arxiv: v1 [] 18 Nov 2011

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1 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK ON CURVILINEAR QUADRILATERALS OF ARBITRARY ORDER JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA arxiv: v1 [] 18 Nov 2011 Abstract. In tis paper iger orer mimetic iscretizations are introuce wic are firmly roote in te geometry in wic te variables are efine. Te paper sows ow basic constructs in ifferential geometry ave a iscrete counterpart in algebraic topology. Generic maps wic switc between te continuous ifferential forms an iscrete cocains will be iscusse an finally a realization of tese ieas in terms of mimetic spectral elements is presente, base on projections for wic operations at te finite imensional level commute wit operations at te continuous level. Te two types of orientation (inner- an outer-orientation) will be introuce at te continuous level, te iscrete level an te preservation of orientation will be emonstrate for te new mimetic operators. Te one-to-one corresponence between te continuous formulation an te iscrete algebraic topological setting, provies a caracterization of te oriente iscrete bounary of te omain. Te Hoge ecomposition at te continuous, iscrete an finite imensional level will be presente. It appears to be a main ingreient of te structure in tis framework. Contents 1. Introuction Motivation Prior an relate work Scope an outline of tis paper 5 2. Differential Geometric Concepts Manifols Differential forms Differential forms uner mappings Exterior erivative Hoge- operator Hoge ecomposition Hilbert spaces An introuction to Algebraic Topology Cell complexes an te bounary operator Cocains Dual complex Te bounary of cell complexes Mimetic operators Reuction, reconstruction an projection operator Discrete operators Discrete Hoge ecomposition Discussion Te Mimetic Spectral Element Meto 50 Date: November 21, Matematics Subject Classification. Primary 12Y05, 65M70; Seconary 13P20, 68W40. Key wors an prases. Mimetic iscretizations, spectral metos, ifferential geometry, algebraic topology, Hoge ecomposition. Jasper Kreeft is fune by STW Grant Artur Pala is fune by FCT Grant SFRH/ BD/36093 / Tis paper is in final form an no version of it will be submitte for publication elsewere. 1

2 2 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA 5.1. Domain partitioning Reuction, mimetic basis-functions an projections Applications of iscrete operators Discussion Coa 64 References 66

3 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 3 1. Introuction 1.1. Motivation. Te starting point of pysics is te science of measurable, quantifiable objects an te relation among tese objects. Any measurable quantity is associate wit a spatial an a temporal geometric object. For instance, te measurement of velocity in air flow can be performe by particle image velocimetry (PIV), were tracer particles are release in te flow, two pictures are taken at consecutive time instants an te average velocity is calculate from te istance a particle as travele ivie by te time interval between te two snapsots. Velocity, measure in tis way, is terefore associate wit a curve in space (te trajectory of te particle between te two time instants) an a time interval (te time interval between te two snapsots). Tis association of velocity wit a curve an a time interval oes not epen on te particular way in wic te measurement of velocity is performe. Note tat t 2 t 1 v t = t 2 t 1 r t t = r(t2 ) r(t 1 ), is an exact relation between te velocity in te time interval [t 1, t 2 ] an te position of te tracer particles at t 1 an t 2, irrespective of te particular pat trace out by te particle. So, if we coul measure tese two positions wit infinite accuracy, we woul ave te time integral of te velocity correct. Te approximation enters into te measurement by assuming tat te particle moves at a constant velocity in a straigt line from r(t 1 ) to r(t 2 ), wic allows us to equate te velocity in te interval [t 1, t 2 ] to v(s) 1 t 2 t 2 t 1 v t = r(t2 ) r(t 1 ) t t 2 t 1, s [t 1, t 2 ]. 1 We can ecompose tis velocity measurement in two consecutive steps: 1.) A reuction step, were we sample te position of te tracer particles at iscrete time instants 2.) A reconstruction map, were we assume a certain beaviour of te particles between te two time instants. Tese two steps, reuction an reconstruction, wic implicitly play an important role in any measurement, will also turn out to be te two key ingreients in setting up mimetic iscretizations. Strictly speaking, te velocity measure in te PIV experiment is only te time-average velocity, but by assuming tat te trajectory of te tracer particle is sufficiently smoot as a function of time, we can reuce te time interval suc tat we can quite accurately etermine te velocity at a given position an at a given time instant. An alternative approac woul be to sample at a larger number of time instants, say t 1,..., t n an reconstruct te trajectory base on te measure positions. We will call te first approac (reucing te time interval) -refinement wereas te secon approac (reconstruction of te trajectory using more time instants) will be calle p-refinement. Similar ieas are use in iscretization were refinement of te mes is enote by -refinement wile a reconstruction base on more samples is referre to as p-refinement. Ultimately, in many pysical teories, one takes te limit for all lengts an time intervals to zero, wic enables pysicists an engineers to talk about te velocity in a point at a certain time instant, v(t, x, y, z). Any connection wit a istance an a time interval is lost after tis limiting process. Anoter well-known example is mass containe in a volume, V. Te average ensity is te mass ivie by te volume. By taking te limit for V 0 we obtain te ensity in a point, ρ(t, x, y, z). Again, te connection wit te volume is lost after taking tis limit. Bear in min tat tis limiting process is purely matematical. If we consier te PIV experiment again to measure te local velocity, we always nee a finite time interval in orer to evaluate te average velocity. If we woul reuce te time interval to zero, no velocity measurement coul be mae. So espite te fact tat we can accurately etermine te velocity in a flow at a certain location an at a certain time, tis measure velocity will always be connecte to a time interval an te isplacement along a curve. Tis association of pysical variables wit spatial an temporal geometric elements can be one for all pysical variables. Tis is, owever, beyon te scope of tis paper, but te intereste reaer is referre to te work of [8, 47, 79] an especially te fortcoming book by Tonti, [80].

4 4 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Once we acknowlege tat tere is suc an association between pysical variables an geometric objects, we nee to take orientation of te geometric object into account. A curve wit enpoints A an B possesses two orientations. Eiter te curve from A B is taken as te positively oriente curve, or te curve B A is taken to be positively oriente. Te same ols for te orientation of surfaces (oriente clockwise or counter-clockwise) an tree imensional volumes (rigt-an rule or left-an rule). Note tat te notion of orientation oes not prompt itself wen we only consier pysical variables efine at time instants an in points, altoug it is useful to consier te orientation of points as well. Pysical variables are associate to geometric objects an geometric objects ave an orientation, owever, te pysical quantity is inepenent of te orientation of te associate geometric object. If we coose te irection of time to be positive wen pointing in te past, te integral value of te velocity canges sign t 1 t 2 v t = v t. t 2 t 1 So integral values (te ones tat are measurable) are intimately connecte to te orientation of geometry, wile average values an in te limit ensities are insensitive to te orientation of space an time, because t t 1 t 2 v t = t t 2 t 1 v t. 2 t 1 Tere also exist pysical variables wic o cange wen te orientation is reverse. Terefore, we nee to istinguis between two types of orientation: inner- an outer orientation. Wit inner orientation, we mean te orientation in te geometric object suc as for instance te electric current in a wire or te rotation in a plane, wereas outer refers to te orientation outsie te geometric object suc as te Biot-Savart law aroun te wire an or te flux troug te plane. It turns out tat te association wit oriente geometric objects is a vital ingreient in te escription of pysics an wen we perform te limiting process to efine all pysical quantities in points an at time instants witout reference to te associate geometric objects muc of tis ric structure of te pysical moel will be lost. In tis paper, terefore, we want to set up a framework in wic we mimic te association of pysical variables wit oriente geometric objects for computational analysis. Te aim is to evelop families of numerical iscretizations wic work on general quarilateral gris of arbitrary orer. By families we mean tat we formulate te basic requirements a numerical iscretization nees to possess in orer to be compatible wit its associate geometry. Tis leas, among oters, to exact iscrete representations for te graient operator, te curl operator an te ivergence operator. Also, te explicit istinction between inner- an outer-orientation wit teir associate cell complexes, will anatomy of te bounary of te omain. Tis, in turn, will clarify te issue of were an ow to prescribe bounary values. Te mimetic structure tat will be introuce in tis paper ensures tat te reuce pysical moel beaves in te same way as te full infinite imensional system. Let A an B be two pysical quantities an T a continuous operator wic maps A onto B, T (A) = B, ten te following iagram commutes π A T B π T A B Here is π a suitably constructe projection operator wic maps continuous variables in finite imensional representations. So π T = T π, i.e. we can perform te operation T at te continuous level an ten iscretize or first iscretize an ten apply te operator T. In tat sense, operations at te iscrete level truly mimic te beaviour of te operators at te continuous level. Tese properties ave quite some consequences for practical applications, but we ave cosen not to present an extensive gallery of applications. Only a few simple examples will be given wic t 2

