MEETING #1-9/27/82 - with Littleto n Tow n Manager, Harold Sander s. Introduced ide a of working o n needs assessmen t fo r various town department s

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1 MINUTES RE. C.E.D. PROJECT MEETING #1-9/27/82 - with Littleto n Tow n Manager, Harold Sander s Introduced ide a of working o n needs assessmen t fo r various town department s and doin g motivational workshops fo r town employees. 9/30/82 Received a call fro m the Town Manager. H e said ide a was approve d an d the first meeting coul d be scheduled fo r Wednesday, October 6, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. at the Town Manager's office. MEETING #2-10/6/82 A. Discusse d overvie w of C.E.D. Projec t throug h 12/83. B. Discusse d differenc e betwee n Traditional Economi c Developmen t and Community Economic Development. C. Se t up regular weekly meetin g schedul e durin g term of project. Meetin g to be at 1:30 P.M. eac h Wednesda y at the Town Manager's office. D. Tow n Manager agree d to cooperate an d consider me as a resource perso n and consultant a s appropriate. E. W e agree d tha t my rol e wil l b e a low profile on e and any recommendations for change would b e presented by the Town Manager to the Selectmen. F. Othe r item s discusse d were: 1. Statutes regulatin g Tow n Manager. 2. Job descriptio n fo r various Department Head s (Tow n Manager wil l prepare fo r next meeting). 3. Departments unde r responsibilit y of Town Manager : A. Polic e - Chief B. Fir e - Chief C. Highwa y & dump - Superintendent D. Sewag e treatment - Operato r E. Offic e - Town Manager and Assistant 4. Town Cler k - elected b y voters.

2 5. Wate r & Light Departmen t - separate municipality withi n the Town. 6. Librar y - elected trustee s by voters. 7. Park s and Playgrounds - elected par k commissione r by voters. G. Discusse d "As Is" of various department s an d "should be". H. Discusse d ideas for possible change. Se e below: 1. Coordinatio n of Town Clerk's hour s with othe r office help. 2. Confidentialit y of Town Manager and guests. 3. Centralize d purchasing. (These idea s will b e exchanged a t each meeting ) I. Discusse d Welfare responsibilities an d extent of service, etc. J. Nex t meetin g is set for Wednesday, October 13, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. AGENDA: 1. Revie w "a s is" an d "should be" 2. Discus s Town Manager syste m 3. Revie w job descriptions fo r various department s 4. Idea s for change s NOTE: M eeting for October 13, 1982 cancelled by Harold Sanders. Conflic t came up. 10/21/82-Harold Sander s calle d an d cancelled again. Als o sai d Selectme n do not want me to do this projec t now. Sai d I had better see the Selectmen. (Thi s is what I wanted t o do in the first place. Harol d said h e would tak e care of it. M y suspicions are coming true, i.e. there is a problem of communication betwee n Select - men and Town Manager.) 10/21/82-Saw Selectman, Wayne Golden. He said i t was his idea for Harold to cancel th e meetings. Hi s explanation was "We hav e s o many problems to deal with, we don't want anyone going around askin g question s which would possibl y giv e us more problems." I told hi m I agreed and thought i t would b e a good ide a if I could come to a Selectmen's meetin g to discuss my plans. H e agreed and said h e would get me

3 on th e agend a for 10/25/82. 10/22/82-1 talke d wit h Ji m Powers, Executiv e Director o f the Chamber of Commerce. Explained ide a re. businesses, etc. H e like d it very much an d want s m e t o tal k with th e Progra m Chairperson, Marlene Gallinelli. 10/23/82-Discussed i n C.E.D. class. Classmate s an d instructo r see m to thin k I have chose n a "tough"projec t but wished m e luck. Mik e suggeste d I run for Selectman. 10/25/82-Checked wit h Tow n Manager to confirm that I was o n th e agenda for the Selectmen's Meeting. I was not, however, h e sai d there' s no problem, " I will pu t yo u on." I said, "Perhap s yo u ha d bette r cal l th e Selectman wh o sai d h e woul d pu t m e o n to verif y it' s okay, otherwis e we ma y hav e hurt feelings." H e sai d "Okay. " I wa s scheduled fo r 7:30 P.M. 10/25/82 A.M.-Saw Marlene Gallinelli, Chambe r of Commerce Progra m Chairperson. Sh e liked th e ide a an d wante d t o pursu e i t. (Note : Sh e di d not kno w who currentl y wa s on he r committee. Sh e sai d the y hav e bee n ver y inactive. ) Afte r thinking, sh e recalled 2 other members, however, sh e though t on e ha d resigned. I told he r I woul d handle th e details. Sh e agreed. 10/25/82- I attended the Selectmen's Meeting. Al l three listened, the n aske d m e t o prepare a written statemen t t o present to them regarding my project, the n the y woul d make a decision. I agreed. (Exhibi t A is my outlin e use d a t the Selectmen' s Meeting. ) 10/26/82 - Made arrangements wit h th e Continenta l 9 3 t o have th e Chambe r of Commerc e Workshops to begin November 16t h a t 8 A.M. t o 9:3 0 A.M. fo r 4 weeks. 10/28/82 - Pictur e fo r publicity take n at India n Head Bank Nort h a t 9:1 5 a.m. 10/28/82- Me t a t 9:1 5 India n Head Bank Nort h with Executiv e Director an d Progra m Chairperson o f Chambe r of Commerce. Ver y impresse d with forma t (aske d if I would b e interested i n being a Chambe r of Commerce Director).

4 10/28/82 - Material wil l b e sent toda y to area businesses. 11/5/82-23 People to date hav e signe d u p for workshop. 11/8/82 - talked wit h Selectma n Golde n abou t lette r sen t at their request. Sai d it wil l b e discussed at the board meetin g o n 11/8/82. Expresse d displeasur e with the way the Town Manager handles hi s job responsibilities, and is not sure ho w a survey woul d work. I s hoping tha t there will b e a vote at next tow n meetin g t o hire a new Town Manager. M y feelin g is that the selectmen ar e not opposed to my idea ; however, they fee l tha t the Town Manage r is not doing hi s job. Therefore, a survey whic h shoul d be coordinate d with the Town Manager might no t work, 11/8/82 - Made telephone call s toda y to businesses o n Chamber lis t regardin g workshop. 11/8/82-7 p,m. Selectmen' s Meeting, Boar d unanimousl y vote d t o approve m y proposa l with the understanding tha t the survey woul d b e reviewed an d approved b y the Selectmen befor e it is sent out to local people. On e of the Selectmen sai d h e would lik e to hav e the Department Chairpeopl e participat e in the workshop* PERSONAL NOTE: This is a giant step for my project. I t could have bee n don e withou t the Selectmen' s blessin g bu t with it the results shoul d b e greater. 11/9/82 - Talked wit h Tow n Manager. H e gave me the results of the board meetin g an d reserved 5 places for the workshops (al l department heads), 11/10/82 - Chamber of Commerce has 43 people to date signe d u p for the workshops.

