HO J::ii :A:', Judee S8l!l.lel I. New York, N. Y. January,l938

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2 HO J::ii :A:', Judee S8l!l.lel I. New York, N. Y. January,l938 - Wr1 teo the l'resident ohcloo1ne a otatemeut in ro ttou.muni e. 'e viol ation or tr eaty and constituti onal (,'Uarnutooo i n t he t 1 eatment of her Jewish minori ty. As. e tbe Preside nt to t all: t o t he nouilllljlion. iinie t er about t his ei tuatiou. - un January?t h, t he President replied by memo to the Judge, retur ning this atatoltiont, uayint: tbe:, are doi ns eteryth irjl:: tbey can. S::E - P. P. F. M

3 tu Prell._\ referim \o \be DlpaltHa\ of 1\a\e.fol' 4raft of rept,, leuu \o \lae PI'H14at 'e\nwt 21~ fi'oa Lo"U Bna\Meo J York, I. T.,..,._otlq plu.aerelir lochlauoa u,. \o pe... porauu-c J..t l'!fy!! tn. all - he a th..,._.. pronol.-1 eulooublp aa..ra. - Drat\.-uw 117 Boa. s-r tellm ~ 31Ul. -4 wbl Uae PI'Hl._t 41reoto4 M._, OYV' Ml'. Moie\Tf'O' e ol~tu'e, - rotlu'm4 117 Mr. Moletpe \o tile &ta\e ~' (~r. tell ) ~I'll flll,,.. u e\ath \bat u \ell.,. u wul \o MUer lt np!t lo...so 117 lawler seoro taj7 len... ao\ld'ao4 \o Ml'. (elloo.. re ooploe ef Sta\e J)OpUia \ pi'he rel M Jo , 4ato4 ll&al'oh 36. lni. - AUeeht are \wo offtoe _..._ 4a\... MeNta April 6~ 0 "taalt... 1D ~ - --, '

4 r.r..ma, M. aealct~r~a. ~ S"lc lewiala c-p t.lal'ch I:J, U38.!'few York, U. T. IA ter \o tblt t rut&.,, aq1dg be 1:. n1 Ua#~ 1n behel t ot \M.a-a.Jlt lf1ah Ca"'C Tho Allor10tw lowbh OOID1U1M, lho ~ & rtt.h, ''"'Zloatn OrganiaUOil ot.~"cel'1ca, \ llo lewiab wbor Cot'IIU\Oe IUid praouoall.j/gt ~ nauoaal o.rpn1auomo~ wuia tl» p-..ouuoa of z-. 'l'bue orpnssauou ore un1to4 1A JQC&_.,ag u la to rd... wuil \lie i?l"uidut tor a de~uca ropauen Uag \bl aboft OJPD1 U... 'l'bo tabpucjd WiU DO\ nl 11 pa on - XJ)ftMO laope \ba\ -' W ta\em ~ lie an u..s ~... c Co Prulcllc\ OD hh aou. la u&6n'1118 tayuauaa \o AiM MtiGDo \o a14 \118 eotgrcu.ca of.ai&~ji poll U-.1 fleltlfte. SM\M tbla 1 ~ 1a ~ wub b1o b14lll ~..._ OD\laok, whicb 1a pr>ftluddl7 &JPI'Mlllte&. ) I I

5 TRES'lJ&Alf'., Jl'r1 tzi, RlchmoDd Hill, L.I., N.Y. March 27, 19:l8. Aake tor Prealdent a parmiae1on to start a collection ot a11ter t ol l 1n the State ot New York t o secure a tund to aid _!!!!. 1n O..J'II&n)', etc. br

6 Mr. lleem\\ referncl to hill, for 4ratt of N&e. lf._. h ~eel ad~eabla, leuer to \be PNelcleDt April '7\h hall ~ Sc-'a 2a 0010zn,.. uoiial 011.,.dm, unihd Pale ttd. Appeal, lfn York, K. t., ~be a PNal4 Ual - ~for tbe Un11.ed PaleeUne Appeal confernce w*llch will 11eet ld Chla.co, Illlnoh, April 24\ll to ooaaidu the prolll of uehuiic bolael....jnteb Nt'lapee la INJ'ope. - Ia aoooi"ccaalce wlt.b 4rat\ nlaitted _, Mr. Oeorp I' erlj.a. Cbh.f of Protoool, Apzll 19\ll, wr.!:arl1 wrote bbll1 Golc11na April l 9 t.b ~t al~ \be peat pi"hea. of -uoa l 8Dd ldtenaauollal attain at \bh Uae ba aade 1t uoee8&1'7 ~r tale PrealcleDt to adopt t.be pnotloe of 48olhhc NlfM h tor up, be dnlree ur. Karl.7 to extent hle '-' wlebn to \be OODf-.oe. SD- PPP 601 & ), I / I

7 e.sa o c<»mor, BasU New York City 4-2G-3B (referred) Enoloeed letter addressed to h1lll by Paul Baerwald, Tbe American 1ewillb 1o1m D11Rr1buUoa ConnUtee ot Bew York City, on behal.r ot MiN Lotte 1Cal.1*1, head ot an 1mponant aohool in Berlin, llho 1e here oaa rtsitor a rtea and rt18t get out ot 0el'!lanY pel'uiiulently; abe had an attaok ot I. P. when she was a1x year old, lirlrpa considerably add we.lkb with a ce.de but she ha.a oarried on her work t or ~ years and otherwise 1a in excellent health; She teela 11: 't'iiay be d1tti«llt tor her to sri an 1DID1- grat1on rtsa na the Consuls abroed do DOt, as a rule, gite rtaaa except w1 th a posi t1te attest of their d.octore, and beoe.uae ot t he Presideot a aympatbiea tor rtotlms ot this disease, uka it eome intlusnoe might be used to r,et the Con81l in Berlin t o wai..e a dootcr a oert1t1ce.t i on with reterenoe to thie port ot the exbda. -Referred to SlW' Y. af STATE t or aoi_ SEE Jte.liaki, Miss Lot"te I I I I {:, c'l _, I

8 ~- STIIUI, Be,..n, bq., Dlnnet 111o. 1, 'ru hm Sou ot X.rul, Aprll 24, lt._ Torlt,.T. Writ.. the Pr.. 14eat 1a behalt ot the mmmn ot D1etr1ot Ro. l, The JrM Sou ot Iarael, a patriot1e orgaais~t10d ot A.. rl... or lewlah Faith,.alutlD& hta.. tile.oat outa~uq Bpenftarlu,... poaeea..a wlth- tbe nobl.., iuuaote to help hie tello-". State further, "BT aalliq oa all ohu1m4 Datioaa to open tbeir 4oon to O...tllee a4 lne permoum4 1D ~J aa4.llletna, to t1d4 a plaoe ot Mte'J fojt thea 1D leah ot libor\;j, JOU haft epb pl'ot'- to tjae world JOUJ' Doble penciiilal-i 'J", Sar that tbe prooe.u ot their amaual Moolll11)1.t Sail tlll JW&r will be 4note4 to the apport ot tllle DOble 1UI4ertak1q, u4 ian tea the Prea148Dt to poaoe th1a ooo.. ioa with hie preaea.., OD J'aae 1~, ltsi, See IAntaUoa -... Tort

9 IAli(R, 'Die S.eretUJ of - l.a,lr.ib!be PreJd.~ retened tor dnft Ott repl7 a ~uer ot _. 8 wrutea \o Mlao IMfeD4 b)' Dr. Ratbllntel A. Dan., I.- ADplea, cal., enoloalllg aopy Ott ~'' be.m t v the ;)eo. ot I.allor, 1n re adnlajd.cm to t h1a 00~1'7 ot Heina ~. a 1'!1'up! f1w 0t 'l Mr. Cllanaob 1a DOW Oil a BriUib llllip ill the I.- Allea~a barbor an4 Mr. DaTia Uk.a that be be granted entruoa 1D\o tba u.s. - s.o. h.lttlna r.plled on._. m, 8Ubm1U1J'I8 draft, wb1ch the Prea1<Met sent on M.t,y 81 lllauji& 1nqu1ry 1nto tb1a o._ reftala that to!!dolt h1m tor ponoanent r oa1denoa ill the u.s. would be oontrary to tba I!!II'SJ'Uon An or s.;ra, untort;u~atel7, adldnl tre.un officers ban no d1aoreuon to waift t ho r oqu1relll!lnta or t b1a 18. su - S226 I ( (';. ~ ;)