5 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 5 serve to illustrate some of te claims in tis paper. Applications of ieas presente in tis paper can be foun in [10, 27, 41, 42, 55, 56] Prior an relate work. Over te years numerical analysts ave evelope numerical scemes wic preserve some of te structure of te ifferential moels tey aim to approximate, so in tat respect te wole mimetic iea is not new. A recent evelopment is tat te proper language in wic to encoe tese structures/symmetries is te language of ifferential geometry. Anoter novel aspect of mimetic iscretizations is te ientification of te metric-free part of ifferential moels, wic can be conveniently escribe in terms of algebraic topology wic employs te strong analogy between ifferential geometry an algebraic topology. Te relation between ifferential geometry an algebraic topology in pysical teories was first establise by Tonti, [79]. Aroun te same time Doziuk, [20], set up a finite ifference framework for armonic functions base on Hoge teory. Bot Tonti an Doziuk introuce ifferential forms an cocain spaces as te builing blocks for teir teory. Te relation between ifferential forms an cocains is establise by te Witney map (k-cocains k-forms) an te De Ram map (k-forms k-cocains). Te interpolation of cocains to ifferential forms on a triangular gri was alreay establise by Witney, [82]. Tese interpolatory forms are now known as te Witney forms. Hyman an Scovel, [33], set up te iscrete framework in terms of cocains, wic are te natural builing blocks of finite volume metos. Later Bocev an Hyman, [6] extene tis work an erive iscrete operators suc as te iscrete wege prouct, te iscrete coifferential, te iscrete inner prouct, etc. Tese operators are all cocain operators. In a finite ifference/volume context Robioux, Hyman, Steinberg an Saskov, [34 36, 68, 69, 73, 77, 78] use symmetry consierations to iscretize iffusion problems on roug gris an wit non-smoot non-isotropic iffusion coefficients. In a recent paper by Robioux an Steinberg [71] a iscrete vector calculus in a finite ifference setting is presente. It satisfies te iscrete ifferential operators gra, curl an iv exactly an te numerical approximations are all containe in te constitutive relations, wic are alreay pollute by moeling an experimental error. Tis paper also contains an extensive list of references to mimetic metos. For mimetic finite ifferences, see also Brezzi et al., [11, 12]. Te application of mimetic ieas to unstructure staggere gris as been extensively stuie by Perot, [58, 60 62, 83]. Especially te recent paper, [59], lucily escribes te rationale of preserving symmetries in numerical algoritms. Mattiussi, [46 48] puts te geometric ieas propose by Tonti in an finite volume, finite ifference an finite element context. Te iea of switcing between cocains an ifferential forms is also prominent in te work of Hiptmair, for instance [30]. Tis work also isplays te close connection between finite volume metos an finite element metos. Mimetic metos sow a clear connection between te variables (ifferential forms) an te geometry in wic tese variables are efine. Te most geometric approac is escribe in te work by Desbrun et al., [18, 21, 51, 57] an te tesis by Hirani, [31]. Te Japanese papers by Bossavit, [7, 8], serve as an excellent introuction an motivation for te use of ifferential forms in te escription of pysics an te use in numerical moeling. Te fiel of application is electromagnetism, but tese papers are sufficiently general to exten all concepts to oter fiels of expertise. In a series of papers by Arnol, Falk an Winter, [2, 4, 5], a finite element exterior calculus framework is evelope. Just like in tis paper, Arnol, Falk an Winter consier metos of arbitrary orer. Higer orer metos are also escribe by Rapetti, [65, 66] an Hiptmair, [29]. Possible extensions to spectral metos were escribe by Robioux, [70] an applications of mimetic spectral metos can be foun in [10, 27, 41, 42, 55, 56]. Isogeometric reconstruction was use by Buffa et al., [13], Evans, [22] an Hiemstra, [63, 64]. Altoug te cite literature is far from complete, te above references serve as excellent introuction into te fiel of mimetic iscretization tecniques Scope an outline of tis paper. In te introuction an work cite above it as been reveale tat geometry plays an important role in mimetic metos. In computational engineering

6 6 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA one usually works wit fiels an ensities, i.e. te variables obtaine after te limiting process. Te main reason fiels ave emerge as te preferre way of encoing pysics is because pysical laws can ten be state in terms of ifferential equations. An alternative escription is in terms of integral equations. Te appeal of an integral approac lies in te fact tat te pysical laws can be state witout any limiting process involve, renering tem closer to te pysical measurement process an more suite for a iscrete treatment. Integration can be interprete as uality pairing between geometry an variables connecte to tis geometry (ifferential forms). An important ifferential operator in ifferential geometry is te exterior erivative. Te exterior erivative can be efine in terms of geometric concepts, i.c. te bounary operator, troug te generalize Stokes Teorem. Wen written in terms of conventional vector calculus, te exterior erivative is eiter te graient, te curl or te ivergence, epening on te context. Te introuction of te exterior erivative allows one to uniquely ecompose te space of ifferential forms into a irect sum of sub-spaces. Tis Hoge ecomposition generalizes te classical Helmoltz ecomposition for non-contractible omains. So, if we want to incorporate geometry into our pysical escription, ifferential geometry is a concise an potent way to o so. Terefore, in Section 2 a brief introuction into ifferential geometry will be presente. Altoug tis material can be foun in any book on ifferential geometry, [15, 24, 25], we inclue tis section to introuce our notation an in te remainer of te paper we want to igligt wic properties from ifferential geometry are retaine at te iscrete level. Despite te fact tat pysics requires metric concepts like lengt, angles an area, many structures in pysics are completely inepenent of te metric. Tese non-metric concepts are calle topological. In Section 3 elements from algebraic topology will be iscusse wic is require for te evelopment of te mimetic spectral element framework. It will be sown tat te structure of algebraic topology resembles te structure of ifferential geometry an terefore algebraic topology coul serve as te iscrete setting for our numerical framework. In Section 4 te connection between algebraic topology an ifferential geometry will be establise. Base on te existence of a suitable reuction map, R, wic maps k-forms onto k-cocains an a reconstruction map, I, wic converts k-cocains to k-forms, a general mimetic framework will be set up using te projection operator π = I R, wic maps te space of ifferential forms, Λ k, to a finite imensional space of ifferential forms, Λ k. Tis section resembles te paper by Bocev an Hyman, [6], but te main ifference is tat in Section 4 te finite imensional iscrete space consists of ifferential forms wile Bocev an Hyman take te cocains as teir iscrete variables. In Section 5 te actual polynomial reuction an reconstruction maps are presente wic satisfy te requirements escribe in Section 4. Teir composition forms a boune linear projection as proven in tis section. Tis section is accompanie wit many examples of te actions of te various operators. In Section 6 we will review te tools evelope in tis paper an look back to te introuction an see ow tis approac may enable us to faitfully simulate problems in pysical sciences. Furtermore, potential future irections will be ientifie. Altoug tis outline suggests a collection of seemingly unrelate scientific fiels, several ieas/concepts permeate trougout te paper. Ultimately, all concepts contribute to mimetic, numerical concepts: (1) Te exterior erivative cobounary operator iscrete graient, curl an ivergence; (2) Te Hoge ecomposition coomology group iscrete Helmoltz ecomposition; (3) Te wege prouct tensor proucts basis functions on quarilateral elements; (4) Te beaviour uner mappings: te pullback operator te cocain map mimetic iscretization on igly eforme meses; (5) Inner- an outer orientation te ouble De Ram complex bounary of te omain te trace operator/bounary values spectral meto on a staggere gri;

7 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 7 (6) Te generalize Stokes Teorem iscrete generalize Stokes exact conservation an existence of scalar an vector potentials.

