Ig e o n T j r.s. E nvo

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1 ,» A n traffto ta tn M M 18B3- L n H j faoe VaUey,oc of on "fled- fl v Q B - t f e n t n Casa jracoun- tl une 22 p a w T w - - r AReglo Regloul Newspaptf c a y ; 5 : a M e y Mj lan Des f c f l n j u res r From L Crash n to T ran 3:2 House Probe et K s «-On Gasolne Rse Lawyers E T --, v w v X!, : -T W ln -F A L l, 1DA & H 0;\ a!rb)j Y,:Oj MR B E l e c t C h e f ;, u d g T K - udge ;Renn; O retly une 24 Kenneth Xarsen, 63, whose akur was K rw hen a westbound U Unon Pacfc tran smashed K c l c jubt west of!here herb latemondayafternoon, ded led - v o y, R h e e w Tuesday at Cottage hc hoapltal EOUL, uno 24 (0 Presdent (P yngman Rhee faled to regan conscousness after the mshap, s/d BAd today mpendng cohfeene wt«specal emssary from )m Washngton may "open new lew chanr channels** whlch-would aake aa armls- K T of the Burley man marked rn the QCond traffc fa- tce more acceptable to us ua and perhaps m ore honorable Tj Cassa county and l twelfth Magc Valley ths year lonorabletb theu* " " r K-- Thestatement, made aade n an ntervew wth NBC, BC, contrasted sharply, wth Rhe«*0 t m t t 1953 accdent ; occu; occurred n tbe county une e a rle r to f g h to h alone f -a n Oregon man ded d at the hosptal here of njures tru ce-u n a c c e p ta b le to h m la n an automoble ac- been taken to Ex-Mebe* 1 of n whle, wuumnced formatlot of a : H Alles Den Q f sg n e d b y h ls a l l e B : - Demand Russ T he -ROK government, mean- Bnehs funeral home - m K o conunlttee ot top eablpatmambert O a»t* AEC elected d H Cease e German Curb r L L U a t h Rhee M ch alm ao, to take over m ooloome c further m- defense- o f th a eountry fmmedu m of tfas mlbltop by «m n BERLN, une 24, (flv-tho (AV-T western alles demanded lan d ed an e w to tha eventof» ceaaa-tr* McOuUc pu gl r As NewChef today th at the Russans V t u f l lajton and Oounty ef lft martal aw n East Berln B erl»ttl hey also rejected a s unworth nworthy of consderaton commur o m m u n st jmur these developmanu helghten- H n a v Nelen WAHNOTON, une 34 (fl Dom AprU , 1880, Presdent p Elsenhower, cbose New charges th at Amercan rlcan offlcera o: ncted the rotng, rlo tln r tl t h a t tenson n -th s devaatated n Re m anled Etbel the York y fnancer Lewla Z> trauss, spread through red-ruled ruled E ast Germany,»,, Aaaa penlnanu :," " f s t t r d AprU 8 1M3, n ft, f-] s member of Ue orlgtnal atomle The new demand came came, as E ast GermanPme m e Mns s te r s w 2 t l? B b r t t energy commlsalon, todays to < be ba t r e b U wdow and tbree tt Otto Grotewohl was t>ree the, commlaslons new cbalnnan s telln tellng hs CbmmunlstNparty r t y work w o e rs secret j u te to Bbae tombaere* (Uuhten 0«eU ( A U r Elaenhower sent ta the sen> senslon, ly U ty woud-be punsh th a t many Germans arrest alrrested n the rotng were bdng ate tbe nomnaton ot tratus for a leased but th at the "genul "genune to tbe ooth K orean captal Thnra«flvo-year term on the commsson, { c Death «startng uoe O and nmnng nng through une 1858 severely p nshea t d e r s - EEye- coreboard nocmdlng Dean, end Letter a R h ea aerved offldal-no»fc*:a,, The Wblte House press aeerelary : DstrctadfeXalaE:Lnre re, rg] rght, eongrataatea ade M phy, h y, 8hobene enbrng eeet«<t-vretfa»:«l reatdeal 7ot tsm Unted Utea, B rtsh s le-dltsloa a ts y, eomparlon of tn f *1 fo j, amea O Hagerty, sad the Preshe Foortb aod Elerenlh Mloal leal D Dstrct Bdr asmklauon a t the )B T nrf dc ob TncMay-nght mmedutely u ttly afto lte r French comfaaodanu n BerUn! P r o s p e c * t ts po n ] <rom znted Katloas oostrol f aa m<lua tha date fta den> wll desgnate trausa os (be elecuod, udge :Lowb anbomee«raneed plana to resgn from ttae-elevrath eleventh adcul dlstret :bcau;aad:»labl»4;*la,hla ther demandln,fcfltt«rtbm«armsuce la algned on uresent terna MlorUueVaUeyandfor charm an of the commsson auc- sue- ptlvua Uw praouee a t Borey oly 1 (taff taff pboto-engravag) Oen P T Dlbrova; red army co oeedlng Oordon Dean, whose resg- U (effectve-une O ( eastsector to <pehthe rotng " T B )7 beaten a ftar apeak* tsg * * * * f "* taander o t forcearashed nto * K o r e a T r u c e naton 7117» « Btrfuaa, * roar admral n- the ; XT tt k dlott Advses -- Dlbrova bad-charged prevlot r dscussed the stand-- - * 8 naval reserve, served as a member jg : f udge Low owe to Qut th at a G erm anartasted d as a rot delcate Korean-UtuaUon of the AEO from lu lncepuon,ln leader badbeen hred by aa luon wth «con- 4-1te"5&M r"tou6nm -dem n ly ta Amer- grftsslonal leaders today w lsy but the >1( to AprU B, 1050 Fun Expert p " c a n -n m lfo rm H h a t-b >t ob re o re H- w law=lbfk rjtrept m u pjoehe, Nev; van B Lar* Car- - B«tnraed to Buslneaa, alara The only wo-«t«r general n oo n n ust ju a T thaa am ffo n takng!p l w D r ex r n waa sad atello; WendeU B Larsen Lrausa left the commsson tb rt N e d a Belubagh both Mth rt return tp prvate busness tudy o n P Dstrct ct Bench bor Berln la Thomas O - Tlmberm p e c t to tt» touched 6ffrtod k? ttw TtmbennM, senator Knowlad R, Calf- CaUf, a ct- annltetaarrbfthocoetlywar"-;; the U a commandant, ng :senste, majorty f leader; leader/told W oa-lm tm-- 7 H W tlma Bohl,- Chlcagro; go; Lost March,Mr Esenhower ap* K b 7 l<aw, Mr* Ruth Hlnea nes p< pouted trausa as a specal oasls- W A O T O N, june fl n Dstrct udge Kales!s E Lowe announced hrsmmpendln m pendng, F U e a t M o re * oewmen about tbe brefng reflng afta after h e D Yoon Tung, > M % ea]c«kortnb Bnes,-all Tuoon, u tan t and advsor on atomlo energy Representotlve "Bonm, B ;-Wraah, resato n from the benct: bencln the lth judcal dltrct t an a n d Orolewohl a atatement t waa a w 14 other OOP- leadera had bad cen- < of the R O f& U onal a u A U v! as a pucatlng move to n tsotbers and four «Utera, tm, a mattora * sad today h elas aaked-tho federal 3 ack Murphy, hoshone W a pppu P P P ferred wlu the Presdent le waselected presdent of-thepourt esldent at t the an> outspoken: R hee: ufatfvn F o u r th Uonrsm m erng wul B utk D, Osden; ran Lar- lar- H e served n Uat capacty vlu-,m, power commsson to maka an ex- : nsantm zesentoent -whte House a l s te d h U! u U te a n a e 4 2 «% lt and Eleventh udcal Dstrct Dstrlc Bar a88dcaon,ln,a a meetln e tn g u d suu under maruat Uw-el H t> 7; Uelvln Larsen; mnoll: lola; «outsalary and wll conunue to serve baustlve and expert exfolnauob K n o w la n d th e P Presdent d d e q tfgave- n ot retreat c «te :oa», «bml9mv u rte n Utah; Howard Br> :>ar> u a a e Proadents penonaladvlaor aad rerlewof thereuhve merlt*of taof a t the Turf club here 3 e s dc a y n g h t udge,x<bwe owe rbade mad daya after long-smoulderng d tlrto* o n tbe from (ha p ra lx ttu lla K v : rlds wth the-ann»d fo«te «! Hells canyon dam" tho announcement mmedaf medately after the attorneys en n of-tl f th a Bfactloa wth red-rule explot t tbe a t o r «6 o u th to W A W * lc B le tb on-attolctomatte Ha«T Umr; Mrs arahaom ob j a a d o publc & letter; ha wrote 1 V nlo nvolauon, two/dstrcts elected ther ofl offcers for the ycar se{ a t Uberty lb*- w > telto OomslalQO earler t week Grotewohl ftwka to a rally - ta> e d l f l p t d e d [ to submt Bub s let r of resaton ra a n o odaust Unty CoommunUt) od» [» pa h - Georgetownaa a w t l m BsTder BUekfoqbMH r r r the-goyerhorwthntewe t e e watkera He emphaslaed d -tat-tb t t a t e j 6 e ccnftfeaear took-claw 9k plac# «u * tto l<nor to afh P nachfnary la alteadjf-lfl moudo ddrenjad t w c p c r t B a s e b a l l T o d a y O O T aaa foundedup after lrb ftm rd a rtt n a w tt g t -:u-frodnm;- and-c P-lporla----- ;bla«ppre - «BlDMp-Ltflte f Halls ; AHEBX0L&VQDE otm"?*- W estern "cfes rejm M M o! : ft oponvtlgntftoyjfljalvenbn h to ur- a 1«W> worken n ovlab t> A u r la l wlllllm made lh the proposw-fm e,--,-, - v nu t ccneterjr a t Heybum dent <j E, :declara made n tee la<9bower today td wlthdrtnr pub- oblca«o so b l j(jj oo (x) 1 8 w fo-andone-bolf ou yeaw< yeara on another n Eaat 5Be 5 n \ Knowland waa aakd whathat H < O o t«tt - a m g r e a s m a d e - Tttoe-nwntoatlon-of-Ttotffon-tobe- -r New,Ytorr:::r=r;oo»4o=oo: = = = 1 = ph«m«: -»TnM-s«vsre---mnlsbm ;Ptmlsh me n t dtqatlosn-varearwatreffarde dored, *9ustenTlme not only lm- -D re y a ftlm he saldm dlrect«r ot the bureau of mnes medate:» Rogovln ohd Wlson: M cl)wald le sald,>he cttotaw ou talked abouf ww sspm ssp ea: BoT<racate«rat"Ue ftesdent benefts but also a rec- eeks to " UcKoy lasued a sutement sayng ogpluon Kueava, G oto onm lb, lvero "over; has regretted-accepung :cepung-tbe tl execuuons by Buss Russan u k ed tho- fftlf n of* responsblty - to Use, UVer honor He was; glvp a sundng stand ruem en and evdence Lyon b ad requested the wthdrawal owa m ceu that atthe to dlscma the m attero anyd generatlona to come n our rapldly< of haoame «-Olrteland - U-;-, lft ool--ll - :n oftuoa by the attoneys when he 1 o e n n an local courts rta are a» con- o, wwhhfllds;ln<orrntl$flr: pree Acton enator Watkns, R, ttah, had a r t o a r e c o m a l s s o n a Boetbn :--l-300 l,,n T completed ha, annpccoent- ament- : the eame udgment- t n ; «r»ould a o t feel a t lbe? m- lter, udgo trf)wb«ldholpt«n d rt repotted only a few mlnutea earler study be qompletety free «rpartsan tu n W jw ;L O T 6nahd Hegan: arlshe ptenda eases- th a t Xyon had asked tho Whte blasand unnfluenced by: dvergent rafent som Flowers, Freotnon dnd w Whte ht to-enter, prvate law-pracuce wl wth aay** Knowland repllea \ n e K v e f l Aaked then whether the p< Bn Tax Plan T Hous» l to pull back hs name econom<0 e, theores of development 6t,-Lan\a al Washngton, Detroll Bto > A A l s Korea appeared brlghtor on Watkns went to Ub senate press?onm,t6o kno poltoa aa the at-ehuadelpjha-nght :;:3 l] A r Cancels L C /6 1 9 peaslmlsuo ade, Knowland a t u d y F u blngtom, uno 34 (A n g gallezjr to tell newsmen thta after alternouvd-posals-,- -Otbo-offeers etectbyue-» deounedto oomment K t Btenhower and OOP K>P a scheduled heorlng on Lyon s noml- NATONAL LEAOUE TE tornoys for the newyedrare Edwo] n - r t A Q Pnddent lsenhower c a» Hll leaders decded today Klay n nauoa was called off suddenly, ; : TtlAYOB MAY:R17n R R, Benot, Twn Falls,, vce, ;e ptealder presdent, K aser Plant c U l C O hla woekly-newa oohferenoe w V ltt erery poulble means* ns * The senator sad Lyon bad called Uled : COEDR D AlENE, no 34 0B UR P h lad elp h a * 4-8 and Hotrard;Atklns, boshonsao 0 one, aec n jjo T O N une «34» rs Th* -] ordnarly would bave been held t w w o r t to force acton on the hm aaked bs advlco after ur a V M a tl a z y,< :O ft er sayslf U a C heago = -( 0 rctary-trtasurer ed bll to extend tbe excess h hearng Tuesday n whch the alt consderable 1 aegmenf n daho Drew* and LopoU; M lnner aher and an henan rbw bod Mndoka Mlnldol ar force canceledall ta u MBbaTt* contn todayltw asunderatoodthath «od th ath e dd: v ttz - 1 Lake Olty Mnng engneer tesufled f wants w hm to enter the campagn )algn McCullough prosecuung attorney, s thereu retlrl rl wlu the Xalsd> company today delcate, truce y «g l a X g T s K m pttker Martn, B, Mass O, h he la drawng a»8000 annuftl»n- pen- for f< the Republcan nonltuon 1 for Pttsburgh ot Mgwaukee, :ee Nes New prealdent of the brganluu lauon on tffoducuon -of transport arcraft on m e mtddabttske zttflazutlt tu t n y after he and other tl on from Anaconda Copper Mnng alng govemor, g he would "feel f b» my York a t t Lous, Brooklyn 1 at Oln- n lne wth tbecomlngendors e n W - a u e a r force sad termlnauon L T n n o f Other cfflcula-have ve declne- declned to trbutarlea;far nmuu-?tep6a* dma «o t h Bve out any subatantal hsd conferred wth Haen- sen- «company d duty to do ao clnnatl-nlght m entofjcanddates forthe the wjst;tb postu the"contracta nvolved C-lls, «U al nfom nfo a- Pwdrshak -aald-lt WTOld«ml a the ltuauon created by, ; be vacated byudge-lowe, )we the -as- TU *Wyln«Boxear" and 0-133s, at a t th > «Korean problema b m or e r j proa- eurveys for auchatc«4 a ; u A & l t u l of Charman Reed R soclauon vbtjto adopt a rwuu: ltlon Wllow Run Mch, plant, nt operated P «* 4-- 6heep;and-Nes-Pereadaas,;propoa0( (thehousa ways and means recently made by the states ta bar bor com- wa by the;k alser nteresta r ;as eltem at< ate-helu ewranwhrct 1,> - th" TVnww «to call a meetng for Kdnapers Alter Pleas ; tl to End msson on reoommtodatlbnof tn of ca can- The frm wll be permtted B t to vote on the admlnls- ddotes for dl8wctudgeshlp8-,, reshld r completo planes now n fnal F A c c dent, d e n t,!«tsessur f - - Benot waa- appolnd;by,a;vo 1 vote aembly stages T h ear force a Bottled np q of the group: tacalla,mmeeungof eetng tbe cancelutlon aeuon was tol V ttu d h u kept the meaa- Rape etrett Amercan p Falls X l O - lth-dlstrct-memberaof 3f the tb e ww b - "completely ndependent of - F a t a l for s r T r o td up n commttee OOP clnuon aftertegchemor loraskt asks for f< n t senata hearngs gs 7 - V : -*»*tr«b CBrtato4-?: now la D A H O P A le u n e 34 * ; they have the commt* u AMEECAN FALL, ue pe 24-amra*H8ywMd Prce,,ao; 80; appeared before Ffth Dstrct D c t recoounondauons for replaceae reptacedent progress" une UV-> D m rb ak-aatd th e a b u o B z a to Mnd t to the houao Duae udge W; G Loofbourrow a t 2:30:pnTue8day to change ge hs plea from nnocent of f atatu- - of-udge Lowe ; At these hearngs,by,v a > sen «Bat«members of aan n doho daho 1Falla»»!r>w«Ku famly were klled late laat t Muld only get a ballot ot t< )R w fl Attorneys ot the dstrct ctwulrec- re armed a e r v l e e s s u l Kt ec «t em U n w hchthe prevloub adm!» t to a tram-automobuo coualbn tory rape to gulty of a reduced luced t charge;of beng: an accosspry tov,er t Vee McDowell, 28, wth c*b t) Charman Brdges, R, N; tt * latrauea had placed-ateuqd %rm) pbsuttee, to a queston Martn sad ntent to commt rape, * * 1, protested th a t the ar force m crossng northof daho bo Falla engtoaen n conbactlan wth alld» been payng Kaser more L than 1 ead wererobert O tone, ; Telopment otg reat w ater reaeuo* W >t(p n on effort to force McDowell earler Tuesday Ws wfe,barbara, 3«and» da Q A tlmea aam uch for a 0-ll as : :,,and a daugh- of, nakextrer- andtrbutarlea): V t «e Toto «be to tfy r to c] changed hs plea from nno- "Par FacesAc A d d t p n a l T e rms m s n Kpe C» V,«n 8 plane costs a t the HageH M f! KaUjryn Ann, 4 Only aur- - ntnder the p m l admatrt Bp a majorkty of the 35- Tlvor waa anouer daughter, cent to gulty durng hs tral town Md, plant ot FolrchUd laughter, t, tlon,army:engtoeera-wee-requred eommlttee to peuuon for «of Ue group o: on the charge of rapng an, craft oompany Farchld develo] * wbo waa badly-ahakeanp shakennp but to att suently by whue th e xvclama beleved not to be hurt, hurt serously aero tonbutotte»«tmlke t th et ly n g -; Boxcar"- and th e- 5m CocpenUon Eder scbool grl rorco catf# B sser a secondary w ndaypro- p famly appar beat the dnmafor only oneprolhome-fkm a ect Hella canyon to th e excnslbn retm nng e-fto puker ndcated he feela M5 The par wll appear n court taat t ducer, ojory con be mustered sred 10 a mtmondsy to hear sentencm, nces drve-n theater Tmer ber car was of other tmsalbly coperlor a lt Wllculty f the RflpubUoM n the rapecbsoaddedto the m axl- athe tb# mum sentences of 8? years nvoked >ked roject n dlscualon wth, struck by tha southbound bound YcDow- Yel ; & tte r Bltea- tt assstance from ><- He predcted the Demo* aganst tbem earuer for Udtaplng png!, r» K > cooperate - the grl tbey were accused of rapw* e aaleep n -toa gtes whlcbhave far g retar poten* Osjorlty of the ways and MoDoweU facea a possble max- 10 Cuts rtwse* * * * - Ual th fn Halls-caaycte, fe r smaltb m lttee pettons for- a 5 mum sentence ot Ufe on tle charge %srge The daho- stone w u a a eaglaeer neer for At Amer purpose proectattluaa-attaa, :was assodouoa Cyanjuald- company pany aad h ad nformed, would naure, a fraatat ef tta unt, a sesson would on Bose rado come here U at anuary lary ftom from < Ch- degree of flood, p ro te c, beoanse y t d wlthln se-ven daya, g the reduced ceunt they encom pw the flow BOtbnU MoDowella tral, m whch the r of nakertverbut alao of sucb confrmed thot El- aute - paraded a stream of wtnesses «ses water-rch atreama aa ealboa and B fl bh peraonal nal to the stand, ended a t 11=25 aa,tn, m, DrverFhW < n e d o» M r v- Tuesday to let h* x rlea *rtbar»tuea~ peu -ef p»op<g<nrta strmtbtlrtg a y h m >1 pleaded 1 gulty, of : rub- Hells canyon tacontlnletoebsoum!d»,* nng a red traffc Ught h t at» bosbone o s other oppatunues for -amudcnm noon receas Prce appeorad lfora o r t A street north aod xth eth aveaue B e development of tba mlddla >anaka Gs Downed; PlfU Dstrct udge W O oof» f - 1 / H Hp»n n tmj ubllataterast K r - E - bourrow and reversed bs plea ofo» Q P nocent of aututorspape to guuty y oor r natory" ac- ; Drves Lose gtho reduced cba«a, M mn B and a y! * «,tt a, T e e n - e -; A u l t o C h l y C f f f c e r s A f = "WAHNOTON, une 34 W TOe nto ta fourthwar house tu commerce commttee w lun- and : vesugate recmt rses n gasolne c!»?} * *cto aaw olverton,r- N d VKoreas ron trl announced today that hborngs wtu wll by md- nw- ta u ly 1 Be fkld the p u tor be to determlne- ust?fbat toa the stuaton may be and to attempt lo d«vlop» nch lona pk «battle for Boom- l wth reference to sucb prce -n* \l»rtbrfsaldthe cwnmlttee haa A n n rsa le rp la a b e a g b ttlmm btral ta M V «rlv»ftm eq nr«;ttcht, :n s b t to a sadden aaddramaue endtoewu) past aabep leadadftyofr ajjflasl d a short tum -Uttf bu;eonpablon on ame es Uaywud Free 19 pleaded gulty U julh rwelved - b y prot4»ta of ja ramoedebwge e f Mng<an»eoM» aeommry Already th«(y awat»6nfteem ent «on-naxrm aealeaees ef C ynm slon fewdsya relatngto lpac sgfh n " prlcb ncreases whlcbthavc lave ferk lln apln ran E dnbchfeheel-1 ehoel-gw whom they were aeenaed ted of rs rapng AddUonatarBsVwm b«;prob e e n p «> t o e«ea;- r - s e n s T t a - t e m > a t > l * «ab-meoday-(8 A, t»lf pbo(o>eo«avlog>, gavog>: v -r h a c c e s f o r T r u c f e U r n s Backers of Projec AttackEadoCu LOd ldaho BOE, une 34 (tw-the da! Oregon Hells Canyon assodat nnew ed ts attacks on Bose ra atauoakdh,todoy by sayng s tlon acton n cuttng an assoc ton-sponaored program off th e daho Countes, «C Avdlt Oonu of CtmttUeu A»»od»U4 Vnm v>d Unluj tnm g e o n T j r E nvo Elected; jpl lodeo - u l «T f t n% T l Autemoble olub st tho to daho PA e r taln>-prbdat«nntoad» a f l r» ««f 1,, compapy atcrum Tteaday,! 5 K 5 6! l Ue Crppled ahow ln) r-o"*****,nf «-ve-presdent:lawynne Po e ao- :««etary d Gary K«ft W - oasodouoq Robert Barnard, wnner of-t&a lesdoy/ ;cent Twn Falls aycee temby k e r, *ro5deo" jutomaucauy becuna «ataged at club presdent, u nter Rdng -ack Peraonlua and Arme Ml «vvttnblng- nga T Q an wee dacuec»t»:t, p w c B, 5 ; ; o t a j T n T a l k ; : c 3 ; P l a n s - A r e ; O f l n

2 oday t r u o t c 3 t ector ap«has T ; a s V p o t nylob crop PWw p * >wn to Xtnjy posaj Ua to n e r la teody»h«t to n A ««d OQ aldewttlk orm onev ; t W w-uoen»m -la ng way mto d»rm &! «w» s? left turn Uld w jdpkuenuy at PkU?» «, f l n pedearlan m \ on ludewolk la» palnunb «sq n U h 01 wn, 10 h u OlUeWe and Chlnt *»4 precl*uon ht ednm tu- p 2 T 2 - " n d ovtrbtmd: X - 4 eft the lefrlb- ho **wul» n a h tr " stt P«pe«fw, to rellcts ptkjju l s t e d A m ert«t l e U m u m n t a t p M j penngs f a v A Md for sgrt- "o tould Bod lob open- «av ly to ncreno *} t» Utaj tn TdtoB to R 8? «>tkduortt, nploynmt of- Pt:e wppcn j c s s s h a t non-ortn ltle t «6 be- flrewotkt ted for Deralmet W orko QearT B une 9< BhnkenlnthemhH!t «vd twuon MtvauclM o( ttew5a, nd the clock, under oburvallon r Clearng the possble back njurtct y three mue Meantme, a tnaxlal MtncUon Wt dsn;d- tnln m - a ; & westtmund lued for O dan on a charte of tto l ( lamed a brok- t»nlmtw( T d U tn e n t -ftta,ta,l8ltt6utt s,,3! 2 a r r u s ; - u o plm 8om «* > Crew n htrflntx to MlM t t, loto «m ttll Bd BoT»h dlng em fnm tber«htc<n tbs dfl- Me of «t leut 1 6»a th# trttfk*, ~ B B a s f d y s " h o o r a y r w t j n l a n d y o u c o h n s a t s e n f a t o n a l p r H freraclylo "*! wlt t -» a r, «! f f l l n ark-kued *?, p r o t l l M " * b - K : lbca Drver Bv " -Tnjures- Chest B n Ato Crash R A«Un a B l l l W» t t * r ;r R nu* eut r«t POMlWe Cbeet nh K lure* ed&esdftr momlog wben h lew NaboUldedTrtb %1M7 Ford H «W Teal>7lrlB*rtletl73»M ttw - m X ce street, ft nue Mltb of r?to tbb N h WM e»tl- 1 1 o L R h UcOonld lnvwtlgated«h fl L anr V Tboapson Buhl, cs- H 9 tnurr At 0;< oju TUBky w WW Ohevrolet ht oom U * " andwued ovtf 1 0 Deputy Bberlff 7 O Thompwp 1 1 report*/ th CM tfaaea M cat B struck %fence post and bank, then B rolled over MU H About n- feet ot fence waa knocked down and dauebo to the car was estmated at >W0 DTOne Wlnko receved, a «t on the bead wben a Dodge pckup truck drven by U a H coulded wth» yord pckup truck drven by B O hell Twn 7»Us - «jc mles south and three nlles east or Hansen Both vehcles wore d»m- aged, accordng to Relnke* report» to tbe eherlffs offce n A M Pord owned by Alfred H aves 1133 Elghtb avenue esst wm struck oo the left rear lender 1 WhUe parked n front of h o 1 Tueaday evenng, e other cm dd TM vehlc1es receved mnor dum- age n ft collulon n the 300 b l< of Man avenue nortb Tuesday s t- «rnmn ot7 polce reported A 10 Ohevrolet drven by NelUe R athbun, BuhL coulded wth ft flw tude- bw < m by MyrUe L Orlggs g as Ue Chevrolet waa puung ftway, from the cm*, polce lad, p oroptmsts nstall Chef? of lrln FaUa Tuesday evenng at a «nnftp meetng beld a t the home cl Mra Nelle Ostrom Bsock Other nev offcera «re Mrs H n Tony, vce prealdent; LoUo WoUe, l n g stcretary:; M n W w d* «Malberg coreepoadln*; secrew - - f "! f l, «A r 5 - or th o club worn M n Rhettft P*yns, Bto F ««l W e ad Ura tsbeccft \9Qton memtwra c tbs onptlmlst Olubot Burley l ( r» H u m y*ollo«l«, d w fts a new aem ber of tbe oub u Concert Program ~ et by T F Band» >«gram for the Twn PaUs mml- * elp band eonoert at 8:15 p tn P Thursday tn the dty park s an-» nounced by Charles Ratclff, u > alstant drector,,, Concert numben are Gentry # Trlum al March" by ewell; L Landslghtlng- Orleg; -o ld T ta - 8, m,- % wat* errangwl hy Lake* ympbonls" a march by Merle 6 Evana ahd "My Hero," by Btrausa B Followng an ntermlaslon the cokoert wtn ruum e w th the h Amercan ljeglon Forever" ft mftxch, by Morton, Oou3<}; T b e Blue-TaU Fly** ft fantasy by orundnum ; emper Paratus," a march by Vaa Bo»kerd:;*Tb«KlngatvdT"as«le«- tlon by Rchard Rogers, and *lftval Reserve?» marohby Bousa aoore numbers are "MacNa-, m a n s Band, and Can t Yo* B ear» Me Calln CaroUntf/ «r X l e H o s p t a l, - U VUlUng h o tn at Maglo Valley l H Memoral hosptal from 3 to 4 and *r to #;4> m ADMTTED M n Obarles W Newbry, Mrs Donald Kng Mrs Francstacey oseph Keyser Carol and Karen &chllman, all Twn Falls; Mrs Robert Wse, CasUeford: Larry fhark, Patay LeeVotroubek and- Carla lewls all BUhl; ohan Halvor&on Ketchum; Chester Latham and { taalst Us both FUer, and < Thomas McMllan Rogerson \ U DMED Mrs Addle Womack, Mrs XelU r Malone and daughter Mrs Clarence Hedrck and daughter and Mra ohn anden and daughter, all Twn Palla: Davd and oseph 5 Bablngton M n Lee Oates and Mrs, Bob uker and daughter, alt Buhl;,, Chesler Latham, M re HatoW, tokesbeny, Mra oseph hepherd * and aon, Mrs Ralph MwweU and <laughter and Neva shelter, all, PU «; and ohan Halverson, K et \ Thursday wllh wtaterly wnds 0-t5 nllea per boor Cooler Low tenlght «*40; hgh Thuraday n ear 70 Twn " FaUs tetnpe»(bre a t g m 6 1 /a t noon 62 nntts aaaz4 uyen -My na P* l s : ;; a D«trtr tl U 01 s f f r - - z r r : j f OBdn, M u Om»h» «{ BT 3 Pho«o» O- 74: p v s s, z ± = z n ts 01 s l Urt lr M?»n Fr»n*Uoo Bt Lost* >1 79 Bw to t (0 W Tr Twb f tll a 41 R } : ( PAGE TWO- r le n l A deternlned man oaa aooom- r»«>» almoat anythng except keep Mtl- bl» *»*««n> falung ont to Ue Burley udge Plans to Qut - P st uue 30 *** O"* : ommend a t least two men for Ue poat t wll be done by secret bal- lot and the result wll be sent to the secreury ef Ue stato bar aasocla- He wll take the nformaton to, * the govehor and announcement of Ue appontment wll come from Ue chef executve s offce M urphy apponted ohn Daly Twn Pals, as charman of a com- mttee to draw up a aet of by-laya for the aaaodauon They are to be report tha next quarterly Alfred *tlng of the group!to Dolph CamU r m- Gves Talk at «Club Meetng thbun, baaeball program featurng a tude- CamllU, Maglo VaUey Orlggs oowboy manager, hlghughted the away, remar weekly meeung of the Twta Falls Rotary club at the Legon h«u Wednesday noon, CamllU dscussed oondluons whch have made t moaslbe unul now for Ue Boston Red ox to fuuul Ue» verbal agreement to aupply basebau n f t l * playen to tho Cowboys These clr- V f utotances have changed, he polnt- atalled ed out, and Ue Magc Valley Cow- atclub boys axe recevng and wul conunue 12 a to receve moread from Boston home ven though the Cowboys are cur- cv renuy n-seventh place n theplor L R neer league camul d e d a he be- w e Ueves the Cowboys can stul be n Wanda Ue runnng for Ue lesgue playoff wth a break n the weauer and conunued oulsumce from the Boe- ton club, Lm WD,WsemanCowboypresldent, 1?»nd- oseph Clemente epoke brefly Newlyeleoted dub offloen wul be nstaued a t next TuMday s meeung V Are Fled n Forest Estate ntro- A peuuoa for le tte n of admfn- le olub strauon for the estate of Mrs Mary Forest waa fled n probate court Wednesday by Harold Forest, a son, t l BuhLfMrs Porest ded une 13 The estate, estmated a t not over s n u TOOO ndudes three acres of land mtml-»<! * n Buhl valued a t»0,oo, n m personal effects and household goods, ot UtUe or no value and >38138 la ( Ue bank urvlvon nclude four other sons, entrys Melvn Carl and Albert Forest au eweu; Lews, Colo, and Wley Forest,, Tm - eattle Wash, and three daughten Lake: M n Rose ohnson, Buhl; M n Murl Uerle mlu, Woodward, Ckla and M n rausa Bulah ohnson prngfeld, On D, the le attorney s O R Reeves The n " the hearng la aet for a pm uly 7 march Car Damaged kgelec- HOEK>NB une 34-Damage *laval to the door and a rear fender of a 1950 Dodge sedan occurred atur-!acna- day when to e automobue m s struck * H ear >7 f 1MB Hudson sedan, drven by haron Wlson, hoshone, as she wna backng from the curb n front of the postofflee here The Dodge, owned and drven by ohn Brownng, Ooodlng, waa travel- lng esst on aoutb RaU street her- VaU ff Thomaa Conner nvesugated 3 to 4 Magc Valley tacey, Funerals Karen L TWN PALL Qnveslde rtes for ohn W Bumaey, former Twn PaUs resdent wul be held at 3 pn r d Thurwlay at Ue Twtn Falls ceme- *n Uo Bev R, a Muhly of- fldaung Frends may cou a t Ue Whjte mortuary at 1:30 pm Thurs- KdU OOODNO Fureral servces for *,, Lnda Kay Dwyer wll be condueted oseoh 5 Prday at Ue Thompson d Mra *ome chapel by Uo Rev Ooddard, pastor, Plrst Harold Baptst church Bural wlu be made lepherd Ennvod cemetery er *al1 ptmenxl servces for K et Kenneth L an tn wll, be conducted at 5 pjn aturday n Ue ld thrd ward chapel by Blahop - -- j!u :3;Unpeoa==furlal-w1H-be -mob-mmhe; Hvemlde cemetery at - Heybum,- ht and AT THE, n PONEER CLUB 1 D A N C E, * Z! To The M usc O f j f 3 P ece /! - BAND j Every- WED A / A N g h t L ra R ; 1515 low K m berly E Doctor Gves Testmony n Buldng u j ) Dr H chwarts resumed testl mony Wedneaday n hla dvll ac t/» \ Uon aganst Henry A Kohlruss ov< constncuon of Ue Canyon VUl apartmenta xth Dstrct udge < «oom- Prwton T»«tchcr-1» -h e a rln g -tt t keep case Dr chwartz testuled unt 4T30,p m Tueaday, AddlUonal documentary w ldew was denufled by Uo doctor We< r A nesday He aatd he and Kohlru ) \ dscussed deposlung rental-mon«- n a new Canyon oorporatton o< l l t count n M ard, 1051 but Kohlru wanted the money n the Canyo 0 Apartment company account t U Harry Eatoh* Twl Palls Ban and-tnut-company vce presden lesufled Wednesday momlng n for tho gtrdlng bank repords on the buslne ret bal- and bank procedures He eald 1 t lo the waa not able to ftnd a record auto sasoda- udng change of the account fra the company to the corporauon f luon to agreed employes mght m a k nent of changes n records when people as ro a the ed them to wluout fouowng bac rules Daly Baton sad Ue bank never loanc a com- money to the corporauon b ut loont by-laya up to fooo to the oompany e to be sad the loan was pad otf and U arterly f n a l»15,ooo came from D chwarts Under croas-exomlnatlc by E L Raybom, he denufled U bank book lsted for the oorpon Uon and the ledger sheets for U LXl company, whle sutementa show( both udge Thatcher ausuuned <atto: Ctl> ney Harry Benot s objeotlon Raybom s proposed quesuonlng th l Y f T Kohlruss qut a $900 per month U L l to supervlseaoonstrucuon and C «chwarts agreed tb pay MOO monu to Cohlnaa Dr chwarta oon e agreement waa not ca o m e dlscusaon u on nan j, B whch nother-ln-uw a M n WaU, ar Tll Q~ Dr Malcolm awyer are dlrecton \ m corporauon He dalmed Kohlm Ws wfe walked out on a mee e r Where the dlrecton electe sm U Dr- chwart* sad be, hla wu V cow- Kohlruss and Kohlruss ho: onunue ««hare of stock each, and U FHA has a share ot aon-vou Kre cur- tock Dr chwarts sad he to< he Plo- operauon of th e busness b [ atae Kohlruss wouldhv-do an; 1 be n thng olayolf Th <* tor dalm ed he dd u er and V oney n the venture, bt ha lost 147,500 Benot added Uat "U paruere- loet Ue money esldent chwarts clamed hs loos was : M env le u t >18,000 m an Uan KOhlruu wu M t y BTMO to sha neetlnr loc** * Eaton told Benot Kohlruss cao d to hm about flnandng the apar nent Raybom agreed wth Bene aat Oa men sought a loan < f Q f n partners, were turned down, so th ncorpontod and got an pha loa admn- Between Aprl, 1050, and May 3 a Mary 1061, Eaton recalled, the o nly-a e court counts connected w th the proje a son, were n the name ot Canyon Apar 13 ment company wth Dr chwar lot over lfted oa-hls sgnature cards, of land Eaton dentfed a sgnature ca: t>800, Ue Canyon oorponuon dak d goods B* on w hch 8138 la chwartz canceled Kohlruss sgn: tura n anuary, l«u Duly Reported ughtenl Robert D Haard PocateUo, r rs Murl ported to cty pouce Tuesday ev d Mn nlng that he waa drvng north «O n econd atreet noru and entered U res The ntenecuon at Tent avenue nor,1- m a t about the aame tme th a t a 19 PlymouU entered the ntersecu d from Tenth avenue n orth gong ea: Hazard sad he contlnu through th e ntenocuon and U Damage other drver stopped hm and to er of a hm he waa gong to report hm atur- reckless drvng s suuck - ven by r e a d TME-NEW WANT AD as she n,front ven by Xtnvelt her ated X - r - 1 ( f 6 de rtes er Twn a,t 3 pm l / f r V s ceme- ( > a t Ue 4 V H f f V T hurs- ces for V nducled ompson 10 Rev /V /»N- rst <? 0 / f V V jemade l o u r h< \ r V summer wt eon o /t- Kft co?: Thosovng nthe Botso Pe Blahop -wll-be stery a t g u a r a n bocw tw s y t mofkwe p*< O O * " «/ X Fnwoc He y y ob w th * y w MO DOWN, j B n n s E FATMeNT 36- Mo n t h s TO PAY TWN FM - -, ; Twn Falb Y EloOTFrem CaUfomla «Mra Dora Anderson has retu n r 1 *«m a-alx-week vacauon n t jtm d a c o and Rlo Del Mar, C am Food Bale Planned la dvll tc- A sale of cooked food and salac»u1 be held by Ue LD f ln t wa T a t 10 a m aurd rn g rht A"** " tuled unul U a,b rokeo Ott }8 Ffth avenue ea ry evdence reporta the ouulde rear vew m lrr octor Wedr aad door glass on bla pckup tru d Kohlruss wera broken whue lt waa parked : ntal- money a n alley between 8:30 and 6:65 p oraton ac- Tueaday ut Kohlruss the Oanyon BUtha xount A son was bom Wednesday : Palls Bank Maglo Valley Memoral bospltal «nresldent Mr aad Mn Robert Wse, CaaU< u m ln g re- Mr and M n VlrgU Mattso the bualness parenta of a s< He sad ho»»rn Tuesdsy 1 sord author o 2 -Men Hurt, tht m a k e l Woman Des K 3 nlfaffra ompany Ho otf and the DAHO FALL, une 34 tff) from Dr Woman felldead and two men we examnaton wounded crluoally n a shootng a lenuflcd the far that cumaxed a demand f he corpora- rental cnoney a t an rm early tode eete for the nstanuy klued by two shotg enta showed blasts was Mrs Orace ohns, Harold Wlde, 48, ona, reodv toed a tto r- mangled rght arm and m Doyl bleouon to about 47, wss shot n the face Bo: L - brought to an doho PalU bo pltal from Ue scene, the T hlr ftrt Un a t Beach s com er about fo mles northeast of daho PaUa L eut Robert B MoOaU su ma n ot car hghway, patrolman, eald Doy sso Dr 5 M ra ohns when ahe d T wr* hs» <led rental money, then went Wall flnrt» nearby basement houae and flr< dlrectoraof Ude, and flnauy tum led Kohlruss the ahotgun on hmself, Uarlng 0 ; on a m e the left ade of hs face, w re elected Doyle had been leaalng the fcla e hla wue, from M n ohns McCall report, hlruss hold there appanntly had been enml :h and the between Doyle and Wlde bver M non-votug ohns Ud he to o t H dd as a materal wtness a t U busness be- BonnevUle county au here waa 1 V -d o any- vln Hyde, 69,-lom ettr ofqanno t K - l 1 2 P a s s e s rao n OOODNO une 34-LUda K lom waa a t Dwyer, 3, ded Wednesday moml Kohlnss *t the Ooodlng Memoral hosplt «d to share (ouowlng a bref Ulnws The daughter of Mr and Mrs hlruss came w Dwyer, she was bom an : r Ue apart- 1981, n Wendell, wth Benot urvvng are her parents; 0 a loan as slater, Patty, and two grnndpsren 9wn, so they Mr and Mrs oe N M onea 1 PHA loan Ooodlng Funeral servces wll be held at P-m Frday a t the Thompson fune al home chapel v?lutherevaeon m plor n r t Bopll w a r t z church offlclaung Bural wlu mature card cenwtery rauon datod * 7 w n, : A t t e n d W o r k s h o p nstructon o f Twn PallTBua ~~~ - n e u college attended a work»h< T f A f l or busness teachera at-alt Lol» Olty Monday The latest rtethoda oeateuo, n - teachng busness subjects were dl «cussed by leaders n the feld e n te th B Memben of Ue faculty attendl v noh 11 Rlngwood, Helen Ca; 1t o l t a flbo non CynUla anger, Randall Wl lnter«ouon»on, une McClarey and terlng h gong e a st Larsen contnued on and the ORANGE TO EE FLM - m and told BHOHONE, une 34-Wood R4v port hm for Center Orange wll meet a t 8:: pm aturday a t the Orange ha - cenlo pctures wul be ahown 1 ff ANT AD Lorry Tews O/tff/U A / e x r H f/m r r B B E D D Y o u r h o m e c o n b e 2 0 " c o o le r f h r t m m er w th p roper nsulaton pnd you n o/t-fo bl Wlf* next w nter up»o 3 0 % e so v n g t d o n e w ll soon poy for the ob s Bo4M PoyeMe for Ll3AM-WOOO-MUD-N9UUTfON faranteeo to»oh»<y-r;or youf h>o>oy cw W ay >0 wjtah y o t l f coo t sa g rf«*w»e pfo o f ffe resmtontr >09E n u TTPf NMLATTON ch to 1h A*e a ttc Ether "b lo w n n" or ured betw een eehog lolsts Econom tol, k, MTTYKMMfUMOM w enfeot sze 6 atts molce >f eosy to co effclent, effechve job yourself ond save w costa r n p j - j n» rwn FALLBYARD M Tblrd Avenuo oulh C A B U rrao T O N, Manager TME4EW, OT alb Newg n Bref a aalebtetea has reu nn- K enaethm coaryreported topou luon n an th at a portable rado waa taken f n lar, CaUf hs unlocked car behnd the Perr hou Tueaday evenng 1 and salads CaU /enlans Vst B f ln t ward Mr and Mrs O X/Ovelace m m aturday daughten udy and eannle Mer re Park Callf» arrved n Twn Fa : Monday to vst her mother, Mrs : Or«aUr avenue east, - vew muror Oelng to ConvenUon pckup truck Dr P p McAtee, D r P, j a as parked n Atee and Dr B, Hawkns wul 1 od 8:65 pm tfnd Uedaho BUte D enu co venton a t uo VaH«y tartleg u, 30 Thalr offces wlu be closed m une 39 through uly 4< ednesday a t bospltal ta MeeUng Bcacbedoled Vse, CaaUe- Regular meeung of tbe d ty tonl gu M attson, commsson echeduled for Tuead ta of a son nght haa been rescheduled for 7: p m uly 7 at Ue dty hau PeUUc for retonng poruona of the cl west eouth and east of Washngt f K sehool wlu be consdered GradoaUon Told P f l Eoward Takahaah, son of and Mrs ohn Takahashl, a P<* Rodney and Ronald Ehlers, eons L l t r a v Mr and Mrs Edgar Ehlers, w graduated ths month from t e 34 t*l A school dvson or Concert o me were *«U«>d shootng af- 1 V u to d a y WUUam M Porter, aeaman seco ol*«1 WUng hla parents, two o tgun yyj otos, 83 momlng for PhUaddpl 2 T»here he baa beenaaslned to t d m E le r -u b s Wlbur KelU, a destroyer > «- Both the fxed fleet He stopped h e n route to hs new sutlon the T hrty r about four paat (tealdtnu Vlalt w FaUa T / * t and Mrs Ted Letend CoOaU su te and aons, Oary and Davd 01» aald Doyle Bremerton, Wash, are vulung en ahe de- Twn PaUs le t the daughter then went to Mr and Mrs 0 Davdson, t ae and fred M an avenue souu ergeant L nauy turned tendre formerly waa a marne oor ; Uarlng off recruter, here Qg the blace Cameraa tolen ;all reporud Don Toll«y, TroUnger a pharm e n y «PorU d to polce Tuesday evenlj de bver Mrs th at two-cameras have been, tak oe over awo ehowcase n tho past t tneu ftt the Mssng were a foldng came valued a t >8780 and an d ght ml T a " 5?, sses ob s Daughters w H wm Meet Frda s OOEUR D ALENE une 34 Ml m, V ome 500 glrla from throughout d ho a «ejtpecud here P rday for t: om an 38, to-day meeungof tho grand beu 0* Dauahtcrs -»? Another 100 peraona whl atte the grand guardan councl onea au o fflcen wll be elected Prds KaUy cott Twn Pnlls, l«hono be held a t 3 ed queen of Ue grand B e l npsonfuner " Rev, Oeorge E»lrt Baptst ral wlu be T stery?te EAR a workshop» B U L n l t-alt Loke «t laeuoda (n ROEDUCKAND cta were dls- * 5 le ty attendng Helen Oan- Randall W ll- d terlng O : F L M - -Wood R4ver leet a t 0:30 Orange hall, e ahown by fs - A e r th r t nd you > 30% e ob knoh H>o>eY sag omtcol, to co k save nuo oulh W, TWN F L; PAHb H O jef 3 Testfy for - erome Case H t)vermsha jsnom B me 34 Three mo wtnesses offered testmony We< nmday roomng n Ue dlswctcou X/Ovelace and tral of a sut brought agan eannla, Menlo aherman Church by Mr and M n Twn Falla LoomU other, Mrs O 71,0 plalnuffa ask >150,500 f< tourlasjustalned n an automobl acddent en ,"w mu eouth and two mles weat of Tw Dr P, Mo- yua wklns wlu a t- TesUfylng Wednesday were De t D enu con<< narrett, spedal agent for tbe oe a t a r g une b1 Oasuacy conpahy; U m t Olu te closed from gtau patrolman who nvest ( gated Ue accdent and P R Man Mr and M n LoomU tesufle Tuesday P n t wtness n the csj h e d ty tonng Dr Malcolm w yer, Twn P He presenud Ustlmony Ute Met t l u «w»t«noon-nd loot tlo,tm T ""* m nmln # t was late afuraoon Monda jtw u h ta lto n testmony began Mcmbers df U lury are (ha Rev Theodore le on r,f Mp ames H Westfall, P n d A Hll B nyder, B O Moatgomer E W ersere Walter Bosa, Leo Meeks, E th fwm 5 e Draas Henry FuUbrlght and A - of Concorda Flaxbeard 01 ooncoroa the caae Attorneys for the plau Uffs are Parry, Keenan Robertao leaman second and Daly, Twn PaUs, and ame parenta, Mr, haw and ames, Ooodlnt Ande K e w )l leave soa and Anderson, PocateUo, repn r PhUaddphla aent the defendant e d to the - Wnner Lsts for Brdge Reporte( red Letendre Wnners have been annouoced fc v l d o Ue DupUcate Brd re vulun h clubs evenng of play Monday 1 e dauehttf or Ue Amercan Legon hall D avdnw e Mrs Howard Read and M nw 1 ergeant Le- Barnard won flr a t north as marne cords aouth; Mr and 2M 11 A Herrma manno corps Mrs A L lndeer, Ulrd East and w estw lnnen were M r a Dharmcv *nd Mrs Robert Tucker, fln a y Mr and Mrs Rchard Oook se< m been toe ond, and M r and Mrs Dougl tho baat two Bea"- Mrs Lelan Blaek and Mr oldurmere erre Cover Ued for Ulrd l d a h t l l l - 0 *" nd a vued at R bln- O D DetweUer and Mr a vwuea a saker ters Parkng Fnes C m < 1q v Olty polce couected >11 n bonc ±- l u a j for overtme parkng Tuesday une 34 tft Postng >1 each-were elf Mot reughout da- company, H L Allen, M H, Vlr?Vlday for the kenberg, M n, A L Rlchardso: 9 grand beuel Elmer Perl, Ervn Ehlen Odls Dea Mounce, Clyde Perkns, Merle sto a wll attend dard, Don Olavln and W K WaUce luncl - ected Prday ome waspa make ther nesu Ot as, 1«honor- of paper whch Uey nunuxftctu BeUel ; themselves t l t s s u ext W O 77-7", r r CaL j e s trto to p e o U n g re a r bm c h a n car on whch redector tape M l l l a U been taed to- speuout D to 1 4-Three more Own Lltes" Two elderly» r WhUa aoak/flg le dlswct court on»u<et comer a reubht avtt Nelson UUlng how puot flyng and ter pune calls down -to fa Mr and Mn dnner s V > for * * * tu e boy seated on slde an auohoblle P lln * wlu handful o r money 05r,"lTO-TnUer W «aa»-vat-o-<ar-u eenee< west of Twn erome eounty nchng way p&rauel parkng space Name day were Dean ackeu and coats, makng sue t for Ue oen- appearance aa weauer turns ju ly; L «t Oark trfle njppy overnght, Drve nwholnvesu - late model car makng left turn nd P R MwM- nonkng -car hom mpauenth oomu tesufled woman crossng streetn pedeat n the case lane Man seated on aldewo 7er, Twn Falls, front of polce suuon palnung ony Ute Msn- DrVar yeldng rght of wa took tte stand PoUce chef Howard OUletle ng wtur wavng lua apprecuuon moon Monday Howard Harms ncelvlhg odngr aelcted aad l*uona fo r c a l g greased [embers d f Ue urlng dary nght feauvlut Theodore ek,»yce Park And overhe P d A HlUs, "Peels lke someone left the re UUp, Paul erator door open last nlghtl, Montgomery, ; u h t a U ncreases Lsted te Openn nan Robw on An ncreasng demand for a lla and ames, cultural worken Caused ob 01 d f r t W8B n MaleVaUey to ncr ocaeflo n jre - l w «e jt,»rdlng to j, ropro Ywln PHU employment flee manager:, - db opportunluea touad 18 for *?!? "? vkj *W4 cultural openlnga The omount a n n * f o n ncrease of 1,780 openngs 1 c p u r v U the prevous weeks agrcultural announced for portunlues Cutler sad the agrl pucate Brdge tural employment 6penlngs lay Monday n about normal but that non-a } hal cultural obs opportuntes ore and Mr# W H townormal, a t north and, -Cause Fxe*d j F Tl Crews Wor onrt mu Am workng around th d Utr Ua w m «lw elou-ln, euer and Mrs, jnanune rght of way three n wastof here of tbe destrucuon by-the-deraument-of a westbo u M A Q freght tnun Tuesday Company offldala blamed a b td >11 n bonds " housng for Ue deraun Tuesday Of 23 can The broken hou ere elf Motor ts e d a car near the fro n t of n M R, Vln- *0 lrop a wheel and leap L Rchardson, tracks, upeetung c a n loaded en Odls Dean " V conswcton equpment, f ns Merle stod* *UKar n the borrow pta, s W K WaUter *«re demoushed Too-traffle ea the Un# s h Uelr nesu out awlttjed over Ute B o ra h «d y nunufacture whch parauels tbete«f«at the ; rau aent, H o w e j v w j p a a t s s u m m e r l e a r s s d y e x c t n g c a r n v a l w o n d e r f u l c o t t o n s a t V ; ; 403MonW P h o n * f" ; -