10 llaotick, lid a. lllu.. I, Boaae of bpr.. ea\auyee Jae ' '0\e \he Preel~\, wub oonrbc leuer \o Ree4 0 ~nac - hle\orloal ou\llm of Ckna!Q' 1a rela\loa \e \Jae pereeou\loa td \he Jfte \ben, - -.p}t wu 4J'afte4 for the Preeldea\ elpa\ve, 11.&\ lae\-.4 Mr. Jlola\7re WI'O\e bp. Sli'O'riola J e 16\Ja \he\ \he Pnelcl.ea\ h eo rubed 4\IJ'liiC \he oloelq ~ of Coecre that he aaked hlm \e \henjr h1a for hle le\\er, _. \he Preelda\ appreolat" hl \bn&bttw.lae 1a chlac hsa u opponuu:r \o look OYer hie ooaolulou. - SD- 31U

11 'l'l'lmtm i'i1lllaa - I>ros1d.ent J'ew1Bh l'ooples Cocmttee New Yolic City ~ Hro~ tho Pres i dent t lln t t hi s CornS ttoo m s rocoi vod 100,000 a1(9lnt ures on n pot1t1on to the Pres1dttnt in bomlf of the Yict1ms of religious nnd political peraeoution, espeolnlly tboao of J\u,stria nnd Oenwly. Hequeata the pr1yilege for ft delogntion t o preaent this pout1on to him on J'uDe ~~. -"'lllru:. l.lolntyre wrote on tmt he would receive n delogution at three PflOplo to accept the petition on bel'lllf of tba l'reo1dent. 7t -c --

12 SWS.,!lie DIIIIz~tl? - ell ~ :11!M PrnU t,.,._,""' to tm P 0 o.t SW4. iw 4aft.t t 1;J,. lei? '..& lr ada,._..., ' llw,.._ O'GI b L tal JwMe UP o J1'11'... ss, a t': rr=r~ =.!..:;..!-*-2': -:... ~ ~ ~~-~ ~:-:.,.? 5 ~ ~7~,:~ ~'~;~,J=-~~,.~:~.~- II -t SOh It "" ~ I I tdbs...,.._ L. I L 1 oe - la... -.oe ll:ila..-.& ~e q-..ttlse.. wl <.- -&~._,. 1' 'tw lir atw II t1 r, II' r...,....,_ 31: tm Pi sic I u..-..., o,... w &a..., -. o. a r 1f..a._ o,.._ -&U '- tellaltt:l tst ~... 5 F... fll,_ l srq " IP'h tw....._ N I Y IIIU '-.a... ls, 5 & I 1 I I ".a? tst II.... G. 7 f'wb a t a -... AI 2.. SQII I 2... Ills... ' at., Ids.....& sl4.. ell.. r ; n hllsu fill u. tssll" '- a'= ths - - la _. 't'l I 0 UWW I u '- & Aua.l... - Ill I... sad ' f11... a sqseu a 11 a:w fll-.. 0'1 rs lct1s.-... d' t s r :'7.tU \e... II'. ~. tal" Ids l6stw1su -.._-.... te a' as 0= '-17..,,... ~

13 RM'~ ruum '1\ ru;; ~ TAT" ocrtjm 'Dl'l': J uly?, 19~ Lott~r to tl.c l:'rt:s f'ror. a pe~son \1r.o siens herf'tolf " 1\ Jewish \IOrr.sn end oi t1 zen" expreuling ndl"'ir!ltion and g1 nt i tude for tlo Pres i dent s humtml ttsrian aot towerd th~:~ peroecuted Jewioh r ofug&flll. Enolor r':' $ check for the Jewish rcfucsees. - P.oceiJ t i ndicat es tho cehck was drmtn on the. hanu1'acturflrs Tru!'t Co., l:lr ooklyn, and s igned by Loui~ Glnss I 2 SJ.:J:: :3186 ilp

14 SEOANE, Colonel ~.A., United States Army ~ooklyn, N.Y. August 20, 1938, \'/rote Mr. Me In t)'l!f: suggesti ng that 1n lieu ot war debt interest, Great Britain concede t o us British Gui ana. to be colonized b7.t.urope's political refugees, Cites fact that it would be impossible tor France or Britain to take over tbe CieJ'PV'n rotl.l&tes. -- Mr. Mcintyre wrote colonel Sooane August 23rd, thanking bim tor b1s suggestions. su /

15 ags CEI..LER, Congressman ~uel. New Yor k City 8-24-~ \/rote to tm l'reai dent enclosing a letter add.rossed to the l'resident trom Harold Dobrest, Debrost s \7eekl.y News Service, New York City, o.nd dated Asks tor u Vlord of reassurance trom the Prosi dent on the occasion ot the New Yenr "That nothing and no om will shake your detenninnt ion to save the sixteen milli on sons and daughters ot Isre.el, ~ose lives are at t his moment ln jeopardy, r oody to be ground under the heel ot savage brutal! t y". ---Referred to Sl~ 'Y. OF m'ate tor a ok: ~ -- 1,/ / /

16 Tho touowtne uroto or e&blod the Preeldent " tho European oriels ard b.il li»eoasoato Hit<lor, Czechoslovakia o.nd other Bw'ope.a..n oountriea, on 9 26 :58 and 9-27-:111. -'!II l"ranlc VNii:iiiiBILT, lloil HILL, John Philip ~IIJRal, -.o1 llordon 1'DtQ tm( inifl.t (!lent McOU'IJ.J\OH, JJJ'l'lJR, Dr. Stat n leland, N.Y. Bntrly hulo, Coli t.!low Yor)c Ohy Plttabursh, Pa. No York Clt ("lrt) 9-28-!lB 9-26-!lB (Wiro) ;18 (wl,..) (vtro) Toronto, conado 9-20-!lB (wtro) -!low York City 9-28-:lll (wlr<l '1'be following o61mp8 WN aont to J.tr. LAWNDCO D.&g,pn, Ste.\0 De-pt:. Loon Corte::J, Proaidont do Costa Rice 9-28~ 1octnto B. Poyn44o, Proa14ento do lo Ropublloa Dom1nonnn 01u4ad TruJillo Folb: PAIVA, President 4o 1.& Ropubl1ea dol ~, AaUDcicm, 9-28~8 A. S<U:IZA, Proaldont. dt la Roptmlloa Nlca.racu&, J.lenagua M Stonio V'IllJENr 1 Proaldont do H41U, Port o.u Princo, Uatti, 9-28~8 Eduardo SANTOS, Prooldont do Colocblo 9-27-!lB (ooblo) Ootullo V~qQAS - Proaldont BraZil ?eclortoo Laroclo Bru, - Proaidon\ Cllb<l /. Altreclo &ldoc:ll.r - Prooldont urusuny Oonort\l 0. R. BENAVIDES - Prosldont Poru. Pierro Cart, Prooidont Du 8e,oecmbloCKnt Untvorsal Pour Lo Pa1X, Perla To ronco. Poria Sonotour Billw:Er, J.forlgny Lo SUp"""" Oonnoll do L obodlenco Clixto Intomntioi\Dl..a 10 Droit Hl.l..'2l in, Porto. Gormn Busch - Prosidont. Ropubllco BoU.,to, La. Pn~ 9-2~S8 flbu.rclo Cnrtca A, ~ol&nlpo. Honduras 9-~ E.I.Opoz COntrorc.o - Proaldonto do Los!atc4oo thudoe do venezuela wmrloroo 9-28-:le Mllxi.m111tl.nO H. lklrtino:... Froeldont Corwtl tucioml do lu Su.lvndor Si:ln Slllwdor ~nuo l J.lc.rta Borrero - Pro:Jldonw Constltuoloznl ln"r1no Dol 3cuodor Q>.lito 9-28-!lB ORISOVOLO, wla1-1/aohlnaton, D. C. - wtrod r.tr. Early "l'loant thank Proo. tor ~uick cction on ausg&stlon in ~ lotter on Italy' s position in proaoat crt ale, " not retorrod B!tl.l.ANY. Paul E. -Rapid City, S. Dak... Ack. by Pros. *CCJUDDrr, Hon. 1'redertc R. - U&w Yark City - Ack, by Pres.ABBO'rr, Ge.rdner - Cle"l&M, Ohio