8 8 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA 2. Differential Geometric Concepts Differential geometry, along wit algebraic topology presente in te next section, constitutes te basis of te numerical framework presente in tis paper. In contrast to conventional vector calculus, wic is a topic well known to all te reaers ifferential geometry is not a familiar topic to most of te reaers. Since ifferential geometry is essential, we inclue a sort introuction in orer to make tis work as muc as possible self-containe an to be able to raw analogies between ifferential geometry, algebraic topology an te mimetic sceme we will present. Only tose concepts from ifferential geometry wic will play a role in te remainer of tis article are introuce. We start by introucing te concept of manifol, wic is te playgroun in wic everyting is efine, te geometry, an te concept of orientation is presente. Next, ifferential forms, teir efinition, te operators efine on tem an teir transformation uner mappings are introuce subsequently. Differential form spaces will be introuce, incluing te concept of Hoge ecomposition. Te matter presente ere constitutes te matematical tools wit wic te pysical quantities an te pysical laws will be represente in te continuous worl, an wat will be mimicke in te numerical framework presente. For a more in ept treatment of ifferential geometry in pysics, we refer to [15, 24, 25, 32, 37, 50, 72, 76] Manifols. Te concepts wic will be introuce all exist associate to sets enowe wit enoug structure so tat one can o calculus an wic are enote by manifols. In R 3 tese are commonly referre to as points, lines, surfaces an volumes. Generalizing to any imension a manifol can be efine in te following way. Figure 1. Coorinate carts on a manifol. Definition 1 (Manifol). [54] A k-imensional manifol is a set M, togeter wit a countable collection of subset U α M, calle coorinate carts, an one-to-one functions ϕ M,α : U α V α onto connecte open subsets V α of R k, calle local coorinate maps, as in Figure 1, wic satisfy te following properties: (1) Te coorinate carts cover M: U α = M. α (2) On te overlap of any pair of coorinate carts U α U β, te composite map ϕ M,β ϕ 1 M,α : ϕ M,α(U α U β ) ϕ M,β (U α U β ), is a smoot (infinitely ifferentiable) function.

9 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 9 (3) If x U α an y U β are istinct points in M, ten tere exist open subsets W α of ϕ M,α (x) in V α an W β of ϕ M,β (x) in V β suc tat ϕ 1 M,α (W α) ϕ 1 M,β (W β) =. Since te image of eac point p (U α M) by ϕ M,α is a point in R k, it can be written as a k- tuple of real numbers: ϕ M,α (p) = (x 1 (p),..., x n (p)). Tis k-tuple is calle te local coorinates of p an U α M te coorinate neigboroo. Te pair (U α, ϕ M,α ) is calle a local cart or local coorinate system. An atlas on a manifol M is a collection A = {(U α, ϕ M,α )} of carts of M, suc tat α U α = M; te collection of open sets {U α } constitutes an open covering of te manifol M. Definition 2 (Maps between manifols). Let M be a k-imensional smoot manifol an N an l-imensional smoot manifols. Te map Φ : M N maps between manifols, if for every coorinate cart ϕ M,α : U α V α R k on M an every cart ϕ N,β : U β V β R l on N, te composite map ϕ N,β Φ ϕ 1 M,α : Rk R l, is a smoot map werever it is efine. See Figure 2 for a pictorial representation of te mapping between manifols. Figure 2. Mapping between two manifols, M an N. If te map ϕ N,β Φ ϕ 1 M,α is of maximal rank at p M, ten tere are local coorinates x = (x 1,..., x k ) near p an y = (y 1,..., y l ) near q = Φ(p) N suc tat tese coorinates ave te simple form y = (x 1,..., x k, 0,..., 0), if l > k, or y = (x 1,..., x l ), if l k, Definition 3 (Submanifol). Let M be a smoot manifol. A submanifol of M is a subset S M, togeter wit a smoot one-to-one mapping Φ : S S M satisfying te maximal rank conition everywere, were te parameter space S is some oter manifol an S = Φ( S) is te image of Φ. In particular, te imension of S is te same as tat of S, an oes not excee te imension of M.

10 10 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA An important concept is te bounary of a manifol. Tis concept plays an essential role in te generalize Stokes teorem, Teorem 1, to be introuce later on. Definition 4 (Complement, interior point, exterior point, bounary point, open set an close set). [37] Given a subset S of a manifol M, te complement of S in M is te set of points S c := {p M p / S}. Let te ball B ɛ (p) = {x M (x, p) < ɛ}, ten (1) A point p is an interior point of S if tere exists ɛ > 0 suc tat te neigboroo B ɛ (p) aroun p as te property tat B ɛ (p) S. One writes p int(s). (2) A point p is an exterior point of S if tere exists ɛ > 0 suc tat te neigboroo B ɛ (p) aroun p as te property tat B ɛ (p) S =. One writes p ext(s). (3) A point p is a bounary point of S if every neigboroo B ɛ (p) aroun p wit ɛ > 0 as te property tat B ɛ (p) S 0 an B ɛ (p) S c 0. One write p S. A set S is open if, an only if, S = int(s). A set S is close if, an only if, its complement S c is open. In orer to introuce te concept of bounary one nees to introuce te close upper alf-space of imension n: H n = {(x 1,..., x n ) R n x n 0}, wit te subspace topology of R n. From Definition 4 it follows tat points wit x n > 0 are te interior points of H n, te points wit x n < 0 are te exterior points of H n an te points wit x n = 0 are te bounary points of H n. Proposition 1. [81] Let P an Q be subsets of H n an Φ : P Q a iffeomorpism. Ten Φ maps interior points to interior points an bounary points to bounary points. One can ten efine an n-manifol wit bounary: Definition 5 (n-manifol wit bounary, interior point an bounary point of an n-manifol wit bounary). [81] An n-manifol wit bounary, M, is a topological space wic is locally H n. A point p of M is an interior point if tere is a cart ϕ M,α in wic ϕ M,α (p) is an interior point of H n. In te same way, a point p is a bounary point of M if ϕ M,α (p) is a bounary point of H n. Te set of bounary points of M is enote by M. Definition 6 (Bounary operator). Given an n-manifol wit bounary, M, te bounary operator is a map : M M. Corollary 1 (Te bounary of a submanifol). Since any submanifol S M is a manifol in its own rigt, te bounary of a submanifol is efine as in Definition 6. Proposition 2 (Bounary is mappe into a bounary an te bounary is inepenent of cart). Given two n-imensional manifols wit bounary, M an N, an a mapping (iffeomorpism) between tem, Φ : M N, ten te interior points an bounary points of M are mappe onto interior points an bounary points of N, respectively. Tat is: (2.1) Φ(M) = Φ( M). Moreover, interior an bounary points are inepenent of te coice of cart. Proof. For te first statement, let ϕ M,α : U α M R k an ϕ N,β : U β N R k, ten ϕ N,β Φ ϕ 1 M,α : Rk R k is a iffeomorpism an accoring to Proposition 1 tis maps bounary points onto bounary points an interior points onto interior points. As for te secon statement, one takes M = N an in tis case te two carts will be ϕ M,α an ϕ M,β an te mapping between te two carts (cange of coorinates) will be given by ϕ M,β Φ ϕ 1 M,α = ϕ M,β ϕ 1 M,α, since Φ in tis case is te ientity map, an again ϕ M,β ϕ 1 M,α : R k R k is a iffeomorpism an accoring to Proposition 1 tis maps bounary points onto bounary points an interior points onto interior points. In n-imensional space it is possible to efine n + 1 sub-manifols of imension 0, 1,..., n, respectively. For te case n = 3 one can efine, points, lines, surfaces an volumes. Moreover, it