3 3, T W N v F A U t, r o j H f e Publsher Asserts PrecautonkUrg Frged n Movng nr V s to r s R e j r t e d trom PraTnab lte tb(v rted, Carey Resdents - tended a peeal MatasUp rcoom Ctzens of daho V 2 ~ ** tho [Brgham TouM-nnlTwaltjr f-nrrbralty s f e l d e d b y Oppose "Bff Dam Demcksdt B y H e y b m T nder Power Lnes Folks o l k s Lst Vats, Trps t X ep Mr HEYBURN, uno Mn ra Lulu OAREY, une 34-U r» * EDOENE, uno 34 {ff} Bernard r A letter from T E H oach daho! and Mn Mra lahojdoubt ateut clearance Ue daho Ponda, Aberdeen, 6 la a guest eltb Meldrumand chudren, Oq< m Leader Malnwarlng, alem newspaper pul Power a prealdent ahd g toena m Oq- 1 W W 1 lan- 1 Power campany, ahould be called called, a1 t tbe home of her«en, 1, luchard jychard tarlo, Ore, are vlaltln wlu ltb her bej W n m h f ) Usher, told tbooregon Bankers aaager to farm customera ot tbe com- There s no chargefor the servce" lervce," : Evans, parents, Mr and Mra W cul soolauon Tueaday the people of pany drect attenuon to aety pre- ( Carpenter s O o- PatcauUona tn the movng otbay, Mr and Mra, Amoa ordan are *«w>n, f l c l a l Md T ue»- jes- M favor the Xdaho ower com- r der- Much has b accomplshed 0 rcks near or beneath pow llnea x ned to- VlslUng n Murray U tahlu lu Mr M n Asael DUworth Mrs Ve«xe- pw y proposal for dams -on tbe» ward eumlnaung hay derrck 5jn - nake rver «>e Tor the aafe movng o fa d k c Wc ac- «- and Mrs Clem L am bert Murdock Mra L a Adamaon, Mra Tlck cldent4 of ths knd wthn the near eleclrto Unea level Uobpom 1 ho area area Norm an, Bngham Arold Tolman and U r and M n Malnwarlng, wbo was a publlaher f served by the company Ten yeara Aaten bolh enda and don t touch at Nampa tmu early thla year, sad q, mch ago 1 Ue«,wero 14 accldenu aa a Wld famly eatue, were gueata guestsof Oolden Balow relumed Hatnrda; metal chan* or wet rope Call Ta that Ue (leport ort- they oppose the proposal for a gov- 55 the result 1 of careless hondung of er* der- X n ard McBrde ;cbrdc : company for aaalstance": th e letter or the ««P1U8 OKTl rt- enraentdam «ah cllacanyon,adom Mter rlck«nearlnea: 1! Mrs Lonel Yeamon} ;longvew aaya a? t,,t,tb n g h B nego«egb«w that, would flood out the altea for Carpenter also dlrecta ottenuon Waah, woa-a vlator at-th e Fred ACRO T b,*0: R alph W, Carpater dvson T O t comt oast the daho Power -company s pro- Aon l to the need -of cauton n handlng landung Bllger home a t a y manager here, ponts out th at t haa baa 1 altmunucn ppe of sprnkler aystema syslema Mr, and Mra ruce Brower and pl* gjtfol wem tb meet neet PO««l P< dams - - *1 alwaya been the pwcy of Uo eomstrs t ts mosuy a flueatlon of prtn- «m- An rrgator, abould tfoko sure ho la famly are apendng twp weeka on jm or- A C R d] clple ho eald f, pony to help fonnera movo a der- not 1 near an electrlo Une t f t t a tbelr vacouon on the T O t coast, rck near or beneath Unea where 1 Tho general run cf people n», neceasanr-to lft a secuon of f alum- alumnum ppe t o, a verucol poaluon mluon Clarkston, CaUf, vsted frlend M We Can an Mr and Mra p A -McFarland, asslsumce s needed ther daho n u ld rather buy prvate vote -There should, bo plenw of room m rr power end pay a lltlle more than b< Ths la sometmes done to ar or sedl- here between tho lnes and toe leveled don, havo publc, tax-exempt power," boom *y eled ment from the jlpe A recent accl- fxm " W e a r e e x c l ul sv v e M a g c V a l l t y A g a ;! - for clearance f tbere s any 1dent, whch could have been fatal, - " /T f the oroducuon and nnd NMalnwarlng aad Z 1 a n e publsher of tho alem Capl- - 1 resulted from a secuon of alumnum ms Use Y ou ppe held n a verucal posluon- Room Roc 2 0 M nute! utes A lled h jubcom m ltu e ta t# ournal asserted publc p o m r lon- oon- *,? Vm \ n ; ; : U n e s, n e 4 w u M try- p; projecta have a bg oompeuuve :! ad- Heyburn 1 Reports ) tacung! hgh-voltage wres Whch enables >les us to mwd r you anywhere n f l?m why th e govern- 6TO- wvantage over prvate power frms, A fter r Pontng! F Unted totes tates q quckly, nypehslvely -, / tons of A uatrm rloq «x because publc power s tax-exempt, pt! Travels, Vstors»rs r j A new lotex-wall aln(f< ntroduced wth no lap marks Tbe aatln- flat fl, - th r«compmlm ales by the Maglcblor Campany, HEYBURN une 34 Mr la la faat fast fnsh la washable, drt and grease and V M,M V ««poylns» f 0 ; a Reports Gven at j Mra Verrel Brower Bolae are guests eats A T M «becomng the favorte of,twn FaUs FaU realatant; even tough atalna, Uk s o F YOU WWAmyo A N T hooemoketv Thla new pant, of hs mouer Mrs L Brower lnt, called llpauck and cfayon waah off / easu: a r OR T O R E P H O N E o : Y or Mr and Mrs U fe MarahaU and atlnol dres to-uo-touch Duch n n a a Becauae "atlnov la unaffected tfected by M 4, e n t announ/ed Mon- lotary MeetrtgL - o boya returned aturday from 5? X «e or W rem anng tlng EROME, une 2* Regular Bg Umwuott TTTTnn ff AKE,A,DATE A K E, A- W m f f mero ao mlnutea t h o t no pant paln ateam and water, you may um t 0 a r lloat rver where tbey spent several /eral l l l f l H odor ao you con acrve dnner ner to the walla and woodwork n any roon through com om- - ju luncheon meettng of the erome Ro- d daya fshng end attended tho Mara t sl Bholl lamlly reunon tar- famly n your fresh, colwful room, Ohooae from 61 fade-realatant color tary club was held Tuesday mnutes atter t a been panted Rubberzed "atlnol" comea ready-to- ready-t F or furuer, dotalla about auno rberg Bros, CrUcal wwood s cafc Lee and Launa Moyjo accompanyntle RbcommtUe m em - Prank RetUg, program charman, lun led ther uncle, Rodney Moyle, Bose, 10 prool M«le from lom gran n*utr»l pthta tpmts use almply roll or brush t on: on; atop call o 0 Anderaon a Uaglcolc «crucal of th e c ut* t- ntroduced,n Gordon Henderson, who tc to ah Dego, Collf aturday to ta Plena mlmokfla nc, H*rtfo«Conft; MConn for the telephone and start agalr agan Pant Center Pbone 8750 Adv mwovmc n g s T O R A c ; ; ; y d n g th e feed gave g, a report on tho Boys suto tato vlalt a mohu a t thelome of Mr ld hbtc bce nfonned **" conducted c( recently n Bolae Hon- on- a and Mrs Lymon Moyle, K n tw u ld consder a r e - <j, derson was a delegate sponsored 1 by Mr and Mra Roy Tremayne e, wrt for the ptas- Uthe Rotary club Tom Prescott, alate >tate nhayward CaUf were unday guests credt corporaton,tlon p, presdent of tho unor Chamber r of 0: of Mr and Mrs, Qlen Croft, u B a WL - pt r lc e p«tp nt 0* Oommerce, hey- were O gave a report on Ue re- cent NaUonol unor Chamber r of of and aon, Paul, all Balt Lake Cty, Mr and Mrs Maurce Peterson rson amt f e T j bwuw ton O regon and «* qcommerce convenuon n Mlnneapo- y,v jted relauves here aturday Us Mnn Mr and Mra Rchard Evans and «B 1 Earl avage, Blanket, Colo, L G O f, fam lyhave relumed from Terre- jt-htb sad the am au -ot gbpnnett, East Portland Ore, and t< ton and wan lake wbere Evans Vsma m not reducng th e B o v - pphlp Ruebel, Brghton Colo, were h haa been employed jeb fast enough a n d a tof* r- VlslUng y, Rotarlans AlNCtll ttft plng up ohn N ew bth,w endell, was U a t lakes four tona af bauxte to guest of theclub nmake two tons af alomlnun ls and vsts )ted at Heyburn HEYBURN, uno 3 A famly re- BURN, une 2 4 -M rs Annle nne unon u n Pocatello unday was atbll letumed to her home,ome tended tt b y Mr nnd Mrs Varsal Tsal j d n t delay! he Coo, after» v st wwth enks and famly, Mr and Mrs to Broken: Plates Repared red : Qd famly, Mr nnd Mra Kenneth K enks and fam ly, Mr OOOQT and M rs-k eth Wamer Mr and Loose Plates alned M n-w U U am B ah O Loa B Mra K oo enka, Mr and Mra Orvln Tvln 1 Broken TeetK Replaced; Payment, bt# been ge8t3 ofm M rr cnks,-mr and-m rsreldon-cnka, Work Done, 18ctlxBard Mra Baley a Mr h and Mra Eugene enks Mr tter and Mrs X3on McCombs and g- Mr «WhHe-U-Wat! EUabeth torm <ava Hot o t and a Mrs Wayne enks Ookey, h u arrved to m ake her h Mrs Edth Klnghom and famuy, "FT-RTE" to her daughter, M rs ack ock aro o vslung her fauer B Falr- West Mala (npatalra) \ chud, and her autcr, Mra,ack Mc- Me- Pbooe MM T w n -af F ad M r H enry B oach ftnd and C Cordell Wt unday m om lng for m t n H lchland -Wnah, ash, two>weeks-vlslt h e re -wth WlUl - ~ Dd Ufj Orvlle T olm an and and Maywood Calf, a re guesta ladtfto Robert tlm pson ad U n Leland T rem ayna chldren daho Falls, were Mr and Mrs O len Croft t s Nated by nty Resdents lt»? une 3 4 -W nrrcn Blng ng- 1 t<n> daughtera, all Loa, An- E o Z f y re Tlstltg hs fath e r, EzraE Kw zn - umm mer heers l B, nd other fam ly m em - nd Ura ay tout a n d son, lre returned from a trp touuern U tah a n d Bryce ryce w W A ssorted DUonal park d colo colors and patterns Dd Mrs Orrln W alkpr ond and r PtUa and M r a n d Mra Q r Tue returned unday trom 7 9 c - w y V through G rand T eto n and tone nauonal parks U Mellne and Ednn RlRby,»ta poyed n alt L ake Clr 8»e«k-end a t th e r homea mea d Mp Walker H alldoy, who Ttcentlf from O ermlany any, lag ther homo on th e V E fua, where HaUday la cm - 111*7 spent a year n O cr- c nme-new W ANT AD3 M s ta te o f f o r s v e r a g e l a v n g s f 2 2 % n A u t o s u r a n c e H c a t e a Allatato s labl- «rn»>»t W " ll th e nuto naur- H c o Q p a n y f o u n d e d b y H y o j l uck, fa m o u s fo r 1953 Attend Reunon,, * < lm flv & td Come n T o d ay - K K ;TME5-NEW, TW Use ears Easy asy T o d d l e n B o x e r w m T r u n k s Tll 3 B oyvllee port hrts t Reg / Cool cotton-plsse for summer, comfort Woshoble, sontorlz- ed, colorfost and no ronng needed ust wash? "3 prnts,?rom whch Rg; Combed cotton yama n a tl fne gauge lnterl«k autch, - fl cre to chooae 0 rjr rom ln>&u - - Nylon Relnfercod Too*, ot Heola- Heels Reg aoc 4 for»99e N Y O N H osery ) long wtorlng toda modo wth hard playbg boyt n t4ndl Rttnfomd hmk b o t d bla«t - M l * o n u H 9 8 c pjao Wth PosHc Unno - Pne q t cotton bo«r -tylaftnk8, W ldo y l l o n th a :! : : 98c elosuo walatband - Acetata Anorttd tyl** for boyt <»d glr * -LT- - talt-unlng aea,1-a *«nd«oe:aataa * Z : Plgr grlm M ens por Reg «Colorful p la d glngho gngham long sleeve s p 0 r t shfn Completely woshoble,, table,, 1 «osy to ron, M; W w XU x u M e n s o l d C: o l o r T e e - h r t s s 9 c j w a v e V elu * M m P a r, / # Bay several par a (hlalow prce > Warbe - # port hrts: h o p, v - WK\ Compare f / < r T j 3 j r,;5 1 -GAUGE ; (WWte, «oo!j»ed;cot "wmcr antafncton B «f «c t a today a n d lutvo: L CLELEN wue Wwt Phone ank!e B l w " * " * n t r o p c c o l d re e( d -,, V ", " go-even v e t y W h e r e, \ K e r r y b r o q k e s At play, home sports, n o wonder you-see themeverywhere,, a "W hlol : 0 0 «" n,[n ln theyvo alw, Uoytegay, Ucyre re Ketrybrookes K e a t budget prces Mny «s*=-«colorfulodesto sultytw -m moatdlacrlmtnatlng ost- taste" boob froe ; -WcaljOlU :-:* o8 o8 Cc and eaay n (Ur-Ught fabrcs,, waah waahable;weless rubber solea,lko pf rvnpreef QMtoU trleof»th Uh nylon nlob walkng on ar V lht»ftrlm;moll,lb«dlmn,tafg», <> ld G r l s C o t t a n N e c k C o M b n GG d wh s r t W k c r r tts s B l o u a s Values- to 2;98-1! ,0 3 9 < g s Needs To lronlng beea\se realse t a ToUabedor enboasedtextu obsedtexturev plus - -cott«ncrepepou smart pusaemenlma-lnabandm : j 5 Valua, L lax ta : colors-,altta3444w 44 Wde lde - coueoton- bf prnts, a t r Whte: largo varety arcty eyelet on aboumer novelty-flnlahea" nr ;ARl B 403 MAlh vlaln W FRe )NE28600PEH!1 -N- -

4 «e u» «n t-td raka a ta w n, d nat- bt 2 elthep bjr per, «tl«t,*«n tor en» * w» o 4 b»t 0B6 of tha «leuln*them tely ««ther c«> w*r am < WM <l#unatae(t ««met (u5t* «n s r s j t l Uncoln- ; r MYPHasfl ng Thtbulo? «; V s y»!5 Reward WbfAW UT BE ALVE! fm A TO N CONCERNNG o pn YER (Your nome wll not b«dk! >n of qa w8 wn mol ourcckf,nocatchtothofpt ct or drop a Postcord-to our salm rr 1»«t lt back and wat for th p H D E A U T O» P h o n o ] 5 o r AXEr rolvle DEA few hedotorb ot* dejon U» wbwl, aew to work, TemoTM:- hjjolnft jet dewu f Brod *, HM g K«<Uh 4WT power e»l «tl* 1 om wueh yott can «eo th# bet, drn W ndy for rtlslng jrou oul of lftng your potoo for more wuatw a m r ln tfmrn rm ANOt-y 1; j *** n-1 :* -j f t T g g y B ee pl M "" > WRONG APPROACH M om tme back a serous effort vas made cc U to attach to a standard appropraton bll a "rder stpulatng that f tbe U N should v admt to rejnbershlp any Bgressor eountry \\ (s\ch as red Chna), the V s should cut off " all fnancal support for the world organlza- tlon The personal nterventon ot Presdent - Elsenhower prevented fnal approvalofthls puntve proposal m Mow the house forelrn affars commttee - has approved *n amendment to the foregn ad bll th at would call for wthholdng more r than a bullon dollars n assstance f the European army s not created n tbe comng o year Adnfted/y the urope&a deteme comm)}- «nlty s a major objectve of the total weatem defense program There s no queston, ether, <,«th at serous concerp s felt over the fact that at thus far only western Germany has ratfed EDC But the complant of the other fve west «European parlaments cannot be bought for a!* blluon douars, or any prce at all The dea that tbey should respond to ths knd of dollar pressure s fantastc «: : Nothng could be better calculated to fuel re the communst propaganda clam that the Tnlted tates s practcng douar mperalsm, pc t s exactly desgned to delay, not speed up, the ratlflcatfoa ot the defense pact fo For one of the oblef obstacles to that goal - o s the reluctance of European natons to u enter an arrangement they beleve wu cut o Blurply nto ther natonal soveregnty Hone takes eagerly to the dea of havng an ntem atlonal body the EDO exercse au- thorlty over substantlal porton of ther rm ed lores w magne the furor that would arse n conr tr gres f Amerca were beng asked to on * an nternatonal army t s a bg step, hard for any naton Yet these same T7 8 law- makers seem to thnk t la perfectly au rght for them to demand-tbat othera-dowhat b< they are not wfulag:&do;"7tdy Wod Vea «penalze the fauure to do t fthls obectvels to be acheved t must tn be by persuason t cannot DOenforced by the dctate of rrtated, Amercan law- m akers : Evdence ndcates the onate wlu show a keener apprecaton of ths fact than many m Mra- house members have exhbted, though t was n!» the senate whch promoted the red Chna- u n TT N rder H O nr NDEPENDENCE o The ndependence- we declared> on uly, 4th n 1776 s our mostprzed possesson Wo have defended t aganst enemes many tmes, jm d we may have to do t agan one n spte of au the lessons of thet ast, there are some among us who magne wo could somehow do ths alone They seem to conceve that solaton san nescapable cor- ouary of ndependence v solaton may have been a happy and per- p< H lectly natural state for Amerca n ts early n n decades But the condtons favorable to tbat W K state dsappeared long ago M l Even 11 they had not vanshed before h< U B they would have by the close of World war m D B n The atom bomb, the guded- mssue, the t K long-range bomber and the rse of Russa K s greatest land power ever to straddle w W the Euraslon contnent,, all these helped to B make solatonsm an enpty nrth n o t s th at we have entered, through n NATO and other arrangements, the frmest f; peacetme commtments to our alles ever re-» corded n our hlstoy They are the realstc 9 measure of the sze and power of the enemy, and the nature of modem warfare b< nce we n d out frends are all free and M V ndependent, we ate of-course-free to dls- agree We often rrtate our alles, and they?c n turn annoy us ometmes thc rfts seem * ferlqxu, and then excltablo mon talk of gong «H separate ways R j- B ut wo-havo to realze these- dsagree- m ents are the mark of real freedom We muat q fnd a lormula fjor unty sturdy enough to H k pose upon ther sateutes tho unty of dread u D P conformty enforced at gun pont t< H Wo have to understand, too, that the prce of dlsuhty among the free peoples H f natonalst ndependence s what some would call t eould be death to lberty every- u K m where Each free land then would bo com- s m - peued to garrson tself-aganst the certan e> test wth the enemy, and, separate, each jw mght talt Net oven the greatest of all the H free >owers, tbe ynlted tates, could surely oj n V stand out aganst ths marauder- tl D ) Ths s not an ugly dream, but tho re&l- R ty we would face f we tum ed away from * our frends That would not bo ndependence,! t would be more Uke soltary confnement, t H08, al h : Maybe you never get there bccause there M s a place you always wsh you were no mat- B R ter where you are, o: B t usttakes tne to prove to yourself that g n p you never should have worred about thngs a UW that turn o okay T T U C K E R NATONAL W H R L G G WAHHroTON A llbrce» tt«1 of eompeuu? ft, Bort prew ar trtw le# t e world trwle s forecart by dlpto m m tue and eeoaomlc experte q tlu wake of a K o m annlauce and eren a perual setuement of dlmu w ltb tb s Buaso-Obaete ccpcnuntou t ttaeatea t market* for Amerca De«pjt«the Zlwnhover admtn HV w K m h rauon a pledges on bebau of rt } n dptocal- trade and a lowerng «ZUtoo tarff, walls, even the frlendue tm m M m B H nauons lke Brtan and Prance aj H t u H B Q n l suspcous Of our ntenuons Tb beuen a tepubuean regme Washngton foreshadows a hlgl aomtoa tarff polcy, and tbelr fears ba Co? a*t Tu«r V 8 FACE O O M P rrrno N Tbey are alread nlannlng to negouata agreements wtlh Rusa, Chn tn d th e sateulte countres n fact, anuclpauon of resumpton of tradlns caused ther eontnued reco nltloq of Peptng even durng the bloody Eorea m ade conflct bul a n addluon to ondoo and Pars nterests, tb should m l?ed s u te s wn face stff competluoa fram a «funtrv vlvlng oennany and apan and frtm several Bout Amercan countrlea Tbelr commerdal needs mesl for they can-uppjy the ovet wlb manufacture artcles n retum frstlmber, mnerals and food tsldent - BjyvxEB m a t b e n ec eb b a ey Por varous «a ) f th s 500, the UnlUd Utes wll enter the race uodc sre re h a n d l e m lttee O u r auuoutlob of lq a d p n the Korean fght lng and n the cold war generauy, a«hou b unde Unted NsUottf auspces, has made ua extremely ur [ m o re p o p y j th the Russan and Oblbese reds and wt f th e ther controlled puppet countres Tbey wul not om ng out of tber way to do us any commerdal favor Moreover, th e hgh Prces of our exports, bot mmu- agrcultural and ndmtral wll place u s a t a denm?! f? l dadvanube Our rvals can and wn undersell us f m any lnes Fnally, f necessary, they wlu engage t ether, outrght barter wth nauons n d d n g bard ckah Unel : ttb a t aam aaybavetodotooret a tlfled EUROPEAN NOT BEABUBED-Presldent Elseo e w est bower s pledges have not reassured Ue Europeans, t fo r a»ew of certan nconsstont acuons by tho Wblt A MU House -ke" has named a proteetlonst to the u 1, * ta rff commsson, and probably wu be forced t o f nam e another of smlar belefs, f congress add another member to tbls agency B e h u decreed, tlgbt ;o fu e l restrcuons O butter mports, a t th e Moreover, foregn busnessmen laugh when t lallsm ponted out that th e RooseveltHun-Trunan tarl,,n cuts under th e recprocal trade asreement acts gav P> them a larger m arket n thu country Althoush force for B year, these statutes have fumlahed al t g o a l oost no help, they m antan Ths reacuon wll com >ns to as a surprue to many Amercans, especally to OOF Ul cu t on oaptol bll T A B trr PCT CRE MlBXAblNO-DemocraUc fr«trader* havo eumated our general tarff level h, bean reduced to about 13 per cent, and Uat U pro ther bly twe B ut ths calculauon ndudes many Boo< on whch th e duues are oxtremely low t gves n a con* true pcture of the heght of the wall rematnln 0 lon sgalost many major European exports h ard t *, for naunce 38 per cent oa whsky, C pf 1 la w - cent oa woolen doth, n per cent on dyed cotu d o th 30 to 38 per cent o a chlnaware and 7H 1 rg h t 20 pep cent on bcycles a Addton, red U pe and " what horrbly compueated set of rcgulauons tend to l V ea enu9- the da«<b ew a- bjgher t s no exaggeraton to suggest that, once pescef t m u st bugles blow n Korea and possbly elsewhere sroun fnrprfl th e world, both frendly and hostle natlona wu gan 1 law - WlMt Ow o am n ths back-allcy commercl how a BLEAK P C T tlr E -rhls presents a bleak prospe many n o t only for the W hle Hotse but also for every hon t was n the land, especally those of worken and fanner 3hna- "ould relatve peace come, many ndustres w have to shft frtxn defense to normal producuon B they wll need foregn outlets to consume the temer dous output re su ltl from enlarged plants and t creased effldency Our farm surpluses are alread Tnv burtensome Thus, we wll need overseas markets n m v E W O F OTHER,-post, ; THBRE ARE AFER WAT,ne wo The crash of the ar force Globemaster n Toky whch brought death to ao TTnlted 8l*tes servlceme; th e worst a r tragedy n hstory, rases the quesuon 16 cor- wheujer ths-umbo-alwd ar tranaporuton s ac Tlsable Ths s not ehe fltst tme ths type of tra a d p e r- p ort hss carred a large number of our mltary me early deaths mlar acddenta have been bappet» th a t regularly for the past year Thla Tokyo crash grew o ut of transportauon acu ty coverln a %-ery sht»t dstance Any one of tt before, huge number of naval transports at hand would ha d w ar moved these men n safety and wthn reasonau le, th e tm e TTndoubtedly th e transportaton eost would ba R ussa cheaper urely tharo wa* no emergenc th a t demanded Ue use of planes to n u h tbeae n raaae placements nto tho Korean theater, p ea to There leems to be a lm t to tho sze of ar equl] m ent Thousands and thousands of smaller plam ro u g h operate wthout any great haard Uese ar gan rm urt another matter, as would be Qulokly evdent thero were a tabulauon of, the lo» of Uves from U 1» thu oversze plane Baltlc Congress should demaocf that competent alrcrs sncm y, authortes outsde the ar force nvestgate ths lor strng of crashes by large planes n addluon to t en a n d mperatve need of endng tho rsk of Amercan Uv At throujh the conunuatlon of what appears to be Questonable Wea, t mght well be found that the a d Tney force delves nto equpment not necessary n ts bas s seem assgnment of protectng the nauon or carryng U [ Kolne ar to the enemy <3(ane arplanes wll fght no wsrs But to date th< aro makng a great record n kllng our o r a troops- lagree- gutesman e m u st ~ f* - : d read laat nlglt n an electrc char They were tred, set tenced and executed under tho law t th e However, communst propagfmdlsts m ay try to twl Dles the case n th* future and however sl, cerely some non-communsts m ay queston the whdo aom e captal punshment n any case or n thla partlcul every- case, the baslo fact remans th a t th# Bonnbergs w t > com - gven Ue fuu protocuon of the law and ded n U certan under the due prooaaaea of Uw each There were eome werd aspects of the execuuon- ar thn tbrongs of plcceu m arhlng n the streets of Was! **, nglon D- C the Preldent and the attorney gener surely of the Unltod tatos "standng by"* n tho odd expect Uon that the Rosenbergs would talk before they de } re a l- More mportant than these sdeshow elements < fro m th e caae however, was th e basc faet that tho Rose HnP»<1 11 ccess to the hghest couru n Ue la laencc that Amerca s udldal system proved, even m en t th e fnal hystercal days before executon, th a t t w strong enough to put aade publc dam or for vej th o re? ««nee whle t calmly revewed the law - *vnf death of ulus and Ethel Rosenberg can t } m ac- nothng for Ue men fallen n Korea, as the apoatl of vcngeance may wrongly suppose But the handll of ths case dd somethng to enhance the statu f t h a t the Amcrlcan -courts; t s upon thc courts, mo th a n upon the fate of atomc sple, th a t freedom n m g s Amerca n Ue long n m wu deaend LewUt Trjbuno- NALll F h o t s of dspute* hreatens to Amercan \th boomng PATEB B FOOTBTEP c ndustral D w Pots: Curreaty ualer la learnng rer admlnls- m rm Anyway, hes learnng th hau of re- A heo you stand n a swtaua lowerng of nbo you re t to get wet (Reme frendlest n the t o o d w days vhen t 1Prance are cang taubt you how to «wlm tlons They heatlng you nte the deep poolt) regme at The nstructor s tryng hard, b n ft hgh- so tar has bad ao large measure fears have success, jonlor stlq nssts on kee r respects la g a t leat one foot planted flm on th e bottom of the pooll H e do are already erenrthng he s told, but «tm ma tfsa Chna ages to keep anchored to the be pauon of ft toen nued recog- T h a tm lh ta o u n d ju s ta b lto n t dy Korean contrary sde Polk* njght thnk 1 fath er should take unor n to terests the t>ut an end to sueh nonsense B from are>> s 16 sonscase? veral Bouth Take junor s father, ust for o: ueds mesh, ef those fer testances The old b anfaotured lores to rde ta arplanes ust d food long as he can keep one foot on U ground There you have t unto: ust ft chp off the old block, varous rea- nd probably hell grow up raee under p gt Mme sort e f fsst*r-uub*sou alzduset rean fght- Bs Father ough under tremely un- Our Oeward wonders how* ma: s and wth bereea are brave when nobody ao t ge lookng t 4*fnt«Dear Fot hots: guns n the d ty But Monday, watched u two bcyft came down tl dent Elsen- auey wm a r rqas ahooth ropeans n anythng th at moved ta th e treea the W hte watched as they shot a-tobln - 4 the U a W hat can be done about su» forced to thngs? told the boys to etop sznu adds they ju st Uughed a t me r m f n e d U g h ter too old to be chasng youngstc down the alley» h «11 u *1?, u n a n ta rff <TWa PaUs) M W O D B A s rp n untthbl t-, " u» l «a Ul «n m t o r n llv to OOP t mrtrend tha bleekl uy w GENTLEMAN N THE FOURTO B O W locrauc free [f level has lat s prob- many goods t glvea no remanng A fetape and a * - n o w b t ce peaceful r lere around ns wul gang cctnmercal tak prospect, every home a d farmers, lustrles wll lucuon But the temen- ots and n- are already markets as E R P O H P D A - >quesuon as *Uon a ad- U Bl pe of trass- olutary men >en happeotauon acuv- one of the would have 1 reasonable would bave emergency h these rerf ar equpaller planes a ar gants r evdent f "es from the ent arcraft t«ths long Uon to the ars to be a that the ar n ts basc :&rrylne the to date they r a troops :d lonagb ded " e tred, sentry to twst lowever sn- r«w«r tnng, p* the wdom»** t««n41 lla partcular mbergs were ded n the *t, Here sre thre execuuon u d n g M ercur ts of Wash- lst to CO snd re they ded- power ateermgl elements of work from dr ed, even n prcss, that t was erator And Me lor for ven- four» erg can do the apostles e handlng the stature - - e o u, more , fredom m 1 Lewston TME-NEW, n W A H N G TO: n M A R Q U ] 9 U P W AsmNOTON The b a r Coreas a y w n a n Rhe* h u do l U esaaet be measored la term* Uebrekaatruoe alona Xt s «g rl ous blow to th e effort to acblc coneettve securty n a world me rbtep aeed by th e total destmcuon ato m lo w ar* *fn «to Mny, Amercans are bmmd n» th s t ;a «a g «r 2 a swhnmng ngnrt ft th h ret (Remem- result after three ~ when the years whch c o s t D to awlm by 150,000 easu alu e sh n n H eep poolt) nd not l e s n h a n K f r a H lng hard, but 30 to 38 b U U e n H K s B e Beaure of dollars la dlrk t sts on keep- expendtures lanted frmly Uut s w hat h a p - H looll He does peas when we at «tm man- to the rescue of, to Ue bot- our f r l are eayug, then cum ta b lto n U e lt;s aever do t H augmented by t f 1, burtn- tn manpower and mo? m th e forces suppled BoaU k» ; T h1 L e t a source of contnual rrttauon- those who were dstrustful n t fl**t lastance of the polce acuo to tem eoaununlst aggrea*loa, grow up w Korean pennsula The dam r-u unoound now dcm t o concept of werd together fo rth e p» of the woj H Father u lnetln*we teuon- n e ls lo j t n nooooy s xralted Hatlons coaunend and lasslng th e Korean prsoners of w 1,1, s ft blew, too to the presuge of t EUenhower adaonutrauon, t comes unfortunately when t 9, t o t t o w 0,1 gutong contrast ««d hs e mpresson T"- r a rk E B A l b o u t «jch Vprlghts or Cheat L l 4 EE AVE! ACT g youngster* A t Reader M a P au s) UDHE T B B B B t e s aa ftsto *t «vea drve j [ B Mercuy V brngs you * > 0 raksh, O % eaoe-sk preuure s multpled h brakng power Your f( accelerator to the clos pedal, gvng faster, sm H u 9 B B R < t«*hnb,»*w U»kM* -w«y powar no, 11 t(«sn4 futnk kubtap elten at tutro u l sre three bg reajon for new drvng lg Mercury to your "must : Add Mercu 0 CO snd 0 7 fng famous r M ercury-s far-advanced engne backc r steenngremoves al the reel V8 hnory from drvng end parkng the hglest 1 ury s power brakes lake lttle feld nnd yo too pressure than the accc- money ul, ; r And Mercury s power aeat Drop «rouc U four K«js (0 gve you real soon Ho KEN ELF 351!ws, PAX d a h o G TONvG A LLN G B 3 U G H L D n rtrm»«l let ha* done B a st Germany where OTen la term* of lke ftm sjer revolt agflast th e e «(ts-ag rlev «nunst d c l a t o p f «rt to acheve savage represson by Russan dl; a world men- slou lestmcuon ot t seemed that amo every blu tj4-eouldbe-made la - t are bound to handlng of Ute Korean dtu atl " had already beea made B ut t tmmmmmrn made mown about the rele of the prsoners, the more appart t becomes tbat ths s a ms; bobble P n the news reports o f e N Tork Tlmesf*r and awaythe m eomplete out of Korea, we l u th at UtBU N coounand had be w aned Bhee would try to t t anu-comnunlsts loose Ths w consldereda bluff W beucrpreca have prevented t cum wholesale escape la doubtful q event, they were not taken The freed prsoners a r c val) nented by th e everywhere n Uw streets of Pus< d tates haa accordng to dspatches to t r eent of the Tmes Th«y are conspldous beca r and money of theh* btter physcal appearas s supplled by n themldst of Pusans mserya: [act tss been because of ther short harcuts a 1 rrttauon-to u-fltung cloues, rustful n the y e t the U N command seems polceacuan" je d that noulng can be do aggrea*loa,ln about Uem n vew of the so: The damge *upport U»y, are recevng from t apt of workng cvlan populaton» ot the world Before the truce negotatons w«recessed ndefntely, the comm * nlsts made recapture of the releas defyng the prsoners a condton for sgnng Qnd and re- cease-fre soners of war The one pont th at c*n be advw presuge ef U»e ed n defane of Rhee s acton Uon, that a consderable number of t tely when the 3OOO prsonershe ordered turn stwuld h a re loose were Bouth Koreans gelt ZERALE!: ar Chest M oeu, 8 to 23 Cu F t ] E! ACT NOW Dufng ale! POWER TEERNG 3 than, Men -, the escr d erskp /xh g K T! o u n c e o f too multpled hydraulcally nto pounds of «r Your foot njvou effortlessly from, to the closer, lower suspended brake lg faster, smootlter stops Co-op -yvng comfort and" safety MOVE Add Mercurya ycars-ahcad slyl- «urar g, famous economy, pncn V- gno backcd by ouc exelusvrly WTH 8 hnory, and a reputaton for le hglest trade-n value n ts ld-and yow gel more for your oney uh Mcrcury Drop sround and try a Mcrcuy al soon How about now? ELF MOTOR 351 Man Avenue lho G BY L L > 0?Rua8lan dlvl- t t o t th«y would not be r Kuawao QTj th e north ether by M,m Kfaalon borderng oncoereloa < 10 «voy blm- fon TWs was the essenoef the posluon m alntslned through te r eng bout the releue mmtha mon e P P a t t has been eald t t a t one ol ls s a major blunders w*» n notreleaalng 1 prsonera as soon aftw ther lorts o f t t o New ture es tte lr orgn was datem away, t t e most n# may aay n defease of the, u charge, th t tteh- nte was to Uve up acnpuloualy t< try to U m tte ternuonal rules gotenlng nr e rs o fw a ru tte h w tlo ; munlau would sccord fah* and K L t o j, to A vsha tendency ttrough tte < «e ts of P u s g - tc h e s to t t a W hatever w ent wrong The u s e m U U k e p e rto p s b e e n topu s D D e w r e s t a rssponsbuty oa ms n U and tsry men a default of dvular t h a t a s b l U t y : t U n e t hsrd tc somethng, lks ttts n tte mand seems to btrader can be done Oen M ark Clark, the sup: V of tte sold -- - elvlng from the sfotlatlons were M B t t e commu- W of tte released a for sgnng a» csn be sdvsne- Ghee s acuon s aum ber of tte ordered turned > 11 mmb Koreans gelted, MUT FORANY NFORMAT UED CAR BUYER (Yo E tjpon completon of ole U E X THEM,NO < U,F t, X CaCo/ectordrop ; a l e l v ag«r, then w t st NORTH a h y MAGC VAXE r : H B 3 r /r )e e $ s & - fa h c f//m m tt than fnger-tp pressure s needed on tbe Mercury power steerng goes to work, the stran &om perkng and tumn j escr oo thst safe "feel of the rosd*" 4-way 9 powerh EAT A M M of a-elsh 4-wr m fromwuchj ko Handy for n Alfttwg your»-op rfherdl ffte fn r ferrf M*»w y*ef» hnmt et >R COMPAN e n u e E a s t

