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1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL N 75/ 2014 Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar meni a Responses t o be r ecei ved by 05/ 12/ 2014 November 2014

2 Request For Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 Subj ect : Pr ovi si on of Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar meni a Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) N : 75/ 2014 Dat e: 06/ 11/ 2014 Dear Si r / Madam, The I nt er nat i onal Labour Of f i ce ( her ei naf t er t he I LO ) i s pl eased t o i nvi t e your company t o submi t a Pr oposal f or t he pr ovi si on of Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar meni a, as f ur t her descr i bed i n Annex I I I. Pl ease, be awar e t hat par t i ci pat i on t o t hi s t ender i s r eser ved t o Non- f or Pr of i t Or gani zat i ons. Of f er s r ecei ved f r om commer ci al ent i t i es wi l l not be taken i n consi der at i on. To enabl e you t o pr epar e and submi t a Pr oposal, pl ease f i nd encl osed t he f ol l owi ng Annexes: - Annex I : I nst r uct i ons t o Bi dder s; - AnnexI I- A: Acknowl edgment of Recei pt ; - Annex I I - B: Bi dder s Decl ar at i on For m; - Annex I I - C: Bi dder s I nf or mat i on For m; - Annex I I - D: Recent Ref er ences; - Annex I I - E: Techni cal Pr oposal ; - Annex II- F: Fi nanci al Of f er ; - Annex III: Ter ms of Ref er ence; - Annex I V: Dr af t cont r act and Ter ms and Condi t i ons appl i cabl e t o I LO Cont r act s ; - Annex V: Condi t i ons on t he Use of US Gover nment Funds f r om USDOL or USDOS f or Ext er nal Col l abor at i on Cont r act s - Annex VI : Condi t i ons f or use of USDOL Funds - Annex VI I : Eval uat i on cr i t er i a Your Pr oposal must be r ecei ved by t he I LO no l at er t han 04: 00 pm ( Geneva t i me), on 05 December Lat e bi ds shal l be r ej ect ed. You may submi t a Pr oposal t o t he I LO pr ovi ded t hat your or gani zat i on i s qual i f i ed, abl e and wi l l i ng t o del i ver t he goods, wor ks and/ or ser vi ces speci f i ed i n t hi s RFP. Par t i ci pat i on i n t hi s RFP i ndi cat es accept ance of t he Dr af t Cont r act and Ter ms and Condi t i ons appl i cabl e t o I LO Cont r act s pr ovi ded i n Annex I V as wel l as t he USDOL Compl i ance Condi t i ons pr ovi ded i n Annex V. Fai l ur e t o compl y wi t h t he r equi r ement s of t hi s RFP and i t s Annexes may r ender a Pr oposal i nel i gi bl e f or consi der at i on. You ar e ki ndl y r equest ed t o acknowl edge r ecei pt of t hi s RFP and t o i ndi cat e whet her or not you i nt end t o submi t a Pr oposal by compl et i ng and r et ur ni ng t he f or m pr ovi ded i n Annex I I - A. Page 1 of 52

3 Request For Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 We l ook f or war d t o r ecei vi ng your Pr oposal. Your s si ncer el y, Ver oni ca Gol i ni Lead Buyer RFP 75/ 2014 I L O HQ - Geneva Page 2 of 52

4 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 I NSTRUCTI ONS TO BI DDERS ANNEX I Ref er ence: RFP 75/ 2014 Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar meni a Abst r act Thi s document out l i nes t he r equi r ement s f or pr esent at i on of a Request f or Pr oposal t o be consi der ed by t he I nt er nat i onal Labour Of f i ce. Page 2 of 52


6 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 ANNEX I 1. I NTRODUCTI ON 1. 1 Gener al These i nst r uct i ons ar e pr ovi ded f or gener al i nf or mat i on f or t he pr epar at i on of t he Pr oposal f or pr ocur ement of Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labor Sur vey Repor t i n Ar meni a. The Bi dder i s expect ed t o exami ne al l cor r espondi ng i nst r uct i ons, f or ms, t er ms and speci f i cat i ons cont ai ned i n t he RFP document s. Fai l ur e t o compl y wi t h t hese document s wi l l be at t he Bi dder s r i sk and may af f ect t he eval uat i on of t he Bi d concer ned Eligible Bidders Bi dder s shoul d not be associ at ed, or have been associ at ed i n t he past, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, wi t h a f i r m or any of i t s af f i l i at es or an i ndi vi dual whi ch have been engaged by t he I LO t o pr ovi de consul t i ng ser vi ces f or t he pr epar at i on of t he desi gn speci f i cat i ons, and ot her document s t o be used f or t he pr ocur ement of goods, wor ks or ser vi ces t o be pur chased under t hi s Request f or Pr oposal. El i gi bl e bi dder s cannot be i ncl uded i n t he US debar ment l i st s, whi ch pr event t hem t o r ecei ve f i nanci al and non- f i nanci al assi st ance and benef i t s ( US debar ment l i st s can be f ound by cl i cki ng on t he f ol l owi ng l i nk: 1. 3 Cost of Bi d The Bi dder shal l bear al l cost s associ at ed wi t h t he pr epar at i on and submi ssi on of t he Bi d. I LO wi l l i n no case be r esponsi bl e or l i abl e f or t hose cost s, r egar dl ess of t he conduct or out come of t he sol i ci t at i on RFP Schedul e Summar y RFP r el ease dat e: 10/ 09/ 2014 Si t e vi si t or bi dder s conf er ence ( i f appl i cabl e) : Cl ar i f i cat i on quest i ons, i f any, r el at ed t o t hi s RFP must be submi t t ed t o pr ocur lo.or g by: I LO r esponse t o cl ar i f i cat i on quest i ons by: Not Appl i cabl e 18 November 2014, COB 21 November 2014 Pr oposal s Recei pt Deadl i ne: 05 December : 00 PM( Geneva t i me ) Est i mat ed Cont r act Si gnat ur e Dat e: 05 Januar y 2015 Est i mat ed Contract Start Date: 10 January Cl ar i f i cat i on Quest i ons A pr ospect i ve Bi dder r equi r i ng any cl ar i f i cat i on of t he RFP document s may not i f y t he I LO i n wr i t i ng. The I LO s r esponse wi l l be pr ovi ded i n wr i t i ng t o any r equest f or cl ar i f i cat i on r ecei ved Page 2 of 52

7 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 ANNEX I by t he deadl i ne i ndi cat ed i n par agr aph 1. 4 above. Wr i t t en copi es of t he r esponse ( i ncl udi ng an expl anat i on of t he quer y but wi t hout i dent i f yi ng t he sour ce of i nqui r y) wi l l be sent t o al l pr ospect i ve Bi dder s t hat r ecei ved t he RFP document s. 2 BI DDI NG CONDI TI ONS 2. 1 Acknowl edgment of Recei pt A pr ospect i ve Bi dder i s r equest ed t o r et ur n pr ompt l y t he Acknowl edgement of Recei pt f or m, pr ovi ded i n Annex I I - A, dul y compl et ed and si gned, even i f i t i s not i nt endi ng t o submi t a Pr oposal Number of Copi es, For mat and Si gni ng of Pr oposal The Bi dder shal l submi t one or i gi nal and 2 copi es of t he Pr oposal, cl ear l y mar ki ng each Or i gi nal Pr oposal and Copy of Pr oposal as appr opr i at e. I n t he event of any di scr epancy bet ween t hem, t he or i gi nal shal l pr evai l. The Pr oposal shal l be t yped or wr i t t en i n i ndel i bl e i nk and shal l be dat ed and si gned by t he Bi dder i. e. by a per son or per sons dul y aut hor i zed t o bi nd t he Bi dder t o t he cont r act. The Pr oposal shal l cont ai n no i nt er l i neat i ons, er asur es, or over wr i t i ng except, as necessar y t o cor r ect er r or s made by t he Bi dder, i n whi ch case such cor r ect i ons shal l be i ni t i al ed by t he per son or per sons si gni ng t he Pr oposal Submi ssi on and Recei pt of Pr oposal s I t i s t he r esponsi bi l i t y of Bi dder t o ensur e t hat a Pr oposal i s submi t t ed t o t he I LO st r i ct l y i n accor dance wi t h t he st i pul at i ons i n t he sol i ci t at i on document s. Pr oposal s must be r ecei ved on or bef or e 05 December 2014, at 04: 00 pm ( Geneva t i me ). Pr oposal s and modi f i cat i ons t o Pr oposal s r ecei ved af t er t he pr oposal r ecei pt deadl i ne wi l l be r ej ect ed. Pr oposal s must i ncl ude al l t he document s r equest ed i n t hese I nst r uct i ons t o Bi dder s and shal l be submi t t ed by: Regi st er ed Ma i l ( of f i ci al post al ser vi ce) t o: I nt er nat i onal Labour Of f i ce 4, Rout e des Mor i l l ons 1211 Geneva Swi t zer l and Or Hand del i ver ed ( i ncl udi ng by cour i er ser vi ces) di r ect l y t o t he above I LO addr ess i n r et ur n f or a si gned and dat ed r ecei pt. Pr oposal s submi t t ed by any ot her means wi l l be r ej ect ed. Pr oposal s must be submi t t ed usi ng t he doubl e envel ope syst em, i. e., t he out er par cel cont ai ni ng t wo separ at e, seal ed envel opes, one bear i ng t he wor ds " Envel ope A - Techni cal Pr oposal " and t he ot her " Envel ope B - Fi nanci al of f er ". Wher e t her e i s any i nf r i ngement of t hese i nst r uct i ons ( e. g., envel opes ar e unseal ed or r ef er ences t o pr i ces ar e i ncl uded i n t he Techni cal of f er ) t he Pr oposal wi l l be r ej ect ed. Page 3 of 52

