... ot the senlee." concerns the r o b of a stage MO.OOO for other cropsstalototal A dscu&lon was held on.the socal Ul coach n Ue F ar West, and man> *1, TTlj dd not nclude the tcurlly program as t s generally stratge suusllons arse through j M. fo r c beleved th a l the emplo>menl offce cotton damage n Ue FresnoTuUre "doublecroaslnr" tactcs of memdhtrlet, 2 R O Y A L D E E R T O E L A T E K w ra T» T!rd c ra n > < w s!t o rw a r b e m jfthenjbberbandrt hffhh th e oldage pensons and unemploy* ackng badlla conetuuy atc ncnt nsurance, when and f such Fgure* on th e damage n Oregon. 1 5 : :... : relef measures becomeoperatw e. tem pt to hjack each other, and whch wa* known to bo heavy, were tlelr nvoutd plottng amortrf k A n d O n e R oyal * ( ChocoUle Puddn F r«. not avauabletrom.offleu sourcea, cea. The value ot the XBR was stressed themsevcs fnally culmlhaes n..!. *YAM* T but the commssondutrlct ntorm by Robnson, who told the board Uat lat w revelaton th a t splls the gong ntlon here ndcated t would add»dd ROBERT T. MtCRACKEN of?hu A R Z O N A E EB D L E persons seekng prvate employment nt n an explmlon ot anger and would n Ute future have a better ler U at least anouer 11,000,000 lo amaement. W hen a robber becomes the?:* coast u>t*l adephu t charman ot a a Amercan nar attoeuuon eommlttoa 5 p o u n d... r l 5 C chance of recevng t f they carred «d c G R A P E F R u r rp hlmwlf the object of rob oulhem Oalltomlas M.OOOflOO 000 de recommendaton of he Mrrloo,. Tn ttw mlut nf l.u sunlng.put;. u r grw ers breathed eaaly. agan only my formntlpnorndlvaualcapacltlea whch wu stody lhe promely ol bery lm ts ust too much. w hch would be fjuallfled to.gve n Lcarue who publhhed n lo n s ctrus crop.escped but Ue anxlou loua U w yrn cf hf Amerean Llbery ;h"; 2 «M on 3 4 f o r c BANANA aa a resll opnvfsugatlon o F p n auluot Hm* bandh Buck onea ne*. afcrhe.llngcrng cxld w tt f ntnl m lh> rnn«tltntlnn«hynfwbw Dem ~ = n n U p f F r u l t = 1 > W allers, Robnson and Foreman, /tnds lme for romance when he the north had broken. phakfc «) Photo, yous employment records. Members of h«board, besdes les meeu RuhC hannlng, and a prety ty ]o\e story s dewloped n aplte of k O O L D E N Y R U P Per Pom " ~ W U te y Golden, nre tale Representatve Loento flashng guns a n d the stem busness of rescung hs younger brother N o.o c a n Z c. ensen of Rexburg. B. W. O Met* of Wallace. Allen P. Merrtt bt almon, from a lfe of crme. : Vctor Peterson of Orangcvlle, swle t. As >ow As Only The second epsode ot Ue thrllng advenure of Tallspn Tommy n 111 Representatve C. 0. Leavtt of t Bt s s ta rle t; Terry Prater of Bose, and F «l lhc arc.t AlrT>swry." There la t 1 $ a Month T o m a t o e s Oo ll d p a c c, M o ; c at n... Mra. Eva Dockery ot Bose, who wa4 comedy, cartoon, novelty and newa. nam ed Wee charman of the board rd c\«ntb complete ths exclllng bll a t today. a l for thc Genune 1,o tho Roxy. O y s t e r s W Ul al p o n t, v e r y l a r g e Oysters, 1 Today M tomerrew Ue daho theater presenu mmy Dnnn n the be new Vna Delmar lory "Bad Boy." ly." ~ CHARTER 1 5 o z. c a n... P o l a N e g r T e l l s n thu colorfo] tale of (he boys lys «! tde ot young loves trutgle for j OAK P u r p o s e t o W e d happlrc«3,d annl*theflpyantrrman TRAPPER l l F loor Warmer n o w d r t h l o r t e n n g, 3 l b c a n...! wbo faces llte wllh a grn am. a l l C om e } n a n d E E l l h t LONDON, Nov. 7 W7~Wlth tho ho da. Abo chapter No. 0 of T h e Mr CHARTER OAK N Q c e L b l p u r e wjusweeteuol, K c h E n g l s h m a n a w lsecracl.u e.h.n w K rted» Dorothy Wlson and LonUe Fa*en ATTENTON (eclaralon, "no more Mdvans" Brng Yonr For* ta Me and Ocl el n e a r e l o * < s" acle Kder, Chle ale n "The p Pola Negr, dsclosed today Utal ahe lhe G reat Amercan rle Company." ly," My Pree Before ellng. 3 OPERATON. The E 9 z o z. c a n to ra5 c r s gong to marry "a mddleaged [ed Bovrlty and Mavelone new. C h a r e r O ak wll A V E 5. Brtsh sutesm an" someume before w Comng unday. Warren WlllUm, Chrlstnaa. : L. L. L A N G D O N H L O N E TH RU of lhe.fuelo v e r o th e r heate ra beaa Perry ATaaon n a new and novel he clung to Ute secret ot her new come!y.a;ttery, "Tbe Caae ot We O 4lh Ave. W eatt nuk Lane!! R a b n s T h o m p s o n s e e d l e s s, 4b. b a g = X 3 c fances denuty, however, sayng: g: Lacky Legs." wth Patrca EK, **Voull be amazed when you flod Hdes, Wool. PelU. E le. m c a u s e o flta C E N T F C lad Cenevleve Tobn. Lyle Talbot, ahd rou tw h o tl5 n sb o u f twowreks.* a.* A H eajenkfw r c o n slp u c ljo n. p Tho Polsh actrcm and su r of Van Q n p N O O D L E. Amercan flms expanded slghtly O tw s. descrlpuoa.byauucg; l U P A m e rc a n B e a ully ty " E r e or. p a c k a g e... "He s a very famous slatesmgn. T O M A T O s o y } c n o n n o u re n U h j ra a tu nl > can lell you now because the elec. tlons are gong on and t mght.* m ake thng* dffcult. > "He s about 10 or 15 years older > th a n 1 am and tremendously tntel ; leclual a n d th a t s whnt want t, now. want peace.. "1 want somebody who «1ll love, me and not fame; who wll care for n d th ln k f o f me.ko moremdl g vanls They are nce boy* but " T ; Pola, whose thrd and most recent / husband w u erge Mdlvanl. threw up her,handa and shuddered. OATTUBUTLER * aoof N lebft CO ecton ] ELKO, ler. (tv>herltf of Elko Uto ust bear whst yout husbaod lod safs when co u n tr Hce Ue daya of handlebar jar )ousetehmm Bsexc]u)lT luve "trength r mustaehea and twogun bandts, Euentl" Coffee.. O. Harrs haa yet to experence Tl>c"!rcDgthE«eotal"pe permts jou to. th e embarrassment of a al break. H e haa held tho post 35 years., nuke coffee mld but nerer r w weak.anum m f f T W Hla collecuon ot several hundred butnevetfljf,or/m«;but ncve everbcter.av funa. knrea and other nenpons and money too nukes more cup per law btaklng derloea. ncludes the pound. catue nsuers paraphernala used n noruwastern Nevada a qunrter W A T T L A M P... century agt>a aet of hoofs fued on F U L L F A V O H a.t t tw o wooden soles and fastened to A N Y T H E N Q T HH. UwruU«r*ahoMtTha dev>eeen«ablod «nstler to sleal cattle wthout lh Bw m W aah B o a rd s... leavng hum an footprlnu. We Wsh lo Call Your AllA llc n o n lo O u r F n e L n o o f CARD OF THANK We wsh to thank our frends, the t =daborpo*r40om panyrtofl;; am* HAND.ROLLED O L A T E»loTC«*, Morrson Knudson Comp u y, ta th«a lc C llh t Company, to r Uelr help durng our recent loss of husband, brother and aoa. UAfTTA DOTON, A Tral wn Conv onvncc.yom T h c l r MR. EDNA 0AV1NE8. UR8. AGNE WHEBLZH, n, FREHNE and QUALTY MR. TlCLMA MART. Adr. d r. And Don l Forjrcl Our r F Fountan " Ready for Cold \Vcathcr W rb u sln cm \ p UPR REUEF t j W o r e. l T l W t l k l n 4. W henverlllahoyrvarbrolrtnlh* Resmol «* H ott am alcb G hlll. [4 n l Drfks H o undae* T p X T r o N s 11 CMd): pecal ths aturday day Home Made Taffy 2 0 lb. T T O F A L U DALY /Y q w y g. T g y T A M. p a bb Q. r a m A Y M p u m j b r H O?VaM v : BE8t, M8 \ htmcou How would youke F ~ Alarm Clockn.... hot To Death ~1 to own TGfftltt r ( C O R N MAETC even P e a k s Gold Pure Tom ato o ljtn vccl, 2 9 c RANGE 16OZ. c an. 3 f o r. L CATUP ; for only Q r N A T U R R P E WEET PEA 1 2 U e t o a month?.. 16OZ.. c a n, { F1 z 3 f o r.... :. : :. :.. :... : z : :. :. : 2 9 c : j Othcr ranges as low )W. U M N C E M E A T : k... " N o n. uch" DRENG " as only $ f n r m f u ll," 5 C Q u a r t l p a c a montlt > PECAL V 9lb. C a p a c ty R o a ste r 9 5 <, y P U F F W H E A Tt A U E R K R A U Tr GREEN BEAN { 1 8 lb.c a p a c ty R oastff or ; c ; o n ly...;... f l. 5 f c c... ;1 5» H M f y C u t ro n k d le t : u.: 7 9 «Reg. >1.00 Valtf O C e d rf r PoK.«h M o p...79 flc W f l V l r o r w l l h H a n d 6 fl. lk C o r d...* T ALWAY PA AY TO BUY A T Damond Bardware Co. 5,0...10c : A Vnn C a m p s P U F F C O R N H O M N Y 5H).PkR.,. : P U F F R C E U s e O n r F r e e! D e l v e r y e r c e d a h o L O e P O R K & B E A N» C L T *. 1 «C N o. o r d N o.. 6 D e p. to r e t s n t R g h t, B r n g V 1 toltacurtto >a b«b8e CRl PNEAPPLE 1 6,«u > «n lo C C h o c o la lc YRUP \ 5= l 6 r c a r l O C P j Oropery Phones HBoeh.

10 . TW m FALL a DALY NEW, TWW.PALLB, L8, D A H O, r a r P A Y M O BM HG, G MOYBMBEE 8,1685;, P O P E Y E. T H E B A L D H E A D E ED ) RQW.,. ByE.C.EG/! OonUpueo r w U t lm l*me) * B T K O m : AnM n nm awn e rtb l uptfvm unt an >> fnrtm A. ahlp com* home. rm d h m tab tru d fto a t U k a " U w y»to>>dfaf~a memtnu n n.qf. g a T?, u d a v * darkneu of the room.and d U aj toon T look! lookng u p p. w b «fuom. Cracker, ker, wb* land. ll start X. Nlkkl, and ts Ue laat thn* dcmtth her (he moment be he f r e n d here. \ \ «w «M a a t te laherlt tbe «n n * < ttlo o k a t wfao put out (o t to *e*.«d T ffr& A.V w edh nehatm. But her r lfo Uf aa Th«xextxaomlng Anne atood alo a t a TfDft m M a r n the Ftanltb Fll Ue wndow watchng a puf/y lus codbj tt Galea T m U hapvy. h luc e*cort The tar et Utla: nland to flw V \ u d b t k n o n aew tlu t be lb* love* the bar, than stand by u th* tha aalla \ \. o to N m bab. M dr n Um Dm c eem* unfurled to catch the bruk ; momlng 1 * tnw llr. And»ht be»e* t«te eam l wnd. Long ahe stodotlcrv. tntll h* BMn ( her p u t u 4 t«mprvve «tt flutterng pennanl had m.. bar M n t rtth he help.. wth the horlaofl mlt, and th«2«h«the tum ed to pw t up Ua U«*da 0 Ch»pKr3»... log. frayed by ohnt deprtu n E B o n u. "Wll you mnny me. Nlktl, ckl. when " ra» Rtrf. bul ew a g n know love jou. oba. r a «nud." "AlnldV k»l You h u aome brans. Ktaf tttbgr T0THW4)M r, tw ked tmder» teaman* cap. flgure boyuh n blue slack* and aad hgh FHEWNnOWrMOy.E "A tnd to tn u l m r (m U& *. X,ro dark blue eweater..... montlu TU folnf to 10 jr m 4rry MkU, O eor w u prc Rob Crocker. No* donhlove ove hlm. nc. tffru dont fuh... Ua \ T f N \Y O U C E R T A U W rt.r E L E A B )\t3u M 6 M<VNUNTL 1. Thl«feelng h a n (or you U la so to dlf* t U nt nce, you know, r.wl h a t E U 2 A {erent. d lke U beleve t «nould mew. no ll»l «n u to go around Q p t. > a ~~ v u luum, jut w t w a u t o /y amelllnf lke a ftsh tna rtc L k O Q L tm l lke m [ hhavent l wouldn f W t wy u»tb tnmnet j! K ke? \ KEEP1K16 HM been true to * dre»m. ymtl O t n o r r ameu,oeorg«, tha ndted. "2 1 R 6. f o Q NHW T mfouqhawamnqfr r. Oh, 1 lked >«u U ut nght t «t a t the wel«h a hundred and twenty. & m V C6aK\WlND0WH YU 1 U f V : r j. dance, h o M d t f t ;ou >snl agnlt. 1 "And Che m c n a w jc mrartdw c l 3 4 ZL even uked Duke Lamlns to tnd fnd you awful, sometme*. end brne jrou up. but jrou u dl ddnt "flut they ewcar n Fnnsh, & *. coma and tob dd. wouldnt know but «hafthey WOT 8 8? Porje t. Nlkkl, ltf» alt hero lere and rectng poetry. U\k TMs s n B Wp«. lfm W >hnu1 d nf of u*. bul youre learnng th* U lulornwrowrblclffmdr n tf~ tr guagefaw,;: tljm m awft; btlle>e youll ll eam < "W ouldht tharbelu, sad / w l r. to tn u l your o m leeuntu. omel omehow lopefuuy. " could learn to s< beucn vere detflntd for eacb < flnnlah and folk* wouldnt k knowj ; a4.fw 5t other. A a n r«to R «f» rb o u ld e rr ohn» t her feet, h tnd c lu ftbout hs knsm. looked up %t : ohroeorg*, yoore dnehed t now; f V Z C F ler,aa d tb*rearelb V ur tlee~pemn w n tl d. clatped u tt love to practce on." a l her. "But, Nlkkl. Utcre torm* a n d. m,..?;==» Wordlets communon, untl a far famly fogt. ta dangerou* beng a, fu her r o( bluelftjrscuttered dovn nto nto the man. He paued tn d looked at.delp knd began Kotdlnc. grl, who a at lookng west, r c?. D X E D U G A N..." A PROFEON )N... t m f f thr»tforw M dand«u By. P. McEVO )Yand.H.TKEBEL Papa a r h u apoplsr. Am* n r v m t o d wed lke to take car* o f ; lured. O rrl and me.** ~F " WONDER F rvyrrseemetr/rdj W ant to walk to the top of te A;ne amlled a t hm. " know low you \ G L A D w R v o 5 F { W > 5 l DTOTAKcarr. fn M M O ANY BTrEPt LUCK 7»AN hll? Theres, an old lonlng lg road n would. Ahd d love to a\c you rou take f AW WaVTTZ? 70 7MKA0yrt 7A near here.". car«of w e, but t haw reuon* l y H O E / j lln ; MB.T.M5AN flowlr thejr walked, tree* meet neeunc wantng to do Uls. Oeorge.!. wont * 2 1 over wad. wld currant wavln«war you tn u t m e? FROM \e/ rmht B ur G 1 (OKmRl p ta H o r» ffr«rs* td b k w em s b lo u RAMPlNG a =, { } " W <fl[[ tbelr palh. flowerln* dorrood >d w wth "but. gee. r wth om & here? : wwoncr" blohoma lke a rv e d vory dlpp dppng "o do," agreed Anne lgl lghuy. A L OA.Y / jg V r r 1 mnd waylng abore them and umpng up thnt out her T hand. h«toow N G» T h7 crooed lu tu u on pu plank "* t > bargan? Am hred?" brld«(«twuob oo cable aad d then t» know you would bc," grn" FOR A M Tlnoed jq g cam»ooto;tbelm d»,thetltcr verb* the bg fellow abeepahly. low thtm. and beyood the Pacll Pacfc. B at havng agreed to Uke «A: Anne lm ed wth aflemoon ntol. aboard Ute Nlkkl, u part eof t ftet O P V/ERy y m r know a ahort cul back. ohn a «6». both Oeorgo and Orvl a rt 5 0 f ;C, >erhapt ebout makng, a fsherman of r he: her. A C W l Atrr»{. fkftffmlntd..