5 11/16/ peopl e cam e to firs t workshop. Al l there b y 8 a.m. Excellen t response t o firs t meeting. I wa s interviewe d b y th e new s director of WLTN. Stor y abou t workshops were aired a t noon, 3 P.M. an d 4 P.M. o n th e loca l news. 11/16/82 - Selectma n wh o oppose d the ide a a t first, sai d h e wa s lookin g forwar d t o seeing surve y. 11/16/82* - A s a resul t of th e advanc e publicit y abou t th e workshops, I a m beginnin g to ge t th e neede d positiv e response necessar y fro m th e Chambe r of Commerce, Busines s leaders an d tow n official s t o begi n Phas e 2 o f th e projec t which i s a meaningfu l need s analysis. 11/20/82 - Share d updat e with clas s members. Mos t seemed skeptical that th e "program " was working. NOTE : Althoug h it' s not a n eas y project, I fee l fightin g of f negativis m will pa y of f eventually. 11/23/82 - Conducte d 2n d worksho p present. Hear d 8 finalis t report s o n attitud e control whic h ar e include d i n thi s repor t (marke d A.C. reports ) 11/30/82 - Conducte d 3r d worksho p thi s a.m. 3 6 present. Hear d goo d report s o n tim e management an d us e o f memor y techniques. Finalis t report s include d i n thi s portfolio. None of th e tow n workers showe d u p thi s A.M. Las t wee k onl y th e Polic e Chief came. In talkin g wit h th e Tow n Manager, h e sai d th e Departmen t Heads aske d hi m wh y h e didn' t show up. The y sai d "Yo u tol d u s w e ha d t o g o bu t yo u didn' t g o yourself. " 12/7/82 - Fina l worksho p today.,v Bo cam e to visit. Evaluation s ar e include d i n thi s portfolio. Overall, seemed t o b e ver y successfu l wit h man y request s fo r more of th e same or simila r workshop s i n th e future.

6 EXHIBIT A NOTES FO R SELECTIONS 1 MEETIN G Octobe r 25, Introductio n - Explai n C.E.D. Projec t Purpose is to assis t Selectme n an d Tow n Manager Also wil l b e workin g wit h the Chambe r of Commerc e Work with busines s owners, managers an d employee s Will b e doin g surve y (need s analysis ) Will offe r suggestion s a s surve y i s analyze d Do no t pla n an y confrontation s o r sti r u p anythin g EXPECTED OUTCOME: In general, hel p employee s an d tow n workers : 1. Hav e proper attitud e towar d sel f an d others. 2. Understan d bette r ho w thi s attitud e i s communicated t o others, workers, customers, strangers, peopl e lookin g u s over. 3. Way s t o exercis e som e attitude control. 4. Develo p an d expan d communicativ e skills. 5. Develo p greate r interes t i n communit y an d tak e par t i n communit y activities. 6. Wor k i n harmony with eac h other. 7. Tak e interes t i n issue s o f concern.


8 ANOTHER LETTER T O DOCUMEN T NEED FO R WORKSHO P Dec. 3 * RFD 1 St. Johnsbury i Vermon t TOWN MANAGE R Main St. Littleton, N.H Dear Sir : On whe n w e cam e ou t t o ou r vehicle, afte r attendin g a movi e a t th e Jax, Jr. Theatre, w e foun d th e enclose d parkin g ticket o n ou r ca r whic h ha d bee n place d ther e a t 8:3 0 p.m. Nov. 20 * wa s a Saturda y an d pleas e not e th e time, 8:3 0 p.m., when onl y tw o (2 ) store s i n you r tow n wer e open, on e o f whic h we patronized, Th e Smok e Shop - Earlier i n th e evening, ou r part y o f fou r peopl e ha d dine d a t the L i t t l e Drago n i n Littleto n an d spen t abou t $70.00, stoppe d at th e Smok e Sho p (whil e waitin g fo r th e nex t movi e t o start ) and spen t $4.6 0 o n card s an d magazines, attende d th e movie s a t a fe e o f $ (plu s popcor n an d soda), onl y t o star t hom e and fin d a parkin g ticke t o n ou r car. After havin g lef t nearl y $ i n Littleto n o n a Saturda y night, I d o no t fee l tha t a parkin g ticke t i s j u s t i f i e d, parti - cularly a t tha t tim e o f night. O n man y occasion s durin g a year's time r w e g o t o Littleto n fo r dinner, shop, etc. an d feed th e parkin g meter s - bu t o n Saturda y night, a t 8:3 0 p.m. * when onl y tw o store s ar e open, tha t i s unreasonable. I woul d appreciat e a repl y an d I thank ' you fo r you r tim e an d consideration. Sincerely President Littleton Chambe r o f Commerc e

9 LETTER SENT T O CHAMBE R O F COMMERC E MEMBERS October 29, Dear Are a Busines s Person: If ther e were a wa y yo u coul d hel p your employee s enjo y thei r wor k more, in-, crease thei r productivit y and, a t the same time, reach your ow n busines s goals easier an d quicke r a t a minimum cost, you woul d n o doub t wan t to hear abou t i t, wouldn't you? Th e reaso n I ask tha t is because ther e is a way you r employee s ca n enjoy thei r wor k more, increase thei r productivit y and, a t the same time, help yo u reach your ow n busines s goals easier an d quicker, a t a minimum cost. The Littleton Are a Chambe r of Commerc e ha s mad e arrangements wit h Geral d H. Winn, well-known loca l businessma n t o conduc t a serie s o f motivational workshop s jus t for you an d you r employees. H e wil l b e coverin g man y of the subjects yo u hav e been asking for, suc h as : 1. Ho w t o have the prope r attitude towar d sel f an d others. 2. Ho w t o increas e your effectivenes s i n communicating, with others, bot h in writing an d orally. 3. Ho w t o exercise attitud e control. 4. Ho w t o dea l wit h complaints. 5. ^How t o remembe r names an d objects. 6. Ho w t o manage your tim e more effectively. These workshop s wil l b e o n a firs t come, first serv e basis an d ar e open t o all businesses i n our area. Th e cos t for member firm s an d thei r employee s i s $5.00 pe r person an d $ per perso n for non-members, (cos t kep t a t a minimum to encourag e maximum participation). Th e workshop s wil l b e hel d fo r convenience an d maximu m effectiveness, fro m 8:00 A,M. t o 9:30 A.M. o n Tuesday s a t the Continenta l 9 3 Moto r Inn i n Littleton. (Fre e danish 7:4 5 A.M. firs t workshop). The workshop s wil l begi n o n Novembe r 16t h i n time to benefit yo u an d your employ - ees befor e the Christmas shopping beings. The Chambe r encourages multipl e participatio n from eac h business. Se e Coupo n below. Yours fo r Success, Marlene Gallinell i Program Chairperso n Littleton Are a C of C TEAR OF F HER E & MAIL TO : Marlen e Gallinelli, Littleto n Are a C of C, P.O. Bo x 10 5 Name A ddress Telephone Co. Nam e Addres s Telephon e Number of peopl e wh o wis h t o $5.0 0 ea. ( C of C Member) = $ Check Enclose d for $_ Pleas e Bill me ea. (No n Member ) = $

10 LOCAL NEWSPAPER S FOR IMMEDIAT E RELEAS E The Littleto n Are a Chambe r of Commerce ha s made arrangements wit h Gerald H. Winn, well-known loca l businessman,t o conduc t a series of motivational workshop s fo r area busines s leader s and their employees. Sub - jects t o be covered in these workshops include, 1 ) to maintain a prope r attitude towar d sel f an d others, 2) how to sharpen skill s i n communicatin g with co-workers, an d customers, 3 ) how to deal with complaints, 4) ways to improve memor y fo r names an d objects, 5 ) techniques in time management. These workshops wil l b e on a first come, firs t serv e basis an d are open to al l businesses in our area. Th e cost for member firms an d their employee s is $5.0 0 per person an d $10.00 per person for non-members, (cos t kep t at a minimum to encourage maximu m participation.) Th e workshops wil l b e held for convenience an d maximum effectiveness, beginnin g on Tuesday, Novembe r 16th at th e Continental 9 3 Motor In n in Littleton a t 8:00 A.M. (7:4 5 A.M. fre e danish an d coffee a t the first workshop). Th e workshops wil l en d at 9:30 A.M. All thos e interested, shoul d contact Marlene Gallinelli, Progra m Chair - person, Littleto n Are a Chambe r of Commerce, Littleton, N.H. o n or before November 10th.