5 Y t N E M ents Mark aher s D a y y -- tjjbgermat tab ou j e r s % t R e s o r t Gves D mer, e t Chldren s Bbl Bble HAOERMAN u u a l - u n : chool at ttv 1 Luscher vsted Ur aadurs De D e e l o PotUt * WMm prw fore returnng to her x h home o m e don n M - For wdenl d e n t s DBCLO, une 34-- T h e X Deco day, 1 Presbyteran church closed a -rler, une 34 ;>Ver ;yu «Orange week vncnuon Bblo school UTe T " Mrs Wllam Drake M left ft«o n U1 oa- r * under feted U graduates tugh tcl 1 0 f W day for Vctor, wher* <» lc e 8 lpumng n g ta «r r U tgh school The school started une aad Bahe wll U al n U OPKW» a D X T : f l r y t and grade achool Prday W nght num u > htw to the l«moou me 8 and >t w luneral servces for her broths Dons a t the pouuelc dnner p a r t y church Approxmately Rar, t o, lyochudrea 30 chll O raage Master a wood McCa McCauley attended the school R T» «y, jro u p o f the veleomed guests Marlyn ttya harp o r p of* The Rev MarUn Crabb»abb was wu sufered rexmse M n Btanley tanley Wal* V perlntendent ubjeeto Uught were ffp th ters offered tnvocauob ; based on the Bble wlh 5? L R«or8«nK LD eaanotte Brann plared the pl ru the texu Fnflrm Tk /ldf] fed U\e pmo beng fumuhed frotn f n MUM orer tho W Ms Art ChUders r an a r Westmnster Westml U lu k l lm lfn press The teachera ncluded: a DO cm k cwnp abovo tbovo > wrtten by Mrs Lore Drake, ncluded: un- ll llf-da dlatret «por ( * W tunng gmduaton n 1080,«2 r ** " l >f Mrs LawrenceMoOal cemooalland **10 d M f of UTanffa- Mr ond Mrs oe boemnker Mrs Ambrose Moffett; tett; prmary L?rTT,r«" OUmoW presld- V 1 3 /g M camo members of Ue Orange os; leld and Mrs ZArl!f> Bttturdwr-OTenlng venlng The acuvluos conunlttee, LtM he da Aaderson: and klnderg kndergarten fy)l5ahtdm jja oq!& " 8U«Oondlt con* con- \ by Mrs Prancte harp, roporu 2 Mra> Clfford utton aad lad Mrs RuU j > < - h v f L m ln *»ertlm on nua* ua- r\ j Orange pcnc wll beheldat?he"d l-s Q «ttsche U a OUmort Bose Boae V 1 P * 10 n Buhl d& ty park Xealng ng pro program, \ NGER 5 d»» meetln* About 60 A reaouuon trom Poneer loneer Or Granm by the ehlldrea who had at- M Q lr d e d» petluonlng the govemnent e n t to t buud tended Bble school,, consst! conssted of W UelhodUt churcb» Dr P ft power plant a l Amercan aerlcan ] Falls b le stores, songs plays <u* V? 2 n L the sptoker Bte nlt n W fa B C-T V V K 1 jh H P lp t and pup- -> V L j u n o r -t D K N U l k l N O met wth dsfavor amcg members * Pet shows, Mrs ny Martn, Eden, aen state su te u - Parents and Wenda attended the venlle Orange charman, oan, expn explaned program C P M T l 12 Dorl ConkUn played 7 \ t h e proposed organsaton Lton of a 1 local - 6 w d accompaned tho -t juvenle Orange OrgnlzaUon (nlzauon wul About 10;nUllon atue Uo and t 1# tall- L -, v! n the Bngng t wns y V: { be effected on uly 7! Uon sheep are n Great sat Brta: Brtan j T u t the epeaker next 1 Members drew up ah an order on a - T u ba Hugh Nelson, prea- H? luc* box s or-» *me Orange wll present >resent a jro- d the dstrct Ho s gram at tho Pller Orange hall uly T l T l U l T l s the county contest test ntof*us> \ \V t l B E t o Ray mth, Wendell, Orange Orango Mu* Em U,, l chuh* tual nsurance company represent*, M n charge of the open- open* E g y auve made a gft of an electrc w o n H OF n u m : - {or the unday echoo clock to tho PUer Orange 2» Aolerson gave the open- [C g >» y 4 { f \ \ Mrs Harley Wllams f* aand n d Mrs k o m tm B n o h tv K a r 9 Art Chlders were n charge of H f sngek bowordlng M m «? f socety, under dreo- drec- \: - dnner arrangements; and P T popular ewng Mocftna*, Hun</r*<{s e Cleament Plnco ) gave wvo M Crag Dunlap arranged the day projum whch gram ed Uo pro- 5, ;,,? Hsrthrt, u 5 F 7 7 b«o«lfu! twlng&blne, c,hsrtlo»dconn V M f f a p«m by Renee he* he- m l r ttwlng Boxos You con b * * th* prou m «f»n and pano duet tt by M B t t l W l f f M B a m \ r \ f l t t and Kent Lott;» owner o f on* or fflor* of th*s* wluqfc[1 waarhelby: a vwal laloolo aolo H B «w U n a H a H k ;% > x mq ot p rttt t s ta ty ond t s fun ust on V taukham accompaned by N G K DmsmoUng O ats, o nd y(m cc a Bl t> *?> >lo by hv N«w~oltleen wtn elected : by tbe <b dabo Federaton of Bodfleas eaa and aa Professonat Womens c fahb s t un t o V e Y * s o r E - O lu cubome: a trbute to fa» -VaUey New offlcenand vsltlnr sklnr < offcals neloded, seated from a left, Mra Anne R DanlejPocatello, fr molte your dress durng th* cow t*m Oeorgo trnger r and»nd pm ldent; Vlrrt la luwk mk R Rnpert, presdent; NeU Bobnson on Lewston, aeoond voevealdent, at H F o r (urth*r nlet ond datalb drop tn en tro fcr o}-ce Olalbomo, bome, - tandnr left (o rght, Edllb h Nanc aneol m m e, recordng seeretu tary; r; Mrs Mae Bellamy Anderson Coe ««us H t fbtfwood and anua her- Bher- dalene, retrng prcatdent; Oraoe B Dahles, Klagtton, Pa, aatlonal kuonal thrd vce presdent, andoadya Bale * 1 4!»ca»panled by Mrs Prnce Prace Merdan t*ta«rer (on VaUcy VaUey pboto*ataf( engravng) - M nodfauer* and Htterawere - " M boutonnlere*;ae alng g nnd Mrs v o o d Orlmes, lett left for Although t has proved mpossl NCER NCEREW mcenter otben sang under dlrecuon a»3hagerman of Folks ko Newjjcrg Ore to vtet hor gnn jdroa Pugmlre Tho to keep Uo Arctc bluo fox n n c«cap r 120 Md Man Ave North parents Mr and Mrs Boy Eddcr t n s l«n by Mr* Pearl Oerftnnly evenng tho: serrlcea UTcea HAOERMAN une 34 Mr and ana of ther son nnd famly, Mr!4r a and the fur s prme Travel, Entertan D & Mr and Mrs A D Orlmes, Ca< C a Uvty, U tekept on smnl Am Phone 243 well, spent the week-end a t the te hon home slands, fed and then trappm wt Twn Falls, doh Bsder dlrecuon of Bshop lop D D Mra Harry nodgrass, left unday Mrs Ehrood Orlmes - - ld Openng prayer v u gven to vst her -daughter and f famly, RUy Oflcar Aaderson, who has beea a - nn Clark Delegates vbo at* BQd Mrs Glen Davson, Tnut- u pauent n the eromo t Bene x c *awl 1 tbe HA conference held leld n a tth e forest ranger staton ton ot det s hosptal, was takea to a Uto a ty last week, spoke poke Voutdale hey retum ed Tuesday > 4 hos- vn T j v O O O aesday pm n PorUand, Ore; for, furtler - >tnduded Mn Arnold Olol* Mr and r8 N ath an er Lutz, medcal treatment Oleaa Brown Brov Un Charles herwood d and Mackay,- vslm her daughter and drove hm to PorUnnd Utcham enom Bendort famly,mr and Mrs Bobones s Mrs -, a plsno solo and Mra Oold ones returned to Mkckoy lor ft a There s vrtually no dtetncu tncuon Gong places over ver the tl Fourth? Tbe closng prayer waa cf- ol- vst by Urs Byant Mecham Danna Oraes, daughter of *Mr Mr rendeer deer Lst Vstors 1, UONE une 34 Mr and o» 8««w 2 «ubu* Robert O Connell ondchlldren jann luq, Ore, are vstng Mr and <BfM> tuy Oyer and famly Uld Mrs Denns Hess, Oregon, E r " " " $31995 «m d U (onday for a trp to Yetlow- euow- w «tath A m j NO DOWN PAYMENT nstlonal park followng a vst,,, per month rtlatlres here 0 ~ vv jt 1Thoms M(f»a buslnesx trp ho ftll* Monday > ;WARNER MUC l e, " l r : 1 h, and Mrs Burton Thom10a eud n d *"PUo»* Trr thaa- u c t 1?2- Tabc & APPLANCEr - \ \ \ r - > 1 etumed home ths week : after WatsrMs E*?: ; vth relatves tn Roy Dlolv»> Trallom bn* Btom er m hoahone North Fhone BO talu yoar bommwn dngut AdT a C om j p a n y C ob lln g? PO D NT FORGE GET < <{ M 6 6 m f f CLUB M T A n f G Ww m jj n - " t c h BEER M" Elects New Of cer We wn aeq yoa u 13 ft Freezer cer lle t ;, x c E y u H f BREWED WTH UPEROR UP DAHO HOP NEVERA > BTTER AFTERTATEf 9 Dont forget to keep UN VALLEY BEER [ at homo for yoursell ourself and for company Heres Q brew O clean, crsp an d refresh- - ng as ts name!! Your frends wll lke ts smooth mokowness less and or dstnctve flavor, the result of hghest lghest qualty ngredents and panstakng g brevyng bre\ process Aval*, able a t your grocers )cers < or favorte tavern w, \ s t \, W TME-NEW, r; Tl TWN FAX, roaho go nelw l \ \ \ \ = j \ \ \ 1 y - / / *> \ ) x " P urtb-of Po>rth-ef-uly w**k*nd u«t ah*od whrl d -w h l ln, Hm fof an onto HHp? p T Bull u lb - for* you l*av*, thnk ef aof*ty flrat th* pk protoctlbn you ow* yourfomly m BB «t atu r*,, / Mors than o nmt* m r t \ yyour o» r cor «r lt «af* and s*t wtth Conoco :e of*ty-fr«l o f orvtcal And * mmb b*rfodrv* w f o tha r*qulr«m«n u ln m n K of \ corf>ny corfully Hop* yoult hov* a wemfarful darfulrmal H \ anv caren on h* roadl 1 FREK ttrft lnsp*ctlen FR FREE battery chack Your Conoco dealer wll chock or r He ll He U tmt~yt>attey clean termnals, a fse you f yoo aeed a battery prtmure md nspoctou tn a for cuts bmsea and w ear ~ charge, or new cables U «t t m s v l D p HAROLD ) WHTE " "Across from ( Greyhound Bus Depot - \ Fler Grange ee # 7 / - = s r More than ust ust an 1 ol change A COMPLETE AFETY r ERVCE FOR YOUR CAR! FREE FREBbrak* chack ConMo hbretlon : - HeU check your brake aystcm; ree- Usng -Usn Conoco a specal Ghek-Chart K-Cbart ~ X \ ommend roparawben naded foraaf«fory your make of car, boll get to ooyery overy drvng englt lubrcaton pont N O C» -r-v;;----- youaoymtbefoaaorobhbcal V / h e lp p coc ra e o t w, r u n b a t t e r /llv Waa lo n e e r " AVY-DUTY\ w,o BOfOO-mu nad latt pnoe U & z : brandw brand*new stock cars vrero>, - / \ drven dnven 60,000nlos 60,< n 70 days Tbey got proper flter servce and \ regular 10 looo-moo ol dange* w ld Conoco onoc9 fl«nx»r u Motpr OH \ / Aflerth After tbe testa, tb a ear engaea showed wed caa leaa average 1 wear tban K 3 aooo laooo of f a n ocb on oylndon «td crankshaftt «nkshaftsandgaam neage «was 9041% aa good fv ths Uut 6,000 )mheaasfqttbe/rst muea as 6, Proo/tbat COHOOO pbt M o to x O l, wuol-paong*, wth actually belpaengl engbm a c t f «asb/n«mut ot run -run bettt better-cnd fet h n l -,, FLL YOUR >UR TANK WTH CONC< O N C C O " E A O N - T Ar A L OL O R D " a A O l l N l CTY < Progran doses D ses r C O N O CCP s E R y!? D e t ; T n p s p l a t e d jbak»f ropfta O M C s M s m H«ra** ww ta aaka TMT rp sanr ml»«w lr ctrtla* ta «m rw lm CM mcb Herr* yo«r car Mfr><h*dad Ufort Uotnfl G v«rtodom hrttem t»*<w»- b9opbfofyobgrtr«l,fc*d > Mek* W «Ml te trm rofn FR E R coonnb yrt«m chadc Dro Dran end rafn whh; HeU examne your entre cooung ays* CONOCO g> sr MOTOR OL tem dran t f y o a w sh make > Whl Whle tba mgne s bot, b e ll dran anout sure t s setfor hot*wmther<rvng your jrou oldohtbea beu recondton ar ae snd ou flters and reflu y our oankcaso nkcaao FREE nghtno y*t*m chack rtb rth ConocoBuOBt tho m otor tor ou He n nspect headlghts, tal Ughta,, that otunfta r a e «g fa «a a» :

6 - ordan Keeps * Magc ; Vj Valley R ado ( Land Purchased lased 1 BOE oae tale C 1 t / & 8 6 three «o-acre nata o f land n e Offce of tate - Nowestem C r n "Two d fu lt udgm enu nu tla o mnor m 2?» eoonty haa b w announw, clvu adlons w ere m U;«red d n ju u- f- *>T th» luu land department K T T X KKTF T F AM-FM KEEl KEEP KBO * teu w ereappralaed ath p fktl L00TCLE8 <1270 K K1L0-M7 Defense Open s MEO) (lm M KL001 KLOO CU8) lm KnOOTOtEB) 3Y01KB) ProjectFunds 9 0 BB, n a e M m-~qor rz W* WEDHODXT w K B ; de maktt and tg ant tr<vp5w Roy Ftold *o Vlrgll Len p 0 pm WAHNOTON une 34 3«n-*na ll- ne s for «1U40 PlUda waa oharg jo T d u «!TlM d 4 «t-o o l,,ohn h n *fl sw XfO-XM M*a soe xmm n Wm m ; E u lr w s s N m U R Mumf TlM But «l PMs«m 55m * " aenau appropratons commttee «lth nctaymeat of a grooerydu grocery bu and t t a m m v TuM day tb o U to d v ll defenm otflcq «U1 re m tla open a tte j K to xwklk HU«tdO *Dr 3r ChrtUc ChrttlB, 7!tt C17 e( T lbam o osa n recommended T u e s d a j> t army u te r 7,«s XFnlton Uwt, r- 700zQTtB anny cate, the # outh P aark to» o A P«er, Bose, t, r -!5?< L-!a«uly 1 wth Mfoerow contaulng g n :s *: munc kt T>ln FtlU TO ss;grar, T sbl tlto MlVttwUT esglnecrsb* gven flfl, ,400,000 for srocery YU awared a tu l l uuf- uuglatlon pro- prb- ment ognt Ollrtnee bockey woo " 00 \t& U«p«tM D«««nb*r D«MBb*r Brd* Bl too la hu pretent p q to o n of «cunb dlrtc W=-to a!!! lt Nl"*Uu«t41U«a flm *H««year beglontog uly 1 ed tha ctus a a t Car Demolshed 110 c m to B u W tlfl UU»,Bttt81,,2 Bloa flood coarol and navlgauon BO loh* U u-a r«>dlly tm -rb! ( Fmc lat eculn thepaclfo sorthw w ettn tba NetUetef the dtfendanta contest* Bl Tha ta lt teguulure gave only M CsU to r n r t r M soud TpUMOAT atudby apprtbrlkuon of ll0,0(kh to,] Tbe ffure was $13, more * BBBVOT, une 34 An autom clvu dofenm for tbe next bennum- «than auowed by the boufe mb for the datooa b7 th e cammtlee ncluded ncluded bue parked too close to the trad Munerow sad «1U monthly waa Oregop-daho-Washlngton on propam /house flmrea n porentheaoa): ntheaea): rammed anddemolshed br allotted for «ff(ce expetuec ; He m r m tlt At Amaat u r s cjjk and comspoaoa closely to tbe the WO,- U30,> 0 Me/ juph lm 3mmo 9 N muen t * Hontoy t tn BellvuB a st, aald be vould bava no ataff but skas" A; M Top of UenlM TrtO ««asd W«WMUwr to rtfw< la N*«4!!K tufoa asked hy Presdent dept tea- Zsea- aulton): W ary dam n 1,700,000 W7700#00 tlon Brlf>aen ohn WaUh daho adjutant general, vould aet as lason t o n, 1 K W 0,,! l - W - f,! ; ttmu bover Pormer Presdent n t TnxnaQ n x n (35 mlule); Xjooknt >otot Pont lum dun «18 «* 0 h U o m, fcnkur O cn r 1 lt a CUl W lu t onu te aked»l«l«80,000 w6 betvera elvu detensa aad the gov> «r sssm"- ] 3 5>«1? { ;» / " tnlulon (m e): Alheh t Palls, Palls U,- $$,- mons, temporarly aj!ssff: Kt Ml* u> 1{m4b«OlOO *W«a<j Wtmm W tn looftol Barvr T he, m tjor ncrease was raa 4K 4 «ml- 8400d0 ( mllon): LucPeak Lucky to the BellevueVuUo, euuoo, vv, u v «a M m o rs offce :» :M *HrTn«earr tm-abbft fmmb * World ts Uoa added to house-approved njved funda funds dam»l*ttooo ( l,400w0); ) M ower lower knocked nto the buldng as DutttBQ Dama W v U llts *PPr*l»e<l D«ddr1dfe Qut ll M 10(40 l& for Tha DaUea dam on the le Columba Columba flah unotuary w Wprogram r to the suuoa waa not apprased Tbe elrtl defenteoffce fonnet;ly } 1? 1535 as 5s r m The onm ltue aald th e B, 34 mlulon mluloa 9% mlllot (lu mullon), (tutrb- ssam bad a dreotor aulsu nt drector Mtor M > tovmm ftt MDtr tm l> ra t r t m m d e d U ocetary aary f the The ccnlttee tdded one projeet turkeys are found dlstrll h w atru and one aeerata Tbe drector, OoL»" * dam la to be ccmpleud pa schedule, schedule dtleted b7,thobnse ud d eeut u t houae 0*M? l* to cmtr, Fhlllp Doddrlde retlcned effectve ««j2,t z - l l l t aald any delay n newer power dt- de- fgures fer anour U ay a and Mamerow who had 1»«lU Xu K»» 4:00 sw«e! 1 B :» " M K u Uvtry "la dangerous to the t regoaa regons t addtd 34BW for contnuaton c o n u e r ** beta aaslsunt drector, wu nmed g = j v V s 5 s M : 5 X! ; s K V "!! t u «a?u, u economy* and observed l that Uaf-loss "lots of the Amaon creek flood control contwd ENQKAVBD Wth Tear Nam acun dlreour *««tl luanrvtr too xkur Mamerow aald Walsh and be wert * t e P n j f f t t m r r s - 3 " -! HOP - B u l* * trylnt to work out a method where- d by oauooal n a r d Xadltles could H too xkfwtpud* t u t «> trd A losmr* of one year n <»nstruoton Btlon aean meana project t Eugene Ort, Tt, and cut WHLE TOC HOP,!!!;! s a - v ulumau losa of 16 mullon Uloa dollara fmds tor WlUametto r v e r - b u of revenue to th a federal ral govemm em * menv*-from the sale of f the dam s nnnyh M H t%d«r u k Traat Phone t govern- proucuoo from «s0, to to Mlo?»810, to WOOO H t L G F T H O P s s s f a ;,,y «f r ss A w s *>0 f e s sl s f e s u s : g b5 5, s?5?t s :» K, t m m m Boytf B074- power output l jm W W PPN PRDAY TZ»!*!lt f c r u r t * be made avau»hto for Mamerow to V 1 s : s K<n : s loto *Xd>lD a UU 5f, - Other major proecu recomman- recommtn- E 9 H 0 make trpe to cth defense opera- t P 5 «Bftb 3 m j a»y> l BUTllht UTlHht Mtledlw Mtl» : t l Plwur* TUb» toaa throughout the suu k E N D t o n g h t r l T b r m poe Alan L add - V rg n a He aald one of the frst thngs 1 ho would try to do would be to fll T E R O Mr o CE l Mayo - oseph Vollea v o llo DOOR the polllona of dvll defense drector Xor PocateUo, Bamock county M RUPERT, une 34 Requem hgh BETTE DAV lunty Mare L Carotta About Red Cross ross njures Rancher and the regon aurroundlog,,1, mass Xor Marla Leonl Carotta waa Asked by Leader p f t l p r HAlLEy, une 3V - r Andrew c a u c Knght, rancher on the eaat LtoT fork of A u to T h el atre t r e The ron Mstress B E T T A ll threa dlrecton resgned Uto re- celebrated f -Monday at Ncholas holas WAHNQTON, uno U a m (ff) Wood rver, narrowly escapeddeath AcUon Packed N A R P L E O N L > cently chargng there w m "no fa- Catholc church, Rupert, wth 1 th e Pretldent E< Roland H arr rrman man of Monday when hs tractor overturned vertumed W E D - T Hn U u ~ Melodnma Techncolor hnkolor toreat to the cvl defense on a suto Rev Psther Augustne Osgnlach as the tl Amtrcan Red Crooa celebrant,, decore decam He was pnned beneath the trac- 1 t ll tme to atop the "whsperng Bhsperng ut luekly fell nto jk a borrow w Twn BU TMatello U one of the most j vu Larry Wrght and Leonard Asson sjon campagns" aganst t hl e reuef pjj tch»hose banks kept hm spou n the atau because of the were the altar boys Muslo far r tho ««ncyholaa Eanlm an told the agencys acy s 23nd machne - o My on ohn from beorog th e fuu weght of the raoroad lyrtea" Mamerow sad mass was sung by the t Ncholas cholr and the organst was Mrs conventon from tme to tlma we hn W E D a n d T l U R Betty Rausch a -2? Ho underwent surgery a t Haley are faced wth oomplanu a and M d n>- m ltal for o shoulder fracture t H a y a s -V o n H afln daho (lkued n* Pallbearera were Mtch Carotta, mom that olrculato about t tha t Red Monday nght and was reported la, Abbott and C o to llo Umpey - CarotU bolh Prontlef, ntlef, Cross c whch aometlmes become Batlsfactory condton Tuetday He n Korean Wat f-us > An Wyo Hugo Dalsogllo, Burley: Vc- Ve- whltpartqg campagns" WAHNOTON une 34 (f»--an d la Wy tor DalsogUo, Bruno Leon and, Oae- "The vast majorty of these, these" he ow *muon f8r»-hp COMN ROUND > U N D Olympc 1 de- sar Leon, al Rupert aald, "are based on h U>trutha aod Zdaho aoldler ba* twea UUed ; He a tor <?bo feu Elk THE MOUNTAN he became entangled l 4 n M tn o Bural was made n the Rupert upert dstortons,,and aom eof them lke M tlon n Kosraa, the defease hus- de- sar cemetery te t ttorlea about the ase «of mesh-wlre fencng Two scna, Don AD sney Producton jc n p m s partm ent annoqoead Tuesday He X e Of blood followng n a pckup was Pvt Owen w Bendrleks, [end- hus- cen are f out-and-out falsehoods " / "Vou don t read thesa stores n r * ck, extrcatod the vctm ctlm The CARTO O N band of Mrs U daw n D Hendrcks, TtankUn been n Wrestler Denes prnt, > you don t h ear them on rado, aons were of the opnon the broket brakes C h a n d lr-e K Ko eyes y e l or see them on Ulevslon n but k;,» nh oh o n th e tractor loaed accdentally; eddentally Another daho aoldler has been VV n r f Uey elrculau by word w rf of of overturnng t-llm m lshtp p occurred H B H wounded and stul aoothsr captured, 2 Charge n 6)urt u n mouth" Rt ranch C m u g g l t r s l s ll a n d the department sad Opt Dale tu do - Oe Onlea 30 Bose, pleaded Harrlman sad the agency h&s R M H Melodrama n Mathlesen son of Mn Luclle hoe- not gulty o f dsturbng the peace «embarked on a full-scale publc >ubltc relate n n effort n all means of com> f n rell- l f l Tccholcolor acathleses daho TUs, was wound- -«d aad gt l/cl Most E hoelose, when not arragned on the charge maker, son o t Mra Oarl esse, Bose, wh polce court here Tuesday after- ttler> > mu&catlon and "w ord-of-mof m outh H a wa«paptred - noon pol { publcl to counteract Tact thcm De Oalles was arreaud by f <;jty cty fttlaehoods" HoKAT NAMBB ADE - n - pouca last Tuesday nlghb whenhe WAeHZNOTOK, une 9«0U9--ln- Dnt- -pol took a oottpl of afto-the-beu kclu reak AT ERVCE : o rh ««ttd a y H l tertor ecretary McKay ha* apponu, au- a t» t the stomach of hs downed opponent oppo- FnB, une 34 Z/eslle lo Hyde, tlk«;f«ofo«r afh ed Otorge L aeett, BakafOren aunent at < *4 1 Twn Palls, and E N acobs and ondthaflnt tdmobue dealer, aa «- department ment ne He l tree oo a >90 bond HU tral 1 Reeves Cox spoke a t servces un- f j t B H h Held represenuuve A department spe- baa been set for sometme n cp- ep- < day evenng a t the Pller FllVr LD6 WeenB3eFBtalfltt rtralssffh slxhovnefhr pokeaman aald-cott "wlu do epetember ba 1branch jbtanwtt mrnoff n t nc Krt<w trt< ded WED and THUK HUR a Mlt>tnc««aW9M ewl aaalgrmenta** for McRajr ten END TH U RR W ; N M U M W L O ( n r nnr r A f C t T N K R l l N AnEK Fnal mtes Honor r ] End of Whspers lers END THE FRT Fl AN MNUAL o ) uu t h e a: s t dd ca h o t m b n b w rh a, ttw w N A t W, D A H1 O0, o chedules Tractor Mshap Report Okays :av8 udotent OKd K d l l ]n2gvlcases ft Famly N l < A Carload ; PLU 2 Cartoons [ KRN H R Y U -M A U P O W E l TODAY f l T W T C R U N G E N A l T s p B l y l " D A R E VL V DAY** l / olto ERENAPm* jl o rr CARTOON HORT T A R T T O D A Y! LM TED ROAD \ PRCE TOR 3 Adulta, Matlsea 6»o Uo Bret EnnlUK to - CKB O B M OULm E o s o r [ P O s m O N E X latello Hgh chool tday AND D ATURD RDAY j Une : E u / E x n x x EM O s - T A R T N G T O l T E T H E M O T T A B T U N A N D D A M G L O V E TH E GREAT O H N Wy AYNE PCTURE Y OUVE U VE T O R Y E V E R T O D! HEARD A B O U T W A T E D T O EE] All THE AaON, TON, e: EXCTEMENT, BEAUTY luty * W ld, w ck ed, / D f w o n d erfu l P a r s NCE E CREEN v - a l l h e r l o v e j lad e s a n d EEN lu s ty leg en d s] v H N f la 1 TEMW f, Q,goHN WAYNE E MAUREEN OHARA r "BARRY FTZGERALD lald B o x O ffc t O p e n Word BONDVlrter WtlAGUN 7;30, f >A s V <, r -K W -