17 e ~~fjfr~~~~f~'''' 'II I i l~arli!tt ~~~ : fai'jifr:. ;Jf ~li ~ rt~w,,.. i!f ~~-~r:r ;trl~fl f 1 s.:. tri i I'Ji;!fgiiJ(i(~l fl e ; u ~fr: a -~f! ~~, fr~t~llifl~reh, nr ll ad i!~!h~ ~ ' ~,. i,ttl;f~~~~c.-~i! 1 J p r 1 1 ~ J:.r ~, ;;i ptflt:a - rhr ' ; r a.. r 1 1 If l ru~!"flf~~t! (f t! tfihlfr ie 'f~ rl.. i i r I ~ I. ~ 5 i

18 SEE 700 for oo.nunioatlono to tho Prosidoot from tho por oons list~ bola«urging h1ol to protost to Cront Britain on rustriotion of l.ml1grnt1on of Jan to Palastino, 1\!ld proposed r <3puclintion of the Bnl!our Dcolerntion and ll&lldnte, on1 for tho Proeidont' s roplios of Oct. 19, 1936 in which he retera to h1s ~thy in the estoblishmont of n Notional Home for tho Jows in Pnlostino nod the Un1 t<ld Stntoo' oxpeotatl.on of boling nffordocrwt oppox taili.ty to oommunicnto to tho British Covornmont our vions with rospeot to any ohnnges in tho Mandato which mb bo proposed ns a result of tllj forthcoming r eport of tho Palestine Portition Commission. Tho Pro3e1dont e.loo IJUd tho.t bo undorst&llds tbot under the tarms of our convention l'll.th Groot Britain reeerding tho Palestine llnn:lnto wo oro unablo to PI"-""'V"nt mocliriontions in tho loiondnte, nod tho.t tho most wo cnn do is to doclioo to ocoupt ns oppllonb1o to Amoricnn intorosts any modu'',. cntions t.lf'footing such intorusto unless we hnvo given our assent to them, (To., Pr.lsidont ' s r oplias wor o dro.fted by tho Oopo.rtmont of Stoto. ), eov. Jazoos V. Allrod of Toxas, Oct, 12 Cov Hanry Horn~r of Illinois, Oct 12 Cov Prano18 P. llurpby of Naor Hn:npsh iro, Oct. 13 eov. Robert B. quinn of Rhodo Islnnd, Oct. 13 ACting Cov. James 8. Bt~rry of Oklalloma, Oct. 12 Sen. Thoedoro F. Green, Oct. 13 Cong. Robort L. Ramse,y, Oct. 12 Sen. Lev1is B. SohNellenba.oh, Oot, 14 Cong. Bhar1os Kr::.,or, Oot. 13 sen, Millard E. Tydings, Oot 14 Cong. Rioho.rd /.1. Simpson, Oot. 14 Son. Georgv L, RCdc1iffo, Oct 14 Cong. John To Bernard, Oot, 9 Son. Willicm H. Smnthors, Oct. 1e Cong. Alphonse Roy, Oct. 13 Sen. Augustino LonQrg'Ul, Oct. 10 Cong. Georg<~ J. &lhneider, Oct. 14 Sen. Frnncin T. llelono;y, OCt. 12 Cong. Honry G. T 1~, OCt. 12 Son. Fru:l H. BrONn, OCt, 13 Congo Joa.ot'.:. o. ~ornandos, OCt, 12 Cong. Harry Gla.es, Jr., oct. 12 eong. Jcmot A O'Loory, oct. 13 Cong. Irn \"/olton Draw, oct, 12 Gong. Hurmo.n p, Eborharter, Oct, 10 Cong. Bortrord 'II Genrhnrt, Oo~. 12 Gong. Bert Lord, oct. 13 Cong. Pt)tur J, DaMuth, OCt, l2 Cons. Marcellus H. Evens, Oct, 11 Cong. Plltu JormM, Oct, l2 Cons. John J, Da1noey, Oct. 1lo Gong. Arthur 11. Mitchell, Oct. 12 Gong. An1r1111 L, Somers, Oct, ll Cons Vinc.lnt Harrington, Oct. 13 Cong. Donald L. O'Toole, Oct. ll Cong. Robort Luoe, Oct. 14 Cong. Joseph L. Proifer, Oct. ll Cong. A. J, Sob~th, Oct. 13 Cong. ~na J, Keogh, Oot. lll Cong. Arthur IV. Ml.tcbell, Oct. 13 Cong. l:lntlnu->1 C.lllor, Oct. U Cong. Rnymond S. llokoough, Oot. 13 Cong. Thom:>s H. Cullen, OCt. 1ll. Cong. Edwa.rd A. Kelly, Oct. 13 Mower J ohn A.F. Hal1,Ha.rrisburg,Pa.oct.13 Cong. Hc.rry P. Boom, Oct. il<-3 M81for Thos. J. Spollncy,Hortford,Conn. Cong. Tbomt~.s J, O' Bri..Jn, Oct. 13 Hon. John J, Walsh Mbr of ASsembly, Cong. I..Jona.rd \'1. Schu%z, Oot. 13 Utio'l, 1/.Y., Oc<;;. 13 cong. LllO Kooiallrmrsld, Oct. 13 llrs. AnnO. llos0011itz Kroes, N~» York, N.Y. Cong. Jemus llcandr.ms, Oct. 13 Oot, 13 Cong. Ralph g, Church, oct. 13 Cong. John w. llccormnck, eot. 11. FUed ,'38 rlv I

19 vah. 5J!:E 700 for communications to the President from the persona listed below urging him to protest to Great Britain on r estriction or immigration of Jewe t o Palestine, nnd nr opoeed repudiotion of the Balfour Declaration end NhJndete, end for the President' s replies of Oct. 19, and 21, 1938 in which he refers to hie sympathy in the est ablishment of e National Home f or tho Jews in Palestine end the United States expectation of being afforded on opportunity t o communicate to the British Government our views with r espect to any chengea in the Wandate which moy be proposed ae e result of the forthcoming report of the Peleetino Partition Commission. The Preo id ~nt al so said th~t he und erstonde that under the t orme of our convention with Croat Britain r egarding t he Polestino Mandate we oro unable t o prevent modifications in the Mandato, ond tbot the most we can do is to decline to accept as applicable to American interests any modifications effecting such int erests unless we have given our assent t o them. (Tho President' s repliee were drafted by t he Department of State. ) Cong. Fred Biermann, Oct. 13 Cong. Matthew A. Dunn, Oct. 14 Cong. Aime J, Forand, Oct. 14 Cong. Goorpe B. Kelly, Oct. 15 Cong. John J. McGrath, Oc t. 15 Cov. A. Harry Moore of Ner. Jersey, Oct. l5 Cong. Edith Nourse Rogor s, Oct. 1 ~ - (encloses copies of two tlires, one from Jewieh Organization of Lowell,!.lass., one from Lowell l!inister s Assn., end n resolution from the City Co~cil of c~~bridea, M~ss. ) Cong. Will l. Whittington, Oct. 14 Cone. Goor~ 1. BAtes, Oct. 10 Gov. Ju~os H. Price of Virginia, O~t. 17 Oov. Fred P. Cone of Florida, Oct. 17 Gov. Willinm L~nge r of North Dakota, Oct. 17 Gov. Richard C. McMullen of Delawar e, Oct. 18 Sen. Gerold P. Nye, Oc t. 17 Cong. Harry Seutboff, Oct. 18 Cong. Jerry Voorhis, Oct. 17 Cong. Willi~~ P. Colo, Jr., Oct. 17 Cong. rt. M. Kleborg, Oct. 17 Cong. Cl.arlas H. t.. avy, Oct. 18 Filed Hon. Solomon Blatt, Barnwell, s.car. S~eake r, S.C. House or Rep.,Oct.l7 tj,yor Angelo J. Rosel, San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 17 l!rs. Cnrriu Cioep~m~~ Catt, New Rochelle, N.Y., Oct. 17 Mr. Edward J. Heffron, Sec y., N:tionsl Council or Catholic!481'1, Oct. 18, u.!.!art in H. C:.rmody, Supreme K.~ lth~. K,l ~h ts of Columbus, Now H'1ven, Conn., Oct. 17

