Compressed Sensing under Optimal Quantization

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1 Compressed Sensing under Optimal Quantization Alon Kipnis, Galen Reeves, Yonina C. Eldar and Andrea J. Goldsmith Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology Abstract We consider the problem of recovering a sparse vector from a quantized or a lossy compressed version of its noisy random linear projections. We characterize the minimal distortion in this recovery as a function of the sampling ratio, the sparsity rate, the noise intensity and the total number of bits in the quantized representation. We first derive a singe-letter expression that can be seen as the indirect distortion-rate function of the sparse source observed through a Gaussian channel whose signal-to-noise ratio is derived from these parameters. Under the replica symmetry postulation, we prove that there exists a quantization scheme that attains this expression in the asymptotic regime of large system dimensions. In addition, we prove a converse demonstrating that the MMSE in estimating any fixed sub-block of the source from the quantized measurements at a fixed number of bits does not exceed this expression as the system dimensions go to infinity. Thus, under these conditions, the expression we derive describes the excess distortion incurred in encoding the source vector from its noisy random linear projections in lieu of the full source information. I. INTRODUCTION The pioneering work of [] and [2], initiated much work in compressed sensing CS, where a sparse vector is recovered from its noisy random linear projections. The main principle in CS is that a relatively small number of random linear projections are enough to represent the source, provided it has only few non-zero entries in some basis [3]. The fact that sparse sources possess such a low-dimensional representation justifies the compressed part in the term CS. Nevertheless, reducing dimension does not yet provide compression in the information theoretic sense, since it is still required to quantize this low-dimensional representation, i.e., to map it to a finite alphabet set. Arguably, any practical digital implementation of a system based on CS is subject to this quantization constraint. This paper considers the MMSE that can be attained in CS using quantization of the noisy projections, subject only to a bit per source dimension constraint. Previous works addressing effects of quantization in CS have focused on particular forms of quantization [4], [5]. Consequently, these results do not consider the fundamental tradeoffs between the system parameters and the overall number of bits in the resulting quantized representation. Other approaches that model quantization as an additive random noise [6], [7], [8] lack theoretic justification and disregard the structure existing in quantization techniques [9]. In this paper we consider the MMSE in estimating a sparse n dimensional source vector X n from a quantized or a lossy compressed version of its observation vector Y m, where the relation between the two is given by Y m = γhx n +W m. Here the random entries of the sampling matrix H are taken from a zero mean i.i.d distribution of variance /n, and W m is a unit variance white Gaussian noise vector. Therefore, the signal-to-noise ratio SNR in the channel equals γ. We are interested in the minimal MSE distortion that can be attained using any recovery technique from any form of quantization, subject only to the bit constraint R. We focus on the limiting case where m and n go to infinity while m/n converges to a constant sampling ratio ρ. This limiting situation is henceforth referred to as the large system limit. It is moreover assumed that each entry of the source is taken from a Bernoulli-Gauss distribution with PX i = 0 = p, where p is denoted as the sparsity rate. We analyze the MMSE in the setting above in the large system limit using the replica method [0]. One of longstanding problems with analysis based on the replica method has been the fact that it relies on certain key assumptions, most notably the assumption of replica symmetry. Unfortunately, these key assumptions are currently unproven in the context of CS. However, recent work has made significant progress in showing often via various different techniques that many of the properties predicted using the replica method are correct [], [2], [3], [4], [5]. In particular, [4] characterizes the asymptotic mutual information and MMSE under very mild technical conditions. Shortly after [4] appeared, a similar result was obtained in [5] using a very different proof technique. Beyond the properties used to obtain a precise characterization of the mutual information and MMSE in [4], the current paper requires two further properties, namely the asymptotic decoupling of the posterior distribution and its description by a Gaussian channel. While these properties currently rely on the assumptions of the replica method [6], a weak form of decoupling is proved in [4] and there is hope that this result can be strengthened to the form of decoupling needed in this paper. We characterize the MMSE in CS under quantization with a single-letter expression, which is a function of ρ, p, γ and R. This expression is equivalent to the MMSE distortion in estimating X n from any rate R encoded version of its observation through a scalar Gaussian channel. This distortion is known as the indirect distortion-rate function idrf of X n given the scalar channel output, and can be obtained by optimization over joint probability distributions subject

