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1 1 TWE Li, ;,! ~ are the largest news ealer.'! i ~ N~rtheast ~ Jbraska, and take subscr ptions ~.,or all magai es and newspapers.! ~ i. i, <lst~y Company's O~~ans ' Putnam Company's!Ol'gans,,. ChCkering Brog.' Hjigh Grade Pianos ~i, Hamilton Pianos ~"lll1l' lllll!lllllll!llllpl!ll!llllllll!ll!ll!!l!f-e i M. S. DAVES' ;.Book And l\1usic,house ~--~ :An Old Rel~able, Up-to-Oate, tosonable Goods for sale at,easonable Price~, Store. V e ha \'e b~en here for a long and have built lup a large trade, but ndt more than we dad handle. We wish to, thank the publici for their patronage, and,, 'i. we will continue lour fatr and honest dealing. Dea,lers n' All Kinds of fflrdware PRCES LOWEST QUALTY T~E BERT t, i We have the Larges Line of Stoves in the County rorderyour! \J! ~ 'apers and y!agazineh for 1904 at ~ Jones' Book Store :[:"'::[:,:"::::,,:,:';::;~:: ~ ,-, :YllS;C Department complete, Dealer n Groceries ( nd and R. f~ LEAP up-to-date. ~,...,ll;'~w~<1i<~~~,,. 111, ".1 We take pro~uce in exchange, and are. prinoipal speakers were O. H. Barnard aoy inclination to 'be out of doors. As, and singing. ~,!on agrioultural topioa and Dr. A. T. a '68nlt, publto thorough~ares' ahowed --'T-Y-O-O-U-N-C L. goods and that guarantee is worth the price ";! il i alwaya glad to \lave you bring it in as we,peters OD animal dise ell. little Ufe, people c 1 remainmg by their -r of every purchase made.,! The ftate board of ~nbhc la.nds and fltesldes 0: SP6nfting ~he da~ o.~ the The oity connoil met in regular Bee i ~' i i have a large citj trade in that line to supply. i'l,,,,:1: i Furcfine~,-:U,*rig,i CO. "~~ ): 1! :il. '... -~.'.' fft e fe.f>tei\him on the chara:e of assault and mur. ) and Olara,.A.bern. On Oh:rlstmRfJ dny N THE ViCiNTY. 1481'. W18 fonnd d~ad in the garr~t of a ~.ther Hs;ttlY celebrnted,mass at 11, lohq01 hotul8 Whp'he had hung bimself. ~ alock, 8 o.olock and 10 oolock, after lmj'fij'fij'fij'fij'fi~~tfl~lj!!~ion,the,arrival 0 the officera, JOhoson whioh he preached on the "Divinity of TheyoUDJ8OlotE.,. Smith at Pen- dililwpearedlwd trace of hin). coul~ Jesua Christ." Christmas is tbeonly dar feu from a raikoad'ool'lert onto the be foon~, and th;y ga.ve up th~ obase' da.y on which D. priest con gay three toe add fractured his akull. and. returned home. A few W~kB lat. Masses-the first being in honor of The. Dion HersH oomplalns that er, 4Jas ~ben t/o.d pupus of th~ soh{)()l,obrilt's birth in eternity with Hia diborder has been rifa tn tha.t town of deteoted an od~ and an investigation,father, the seoond in honor ot Ohriat'o late add urgea the neoessity at B jail r8'yftaled $00 mat'~8 bo~hanging in the birth,in time ed1~g mon Qnd the third &D.d a better enforcement of the law. garret. f in honor of OhrUJt i birth io the hearts Forty OOW8 and ott.lvos and eight ~v. Father Haley wa.s u;> trom of m~.