20 vah. SEE 700 Filed - 10/27/38 tor co~~icetions to the President f r om the per sons listed below urging him to protest to Great Brit11in on restriction of itrmigrotion or J'ews t o Palestine, and proposed repudiation or the Balfour Declaration end Mandate, and tor the President' s replies in which he refers to his sympathy in the establishment of n National Home for th~j'ews in P~lestine end the United States expectation of being effordod en opportunit y to communicate to the British Covorrunent our views with respoct to any changes in t he Mandate which mey be proposed as a result of the fort hcomi ng report of tho Palestine Partition Co~i~eion. The President also said that he understands that under the terms of our convention with Greet Britain regarding the Palestine Mandat e we are unoblo to prevent modifications in t he Mandate, and that the most we can do is to decline to accept as Applicable to American interests any modificat ions affecting such interssts unless we have given our assent to the~ (The President's replios were dr~fted by the Department of StRte. ) Con~. George Grant, Oct. 18 Conr. Joseph w. Martin, Jr., Oct. 19 Cong. Lawrence E. Imhoff, Oct. 19 Cong. Clyde H. Smith, Oct. 22 Hon. Joseph P. Tumulty, W~shington, D.C., Oct. 18 Cong. Virginia E. Jenckes, Oct. 21 i.ir. Daniel Cnrtor Beard (Uncle Don) Suffern, N.Y. - Oct. 21 Con...:. T. Alan Goldsborough, Oct. 20 Cong. Brooks Fletcher, Oct. 20 Cong. Nan Wood Honeyman, Oct. 27 Con~. Charles R. Eckert, Oct. 28, Cong. M. K. Reilly, Oct. 27 October 26, wire signed by the following: (From Ha~insville, (Ca. ) R. F. Dealmer (Tax Collector) I. l.lannheim (CLit. Sup. Ct. ) J. F. Lee (County Commissioner) H. A. Haskins (Ordinary, Pulaeki,Co. ) Jim Hill (Sheriff, Pulaski Co. ) F. N. Poole (County Agent) Morgan Thompson (Postmaster ) Myer Silver Welter F. George (US~) H. F. Lawson Cong. A:nbrose J. Kennelly, Oct. 29 I \ J& ( / ----

21 \. I j ' t;(li[ul jf1 ~~ lt i I p _ I» i 1Ei:filli ~~ li f'i'"',... 1 r i :,!lt1!. f~ ~ ~:; fl(f f il. i~ 15!!!f. j ~ ' '~"u ~!~;~ I "':!! ~. ithi'liii ~~., i.'li~ i;h!~[gfi ui~~... li r.. i th: 'I' I:!i :eel,illi ruji; rp: r;if"airr I r,ji ~ ; f r

22 BLISS, llu"tba - 9eo ''T V:G:181 'u Oone1 Uee ot the AlluiOGD Leasue ~~ Peooe aa4 O.OO:taoy Los An&el Cal1tol'Dla u-u...:se (w:s.n) Appeal.& to the PNu1dont to 1DWroe4e With Ule Oel'IIIBD go'tvinidt to stop the uppel udg atj.ooo1\1es ooaaltt.t Oil the.1ewlah peoplo. --Referred to STJ\.1'H m~'t. ll-1~ S.lm 198-oA ' ~ ~..... ' )

23 HAD ld.u'iwdf,!u Jo 'ber 12, li31 Mr. IIWID\f" referred \o the Sta~e Dep&Maut, tor drat\ ot rtp}t, hlec:raddn.. e4 to \be Pr.. 14 t Wn 'hr 5, li31 'F Mha 11aJ7 z. foollq, W.dpon,... Torit < t tn.a.., Yolk Ci\7) vcbc that Pal.. Uae h kept opu tor Jewhb re'm!f - ID aooordaoe wub 4nft nlaium. ~e Prelllclat wrote iiha Woollq lfot. 18\bi.' re1hraujlc bh attuwd.e 11l a.ppert of tble nltj.ot aa4 1Dd1oatiac that our Gonna t rill ooa.u-. to toa\dw the lt tloa ri~ the clo.. et atha.uoa. Stated" haye kept \be Br1Uab Gonn. t aware of the attitude of the.aiiericu people oa. thh nlijeot. SD- 700 ;~- ( "

24 I ifi. ifli.,~~,~ " ~~. I.. II ~ i s ~ ~ a o..,i ~ (f ~ o t "'.. ~~ ~= ~~ :' ~ ~ if : ~~!,.. ~ ~ -lil.1l~...,,... = ~ l ~ r:~lf!~l't... f t ~~Hi;~~h~ H r I - ~( 0 1'.., ari i' ~.. if21,: r-r ~ ' ~ ih~f!l! I i!t...,rj.. r,. ;!a... { ~ ;) :!! iii ; i I '\ p ~~lill ~~~~i~ t["hij aju "' :: JJl"u -~ lv r...,.. lfj ' " ~!i'i.. I.. t.. l.. Ill; i t.. ~=-fr' J t nl~ n.~: ~

25 WIICRm.T, Walbl'!be DallT 1111'1'01'... Tol'k. J. t. JoY MI' la, 'lelficjiiphed. U... Preddcl\, co-ad.lac hill tor bh ault.wle l'epl'd!jic Ute Jeriab UuaUop 1n ~ - '.ftle Pl'eddAD\ wro\e Mr. Wlachell RoY 'MI' 18\h; \aiiiac U pn ijici-\ plea.ve \o recel'ye hh hlecr-, aad he \ hanlted bla tor hh aeeeace. '... _ SB- PPF MA \...( -----:;,

26 TGn.'l!"Wlllt ltolle ~.:dt;u' Be v.s. '!Ut.tt 0 4Ht, ~tut~~n, o.c... lij,lmi8 11Jottee u.t.o l'rmlcsoa asodulntlnc twa Ul)Oil hie w1 ohoioe ot CS.J.eoatee to IUI'lJIOM nt t 10 u.s. M the h m Arer10Gil Col11'eHZXilW r.s.. Al»o uttodij t ho proton eealllft tt. ~atql ~ o!'.t!l!l b7 ~. TbanJi:a 1br h1e r 1 OPOlnt nt 81\d otters b1s aemoea et aey tl s. - On Nor. 18, ~ J>:oee1<leut t~ tor llia lottor nppreoin\tnc Ill s ~ pl'on.lo.4fo he bopoe to hate en opj)oi'tun1ty t o ooo bil'l bo1'ol'!a ~ _

27 !he Jl...t._t Ntw10Ml te ~a~a._'".. an et ~.,_._..., ne4.. taa. Pnatclllll&..,._ l2lll tw. ' L. net. Cld-... xu -s.. =r ' u.. "... a..., p h s. a u. - 1a an r «s waa a.n...,.....,. aoa. a.,. u.e. tbt sn da17 et state. MoY. latll. U.. l'nll' t.,... Ml'. QMa... 1ftlt. ~.. ad (... Pil.. > n h ' of...- lmia oa u.t..-~... n.tet tlam tale lat...,...uatol o-utee J oll~r!hf:hi *leb M8._ "'1lf Ia Intra a Nftlt ot tlda lllu~nyreenft~... IFI liiriilw. la _.lw~j"..., Ia,.. I a tau tmk of... lj- np~ u..,... a -..u....., r et t,._ ae or "'... nt.- at..,_._.-... lap e;s,,._ M a-''' a la otur --Vi An ada at Uda a.tw " Su.r-' la plj4lt of Uarrr _,... paple _. 8Q8..,..,,..,._....._..._.SU la IIIF wr 'M n' nl. aa- nr UM,

28 IUIIftUie :..L a. Willi JU.ae' e lioda Ca; P9...,_,"'a. l.ill3l h '-. u... t'h.naul\ h <l \o t:r. 'l"-l\0 O. COl"'Oinll a..u wbllb be am?mmcl to 'be Fnd41at!IO"f'calter 14tb. t~o\bc "'lt' k Go4 tor ~. - '!be,,, W1'0te :a. nrn.&a 110v ~r 2Vtbe \Mold~ b1a tor bh 110\e M4 nauiic u IIIPP dehe bb '~ neea. - IA"o X1n\-'D' DO\e to ~ l'reei... nf ililill to bla at\lhile wta li'op1'd \o pel1uoel ~ SP. lit ' \......