<pcure. «L.h ", b ts talked «they walked; U th a t or.her pecuuarntentlons, Uey g, oha talked and Atme n t 1 U*. her wortt th a t taxed her trenj. ~ lened. t w ont be eaty beng tht e dutes whch had lekened glrlt rt who wl/e of a fsherman, Mlkkl, wa ant tad. made, holday trpa w th them th. \ OU to Bodetstandthat. Not >t U th a t Anne told nothng. Bhe stood x ldd u ty t l,.wllr, lnr,x.y F KllXU f.y j;" X flttdd to reman obe alway*." r," a l U u wtach untl ahe thought!h t VT WUat do m ntend to do, lo, and back would break and her arm* m apop ] V/// what dd you m»]ar n. a t c ou eg e r out of ther Mckett. Bt)e lean ed PoUtlcal w ttw ay. ba auww n m e d, u tttt.w W w rtclm to f h er ; Three! Klled n Blast ;al ex bome 600 mllet acrou c d ao n ty drcuatoa t n ttlll ga "tft always appealed to me. e r My Bhe became acquanted wlu M alt... delvered to th t UlUnc ddre**;!**; Ue round. Mcordlnc to O.. Zt rlsl»ue, suu*. Qut 1 beleve belle tntrcacle* of the engne, and ho: o rrl r! T P "f.tt nlematlonal aeronauucal nemor "Bear m* away a t a rapd rat* a l retal organlsupn teeretary. there tolng to be a need ot BtateA* euu fled U lsa by returnng rom )tn th e L k O llbwon." * ex* To Dason county" ln " T e manblp n th* uun ty. t belle beleve drft one nght a* ol mcared u K y f. n t a 5<«ntcr to eemmm UM. ~ " th e wtu be tha ne«d of men :n who w f<u««e mochanlc. h, W A a rate the centennal of Tc*aa s n Lamea post offoeet me be eao *e0 bctb ldm of the claet t n t.!% Hah were runnlbg; they t U L 7/je T H e N e W p«!cd to a ppear. /Rll M., e W«tK>n c calu gl«w hkt U makng luelf felt t ttwm the poured nto the Columba. And n t h e >1 for me., orw boya were happy. They wo U T E The fker a «poatmarkod * j f f l ; Tfn pcuanl beauucs of O ern o uanu»radlcal~ u men :n a Me so a long way UUwmmerlow lowtrd u s VCTM O F A C C D E N T toan n Red tlxr county al FOR QUCK ALE e n tlrr untw t co.stumc!. st sadet 1 M lm UaC lu tsnrr f e j n n o s c rnr.t mgl»d9 elabor PA D FN A L T R jr U o «f»com ooutjf.u B jaaka>m mt>tq to r t ouen who were not contented, d. mn en r. B B H H p l m nmny M aere* near lauten. Cood )m rwfflm knrtb«raod0»rhab ; 5 e «asom effb t.te.rm at O rthc. V weldng tb* two (aouona nto K wlld Pny alnu f.enlcca for LOT o r COOK B0~0K8 t s * pw vearnt*. Web rromcpt»ee. ) V. hanaonlou* whoe wll be oel. t. (Copyrght, ttfl, 9 ~ y t r a a «rphw llamthtwntdrhopo WllU. HOLLYWOOD /T) oseph ". want to be tlmnclally free ee to eanne Bowman) w lf * «.tart t*ror Tret!hlnmn;wtP doe*n t lw f ; U p : laomm ew h w n h»»dlf. K m t t u. >olerday nfternoon a t the 1 Wl la r. to cook, hat a lbrary to cook bo "an ea*y le m dnbau U f carry, on tht work. ve been aak (Oontmwd n t o t true) M ofm w luat apetrm 7=D atson*n jnl on numberng 131 volumes. to n m for the teguuturebut m n uona were tamps.cumbed uk to lujurlea tulfeted U, n m G A T E D LAND ready o accept. Tm loo youag/ fl actual cll. >) Monday mornng n an accdent of tlc t r a d e CHECK TLL ACT 000 thlnr, and r m not flnaocul for aaother, But trus ycu : hrlp ne. Nlkkl H E esh T " 11 MNflMHE tographe ena the Twn falls gmde. (. Ma Okla. lavsuty nve ot V COMPANY t g H j :.tma*m*mmaaml ped n a tftken tc ]t. Q. U nd was tn chw ve o! 5d t D> orgnal ssue Of 8 W t r a d e thed MdU* Mounrt e country by H aw \ n >to «crvlcm, alsted by R «Kelly. M ssued here n 1933to ncre rre u el H ookeddbfn.ndrhenhesa Bh lllf, Berln cnmrraman. N nmea) u elcalnumber*werg p rc te n U. mor d.th e,tendemtas n ter eyea u at lhebtb«l*fbren>lnvalo(l, tourm t r. Paul Ncwey. nlcc* : ; s.. looked up, he wlt«d for nothlr H O jk H K only n<uae of ld:uflc»tlon Reu brl The jedy wll be taken ths mc...more. H UVt vnrtlcular» c 4on ot tle :cs rom of 1nng to Bobe for luneral scnlt W tt,»htwhl»pered." 7kfto kftor KEER,NOV. 7 M n,on*rm tf ta & B ;trrt?e y «)rc «l. 1, jond..lntcbucnl.. nnxwlut.rouw (Wtnf. to.mt.wfat when Oleary, worthy matron tjf Pller Pn brlnu! H :.L E achofthe 10 e n jo 1 come bttct /rom A m e, r<to. 55>T ton chapfch.rcra!?b r2»l«l a U f. t rom m ym lnaa D D REasPK E D?" W tm elncr rcm~ 3 n 40 pfennlt!. *:. > r " C A R tertalned Wednetday at one o ctc o ctock B? T u n a s : 81 r u w m w pusn.r. ; TEXA tettet 09 MU warr [6 a d " ~ 1 r. thnk to. ohn.* h«egre* greed, wth a throecoune luncheon bont lonm ;fl«rlty. TlTwu(<nnark w tlr c dhe «ondered f a hlp comng n 1 ng Ur*. Luca Uoebel Cf Ar< Arco, tent nwulka, from rtorm Mdden eew, k o er th* wortu «raad m atree o t daho, who peace ehe found tn th* haven of h h t pad her offcal l W ednetd CalUca B acnealt ol a m t CRCl OUTOR \ ju M F ta Te«. p O n U l wn cr trme<an<fth«nrmklng4stath ah«. o rm n g. t/> FV tr chanter. Hectl ; ll the Angola p«l*e«due osrprn Tharm of the moment came ohn lohn* otloers were guet. 1 ed for ft regular po,tage, Tfre /«< vrflw. lav. curt Wedneeday evenng a ban<)u TKUCt lre~»mr«heedf rw n to *.«j "Nlkkl. hde tlere. behnd lh th«, ljrft. a t was gven n her honor a t the Met M eth P thcket, quck,... odttt chttrehw lth77m ebh w t.! lla u ClrUUn Andcrf.nn. D.nb< Uk«a ehadow. Anne obeyed. L «Bh» tendng. A program cowlsllng t of a..» t ( c r.. of fary la lu, s cauc< MW ohn w«uk to n n t* th«beoc: beach puno tolo by Barbara Beem, and «nd a T tlhuftt<mc ttn u o n t>y l 9 «cl sl and releh o\jt n Ue wnd. bwk jck to t clarnet solo by uno Vncent,, wllll " * 9 lumjvs fom Denmark >n co»m nr A of. A moment lsf««he hear n «r d acoompanlment ty Mrs, E dgar. voce*. a r D..LL th a l wa* left o f a Mlltrauk oraton ol th e looll annlvm sr) ( Vncent, wat gven, K f, tvleonln. garage a t a dynmlte»nre»n; ttt prntng pf w flal edton. l Por a whoe *< caum not derrtlf expladed pctured hrrr. Thrn s r r " T lu te w n ln f regular mceng n«. brrr prraans were klllrd. no of llem tu of p*ct«d 6< tkldg b tc a nw nsl U mmtnu used ncldoa bust them, and then ahe looked.out acro«crom E u te m tar w u held wu l men nslhfr.for (re bomblngf n thr <lly. the rater. There r«* a flah trap mem u lajured. PolUe bellcvrd U< t and tlt tl Man nnd a mctma WE HAVE U UT PURCHAED wn attendng. Tbere were guct lt bombenkep ther eplujlvf tored rucu tba gance, </n Pboto; td ln.\jnbo: oftwo of hl lnmou* tot there. The plllnja to whleh the : dlf* rom Twn PaUs and Holllter cha ChapnTnnjLfl.5 K U w r : TfcO OllllT BjtOXWl l!bw. Ull :«, "The Ugly Dfckllng" and "Th ANOTHER CARj feel 9ets*«/neU»*f#huaacE LOADOF EHBEKA aere. tgf«. Uttle ar.m nld, old. weatherbeaten.»m e of hm K n Mrs, R. 8. fleplehl WUlentcnn; broken ott a t the M ff lc, Th \f lt. je Happy tltcers elub aturd* t> (K U «C R tv rts;6 V m n.sfnnm,.mfn«tlvr. ate among lle m / C lr C;ULATOR l Us thed whch ta t on t* long legs rgs a " d *? tra. olm lupcy of K«;fu.n< t nternoon al two oclock a t b< tm m outh.of.tnj trap looked as a* r home. Pennaylrsnla, * vlslng her.matc tent new urlntrgjtlfttnrhtt tev*.. YORK th llu* botunlw nlwa honors Cardnal Peter n; t wer# ready to collapse at the tn fra. E ln uccautcy, Mrs.. C. Da< tlrxt Ktr. and Mr*. D. H. 8hower er Dak peclmca from Afrca, Asa.a. an n d tnsnjr cwder 61 he.onlvwry c tln ttorm.» en* «, a n d brother, PhU Hdset. (ertaned Tu«d«y erenlnc for r D Dr. other far place* are "brought ; rto W E T l PRCE! back Hunnry 300 }tar* ago, t to a tlx Por fully fw mlnutfj ohn WNt»»t ud Mr, C. n. Pox and htr. an ft W t * btlftg tlow\ M tw«atrtl fd, then ttoftchanh} flood ur nd PtA TRKE TltOKCT mer tlamp Kt. The other group, fror nr j up, Mra. eaw ta//ord.» lean MU.wum ol N.urU lllsto tory ly, eoft\!*la of four ll?ma for ar car brmhed the ennd from h* clothe othe* Mr, and M n. Oeorge Denton ha«honolul.u (M. rnm s o ol a here n asere. of rxhlh!. Kower. ww*. Bal use. \ l n o tr m r c c ot tl and aauntered back toxarat th the returned from a aeek a t Mage h< d o u b la row of coconut palms alo slob!«*«t«d other lkcnj. for mu from! d cam. WW drl«anytllng m u 1 road. Onee there, h# mouoned Anm Anne prlng. three mlea of Honolulu»atc ater *eum tabu at group nr. ntdo on o u t. : R\r1 less llan a V8? Your old car >.<gm m,and humed hw back bad and M n. Lm Ut o*ln an frtn t U planned by cty nuhotltl< tltles of wax. cellulod and r.jer u tru tlc. ncceped a* down pnynent..495 Mm c /xj tle f n e s t, gk rad e ron! oyer the tral T»llout pauflr >R n10 f» m U rt rn ra «6 ~» m» T lllt, la0p«rallqtvmu U»e cdcr ;40: ; dcrol to lfe, thealuacum nnnr.ncca. tho exnan. Flrtwry..VeKmsk*. lork.1 progrcju admlnltt.tlon 1d they cannot belolt rf tfrom FUHOUL U = 1 3tV*8DcLuM lordor.:... W4 j All p a rts fu ll s z c f When they w te n vew of r the Uv Mr. anrt Mr*. Herman Kllflk< lllcer "«" ofy rcnlulne. 1 3 V DeLuxe T u d o r $40:. AT otlenu he ulacfccned hs p.fcc, p.ce and.\ f. and Mr*. Albert agel ar : 34 v8 Tudor edan... MW 3.AH jofu a rc c u p jw d Tf a tfoundto ft. T "Tha* «n old llth trap u» govcm e m. vstng, at. leluon. NAraak*. s l l 5 M L E 0 L ; 3V..B;DcLucMdor gedantts..350 {.j a m t ordered abtndoned.tome tm. tme. tr, and Mn. WUllam Fagan an ) al aev. Coupe, h e a te r...mwt W l) lc Rt y o u r h o m e cqad «y ns vcll u s tlc hgcst.ago. EvldenUy lome tramps hllln Ulng loroly have wunedtovae.>re 1 ao Clfv, edan...*340 nccrt c rc u la to r n T w n 1 rfalls. o at tbere. gon;... w m a m m t f a K D N E Y T U B E.30Chcvcda»... " thought tnvpa nere alwaya a 9cL k Tle Elm»oM jncal club m l mcclj mee Dodse 81* DA Coupe M jns.;., r U edlclautberlletam ed ttau where fhe currcrt carres.the fre.} fre. Wertnejd*)..Vovember 13, wth n 73 Ford Tbwn edan R ; Udncy* contala 18 ML.E of nj 130 \ water." lulvea or Olter whch h«lp <o purlfj Here a current there, «om< ome T C, : U6 blood on keep you healthy. v.3.d*lu*eltud6r 8ed»n. to. freak eeod* tt nto that corc. Th< He Kjou hav» trsybl "lh «o> fr» ; 3< Porrf oort Coujte 403 j Tle Eurlc C c u lu tor 18offcrctl n a beautful molt»p there u» d fo be one o fth e bes best! = m m r n / m on the rver. n s E s s ; duent lldder t«*hc«wltt t«um n tj Pord Tnck: j e rm stc c a b n e t t h a t wll unounuaudnstarnlncand dlcom*,\\ lamotzc w lh any lvns fart, th* 15 Mtl.C of kanry tute rt(r» V8 TRck, ll. D.. rb u t.u h.rfrf you afraw ro, tnay nt«d flublntput. Th* ddtrf equpment $ room o r jdcl ro o m ftrn u ture. me? Anne perssted. R a d o T u b e s EAYTERM yj5 ) V W A.T 7f «((cnftt tear te ht beffftnjr of "*«fr* 3* Va Truck, etra Q ( (OK Ukchache. w paln. low of "O (Kt good w ohn tmtlcd down at her. Tfunt 2 remtnd.you th a l you are pre a n t t B a l t f r l e s r u4 eb»r«y.p:turr tr nghb. wc. "O TudOr ed.n, M) cow.to.B M?.:,., N T W N o w e, ; p 1ng. pufflnoa* under tb«eve lter and 3 ord Town E rrta n...tt l.... They oned the othera and a few Esptrt Rcpalrnt! tmdmey* d«at emety plan t f a 20 Ford Tudor Bejlan..r...»1C5 EE THEU. momenta ater eml*r*«} upon a day m 4 *0 t t rft Of more tbxn!m NOW AT round* of w ute. t>ol>onouj laaue cll C u h oc T em a Y our Potd jm<h sea. tnted wth the last!".* of B O B M U E R may derelop, eauang lerloua trouble. "* Dealer U H eadquarten for ; Dont wat. Alk rour drugdt for Amo..goln«up th* teep flght,v aot U M r AHO. s f t s s m! D OM f PtLL. whtch Ua»«b«o «a (. Teonomlral Transportaton. C W. 6 M. CO. ta n to th«m y ahftgled house she ; R r e e rnvtnvtrstot tbed MHnefttUrbXmlUlonaof peo» caned home. emued at.ohn. K o u Bdg. N n t to o tp h e w a p l UNON M OTOR.1 :: A C o ss f r oom j.pot O FFC E T a «th a t vndowf *"*ltmked: ked, n o n e 7! t U M llof kldnry tuhp«. Qet., ta s n a b s ss 1>0A8 PLL a t you: drmtut. t w «!j : C O M P A Q.PAM VoM PORO o e w to e e r 1 M b a a M M H H M H p a k flb E Qet w n Fall. daho 3

