BttPicT ls-?{ B[3PACT l5-t? l'pages* Eena t p :::- =-:-:-:::: It t! It. ?! l* :! 3,*4I {l},*st. 41,r. ?.*38 {0.{r5?,86S {$.01 I I.

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1 a6*nua ll B[3PACT l5-? flrcxarilqecxn gqehrn Ha psnxxate Hergg xsenqneht*te 3a chfthorr er Eonecrr xa xfahsfxnjlateahata C$gTgHa $F HxeTE E? rpag!8gte $ Eefiera na HPE nge: r. n0 nsgneffrogs -_! :::- =-:-:-:::: l'pages* Eena p g&? 9&8-19?l!72-9?5 r?76 - l?7? l98f !! 41,r.1 r 5 T?.*38 {0.{r5?,86S {$ ?.s?3 {.05?.?05 {{}. }0 Tr&*nua ll BPicT ls-?{ f,sreclaqerrr gughrn Hr pi:firrfrt Hergg rse*;[[entfrs 3a [firpr]brr cr $snecrn xa xf;lh8csn*er8n$ai crtbha nffi HTETE ET Fpigas8re $ cenata Ha HF nper 196{-1993 r. nc nsgrffsl$s 9e4-9i7?&g - 19il 97? - l?5?? - 9?9 lggs - r?gl 3! :?! l* :! T 3: 5J { 5!? L il nnn. ilg?,7${ {*.{' 3,*4 {l},*s?. fil+,:s. $5

2 Tr[nna ll 3b3P*[ [rcxacrnrecx$ r{enxn Ha pa}nh[[rf Hergg xueghqhehthte 3a HFTH{rcr er r*ecrn xa xpah0h;*at8'rfiara chteha {FE *}rere 8T rfigssete F cafiire xa HPF npe: l?&4-lg* r. ns ncgnepx.rgs - ==%_ lpagoae fena p l?dg -?? 19? ?9 9g* - 198: 4! * 3 3!,} L L+ g: T! F 3 5 n 5{,' 5. +?i l. &?f *.?49 0, ri${} r.ol Ta$i:nus BSPRCT 30_34 Crsxic?{ecrH gqehhfl Ha pa}sngnre regg rse$hqrertilte 3* frrprhcrr nr &g*ecru Ha xpa*cun*arenxara ccrpxa npi rlre?e BT rpaglrrp n rsnars H: llp6 nper l?i{-g$3 r. Es ni}gnepr6g}l F=--'-=%::- : fpagore ena _:_ l?71 lq?? - e?c?7s - 9?f i?s0-9$l 5! i 6: *ci 3 1! i 7! : 7? g+ 7-7: 3 s: ?+ 0. &67. &e? r.340 E?

3 Ter*sqa ll SESPACT 35-9 * lroxarrn,ecrn oqgfihn Ha Fa3*nrnre uell rsesaqaehtfirs :i rxpn{bs? cr $enerln s* xpahcrxsr.ri?erlhati actexa nfh HTF {i? rfigcbee n sfirra Hs HF6 npe-: 196{-!ggi r. n0 nsg,:.fa{lgn =:-----:%..% _ lpaqore [ejla : p %%=---i $4-9s7 lrig ? - 9?5 197& - f7? lggs - 9g3?1 n +?1 l4 3 r L? z. il1 0 13! 3 :*? rl 4?q $. s*0?. q09 {0. {r5 3.?ll 0.{)5 :.i6{ i+.$} arrrsqa 83P*C 4S-{{ i [rexasrn{errfi pqerrn H& pisllx{xre re{!l roelq$ehrnrg 3e rrlprxlc? sr 8ofi rrh iia * xprxccnnaare&hiri rscrexi npx irere 0T rfagosete f n ce*;ti Ha fipe nper lgi{-l?g3 r. nc :::==:E=--- fpagore Ce*a : p -=-=F=:-- :.- lgal - fer? 9& lq?? - o?q a 976 -??9 lggs - l?s3 7 7 $ r\ + 19 q o + ".-. u : Ll 3 l? ? S B. +{l f, B5S *.44? +.0s{l i0.s*r