11 HANDOUT TO EACH PARTICIPANT SCHEDULE FOR LITTLETON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOPS LOCATION: CONTINENTA L 93 MOTOR INN, LITTLETON MEETING #1-TUESDAY-NOVEMBER 16, :45 A.M. Coffe e & danish 8:00 A.M. Promptl y begi n DISCUSS: A. Circumstances tha t affect our attitude. B. Discussio n of proper attitude s we should have toward sel f and others. C. Explore Ways our attitude is communicated, verbally and non-verbally. D. Discuss ways to exercise attitude control. E. 9:30 A.M. End. MEETING #2-TUESDAY-N0VEMBER 23, :00 A.M. Promptl y begi n SUBJECTS: A. Reports regardin g attitude control. B. Discuss time management techniques. C. Learn ho w to expand memory to remember names and objects. D. 9:30 A.M. End. MEETING #3-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, :00 A.M. Promptl y begi n SUBJECTS: A. Reports regardin g time management and memory application. B. Learn how to handle complaint s more gracious C. 9:30 A.M. End. MEETING #4-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, :00 A.M. Promptl y begi n SUBJECTS: A. How to become a more appreciative person B. Explore ways to improve our interpersonal relationships. C. Wrap up and Evaluation. D. 9:30 A.M. End.



14 FOLLOWUP LETTER AFTER SELECTMEN'S MEETING Old Waterfor d Roa d Littleton, N.H November 1, Dr. Richar d Hil l West Main Stree t Littleton, N.H Dear Dr. Hill : At your request, thi s lette r i s to outlin e the projec t I discussed wit h yo u at th e las t Selectmen' s meeting. As I mentioned, th e projec t I a m workin g o n i s in conjunctio n wit h m y Master' s Degree Program. Eac h studen t wa s aske d t o participate in a communit y economi c development project. While considerin g a n appropriat e projec t for myself, i t seemed logica l t o wor k in a n are a o f m y interes t an d expertise. Wit h thi s i n mind, I a m offerin g a series o f workshops fo r loca l busines s leader s an d thei r employee s i n conjunctio n with th e Littleto n Are a Chambe r of Commerce. Thi s i s underway currentl y and en - closed ar e copie s o f th e outline, etc. It i s m y suggestio n tha t tow n employees b e invite d t o participat e in these o r similar workshops. As th e projec t continues, I would lik e t o do a need s analysi s in ou r community. This woul d b e a genera l surve y t o determin e satisfactio n wit h th e "a s is " and t o determine th e "should-be". If th e result s of th e surve y indicat e any change s suggested, the y woul d firs t b e presented t o th e Selectme n fo r recommendations an d implementation. My intention s are t o work i n cooperatio n an d harmon y with th e electe d official and appointe d boards. s I d o no t envisio n an y confrontation s o r adversar y typ officials, employee s an d businesses. e relationship s with th e tow n Thank yo u fo r your cooperation. I me know. f you hav e an y questions, pleas e fee l fre e t o let Very trul y yours, Gerald H. Win n GHW:jlh

15 LETTER T O TOWN MANAGER RE COPY OF LETTE R T O SELECTMEN Old Waterfor d Roa d Littleton, N.H November 1, Mr. Harol d Sander s Town Manager Town of Littleto n Littleton, N.H Dear Harold : Enclosed is a copy of a letter sen t to Dr. Hill, Wayn e Golden and Vonle y Ruggle s relativ e t o the project I discussed wit h you som e time ago. I a m als o enclosing copies of the outline fo r you to review. If you have any questions, please fee l fre e to let me know. Sincerely, Gerald H. Win n GHW:jlh Ends.

16 NOTE FROM MEMBER OF MY "FAN CLUB" Jean G. Taylor 98 cottage. Street Littleton, New Hampshire In th e wee hours... Tues., Oct. 26, 1982 Dear Gerald, Just finishin g a project an d thinking about the Selectmen's Mtg... wanted to send you goo d luc k an d good wishe s in your lates t attempt a t further an d higher education for yourself (an d many others as well)! The pla n certainl y ha s merit... it will keep yo u out of mischief and on the road to more worthy endeavors. You'r e to be commended, me thinks, fo r the spirit o f striving : alway s for others, a s well as yourself! My best, P.S. Look s lik e the above addres s will remai n current... indefinitely!!!



19 FOLLOWUP REGARDING CHAMBER O F COMMERC E WORKSHOP SENT T O MEMBER S 2nd Mailin g This i s a reminde r t o sen d o r cal l i n your reservation s toda y for the upcoming serie s o f motivational workshop s coverin g the topic s yo u hav e bee n asking fo r such a s developin g proper attitudes, improvin g overall communication s with co-workers, customers, memor y development an d tim e management. Th e cos t is onl y $5.00 per participan t fo r the entir e series. Th e workshop s wil l b e con - ducted b y Littleto n businessman, Geral d H. Winn. The enrollment s are comin g i n very well. Becaus e ther e is a limi t t o the numbe r we ca n take, don't b e disappointed. Mak e your reservation s today. Call th e Chambe r at o r Marlen e Gallinelli, Progra m Chairperso n at

20 NEWSPAPER & RADI O FOLLOWUP R E WORKSHOP Radio & N.P. 'WS -2- PRESS RELEASE Enrollments fo r the Littleto n Are a Chambe r of Commerc e series o f motivational workshops, are comin g i n very well. Th e Chambe r wants t o remin d are a busines s leaders tha t participatio n i n the serie s o f 4 workshops wil l b e o n a firs t come, firs t serve basi s an d tha t enrollment s ar e limited. Thos e busines s leader s or owner s wish - ing t o hav e a plac e reserve d fo r themselves an d thei r employee s shoul d cal l th e Little - ton Chambe r of Commerc e at o r Marlen e Gallinell i a t India n Hea d Bank Nort h at Th e workshop s wil l b e hel d a t th e Continenta l 9 3 Moto r In n fro m 8 to 9:3 0 A. beginning Tuesday, November 16th.

21 USED BY CHAMBE R OF COMMERC E COMMITTEE TO SOLICI T MOR E PARTICIPANTS FO R WORKSHOP 11/8/82 SUGGESTED TELEPHONE SCRIPT FO R CHAMBE R OF COMMERCE Hello, I am callin g fo r the Chamber of Commerce. Di d you receiv e the information regardin g the series o f workshops th e Chamber is sponsoring? I f yes - ask ho w man y from your company (organization) will b e attending? Say, could w e hav e thei r name s please - thank you - Would you pleas e sen d the coupo n at th e bottom of the lette r fo r our records. Pleas e sen d a check or indicat e that you want to be billed. Thank s again.