~be musio at ~he dftr~t :d hor8ea were burned il) a barn on ~h~ W~e Monda/r. The new, ob.uroh ;1'C:a:s. Aher:e:u::: t~:n l:':~ M~8 be farm of George Roby, eleven mile8 bnuding is oomplete luld the furdlture t~ h' M M be h Y northeast of Creighton, Sunday night. ~e being placed. Services will be ~eld ibt~ Q ;e~(li:ion ~rt:he ~~~~ ~=: #*-'t-*-t-~r-ttt*tttti i ##-t4--i:- *4#######l*if"H9L ChM"lie Schultz and Joh~ Eimer have 1D the,new Hrno.ure for the first time ment completed the semc3s of the day. boughttheirnplemeot,bulltne880fl.p. at,wn o olook N'ew Y.ears day.,all Bre The Ohristmas offering amounted to -oj. nubben GOODC-, businebb, until "",arm wea!'her, when;eeveral ::f,churob P CCK noom SUPP'LWC Judge Barue. uf Norfolk, bae oom prie.le ann the 1lahop will be pre.enl,. BA.PTBT UK ' L tj ' ShullwRY & 00. at Wakefield, the lat- invued to tb.o aefvloos. The, dedioa- ' The people of St. Mary's oor(. K K 0 - tier retaining their lumber and ooal tion of the puildin, will not ta~e place ation OAn and do feel roud of pleted hill work &8 supreme oourt com Tb.e date wtu ~ anno1ldoed later,,the Bapfut chnrch ~otertained a ~,i mi"ioner and wllllallie the oath.. ea The buildng,. a credt""leone for gooo.oztld audience of old.nd young We make a specialty Or this line of g~od~, a.nd.,!; i ju.tlceof the.opreme courl, OorroU andt.,.. oalhohopeop~.earelo... huy direct from the makers themselv usoo alo7 be ooo1mende~ fo~ thelr e:nterprlse.- O ri8tmjm ove, nstead of f.l. tree, t:he J aouar,1. 0 U d olbmit\oe prepared a large.rch "ettiolt for vou new goods of the Winside will have toe next number ijfro n ex:_. ~ trimmed with bony aod illuminated by "" l".j T of ito lectureooore. 00 S.turday even OBSERVANCl;: OF CHR'B,TMAS,. el""rio light.. A row of pelted flow. '~> Highest Ouality lag of this week when the Ohioago 'Tbe world'e B!r'andeat fest~val has era f:nrnished an attractive background. 7: r<- Ladies Qo.artette will furnish the enter- aome and gone ~d left ma.ny pleasant A~ound :the areh were piled boxes of + ' At The l'aidment m.emorb6s. O~~mas found ~ sqspen- c&ndy and 'other gifts, which were dill- ~ L P. Laurel ~ 8 Buccesaful farm~' iosu- 81(m of busin&fll' attd work of a~l kinds. tributm'amo~&, the children at tbe oon- j owest rice r j!ltitute on the 17th aod 18ihinst, The Theweatberw~voldand fro~ded un olusion ot 'he tn'ogram of reoitatiods"* We have the guara.ntee ofthe makers of these'!!buildings