29 ~- ~. cr.&tet ~tat.... 'u 1a. W. ~a.o. UNA \U Pnd._. eo 'ac U.S led* sum\'w la kt7 -wrr'lac tllld \U nate o.pul.,,_.. wl~ o~' u nt te.-&t poutlaltut ; leu... O.szu II U...,erats la al... QU.. Ci l'iji... dtwa i' _.... a-... lfi I JMIIa. t'lonhpi lib! fow' lela tsar u4 t.r lain ott of l'atlea. 8ntira ".,.... *Sac till,._ &4.._,. \be s-tow' du f l fno to let laill lla'n ~?'I &FTtl.oM lllo _,.... -U.S.OJoot. sa-au~ r, '- -~

30 !Mtea ~o ltr, lioid~ "' hla Ide fl Allee SO OD ~ 114bjen flit e pleoe f'qr tm perae«jted 1_,, Sqe abollll Dl'lUib Ou1at - up tor aeriou ooneia.trattod, be haa si'fto tho oe» lsich tllwbbt ed4 ooul4 gift aoe S4eu on tbe lllbjeot. ~ be oould I'UD dam rar a tel.jt...,. u - OD t<cw, aa, &m..r lleu.e litne O.P' note ~o ~. Uolut.)'N retul"'ll!ls Cole ~,..,.,.,. letter ad tballw Ilia tor lett1118 b.j.m see - G~~Js lt tbe Inte11!Pfea..-uta1 O<D:Iltt.e c1e~ezm1ll8e to \eke lid eot1'11t17 poeelb1uty fll llfttllb OulODa aa 8ll IIIPI'tlPI'laM plaoe "- tb4l aettlemant or Oemen ra,.._., - o!>diilc1enucm ~ be 81 'lito bj the PNeS4.. w the aaaipment or u.s, 1IJWit ene1deen to aaeu lll Uio.tlll6 or eul'ftye all 111. a...lopids projeota Sa Dl'lUib OU1aDa 1n eooperetlcm with npreeeatatl.,.. ot *-1' go.-i'ii!iddte l~enned, Se;re 1D that e'lltllt, Cole 5eoeDe l!ligbt be a "NN')' uoetul o.mber ot the 6I'O'IP tbat t.be, wula.ado

31 ... :u. 1N8!W U!Ot ba. f tl l'l.e J..,,... \o Mr. *~... tel%- 111ft& - ~,... Gal.... lol... b4l 3 ou., IMI=M, loy_._. 1Mb......uac polah \e M ooad4,.. lir \M ld_..,.,. 11W 0 '"- PoUUMl RaheMe h.!laino cl"- Ilia 'bh.-yl.. Uaia.-n... rn,.

32 SIZOO, Dr. J oeeph R. Federal Council of Churches of Chri3t in America New York, U. Y. Nov eo ber 17, 1938 Telegraphed Mr. Mcintyre that the Federal Council of Churchee of Chriut in America regrets that the etatement of the Proeident limits t he vi time of Nazi prosecution to Jews an.d Catholice, leaving the inference that ProteetantitiiD has not been a victim and support Nnziiem. Dr. Sizoo says that many Protestant Pastore have been i mprisoned, and he asks that this be included in statement of proteet given out. - - By memo of November 27th, the Pr esi dent asked Wr. Mci ntyre to thank Dr. Sizoo nnd that it is t he fault of the Press, - - that be always talks about t ne ot hers but t hey do not use it. -- ldr. Mcintyre wro te Dr. Sizoo November 29th, apologizing for delayed reply and stating that t he Presi dent asked him to thank hi m. He indi cated that the President would like to talk to Dr. Sizoo about the matter sometime. SEE '\

33 SCIDIEIDgRJAAN, Hon. Rose Seoretary of Labor, New York, N. Y,, Nov. 18th, 1938, Stnte of New York - Depar tment of Labor ~rites the President expressing gratifioation at the President's stand re the Nati Gov$rnment and the Jews of Germany.--The President, on Deo. ~tb, wrote to Hon. Rose Schneiderman expressing pleasure that his eotion had met with her approval. SE& P. P.F. 5691

34 mw Marguerite Uo Prea14ent, National League o Women Vetere, ~ashington, D c., Nov. 19, llritee the Prea14ent that the board of the National League of Women Voters, ending a week ' s sessions in Washington, requeatd her to express their appr otal of the President' atatemont to the press in which the President referred to the shook suffered by public opinion in the United St&t~J!P. oonaequent upon the news from Germany. - The President, by letter dated Nov. 22nd~:tliank1ng Miss Wells for her letter and aald it was most reuauring to have auoh a message from an organization dedicated to the ideals or democracy. SEE P. P. F. 14:59. I /

35 Fl.l,.b; t.ej.io November 21, l Y38. All correspondence with reference to t he President' s stetemen t regarding the persecution of JeYIS in Germ&ny is filed 198-A br

36 ... ~ 8'l'At'll 1 Bill 8e a e1 I eft ll'l... M._ lftdtnt I a a"'.. M I Ul :dt... Ill. 7 t lf be avswo,.., 4ftft fit Wl fit,. kwuom to S..._,. -~.,_. aialns IWt F 11nm II& til...,_. u t11a ~ -...:a fit tbl ID..,,. tal Ool:r ttee Fo11Up 1 M I P SMo aa11 _... eoe I 1M to eaatu 11Stll Tlrlclr.-t Mbur a 1111P ttlwa New. aa. - ~ l'flrlo es, Cat ~..a a,.siiiiii, O..) t t. PN drm,,.,... u n~s.matlall.e" to Jill. -~ pti'llll..u. to tm J!l'iMIAia tv 0 fad tile ullru fit thu PIC'", S.,. Jail 18 'r!rfjiilut~ to._ua so to lon4oa- t be ~-.,,. v.a. Que ' wl4 u bu (the l".'oiilu.'e),...,,.1,..., l,atlw, to n - t~~tlw ln1r a lp 1n \h.u n tel woa. oau e eow'.,us, b,..., Jae.uu eone._. u hie~ tq,od t tor.-. Q.., llllblee,.. DSnnD, h 'llait a.ua,_ ~ truh ~M 0. oj'tlel.,_.e - Mlro r.u. wlh&... J'Wet... IS hoa IS'aa Sprl~,._, fino s t11d 1 e I! s I I 'Pt Lto lildllrt bm ~ len tar Atlau to t17 limk 1D n rt''n&' with = u dfta Ito Mr....,... laittor..s p!pil'll ~ a.. " Pn.dat -- 1 H'iil to,.. a... u.,_ u poeeual.ee lolltl..a eUnncl 16 at all... SBI 0 " STXrll.

37 SBOANE, Col. c.a. - u.s.an~~~y, Nov. 2:5, 19:58 l ritel to Col. Wolntne tbat the Aaloo1ate4 Pre11 earrie1 t he UIO&t intere1ting newe about the Britieh Pria W.niater 4el1nring a epe eoh to the Bouae ot Ccwm'lne ot plana to a... at l.eut ten thoui&d4 aqllaft miles in BriUah Ouiana to prortde a hoiiie tor GelDAD 1ne. fl«7a that i l oerte.idj.t a etep t ornrd. Diecuse t his propoeition in detail, u.4 i1 ot the opinion that the u.s. oould t inu.ee this project, but it 1hould UD4e:rhke it onl;r u a protectorate. - On NaY. 26, M111 Barrows raplled on beh&lt ot lotr. Mclnt7re aolmowleds1ng Col. Seoane'l letter and sending h11 belt wilflel.