24 INTRO SHEET PREPARED BY SPEAKER TO BE USED BY INTRODUCE R A T FIRS T SESSION INTRODUCTION SHEE T FO R CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOPS STARTING 8 A.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH. START PROMPTLY - 8 A.M. 1. Welcom e - thanks fo r attending. 2. Introduc e progra m and speaker a s follows : A. Ou r Topic toda y is How to have the proper attitud e towar d oursel f and others, and how thi s attitud e is communicated to others. B. Thi s is important to all of us because whether we realiz e it or not, our attitud e is constantly on display fo r family, friends, customer s and co-worker s t o see. It' s important to know how we communicat e our attitude, bot h verball y an d non-verbally, so that we can build our reputatio n and business in a positive, effectiv e manner. C. Ou r Speaker toda y an d for the entire serie s ha s been a local, self - employed businessma n fo r 23 years, has a Batchelor of Science Degre e in Huma n Service s and currently workin g o n his Master's Degre e in the same field. H e has been Littleton' s Tow n Moderato r fo r 17 years. H e is a certified Dal e Carnegi e Cours e Instructo r an d over the past 1 5 years ha s done motivational workshops fo r the N.H. Associatio n of Realtors, the N.H. Aut o Dealer s Association, the New Englan d Represent - atives fo r the Farmers Hom e Administration, the Northeastern Association of Executive s of Boys Club s of America, plu s variou s loca l organizations and businesses. Hel p m e welcome our speaker, Geral d Winn.


26 SAMPLE REPORTS FROM PARTICIPANTS REGARDING USE O F PRINCIPLES COVERE D IN WORKSHOPS WINNING REPORTS 11/23/8 2 Geoffre y Blair Concept worke d on : Attitud e Contro l To Hol d back fro m making an y comment that would hav e had the encounter in a "no win situation". On Monday, November 8th, I called th e loca l coa l deale r and asked the m to deliver two tons of coal to my home. "N o problem" I was told. "We'l l have it to you in a couple of days. " Givin g the m th e benefit of the doubt I waited...and waited...and waited some more unti l las t Friday, Novembe r 19t h when I called bac k and was told they' d get to it wheneve r the y could. Meanwhil e I was running out of wood with n o coal o n hand. I said fine, explaine d m y problem, and she said she' d expedit e the delivery. I recommen d usin g attitud e contro l a s it looks as though I will ge t my coa l earlie r than i f I had gotten upset, and if you d o the same you you might fin d peopl e reactin g in a better way towards you. ********************************************************************************************** Concept worke d on : Attitud e Contro l Ji m Power s I se t up a system to document location, retur n tim e of staff perso n usin g Sig n out Sheet. Evidenc e showed a) important messages or communication breakdow n "la g time" not takin g plac e efficiently, b) current syste m (verbal, not as efficient). Benefit : a) kee p al l staf f informe d of everyone's locatio n so problem solving, communicatio n and tyin g task s i s more efficient. We set up the system at Beverly's suggestio n which has been a positive reinforcement for he r continued input in future proble m solving. Communication, awareness, and understanding offic e goal s has become more efficient. Initia l proble m was getting all staf f "us e to" the adde d ne w step befor e leaving th e office. I recommen d usin g idea s and suggestions from staff. Al l parties involve d wil l continu e to perfor m as a "team" an d tend to be more cohesive vs. pullin g and tugging different directions. ************************************************************************************************************************** Concept Worke d on : Attitud e Contro l Ronal d Staffor d When an employee complaine d abou t a fellow employee' s wor k qualit y an d habits, I showed interes t i n his complaint. He vented his frustrations, and felt better. Tw o other employee s als o there, late r commente d on how foolish h e must loo k when he complains, because h e does frequently. ********************************************************************************************************************

27 Page -2- Concept worked on : Attitud e Control Loi s Grou t The wa y I put the concep t int o practic e was listening. At th e end of a long and confusing work day, I was approached by an "obnoxiousl y funny" salesman. Afte r listening to his firs t few jokes,my firs t impressio n was that I didn't car e wha t he was selling; I didn't lik e hi s personality, so I didn't want his products. Realizin g why I wasn't intereste d in the products, I though t about th e Attitud e control workshop. I really listene d to what he was saying abou t his product s an d to my surprise, he was very knowledgabl e in his field. I learned a great dea l fro m hi m and probably wil l b e doing busines s wit h hi s company. ****************************************************************************************** Concept worked on : Attitud e Control Smitt y Hughe s The wa y I put the concep t int o practic e was to become more aware of incidents in which I was misunderstood du e to intonation. A n effort was made to improve eye contact while I was speaking an d be sensitive to unusual responses. O n several occasions, during th e week I stopped an d asked th e othe r part y i f he understood, an d then aske d them to repeat. I scored mysel f an d the misunderstoo d concept s totalle d 4 and the understood concept s totalle d one. As a result of my experience, I recommend usin g eye contact durin g conversation s becaus e it ca n help to eliminate misunderstandings. ******************************************************************************** Concept worked on : Attitud e Control Donn a Golde n I was able to put into use my "attitud e control " almos t a s soon as I arrived bac k in the offic e afte r ou r las t session. A customer, with whom I had spent a great dea l of time th e previou s day, cam e in and announced tha t "h e s t i ll though t tha t I had charged hi m too muc h money and he wanted to talk wit h Pat Eastman as she had signed th e policy". ' I smothered th e inne r urg e to tell hi m to "stuff i t ", put on a smile, mustered up my self-confidence and asked him, in a controlled ton e of voice, to sit down and we went ove r i t again. He lef t happ y and satisfied an d I felt goo d that I hadn't passed-the-buck and let someone els e take over. As a result of my experience, I recommend using attitud e contro l because it leaves everyone with a much better feeling abou t situation s whic h coul d be uncomfortable other - wise. *******************************************************************************************

28 Page -3- Concept I worked on: Patienc e Contro l Stev e High t At hom e we hav e an area o f the house tha t is usually totall y an d completel y astrue. Afte r reminiscin g wit h m y da d about the sadness of never bein g abl e to fin d thing s whe n you need them, I half-decide d to straighten thing s out. However, instead of following through wit h th e task I quietly pu t the project away. M y mind was s t i l l ponderin g thi s proble m but I was working wit h th e chainsaw cuttin g wood when my han d passe d ove r the chainsaw and I almost cut my finge r off. I realize no w tha t i t was because I dropped m y attentio n leve l tha t thi s accident occurred.

