spbayes: An R Package for Univariate and Multivariate Hierarchical Point-referenced Spatial Models

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1 spbayes: An R Package for Univariate and Multivariate Hierarchical Point-referenced Spatial Models Andrew O. Finley 1, Sudipto Banerjee 2, and Bradley P. Carlin 2 1 Michigan State University, Departments of Forestry and Geography 2 University of Minnesota, Division of Biostatistics July 29, spbayes

2 Overview Outline: Need for new software tools spbayes overview Spatial models and Bayesian inference Illustration Future direction Summary 2 spbayes

3 Need for new software tools Motivation Spatial data is used in an array of disciplines economics, genetics, natural sciences, sociology,... 3 spbayes

4 Need for new software tools Motivation Spatial data is used in an array of disciplines economics, genetics, natural sciences, sociology,... Trends in data availability and analytical needs: Increasing volume of spatial data Addressing interrelated variables of interest Summarizing uncertainty at many levels (Hierarchical modeling) Delivering spatial analysis products to end users 3 spbayes

5 Need for new software tools Scope Scope of interest: Point-referenced or geostatistical data vs. areally referenced data Point locations defined on R 2 (e.g., latitude-longitude or Easting-Northing) Multivariate generalized linear model Simple spatial dependence structures stationary and isotropic spatial processes 4 spbayes

6 Need for new software tools Software options Current software options: BUGS (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) Flexible coding environment Too slow (e.g., matrix operations) 5 spbayes

7 Need for new software tools Software options Current software options: BUGS (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) Flexible coding environment Too slow (e.g., matrix operations) geor and georglm Univariate only Limited prior specifications Too canned and cumbersome 5 spbayes

8 Need for new software tools Software options Current software options: BUGS (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) Flexible coding environment Too slow (e.g., matrix operations) geor and georglm Univariate only Limited prior specifications Too canned and cumbersome Model specific coding Efficient code C, C++, FORTRAN Optimized libs BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprogs.), LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package) Too time consuming 5 spbayes

9 spbayes overview spbayes features Models: Univariate and multivariate spatial regression Choice of spatial and non-spatial covariance matrices Fully Bayesian specification Diagnostics: Model choice DIC (Deviance Information Criterion) CODA (Convergence Diagnosis and Output Analysis) ready output Interface and underlying code: R package Written in C++ and BLAS, LAPACK, and SPARSKIT R s foreign language interface permits OS portability and processor optimization 6 spbayes

10 spbayes overview spbayes features Models: Univariate and multivariate spatial regression Choice of spatial and non-spatial covariance matrices Fully Bayesian specification Diagnostics: Model choice DIC (Deviance Information Criterion) CODA (Convergence Diagnosis and Output Analysis) ready output Interface and underlying code: R package Written in C++ and BLAS, LAPACK, and SPARSKIT R s foreign language interface permits OS portability and processor optimization 6 spbayes

11 spbayes overview spbayes features Models: Univariate and multivariate spatial regression Choice of spatial and non-spatial covariance matrices Fully Bayesian specification Diagnostics: Model choice DIC (Deviance Information Criterion) CODA (Convergence Diagnosis and Output Analysis) ready output Interface and underlying code: R package Written in C++ and BLAS, LAPACK, and SPARSKIT R s foreign language interface permits OS portability and processor optimization 6 spbayes

12 Spatial models Point referenced spatial models and Bayesian inference (in a nutshell) 7 spbayes

13 Spatial models Univariate model Simple linear model + random spatial effects Y (s) = µ(s) + w(s) + ɛ(s), Response: Y (s) at some site Mean: µ = X(s) T β Spatial random effects: w(s) GP (0, σ 2 ρ(θ; s s )) Non-spatial variance: ɛ(s) iid N(0, τ 2 ) D Y (s), X(s) 8 spbayes

14 Spatial models Gaussian process Spatial Gaussian process (GP ): Say w(s) GP (0, σ 2 ρ( )) and Cov(w(s), w(s )) = σ 2 ρ ( θ; s s ) D w(s i) w(s j) 9 spbayes

15 Spatial models Gaussian process Spatial Gaussian process (GP ): Say w(s) GP (0, σ 2 ρ( )) and Cov(w(s), w(s )) = σ 2 ρ ( θ; s s ) Let w = [w(s i )] n i=1, then w MV N(0, σ 2 H(θ)), where H(θ) = [ρ(θ; s i s j )] n i,j=1 D w(s i) w(s j) 9 spbayes

16 Spatial models Gaussian process Realization of a Gaussian process: Changing θ and holding σ 2 = 1: w MV N(0, σ 2 H(θ)), where H(θ) = [ρ(θ; s i s j )] n i,j=1 10 spbayes

17 Spatial models Gaussian process Realization of a Gaussian process: Changing θ and holding σ 2 = 1: w MV N(0, σ 2 H(θ)), where H(θ) = [ρ(θ; s i s j )] n i,j=1 Correlation model for H(θ): e.g., exponential decay ρ(θ; t) = exp( θt) if t > spbayes