7 5 chool Po *oneer Vsfera faduate n T F WHeyanety P e d fpr : D uefor95j taters s Model Autos ut( «ndtnc 4 "» - l f the nto th e lng m ateu,» - ; g l T a g» jt automobues B l V * l r f ln t elecuoa lectloa H > % e le c t«d mtycn and ta d l eunpus b BtfflcB otnfet o< caome- MonU k K bo# ; m o e West, Ttlcea wm take Black* dmfale speeuru> numerous darlyn lth e makezt > prces, b ut memberb elected d pretty weu u tto a on an P lu -» n WlUUmB, -<3ood- Oood- ; Anna W la seung B p» * r t : M * r P «««l than most B B oou Bnden COd- Cald- tated a eouple H P tn > Cbld star: > adod- D on- K g j f? r w «< U ebsp- Uep eks ahead call U B» - P s t BenbM B >? D e a n e erome;? NlkU & :u out for lu K : Valene Beck Conda Cond* y o K s d y a n < and mellow, wh n o h a rd l l bttemess and e dss of the hops, o n t y r t h e l H r p 3 B l K FlAtt h 4,1953 [ f y o u l l D W u l l M - -4 ke bee w j -- o m f e e c h l t z - BtfvrtM ; 5? j! 2 s a a * K :! odem AvmXxeP Famous = = j m e s - n e wv:twn s : t v f a l l s, DfflO n a e n,, Coeur E e u reducton of a sandpolnt suke Ohevrof f E B H, c B e T e r y Erckaon, rlckson K r e B Crotlcr /wutw; wlston: p j e n p j e r acu e r (Nash experl- P - D o r o t h y Boultoa knltoq, 1) WUl reach ; Caro- after the W4 gkt2nhome: a Gundn unda W L tates factores O sm m ccasue- u a c 1 e03 trucka f H D u T F O tu tc l; AUce MB ll- l- Motrs FraDk,lef(, a vce rtce presdent prt ot the eelnr Eye 0, Ma Morrstown, N, and hls dog,-"baddy H F a l K : Dorothy owa, ra, Ka- spent the day lere Tneaday vlslun E T R orr, une a 138,311» - cars f and r Tlsltlng Ht! and hs eeng Eyedeg, dog, -UUe" ** HUl U a graduate of the e auto ndustrys plannng the mprecedng ala W l nc Eye scheel 4oaeere by Frank Fru (taff photo-engravng) ses, the 19M choce <jt year a automot output & 5 K m U U h :; ** * * * * wll range from a m srs all and & Lewston: aorla-dlu, wheelbase model to a bg,043 3U-ho ears and 9 H B O r 4 H power ob * ltd n the com- f f W j m n potter, Twn Blnd Man Wl Who Poneered eeng Eye everal smaller car< aresun be ready for the lom model j tba da;, tbe elrls &»rd and~toollng eomnltnfnts ndl ths daho oourt syatem ud ack UcQuade, Movement ent Fnds T n ; Falls s Prett the trend toward hlghk borsepc h h engnes stlu s far from 34 Mr halted and r % lald Qem state courta the best n the naton, 1» ooo o f the pretuest jrettlest Ve qut beng surprsed at the To dspel the skeptcsm ot Prteea tul U artaln lade a busness towns have ever seen" Not an un- obs performed by blnd persom jersons," use of such a dog as agude U e d, effcent and dong wug a conment for a tourlat, bul What dlrecuon cw w l a wul OU uw w oow a o K m ra r 1st, but Frank declares "Durng my r l7av< travels blnd person, partcularly n b suu U arousng contdmfale - sp Bd»flnwd Cdlolyk crackln - g t s rauer startlng when heard have seen blnd persons employ- Amercan ctes Frank travc H eksate* wut plant a y- latlon Rght now wth and nune Mrs ohn lo predca (W PM from abllnd person ed os hotel managers, farmers, jubo lute nower near te -snews- many thousand mles testng B compettve problems! the ma - Oo,»n h r yoyr «or NeverUaeless, th a t s the mprea- mpres- paper reporters, rado announce jouncers dys effcency W hen thoroug - o ( - daho s new, homa would Uke to reducd prces, n bulldlns before adjourn»5on-galned by MerrU 8-PTank; -Prank; ond n a hundred and one-dlffere llfferent convnced ot th e xse and prac hgher prces, for sted lnd pretty men and K T p e e soremment Morrstown N vlslttab B here felds" abulty ot such a gude, he cab rules o u ta n y such tedthe u tto n on eeng " - Tuesday He s vce presdent lent of o Whle here, he spoke to the le Maglo Mae Mrs Eustls of hs success, ndustry-wde basts ystate K and the n B «The eeng Eye nc, and has been Valley Memoral hosptal medcal Mrs Bustle aettled her aff T he ndustry eumnuy rto luco 1* se and H a n Removes p a bundslnce A, boxng accdent lent al t staff on the care and handung of abroad and returned to the Un new cara la large voltae, prob the B«s of, 16 persons who have ust lost «t th ther tates: n 1»30, she-founded n g rtater numbera than V p H a n k drew hs mental pcture eture ol of eyesght eeng Eye, the school now loca hone; $17 aved manufacturers antcpated m WANT a co AD8 - ~ tv C U Twn yalls from detaled descrp- Frank poneered the eeng lng Eye n Morrstown, K nce, hs f of months ago But produc KBX une 2 (/P) Oov nr Ler Len tons furnshed by hs wfe He ex- gude dog movement n Amer( Amerca, expermental xse ot Buddy, Pr schedules for the weeks ahead a b u had one of, hla offce plans that such factors as the tho everal years after losng hs ls sght, sgl has worked actvely wth Mlng 1 for contnued hgh fevel oul E n t a rtmotcd n an economy eonomy smell of well-kept a:wns snd gardens and te absence of drt rt he); help cf dogs n Europe as guldes (for the mlesabout the country, lectu a heavy sellng ob cut out fo gar- he read a n artcle descrbng t the use He / has traveled thousands Thus the merchandsng dlvlsloa r H t Audtor K P Nelson n eatl- eau- lve hm a defnte m ental pcture of ol blnd Frank wrote a letter r to the on the vork of the school and self ; tlw rtmoval would save ve the hs surroundngs After all," ll," h< he author of the ayucle,mrs; Dorothy tervlawlng blnd appucanta for E port" Medals ut a nonth Nlelaon s con* con- reasons, "you don t qut thlnklnj ;hlnklng H EusUs, on Amerlean, atklng lng how h< lng Eye dogs Durng World H b( a tuney for the state e board bowd tt because you are blnd/ he could obtan such a dog X l, he Vlelted 98 army and n Bome of the projected outpul Em loert to tee how many ny tel< tel- Trank was here-tuesday to vlsltt vlsll -Mrs-EusUs repled she was vas con- hosptals, acquantng ther the weeks mmedately, ahead E m can be removed to cub tdow downn Hll, a close frend and agraduat< Taduato ductng a breedng experment n rannel wth th e eeng Eyes, be devoted to the pructlon couple of smaller carsuke Oh of The eeng Eye m e He currentb urrently Vovoy, wtzerland, to determne the proach to blndness, lets Corvette and Kaser s n m y was launched after a tta s vstng, school graduates «s anc and ntellgence of dogs n relatlon to Frank s contnung ths acu Kalser-Darrn sports models t K a ln Blates Telephone and n d Tel* el- agences for-the-blnd n a trp trlj ther servce to nanklnd"fead tad 1 n- bymeetng eye doctors n the lucely, however thatl thete company oppt U rates esthe through 29 states vlted Frank to vst h ar-n the rlus dues on hs UeU trps to < models or Nashs NXKNash ex; u U U tlu commlalon dened Prank dsagrees- w ththo a bellel belef sprng o f 1028 he a rrlv n Kew K< cuss the> school s experence m ental ntemauonal) wu t lptny a mluoo-dolar annufa annu()] tttt-bu ndness*lsa handcap leap t VoA hdrbot aboard the TU- TV work wth the newly bunded volumelevels untl alter the E o t t u, but the company ny ob- neednotbeahandlcapheontends, >ntrads canla and was guded down )wn the Because of the study and w model year s under way a dstrct court order to put os t depends upon ths ndvdual llvldual, gangplank by Budcfy Fortuha ortuhate of a now famous -woman and Lost week tnted tates fact H t b c r rates nto effect unul ntll tbe hs trmblng and w bat be wants n tsout oul Teldsrrploneer eeng Eyedog n courage and belef of a man, n E! Keep Cool 1}Ullt ears and 1602 tr b o U another hearng of lfe Amerca - t h t t 1,790 efg Eye r,*bdddr* dogs h Ths compared wllh 138,311 can of the-ee-,568 trueks buut n the prec< week t brought the year a o to da(e (a 3000,309 cars and n * trucks aganst 3,063,043 VtART ears 14-N) trucks assembled n the a parable 1M3 perod r p ttv V / b1 l / HO aunt to Utah BHOHONE une 34 Mr clam ot the McWUUs made a bm Ctmlde to a P OB* " rly n busy Peters, nk a v e Lake cty, vsted Mr and Mrs t l Bd: PUt over the week-end T \ A O NCH thoroughly / and pracuc- been traned forblnd t u d jmea r t A e he cabled women who have vlatedthe g ptm s sa Bye school from every, state an her affars terrtores ot Puerto Rco l r m the Unted Hawa,,, < «y ro y m n, founded the ; c Bass, (Cssa carryng t now located RAD TDdE-XW WAn nce, hs fht : » luddy, Prank g Fort t a o f fre sh ; d e o n o lr w lth th ls H om qr tl Mlng Ee w / \ s easly n to w ndow tu rd y c a b n ) e t has 9 5 H housands * ( " ly, lecturng o rfln lsh - C o o lsrl to -2;room s, hool and n- l u l l uts for ee- V l A o n «9 r«world war l l A ly and navy oytnenv Plan ther per- T M t ~ rrylng charge)! lg Eyes, ap- H B l l l H l l B j l M ths acuvlty M B t t l l l l l l l l l M : H o n q rt;evapora- : nethcs corrosve- trps to dls- lerlence, and m AVE 5495 l l n tllr l t l l ; 800 DOWN s dogs haye l l l f f l l l l l l # U u t e r e d f r p n t HOA/M 1 F g n j ME e n ~ Z E Z Uns, R, whe», jo-wn-be 14 Mrs Rob> Ployed tar ths summer-bootl uner-b oatbf br «m M «t O ree, Parm a, Talted- sted- ata t the nr MarrlsonEnudsea-Oaastra ea-ooastractos gdgr;0 1 Q! \ d of ber p arents Mr aad Mrs compaay - George Roberta H er hnhher,0«rother, Oeorgo ; : Roberts, left oa atarday!day for 1Raw- READ TMB-NEWBWANT- ra WANT-ADe only ta rt eould offer uch a budget pleang prce hp Drect Bm Enjoy-the com fort o f fr tve cooler! Fts easly resstant nteror umfnsh 6-lnB low er - 5 Bears, Beemck land 4M Mato Wh Tw n comfort offtw, olm atrl-fowet<nlbomart 800 enble fmt otooel ar per m ln «t» d s ] Please send-me cof e 6 roooa, EssUy lnlade-<:% eased wll U l -n a m e : Cool Ar, > - 1 U» eh bg 33-horse«aresure to -- model year, < fatsn d c a te " horsepower & halted toe, probably H, V " \A producton m M» 3 4s An n] m p n n n l P t T *» B 10GmOW < 1 C O O L f a n COOL f f w sturdy r coolrs o o < 1 G asolb for! d o n t r n g s lltp t p p 1 1* p m M e s n M knodc ptrformrace, ancf, ftx tl r p o w tr ond m q lm g e l tcceletatlottj ru for long mqea for Now ac yottr PhUUps perfonnsnce, 66 Dt U npwlth a greac, new aocor fuel desl the nacubk ttaadards c lgher powered 1953 antott /Mr*tv</Pbmp 66 Gasel atphullps gre*t, new W «fnery, has more o f the hlg meats that make Wow»o for w smo * d «* b 9 w» «b r tj»ojor - fast, effortlsts acceleratlon W**- AyoBobl*-fro yew PMlp* -M Dm«*,5 l n m r > l, fo«al*arouod performanc (W W«p M o «««o>! rorxt Phllps 66 Dealer s B ntfff/n tw -paasbeou llow taw eld R g Uasv* tcn Conlen* 99 ddvlm-avqlob]»ol! Beat the U s e e a e d H 7 * V p o art DOLER ncwn ( 6? 3 fc lff,rl ndy - evapormuve g f,;) eooler anywhere for tkesb,; eool eenf ater oonnoctlonsl o t poo a w aten eereql(gdg,> frp n t 1 ost o u tlet e v drop! 8-loelhlowtf UM OfvlB PORTABLE ( jebackandc o - v - W lfh-r 1 Wh eclrcul Tw n Fans, da yt Use ths han<-evapw nd-me complete nfonnauoa W m a rt O o d * ooanec getslhe moat obt-of - jb TEET 9 9 c r r 840 Dow- > r > a a f c - T, Homart wtdow «d a pleaslnr - : ; r O wm d n e t - g j j P H O N E - : P Phllps 66 f a r a a! luupsdddeslsr sbere s cor fuel desffaed to mee -- rtaadards o f Amerca s- W u to W o b f l w t, nmwobdscttm re* * Q 4 -R e c rc u la tn g Pum p m T d! A

8 ; lldaho PUG Co Compares l e q p h o n e R a t e s fflo eh O N -tm e s - T b e W th abomk jub a«-w U an ft, m h *11 expedltloas erage per eov ef 411 pounds of bu t r M t o > restbetveen te ra ta n d pounds of mu f f W P o t a t o 0 For Ctes, es, Fnds Bose ) s e C H a r g e s H «h g h oseph McLeod la a fauers day n l u a W who BtlUEl rtlstcxpe o5»- the ;reglstered *Bolfteln-Preslaz f l v BOE, uno t W An daho daho 1 Telegraph company doea not deserve tu la Arlzons; H U n Colorado; observance; a t th e Plrat BpUt BapUst am m rojgltl herd of l«oov:ownedby Prank V 1 D s e a s e t u d y publlo uuaues commsson report an a ncrease n rates ts75 n New Mexco; >11 n Texas; " " M clams ooe-party busness telephone twne The rate hke ourrentlr # n ef- ef> l l o s n Otah, and >13 lawyomng, Wyomng , w m B n r o r m m o, m» - «rates la Bose are 43M to UM t*m f f«ct by an Ada county oourt u order, Tbo PUC also olalmed-that-bolse lh at-b o lse----- s s «s =» «? * A s u blgher ff thsn n dues of equal alse j u n n and ft PUO re>bearlng on the! onepftrty busness telephone tone, rates ratea Other states oompanys applcaton has tuu been jumped froa t to >8 n 1947; >8 $8 to u u lm exchftote servces la Bose» scheduled for ept n W 10N to >1375 la H a f l ad m clues of l e w alse show ghow The report ahowed one-party and >17 to >160 under the M ton Paul m*»poh f#uw >» L the t fmup duttrences, therepor aald tbustaeas Unea n Bose eost 916M >16M present court owler depmtfflwt of p lu t 1»tholoy» t Tba flgurea were relewed by V-the under present schedules, The ncreases represent a 175 per tbe Cnlvenlty cf Zdkto -PUC to-bsek up to eontantloa thata t TbBssme serrtcejn ctes! of emal c*at-booat-slnce-4fl«, tb e-p n o re T h t t «U(ly l-m w w rted bjr ft r«- MBch XeUowhlp trow tbe Unon ton tto u n t* Telephone and ftod s etoe ftccordlng to the report, port, cost tost port ndlcatd E w h l e n y o u b o w / o u O ther rau taerease pgcentages, P«eltlc n j l r o r - -, ;w-* aareported W the PnCTTTtw R been - - j s u to n U now n hs seeond jfeu 1 9n ths pecll project * 1DsllusonedHa Hank hares Hs T l P«r cent for we-party axt resdental; 110 for twd-party realden- rtslden- res-, - NooroUc cftlloo U t vrus whch M per cebf for four-party MUses ntemftl dscoortuon of ttoe Dotfttoes nol»p»rent frotn the n sur- Knowledge Wth New pouses U C 8 resdental T B O Um N p r o B B e lb u p Exchange servco la amaller co, A A result poutoes wth thwe By nbnbt MeLEUOBE e Alwsys offer to wash the dshes, towns around tbo stoto bave shown ahown -, defects Bet by ftt gr«dln«and the ducolored q>ou arent nouced 1 u una * waa dtnung my socks and tryng trjnfl not dry them Washng s s suppokd suppowd sm lar lacrcases, the report rt showed showed, tu the housewfe outo nto them >>,em to o keep an eye on the pot r o u t a t to be tha dlruer ob but t t snt ts fs 1 0 company culffl ft3e per Tbe problem U most serous n the ojq the aame Ume the ouer day wben hw t t much easer, because dryng luso also c jq j return on to daho 10 nvest- p a e r l He»>, terly-pcuto dstrcts occurred to m e tbat should derota t a calla for putung away Ue dshes Perfect lerve, pa d les neat ftccordng to an exhbt xhtblt lae laorease laoreaae > n-, n hu work ftt the Pann* branch ths spftoe before une mn«out 1 2 to 0 Dont ever try to act the way troduced a t th e -lu t rate tba move actors ahe ooha and ahs ttauon aad la the fleld ths sum- teulnr young hus- hearng before the POC compared eompared tle beer that ut has over act toward ther leadng lades ha pltased more mor Easton 1s studylnt the rela- bands bw a few thngs Wlvea eecreuy admre (or beleve to 473 n Ajuona, 387 n Colorado, Uonshp between the dsease and they sbould know, they do) rough, tough bet-ltall-on- H n Monlana, 4f7 n New Mex- people fatfft any m y oothtt f f e r b m m lo mosac of alfalfa, snce necrotc otlc o, 8 whle a-flp-of-the-eota guys, but r,t let rt v?, you ce, 38 n VUh and 3f n Wyomlnr Vfyomng calco s spread from alf*lf* to } pol y U to «He also U other ther X! eyes, and H H have ft tearful UtUe bundle o n T tt W nstead granted the campagn npalgn an And no posalble sources of nfecton, s s the rce l tn n on your Hn po> stars ore tlu n start that sort of stuff and youu you U Adft Couny Dstrct udge dge c 0 B t wonder BudweU hands 1 he ruled studyng the hostrane, effect ot of ther har, would j H 10 When your wfe strato cryng th at old rates were confscatory, scatory,, s brewed ed for perfectonby ] the dsease on yeld, transmls«on sslon co t h e m dont attempt to soouo her Hlffh Hlth Ue aald tbe money would-be be placed trom plant lo plant, and, most lm- husly: th tall t out of the house and catch Ue n -a speclnl fund, under company f " > the portftnt of all possble ways s to lo 1 Whlls t e cosluat pmtas mnm frst streetcar and go to theend of bond, uru the fnal outcome of " control t fr n y o u r B H the tae And toy there untu Ue tle ths case caa be decded wm e m o r y w r l t e m P UH m H last car leaver for town There s no n down n ndelble real defense aganst a womans B o y s P r e p a r e» nk th e second tears ust scram unul her the mnute, th e hour and the day ; ducto run Burley Arrests dry t s 3 K f wh you mct your brde Also, w hat n Don t fall nto Ue habt of BtTRLEY, une 34 Three rhree men m : F o r a m b o r e6 e6 she was vearlng, where she waa buttonng your wfes blouses suses The wwe ftrresed n Burley -for or drunk- r o x T - «- >c>w H stondlng, the pwluon of the s sun, eun buttons are too UtUe and 1 tbe but- enness over theweek-end OLENN8 PERRY, Ona 3«4 who else was there, what everyone K M 1 jryone tonholes the same When you fum- H arry Rejan Burley,arrested Twelve Boy couts from Olenna waa waj doln, etc etc, etc Because rrested a a f lr *- j t Bcause U e «nd bumble they wul nvarably 3 p jn aturday afternoonby snby Po* L B yerry and Kng HU, wth oout- she wlll Years later she wll recall My, and peevshly, Here lt me do nce ch ef W W Wlllldms,, was ar- M B master Bll McCormck, spent Pr- Pr* th# at moment ftnd tf you dont have tl, ralgned unday mornng before Poday Baturday and punday a t ft all tll the fcts and detous a t your 1 could ful 10 more pages, ges, but nt jjce udge Henry Tueker, T, pleaded f l eamp north of Bose The cftmp camp fngertps sh e wlu be convnced vlnced hope you get Ue dea served to fanluarlo the boys wth Uat th you don t love her and never <PUm>»u< by HtKtMebt w lteto 41MU nc) nf) tha equpment they vlll use «at dd love her n the frst place: & en Parman was anestod stod at 11 the lutonal Boy cout amboree «n a R un lke m d-to the telephone r pfl Baturdy by o ffl«r Darwn CaUfomla n uly wh< when you know you ara gong K to bo < aunts Lsted by D y Olver and Deputy hefl; rv LePage tepage Boys la the Mountan Vew area one second off schedule To cau and, f Layton udge Tuckerjordered hm who plan Uf attend the amboree u y youu be trfle 1at«wUl s make Emerson People e O D e to >"»ve town partlolpaud n the camp you lator ot course, but wlvcarate H j* boy prtcuced putun*» UD up W foolsh thoughtfulness -TlMBRON une a4-«elu -M erfnw Zun, 33, OaUup, N f M,"was thelr taats aad oooklnc o o charcoal tcoal nc hgher thw they do a par of f da- la ful, PPA nstmctor a t Heyburn f f n fhgh f h»t 1:40 am n V -th -the bus bum en» mondoup school, and Lawrence LaRue, u X<anny l n P ot hy OUver Offcer t George ; Boy couts golag to th e amboree 1, 9 Never expect to have any closet Ames and Olaude NealU, 1 all b eem- W arrell and Layton He pleaded crson,and ouer membera «of the Ue Wllty and pad a >20 fne trom Oenns Perry nclude ake - ones, D evere«loan Buddy Lght, tthl 3,000 ;*" clo«u n your house or apart-»n»rk lftp ters of Heybum and Paul dna May Olay, Rupert, arrestod rre d Pauls, Heber Bftron, lm m Nothng greved a wfe so returned unday from Moscow on Thursday for dsturbng bng the : where they attended Ue hang- a n - * * Moneur >neur Ur- Rr- Campbell Donald Davdson, ra n much aa (or ft husband to be able to sute udg- peace, ehaned her plea to gulty Carpenter Ward Pack and sdan u ) reach n s closet and get out a sut unday and pad a >35 fne ne, ahrum Kenneth ones asd Ken* Ken- vluunt flnt havng to shove neth Mamoch wul represent Tcng Kng era ««loadtd wth dresses, krt skrts, vho arrved Baturday to vult PHONE 48ft-Place Your Order Bll *ne group wll entran n alt t blouses and costs o ut of the vay w lf <auer H v Moncur left u- Yeu the Ume m e - Bose uly 10 and return uly 3fl M a vue dount havo enough clothes lothea home after beng dnner - W eu -h»a t ready to ful up su the clossu shell thang g «t«r8on wn home, home PsparMato Pea >189 up flour uelca, belts, wom-oub b eur- Mrs Lnne ar ub, mother of R tans, anythng D and Herbert Rue, went to w - HLL GFT Vsts Noted f or, s HOP Enjoy ) / < P u t ude any nouon you mght Bose Monday to vltlt daughters s u s rnst f llr Q have th at a shower bath s for r tak- Wnfred Cloughley y returned «tu m cd OPEN PWDAY TTL 9 P M Hagerman Folks tag a ahorer ta t la nothtag more unday from acramento, to, Calf, ", BAOaM A)tune M -M r and than ft devce wllh a horltontal bar where she had gone Tuesday lay to help - tn Al Perce to d three sons, van, de desgned or vomen to hang ther her brother snd sster-ln-law, Mr g, m 2 B u Ld d w e s e ; X trla and Oentoa all Bose, eat n e n t stodclags and uodergamento across Bhd Mrs Clyde Banks, formerly of Pftthars day wth h tr parenu Mr to < dry Burley, get aetued n a new home, ftnd* Mn H B OUmore Other ther 8 Nevo try to wash your hands hand Newell Dockstader guesu v ere Mr and Mrs Dana OU Ol- or lrush your teeth after a certan ftnd daughtor, Nelda: Vernal srlmove Cole hen \ 7 0 (1 3 / more aad famly tlr tme of nlht You vul always fnd Mr and M n Ronald Dockstader : Mra Ronald lerson and chldren, the bathnon basn packed wth two and Mr and Mrs W O wffd" Dockstod- WE DO THE OB! \ X)anny and Debby and her mother, )ther or three knds cf women s wear, er, Rupert, returned unday fmn g - Mra Ed Mlckelson alt Bacramento, lento placed Pu there to soak ovemlbht, a week-end fshng trp to Mackay, g onw : OaUf have been vlslung Mr and C6 Never crluclse your wfes ;make reservor -- Mrs Dard «ughlln - UP< up f aha conts out o f the bedrbom Mr and Mrs Harry Denns and lookng L Uke ft Navaho ready for the Although many flah ump to get ftpn ftu Lamonl, 1 vsted, hu annual, rsln dance, let her go n- 2n- obstacles and others to obtan parents U r and M raarthur Den> TV- stead?!l of spprmlaung your suggcs- uracs- food, the mullet s t>elleved to ump a ll Mrs AUce Carter, also Umonl, Uons, ahs su consder you a cad ;fld ust to me up energy eame wth them aad bas been vlslu l T Dont le t the frst montha of lng bar suter, Mrs Elvla DennU, m arrlate trck you nto dong uun n Englsh 8pode * B e r Chna u T O «A «, and XamUy necessftry lltua thoughtful Ulngs, g l th at you dontlntand keepng up all the rest el; your marred lue YouU forget thm ehe won t And then A N H E U, NC you wont be able to forget Por p y f o r d ex- T OU1,MO l«wu,kl T al- amble, whn wtater comes dont get a TRANFER & TORAgT R A r n M t o m m, erln d flnt ftnd warm her ade f eaa you wul b«freezng yourself ao Mrs years rom now left, APHALT PAVNG D rv «v ay> > P g r(ln g Lota trom, We pedftuse ta y fot rn Pnlshes BO PAVNG & APH ALT > Fbeae MM «-Twn rals ealva/ue!~ BA m m n c o Fathers Honored lored COMNGUP P specal pr( Test Herd Run Test D a r b e e t prce OD Atlas tres! Tour Europe H HAZELTON une a«<<wuma T a-» ley, acoompanlad bjr Kathern* >a Keene eatue Wash!: -M lu m 7o Larsen Vanoouver, Wash, and Mtb 0 g eyw f erry Lambert Phoenx Arln laft ca ft tour of Europe They a rt to - Tlalt the Brtsh U es, m n o e wand ad a «o e > 8 to 1 Cocd* p arts of Oermany 6-Footcr * Cab -t-ajnpcrc ; Mr and Mra Alfred T Enntrom, r, Oakland Calf, hero W day tkfot -A o o bock Abeo>er«funeral servlcm for Mrs Enstr«m«lO-Bcttrmtf B teerng ch* auat, Mrs B E amdtefnger laft Monday far thelr bo»»»f ynpfaro-m L eb h T ran» * «v y - D «ty T tft* Heres real MC Pckup * 0 m daurtnd : TtUCK HYMA-MAC ok o<hw ophenol ( ond locol hm»onr odtflwlol frt<m AO COtMMltM dm lo shppng ehw* M OTOR CO PHONE 1818 f t ave nowprces ces reduced on all s For a lmted lr tme, Atlas Tres are now on sale at a spedal tres at a low prce t wll pay t low prce f you re lookng jy you to look at Atlas Atlas a kng fof foy qualty c tread and hvmdreds of ant-sldd as tres are rugged, desgned kd edges that gve you extra d wth wde, w( flat warranty aganst road hazards rds s honored 1: a safety and longer wear The by 38,000 dealers n Atlas wrtten w aasy budget terms, or charge new Atlas M ers n the U and Canada Tres on your Chevron-Natonal Chevror mda Ask about Credt Card 9 Wetake bette better care of your r car 1 ;THy r all szes top p n for dur complete nsdo-out Car-3avers wll show you the true o P O twr-nlulla * mtr-wlll BBW ra f f your o present tres are n good co help h e extend e ther lfe wth regular ch ;

9 1Prmary tudents» N aton s jbg Mg 3 Farm 1 Wn Certfcates; Or rganzatohs Khe chool h u t p Counselor Named led A re on Fr< o n tln e of upports uj D lu te Chfldren >T1 EOLO une a Borvleet were t d s ru-,: «on relauvely mnor* excepuons, R, Ue«Uese alash ncome, and creau a progra T a l k s, E e c t o pgao CABEV, une* 34-Parllan)ent< rllamentary nducted nto the anned oed foroe* foroeaat * r j l L j - a procedure was dlscuswd durng tbe Bose, h u been a s sg g to Port P T,» a program meeung o f Ue Never KU* Ue 4-H eclub LewU Wash, for tralnlbg ; cooduct«d unday evenng * t the " two groups see eye to* eye e on tht the of acarclty n producuon»> Frday evenng, t, V t M C to olos 1 LD chapel by O ul Osterhout By OVD MABTXN farm problem Mrs E E DeLongEarl arloelo e«ng The unon conunda the be Amerlcaa Amerc The dlacuaaton wa* M by by Um ck Mn dlu sva&s and Mx* Nel 1 ptlst Two boys were sraduatad from trom and DON WHTEMAP They support Agrculture re ecre* banner s enuued to jgovemment purdy Long and ton Rodney, all PotUs beld Prmary They were Dan 01Uett«Ulette WAHNOTON, une M C The T h e tary Bensons phuosophy whch re re- *ubeldy ust as much ser* and erry Osttrhout Ther eaoher, uher, natons > "bg three" rarm m anxa*? as alrllr buslne sesson, lesslon, ean ware gueats o f Mr aad Mrs " - fleets the Elsenhower thnkng, kna that ** ralroads, and that 1, the lede Pree was elected vl«presdent TMsldant- Bungum T he group left Moo ;45;RPM ALBj< and Mrs DeWayne Anderson, presented eoted < tons are m the frontunu of f mthe e u a farmen must depend end mon more sovemment should lolfact fact Ukea Reports of acuvlue» t t Ujo me 4-K pba- the boys, and the Prmary presdent, 1farm world cvl war n r ragng» g u «on helr own ntatve and nd tad nde «= «> «n (awng (adng thh t camp were made by K rl,p th e Mrs AUyn MonKn, gave them 1 cer* over Ue federal g o v e n u ts role Purdy u R f f f f f a g B a= R P = f n 50% O F a rolb pendent plaflnlng They : tulcates aeb boy spoke Mrs 1 favor less Nck Purdy, ean Prce ce, Ro: Ronne t M u K u U W l M l x y u Ployd n adng agrculture West was apponted Prmary acuvl* federal control aad the use w of flex- The unoncontenda the tne nauon s Brodle andohndallas n M n l : n :B P H s n g l e cuvl* They speak wth the ftoloes of 1 by ty counselor, succeedlag Mrs Cecl muuons of farm ers n struggle!!!»,?; * support* to encourage o or lv e surplusesas sas a safely saf«a study of beet wul b«w the the ththeme w «dscourage producuon ot t certal c «ln «serve -aganst drought ;ht and t tho of the next meetng oc t the KMerer Morgan Mm West has been ehor* chor* to abape Uw knd of fa n ad cpn* - crope as Ue need may be poulblllty of war t )lenes denles s sur- dle elub ster and Margaret Lews wll be the H U M V/ARNERMU&» Ue gress wll vote next yeartwben the ;, pluses have resulted frold hgh prce new Prmary chorster B l jre c lu U o a * present program explrea f Under present laws, exprng ~ n B B B B w t w rlng next supports T \ A goat hu been known fwn to to 11 lght M M M M M M M j u u a j g j l m b o eb eae NorU R 10 M < n,w~ R»y Wrlgley a deacon, spoke tpoke Although a llnal (feclslon m s j federal govemment nment 1s The men to wauh la l ths UU fght off a leopard whch tn sh B ht tto to kk u t l y g g g g g g g p g g Rfrhepw-n»«a?2«3 Other < speakers were ylvan Barje msmbe:t Of th s, lorte months perhaps yean-w ay, f or* compelled, to aupport auch DCh basc bos are Allan B Klne, presdent le n t ot of t U e aad L s Crane, both Burley ganluuon leadera alreadf are trav* crops as wheat, com cotton lton rce Amercan Parm BureaufedemUc fedemuon: The llrst Quorum of elder* "were eung the country rauyug farmer* jm e rl Peanuts a t 90 per cent o! of partj party Herschel D Newsome, Amaster r of t the mm j f, reorganzed, wth Dean Banner n* ttn * to Ue showdown fght-n state, " Pu-ltr 1 prlc U n u d Mestmated ta l NaUonal Orange, and aues (atnes O Pat- P fa - r s L U K T o o le stalled as presdent and Dck Blake county and town meeuhga VEach alu «lvo the farmer a far lr neome ton, presdent ot thh ( NaUo NaUonal B H M M H M l *? L t Dd» e t house and laty tevens as counselors ors group has a strong lobbj a Waahlngton relouon to Ue coat of Ullage thlaga he h Farmera unon u w e r e wrved by M n * h - must buy On the ade of Ue Esenhower hfrtcm- WeraUon and Orange leadet Rchfeld : People llll L A M E B C K admlnlstrauon stand thfmercaa *? t M H»toftker Md Q f Parm Bureau federatloe the bg* P**»uPPort ayatem for many CORRECTON «ebb nrlm»ry d e p» rt- bavel, Entertan *W l gest fann orgaalanuon l the Vnn coua- " * 86 surpluses rpluae* 1la u pleasant an d! palnles H luher Md am Moy- c o - wheat, com and butter-and Martha Adkns uz, ROHFELD, une 34 > - acque cque Ue NaUou Orange, And they Ue Backaches may be t assoca«a m m k Adkns, junor Dayley left unday for Albuquenjue, erque Ther membershps toul 0,303,000 «««dlrecuy ly to oom* v llh rheumausn arurus, poto government dlcutlon of t* N M, vhere the wll be employed >loyed U)o opposng camd la the McL»(l, M n * Na* tann «onomy through lumbago, atomach, k d kdm kdney n avaton Kn route from Kansas lansas tlonal Parmers unon, c h a controued duordars f you pave trl H t r nd Noma aehrte, had A producuon and marketng W g - lln T T B tru f l cty Mo, where she receved d her potent voce n the ta an admln* «nln* The NaUonat Fanners unon, o everyulng eue Ty Adjusl H u u k, unor hgh dearlne tranng Mss Daytey vlsud slud UtraUon U m e m b e s 180, ,600 the other hand, a flghung - not onl f l - «nt- 1* f oblalae Everythng for your wtr6 h e ld ; yen «n n Rchfeld wth her n t s ; Mr famluea or 575W v v j members mbers to retan ths hgh prce auppo after frat treaunenl two weeto and 1 Mrs OUftord Dayley he Bs a The Orange, o ld o f the-threc, three, level but to extend t to ouer con 110 Mals Notlh rto n e m Campng Pleasure former daho tate college student started n BM to help W ve farmer* rmer* modlues, ts leaders argue that an] Luella Cenarrusa lett aturday d r eeonomlo problenu t d k tn uch c h to tc a l m a HARDN lardn thng less than the present progra f c e a t u t o t s! as the Rchfeld delegate to Olrls get ralroads and ctlto uuutet UUtes wll weaken the enure farm l fecon ll an»oworob OTOR 1 r " aute at Moscow brought under government regula- my, brng further drops n prces CO/v(pLET -: LCTE-TOGK-eF a V j A Mr and Mrs am es Lathrop p and Uon T he Panners unon Was organ- jrgan H a k e Honor Roll chldren gloo 8 D nre vstng sltog ted n Texas- n 1903 to flghtcco- tcco- 1 H t n ftar OOEaE, Pocm- >oca- her parents Mr and Mrs Elas U a s nomc battles for low-ln<ome farm- FHNG! NGTACKE *nn de* de- s r T fc s H f e v e n M»»le V*l- Val* Plavel Mr and Mra ack Plavel era, o n g W who and famly, Bose, apent unday r gn n n g reels and rods The Parm Bureau fedarauon? 7 h(30or rouor the sec- here teloped out of tho farm recesson asslon - "T Castng roelson oelsondrods d»ho 8 Ute col* Mr and Mrs O A ohnson Q and a l Uat fouowed World war ts *, P ly rodsand reels daughter, Mrs L T anders, U and spon- T T T T aors sad Ue older fana crganlaa- onlxa* n t B n R H / Lures end HooksH o o k s Creels K nr hlsh honors w t h famly lett unday to vst relatves lauvea uns were fallng to provde effec- ][ 1 hll / Fles Leoder Leaders Bat boxs 9 B H! neord vtb» n-od a n topbomore mjorlns Q n ames Brown, or, and daugh* h leadershp The b«r«su 1 ww was H M Pfl algned closely wltb Ue Roosevelt jsevelt n H X L * drvct u d Robert Maxne, retumetf Menday, from admlnutrauon durng the 30* «oelolo0 major, both Balt Lake Cty and Magn* Utah M and Q P (Lv early 40* ts leaders helped wrlu wrte Dors Foster, er- and get through eongresa legsla- egala- r a T r a j l educaton and busness k Uon provdng for crop controls, ntrou, cc cl - HuttUnston Burley, s ervces Feature prce supportaond subsdes, Everyth ythng for ALKW g s talaeu and prt*aw major; H UbUoo Ketchum, fresh- Restoraton Talk fllr However, the prce supports el ef, n/ V Aw V Tf j l, / / *** Roosevelt days were of the lower WatAon H u«l> OTOHOKB, une 04 Restore* atora* "stop-loss" t advocated by, r th«l H e d e l b Uon ot the Melchltedek prlesuood thood Elsenhower admlnlstrauon and K o n o n Ttere ;ft&nces d the j R y e l * RUBBER BOAT B0> One manl was the subject ef unday evenng enlng present Parm Bureau leadershp hshng tden, senor, speech and church servces at th e local LD The federaton and the Orange range m ssr: DoloresUenscheld held <ujch have thrown ther nfluence \ nto ntc < y / F = TT» - t - LFE>REER ERVER unlor, busneu and educa* Uf, L T orensen, counselor to o the the admnlau-auon drve to shfl shft, / Any lte ahd any style, ch K jot; Ulford Keeney Buhl, bshop, conducted the meetng «tlng the fann program to less depend* spend* A / Belt, acket er eubhlon m unu ns major; Patty A, erome, -senor, busloess peaker* wera-lewu HoUey, Carl ence on govemment subsdy Wtt 0 F a d CurUs Ttacy, Almo - Benson and Bro RuberK tnulmu and pe*lw X atu* : Ou7 KlMler was awarded a cer- eer- BOAT EAT :a ts wlu back padded-: B j, tlflcate of achevement n deacon POLDNO COT, r s, cat canvas, LOHTfl, C O M P A E, acuvlues Bshop W P tlmpson GET your FARM W AN / COLEMAN ffroveb OVB and VAOUVU U06, OE BOXE, made the presentauon H Prayers were tlven by WUlam / / / ZNTERN O O TTM AM VACUUM BOrrLE OOP- L E M A N ORLL8 vels Reported -lh, OAMP E ;95 la rsen and ohn tutsnegger t / / / POLDXNO OHAm* CR aad ktt anfl DHEa- B: OAMP, Heybum Folks lra was announced th a t stoke hgh A, BLB ET OAUPBOVP HOVEL, TOOL & OOAXB, RB, LAWN u w n councllmen wlu make ther vst 2 a x e s HATCffT, r s, Ml E CHAR (wood foldng-uul* oldlng-utu* P W a d c n n u R N une 34 Mr nnd next unday nght,0 Preonan 6«oan BEE! KT, LANTERN n e, PLA PXAH- ty) A CANVA - cboddtand chudren jdren aad D E Adamsqj wlu epeak and oe all anta Rosa, n pecdlns-e week wth Mrs ob chodde Emer- Church peakers E WHTE 0 For New Low B a t«and Tcm e m a LEPfNG L B Mr and Mrs D P Bllo- t n n ElMt pbene Ml l l We have every type > elg h sl» w d > ln d -o f;, l l l l peer retumed to hs horae aturday evenng after a OAREY une 34 BestoraUon on of vst vlu hs brbther ather, the Melchxedek presthood was Ue tbe mmm Uemeot Ue d a y evenng chun* hurch K l h Troupr, statoned d at t servces CloyflVechaf oooduoted flcted, ar toree bue Ohondlerg, dlctb, the meetngs TUlUng hs srandparcnts rents peakers were Valdo Benson, d Mn D P Bllncoe Cccll mu and Asaet Dlworth H n d Un C A Hllllhs t and nnd Leland mlu, bome on leave from» r, U n Blanche Hartley, ruey, the army, also spoke tunde4 the reunon of >f the pcclal muslo was furnshed by a w u lm ot Rey, held at the quartet composed by Mrs Lavar Falll park n Amercan rrlcan thlth, Mrs Berle Oamereh, Allan undsy Over 300 persons tt* at* Pyrah - and Kenneth Cook They U u reunon were aeoompanled by Don Dlworth s a l e! 188 hom H n o w o n l y * > Tke thl opportnnty >rtunty to stock up on a»*1 beauty pecsl: DuBsrry DuB»n Q eanng Cresm for Dry kn at juat a 1 fraeuoa 1 of wbat yon nsnolly bll bs aava E? O U Note Restoraton H B H r e g u l o r D u B A R R Y <1 >*» K»lsmouaoan;ng ansog C resn w u cresud by» clardht:dautlosofl tlosofenm ltclew sm «to H n»edu>t,grlme,makeop nako-up w tt extra efbdeacy m d acrupulouae luloua caret la mere second neawrft«orf te plone, but don l wall g u vag la for a lmted tme only N G ER f CAMPE New type CRatlon Consstng of 3 full me m ea ls very compac 1 ave Durng Th rhsale!, TENT " H e r e s t h e c h a n c e you ve Wlted fo r Lam ps j l a m p s e v e r y Bfee, ;e, shape a l and deserpton of? N No * ee eur selecton f o r e l t y t a b l e, d e s k, Boudor o u d t and p*up la?np8> Met f a n d p o t t e r y b a s e s Large L a and small szes r p w anted ten All d prces st tv types, szes ond prces A K Umbrella Ten o f MEN raw Hats 85e X ee our prces and m e o t tools aad - 5 wrcncl m W ork traw H l A D E ALL TYU R W O R C G L O V E ffrcton r c TAPE, VAb roll - 2» c, Hundreds of gay, colorful and dfferent shades ahadts every color, shape, and LEATHER W< sze mmagnable, Rec Redecorate your home wth a new color scheme pe n lamp and shades PECAL WHL THEY LAT T 1 * Over 100 l a r n p s to select frorn- HURRY N FOF g THEE AT *28 to p TME-KEW re TWN T } TAX r o ffflo a o PEClB :ALALE! NEW! DFFERE trent! BARGAN! H : OVER 200 AP H > 8 * g D O N O V E t r s 4 - H C l u b B o d s - N! WfllTF - l a w n ds BfegnsHcanng sctons PER DREAM com pact,- t«n tt,fe rp t on fer th a t All styles, T ent(,, j r uw j p W f? 8 c t o r p l t u? a g n n 3 tt West of Post Offce fce [ j ] 4 Bloec We sleepng bag, and a t prces that wul sazprlm - - you, ee ourshowng lox 13 (two-room (two- style) (95: 5 K K B U B W e re seung more lore and m more of our famoua "DUTCr PAZOT, every week f you n need a good pont and want to save! money check wlu flu us flret fn Heres afew examplesv ;,C f BED HNQLE : TAN* TAN» ONE COAT TUCCO m B Galloo L 1, 7 5 w n r n e g a r BED and GBAY rpporch O R C H O U T m B W lk l g a L a B- od e c k ENAMEL, g al a l3, 5 0 NDE WAL PANT BED D T a m r PANT p a n t 0* G o n a 7 5 (GaUoa daee average room ) - rn : 1 T R U N K al "y m C H A R V:;: atnr " - - r- C hoce o f e th e r-a 4 -lb ; woor:? flle d o r Koptok ;flled -bag,>v -w lth 2 0 l r m a t - l r f t E ; " - tre s s p o c k t 36x72-ln! sl» K o» k fled leepn BAG \ A O C C for eout 1 /j N T P A N t l l sn-s AND B o r s $, 9 5 $ f 9 5 aty patterns and weaves e reanyaom e values a t,w TOOL &WREN< wrenches of allllnrs, T 7 : Phone w W