29 November 30, 1982 Concept Worke d on : Organizin g Day's Schedul e Janic e M. Hagget t While i n my job it is very difficul t to have a set time to do certain things, I did, eac h morning, writ e dow n eac h an d every thin g I expected to get accomplished tha t particula r day. I tried to put at least thre e item s on the lis t tha t possibly migh t no t ge t done, but I foun d tha t often I did have tim e to do these las t thre e item s whereas i f I had not put them on m y l i s t, I would hav e foun d a n excuse to do them on another day. I f at the end of my day, I foun d I s t i l l ha d things on my lis t tha t had not bee n accomplished, I simply put them at the head of the lis t th e nex t day. Becaus e I often procrastinate on things I don't particularl y enjoy doing, I found tha t by listing the m in order of importance, tha t these jobs got done quicker tha n the y normall y would of. A s a result of my experience, I recommend using an organizational char t because you will accomplis h more in one day than you ever imagine d pos - sible and will fee l grea t abou t i t. ********************************** Concept Worke d on : Wor k Schedul e Glen n Stilling s Each da y a work schedul e was made up for each hou r i n the day. Becaus e of this schedule, I foun d tha t I was at school eac h da y at the hou r specifie d an d made myself visibl e to teachers and students for complaints, etc. I maintained persona l contac t with individua l staff member s regarding daily meetings, conferences, student and youth concerns, etc. Wa s able to have conference s with my secretary, checkin g studen t attendance, etc. A s a resul t of m y experience, I recommend usin g structura l organizatio n fo r at least a limit twic e eac h day becaus e i t allows others th e opportunity to contact you at a given tim e if the nee d arises. ************************************************************************************************** Concept Worke d on : Tim e Management Marsh a Richard s With th e bus y holida y schedule, I found makin g a list of all th e thing s that needed to be done very helpful. I crossed each tas k off as they were accomplishe d an d it made the week a lot less hecti c and more enjoyable. I also fee l I made a conscientious effort to spend mor e time with neglected areas and less in unimportant activities. A t work I had many little thing s that had been put o f for a while to be done. I also mad e a list of these and found tha t they ar e al l caugh t u p and out of the way. Thi s will giv e me more time for impor - tant tasks. ****************************************************************************************** Concept Worke d on : Wor k Schedule Heid i Lyman I foun d tha t by making my work schedul e out before startin g m y outside chores, that thi s worked ou t much better fo r me. I would mak e a list includin g milkin g th e cow s and doing barn work, then I would organiz e my office dutie s to include phon e calls, letters, listings. If I had any left at the end of the time, I would lis t the m at the to p of the shee t fo r the next day.

30 LETTER RECEIVE D AFTER WORKSHOP COMPLETED December 13, Mr. Geral d Win n Winn Associate s 225 Plai n St. Littleton, N. H Dear Gerald, Please accep t thi time an d effor s lette r a s a specia l thank yo u fo r you r t an d leadershi p in directin g th e Littleto n Are a Chamber o f Commerc e Motivational Workshop series. I personall y believe th e serie s wa s a tremendou s success, an d hav e receive d a lo t of positiv e feed-back regardin g same. The differen t system s discusse d suc h a s attitud e control, problem solvin g and pe g syste m memorizatio n ar e jus t a fe w o the tool s that w e wil l tak e ou t int o the busines s communit y an d into ou r persona l live s i n a effor t t o furthe r develop ourselve s and th e communit y w e liv e in. A s w e hav e previousl y discussed, the cours e ha d a subtl e bu t direc t approac h t o economi c developmen t via are a individua l perspective/attitudes. I think tha t th e cours was extremel y worthwhil e an d loo k forwar d t o workin g wit h yo u i n organizing som e followup sessions. Thank yo u agai n fo r your tim e an d cooperation. f e JWP/nd Da^fes Ul. Powers, Exec. Director P.O. BO X 10 5 LITTLETON, N.H

31 LETTER FROM PARTICIPANT IN WORKSHOP Tennis Court s of Franconia, Inc. Building Maintenance and Supplies SMITTY HUGHE S PHON E (603 ) EASTON RD., FRANCONIA, NE W HAMPSHIRE Decembe r 12, Plr. Geral d Uin n Old Uaterfor d Roa d Littleton, N. H. Dear Gerald, Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the four session worksho p whic h yo u conducted. Whoever' s ide a i t was to offe r suc h a program to local busines s peopl e deserve s a pat on the back and you certainly deserv e on e for runnin g i t* Had I known in advance how interesting an d helpful the program was going t o be, there woul d hav e bee n severa l mor e perticipants! Please conside r runnin g anothe r suc h sessio n in the future. Sincerely, Smitty Hughe s cc: 3im Powers

32 EVALUATION FOR M USED AT WORKSHOP SERIES (COMPLETED FORM S FOLLOW) LITTLETON AREA CHAMBE R OF COMMERCE WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED BY GERALD H. WINN November 16, December 7, 1982 EVALUATION FORM NAME: (Optional) Dat e 1. Base d o n the pre-workshop materia l and the title of the workshops, i n your opinio n did the presenter cove r the subject matter? Yes Somewha t N o 2. Di d the subject matte r and the presenter hol d your interest? Yes Somewha t N o 3. Wa s the subject matte r covere d what you expected it to be? Yes Somewha t N o 4. Ho w appropriate di d you feel thes e session s were in covering the needs of your business? Very Somewha t. Not appropriate 5. Rat e the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Speaker preparatio n Audience participatio n Workshop committe e leadershi p D o you feel tha t the subject matte r deserve s furthe r attention for future workshops? Yes N o If yes, pleas e explain : Evaluation conducte d b y Littleton Are a Chambe r of Commerce











43 and handlin g o f complaints. Tim have t o work o n i n th e future. e management is stil l somethin g I My firs t benefi t fro m th e worksho p wa s th e realizatio n tha t a habi t of many years o f alway s bein g lat e fo r work i f even jus t a fe w minutes ma y hav e been, o r bee n interprete d as, a non-verba l wa y o f saying I "ha d bette r thing s t o do"! Consequently, I have made it a point t o leav e th e hous e 1 5 minute s earlier, s o I arrive a t work te n minutes early, relaxed, an d no t feelin g guilty. The pe g syste m I used fo r m y grocer y "list " - settin g it is m y min d early i n th e morning. I didn't ge t t o th e stor e tha t day, an d lat e in th e afternoo n ha d t o cal l someon e else an d as k the m t o pic k u p the thing s I needed, an d wa s amaze d tha t I coul d recal l eac h an d every ite m wit h th e ca n o f Dol e pineappl e ridin g aroun d o n th e black saddle! Handling o f complaint s cam e not a s a specifi c complaint, bu t a s a call fro m a persona l frien d who i s noted fo r airin g he r persona l problems. Rememberin g th e formul a w e discussed, I firs t treate d her wit h respec t an d activel y listened to what sh e wa s saying. I wa s able t o expres s t o he r tha t I understood what sh e wa s feelin g an d appreciated th e fac t tha t sh e fel t comfortabl e sharin g he r thought s with me. B y th e en d o f th e conversatio n I didn't nee d t o as k wha t I coul d d o fo r he r (sinc e it was a persona l problem, an d ther e really wasn' t anythin g I coul d activel y do), bu t I knew tha t all sh e needed wa s someon e t o listen. A fe w day s late r I receive d a car d from he r saying, "Thank s fo r listening. " I fel t tha t what I ha d learned a t th e worksho p helped m e i n respecting he r feeling s an d really listenin g t o what sh e ha d t o sa y withou t feelin g that it wa s a waste o f m y time.



