18 Spatial models Gaussian process Realization of a Gaussian process: Changing θ and holding σ 2 = 1: w MV N(0, σ 2 H(θ)), where H(θ) = [ρ(θ; s i s j )] n i,j=1 Correlation model for H(θ): e.g., exponential decay ρ(θ; t) = exp( θt) if t > 0. Other valid models e.g., Gaussian, Spherical, Matérn, etc. 10 spbayes

19 Spatial models Multivariate model Multivariate spatial model Y(s) = µ(s) + w(s) + ɛ(s), Response: Y(s) = [Y i (s)] q i=1 Mean: µ = X T (s)β, where X T (s) = [x T i (s)]q i=1 Spatial random effects: w(s) MV GP (0, K(s, s ; θ)) Non-spatial variance: ɛ(s) MV N(0, Ψ) 11 spbayes

20 Spatial models Multivariate model Multivariate spatial model Y(s) = µ(s) + w(s) + ɛ(s), Response: Y(s) = [Y i (s)] q i=1 Mean: µ = X T (s)β, where X T (s) = [x T i (s)]q i=1 Spatial random effects: w(s) MV GP (0, K(s, s ; θ)) Non-spatial variance: ɛ(s) MV N(0, Ψ) Care is needed in choosing K(s, s ; θ) insure symmetric and positive definite qn qn covariance matrix. 11 spbayes

21 Spatial models Multivariate model Multivariate spatial model Y(s) = µ(s) + w(s) + ɛ(s), Response: Y(s) = [Y i (s)] q i=1 Mean: µ = X T (s)β, where X T (s) = [x T i (s)]q i=1 Spatial random effects: w(s) MV GP (0, K(s, s ; θ)) Non-spatial variance: ɛ(s) MV N(0, Ψ) Care is needed in choosing K(s, s ; θ) insure symmetric and positive definite qn qn covariance matrix. K(s, s ; θ) = A[ q k=1 ρ k(s, s ; θ k )]A T 11 spbayes

22 Bayesian inference Hierarchical modeling Model parameterization 1 Unmarginalized likelihood: First stage: Y β, w, Ψ MV N(X T β + w, I n Ψ) 12 spbayes

23 Bayesian inference Hierarchical modeling Model parameterization 1 Unmarginalized likelihood: First stage: Y β, w, Ψ MV N(X T β + w, I n Ψ) Second stage: w A, θ MV N(0, Σ w ), where Σ w = [K(s i, s j ; θ)] n i,j=1 12 spbayes

24 Bayesian inference Hierarchical modeling Model parameterization 1 Unmarginalized likelihood: First stage: Y β, w, Ψ MV N(X T β + w, I n Ψ) Second stage: w A, θ MV N(0, Σ w ), where Σ w = [K(s i, s j ; θ)] n i,j=1 2 Marginalized likelihood (used in spbayes): Y Ω MV N(X T β, Σ w + I n Ψ), where Ω = {β, A, θ, Ψ}. 12 spbayes

25 Bayesian inference Hierarchical modeling Sampling and quantities of interest spbayes MCMC sampling scheme for Ω: β Gibbs (default) or Metropolis-Hastings (MH) A, Ψ, θ MH but soon slice sampling Recover w given Ω samples: P (w Data) P (w Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩ. Prediction given Ω samples and new X(s 0 )... X(s m ): P (w Data) P (w w, Ω, Data)P (w Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩdw, P (Y Data) P (Y Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩ. 13 spbayes

26 Bayesian inference Hierarchical modeling Sampling and quantities of interest spbayes MCMC sampling scheme for Ω: β Gibbs (default) or Metropolis-Hastings (MH) A, Ψ, θ MH but soon slice sampling Recover w given Ω samples: P (w Data) P (w Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩ. Prediction given Ω samples and new X(s 0 )... X(s m ): P (w Data) P (w w, Ω, Data)P (w Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩdw, P (Y Data) P (Y Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩ. 13 spbayes

27 Bayesian inference Hierarchical modeling Sampling and quantities of interest spbayes MCMC sampling scheme for Ω: β Gibbs (default) or Metropolis-Hastings (MH) A, Ψ, θ MH but soon slice sampling Recover w given Ω samples: P (w Data) P (w Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩ. Prediction given Ω samples and new X(s 0 )... X(s m ): P (w Data) P (w w, Ω, Data)P (w Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩdw, P (Y Data) P (Y Ω, Data)P (Ω Data)dΩ. 13 spbayes

28 Illustration Synthetic illustration Synthetic data Given two response variables (i.e., q = 2), exponential spatial correlation function, and β = ( 1 1 ) ( 1 2, K(0; θ) = 2 8 ) ( 9 0, Ψ = 0 2 ) ( 0.6, θ = 0.1 ). 14 spbayes

29 Illustration Synthetic illustration Synthetic data (cont d) Y 1 Y 2 15 spbayes

30 Illustration Synthetic illustration Potential candidate models fit with ggt.sp in spbayes Model 1: w = 0 (non-spatial) Model 2: A = σi q and Ψ = 0 Model 3: A = σi q and Ψ = τ 2 I q Model 4: A = diag[σ i ] q i=1 and Ψ = diag[τ i 2]q i=1 Model 5: A and Ψ = diag[τi 2]q i=1 Model 6: A, Ψ = diag[τi 2]q i=1, and θ = {φ k} q k=1 Model 7: A, Ψ, and θ = {φ k } q k=1 16 spbayes