11 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 11 is also possible to orient tese objects. By orientation one means te generalization of concepts suc as left an rigt, front an back, clockwise or counterclockwise, outwar an inwar, etc. Te ifferent kins of orientation will be presente for all te geometric objects tat exist in 3-manifols (points, lines, surfaces an volumes), as well as generalizations for geometric objects of arbitrary imension. Te istinction between inner orientation (solely relate to te geometric object) an outer orientation (relate to bot te object an te embeing space) will be given. For a more etaile iscussion on orientation we recommen [1, 15, 47, 72, 79]. Te concept of orientation on manifols is a generalization of te one for vector spaces an ence, by extension, to R k. One starts wit te notion of orientation in vector spaces an te carts ϕ will inuce an orientation on te manifol. In R 1 an orientation is one of te two possible irections, see Figure 3(a). In R 2 an orientation is one of te two possible rotations, clockwise or counterclockwise, see Figure 3(b). In R 3 an orientation is one of te two possible screw senses, upwar clockwise or upwar counterclockwise, see Figure 3(c). (a) 1D vector space (b) 2D vector space (c) 3D vector space Figure 3. Possible orientations of vector spaces. Te question is ow to generalize tis euristic efinition to iger imensions. In a vector space of imension k one can transform one set of basis vectors, { v 1, v 2,, v k }, into anoter one, { u 1, u 2,, u k }, in te following way: u i = j S ij v j, were S ij are te coefficients of te transformation matrix S wit et(s) 0. Definition 7 (Orientation). In a vector space of imension k, orientation is an equivalence class of orere sets of basis vectors wose equivalence relation states tat two sets of basis vectors belong to te same equivalence class if te transformation matrix, S, between tem as et(s) > 0. Since te eterminant of a cange of basis is eiter positive or negative, tere are only two suc classes. Hence, any vector space as only two orientations. If one cooses one of tem, arbitrarily, te oter one is sai to be te opposite orientation. Tis also correspons to assigning one of tem as positive an te oter as negative. It is simple to see tat tis efinition of orientation is equivalent for te tree cases presente above an generalizes tis concept to any imension k. As seen in Definition 1, k-manifols are locally like T p R k = R k, an terefore, locally like a k-imensional vector space. In tis way, orientation on a manifol can be efine as: Definition 8 (Inner orientation on a manifol). A manifol M is sai to be inner oriente if for any two overlapping carts, (U α, ϕ M,α ) an (U β, ϕ M,β ), of its atlas, A, te Jacobian eterminant of te transformation ϕ 1 M,β ϕ M,α is positive. Te inner orientation being te one of te equivalence classes of te sets of basis vectors of te tangent space at eac point, T p M, associate to tese carts. If one consiers te space in wic te k-manifol M is embee to be R n, wit imension n k, ten at eac point on te manifol tere is a space perpenicular to te tangent space, T p M, enote by T p M wose imension is (n k); te normal bunle to te submanifol M embee in R n. Ten T p R n = T p M T p M. Tis allows one to efine an outer orientation of a manifol as:

12 12 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Definition 9 (Outer orientation on a manifol). Consier an oriente k-manifol M, wit inner orientation { u 1, u 2,, u k } at T p M, embee in an n-imensional Eucliean space. An outer orientation of M is an orientation for te perpenicular vector space at eac point in te manifol, T p M, { u k+1, u k+2,, u n } suc tat all te oriente basis { u 1, u 2,, u k, u k+1,, u n } are in one of te two equivalence classes of te embeing space T p R n. Te particular cases of inner orientation of a 0-manifol (point) an outer orientation of a n-manifol embee in a n-imensional space are treate in a similar way. In bot cases, te tangent space (points) an te perpenicular space (n-manifols) ave imension zero. Terefore, te points an te n-manifols are simply consiere as sources or sinks an teir orientation can be seen as simply inuce by te inner orientation of te lines stemming out of tem (points) or by te outer orientation of it s faces (n-manifol), see [47, 79]. Example 1 (Outer orientation of points). Te outer orientation of points epens on te embeing space R n. In Figure 4 a grapical representation of te outer orientation of a point in R n is given for n = 0,..., 3 Figure 4. Outer orientation of a point embee in R 0, R 1, R 2 an R 3 (from left to rigt). Example 2 (Outer orientation of line segments). In Figure 5 te outer orientation of a line segment embee in R n is sown for n = 1,..., 3. Figure 5. Outer orientation of a line segment embee in R 1, R 2 an R 3 (from left to rigt). Example 3 (Outer orientation of surfaces). Figure 6 sows te embeing of a surface in R n, n = 2 an n = 3. Figure 6. Outer orientation of a surface embee in R 2 an R 3 (from left to rigt). Example 4 (Outer orientation of volumes). Figure 7 sows te outer orientation of a volume in R 3. Figure 8 presents above a sequence of outer-oriente geometric objects of increasing imension, an below a sequence of inner-oriente geometric objects of ecreasing orer. Te objects are arange in suc a way tat it reveals te similarities wit te ouble e Ram complex an action of te Hoge- operator. Bot are introuce in tis section later on.

13 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 13 Figure 7. Outer orientation of a volume embee in R 3. Outer Orientation Inner Orientation Figure 8. Inner an outer orientation of k-manifols, k = {0, 1, 2, 3}, in R 3. Following te ieas pointe in [80], it is important to stress tat orientation plays an essential role in integration. Altoug not explicitly expresse in te more common ifferential formulation, it appears implicitly by te usage of te rigt an rule, for example, or wen Stokes teorem is consiere, Teorem 1. In tis case, te orientation of a k-manifol an its bounary ave to be compatible wen integrating, for te teorem to ol. Moreover, te istinction between inner an outer oriente manifols will play a central role in te iscretization to be presente in tis paper. Tis istinction motivates te use of ual gris. Tis work is restricte to manifols for wic a global consistent orientation can be efine, calle orientable manifols Differential forms. Differential forms will play a central role in te evelopment of our numerical framework. Definition 10 (Differential forms). [1, 37, 76] A ifferential k-form, a (k), k 1 is a mapping: a (k) : T p M T p M R, }{{} k wic is skew symmetric. Tat is, for any permutation P of te inices 1, 2,, k: a (k) ( v 1,, v k ) = sgn(p ) a (k) ( v P (1),, v P (k) ), for any v 1,, v k T p M, see [1]. A 0-form, a (0), is efine simply as a stanar scalar function on M. Te space of k-forms on te manifol M is enote by Λ k (M). a (k) = 0 wen k < 0 or k > n.

14 14 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Definition 11 (Wege prouct). [1, 76] Te wege prouct,, of two ifferential forms a (k) Λ k (M) an b (l) Λ l (M) is a mapping : Λ k (M) Λ l (M) Λ k+l (M), suc tat: (2.2a) (2.2b) (2.2c) (2.2) (a (k) + b (l) ) c (m) = a (k) c (m) + b (l) c (m) (Distributivity) (a (k) b (l) ) c (m) = a (k) (b (l) c (m) ) = a (k) b (l) c (m) (Associativity) αa (k) b (l) = a (k) αb (l) = α(a (k) b (l) ) From property (2.2) we we ave a (k) b (l) = ( 1) kl b (l) a (k) (Multiplication by scalars) (Skew symmetry) (2.3) a (k) a (k) = 0, a (k) Λ k, k is o or k > n 2. Proposition 3. [1] On a manifol M of imension n te space of 1-forms Λ 1 (M) is a linear vector space of imension n tat is spanne by n basis elements. A canonical basis, given a local coorinate system (x 1,, x n ) is {x 1,, x n }. Te space of k-forms Λ k (M) is a linear vector space of imension n! (n k)!k! an as a canonical basis given by: {x i1 x i k 1 i 1 < < i k n}. Example 5. Examples of 0-forms, 1-forms, 2-forms an 3-forms are given by: a (0) = a(x, y, z) b (2.4) (1) = b 1 (x, y, z)x + b 2 (x, y, z)y + b 3 (x, y, z)z c (2) = c 1 (x, y, z)y z + c 2 (x, y, z)z x + c 3 (x, y, z)x y w (3) = w(x, y, z)x y z Example 6 (a (1) a (1) in R 3 ). x x = y y = z z = 0. Example 7 (a (2) a (2) in R 4 ). In R 4, let α (2) = x y + z t, ten a (2) a (2) = (x y + z t) (x y + z t) = 2 x y z t 0. Definition 12 (Inner prouct k-forms). [74] Te space of k-forms, Λ k (M), can be equippe wit a pointwise positive-efinite inner prouct, (, ) : Λ k (M) Λ k (M) R, suc tat: ( ) ( ) a (1) 1 ( ), b(1) 1 a (1) k, b(1) 1 a (1) 1 a (1) k, b(1) 1 b (1) k := (. ).., ( ) a (1) 1, b(1) k a (1) k, b(1) k ( ) were a (1) i, b (1) j Λ 1 (M), i, j = 1,, k an a (1) i, b (1) j is te inner prouct of 1-forms, inuce by te inner prouct on tangent vectors an by te uality pairing between vectors an 1-forms, see [1, 37, 76], an given by: ( a (1), b (1)) := a i b j g ij, i,j were a (1) = i a ix i, b (1) = j b jx j an g ij are te coefficients of te inverse of te metric tensor of rank two, see [1, 37, 76] Differential forms uner mappings. It is also important to etermine ow ifferential forms transform uner a mapping between two manifols, see Figure 2 for an example for n = 2 an were (x, y) = Φ(ξ, η), an ow integration of k-forms over manifols is efine. Definition 13 (Pullback operator). [1, 24] Consier two manifols of imension n, M an N an a mapping between tem, Φ : M N, suc tat local coorinates ξ i in M are mappe into local coorinates x i = Φ i (ξ 1,, ξ n ) in N. Ten te pullback, Φ, of a k-form, k 1, a (k) is given by: Φ (a (k) )( v 1,, v k ) := a (k) (Φ ( v 1 ),, Φ ( v k )),