70 INTERIM REPOR T R E PROJECT Gerald H. Winn - C.E.D. Master' s Progra m - 12/18/82 Interim Repor t Regardin g C.E.D. Project: A. Wher e did the project stand at the beginning of the term? B. Wha t activitie s di d you undertake thi s term? C. Wha t was the outcome of these activities? (bot h positiv e an d negative) D. Wha t problem s hav e you encountered? E. Wha t additiona l suppor t do you need fro m th e school? F. Wha t are your plan s fo r the coming ter m (revisio n of time tables)? A. Wher e did the project stand at the beginning of the term? At the beginning of the term i n September, 1982, the project had not been started. Idea s wer e bein g formulate d an d were expresse d i n a report date d 10/23/82. B. Wha t activitie s di d you undertake thi s term? 1. Me t with the Selectmen an d Town Manage r regardin g the "as is" situation in th e Town of Littleton. I offered to conduct a series of motivational workshops in orde r to help tow n employees, business leader s and their employee s to have a bet - ter understandin g o f proper attitude s towar d themselve s an d how thes e attitude s are expressed t o customers, co-workers, "outsiders", etc. Als o technique s i n developing improved interpersona l relationships. 2. Cooperate d wit h the Area Chambe r of Commerce in developing the above workshops. Mailer s were sen t to local employers, chambe r members and town officials. 3. A series of four motivational workshops were set up with the following outline:

71 -2- MEETING #1-TUESDAY, NOVEMBE R 16, :45 A.M. Coffe e & Danis h 8:00 A.M. Promptl y begi n DISCUSS: A. Circumstance s tha t affect our attitude B. Discussio n of proper attitude s w e shoul d have towar d sel f an d others. C. Explor e Ways our attitude is communicated, verbally an d non-verbally. D. Discus s ways to exercise attitude control. E. 9:3 0 A.M. End. MEETING #2-TUESDAY-N0VEMBE R 23, :0 0 A.M. Promptl y begi n SUBJECTS: A. Report s regardin g attitude control. B. Discus s tim e management techniques. C. Lear n ho w to expand memor y to remember names and objects. D. 9:3 0 A.M. End. MEETING #3-TUESDAY, NOVEMBE R 30, :00 A.M. Promptl y begi n SUBJECTS: A. Report s regardin g time managemen t and memory application. B. Lear n ho w to handle complaint s more graciously. C. 9:3 0 A.M. End. MEETING #4-TUESDAY, DECEMBE R 7, :0 0 A.M. Promptl y Begi n SUBJECTS: A. Ho w to become a more appreciative person. B. Explor e Ways to improve ou r interpersonal relationships. C. Wra p u p and Evaluation. D. 9:3 0 A.M. End. C. Wha t was the outcome of these activities? worked o n were: Some sample reports regarding the application of the concepts w e Concept Worke d On: Attitud e Contro l Geoffre y Blair, Accoun t Executive, W.L.T.N, Radi o "To hold back fro m makin g an y comment that would hav e had the encounter in a "no win situation." On Monday, November 8th, I called th e local coa l deale r and asked the m to deliver tw o tons o f coal t o my home. "N o problem " I was told. "We'l l hav e it to you in a coupl e of days. " Givin g them the benefit of the doubt, I waited an d waited an d waited some more unti l las t Friday, Novembe r 19th when I called bac k an d was tol d they' d get to it whenever the y could. Meanwhil e I was runnin g out of wood with no coa l o n hand. I said fine, explaine d my problem, an d she said she' d expedit e the delivery."

72 -3- "I recommen d usin g attitud e control a s it looks a s thoug h I will ge t m y coa l earlier tha n i f I ha d gotte n upset, an d i f you d o th e sam e you migh t fin d people reactin g in a bette r way toward s you. " Concept Worked on : Attitud e Control Loi s Grout-Executiv e Tender Corporatio n "The wa y I pu t th e concep t int o practice was listening. At th e en d o f a lon g an d confusin g wor k day, I wa s approache d b y a n "obnoxiousl y funny" salesman. Afte r listenin g t o hi s firs t fe w jokes, m y firs t impressio n wa s that I didn't car e wha t h e wa s selling ; I didn't lik e hi s personality, so I didn' t want his products. Realizin g why I wasn't intereste d in th e products, I though t about th e attitud e control workshop. I reall y listene d t o what h e wa s sayin g abou t his product s an d t o m y surprise, he wa s ver y knowledgabl e i n his field. I learne d a great dea l fro m hi m an d probabl y wil l b e doin g busines s wit h hi s company. " Concept Worked on : Attitud e Contro l Smitt y Hughes-Touris t Industr y "The wa y I pu t th e concep t int o practice was t o becom e more aware of instance s i n which I wa s misunderstoo d du e t o intonation. A n effor t wa s mad e to improv e ey e contac t while I wa s speakin g an d b e sensitiv e to unusua l responses. O n severa l occasions, during th e wee k I stoppe d an d aske d th e othe r part y i f he understood, an d the n aske d them t o repeat. I scored mysel f an d th e misunderstoo d concept s totalle d 4 an d th e understood concept s totalle d one. " As a resul t o f m y experience, I recommend usin g ey e contac t durin g conversation because it can hel p t o eliminat e misunderstandings. " s Concept Worked on : Attitud e Contro l Donn a Golden-Hunkin s & Eato n Ins. "I wa s abl e t o pu t int o us e m y "attitud e control" almost a s soo n a s I arrived back i n the offic e afte r ou r las t session. A customer, with who m I ha d spen t a grea t dea l o f tim e th e previou s day, cam e in an d announced tha t "h e s t i l l though t tha t I ha d charge d hi m to o muc h money an d h e wante d t o talk wit h Pa t Eastma n a s sh e ha d signe d th e policy. " I smothered th e inne r urg e t o tell hi m t o "stuf f i t ", put o n a smile, mustered u p m y self-confidenc e an d aske d him, in a controlle d tone o f voice, to sit down an d w e wen t ove r i t again. He lef t happ y an d satisfie d an d I fel t goo d tha t I hadn't passed-the-buc k an d le t someone els e tak e over. As a resul t o f m y experience, I recommend usin g attitud e control because it leave s everyone with a muc h better feelin g abou t situation s which coul d b e uncomfortabl e otherwise." Exhibit "A " demonstrate s th e evaluatio n for m use d b y th e Chambe r of Commerc e at th e en d o f th e series. A consolidatio n of result s are indicate d on thi s form.


74 (4) D. Wha t problems hav e you encountered? It wa s difficul t a t first to convince the Selectmen tha t m y propose d project woul d not be a threat to them and their efforts. Followin g is a diary of events regardin g this question. MEETING #1-9/27/82 - with Littleto n Tow n Manager, Harold Sander s Introduced ide a of working on needs assessmen t fo r various tow n department s and doin g motivational workshop s fo r town employees. 9/30/82 Received a cal l fro m the Town Manager. H e said ide a wa s approve d an d the first meeting coul d b e scheduled for Wednesday, October 6, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. at the Town Manager's office. MEETING #2-10/6/82 A. Discusse d overview of C.E.D. projec t throug h 12/83. B. Discusse d difference betwee n Traditional Economi c Developmen t an d Community Economic Development. C. Se t up regular weekly meetin g schedul e during term of project. Meetin g to be at 1:30 P.M. eac h Wednesda y at the Town Manager's Office. D. Tow n Manager agree d to cooperate and consider me as a resource person and consultant a s appropriate. E. W e agree d tha t m y rol e wil l b e a low profile on e and any recommendations for change would b e presented by the Town Manager to the Selectmen. F. Othe r item s discusse d were: 1. Statute s regardin g Town Manager. 2. Jo b description fo r various Departmen t Head s (Tow n Manager wil l prepare for next meeting). 3. Department s unde r responsibilit y of Town Manager : A. Polic e - Chief B. Fir e - Chief C. Sewag e Treatment - Operator