visited Nor~olk last week to. home of fnends Ot'-rela.t1v.6s. t 18 the, sian M~nday evening, with Mayor ff RAYMOND'S DRUG STOR i1oolr. over the ground ~reparatory to re O C~on ot h~e-g8thenng,abd thobe Britton,' Oounoilmen GlWrtner, Sher- " tl d who: ware aw.f 81Dd able to ~eturn to ba.hn, McVjoker and Beebe llnd Clerh: ) WAYNE, NEBRASKA ~ 'oonstrnbllng the aeyl m buil ing., de l 'i th j, " f th ~ t Davia preasnl. Allowing the followinl! :,> "strofed by tire a f~w ~ears ago. ~:,edi~ BO~ o~b:_,,:ygr;:~ e::~ :f olaims war all tho business receiving :;~ PURE'" DRUGS L. w. Prouty dep'$.r.ted on Mondp,y tonet;lbg, 8OOlabit.\1t. and Qll'~fr~t"'fJ",ion at\eutkn;j; :± t, lio 'i,' '-...-,- tor Fulton. Missouri, and ~hipped Pnerally. Tbe 10 ildren, lla~", ha.ppy Db,ncan Elba MtK Co.,.metera. $82 85 *:f:**,**+*************'*""'".f:"**i-f"*,w.w.w.,*,,*,~>*i,*,,,*,,# twelve mules puroha8~~ in t~18 vloinity: without exoeptioj,i we hope, ","ere r.ept J\8 R Lehmer, supplies, 5 all_~_=====_=.=~========_==='============== The mule s higher priced lu. Mt8soun ~y enjoying t*eir ~ilts an~ awee*~ JfrS MoOl'6a & Co., supplies, 6 75 than Nebraska,-Ran.olph Times. rnebits. ndeed, ~he day 8eeme~ to pub plunger & Henger Mf6( Co., snp, A basket soaial, yilllding f,51.55, WB8 ple8i8antly for alj.! i Brown Co. ooal, 7~ 75 'given at Dixon:reoontly tor tbe beneftt Ohristmas exereis6s at the 'dfferent Staudard Oil Co., oil, 8 55 :of the school library. As a result a local ohurohes took place B9 fotlowa R:J Armstrong, phone me98bg6s, 1 30 new book ca.ae and tlny-two volums of PRESDY'l'.B;RAN OHURCll. T H Fritts, salary and postage, standard books have been ordered. OJd ad.d young Wed the Presbyterian vi L Rtohardson, draying, 1 50 News W88 received in Emereon Jut oh~b'ohristmas eve in antioipation of J E Sne"b. uhlobdinr cow, 2 86 week that Ray Pai~terl formerly of the ~rogram that had been ~repare~. Peavy Eketator 00., ooal, that place, ha~ been, seriously injured Two beautifuu,1 adorned trees, over Juo 8 Lewis Jr., 0001, by having one of hib legs orushed in a Whioh swung tt,n aroh, made bildfwter. A:R 'Davis, salary Nov., Dec., railroad wreck at ~:Mountain Home, twi~g of enrgr DB, with (j'hrlstmas, T:a FrUits, eal Dec & ft. 75 7fj daho. \loll. slospended ftpm the ce'1le<, were Stlmdard , oil Two burglaries were committed ot the 'oh~ef features ~f pe.oomtion.,,alter N"b ~ormal'college,ooal, Norfolk Saturday night, but the thieves so.m...e "'.ngs and rec.;tn.t1ons by h6 litt~e JJ ~ LoWe"'1't.