15 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 15 were Φ ( v) is te usual pusforwar of a vector v, see [1, 24]. Te pullback of a 0-form, a (0) Λ 0 (N ), is given simply by te composition of te maps For a 1-form we get te following. Φ (a (0) ) := a (0) Φ. Proposition 4. [24] If a (1) Λ 1 (N ) is given in a local coorinate system as a (1) = i α ix i ten te pullback Φ : Λ 1 (N ) Λ 1 (M) is given by: (2.5) Φ (a (1) ) = i,k a i Φ i ξ k ξk. Proposition 5. [32] Te pullback Φ as te following properties: (2.6a) (2.6b) (2.6c) Φ (a (k) + b (k) ) = Φ (a (k) ) + Φ (b (k) ) Φ (a (k) b (k) ) = Φ (a (k) ) Φ (b (k) ) (Linearity) (Algebra omomorpism) (Φ 2 Φ 1 ) = Φ 1 Φ 2 (Composition) Integration of ifferential forms can now be efine in te following way. Definition 14 (Pullback integration formulation). [76] Te integral of a ifferential k-form, a (k), over a manifol M of imension k is: (2.7) a (k) ( := ϕ 1 ) (a (k) ), M S were ϕ 1 : S R k M is te inverse of te global cart from M to S R k. On te rigt an sie of (2.7) one as te usual integral in S R k. Integration can be consiere a uality pairing between a ifferential k-form an a k-imensional manifol in te following way (2.8) a (k), M := a (k). If integration is interprete as te uality pairing between ifferential forms an geometry, ten te relation between a mapping an te associate pullback satisfies Proposition 6. Given a mapping Φ : M N, its associate pullback Φ an a ifferential form a (k) Λ k (N ) ten te following ols: (2.9) a (k) = Φ (a (k) ) a (k), Φ(M) = Φ a (k), M. Φ(M) M So te pullback is te formal ajoint of te map Φ in tis uality pairing. Definition 15 (Inclusion map). [43] Let A be a subset of M. Te function ι : A M efine by ι(x) = x for every x A, is te te inclusion map (or te embeing, or te injection) of A into M. In oter wors, te inclusion map of a subset of M is te restriction to tat subset of te ientity map on M. Definition 16 (Trace operator). [3] Given two manifols M an M suc tat M M, te trace operator, tr: tr M,M : Λ k (M) Λ k (M ), is te pullback of te inclusion M M. If te manifol M is clear from te context, one may write tr M instea of tr M,M. If M is te bounary of M, M, one just writes tr. Example 8. Consier an inclusion map ι an its associate pullback ι, suc as te one epicte in Figure 9 tat generates te inclusion of te manifol M, a circle, on te manifol M, a isk. In local polar coorinates θ an (θ, r) te inclusion map takes te form: { θ = ιθ (θ ) = θ r = ι r (θ. ) = 1 M

16 16 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Figure 9. Pictorial view of te inclusion map ι an its associate pullback ι. Te trace of te 1-form a (1) = a θ θ + a r r is given by: tr a (1) ef. 16 = ι (1) (2.5) a = (a θ ι)(θ )θ Exterior erivative. Te exterior erivative,, plays an important role in ifferential geometry an is efine in te following way: Definition 17 (Exterior erivative). [1, 24] Te exterior erivative on a n-imensional manifol M is a mapping : Λ k (M) Λ k+1 (M), 0 k n 1, wic satisfies: ( (2.10) a (k) b (l)) = a (k) b (l) + ( 1) k a (k) b (l), k + l < n, an is nilpotent, (2.11) a (k) := 0, a (k) Λ k (M). For 0-forms, a (0) Λ 0 (M), te exterior erivative in a local coorinate system (x 1,, x n ), is given by: (2.12) a (0) := i For a local coorinate system one as: a x i xi. Example 9. In a 3-imensional Eucliean space an in a local coorinate system (x 1, x 2, x 3 ) te exterior erivative of a 1-form, a (1) = 3 i=1 a ix i, is given by: ( (2.13) a (1) a2 = x 3 a ) ( 3 x 2 x 2 x 3 a1 + x 3 a ) ( 3 x 1 x 3 x 1 a2 + x 1 a ) 1 x 2 x 1 x 2. An te exterior erivative of a 2-form, b (2) = b 1 x 2 x 3 + b 2 x 3 x 1 + b 3 x 1 x 2, is given by: ( (2.14) b (2) b1 = x 1 + b 2 x 2 + b ) 3 x 3 x 1 x 2 x 3. Recalling te vector calculus operators, graient, curl, an ivergence, one can see te similarity between tese an te expressions (2.12), (2.13) an (2.14), respectively. Inee tere exists a clear relation between te two sets of equations, for more etails see [1, 24]. It is possible to sow, [1, 76], tat te exterior erivative an te integration of a ifferential form are relate by te following result: Teorem 1 (Generalize Stokes Teorem). [1, 76] Given a k-form a (k) on a (sub)-manifol M of imension k + 1 tat is paracompact an as a bounary, ten (2.15) a (k) = a (k). M Two important aspects of tis teorem can be state. One is te fact tat it conenses an generalizes tree key teorems of vector calculus: te funamental teorem of calculus, Stokes M

17 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 17 teorem an Gauss teorem, for 3-imensional space, wen applie to 0-forms, 1-forms an 2- forms, respectively. Te secon is te fact tat te exterior erivative is te formal ajoint of te bounary operator: (2.16) =. Tis property can be obtaine by (2.8) an Stokes s Teorem: (2.17) a (k), M (2.8) (k) (2.15) (k) (2.8) = a = a = a (k), M. M Tis is one of te basic ientities of te numerical framework to be presente. Remark 1. Anoter important property of te generalize Stokes Teorem is tat if M an M are two manifols of imension k + 1 wit te same bounary, i.e. M M, we ave (2.18) a (k) = a (k) = a (k) = a (k), a (k) (Λ k (M) Λ k ( M)). M M M M Anoter way of expressing tis particular inepenence of te manifol is tat we can always a to te manilfol M a manifol M wit M = 0 witout effecting any cange in te generalize Stokes Teorem. For k = 0, tis correspons to te graient teorem wic states tat if two points A an B are connecte by a curve C, ten (2.19) φ s = φ(b) φ(a). C Tis teorem ols for any curve connecting te points A an B, provie tat te omain is contractible. Tere is no preferre curve an terefore is seems reasonable to ientify all curves C wic satisfy (2.19). Suc an ientification will be formalize in te next section. Te exterior erivative satisfies te following commuting property: Proposition 7. Given a mapping Φ : M N an te associate pullback, Φ, te exterior erivative commutes wit te pullback: (2.20) Φ (a (k) ) = Φ (a (k) ), a (k) Λ k (M). an is illustrate as M Λ k (M) Λ k (M) Φ Φ Λ k (N ) Proof. For all sub-manifols A in M, we ave Λ k (N ). Φ a (k), A (2.9) = a (k), Φ (A) (2.17) = a (k), Φ(A) (2.1) = a (k), Φ( A) = Φ a (k), A. Since A was completely arbitrary an it nees to ol for all a (k) Λ k (M), we ave Φ = Φ. See [24, 81] for alternative proofs. Definition 18. A ifferential form a (k) is calle exact if tere exists a ifferential form b (k 1) suc tat a (k) = b (k 1). Te space of exact k-forms is te range of te exterior erivative, i.e. B(; Λ k 1 ) := Λ k 1 (M) Λ k (M). A ifferential form a (k) is calle close if a (k) = 0. Te space of close k-forms is te nullspace or kernel of te exterior erivative, i.e. Z(; Λ k ) := { a (k) Λ k (M) a (k) = 0} Λ k (M). It follows from (2.11) tat all exact ifferential forms are close. Te reverse is only true on contractible manifols, an is known as Poincaré lemma. Lemma 1 (Poincaré Lemma). [1] On a contractible manifol all close ifferential forms are exact. Tat is: For all a (k) Z(; Λ k ), tere exists b (k 1) Λ k 1 (M) suc tat a (k) = b (k 1).