8 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 The out er par cel shoul d bear t he f ol l owi ng i nf or mat i on: ANNEX I a) t he addr ess f or submi ssi on of pr oposal s i ndi cat ed above; b) t he r ef er ence t o t he RFP t o whi ch t he Bi dder i s r espondi ng; c) t he name and addr ess of t he Bi dder t o enabl e t he Pr oposal t o be r et ur ned unopened i f i t i s decl ar ed t o have been r ecei ved l at e. The pages of each of t he Techni cal and Fi nanci al Pr oposal must be number ed. The i nner package shal l be seal ed and shal l bear t he name of t he Bi dder and be mar ked as f ol l ows: RFP N 75/ 2014 Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar me n i a CONFI DENTI AL DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 05 December : 00 PM ( Geneva Swi t zer l and t i me ) I n addi t i on, t he i nf or mat i on bel ow shoul d appear on bot h si des of t he i nner envel ope: CONFI DENTI AL To be opened by t he Eval uat i on Panel ONLY 2. 4 Of f i ci al Language The Pr oposal and al l cor r espondence and document s r el at ed t o t he Pr oposal shal l be wr i t t en i n t he Engl i sh l anguage Cor r espondence Any communi cat i on i n connect i on wi t h t hi s RFP shoul d be addr essed i n wr i t i ng t o t he E- mai l addr ess ment i oned i n par agr aph 1. 4 above. Al l cor r espondence shoul d quot e t he r ef er ence number of t he RFP. Bi dder s ar e r equest ed not t o cont act t he I LO af t er t he cl osi ng t i me, i. e. dur i ng t he RFP assessment per i od No Consul t at i on A Bi dder shal l not : consul t, communi cat e or agr ee wi t h any ot her Bi dder or compet i t or, wi t h r egar d t o pr i ce or any ot her mat t er r el at ed t o t he RFP f or t he pur pose of r est r i ct i ng compet i t i on; di scl ose i t s pr i ce, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, t o any ot her Bi dder or compet i t or, except i n t he case of pr ovi si on of st andar d publ i c pr i ce l i st s; make any at t empt t o i nduce any ot her per son or or gani zat i on t o submi t or not t o submi t a Pr oposal f or t he pur pose of r est r i ct i ng compet i t i on. I f a Bi dder i s f ound t o be i n br each of any of t hese i nst r uct i ons, t he I LO r eser ves t he r i ght t o excl ude t he Bi dder f r om t he pr ocedur e and r ej ect i t s pr oposal. Page 4 of 52

9 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 ANNEX I Not hi ng i n t hi s par agr aph shal l r est r i ct t he r i ght of a Bi dder t o f or m a j oi nt vent ur e, a consor t i um, a par t ner shi p or an associ at i on f or t he pur pose of submi t t i ng a j oi nt Tender Cont r act Condi t i ons Bi dder s ar e expect ed t o exami ne car ef ul l y and compl y wi t h al l i nst r uct i ons, f or ms, cont r act pr ovi si ons and speci f i cat i ons cont ai ned i n t hese RFP document s. By submi t t i ng a Pr oposal, t he Bi dder accept s i n f ul l and wi t hout r est r i ct i on t hese i nst r uct i ons. I t al so accept s t he USDOL Compl i ance Condi t i ons ( Annex VI ) and t he Ter ms and Condi t i ons of I LO Cont r act s ( Annex I V) bei ng r el i ed on f or t hi s bi ddi ng pr ocedur e and r esul t i ng cont r act, i r r espect i ve of t he pr ovi si ons of t he Bi dder s own condi t i ons of sal e, whi ch i t her eby wai ves. The I LO r eser ves t he r i ght t o decl i ne t o consi der wi t hout f ur t her comment any Pr oposal whi ch does not accept t he Ter ms and Condi t i ons of ILO Cont r act s set out i n Annex I V and t he USDOL Compl i ance Condi t i ons pr ovi ded i n Annex V Wor k on I LO Pr emi ses I f t he Bi dder s per sonnel ar e r equi r ed t o wor k on I LO pr emi ses, t hey shal l compl y wi t h t he secur i t y and saf et y and heal t h ar r angement s est abl i shed by t he I LO, i ncl udi ng appl i cabl e pr ovi si ons of l ocal l aws. Wher e appl i cabl e, t he Bi dder shal l be r esponsi bl e f or obt ai ni ng val i d ent r y vi sas and wor k per mi t s f or i t s empl oyees or sub- cont r act or s and cont r act commencement may be made subj ect t o compl yi ng wi t h t hese obl i gat i ons. Fai l ur e t o compl y wi t h such obl i gat i ons may l ead t o suspensi on of payment s under and cancel l at i on of t he cont r act Bi d Cur r ency Al l pr i ces shal l be quot ed i n US Dol l ar s. I f t he Bi d i s submi t t ed i n a cur r ency ot her t han t he Bi d Cur r ency, t o f aci l i t at e eval uat i on and compar i son, t he I LO wi l l conver t al l such pr i ces in US Dol l ar s at t he of f i ci al UN exchange r at e appl yi ng on t he l ast day f or submi ssi on of Bi ds I ncompl et e Pr oposal s I LO may r ej ect a Pr oposal t hat does not pr ovi de al l t he i nf or mat i on r equest ed whi ch i s necessar y f or assessment of t he Pr oposal by t he I LO Changes t o Pr oposal s Changes or amendment s t o Pr oposal s wi l l onl y be accept ed i f t hey ar e r ecei ved bef or e t he deadl i ne f or r ecei pt of Pr oposal s and shal l be submi t t ed i n accor dance wi t h t he i nst r uct i ons gi ven above. The envel ope shal l be cl ear l y mar ked as Change( s) t o Pr oposal. Page 5 of 52

10 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ No Mat er i al Change( s) i n Ci r cumst ances ANNEX I The Bi dder shal l i nf or m t he I LO of any change( s) of ci r cumst ances ar i si ng dur i ng t he RFP pr ocess i ncl udi ng, but not l i mi t ed t o: - a change af f ect i ng any decl ar at i on, accr edi t at i on, l i cense or appr oval ; - maj or r e- or gani zat i onal changes, company r e- st r uct ur i ng, a t ake- over, buy- out or si mi l ar event ( s) af f ect i ng t he oper at i on and/ or f i nanci ng of t he Bi dder or i t s maj or sub- cont r act or s; - a change t o any i nf or mat i on on whi ch t he I LO may r el y i n assessi ng Pr oposal s RFP Document, Speci f i cat i ons, Dr awi ngs The RFP Document s and any speci f i cat i ons, pl ans, sampl es or i nf or mat i on i ssued or f ur ni shed by t he I LO, ar e i ssued sol el y f or t he pur pose of enabl i ng a Pr oposal t o be compl et ed and may not be used f or any ot her pur pose. The RFP document s and any addi t i onal i nf or mat i on pr ovi ded t o Bi dder s shal l r emai n t he pr oper t y of t he I L O Sub- Cont r act i ng Sub- cont r act i ng of wor k t o be under t aken as a r esul t of t hi s RFP is per mi t t ed, I LO r eser ves t he r i ght t o appr ove any subcont r act or t hat was not i ncl uded i n t he RFP Submi ssi on For m and r equest a copy of t he sub- cont r act i ng agr eement bet ween t he Bi dder and i t s sub- cont r act or ( s). Al l subcont r act or s shal l accept and si gn t he USDOL Compl i ance Condi t i ons ( Annex V or Annex VI, whi chever appl i es) Pr oposal Val i di t y The val i di t y of a Pr oposal shal l be si x ( 6) mont hs commenci ng f r om t he t i me and dat e of t he cl osur e of Pr oposal s st at ed i n par agr aph 2. 3 above. The I LO r eser ves t he r i ght t o r equest an ext ensi on of t he per i od of val i di t y of Pr oposal s, and t o modi f y or excl ude any of t he t er ms of t hi s RFP, at i t s sol e di scr et i on Not i f i cat i on of Pr oposal Eval uat i on The I LO wi l l eval uat e t he Pr oposal s based on t he Bi dder s r esponses t o t he r equi r ement s set out i n t he RFP document s. Each Bi dder wi l l be i nf or med of t he deci si on r eached concer ni ng t he awar d of t he cont r act Publicity Dur i ng t he RFP pr ocess, a Bi dder i s not per mi t t ed t o cr eat e any publ i ci t y i n connect i on wi t h t he RFP. 3 CONTENT OF THE PROPOSAL Each Pr oposal shal l compr i se t he f ol l owi ng document s: 3. 1 Envel ope A- Techni cal Pr oposal ( Annex I I - B, C, D, and E; Annex VI ) Page 6 of 52