~~taryer, for Dec., H) 00 realfzed little. W. G. Berner's saloon fouts, a cbltatb representld the last n 8 NU 4500 waa;fjntered and robbed of $5, and the day: of sohool before Ohrist a" wab : H::.: ~P~~i~ 9 00 oity station of she Northwestern rail- pteaeoted, and hhmed.ib.tely, p1ieoodel1 ~ _,', y -, ro&4, waa relieved at $1.95. the:distribntion orrl gifts. Jovltu, Sants, J hbressler, Wood, Wakefield anthorit~es have gr nted a Ol~'o.a, appeared 'in the C&ntttal to the~ P; illea &~, lumber, franchise to the Wakell.eld RoJe Tele. ple~nre of au, anlf,specially th.e ohjl~1 t 7~ the ~tf.nohe. ac Myers',... dreu Bell1des be!ng the re iplenta ot pboge 00., of which Mr. Bartlett S the ~Dt8 the Y~l1ng brana*t to tbt. ft'olong BED. prot;p.ote!. He ~ro~lses to have fllxty ",, h ~t8 of,*d thiuga f9 r t}:le poor Fot' ~ '., bargatn, n. oombination 'phones in operation in tbeotty and fifty ob~o, g,, J, fqldlng "bq~ with alarf{8 clothes oloset, in tb.e-oountu within: six months. of theitown. MtTHODlST. l, O+lUOode,i,"our drawel'8 and a large Confectionery, Cigars, Fruits and Nuts. Every thing fresh and of best quality,...minnesota flour,.'. ~.,., N~n~ Bette;r Every 5ack is; guarl\nteed. i..;:.j 50UTH OF DAVES' ~p~~'l~ TWO OOO~5 The Modern Woodmen of Carroll, The oustom Qf giving ids, eo..l of re'- nunor. A'i80 8 fide aide board. ================P;==;===#'$' havre eleoted th~ following offioers fo~ cei.,inj{ was oarried out 1)1 t~e, Sundl\~ t-: A. N. Mll.TmNY. the!eoauing year. -Ors e Belford, V. 0" ec.hool at the M. E. chor,aod 88 ~,' S6V'erM hpub89, lots and 25 ac'tl8 ot,8. E. Youn~, W. A.; Geo. O.,Merrill, '<lons.,equenoa a big, dodati.on as,g'athj!r.,. gijod..'1$.d. :~.<tr we: if you WflDt. barbanker; Obu. W. M~t'B1laU,.olerk j W. 'ed togetber for the h08phal.q 'Omab,4 gjun ern add!lee me. J. H. GOLL. R. Olmsted, eboor~; LOUe Stever, ad~ the Moshers' Jewels' Jlour6i in Yor~~: :' ~ ",FARMERS *#b===;=====f==f=f=='f==f=~=;==ft:='!1 w~chman; W. Kan1atp, aentry. ;A large audionoe i attende4 ~d lisien~..,' pm; s'~nt for The ~tate Farl,tor's == litefsrring.to a m~' wpo had bia heaa!intle.;nt.,ly to the progra~ Of. e.c~tatioi. ~lj.tqa\.~~nra()oe Co.ofBoQtb Om:o.1l8, burtioa railroad ~dk, the Fremont,l.m~ s~nhing. Sl'Uta Oa118 a p,e;ared ~n t (Drafti me when wantiog loaur_ Tdbune Bays 'he ap~el "B tobe allright, '~h~ Pfoper time a.q,d ma.d~ BlJ. approp,r Rn08oi'. ', OB NT S. MEADS. 1 ex(lept That isfor os o~nfjoling ~ts want~ of ~he,cqn80iol18tlebs." conolusion of lia.p.ooig 'B~ sjlleeoh- the attrq.otlve The ittne-ho~ored.rse d~oor~tlqlb. w, Ai~ i'~ ~~~~~;';];]~~~~:;e~e~;;~;;~~~~~~~~~;~, tbe man who 8.a1d hi~ Wilte had only one ~!o.i re~rd, tor, the selfh.den al,. of tb.~.". ~,'.*_ ~, fatut-she w.o..n14 at6 ' when she got 'ypung in beoodf~,rive r~ther t~... dj:w>k.,lriolpientll, a d e ble,will, ~ L_,. :gi."" for them ~ ;;the ch hi ~OlnorlO"': l,mr. and!