10 Malta Couple " T F - M r - d H n» W tkf ll)b lo w,,h a * «TO 5 1 r t a Twn y,u,, 1, * «ta a» t o aul t e f e, " f c a ten ln «hb or M a U»» houm, t v ta o lg * lm lly h «l re ~ «> n s r A ; p o s - j a * lbtar-lnlaw ol F80 ol h t meu BlU l j L " M lh> K 2,5 r r u h! s» 2 " 4, V «u - ohn L M ;? on U d uct t or t o wc«v? o M > " f l,:p «e n to and Dee Vem tone;m r and oseoh h L lu ofthobrlu o l O U Una Ty- Hltt, Twltx K m ftc k m u a n d r-k f ahrlle Carlton D n n f tr * T d Mrs Harold w n a m y N M, o k "» - auer «U no ««n d Mra Max / r - Arch BhoweU O au smontoa, Otah: 3*-Q rdono and La«? a Wford Tlake home of -tbdr-k Hepworth Mr Homer 6chnea(haa Borkmon and ~ derson, M alad, VemlaOuUey, WertHttH N w 7 j«a ; TTfB onty-- l l l V r NO DOWN Pat m g W VM fttm y m r WARNER M B B &APPUA nteneutmplrttt C,Hlrtf9rtConn, rv rjjj; e Queston H :ctus«t oa«attoo k e to lo a f s tb a t ro y oor appedte B j H V H j luch o f the w ro n g B K l B B oa lke «weet(, u a u» * 5 y ou t real glut* HOW W to butter, gravy, FA T Q O H RC tred one th n g * r hve* ace, spent d o lh r ; and tablet* aed ng youve tred m h r r j H tlcal as yoa lke, ere saw onderfd ooftm tm -BH lelps TOU take off f«t»/ely, quckly «; 3 { H rdly know whats jrlgrprm-y on dedog han - U don t excrdse Mm let one bt more rou automatcally " ERACT H U N fl tortduda t h f Hny Btw,t!t offtrt AU h* d««l«" T t,d pretlm» M d dto«tf»ob r«*2f3fl MtblMtltw U tw W «r tw > * f l »nno r t m t t r r c c «l 7 «AMdtd oftd»«trblv W v«g*la> M «>»y - *5 U U TH M EQ M j MN, MNERALPj? 1 o n,o y «sc w ffy o u w d W ***?! You ll M yw lvrto** * 3 E COT? A w lllm, B0f*y0M >»* "* NNE Capw(* 3 / to r w «V BtyofldvB#!** on tt* **"* * M b «w 4 w tt p o d o g w r*h<ra to kt )d o lflrt new «td, «M AU-ffMN walomatd eff fert hb A(u fc e n tc o o ld Lsted b y V % VtaorB than aootromen from, - T< ut,teer«&(tm<rt(er vbre fsth ar- d- XM(U7 attemoon n ttae Badto > - ;Wmderoo "o: dlkwyer rtat tbey h / cotfld eam lathe, ww o fw p es u r a nore et!lclent cooktns mettaods tro m D orothy Blm m er,» TlaltlW uj eountry expert, n -L eam ln r was doae ««w w way vbue Mss- Rlnuner dld thtf kj work And 11 looted more l l k e cl «she started wth a novel method U ot draslng up tranuurtera wltb xekeratot toll dongh d Bafrcerator Kolls tl csld % oupct non>fat dry mux a wud mucture add and str, to fl te Ublespoons sugar -1 tablespoon n t a nd 6 tablespoons mrgtrlne Cool to s lukewann Measure nto bowl \ a - cup warm water, prtnklfl n 2 pack- le ages scuts dy yeaal and s tr untl p dlswtred a Add and»ur n 1 ew well beaten, 3 cups suted flour and beat untu ol Btnooel Add and str n a» cups Uj slted flour Tlaoe dough n a p greased bowl and bruth lghtly wllh u B melted shortenng Cover and store tn refrgerator at leut 3 bours or t«untl needed To use punch down al nd cut otf aa much as desred Outpe and let rse before bakng a WelnerEons, R«U-out dough lnt«a long strp, ft whch s to be wrapped around the jj frankfurter snd may be spced by a jj, touch of mustard Press dough n ( t be end and place welner rolls cn greased cooke sheet Put to the oven «t W d g HM PBTr dough s double Leare n oven and #, rase heat to 460 degrees; bake untl a delcate brown Tta remanng dough m ay be 7 brushed agam wth melted shorten- nc, the contaner covered wltb paper, ted wth strng and replaced n tbe refreerator uaul "sekt tme A lesson n rollng a fne pe crust * came ntert P" p] Valley Resdent A ttends ervce KAGBRMAN, une 3t-Mrs Else a lascher-has returned to her-home p after attendng tbe weddng of her grandson ns Phllp Kennlcott, f son of Mr and Mra PhllUp Eennl- t - eott alt Lake Olty former H sger- f man resdents, and Carol mon, b daughter of Mr and Mrs L P knon, alt U k e Olty te Th# couple was marred by tho» leverendmr Persons of the Meth- odst church une la n the Memo- ral house alt U k e Olty, a n d -a B recepton-followed Dsrtd Kenncolt was best, m an ) or ht brother The brde completed her thrd year al tbe Unversty of Utah M Keonlcott wa# graduated wth hon- B ors ths yesr frotn tbe school» n f l ; They left for Pensacola Pla W U b! where Ensgn Kennleott s statloned H u w th the n a v y " H Rectal Held - Wsm3ELL,une aan o pupua, H of Mrs Fred aton presented a re - P r l cltal unday afternoon -to the * 1 Methodst church Partlclpattog - were Oall Aobertsoa Carole Aobezt* = w OoUeen Parr Elane Parr, = HB BhtW TtmTm,-Bnpny T! aaepetenon,dlsnnenelsonlarry r lllelon Lola Chandler, ohn Pratt, " luohard Pratt, Ray Pratt Chuck; H Dtj Turner Lnda Lamb Annabell H - Xvans, BlUy M ltc h Danne AU- M -Xed Beverly Crawford haron Pfl Oogh and ClelaCheney m!( H n w Pcnc Planned UnPTRlCH, une 34 The anntal plenlo o t the Frendshp clrclo waa aet for uly 19 at1*e Maj? Ooodln» park to Bhoshone when membera m et l««t weekwth Mrs WUlard Kelson lh e whte elephant was won by Mrs ohn MlUard, sr Mr& Mllard, r, Portland, was a guest The hostess was asssted by Mra Olaude Brggs and Mr* o h a Mo- Cl\re N l : CHOOE PfOM OUR MAGNFCENT HOWKG OP ~ CA RPET FA O N ; Mohawk Carpets are a better "! teuythaoevowowfbg New Colors m a rt Kew tyles, Qtoaorous Kew Weaves -, EE U OON! CLAUDE BROWN T our Baldwla Acrwnla Plano,De*e*w E (oldrg M ethcjds V stng Expert teen- Pe Crost Bthsr- T tte 3 cupe sfted flour, H tee- Badto spooa baklhg powder, U-teaspoofa tbey salt, K oup margarne and f to fl «clpes tablespoons water; thotu Blend shortenng to flour and salt untl mxture looks fne oom meal Make well wth fork, add easy water, str tm ta al flour partcles d the are mxed T um o ut e n -a pastry e f u n doth and press untu mxture holda tflthod together w th Tb roll thbtplecntst shape the dough toto a rather flat dlse rather than a round ball (to avod ex- r m lk oesslve eracktog) plaoe rollng pn n fl n tbe center end work outward n n eat a dreular pattern When the dough kml to U about U nch thck, fold to alt wl \ and center to pe plate Tben unfold, pack- lettng the dough drop nto h e pe -untl pan by ts own weght, therefore creatng a space «aten«trm te enjst U nch from sdes untl of the pan and fold dough undw cups UgtaUy, restng on the edge of tbe to a p u, before creatng a fluted pat- r w th te ra store To prevent tbe shell from blls- ars o r tertng whle btklng, take a sheet of down alumnum fol, place t over the eslred dough but leavlnjt the flutng un- covered, and fll wltb m acaron Leave n the oven, a t 4M degrees, jw p for about 10 mnutes Pck up the d t t e jo n dump the macaron n a handy apot for reuse aod ooncen- trate on butterscotch and n ut fuung ; topped wth merngue mw O M«rrnp«Pt«Never use fewer than egg whtes, for a merngue, advsed Mss Rm- >untl ygj jjjp merngue, sbe took 4 «ha egg whte*, H teaspoon baktog pow- X* " der, whch noludes cream of tartar, and b e at To prevent shrnkage, add? K f? «0 d = 5 = flsr! whte B eat untl t s a t the stuf peak stage Use a butterscotch paddng m lx prepared w th mlk and beet for a u s h tme, for the fllng Place r enough fllng n te sluu to cover tbe bottom of tbe pe crust, next C add a layer of pecans or almonds Else and cover wth the rest of the -home puddng,, 3f her Top wth th e merngue, placng t olcott, frst around the edges, huggng" :ennl- the crust, and tben ooverlng all th sger- fuung completely Ple on the re- lmon, malnder of tbe merngue, work L p nto peaks wth a fork and add a few more nute for effect aod flavor y the Bake a t 3M degrees untl the me- Meth- rngue s allghuy brown all over, femo- eohool la betog sponsored by ujd -a afeway store Newlyweds Home thrd KETCBUM, ne 34 Mr and Utah Urs Carl R Pothler are a t home hen- en Warm prngs road followng ther marrage May 6 n the Pres- P la byterlan church a t Elko Lmtd U n Pothler s the former Mary Les Mlnlun daughter of Oscar House Bhe w u employed by the Molybdenum corporaton a t Nlpton OaUf f BBBlta Pothler, the son of M rs>ua Po- V tb thler, Bose, s to busness here ts a contractor - = obezt* hauer, sxy Pratt, Chuck nabell A V B AUbaron g \ / " f e m ard H u m on by, \ l U r Mra, : M o- ) B L g NYLON am 14 COTTON Tew res, : On ale tar 9:30 am Thm 1 ll g Marres, ert taspoofa to fl ndsalt»k artcles pastry e holda pe the rath er Dd ex- dough to alt unfold h e pe lerefore m sdes 1 undw o v D K H H H H l H l ot the 8 CLARENCE WMAdOPPN P t- (Uff eogravtog)» hu * *,»» Alpha Cederburg r: Wed to M agoff r legrees, pha Lee Cederburg daughter o up the jjr, and Mrs O W Cederburg, Twt to a Palls, and Clarence W Magoftl Twn Palla -son of Mr and Mrs 1 ZUUng Magofflrf, Rchfeld, were unte n marrage aturday evenng «r~ r 77 thb-homn-of Dr P W rwerts-du trct superlntendenf of tbe Meth odst church Tle couple exchange vows before a n altar decorate tj t,»> * ge, add The b e was attred n a wbll QUlated; nylon afternoon dress wth matcl: «h egg ng accessores - e stff The couple woe attended by Da lene Answorth and Kenneth 3 mx strong - t weddng the brde s moth ««hoae a navy blue and wht t d re a and whlto accessores Mr, m o Magoffn ouo wore a navy blue on of whte dress and whte accessores Out-of>town guests were Mr an scng t Mr& L L Magoffto and Mr an ugglng" Mrs Leroy Magoffn and famly, n au h Uchfleld andmr,jvndr» Dovl the rc- parks, Pller, work Mrs Magoffn attended Tw add a Palls «hoos Her husband ws flavor, graduated from Twn PaUs hg he me- achool ta M7 end s employed b ovm Roj Prench and ons red by he newlyweds are maktog thel home n Twn Palls! ( Club Entertaned t*home HOHOKE, une 34 The Fl> allowng tog M club of the Methodst churc e Pres- m et unday afternoon et tbe hom of Mr and Mrs Pred Kohl for r Mary lawn party and welner roast Oscar Mr and Mrs Kohl led the devc by the tons Qulzxe on the Bble an Nlpton ehurch hymns were conduoted The next meetng, wll be hel Ua Po- uly 10 a t the home of Mr ond M r tere as Clfford tutzman ta North ho shone :: : : = f T O T T UMMER L O U, leeveless and Ho: - Talored and Dress Regular 295 and Oron N tartng Thursday FALK!, : (Mss Clark VVed Baaass To Ruben Kraus f f l B PAUL, ms 34 stlrley o u n H h m H d a u te r of Mr a n d Mra Ote Clark, and Bxbea- Kraus, son 2Hvtd KraB were taarled s a e 1 H to the Paul Methodlat church Th Rev ohn ms, read the tow s The brde wore a Whte satn gow fashoned vth a lace bodce an long-ace slteves H er fngertp ve was held by a n t n c a p ca red a whte orchd on tfw nlte b : ble The matron of honor was Mr DonNans»n PocateUo oousln c the brde The best m an was Ott Bedlnger l h e brdesmads were Qlorl aperry and Mary MeOalL tta x Cosnor, W ayse chorsna aad the brdes brother, Dougl Olatk, ushered: Candlellhters were Melba Hck H»>d Beverly Pelton OoUeen Nlclso layed-tht weddng musc Flower grls were udyfranclsc and Ohyrl T o s and oann Clar was rng bnrer CAdOFFN M n Ra/ anford, accompanle tg) by Mrs LsuRena Does, sang a sol * and Mr and Mrs anford presente a d u e t accompaned by Mrs Robo,L, Wldmlfer D U r g A receptnw as held a t the boa t thebrbe s tmcle *nd a u n t M O T T n -and Mrs Ray Olark Olara Knopj 3aughter of Ro&a 24aston Dorotty Hathawa; rburr Twn Darlene Olson and Mrs Clark at M aotfln arrangements, nrt L f A fter a two-week weddtag tr f >exchanged f C are o f Y( n a whte «k/- lth motch- tyanfc led by Dor- Graduaton whether from el( enneth 1 mentay hgh school, or couege- a hgh day to the the w»te t should be extolled every wa rdes m oth- po*4ble by parents, frends and tt and whte j,ool staff To have completed jorlea Mrs bg task, ond a school oourse s vy blue and bg task for any stu d e n t s a ecessorles achevement th a t sttrs the splrl sre Mr and lfts t to heghts of bope ojdfat >d Mr and to tsown power ; 1 tamlly, au That graduaton s hot the end c ra Davd educatonal growth, of learnng on dong s somethng to be mpresse ded Twn upon-the graduate He has com sband was pleted-a long lap fn th e develoj; Falls hgh ment of hs mnd, but there rc mployed by remato m fny felds to explore, mo experence and more knowledge t Aktog ther gotherrthe hum an mnd, beng, c nfnte QUoUty, s rot to bemlm to ts search for quoutyandbeut; l One way to suggest tbls s n tl Q n 6 C j gfts thoweredon the graduate, tn among whch should be a book o subject to whch he s most n t e d ond whch may tovltefu v r ther nqury and study Another present one almost r d the devo- graduate s o comer Bble and A young ptrson who owns a earner Quoted l>as a world of nterest, knowleda 111 be held and experence, to say nothng ( r ond Mrs pleasure, at hs fngertps Mature North ho- the medum to whch all lfe all H varety, mystery and wonder- Your Fakon tore = = ER- E, d Hort leeves Dressy tyles 295 to 495 Yalues 1, Ofl Open Frday "Tll 9 ptn TME-lEWBT Ved L R A rrngtons Kraus Reunon s Held " a s For 90 Menber reunon unday a t tbs home o f V n s B- organsaton, was to charge > Woodrow K -A nagtoa, dal r was Mrs Falle, conducted tbe program whl oousln of ncluded a prayer by R Olenn A \n was Otto rngton, pano solo by Charlotte A Oox song by «mou chudreaol V rere Olorla r O lenn Arlngton fomuy, aeco L poaed by Fronds O bert; fuol chorsnan newa gven by Mra N W Arrogte er, Douglas souchemt musc by a quartet, Kc m a n Oolden Ross and K enne lelba Hcks Arrngton, aocompanled by Mj leen Nelson Gordon Crockett and an accou uslc of th e early lfe of the famly lyfranclsco tbe eouth by acob F Artogton Toann Clark Also tacluded were pano seleotlo by R o» Arrngton, excerpta o f U ccompaaled mlssory dorfes-concemtag, t sang a solo famly n Tennessee read by M: td presented CalUe Ward Logan, Utah; a ta Mrs Robert on h e r recent trp to soubem stat by M rs Lou-ohnson; famuy ever a t the home told by Mrs B Arrngton, da: d a u n t Mr Falls; story o t the famlys trp yn lara Knopp told by Orover Arrngton and ben Hathaway, dcton by N, W Arrngton Clark as- Present a t the reunon were f ts sons and two doughters and eddtog trp, grandchudren, ther hu>ands- a lelr bome to wves and 34 great-grandcbudrt yed as fore- U aabld to attend were E Paul hgh- Arrngton HolUs, K Yv and M Pearl BjakfcOoklandrCaUfT >f Y o u r C h ld ren By ANGELO PATR r from ele- dwells, j c h s awslung the eag >r couege s searcher and a camera s one of 1: f the grodu«best tools d every woy No one can go about the wor nds and the uslur hs camera wthout creatl completed a wthn blmself a love and a a a: oourse s a precauon for ths good earth d e n t s an understandtog of nature wul sto u b the atudent n good stead to who pe oad fath ueldheworks, for no m att where we go,-nor what we do t the end of uve ta odd wth Nattffe A camera ts construcuve a te topressed ngve- destructve A book, and comera and an eager youth wh t thwe re» wonderful c e they can prove, xplore, more Urllnc «kl«ehldm ara yoonc U t ol ~ t - r t 5, a v s r t * j r ; :? b j w «d-b«,uty hls s n the Party, Reported \ H rrad EN on w: prmory offcers and teachera he, church FWd, drected by the presdency, Ba D ts 0 camera, j U Hellewell and U l ns a camera crlsle V knowledge r s ock etrouss and M n Wl nothng, of womer, outgong- memben Nature 1«the presdency, were honored M U fe-all lu Haxel MUard receved o pnk a wonder blue gft m Plads- trpes *zes Don t Ms Ths Bg Offerng Bg ale! n Z = DAHOm o - 1 " ; tons BecorfTesjBr ;Hed 3hber «o t M r and attended» home of Mr ton A plcnlo ho was n s - " tlefam ly large, daho rogram w hch Et GlennAT- :harlott«a nn ludrenof th e unlly, aocom- V tbert; famuy V W A rragton, v quartet, K or- ft; Uld K enneth \ «M fcr M t» \ [ a a account y be famly l a r Arrngton ano seleotlots» rp ta o fjd 8 ncemtog th s MB ACK MeXEGAN read by Mrs (Blaff eagravtog) Utah; a talk * mr * )Ubem stftt» 7 MaryMcGaughey - Wed n hoshom RCKFLD une, 34-M r a on were fve j, y McOaughoy, Rchfel announce!the marr,uge of the daughter Mary Elsabeth M [ ta n b U < oaughey and ack McKeega «Rchfeld, son of Mrs Mnne M K a y t 0 OlcLa The weddng wns performed u 1 18 ot t, Peter s CathoUc churc hoshone, by the Rev Path 0 1 Oeorge P Brennon TTe brde wore a blue nylondre and whte accessores Her pes, necklace was a gft of: the brd ne the emcer groom and she wore pearl eorrb u n n a nf VtU belongngto hct matron of hone ono 01 lufl g y McOaughey he carrl n, * Wte rosary end wore a corw ot pa «l ot 0 vauey B P McOoughey, the brd< brother, otlended the brldegroon: V Tho newlj weds ore makng tht re wul stond jjonj j jucbfleld, where he s es ead m Whot- pjoyed by-the Bg Wood Oanol con orno m atter pany t we do we, trucuve and /Feted a t Dnner book, a a d a p l e b, une 3 4 -jred P o x, wl youth whot wu leave Thursdoy to enter tl can prove ormed forces, washonored und ra»«>n«u Ul - TMtnM Guests ncluded Mr and Mr Elmon Pox ond chldren Wendel «d o c!u n Howard Robtason Westplans, M( p o Box n, ondl M loughter Nampo B r o t h e r s ot the honored, get Bknon Lester, Bll, Lee and n t P r l one sster, Mrs, Kal ** =-* Downey, were present Other ges P n t ward were Ame Elvs ond Glen Fox M teachcn held ofd Mra Noble Taylor ond Carol} hurch PWdoy Brew, mey, TUa De : : sll and UUs p M W M nd M n WN m emben of / l l n l H l f t lonored M n 0 pnk and H e l FREND, Let Me A! - - but ""aa 9, NEVER BffORE p o p Twt*fr?fl Ht>tTlwM and P le a M d ~ T e l6 rrend* P " lut ltf tn null HtM Ua mut mr-hndm:m< t,,v,y4eat At«Anythng Wanted Tr «A Ym/«h, f, m] \- / */ \ Reducng Plan C ertanly Easy r," M u h A ; 5 a g 5 llrcle C lotht /Wr KfT- tllrmnt lult ututj,/,r, lotlll OrlM Mm tk y, rr, a - All- -wjwmrs: j±!aae:n «r H O,4, t, RfD, T R O U! B r hower d f Ma to Held for Coupl : M arred n T BUBlnr, une a -M r-a n d - Ckt-ateed O fou y-am, stone, j were marred recenuy ta T vta wers honoredat «w eddl d > and hower Frtday evento g at B a ft Blver LD6 *take hous«m alta Tha brdea fomuy hwl sded to M alta untl ths sprng 1 they m o t o Twa F a lll ~Thahrdewoeaballernale b & : - Bewa Ot lace a ad n e t over satn t Uagertlp Vel of ayloa n etw aa e w lthm atchlng lace and caugh E r U 7/» "ew pearl Ultra he corrl bououet of rednwesond a sl B y g V M n D ornh ltt 5lto -ll, - v l t o charge of the b book, lle gfts were recevet <?tager H tt, u a t t Undo a and Laura Thompson Da Funk, FemAdoma and Buth Ha kw rm A N * arranged the gfts- M n,!? andlw ne Bell served refr * Bd H tt, a brother of tbo b nughey-» Nea, Glenys Neal, U Dell Hepw n o s h o n,otoger H tt Evea «-»ow C Hutchson aad ; t 34 Mr and H tt 1 % A ttendto from out of town Mr Md M n, V en, a«m ;p, ot the brdegroom, and Dee r t e * brother, stone;-b4r rs Mnne Me* porenu of the b aad-h elea and erry- H ltt p < ra e d une Falls- Mr and Mrs ack H tt athouc ohurch daughter, Rupert; shrue Car Rev Patoer Twn Falls; Mr and Mrs Et P r a tt ReneUeHarrs, Olenys 1 blue nylon dress Merelene-Keal, Mr and Mrs les Her pearl steed, Mr and Mrs 0 M P of: the brde- U V on Daley, Udell Funk, Mr pearl eorrngs M n Arnold Noth and M rs troa of honor, Keal, au tone: Mr and Mrs ey he carred Anderson Carl CoUa; Lyle K wore a conaso velyn aadburte Roy Bho of the vauey Mr oad Mrs K eaneth Arbon E y, the brde s Yost and Graham OuUer, all 10 brdegroom vule, U tah; Mr and Mrs e makng ther Loub, Mr and Mrs Arch ho fhwe he s em- and Dale howell/temontoa, V jod Canal cofu- Mr ond Mrs oe Olordono ond -- Voy Daley, Ogdea; CUfford E T, Mr and M n Don Hepworth Arnold jorkmon U n n e r Mr and Mrs c a rl Anderson, Mt Pred,Pox, who l *4 ond Mrs Vemls Ou to enter the P»«l- onored unday ~ nx home Mr and Mrs dren WendeU; 1 1 /estplans, Mo,! U l T f Nam po W f c H B l H l B honored gest Lee and Al H T T l l r a W u*, Mrs Katy W U U k f V t Other guests Glen Fox Mr or oad Carolyn to proof Mtdt from too«gran ntutnlte t«reftsnlmofff«nc,hsrtfafdo w g f f m d et Me Ask You a mple Ques Q a T f f l A ta 7 0 a too u bccause Toa<»ucb? Would TOuUketoo* y ** *> ol jrouf a and lke to eat too much ofthe * L <tr8? candy, cake and re you t ret to a w hea t comeg to butter, potatoes? Have you tred one y l W H after another to redace, spent H H [ H after dollar fbr pus and table a spte of everythng youv o D «l you re stll too fat? B b 5 a Well, be as skeptcal as yo, butn O W rght NOW,theres awo new knd of capsule that helps you t E 1 pounds and ochesofaglyfatsuely, c mm ll and so much easer you hardly know r, - hsppenng,, You dont suffer ftarvatlo dledoj ten d l youtake no drugs, you doa t ex yo on t c ** det one b than you waft to, because you autom / Ky4eat less andheres why,,,d COUNTERACl tu trr- M r*c«nly a wall know ntew btptrftdtd 0 M T ll ""y pw** nrt o««b«t w l X, All THt RKOOtaZeD pmmy eld d rtdudob «su, 41 h* fcvnd n nn rh* advrtlm pfttddc* offtnd n- Mrt jodoy t eonlolm Hm cgn«*ntfof«d pfollw yogv* rad and htord ubo»ttlt (onbhnt h* vllamnt end tlnvrob «ft*n l«m whtfl tunng m oft fatonlna feod tonfowng lh*»* M*d*d vlan<ln> end mlnaralt D-pmblH M>* vvgta* bl* unulm* hat hot ne lealorlm y d *xpond db AT LAt! A CAPU - A MEAL; OF VTAMN, cd»d--ath-6ne-tay-»*haa-p»q"»- mon-all-wow<ep»«f«-«hwa= r r A l btfot-mbllond-attlumtlnjomh* faod yoo choo)*, *ot s mud a t you n*»«l t» lallfy yevr hvngtr and app*tt* Youll M AND THE c o s r rr tl nl abtelul*ly nothng vnl*m YOU g r lllm, nor* f «as, b, hwlk AH-N-ONE Cap* "T * full on hl no-flk p)on Oo to youf dwg AlllNONE CaptulM h ohy»3?8 ot yofl-dn»b8l rrvnrr wsnenty and guoronl** thot you mot ba w1t> tonllnu* takng of fot and eoblln«*wflfl Au-fW Coptuf Unta yeu v* ort down lo th* wgm en flgvr you wanf Ponl b fott ok, off fot thb rw nw«eturaf*,t]npl*woy FOREAtU 1 MOUDMO:o,tAa4HONCA?5UlM E a cs TODAY > L N G E R *

11 m y - -» Y, O N B 2(, t, WB, H h a n g ed d BettQthgl fo ld d Lawn Ceremony y K js s haklee lee \ 4- Untes Osterhout E j C N o r d dby b y lu A f And MssWclke K e r me ><r-wnnlfr«weddng ot the le Bev of Mrs hoehone; Uke eca lty tr, 5 s -?? - C Nordby, rordby, terhout, n f f r «5 r r l K l W ednesday ay a tt f O o d performed by usjud by the V abob Ooodlng befor«befor* K w d «{1 and glv*n m mtrruv# arrlave A» He entered ed the tho rdejroom «nng a eolo solo hauee -vora -vore saun r : * - / B B f e r m e e n ElUabeth collar un he carred rled» a row conase vwth a l l r H atlneertlp vel was waa»ofe mothera others om Mra n N e d s T e m p l e W e d d n g MTTRTAUQH, une 24 t womons ocety ot OhrUUan ults! c By ArebGrcl( G r d e r EDBN, une 34 A macdlanc et lu t week at the Method w s,o vjddlng shower was gven T Prl P l a n n e d by Para church Mrs, Olenn Brggs nu EROMB, ue 3 ftn -Fnal e sum evenng at Ue loop hau lall n n hcfnor BLAOKFOOT, une t 34-uly3 ao t fm TN F«V» W W w f t l w he Rev Rex Undemor, Undemo< meetlnga for wonjen of U»e gf r and Mrs Ronald d Metcalf Metca: bejlau aet for the weddng ata tu u, l t < - lu tm M lw on Vouth "VouUn Preabyteron church were rere held l u t pnochle waa played wu p unple for Bar- CAttAAtTE Uoyd * Church A letter * 0 from Cela week Ther next eealaoa are acl ached- gong to Mv m n k e* l5d Hogue p terson,htev 5Ut aon Cwnn a mssonary n Elubet Afrca, waa read by, E Mrs f ol uled tn eptember Mrs Charles Hawley, hgh, andl Mra ohn Member, crcle N Marshall, N& a 1 met mel at >1 and CurUs Met «1, daho Falls * * = = A fw O lw lh p r the travelng Peterson, Walker, Mteaaej lo r the guest t day meet- me< home of M rs, PVk k Tho: o m u a graduate of Wcks college, has attended f rlngton *"* Alvn Konlcek,-M )nlcek,-mrs Mra ohn Parknaon and D R Turner Mra ohn n Marjh MarahaU C W Oerboth as oo-holesea? 2 u a { t - The Rebekah lodge also lso prese presented unlveralty betore "1»ck Allred, * C Carlson led the derouons dw U ons w d» «H le * s chaplan n of Mr u d 1, Walter Pancherl, daho Palls, n a n k - meeung wll 111 be held h«pearl Buckley, the;pwgrat Membera ot crcle N03 [flltwrnen were * buffeuuncheon was ras aervet served by n le d Rcks college» andam serve w T Hawley Mrs ROU M amson alonea * terulned at the home ot Mrs < / Baker Bhe was asssted by } Plan towed v e d D R Modlln Mrs Balstr led the * * lun An PlftnnlnR lo be; marred 1 tl Wl evotona and the book[revlew kevlew on «AD TXME-NEWB WANT AD P m ths -rh e Rlghu We Hold"!was gl lv >UM U P fnger- month-ln New York Cty are Mae M by Mrs Modlln ed wth Louse Pth; "formerly of Lo B REPAR, R, PART and ERVCE,ed pnk Beach Calf, and Robert r, B n Hoj Members of crcle No) 0 held tuelr a whte New York Cty, a tormer Twn Pa home of Mrs M B» M l u l a B Prompt Eeono Eeononlea) Effeleot Repars Brman Pranson Mrs 1 lls Blls t tudy f:» TesWent Hs parenu are Mr a on any Make vln waa co-hoauas M:rsDon ndon now 8 c a r l a Hoag, La olla Oal OaUf rt the devouons and Mrs Mra, Wllam Mss Fsh, daughur of Mr a D DTRBUTOR A PeUrs presenud the le {nogran program T BETTY LOU BABDON p OLO, une at n e l weddr Mrs olbert M Psh, s a model F arbanks rbaoka Mone Ponona Pamps a u r o t t t : honor * The annual pcnc t* dt members B X tn»ld of honor The The *«lbl«rof Boy A Barldoo Of Dawn Walker daught< of Mr of crcle Ho 4 waa hld at»» K Q w B n M m Newton, la, who wlt marry ohn Mare Walker and the lm Uoy *Allee N do Malta; Martel Llndaey, Lnda home of Mrs Wllam a Perdue, Perdue he - ± d R o gjers Farm tore m «"» < Bernard CheTmler aon ot Mr and Walker, and Welton O at o u t m Burley: Oary Osterhout, t, Pocate: Pocatello, w u aaauted by Mra Rmell Russell r Foley lopraoc Md Rom lom pnnwn yb**trter of the brldesroom; n» * Keeneaburj Colp, l o Henchel Chevaler, Newton of Mr and M r L 0 Oeterhou ot the Walker, Rupert, rt and Mrs Ed Knudaen,, «apltfnmlmoflnlne,hsrtlofdc rtfe: Ktobey g *A d TwlB Tana Pbea* loe B e brae and Norma Norl f **" Falla resdents, Nor Deco waa performed unday nan af L r ffljahcne Moy Davla, Davs acred Heart church ot ernoon on the lawn of lha Walk< ot the hrdecroom was nower flower Newton He s sutloned a t Ana- home by Bshop Harry Darrtngto Dt»c A»! t tallec, ee lh«the n*va] alrbase, W ashlnon of the Deco D church rtejscn ff H f u tnd Charles Xllen Allen P C (Uff engravlbg) The couple repeated vows duet befo an arched trells of red roles flan)»brolher, were the } m lnl- n- stcrs of 1 ed by baskets o t summer flower K t o d trldegroom Eunce d Oer- H H B brdes sster, and bv" Elva Guests Honored The brdes gown wasfahlon( et wth a ftted bodce of Franeh lac y E jtr llhted the Upera og Mrs «l rk trather-ln-law of the sweetheart necklne and ballerlr rtemoon 1 cted as best man? d Dale At Famly f?cnc length skrt of net over satn A B/ M H es Mrs ~ M 1 K T n u tn e toehr hoshone,»hone, EMEROK, une 34 Mr and apple blossom tara held her rtemoon tnge Danlela, Ooodlng, Mrs Roy LaBue were hosta unday a t a plcnlo dnner honorng mported lace and ahe carred le pres- pu Up vel of whlto nylon dged!d roses wk B B ttj 3 t l n # 3 l ocmbers ot Ue Oood* Good- ther aon and daughter-n-law, the and whte camauons wth t whl B n B w Edboshone churchessang, [sang Rev and Mrs Paul LaRue, who Bble The brde wore a peart ned K w U u ln e Omphenour rmu rs have been resdng n Plymouth, lace belongng to her great-au Dewey rk K ds]e/aunt of the brde* brde- jcoss whle he attended Boston Wd the vel waa borrowed from t book, M T b u a solo as the couple couplo unversty school of theology, and r LaneU * jf 4 " T E TEP P RGHT TH WAY m TO EAR MONEYcue Grlls l O N E Y - A V N G B A R G A N r tbe weddng altar, ar ther son-n-law and daughter, Mr ance Pres was mo)d of ker hone and O dsugbters weddng r Mrs 4 d Mrs Glen Barker, CooUe rdon, Cty, The flower gr was Bonne Wak H ebcm a pnk sut and d Mrs» Wash 1 ohn and the rng bearer Kos lg Tere; pake C j f j nre a navy blue nylon (r and Hess by Mrs fore whte carnaton - u o n Quests ncluded the Rev and lewton, Mrs Owen Osterhout, brother of were tl \ M y Ways - jc n e o m g n - : A M Thomas and daughter, Not Bur- brdegroom, served as beat man d Mrs, ht ceremony, a lawn n ley- Mrs Olen Barker, roh sr, ot Mrs Olve Llndaey aunt of tl K (or the 300 gueats waa aanem ncm "f* chldren, sa lt Lake cty; t Ana- Mr bfde, played the weddfog musc- j t o Buy on Credt n Deck),x /onanf&jresdence Mrs, and Mrs Henry Brazeal, Rupert; nrton was aung by Ben Mortejtac ; H elds 6 te a k s sbdee, jr, Merdan, and Mr and Mrs Melvn Lews and cousn of the brde, and a LUndng duat ) On purehos«4f$20 Oer e menm ere / stoehr, hoahone B, were Mrs Llnnle LaRue, Burley, 11 and, ane and odean Walker, ssters g K tt of the guest book Mrs Mrs Robert LaRue and son Rapd the brde ance /Wcs and Arthur Oe A ue eor Baty Payment Ph m B M m f a t Plon, t x Z X V * rk, servng area Eag erome, arranged tho the Cty, 6 D aldlne Hatten also sang a duet Un OrvUle B haklee, «Hohn- T T T F f l B m For her daughters weddng n; Mrs M A d ju stab le e fn fln pc pot M qh, Colo, served the» coke, BRTn>AY,OB8EBVED - n r Wftter chosfl a navy blue aftemo< H fer smeller purehott s t ute use our Hondsomely k K b ru rt?red Wnter, Good- Qood- VEW, une 2 f Carre -Dayley u u drjm wth black accessores M 0 D Low, hoshone, ftnd honored at a brthday r dnner and Osterhout wore a prnted aftemo( convenent Credt Coupon luponbecks styled grlls off T w Chrlstopherson *wn Twn (flven last week by her sster 4 un- Ad- dreu Ther flowera were red ron rustproof alun;- T?: de Bunn Other ssters preaent onorlng were Orandmothers of the couple pre H b e r obg>away costumne e th tno " c V num w lth a e Bunn, Mny Burch and aw Mattlo the for the ceremony were Mrs : E o e ft rose color bouole lc,suu,»ult Dwly e who Walker and Mra LotUe Osterhout r l v U ; c h ro m e p lo te d r/v K t e tcceuorles and th}0 e cor~ cor- tf f mouth At the recepton Loulae Dew stolnless teel, // «, " " " f r C K d her weddlns bouquet 7o> H u u lr rttum (rom a w eddng READ TME-NBW WANT Boaton AD charge of Oe guest boo e g s 2 0 b y l6 CHARCOAL l tv and The glfu were dlaplayed by Lam yl A,,: nchgrldorea Bd Mn }fordby wll makem oke Mr Osterhout, Betty ean Walker ar A lurhnum % / / l? * > b B a g X 7 0 B m e la lt Lake O lty ane Walker K o rd b ; w u graduated 1 from M, f s w ndsheld, ft- t- wvf CHARCOALT The three-uered weddng pal K hlgh school th s sprng n4 baked and decorated by Mj r t, tngs, push «l Pnt Con-9o K b u l was g rad u a ted -ro rh T h l g h school n lom, Ka t- e e /fc o o / ndmrs, Walker Cake and punch we h o n d le san d f - W t s s s a W served by Mrs Walltcr aad M V B to te r s Busness collc;{o tool hooks U Other grlls prced to ft aty budget ker, ar, owen Osterhout B l a k e Cty ftnd employcd ployed **"; " ty; Mr -nje couple wll realde n Dec e U lc e of the nland FPrcght h l Rupert; j,e s Xamjng» x* t* t n t o n r T 7 r r ~ " " ~ 3 s and Out-of-town relauves attendh y, and the ceremony were Mr and l M C a m p C o ts O n a - G d llo» n u 8 g ; Fo o H p 2 HanMortn Rapd A o Basch Mr and Mrs MArth m C HlgoTntl U g hl-sron l- l HM b n C M K r f v f& W lfl 7 / H Balsch and Mrs ohn Hoh f f e r r horat and sona, all Haselton; Mj BK»G y 2:69 X!D lm * M lm 3ln74-l( M w K Wlhrt(kkcp*rvrf0W»*2«f0C*l 30rn, ft; - n a p k n s p k 2 5 3ley B M H H P l B H Untt my etxnblyl r«ld - copotlt -nm"-, tvldlofl Oroy portttola Dnor < t*«tefc atcod Bl >f * a dnner M»«*oUa <st*r (or ckanlas nlno «ra!l eyp ctm jr r Mh»30-t A Wood Plastc poons, n f n 1 1 je»breed- Fork* lpk V ; «p! Ad- B B B E B R B f l n B ntw ere f 1, MatUo BUUUHUUlUttHUU B m n f V < V M l! \ ; n p M l l H -rl/nkl l Cotton Dr 5,71 o r p r tp a tn t w«l9 / m nhluhon hardware r F AD B B l l B B T m E - r o Wws TWN T FAEL5lDAHb l h o 9 Pastor peaks laks Beach and Lov Ldwn Mats A pproxm oey 27 x l nn c h M ; R ( ( 6 9 f t W c* Craam n FF rw M z e r s B g C o ff* * Bol ehfcafl/runm <[ Mo1(<n o-krt 4 Ott M=k 40 Cnn-Pdalg a-pd»«, port Relax andenjoy thatwarm eu sunshne These comfortable lasue pgsqctft mate : have durable wood fber, ber oadd paddng Oreen and chartreuse floral ba< H c o n l r o*? trad ground w a U rp r plaatle aatle coverng oov Pllow at one end,,, -n-, H»pole#w*o«toQB(fyWe VffyWM>d1ra Wyy Cn«Ml ML Mm Nm MMdM WMk YaalwMltoMNMlwMyMhMw Mu,tym*d r, Hmod rm lomv Mwlt ne benea,b*amwkldy MM mmryfpo* tool«tmahbm*m>t<a«rm» - 4 e * M»ufew»oaA oaaccarm c««t tlwmnt,mth«nnhta «NnhtaM«rH< vml««mta»tom<»mm(~r>" - w de ; A xtn Wvos doubla T - r y - K gg lrm, reslsu ; Events Reported )rted Fete Newlywed; y "-1- - r P h BMm 1 ] sturdy colorful omr-wfl< t ; buy] panted n brght, weather* home A m awnng pants Whte (unpalnted sttched for extr* strength Metal B ant steel frame A 36-fn, A w n n g 3* * n, A w n n g 4 3 9,g 2 - A r m p r n k lee r s P o w e r Mlowors o w o net unhado, 36-n, (x* Brps Head, Arms,, Nozzles Nosle OAOUNE or LECTRK ELECTRC M - C r a f t e d U»hppUton-typ W sprayer w th ball-bearng com NofPtp B ase t H B W preasor DeUvert atom 6! w t K W j r u ba workng prem re Dla * Fu((no rnnvr d(gn«(«r nlfowt Kmc Hm nw 4)«r» eluraua body ust th fon«(>l pfmuf* Adlvtol* M ter (l» l 2 : r W r * AAegk r < C«Mrer M L m l B cceory DRE861 Pepluml Drll Awnngs f t C 0» * «" >fwr Crrm owld 0 wda or» OTM h«ndl«odwttabk lomd t U fe r yoor persobal pela, p l ln» ae«*, y accessores four wonder e fa n W o o d P r c a r v o t v e, q h T 4 summer wardrobe n o tn g ; v "*0 how t w «ght 3 «4 9 n m p le f» K 2 lk j X : Hyon N y l o n B r u s h, 4 n, r a g < a rc n e lu d td ~ W akcd- 30-ln wde n g 1 E V = alzes 13 U jos-vettlqt and to 2oe la cost A real f~fn 11 1 lnum eather-resftant colors wth regular canvas panted) back All seams are laped doubla M «l \ - Ponhrt o n s h ln o ----Cfoth* cofht j a B B f f l B B B K B M B k s ) Metal grommets n top hem R)st>retlst:vcj7"ap Z 6 7 C r a M >n cons ns for n A w n n g r each \ V L V HMabarfa 4,39 «* our compltte lnt * n M m n nalllng send bcwm* hr s e n d 4 l B K E m f l L K ot Tlmes- Tm * x «198 m o B M l «1on e nn n,,f«vm(- apartment, p P o y -V H v l WH e lur* Part««Partad t your - R ltaa tvyl ronc! sze, tyle tyle Table FansV f W?? L C s n l k M s - ; B O N r r T n 10-n ze 1995 Ptastc c Garden C Hose s e s p b n ap bn s B f " * rour AUTO N 5* K e n m o r o T a b lo,fon A d e p e n d a b le K enm ore fa n 69c m otehlng green ple Eeonomca!8-h>efx th a t a d ju s ts from oscllatng ten plestle nozxe O j c B j H p p H n - w are «e,,» (nset) FRE wflh V f to n o n-osclq tlng by sm ple purchase of thu hose K 9 5 " M : g «vners Mutual {er- eeavta nl b «,: 595 r- flck o f lev er Bege b akcd Or top Qualty 7B-fl garden hose 1 Made of green trmnsparent plaj em- rnr f o lt t on e n o m e t fo r lostng ll ftlr* th a t rcauu abraaonaun-checl lun-check, freeslnc aod crackteg: aat natftpw 9 poon ds rar :- V b e a u ty B ro w n olum lnum Matchng p luue npale e regulates water now completely ahlg AM M B B B B - fc b jo d es r - ~ : from Post otfcc «- 2 Q t L Z beautlfu M an \/9 t - Phone 2860 w l - - tt-h " V* 1 P v V B p y r M m B p P E N F l M t Pant prers p 6 : n p d : BB N 0W ~- ONLY;; # "! -