2 to a mutual information constraint [7, Ch. 3.5],[8]. Since this idrf is associated with the posterior distribution of X n predicted by the replica method [6], we denote it as the replica posterior idrf. H R m n W m X n + Y m {0,} nr Enc Dec ˆX n The main results of this paper are achievability and converse theorems with respect to the replica posterior idrf. Specifically, we show that under the asymptotic decoupling and posterior distribution assumptions, there exists a quantization scheme that attains an MMSE as close as desired to the replica posterior idrf. Our converse result says that under the same assumptions and in the large system limit, the MMSE in estimating any fixed sub-block of the source from the quantized measurements at a fixed number of bits does not exceed the replica posterior idrf. This weak form of the converse leaves the possibility that without the restriction to a finite block and a fixed number of bits, there exists a quantization scheme that attains MSE distortion lower than the replica posterior idrf. Nevertheless, as the code rate R goes to infinity, the replica posterior idrf converges monotonically to the expression for the MMSE in estimating X n from Y m derived by the replica method in [6], which is known to be correct for Gaussian sampling matrices [4]. Therefore, our converse result is tight in the limit of a large code rate. We note that in the case where the SNR is high and ρ is such that X n can be recovered from Y m with high probability, the optimal quantizer may first recover X n and quantize it in an optimal way. As a result, the MMSE in this case coincides with the direct DRF of X n [9]. Therefore, we restrict our attention to settings in which the source cannot be recovered exactly from the non-quantized CS measurements. The critical sampling ratio ρ that allows exact recovery in the noiseless case, or leads to a bounded noise sensitivity in the noisy case, is known to be the Rényi information dimension of the input vector [20], [2]. For a finite SNR, the conditions for attaining a prescribed support recovery error level were studied in [22], although many of the ideas there can be extended to the MMSE metric. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II we define our source coding problem. Our main results are given in Section III. Concluding remarks are provided in Section IV. II. PROBEM FORMUATION We consider the source coding problem described in Figure : each entry of the source vector X n is taken from the distribution P X defined as P X x = δ 0 x p + pφx, where δ 0 is the Dirac distribution of unit mass concentrated at the origin, and φx is the standard normal density function. The observation vector Y n is a noisy random linear projected version of the source as in. We further assume that the observation vector Y m R m is mapped by an encoder or a quantizer to an element U in the set {0,} nr. The Fig. : Source coding system model: recovering X n from a compressed version of its noisy random linear projections. The dashed line indicates that the sampling matrix is available both to the encoder and the decoder. decoder or the estimator, upon receiving U, provides a source reconstruction sequence X n R n. We further assume that the reconstruction X n is obtained by MMSE estimation of X n given the output of the encoder. Specifically, given an encoding scheme g : R m {0,} nr, the expected distortion in recovering X n as a function of the code-rate R is defined by: D g R E X n E[X n gy m ] 2 = EX i E[X i gy m ] 2. n i= 2 The problem we consider is the minimal value of D g R taken over all rate R encoders g. This problem corresponds to the indirect or remote source coding problem of X n from Y m [7, Ch. 3.5]. The minimal distortion 2 is referred to as the indirect DRF, defined by n D X n Y mr inf D gr, 3 g where the minimization is over all encoders g of the form R m {0,} nr and decoders {0,} nr R n. In what follows, we characterize the function D X n Y mr in terms of a particular single-letter expression. III. OPTIMA SOURCE CODING Our characterization of 3 is based on the following two predictions of the replica method from [6]: A Single letter posterior: The conditional distribution of the ith coordinate of X n, given the vector of observations Y m, in the large system limit satisfies P Xi Y m P X Z, weakly in probability. Here P X Z is the conditional distribution of a random variable X distributed according to P X given Z = γηx +W, 4 where W N 0, is independent of X. The parameter η 0, satisfies the following fixed-point equation where η = ρ + γ mmseγη, 5 ρ mmseγ EX E[X γx +W] 2 6