11 le ffttb «4 F a t h e r O f A d m t s / D e c e v C l o s K e y O b t a n e d 1 T r e n d f a P a j r T e a ; 4 H r e LO ANGELE, Nov. 7 fo o tb a ll ftnr know n n s T c d b e e n q u e sto n e d n a n d «n t so n s r e a l n a m e s C lo s F r a w T h o a dm sson c a m o f ro m y. d e n tfe d h s fu llb a c k «o n j R e aso n 1 lnvc d e n tfe d l m a a e v ery la th e r bhottc le o b ta n s a n e d u c a to n," 11 e ld e r K ey sad. T h e f a th e r r e la te d th C los cam c to L os A n g e le s ; 1932 And nu rtd U cbtn MlUta ncademv undtr th» n tm e ot T Moneu. "1 lold hm htcoudnt do th bectue h«h u to keep the ftnl name,",.the U ther. s t l d..... ObUlned CftdenlU* "The boy obt«ln(d tha school c dentlals of R. P. Key, a frend : A t T e x a s M ne LO ANOELE, Nov. 1 VP) The Tmes says that R. F. (Ted Key. Unlvenlty of CallfornU a Loa An<(les football aur, ts Clol m n c ls (Bhorty) Key, and la no and never has been elg)bl«t play a l U.C.A. Key puyed two seasons of.foot b«u a t Texas aehool of M nes j 21 Paso and "by the very ac of transretlnc, forfeted hls thlr year of compemon." Tle story says ust what U.( Lj. authorluek wul do about h stuaton now s not clear. "Vnder the conference rulos gro csw o rw n m ccrp srtn rw r jtand at Wctorle unlem tlc M*s ft to forfet them," Th V n ea sta le s.,. "Coach Bll Bpauam*, tryln ; to rebuud hs shattered fd*tbt team to fae«outhem Methodl on Annlslloe day, tald ho dl not know what acton would t U lw nrbtttharanythlnf th e unl Terslty authortes wnnted to d would be satsfactory wltu llm. n e t n Mexco, and used them to e te r the Unlrersty of Cnllfomla Los Ansclfs. told Clos then ll he couldnt set nway «lh U, th n t 1 would protect hm. "C lobsatd overrulng would all llglt U h e te ttt amoun ted «nythlty hnt n n f h t nam t. j nto Ue leadlnelhrmrtoow tenm bccame a wnner they wo fnd out. Key vas supended from furu play wlu the U. O. L. A. team 1; aeek.»ll»uthorlc. begun. nvutlttu m ol reports th a t 7 C eyandc lolam aclak cy» hf same person, malclng th e fo >.arp5aytrlnellglble.to pl»ybecm of.prcv9u».yeanorconpeuuon "X even went so f a r aa to Dean Earl MUler of U. C. L. v t week th a t Clos Key was 1 Key,* the fauer sad. "Lasl alt ftay; t ftertheo allfom tattm efp "HhlcH HBt uy was held a u twl lls elgblty was beng nvesug «d. OloU came to me and sad. all off, but m gong to stck out and try to conceal my dentlt Th* falher ssld at that tme? toldhts sol th tttrtprdlesjofh outcome cf th t nvestlgntlon hould BO to Cotch Bll pauld M d, Wl Wflj je u.a re.a n mpos w and check q your sut." W lndf.tp FUlbacknr f AMAftlLLO. Texas, Nov. 7 (. l ) Mjterlous Ted Ke>. of tle T «/ Keys, lonlglt had apparently d hs last bt of fulbftclclng for t Pnlver/Uy of callfomla nrlwra gelea Bruns. llll nol certan vleller Dte P. (Ted) Key at t.c.ua. U t w j>l>»m y».h».l,or hl bou Clola (horty) Key. Dean E. R. M ler of the e o u t school. l«ad fn n the "famly tree" nvcstlgbu was ceruln of ono hlnc nnjurv The Ted Key at D.C.L.A. can t n unform No, 33, Upon my relum to Callfoml nll recommend th a t Key be wl held from further football com Utlon unleu addtonal trldencc uncovered. : Mller sad he m u ld contnue browse around amongst tho bran< es of Ue Key famly tr«e n an fort lo lenm once and for nl f ~, fulbflflc U;77. /H o n fftrjm Tl Key or Clos (horty) Key. a b her of Ted. 8 U f a l Texas Mlnm, Tho."flhortj..K e y..w a 3. so a h a k e su a fullback for the Te:. chool,of Mnes a t El*1>aso seve year* back, and f ther fullbatk the aame man. O.CLa; offcals th e y w an rn o mw e bfttn. would be nelgble because of extended college pgskn coun n vew of the evdence ht found 10 far." u l d MlUer. 1 ( oonvlncwl that our Ted Key U L, 4 elgble, but want to fnd out < t rr>ulng enn About ths case fore T return to Lox.Angeles. }fe fjsd h l c lte ts crammed». «nttbdctonlta«mt!nt=flqpes< y. tall D a) Prexy A ttem p t To v e Unversty ed chool Credentals c lym thpr Nam ftf f f r K f y f f f V t l f. 7 (/P > T h e f a lh e r o f a U.C.U 7(1 K ey, w hoae playnsr e lg b lty h le n lty m x u p, a d m tte d to n z h t h [ rands Key. ro m a m e s K ey, w h o p r e v o u s ly hf on a s T cd K ey.!ed C los a s T cd K e y w aa to protc f lc lp r o w e r W r «> n rb n d T «r to 1tth " th c * t h a t tanford s Coach K Recalls Warnng g a n g T e d K e ). r o w > U N v t s s T Calf Not. 1 (A>Te«H*y, ml renlty of CallfomU at Lot Am elet fouback nrolved. la Ue.el llllllty ntetugauon. oored a ol he pelnu aganst BUnford he md he Oct. U bat noung e ta be d n abobt ll. Key scored tw f ln t perod touc r d6w r a n r a a a c a h T x r t ln e s p j j y,, 7. vctory. t U Ue only defeat thus 1 (Ted) for tanford. lu at Cooc Tny" Thomllll rtctll Clots today he had receved an anot a not mous letter questonng Xey» ell le to bluty the day before U. 0. U played) tanford. T. Tleart Bttm onfoot. W # leler came from somtw es n wch Toxas. t descrbed, scar on Ue back of a player nar Ulrd " ll player lad luch a dsfgurement,, was new ble as he had been pu f ng n Texas. t was sgned f v n e p4y[. l ejucked f n the wa,, bajket. Before the season we t heard nm on about Keya n> glblllty but tho nfomnuon was ulatnlto.*fl:dldnnfcm:the n Tne ler.".thomhlll.polnted.eut.non«ol U. 0. L. a. vctores wul be alfec tw l because a faclflo Coast confere rule provdes a protest on a pl e dd er s elgblty must be lodged w Od be t),e Khoo nvolved tagjmnbel> su n. ftgame, to do ng Ted was Ted and ouers saj1. lo en* ust as postvely that Ted 1 m la n horty. n hn To.support Keys contenton tl t. bul te waa ust who he aays le Mller.lad8talcm cnu frj»jnl uld be llback hmself; hs falher. t ne.g o t Key, former o u th e m Method OflWar RfHldol. andfrom sllll atoll would n. P. (Ted) Key. on Anurllo salt man who s t f ln l sad he vas t furucr fullbacks brouer but later u ld m lasl was all a mlsuko tn d th a t he w ;an an really the Brun lne blasters co t Ted sn. rwerc M tfltkrf M CW s Key.. e foot On the ouer sd e th e "lor KUMC KflysldeM lller had»utetne> lu o n. fromnrdrnermanramarnck( to ten prncpal: U. B. Vaugh, Panhan L. Ah hgh aehool superlntendeat, fr( os Ted where the fullback obtaned hs c< alur fjb entrance credts; a nd C h letrtfm BagjefToTNeat Texas lteteac rwwff T r Mtte r m r m a v.c m jsugat. Ksy was Ools (horty) Key, one d, ts Us old pupu Ulck 11 FuUback Keys last defense cru enuty." bled when uperlnlendent Vu me he looked a t hs plc tu r apd sad ofth e Kss uut lh e r.l..7..ttuu. Key.~w lon he was graduated from Panhandle h auldlng school, sad MlUer. 1RH ELDOr FELD GOA u E d w m l t W h N o tr o D am o dctca R, f r s t tm e n 18 y e a rs th e flpu fo r v c to ry. t t. 11, h o w t h a t l wa. fl W W ash n g to n a n d e ffe rs o n omr 1 between the upr/gh. (,,.O. nce th e n fe ld g o a ls, t com)c* lom ptcd o r o th c n v s e, on t lence s p n r to n o t r e D a m c h a v o b c <n.,. O fc " and fa r betw een th *> 1 to jracj u,jy numbered amc f the offensve. nt«l; PsuXCastner. who m adf toott n bro hstory a t Notre Dome n the ea 20s and who sull calls outh Be home, recalls th a t hts two dn M. klclcs aganst ndana n 19» v the lasl attempted by Notra Da Texas game tlls f a ll... seve*ral And lle late Knule Rockne. f back s w " of fhe rsh, wouldnt lals say attem pt those, Castner ss n Ho tm tllafterthegam e was on of Notre Dame won, l to 0. rourse. ll was a well known fact U T have durtng th ; Rockne leglma pla n am menu, exceptng, of course. U u n after touchdown, were a maler out ev last resoru And 11 wasnt ollen U u e be nocks teams had to lum lo ".f, rejoru to wn. :d ath Ones More Notre Dame 6e»t f atss.*. V *u»ldgoftl.butlstajsblt lyslend [ n v t g a *y W f M 1 o f.ua. r h a a t hla r h a d OtCCt d an done touchtuslsr T laf eetued ** M galloplw ghost at ( 0 as he nveslalera. for rw. f** f*** moleskn myslery.,*! rm Ted Key. who had a perfe aganst tanford when U. C. L. (here s another reop ef fooe wt»ou>«ftha»clol»<8hortyl r w a becanss he was a star fdttbaek 1 hgh offcal of lhe Calllomla losl t tood fon)aek><t>) Pfol lent he play Colorado} D m dsro C onferen y o, Z lh (Assocated 1 before. D E N V E R,. N o v.,7 t;t ho h e ad o n a tu r d a y n tle Rc le n t o f th c N o tr e D am co h C olorado u n v e rs ty desc h e a d o f f U t a h s o n ru sh to h a v e w on s o o f te n n r e c e n t n tlat B o th te a m s h a v e dspose w th c aso a n d c o n d to n s a rrnea w h c h m a y c m c rff«th «1 0 thodlst H aw a llp lty td e n v er w lh r nfc. U.Utah gnme U tle hw lner ot a fourcontest slate wh as the ncluded Ue thrd annual meet sad t of Unlvenlty of Hawa and D tn tw was n the Poneers sudlum. s cou Tle Bu(alo>Ute duel wll dec the conferenm eaderswp, but 1 r game hero may comer mosl ot 1 horty" color and thrlls because ofhawa (ronu expertncm atugguntt pgskns. ackobl nnm otw oothergam eson handle» «k s bll. Wyomng unlven from lu eo. BrlRhnm Voung faces Western t Al aldutmuon. Teach* Udd*yrCamet. ~ r M r r f f T n r a B t n w T n r a r c r w T jf n one of laurconfcrenco frays, aro schedu for AnnlsUce day Monday. Colon cruro couege wul m eet Colorado M: Vsugh at Ooldcu n Ue M lnen honeco ad he ng game, Oreeley U le wll m lehgh loma Teaehera and Montana t wll trek to Pocatello for a ga DM EEK lal VCTORY! u d d N e l l L X a fcatcd P tls b u r g l, a to 6,.to e n d tc m a c y fll llu t E a n th c M r jt w n W le rsh had to depend on a placck: w as back n 1917 w h e n N o tre D a eld goal. T h c o c ca so n th e n w ns t son gam e w l n o o B ra n d y boot / g h t s a n d t h o m s h tr u m p h e d,. t o s, at : n th c ago tlst only the olduners re( Ycon l!»«~w«ulon.lt>rbmlflht. u«v»ss made by Ous DoraU. now co al Ue Unversty of Detrot. Boc hmself w u on that uam. The r won, 30., Whle Rockne was coach, tl rooba f o sls wernftonsldered ncces a early nasmuch a s th e ftunmt. men Bend bulltcverrploy wlu a louchdo drop and sx ponts n mnd. And a wtro teams usually clcked. Dune o w rer. Notre Dame has las.. defeat OR a t least two occas< btterlybecause of feld goals. L.., M lora runed an ouerwlte g< d n t let for the rsh by admlnlsur 5* A 1(>*7 fkbg., The most memorable occulon thst sort eame jm t our yeart 1 ;t U ul wten EouUera CallfomU cm plau* Nor* Dame.( Ugame wnn. Uose rtftk wtlt a U vctory n lter of new stadum a t outh Bend bef tn Uat a stunned crowd. o " lu t t was Ue year afler Rock! destt nntl **0 team had been c :»t f»u fylng on" n ypal Roekht fml «jlongjrhentam#llnoulherftotfor TW m FALL faal le o O l tes Pre u r MTER K E r: f f r Dst of the grldront Y e v g u tt sm b t«, for heres sueks ot eoalndletory elde (ry. oma penona wcar ht.11. T. (Hon erfeet rght lo acorc all of the tet ta pol. L. A. trlomphed by ft leort e t T t«6. Tl meat cksena wls nsst (tw Oore gent lla lutllglled, t looks lke tbe Brvlna h ffllo. Utah Battle ockffmmntan ne LeadefsK LOUDONKELLY* ed Press poru Wrter) ho m frb ty u n lw a te n c le v c n a c ra R o c k y m o u n ta n co n fe re n ce e q u \ )ho tate struggle.. escends o n a lt L ak e C ty to t r y to w a rd th e ch am p o n sh p th a U l ent years. losed o f th r e e confcrcncc o p p o n c r s a r «g lo w n g f o r th s b a ttle, f n AO B H p wmuntver»ly ot daho, loutbt pn n ta..: L ~ KETttr ereljrv!tmu«.owdeb t a b w eh» comparson belaten Colorado s leetlna UUh, os they lsvent met a eomr foe. However, one of UU ha U confcrence vcumt was Denver, decde stronger team Usn any O. U. 1 ot the g F r o s H l a s Moscow Grdrc daho and Washngton l Yearlnjs Advance Dale o Battle tau... game MOCOW. Nov. 7 A t ocl PMday ftem eoa before tb* dahowashlngon tate game fcdlowng dny. freshmen of the r > n schools wll tangle n Moscow. YO A sh u t n schedules las step ; \fy tho frosl game up one week eat M than antcpated, but the balth M expected 10 be none h«lesa h contesud. 7 Coct Al PdKk h u sevttt nd a hs lnemen on the njured lst. C h c TDnukowakLlpfUuLlMrl, «#;»t >>Mn shfted U> tackle. Bob Rael KCK e p o u n e wll n a rt hs frst game at left guard. D am e ou er starters wll be the s th c as opened agalns Cleney and L o o tc d ton normals. They arc Tony K. f, nnd Enrl Ortgory, ends; Prta Cle\eland. left uckle; W alur M lal. rght guard: Kenneth Langla recall cencr; Ocorgo mlu, quarur: 11.3snd odlvefson. fullback: Harold Rc coach left half; and m olmston, r locknc half. e rsh > *»me. Notre Dams ert a t Ue. 1 cesfly gt the f ln t half, «to n, Zn the th entor pjods the Trojans sc ed twce bul mssed one of t alumpta for the polnl afw r U)U<.,. down and the scoro ttood a t 14 a l fw Nolro Dame. jl. A fterwardsspeculurs thou e B o Nore D >«had plenty of opp.urm for «ln)pkfek uhlch wo * have saved tbe day. But. the p lon of ** ra aao over. olhny Ba p nr fhe ball ulllng over the g nnng po»u for.lhe pdnls.ahu.ero n lhe fo ** needed, before After th e reccnt Pll gsme Co Elmer Layden revealed th a t xknes drop kck by whch Mnrty Pet car won for Notre Dame was no s uhlon. prse o hm. evra U t tufun f om* thecrowd. LY m w s, TW W FALL, m s L C L. * f, Game R quads Lne Up For even Game : B g T e n C o n fe re n c e B a t = a t 8 u h l H e a d ln e 6 f a b a ll P r o g r a m n ou * C e n tra l d ah o D str t s ).. ttu.w GAMUtt.f f l CaldweU»t Bnhl GaUey at Goodng hoahm al erom* 3 Caslleford a t Albon Declo nl luzellon > 3 Hagcfhsn at Detrch.. f * O le tm rf m r s t R e h fle M [ % Amerenn FalU al Utackfoot A lth o u g h se v e r a l n a j c o n flc ts h av e b e e n h e ld ov M l u n tl A rm stc e d a y, g r d r o f f j o tfo o u th C e n tr tl d a d s t r c t w ll s c e a e v e n b a tt! th s a fte rn o o n, f e a tu r e d by f B g T en c o n fe re n c e c la s h 1 tw e e n j u M a n d C a ld w te fu n s on th e B u ft c E c s k rm s h e s, Oa ley wll ntde Ooodng, hoah paja at erome, <?asue/«rd om tle tjj n.a lbon, DeclQ~ttkn HReuon, Detrch plays host u Q Hagermn and Olenns Ferry pl at Rchfeld. Another Bg T en ga t«be outsde le dlstrtet features Am denee can n ls agalnat Blackfoot lonee Blackfoot. Oames held over untu Mom arc: ruer a Twtn FalU, Rupert *?