12 T o p p l go Cus 6, y H»o AttocUed co n tn u ed ha w rntu C h c a so Tueaday v? * R o b e rts held th e c k! *1 nkle B aum - d jc o re d bn h V n," M ang-u jjj w t f o u r thla O * M th o Phls T *» T \ «0 Md Turk m l o l m o yew ln D el U l U f l n th e etath to llk nn# «, 1 tha nn th n- Ulk m ukw BraTea n c l r n *«a of the seres pro aaw* pahn a seven at ouhl to be bet, Mlwaukee, a, ot couue az: ner w th tu-o 0 a f2 n the eghth, n Otr «n l n j K m 3 to th «yt«r «lo 10, m n - : rady H kttons Anerlca * rorensol flth one on n P *- th handed th e h u fotb «3-3 vctory V P l?u Brooklyn end rll-"? 1 e L u wth w, { *, «r tn t l, h t «tll" Mll Bos n the loth He pujed m a»nd Bob,Cha wtlh the U a n * Lng s tn t and scorng t h a t e r Box a sweep Daly whch gave d o u bloheader L u t ttu h» tralla wnnng a n Wpl n tta, t c K 2 l, a E r t 8» a ao fer York-,Yankee* bug; cosum h lm a atadlum crowd n w ch oat te fc nouue" Uangmm Ml lt«v8- G rom ek, t n * Detrot tato sthu f fo u r-a c a tte r- "8P»«a B blanked tho *Pr *~*»MbaU: tear < b«bt LOUU mer teammate hts ncludng : vers, to defeat ML sday sg h t < t e 001 ooj- 1 n H c v f e a p M 10* 18 t L u /h«m >K w«w Z e n w «o oo - l ; «o T r y r r a m hb tml CrauUL ACUB too t> -«13 1 plos NUgb Bd H H u g n M M o - 0 MARK 5-M -MorcuryTKotonf 1 NOWN O! = l!!! t o u» rr» 4 t t rra(, fomo UavUTj ownetl Bm M llt-11 t 1 VERTOHHO lotto EOHAV MARKHW t : L f ytoedv:! w fln bp DouWehej The Magc Valey Cowboys < droppcd a 5 declfllon tp Bllng ctb latest addton to ther burl wth Bllngs ace Al Trosn n Murphy gavo Bllngs two runs n the sxth That was, enough to wn the game : The two teams wll play & double- header Umlght wth the tlrst game :»tartlng a t 6:80, Pred Woods wll - r ta rt for the Cowboya n the frst game and Prosper Bouteto n the noond Murphys homer n tho sxth was Vth s only earned nm the Mustangs scored off Holl n that frame BU- - lngs t«n Mller lved on an error, moved to second when manager OUff Dapper grounded out, and then eame home when Murphy caught HaU s frst plch and drove t over - th e leftfeld stands ; BUUngs scored two more n tho erentl, bou unearned Ous Cola- 1 cerakls walked and was safe on sec ond when Tom Watson bunted and HoUs th n w to second «u too lato Pablo Bernard grounded out and 1 al Campagna walked, to lll the Colagerakls scored on a passed ball wllh WaUon movng to thl-d : Cowboy shortstop Dclc Kllngman, made a great catch of Mllers lln-r and then Dapper sngled, scorng : Watson HaU vas lfted for a pnchhttcr! n the Cowboys half of tho seventh and Maron HU took hla place on ; th e m ounl, n tho nnth nnln* HU served a Bopher bta to Campagna for the other Mustang marker H e Cowtwys mssed golden op portunltles to score n the fn t, -thrd, ffth, seventh and nnth n- s Oln, n Walks to Charley Cole and Nck «U u tl put men on frst and second wth none out n tho frst frame a h u t Cullen Deck ht nto a fnder s f, choce, nlt>plng Cole tm Bcott walked to load the bases, but XUng* b man ht nto a double plajr, n the thrd frame Cole sngled sad UuU walked wth one out but Deck flew out and TVosln fanned r Boott to sp the threat n tho ffth the Wranglers agun f got men on flratand second wllh : one out when Mutt sngled and Deck valked, but oott fanned and KUng- a a a flew out n that order t m the seventh vlen Karp batted s for Hall and walked Cole fanned and MuU grounded out, but Deck a m k ed and Bcott got an nfeld d rslngle to load the sacks, KUngman forced cott a t seoond < - o m tbe nnth nnng Rube ohn - son bated farhuanhdrovo a ptch hgh off the boards n rghtfleldfor double Cole, fanned and MuU t»uaced out but Deck b«at;out an,nfeld ht sendng ohnson to thrd Trdsn then got cott on r strkes to endthe-game - n the fourth nnng BHlngman r walked and catcher Oonsalves l t a double to rght but neluer man got any farther Hall looked great n hs aeven n- 1 alngs on the mound as he gave up M jll Hall camo to the Cowboys on ] l opton trom an ose of the CaU- Xomta tato league Cowboy buslnesa v m an agerted MonUgue aad n- h felder Harry tamatls had b ew f leleaaed and ptcher ack MarUn c ; plmed on Ub temporarly dsabled a Kllnga a n was the feldng star of ;th e n g h t makng several spectac- f< :tlar catches of lne drves and stopfplng some- hard-ht grounders v The wtn for Trosn was hs fourth k aganst no defeats He gave tho U : Wranglers only alx hu and really» :tg h ten ed u p w h en m (n w ereo n th e l basepaths He had some spectacular P help from flrslbasetnan Watwn wbo h!«aved aeveral bad Urowa from thrdbasemancampagna - p Oole, Mutl, Oonsalves, Deck, c eott and ohnson were the onl; C Cowboys to ht safely» s p?!! l s K l!! ] m r terh] lltll P W t l V c l u-ohbon 110 0» K l-,vvv7- yvt;»>-»» MMM WO Htll tuh?, sm»c> 10 M ute Vftllrr ]l HO latl] >- t Rare troke r a PRETON England, une 34 openufon wmperfomed- ] *eottnyv"bttttooy6j*th * flnnary for the rethoval of thc m left eye of a golfer struck by hs f own ball 8 Local golfers sad the chance, t h-mlulontftsoftaeatr -DccnrTcdwhen a bau drlren by Charles H M Langley, 48, struclt a mound and", m rebounded nto bs eye 11 HOT T RACEohd ROAR K f l EROME FA H,, f B ; PONORED BY T\ outhem daho; R B a : r pq E T V ye 5Beats Cow er; Teams { [leader for 1 wboy couldnt delver wth men on >Bllngs before 2,052 Dary nght far ter burlng staff, erry Hall, started rosn n a ptchng duel for fve nn two X Clnc lated double- Valley Cowboys, wll t same conduct a clnc for Maglo Valley xs wll youngsters and oldsters a t aycee tn frst Prday momlng, accordng la the Erne Craner, Twn PaUs recreauon drector t The cunc wll start a t 10 am Manager Dolph Camllll wll bo nl n charge o? the clnc Thc Cow- n enor* e cll nlo wul be open to Uu h t Pulllo nd y o u n g s t e r s from lk sround the valley are urged to attend n Ue * ; Bannock Plot *d and fgets Vctory pma n Loop Debut nfflan -POCATELO uno 54 tfl-c y rl s lln-r (Batch) Moran had a succesattl scornff manageral debut os Pocatellos new plot as hs Bannocks won the frst game of a doubleheader from alt Lako Olty C-0 Tuesday nght But nn ««wunced back to wn tho nghtcap 6-6 >TTed a DeWltt ptched and batted ror tbe second game vc> tory, cloutng a homerun and scor- ng,two runs frst c r r r ath n- L«l(*»b b o a Pockltllo \ ab h 9 Ttu tb * 3 1 WUon M 0 D rt«cf OOO NnlntlU rf d Nck? 2» «b» * Motku lb > 0 ( Pob«ck rf f n a jcakut lb sol llob«non o 2 t o frame Atbtnn u : o cmnon f a t c lders akatkh 0 O «ah*mn lb B «tt r * "! 5! XUng* Btktlnr p A-D«M» 1 0 C 0 sngled Tou) 34 tu Tou so st 7 lut hut A Ptnntd for Uark««w n 7th fannm too o» n WaUonrNrtlttrck : nob* B E n **" / CtBra E AtFMlcr 1 lul Carm* chal, {tob«non WataooCam«ran T 5 --!h, c,? f t roca T L o «- M pv T -,, h h Tata 2b 2 1 WaUon * batted («lr tb OO o NardlndU «f «3 1 0 fanned Ktmao rt 4 Ol OCamchtl 2b 4 1 s s s -, ;!!!! 5 " l?! nfeld 0 l Cameron f OO ««" -,»*Wltt D-Omllar o o o 0 ohn 1!! a tc h [Martn p MUU casm ", v ; L!;! r out an t> Datud for Camara n ttl> Kbra a> to Dtt on roeaulo ooo OO 2D0 «a WMku 3, bawltt t 8trMl*r 6calr, WalMn Bobaek Camara, Hum Kohtnon ngman R num TaU,!> nur Ahman 3, nsalves Nardlnalll t, boaku, OaWlt, Waton KlUnaa 6U r Rebtnon Camara 2UUaelUer M»ku oawtt a- sw t- o37 w Natonal League >ya on Hurlers elected 9 Call- OHOAGO, une 34 Cn Brookuslnesa lyns Charles Dressen has selected ld n* hs NaUonal league ptchng corps 1 been for tho all-st4r basebau game at Martn ClnclnnaU uly 14 tho Chcago tsabled Amercan reported Tuesday ports wrter ames Enrght sad of Dressen, n an nterrew, namedtho jectac- followng el-slar staff: U to p - Ma* urkont (rghuander) and а Warren pahn (l)o f Ue Mlwau- fourth kco Braves; Robn Roberts (r) ot m tho Ue Rladelphla Phls; Harvey really Haddlx (1) of the t Loua Card- on th e nals; Murry Dckson (r) of the lacular Pttsburgh Prates; and Hoyt WU m wbo helm (r) ot Ub New York Gants, from The all-star squads, exceptng the ptchers, aro beng dotennlned n a Deck, current nauonwtde poll ot fans B only Dressen and Casey tengel ot the New Vork Yankees, as 1B63 pen- T nantwlnnlng manogers, wu drect the opposng all-star teama and pck Uelr own hurlers, lj; Rzzuto, 34, May Be Gong Down NEW VORK, une 34 (fl-u tu e e 0 fl R lnuto 34 and a member of the New Vork Yankees snce 1541, ap- - pcfttcd to bo headed for the end of t t 7 10 (jjp playng tral Wednesday and manager Casey tengel seemed to : H -s sense t Plagued by assorted njures for Pfj?; years, B tau to hurt, hs kneo une mmsna 18 and hasnt been the aame snce Murphy Hs ottor Tucsday nght paved the l wty tor * bg nnng by the Whlto б, Tea- ox that eventuauy led to «:n 11-3 Chcago trumph Phl let a double-play grounder l>y Fredde Marsh go Urough hm nthe flfh nnng and th at opened Ute flood Rales The ox scorcd sx Umes n Uat stanea ne : EntesstatesMeet f the POOATELO une 24 tfl-6fjy hs flclals of the daho tate amateur golf tournament snld Tucsday that aaco- the flrat offcal entry receved for med - *-y«mfr-«venlr-ju!y-6-l3-camofares fwmfar off Hawa 1 and" entrnnt s Catl Henson, a former resdent of Pocatello who moved lo Honolulu Uree years ago ;~- F r o d s O A R T H U N D A Y F A R G R O U N D BY TW N FALL VFW daho; Racng Assocaton )wboys 5-0 s late r Tongh nen on the bases Tuesdanlght an ght fana a t aycee park, e Wrang tarted on the mound andlocfbd hom vo nnngs before a homerun by Bo olons Blank H ; eals by 2-0 n CoastTlt n : AN PRANCCO, une 34 Wl Veteran rghuander,«en Oabl Mattered fve hlla and ptched tt Bacramento olons to a 3-0 vcto over an Pranclsco Tuesday ngl acramento l>- 3 5 L - an m ncsco ged to o r tje and Rtchey; Cogglr handor and Tomay TAR e PADRE 0 HOLLYWOOD, une 34 W -Lloj HltUo ptched Hollywood to a 6 vctory over an Dego Tuesd T nght A the tars mantaned the * sught frst, place lead Ban Dego >- 0 B l l f Hollywood OOX fl 11 Kerrgan, Thomason, Malloy at -CyrU Maths; HllUo and Bragan ANOEL 9, BEAVER 6 M PORTLAND, une 34 t*-lbs A wn s lu t exploded for sx runs tn U L But hlrd nnng to defeat Uo PorUax wn tha Beavers 8-6 Tuesday nght wm uo Angeles B 10 - hftttrf PorUand Pftdgelt p l o e r and Pede sco Adams, Lnt and Robnson ACORN 6, BANEB 0 EATTLE une 34 t»-oakland ab h «a Allen Oettel lmlted eatue to eg) t M fl Tuesday rught as the Oal ; 0 1 handed eatue ts fourth stralgl loss 6-0»\* O a k la n d > eatue s 1 Oettel and Neal; Nagy, Lovrc uoheck and Orlelg w : Wldness Help g Russets Np Ogden 3 to 2 *41 2 DAHO FAX, une 24 tfl f ; streak of wudness tn the seventh l nlng by Ogden ptcher Oarl Wel K n n enabled the daho Falls Russets >ce>e two runs whch gavo them vctory over tho league-leadu «Reds Tuesday nght n tho seventh wlu tho sco: knotted a t one apece and two Ru T ojtt walked Erne lerr ohn Hack and Mgr Red esse ohn a- oe Borlch then sngled home s to otto-s and Hack M 20 loauo PAtX2, OCDEK 2 / ; s " ; hman 3, tb 4 7 C Ha«k rt t 2 WaUon Valantlta rf O aa,n< lb u 2m ruron cf -4 t C nofleb e- 4 2 Rcb«tu«n b 4 1C Anacleh f Cannen «4 Etrack cf 4 2 t P K t l "!!!,H t bomo TtmnV Totala «t24 2 TeUlt ( K - A-«ln»la<l for Wtll n»0 selected B lun for Colllna tn sth g corps W 001- ne a t "u"8rarer laek a Ohlcago san B-/«a»n 81l-a«rra RUt-Tr ratanea Hack Uorlch 2 2DU-Nanlt,ht «>m - tanford Golfers f? nare NCAA Ttle TT-,2: COLORADO PRNG uno : (fl-u nford unlfsrsly ended Nor: T «8 four-year relga Tue day as team gou champon of t NaUonal CoUegate AUleUcs ass eauon Whle Uo Calfornans carr f f ; w y honors n Ue 66U a \ r meet, Colorado unversty» UerlB Baoklund grabbed modall 1 honora wto a rocord-shatlerng fndlck 5o r M h c s o v e ru e 6,m -y a rtp a r tanford won the team UUe wl y a score ot 616 the toutl of ts fo lowestscorng players NorU Car llna was runner-up wth 680 Loul an a Uto bad 61 and Oklahoo A a a d M, B3, >-UlUe Marltm Uskoy, PoeateUo, w; T of the competes for North Texas ta >41, ap- Bhot rounds of 76 and 10 for a 1 end of (fltal ay and Murtaugh oftbal Team Gets plt ved tha MURTA0OH, une 34-Murtau 5 Whte sofujall team defeated t Ltv u - a Kmberly LO nne 8-8 hero Mond nght but bowed to Ue Twn Pa roundar fourth Ward team fl-3 Tuesday, nh hm Goodman was ttte wlnn nnrnrrt ptchct for MutUugh Monday whl jrcd sx y l o plwhed for four - BBE - GN M Y BR - "Ready Teddy" Waxleskf 22-yea old UCLA second baseman a) football UUback was algned Tue vl day by the Cleveland ndans bas M p n» nson a s CUTOM ~ 1 C A T T L E r Pork Cured W ) EX-C Your Meat C w Locken on O N(k Appofn DAHO P> Tw nfosdaho * -0: B ulh o BtHL une 34 ~ U «dah stato hgh power rfle champlor ablpa wul be held a t th e Buhl Rf a a Pstol Club rangctero unds wth 10 matches slated for con / peutora T Tbe meet s open to all shoote 1 who (tfa-members of th e NaUon T Klfle astocauon Regstraton ft nltrltf nnr) s per shooter Entres w n g h t a n a a, a r T h n t 10 W rang<: Ut-wUl be lmted to 60 shoote) red h o r n s wth advance entres accepted bt Award wll be gven to frst, se< T ondand thrd place wlmers U eac - 0 :t une 34 UR Ken Oablea / ptched th e R M l 3-0 vctory w taaam rfcm M lknh H M esday nght yt"dogglns, [nmons Fac Dean Fdud od to a 6-0 Br OCAR-FRALEY go Tuesday ; NW YORK, une 34 OV-A sou taned ther ber page n the baseball hlsto: booka must behaunung hawk-fao X)0> C urt mmons of the Fhlladelpb KX- fl 11 1 PhUes today Malloy and The flre-baulng southpaw su gan talned severofoot, lacerauons u 4 when he slpped nto a pow ; mower One too had to bo partal t* Los An- amputated yet mmons, tn hs an; runs tn the ous uncert4lnty already s "talkl Ue PorUand of ptchng "wthn two weeks" ght Tlcres a bg, gray-bared me 100- B 10 1 tul dreamng of the "mght ha > been who undoubtedly would tt snd Peden; the mpatent young C urt to l on t easy" Thats Dzzy Dean Because t w an accdent to ha foot whch u -O aklands conscously forced Dean to alter h ktue to eght ptchng mouon and quckly ruln * * e Oalw one of Ue greatest arm s the gan ru straght ever has known Old Dlz, lke the yotmg l o r > was a fast bau ptcher who "u > rated back and fogged em n 1 gy, Lovrch dd t wth a oyous and flagra bravado, whch mado hm dltfere:, Ul one way from the quot busnes E l e l p s r l l t o n t too u B, - he already had proved >hls grea ness, when hs arm w ent smmo L l s afellow who arrved n 199 L apent the next season tn Ue am O o and cafflb marcmng back last ye: A n tme -to post 14 very, promlsl vctores e 24 tfl A Msfortune struck Dean n 10! seventh n- when ho was an establshed at Oarl Wells looung forward lo many more ga s Russets to seasons n sx years wth the lavo Uem a Lous Cardlnols he h ad averaged ague-leadng vctores a season n 1034 ho t: won 30 games, the last to turn th 11 tho score trck,, and n 1038 Dean had pos nd two Rus- ed 34 trumphs: Erne erra Then came Ue 1937 all-star gao Red essen !d home st- * CDEN 2 d t R U C l l l l f f Falla ab h o O M!<>>* PtONBBR LBAGUB lb 5 j «o«d b n *!" E L ~ l z E = : U! *h * 1} Ho * *** ? «,s b HACC~VLLr Z 7 T j 31 B p 0 * Pocatallo-----t tt NfW YoflrL;: M chkw Z!!Z Z:ls 3s :t»j t ;"!atk? UM* g r w r z z z z r «*! }! =» \ DtlreU t fers Htle 38 uno 34 y«z Z Z Z Z jo sf * ended NorU cn d n aat ss t»(l le relga T ues t >j plon of the hleucs asso- PActrtc coast LeAcut notlywooa 3 MT ans carred saawa m js m» ltty-; «ts : Md medoust 0*Ua«rf t? «*40 1< For ale Put, : On Braves Feld d Oklahoma BOTON, uno 34 W Bra\ feld, former home of the Bost ::atel)o, v h o Braves baseball club that trar rcxas tate, ferred to Mlwaukee ths sprng, 10 for a 145 for sale Bostons hlstorlo sports fleld beng offered to r e estate o eratora for- development, the clul H l D E l presdent Lou Perlnl, sad Tuesd 1 * n anouce-tb offce personnel B lt Th«30year-old feld, now ovt grown wth weeds, hos wtness Bostonsmost thrllng ba lefeatm» e xooujau games Fve yet aso the Boston Bravea played t etwln Falls Cleveland ndans n Ue wo Tuesday aeres there t **** estmated Perl londay whle jnvesunent n tho park U arouj l for fotu 11,400,000 NGHCRAAfLgR! kf 32-year- s<;man and WET FVE PONT lgned Tues- MOBLGA Across from Albertsons O M lm L N G ~ T T L E d n d H O G red W th Our Own Mld EX-CEL CURE Meat Delvered Free to rs on Our Truck Routes > A p p o tn m m U N tm fa rjf > PACKNG CO, doho Across from ugar Factory,Tlp)-NKW, T H osts R fle Tb«dabomatch and la each clau : champon The meet s sponsored by tt e Buhl Rfle daho Ute Rfle and Pstol a u r e unday soclauon and the Buh Rfle u d for com- Pstol club hoot No 1 wu be 800 yard all shooters 16 shota prone, four sghtng, slo h e NaUonal fre straton fee Match No 2 wul be 300 yards, tn Bntfea wlu slghung shots, 10 sllng or kneeun y Tho entry Match No 3 wll be 300 yards shooters shota rapld-fre-prono-from-sltut tccepted but n 70seconds shoot Match No 4 wlu be an aggrega! a m, un of matches two and three Match No f wll be 300 yards, : to frst, sec shots standng, slow fre a e rs U each Match No g wlu be 300 yards, : Faces ame Fate und n Hs Haste %LEY"-- and old Dlr2aturallywaaUe-N; (QV-A som Uonal leagues startng pltcnt sball hstory WlU two out U Ute Utlrd nnln t bawk-faeed Dean fred th a t fast ball n to U Fblladelpba plate and Earl AverlU smashed rght back n a lne drve whl: jthpaw sus- struck Dean s left foot rauons une Dean went down, - face twlsu )to a potrer wlu pan, but gol up and atart be partally to ptch agan He ddnt kno7 1 n hs anx then, but hs toe was broken, ly s talkng There 1s some quesuon even nc weeks" whether he wrenched hls arm hared man he conunued to ptch, or wheth "mght have hs unnatural delvery damaged h y Would tell arm when he returned to Ue mol: turt U> days later But that aeason, Dean managt Bcause t was onl/ 13 wns For threo more yea t whch un- ho tred to s ta y n Uo bg Um t to alter hs throwng a "nothng" ball, tryng ckly runed put somethng on t sde arm or 3a the game vlsuhg doctor after doctor vc tually he w ent back to mnors, ca ng m ons, up agan for another heartbreal rr who "ust ng whrl on the bg wheel ahd tbt em n" He tossed n the towel, and flagrant - mpauence to play agan, sue lm dfferent os mmons s exhbtng uo< l e t busness* runed the great Dean Had wated untu h b toe was-healed ar too, n that hs ptchng strde was unaltere< d >hls great- old Dls wn teu you, he undoubte*: n t mmons ly would have "fogged em n" U ed n 1930 years thereafter, tn Ue army But he d d n t And theresa grl ck lost year warnng there for the young ma ry promls{/g who talks much dfferent bt ptched much the same and coul >ean n 1037 dscover basebou hstory repeaut xbllshed star tself, ly more good Ct s Lace Pantes to turn that r y c *! n had post- t e a l o h o w =!Atlm bledon 1 0 Q WMBLEDON, Qgland, une 3 O MV-Mnureen Connolly and Don BOB Hart mercless Amercans from op h Tel on poste sdes of tho nauon ddnt al l ll tu 0* stagestruck opponents a gam 22 :sw» Tuesday n wnnng ther Wmble don sngles tenns matches But the M * ts set all Ue lmelght T H 3«H Mrs Marla Wess, ArgenUm» t tt, popped up n a par of gold lac LOUR panues And Uat was ust whr r«t CD Wmbledon seemed to need he at M t h tonlshed tho women, thrlled th 3 tu tk men and dumfounded Ue bau boy tt «nw Mrs Wess, close frend of Arger 1 «2a «2 Presdent uan Peron, won ea! 44 sst «2 Uy from Brtans Laura Morgan < 4a 474»5 1, 6-3 Bul her tenns wasnt tt CUE th n g,th at drew cheers and tt L r«t on photographers 1 m a Mss Connolly opened the secon M :» 7d t«dny s actvty on center court wth mlnute 6-0, 0-0, vctory over Dor n l«z Kllan from outh Afrca jl 8M m Whle Uat massacre was gong o u tl4 n front of fans Mss Ha *Aour precsely the same 1 1 Pet GB eonette Morgan, of Brtan 111!! a! 1 :!! nput eld (fl Bravet t the Boston that trans-» hs sprng, s y / l l / *! -orts fleld s lrv W v - 1 estate op, a j l ; l n t the clubs \ / A sad Tuesday V lpersonnel \ over- \ las shrllng base- :s Fve years played the t the Pernl s rk s around ~ V f L E R s j ONT >ertsons W ~1 What e your plcasu Amld Kentucky bc Aflavorful Kcntuc a traght? Then why Bcttlc for less t the "worlds largest sellng Kentucky w key smoou-tabtn Old unny Brook! = 0 EOnBPROOfOlll UNNY Bl y, TWN FALL, DAHO ;e T o u rney M lkmr«pkl r p t t l! " C X b «f a t «800 y a rd s tonal aggregate of m atohea tw aggregat too yards, tw o ceruflcale furnshed l e N RA t g or kneeung tho hgh shooters 300 yards» M ald No 9 wu be a budd -from -alttn* m atch of 10 shota standng, slo an a n r e s a t e M atc No 10 wlu be g ra n d ag M a a t e w A vards B fve and sx The wuner wul get l?e - trophy m d U tle of d a h o ta te H lg 300 yards, 10 Power champon fate Ochoa Downs ste DeGallesn t& : Grudge -Matc Of Ue man event o f th o wrestun drve w hch R ado Rondevo / a n d % c «f f - t e d F a u ld e O a llu 1 d n t k n w t» schedu/ed atu t o k Ochoa and DeOalles Ungled n *» r k " u M» T u e s fl? d a y n eght m lnutea 46 second dnmaffrf h u Wth a /CO lock Ochoa took U to o M U s ««"<> n 38»«on«to u o m o u n a» Boston crob and Uen re ean m anaged m nutes, 4 to more yeara *econds for Ue matcl o b t t e Kser pnned E ln a r O lson ; ball tn ln K to th e ouer m an e v e n t O lson wo; sde arn ond the frst fall n 14 mnutes 20 sec doctor E ven, onds wth s Boston crab K ser too mnors camo the second n eght mnutes and 6 hbartbreak- «e«nds wth a grapevne and Olso: heelad th e n «a s dsqualfed by referee Tor nee ana m en OBOn such n 20-m ln u le specal even lbltlng now Apache Crag b e at D oug D onna: an H a d h e 1 mnutes, 67 seconds -healed and Z: Electrcs Np 1 em n" for heros a grm BoC young m an r r co5to Gan Game ory repeaung BOE, u n e 34 W l- T h e Oreo F a lls Electrcs scored th re e Ume n the elghu nnng to b rea k ope a 33 ball game and th e n h e ld on t defeat Ute Bose Yankees 6-4 T ho wn moved th o second-plac Electrcs to w thn gam es c front-runnng O gden, w hch drop 1 ped a 3*3 decson to daho Falls edon " t Wtolck Ul t 0 3 Klns 8b 4 t Uld, une 34 arthna r OfAnml aa O t and Dors Rboro c( 4 3 ojmatldnjo lb 6 :ans frotn op- whuhr» 4 0 t j Hunt t t 1 1 sn dldn t al- rotu e 4 0 s 0 nou :b 4 t lenls a sam e UnVtr lb s o c 1 hathan rf s nros M t 2 A amea 0 0 ner W moe-, 8ch»«1r p 4 O OCarlwn rf mes But they stonxvhr e 4 t t g h t 2?? A rgenuna, o of gold lace need he a s- l Han for tonnhlpcr n Bb Uu-llled the C-Croundr out for lloocr la Oth Ue ball boys ol md of Argen- t aln ar lmttoro~3* Alm«nar* ron, won cos- Whll*b»a Pou Hu«k tunt 8«el Mft 0-Ulcr B-too*r lu-amenar«m organ, 6 - urou «haar Arn Hun s w asnt th e EtonMlph«r ntxatkrd Almrnarr era and th e 8<«"» >»l»r tol-ltro<ll«hunt, llun H n-rtttk, Hunu B WlwlekU cot d the second BG TEN CRUBED r court WlUl a ANN ARBOR, Mch u n e 34 W - ory over D ora T h e powerful PacUlc C oast confer Ctt ence track squad c ru sh e d th e bes was gong o n n th e Bg T en T uesday w th a, Mss H a r t ja 1/8 to 40 8/«vletory n Ue 18U th e sam e to annual meeung betw een th o tw Brtanconferences U r r U - d boubboh P our pleasure? eotucky blend? K3 mm\ rful Kentucky Then why le for less than / d8 largest KentuclQwha- / oou-tastng P A a n y B ro o k / om UNNY BmoK m o «Bmc«y bleoeo whskey co HO V - ley o te rts Uadla*: from X - X - T * e;m nterna-, - T * Chcago t d g r s R o b n R o b e r t s c o n K l u n low C h cag o C u b s a t C hcago be grand ag- a g a n s t t h e B r u ln s a n d h s d e lp h a tr u m p h R o b e rts ho s ta te W b s x th w h e n F ra n k e B a t h o ltz d o tb led a n d scored Deo Fondy a sngle Tho Phllly DOW has hurled 36 conseeuve o f plete games: He has lost four /n season ej The loser was starter Bob R f y chased, n the!uu as the P scored two /o r a 8W> lead T Lown fouowed Rush, yeldng Enns 13th homer n the sl heldon ones ptched the nnth nlng fot tho Cts At MUwaukee th e laat pace Pl rk w a m q Prates defeated Uo Natc D tv league leadng Mlwaukee Bn -0 n tho frst game of the se and snapped W arren pahns sev U l game wnnng steeak 1t / r a e second b t off Mlwauke - V l a t C l l sgleby Cnros Berner wlu on base and two out n the egl >d up ths week delvered tho wnnng rtm At t Lous, ;twlc6 corng se he a t u do Rondevoo cardlnata drubbed the New \ n -n n n Quanta 16-8 as southpaw Hat Haddlx survved two bg frame; t f n K Vlctonrol th y rock ago A t, CnclnnoU Qrady Hktt llrstfall Tues- plnch-ht homenn wllh one on a, 46 seconds tho bottom of the lunth handed choa took the ClnclnnaU Redlegs a 3-3 vlcl tes 38 seconds over back-sldng, Brooklyn and then re> smeared young Blly Ldes wu ve mnutes, 43 fourth defeat aganst eght tl torles o the Amercan league Mlt llns a tw o-ouf double n Ue l tf nnlng m ned Cleveland Bob C 5 uu?? 61 P «hlng sunt, /toa a n d o U n Bave Ue Boston Redox asw refuee m ther day- nght doublebet Ue match, j -, lu hendlans 3-1 specal event Dck Oem ert a wnd-blown Doug Donnan dropped for a two-run trple n eonds eghth nnng to gve the Red an aftemooa 6-4trumph At New York the Ohlcago Wl X l P,o-e;tploded fo ralx runs n \ - ffth nnng and went on to trou tho hgh flylnrfnow YorkYan -3 before a Yankee stadum cn of 48,768 f l p At PhUadelphla teve Oron C tu lv / makng hla flrat atart n a Det 1 The Oreat unform, porceued-ouffour-acat Uree Umes cd hts ns UeTlgers blanked- to break open PhUadelphla AUletlca 6-0 hen held on U) At W aahngton the t -L kecs 6-4 Browns pounde former teama 0 second-placo Toamy Byxtoe fo r-ll hta, nclud M games of a hotaerun by Roy levers, todel, whch drop- Washngton 4-3 Tuesday nght NATONAL LBACUE D08B 4 rhlladelpbla20 ; 201 OOO- 1 «k *1 2 5 Cblcaao*,ooa 001 OOO-l? f b r T a a a a r = =» 8 «1 -»<> CampanaUa: Podblalao? «Bd8«mlntek am«0 0 0 Naw York»000 MCOfr-81 \ V { \ u 2 1 tr-r = s f X ; WUl AHBBCAN LAGUB r n Plrat q2j j or3 OOOojo-s m r o 100 l»;,-< l OO oot OO t Oartla, HoopW and Tlpton NUca 3 Almanarat, ""t* Hunt colt acand Can* AlmcnarM, Clavaland Kuck Hunt U«ton Kro Almrnam, <10 nnlnn) t Hunt Hsnt Chakalas and Hacan UcDtnnoU WlwlekU colu Whlta nu Loala l Wa«hln(t0n too ] 1 rn o tm - " * Coast confer- O«a«o-ooo ou n o - n : shed Ue best «? York ooo»o» - s - aday WlUl an ry n Ue 13U oot ooo-s Men tho two Phadph oewwffr - Grom«k attd Batu FlctBo, ebtb AUeU / / # 1 -ftf C-K r 1 Bounm m m WHsKEy m 1 H E /, f f & M 1 m f/ j m d r y OEOWHKEYCONTAN OXMN Etlalfl»Ts H