3 is the minimal MSE in estimating X under a scalar AWGN channel of SNR γ. In the case of multiple solutions to 5, η is chosen to minimize the free energy IP X,Z + ρ 2 η ρ log η, 7 ρ and we further assume that the global minimizer of 7 is unique. The conditional distribution P X Z is referred to as the replica posterior. A2 Decoupling: For an arbitrary but fixed number of input elements X n,...,x n, in the large system limit we have P Xn,...,X n Y m P X Z, weakly in probability, where X and Z are distributed as in A. A. A Single-etter Expression In order to characterize D X n Y mr, we consider the scalar Gaussian channel 4 and denote by D X Z R the minimal value of the following problem: D X Z R = inf I P Z, X R 2 E X X, 8 where the minimization is over all joint probability distributions of Z and X whose mutual information does not exceed R, and the marginal of Z coincides with the distribution at the output of the channel 4 with input distributed as P X. The function D X Z R is known as the information idrf of the process X n given Z n [7, Ch. 3.5], where the latter is obtained by n independent uses of the channel 4. In this paper we refer to D X Z R as the replica posterior idrf, since it can be seen as the idrf associated with the Gaussian channel defined by the replica posterior P X Z. Our main result is the characterization of D X n Y mr in the large system limit in terms of the replica posterior idrf. The precise statement of this result is given by the following two theorems: Theorem 3. achiveability: Under A and A2, for any ε > 0 there exists n large enough and an encoder g : R m {0,} nr such that E X n E[X n gy n ] 2 does not exceed D X Z R + ε. Sketch of Proof: The existence of the encoder g is shown using a random coding argument, where the codebook is generated according to the joint scalar distribution which attains 8. It follows from A2 that in the large system limit, a random code designed with respect to P X Z asymptotically leads to the same distortion even if it operates on observations generated according to P X Y m. The transition from length blocks to the entire source realization X n is trivial since the same code is valid for all length blocks. The details are given in the Appendix. When the free energy functional 7 has more than one global minimum, the limiting distribution is not well-defined and the system is said to be in a phase transition. Theorem 3.2 converse: Under A and A2, for any,k N, deterministic encoder g : R m {0,} R and ε > 0, there exists n 0 such that [ E Xk +k E Xk +k gy ] m 2 > DX Z R ε for all n > n 0. In words, the average distortion in estimating any block of length of the source from the observation vector Y m is bounded from below by the single-letter expression D X Z R, provided n is large enough. Sketch of proof: The main idea of the proof is to map the distortion over each length block to a particular distortion measure defined only in terms of length m sequences Y m. We then use Shannon s source coding converse to obtain a lower bound for this distortion expressed in terms of joint probability distributions over m blocks. Once this lower bound is established, we use A2 to conclude that the aforementioned lower bound converges to D X Z R in the large system limit. The full proof can be found in the Appendix. Before proceeding to discuss Theorems 3. and 3.2, we first provide a procedure for evaluating the the replica posterior idrf D X Z R. In the fully Gaussian case of p =, the function D X Z R can be obtained in closed form as [24, Eq. 3] D X Z R = + γη G + γη G + γη G 2 2R, where η G = η G ρ,γ is the unique solution to 5, and can be found in 2 [2, Eq. 22]. Aside from this degenerate case, a closed form expression for D X Z R is unknown in general. We therefore turn to derive a procedure for evaluating it numerically. It is well-known [25], [26], that an alternative representation of the minimization problem 8 can be obtained by first introducing the distortion measure dz, x = E [ X x 2 Z = z ], 9 and then considering the minimization of E dz, X subject to the same mutual information constraint. The latter is a standard DRF with respect to an i.i.d source distributed as Z. This DRF can be evaluated, after alphabet discretization, using the Blahut-Arimato algorithm [27]. Summarizing all the steps above, we evaluate D X Z R as follows: i Compute the SNR attenuation factor η by solving 5. ii Obtain an expression for the distortion dˆ of 9. ii Evaluate the DRF of Z under the distortion measure dˆ using the Blahut-Arimato algorithm. B. Discussion The achievability result in Theorem 3. is relatively standard and can be anticipated based on the single-letter expression for the posterior under A. The converse part, however, only 2 In the notation of [2]: σ 2 = γ, R = ρ and η σ R = η G.