38 COlliiAU.r. Yea. fioa. UrdU. St4t\U a..-., lllll'ua. ~-... err a, 1. H1re ~ th.-r>z.iisaedthe~ '1U7 1&&,.. NW ol HIWl.. P1otuft \'bmu.e tlllvtlhrut ~ wul - J,JM. ftla clw -..tit l)lllb PIU ff:6 l.-ta lllef'... ee... ev.t'tnen i n OW.,. All parr., WI..._. lehou.. ol _, lddi Qe Q lie.. JO,el to tlaat ~ _,.._, lrlltrl iobls' '1e fll " ~ eoave1 e 'fa7 ~ _._ ot U. ~ a lie ie exb IW.,... M...,. e lllloft- lfm1.r.._ P.IMttat at._ ~. wttk _. et,_uiii,_. JWI, ~..._ - t to eouut flab,_ 1.-t.a.u. - W1R,._Mr.:.1 IIDUU"'1e hm IaMntete Cini&J.t,.IM., D"llM. fa... 1 'sl to PReJMat 11/28/11 '' ew' wec.t A1 oo1n t.- ~- Y. Ulm&, Gila or ot,_ e,...u.._,... u t wltb req...t... Ia d,..,.. - AlM...,._"-1...n.J4 11/D/11. "'-' U.Ia'Jri _,~to... ~- "SNN..., It t.e... JDlllllle " ltll IPCJ... I i /

39 'D!.'l.OOAAII vuec~ KoY. as, us. A Tn7 1111'. m...,.l' of ai... zow (Mnrel tboumd4 ) t'i'ca Bl"ooklJa,... Y021t, re opeuln& PaleaU tar. l-so retupea. Retw:w4 to ~\i WPk. u.-ee, 7(c-t- I,..... ', ~ //

40 &II'. ttolat;poe wtwz:ao4 tor ctr.n fill a rep4', le''- of HoY. ea td b Preeit\eat twua Jl.a.ll:)n l'balpe ~. <atll l' "' mo IUh _.i' eopy or can.&11 RIIO luuaa eornonu or tt. )'ft>~ 1pleoopal c~~ fill limtli~b,.. ca. Oea:an G1111Blca. Capr 0~ loi... eeo\ 'lit' eaod.ttee \o tbe 0.J'I-eD ~- e ' 1 N \ be nn s.._.._,l or \be 3-.- s r.ellee ropu.4 Dee. 1, 'S 'WIIS llnft, "'lcii:i the PJ'Itei4ea& ani "i- Mokee ll8ct. 6 'lit' a.. Lloln\71"1 ~JI:llls tor hie at'toi'.-1 de\&.

41 I. s I s! ~ / /.i l t; f 1 il i ~~I I I! I ~ i!i i i. I p s ~ Jll 1ii.!. i~f J i ii!!' f~rri'l~~ e....! ~. i. ~~rj!rla.a tri!' g iifl f 1 ' rt~l;j1 r- 'r :~~~ I tt ~=2 ~ ~ ~ ~ g.~ f!lfi~ rtt!!~~il :el, l:l[i~(i:.e! c If if f'f jlu I!(" [.. ~'~ lf"l'~ i ' J 1 1! ii!r ''ij~itl 1 1, -.,...,.... fl,.. 1,. )=' z " ff r.. l;i( ;!f! lf:.. ffll fl f;(r'::-1iif! ;i;'r if~~lf!( G p.~ f -.. ~ 1-..!' ~~r1 (i1 r!':: ~~-! r:! rj.., f 'r ~!f r... ~~ ct :. l.!fij-~!".. ~tlii f4'1 ri'i j(r 1..

42 abe OO!ffi'KLLT, 1 ames 0111~, Ill (tiled) Cr1t1o1zea VreRident ror his attitude to\e-rdb J'ows in Germany. SKE 198-A t / L ~..

43 BATES, Geor&e 1, HoD., Houaa ot Hapre-taU'NII, ii a1 h., II, C ( leu ~ W1'1 t Wll tj'ci!i &ale~~~, &tu a, ) leo. 1, Alloloeoa aopy or a :reaolutiod be l"eele1ya4 1'I'CC the ~ ot Al4anaea, app~ by : ~,ayor Donial E. UalABJl, or t ile City or Banrl;r, Uaa11., aon41rllll~ tba treatment ot - the ;Tawlllh people l n oe~. ' --- -

44 J'JJXll.lnllt c. rumat u ~ '~" atwr. n. ;; l.a-7-eb ('ldn) o-, ' l "rr.>~'h atlad tgiiiiu"d6 al.lw1nt1118 tbv IJU1"f8r1nsa of ;uu *= Oa~aoUoo. ~ lotdetaa"' and l.-1 ot Oomr..,. ~the bt\l'bnri.twwj i a ' llfl Gr'J ~ ~a\!w nitj. I I l / '

45 I I c, a ~ I ' \ '\_ ) I ~ I I I I -~ II I "''.,!; I v J HJ~f~l!l~ttiii nx.. f"h J J.I',; ~~rh 1 r 1f, rt,,.. r.jl 2~ rtf JsflioffJir -v Jfl - "r"'.. f r~ ait.. t!f :'ufi~ihi 1 1 J l J [.. f w J 'I - ~ e-... ~ F:: r H~ t I i(~ I'UJ..J li.~ r (( ~~~ I ;h If ' ~---- _,..:,; ; I l ~ I ~ ~ i. I p s ~!fi ljii'i~!t: I"' Jlr.l,,l ::'JI&.f1i

46 ftau " OW I e1?i'j t4 'a t sr u..,.. ~.._.... lila - t ''IC,_ F ;uw'le at... - o I.M'w,._ P*U- 7 te 1. P;.... of._... at..,,,... " U,._ c.-.u. -- eiv of n rt-. 7 rtl.. a. c._.at De.... 'n' s. -~ leu I le~w -...,... "' ; ws'- W te._ ; u u. at..,..._ 1a : ~ epdol oa.. I a... of llltllop... p u.... a.,......,.. F tp ' C:cthol~ l.q I-Uter wltla.....uumii 11111& Ia aa.tol 1 she p t..._...- 1\e.b of U. ~ loe1' see I UM at lovtll P 1!Mire.., weuw..u " le tiplesseta ess1,._ -'"' U.,_.. d - Catlael~ Q Ia...,.. t. a ' ~ n.... &ovo M.- w?als!ll..._ o',...u-.. w? U. c:aaa... at tale vas.-.. ftotae sse1 ta.. C'= of lclutll ~ Is o111'j at ltew r.lleo.... tt?l.. aem "* the Pruel..a -.lod... a-u_... lottw "*... llehop _, n --oa lim.-. thor._....,. uf &\am WSOM tn.e ItT I.. ~.atw.~...w-t. ed Dee ttll cote tlo lb?aop.,_ t:b-':.. W...,.. uf tlala FOiCJ I tlrlf * plmnl tllo\ lie~ the trip -w r.-1\ Ia a.*~ tllle u.s_, tlla\ U....-.of 1\aM we DOUI)' OW' lliadmii 1a u..-.n-..,.w :. ~ ntevp we M.teu. el?&.,... t elon PDil alaiden WIOU.t w cw tlo 1s ea\ t:11ej... tu1u~ Pale,1eUMJe...O. DIM lot?!. nnr. 5elatpoe,..,.,.,... t. U. 1115&., len118j' ot "- ~Ilia ~tle e eon of t11o,_1dsll1'o ~to ll.~p.,_. Jtholl.. 1e P,...U..U.o1-. to 7lM Greee bll.7 re th1e -"- -lisy Dre Rs!J M DIMe lftll. 'III'DM Jlalatpoe n Mw. M e.ppoi.dt ' tor Jll?lbop., tile... 14?on before 7da trip - lo rim..0 o1eo ~ - ejip01zt' ' fm ast.elfe \ ' ~ I., _. \. --

47 BQO,IAN, Dr. lila!& - PNa., Tba 7abu BDpldna unit., Bal.UJION 1 Mil. t Dee. 10,1J:I8 wruaa tala PNa14eat nd he 1a D41DI bt elal a...,sar, adil througb the ktnll-a of Saoretar,y Marrpnthau 1 the Mrlom 1111.Mrlal11bloh 4a&JA with tbe poealbllltiea or 11blta Httl-t ld thd ~111811& -.AUaoba4 la a tol.4er em thla nbjan 11hl.oh 4Mla w1ul tbe Qe; J'ewllla re~ problaa. 'Dill mapa 414 II'* o- to tlla. - Oil Dao tha PNat.4ezrt repua4 ttumlr1ns tar t hla 1111.terlal Ul4 now teela they are lq)laaante4 to dla«~aa the general retuaee pl'ob~ 1d t h other Dationa. BDpea to - h1a 800D add -.18 soo4 1dllh tor tha Chr~.. aiiod.