75 -5- D. Highwa y & dump - Superintendent E. Offic e - Town Manager and Assistant 4. Tow n Cler k - elected b y voters. 5. Wate r & Light Department - separate municipalit y withi n th e Town. 6. Librar y - elected trustee s b y voters. 7. Park s an d Playgrounds - elected par k commissione r by voters. 6. Discusse d "A s Is" of various department s and "should be". H. Discusse d idea s fo r possibl e change. Se e below: 1. Coordinatio n o f Town Clerk' s hour s wit h othe r offic e help. 2. Confidentialit y of Town Manager and guests. 3. Centralize d purchasing. (These idea s wil l b e exchanged at each meeting). I. Discusse d welfar e responsibilitie s an d extent o f service, etc. J. Nex t meeting is set for Wednesday, October 13, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. AGENDA: 1. Revie w "a s is" and"should be" 2. Discus s Tow n Manager syste m 3. Revie w job descriptions fo r variou s department s 4. Idea s fo r change s NOTE: M eeting fo r October 13, 1982 cancelled b y Harold Sanders. Conflic t came up. 10/21/82 - Harol d Sander s calle d an d cancelled again. Als o sai d Selectme n do not wan t me to do this projec t now. Sai d I had better se e the Selectmen, (Thi s is wha t I wanted to do in the first place. Harol d sai d he would take car e of it. My suspicion s ar e coming true, i.e. ther e is a problem of communication betwee n Selectmen and Town Manager),

76 -6-10/21/82-Saw Selectman, Wayne Golden. H e sai d it was hi s idea fo r Harold to cancel th e meetings. Hi s explanatio n wa s "W e hav e s o many problem s t o dea l with, we don' t want anyon e goin g around askin g questions which woul d possibl y giv e u s more problems. " I told hi m I agreed an d though t it would b e a goo d ide a i f I could com e to a Selectmen's meetin g t o discuss m y plans. H e agree d an d sai d h e would ge t m e o n th e agenda for 10/25/82. 10/22/82-I talke d wit h Ji m Powers, Executiv e Director o f the Chambe r of Commerce. Explained ide a re. businesses, etc. H e like d i t very much an d want s m e t o tal k with th e Progra m Chairperson, Marlene Gallinelli. 10/23/82-Discussed i n C.E.D, class. Classmate s an d instructo r see m to thin k I have chose n a "toug h project " bu t wished m e luck. Mik e suggeste d I run for Selectman. 10/25/82- Checke d wit h Tow n Manager to confirm that I was o n th e agenda for the Selectmen's Meeting. I was not, however, h e sai d there' s no problem, " I wil l put you on. " I said, "Perhap s yo u ha d bette r cal l th e Selectman wh o sai d h e woul d put m e o n t o verif y it' s okay, otherwis e we ma y hav e hurt feelings." H e sai d "Okay". I was scheduled for 7:30 P.M. 10/25/82-A.M.-Saw Marlene Gallinelli, Chambe r of Commerc e Program Chairperson, She like d th e ide a an d wante d t o pursu e it. (NOTE : She di d not kno w who currentl y was o n he r committee. Sh e sai d the y hav e been ver y inactive). Afte r thinking, she recalle d 2 other members, however, sh e though t on e ha d resigned. I told he r I woul d handl e th e details. Sh e agreed. 10/25/82-I attende d the Selectmen' s Meeting, All three listened, the n aske d m e t o prepare a written statemen t t o present to them regarding my project, the n the y would mak e a decision. I agreed. 10/26/82- Made arrangements wit h th e Continenta l 9 3 t o have the Chambe r of Commerce Workshops t o begin November 16, a t 8.M. t o 9:3 0 A.M. fo r 4 weeks.

77 -7-10/28/82-Picture fo r publicity take n a t Indianhea d Ban k Nort h a t 9:1 5 A.M. 10/28/82-Met at 9:1 5 Indianhea d Ban k Nort h wit h Executiv e Directo r an d Progra m Chairperson o f Chambe r of Commerce. Ver y impresse d wit h forma t (aske d i f I would b e interested i n being a Chambe r of Commerc e Director). 10/28/82-Material wil l b e sen t toda y t o are a businesses. 11/5/82-23 people t o dat e hav e signe d u p fo r workshop. 11/8/82-Talked wit h Selectma n Golde n abou t lette r sen t a t thei r request. Sai d it will b e discusse d at th e boar d meetin g o n 11/8/82. Expresse d displeasur e with th e way th e Town Manager handle s hi s job responsibilities, an d i s not sur e ho w a surve y would work. I s hopin g tha t there wil l b e a vot e a t nex t tow n meetin g t o hir e a ne w Town Manager. M y feelin g i s that th e selectme n ar e no t oppose d t o my idea, however, they d o no t fee l tha t the Tow n Manager is doing hi s job. Therefore, a surve y whic h should b e coordinate d with th e Tow n Manager, might no t work. 11/8/82-Made telephone call s toda y t o businesse s o n Chambe r lis t regardin g workshop. 11/8/82-7 p.m. Selectmen' s Meeting. Boar d unanimousl y vote d t o approv e m y proposa l with th e understandin g tha t the surve y woul d b e reviewe d an d approve d b y th e Select - men befor e i t is sent ou t t o loca l people. On e o f th e Selectme n sai d h e woul d lik e to hav e all the Departmen t Chairpeopl e participat e i n the workshop. PERSONAL NOTE: Thi s i s a giant step for my project. I t could have been done without the Selectmen' s blessin g bu t wit h it the result s shoul d b e greater. 11/9/82-Talked wit h Tow n Manager. H e gav e m e th e result s o f th e boar d meetin g an d reserved 5 place s for the workshops (al l department heads). 11/10/82-Chamber of Commerc e ha s 4 3 peopl e t o dat e signe d u p fo r the workshops.

78 -8-11/16/ peopl e cam e to first workshop. Al l there b y 8 a.m. Excellen t response to first meeting. I wa s interviewe d b y th e news director of WLTN. Stor y abou t workshops wer e aire d at noon, 3 P.M., an d 4 P.M. o n th e loca l news. 11/16/82-Selectman wh o oppose d th e i d e a a t f i r s t, s a i d he was l o o k i n g forwar d t o see - ing survey. 11/16/82*-As a result of the advance publicit y abou t the workshops, I a m beginnin g to ge t the needed positiv e response necessar y fro m the Chamber of Commerce, busines s leaders an d tow n official s t o begin Phas e 2 of the project which is a meaningful need s analysis. 11/20/82-Shared updat e with C.E.C, class members. Mos t seeme d skeptica l that th e "program" wa s working. NOTE : Althoug h it' s not a n easy project, I feel fightin g off negativism wil l pa y off eventually. 11/23/82-Conducted 2n d workshop present. Hear d 8 finalis t report s o n attitude control. 11/30/82-Conducted 3r d workshop thi s a.m. 3 6 present. Hear d goo d report s o n tim e management an d us e of memory techniques. Finalis t report s include d i n this portfolio. None of the town worker s showe d u p thi s A.M. Las t wee k only th e Police Chie f came. In talkin g wit h th e Town Manager, h e sai d the Department Head s aske d hi m wh y h e didn' t show up. The y sai d "Yo u tol d u s w e ha d to g o bu t you didn' t go yourself." 12/7/82-Final worksho p today. "Bo " cam e to visit. Evaluation s ar e include d i n thi s portfolio. Overall, seemed to be ver y successfu l wit h man y request s fo r more of the same or similar workshop s i n the future.