11 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 ANNEX I Bi dder s ar e r equest ed t o submi t i n Envel ope A- Techni cal Pr oposal t he f ol l owi ng For ms, Annexes I I - B t o E and Annex VI dul y dat ed and si gned f or accept ance. Bi dder s must i ncl ude i n t hei r t echni cal of f er s copy of t he f ol l owi ng document at i on: - A list of st at i st i cal wor ks under t aken, i ncl udi ng t i t l e, year and col l abor at i ng i nst i t ut i ons. A list of r ef er ences f or t he st at i st i cal wor ks under t aken shoul d be i ncl uded f or t hese wor ks by usi ng Annex II- D at t ached t o t hi s RFP document ; - A l i st of gr ant s and cont r act s awar ded by UN Agenci es, I nt er nat i onal Fi nanci al I nst i t ut i ons, Gover nment s i n t he l ast f i ve year s. Val ue of t he gr ant s t o be i ncl uded; - Copy of f i nanci al audi t r epor t s i ssued by i ndependent audi t or s i n t he l ast t hr ee annual f i nanci al st at ement s; - Copy of Annex VI t o t he RFP ( USDOL compl i ance Condi t i ons), dul y dat ed and si gned; - Copy of t he Cur r i cul um Vi t ae of t he t echni cal t eam l eader t o be assi gned t o t he wor k r equest ed t hr ough t hi s RFP; - Copy of t he Cur r i cul um Vi t ae of Admi ni st r at i ve per sonnel who wi l l coor di nat e al l t he admi ni st r at i ve ser vi ces t o t he NSS; - Copy of t he Cur r i cul um Vi t ae of t he key Fi nance st af f who wi l l be r esponsi bl e f or pr ovi di ng f i nanci al ser vi ces t o t he NSS and managi ng t he f i nanci al aspect of t he cont r act wi t h t he I LO. Al l i nf or mat i on must be pr ovi ded as r equest ed and al l For ms must be compl et ed f or a Pr oposal t o const i t ut e a val i d of f er, whi ch i s a pr er equi si t e f or subsequent eval uat i on Admi ni st r at i ve Requi r ement s a) Bi dder s Decl ar at i on For m ( Annex I I - B) ( al so t o be compl et ed by any Bi ddi ng par t ner s and/ or associ at es) The I LO expect s al l par t i ci pant s i n i t s pr ocur ement pr ocess t o adher e t o t he ver y hi ghest st andar ds of mor al and et hi cal conduct and t r anspar ency, t o pr event any conf l i ct of i nt er est and not t o engage i n any f or m of coer ci ve, col l usi ve, cor r upt, or f r audul ent pr act i ces. The key t er ms used i n t he Decl ar at i on at Annex I I - B ar e def i ned as: Coer ci ve pr act i ce i s i mpai r i ng or har mi ng, or t hr eat eni ng t o i mpai r or har m, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, anot her or t he pr oper t y of anot her t o i nf l uence i mpr oper l y t he act i ons of anot her ; Col l usi ve pr act i ce i s any conduct or ar r angement bet ween t wo or mor e bi dder s or cont r act or s, desi gned t o achi eve an i mpr oper pur pose, i ncl udi ng t o i nf l uence i mpr oper l y t he act i ons of anot her or t o set pr i ces at an ar t i f i ci al l evel or i n a non- compet i t i ve manner ; Conf l i ct of i nt er est i s a si t uat i on t hat gi ves r i se t o an act ual, pot ent i al or per cei ved conf l i ct bet ween t he i nt er est s of one par t y and anot her ; Cor r upt pr act i ce i s t he of f er i ng, gi vi ng, r ecei vi ng or sol i ci t i ng, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, of any advant age, i n or der t o i nf l uence i mpr oper l y t he act i ons of anot her ; Fr audul ent pr act i ce i s any act or omi ssi on, i ncl udi ng a mi sr epr esent at i on, t hat knowi ngl y or r eckl essl y mi sl eads, or at t empt s t o mi sl ead, anot her t o obt ai n a f i nanci al or ot her Page 7 of 52

12 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 benef i t or t o avoi d an obl i gat i on; ANNEX I b) Bi dder s I nf or mat i on For m ( Annex I I - C) The Bi dder s I nf or mat i on For m expl i ci t l y i ndi cat es t hat t he Bi dder accept s i n f ul l and wi t hout r est r i ct i on t he Ter ms and Condi t i ons appl i cabl e t o I LO Cont r act s. Each Bi dder shal l at t ach t o t hi s Annex t he f ol l owi ng mandat or y document s: 1) Cer t i f i cat e( s) conf i r mi ng t hat obl i gat i ons r el at i ng t o t he payment of soci al secur i t y cont r i but i ons and/ or t he payment of t axes i n accor dance wi t h t he l egal pr ovi si ons of t he count r y i n whi ch t he Bi dder i s est abl i shed have been f ul f i l l ed; 2) The pr oof of decl ar at i on and payment of t axes, f ees and soci al secur i t y cont r i but i ons by t he Bi dder shoul d i ndi cat e t he st at e of af f ai r s at t he end of t he pr evi ous f i scal year, bear i ng t he st at ement cer t i f i ed t r ue copy, t he dat e and t he si gnat ur e of a per son aut hor i zed t o r epr esent t he company; 3) A copy of t he l ast t hr ee f i nanci al st at ement s of t he Bi dder, cer t i f i ed by i ndependent audi t or s. c) Recent Ref er ences ( Annex I I - D) Each Bi dder must pr ovi de det ai l s of t hr ee cont r act s ent er ed int o dur i ng t he past f i ve year s whi ch ar e si mi l ar i n nat ur e t o t hat whi ch wi l l ar i se f r om t hi s RFP. The i nf or mat i on i n Annex I I - D must i ncl ude as a mi ni mum: - Cl i ent name, l ocat i on and dat e of pr oj ect ; - Descr i pt i on of goods pr ovi ded and wor ks or ser vi ces per f or med; - Cont r act val ue; - Cont act det ai l s f or r ef er ences. d) Techni cal Pr oposal ( Annex I I - E) 1) The Bi dder shal l use Annex I I - E t o descr i be how i t i nt ends t o meet t he r equi r ement s descr i bed i n t he RFP document s and i n par t i cul ar t he Ter ms of Ref er ence pr ovi ded i n Annex I I I ; 2) I n pr epar i ng i t s Pr oposal, t he Bi dder shal l r evi ew al l RFP r equi r ement s, i ncl udi ng any document r ef er r ed t o i n t he RFP document s, and wi l l r ef l ect i t s under st andi ng of and appr oach t o meet i ng t hese r equi r ement s i n t he Pr oposal. 3) I n pr epar i ng t he Techni cal Pr oposal, t he Bi dder shal l pr ovi de det ai l s of t he pr oposed pr oj ect met hodol ogy and i mpl ement at i on and management pl an as wel l as CVs of key per sonnel whi ch wi l l del i ver t he goods, ser vi ces or t he wor ks speci f i ed i n t hi s RFP. 4) The Bi dder may al so add any ot her document and i nf or mat i on t o demonst r at e i t s t echni cal and pr of essi onal capaci t i es Page 8 of 52

13 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 ANNEX I and compet enci es t o f ul f i l l t he r equi r ement s as speci f i ed i n t he Ter ms of Ref er ence. e) Condi t i ons f or use of USDOL Funds ( Annex VI ) Bi dder s must accept t he USDOL Compl i ance Condi t i ons For m i n f ul l, wi t h no except i on. The For m must be si gned and r et ur n t o t he I LO. The same f or m shal l be si gned and accept ed by al l subcont r act or s t hat bi dder s wi l l engage f or t he pr ovi si on of t he ser vi ces t o be r ender ed under t hi s RFP. Shoul d bi dder s r ef use t o accept or si gn USDOL Compl i ance Condi t i ons For m t hey wi l l be di squal i f i ed and t hei r pr oposal not gi ven any f ur t her consi der at i on Envel ope B- Fi nanci al Of f er ( Annex I I - F) Bi dder s ar e r equest ed t o submi t t hei r Fi nanci al Of f er i n a separ at e envel ope ( Envel ope B- Fi nanci al Of f er ). The Fi nanci al Of f er shoul d be pr esent ed i n t he f or mat pr ovi ded i n Annex I I - F. The Bi dder mu s t al so pr ovi de pr i ce br eakdown i nf or mat i on t o suppor t i t s Fi nanci al Of f er. Al l Fi nanci al Of f er s mu s t be est abl i shed and submi t t ed net of any di r ect t axes or cust oms dut i es. As an i nt er nat i onal or gani sat i on, t he I LO i s exempt f r om al l t axes and dut i es. The I LO i s not bound t o accept t he l owest pr i ced of f er f r om any Bi dder, nor gi ve any r eason f or r ej ect i ng a pr oposal. 4 EVALUATI ON OF PROPOSALS AND CONTRACT AWARD 4. 1 Pr el i mi nar y Eval uat i on Pr i or t o t he det ai l ed eval uat i on of each Pr oposal, t he I LO wi l l under t ake a pr el i mi nar y exami nat i on. Pr oposal s wi l l not be consi der ed f or f ur t her eval uat i on i n cases wher e: a) They ar e i ncompl et e ( i. e. do not i ncl ude al l r equi r ed document s as speci f i ed i n Annex I, I nst r uct i ons t o Bi dder s, par agr aph 3: Cont ent of t he Pr oposal ) ; b) The Or i gi nal Pr oposal i s not si gned by t he dul y aut hor i zed i ndi vi dual of t he or gani zat i on/ company, as speci f i ed i n Annex I, I nst r uct i ons t o Bi dder s, par agr aph 2. 2: Number of Copi es, For mat and Si gni ng of Pr oposal ; c) Techni cal and f i nanci al document s have not been submi t t ed i n separ at e seal ed envel opes and/ or pr i ci ng i nf or mat i on i s i ncl uded i n t he Techni cal Pr oposal envel ope, as speci f i ed i n Annex I, I nst r uct i ons t o Bi dder s, par agr aph 2. 3: Submi ssi on and Recei pt of Pr oposal s; d) The val i di t y per i od of t he Pr oposal i s not i n accor dance wi t h t he r equi r ement s of t he RFP as speci f i ed i n Annex I, Instruct i ons t o Bi dder s, par agr aph 2. 15: Pr oposal Val i di t y Eval uat i on Pr ocess and Cr i t er i a Pr oposal s wi l l be r evi ewed and eval uat ed by an Eval uat i on Panel, t o det er mi ne compl i ance wi t h t he r equi r ement s speci f i ed i n t he RFP. A t wo- st age pr ocedur e wi l l be ut i l i zed i n eval uat i ng t he Pr oposal s, wi t h eval uat i on of each Techni cal Pr oposal bei ng compl et ed pr i or t o Page 9 of 52