* Burley. Nampa a t Bose, PoctlaU d a h o PaUsYcndelLsUClmh f n lulley. Defensve T e * w 80 far as th* CaldweU and B Uams tre concerned, both are feoslv} elevens. CaldweU s gcne y conceded a slght edge, but do sters who have seen both teams aotlonprfdlctthattherew lu ft, lttle jcorlng done by cther ald TB ln Fslls pushed the Coug a U o th elle ld ro n y w saa a j y Kore a 6 to 0 wn. On the ol * r handtheb rulns lacedul*ndl* 20 to 0. Elmer Mallon. Twn F e e d ace. rtn wld agalnat Buhl. waa s t o p cold a t CaldweU wl c ra a n suter. ac«brutf lue plu; UlVA cr, pushed Caldwell nbouu at and waa slopped n hs track r v to Buhl. 1T»1. th* otlcr Bg T tn game, BU foot U gtven a dcclslve edge 0 th s Amerlcsn rals Denvers. Homet Favoeed f r o m onkloyt Homcu are avored... havetn eaytlmenaanextag.. lu tm Class A <WonBlg Ten) ttle t 3jn&y>fcllThe H orw ts have b» lo and second only to tle Bg Ten utu (nmoo of n Fall* m the dlsrlcl coa Utreo tltloa thu fall nnd havo already v ver. ft gamea over Burley, Buhl, Rup. bas Fler, erome tn d WendeU. 1 OOM have dropped U»tr Ual 1 gameabydedslva scoffs ow. deu and hoshone. hoahonettrp: to.:ctcme.aha l l fumlsh a feature atlraclon n No ldelnlerferem plsyt vlh hoahonuns holdng n olhtht r due to la u w k s 18.u 0 wn 0 r o n Ooodng. erome ted the. enat " j. C oa;.. Vw flhurtleff s Alb tate th* outh de a a s s V champl shp wth a Wlo 0«r Csstleford 1 ato Hszellon U fgured capable of lu ng back Declos lnva.on. Olenns F e r r y s ehamplon t l eteu t fa vucd luwuktupr league»cbedulew tu a wln.c Rlclfleld and lugerman s a fs.» r(te fo tu m back the D(«trl«h ee ne the he two... V. GONZAGA TEA.»t TRAVK. U pd POKANE. Wash.. Nov. 7 y Thrty Oonsaga unlvenlty fool u pokane early noj morrow for ther game ntr. agalntua.unlversly omonl ers ot at Oreat Falls. t.d lek d.h a s ~~,! DENTFE BR Lew Knapp rtso n M us gland, Har Rolse,. m t > A, rgt le.en d... B thrd r, l j p s scor L ther t tffk louch B :.» Mught oppor,.. Ue Baker Coaeh t the W. W. COOK, from hs hopls P elen. plcttn e( Ted Key, nlvertll 0 sur puyer, a* R. P. Ted" Key h WDded wa«}ed m t / the CtllleraU OAHQ.raPAY M O a, NC A.*s M tald On ] 1 tages Comeback Des lattle E a Fwt M r. a y? g E j y louth B j ; : trct Tnr.rt.U m e ftararm rw w lfharlfhl «hamptfonshl ), Klnger. elmnated rltl Al Ro la jo r bar from ht eomebaek path l o v e r nlhl when he scored a kno<k ro n s velory n the f ln t round. h dato ttlc s. Kte A nger Wns 1 n Frst Roun O ak ;VHTE P L A N,Y, Nov. 7 *h e Al nges of Kew Yotk, nukw tnjrjm l(l lhttc*ht ham pl 0" who s makng a "comeback" a palgn. knocked out rul Al O. P W bar, 133.;, ot New Y ork n 3:l& ganw lhe tn round of ther 10*rou \merl whte Plans comm 0 tty center tonght, fonday scoflegeerepares ForHomecoffl re deaeral Coyotes Meet Whtma jj t t M sslonarlerlnjtr Game at Caldwell oulcr duns. COLLBQEOPDAHO. Cald* Falls Nm. 7 A College of daho lo hl but bsll team, kejod up for ta ann whle homecomng baltle. made llnal p Plung pumtlon.tonght for ta «tu«t wll nfemoon gam* wlu vm tm an c ck kt fge jjtjslonarlet here. whue t dents made p lan t for a mom BUek bonfre* and rally. over cores of old grads are expec U br n the su nds aturday temoon when th e klckoff a t 3 ocl< Mnda U» WhlUnan and College dalo Uams nto th e fray and f th u larw n u m» f"o ru e«o p K lap n nblt wll yell thembelvmomw, helr retum» her ama m4wj T j Tewane<twlthHtvkU>ryoaUe fo :oanc fllsjy won n Good CondlUon lupert, Dtjpo a few njures whch The hampered Uw nxed Coyote. lal two Collette of daho team was dec! Wen od.tobeacoodcom m onfor,, fray. A vctory over Pnclflc u should YCTntylMl week aentahong Norw restore the confdence to ththe Coyotea, b nlsed aual)attctedal t Mge t o nucce#8lve onesded defe n over practce nctlvluts thu w nators. h«pea morale. O nlythe rac fth altlcg a m ett 0> ooyolm homecomng, always an etnutblu Lur B uf tu u fu bau team, wll ad n overeom rd and whfch. on paper, w f turn u,j Mssonares tl>e better te The Coyotes, however, have fal " P 10 reach top srenglh a l any tl tloflm new uu auh htrw hltn game tney proc to be Ue on* d ne whch Uey turn on the st«eleven. n tcrnao jro rs for some tl Whtman las.provded opposll K. fo* fhe Coyotes n he lnttern hor comng contest. Two > ta n ano lat tao teams baued to a 7 lo 1 loolball score after W htman lud been rly to* en a slreable edte over a gt lrdny Cnyoto tenm. plnvuc Us lrsl y onlsnu und:r the lu te b w ct Coccll L e«h. flaser, jw lntla ErprATER " pu brd tn to s Angelea, aa he denlke rrtlly of ( Rllforola a t Los Angeles looll t f U usht E afllh a t Vemon, Texab m / f, L. A. game oo grounds bs V UVflol#. KOVEMBER 8,1988 l ystero Pullman M n w «= p «C o m m e n Cam pa F l A t h l e t c. R e l a t o n s H c l c V P U L L M A N, W a sh., N ov. stu d e n ts f o u n d g r e a t d aubs ngs t h s m o r n n g, rem ln d r th c U n v e ra ty o f d a h o th T h o o n tr a n c o t o th e m en h g h " U o f / th o a rc h w a y. g j j th c s te p s o f th o c am p u s po;. g olden.y e llo w,th e U ntvern D rre r,0.h o lla n d,p re 9 d < Tgers Try for Perfectaso und H h d e fe a le d o u th e r n B ran E l e v e n E a o e s B o b c a ts o t M o n ta n a ta le m n N lv E R W T Y OF DA ];10 of OUTHERN B R A N C H, POC tound TELLO, Nor. 1 T hs Tger team nmun. tha Unlvenlty of daho, ouu Branch, s trrln g for ft season ot defeau after rngng up pont a pont over reputedly stnnger rr AlUough reprsseoung a.t«oy p c unversty. Ue Tgers, under Om y p Q u j.z jm c u : n m e 4 U «* L s C polnu to ther opponsnta* t n * flnt.four ta m ta of Uw W seas U n O three of vhlch were agalt fo Tho Tger homecomng g a m ba played ArmUUce day aganst, nan >>0bcau ot Montana But* collt anether fouryear aehool,andn 10 prove the Tger undong. Howt sl)ce the defeat by he locau o t College.of daho Coyotes, Pocat r«nr~rrh ftelb nr~the mlven ldwell, ~naddltlon l«ue gaae, stud* > foot* plan a day o l evenu, )neludl«p annual adea, drum corpt eooputlc al pre* dancea, dramatlo offerngs, and turday fpeelal unversty msllnee by n col downtown Uealer. e stu HVstor Descrbe UCLA s a e d ) Ke prob to l l o m a P h ls h e r T. l o o u f F g h tw lth M o c an n E l P a so ;h suu d. Uw AnoUcr angle tn Us R. F. (U decar est m Ted)>CloUFnneU (hor for ts Key grdron muddle th t h u c c unl ft darkmuuo over Ue football».«a y uauon on UoU.C. UA.eam to tle <lown n Westwood HlUs. CalUon 1after cam aoutlntw ln>ll»l«l n l UfeaU " w>ry ofu e scar Uat 1 w w nstrumental n determnng true dentty ot th* ssnuuo.l K. Brul fullbackwaareveaud a t. Keys companon on the nght wl r, rates q, j,lnes grd r *," ; receved the scar n a Mexl "Wull* nsouu B Paso, y car TelU Kloey htman ~ "The UrUm fwlpmer " Ttsy~ * dur fljorty and he may b* Tod. bul steam.,o has a long sear across hu e he undobutedly s Bhorty," «sluon crackcn reporud. home " becamo ncqualnled wth ho >tto he «hen wns wrtng a book on V > 1 te Ho roomed a t lle homo of a won Ml glv Who gave me consderable nfon Rtten tlon on Ue Mexlean band", 11 year horty nnd olten wenl otf t Lor sesrch of tetullln. horty wss a tellow anrt don fknow ust 1 the fght started, bul t was n : mddle of t, somelhng h a p p e n e d. Anyh aorty hll a Mexcan and the Me m m can hll the floor aod horty ca up bleedng wlll a terrble g across the rlb. km FtMrs felcan P l " /leoffd Us Mexlean wlh f fl clalr and got to an allnght d f u store. We tnslu got horty lo f! emttgeney ln»«l and thdoct k 11 found out Dal hc kne had bro K a off. Hell carry the scar Ue of hu Ufe. "horty always w u sorry that hsdt tsken sdvanlagt of Us portunlty lo attend a Urger ach Ha was a rnssto on the feld Ue only way Usl they could s lb b hm Wuk" for several men to ] h M ple on. Ke stood aboutfve leven ndes n heght aod had bggest legs tlmt v* aver sfsn, m M a foolbnll puytr.."he wsa xnown to coache over the countryand whtn Kn Rockne pos.«d hrough El Paso w lls Uam la fo he bad a }< Ulle wth horty, but 1 gueat dldnl have mueh luck.koly..r only aunor, too."... L o u s T o B a t t l e X C h a r l e y R e t z l a fc Key ls res DOTHOT. Nov.. 7 ;>c>hn l borough sad to<lft> oa LouU, 1 >us sta m» Campn n t on Pant g n atw. ac BBetween Two chool aatyearf.ctdattle.:: ltlvoacow V. 7 ( a v w a a h n t t o n U l«eoh ej b s o f p a n t oj s e v e ra l c am pus b u fl d n g th e m th e r fo o tb all te a m m e et th s w eek en d. en s g y m n a s u m c a rre d a fvefeel ly a t th c e n tra n c e o f th e c am pus a n p o sto ffc e la rg e T s, " a ll p a n ted r«ty..o f d a h o g!:color. d e n ttrf h e c o lle * e ;e * p re a «e d h o p t t h a t d a h o a tu d e n ts h a d ac ren e w e d th e p ra c tc e o f p a ln l n g th e c a m p u s b e fo re th e a r n u a l b jrg a m e " b e tw e e n t h two schools. wn dentu..a N em. of th l ttnlverm of daho, th a t every effort would m adetoducours«ethepneuoe, a ancn n Ttum be a sn rtd dahoant th. W a nglm BtateccUtce woouul a U pto m v c a t «Mh pftlaubc< daho. AUUeUe relauongbetwmo U wo K hoelf w e h m te sd a* m u n s r h n u u b t a r ; )AHO, CoUege otnou l tald U lr «t o o a : noteonrtooedthepftlnu D fhew n u x, t *>atbr daho studtnu. luem At Uoecow, daho,w tw eu uas o( no wul be puyed, P m tdent dftto tf, a fu r ccramtot unut tot a «rnu.» a tpv**lg>uen. W, 8. a ftre ru MOOOOW,KOT,TWOrUl Mt urest Q New Terk wen mere to th e hubbub and geaeral «turbaaee of studenu aod leeal lu Pw tert ot daho fcr the Komeooc nc u * VlUt Waablogteo ta are wttunc to e e of th a t Washngton 0U le wtll go n X the annual batue u Ua favott d «u ravkot talatleaujrjr A dark pot n tb* daho U oomedlp loday aa Blonko Patk. ahom ote fuard naah. waa m ccnnwd to the lofumary v lth nuenm. Coaoh Ted Bank has U hoh en lne reeerree au aa# U t c and tald Uat ths lost of F a n would be felt hetvuy.. Flntstrlngen n Uw baekfe [ a t however, vere reported n thape a: \C y r d y to go. Rott undbetf, pom V fu] fuubaok, who h a b m tothar»m tablb)ured ana. p r e b a tttv Tftlln n a tt n P fyj* * 50* m weu wu come on deck a t q uart Theron Ward a t left hau. and OU ence DevUa at rght half. (Uoa W ard h u betn ttw aensatlen wrty) reccnt dtho gamas, toppnc oft t e u t fpeeueular perfottaaoeu vf(h 1 U tt. soyard runfor a touchdown acalb unpu Mentana;Hthaanotb*enlovl] lomla, down n pnctlee any thu xttc,!. f t Ute PVLLUAX, W ash, Nov. T UT) Coach Babe HoUlngbent.sald tod; t Ua lh» a P*lr of «*«ve Unemeo m; ack b* n sfa H ln flo rw n n n fll tpaper W atogton saucollege;! elev, when Anderson, W pounda,. mj rdder replace Dwght Echeyer a t U ck exlcan and Bob OrlmsUad, Uw bg toph 10. more from Taccma, may ge chance n Bud ones* puce a t gua l y K a eheyer andoaeaaresloved but f w lth.m lnor.lnjure... s rlbt ~~ H b o p s t e r s V e n " f f! u n o r H g h P l a romtn orma Boyt hoop a rtu u n Ue Tw [ and FalU unorhlghschoo wultu )tf n the annual RedWhle bukelb afb* toum am ent today when Ute Us how tronlu m eeu 017 a&d 217 cust n Um wlut 07 n Uu hgh chool gymna um.. a n d T n ty.fonf taanu BafUt nyhow pau tn the to u m e y v fl v lll e Meal m ln a u n an assembly gam* b came twecrn ted and WhlU champloub gaah Uams. Captans for todaya fraya t R «WsUs. 07; ohn Knder, U llh a Rchard Randsll. 017; and D, dm * Dykman R a c e T g h t e n s n C a p t a a U M e t op CapU to ball eompeuuco UghU eheol ed n Ue quarter fual loumame d aad games ytsterdsy vhen four. Uaj stop v tre dropped from ths contest b ) just tween Rtd and WhlU tudenu s feet T v m Falls junor hgh tchoc. d Ue OlrU from Otl sumutud 313,3 enron.1. and 013 erewdtd oul 017, 3 to Ul Red gthea vhlla 013 defeat es an 30, 3 10O. and U 4.wtm ped U KnuU 7 to 0. 0 wlu Red and WhlU chaaplont vul 1 lont deunnlned frtra Uj* cushee b M he tween 011 and 013. and between 0 y v u and H Monday nfton. The Kho eham plonjhlp afc vn be.play r Ue utter part bttha week. 1 trot heavyvelght UUe «egaudd l a n has been matched vlu Chart Retalaff,.of OuluU, Mnn., te r nox fght n eluer DetnU e r CUca 1,D e aauary W."