4 Ta$*nua ll B!3FAC {-49 lrsxacrrqecr$ sqexrl Ha pa]aslsra derg! xoenqnehtnre la [mprusrr sr $*errg H3 rpahocfe*ete*heta EnTEfrE npa HeTg 8T rpas&bete n ceflara xa HPF npe: l94-lgl f. nc nognspnrlqs fprgo*e LCr-rd if ry---+=-----: l?s4 - lfit 196g - 19?!??? - 9?:??i - 1?7? lgs* - 19E :{i 8 4,lG+ L] : J'??+ j.j: ii 1 3{! 4 i.i r {r?q+ l 4! 1 1 E N?QA?.*g$ {+,il: lgq *, &4!q + * a.enna Fi,SFAC :S-{ frcxacmqers gqehxh si pa]fihshte Herg! [le6]qflehtuts i ch]prhur er [girgcr ua xpah8chfjlilteeilata cltxi npg u;pte BT rpagosete e re**ta ru HPF npel g3 r. n0 nsgnepnnqn =F!%F--F-:==-=- Fpague a*a 7F 196{ -!967 4 i r?69 - -!-= {? l97-97: & - 9?? : 9g0 - qgl 4g E. d B J 3&?9 36 +ir 5{1 E q q -: :09 3.?9 {0.Ssl?.il$ {f.fi5 q.1 l,4l $

5 Tal*rua 1l BrSF*[T 35-:9 Crgxar*recrg ouhru Ha p3*hr?e Hsrgg s$e*qhehtsre :ri HiFTHi:rT lr &ejiecrs Ha xpils[se*it8rlhile nltpx; nps T]lgTe 8T ffagoeete s ea*ra ra llf6 nge:. 19i4-l?S!'. ne nnqnef$egfl * l'prqore f*ra s l9$+ - r9&? 1?6$ l??l - 19?5 1!?A -? r9g5 uil: 64!?^+ El 1 l9! 49! i 43 1 : F 17! 7 &:r 7 ;i1 * 3.e48 i{}.*01 4,?i_: {i'. **l :.!l?,i.ri5 3.{93 {.*fl?a6,rnua 11 BbF,1 ':T 3{l-i4 llcxacrnrecur cqs*xa Ha pa3nsrsre Hergg H0E$6q[sHTnrS 3a HlprHgCT ET *4r H3 xpihschsr;l?p*hit;i fi[texa nfs HETS CT rfa!!bet! H rs*ati xa HP npe: l9$4-198 r, n! isgnepxsgr * fpaga*e Ceia 7! ll 1?64 -?? liri 4nl 1,ruu l. r lgii - l9?r 97& - 9???80 - l9g3 'lq + {! ag! : 3i *g 1: 93! 1$ 1r3 i 10?! 10 go g?+ 7?fr+ 7 ]TJ E *{ s 3,3: {+.*{rl 4.g?r r{l.s*l {*.0S1 -:.?34 {S, $0 fi lfl?

6 * Ta$r*ua sbsf*ct 15-6{ froracrr.*cxp 0{px[6 ila pi]nnfifft xilg$ xse+sqrentnrs 3E rurprhocr r Sc*err ra EpiHlcunllilTeAHaTa [rctsa npf lete 0? rfig8gete r renara ra HPF nper l9i r. ne no$negxogr fpagoue Ce*r si4-9*7?ib - rg? 9?! i -!9?? lqfn - lq'n rg! 19 g!??{! :i?? :&J r r?s? 3E!? 5. $49! qll a 7q7 5. 0i 13.4?7 {n nnl /A nal {+.0{}1 {0,00 ffl ilnl a[arqa ll BbPACT loxacrnracrx cueheh Ha pa3*hrre xergg xoerlqnextare 3e cffiftxorr or lo*errn x* cfahsch$*ate&h;ta chcteha nfe Hl*eTE AT rpa[gbpte r ce,!a?a xa HPF nper 19i4-l?g3 r. n0 nsgnpfns{i fpagone eaa!s B - r9? 19?? ??i -?7? l?b -!?E!?!! 33?6r 3??&! 3{ 13! {? ,5.??4?.?{9 il q?n r0.547! 9,0s5,,n JlAl {0. {i* n fi{lr /fl nn /n finl