48 ..; ' -!IJO tor~!!i'p"'l82'1l tldil cop:~ or a ~'-'or n.o. :n.ujj. '"- ta..-._, c ' U6.. an).. U. QlezvQ i ~ ~-~ zoe ln._ et llee.... f _ t..,... N~ I.GftlDC tue t;jl)l llla ~ QUMUone "0.. \t» flit' of',... -ttn.'l 1\ :rel.lo ~ l.ll ftft'12.wd.&.lva,_,_.. ~ oh' MI1nl. 0 wt.lob Ul P""' 8le ~...-u~ w or UJo o.r.-l C:rin1.11el c~. 11r1101w ba' pltuk,. wttj<ll\ tobe t»eldc or t l1o r--owllllioc o t eeftl014 3 ot tbo #(;~d ill "*'.at ~.~ e a the ~rq of' em ooon~ion lib- w..~ Uwt ~.._._'111ft~ rel8t.m 11o e -~ ttoj"p T'-" Aft ~bat t 1a i)l"'blan bu U'loou ill t be M!.llt of...\.! 0 (~ uu-. ltlo dnolrne t~ otlta!d ao li~iain n!'or... Ia..,.ns ~ t ola eouo~27 to relllt ~ ~ ooc &al oo;; l '4oe bj 81(11~ l:\e ~ ~ be.u- th-* tile.._ "l'dpttl. tm'\litl:lde 1 " oe U 1a fit Uy ~-0011, ftid p~rl.r be alaii'1w 1lo t!le CIOD4t.te* ot t 1o allen..u..-1- ttlftt t &J eo. ot.. \ew woa.l.al be WU"''Cl~ 1n ~1Llf: blu an

49 the \blea' SeolwtG'7 f/6 S\IIM ton sa 'ftw Pre.S 1 1\ -" a -IDl'IWIIInldaMI t.o \be :Jill ft.) f/6 "ate at.1ll balift tb4\ "1:1 IIDIGUDO-.,t, llbol& Palut.1De.. U\U tim by the Bl'it.ilb OotWi Ito S. a.s111m, IDl l Wnk W lhoul.cl t.a1l VI \ba 0 1ihat. olft I,. t.o.ru.t.l.oe Brrtet ' F.D.R." H t.r n.w,.. Pill' bl'let, OCll\tidett.h' rrc. Dr. Ch&la :ieim, ~ A, J>al..MU.M, 1dd.eh t.o t.he f'r llr -.. b7.ru.t.s.e Brmcillla, I

50 rly G.&nllf,... J. I Ton 01., 1. T. l-16-, Wrote 1lo JU. ~ &lld.iic tor iator.auoa u to._b ~ Pr.. 14 ~ 1a b.cell, _, -- baae~n be (~be wrt~ ) 1a ou of~, who are wc.der1.. tit ~he Pru14 ~ 1a ~ buiip'.-tajii:u. ~be a.r...u, be..na to -~l.ua to be ap"'bauo wl~ ~ Pr.. 14-'' obj'"ly... 1&14 ~~ lw..-a lidioh wi~ a p-oup of llbolrt weav-tln...- ~be MYIMhlas Ole, ta.a,jor1v ot wboll are 1111U~ n.j. w ~h nre t1n c-u- wbo bll4 'bllr p-oud4 up to the 1.an tw wmika..all b~ ~he wr!mr baa - 4aaenell aa r.a u a rewu ot -.t. PraaS4-' ~ 41aoour"' oa ~ lT, aloas wi'b ~b oerry-onr raeo,101l to bla ullal ll8a1aft Japu. laid perhl!l)l it be trn ~he iato~uoa, be ou keep the faith b111mlt add ale trn ~he othlra beolc llno the told. --- fta Pralll4 ~ r~ell to Mr. a.ttaq,.tea. 20, 19, u tou..a ' I lft18b n you ~1'7 11o rl--.llaa tor 7ouraelt wbat lll h lllca tor bullld - add farmer wor.t 1a ~ alld IU17 toll~. 'rbalr.o~ breatbiag al"pillg 11 by parmialioa. A44 to bo ~he faot bo ~ T are puab1jis ~ba1r 101'111 of &'O'f'lrDIDent all oter the worl4 M4 TOU hue ~ta. -ar ~ba~ it ~ Oll1~14 atatea do.. aot eaoour.ce other d11110ar.olea 11o wor.( tor 4.-ooraDT, it 11 poaalbla to Yiauallsa our baillg oomplatal.t aurrolllll1ell bor oodo-4.-oor.. laa. It tbl ~~... far-tnobell, who.oul4 hay B\llllell 1a JMuaq, 1733, tlld OarJIIIIIT ooul4..u l~eelt pra~~tloall.t ~he aoo- o add raillt&rj'...nar ot the whole ot Bo.ropa 1a lin the a1x Tlal'., ~ Vpl ot &DY I'IIIIeat 11, u ;you ~. ant1-ral1~1o ua, e.dil wbaa tbq.. t ~ouch with tba Jwa- worth tour or the blllloa dollara to tta.. -- ~.,. will nan aen oa the propil q bf 'Cna Catbolloa IUI4 Prota.-..ta, \

51 ags DAJ.u..~nt, :..rtt. ;!ouert c. c.u.u\iol~, II. J. l - lo-g9 J\81\B t.e }'J.'flDic:',ont to RX6rC180 hiu power in checjd.nt; t he j nflux gc.jewe f r tll l Gmnuny and to l'l!ridvo :!l.as l'orkins i'rou her position Ul) Jucrot~>ry or l.j\bol'. > SiB l5~is cel \

52 IBUES, Uon. su-r - ataw Dept., AF. 29, 1939 l'lr1tea t o "'i ea XeHanc! re ~Taylor's a,ppo1ntment with ~~~ Prea14Gt oa _, 4 and e11oloaina a m110 tor the Proa1dnt to rellill tll:!d.uar1z1111 ~elt with reoent deftloj~d nta. - Attaobed 1 a - g1t1na baokarou.nd M)'tag ~. TIQ<lor will bring w1tb him on May 4 a small group interested 1n the creation ot the InteruaUonal Jetugee Foundation. B.ya aa a rea~lt ot Mr. Geor ge 1\lblH 1 a naij)uationa 1n Berling the OertJIIUl GoYe~nt agreed to Ol'eate a tru.t tund trom 1 ewiah property 1n ClermaJIY t or t he purpo.. a ot tac111tating amigrauon. &aye t h1a GoYernlllt.Dt and the Intergonmmental COIIIII1UM 011 l'ol1t 1cal Ref'ugeea haft oonaiatentl.y made olear that this plan 1n't'Olnd no "egre-t bet-11 t he Inter@IOnrn.11tal Collm1 ttee and the. Oel'llBJl OoYertliii8Dt. Mr. Taylor oomteaplawa a ool'porauoa. uauonal and 1nteruat1onal 1n scope repre.. 11UJ16 1ew1ah. catholic and Proteatmt ta1tha. SKE - Sl86