12 EaoctEL : F W s, T r a d e r s T a k e P r o lts A fl W e e s d a y s A d v an c e [ M A RK ET AT A GLANC By n>e As3oel»te<l P rt» ) lock;. rrtsultr: pecllu* resut profl*!w:8. Bon<«: Bumdr: ow prced n act n uuvc. C urt: MUcd,»8pecUllka hgt er..ttlcqlols lowrr, preaure. Coo; Ughcr; un/*vor»b ttcathcr, htefter ugar: Qulel; rto buyng. Coftee: Uwtljwadj; comml! lon houte MUlng. CHCAOO:,,., \yfal; We#k: Dectmbr hold ers lt<«w>f! Corn: U )«r, lymmtljy wll wlfa..., Caltle: low nml weak. TTcCrtcnclytoclower; lo n j n w y jo s H s n c c E N " Aoealcl Prr» ftnanclm Wrt NEW YORK. w6v,7f4bm market raders rjmned oft U. pn>«latodbyn{mc\v«lnc«laj. 4 lve bull llrot. M «l of llc M.eloMd, mu( lower wlllt n Kalcrttp of hlgl ssues of u»lnl or ft lltto mo bur/n51~ph ecra(llor)nekp llent. A tew ssues advnneed ngnl Ua trend, cpeclally lhe mall < tlf. tnm f. ol hearanllandn ber luue*, und a few pcclalll no Assoclaml p ru * aven dpped.3 of a ponl a t U.7. Act lly v a s bruk. eapedally»l the c >nng o{ tradng when h«tone y m to trong and the Upe log( 3 to 3 mlnuet behnd UansacUo. The day* tumo,er n the W exehango hoverer, at 3.B00,: *harcs,vas weu belov t h e 3,DO 000 mark establshed n the prevl Mall order tares consltlen l>udcc(lthe.m)»r>«ejrrenl a.mo gomery Ward reporwd Oclober Cl ot f t. Uo belt mont bulnesa n lu hstory. Tho deelamuon of an extra dl 8nnn>r5occnt quarcrly awbur ment encouraged tradera lo bld H Usue up more U)aa 3 polnt to WhUe nnd Ue close was better U. nnnt hgher ftt 4fl:. Most ot the ols moved natnn despltectldencfrotfurther pt frmngnpelrolaumbroducla. gaollue w u advanced ot a c agauon n Nev Yortc anan England by leadng companes. FO B ElQ ltch A N G B NEW YORK. Nov..7 WTFore exclnnge rregular; Prance dcmu CftblM. W B; Mont n K ev York. t 8.00; New York MonUeal tol.do. MONEY NEW YORK. Nov. 7 WV< moaey*l«*<ly!*pereent;alm prlmo commercal p a r mo, 1 per cent offered; bankers cgptaneea unehangetf; redlsca rale. N. Y. toetvo bank, H cenu TWN FALL MARKET * T n V Tn~rflg~(atTc{~nan«:, wrtlay wm m follo«: UmMk 2103M lb«. l l Undtrvelnt butc&en. lckm «.W to U tnn l to Bprlo l»mb«1 PoUtm, (Dulk pres 10 nw m ) RmmU. No. U 1 numtu. Ko. 2a ; LoMM prlc«) B#Mt lltl»nl»n. 1 to neh1 9>e«t ttptnub. a nch rout7 Hrtty b f u.u»av CTlote lm * U tlt tghorn*.. Colorwl.fsuor wlm + f f " Colnrr<l fjfn... 1; Mat«n... bus»... t»m«d T«jlrj Mwjura old rozrzzrzrr. No. a turxrt, nuetu. flrmru Ofwe. OfrMM,. j. nue**. lre. E#e«, Mh ptcecc < nuhrrtm, No.. uutw tuv llo. :... lfan. B. a r m HjjMu. o. ;». ;. 0. afc Nsrhrrnt. Kn. U nm»: r«l«.»o, l l...11,71. ; amau tr<!. Ho, *.M. lftto { HlltK nt M»r<t ro l Wpoml lo!. tock food. loort m u lurlrr. lwl»md lou. flrtdt r l r, dmmon Alt»ll».... ;. TBo T»garam.A:»l» : 1.51 C. o v r r...:,, U»U#tH. K M r foul) l>onr;r.t«tfor... /non.. <1o«n 3C OrssKC*. <lo.:rn... Uttucf. p»r rkl 5e tn t;«b b w Trnl[«. buacht... O r«pftru1l rwar. > n a u r. tnch,. V l. ; 1 stock Market Averages ThurlW «T *<» 1»3 mb., A fla r *n<r 2 H! l : M e r uotu ato M * } ; Yfr u a » ll* 1 r r : ; : :! 5!!! m< h m OO ««M«low «. a 1»» } C r T T«> lw ll M e* N C E z r Trend Of taple Prces hgh* NEW YORK. Nov. 7 Tle,j soclnled Prcx.s.whoo<ftle prce lm Prevous day H 0?, week ago 75 o«h!e monu ago yrar ago 0 Bong 0/ rwent Trx: og Tmll H g h, U V fl.14 U l 31 (10a«averflge <jnls 100) hold c o r r o.v wm NEW YOrK. Hov. 7 A, Tle g eral colloh mnrke fl>vr) >lcnd> net.gnns of 7 lo wltw. r; lop Tj0VTn.VM E?m50?m5 NEW YORK. Nov. : 1,7 flo EN Tr«.*nr WrlUr) 4, ;, ua B lock 3,, 4 3. «... lo t Uelr 4a m x.nc a» «" 4347 reg K mudly 3?.s 4143 M ftrth lo hgher 3.,, 41 3,.n 4446 KM rlrplus 3t;,4;;«o7 r 7 : 7 f«for toa lale. 3,g j j.j o,,, (K Actlv 3, Q 3» «< w. CtlOM. 3j A U METAL NEW YORK. Nov. 7 MVCop *Monu W 35:et>ort»8 0oM.T lnba nl th s $ ron qulel; uncla cd. Lead teady; pot New York H a dlvl 14.55; Eat l. LouU t45. Z b u? e. ujus upot and M lr that Alumnum *D to»22. At tor a... B A K ~V E B ttovly NEW YORK. Nov r prlco slver oulet and unchanged at c: CLV ft.1 a cenl ~ CllCAGQ.TROmCE,a Ncw anc A G O. Nov. 7 Wl Poull es. U re. 1 car. 44 trutk; alcndy; h le u than 4< pounds 17c. 4 pou B up 2O0; leghorn hcu 14c; r Foregn sprngs B.j to 20c. colored Bc; 1 cmund. hom ehlckean 164; roo.tcrs 1 lontreal lurkeya 16 to 23e; lwft\y whlto 1 York 111 colorcd ducks 16c. small geeoe.c. Dressed turkeys; Frm: uncha VCall Buttery RecelpU 3«47 tuba: t creamcospmlls <03 «ot«) 301 ** txt 3oc; e * tru (0) 35»c; extra tl navl»6 (fw.n»nf n tflh. tera nc 33 to 28?c; scetnd (8087 ) 27 etattdartto <eooentnubedcml H per 20.c. Eggs: Beeelpla 2575; easy; cj : : s = : tlrsts 31Kc; fresh graded frsts to 30!c; currcnt rccelps 25 ket 28c ; refrgerator exlru 23 nrym. amoaras a u O l n l a.a c. AN FRANCCO PRODUC! 6ANFFANClCO.N0V.7(. DuUMlat39. 0.:s«a Onons were lronger. fltocv eet, UM yellows clsed c«t. luoa.oo. H rrok M bngrb3»0."8olb; ba8 whlo g to M.00 65*11.00; whllo bollcra U daho red globe 1 O1,40, to.vn Turkry dressed) n,00 Hullcr. c6f6: U. 3!H: U;3 DO, 31; 89, 30. Cheese unchnt ) for today. Eggs, large, 35; medl l «28 v: malls, 24U. c m c A q o ONON cm c A a o T N o v T T W T U sro»}0«onons; appllej lberal..t>en l ls market sllshtly roc lyaek sales to jobbcn 60 lb, s 13c u s No. 1 Mnn, yellov CO } cent 2 nch nntl nrger lew sales, r.e daho Vnleclns few lalcs Uc 15, 23 lcl no falcs reported, 1 * jc»!»». l» * >ch mu. *1.03. Wl)..jj. VnlrnclU, no mm repotted 0 4)s A N G m :s pnod uce 57c X3H ANOH.&, Nov. 7 (.1 rpu: ucr lbs,;. clcc»< U.; CRU no... lh j Hullcr, rggj and poullry unch UGAR r.t NEW YOKK. No?. 7 W>: MtKr was unchaned today a t...;.].8c fuf *l»s ajd 3.35 lor overq.ul)):tes, dere wa* no ntcrc cc lo Mt > nntljy Mpplles. but a belle Z j o t Hlty or OKTqom sugars. A confrmed of 20,050 bng, uerlo nc.n or Peb.March * 1. tv u «,:5..7;w lle rlc n futures Ky t ttkm wer narrow unmwrtn, Tlc mlrket closed <t clmnkd 10 polnl net hgher, l = tancc.o«n[rt d«,«,40d. LZ W Mtfh»2,17B. May «j.l u}u 5BrfH r»a,9lflrn orrn Oe O B d.. flellncd wns unchanged at tor lne cr.nmlted wlu a : ; ththn*»rtttrmwdn*wt,7* }1, hnnd.rars were avalable an Z.l y p n z r. c (H(A(O POTATOE sv lte CmCAdO. Nor. 7 Ml (U D " PoUtoMT Hef»lpl,83 earload > raek 2?7; tnu r. H. uhlptt» «Oe mand and radtn Ughl; aaekk M, PttM) ; s j. A V E R W! W A, T O 0E U V 6P TH. «.4 O R B T A N D 1 w e ;.? W O M A N v o c e 1 W T H E R E. A N O H E H M E V E R E T V ". f he.a* / f X CORCHY M 387 a e s s s * ACH VA? VOU «E e A BUNCH le gen / UP MACHNERY UN ady a t [ y o u CHOMP U K \ f e VOUVAHOC3r/ r. flond *v " l T F T T a lok 110, loa. W %, W, Y A? Y j w j,. H L ;E " lo z r O N E V r a f l e g. &0.27 W f c (Or Tb* Amutcd rrom ln r Cholmer M. MU Chang a " c«u ;;k g j g o m r r future Am BmMt «n u n Z e o u w.. w * T f l m Am Tob««o M; OM Am Wlfr Worm». M, AnronU Copper ll», 21U Atrhlton T & BP... V>>, 4Bl«D ar Tttnuj* a umu U?;» t 05. y n d Atyon a. E : 5 K r s PCTf/ =!; l *c; leg Clrplfr Corp m, U.«rs 14c: coc» c o « «: ll < "0 >: k lc; com! >. CoMlldalRl ol..» ( chang ZZ 6914» CurUu W tlf h t a r.s n s ; : : tfth.hf)) KM> ) 27 jc. B «trl0 3«. farlntat tu m t. rood* t 331.jj cmfrl Uoot M *«n * : a T L,? " r ;l:» rsu 30 u o a lj«r Hubbler... «>. n 25 to Oocxlnf nub pt U Or»l»m r»1«f 1*4,C «m,nortlrrtrf% w r." l "".. Ort»t.Wr.l 8U»f...». Hupp Untom. 3 ;? lllnot Central 18 1l», nl Hr»n>U r 3 V, 7(<B. tet.ycka;;; 3. / o h n MuTld* lh* Wj Krnnreou Copper «0. 50 lb. j! R MrenrtB aw».j Le Blobo Mtlblmo Alkal. 32V, 9< 11 MrKfMpon Tn 12s M *m/copj;fr y,, MMOrl Pacmc m h * rlt T T 2»f 7f Changed sklf wh«l...l. n! O! N» t jj. M Vw t Llsht... o> o>. Demand c ~ 3«wronger. Nnnhprn r c fo»*k l» b Ack. rucktrd uotora... e l (5070 ales ewtj daho K tnwt Barbank* V ed. «.k Nn. 1 2 <0 *5l5: moflly tn,.w uh.: $:,15 commcrcw.m lo M :d on 2. No to 1.60; toloradn h ( r< f. s. No. 1 wodtly 1.75: rne nusluy hlher; U. > UCE 11.17,.,nc 1.0 ANGR1E9POTAT0 E1 Dchng,o s ANGELE. Nov. 7 (. DA) otoct, (ood Rtocklon : l»nk $ per e v t, lar < no. ordnary , da. rtw l T>R<"v o.. j.m.2,0fl, Kern Co, ru a t «.0 u s No. 1. UO. u s No. 2 $H 5 erqo 1 yrrl< vallpy new crop whtp ;ercl U 3.3. eller n bogsof BAUO POTATOE ch shp. M tuall lh hlppluc,pont nfonnallo.,w"and "ednc«l.y: osed un. Carloads fob M BaW V.. 1 nosly loa ftlt ta U Q.l«l«U n«4«*n»u«., 22U m m tafpaek. An oeeaalbnal r l j ro. hlshttanbn6w > rn rs.n ;:T r, 75ft Art ondoctj! «r fl a t 50 and lower.,c»!d,lo T? «m bu)] a far cw: llw w U, s. No. 1 l.rst r s «0tnl lyu lal.lo. A e v k le r. 1 around N*.moally Oe. A frur 40 to Twn Fallnuflry: Cnrload rah.trafk to dealrn: njlfu No. 1 bf«l nmllr l.: n $: few tffeft a.. o. 70 to L (ah o n o w m b a lk pfr rw t: 1 0 mu U. 8. No. 1 mo»tlr l lo : A few lou hl{hrr nnd nwer. No o 3Nr. mojlly Or. K. 9 D A ) oad; on., Hlpmfftf..DtWTH. N 0V..7U rh.«u (d*r m fk»1.72v hr, 7 7 U e c.tl ekh per Mny.73H, FALLDA CONO Y m s T O N O 0 1 H E A R D A K D D N a! f t 1 N H E O V L L 6D r w o s y / 1 5 ;m t h? U T amuncm B M H }cn \~ o a rt /\ GBVTO 9 p 9 UNP ) A PfOHB 1 e MAV BE r / r 016 o e,a ( M, f F 9 l l E E 3 3 P * v... ; w V 0 l l K K M M K B a, «som7 cvt 13uo» 2l 11 " w ; Bouneru Mcne.... b»,»1!: 5??>aW«r«~ \ *Bj Hund 01 Ctljf W l l 10 *5 Und?rwoBnol~?«j a? t.. ;!! js&tr,. n,. l lu U n o n T Z o5j ; ss. * * j. c m B VAKKT 1«Krw YOK. Ko», 7 W>Cur»» k lol D» ttll?vflulunt,.!].7" r.zz *?T, m c A t. m n c (. 1, Bufllr. WeBWtrandoomponj r, O» 3 Hols 2n per cet due M»..w n Ufl* m o p ««a t dua M 11 3]; Maho roulot 123 anuary rolatom.., l, ne. n >. «t Cotp TTMl >, >«MM. n m... ~ )3 lt uk* Mnn l n, Mounlaln Clly Copprr...M.W 3P Walker Ulnn... l.lotl, 8> j New Yok atock! aas Am rowtr and U b >t O Am a u and Bectrlc, 3 Auburn Motora >t 24U Katlonal ntm ull! «*» lud»on Uoto s LlllMln! dn.mr*,75: few ~ N o r r rafrrancgomvkrtoc AN FRANCCO. Nov. 7 (4T 8 D A )H ob : Rewl.VjoO; OEsoodtochoKOOO lo20>»urml. fornla $10. top; ew packng. ( l (U,5. CntUe: RecclpU 325; nume loads elgble around «.W to t jw lau lype r and hefers 15. Calv«30; cl. «cwt., quoted up lo OO. tp rose a «ep : Recclpta 1300: deck cl 84 pound CalUomU mp(umv( lambs OO; best ewes ;oted an 14. (u s b cm ca C O,vK.sT6cK lon for <j jjjp a o o, Nov. 7 kv (UD oh r u h H op: n. steady to 10 lower, mostly t. : f to 5 lower than Wrdne.tdaya a «. *»«tght7*ttrtlttr homlng betterv««le hcht l:rnttfe, m oau nnn nftlnn.fmtn hln w f W fher r rawe Mao ll ; > (* pe* to 5 pad freely nt choce t moat 255 lb.; few lb. M.O ;r. U. 8. better gmd«160mo lb..l0.1 1 lo 45c.,n lb, H:.vn.l5; me ad» rob. klpd down to n.nsyt pu O. f;. bulk sows 8,oo25: good UO. A tlg h t 63050; closely sorted to 75c. BO bs. ff.30; few mrdum to rt: Ru slaughter pgs ; lght 1 o l.lo. got much belter nctlon than pr. U. 8. ocallng 180*200 bt; ahlppers 300; holdover 1,000. CalUo: 6,000; very moderate ply strctly good and choee ond yearlngs ead; best yta H a* otv ; weghty 7!Mr* ; ~tl.72*tt llttlchereofvaltp lo m1»ll.oo;,commoa «u,medum g PA LY tm w a. T m L U U, m GAOUNE AUE\ L O O K! T H E R E ) N O V y o o e s O RBT OUR N O V X A t O N E C H A N C E, mr opefatok WANT TO B H TAU14 TO ME. 0CA PPO CD H TR6tLN5 AT 7H TRetL p W e x p o e r c o m p a n v n, ] MAM PtoeO A, U.9.A. B Q : l y o j.... \ 4 1 * weak on cauhueatchcan mar bulk of vulue to ku a t d to 16.00: alockers and feeden draggy, all hefers steady; < very uneven; cullers about ste beef COW steady lo wenk; buus ra le n fully s t e a d y ; p m c. weghty sausage bulls 5K) u[ { j l or more otslnndlng ol 33 llng; vealers mostly 10 down; :.>»nek bnnglng 31[),:5andtlP.0.. j ; heep: 0,000; fat lambs n k m j more actve llu n early; closng * 5*}* mostlylowerronlypots off m t 71?. practcal top pnd freely : U jy packers at nppers;~ hulf conc bnct lnmbj Ma j, oromd lbs.; notlve $9.35 ;{ >. bulk 0.50 up; natve hrowouts.. evenly around 740; yearlngs r 8 0 moatly; 41 lbs. rangere at *» * lrlr hrrp w rnkl Q G D ;} U.l!D K j K>!OGDF.M,Nov.7M(D D., s». Hogs; necelpu 260; tn Pran< «K* packers 142; nothng done on 97 V butchers; about truck load 1 ; O. butclr.rs sleady at UK); quot, 1* toj) 9; few sows 735. v j Cfltle: tleeelpla 688; Los Am U «N marke 4M. Calforna fecdera ;? an Prnnclwo packcm 23; all c; >1 po, e ateady. except buu. llghuy.., cr for week; cnr 744 pound com fowlou m edum togooddr rb QUO.and medum daho fctder sleen,,, COWA 4 to $4K); lowtr g rad e : 4 dowhrcarcbod MohlAtacowN w P l ed Wedncay >4,65: load 783 p< l 1 leedcr sccra.o rw ;~.;4 lo 40: load medum t 10!,; cow* 45; lower gmdes sortwl *, 30 o 30; 2 loads W omln» "~1! 3U «f 10.