7 al*sua l? Bi3Ff,[T 5-? [lxrclnqexa EqsHrH He parl]!ehte Hegg rle*s{nshtnte 3i rhf?hi[ 8T {HnTnHE }r uega$p* scppgpnehn rlcrssnnlr ilfn illrere 0T pagorerp n rp*rra ru HPE npe, g3 r. ns nsgfifpi:lgx lpagore Ls11' 1A l 9&4-?6T!?sfi-?? l??3-?i5! 191&-r9??! 1?B*-?8 3! 1 { A {r L!?* aa ii h!? ; {i. *s'l ' oo /i1 A ir.ri ltr?d 4,? {$,++?,3{i {1r.03 3,104 -:f. 01 * * Ta.l*nEr l? B1'3PAT 0-:4 lrcxarnqgcrn glia*rrg l{ pa?r}rfnte Hsrgg rg8+5q$ehtstp 3i HFHAT 8T nhntilhh ] *go8pr onfegensnn EcrBsHnR fll* llrers 0T pigobere H ceaara a HPS nper 196{-lg3 r. nr! nogl?pncgn Fpagere e*e ::ffi ip 19A4-1967? 1968-??l?l ?*-19?9 2! l? r a! 4 5! 4l s+!: E! T NQE!,i0: {i.01 A OJl??.$5 {r,05?.8*? {0.0

8 T Tr,l**ua l? B3P*[T?5-:9 lrgxacrrrecru EqsHr(H He pi3n$rrre Herg! xogsxqse$tta 3a chbfth$t 0T EllXnTSrr U HegaEpe *ilfege$ehn Ermrnni fiplr Hirere a? rpagssers n cefiers m HPS nper 19&{-1993 r. ne noglrefh$gn lpagcar Cena ?6? 9ig - g?r?7-9?5 r?76 - l??9? ?1 {1 5! + 1 '? 4 a 3 4! 6! 4 *! 1 4 n?? n nnn s00 l. 4?9 Ta[a&a l? BSra 4-34 lrcxlcrqecrn sqphsn Ha pa3alrrhte rerg! xgeul4ghtnte :ra [illfthoft ET *HnTlHn ]l Hegrlpe BnpegAeHil crshr{f npa Huee DT rpagilrere H cenara Ha HPE nper l?s r. nc nognepnogs f [paglre L Ef ?el l?se - 1??r 9?: -??F l?:6-1??9 l9g$ - 1?8 2! 3! 5i & 7! i!?!,r? r: 1 d!g n nfln r E fi finn

9 Ta$*nqr 12 + EiSP*C frexacrnqesrn {iqexrl fii pr}rus[te Hexgy H8e$HqBeETHTe 3A CHTFTHSCT gt ihhntilhr{ H Hrgope BfipelerlB]rir :rrelhylr nfh Hrere E? rpagoeete s renare xa ilpe npe: l?e4-9$ r. ns ncqnspnagn * lpagrre ler'a l?i{ - 967?iB - g? lg? - r97??i - 1??9 9g0-9g3 3! h! 2 *? 5? 5? 8!? r! 3 i 1S1 3 llj 3? qrn ffi nq 4. g4& BOO A ll/lfl 0,489 Ta&*nua 12 FSPAfT 4{ -4{ [roxacrnqsrxn ouehr] r{e palfi$rnre r{ergg [oelfqnehtht* 3a HrFTH0T 8T EHnTSHH $ Hegrpe BnFFgp*eHH clcrsnxfif, rga HlxETs 0T rpagoeers F qeaara na HPE nper li4-l?83 r. ru] n${nepxcgn fpagnre err 9&4 - l9$7!9a* - l9?l 9?? -!97??& - 197? ggl 4! 4 8!?1 7!? a 5?! 91 9 l5! n.t ?qn /n nq n qq? :.?8 s.?94

10 Ta$mua l? BhSFAT {5-49 frgxgrn'{gcrn EqaHrH Hi Fa}AnxETe Hpxgg fe&h4hgh?5te 3; C]FTHST 0T CHHnTSHn 6 nega.lpe sfifegeaehn Elcrsf,Hnr npa srete ET rfa-qebe?e H Eefiara na HFF nper 196{-1983 r. ns lsgnepnegil fprgcre Ee*a l9i4-196??&fi -?71 l9?? - r? l??+?gs -?93 6! 'l+ a: 9! + ll :?s ??? : il! 3? 3 4 ilr * ' A7L c l.ig n q? r,763 Ta[nnqa l2 i BSFAT 5$-34 [rsxacrn'recrn {rqeurl Ha Fa*s{}lrF rergg F8e*HUnefiTTe 3a rspthoet st THHnTEHT ] r*gr$pe rnpelenehfi rlcranxhi np$ Hlxere 0T rga{beets E cpnara xa HPE npe: 1964-l?Ei r. ns nlgnspflriga [pagnee CBra =:-g=# 9i4-1Fi7?s8 - lg? 97i -?75 if76-1?79?g$ - gg] 4!?? l l r? 3 { E 15!4 1 rg 9!!n+ T {? 5 5.i?g {0.0C1,18! /fi nq S4 {*.${l! fi nn{? on /A nal Lr a iv 19r V*l