4 R = 0.25 Rp = mmseγη mmseγη R = 0.75 Rp = 2 Fig. 2: Normalized replica posterior idrf D X Z R/p versus the sampling ratio ρ for R = 0.25 and R = 0.75 bits per source dimension, p = 0.3, and γ = 00. The dashed curve is the MMSE without quantization and the doted horizontal line is the direct DRF of the sparse source. Fig. 3: Normalized replica posterior idrf D X Z R/p versus the sparsity rate p for ρ = 0.5, γ = 00, and two values of the number of bits per non-zero source entry Rp. The dashed and dotted curves correspond to the MMSE without quantization and the direct DRF of the sparse source at the same rate, respectively. guarantees a lower bound on the distortion in estimating subblocks of a particular length of the source with the number of quantization bits adjusted to this length, and only in the large system limit as the posterior distribution decouples. In fact, Theorem 3.2 leaves open the possibility that quantization schemes whose number of bits increased with the system dimension attain distortion smaller than D X Z R. We also note that the encoder that attains D X Z R, as described in the proof of Theorem 3., first forms the MMSE estimation of a finite block of the source from Y m and only then uses random coding to quantize this estimate. Arguably, this estimation before encoding may be impractical in applications due to a lack of computational resources or in knowledge of the sampling matrix H at the encoder. The excess distortion incurred only due to quantization in CS can be studied by comparing D X Z R to the MMSE in estimating X n from Y m without quantization. Under A, the latter is given by mmseγη [6]. By comparing D X Z R to the DRF of X n at rate R, i.e., the minimal distortion in direct encoding of X n, we observe the additional distortion only due to the noise and the random linear projections. This comparison is illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 3 illustrates the dependency of D X Z R on the source sparsity ratio p, under a fixed number of bits per nonzero source entry, sampling ratio and SNR. Also shown is the direct DRF of the source X n at the same coding rate. It follows from Figure 3 that the limiting factor in encoding sparse sources is the bit constraint, rather then the reduced dimension and the noise. The latter two factors become dominant as the source becomes dense. IV. CONCUSIONS We considered the problem of recovering a Bernoulli-Gauss vector from a quantized version of its noisy random linear projections under MSE distortion. In order to characterize the minimal MSE in this recovery, we derived a singleletter expression given in terms of the sampling ratio, noise intensity and source s sparsity. Based on two assumptions that follow from the replica method, we showed that this singeletter expression is achievable. In addition, we showed that by restricting the quantizer to a fixed number of bits while the system dimension goes to infinity, the MSE in recovering any sub-block of the source is bounded from below by the aforementioned expression. Our results leaves a few open questions which will be addressed in our future work. First, the encoding strategy presented in our achievability proof estimates each entry of the source before encoding it, and may be impractical in some CS applications where estimation before quantization is impossible. In addition, our converse result leaves the possibility that some encoding strategies that estimate source blocks of size increasing with the system dimensions perform

5 better than the expression derived in this paper. Another point worth investigating is the study of the sampling rate allowing optimal reconstruction under rate limit quantization. Indeed, it was shown in [2] that Rényi information dimension is the critical sampling ratio leading to a bounded noise sensitivity under any sampler, i.e., not necessarily under a random linear sampler as considered in this work. Therefore, an interesting question that arises is whether the critical sampling ratio of [2] changes under the constraint of quantization at rate R. Namely, whether there exists a sampler of sampling ratio smaller than the Rényi information dimension of P X, such that the MMSE converges to the DRF of X n as the SNR goes to infinity. The minimal sampling ratio for which such a sampler exists is the CS equivalent of the DRF-attaining sub-nyquist sampling rate derived in [28].