18 18 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Remark 2 (Potentials). Te relevance of Poincaré s lemma as far-reacing implications. In electromagnetics it guarantees te existence of a solution to curl A = B, were B is a given magnetic flux ensity an A is te magnetic potential. It also guarantees te existence of functions wic give rise to te equations of motion of a mecanical system in Hamiltonian form. Altoug te Poincaré lemma is state in terms of ifferential forms, te natural isomorpism between ifferential forms an vector fiels allows one to state tat te Poincaré lemma carries over to all te existence teorems of potential fiels of vector calculus. Tat is, te existence of solutions for all te following equations, for V, A an C: gra V = f, curl A = B an iv C = f. From Definition 17 te (n + 1)-spaces of ifferential forms in an n-imensional manifol M satisfy te following sequence, calle te e Ram complex, enote by (Λ, )): (2.21) R Λ 0 (M) Λ 1 (M) Λ n (M) 0. Tis sequence is exact on contractible omains, in wic case B(; Λ k 1 ) = Z(; Λ k ). In general we ave tat B(; Λ k 1 ) Z(; Λ k ), as epicte in Figure 10. Hence, one can ecompose te M M M H M c } Figure 10. Pictorial view of e Ram complex on ifferential forms. Te exterior erivative maps te elements of Λ k into te kernel of of Λ k+1, B(; Λ k ) Z(; Λ k+1 ). space of k-forms, Λ k (M), as: (2.22) Λ k (M) = B(; Λ k 1 ) B c (; Λ k 1 ), were B c (; Λ k 1 ) is te algebraic complement of B(; Λ k 1 ) in Λ k (M). One can write any k-form a (k) as: a (k) = b (k 1) + c (k), a (k) Λ k (M), b (k 1) Λ k 1 (M) an c (k) B c (; Λ k ) Hoge- operator. An important concept for te efinition of te Hoge- operator is te te volume form. Definition 19 (Stanar volume form). [1] In an n-imensional manifol M wit metric g ij, a volume form w (n) is efine in a local coorinate system x i as: w (n) := et(g ij ) x 1 x n, were w (n) is te stanar volume form. Te Hoge- operator is ten efine in te following way. Definition 20 (Hoge- operator). [1, 24] Te Hoge- operator in an n-imensional manifol M is an operator, : Λ k (M) Λ n k (M), efine by ( a (k) b (k) := a (k), b (k)) w (n), were te inner prouct on te rigt is efine in Definition 12. Application of te Hoge- to te unit 0-form yiels 1 := w (n).

19 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 19 For f, g C (M) an a (k), b (k) Λ k (M) te Hoge- operator satisfies, [50] (2.23a) (2.23b) (2.23c) (2.23) (2.23e) (fa (k) + gb (k) ) = f a (k) + g b (k), a (k) = ( 1) k(n k) a (k), ( a (k) b (k) = b (k) a (k) = a (k), b (k)) w n, (a (k) b (k) ) = (b (k) a (k) ) = ( a (k), b (k)) ( = a (k), b (k)). On R 2 we ave te following relations for te basis forms ( a (k), b (k)), 1 = x y, x = y, y = x, x y = 1. It is possible to efine an integral inner prouct of k-forms in te following way: Definition 21. [1] Te space of k-forms, Λ k (M) can be equippe wit an L 2 inner prouct, (, ) L 2 Λ k (M) : Λk (M) Λ k (M) R, given by: ( (2.24) a (k), b (k)) := a (k) b (k). L 2 Λ k (M) Suppose we ave a map Φ : M N. How oes te Hoge- transform uner tis mapping? Let us call te transforme Hoge-, ˆ. Proposition 8 (Transformation of te Hoge- operator). If a (k) Λ k (N ), Φ a (k) Λ k (M) an Φ : M N, ten te Hoge operator in M, enote ˆ : Λ k (M) Λ n k (M), is given by: ˆ = Φ (Φ ) 1. Proof. Te objective is to fin a ˆ suc tat te following iagram commutes, [10]: M Λ k (N ) Λ n k (N ) Φ Φ Λ k (M) ˆ Λ n k (M). Hence ˆ soul be suc tat Φ = ˆ Φ. Terefore ˆ = Φ (Φ ) 1. Te Hoge- operator enables one to exten te single e Ram complex (2.21) to a ouble e Ram complex connecte by te Hoge- operator (2.25) R 0 Λ 0 (M) Λ 1 (M)... Λ n (M) Λ n (M) Λ n 1 (M)... Note te similarity between tis iagram an Figure 8. 0 Λ 0 (M) R. Definition 22 (Te coifferential operator). [25] Te coifferential operator, : Λ k (M) Λ k 1 (M), is an operator tat is formal Hilbert ajoint of te exterior erivative, wit respect to te inner prouct (2.24): (2.26) ( a (k 1), b (k)) L 2 Λ k (M) = ( a (k 1), b (k)) L 2 Λ k (M) Proposition 9. If a (k 1) Λ k 1 (M), b (k) Λ k (M) an (2.27) (a (k 1) b (k) ) = a (k 1) b (k) = 0, ten M (2.28) b (k) := ( 1) n(k+1)+1 b (k), b (k) Λ k (M). M.

20 20 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Proof. Te proof follows irectly from te integrals: ( a (k 1), b (k)) (2.24) = a (k 1) (k) (2.10) b = L 2 Λ k (M) M M M M (a (k 1) b (k) ) ( 1) k 1 M a (k 1) b (k). Te first term on te rigt is zero, (2.27), an te secon one is simply: ( ( 1) k 1 a (k 1) (k) (2.23b) b = a (k 1) [( 1) n(k+1)+1 (k) (2.24) ]b = a (k 1), b (k)) L 2 Λ k (M) Proposition 10 (Nilpotency of coifferential). Te coifferential satisfies a (k) = 0, a (k) Λ k (M). Proof. It follows irectly from (2.28), (2.23b) an (2.11). Due to te Proposition 10, te (n+1)-spaces of ifferential forms satisfy te following sequence: (2.29) 0 Λ 0 (M) Λ 1 (M) Λ n (M) R. Definition 23. A ifferential form a (k) is calle co-exact if tere exists a ifferential form b (k+1) suc tat a (k) = b (k+1). Te space of co-exact k-forms is given by B( ; Λ k+1 ) := Λ k+1 (M) Λ k (M). A ifferential form a (k) is calle coclose if a (k) = 0 Te space of coclose k-forms is given by Z( ; Λ k ) := { a (k) Λ k (M) a (k) = 0} Λ k (M). Proposition 10 implies tat B( ; Λ k ) Z( ; Λ k 1 ). Only wen B( ; Λ k ) = Z( ; Λ k 1 ) is te sequence in (2.29) exact. One can ecompose te space of k-forms, Λ k (M), as M M M H M c }. Figure 11. Pictorial view of te complex of ifferential forms acte upon by te coifferential operator. Te coifferential maps te elements of Λ k into te kernel of of Λ k 1, B( ; Λ k ) Z( ; Λ k 1 ). Λ k (M) = B( ; Λ k+1 ) B c ( ; Λ k+1 ), were B c ( ; Λ k+1 ) is te algebraic complement of B( ; Λ k+1 ) in Λ k (M). An one can write any k-form a (k) as: a (k) = b (k+1) + c (k), a (k) Λ k (M), b (k+1) Λ k+1 (M) an c (k) B c ( ; Λ k+1 ). Definition 24 (Laplace-DeRam operator). [1, 15] Te Laplace-e Ram operator, : Λ k (M) Λ k (M), is a map given by (2.30) a (k) := ( + )a (k), a (k) Λ k (M). Proposition 11 (Self-ajointness of Laplace-e Ram operator). Uner te conitions of (2.27) te Laplace-e Ram operator satisfies: ( a (k), b (k)) ( = a (k), b (k)), L 2 Λ k (M) L 2 Λ k (M) i.e. =. Te Laplace-e Ram operator is self ajoint.