11 Ta$axqr l! 83P*CT 55_59 f [rcx;r?[qer:h sqehrh Ha Fi3inxnre Hsrlg rsein{hextnre 3s rarprh{et? rnsnr$h[ s f xrgolpe snppge*shl crcrof,hni nfh xrrsre sr rpessbers n rs*rra Ha HPF npe: ge4-?b r, ns n$gnef$ogn :-:: l'pagaee [e*a Z P :+:::F:-:::_=:: :_i::?64 - ge? 9ig - l ??: 1??& - 97? s3 '! + L 6 i?? i! 1 : ?0 4 4??+ c 4??! 7?? 4 5.$S {+.001 e.?l? {l. {}{i 5.:5& {0.0*?.?l {0.05 il.&g {s.00: Fi3Ff,[ lalarqr l? s0_i{ * Croxaraqscrx ouexx$ He pilllursre He[g! H*egHqHsHTHTe 3i chprhbct a nxnrsilf n xego$pe sflpegen*hn rcronhnl npn xrxprs rlt fpagoeere r enrra He HFE nper gg4-lggg r. no nognepnogn -;-=-:+:=:==_: =_!- fprgore [ena : p fgjl - 9eT lgg ?? - 19:5 r??i - 9?? l?g$ - l9g3 9! { 9i :?+ q 33 6 Er 7 4S! J {&1 :g! a L 5 rs.7&0 {s.s{}l 6.9S {,93 {$,s 3. lgg {*. 0$1

12 f ainsua l? FlSP$rT F-i4 xego&pe *nppge&ehs alrsfihils nfh Huerp sr rfagssere s rsrlara ra HFF npr: l?e4-l?gl r, nc ncgnpphsgn Crc:arp'ierrn sqprifa Ha Fi3*n[HTe Hergg K8 +lqfieh?fite 3a CAlFTHnr 8T HHnr$Hn E lpago*e [ena,f l9&4 - l?il aaq - Q?l rqi3 - r?75 rotr - olo J.:U L'?gs - r9g3 + 4! f?+ o+ r re+ { i : r ll : '] E! + 7! a 1 l.$3 {0.$sl.:67 {{i.00 ll.11+ {+.s01?.519 {*.{}+l,454 {$,*5 * Ta$,rsus 1? glsfact *-r+f} lrgsr*recx$ sshhh Ha Fasiix:HTe ue[!j SEAHqHSHTHTe 3a CHTFTHCCT 0T lsl{irtf}hh H Hegrrp* snfsge*ehh rlrroihsf, npfi Hrrare 0T rpagcners * rerra?* ira llpl npe: l? r, n0 n$lnefnrgx i l'pagoee loa: 9&{ - 9i7 gig - 97 r9?? - $?5??i - 1?? l9g0-19e r? 15?!?3! {{l LA4??+?? Aq * +!lr : 1? T cn n {n nnl qi fi?r /n flfi {0.$01 a?. i*7 {.0$l 49.J9{ {S.SS

13 l-!",,,,-. rl riuiiii-,: i ;.i:r, ni -riliiiil:'l:1 H i!lr!i-n1l!1:i lrrrrr!rjii! l;lf:_.:r:!l,lrlrl Ll! li rrlllll Liil r: F.".:. l:! lll! il u nr.,,r,i lrr Li : ir i r lai,ilil ii l..:-?na:.r :i i:rj ru c!! fl!id!;, L ril [rr. gi; ir't iifiir;fr;r.rnp.3r:a; iil ij:ii.r: {c.j;:i.rj HF iif; iiiiiiii:l "ufe HFi ii:'iii:l fpaq iei1il i'lig (Pi,:i r vr,?!l f i i ln.,1" ': '1 i: * j.?1 'i - iil.-: " i J4l1{!: f 1.!sL! al T? ij.' ' f??n{ f? ^ ra a.f, {J? i :'-: " r 1q qij :!r-1