(ref,. Dell WbBt, who reaide, : V :1 ' i ' ju.1 north!~fl Dlxu!',,os'~braled the\r.,~gh,' ENO~~~ LUT. " ", flfteenth wqd,ung an~iveraary on the, i i,1 ~istmall ev~,'jt the i l~th \net b:re1ertalnl~.ga large. nom-, i ~,. ed the lj,j,l'a1ly rg o!-thelr!~lende., '~ll'e were SlxtY ~:m e deeora\lpi.. and ex gueats aijdi'they 8a~e,~' and Mm:l ~ t. there e.t evlde~eli.of e.lee ill the..,:r.'1... e J.... '*.. autlfnla~d.~alu'l1. le~~..ent.,,,..." 'fwo i.. tbe ithe ~ :'ma~o "ofoed~i~jo~was han oounty have blreo. "'llanlftlon'j'. reolla' " and. d,t e main 01'l.e': of hl~h! s ~.o.pe.r, 'i"d '... dtlon 0 glf 8 with o.h. B arfiljoote,tl in.!,,; s stematlo,' e ort tq '. " ~he e., li.1 i entof:aa. to l.qo ';';tb.!.' ay,'. 'i A~!th8, ::os1' ~'t r...h:.g~~~.~ :.:;.~' s Wl)r~'i :~~"''': 8n~ofa ai,...1,


3 wife. W, -A 'fh 18rUS LESS... l~pi;,l~mo"~r.'t.bl,,;,"'';;' ". irll!4,ti>lb,\,~" ordrowolog. ).;. :,.'.. i-< Y~rk.Yn~lcl e g.ve,wa op ~'l.".\ldl!~,t;whenrobe,t Brown.; "', i \ -, ', $4 for 0. hal~in' ~st tn. \it *. \ng ~l).a)lnl$ ~ a'pt b\s flltbf:'l' wdu\i\ \M'~O'A'RES,.OF\A!l~.ZO."NA WHO.:- ~.W;~: ~e W~Ul~.h.:~~.. e l\c ~~ ::~~ r~\~::' or: l~yh~ut~:\;tll t:e~;~ '~VE N SQ/JAlO~ ahea4r:wltf'the d v "pm.nt pi e th'~'"r?~::r., Jill"," 111m 10 r,mernher i --T-+-, prope~"y. t'at 47 eo as ~oor/add at by"onl f.b f to:l grutesque rbj'me. '. r:. t '1' H ',Uon (re. W 080 ChlQf l l..u'xul'y ral' g10db jtl.l9 orid ov'~.1,'r tl:lq,tll't:o; fity t ~h11dlsh mpressions of P &: To, aceo.,,' TO,'1~ee 'm ode ~OUld 'nev~l" s _ B'dr~,, ~\ng~ '" );lad pletur.'!,\ to m;'\!;{'l\' :1 pect qna.t e GQdde i'ortune had so poeth ~s ~l.ll~rf"l?plj),q.". 1t gave me [l : ': T ere are 8eVer(l~C1 men n Art- much. DS lanced ',at h~m.. He rj en Bbof'k 1 to ",see \lr. Bl'O',vnlng f"llt with ]: T Kna Wb~ sljep1ton:a Blanket" W b9~jwa8 BUy ~"t $800,000.: S ell p ~ila»t~, D)>lltlll l'xerl'lsl' ball Cobin-Another are t rn rvelousr tr n.lorm.'!~' lp 1 Jb lth th t' 1, be oar 0 1 aome en" fortnnrs'" the illlijllng e.. ~~e ' A~~ss C(l~l,;:: ~:(~r:;~ : r:0nq. 80me of who tar efceed the abouti Glo e on 81 'tic-faggy oltj, R'r R\'id~ty 6Q' rou ~ "bread anu butter all(l 'rom) D wlu'k, who h e ljveli lis plain hqrse,1 wjt~ a bu chi'; of gnal1y, ~t- h\gle,\\('f's' ot akir'. He lwyer'tlttetl'd alill tho ~alf-brced tc.'oo!b1adltets for n ~:ll)oc. A sh rt. a,jord' 'Hint :111 ' lllly way 8u~g('sled a MhicaDs 11 m 0 n f bla.ck clay pjpe lsi g~,n"rnly betv; en poe.ileal ipotl~t')t. H" cnut, tro\1s,:'rs w~om theil' lot is lull Ups tie sleeds 111 a b\all.ket on lllq.\!g\ol'c:; ~.