(and mcdlum 1010.pound< y, *laurhter steera 550; medum { lboodvcalcalve*»0to»b:l...13/w grades mortly 5 «down; bull ]to4o. lanj [ heep: Rocelpl 1004; Wyo bre w T w rurfw orassrt. load 04 pound lamb.s 650; few.* mxed fat and feeders»e. «t t Abow <uotstlon* on ral, j 5jm en ls rcflect varable frelrln ; 74> flu on cattle bought for rcr ment.,. t.«.h,7 FOaTLAVETOCK POllTLAND. Nov. 7 Ml (U 11; A)Hofrs: Rccclpls 350. low..1 steady: few good to clwlee M j w g rd a ra u r w ;2a w 31!f.pound butchcrs $9; few lght 1; to $8; pmkng oows» >7.25; fwer pgs quotable u llo. Cnltte: Recclpta 500; covm T P alow, openng s.les around klf n laler mdertonfl weak on lbernl plylovprade cows; few lw»d c! man steers 4.50 to $5; (ew ht OCK ;«> o M.50; low cutter and r coau #3 lo 3 : common lo me grades 3.25 lo 4; few good beef 0; l«d j jj} to 4,75; bulla 4 to 4.75; «l<»*rt *tnrk O «rw nlrrs»m 0rtdd heavy calvea around»4. aheep: Recepts 400: around dy; good lo cholco lambs B.: o 17,18; u. common to medum r» to M; medum yearnw 3. cholea;,3.,5. { ( cea «to 30. t chol«omaha HEEP n d OMAHA. Nov. 7 Ml.(U t heep: 3.000: compared Wcdne; lambs uneven, mostly 10 lowe jr taneea!5lower on lower gr heep trong lo 25 hlglrr: c DA> steady; bulk sorted range n actve, ntd fed wooled lambs jo teady jo,5; fed clpped lambj 8.1 >...y*l j rlcb dependng, on ength pl a:hllt ngaml>jalft80mf<llnm 35: top jcedera down to co 310 : :. DENVER lkep DENVER. NOV. 7 t<7t(udj fheep9.00():..?,250.lhro,8h,tr d llb h ttn steady, to weak, m ra 3 Of *" >rc lower; better To W 0 sheep t e a o l e e ewe, a V f f a T. OEPH HEEP srs look T. OEPH. Nov. 7 (/7 tu rheep 2500; lew bd* and sa! ate sup tre lambs 35 lower nt 9.50 do :o leera rcarlng WOOL OO; very... l «bove D O ao W.v. 7 v, U K D a rw e l 1e ««t rld e r ffnwbro roaho, FBroAY MOKtnNC, EYELOQUENT ln TO D o r c o e e M O T :D H e 6 A FUMMY PELL LUrG PP E M N H E NOW HE TALk TO WAM... FLORPA U KE T VA5. BBHlOWD DlOP A lm up to oler M a n y H o ld e rs o f D ecem nucb D e l v e r o ( W h e a t e llo u l ulk fcd BCallns ny OHN r. BOUGHAN ; <A.V)OClftled P re a Marke Ed 7!s0* CHCACO, Nov, 7 (p>thro a t n sponge, numerous ho) jof December delvery of wheat out today, ana the entre ma skdded down. 3. cenl n t D A l flwrpercomwuuon Of Arge anclvo wheat wth Canadan wa< a on top rent nctor. cmphasled by d lght thnt some Canadan wheat, ln luotabc no adequate outct overseas, wa tho way to CTlcngo. prcsumabl Angela be delvered on December cont e n 134. here. ncreased spcculattlve se 11 clam b f w heat futures accelerated lly low downward trend.?lw m WarketCjM«Ne:»oua. ecra; Chcago wheat prces closed ea 30 vou % l ccnl under yesterc Hwclul fnsh. Def. O fll c o rn r n d pouna Dec. 58T;5B. oau unchanged t. d.lo 15 cents declne. tw nut Chcago. uecembcr wcl" W tffd* trac tumbled to a dscount u: rommon May. dametrcally opposte t dlo prcmlumycterday. nm and pecal notce was taken 0 :loa«:.wnnpeg dlspatchmenuoalng bulls t a carko of bushels of and No. 2 northem wheat hod ryomlnc Port Wllam. Ont.. tor Chcago. 6rtrcclr C om ptlecrcc«dod.*hea rew lota wheat market turned weak. 1 nnd OC though held nbout steac ProvLMon went downllll wth brn* rcfhlp. CHCAOO, Hot. T t «.. Op«o Hm Lor r x Kov. (Kot ououd)» D»c. MU.?,. «MU M :e llsta» ;«;n «t : to Ok. 28U 2> 31th 26 «re t VM 75; lfe, «.4 «BH 4H a MMdy; 5;* \\ ml np. lurft Uderrtn. Dec u K m..75; low n*t. (Hot quor t CHCAGO CAH GRAN CHCAGO. Nov. 7 Ml Rrjlcs wheat: No. 3 red 1.01\ ; No. 3 *3 V) lo cd l.ol. Com: No. 5 mued 5 No. 3 yellow O lj to fle: old OaU: No. 3 whle 28 lo 30!c; 1 plo grado 32 to 3 5 \c. No r}e. U whekt: No. 3, oy beans: UA1 2 j.jo* 70 to joj Chlcgo; 1 nesday Chcago. Dsrley; >wer. n a jc«< 30 to 48c; malung < grsen; Tlnehy Nd 3.00 to 3 ccuer* Clover wed llo to 15cwl. L ard: Terces 1337; lowe lv p ltlw e...l... f" lehl.v ln m EBa,.(Q V 3(.= w heat: No. 1 northern 64>: DA1 rltory»oou wor«very llrm < jtncked talr turnover. trlcly, combng mnsera (>os, \ blood movpd freely ft er ocored bass, whle fully «es H.40. B os /eal)*«on mmt, Frcnch comblnr louofsmllart :p brought Orftdfd Prench Cl tuda) brought n san na around 7ff.70 scoured bals, an down glnallols of 84.< and fner tory wools runnng largely tc erage French combng bul n ng Blso Ktne Mtor nnd some DA) Prcnch combng brought masu r o n t r [ 7».= = = ; r :, N O V E m m j, 1085, NCE H W [ N O n t e r s ; y COME o w s c o l 4 e. r.l B / P a D g e 0 &AN W, vou KEEP O LOr AM H M M E LT M N U E M 5 E? A g M a t a n u s k a n s 10, P p h :, lembcr eat ~ Edtor) hrowlng holders eat sow market rgenune a cur ly word, llndlk, was on nably to ;ontm >. t sellng m B t ted tne ed ner GROUP of chldren n fhe terdav» on helr parka*, adopt >; (low; wnter aclllet down < :d to... : H o oyerln t under " e to a n of a ngthat 3f 1 had lefl eo U ls o a t hog OOM Hn7. 1 Vv * CEN. EVANGELNE BOOTH. ;m Hoover, formrr Presldenl. at 2 3.M c rln.h M rrr nlrnlnrrl Oo held n he Pnt Methodst nortlern 82 ;: No. norlhcm Caah oats No. 2 whte 33; No. 3 >.3 m lx d 57tjc; old 7c. PORTLAN) HAT c; sam PORTLAND. Nov. 7 (4 e. Buck steady, unchanged, ans: No. 0; No, 3 GOVERNMENT OOLON f «m. BOAT OAT C Wl. «ANCHOnAOE. Alaska, Nov. A yeld per nere of(3.1 bush. o a u on ml cropptl rcgularl; ;. nrw aw ftl.m D 0U«d.tOdajU. lhter. supcrlntendenf 01 Cosh ey expcrlmenlal T7**2 Mw.Th<*wtsrrtrnM47rK per bushel., =.T = L. " t shows Ual oats as go< the best can be rased here m o n a d. The avcrnge yeld n he lng n ta le s per acre ha* beer rf tl T7 buslw lrhcnlb ; :ully 80 Of safca. YDNEY HELD TUDE." lar garde rhcomb YDNEY (;tae«necn m t mosuy of Papua, whch AustnUla adn, and or lera under mandnt* rom Ue L er terrl ot Nallon., here to compl / to av eourte at Ue Unlwrslly of ; nclud ns c«rtltled medcal nf.lmant/ tme good guarded from any Europe.w, lastly 75 e n c «whch mght be regard 1 ::: oontttnw tag. E T H E R WOKT MAKE A n O U N D OR ER! f TH E R E BEEM F O U L PU W. / NAfONAL NTRGUE / Y r r 50U N P 5 A m x e " 3 / ) C oc K E V eo BUT H K E < MV P U N L E T G E T W t. OMBPLACB WHEQE W K CAH T A X... Adopt Eskmo Garb \ le Halnnska colony n Alalu a n anx opted from he Fjklmos alyle ot clothlag m on4he.llttle.fclllemenl {/n!lglo) [ n t r n d o e s G c n p r a l H. head of he alvaton Army, and He at a rereptlon gven n her honor n l<os GonrnU floout a the.m tptlof, wllch l ehureh.{/n Photo). N A K E RV E R REPOl nrnv a l tnjjd Park last 8t day wn 13 ndes deep; at As 6 nches, and nt daho Palls, 3 n deep, accordng lo a weekly r< by Lnn Crandall, (nako : wfttermaser. Pcrclpltallon a t M NY durng October was.65 nch A n n n jured wth 1.70 ncle normal. U n U r f;tnl(e rter storage, tlow avc wrslou, ns compared wlu tlo V. 7 Wl lhe prevous week, were show llels of llc n report ns follows : *hy } ~» loracf. Aere F e e f" " of thc Oc.2«llal sta ackson U kc 133, T w j f r d r h r a c r H r P n a T r r T m z r s U k e WdlCOlt C60 2 good O crc." hc tream How. econd Feet eunl, ecn: 7.4 H c l «. lcxburg MO Woodvllle fe.vt. Clough WO Neeley nauvcs, dmlnls ( League D venlonx, econd F«* plete a Mlner outh de, 7>* ydney MUner North de mts, arc Ooodng F.oect n n/lu Prerpltfltlon drlnc the rdfd n.s Momt.13 nch; daho Pall O

13 ... : vwant AD RATE. KA Tt m UNB m DAX fc Om «tr. p 0 Uat t t «... 88»»% D sc o u n t F o r C ash emb dlmemt»e*«4 tt dnrtu*>» «tl ptld tar wtua M tn d4t» at n n l BurUoa. Pbona 3 for u AdUkv NDEX TO WANtT d, Aute* tor. ". H *E Ltn! ror m» r a (l«bmk ta Pnt* kn VtttUBl. * runm w cto T u>d«. poduw Van >td rbubrt...» H*lp Ukl» TnlTl R.» 3 5 = = =? lt*al b u t* Cn rm f tta u W*m«a* flooou for mt... w!dm to n» 31 R>r B*] or THB NKWa WlflH TO MAK tt eleur to r«d«n ot Um c1w» ned ptga U u t Uera tt t tret nle tc ln a t rlvlnt toy admuoo> t l tnfonntuoq eeoetmnc buod td.* th tt f., dt vtlesuala U vltb t box number to car* o{ the Ntwt. Personals4 A m r r a T n n B r c w ot Free Art Course (Value 100>. Wrlt«todty {or m e Tet. B u M. c a n H m.,r 7U R 00A T6 REPARED. WORK Beautvhops 5 L O v n Y p to m a n b n to " "o : o u U.00.5U1 Avenue B ttucy hop. <1P th EmU Ph. 6MW. 2 F O R 1 P E C A L ON PERMANENT D A H O B A R B E R A N D B E A U T Y H O P 131MjOnEMtPh(me44 W HATA OLOROO TUANKtrtvtns t n d hods? ssta o D ttb B.mtnnce t ToTtly pwmttnent gves you. A renl push wave ttat rjqmrernotuarerw4vu«. Ph. 2 «or Pentanent Wave pecals. Tlw BetuLy Box. TU 08B WHO HAVE EXPERENC. ed our work know U tt our metb* ods andlhe tklu ct our opertton tre fuperlor. You may now b a n one of our ol waves (or ta low t..o. Crawtorda oeautr alon, u : rm tlna ra, ouu L P bona.m OL PERUANENT8 fto m ttm up wm only Ue hthst qualty lolutlon, uln«ment. tudent week a t raduoed prtees, au work guaranteed. PECALTY BEAUTY BALON AND CHOOL, N at Door to daho Power Co. p j Autos for ale 7 T O D A Y P E C A L... > 1939 Modl A t,4 ton truck Oood rubber, mkhsntcally O K. m TheAUTOMART ea AL»>»>re BuyUff Any C tr.. Ne»t to Kyle WtlWs WE BUY6ELLTRADE XBB c au. roft BUVLT8>rU0K < LET»40 / F R W A P W 4 l M 6... fr O O C K.«A K ld.: ) f f o O W lk E W f / BUYTVW r* «T ve 6 to T T O MAME M W W / v TWAW7WA.r Auto for ale 7 (CMtUaa* ft fw eh la d ta a a n ) fc w u o o? w? 2 t»* «t t eow a, eoopleta act toou a d tlra chans. Maran CUrk, Twta.TtUa. Bouta Model A Coupe 1 llm Model A;Oaaeb " " Town 1>19U BtudebakM Ooqp* A 119W OldsmobUa Bedaa» 219M Model A Coupea } Many 0U>8t».«Ootaa n and Bea Ua 1 E m p r e A u t o C o. s: u tl 4 s * EE THEE < V *f 30 Ford Cpe» m < A *» Hudson ed. M 2 * 20 Pontac C oach190 1 tr 30 Oak. Coach 2M j. *>3L Cfaw Cp* j f 15C n Many OUen 4 All Good Values 4 * O H N O C O N N O R < ) ; U E D C A R G O. ; 318 hoshone West. Ph < *. * j # *...»»»»»<? * U E D "CA R = l Bought tor cash. old on terms f We are dealen n used ears j f U» McllVBly. Wa wll buy yow. e<ulty or seu your car on. conlgmncu. a N O. B. W H T E ll* T he U «d Cor Manlet * 144 2nd Ave. No. D * "Btt Ua Before You Buy d f O r Bell = j TUDEBAKER. : r a n m O t f c a f f l Z PTE *39 Plymouth Bedan,90). 39 Chevrolet Coupo. Box 1934 Pontae edan 19:8 stude. De. tedan "M Chev. edan, new tres. RK ftdlo. Lke new. k. a l f a n d e n d c e 344 Man No. Pfeona : * hop. =. Male Help Wanted { nted Tja r e d m an d l m nch tor wnter,.wll pay 3 turnlsh h ouu and o>w. Wrte Bo 3 m, caro W m. U f. REBQ3ENT U A N A.O E R, PER m anent connecton. ncome fo yearly, WO cash requred. e rtro cured. Returnable. Addreu Bo mrst* nent "! FEmalrHeljrWntccMl WOAN FOR OENERaT b os E n w o rt b a B W. 310» lett* tuatons Wanted 1 l MAN AND W UT WANT WORK O farm. Wrte Box 48, eara News. H ORL ATTENDNQ TWN TALL Bulneas Unversty wanta place t wtalt for room tnd board: lng HOH CHOOL ORL WANT lp L p lac a to w arktw nwc «ml.honr :oed wnte B ox, eart Newa. Money to Loan 1 flretn T M O N E Y T O L O A on better c ltu homes tn d tarn BudlerWegener t Oo, Elks Bd Ph * fl PER CENT MONEYTO LOA on busness buldngs.. E. D Wtt. Ph. f fl. r. 11 M O N E Y T O L O A N ON D W E L L N G rn Lowest Rates Long Terms A QuekBervlM: A N G E R jro N E Real stateloans : 139 Man E., Ph. CT ) K t t TUB CALL ror Utn.T8 r b O THE GUMP 55TT : 1 f 7 4 K.4 l.o O a \ / H 6 K W A M O W \.! >.:r>4fclaftoa..., wf FRWA Bl/A ) / ( apt 7 F o r a fe l e d s 16A m OD B Y TT. 8T A T UP. OB 00. ~ l F o r als M sc e llan e o u s 17 jyotoraeal" VfflAT lt " w U do for your etr, truek or tractor topa ol p u m p by rlng keep ng t n ertnkcaaa whera t be> longs, seals valves, stops plstot slap, resorrs lost eomprttslon anc power, uvta ou and glvea mor n t mleage. Tha o o a ta tmall roly 13X10 when terrlced tn d 1> aalt servce. Auto ervlea Center located n old Lnd O trtg e, 14 ««nd Ave. East. V ln FoUm. daho. t MALL BnLDNQ TOBE MOVE! 0 * BPEOAL ALE OF UED BAT «* tey rados, ts long aa Uey las ««3O up. Bums and H tn d ton 3 W.Mk s..j> h..w w. * UED WAfftR, RANGE AN * rados. Boden Elaetrlo Co. * 300 TON OF HAY, 3 AR. NO. 01, «Curry. Pl. 0M4*1. Bun CrWBW; ; OENUlHEeWa&<HHB8 H(LKl. lmponed>trom 8 lbs. up, a t 28 per pound, postage pad. Ad Moo Cottage Orove, Oregon. #» V *! * * * ; H A R R Y M U G R A V E H * eluer buys, tells or trades for tumllure and f a r m equpment. " Brng t n. * fc «* * BD WLL BE AOOEPTED O: 3a00 feet u«d 13 nch wood suv plpe7 csll or wtlts E. Henstocl. Ph. 9. HollLster, dtho. LOWPROEON PmTORAD: plumhngl*ture.rblwsrplp*an ppe llttlns, Krengels Hardwar 270 LNEAL FEET. NO. 38 OA vanlud nume. 30 gauga ne res. PeaveyTaber Co., ne. 1 UED V HORE POWER MOTO Logan Muslo Co. Y O TT H O U C D PU T O nt K A " hew roof Now" w hltotho coa } are lov. Brng your buldng pro = letna to os. Cost, estlmataa a: youra for Ue askng. Ph. 642 wrlt«tvln Falls New t Us.825, EMERON PANO FO B. ON 1Box Logan Uuslo Co. FURNTUHB NEW AND U tunvhure of,alklnda. cotl rang tssoo electrc ranges, s t o v e s, clrc 6e> lators and other household (un Box shlngv Moon s. Ph. 8. tora No.... ~~Ph.