14 :Efisqa * [Pililfi nfl&rfisllteflhillr {A ]pea[t[q]9 THBBT HA Hgg$FO*EHHTE EETA OT H}CHil TB* B {PE fipes 19i4-l9gl,, ng fie$lepl{fl{fi } ' ETilHBTEHE if[sh4] r irsg ei1s 1S&4-1C&6 1?i ?*-97: 97-19?5??g-1?78?7?-l???E-?e3 iq E? *s,71 E OE uu UU ie,?7 8, Ei i8r84 G?rll 4Q qa i?,93 61,7{.l?? A7 p gi! 5fi i7, []

15 ii':'i':iiiii lf li,ilfrthulth ;* &EHlilFEr;iii &* i,:-iliil[i;l* S'u:F*li fifl }iln'{b.ti T*, ifxel{iriih ifi 15 iililidhl'1, E i.fe ife:j ifb'i-l?; i", fiil ]0inri,!fiJ1l i'l i{e[tehi{bihi lagnepnqn i in+- i :ir i?i:- lli! L'-!:-1:: i:i:-:- i. '-l 1Tli- i?i:- 1?E: -1?*l l'pa! n :::: ': :TlT :i :'lt i.l,, il.f Ll," 1i,:i!l iuau r,r, /-JrJ.jr!1.g a ii:!1! r1 '!!Ti U13!i-i

16 Talanua l PE{HA flp0i*[ilter]h0ct HA nfeset0g{h nhbt $ AKT,TBHA g3ff;[t H* HCflETATS, i$$h8fifl r{} l5 fe*h{h, s HF6 fipes 1?& f. fiu N{&NEFHO{H }1 fretothbethe (r0&nhill ngflefedgh l-pag?6{-l?&i l9*7-i9i? 1??fl-i? i?i3-1?75 1??&-1979 l9ii-r?7? l?u-l?u.1.15, {4 45, * E 1., ij! 1r {5,4+ 4E -l.,j ; J.f 45,;g 45,$1 {{,10.,, ll'.i, i E a!: l r?..i, l j,? F' 1.r 7ri

17 Ta$*xq l7 CPEflHA ipe{}rthtsfih{ct fi* NFEAT5qHT fr'ei}t li* il$ete, A0HgEfl] ii] i3 f[&llhh, s HF ilpes 196{-19r f., Nfi NS&NEFHEA} H HECTff$HSEEHE {f{irih}ffi hgnepngn 1?i4-9&S q?- 940 o?a- o?'1 r 4?!- r E?q O?l-r o?d l?77-?q 1?8r-9gl F, 94 6 /1'! -' u, Usu Ul r u g!9? E! UE 8r9,1?rEi 6q? n a?l: E?q ann E!: v, J oql uus

18 Tal*nqr 18 Tf;Ei}{lEH EFoS ii* fii$ete, firejlh 88 $LSFA TT* 0 15 is i5 r0afi{h, HF npes f., N{} Nj&NEP}{B{d H },EC}Bf;ff8EEHE + llognepuag* ffa{ sn r?s4-19$6 i ? 9?0-197?73-?75 r? s;r-1f;f r?81-i993 i:g?8 :{9?8S :3 *{1 :$ 8$: 16* 5? i,c- u.i.f se 74*?3 :&7?;$ 449 :{s 5li?49 4El :5? i4r 37$ {5r :97 Ll?g * liopeh:r x rer*$[x;s :Ji is]ft#scr r-! i]$* **{}

19 *E,".su:!9 CPE{H* gsp*r * H!*ETE, SHPEiH gl,s 8b3F,f;[r ST r5 ifl 65 rqhhh, B ilfe nfe:?6{-l?83 f., NU NgANEFHg{il irfi*hh{} '{ HCTflS}BEEJE?&4-1?6i?7-:?6? 9*-?: c73-19:5 r ?77-197? r?sl fpag 53,6l g? r.,,j.i9 J! F! J dj!i E?!r rf! ua q? d{!j Ts 55,4{ T J!.fa le*q 51,49 qr?? E$,65.JV, j'a1 51, 4{ 5l r;: 5{r} 7

20 ?ai*sua?0 PT&EH FPBH H* 3* CEHHTE 'isbehntfifihhh fft ffb3te, 5#PEfiH Flg ELSFAT* C J: &* *: 'ilahhh $ HpE nfe: r6{-r?g: f.. NO NENEPHS&H H frettushseehe {r0&}fhh HS r{!ee}i} i?64-196$ i9$i-19$? l9?ri-?:? F73-1?:?7&-19?g F77-1?7??!r-i?$3 l?n l,{4,38 l a Ji lrcl il,&0 1,58 13,5: i? : l{ul l {,35 {r;l li!j l? rd rug! {,lg

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