21 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 21 Proof. Te proof follows irectly from te efinition of te Laplace-e Ram operator (2.30) an (2.26) Hoge ecomposition. A k-form is calle close if a (k) = 0 an exact if tere exists a (k 1)-form b (k 1) suc tat a (k) = b (k 1). Since = 0, (2.11), every exact form is close. For manifols wic are non-contractible te Poincaré Lemma 1 states tat not all close forms are exact. One can efine te space of armonic forms as tose ifferential forms wic are close, but not exact, (2.31) H k := Z(; Λ k ) B c (; Λ k 1 ) = Z(; Λ k ) = H k (M) B(; Λ k 1 ). For contractible manifols H k =. Similar to (2.22) we can ecompose Λ k (M) into its nullspace an its complement, Λ k (M) = Z(; Λ k ) Z c (; Λ k ). If we combine tis ecomposition wit (2.31), we obtain te following Hoge ecomposition, (2.32) Λ k (M) = B(; Λ k 1 ) H k Z c (; Λ k ). Proposition 12. If tr a (k) = 0 or M =, ten (2.33) Z( ; Λ k ) = B c (; Λ k 1 ) an Z c (; Λ k ) = B( ; Λ k+1 ). Proof. For all a (k) Z( ; Λ k ) an all b (k 1) Λ k (M) we ave ( 0 = a (k), b (k 1)) ( = a (k), b (k 1)) L 2 Λ k 1 (M) L 2 Λ k (M) Terefore, a (k) B(; Λ k 1 ), i.e. a (k) B (; Λ k 1 ) = B c (; Λ k 1 ). Terefore, Z( ; Λ k ) B c (; Λ k 1 ). Conversely, if a (k) B (; Λ k 1 ), ten ( a (k), b (k 1)) = 0 for all L 2 Λ k b(k 1) (M) wic implies tat a (k) = 0, terefore B c (; Λ k 1 ) Z( ; Λ k ). So we ave B c (; Λ k 1 ) = Z( ; Λ k ). For all a (k) Z(; Λ k ) an all b (k) B( ; Λ k+1 ), i.e. tere exists a c (k+1) suc tat b (k) = c (k+1). Ten 0 a(k) =0 = ( a (k), c (k+1)) ( = a (k), c (k+1)) ( = a (k), b (k)) L 2 Λ k+1 (M) L 2 Λ k (M) L 2 Λ k (M) Tis implies tat Z c (; Λ k ) = B( ; Λ k+1 ). or Using Proposition 12 in (2.31) yiels H k = Z(; Λ k ) Z( ; Λ k ), (2.34) H k = { a Λ k (M) a = 0, a = 0 }. Harmonic forms are terefore bot close an coclose. Using Proposition 12 an (2.32) allows us to write te Hoge ecomposition as (2.35) Λ k (M) = B(; Λ k 1 ) H k B( ; Λ k+1 ). Remark 3. Note tat te Hoge ecomposition (2.32) is true, weter M as a bounary or not, wereas (2.35) is only true if M =. Te Hoge ecomposition in te form (2.32) will play an important role in te remainer of tis paper. Corollary 2 (Hoge ecomposition). [1] Let M be a compact bounaryless oriente Riemannian manifol. Every e (k) Λ k (M) can be written in terms of a (k 1) Λ k 1 (M), b (k+1) Λ k+1 (M) an c (k) H k suc tat (2.36) e (k) = a (k 1) + b (k+1) + c (k). Remark 4. Let M be a compact bounaryless oriente Riemannian manifol an a (k) H k. Ten it follows tat c (k) is te armonic solution of te Laplace-De Ram operator, (2.37) ( c (k) = 0 an c (k) = 0 ) c (k) = 0...

22 22 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA Remark 5. Altoug a (k 1), b (k+1) an e (k) are unique, te ifferential forms a (k 1) an b (k+1) are generally not unique, because we can replace a (k 1) by a (k 1) + p (k 2) for any p (k 2) an b (k+1) by b (k+1) + q (k+2) an tis will also satisfy te Hoge ecomposition. Remark 6. Te k-t e Ram coomology group of M, H k, is efine as: H k := Z(; Λk ) B(; Λ k 1 ). It is possible to prove tat te space of armonic k-forms, H k, is isomorpic to te coomology group H k, see [1]. Moreover, te e Ram teorem, see [75], states tat for a finite imensional compact manifol tis group is isomorpic to te omology group efine in algebraic topology, te isomorpism being given by integration. Tis connection between ifferential geometry an algebraic topology plays an essential role in te evelopment of te numerical sceme presente ere since it enables te representation of ifferential geometric structures as finite imensional algebraic topological structures suitable for using in te iscretization process, as it will be seen in te following sections. For a manifol wit bounary, te Hoge ecomposition teory takes a somewat ifferent form. A k-form a (k) Λ k (M) is calle parallel or tangent to a manifol Q M if tr M,Q ( a (k) ) = 0 an is calle perpenicular or normal to a manifol Q M if tr M,Q (a (k) ) = 0. In tis way te following spaces can be introuce (2.38) (2.39) Λ k t (M) = {a (k) Λ k (M) a (k) is tangent to M}, Λ k n(m) = {a (k) Λ k (M) a (k) is perpenicular to M}. Note tat for te space of armonic forms a (k) = 0 an a (k) = 0 is a stronger conition tan a (k) = 0 wen M as a bounary. Proposition 13 (Hoge ecomposition teorem for manifols wit bounary). [1] Let M be a compact oriente manifol wit bounary. Te following ecomposition ols (2.40) Λ k (M) = Λ k 1 t (M) H k (M) Λ k+1 (M) Hilbert spaces. On an oriente Riemannian manifol, we can efine Hilbert spaces for ifferential forms. Let all f i (x i1,..., x in ) be functions in L 2 (M), ten a (k) be a k-form in te Hilbert space L 2 Λ k (Ω) is given by a (k) = i f i (x i1,..., x in ) x i1 x i2... x ik. Te norm corresponing to te space L 2 Λ k (M) is a (k) 2 L 2 Λ = ( a (k), a (k)) k L 2 Λ k (M). Altoug extension to iger Sobolev spaces are possible, we focus ere to te Hilbert space corresponing to te exterior erivative. Te Hilbert space HΛ k (M) is efine by HΛ k (M) = {a (k) L 2 Λ k (M) a (k) L 2 Λ k+1 (M)}. an te norm corresponing to HΛ k (M) is efine by a (k) 2 HΛ := k a(k) 2 L 2 Λ + k a(k) 2 L 2 Λ k+1. Te L 2 e Ram complex, or te Hilbert version of te e Ram complex, is te sequence of maps an spaces given by R HΛ 0 (M) HΛ 1 (M) n HΛ n (M) 0. An important inequality in stability analysis, relating bot norms, is Poincaré inequality. Lemma 2 (Poincaré inequality). [4] Consier te e Ram complex (Λ, ), ten te exterior erivative is a boune bijection from Z c (, L 2 Λ k ) to B(, L 2 Λ k 1 ), an ence, by Banac s boune inverse teorem, tere exists a constant c P suc tat (2.41) a HΛ k c P a L 2 Λ k, a Zc (, L 2 Λ k ),

23 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 23 Wic we refer to as te Poincaré inequality. We remark tat te conition B(, L 2 Λ k 1 ) is close is not only sufficient, but also necessary to obtain tis result.