~318.Btor9No3. = earoo (NURANCE HOT. B. RoyrU. agency. OE BUY AN ETATE HEATROL Tha orlds.mes*,.hcmer.,bam; sons Musc Co.. Twn Falls, t Mtln east. P.one lob. NEW REmNGTON NO8ELE1 porube tjpeatltcr, «down, per montl. Logan Muslo Co. T T HOMEMADE P E B ~ Cty Park O rocery. * 333 Bhothona North u 3t s u o n t,, F O R A.E. Ntmber of tcood used heatera and ranges l g M T N. T A T E M P. CO. REroTMBDoXTDKAltoC pano. May be had (or payng b anee ot contract. Terms. amps Musc Co., Twn Falls. Phone 1 LOAN W HY PA Y W A R PRCED A car load ot Murasoo n bulk Buy whal yoa aeed. brng back! lh a t you hava lexu We loan you a brush to put t oo wltb (rea, McUunry RVsa Pant, 4 L nour EnameL Floor tn d Ua oleum Vamlsh dres tn twc houraa large stock ot Wal) Paper. MOON TWN rall PHONB oa* u TUB CAU ror M n.t " n «a * PEVERY. BT / HON rr w o un os wcy p f MN & s r»p \ CA>4 t l V W W t M E N T K MUCW \ CA.U C E T A F o r a le, M lo e lla n e o u t 17 <CeaUaa«4 fm t mcedla Cataaa) c o 6 B T R o o n N o r 3 P mtarclm 8fcl...a tn c tu n 4 tn& MP. and pltu atml. K rangtl Btrd* w are.... = B W E tr OBWR. # OAL.. PUD lo Market. U )T 8 o r P O T m BAOa, HC rll and up. daho unk Houst, acret ctor. trom Munyofta Bale orounda. T W a n te d M lso e lla n so u s 17A ton and DRVNO TO L06 ANOELE UN. nore day a; >, WHt ptsergw to shar tall. expense.ph. W W. WANTE>PLACB FOR ORL TC 140 work (or room tn d board. Twl ho., Fau Buslnew Unversty. Pb. U ~ WORKNO ORL WHE BOAR and room w thn means ot aara ng wage. Raply Box B. AT WANTED EWNO. EXp E u enced m dreaamaklng, remodellr. and altanu eu. M rs.. Waltw. Fot t m»rp t7 ru n w T * te» > rw AND,. Z Z FURNURB WANTED WX y used tummr*. coal ranges, atove OF. aad let bow*. We pay eaah. Pt nw; 5. Moona. u t a r * n w? w e s O T C l e Toor, specalse n eleanlngand bloek ng all kntted mtnnent. Ph, W F r u lts a n d V e g e la b le s 11 v aweet ODBB, K. T. BLAKE, V. * M.Bo.otBouUF«rk.Ph.0380R " We delver. " * DELCOU, ONATHAN A N 1 * Rome Beauty applet, all grade * au pleked betore the reeee. ce * older by gtl. or b a m, Brng eor Ulnera tor e a and cder. oh W. Hardn. Kmberly. daho. ONATHAN APK6. 1 O. T DEUOOU, ONATHAN AN suym ao Wtoatapa. Be* e r tn< A W load.k enyon O r t to. ware. DELCOU APPLE. 35c BuTu Bo., er truckload. Hyde Raao) trom Kmberly 3 tnl east, 34 APPLE ROMZ BEAUTY N Road. D. B. Votburg. W T HAY.TOTATOErOAlWOTTO c >a tale. Ph prob are APPLE, DELCOU AND ROME 42 or m. No. of County HospltaL \ Used O. teky. MclNTOH AND PELlCOUa NLY V. ones. 3 ml. Bo. ot Depot. P D n MclNTOH RED APPLE AN ngaa other (al varletlea are now rea Oxo artb E rtrw onacotto rchard; (um* ml, east on Kmberly road. U & No»:... E leo trlo A pplt noes 1 re/rgerator. oden Eleetrlo Cc 0 E N 9 U L ELECTRC W A P; fl«plat9.rpners, radloland tnu» electrc applances. Logan Muj Co. UED MAYTAG WAHER BOT gas and electrc. ave by buyl from ampson Musle Co. For ale o r T rade 2 t o r RENT, ALE OR TRADEl " acres. Ph. 038Rl. *mfn\ sew alkr«ter*andew au pad, (or lght ta r, Ford. Che./O. or PbnouU preferred. 131 Ma Ave, E. Tttn FalU. r a o H F u m l u r H o r a l e 8 ba npson PECAL. OOOD UED OENUU la too. Baldwn pano. A. 1. condltlc r pecal.prce. Easy, terma. am,p Q, son Muso Co. Phone 108. P. R ad o s a n d ffv /C623 U K D RADO AT AMPON Twn FaUs. two GUARANTEED.RADO BERVC Vau Bee O. Brown Muslo Co. BPBCAL BARGAN PKCB C tsed Rados. Moons Pant 8 Fur f* ture tott. a TUB CALL ror Resn.Ta*«fe«Bt r A D D E D T O W H UblN<«H> RWE, ff M10,rR roa T M 01UnMO.WOT 17 WanledtoBt/y; 26 o a la s K T 4 0 H r o H» H u n u N u * proved, close ln.fuu pvu oulan Urat letter. Wrt* Box UO, eare lrt* N m. WANTED TO BUT W D PO tato sorter. Pb. H88RX PURmTURE W ANTDW l BUt W used fumlture. eoal n a tw. a»w* and ca boxes. We pay oab. Pben B. Moocl. ~ Rooms lor Rent Z W l* u r a ROOM AND BOARD ~ 131 TH Are. No. TO FRONT BEDROOM. FURNAOl M n heat, garage space. Oeatlema 314. preferred. Ul< Mapto Ava. Pl VRD am FTONT BEDROOM, FH. 1498V 828 4th No., ER LEEPNO ROOM FOR REN tltpj Ph. 872R. F o r;...l. j s g B E H e C H f s c a a n e o u O l BOY FO R RENT FOR CAH RENT. 8 ;ovet acre (arm, 1 mle ot Ooodng. Mod Ph. cm home, tor dhcnltled tannn and stock.. H. Evans; Farme Yard. Ooodlag, dahfr nera OARa o e. CLOm t o COLONA lock Apta. Call 938 afur 0:30 p. n ; 18 LejahAdverllsements. M NOTCB TO CREDTOR 3R. ElU U ot Anna Mott Ford. Deeeaa Notce s hereby gven by the ur derngnccl admnstrator ot tha etta of Arn Mom Ford, deceaaed. to U CfKluors o( and all peraons havlr clalmt agauh the tald deceased, exhbt them wtth tha nectata ohn yeuchart. wuln alxm onthaat the flrrt publcaton of UU notlc to the sad admlntrator at the o L tlce of C. A. Baley. Attorney, fde ty Natonal Bank BuUdlng, Tw: AND Falls, Counly of Twn Palls, ta tnck ot Tdaha Uls beng Ute puco tx tot the tran»ctlcf.o(..th9busnr PLwHLM taje., UP. Dated October st, uob, RUlY MO, Admlnstttor. N D NOTCE TO CREDTOB mxe. Estate ol Martha. C6wllng, Notce s hereby Rven by the u», fff U te ot Martha. Cowlng. dcoea.w to the credtor* of andauperew trwa havng clams agalnt the sad d ccascd, to.exhbt them wth U necc.«ary vouclers, wthn a moma ader the (Ust publcatl B. O. ot tlls notce, to the tald Admln Ph. tr u n r a t the lav otflces o( tephj s Blandford. Tvln FaUa Bank r Trust Bdg, Twn FaUs. County ATO T trtn Falls, late of daho. thu b ng the place fxed (or the tron rt* aotlonot the buslnra of sad eta D ated October 33, 19>. HARRY. COWLNO, t f t Admlnljtrator o( the e tale of Manha. Cowlln j tephanflf Bltnflford,~ * Attorneys tor Admlhlstrator. HER. Resdng at Tvln Falls. dala N O n C E O E T ltu Ttfl ALE To Whom t Mojf Concern: T hatu e undersgned, as,ln«n n under th a t certan arrecmcnt u jln WTlUng. dated anuar> l> tween hmself and D. B..Mdorma a ad others. wul eu.at.pubuc.au Uon au propertes held ty l>>m 2 1 tu ltm. : T b a t tbe tald tale wul lake pla ;~130 u tha aouueatt door o( the cou house o( Twn Falls County. dal AVB T h at Ue tald ste wll be at publ aueuon to Ue hghest bdder, a Man (Of (hose pro e rtk a encumbered by mortgage, t: z z equty wul be told, tubecl to t 0 mortwbnaeotedneatndtnotr T h at the tald propertes may UNE sold, and wlu be t d. n tepan lluoo. ptreela oe n bulk. aa,appeara to t lamp best nterest of the partes to u P. O. tnst. That the propertes to be sold a. all stuated n the Buena Vlla A 23A <t{lonoruechyottftn rskff,e are more partlcululy descrbed ON. follows, towlt: Lot 88 (togcuer wth the dwelltoc"hoo>e1 hereon)r subjft VCE, to k mortgage ndebtednes ol U» fum ot M prlnclpnl and aeerued nterest to the date of Me, aad subject to 1039 uxe. L o u 88 and 88, (together wlu the dweulng houte thcrfon n t a sub)««t to a mortrase ndebtcd HAT YOU GOT TTHE VERY ] sne lm»portbft / TO< V v v n a m & R p, voo m 26 Real Estate for afe 32 U n» n mue oouu of Twla Falls. Far 0, OR 10 ACRE. EAY TERM. r Long Uma payments. Fh. 0298R3 lu t m ~ Dogs, Otter Pets 3B ~ POR " s BOTON T E U 2 9 DuUe pupplh trom ehamplot stock, pedgreed. 448 and Aw m West.. BOffTON BULL PUPPE. PH AOB lu 8U Av«... man... For ale Lvestock 31 3 m E T M o T o COWB.v NO >4 W. of Fve Pont ervce U 6NT. ><«. Ph E TUTHEDt ll U ath.n m..7 MfLArchl rtal Coner was lotess to 13 member and ona gueat ot the L ataa l clu TufAday afternoon. M n. FaV heet ley had charge of the muscal pro 6» m,v ; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. KenworU enteru ln at brldgv last week. Hen ««1. rletu Hllller and Elmer Wllso n»on hgh score prses. «*t«mrs. Everelt Webb enurtalned 1 0 Ue young, people a l a blruday part»yln«n honor of her daughter. Naom 0 twelfu bruday. Members of the Orl couta lel fth aloween~party «t th e churc **<«> last week. Halloween games wet played wlu each of tho f l«troo dong.a..»umt, Mst Newhlrlg.,Ml *7 Pledger and Mlta tlndgren we pr«ent. trtnber ot the yornv marre une.m fauheldatoclal at.thflboma,«mrbn/4mra. Ttk»TlrM. Plfna WW made to gve a play n the. ne tuture... Mra. Bltncbe Pray, WchU, Kar P aas. s vstng a t the home ot h nece, Mrt. Harvey Fomwalt. ter left for ther home nmuddl d»hq fb tom m.hm jy*n!*u lr LW«t, K r pornu,7.rr. and Mts.. 1* Mr? and M retharoldhull «1 lhe tertalned at a brdge parly atu ftlx day evenng. Atlon M r..and Mrs..9 arey Bean, M lns. and Mrs. W alt Bean. Mr. and M Phan BtvreU Webb and daughlen, a lk t >(< And Mrs. Harold Hull a ty of daughter, Rotella. and son, Laret «be surprsed Ralph Bean a t a blrt rant day party unday.evenng. The pa tate. ly was planned byura..ra]n}x Bes ~ Tle members ot the Hanaen hl, Khoo unor class play eaat e e es joyed a welndr root Wednesday ev rllng. nlng atter ploy pracuce. MtB. ca.<g Owetwleftjg r h a r h w near lcttnsa* Cty, r«cottly. ehe h neaa of he sum of»1,804,78 prn kle...elpal and aoerted nterest to the date of a le, and subject to 1838 ta x e a. L e u loo to 110 nclusve, sub >» jk l to 1035 taxrs: M t 137 to man, j3o. nclusve, lubcct to fl.auc. taxes.and Lota 30 and71,aub M ect to taxes for 1033 and lubae quent yeara. place D ated Us 31st day ot Oetob court 198, dal A. L. awm, TYust Wbllc re 5 * W T H l H a r e L l M E l T lttle V \ O e B O R e M \ ) X m u>the VU6H l >4CTqH / e 6 M d w. "a ~ M B O B B N * M Y E L F W a & N E Y o u M o n e. 1 H P M s o a. F O R T X V K E T T p r o j For at«moolc 3f 7 FOR 8A U E V E R A L OOO mouat MW*, H mle ootut am H ml* WHl of Fva Polnta. A. r D O U ty,, T ; ; ONB BAY BORaB,l EREY OOW muklac: > tn ty hefers. 1 bred 139 B utt Lefbom ehlckeno. 90 bu = whe, 1 rtn *, mower and oor ngator. «ml t u t Buhl on hgh 36 way 30. Paul Nuttman. t THRBC POREBREO YEARLNt Don O utnuey helfen, ml waat. \ A n. so. o tr tv e P t s. P b. C333. s s s s s s s s, P o u ltr y a n d u p p le s 3 = s r 24 Y E u V c N O R O A lle N. «3 6 been vslunc a t U>a hooa of D. Patterson. oa rrothlleb, r, and Leater Po u r left l u t ««tk (or DeUolt, U lct j M rar» W. ennlnga ratupa home aturday evenng,he h m l been vtslung her mother and rel UN Arkanaaa. Boy Bcoula held t meeunf t l t t school houso Wedneaday erenlm rchla pnkaey.k lnctld.ncdt M.tw o.aw :ben t badffw. Oerald Deahl reeel\ed or club mert badge. cts FO H antt RFUDENT.., OF B U nc T DU Hen bublby, Nor. 1 Word vaa n lson ceved here Utla week otu edeattk Mra. M aty W arrlner a t Bloomtngto td 13 unols. after leavng here about t< party * y, ago (or a vwt n Bloomlngtt omls w lthhtrsonsanddaughl«rs. heht been % resdent here only k aho leld tme befora gong to Bloomlngto lurch... X Tbne Tablet were tebaal* et rtusgm * Metot Dqm rasta Threotk Tn rred OKMOK loobt Lont n e «Tnm»tj mvm 3:13 p. v.. Tran 871 mv«b«0 a. wr ach* s«uu»«dad Trtln M lwle, Talln OO rnve j A o b Ung unon PAC nc ataom flo......* Ln<n p., Mr. B ust UTlTlB U U 4 t va rro MtB., and WMboBBd Z Z Z Z Z Z r 16 t :!!,*!. V. brth UkTca.... g * t p. w, 3 r... t k hgh nm& td(ll *anv aqod t r o * "ssnct,.. yeve tn to r»u*mu*yft«tbb llftums...v.;o p. «haa t,mvm «a. AfTlTW n tt.t Hl cw bk Tme E ut mll l:to p, a. and CW p. rn W«t mtu t;» a. n. VM p. m. s the y ~ BM Daly Cross o ACROlt oluttanof 1. Wln 1 f e, *** b a a M s ~ A k l u W l l lns lll N c b n s! Kncgurs* x o oljl l: AnmuY whfcb Cctl 5 o y g M Y l to l ep B :M n. Tcceck but«.,. mll hf** l A l U U fcul, *8rn«r«a,, T E N D M 11 ; *» dtlns M tor a L 1!! " "Esl v r Utnolhr er L CBmrUmtal luppr ol bolls * p H H 12 r ;? W W ~ 1 p r 4 4 s T H a 36 BUNE D R E e T O R r and T. D. PEAVTTABR0O.»0.rB0n MLP lrt aad a s te laanaaa. 3w! = = = 3 Real Estate Translet «n. T P tm ltb a d b y U u T w la r a lls m and Abatract Compaay ll. = WEDNEDAY. NOVEftflUOl < 3 7 Deed. A. Van Meter, Tt. U O, B. Draper. «1, Lot B, MeOlatraa. 198 tubdlvtlea. Deed, R. Van MeUr to B. A Van Metar. 1. Lot B, McOlarrta lubdlvltlon. Deed 0. B. Van Meter to 6.1 Draper,»00, Lot B. MeOlarraa Pot subdvson. y fclf**. UU nad 4 Blue U k ea, h «rela,the... * The Wan Ads th o t Everylnng hnd Uxut PHONE.32 TODAYl. ELLYOUH :oazst6e;:3lppe Carrots, Hay,puds, : Farm Machnery,... Fnmtnre f : 0 m. ; : No matter what yon have to aell the News W ant Ads wll p. fnd a buyer. tre TU.. f l easy to order your ad. ust Phone 32 ay "Charge f* fooc sword Puzzle of Yetlerdty a Punle» {)*sle«.... sntlobast l r! n.f T g W r W B O p T *.T w M t >j3e WAM[0 Y f. {Tonhr TRu TsH!> spamh " f r N M O e MM M E N. hsalr <l*l E p 0 [P [ }! t*at vtlgt H r r r LD* r PteuUarlUM HmOk OBV AlN :s. 1 ronots B e l P n B p t ffl Uarden tmpls. 1, } "»WH «<d. Towa ta Oho 41. t>n4vlep«d W BubUDco tor *1 ** WelloB* TramnH 1 f K /T "?5 w m ~ zt 2 r w 5 T.