6 V. PROOFS In this Appendix we provide proofs for Theorems 3. and 3.2. A. Proof of Thm. 3. Fix ε > 0. We show that for and n large enough, there exists an encoder g : R m {0,} nr, such that for any k = 0,,..., where X k+ k 2 E X k+l X k+l DX Z R + ε, = E [ Xk k+ g n Y m ]. Showing the latter would imply that the distortion over the entire n-length block satisfies X n X n 2 = n n i= 2 E X i X i = n k=0,,2,...,n where without loss of generality we assumed that n/ is an integer. X l+k X l+k 2 DX Z R + ε. For convenience we assume k = and therefore only consider the distortion in reconstructing the block X. The generalization from k = to an arbitrary k is straightforward by setting X Xk k+ and repeating the arguments below for X for each k. Denote by X z the minimal MSE estimator of X from Z = ηγx +W, namely X z = E[X Z]. Denote by P the joint X z, X z distribution of X z and X z that attains the information DRF of the i.i.d source X z with respect to the MSE distortion. Namely, P attains the minimal value of X z, X z 2 D Xz R inf E X z X z, P Xz, Xz subject to I P Xz R., Xz Define the typical set A ε as the set of length sequences x z, x z R R that satisfies log P X z, X z x z, x z P X z x z P x X z R ε, z and x z x z D Xz R < ε. We now generate a random codebook adjusted to the source coding problem with respect to X z by drawing 2 nr times from the distribution P X = P X, which is the marginal of X with respect to P X z, X z. To each realization x z we assign an index u i, i =,...,2 nr. We now describe the encoding and decoding procedures. Encoding: upon receiving Y m, the decoder forms the best estimate of X based on Y m and the encoding matrix H. We denote this estimate by X y, namely Xy = E [ X Y m,h ]. The encoder then looks for a sequence X z such that Xy, X z A ε. If there is no such sequence the encoder sends the index u. If there is more than one such sequence the encoder picks the one with the smallest index u. The encoder then transmit the index associated with the selected X z. Decoding: the decoder declares X z u as its estimate for X. We now analyze the expected distortion in this encoding and decoding scheme taken over all realizations of the random source, sampling matrix and codebook generation. Note that properties of the conditional expectation implies E X X z U 2 = E X X y 2 + E X y X z U 2 mmsex Y m + E X y X z U 2. 0

7 We on the second term in the RHS of 0. Fix ε > 0 and denote by E the event that Xy is such there is no x z in the codebook for which Xy, x z A ε. Denote by E c the complement of E. Consider [ E Xz X z U 2 = E Xz X z U 2 E c] [ ] PE c + E Xz X z U 2 E PE [ E Yz X z U 2 E c] [ ] + E Yz X z U 2 E PE a 2 D Xz R + ε + PE E X y,l X z,l u b D Xz R + ε + 4E[X 2 ]PE, where a follows from the definition of the typical set and b is because, for all l =,..., E X 2 z,l EX 2 and EX 2 y,l EX 2. So far we have shown that E X X z U 2 mmsex Z + D Xz R + ε + 4E[X 2 ]PE c, where the expectation is with respect to all realizations of the source sequence, the sampling matrix, the noise, and the codebook generation. Since D X Z R = mmsex Z+D Xz R, in order to complete the proof it is enough to show that PE goes to zero in the large system limit. Showing this would imply that there exists at least one codebook, constructed according to the procedure above, that attains distortion D X Z R. The result follows from the following lemma: emma 5.: Fix ε > 0. Then there exists n 0 large enough such that PE < ε, for all n n 0. Proof: of emma 5. - sketch. We first choose to be large enough such that sequences generated according to PX z satisfy P Xz, X z / A ε < ε /2. The existence of such follows from the definition of the typical set and the law of large number [7]. Next, we use A2 to choose n large enough such that the probability that Xy is such that it has no matching jointly typical X z in A ε under P X Y mp X z is ε /2 close to its probability under PX Z P X z. Since typicality properties are defined only with respect to the distribution, the rest of the proof follows from the standard source coding