24 24 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA 3. An introuction to Algebraic Topology An important step in te our numerical framework is te iscretization of a manifol (pysical space) in wic te pysical laws are embee. By tis we mean te partitioning of a manifol in a collection of non-overlapping subspaces (cells) suc tat teir union is te wole manifol uner stuy. Tis partitioning into a set of istinct subspaces yiels a representation of a manifol in terms of a finite number of points (0-cells), lines (1-cells), surfaces (2-cells), volumes (3-cells) an teir analogues of imension k (k-cells). A collection of k-cells of suc a partition is calle a k-cain. Several types of geometrical objects (k-cells) can be use for te subivision. In tis work we will focus on quarilaterals an teir generalizations to iger imensions, (singular k-cubes). In tis section we inten to formally introuce te representation of tese collections of k- cells an to associate tem wit a suitable algebraic structure tat enables a correct iscrete representation of te original manifol. Te branc of matematics tat provies suc a formal iscrete representation of a compact manifol is algebraic topology. Having efine a iscrete representation of te manifol in terms of k-cains, we can assign values to te various space elements by efining te ual space of te cains space; te so-calle k-cocains. Duality pairing between cains an cocains allows us to introuce operations on cocains as formal ajoint of operations on cains. In tis way, te introuction of operations on k-cocains mimics te operations on k-forms iscusse in te previous section. Te main reason tis introuction on algebraic topology is given ere, is tat we will explicitly employ te close relationsip between ifferential geometry in a continuous setting an algebraic topology in te iscrete setting in te following sections. Tis relationsip is also employe by many oters, for instance, [6, 20, 47, 79]. For a more toroug treatment of algebraic topology te reaer is referre to [28, 44, 45, 52, 75]. In tis paper we assume tat te imension of all manifols is finite an im(m) = n Cell complexes an te bounary operator. Definition 25 (k-cell). [28, 52] A k-cell, τ (k), of a manifol M of imension n k is a set of points of M tat is omeomorpic to a close k-ball B k = {x R k : x 1}. Te bounary of a k-cell τ (k), τ (k), is te subset of M associate by te above mentione omeomorpism to te bounary B k = {x R k : x = 1} of B k. Te topological escription of a manifol can be one in terms of simplices, see for instance [52, 75, 82] or in terms of singular k-cubes, see [44, 45, 80]. From a topological point of view bot escriptions are equivalent, see [19]. Despite tis equivalence of simplicial complexes an cubical complexes, te reconstruction maps to be iscusse in Section 4 iffer significantly. For mimetic metos base on simplices see [2, 4, 18, 31, 65, 66], wereas for mimetic metos base on singular cubes see [5, 6, 17, 34, 36, 71]. Here we list te terminology to set a omology teory in terms of k-cubes as given by [45]: R = real line. I = close interval [ 1, 1]. R k = R R R (k factors, k 0) Eucliean k-space. I k = I I I (k factors, k 0) unit k-cube. By efinition I 0 is a space consisting of a single point. Definition 26 (Singular k-cube). [45] A singular k-cube in a n-imensional manifol M is a continuous map τ (k) : I k M, 0 k n. Definition 27 (Degenerate singular k-cube). [45] If for te map τ (k) : I k M, 0 k n tere exists an i, 1 i k suc tat τ (k) (x 1, x 2,..., x k ) oes not epen on x i, ten te singular k-cube is egenerate. Corollary 3. Any non-egenerate k-cube is a k-cell as efine by Definition 25. Remark 7. A non-singular k-cube is a submanifol of M accoring to Definition 3.

25 MIMETIC FRAMEWORK 25 Remark 8. Select an orientation in Rk, ten te eterminant of te Jacobian of te maps τk etermines te (inner) orientation of te k-cell accoring to Definition 7. Figure 12. Example of a 0-cell, a 1-cell, a 2-cell an a 3-cell. Figure 12 epicts some examples of k-cells in a manifol M = R3. Te k-cells are geometric objects wic represent te geometric objects sown in Figure 8. Before we formally efine te bounary of k-cubes, we first efine faces of a k-cube. Definition 28 (Te faces of a singular k-cube). [45, 76] For 0 < k n0 let τ(k) be a singular k-cube in M. For i = 1, 2,..., k, we efine te singular (k 1)-cubes Ai τ(k 1), Bi τ(k 1) : I k 1 M, by te formulae (face maps) Ai τ(k 1) (x1, x2,..., xk 1 ) = τ(k) (x1,..., xi 1, 1, xi,..., xk 1 ), Bi τ(k 1) (x1, x2,..., xk 1 ) = τ(k) (x1,..., xi 1, +1, xi,..., xk 1 ). Ai τ(k 1) is calle te front i-face an Bi τ(k 1) is calle te back i-face of τ(k). Figure 13 epicts some examples of faces of k-cells in a manifol M = R3. Figure 13. Examples of te faces (in ark) of a 1-cell, a 2-cell an a 3-cell in R3 Remark 9. Note tat te face maps, Ai τ(k 1) an Bi τ(k 1) efine in Definition 28 are inclusion maps as efine in Definition 15. Definition 29 (Te bounary of a singular k-cube). [45] Te bounary of a singular k-cube τ(k), k > 0 is given by (3.1) τ(k) := k X ( 1)i Ai τ(k 1) Bi τ(k 1). i=1 Tis efinition escribes te bounary of te submanifol τ(k), see Corollary 1. Definition 30 (Cell complex). [28, 49] A cell complex, D, in a compact manifol M is a finite collection of cells suc tat: (1) (D) is a covering of M. (2) Every face of a cell of D is in D. (3) Te intersection of any two k-cells, τ(k) an σ(k) in D is eiter τ(k) an σ(k) sare a common face; τ(k) σ(k) = σk = τ(k), or; τ(k) σ(k) =.

26 26 JASPER KREEFT, ARTUR PALHA, AND MARC GERRITSMA In tis framework we will focus on: points (0-cells), curves (1-cells), surfaces (2-cells) an k- imensional generalizations (k-cells), consiere as non-egenerate k-cubes. Figure 14 epicts an example of a cell complex in a compact manifol M R 3. Te above presente efinitions constitute a formalization of te concept of iscretization of space. Manifol Cell Complex 0-cells 1-cells 2-cells 3-cells Figure 14. Example of a cell complex. Left: a tree imensional compact manifol. Rigt: te k-cells tat constitute te cell complex. Definition 31 (k-cain). [28] Given a cell complex D, te space of k-cains of D, C k (D), is te free Abelian group written aitivively, (see [45]), generate by a basis consisting of all te oriente, non-egenerate k-cells of D. A k-cain c (k) in D is an element of C k (D). A k-cain, c (k) C k (D), is a formal sum of k-cells, τ (k),i D: c (k) C k (D) c (k) = i c i τ (k),i, τ (k),i D. Formally, given a set of k-cells, it is possible to generate any k-cain by specifying te coefficients in te cain. Altoug tis is possible for arbitrary fiels, we will, in te escription of geometry, restrict ourselves mainly to cains wit coefficients in Z/3 = { 1, 0, 1}. Te meaning of tese coefficients is : 1 if te cell is in te cain wit te same orientation as its orientation in te cell complex, -1 if te cell is in te cain wit te opposite orientation to te orientation in te cell complex an 0 if te cell is not part of te cain. Te orientation of te cell is implie from te orientation of R k an te map τ k as pointe out in Remark 8. For an example of k-cains, see Figure 15. Figure 15. Example of a cell complex, a 1-cain an a 2-cain. Definition 32 (Coefficient vector for cains). Te space of k-cains, C k (D), can be represente by a column vector containing only te coefficients of te cain. Tat is, tere is an isomorpism ψ: (3.2) ψ : C k (D) R p, p = rank(c k (D)), efine by (3.3) ψ(c (k) ) = ψ( c i τ (k),i ) = [c 1 c p ] T, i p = rank(c k (D)),

Chapter Primer on Differentiation

Chapter Primer on Differentiation Capter 0.01 Primer on Differentiation After reaing tis capter, you soul be able to: 1. unerstan te basics of ifferentiation,. relate te slopes of te secant line an tangent line to te erivative of a function,.

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