14 t fk G B jsw K rtm w H n j l l j H. E. Welsel, Albon Normal, AOaressesscrvoejroup " at Annual Meelnj Mountan Rock Q ru g e n e t n Us M n n l f t l ttcpeeted to rw ch, o of Ue Untad U t«s took actual R m W ubbum v u tlk U d p n tl Twn Falla wlu b t wau repreaant lowtr aasembly hall a t Uu Com 1 ot«mth«.m,whoh«lbecnwlu a Twn 1 n l s today u d vlu spend d part P ta aducu n hls o d nto. Tlw rlcb top aon vhleb ankaa tba dent of Ul# Twn P»U» Kl*»nl» club. ed a t the :tvlfl n U f O eaoerr meet munlty r.cfupeh. soatheat of Twn the pojta aervlce for 31 years, dtd a a rrelt or two h m. H s under : Us fntem lty. n 1B3. when be w ua Red Rter tahey tba nmadbaaket tucctedlnb Rftlpt D. mllh. a t tbe ng today a t Calvary l m p l l Palls, to complet* organlaauon ot r early f yesterday afternoon, ac hstood. et The luncheon la to be open to 0 P presdentelect, he u U te d n rau of the word wjth tu f t wlwatannul clecuon and dnner mmtlns V > Y 1 \ r j chureh, c erome, whch beglna at 10 the t newet Orange n Twn Fall Twn PalU county general hoa.lajn 1 ] nl who are abl# to attend, m «and d ng hls on. ElUott. Unda, and producea tlcb banreats ef of t» troup M evenng a t Un oclock thu momlng, wtu Holy ( P from n chronc alment. le was adly county, T u e s d a L «e B p» r>,j c women, «and arrangem enu have The certm onlefw erfl eld n the,8 com and potatoea n otber aecuon M& CommunU;. church. Elmer E j / z ccommunon, the Very Rev. *. A. Tbe. new O ra n lma. j jjn L h mlttcd to the hoaptal Wednesday f been b mado to ceommodate any V g nnd lodge room at.m aonlo temple le o( the sute. w u ctepoaltad by glacu HoUn*»»orth named { ( l Rhea. Dean of Bt. M chael catbrd* * memlwr«hlp f e t 7«penon a a O a T p evenng.. v w number. The ftffar la belojr a m n x * and 1,500 membera ot Ue frklt t Uon. laya Danel B.WDad, at. Paul presdent and Wlbur 8, HU. «cre 1 ral. BolM, aa celebrant. j wtre organzed by A. L. ROflel, Oranfb Luthe. a realdetl ot Twn Fatt, ed by a group of M r.m ths old * n attendaoce. all tb a t e e gwlorlt. larylrtmurcr. Portjr mtmber* attended the mceunt. Mrs, n. L. Plemelsel, Twn Palls,. deputy. r for the >ost aeven year*, wns tm a v. fremts and the program.» any, ; ~ vce resldenl of m e Womana Aur MMlrr Ben O Marrowprealded at ; {, frrrca hero from ChcaKO. He was.* wll be Bllogelher nformal. Clwrlea «Mcmbera ol Uw l»ard of drect, CoBan tenty b*m fancy manners. * llary ot the Deanery, wll gve the a lhrt bujlneaa wttlon and t was r> rclrtd on a penson aboul threegla. North. Twn Palla attorney, wll on. n addllon to the ncvr elected fcb dont know rfthff b r t.a* addreta of welcome. Reporu from roled * to to m eet the frst and thrd >. yw fs ago. pj Wre a* chalrmsn,1 olllcen. choun lat evenng were alaay or u t ptatnljn>ecanae.. th e n rto u n n ttn n rm T lrd rr e v. TuM dajtfe«hm M tt.tw TlW Alvn Ca*e]f. Lem Chapn. ohn a bea ru ta." ywalter Aalton, Bose. wlu delver applcatons * (or membenhlp «tre The body rests at lhe Twn Falls Knney, A.. Ollbert.. W. P orter,! & = = = = = = the prncpal addreaa of the nom! receved. morluary. pendng funeral arrange Pertrollos. p booueta, exhlblt mnd Dunng tlte socal hour Mn, Phlllp menta. Known relnllvet ncludc a hnnd j, work are npocted U be m t. A. Ccdcnulst and R.. chw eft dmar. /»., Pfterwn, Mra, OKarrow and Mn, cousn, LouU Oldenbcrg. Antlgo. rom (, Chlneae chldren to Twn Fall? T o R T Vr N l N E 1 F U N E R A L Addcues al the nltem oon tes H, { W. nedeman served refreah ; Wsconsn, who hw been notfed 1 tchools * n return. Bach of Ue 3 Profcur K E. WtlMl. Albon lon, beglnnlg at 2 oclock, nclude: menu., o: of hla death. Ntr. Lhe was un home rooms packng bo*ea whleh lale Normal chool. peaker o( the le "Relgon and Youth," Mn. ohn E. The ofllcers are: Master, Ben, marred., wll be aent to an Franclaco and erenlns. dluuttd tha Elhoplan " NEEN Tuneral lervlcea for, Ha>e, Twn Fals; T h e Wocnana a CKatTOw ( overseer. Fred A. Hlls; fl from there to Chna. Mlaa Helen altuauon. AuxDlary," M n. B. C. D E uum, j arold llu llt enlertalned the cfub b Mrs. Afare N lfw n. 53. who ded Bose; Q. lecturer, Mrs. ohn Oamble; stew Orant. sponsor for the sludent 1 C H U RK H E an address on a selected sub g wth a program or mwlc. early Wednesdny momlng. wll bc ect,. > ard. Phlllj) Petenon; aasltant te«chldren ( Prepare «councl, rn* charw of the project. M n. Frank ohnesse, Bose; «held h ths nrernoon at UQ ocloc(, >: ard, Clnrba V. ones; U dy assst afety, blanks for home napec The HUtory ot Eary Church Work g n t the T«ln Fallt mortufty elupel, k ant scmrrt, M n,.charles V. one; Boxes FgrChneae. tuma have been sent to each unor;.... Partcp p a t c d n e v T a x Clark, pastor of le h e a tbh er»nchurch.om datlng, nter " llanu. Twn M l, and T h e Por> ertasufcr, ( C. 5 Kne; Mcrea, Red Cr&M eom m lttw n Ue homo, f to be conducted n the home and m ent wll be t} Twn FnlL teme 7~warttMove»nent tj hecbaet.l ".1 Bu jnumble: c gteleeeper,v/ W. p a rt of the blank aljrnfd and re r l Dean Rhea. v tery. wnlnms: Cerea. Mra. R. PToTr tufnedt n n Hlent preaenlfttlm. : O u r AAnnual Dean Rhea wll preach a t Ue eve Pomona, f Mrs. R. E. Dlngman; Plorn., hclcctlng n; and mck:k C hrlslnuu: : n lr the home room. Blanks are tup Rng aervlce n Calvary.church, and <1 jmn. W. D, tvers; executve eom boxrv lo be senl to nmllles n Chna pled p: throurh the satety movement N f le [ m c T [. 5the vanousclergy wu paruclpale e n mutee. R. F. Both..CMtnce lack, : a: asthe project fnr the Twn F alla» sponsored by the A m trlcur ed LEE Funeral lenlcrs tor the s tb* aervlet. The pubue U n jk e E Bautr. d: dvson of the unor Red Cross.jC.....jd...jdayold»0n j 0f.M r..an d Mr*. Lou Lee, Twn Fall, who ded Wednea \ \ Max Olaon su rm sut for dvorce; j day evenng a t Ue fnmlly home, tw m hs wfe. Vctora OUon. ln the * B19 q] Fourth avenue east wll be held1 d N c t court here ynterdajr. allcs aturday, No N o v e m b e r 2 n d * ths momlng at 10 oclock at the l n * Uw{W««u*nt W thelf mar gravctlde cr n Twtn Rl* cemewrjj. T lajehadbe«{ affeat > r ft«ldr " nchargeofthol.d.bchureh. fe Hs charged that he had deceved 1 Thfl t b o rests a t U>s Twn Palls hm wth tho atalement th a t both 1 mortuary. m of her parents were talans whereas. ahe later confded, h tr noth n r ~ ~ j l c vaa a full blood ndan. He auegcd 1 also th a t the had m lsreprm nted.> her Klaton wth other men. Ther r «er«marred a t Bko. Krrada, lat M a y.a a Mrs. Dorothy Trost. who w m a r! rled to Wallace Prost n Emmett. daho, August t lued for dl j conxteted of burstay at EUto, Nevada. the followng Kovember 30. hs atked for cujtody of ther dx jnontftoaatojhtct: HanrtdryeanwrBultlU at toroeyfor both peutlonen, Tha eat tneude Ed Berte, Daryl Thompon, Normans Bates, Bob Klrkman; Florence Whte. Mar. Bl T yuu, lodald otft, Vlrgll Telford. Burton Mewbry, Amll An. There are two chllng CbCTees. nls and Clnton Andenon. j TwaFalUhlgh chool orehutn. 1, fw percolator. under the drecton pf. T. Ban j j O nefordrp; brtdge, wll present specal mulca! selecuors "" r V E : L y s m m ftplde C. C. A ttdersof e n W m e W l l s l l l L ROBERT QPOLEM jj j g D M L : > r G oodroffch 5jcrcm rbu!tne»r A lttle cue 1 c h l l n g C o B e e t e e s.. ff s zes for mo PAR LKE t h e s e L A T E T TYLE AND Msses, Women anu a Larger Women, too! m O W. L U. The cholcc ofnylefm s~amo6 n n lm tc d l l c r e nre P P y o u v m E Y v n M p; z ;: ; BwoRKenwhh RTMtfur sn u c tp ln c A a COME WTH NAP FATENER, Une conts... whatever v e r Blyl y o u hftve n m nd s Hurc to fe here! LjDEFATENEROR..ROTHM OOR a nndprltze d COAT = N o p a s te n e r s a ta ll. : } * A R E N C L U DED E N TH AB c t o $. 9 m n u e Co, T V n N F A U f l D A LLy Y n e w s, T w m r u t M, p a > hh 0, P B D A Y M O B N N O, KO\n ) V 2 B a E.), U 5 mwmw \ K =C =......; >. Tled to all a»oa.ut.7aaao ((a Olenna Ferry, U R a n X )tu fer Ute t Twn Falls D eananr..hm w ta an a 6 dendule C. Anderson 9 Company 1 g m m t f raw \\MM w m WL Mmm l l p UlllU. lmffsrl T H M M M B ; F O fle K W N ; A g m a k s a s B m m s n r E v e r y co at r [ m asterpece f ro n fnlnk to f u r cou arl h U j g a ljj rtpfg j «PREDENT HELP TO, MAKE MAON ooualel l e s t h a t d a v ; wll go L t o h e s e ALCh lurches T h la 1b o u r w ny o f rccogn: nzlnp o u r oblgntlon to the v a ro u s c h u rc h e s n th s c< com m unty andlelpng to c o n trlmtc n nn <?<;ttflb)e >)e manner to thcr fluppot t: f L U te t b e lo w a r e th c p nrtlclpatnr churchcs n the T w n F a lls to re, n th e : benefts of ths, T h e l C h u r c l.ever w :w known em ve.cy. so rry w e could not t fcve f belter servce C a th o lc C h u r c h,k v n F?al.d a l fo ::L : M e th o d s t C h u rc h, T w n 1 Falls, daho B a p ts t C h u r c h, T w n Fal Palls, daho.c h tls ta n jc h u r c h T w ln t Falls.daho P r e s b y te r a n C h u rc h, Tw wn Fns,daho... L. D.. C h rc h, T w n Fnl alls. daho N a z a r e n e C h u rc h ; T w n Falls, daho E p s c o M t h u rc h,> ~ lr rtf a tu rl latu r B e th e l T e m p le C h u rc h, Ttt n T t Fas. d a h o. C h r s ta n c c n cc C hurch, Twtn F alls, daho B r e th re n C h u rc h, T w n Fnlls, F dnho L u th e r h C h u rc h, T w n Falls, F daho F o u r q u a r e G ospel C hpr prcb. Tw n Ffllls, daho ~ G c rn rn C o n jrrb K n tlo n n lchurchtw nfallb,ldahb ConRTCRatonnl C h u rc h, Twn 1 F alls, daho a lv a to n A rm y, T w n F Falls, daho C o m m u n ly C h u rc h, Twvn Falls. daho M e th o d s t C h u rc h, Hansc sen, daho C o m m u n ty C h u rc h, H anf nsen, daho T r n ty C h u rc h, C lover,, dnho t L u th e ra n C h u rc h, Clover. er, daho L D.. C h u rc h, K fm herly rly, daho! jc th o r tls t h u r c h r K ln hhcrly~ldaho~ c N a z a re n e C h u rc h, K lm bc berly, daho C h r s ta n C h u rc h. K lm bc berly, daho ;,. D.. Church, W endell, cll, daho. M cthodh t C h u rc h. W cndc dclt. daho M e th o d st C h u rc h, C astle tleford, daho L u th e ra n C h u rc h. B u h l,. daho 1 L. D.. C h u rc h, B uhl, d: daho M e th o d stc h u rc h, B uhl.. d a h o C h r s ta n C h u rc h, B uhl,, daho 1 P r e s b y tc rln n C h u re h. Bul []uhl, daho M e th o d st C h u rch, F ler, daho 1 M e n n o n le C h u rc h, F ler, daho B a p ts t. C h u rc h, F le r, daho d M e th o d ls t C h u rc h, hosh shone. daho B a p ts t C h u rc h. hoshon one, daho B n p d s t C h u re h, K null. daho P r e s b y te r a n h tr e h r D >«clo,daho «L. D.. C h n r c h. lo llls te ler. r d ahov. r... r p f c «y l c r h C h f e r oromrer.ttahfl l D.. C h u rc h, M urtaur ujfh, dnho M e th o d st C h u rc h, M urta rtaukh, daho P r e s b y te ra n C h u rc h, erome, n daho E p sc o p a l C h u rc h erb me e,ldnho ~ L. D.. C h u rc h, e ro mle, daho P r e s b y te r a n C fu rch. E;den, dt daho \ e v e n th D ay A d v e n tst Cl Church, T w n F alls. M aw G o mh llu le C. C/Artde ereon bau would beta. n b u jrn g t. TTe speech department ol tho *ad n makng t Twn Falls lglt Khool. under the pa}t delcous dvdends. drecton o( Mlta Manha F a m r,. wll preent ths evenng tbe allaebool play, O tlleer «M." wth one ; Try thlllng C oltt. ot the laset cau ever to take 0 f* md; and depcodsble. p a rt n a local hgh tchool play. The curtan wll go up at 8:19 oclock. Wth reaonblc.care The reentatlan t mads by peclal t dclven a dclcous cup. «raem enw lt)sam uelprrneh, "tv W n g o f the Momngl Oulld ot OatvaT cburh b Deanery w u blfflaau muta an beeenry mraber of Aeh t«k lode. Ho. 8l». K W TORK. Not. 7 d V d e n f Luncheon wn & lfted at 1:0 l» * wheh bu tb m aooa ara oow * Roonvet Mflho».By w ty of at«n d lo f welcome * tons and asuted n rmlsng b)a sons, CE A O OAVK MNNUOTA g after Ux y e atam ea to Addleon T. amet and FrantU o p. Rywevelt. Twn Falls Women Appear»r T ( Chronlo AllmenLTakes Lte! M peakers FroBrara RANGERTCOM PCETr of Otto Luthe, Resdent n congreu of thla congreasonal f w ms h lg h e srn U e "BlUe M N K E A P0U 8 (*? O ladar le«oarehln* over U tnneeou n bydttrtet. a luncheon has been ar * aterome Meetng NEW ORGANZATON Here even Years nnued j whch wll be held a t thee t wma Uu U n t Ume n Ue blsu>ry gone age, gaologltu aay, b n» b t Park hotel at soon auudkr. «of. U u order th a t a chef execuuvs Uu. ; r ta t r ta r a a t m te a ltu ra l. X weaub. rr Largest ch Day Co.


A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W Volume 52 Fall 2000 Number 1 B E F O R E D I S A B I L I T Y C I V I L R I G HT S : C I V I L W A R P E N S I O N S A N D TH E P O L I T I C S O F D I S A B I L I T Y I N

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