~, ~ u,ceon'in~ to Un' fa,,)) cor One ot these h18 cnhln fit" He nqvcr reads, Je er lolll'ot tlle til f, ljih yolef' lond 1l1ld ~fljnmeb~ Robln- es bnyw ere exccj1; to aijrn eije,~rfu, hlf),!p!('k bair,yell LJrnf>lm:l. sop. whose bowe S/le ddessr Hke~~.~,)"n~Ch labor. ut Altl}f!;tlihcr! ~11 ~y OlJ\nhn. ht. loolud a ~~bt~el~~'t:" 0:1~~~ :~'f a;ol" ;:;;~a R\h'JX.'~~~a~ed ~:,~~ ;'~~~:~~J,~~~~t6l:lki~tnl":~;::~;' B';';~;:~ Bliunco, e o~e upon nbout t hat B t~e:' sole porso)n~ fn~t~ Ck)llHU,f>nt~~-jntill' <:b~\r~p that hr> th~ bou dail'y be- illdicatlon f hls riso n the wlnl'lg wus too fqua fl,"~r-lp\y." He ;Hlmlttwreen ~ Untted. d ~ t('d frllnk},}':' ~. du ii\[. to be witll i' 1 ' (_, an Melco, worl.' t. i 1: 1 : stu <', W01.th :ise:vc }.. nte~d.b. Church., \ "l'filcu, ll'<)ple:, ~','ho",:qll)l"('('llt(' illc'. t,. (lnt "boils 8tm nno er rnn tp whom 'W(>n~th if' a ~ll'u$'tfi'k! \VealllJy pl'ople 11:1\"1' ~.AM, M. ~.:l..tscn. $l,800,ooof bb po~- has Ddt brought orrc8po~(1111~ mln- ]('11' '11"(' to jr4a:['lin~j(1 OJl:,ir!J01!St':; are $esst De 9ons!stlng: n copll~r mines, forts s Wlllam ~g~. a 'fex4 n aud \l1., 8:lM. ;1 iri i' llot a~'llilnh'd to ('011- utut lid llands. a cattle killg" in Y voi~nl COllllt~". jle 1"1'1', thnt ~ rp 'fr~jo'y 11\'111'''; \\-ith rul- On Bl~nco s about tbe )nst com- s worth hf.lf ~llllpll. ll' bull ot tt fdk" Hr! r~', r lind th:lt mixingmun~ty n the country wbere one ren.d or wrlte; lnd~~, 111-' 1':llll 'ot 1 1{) wit Olh('~,B,a.'l} t:hl' fr.il.titlll Of. iuclls tou~ look for the,resdence of l1 lllly sum lp :ll'lthu?ot~e t11at lnjl\'t~ fi1"e ~)el'{,'"i'lal'yl,1,fluw!'it,!,,, rplllfllllllre. t is mere buddle of llorc tbnnlpjalll aclldl!tlljll 01' itl!j':~(" 'f'tl"f1) 'PosttV(', Qne-~~ory frflllh' and ~dobe ~:ruei::~ tlon. Hs f;lh'c.0t-.s A lll ill.u'.tl'atljj]l l~hrtn.l, (relttd~:nj.:- m ~lljl'rlsr(1 to d1gnted hy the nume of bot! es. } of "hilt ('!Sel('+!S drvqtlon to OUl' p r- leurtj tll,lt' n ~~h:il.!d mull "rill'" lle dre. nl.lt on the sunhll. ked ul tb at~d pose m.n y ccoropllsh, Til/'re J~ pl'( h~ f:l~j l(,n, )ntrh ( htlll~ 'lojl:,l's,:q;e uf.,' t~er4 liot i wooden flo r tn e ably no 0 e wbo kllq,~\"g ('altle r:l.l~p- tl11;1 l'nprr. i.1 l1lmjet. 'two llttle\ stpres. uch with lng n Al'7)Wa bettor tlwn SOg"g-s. J(. \ jfp~l~llt., 'i~ >'\ h,-,w do J ou kll()\v... ~ ftoiloon 1djunct, unu i lj nckr~lt~ blls 11 '''''rondel'tul ll1ermory, Rll rtn tll;,~~~;~~(i~:11'; ~ "ft: tltis it<'j1: "Thflre.*..f:~\"! SbOPt make up the '1)USlne p ' "'etlo collstltutlon, and l]1~'~k ('omrh''bf' ~ "1 " Th opu n on will 'Lei no (' ~ Yo f" n!lo(' ;(,tb( o!;:!'1 this M' R H.' k t e town. e sparse slon ot husiness propps!