31 Illustration Synthetic illustration Specifying a model using ggt.sp Recall Model 6: A, Ψ = diag[τ 2 i ]q i=1, and θ = {φ k} q k=1 Step 1: Define parameters priors, hyperpriors K.prior <- prior(dist="iwish", df=2, S=diag(c(3,6))) Psi.prior.1 <- prior(dist="ig", shape=2, scale=7) Psi.prior.2 <- prior(dist="ig", shape=2, scale=5) phi.prior <- prior(dist="unif", a=0.06, b=3) 17 spbayes

32 Illustration Synthetic illustration Step 2: Define parameters sampling info starting value, MH tuning, etc. var.update.control <- list( "K"=list(sample.order=0, starting=diag(1, 2), tuning=diag(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.1)), prior=k.prior), "Psi"=list(sample.order=1, starting=1, tuning=0.3, prior=list(psi.prior.1, Psi.prior.2)) "phi"=list(sample.order=2, starting=0.5, tuning=0.5, prior=list(phi.prior, phi.prior)) ) beta.control <- list(update="gibbs", prior=prior(dist="flat")) 18 spbayes

33 Illustration Synthetic illustration Step 3: Run control number of samples, etc. run.control <- list("n.samples"=5000, "sp.effects"=true) Step 4: Call ggt.sp ggt.model.6 <- ggt.sp( formula=list(y.1~1, Y.2~1), run.control=run.control, coords=coords, var.update.control=var.update.control, beta.update.control=beta.control, cov.model="exponential") Step 5: Prediction if desired sp.pred <-sp.predict(ggt.model.6, pred.coords=coords, pred.covars=covars) 19 spbayes

34 Illustration Synthetic illustration Step 3: Run control number of samples, etc. run.control <- list("n.samples"=5000, "sp.effects"=true) Step 4: Call ggt.sp ggt.model.6 <- ggt.sp( formula=list(y.1~1, Y.2~1), run.control=run.control, coords=coords, var.update.control=var.update.control, beta.update.control=beta.control, cov.model="exponential") Step 5: Prediction if desired sp.pred <-sp.predict(ggt.model.6, pred.coords=coords, pred.covars=covars) 19 spbayes

35 Illustration Synthetic illustration Step 3: Run control number of samples, etc. run.control <- list("n.samples"=5000, "sp.effects"=true) Step 4: Call ggt.sp ggt.model.6 <- ggt.sp( formula=list(y.1~1, Y.2~1), run.control=run.control, coords=coords, var.update.control=var.update.control, beta.update.control=beta.control, cov.model="exponential") Step 5: Prediction if desired sp.pred <-sp.predict(ggt.model.6, pred.coords=coords, pred.covars=covars) 19 spbayes

36 Illustration Synthetic illustration CODA ready posterior samples held in ggt.sp object. For example, summary of ggt.model.6$p.samples: Parameter Estimates: 50% (2.5%, 97.5%) β 1, (0.555, 1.628) β 2, (-1.619, 1.157) K 1, (0.542, 6.949) K 2, (-3.604, ) K 2, (4.645, ) Ψ 1, (3.020, ) Ψ 2, (0.832, 5.063) φ (0.243, 2.805) φ (0.073, 0.437) 20 spbayes

37 Illustration Synthetic illustration Finally, given the model object and new X(s 0 )... X(s m ) Y1 Y2 21 spbayes

38 Future direction Future of spbayes Extend to other GLMs More priors and sampling routines (e.g., slice sampling) Include general model specification (e.g., MCMC package s metrop) Address BIG-N challenges 22 spbayes

39 Future direction s New function sp.lm Fully Bayesian lm with spatial effects Minimal arguments for fitting and prediciton BIG-N through Predictive Process Knot-based dimension reduction Fit models with n>10,000 with common desktop computer See Banerjee et al. (2007) w w 23 spbayes

40 Summary Summary spbayes begins to meet a statistical computing need: Flexible model specification Efficient MCMC computation Useful parameter and predictive inference Portable and scalable code base 24 spbayes

41 Acknowledgements and References This work was supported by: NASA Headquarters under the Earth System Science Fellowship Grant NGT5 NSF Grant USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis program University of Minnesota, School of Statistics References: Finley, A.O., Banerjee, S., and Carlin. B.P. (2007). spbayes: An R package for Univariate and Multivariate Hierarchical Point-referenced Spatial Models Journal of Statistical Software. 19(4). Finley, A.O., Banerjee, S., Ek, A.R. and McRoberts, R.E. (In press). Bayesian multivariate process modeling for prediction of forest attributes. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Banerjee, S., and Finley, A.O. (In press). Bayesian multiresolution modeling of spatially replicated data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Finley, A.O., Banerjee, S., and McRoberts, R.E. (In press). A Bayesian approach to quantifying uncertainty in multi-source forest area estimates. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 25 spbayes

42 Questions Questions 26 spbayes

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