53 OTAT.,; llli't. 0 Tile lww Tbft l1'ee111ent l'citei'nd t or draft or a rop ~. ldt\er trom R Tl >lm roY1ob, lllllll a, t o the l>rea14ent who writes at w a le~h or thtt lui t hj'nt to Chri et1an1~ u well aej \allal ad1 -.ve t t\4\ bletol')' profte that tbe n.r ot tbl J- 111 ol-.ys t he -1111' or tbll Cbrlettan. Oh ee ne_,r1pt1on ot :.-a1 i.qler1a1jn1e ai ue an.l 1111t1-~Uc ~. Urges the.l.'l'oa14ent t o,,u. noet pre~ 1._,..... ont8t1ons t o tba llriuiih ~m ent tbl\t t la... uae 1oo1ta 1.o t lw OU'I71~ out ot thll lauer nnl s;>1rtt or t ho lllll1'0w' :Jecl.P.nt101l. ;aye t.be.. bit~r ot l.llllt' 1'1 atto,pta t o P-brogtlte ltw! t~t lne u a bocaland tor tbe,_.,..t~ l ch 1e waacoeptabla t o the OlrlCIIIl hople. - Sec. lllll MtllclU.ed d l"'.lft OD Jw~e Oa Zm» 2?. 0 ~ l 'l.'ea 111ent nrote to Rep..:I.Joo't'1Cib 01Q'ir6 t!l9 e o tar f\41 tt. t.roat)' rlghh o!' the u.... 4Z'II ooncerne4, they r- re alearl)r sot f orth 1n a pubuo atete:::ent b)' t!le S~e l l8;~ t. on Oct ~ 0 8lld t ho poeulgd of t ill & Ocwo~at &0 qplaiued ln \bot llta\o, a :1t re::nin a I.UI8fteoW. llea.oaurea lll.nl t h at 110 oont lnuo ' " boar ln milld t l 1Dterellt wb 1.ch our pooj.)lo baw in r aloot.ln8.

54 l..et'-1' to ~ Preaidct, col0111jis leuar add aoooapa~jic pepel'b h'ca 1. Fred Ph111pp1, Nllad.oo 01t1, Oelo o, D.F., dame! SUsKeata that, 1.D. an etton to ~a1ntain t7orl4 Peaoa, Pa1eat1111 be restored t o the le1111 and the t omat1on ot gnat tedal'llt1ona at ne.t1cma 1.D. Burope, 1.D. Aa1a ODd 1.D. J\l!lsrioa. Referred to ott1a1ala ot the Stde Dept. t or attct1on and auoh aolcnowl.atdpent to Ur. l'h111pp1 as :r be,... appropriate, an

55 ags ROBERTSON, Allan C New York City 8-l5-39 Asks President' s favorable considerat ion ot enclosed outline ot plan tor settlement of J ewish Rei'ugees in British Guiana and mald.ng a homeland tor JfiWa. l'iriter and s ever8i ol hi s trierub desire to ott er their services t o help build up a J ewish nat~onal home. --RefetTed to Dept. of State SE ;t-c_ \ -

56 r "to r, t.. i!i!i(j! i!l!f~(lf[i(iij ~~ JJ~;iriJI;!! ij:fjlj. ~~ ~t1 il!~sarl=ijj! II ~I:J I ; 1~ ~ ~ r f I J:l I ~ } G!~fl:~tl!ir.!!Jilf(! J :.frl I i ~ltl:}f,rji,;.grl r!jt!ij,r hi:h; r ~;;t(; JIJii:Jf~ (i ;. ~~ ~~,,. ~. ~- i ~,.. ~ l ~ I Zl ~ I. i p ~ i l i=r!l'' l!!iri~l~r~i!i'jftr! r,.,.. =.... -!..

57 "'T '.T"~. '.!'!t-1 ~ cfrohr"j 0~!Jopt. l!.l, l!l39!r1tna to th& Preotdent, odolobi DC l.'dijlo ot JTOetina or tbo I'rea1- doat' a 1'4v1sory Corwdttee on J'Ollt1oal llof'uceos, llll1c!l took pl:\ca i n!.!r'. Teylor'n ott1oe ot l~ York,.Jopt. H...<QYS 1t s~. oaoa t:nt a t t l.l.ia U :lo e(sl&a <Gnt 1e 1nclc1~ tr'.on. t bo ::;ro;l!>a <!t roctl:l 1ntoreatod nn ro~ e.o tuturo or tho wor:< in bo!tnlf af ro:t'ucoob. ::;ayo a;~oe.::.ent on poi:lt h.cmover, t!lot 15 t h:lt ::onsiour vn;t ;>,:mla"ll!, ':'!.' o ~!l boon chooon no l'root.:ent ot the, ot'ojgee Coord1nnt1n,.. Cor,?. 3'\0'llrl ho 1n\'i. t3d t.j ni t.l.n o.t nnot 1nc nt t!lo t t :o!lo llo on :lot. l?'tlt. w..s tho l 'r<'lli dg:it it!lo o.;;rooo cbaut t "1.o i.'lvi t at ion. -.A\y!l in t ho 1::emo that 3 v.l.«mpo1i't n noan:ld to f'lrd %'CC : ( 1) T:lo "protosoi onnl o" auch a a Jllll. o. ' :C:IOn4ld on>1 C!f!O. arren w l::jh t o oont1nun to dovol0]1 t ho oottlo.ment projoate ooch 1'\a Dr1t1ah CUJ.wv. :md the llojjl\uicnn 1\upubllo. ( ~ ) TOO no:\oreto JmT1ah lnadore ruch na l.h". llsol'l'1ll.d and ldwio traus tolt th~t i n..-tmr o f outbreak o f wor I!O'ttlemlmt projocts should be hold 1n abeyenco. (3) The -'1on1ets oo!uitltuted t he thirt\ group am t heir OlJOkoBI!llln J nbb1 >t ephen 1se t ool t h:lt t he l'o.lest1m iesuod mould bl) reisod ey tho PrcR1<lant at t 1o t tmo \Ji t h the bor or the ur1t1sh Oovorn-.ant. Lord u1nt erton. - Tbo Prec 1tlont ok' od t l.1s ond roturned or1etnal l e t ter to Ur. ~hl.l on.oopt. 16t h. ~


59 DAVI S, Nort:INl H.,.'llnttri cnn Rod Crose, h'ooh.,!j. C. Kov. 15, l!l:l9. l!onornnuuu t o the i'l'ou1deut, nnolooiag u uable f rom tbvir Delogntion now i n Berlin.!ltute K t luot if the ple.n out lined 1a approyod b)' t!le OIID:If!.D ll'o:-oign Ottice, 1t will b~ poonibla to E;he very conatructive help with the nece&iidr)' w reguarcls ee:a1oet ~ i sc rinination nsllirw t tho 1ews, Nld aat111ractory asnur!uloe s t hat the ral1er will reach t he Poles, for whon 1t w111j i ntended. Alao encloses copy or tbe cable they are &ll!ldidr. / / ~ br / J

60 VMB = B(IU)JN, Mr. R.:r. H. BrookliM......, NoT. 1.5,1938 Writea (hall \1/Uh.,D. o.) ~o the Prea1dEt requeat1~ u ijrterrtew to dillo.taa hie gaeol1uo prooe11 Wb.loh will saw the Oonm Dnt about t3(), 000, 000. annn ll.,y. UenUona nll.uable prc:.pu., (a-ja u the Chiriqui.&na~e or OrmR 1ll P..= ) llhicih bit 1a reed to put up u security tor a loan troa thu Oo't'll'llllllnt. Attaohee "-"" 114Jl'lftaant between tbe Prell1dent and ~ u.s. Qoft~Jrt and bimllelt -re.q. tt1dg torlh what be oc and will agree to do in the interest 'ot tt. 00Tel'Dll8nt and the untorlunate 1ew11h Retuaeea. - On liot. 16, Mr. Borden alao wr1 tea to Mrs. Roo nlt cwkln& her t o intercede tor him re an appo1ntllllut. -- Mr.Kannee -de notation on Dec. 7 tb8t he is not an.nerina Mr. Borden' s let"rs on the aas~~~~~pt ion that bs wi ll call at the \lhlte Houoe in the nry near tuture. SKB = /~-(!

61 TIMI:'LI, ll1olald4, ~rke t, LondOD, S.W. 1 NO't'. 18, 19~. Letter t o Mr. iarl y,.noloe1118 t o him a 11 tue p~~~~~phlet e11.ti tle4 " llol'atlt V1cti111s of the Bllzi Terror". It tell c6 what hae beoome lllld been do» for, llll\dy of ~e Ret'Ugeea tr0111 O.ntre.l lt:urope. This booklet wu produoe4 by writer for ~e Oerma~a-1.wieh Counoil. ) I 0 \....- \ "

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