Passia. & # Priest:... ages of ages. F w Œ. f f f f f f f w f f f f F. f f F F f f f f f w F f w Œ. F f f f f f w F f F Œ. f f f f f f f w F f F Œ

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1 Passia Kyivan Chant arr. Fr. Hladio SOPRANO ALTO TENOR BASS Priest:... ages o ages. F w A - men. F w 2 Deacon/Priest: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! F F w w Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - - ia. F F w F w 3 Tropar, tone 8: F F w F When the glor - rious dis - ci-ples were en - ligh - - tened F F w F F 4 w F at the wash-ing o the eet be-ore the sup per, w F F Copyright 2015

2 2 5 F F then Ju F - das the un - god - ly was strick-en and dark-ened with the love F 6 w F o mon ey; w F F 7 w F F and to the law-less judg es - he de - li-vered You, the just judge. w F F 8 F F O lov - - er o mon - ey, look u - pon F F 9 w F him who or its sake hanged him - sel; w F F

3 10 lee rom the in - sat - ia - ble soul, 3 11 w F which dared such things a - gainst the Teach er. w F F 12 w rit. w O You Who are good to all, Lord, glo - - ry to You. F w F w Note: the preceding tropar may be sung once or thrice while the Bishop/Priest censes the interior o the temple times F F w Litany o Peace F F F w F w Lord, have mer - cy. To You, O Lord. A - men. F F w w F F w F w

4 4 16 Tropar, tone 2: You have wrought sal F F F - va - tion in the midst o the earth, Christ God; F F F 17 # F F You stretched out Your im - mac - u - late hands on the Cross, F F 18 n F F F w Clergy: F F F F F # F so ga-th'ring to - ge-ther all the na- tions, who cry: Lord, glo - ry to You! Rerains o the Canon Sung irst by the clergy, then repeated by the choir Glo F F F F F # F Glo F - ry to Your pas - sion, O Lord! - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son, and the Ho-ly Spi - rit. F w w F F w F F F w F w w w F F w F F F F F w w

5 22 Faithul: F F F F # F Now and e w F F w - ver, and un-to the a - ges o a - ges. A - men. F F w F w w w 5 23 Canon, ode 3: # F F w F When it saw, You Who had hung the whole earth ree-ly on the wa - ters, F F F F 24 # F # F hang - ing on Gol - - go - tha, F F 25 n w F F Cre - a - tion was seized with great a -maze - ment and cried, F F F F 26 # w None is ho - ly but You, O Lord. F w

6 6 27 Lord, have mer F F w Small Litany F F F w F w - cy. To You, O Lord. A - men. F F w w F F w F w 30 Tropar, tone 2: You have wrought sal F F F - va - tion in the midst o the earth, Christ God; F F F 31 # F F You stretched out Your im - mac - u - late hands on the Cross, F F 32 n F F F w 34 so ga-th'ring to -ge-ther all the na- tions, who cry: Lord, glo - ry to You! Rerains o the Canon Sung irst by the clergy, then repeated by the choir F F F F F # F Glo F - ry to Your pas - sion, O Lord! F w w F F w F F F w F w w w

7 35 Clergy: F F F F F # F Glo F F w - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son, and the Ho-ly Spi - rit. F F F F F w w 7 36 Faithul: F F F F # F Now and e w F F w - ver, and un-to the a - ges o a - ges. A - men. F F w F w w w 37 Canon, ode 6: F F Jo - nas was held, but not held ast F 38 # F # F in the bel - ly o the whale; F F 39 nw F F F or be - ing a type o You, F F F F

8 8 40 # F # F F the One who su-ered and was gi - ven o - ver to bur - i - al F F 41 n F w F F F As rom a bri - dal cham - ber he leapt orth rom the beast F F F F F 42 # F # F and cried to the guard, 'you who vain - ly and alse - ly keep F F 44 # w guard, you have or - sa - ken your own mer - - cy. w w 45 F F w Small Litany F F F w F w Lord, have mer - cy. To You, O Lord. A - men. F F w w F F w F w

9 48 Tropar, tone 2: You have wrought sal F F F - va - tion in the midst o the earth, Christ God; F F F 9 49 # F F You stretched out Your im - mac - u - late hands on the Cross, F F 50 n F F F w so ga-th'ring to -ge-ther all the na- tions, who cry: Lord, glo - ry to You! Prokiemen F F w Deacon/Priest: They parted my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture. They part - ed my gar - ments a - mong them tone 4: F w F w F w F F w and cast lots u - pon my ves - ture. F w F w

10 10 55 Deacon/Priest: O God, my God, hear me; why have You orsaken me? Faithul: Repeat the Prokiemen Deacon/Priest: They parted my garments among them... Faithul: F w F F w and cast lots u - pon my ves - ture. F w F w Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord Lord, have mer - - cy. A - men. Deacon/Priest: Let every breath praise the Lord! Priest:... ages o ages. F F w F w F F w F w F F w Let ev - 'ry breath praise the Lord. F F w Deacon: Praise the Lord in His sanctuary, praise Him in the irmament o His strength! Faithul: Let every breath praise the Lord. Deacon: Let every breath... Faithul: F F F w praise the Lord. w F F w

11 11 Deacon/Priest:...pray to the Lord God. 61 F F w Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy. F F w Bishop/Priest: Peace be unto all. 62 F F w And to your spi - - rit. F F w 63 Bishop/Priest:... Holy Gospel according to St. (name). F F F F F # F Glo w F F w - ry to Your pas - sion, O Lord! F F F w F w w w The Reading o the Holy Gospel 64 at the end o the Gospel reading: F F F F F # F w F F w Glor - ry to Your long-su - 'ring, O Lord, glo - ry to You! F F w F w F F w