14 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 75/ 2014 ANNEX I any Fi nanci al Of f er bei ng opened and compar ed. Fi nanci al Of f er s wi l l be opened onl y f or Bi dder submi ssi ons t hat ar e compl i ant wi t h al l mandat or y r equi r ement s and t hat meet or exceed t he mi ni mum t echni cal scor e of 52 poi nt s out of 70 dur i ng t he eval uat i on of Techni cal Pr oposal s. Wher e t he assessment of a Techni cal Pr oposal r esul t s i n t he mi ni mum speci f i ed scor e not bei ng achi eved, t he cor r espondi ng Fi nanci al Of f er wi l l not be el i gi bl e f or f ur t her consi der at i on. Each Techni cal Pr oposal i s eval uat ed on t he basi s of i t s r esponsi veness t o t he Ter ms of Ref er ence ( TOR). Dur i ng t he second st age of t he eval uat i on, t he Fi nanci al Of f er s of al l Bi dder s whi ch have at t ai ned at l east t he mi ni mum scor e of 52 poi nt s dur i ng t he t echni cal eval uat i on wi l l be compar ed. The pr oposal s wi l l be eval uat ed accor di ng t o t he cr i t er i a descr i bed bel ow: ( a) The mandat or y and desi r abl e t echni cal cr i t er i a pr ovi ded i n Annex VI I. ( e) The over al l cost. The pr ocess of eval uat i ng t he pr oposal s wi l l be based on t he f ol l owi ng per cent age combi nat i on of Techni cal and Fi nanci al el ement s: 4. 3 Awar d of t he Cont r act Per cent age Techni cal Pr oposal 70% Fi nanci al Of f er 30% Tot al 100% The I LO wi l l awar d t he cont r act t o t he Pr oposal ( Techni cal and Fi nanci al ) whi ch r epr esent s best val ue f or money, i. e. achi evi ng t he hi ghest over al l scor e. The I LO r eser ves t he r i ght t o accept or r ej ect any Pr oposal i n whol e or i n par t, t o annul t he sol i ci t at i on pr ocess and r ej ect al l Pr oposal s at any t i me pr i or t o t he i ssue of t he pur chase or der, wi t hout t her eby i ncur r i ng any l i abi l i t y t o t he af f ect ed Bi dder ( s) or any obl i gat i on t o pr ovi de i nf or mat i on on t he gr ounds f or t he I LO s deci si on( s). The awar d of t he cont r act ar i si ng f r om t hi s RFP wi l l be made at t he absol ut e di scr et i on of t he I LO. The I LO s deci si on t o awar d t he cont r act t o a pr ef er r ed Bi dder i s f i nal and shal l not be quest i oned by any Bi dder. The Cont r act or t he benef i t of t he Cont r act shal l not be assi gned, sub- cont r act ed or ot her wi se t r ansf er r ed by t he successf ul Bi dder i n whol e or i n par t, wi t hout I LO s pr i or wr i t t en consent, t o be gi ven at i t s sol e di scr et i on. Page 10 of 52

15 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 01/ 2014 ANNEX I I - C FORMS TO BE COMPLETED AND TO BE SUBMI TTED BY THE BI DDER - ANNEX I I - A: Acknowl edgement of Recei pt - ANNEX I I - B: Bi dder s Decl ar at i on For m - ANNEX I I - C: Bi dder s I nf or mat i on For m - ANNEX I I - D: Techni cal Pr oposal - ANNEX I I - E: Recent Ref er ences - ANNEX I I - E: Fi nanci al Of f er - ANNEX VI : USDOL Compl i ance condi t i ons ( t o be r et ur ned dul y dat ed and si gned f or accept ance) Page 11 of 52

16 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 01/ 2014 ANNEX I I - C ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEI PT To be r et ur ned t o: I nt er nat i onal Labor Or gani zat i on 4, Rout e des Mor i l l ons 1203 Geneva Swi t zer l and E- mail: pr ocur l o. or g Ref er ence: RFP N 75/ Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar me n i a WE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEI PT OF ALL TENDER DOCUMENTS FOR THE ABOVEMENTI ONED RFP (Not e: I n event of mi ssi ng el ement s, cont act t he I LO Of f i cer i n Char ge) WE I NTEND TO SUBMI T A PROPOSAL WE WI LL NOT BI D FOR THE FOLLOWI NG REASONS: Si gnat ur e: COMPANY STAMP Name:... Posi t i on:... Tel / Fax:... E- mail:... Dat e:... Page 12 of 52

17 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 01/ 2014 CERTI FI CATI ON TO BE SUBMI TTED BY A BI DDER I N AN I LO COMPETI TI VE BI DDI NG PROCEDURE ANNEX I I - C RFP N RFP 75/ Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar me n i a Dat e: 06 November 2014 The I LO expect s al l par t i ci pant s i n i t s pr ocur ement pr ocess t o adher e t o t he ver y hi ghest st andar ds of mor al and et hi cal conduct and t r anspar ency, t o pr event any conf l i ct of i nt er est and not t o engage i n any f or m of coer ci ve, col l usi ve, cor r upt, or f r audul ent pr act i ces. Wi t h r espect t o i t s pr oposal submi t t ed i n r esponse t o t he I LO s I nvi t at i on t o Bi d/ Request f or Pr oposal ment i oned above, t he Bi dder her eby cer t i f i es that: 1. The pr i ces i n i t s pr oposal have been ar r i ved at i ndependent l y wi t hout consul t at i on, communi cat i on or agr eement wi t h any ot her i nt er est ed compani es, compet i t or or pot ent i al compet i t or wi t h a vi ew t o r est r i ct i ng compet i t i on. 2. No at t empt has been made or wi l l be made by t he Bi dder t o i nf l uence any ot her Bi dder, or gani zat i on, par t ner shi p or cor por at i on t o ei t her submi t or not submi t a pr oposal. 3. The Bi dder wi l l not of f er, sol i ci t or accept, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, any gr at ui t y, gi f t, f avour, ent er t ai nment, pr omi ses of f ut ur e empl oyment or ot her benef i t s t o or f r om anyone i n t he I LO. 4. The Bi dder ( par ent company and/ or any subsi di ar i es) i s not i dent i f i ed on, or associ at ed wi t h any i ndi vi dual, gr oups, under t aki ngs and ent i t i es i dent i f i ed on, t he l i st est abl i shed pur suant t o UN Secur i t y Counci l Resol ut i on 1267 ( Consol i dat ed Li st ) The Bi dder ( par ent company and/ or any subsi di ar i es) wi l l not use t he f unds r ecei ved under any cont r act wi t h t he I LO t o pr ovi de suppor t t o i ndi vi dual s, gr oups, under t aki ngs or ent i t i es associ at ed wi t h t er r or i sm. 6. The Bi dder ( par ent company and/ or any subsi di ar i es) i s not t he subj ect of any f or m of sanct i on i mposed by an or gani zat i on or body wi t hi n t he Uni t ed Nat i ons Syst em, i ncl udi ng t he Wor l d Bank. The I LO r eser ves t he r i ght t o cancel or t er mi nat e wi t h i mmedi at e ef f ect and wi t hout compensat i on any of f er of or cont r act ar i si ng f r om t hi s bi ddi ng pr ocedur e i n t he event of any mi sr epr esent at i on i n r el at i on t o t he above cer t i f i cat i ons. Def i ni t i ons of t er ms used i n t hi s decl ar at i on: coer ci ve pr act i ce i s i mpai r i ng or har mi ng, or t hr eat eni ng t o i mpai r or har m, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, anot her or t he pr oper t y of anot her t o 1 The Consol i dat ed Li st can be f ound at t he websi t e: www. un. or g/ sc/ commi t t ees/ 1267/ consol i st. sht ml. Page 13 of 52

18 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 01/ 2014 i nf l uence i mpr oper l y t he act i ons of anot her. ANNEX I I - C col l usi ve pr act i ce i s any conduct or ar r angement bet ween t wo or mor e bi dder s or cont r act or s, desi gned t o achi eve an i mpr oper pur pose, i ncl udi ng t o i nf l uence i mpr oper l y t he act i ons of anot her or t o set pr i ces at an ar t i f i ci al l evel or i n a non- compet i t i ve manner ; conf l i ct of i nt er est i s a si t uat i on t hat gi ves r i se t o an act ual, pot ent i al or per cei ved conf l i ct bet ween t he i nt er est s of one par t y and anot her ; cor r upt pr act i ce i s t he of f er i ng, gi vi ng, r ecei vi ng or sol i ci t i ng, di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y, of any advant age, i n or der t o i nf l uence i mpr oper l y t he act i ons of anot her ; f r audul ent pr act i ce i s any act or omi ssi on, i ncl udi ng a mi sr epr esent at i on, t hat knowi ngl y or r eckl essl y mi sl eads, or at t empt s t o mi sl ead, anot her t o obt ai n a f i nanci al or ot her benef i t or t o avoi d an obl i gat i on; The under si gned cer t i f i es/ y t o be dul y aut hor i zed t o si gn t hi s Certification on behal f of t he Bi dder. Name and Posi t i on Si gnat ur e Dat e Page 14 of 52