13 -» M * Wlutln T Y w trtrtu o t " ~ M W n: fcruftom L B tu tb Utr s " ;, 135&L»XWtttljtfwe» abon» «8 «sr, «d awnfed - E D r m o f 2aP tm tu catua art ntb Pt R M r ---->»o«kpm< U l"l> /1 MT*XVlte P l l * 3tPocnu W m tc om fort ammfa seboel BUlsnmeBt 9, PnlttT* - w jt- b x b - 6B«lod#bU<l M m 880ldm ulea [*7 w 57 wlw eotoo 4nn T t MLltbrowB T m W OOCoUfl 0 l - - l o u r O U R w a y HEKHPTPTaMaHKOW sde GLANCE n w TME-NEW,, TWl: TWn f Al Ls DAHO- p - fc W E P N D A T > 4 W g j ByWLUABl M l - - :~T> t> r?rewh» W*A*C/ AN A8#B«n MNP FUNNY NNyr«Houl7 r«ho H*v--j T555Z! 1 - V, " a s c j r a 1 1 m F L BBTF w rron HER By GALBRATH c waaukm: T H l l - B o ; &o yoo woto m MOWGrftE <K vnwctlv m c m t e q T f f r w l B O r!e Cm VCM*rW/TCOl«C HMgWAMl»P NOT )T CLEAR V e y T M g 6 lo e 6 K lp H B 5 6 M f {EMCMEt >» ~ r1 \- OMTHeaO-METCKeMlbX f l jg «l lb > T W T O fllt ffa «M m/ w L l l V H H K B k n H E L fflyt THEto THEU n H n l K B l a M M OUV n W w H H K s! T m j m sgewcg n ft vow ~ r " W W C «t l U m V l V \ l l w v o w - xv; y Ho(nc>(v3L R )h<3t s6ft<5 - m t?o (a6\0»4 s o wnxu -1 ~ t c W r n m t > w «j c HOUE 3 - M A O R H O O P yhkethat C W *,P ( T &,r ZW/WPRO/ 1 CKAP6AR8 > LO0MV VUKMACKf TD f f m * prmrre r u PLU6 RA OP PAMNe n U PlW H O C ab lll/ AMflM f H(TH A 0 9 ft< HOULD WCAR 1 5 A «0 FfZOfA/C A FULL 6UT0F AM OUOUfl-< ARWOR-X LU LMBT acttlo Da*m05ec)LO gofj OUT L m V r/f T L ja W M B ta Dont forget to let me kno know where your daughters n w arje T gong for ther vacatons l m sure to have all knds ds of bf DONAO \ l r X u m T o n t F old frends they can look upl C A R N W A L By DCK TURNER B TUUVAWtTt* A TOUWONTW f r w u w VAWNK /A 7» UKB KtP»UrH> lu rl ft A K < 1 V r* WBAONV 4tA O B O tlv f UAAM P O f 57 U m flk \ OT l % T W 1 U * eut 0O9H Wv RUNNN P»NER G B y N E H MR t ; " - M u n -A N U - : N " > ojy l/va Ah/T OCKNM, * \ / TOTM jpuavln -nuuvav [ N VATWNK A YAtP THB PtOV A T Ul 4BA0N/ j T T l 9 x- m m m m m y TOPLAV V PrrUNl* OBOt ~ e 6 L? c l l s UX)V( WC«l WCfVX \crc voto m O? voo M\\WW V\N3t p ( j ; E o» W t c o b v a E 9 m e A \ o > A m m m m, - m m» vh»o xt\& ftvt V VWftKTt n r - C lh V M = \ m m 5 X TT! **"? l D g M W 1 (ff?- «W«L Mr j p U K 9 1 fftl u n p A y E s L e \> n: H L l ->) K-j \ "U sou come back to ««r earth long enough to run to o T hats a dandy putter, r, sr Care to try t out n ouro u r >»rocjry or bread?" nd? asound-proof booth? E GUMP f OU CANT ttalgb TYt5U y\do KNOW, WHERE n sn jbw t h a t p a v m e n t bv j c CAN BUT A H9H y8 B h e r o n e O A M T / C u ENP H AND PUAVNA 7 U O m T««VmNkOA! 1 ; rh \W111C THAT A«NE T o er* r OOr» r l T VOUR 7 F E U L Q 2 M U T -, s! 8 u? P K R r" T O / HAV LO T H A s c o C Y 3 W ful /v l a s s m t /W B A M A fle P m V T t /U "{ MwetswwaevMM y j \ W 1 W A r o T X jn n M t ME nw w j, w T X n l f TWOTVTHlOQu UWAUAUNCHM «N C H «u0 * H a c rf9 < v / > / \ 1» v a m e u T F o r tv o H e u \u m M n m tn M w m m m ra M o m v T M» H f c T j r g g H B H U M Al*vl> logka U W P U C K f l B W B H N -,,, E (rs r a t A E d l s j nrn,to UCA N 1 MMoa w u M - j V - o : P H V UNVujoaacT lwtujpue m naw s»- Tvtw hn e

14 -M A U H o r ~ ~ - 4 tu- TglaTrjgsUs! 5Z-r?? nr«u Pho p vt-a «>u s"j!,* au:r r 00 ft ~ s ss 2a~« lr- a * o-»«:y- ; All >BtrU t>e»uob :/» - OWHER WBtla t l «Nows - «CU, AT OKa llmftmr**" fr a josfs lu t jtmr * " Dooo -7! full ttnm buwhnfa M l r, COOD twcr, tnrt hm 8«at?;? *!? P»»B«W! ba»*nln t««l ptfeh - K LEHQq j >OMs r : r * " - u V C A, L, W T n n n r j r ff a d a««rta«au Drlct OL Vrrat* b«u UUUER BPECUd Bmrt Bamr tet h LrMM Pbon» tm malt K»n Ht b j 3 m 9 sleohl l e m OHAFm A (U P Y s A0U*B<2Mll lu n L f f W f O f f j QUE OUTDE cn n B T sa»«w ClaM / t T w r t (H ot r>l CTZEN AGERq UE j t r E G E aran ) Bnffl ;;"»y"8s - - Ctoft to lh«m* *22 tk wlrtbu -snuuu bom bt ta jo a «ooj>l» Vt*- mul owa»»rw«v, w l lb -! T W t w n f a l l s M NT ~ srsrt ERVC» Oftlf 10,W m a g c j ALE DrVETMBn W owntv pm m cw Pfco»»o**]25 Lgency 1 gropm r» Us-hlf «ntn«tlob yoor»*u v and» u -U,h«;»3 f! «, aa TON * * f : ; " M ( a r k e t "; r to c : ; MAKRET AT A GLANCE» ; r-; :! * ;- m» t u j j! lo o -l«* «rj h»*rr U««H*t!on n *"s, Coff-MUjd C«f!*U»d/«o M*t»nU «ml too j ; **cttl*-8t«d7 to s e»bl4 : v m vobc j»»» < u «- «*71 t s ru» s r «u r bp th ; rvrou MMlB tnu lo l»r»r larnovw ; : ajt:"» w,u atllt L«m«domlMUd &d *>M- Um, tor tb 7» f (Dd lomtf 1C N*W TOWt TOCK EXCBANOE «- -w ew -Y ojuu»«: ssr 11fes- *" 4 " ; A r t- 14, m d C tp t u ; a T * T Mlf Nt Dlry «0 Am TebMto T2 N>t DUt t H ua«; > Ora r :r5tr j!*srast *? K h fw " e ; C, K«Ea " " k; BolaK P m Ps vj M ss : ;N F : r! l H?» w C «t P u 17 lupub tml 4 K ;a * O h l«m TffTobD * $ ;g!ts tgr- *, ra u- ; 1 : Dow Ar UU <rut>* Cs t Hm :» - B r & L ; M " 2 K f?,, 5 s Ef!!«!:ffr B ; rv; s«! «-4:!? a ls a r : 55T 2, f r AMBWCAK CXCnANOB ----!----ttbw-yomc, n»cufl<*fad n» «8 «, Tu M V - ss :H g5? <T? s re w t- u*-<npw) "ag K X = = = =? ;!m nv-tor # t«jsab ======= r s! KmtoB x t u t too K : ; : : K f s ; XmtoD M - - -, T«hr tock Averages C«BpUd br Tk AMcUUd Pnu H t 18 M sdu lulu UU lock ; Krt ouu* D4 D( A1 0,4, l j L E d WOOL l»ew-t0 nx an 4 WV-Woe1 {atom nel ; Md «to t mqu o«n nlr lbaos :sa r ; l3"s? a:*ty ; to Uanato lowns alr MtO Oct t aor ;slftrm "! - ro w T s f B j r* c Xass Reports Reunon Plan : raal unn«ement< tar the slver ; ubue reunon of the Twn W1«bU hgh school class o t m were made f~ : Tuesday nght at & meetng ot : oommlttee charmen a t the home - ot Mrs K Duane Hodge, m Eghth : avenue north C lau members have made 103 reaervatlons tor tbe event lo be - held a t the Turf club Baturday - n ght pt C hatm en completng the plan- P ; ntng are T M Robertaon banquet; be >Basel Ostrander, recepton: lmo aa ;parar, musc; Howard Wseman 8 t <nogr»m;lucule Qualls, deooratlons; H :pred Banger, aocal, and Blanche C< Hodge, reservatons < C : There were 163 members n the B j s e a graduatng claas The com-- H 1 *tt e has receved numbtt ol H " " letovtrom c la a te s who wll be Be : tmable to attend" :ets and F o * * * * Lvestock OGDEN 14M 1 W bull-«lll00s-*l»u-20l not otf Btbfuhdl c«l»m 1OMOOO Kac> Ml ebolt Ko 1 to bulchn do- t«owo: «xmt «hl*hct ttn ywunlrj «D n *"Bbp l 7 M Vw o»«rwl wld»t POBTLAND f > POBTLAND un M U C*ttU tooj l*uy la»»»kl»t»d, «bok M tlm n 2310: atmtr t>d cam* ( «T l U o j bull > 17H, cara (bl O wmk [s: baul l & t7 «- «s *«0-»10 bj " ** U CM M : thol -«() lb oow»«>!? fd "U 1 food to prm Krof 8 th u U b / rod LO ANOELMj, R««ll con 10»>>0 tl«h 4H m l al,«r»jarar«s ; H unt«ud «t OHAA * OUAltA un!l lu D -llo n 80Q; H u a m n chok bon undr :O lb (U dr,-? M h lh r X r w l mot1r l~ < l,j W cbelm 1KW40 tb hos> M007* > K c u coo c»m» t t UT* «smm llr t u t f to rons: btlfm tumt > to w nk: lu U M n U or cnor towr cn wcbu undtr 100 ll>«:mdorlty cbolc to * H low ptm tm n» 00j:00! hl»h cholt,, nd prm l» l b v tr u 217: sood < to tow chole MT 17OO-B0; commrell 30» vrad 1(001tD! good nd c lc h lfm MH H VfUr* mollr»t««lr top 8bn>1000:«rlnrT bu T «U jdr * top loooa cholc b3 prm MOO-TOO H CUCAOO ua 14 («-(llda) Wo«* OO: lumlr on cholc luht wl«ht butch- t n lo otdr buyn olhr butch* l*djr < to U lowct M)W 2&-7 lorwcr: chole, «!>» W «w (M ra M r* lu fb (ru rn * w"m* l U 7 lhtlfr3ls»!,5 t4,00j chole nd erlm»ur» nd yct* ln e lobkdo: ebolc nd prme hlmrl *! OOO-M e»mre1l to low ehole bftr* 4AO-l>tO: uulltr md oommrcll 5 eow* loco14ws commrdl to prm, m a llr commrtll to ebele m d vm ln 1B t hmp OOO U usbtff tmb U adr to,l t to hlthr UashUr nre tm dr to t 1» blrt<rl sood to prm Umb»OM7COl P e l and ntlllr lloo-ooool ehole and prlmo Wo 1 kn old rop l» b a «eull to cholc laughur r *t M -t-lt j W D B N V n * tollr Mlablbvl tn>rallr u k ln t hlghr **,r prlea: fow u>«around 16 bu hrl ftw * " } > ( la <«1 b lfm about tlmrr tm t o n about»t~ d r: f* to«l thole fd 1 OO ht down tood to low,!4 s - n s a 4 s s 1«8h«p,too; market nol atabllhtd Tuttdtr lmt on eholc tolnour MD, lb UuhUr prn t lamb nto W KANA OTT KANA CTV, un 14 (UP) toa, Ajktd (M dr to f hlrhtr dum( ehok $ 40# 10(M(0 bt 14-t! truelc lolj ehole o 247 b Kvercn 2lt! T Cattl atoo: e rr 400: laushur U rn " tt «ndberra Dalljrt<alr:food and ehole llt tmt* 70Mt781 hla cholc lo low c 00 prm, undtr 11M U oo-to: j>p zaroo n encbole to ptm tt lb tu r ymrllnt tt and-top chole and prm, hlfh atm r: olhtr tood and ehole htlfr and ml*«r«r- n c tm lto: toekrt and /Mdra TM rrarllns toek U mp lt«0 prnc lukbur larobt toady to lrob: chotc and prm tou t8,00-tq0s trad attaadtul Potatoes-Onons nk **" * D4, CHCAGO f? cnoaco, un 14 (UP) PoUlo ar* «rval ]U t tr«k U t: total U hp mtnla PM flupplm modtral dmand " a r-" 5? «W -, u s 1* W tnlnra n e la luud OlUomla lont «b lt«27t- BaDs 806; U M na LO; bakra 10 oube ltto mnmum lt: U ta tlt-2&0: ronltlo 4t-3(tt ArUona round r«l to, tm t u l n (100 lb) CalKonla loss < a c n t w hu 13MtO PonUM ltm Ar* 1W2> aona tound r«ttm tt Alabama round t toool rwu lto: daho RuaU 848, Onloa uppllw llb m t domasd low r markt dull Track aala (80 lla) U 1 D nla aut*ll CalKorna locklon txtlon yallow ttmu Bloba 1 lo neh 100: Daktvttld Orana t nch and lrftr lw-148: apprezlmat e m t u t a (80 lb«) T naa yllow Bermuda 1 lo t neh tt 7 < : 8 neh a n ss * * * * whu Mml«eba t to t nch 18-30: 1 Arltona yllow Bnmodu 1 lo neh L- lver H ; crordla Orano and yllow *tnl- Falls toba t nch and U m r 17t TwnFaUs Lvestock Prces to be 1 1 ;urday The ou ow ng T w n F U ls llvesuwk prces a re provded by th e Twn plan* F alls Lvestock Com m ttlon company quet; based on th e resulta of th e aucton lm o aale held u n e 17: em an t e e r s $1075$aall0 tkms: H elfera *ncl\p Cows : :41160-*13j0 C anners atd C utters $ 7c01 soo n th e B u l ls c o m - Horsea > 30-> 375 «r o t Hogs- -, Top *25-00 rtll be Bows Top»20» TjtmhM p r ondon T led bathroom s w th bullt-ln pppts ser-dm lnpg, tuba, werc used n lnrfflr tnfnu n nnrtja M3 ao,- = alls M a-kets, CRAN Urlty L*" ", Oau 100 ht f * 100 "* quotrt) s llto l-vb POULTRT»XB Cartd fowl 8 bt and « OO Lefbora fow 4 bt a n r e r l r Z e )0~ t 00 Awtra whlu 4 ht and o w Z Z Z Z le - M 1or«l prlbd t7t c<l«frv«2 080 Lohoro cock! Z K- UO Lnhom and aottn whlt frt * rt» loj M fbwul and romptay prlct) OO DUTTBttFAT * DotUrtat tlf M e"npy Ptea) 4M E n (a tradf la n l*c (Fl«daltn quuted K, a s, " " - "!! j ;?? * t «,7t mall A - - ~ ~ M: ======zt===p F nance» * * Gran CHCAOO, un»4w>-whtat fuurf, 1- fn r pr «* ><""p on th«bmrd of trad, toay lllha undtr praurt of tfa npandlnt bvtaw 7& P r le a - r down nor bn tcca n n l O nm bbtl at tlm a u-»o 3ay-tom -w a»-h na-m M t-ot-«-tlm» ulchtn " *">"» lnflunud by ll«bt r«:lpu ot ta eart OltUnt contrafl w tr u y mot of Ull Mlon howovr OU a lto w m d r t t,t( ctnu-owot uly MV: corn»«h Wfhtr to >A low-r uly lh H rh f oatw runehanw DA>~ to % d o * uly «H : ry wa» lo»«d and lowtr elr l0t0vt «orbanw«r H; -r L7"el?a!5"lo «a h!?ndr2 uullnr p«nd low;)! uly O, h s F0TURC8 TADLB *; CHCACO un U ( V P )- o tbfc Optn Hlfh Low C la j y *» 1M14 «s n a 217«3 l7 g 118 2t8, uly M t 14K U K lt4% WM\ «t 1&1U l«l% to C ; tto j, r f j : a :«A - lm t 61H 1&3 *7or >*% < V,«;!!s ; :? s ««m :! 111K U -" - a l l a 1:! :ff U tr lm% t t f ltt 18H fua r CAH CRAN CnCAGO un 24 (A-W hat No 4 yellow htrd l»h4 U tr 1 rtllow ltou-tu Vo 1, Uady -t: * 107Ut«U> lclty nomln1: mllln«o-to tt : eood OMO- h t m KANA CTY GRAN y M KANA ClTlf u n W>t-Wbat M ««; Me to He brt*r: «o a h«n lm dr: d*k hard t3<ru to tlom Ko t e w " tsf; Ka Nly-5?r,K - k: s w s k a " - r U l k rt tl87 to tlton yart rl»y llod lo tlon hf«rf Kojbetn tlt to t:7ln, 2l, v«l»n r ~, " fr to Butter and Eggs M700: -, ««8A>pjlANC«l»UM«%P)-&«l s s r A* 4 * f f e -C aul Uuttw Gr«] AA ( t Mor 7; srad A»t not ** B ff f,f K and 1 ""chtwv lnal dalla t>k41u cnu Dutltrt eebos poukdt M rkt U dyt P Kor»8C nu a o d : V a o r 04% M tcor Ul B Kor ttu carlou PO ltd o * f * u l «7 < u «arkrtu ady WhlU ehow «*tru to-mp p«r c n t A and vtr e h o *U» U ntaextfu to-m p tr etnt A and ovtr 80% : mtdluma r >Uer* * *">»ytr 4)U: Und- ehole current roeelpu 4 t llrtla49> p zaroo, l? Potato and Onon ;* Futures u») (Cotutesy B W UoB4bcrU am Ooapuy, B!k> Bldg Pboos tn>; " NOVEMDER ONON t l h U h / tl 3 low, 1188 c la tt «U [ j ean trad ONONB tth bd, ofrrwl at t6«: no u t ANUARY ONON tlto htsb, 17 low, 17t clatmhrm **" ** **rm>ruarv onons «b «g g d t, U o l V 6v1» * -o flv ol o u «Wfl» bd o<frd at M t; no ala ontlla = Great BrtaU s exportng over s* ak half of all cars she produces and round almost half of alltrucks low 1 Enjp) Cok< t e <h nd u and --- MUah-frm es // resukk Twn - w g / g k pnpany -ucton <2300 uojo -«350 %soo -10 g ed-ln, 1*6 =s t c -----«l4») of Me WTnOWHOBAmOBTTOT Zr TW N FALL COCA-CO ZZZle Cokt l»ofbttu4t«d«k jffprovem ent ;:D strct G a n s O K a t R u p e r t RDPEBrr une a 4 -r P «rty own- a t fuurt c n n-ue-dabo Realty and Wrght!2lf? «adaon here, tentauvely approved t f t a? u th e Ctys flrst mprovement dstrct nm any yeors n a m eetlnheld T T a y n lg h t ttuy «t The mprovementa, to be node at alto, wtrt ahr:estlm sted coor* ot (81,38{l, WQul; nclude aldewalks and curbs, shw to sewersand paved sueeta The clly >une(ntr s-expected to constnkt a low pres- WM 1 eure-lrtgstlon system through the hundm Abdt 100 bonds would-be ssued jndsold to fnance t h e mprove- ments They would-be retnd by the proper owners, who would w Cla make payments o n a cost p e rlo t 5«1 U Tho monthly cost U expected to be about 110 for a k t 76-feet tu so«u wde and $1 per month for one t\ :2U loo feet wde, accordng to m VoUer-PocateUo engneer, hred-by 8% t4h the cty to plan the project f Qvdunls would be allowedto 4 paycasb at any tme tor the lm*{ 1&3 provemenu l - - Olfr Counclman Wayne Hollcnt«!7s bocfc-sld t appeared to hm that U 78U the;mprovement dstrct -would m l9 "«o rght ahead Twenty-one per- * aons atunded the meetng held n t; 10 the Cvc buldng t was called by f! the cty councl U ut L any Wrght was elected charman of the gronp n charge of an --, w mprovement dstrct petton Other fo «members are G rant Catmull, Prct- 4U No 1, ton Osterhout and Gene toker n *»V v» 1 order for an mprovement to be 7r made n a part of the oddluon, «o ftt per cent of the property owners n the effected area must elgn the M - peuuon Votng wul be by lot, one ( j f c r M lot- - f f 3 Buldng Perm t Applctohs Fled 4eh«hjr; Threenew buldng pennlta to- No t 7»4o an esumated»1,800 have been flm at the cty hall, annomces Mrs ohn LesCT, cty clerk: Cec ones, G2 Addson avenue, > plnns constructon of a 10- by lofoot - bedroom addton costlns on estmated *700 Oerold Phllps, 330 * Gardner avenue, plans an 8- by fffffl 33-foot bedroom addluon Cost s esumated at»700 " Frank Morrs, 137 eventh street north, plans to nstall a new cellng n hs d ences ktchen nnd over A tt-8th basement entrance Estmated «*rad A cost s»200 Attend Camp 4t poutryt TWO resdents ot Twn Falls ate rlc n s u attendng a four-week ar force re- t * Md ««ve offcer tranng- corps summer comp at CasUe ar force base n Oallfomla l - 4 They-are-Chd-ThomB5*HuUrBon o f Mr and Mrs A T Hull, and erry Boyd PVjrsllng, son of Mr c?ku to ftnl Mrs Boyd Porsllng Both are etdents at Brgham Young, ml- V and r* Unt-extfu M l l ltyu NAKE RVER REPORT llrtla49> 1 - NAKE RVR WATER RKPflToM 1 UNE M l l t l Lt (Frs rnxru by Dartaa f RteUaatltB l l O n, CaUflcat Uurrw and cp tral n* partm) tch» u» 4 A f A!!Kter=-=a hlley»t4 tlm 8 clatt *- tojoota) jb Nttlty 772 «,)00 no u t Walcott ,P3 W20(a) no Ul MnWoka N 8 Canal»«3 180 elottthr0 Mndoka 8 Canal 861) lao commnrm 9,O js,u a U,, Mllntr L a k lom o t, "" N 3 Canal 9P2,480 no (t Mlner 8 Cana»k 2B10 nake athntr a,74 42M rtlng over (a) Aero-fcl: olhtr quamlun m-aaond duces and fu - cundall, DUtrkt EnHnar [!oke, ce cold AmoBTTOTmt cdcalcou co*tf*mtrt/ OCA-COLA BOTTUNQ COMPANY 1 C yaa THt coca<ou omwy TME-NEW TW at Convct Wls Own lva Fght for Freedom B A /r-kb orry,\n n e n e t7 ta h cufreme eburt-h aso r- dered the state prson to release % ** a-year-old convcted larcenut-who «rty own- carred hs own fght for-freedom d W rsht to the states hghest trbunal ap p ro v Frederck T Wlkns, a nauve ot nt dstrct Flushng N V leaves prson today stn t held on probaton W ter a 46-month s t y He~HaT>een"«mvlet«d ncottlvne e made a t on charges ot grand larceny and ; (81,38{l, thrd degree burglary and ent to m d curbs, prson n eptember, 1M9 The clly Lart Aprl, the stote pardons low prcs- board termnated hls grand larceny rough the sentence but CQnUnued hearng on the burglary sentence WUklns, who be ssued has served tme n the Kansas mprove- prson, based hs plea tor a wrt ot retred by habeas corpus on Ue clam he ho would never had been sentenced on the st per - lot burglary charge, s expected, n 5 t ct Headway Clamed ; fa/; n Rver Dspute allowed to WAHNaTON, une 34 (/P) Rep T the lm- amesb Utt, R Calf, sad today a lot of headway" toward settle- le Hollen- ment of Ue anta Margarta rver hm th at dspute n CaUfomla hos been made let - would n a conference wth Attomey-Gen- jr-one per- eral Brownell lg held n Utt nnd Rep ohn P oylor called by pa; sow Brownell yesterdoy They sad they asked hm to support a :ted char- bu auuorrng Delur dam on the rge of an rver for olnt use of prvote water tlon o th er usersnnd navy nstallouons null, Pret- They also osked that a sut aganst toker n several thousand water users along ent to be the rver be dropped, and another ddluon 60 subsututed whch would not sfect ty owners land UUe he sad t egn the Brownell agreed to consder both oy lot, one rcquests and gve the congressmen hs decson, Utt sold LEGAL ADVeTEMENT «NOTCE o r ACCBPTANCB Fled»» :!,» w day ot un ttt by rttoluuon duly w td ermlta to- and of raord n h mlnulo of *»ld nparf hav e been (5 :,!«V th o?» r"o r" annom ces eordanc wth Um applleaw plant, «p«e - u e Lt 3n avenue, j,, bttw an ud Board and lh oon 10- by 10- traetora hcrtln nmtd, u followt for tht jostlns an sro ;? " *" hlllps, Conerl rtlouon Plpo-lln-; an 8- by Twn F 1 Branch Eapttlmmt Utlea cost s Comp"aw " Nolle U farther stren partuant to lh m th treet Rr r * f lew cellng h u turbkd u!>ar or mural or upplla» «md over Utwl by th abo* conutclor* uponor la *mdt htl wthn»0 dan afur th* lh dy of un tm-ulo* th dau of cw - sltuon aeeepune of tald contraew fll m l l «r force re- Kran«th a Dck Durar, Unlrtnlly of Tr?*K NUeltfutthr*rf»tn U»t U fllar «e boae n on U> p rt ot ny eulmant to fll uch clam wluln -th prcterlbtd H day thtll ann- «ontlm-a-walrcr-o(-hl-rlht to rvcortr H u m a u U l ore U k ENNCT a dck Bunar oung un- rubluht un t M uj d e p a r t o* or,t h r n te B PO R T "?rz"?ly /r3-10 M Parley and,mad* lurmpn fllrf applktlon dahomm <n<lr tatlon 8 KPORT ON of Ul Taylor Grln Acl u amtndtd lo, M lat ht WVjNWH ta 20 T 10 R ReUaatlB 14 B M n Mchans for Ut >*P»rl, a ss T, R 13 & D M daho Tht noua U for th purpa of allowlnc Dtch all pront harn* bona fd cblallona to or Cont, -the propctd txehane* an opportunlly to»8o850(a) fll, helr objatont n twf Uur«u to-»*0 stlhtr wth «ld»ftc th l a copy thaa»t ]tst30(8) hat ban urrtd on th ppllanl wthn tosoo O,r from dau of fln t publcaton t700 PAUL A HEPARD Mananr teoo rrat publleatlon un 34 l»43 t70mm(a) publlth: unt uly 1 t t K t W;20(a) NOTCE OF LETtlNC 180 Baltd propotau wll bt rtctlrtd by th >100 daho Bard of lllhway DraUn ef th 13,100 UU of dabo only at th eftle of th Dtpartoent o( Hzhway Wt Man ttrmt t,480 Uolt dtho untl wo Cl-o-eloek P U 3<K en Ul 7lh day of uly l»»t for antlruet nk a coneru bes culrtrt on Hlhwa* 1X9 Ut;-]0 approlmaulr mlln wat of Baht, <l knowa a daho Projat No BT!3a(8«8) 3B10 n Twn yllt County -42al P h W lt jeonrormlnr <0 th condton n naoad abot lutf-wll b optntd tnd puucr N D A L U ltn, pakkllont form of contrae EnHnar propottl formt and other nformuon mar y Hlhlwflu Vd?h?and d EUmberf, DUtrlct Easlnnr at babont, daho A chtr* of Two oun (OO) wlu b mdt for uch Mt of punt ptrm nt to b nud by chak n tn ll to tb Do parlmenl of Klthway* uu of daho Th rlfhl t m trrtd to rtja t 11 pro- poult ot to aeept th propaal or pro- pouu dtcm*] b a t for U UU of daho No promal wlu b analdtr«t unltu aeeompanltd by an accnubu propal KUaranly n an amount nol n than tlv per etnt (t% ) of th cul amount of th propoul Thl (uartnly mutl b n th form of a CwtlfW Chak or a C»h- A, Ur Chak drawn on an dtho btnk mad Propal r bddtra h1t b!etn«l la th s u t of daho by th ut Contraelor t n tlnard c tp t on projat nrownf P«Ural Pundt Th n a u ftl bddtr on projau nvoltln F«ltrl Fundt thall obun tuch a lletnu befort wrd wll b mdt tl provld«l n ubtatlon t070] of gtdaho Undrd paneatlod Edton Bddm wll b rtqalrtd to nbmt a tttur aluehtd lo th propaat sm n a complru lul of uneompltlh wnrk upon whkh hty a r prtttnly n tttd n ldbo or ttt!t ; "*W r}tcud f thu nrormallon U not ubmllttd wltb Ul propotal, p t mldlmuman pad to all snkllm labor «nploy«l on UU contract thl b«tlto p*r hour,t h nlnlmua w tt pad to 11 lnwm«!uu jrrd labor tmplortd oa Ull rontract thtt b tt t e n hour T mnmum w pad lo 11 tlclllcd»v«m rt" * *> n th tlmrtttl Um comuu m wth cood DH UD 17, Mt r- V MtAtn Publlth ub t: \ ***-«0 AnANDONEb A ggbmnaltpropzbtt PT CTT OP u erh? h l " -»w"rmmlh"cou p * * - jv tchw oct 5-!o«r wll cht k" ; m-skj, "- t tre of**chtf " tumrvltlon and dlr«< o CONTANCE LEllEn F " * " EAL " H 111 TWN F A jas,:n)aho,, 0 1 : a Classfed s «,a ( r PECAL n o n e t s j t - h a * o r - U os and a p b u rr tm alas PM m > release % vlw,, f ot «f s s r? o " v V!» j r w ; n C o a m u e r Phan 0174B» 4ot* t5 PERONAL : f P - C n d larceny y T jn rn r n p T M le T fw W T C u hearng o n s u te d by mr w K say llklna, w ho a t trertud u of t/20/8tb llr le TCfrmna* ftk ATW about tb r a w rt o t T [*«ra2h5n u ttndrnewer : clam h e Nejp»r»oc«lfollow»up, * srtss-s- 25 pute 4 W >-R ep (uu ft : modtro budty ttrrle by a - :?--Ka a arars )m ey-g en- w, OO Bu u > ArU A adutr TEAM BATHT m lrt,; TRAVEL REORT v1 w to rr rl m K ons ral Mr Dvld F Clark t«7 Twlo FalU mllajn1 - CHROPRACTOR " " W - - " not toot ekyej«uj jajm umcr bolh ""0 f AND FOUND jnrtmmen «ct,11, Rtwtrd Phon 20- U C U T C KWWN leather bllfold, a t l 5 M c N a park, mportant paprt Phon K4 AL UUACK htlf cocker, half tbtohtrd ANCB Btm Blacklt Rewanl fphox>t lh RtsenU MK-nr 114 nh?» 5 L 2 tku l)llkulu conulnlns tto la t n f WalwMlh- by mothr, 1 mal Alldrcn, Kn m" n a h r llon, n» c LOT Grttn Elod" appllbe* truck plant, pal* - bl«tta CtDttlt nd Ktlchum luward tnu tfol- Kllpatrfcfc Ctnrl Cort r{eabo, ;>fho ;n TUATON WANTED\ a " *Tut5d m?(21 hm "* Plollno- OUTOH rucklbfc au farm prsdoma rnt UUeZ P ««17t-R saf»cturln* m f e h Fa?l«* * * * COMMEflCAL hay baulln and ttaeklns td»ho, Codt phob * Flltr f f?u"pp*la cuattlk btuulns tu c ln t Pbop aberof»ld KNOX esrtala usadr7 t t l l ttb Traa banobjw l t 8tta ck nd du of c loadtrnboaot" uch nouc LOOKKte U twant part or full Um lly handttl to paluob h A not UBl*er1ty of CUTOM hay haullnr and ucklrk Hob M dy» thtll Medum prlft Call OHOlt ht to raottr PAMLY rans»«so-usadry-dom la homt PhoB 7C4W h* U DBLL Burttry Cblldc r * day orl-r Phont tul;rwln Palla ; CE B ; cotob f,, h ; - a«; htr hullna Phont Ut-NR lllonwdb dont n hom Uundry luper- TR NTE- mc«d «1 Monro* Phsn 410-t 1amtndtd lo CUTOM by bllnc -AulomUc twn T 10, R tl, Ed anldr, Phnn 23, -Fllr lh N «W «CUTOM hy balln, wlr le Phon >«h OlOOsll Twn Fallt Clrne H ulh oblallona to 2 "» V"?P *- " copy th a a f CUTOM bar aucklns and hullnr A M llanl wllhn Prroll, hon M70-W tl llh Av blkuon, nu Wat, [10 Mana«r gutom hay uln» and tueklar a \mc f P M porot! NC PANTNO Oood work 1 prk you ean ctlrtd by th rm ullaal» PhotH7«0W a U n of th «lenln»onyj, <>»l«2[ NUULK M KLLHOEl, pantlns <l«or? s; for antlruet- ~ on HlhwT - ferar-- d fj! BALNG AnrWUElE at hahon Phon 04t R r (00) wn W* UOLLOWAT r l t l E CUTOM H A Y B A L N G K r N W - W to o r M n r l * ab t* Of HOLLAND BALER k «h - Go Anywhere t H5bw Thlem e, Phone 0288-n «lletntml la * :t Contraclor atl ntownf "~ 1 h a u l n g l o a d " { a W C O N N H E F E R llobt UltlOB, monlht old- ubm tatttur *kt tb» a complrt OuaraU tltfaelory Delvery Uho or t e Phone OMO-n3 t «}«Ud f bmlttd wltb MtLP WANTED FEMALE t o E * t o crllcnt tt ret thall b fl, - V* trule prmancnuoh, 40 Bt Wth tood > AU a ltru furnlf, w ffaa -E, HOUEWVE f e s f a, U M « j-h fce WANTED~MALl~ UtNKKAL rrm l n -rttl »*o televson >nd Hd Ml «T drwlon TtehnleUn* art nmlbt 01U, T1 1 LEt<tEn, "««whch you kap Tt " t " *»* «> 1 HELP W a n t e d MALB ~ C E totarl b l T l d? p? T T : w n z T r a z r - n t s n R T w a n s r T U rutod a oulm nal a t!f, g*a a? d g r K & te X T M / - C o WWW Pbon Ot»lU B u h l ;s /s M-R, or Hra book n Twla Pall, and Buhl ttlvn auru jbly U Apotr 1bh»*4? E : B U N E O P P O R T U N T E slte K«r t o v c ; 2 l,«~ e P m? «* T 1 f f" tood la»tlon; Phon t-w rom" 3 f " l by aaraaeal m u l egtur Pon lo-c Tlma-Nar ;45-s U & AeaduT, b,nd 220 *olu Wll laauc Q r nqulr flalu»n Cafa n f f o r a l b j o w n r D R -unll apartmaxt houta All aparu ml - n ta u <ornub* Chole loeauoo /» nra rno neom property a H n t Box C-C Tlmes-News tund ~ - ra to Charle h?n k T* td/rtk *tan l5» tt3 non»u----- town, la Maxla half b*phtrd Vallty - Orou ncom lut yur Pu»4 " k MAGC VALLEY mvetm ENT-CORF VNTED\ lt hohon trmt outh Ucklnc Utl! >>««or e««-b r e n lu T,"ZT FURNHED ROOM ~~ Lady Phon 708-7l *bf*!»**noon** FURNHED APARTMENT 1 ttb BTraa MtOOM parllan7 fumubwl apartanl, 448 trd A au W at 8 Uock attd m e g» toom~«bd ta u a l porth st OT Arnu NorU ek srau huokutrurnuhkl 2-t>«lroom apartml No PU Phon tt Of» >-KOOM dtplta apartmtnt PrlraU but nqulr-48 Borah Avenu UcklllK Hob apaknent du tor bact;c or forkng couple t t t Walnut ttr a t a tlrn# bal«uoull<m~t-roomapartment wllh batb Front «nd back ntrn e Phon m -U»»dr7-do«HALL aparudat Clnn and c la l r Prrat bau and atrance t t ao& h day 0( boar Are North,, ;- Al«; U N F U R N H E D A P T - NR toum modra cm la Adulu undry xpw- Phon 2<»tM B-ll Ol PAUTLV fumubad apartmtnt 7%t ;ackl( Troy roomt-waler fumlthtd Call 187R U N F U R N H E D H O U E T l f e! 2H3, -Flar, t toom and bath tt WaUr Pad > le hon»hoo ; rcne Ktalh t UOO modtrn a e m t bmu *18 Cla baflt phom UNE-UOOM modan hom for rn C O lnut Twn Fall - nullnr A M MO>BllN 2-bdroom bout*, r a n t 1 tts llh A v taehr Hblock from Kroenr ton nqulr 16 lu m n Vacant un 24 >:f- A l- F U R N H E D H O U E U 6bn ttr fumuhd AdulU 8m o b n l lu jrcyou can dwrtmwt Pbon B 2«WANTEP TO RENT, LEAE LEAE or buy a ;nmm«h;«; n~ lnlt U4& l u w ** * * > W a n 7 TO*l=NT wltk 0U 00 to kt n n n malt a e m wllh 8 or bodrooea homa or «ar C 78t-W*or»t7-N u«d 1 Ol 9 UBUllOOH bom n dalrabl *" -UEUllOOM unfurnuhal (partly furnltb A, j & h s r f s " T s s " h o m e M l - k e V C M E H Y j «a llb W A ta work Pboa MP-tL MC FOR RENT TABLEa~ n " A a ln for ml o e g A L N G tulnboll-e Pbon 4 m tahv, focr aaada aaa M t«"era ng Te nuhop Uahg mmttanr P <*4, ALEn here 02BB-n DAHO - U-DR7B aa A r t CAT n V B rolktfl ERVOB )AD PH O N lto l FER monlht old H O M E F O R A L ; 13 4-UEUtUOM or dupln dowsttf 9th ar«u north, FEMALE rtuetwl Box mojeralmj tor t u r kwtrlbc to e e v - lvlnr W tklas duunea from t0wa, «crl1cnt tt ehurch and ckool tncnuoh, 40, htnd Phoat x f ~ x j g g For Appolntmnt te 8 u O r j - g l C A B o bln son A gency ott *y«u ""ho ~ dtl» Wr j l " 1 *! WOULO-YOU LKB TO BB fra lem Wher tlw unt U not brjnd h tr mpu, hout nca doorl And aull har BB : Pacfc U ltra Modem Home? flee UlU BrleV and woodeontreetlop; T T T Tc Btron* raeeful, and cotafortablj :-MALE flrepuet la rs l»1n«rooea and b«- ornkp roomt dlthwaabr, dupoml and BUtol«hou ft: matle wthw o rp t «d drapu b- " fur orwluout r u : b, uoo n o w n - tet ht low down-paymtnt mall t U rn klchn 2 bodkomt, UW l»u and full butm nl Attaeh«l fbrastt n a jw and U» tars* f a c yard «C r j ARTHUR T WATON uu *, R e a l E s t a t e Pe»V T U r Bld«PbontO