79 -9- E. Wha t additiona l suppor t do you need fro m the school? The suppor t from Mik e an d "Bo" has been helpfu l an d encouraging. Resourc e material relativ e to turning a community "around " woul d b e helpful. F. Wha t are your plan s for the coming year? (revisio n of timetable) The nex t step in my projec t is to prepare a meaningful surve y in order to determine the satisfaction wit h th e "as is" situatio n an d desired change s i n the following areas : 1. Housin g (elderl y & low income ) 2. Dum p facility an d locatio n 3. Industr y and access to industrial par k 4. Tow n management 5. Schoo l syste m 6. Fir e Departmen t 7. Polic e Departmen t 8. Ta x structur e 9. Tow n service s 10. Publi c transportatio n Joe Ganno n would b e a big help in putting thi s surve y together. Afte r the survey i s completed an d a n a l y z e d, which shoul d be done by May 1, 1983, I w i ll b e mak - ing specifi c recommendation s t o the Selectmen fo r implementation. Base d o n recent cooperation fro m the Selectmen, i t appears tha t the y wil l b e receptive to participation in som e changes.

80 INTERIM REPORT R E PROJECT GERALD H. WINN MASTER' S C.E.D. AUGUS T 6, 1983 INSTRUCTOR: MICHAE L SWACK UPDATE REGARDING PROJECT The nex t ste p regarding my projec t is to complete th e Survey Instrumen t which wil l b e done by September 15, Jo e Gannon is helping m e with this. Recently, the Town of Littleton ha s hired a new Town Manager (Jul y 1st) whom I have met with to discuss the project in general and areas of concern which h e would lik e to see included in the Survey. The followin g is a summary of the areas tha t wil l b e addressed in the Survey: 1. Local Management (A) Gradin g of Selectmen, Town Manager and School Board. (B) Indirec t question s regarding satisfaction wit h the Town Manager Pla n (to determine if the people are happy with a ful l tim e administrato r or do they prefe r havin g the 2. Dump Facilit y town run by part time lay peopl e (Selectmen). Th e Town Manager Pla n has been in place for 4 years. (A) Locatio n of present site is adjacent to 1-93, clearl y visible t o thru traffi c an d first tim e visitor s t o the community. Ho w d o the local peopl e fee l abou t this. (B) Th e present method of disposal is a modified land f i l l system. Ho w d o the townspeople fee l abou t thi s system. 3. Industry (A) Littleto n currentl y ha s a partially develope d Industria l Park. Ho w d o people fee l abou t th e continued development -1-

81 of th e Park or would the y prefe r the filling o f vacan t industrial building s first. (B) Ho w d o loca l peopl e fee l abou t spendin g taxpayer' s mone y to provid e water, sewer, roads, etc. to the park. 4. Police Dept., Fir e Dept., & Public Work s Dept. (A) Satisfactio n wit h presen t facilitie s - are they sufficien t and efficient. (B) Ho w do people fee l abou t th e present cos t for Fire and Police protection. (C) Regardin g roads : (1) Statu s of roads, publi c an d private. Shoul d Tow n reactivate old town and county road s a t taxpayer's expense. (2) Ho w much money should be spent o n road rebuildin g and year roun d maintenance. (3) Are there any streets in town tha t are in special nee d of repairs. 5. Taxes (A) Ho w d o people fee l abou t stead y increas e in local propert y taxes. (B) Th e Moore Da m provide s abou t 35 % of the total incom e fro m taxes to the town. How d o people fee l abou t this. Wha t affect doe s thi s hav e on taxpayer's attitude. 6. I -93 (A) Fo r 23 years I-93 has stopped abruptl y in Littleton. Now constructio n is underway to complete th e highway and connect i t with I-93 in Vermont. -2-

82 (1) Ho w do the people fee l abou t th e negativ e an d posi - tive impac t th e completio n wil l hav e o n Littleton. (2) What positive thing s ca n th e tow n d o t o make I-9 3 have a more positiv e influenc e on th e town, 7. Parking & Parkin g Meter s (A) Mai n Stree t is the mai n artery for Rtes, , 1 0 and 116, Thi s cause s a considerabl e traffi c proble m o n Main Street, (1) Shoul d ther e b e a by-pas s fo r thru traffic, (2) Ho w d o peopl e fee l abou t th e parkin g meters, (3) Shoul d ther e b e additiona l parking facilitie s provided fo r shoppers. (B) Wha t ca n b e don e t o stimulat e the downtow n shoppin g area o r shoul d ther e b e a concentratio n o n growt h towar d (a) Unio n Street, (b) Meado w Street, or both. 8. Growth (A) Ho w d o peopl e fee l abou t residentia l an d commercia l growth? Where - i,e, which par t of town. 9. Zoning According t o th e Tow n Manager, people ar e no t payin g enoug h attention to zoning. A s a result, ther e ar e runof f an d drainag e problems doin g damag e an d causin g problem s fo r the Publi c Works Dept. an d abutters, (A) Ho w d o peopl e fee l abou t th e administratio n of th e Zonin g Laws, The Surve y shoul d b e read y fo r distribution b y Septembe r 15, I t will b e administere d throug h th e cooperatio n o f th e Tow n Manager, Selectmen, -3-

83 Chamber of Commerce and the School Administrator. The targe t group to be surveyed include : 1) Busines s owner s and leaders. 2) Hig h Schoo l students. 3) Retire d people. 4) Newcomers. 5) Unemploye d people. 6) Regula r salarie d workers. There wil l b e approximately 30 0 survey form s complete d fo r an analysis. The result s wil l b e tabulated and shared wit h the Town Manager and Selectmen. This wil l b e accomplished b y December 15, Any change s recommende d tha t will requir e budget consideratio n will b e firmed u p by January 15, An y changes requirin g tow n vot e wil l b e placed o n the Littleton Tow n Warrant to be voted o n at the March Town Meeting. -4-

84 COPY OF RESPONS E FO R FOLLOWU P WORKSHOP April 27, 1983 Mr. Smltt y Hughes Franconia-Suqar Hill-Easton Chambe r of Commerce Franconia, N.H Dear Smitty: Thanks fo r your recen t note. I would prefe r a Tuesday fo r the workshop an d the second wee k in September would b e fin e wit h me. (Perhap s w e coul d start o n Tuesday, September 13th), Earl y mornin g i s best for me. A suggested outlin e for the workshop would b e as follows : 1. Establis h th e Importance of attitudes an d how the y are communicated to others. (This would be a review for some). 2. To a problem solving- analysis to help business people and their employees lear n to separate the Disease fro m the Symptoms and work,on solvin g th e real problem. 3. Establis h importanc e of gaols, tin e organizatio n *and tim e management. 4. Memor y developmen t - for names, faces, facts, etc Ho w t o "sell 1 1 ourselves, our area, and our products and/o r services. How to deal skillfull y wit h co-workers, emplqyee(ers ) an d customers. We ca n modify thi s outlin e i f you want, dependin g o n what your committe e feel are th e area's needs. s The enclosure s are for your information. Pleas e let me kno w ho w I can help. Very trul y yours, Gerald H.Winn, Area Manager GHW/bll Encls.

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