19 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 01/ 2014 BI DDER S I NFORMATI ON FORM ANNEX I I - C I, t he under si gned, by submi t t i ng t hi s Pr oposal, her eby conf i r m t hat t hese i nst r uct i ons ar e accept ed i n f ul l and wi t hout r est r i ct i on, i ncl udi ng t he pr oposed I LO Cont r act bei ng used f or t hi s bi ddi ng pr ocedur e and r esul t i ng cont r act. 1. SUBJECT Request f or Pr oposal : Requi r ement s: RFP 75/ 2014 Techni cal Suppor t, Admi ni st r at i ve and Fi nanci al Ser vi ces f or t he Pr epar at i on of t he Nat i onal Chi l d Labour Sur vey Repor t i n Ar meni a 2. BI D SUBMI TTED BY A SI NGLE ECONOMI C OPERATOR Bi dder : [ I nser t Ful l Name of t he ent i t y submi t t i ng a bi d] 3. BI DDER I NFORMATI ON 1 Cor por at e Name: Legal St at us: Aut hor i sed Capi t al : Headquar t er s Addr ess: Pl ace of Busi ness Addr ess: Tel ephone: Fax: Tr ade Regi st er ed N : VAT N : Dat e est abl i shed: Per manent Wor kf or ce: Number of Secondar y Of f i ces: Names of Mai n Manager i al Staff: Names and Job Posi t i ons of Per son Aut hor i zed t o r epr esent t he Company: 1) 2) 3) Cer t i f i cat i on ( i f any) : Accr edi t at i on ( i f any) : [ Type and Val i di t y] 1) 2) 3) Tur nover, Net I ncome f or t he past Thr ee Fi nanci al Year s: [ Cur r ency] Year 1 [ i.e. 2011] Year 2 [ i.e. 2012] Year 1 [ i.e. 2013] Tur nover Net I ncome ( +/ - ) Comment s Aver age 1 Thi s i nf or mat i on shal l be pr ovi ded by each member of t he consor t i um and any subcont r act or ( s). Page 15 of 52

20 Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) 01/ SUMMARY OF WORK DI STRI BUTI ON [ Bi dder ] Na me Scope of Wor k/ Tasks/ Sub- Tasks ANNEX I I - C % of t he Pr oposal Pr i ce [ i f appl i cabl e] [ Sub- cont r act or ] [ Sub- cont r act or ] [ Sub- cont r act or ] 5. MANDATORY DOCUMENTS As r equest ed i n Annex I, I nst r uct i ons t o Bi dder s, par agr aph b) : Bi dder s I nf or mat i on For m, t he f ol l owi ng document s ar e at t ached t o t hi s f o r m: a) Cer t i f i cat e( s) conf or mi ng t hat obl i gat i ons r el at i ng t o t he payment of soci al secur i t y cont r i but i ons and/ or t he payment of t axes i n accor dance wi t h t he l egal pr ovi si ons of t he count r y i n whi ch t he Bi dder i s est abl i shed have been f ul f i l l ed; b) The pr oof of decl ar at i on and payment of t axes, f ees and soci al secur i t y cont r i but i ons by t he Bi dder shoul d i ndi cat e t he st at e of af f ai r s at t he end of t he pr evi ous f i scal year, bear i ng t he st at ement cer t i f i ed t r ue copy, t he dat e and t he si gnat ur e of a per son aut hor i zed t o r epr esent t he company; c) A copy of t he l ast t hr ee f i nanci al st at ement s by t he Bi dder, cer t i f i ed by i ndependent audi t or s. COMPANY STAMP S i g n a t u r e : Na me :.. P o s i t i o n :.. T e l / F a x :.. E- ma i l :.. Da t e : Page 16 of 52

21 Tool 6-4: Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) RECENT REFERENCES RELEVANT EXPERI ENCE WI THI N THE PAST FI VE YEARS ANNEX I I - D Each Bi dder wi l l pr ovi de, i n t he sampl e t abl e bel ow, t he r ef er ence i nf or mat i on of up t o t hr ee ( 3) pr oj ect s car r i ed out by i t whi ch ar e of a si mi l ar nat ur e t o t hat whi ch wi l l ar i se f r om t hi s RFP. The i nf or mat i on must i ncl ude as a mi ni mum: Cl i ent name, l ocat i on, and dat e of execut i on; Descr i pt i on of pr oj ect and speci f i cal l y t he wor k done by t he Bi dder i n t he pr oj ect ; The Cont r act val ue; Cont act det ai l s f or checki ng r ef er ences ( you must pr ovi de t he name, t he t i t l e, t he emai l and t el ephone number s of peopl e t hat can be conduct ed t o conf i r m t he r ef er ences pr ovi ded). Cl i ent Name, Locat i on, and Dat e of Execut i on Descr i pt i on of t he Pr oj ect and t he Wor k per f or med Cont r act Val ue ( Cur r ency) Cont act Det ai l s f or Ref er ence Check Bi dder s ar e r emi nded t hat t he r ef er ences pr ovi ded wi l l be checked and t he out come of t hei r f eedback t aken i n consi der at i on al ong t he t echni cal eval uat i on. Ther ef or e, bi dder s must ensur e t hat t he pr ovi ded cont act det ai l s of t he pr oposed r ef er ees ar e compl et e, det ai l ed and updat ed. Page 17 of 52

22 Tool 6-4: Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) TECHNI CAL PROPOSAL ANNEX I I - E TO BE RETURNED ON BI DDER S LETTERHEAD i. The Bi dder shal l use Annex I I - E t o descr i be how i t i nt ends t o meet t he r equi r ement s descr i bed i n t he RFP document s and i n par t i cul ar t he Ter ms of Ref er ence pr ovi ded i n Annex I I I. ii. I n pr epar i ng i t s Pr oposal t he Bi dder shal l r evi ew al l RFP r equi r ement s, i ncl udi ng any document r ef er r ed t o i n t he RFP, and wi l l r ef l ect i t s under st andi ng of and appr oach t o meet i ng t hese r equi r ement s i n t he Pr oposal. iii. I n pr epar i ng t he Techni cal Pr oposal, t he Bi dder shal l pr ovi de det ai l s of t he pr oposed pr oj ect met hodol ogy and i mpl ement at i on and management pl an as wel l as t he CVs of key per sonnel whi ch wi l l cont r i but e t o t he pr oj ect. i v. The Bi dder may al so i ncl ude i n t hi s Annex ot her document s and i nf or mat i on t o demonst r at e i t s t echni cal and pr of essi onal capaci t i es and compet enci es t o f ul f i l l t he r equi r ement s of t he Ter ms of Ref er ence. v. When dr af t i ng t hei r Techni cal Pr oposal, bi dder shoul d use t he t empl at e her e bel ow pr ovi ded. Page 18 of 52

23 Tool 6-4: Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) RFP 75/2014 Technical Proposal Template No. Areas Description 1. Organizational management capacity 1.1 Mission: Please provide a brief description or furnish an annual report and/or brochure of the organization 1.2 Work portfolio in the past 5 years: 1.3 Financial governance 1.4 Acceptance of USDOL conditions on the use of USDOL funds 1.5 Organization structure 2. Technical capacity 2.1 Team leader to be assigned to the proposed work Please list statistical works undertaken by the organization by providing a list of title, year, and collaborating institutions Please list grants and contracts awarded by UN Agencies, International Financial Institutions, Governments in the past 5 years and the value of the grant Financial audit reports issued by independent auditors on the bidder s last three annual financial statements Declaration of acceptance by signing Annex VI to the RFP document. And submit the signed declaration along with the bid. Please provide a governance structure of the organization 3. Administrative and financial capacity 3.1 Administrative staff Please describe your proposal: an approach to be adopted in providing technical support to the NSS. Please provide a Curriculum Vitae of a technical team leader assigned to this work. Please describe the number of administrative and their functions in the organization Please define the number of administrative staff to be assigned to administrative support to the NSS and the estimated duration of the assignment. ANNEX I I - E Bidder s proposal Page 19 of 52

24 Tool 6-4: Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) No. Areas Description Please provide a Curriculum Vitae of the key administrative personnel who will coordinate all the administrative services to the NSS 3.2 Finance staff Please describe the number of financial staff and their functions in the organization Please provide a Curriculum Vitae of the key finance staff who will be responsible for providing financial services to the NSS and managing the financial aspect of the contract with the ILO. ANNEX I I - E Bidder s proposal Page 20 of 52