15 B &» < T g r t r - n» p g» * " f e f K H *Wnllr- m u V la N N f o T A L E - -, «g! j a n «T «rtm 6«nD( du* to H t n (Ml Ht «( tglbllnn T1l> g K 2 to lb l> T (ans a,m H H lto j nntu nular* Un4 s 3 H?! " " " Homt Ex*! E T (ua- lawcmom de»o j R d U M blbos rl<«r N loc * H r u M larol *»< T*rl>r rlsht E t nla rlkl Ursterctk run* * s s a s, s ; " ; K tome, mmeduu H a a lmea»[vrr T bnd nomtr mthlnrrr to ep> ( n fm llttllab wur Mr CbllU Tht t vtrr L H nlll tm, UM down nmx s t t e, Bl«p n tnd check ov luuns cntuttpeor nkvcasa Bvsmsssea H ln M lm th tr s «n4 <mnlllho VEBON REALTY y a s w y - * " - B>«HWF01ALE 1 MCK rt t, u, vtjr, n r, mprotkf and rrlr M t e a v ;, - " " - - -, * w )»lr> W A K r 7 = ) r ««f»»!;; (o r T»00 * BoblMon A s e n e y U W-Hn R«l,o m >v- W f l E M E N T ««:, r t e * E Bate Loaders * m CHOPPED *«ttevator Truck BeU * ErAm f t s s E R T M N G r e p a r! Htnplm lllfhw7 19 otaoeta f ; > lltonl Co rhon«n jj wjadena d r - ~ md4 s n FARM MPLEMENT ENKWU tu e k tr m r old luvuy r M ntsrctd on rubbw Um m Web Wlc«t» 0 Duhl pbon»»«lom PHOPHATE 1D& PREER8 Ter bttf, pwl asd «U>*r tow crop PtnraZL OOBRUOATOR8 For frt# Hawn* e o rn n ln f lb, b**u bmu, tpud «U FORO F&ROU80N D«t»Mn whmh culvtur fof b*tu or b tt TBUCK BALE LOADER BALED HAY FOtK E PAUL EQUPMENT, B WELDNG HOP rw»j P «Kret :*!f ORDER NOW - ELF Bean C utters for all make tractors BE URE HAVE TH BET DO n ; NOW jlrr EP",): MANUFACTURNG CO 0«2«T rd At*, s l>hon t 000 eltf r ", GOOD FARM e q u p m e n t TRAcrroRa OH DECRE A TrMtor, d FAElALL C- T r«lor wlb CAE VAO TrMtor ALua<;tAL«Ens WC", l -OQVER M Tretor fro OLVER M TrMtor, OLVEB 70 Tr«tf- MCELLANEOU OLVEn Tr»lt Mow*r f,;; KEaUON H tm n ch o p t OHN DEenR Tr«ll Mewtr NEW DEA a t u u *2 HC Pltld Cultltor Ur AE PkkV Ujr Chopper CAE d* Rko - OHN DEERB alomttle «lr«ll«nrnff- Utltr CAE luy tur wlr* tl " OABE H«y Bltr, rn* « r«v FARNAM Bllfr OONOE MltklRf MKbtn* UeCOtUtCK-DEEBNa A alt HEkrr MOUNTAN TATE MPLEMENT CO Your Olver Pwn Equpment Dtaler \U tcvd At* outh?bop* At AM HAY, GRAN & FEED M TUNU (lr>t eutdtmvb U trdd PhnnW W On k y g d [ n T M btpk s g fta : UACC Vulln M1nc~«rTle«m a * ~F»r OWT- Twn K»U«, knpt WANT HAY any amount Pbea* lm t cub KmUflr Rmer Edward*; M AclU haltl hay 1 ml* wnt, 4 (outb (rr»r{ Wor -t,on4!04>: Twn UUUltUAN l-ced Utrrlc* Cbtrl** B 3 UMwn l hon» lab-m or fuu«fam FAunTFTor"renrTr ort rt eer» r f fffs-*"" r t rtoo Pbon* OOR Dtbl L*wr*n<«M*ll raku R6 and («r»~ m b rellu :y W >»-l : EED & PLANT OO ACK UcCall Ulu T ar **«l P«Ut««b Ten* lo U FlOT n C lukwat BACK Uu* TMg NttU Otmt trtmn nar HtC P lra bo roroou o* Kellffltycr, 2 m lln Bertb, out ef Dobl Phan OTt Buhl TToo [ «K, eeds for ummer and Fajl P L A N T G PATURE GRAE ALPALPA and CLOVER WNTER WHEAT EED RYE - Globe eed & Feed Co j : : 4th At* 50 LVETOCK & POULTRY W llgeh«tphrf*r Gntrtmy *ow» PlCKUl* dawary- ChMptn tlmo**t leb of bulebfrlnf PtOB* toq acabulerln, rrur (arm M U Duuhl E*«*r m M * GOOl wg>n*tla> M rar Holof toek R W 8«blKr wt H Muth Flltr z a t whlt*-<a* mlk eow-jlr* l o On* bfef eow 2M n ll» **>t of tb* Arl>l«T MurnelL-: ~ UK:>UULlNGl 4 br««dj ub*-*nd x t t s s s ; s " s» C1P Lake* robd H «t», DobU Pbea* m j -ARTmCulWranNATON- BZRVCC lu\v yr1r*e?% T ak!?6hp lt crrle* t l M r«turs ebarv* PHONB Twn W U H Co*c» PKONB mm* * Ul ColH *** BULOmO tettbr BERB Ptsved lrea OB HOPPER, r o r a Nl)* errle* Pboa* lt» t 1740 per sow, t t m n to n DAHO PROVED 8R fca v fc* u, GOOD THNG TO EAT Ur r lu t V»krmV W anattob Un; Ptc* cberrl**,- eh**p outh L < t tre«mer*r«pbon* 0<H b BTan UKKOU), rotn wbll* turkvr* fryln -pkkop t*ltk*n»n4ty«onth roelrpulntau )adr to (trbwherrle* On* north 3 w«*t Wm Caulrr P* Ponu, F a HAKEKB»U lrd AvtBU* Neru * 0"* m * 5 Ulv<lHTEtKU tor urrl*r *tud aervlo otth of Ubar Camn Pbon* B«8fr H A ta N E t eupt *T*lUbl* U u l BON a??= lumt 1 toulh, on* wat U aouth *aulb wht eorn«r Kller P h an * lm H WANTED TO BUY, 40 luntt lood alalla hay wed fm l Dtllverad Harlan E Ha* Buhl X o * «s T c t FOR ALE OR TRADE MT W lk lt «*daa U t Cth Avenu* Lu > Phon* m o MLK cow (or her H E WUoD 4~TTortt 1 * t y norh erom *U;;UKUUM ncatr new hum* -Trade (o FAM MATk:H lmker wth pp* an Ullcockt U*d montha Pbon* 2M W ltl x A k tl (at mojel w cr llv;;l 6 aa part paymml on on*>*droom modr bam* Call MCELLANEOU FOR AL f b O n u L old oewpav*ra 2»*r buadl KM tlaluuuhv aeoour tp*«lonel«tarur MO tu dney «tr*et n n blt htavy Wear-tTrr Unolwn Caeo kltfhen lool, jhlrawtr df*««««1 Meyer r> UOU- C;LU1: UoUby o n a mauhr ron*, wood bac, carc acrfce tm * r o t YUUK corral pola and potu lhon o M l or WrtU R L UuAUr Box 21 tfaller daho, for nlermauon - TUlLCR l b etl AKtmlnum cove, deal for hunlnt or fltmns Co*t tlu Ml tttoo, Ueom B Amercan Hole: UENCltAL ElecUle U*lwn«pcdatal trp ladutrlal fan (t of baune* wbetl* (o -klbuty TXE," th* lntxp*nlv* u: db tractor tbttdoaf "Rany bc obj «* lu mower and many aaehmaau a U N Prlte»» KmWly Ro*d WELL UlllLLNU lotary rls moune 08 apwlal Ford truck, chan pul) dowr O f*et, nch drll pp* for UO( P O Do»»;, Wcjt neramento Calll LUUUElt forele al barsaln prlcn al ml: ncb healblnc a Fow aa luoo pt tbeuaod r«ek tom* 2 nch dlmeolo at low Bt t:do per thoutand W*nde: UU and Lumbtr Company; Palrfltlc daho l-hutoukal-llu equpment, all 0( lh btl raakrt Btll A llowell Kwttonc K*v«r«Arpj Oole* LeU* Extkb G E Welon, -Radant Vewlcz Ampr aln Mrvlet aecrmorle C«ran Camara CenUr, Ntw Phen* -Numbt 1 lt >M8 - U R - p X t l " k,r f o r V A C A T O N N E E D TenU Tan» - Cots - flankcu - Camp Qults Ar Mattressea PUlowrr ackets Plshlns Equp* * At m ent - hoc - secdlng Bass - Camp toves - Axes - Foldng 5 Bhovcu- Pup Tenta wthploorl rtd : -pkte HA RRY K OPPELCO K tad AT*nu* ou u, Twla Fall* dtho Pbea* lm t PECAt ERVCE WB CUTUU dr all knd, of roullrj - Pualtry uaplr 141 4n Aynue W«L 1 -, * UEPTC unk and e*apool cleanlnc KoU w m F tt rr P b? ; - n 7 M p - H! * EPTC UBk* pobbkl LlTt, cleaned wt r- Tfl Bower rvour Pbon* Burley 4>4*U e r"r or llamlton 74«- - UATTKbbL rtnovaled AUo wool ean 1 m r» *d Everton UaltrcM Faeory B«u n n end AvtnD outh Pbon* tl-w FURNTURE & APPLANCE WMTNQHOUBE UO A m tnt«<l H a *Y Aay ycv *** - t»tall Horn, (reeertucllent cor lllllon maranlwd tl«- Mulg CnUr, tewl KENMOHE wahr, aparuncnl x*: clt< trk Mn»«"ll oh btaur Phon / T o 2 O tlg o L V Thor wa;her lke *w, ru t of narantee 1100 C C Andt: VACUUM cleaner reparng, llaraln 1 rrfmllu V U Mtln «: Uan Ea Pbon* U ly o U want to tel y~our furnuur wlmalcvalkr Aucton bon* MM ONE ONLY dnnonlrblat model K«wtah*r, modtl 8K, to C C Ande aptclal purcw e LlwlUd otfer l Amerlean cablntt tlac gjo C C Andernn 0 E AUTOMATC waler and WetllnB heum* dryr for al* by nrlvat* part) ), Coo1 condluon Phnne amm U s e d A p p la n c e s, t a O E DUbwaher and n k t09 Pr«cUe*lly new FrlsU*lr* dryer HOOO rw T f Coronado Aulcoatle Waabtr, rood condton Maag T T E Kenmor* Wrlnstr Wathtr -tt8,0 0 r a : jtb W A R N E R M U C»» - & A PPLTA N C F, T r a «; = ± = Pbea* " EA R E R V K ff P E C U L ON-?o*urlB?l*OhB a : ; f n ; t : tu b 5?* «- «," «r d l o f, bora On tab)* modt) rado* only K* w* Wll tu t tubt* ete*n dal, and, eb*e)( for allppast, c)**n and pel* l*et Ml cabnet and mprov* th* a*- lt«l leetltlty for tl>0 f u f extra F r e e E s t m a t e s o n M a jo r R e p a r s 1 8ATFAOT0N OUARXnTEED OR TOUR MONBV BACK - E A R E B V C E D E P A R T E N T N- AT FURNTURE & APFUANC % s : w 1*UUllllUv/N boumdaanlhrl wonderful Klrbr V*««aa Cluner y*t* -W ltb Botor t \ t n floor PolUber B hent aomrklrby c of n»5 402 lh Avenu* ut N<TU>- ELtCTtlC ranae* lum lo l» ; ncrl erator, waaber, bed davenc*, Wro< " f MlU yeoth-a *d baby b«rou d rm en, eh«ta bookeu typvwrll Walc «l»k dlnetu ohrom* > r* l?u T n b l a Twla «>«*t twn tubt wool tu«t roluw bm, eprlna, maltmta* trah bum,v, wardrobe 1*47 **p CoBvenlent t*ra ll* Wll- w tradt Haya Furnture Fjtbanta RADO t, MUC TABT Ue chlldrea on plaso aow U Mhpol OUU Voo caa caoo* f m Brown Mnle and FurnltortL Conuct TRUCK & TRALER D E 1»M rold truck, beet b«d nqulr* < «th trwt North a(ur pm m : >-01U) Vj8 K-l plckupl beluxa r (pr tlrat hatur, rear bumper, tral 4 north Hub undercoatad, P*rf*et bap* Pb >adt (or VuUH Columba d u ltr haa now a comp lock On* uted tamo trallar HOO C >lp* and 12 Kltttwnod 1800 N*w> One 14 Pt «2UW wood tuoo On* Otm Dndy pct coach, now MOO Woody eal 471>d U~ L On Avenue Weet r>n«* from HOO to MOOO Alao d*«for an Amtrlean Naahua And*» A L E Terra Crultr, Rlthardton and olb< r H = r domettr PECAL TH WEEK dreutr, Ncw 1958 Dodgfl 2-Ton, Xwp«*d Kxt aad htaur, mauhcd *00x29 rubbtr Buy tbla ct tm on* at o t rthlt HAND MOTOR CO EROME Mt tlu The buy of the Month 1958 Dodge %-Ton l r e PrcKUP <»- HeaUr <-cpmd tr*na«u!mn; mounltd 700X e-vlr Ur*t n t on* ) down solar below cett : MOO HAfTO MOTOR CO orom Wandel) arfd s AETNA Caranet, Traler ales andfnmce n o w HA A ED s-ft CATALNA m keu Campng Traler»»«- A REAL BEAUTY qulp* leeps 4 Comfortably la g s O TH ER MARE 3t MODEL jldlng AFewUM tones Q pgj, EVENNG AND UNDAf MT Wu Addltes 0* AUTO FOR ALE s r -u7 TYLE LEADER ned wth N : L M NCE Y C H A M P O N W2 TUDEBAKER Champon Har, ; Top wllh autofflale (rant* lenl con- mlulob f<n 2 2 m T O D B Commtadar 4d» PMTD D CK En CoBtemfr 8t j tlu ABdr TUDAKER Champon Rac Dtlux* 4door- wllh r**"!» aulomatlo t4! n ta t BtUDTOAKER Champon Dal 4Mloor wth ovtrdrlv* M H m uj l»o TUDBAKEH Commander 4-dn, a ev j, j,j ; ;> l«0 TUDEBAKER Champloo Culo AbeV <«>»«"rdrlv*fll lo TUOEOAKER M ton pckup wl er \- M hp molor 4hp« tl C C 19H 8TUDEDAKER ton sckt wllh ottrdrlve *121 WnVlnc MO TUDEBAKER ton trvck wl * parly»4r>*«l axle and beet bed U Wher* Cut lom tn end Thtlr TrUo Ty/N FALL MOTOR CO DOO Tb* Frendly Horn* ot tudebaker Enoa ehlffler ak* Rol k 800 TW- T- T T R E ABY!rtO BRONZNG - Del UutUrfUd 107 AddMn pbtt BfCYCLE ALE & ERVCE -N Ulalua Cyclery Pb 111 4U Mala Av* L cement w o ~ ~ COAfftfERCAL Pfuwrwc~~,n Qsallty prlntlns ef all klbda T lm pel- Phon* 18 FLOOR ANDNG 1» FUfWACE CLEANNG ~~ t e e d 3K Bttr***** raaoraud EtutoB K t Factory Phon* tl*w MON y TO LOAN~ ~ TrMV n*nk * *Tt**Daldlnt Phon TME-KE, T m m m L A N C E A U T O F O R A L E l ywt fur- CHEVROLET 1»4T aport o«p«,oood,1 ber, raeent overhaul, PrTBt*ty s* y Company lun*7y*t«< CURLY AKWOBU " m r" -b o s p e c a l : B rau 1951 CHRYLER nfrlc WndMr Kewpert Thlt bn4 top «nn vertlbl* U p««r«f by tb* Tamou c b«: -Fl*»<Tll»dr molortem Ooud : typewrter U low upk**p *a«t *ad bsb n ml Uo* utb o j - " C 5!! A r K ; 2 pano* and fram harm n ctt* a jp e k t P1 t Qbf AHVOKTH MOTOR C nqur* ««801 a u t Man street C r u f ; ~ - bap* Pb*n* , BROWNNG AUTO CC On 16 Plett- P E C A L a s " * * * Thla Week s " " s r h s, ParkT ralltr ap*<l»l «: t»<» CADLLAC Dtluxa **dab tlrta C*an at can b* and only 11 WEEK t u BUCK ptclal 8*d»a«tU Ej 2-Ton Mt PONTAC atdan,,,1 1* (bo BUck uptr tedtn ll p 1»1 TUDBAKER *1 t*<ua L ll Easy OMAO Tcma BROWNNG AUTO CC tonth r - Pcr3onally~lndorsed UEDCAR t on* 8TUDEDACBR Commnndtr R door Vg motor, rado, hu ovthlvt Lou of mllta la CO c»», 19H HUDON Commodor*C Coup* Rado, btaur, bydran ntw TKxU tro, orlclnal : Blue palat A v*ty el*an ttr 10» HUDON Hornet 4-door Hy malc, rado and beatar Ut btavealy body Uotfr* a too Oa* 6j»B*r ear 1119 HUDON uper *«2-do«r K - «r eeauent rubber, very c g q nldt tnd out *rter blu* Tv to ptr(*euob P47 NAH *4 Amba*aador,~ldoor C 0 daa Overwrte, rado, bm Lou ef-tentteabuu o a t TVA DEAN MOTOR, CO 111 Bd Ava Watt Pboa* ler UTY Ably YOU RE ALWAY U R E UNDAY» WHEN YOU a m GROUCHO" Top Value Uaed Cara ~~\ s DER P : E C A L lol Deoto oust 0 eda: V -Orlg Blue FlpUh Rdlo * Heater, eat Covers jq g Ouaraoteed lke aew plon Hardtran*- H TUDEBAKER Champon andar 4d»or 49 MERCURY tdan Ovardrlv* U M 49 PLYMOUTH Club Coup* atf«r - f m Wlflu Racal 41 PORD " f tdan t4gl 47 CHRYLER Wnder adan <»M MANY O TH ER PR O M ander 4«r! 50 AND CP Ploo Culwn Yon aet th* ear and -ll0» U l,, - TsM - pur*, ton slekup REMEMBER b * fo n P" [, E g o r e M O T O R! tudtbaker Man Ave Boutb l KO NG PLVUtNG & HEATNG fc Pb W Uon* Pjumblot *pd Htg Co Pb ERVCE REPGERATON FflVC BUrCaln Appllancea Phen* l «~ Ma«lValty Re(Tljr ervlc* Ph BC-----» *frt««r»ttw,- T O b m r tawm ~* *U Pbon* O bumway AppllanM R*p«>r Pb ~ EHVjCE ryfewfurer ~ L,L Balt*, r*8talt-aad **rvlc* lto: P flo-m herwood Typ«tlt«r Ex OppotlU *»»* UPHOLTERY VG okntont, 4»4U Vl Av;: E T M jy a m r c C E M E M f r / N C H U n a T C T c E Coaranu r - K t u *y»-ya» t tu n phwt Klrby Vacuum al** and errle* K - renul 401 4lh Ave EaU Pbaa h VENETAN BLND!h5, m lnt repalrln, r*upln, j-u WATER OFTEN TCBTREB allm ch W aur B*rrl Ws TWN FA LL, DAO A L E A U T O FOR A L E MP* Oood rcb a a r h u n t f o r f o r d s oobtht or aooo-mlu Mtloaw) w arrtatr 3LER hard too eon rualag* tud A ;?» o «pt «138 pecula *rv * «A PLYMOUTH peeu) D*)a«nUfc Th* (luld coup* Ex««ptl*&all] *l*«n l (cnoolh op*r and out - fflo 19CUEVR0LET W eor t ophol e l Powder bla* flaub *y» atu ron oord and ** * A rt a M : pecuu L M d d T l CUrVROLET teap* Black t b l*h Btw platu*»*al covtrt jfn# j l u l e k WFORO uptr Dtlu* 4-door raalle»4t CHEVROLET t-door two 3T0R CO 1V ~ tre e t X9(l s t u d e b a k e r cbaaploa MTCHELL HUNT F O R D A L E U T O C O DUHU DAHO MtUn* toor - - F O R D, L Z L :;r,s jdab Naw B O T H A N N V E R A R M s p e c a ls Ml»n«tU Extra »» L,78 H t ClEVjlOLET F)*eUln* t-d< A* eoadton, m o t t*daa L12M 1, KAER DtlBX* 4-door fhfc?l r u a «? ;r ; U T O C O & a t " * Kt rord V-s Deluxe t>doer H O naow nw ctr " "TrrrTr d o rsc d OOO actual mllat Katm lux* cab fleld drlv* R 1 "*»«*n<5«r R l loh FORD V- % Un pkkup 4-, rao htalm, trantnuttod htaur «rw mllta n bl» mllaact CHmCHMANMOTO: -e"5m" tr E R O M E 4-door Hydra P h o n e T o r 115, lk t2? * u UNDAY 2"door ltal «r very clean er blue TuB*d * M o n - A v e r o ; * n h o m e O F G R O U C H O : T o p V a l u e - U E D C A R looluoblb *daa ludlo W A Y ) hramtuc A tlean ear )jja 7 a DODOE Coalom B*dan A oa *r ear ut e6ap)euly ovtr BTY <» NAH MO" *d*b 41 DODOE Dualaua eoap«49 PLYMOUTR Clab Cou( e d C a r a p o n ta o s*d*n*u G0RE1V0T0 O PB N UNDAY : A ~ L Bran Have You Been F H N G For Eeal ValueB? mpon 1 joor easons BE U E D C A R eup* B U Y a d a n - Q K B PR O M O P M CHEVROLET Btl Ar 1 Blllt rado, b«aur low ear and a lltf* l*n»t to jjjj PLYMOUTH Btlv*d*r hmtfr good coodluoa, m CHEVBOLBT dnloor (*dtn 3 E R *r«lld, r»lleb*at*r PKB TOM "» 3 T 0 R M9 PLYKOUTH -paacm outh a*aur Bd d f r c u r lay 11(9 TUDBBAXXa emtp* Ore fk * *****" **** - lll CHCTBD W C t, H -)WT-OWn AC -4-door-«*dtu- V lue >O R-4oer *«5aB Rtdl P b w a t u l M* CaEVBOLET %-toa pkkup ERVCE lu# CHEVBOLtr 1-Ua tpee rvlc* Pbon* 5lL ; FflVCE 1117 PLYMOXrn 4-door ttdaa»ten* m v «* ;?lc* Ph 1»«-R1 h u CHEVBOLET -oor tedan r r P b *! ; m FO M 4-door atdtnl rado TVCZ t-l H a t " mo rord s4eer Mdatk T e Pt>oa*- t M A N Y O T H E R, t OppotlU P 0,? L u a M G d E N K l Ala Phea* *nre,B*«r», C h e v r o le t EaU Pbaa* tow fp - ALE a n d ERVC 0 ALE AUTO FOR ALB t u lluoo) low mll*a«* a**rdr? ;o R D 3 Pho n -* a V : ; QUALTY? u!, o rv U s e d C a r a M l BTUDEDAKBR Land Crube, orerdrlv* rado cllmtflm Ala nylon apbolury 5y a" lld5»«* TUDMAKEB ChamoloB Ovardrlv* aad ellmtuer lr*y»«ublm»4tm)dcb 4-door A *oo4 19» CHRYLER tf 4-door Ov* 9* Black <tn * * *1cover* u * 4-door *r,, a n d T r u c k a oor two-ton* x" 19e CHEVROLET t l tob plcku) b cotm H*w motor, lood Ur**, 4ptt tb, trawalmten baaploa wth rob O U tea pkktp trabmuloo H U N T 1941 CHEVROLET track wllh ; T vpq axlt luxto «tlru and sec bod Only tooo ml**!to * U FORD ton plekup Me rousb, ttrt* g eod T W N F A L L E Q U P M E N T C O Tnxk Latn W**l ERARY»» -hu s r MAGC VALLEY- ubhu b tu p VOLUME DEA L fendr d tfl OrUtaU loea crcvr O L cr -door dtu do and htatcr Two-toa H«*l*r V*>7 ctaa m PLYMorrH Craabrook Ovvrdrlv* rad* amt haau tp l*m that a n d V l s h ta moacuut "drlv ""*» «OHBVROLer dalu * 4do e tf KT**n rado and b*at«r -----; T «cctrat wall ear*d f o r DekuB 4*D»*d!<*<> OHBVROLCr *lux* M O T O R s s s s - s e s u s s vuor A beautful ear r 115,»M0 BUCK 8op«4-door Oj DAva t»»9 CHBVROLBT n**tllb* D deer Rado and heaut ; palat jood tlraa,fully - 19H CHVROLETT D*lux* d< do, h ttu r, twottoaa look*t M*ehanlcAlly CHEVROLET CoBTOtb)«nv, aad hr*t«r W hlu wal U r «at}«r lalarlor Tp-top, Q ahap* , 19(0 FORO Custom V- 4-doo l u a * heaur and ovrdrlv* P AR kua *,a d b*at«= «*rad ordan A oao-b V» - Bedtn M OREVROLBT Z>*)z««-d do and b*aur Motor w aua eoap«attracuv* Ucbt KT**o 1 1! m n M Cars * **** OTOR DAY :M» «E B Y g o b y a U ; r ~ N G / a l u e a? c b e v k o l b t coby, tson-sb E T - m r DoMTO aob eoo»q A k <><>h*al*r Maw pt ffu Uuy? r - m r P L Y H o m s x m a * 4-4o< rebw l**t COTCTt K 194Troao,8p*eU Dltax* V Run* ] k* aeloek A «)n looklu car,jl, l l t t boater blf attd roooy, famly ear Q oaranu! \o o a " L 5 l» «K * OHBVROLBT 4-door B Hluoa -----»M» B*al «1 -L w loor *dab Pow Dont paaa thu on* np two CHBVROLBT U t«b pk s l v * wall earwl for T T L ««g» a * «DODOB H-ob pdcup,?r rfu" nro *B Rt4l» ****» t U ;n lot POPgg H on *r(thj V -tob Pl{kuplll«, U a 4p**d : OU O u r fam ous 80 -d» y exd oer tadaa Badlo, prvlege t&kes au * rfak o u t of u se d c a r bu door t* tb m a s k To dtb rado - - UO o u a r An t e b t h b tlf t *11 O U A R A N T E E N D / :h e r s V NORTH D A U T O C O M P A N ENKN j e r o m e» le t O TBV RO ET E R V C E o p *n > v «aar tm M V l A G B j r U - A U T O W t ; l o 1941 BUCK to a a t tr M M L R ALB, l*a«* Q «; v * aad U M M fr l/f - r r B*rTle* Utlea, *1 ~ n m o T o -T B jf c ra - ;jf G C b p \ UElj Cara 9M GLDHOBLZ *e~ 4Nfeer tab Rado, haater lydrb B at -«Land Cruber Wth?<>**! mltaamm Champloa 4do«,- 19U TtlDEBAKER V4 CeOlMB ellmtuer to M 4-de<rr aadan Rado b*at<r-«tn drlv* U*r* b tb* b*al b» % A Kood elt«n a a U la Twla, rueka? f f K % tob"pckup Nw traneperutlop al W bet- -l7< tt**, 4Pt*d, 19T OUEVnOUft C0BT*rtbU BARNARD AUTC Pltkup" Motor COMPANY e o d rb o n c-w FA L PONTUO CADLLl e n t CO Coodwu D4*d fma~ n* W**l p* V Op*a*U tlpj«l - Moaday Um» rrd*r "Oo*d QBdan»*a Toa ModMr", ALLEY DEALER ERVNG MAGC V A L L E 4-door daluxa Ra-, *r Tw otcn*b a contajnt DEMAro * ~ u t o o a c u l j f B etto TEanBportaUon ar*d f o r XM hrtrmmatle n*vr **al eem */ *lux* -doo Ba- harp ,,,, M» * * "r»? 3 r f e *>K» C A L A O OK* a utlful ear M ux* BM *«dobtfe UBleally K q t t T 4ew 1 ; s 5 2 palat sood <r«*, V-a 4-dw Badle,, tmt FUAZER 4<tMrftaar < drlv* / A bur M purra l«* a PLYMQTU CoavtrtW#; -,: >r 4-door Dynaflow lu OBBVltOLBT 4-door WOTLTMonraWow m N B L P M p T b B D p % :x 5 lr; = ± ± - ± - UM - r styt«ur BAV FOLK < 3 - «H jjb c n a r -oor *d*a B s s * «s s r s «, r ConrartlbU Btdla tlraaobljr j- x W ;? 5 5 x r, r?! v a M n * 4-4««Look 9 n rcvnraakw B tn l D a lt «t c o rm cood t l >1 ftlox* V 4 4-desr OAA ~ - 1 oek A«)t«B OtDMOBLB "8 Clob «wth ocoaemy of tb«, aua Q a a r a n t L m U r* t* thlt o a * l fr* t n L Cl*a»,1 ah?b t*ror e l B *? a»ob<l»*p*r A work Rado baaur, a*w l u t«h wau tlrat, s t «and Oaan aa a plat,, 80><!sy exchod«> PCKUP t&kes au th a mo chsvbo let h ob Oo» m E THE BET : HT DAHO MANY, MANY M O R * T O O booaoft om l, -H D E W H MOTORC

16 [ bale of Large je- Knalrly j-ly Har tyus a Wutl W Award;;;; r H H H ; VToo)Z6alou8 lous -1 to get blm>out;orbed so h hg :* tla01ll H ; F e d e r H e U a n y o n P rr o j jpp ccl t n ;- BO8B u n e 34 -pw v» p»»m< e rm c lm Ortgm 1 O r m u -»««fld*«ttowerkwum-mt U m e-m t A pem t- H from dau) Oregon and Washng- ter, KcreUry-treasurer, and W m w :pom m o «C W K l saouced 3ed tonlhave fled arucley of ncorpors ncorpora man Baker» member ober of the p j judgo jo h n q ooarey, m j t, - tlon for th e NaUonal 1 HeUs Can- execouve com m ltt lon lew CUU M to nnj! "* b l O p ftossb eompanr oae of the yoh-aasbclaton Other oqnnusuons representer o o n a ttc O T a s s n! - lartest ntermountaln Broeery ry or- cr- M tw n the assoclauon nclude * Orego u 5 -? Z, Oeorge B R Taylor secreury n ested m y V t n e d T f t r nnlnttoaswlthearetaulskouuea, ouues, treu u rar cf Umdaho-OKgon HeU Ponrera unon, Northwest lh t? PubU of««l e r t e d an Power assocaton Waahlngton Pub done wllh H - has-been boughttor T O logush ngush oahyon assoclauon and an ncor - Belt Lake Cty, tonner aecretary- esldent ment the daho-oregon n group, WashUgton PUD assocuuor Uo DlstrlcU uaocuuon KKUUond- d* porator of the new gh>up, aald tb bo UU BEA assocuon n OumbL OolumbU treasurer of tbe!lnn nauonal assoclauon would o u usule p p lo r Development l Mgue, e outh- u t h " * n, ; yrederldt D Kurkee, presdent M and general manaeer of the 9 llrm htt the aasocauons assoclauon Washngton UU Grante, Waah Tuesday announced the sale of tbe tbft udgmentfor 0E $1 t organlatlons operatng ranchlses Khlses jarposes "eacouragelhg jagelhg an< and tngton stau Federaton ofl f, Labor,, 7 furtherng: constructon n the UepubUd jdaho UU FederaUon He soldtheo P kaggs company m p u y arauoa of La- Awatdcd Herel B C r a l n t m t of a h l mulu-purpos nulu-purpoae b6r - feren? % would reman :ln operauon and a dam a t HeUs canyon onthe nue nake - new corporaton, the O P kaggs kagga rver" and "protecton of the lam -TV Auto Crash s te m, nc, would be formed * u ned by «t s < XngUsh to conduct operaton ot- the «nd water rewurcea of f the u PuU r k l T r a v e l s N o t 6e Q d bo y L H BUeraan awarded «W M «1 a,1 Mn, H? * «m tranchlsea n southern dabo to and B northwest from expoltauon by prl Otah 1 vate n tem U contrary to Ue tbe pubuc prngdale Folks XngUsh has been afflated t h w elfce; - M tesumony ln-» CtvU U aouoa U o n h O P Bkagga coropmy for- 7 year#, aklcles also sald th e grou and before that was n the grocery 1 R r a g B amed to encourage, foster an t a a b «t e a n o n c! % busness n MlssotffL 1r l returned to Ujclr home n n Loaan Loga a l x - - ury deubea jpranttte prvate entvprse?wmt by brng n - Utah, unday ofter VlalUng ung her h par,0 P akftggt company was estab- esub- a r a 8 8 B m g to the PacUlc northwest, con luhed n the loos by O P kaggs W W W tlnuous economlo expanson n fth throug W: The case-resulted from* ft tral who wth-four brothers started a B B B full and orderly development, opmen wn coc - Wesley Hurst, L Mrs Mrs, Alton Alto: ucldent a t eeond avanua L: and 6»«««west coast-grocey chan wheh b later H v E B servauon and uullzauon of ot hydro- hydrc d Teejlcje e h ond street u s t l u t an 23 lo n -whch u l, bpeafew ay stores, me H B electrlo resources" EUennaQ and PeaU tb«oeneral offces of the ogaaua- tutzu»l*tera le«monday for r-l Lava a hho o t rmx by, EUermaa 1 ncorporators -ncluded - Oeorg Uon wul reman n alt Lake e Cty Pnrt!»prlna» where Uey wul rul on other Conner were nvolved B Brown and Chester C Dustn, - Beplflclng nglsh aa eecretary- «Port r "» cauon to n EUennan clamed the be ear car drl drven land, whom Taylor denufled u ol treasurer of the flrm s W H Lelter, LeKer Delano Yoet h u taken kken a preln- by hs wfe entered Ue ntersect flclals of the Congress oflndm ndustrl trw physcal examlnauon junlnauoq n tn t and snce the vehcle was r, alt Uke Cty B OtTsnUaUons n Oregon: V ft the rght of-c onnerscu ahe l B Cleveland Vancouver, anofflcl - the rght-of<va$;be ws wm«5 askln EDUCEWE B B ot the Clark county pubuo utlul r m n e a udgment for» e sj8, Ue cost of Bds Opened for dlttrct: and MUdred " % Norma r UNDEEOOE tm O E E palrlnghl8,carafur tte accldej L E u m t :! *! B PorUand EROME, une 34 The ( The condl cond- Members of the ury, t7 were w e «A A B j f W O W lw 3 Road Projects H B w d l H B B B B MeanUme represnutuves auve«of ol U hc Uon ot tm P t«l BucBcy ackley w u r re- Herron B H MoMUlan Ed Coo BO une 34 Ot-WesUrn n Con-, daho har tyllu, tundlng sng, and th d r models, seated and Uld homo homlog trophc* were-wlanenntke tke -Har Ba new organltauon m et ; n PortUnd Portla porlej uood Tm y nght nlsbt at t U 8 -Wse Evans, E a n te lt and K ctrucuon company, PocateUo,, sub- Fashon guld oontcst beld n conjuncton oooj wlu tho Pocatello o eoaveatl eoaveauen of th a daho Coametologtst legst ano; asso and announced these offcers oraccn h lud Bcncdfca BojplM erom e MojM ajor Kal mltted a low bd cf >3s,9n Tues- elaton < From lefthalr tyuata yusta are a Margo Botterfleld Bose, grand kward; l Ctandla H arper Kmberly, abely, ftn M t been elected: surgery w u performed Tuesday, j H Ba«eo,;atth ey for r u >/ day lor reconstructng the roodbed oadbed ] plaee, and Beth Mecham, heuey, BheUeyraecond puee Models scated,are ted,are AUce lag h aa, Bose; esse de Pkkett, P W Morr Oregon-Ute UU Federa- Feder mornng on a fractured red hp ca\s«caused plalnuff»lndlcated ho t wul WlU apt appeal? t y & P t and surfacng mles of the te Old 1M uruolh and Vada Lee, helley Bhelley New offcers eleot ed by the Ute Fashon goud are Beth Mecham, «, heuey, ton of Labor, presdent; Clev Cleve- by a fah n the yard 1 a t her home h o a the case to dstrct court w t May 1and?2*ef2, OjBgon tral between Lava \ Hot presdent: l Opal Dudley, Klmt>erly, mberly vce p t d e n l; u n e Tometen, daho 1< F dls secntary, and UbleEut mbleeaat, land,, vce prealdent;elmer, Mc- ust beforenoon Monday May represented Conner prngs and Pebble n Bannock umock Twn Falls,-pretldeat (taff eogmvlng) eogra cotmty - - The state hghway department / ad ack D Parsons Constnetlon CouneU*romses es olders Vst ; oompany, mlthfleld, TTtah, bd 183,437 for ocnsttuetlng the road- : P une 3 Completng re w w on-07 mles of U 191 from Wool Cooperaton t l U l l fresher tranng at-m alden;,mo the UtU Une n<ffth la Oneda 3neda McCALL une 3< W llo Amercan cs Wool councl pledged contnued tlnued to vst hls wlte and chldren ludrea am and -o f-tbh e-m on >nth mffagm Amer- Capt Vale Fejwck arrved uads; unday B oousty - Lake dahopul* was low cooperauoatuesdaywlulwoolpro- «lolpro- -h9r parents, M randmrs A E boler wth «33,078 for constructng ucuns <ucers <> of the Brtsh oommon- Pond, and hs parw tsmcrandmrs Mn fabrcs -our concrete culverts and t vo 0 co con- wealth n efforts to sumulate te use W, Fenwck, before reportng t cr«te brdges on the lona and a MUo 0* Wslr common product FolrchUd arforce b w pokant V P r n t e d polah roads n Bonnevlle oounty 1 10 councl works wth an or- organzauon represenung woolgrow- [ Pvt Dale Patterson, lett left -unda -Bunday L c o tto n 36 nch Wash ers of Australa, ouu Afrca and for reassgnment after spendng a Folks at Enerson m other commonwealth countres To- leave WlU,hs,moUer,Mrs AUce-, - w d e Permane - getho-they fo m the Wool bureau, Patterson P E CC A X! p g» group desgned to promote «sales fnsh Many p Return to Homes lc D at wool n the Unted tates RAD TME-NEW WANT /ANT AD ADE terns and colota BMZR80N, une 3* Mr and B ; Wlson, McKnley; Wyo,, Mrs Don Cook returned unday p: presdngot the councls, summer m U 111 lx L L A T l f l l 11 rom a flahlngoutlng near, the e Yel- Yelr mmeetng, sold the aahul make-lt- lake-lt- 1 R e g u lo T 9 8 cv o u < lowstone natonal park yc yourself-wlth-wool obntesls now THUR D A Y FR FRp A y ATURDAY A Mrs O C Barlow w u returned er encompasseslf statesand extends home Bunday from-the LD6 hospl- *4 far east, aa MlstourL - ROOFNG tal n alt Lake Ctty where esh she e The councl wlumeet agoln n-dur- week nng the NaUonal Wool Orowers rowers bad been a patent the past q 6 9 c ; Y Mr and Mrs Abwt chodde e and abd «usoclauon convenuon at <ong l Y y, vmebh q HORT LEEVE E Mens "Boxer ehudren, BanU Ropa, Callf, are B Beach,CaUfp early n Oecember M A G C C T Y pendng tbelr vacauon- wth h hs r p a re n t p -d r a n d -M rs - 1 W W P RE n T O p T llm R R Ochodde, and her parents Mr and PlLER une a4 An ouuouse at R p O E N G G POO R T HRT lmodel-l Mrs D P BUncoe ththe Poavey store was partally Uy de- decs from TWNFALL -ubetty Barry, eatue, Wash, 1, a:- a!- st stroyedby flromondayparks rved unday to nwnd her vacaton cauon a emoulderlng trash (re-apparently 5 M m W oven Fabrcs ond PHONE W th her parents,* rs Mr and set the Mrs buldng»e afre, lremea ea re- - " Knt weoves All rl short C O RD tb anj p< ported 0D P X O M B 6O B H B D 3C P 3PB sleeves All fully y wosh- wash- * oble ze -M-L V - «V \ - l Eddys ys salutes the Arh who has done so y Amerca Het :: who E & P y p T h s s p ; -? V & - n <!, YouPcyr«wll-ln,, TlEENEWa Ty " M ens Gold old Prnt Pajamas \<X y o y,-h * U :» h» frtflt \#uh#r y#g on-bfy! Coot styfe Fulfy Hy washo washable Completo Cream,-Dork Green / 3 szes Lght w ojjg gh t"fo t-fo r n u rn m e r cool- 398,ness, Boys NYLOl NYLON PORT HRT \- s h o rt sleeves and plan, colors the ahlrt all boys are ravng aboutl / - f l, T he,ahlrt all mothersuke mothersu! because / n / ( t n e UtUe-orno o ronng eel 4x1 \ V them n our boysdepartj oysdepartment p /,ln colors of blue, >lue, tan, tan green e d and yeuow zes lzes 8 to to 18 1 j f o n v : ; ll r \ WomsTl sylonzed BREF r j ONE GROUP OF Lades HAND BAG -A ssbrted, colors lors No N o whtes \ / X Z Regulbr-volues to $( ; ;, N e w G r o u p ; O0 rr gj a n z e 8 t o e e k j Regular 298 ~ \t\ At 9 r These- pantes Les have, been gven a f - 3 B nent nylonlcd fnsh perma- Cush-n-crcpe ole zes 5 to 9 «A Q - th type 8 nylon o"";* for 2-98 V a lu e, :-a n d -st g U L *8fw! 8 6 axd 7 n j t and colora ofo f, p n t, 69c ; p WAFFU PQU V F a s t, color, Vf n yarn A s o r U p r n ts o c s t r, - ] r ) m W o r 79c Ybw O n e G ro u p nfdnv ROMPER! opd DREE ) - V - r y n the famous Ball Bond-brand Cushon shlon nsole ond V grey rey color 5zes 4 to 9 Regular 395 valu* vol /Z O) ff «f X, b o : \ Htlls C Lght weght p n - H - \ vm WQle corduroy {VjH # " " Fullelostcbock V # wast; Double but- on over front mas COLOR; Gray, Rust, g, 595 Navy; Uto Green, 98 j zes 28 to 38 Buy 1 / several for ol knds of 1! P T C relaxaton end sports h 1 * 15 (mlar to llustraton) t e Reg 595 j 388 Udes RED D DENM OXFORD, Bte Ld3 es [ CAUAL OR T TENN HOE * ; T A B L H eed p N d e s D e n m " )O e p a re l et t t t " X j


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