12 12 65 repeated 6 times The Litany o Fervent Supplication F F w F w Lord, have mer- cy, Lord, have mer-cy, Lord, have mer - cy. A - men. F F w F w Rerains o the Canon Sung irst by the clergy, then repeated by the choir 67 F F F F F # F w F F w Glo - ry to Your pas - sion, O Lord! F F F w F w w w 68 Clergy: F F F F F # F Glo F F w - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son, and the Ho-ly Spi - rit. F F F F F w w 69 Faithul: F F F F # F Now and e w F F w - ver, and un-to the a - ges o a - ges. A - men. F F w F w w w

13 70 Canon, ode 9: # F F F # F # F 13 Do not la-ment me, O Mo - ther, see-ing me in the tomb, F F F F 72 n w F F F The Son con-ceived in the womb with - out seed, F F F F 73 # F # w or I shall a - rise F w 74 nw F F F and be glo - ri - ied with e - ter -nal glo - ry as God. F F F F 75 # w I shall ex - alt all who mag - ni - y you in aith and in love. F w

14 14 76 Litany o Supplication 6 times F F w F F F w Lord, have mer - cy. Grant this, O Lord. F F w w F F w 78 Deacon:...Christ our God. Priest:...o ages. Priest: Peace be unto all. F F F w F w F F w 81 Deacon:...heads to the Lord. F F F w F w To You, O Lord. A - men. And to your spi - rit. w F F w F w F F w Priest:...ages o ages. To You, O Lord. A - men. w F F w F w 83 and we sing the Tropar o Holy Saturday, in tone 2 ("Bulgarian" melody): w FF F F F # The no ble w w F F F F 84 F F F F F n w F Jo F F F F F w w w w seph

15 85 w F F F F # F F F w Took Your Most pure bo - - dy w w F F F F F F F w F F n w F down rom the tree. F F w w F F w 87 w F F F F # F F F w Ha ving wrapped it w w F F F F F F F w 88 F F n w F in a clean shroud F F w w w w 89 w F F F F # F F F w with a - ro - ma - - tic spi - - ces w F F F F F F F F w

16 16 90 n w F F w w rit. he laid it in a new tomb. w w F F w w F F w 91 Deacon:...pray to the Lord. F F w F w F F w F w 94 Clergy: Most-holy Theotokos, save us! Priest:...ages o ages. Lord, have mer - cy. Prayer A - men. More hon -'ra - ble than the Che -ru -bim and more glor-ious be-yond com-pare than the 95 F F F F F Se - ra - phim, with-out cor-rup-tion you gave birth to God the Word. F F F F F 97 F w True The - o - to - kos we mag - ni - y you. F w

17 Clergy: Glory to You, O Christ our God...glory to You! 98 F F F Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spi - rit, F F F F F both now and e - ver and un - to the a - ges o a - ges. A - men. F F F F F Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy. F F F 101 Clergy:...Lover-o-Mankind. F w F F F w (Master)Give the bles - sing. A men. F w w F F w 103 F F F F F # F Glo w F F w - ry to Your pas - sion, O Lord! F F F w F w w w

18 18 While the aithul approach to venerate the Golgotha icon, the choir sings the ollowing stykhyra o Holy Saturday in tone 5 (Galician melody): 104 w F w Come, let us bless Jo -seph o e - ver - last - ing mem - o - ry, w F w 105 F F w who came to Pi late by night, F F w 106 F # w and begged or the lie o all: F F w 107 w F w Give me this stran-ger, who has no place to lay His head. w F w

19 108 F F w 19 Give me this stran- ger, whom His e -vil disc-i -ple de -li - vered to death. F F w 109 F F # w Give me this stran - ger, whom His Mo-ther saw hang-ing on the Cross, F w 110 F F w and with a mo - ther's sor - row she cried weep - ing: F F w 111 F F F w Woe is me, my child! F F F w

20 F F # w Woe is me, light o mine eyes and be -lov - ed ruit o my womb! F F w 113 F F w For what Sim - e - on ore-told in the tem-ple is come to pass to - day: F F w 114 F F w a sword pierc - es my heart, F F w 115 FF # w but do Thou change my grie to glad-ness by Thy Res-sur rec - tion. F w w

21 116 F w We ve - ner - ate Thy Pass - ion, O Christ. 21 F w 117 F F w We ve - ner - ate Thy Pass - - ion, O Christ. F F w 118 # w We ve - ner - ate Thy pas - sion, O Christ. F w 119 rit. F and Thy Ho - ly Res - sur - ec tion. F w w F F w

SAMPLE THE LORD IS MY HOPE. Fm7. Fm7. The. The Lord is the. Fm7. ten der and. song that I. lov ing a. Fm7. shep herd, king. jus tice, a.

SAMPLE THE LORD IS MY HOPE. Fm7. Fm7. The. The Lord is the. Fm7. ten der and. song that I. lov ing a. Fm7. shep herd, king. jus tice, a. TH LORD S MY HOP RFRN With quiet confidence ( = ca. 40) Melody Keyboard ng th shep herd, Lord D sg: is hope glo root ry. SMPL Lord is ten der lov g a jus tice, a kg. Text: as on 2 Samuel 22; M.D. Ridge.

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