25 Tool 6-4: Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) FI NANCI AL OFFER ANNEX I I - F TO BE RETURNED ON BI DDER S LETTERHEAD Havi ng exami ned t hi s Request f or Pr oposal i ncl udi ng i t s Annexes, and havi ng exami ned al l condi t i ons and f act or s whi ch mi ght i n any way af f ect t he cost or t i me of per f or mance t her eof, we, t he under si gned, of f er t o execut e and compl et e t he Wor ks or t he Ser vi ces, i n accor dance wi t h t he Ter ms and Condi t i ons appl i cabl e t o I LO Cont r act s f or t he f ol l owi ng Tot al Cont r act Pr i ce, net of any di r ect t axes or cust oms dut i es and ot her i mpor t t axes: Task Descr i pt i on 1 Techni cal Suppor t : Det ai l ed wor k pl an of ser vi ces t o be pr ovi ded t o NSS; Det ai l ed wor k pl an of i mpl ement at i on of NCLS TOR; Quar t er l y r epor t s on pr ogr esses and obst acl es f aced wi t hi n NCLS pr oj ect ; Ad hoc r epor t on NCLS wor k wi t h t r oubl e shoot i ng r ecommendat i ons 2 Admi ni st r at i ve Ser vi ces: Devel opment of TOR f o r each t ask t eam i nvol ved i n t he NCLS wor k; Pr epar at i on and i ssuance of cont r act s wi t h i ndi vi dual s sel ect ed t o car r y out NCLS TOR t as k s ; Lump Sum i n USD ( wi th VAT t o be i ndi cat ed separ at el y) 3 Fi nanci al Ser vi ces: Payment s t o t he NSS; Pr epar at i on and submi ssi on of quar t er l y f i nanci al r epor t on t he NCLS f unds SUBTOTAL (net of VAT) VAT TOTAL At t ached t o t hi s Annex i s t he pr oposed cost br eakdown f or each of t he above t asks. Bi dder s must pr ovi de a det ai l ed br eakdown of al l cost s ment i oned i n t hi s f or m. Addi t i onal Ser vi ces ( i f any) Compensat i on f or any addi t i onal ser vi ces t o t hi s RFP shal l be cal cul at ed on t he basi s of t he r at es bel ow: Page 21 of 52

26 Tool 6-4: Request f or Pr oposal ( RFP) Posi t i on [Insert Title] [Insert Title] [Insert Title] Comment s Based at Cont r act or s Of f i ce Rat e per day i n USD ANNEX I I - F Based at I LO Visiting ILO (<6 consecut i ve days) S i g n a t u r e : COMPANY STAMP Na me :.. P o s i t i o n :.. T e l / F a x :.. E- ma i l :.. Da t e : Page 22 of 52

27 Terms of Reference Provision of Technical Support, Administrative and Financial Services for the Preparation of the National Child Labour Survey Report of Armenia ANNEX III Background The Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour (SIMPOC) is located in the Fundamental Principle and Rights at Work Branch, Governance and Tripartment Department, International Labour Organization (ILO/FPRW) in Geneva, Switzerland. The FPRW is implementing a project Global Research on Child Labor Measurement and Policy Development (MAP) (GLO/13/21/USA), which is funded by the Department of Labor, Government of the United States of America. Within the scope of the project GLO/13/21/USA (the Project), the ILO/FPRW and the National Statistical Services of the Republic of Armenia will be forming a partnership to produce the National Child Labor Survey report (NCLS). Project activities are supposed to start in November 2014 and conclude by the end of November 2017.The full details of the work related to the projection of the NCLS is shown in Appendix A: Terms of Reference for the NCLS. ILO is therefore seeking support from an organization (Service Provider) that is based in Yerevan, Armenia to provide technical support, administrative and financial services to the National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia. The Service Provider is expected to commence its services in January 2015, for a period of one (1) year. The budget for the NCLS is estimated at around USD 231,000 which shall cover fee and per diem to be paid to 94 NSS staff, communication costs, transportation costs, and printing and translation of the report. Appendix A provides estimates on the number of contracts and number of payments to be administered by a successful bidder. The Service Provider must have experience with the NSS. It is expected to have supported at least one NSS large scale household survey project in the past, and at least one statisticsurvey related project in Armenia, in the last five years. Its total portfolio in the last five years should be larger than USD 300,000. Experience handling a grant with a value of USD or above is appreciated. The Service Provider s organizational structure must show a clear organigram with reporting lines and specific responsibilities among staff that reflect segregation of duties and the check and balances within the organization as well as the independence function of the finance unit. The Service Provider s last three years financial statements must have received unqualified audit opinions from independent auditors. Vendor s responsibilities The Service Provider will have the responsibility to ensure a smooth implementation of the NCLS work specifically with regards to completion of the work within time and budget, coordination and technical support to the NSS, and transparency in the use of the NCLS funds entrusted to the Service Provider. The services to be provided to the ILO are in three areas of work: A. Technical support to the National Statistical Services of the Republic of Armenia

28 a. Appoint a statistical expert, acting as a team leader, to provide technical support to the NSS, in consultation with the ILO. The statistical expert should have at least five years of proven experience, preferably with the NSS, in the implementation of large and/or medium scale technical survey projects, preferably related to child labor research. He/she should hold a University Degree in social sciences, economics or statistics. A masters or a Phd in relevant subjects is desirable. b. In coordinating with the NSS, provide a detailed work plan of the services to be provided to the NSS and the detailed work plan of the implementation of the NCLS TOR to the ILO no later than 15 days after the signature of the Agreement. c. Submit quarterly reports to the ILO in terms of the progress and obstacles experienced by the NCLS project. d. When requested by the ILO, submit an ad hoc report on the progress of the NCLS work and provide trouble shooting recommendations e. In consultation with the ILO, provide technical support to the NCLS B. Administrative services to the National Statistical Services of the Republic of Armenia a. In consultation with the NSS and ILO, develop Terms of Reference for each task team that will be involved in the NCLS work. b. Prepare and issue contracts to all the individuals selected by the NSS to perform the task in the NCLS TOR. The contracts shall be between the Service Provider and the selected individuals. Neither the ILO nor the NSS shall be held liable to the contracted individuals to whom the Service Provider issues a contract for NCLS-related work. At least four administrative staff should be assigned to provide administrative services. A staffing time table sensitive to the workload is desirable. At least one of the four staff members must have a university degree and a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in administrative services. Additional qualifications of the administrative staff assigned to the project are appreciated. C. Financial services to the National Statistical Services of the Republic of Armenia a. Ensure that the total funds allocated to the NCLS are used as per the Terms of Reference of the Survey b. Obtain ILO approval for payments made against the NCLS budget entrusted to the Service Provider c. Timely execute payments to the NSS as per the outputs and tasks specified in the Terms of Reference of the NCLS, prior approval of the ILO. d. Keep an impeccable and transparent accountability of the survey funds, keeping detailed administrative records of all payments and transactions within the NCLS project e. Prepare and submit a quarterly financial report on the NCLS funds to the ILO and the NSS The Service Provider should have a team of at least 3 members within its finance unit. At least the key finance staff must have a university degree and a minimum of five years professional experience in finance. Professional accreditation related to the financial domain is appreciated. ILO s responsibilities List the activities for which the ILO will be responsible:

29 Provide technical guidance and approval to the work performed by the NSS, its personnel and other individuals engaged to perform services related to the production of the National Child Labour Survey Approve the workplan of the NCLS Approve the Terms of Reference for each task team of the NCLS Approve contract issuance and disbursement of payments on contracts issued against the NCLS funds Schedule and Reporting The Service Provider shall submit the following report to the ILO: The Detailed Work-plan of the Implementation of the CLS TOR to be submitted to the ILO within 15 days after the signature of the agreement The Detailed Work-plan of the services to be provided to the NSS within 15 days after the signature of the agreement Quarterly progress report Quarterly financial report Ad hoc progress report, when requested For the reporting templates, please see the relevant Appendix of this TOR. Payment The contract price will cover two payment elements: A. Expenditures of an estimated amount USD 231,000, which represents the cost of the NCLS Armenia and which is the sum of the funds the successful bidder shall administer. Payment of expenditures will be made in accordance with an agreed upon payment schedule to be discussed before the award of the contract. B. Service fees: The bidder shall propose the cost for providing services to the ILO and a payment schedule. No prices shall be included in the technical proposal. All prices will be submitted with the financial proposal by using the relevant form attached to the RFP document. Completion criteria The Service Provider will make available to the ILO the contracts issued against the NCLS funds entrusted to the ILO during the course of the NCLS work. The Service Provider will also retain copies of these contracts on file for audit by the representative of the ILO for five years following the Project end date of 14 November The Service Provider shall treat all information it is exposed to during the course of the NCLS work as confidential information. It will not release any information it has obtained during the course of the NCLS to any parties without the ILO s approval. Special terms and conditions The Service Provider will accept the following terms and conditions of the contract with the ILO: A. ILO Standard Terms and Conditions for Services B. USDOL conditions for the use of USDOL funds

30 International Labour Office Procurement Manual Tool 6-4: Request for Proposal (RFP) ANNEX III C. Inclusion of USDOL conditions for the use of USDOL funds in third party subcontract, including individuals and companies (see Annex V and VI attached to RFP 75/2014) D. Retain all documentation related to the execution of the proposed work for future audit purposes up to 5 years after the Project end date of 14 November These documentation include but not limited to: a. Original signed copy of the contracts b. Proof of payment c. Correspondences with NSS and ILO E. Make available the documentation hereto referred to the ILO or its appointed representative during the course of the contract and the retention period of 5 years after the Project end date of 14 November Appendices Appendix A: Estimates on the number of contracts and payments to be administered by the successful bidder Appendix B: Detailed work-plan template Appendix C: Technical Progress Report template Appendix D: Financial Report Template Page 26 of 72