achievability arguments [7]. We also note that the convergence in emma 5. is uniform in k since the distribution of any block is identical. Therefore, a single choice of and n large enough in emma 5. would be good for all disjoint blocks of the form X k+ k. B. Proof of Thm. 3.2 In order to simplify notation, we assume that k =, so that we only consider the block X. The generalization of the proof to any length k block Xk +k is trivial by symmetry and is therefore omitted from the proof. Define the following distortion measure on R m R : d y y m, x = E [ X x 2 Y m = y m]. Consider now the standard source coding problem with information source obtained as q draws from the distribution P Y m { with respect to the } distortion measure d y. Denote by D y r the information DRF with respect to the i.i.d m-block source Y m q, q =,2,... and distortion d y at rate r bits per m-block source. This function is the minimum of Ed y Y m, X, taken over all joint probability distributions P Y m, X subject to the mutual information constraint IP Y m, X r. The converse to Shannon s source coding theorem implies that any estimator ϕ : {0,} r X, cannot attain distortion with respect to d y smaller than D y r. We thus have E X ϕ gy m 2 = Ed y Y m,ϕ gy m D y R. The proof would follow by showing that for any ε > 0, there exists n 0 such that for all n > n 0, D y R D X Z R + ε. Fix any joint probability distribution Q Y m, X with mutual information IQ Y m, X R whose marginal with respect to Y m is Q Y m = P Y m, and without loss of generality, its marginal with respect to X has a finite second moment. Note that we have the

8 following Markov chain Z X Y m X defined by the distributions PZ X P X Y mq Y m, X. The expected distortion d y with respect to the distribution Q Y m, X is bounded from below as follows: E Q d y Y m, X = x x 2 P X R +m+ Y mdx,y m Q Y m, X dy m,d x = x x 2 P X R +m++ Y mdx,y m Q Y m, X dy m,d x P Z dz = R +m++ x l x l 2 P X Z dx,z P Z dz Q Y m, X dy m,d x 2 { } + x x 2 P X R +m++ Y mdx,y m P X Z dx,z P Z dz Q Y m, X dy m,d x. 3 By eliminating y m from 2 we get R ++ = a b D X Z x l x l 2 P X,Z dx,dz Q X d x E PX,Z Q X X X 2 D X Z IP Zl, X l IP Zl, X l c D X Z IP Z, X d D X Z R, where a follows from the definition of the information idrf X given Z, b follows by convexity of the idrf [7], c follows from the chain rule of mutual information and since conditioning reduces entropy, and d follows from the data processing inequality since IP Z, X IQ Y m, X R and since D X Z R is non-increasing. We now consider the term 3: we expand the square x x 2, take the absolute value and marginalize over all variables not appearing in any of the terms. This procedure leads to 2 x 2 P R R m X Y mdx,y m P Y mdy m P R X Z dx,z P Z dz + 0, 4 where the summation over x led to 0. Note that the last expression equals to E E [ X 2 Y m] E [ X 2 Z ]. Since the posterior P X Y m is uniformly bounded, convergence of the posterior in distribution in A2 also implies convergence in second moment, hence the last expression goes to zero as n goes to infinity. VI. ACKNOWEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank to U. Erez and Y. Kochman for helpful discussions regarding the problem formulation. This work is supported in parts by the National Science Foundation NSF and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation BSF under Grant No REFERENCES [] E. Candes, J. Romberg, and T. Tao, Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, no. 2, pp , Feb [2] D.. Donoho, Compressed sensing, IEEE Transactions on information theory, vol. 52, no. 4, pp , [3] Y. C. Eldar and G. Kutyniok, Compressed sensing: theory and applications. Cambridge University Press, 202. [4] R. Baraniuk, S. Foucart, D. Needell, Y. Plan, and M. Wootters, Exponential decay of reconstruction error from binary measurements of sparse signals, arxiv preprint arxiv: , 204. [5] P. T. Boufounos and R. G. Baraniuk, -bit compressive sensing, in Information Sciences and Systems, CISS nd Annual Conference on. IEEE, 2008, pp. 6 2.

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