31 Appendix A: Estimates on the number of contracts and payments to be administered by the successful bidders and Timetable of the NCLS Appendix A.1: Estimates on the number of contracts and payments to be administered by the successful bidders Ref. Description Quantity (number of units) Payment principle Payment conditions / unit No. of contract s per unit No.r of payments per contract 1.1 Support Project Manager Time-based 12 payments per unit at the end of each month upon the satisfactory delivery of his/her services to the ILO and the NSS. Written authorization from ILO and the Director of the NSS required Project assistant Time-based 12 payments at the end of each month upon the satisfactory delivery of his/her services to the ILO and the NSS. Written authorization from ILO and the Director of the NSS required Coordinators Time-based 3 payments per unit at the end of each month upon the satisfactory delivery of his/her services to the ILO and the NSS. Written authorization from ILO and the Director of the NSS required Printing of questionnaires for Pilot Survey (150 HH) Printing of questionnaires for Main Survey (6500 HH) Outputbased Outputbased One payments upon delivery of the questionnaire prints One payments upon delivery of the questionnaire prints Total number of contracts Total number of payments

32 Appendix A.1: Estimates on the number of contracts and payments to be administered by the successful bidders Ref. Description Quantity (number of units) Payment principle Payment conditions / unit Phase 1: Preparation Phase 1.1 Expert - Methodology and questionnaire Phase 1.2 Programmer - Preparation of the sample PHASE 2. Training Phase 2.1 Honorarium PHASE 3. Piloting Phase 3.1 Phase 3.2 for the MasterTrainer Interviewers' fee Superviser's fee Phase 3.3 Data coder clerks' fee Phase 3.4 Data entry clerks' fee PHASE 4. Main Survey Phase 4.1 Interviewers' fee, transport and per diem No. of contract s per unit No.r of payments per contract Outputbased One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Time-based One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Outputbased Outputbased Outputbased One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Two payments per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Time-based One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Time-based One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Outputbased and expenditure Upto 4 payments per unit in accordance with the defined payment plan and/or upon delivery of the expected output to the Total number of contracts Total number of payments

33 Appendix A.1: Estimates on the number of contracts and payments to be administered by the successful bidders Ref. Description Quantity (number of units) Payment principle Payment conditions / unit Phase 4.2 Superviser's fee, transport and per diem Phase 4.3 Data coder clerks' fee Phase 4.4 Data entry clerks' fee (DOUBLE ENTRY) PHASE 5. Reporting Phase 5.1 Data analysis Phase 5.2 Preparation of the report Phase 5.3 Translation of the report Phase 5.4 Publication of the report Phase 5.6 National public launch event No. of contract s per unit No.r of payments per contract payment satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Outputbased Upto 4 payments per unit in accordance and with the defined payment plan and/or expenditure upon delivery of the expected output to the payment satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Time-based One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Time-based One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Outputbased Outputbased Outputbased Outputbased None None None One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO One payment per unit upon delivery of the expected output to the satisfaction of the NSS and the ILO Total number of contracts Total number of payments Total

34 Appendix A.2: Time table of the NCLS Armenia Months Tasks ~18 Identify CL survey focal point, and plan survey; establish steering and technical committees Adapt and pre-test questionnaires; translate questionnaires and manuals Carry out sampling and updating of household listing Complete logistical arrangements Select and train fieldwork personnel (interviewers, editors, measurers, and supervisors) Conduct pilot study and main field survey for data collection (this MUST be when schools are open) Enter and clean data Complete data processing, including secondary editing Prepare summary findings report and final report, public launch to disseminate widely; prepare survey archive 4

35 ANNEX I - IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT APPENDIX B WORKPLAN TEMPLATE Workplan Form A: Preparatory Outputs and Activities Country: Title of Contract: Contract Number: Total Value (Currency and Amount) Starting date (date-month-year): Contract Duration (number of months): Outputs and Activities Start Date Planned Finish Date Planned Expected Cost (Agreement currency) Place where activity will take place Remarks Output Activity Activity Activity Date (day-month-year): Name of accredited official of the Implementing Agent: Signature: Workplan (version 1.0 (EN) ) 1

36 APPENDIX C Title of Agreement Name of the Contractor: Agreement Number: Agreement Start date: TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT (TPR) FORMAT Summary Page Agreement End date: Period covered by this TPR From: To: Total value (Currency and Amount) SECTION 1: To be completed by ILO Project Manager Summary of Agreement Status (key bullet points summarizing achievement based on review on following pages) Overall Assessment of Agreement (particular in regard to target group, outputs produced and contribution to objectives) SECTION 2: To be completed by Contractor Summary of Agreement Strategy and Objectives (highlight changes in strategy from last reporting period) Major actions required (summary of actions required listed under objectives and outputs in following pages, including suggestions for adjustment in work plan when appropriate) Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 1

37 Materials or publications produced in the period under review Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 2

38 Agreement Technical Progress Report Form 1 Objectives and Outputs: Progress towards the achievement of objectives and the production/delivery of outputs Title of Agreement Agreement Number (EPA,OFC, PO or Commitment Number): Name of the Contractor Start date Period covered by this TPR From: End Date Total Value (Currency and Amount) To: Objective Objective 1:... Outputs Objective 2: NB. Please keep identified indicators in mind when completing this Status of achievement of objective (considering the identified indicator as evidence of achievement or lack of achievement) Explanation of observed status of objective (is the observed status as expected at this stage of progress towards achievement?) Problems and factors explaining performance in production /delivery of outputs Suggested changes and adjustment to deal with identified factors for the outputs Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 3

39 ... Outputs Objective 3:... Outputs Objective 4:... Outputs Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 4

40 Title of Agreement TCP Technical Progress Report Form 2 Activities: Progress in carrying out activities Agreement Number (EPA,OFC, PO or Commitment Number): Name of the Contractor Start date Period covered by this TPR From End Date Total Value (Currency and Amount) To Immediate Objective 1: Please attach approved work plan Summary of Activities for each Objective... Planned Dates Actual Dates Expected Cost (agreement currency) Actual Cost (agreement currency) Place where activity takes place Person Responsible Output 1.1:... Activity 1.1.1: Activity 1.1.2: Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 5

41 Activity 1.1.3: Activity 1.2.1: Output 1.2:... Activity 1.2.2: Activity 1.2.3: Activity 1.3.1: Output 1.3:... Activity 1.3.2: Activity 1.3.3: Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 6

42 APPENDIX C Title of Agreement Name of the Contractor: Agreement Number: Agreement Start date: TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT (TPR) FORMAT Summary Page Agreement End date: Period covered by this TPR From: To: Total value (Currency and Amount) SECTION 1: To be completed by ILO Project Manager Summary of Agreement Status (key bullet points summarizing achievement based on review on following pages) Overall Assessment of Agreement (particular in regard to target group, outputs produced and contribution to objectives) SECTION 2: To be completed by Contractor Summary of Agreement Strategy and Objectives (highlight changes in strategy from last reporting period) Major actions required (summary of actions required listed under objectives and outputs in following pages, including suggestions for adjustment in work plan when appropriate) Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 1

43 Materials or publications produced in the period under review Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 2

44 Agreement Technical Progress Report Form 1 Objectives and Outputs: Progress towards the achievement of objectives and the production/delivery of outputs Title of Agreement Agreement Number (EPA,OFC, PO or Commitment Number): Name of the Contractor Start date Period covered by this TPR From: End Date Total Value (Currency and Amount) To: Objective Objective 1:... Outputs Objective 2: NB. Please keep identified indicators in mind when completing this Status of achievement of objective (considering the identified indicator as evidence of achievement or lack of achievement) Explanation of observed status of objective (is the observed status as expected at this stage of progress towards achievement?) Problems and factors explaining performance in production /delivery of outputs Suggested changes and adjustment to deal with identified factors for the outputs Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 3

45 ... Outputs Objective 3:... Outputs Objective 4:... Outputs Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 4

46 Title of Agreement TCP Technical Progress Report Form 2 Activities: Progress in carrying out activities Agreement Number (EPA,OFC, PO or Commitment Number): Name of the Contractor Start date Period covered by this TPR From End Date Total Value (Currency and Amount) To Immediate Objective 1: Please attach approved work plan Summary of Activities for each Objective... Planned Dates Actual Dates Expected Cost (agreement currency) Actual Cost (agreement currency) Place where activity takes place Person Responsible Output 1.1:... Activity 1.1.1: Activity 1.1.2: Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 5

47 Activity 1.1.3: Activity 1.2.1: Output 1.2:... Activity 1.2.2: Activity 1.2.3: Activity 1.3.1: Output 1.3:... Activity 1.3.2: Activity 1.3.3: Technical Progress Report (Version 1.0 (EN) ) 6

48 APPENDIX D Financial Progress Reports Page 1/10 Annex D to Agreement: Financial Progress Report Format Form 1: CASH BOOK Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number (EPA/OFC/PO/Commitment): To (day-month-year): To (day-month-year): Closing Balance at the end of the previous reporting period* ====>>> * In case the balance is in your favour put it under receipt. In case it is negative put it under expenditure. Entry # Date Supporting Received from / Description of Transaction Document Paid to Input Item Bank Account Petty Cash Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 1.Cash Book, 05/11/2014

49 Financial Progress Reports Page 2/10 Annex D to Agreement: Financial Progress Report Format Form 1: CASH BOOK Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number (EPA/OFC/PO/Commitment): To (day-month-year): To (day-month-year): Closing Balance at the end of the previous reporting period* ====>>> * In case the balance is in your favour put it under receipt. In case it is negative put it under expenditure. Entry # Date Supporting Received from / Description of Transaction Document Paid to Input Item Bank Account Petty Cash Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 1.Cash Book, 05/11/2014

50 Financial Progress Reports Page 3/10 Annex D to Agreement: Financial Progress Report Format Form 1: CASH BOOK Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number (EPA/OFC/PO/Commitment): To (day-month-year): To (day-month-year): Closing Balance at the end of the previous reporting period* ====>>> * In case the balance is in your favour put it under receipt. In case it is negative put it under expenditure. Entry # Date Supporting Received from / Description of Transaction Document Paid to Input Item Bank Account Petty Cash Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 1.Cash Book, 05/11/2014

51 Financial Progress Reports Page 4/10 Annex D to Agreement: Financial Progress Report Format Form 1: CASH BOOK Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number (EPA/OFC/PO/Commitment): To (day-month-year): To (day-month-year): Closing Balance at the end of the previous reporting period* ====>>> Bank Account Petty Cash Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure * In case the balance is in your favour put it under receipt. In case it is negative put it under expenditure. Entry # Date Supporting Received from / Description of Transaction Document Paid to Input Item TOTAL OF TRANSACTIONS DURING THIS REPORTING PERIOD CLOSING BALANCE AT THE END OF THIS REPORTING PERIOD - - I certify that the reported goods and services for which expenditure has been incurred are not being financed from other sources. Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 1.Cash Book, 05/11/2014

52 Financial Progress Reports Page 5/10 Annex D to Agreement: Financial Progress Report Format Form 1: CASH BOOK Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number (EPA/OFC/PO/Commitment): To (day-month-year): To (day-month-year): Closing Balance at the end of the previous reporting period* ====>>> * In case the balance is in your favour put it under receipt. In case it is negative put it under expenditure. Supporting Received from / Entry # Date Description of Transaction Input Item Document Paid to Bank Account Petty Cash Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Printed name & signature of the responsible official of the Contractor Date (day - month - year) Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 1.Cash Book, 05/11/2014

53 Financial Progress Reports Page 6/10 Form 2: SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS (Agreement currency) Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Input Item Approved Budget Amount Spent in Current Reporting Period Amount Spent in Previous Periods Total Expenditure To-Date (b+c) Balance remaining (a-d) Balance (%) (e/a) Remarks (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 0.1 Cost for personnel assigned to the action Project coordinator - - #DIV/0! Secretary - - #DIV/0! Finance Assistant - - #DIV/0! Monitors - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! 1.1 Phase I Preparation - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! 1.2 Phase 2 Training - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 2.Summary of Transacti, 05/11/2014

54 Financial Progress Reports Page 7/10 Form 2: SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS (Agreement currency) Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Input Item Approved Budget Amount Spent in Current Reporting Period Amount Spent in Previous Periods Total Expenditure To-Date (b+c) Balance remaining (a-d) Balance (%) (e/a) Remarks (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! 1.3 Phase 3 Piloting - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! 1.4 Phase 4 Main Survey - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! Phase 5 Reporting - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 2.Summary of Transacti, 05/11/2014

55 Financial Progress Reports Page 8/10 Form 2: SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS (Agreement currency) Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor: Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: Period Covered by this Report: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Agreement Number: From (day-month-year): From (day-month-year): Input Item Approved Budget Amount Spent in Current Reporting Period Amount Spent in Previous Periods Total Expenditure To-Date (b+c) Balance remaining (a-d) Balance (%) (e/a) Remarks (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! Activity - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! - - #DIV/0! TOTAL EXPENDITURE #DIV/0! Printed name, position & signature of the responsible official of the Contractor Date (day - month - year) Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 2.Summary of Transacti, 05/11/2014

56 Financial Progress Reports Page9/10 Annex D to Agreement Form 3: BANK RECONCILIATION Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: From (day-month-year): To (day-monthyear): Period Covered by this Report: For MONTH (mm/yyyy) Agreement Number: Date Amount Closing Balance as per Bank Statement Less Items credited in bank statement notappearing in cashbook: Sub-total - Less Uncleared Cheques: Sub-total - Add Other items debited to bank not appearing in cashbook: Sub-total - Balance as per Cashbook - Prepared by: Certified by: Date: Date: Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 3.Bank Reconciliation, 05/11/2014

57 Financial Progress Reports Page10/10 Annex D to Agreement Form 3: BANK RECONCILIATION Agreement Title: Name of the Contractor Agreement Currency and Amount in figures and words: Agreement Duration: From (day-month-year): To (day-monthyear): Period Covered by this Report: For MONTH (mm/yyyy) Agreement Number: Date Amount Copy of Financial report template (2).xlsx, 3.Bank Reconciliation, 05/11/2014

58 International Labour Office Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland PURCHASE ORDER No. XXXX CONTRACT FOR SERVICES ANNEX I V ILO Contact : (Contractor s name and address) name Tel : Fax : Date : Our Reference : Your Reference : Currency and Net Amount : Currency Amount VAT Amount : Currency [0.00] Total Amount : Currency Amount Payment terms : 30 Days Please confirm your acceptance of this Purchase Order (PO) by returning one (1) original, signed and stamped, by mail to the ILO Contact indicated above, within seven (7) days. Failure to do so may delay payment of your invoice. Receipt by the ILO of the original signed PO, Contractor's written confirmation order, or initiation of performance under this PO by the Contractor will constitute acceptance of the PO by the Contractor, including all terms and conditions herein contained or otherwise incorporated by reference. Any additional or different terms and conditions proposed by the Contractor are rejected unless expressly approved in writing by an authorized representative of the ILO. Contractor : [Representative s name] International Labour Office: [ILO Official s name] Signature : Signature : Date : Date : Place : Place : Page 24 of 52 ILO 2012 Version 1.1 (EN)

59 International Labour Office Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland PURCHASE ORDER No. XXXX CONTRACT FOR SERVICES I. The contract is composed of the following documents listed in their order of precedence : - This PO including any specific conditions. - Annex 1 : Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts for Services. - Annex 2 : The complete file of the Request for Proposals No. xx/2014, including the Terms of Reference (TOR). - Annex 3 : Contractor s Technical Offer opened by the ILO on [insert date], and the Commercial Offer opened by the ILO on [insert date]. - Annex 4 : Conditions for the use of the Department of Labor of the United States of America (USDOL) funds (subject to updates at any time). II. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. The Contractor will perform the services as outlined in the TOR in Annex The Contractor will commence performance by [start date] and such performance will be completed not later than [end date]. 3. Upon completion of the performance of the services, a final report will be submitted to the ILO within 40 days unless otherwise specified in the TOR. 4. On all matters arising from the Contract (including submission of reports), the Contractor will deal in the first instance with [ILO Contact Name], unless otherwise specified in the TOR. Page 25 of 52 ILO 2012 Version 1.1 (EN)

60 International Labour Office Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland PURCHASE ORDER No. XXXX CONTRACT FOR SERVICES 5. The ILO will pay the Contractor the Total Amount of [CURRENCY AND AMOUNT (amount in words) + VAT Amount 0.00 (Zero) = CURRENCY AND AMOUNT (amount in words)] as follows : [Payment Schedule] 6. Billing address : In accordance with paragraph 3.2 of the Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts for Services (Annex 1) the Contractor will submit invoice(s) for payment indicating the number of the PO that it relates to, the invoiced amount and the date of completion of the services. Invoices must be addressed to: International Labour Office Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland 7. USDOL : 7.1. The provisions contained in the Conditions for use of USDOL funds in Annex 4 apply to this Contract All individuals and entities subcontracted by the Contractor for the purposes of this Contract (as outlined in the TOR in Annex 2) must accept the Conditions for the use of USDOL funds in Annex 4, which must be attached to each of the subcontracts entered into by the Contractor. 8. Terrorism : 8.1. Further to paragraph 8.1 Full Disclosure of the Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts for Services in Annex 1, and in accordance with the Conditions for the use of USDOL funds in Annex 4, both USDOL and the ILO are firmly committed to the Page 26 of 52 ILO 2012 Version 1.1 (EN)

61 International Labour Office Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland PURCHASE ORDER No. XXXX CONTRACT FOR SERVICES international fight against terrorism, and in particular, against the financing of terrorism. It is the policy of USDOL to seek to ensure that none of its funds are used, directly or indirectly, to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism. The Contractor will therefore use reasonable efforts to ensure that funds provided by USDOL are not used, directly or indirectly, to provide support to individuals or entities identified on the list established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267 (1267 Consolidated List). 9. Records : 9.1. The Contractor will retain all records, including financial documents, related to or arising from the implementation of the Contract, until 14 November 2022 or otherwise requested by USDOL. Where applicable, the ILO, or any person authorized by the ILO, may, at the sole discretion of the ILO, conduct a review, audit, investigation or another activity requiring access to such records during the term of the Contract or thereafter. The Contractor will grant to any such person, at a time to be agreed upon, free access to all workplaces, and will make available at any time all records and documents, including supporting documents for expenditures that have been incurred for the execution of the Services. 10. Termination : Further to paragraph 10.1 Termination of the Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts for Services in Annex 1, in the event that the Contractor violates any of the provisions contained in the Conditions for the use of USDOL funds in Annex 4, or Article 8.1 above, the ILO has a right to non-payment of any Services performed by the Contractor under the Contract, and/or seek reimbursement of payments already made to the Contractor. Page 27 of 52 ILO 2012 Version 1.1 (EN)

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