(jolls lin te fil!:l.'" ~'\~p~,,: dll\" Ul:llT1CU mlln ~SS,ose ennessy, we i nown as' f ur-flf~bs M(p:.Cllll, andr ;the com- line of! cattle gl"o"""~~1 and prout~t e COll hay\, ll~\np lh~t, un ty B!not lit all Amel'l~im ~~ ~;y rangps.1 ::;~l('e lie ~bme a ('tj)wl)( y a poetesc ~nd elodutionist (j) Lexin g ton1' ~n (\e) 11 tlj of t-1h' d\d1zpd \\0]1111 '.Ph' follo'\\mg 1(' t(' ~ fl0m (\U1:;ll'>\iji- ~nl SR,,";~:R'S ~~tw~l~~~ o~,;~ th~ rl;~ on the': Tf'*-ns Panlllln~t'. whe? lo's Mr. 9~ yer'il Cnsf'J, J t. " -, :. S~st(>r!i {f ( l! nll' hm\ :-';01 <lull :\11 (-'kl~(jl or;-.ol r1)t'fjll OlJl(), ", k llmhl than 1tS y r' old, (~\flr glvplllf'\"e y r./l~ :\t':~j':~oj~lrr ~~~~~~~~; A r~r l<y.) tells ho\v she was cured of' uterin o J..-...L! b d bl m n ro tilt' 'af>t,10 'o'''"uh~ be hur Rulf('!ptl a.1 fl t' d 't' b th ' i i (ljetllnl ld of tilt' llllllg(; (11ll 't1ll'll... 1f8R'i as mu {! m:ltt('l{ 1 aloe. - s: Rad UP lmowa l.~ R~~!Jt n tj1". 'e,,' t,1 0,,1 0' "\~'k""'" nnil oltl'o,,"1> Eamma On an 0,va""! 1S y 0 ' {lp, tilly llh; lhl\;e~lsl'd!i>(,\'lld 1('0 f~r thl~ty j'{'ursuud prol11bly wul t b ndg: d t1'pre,,~ ' ~!!i,-.,,., "'1 e use ',0.'-.' lll!'l(('r to t, )(l(j) lh'('~-': holt] ~ of t'llllllt :n Vf't ll\"(~ ln'wbere else. e s from 4,000 ("~tt co ra 'l an J n e he 1 t tl'llhh~~t man Jlnd lip\er u!'\ell, j di E Pinkh t l.~ tau Co ~ '\'th 0 11 ~ lllidrijon " n),p (nl' of lh fp( grf'lltb..!' Y " d W B on his some he llo,es!lot s\'e (HlC' lu tll"e ' Hl t..:: of lllly li!hl 11lH klr]ne)s hnd Y a ~ am s v:ege Ole. :rt:lpoun, n ( to prot ( lorn C'iltlllllll nll,l 111'«,N li"lll tt,}!h'll laollgjbkeenale, :\. 1., un sx ye-mts. r 1 d 1 l' f 1, ' " th/csc W e,\ l~l Jl, Ljlllll ~l~]( r;l 111\\ e 11) 1 lill my ('ll ' way wlth, Ull ox,tf'um wagt n, to the le \Vns reared on' tli bordpr '1'r ('t: tlo,l l~~ll~ i:;;it~ ~G\~\J:lhet(~ ~l;ll(; my : "D!fAR_lR.<!. pnn;:ha,!of:~, h3.~ been:so blessedly~pedthro.u h the us.!: ftjunt] 1'11111 H\( 1'1lll11g"-.:nllg"lloird tlll'li of h('hl'nd, i :P,Oc1t1.C ('o~st b.y the Santa, 'e trail,,~ ~ ' JL E P '~1 -.:' t c~ dt tf g tj t~' Vr nllln~ Nt'lS \ dt('li'; Hill! ('d ('wour ~'~, ~ ~_ lhzatlorj., His mot!.l,er,lwas a ~n'(k f'.\11 )tom~ ('Or. pomlpd p;udjy to 0, y(q ~ams,.egcj.l,jc mp~un a ce rtdu us "~1l1 ( noll" ' ( r.s t!l'on! l 0\ ('r lill nl-:{.d to!j('!j.('\ e. squaw.' He upy('r llntl ~...en onp ~(,H* n tho f of YOUl1 majl who dl\'d of adkno~'ledge t, hopi!lg that it may hdp 6, me 0 her wa an suffering, as dit!, T' 1 ~ \. to 11 '' 'Hli.ll'tPR 10 tj\1f! npl""hlmlhood \y,. 'ur years enjoyed the O('st qr heal h and thought that would alclf,;n... )'( 'l't l e, """"""'',':.llll,'":.",,t,',,',',,',,",,', '",',,:,,',> '"...'... '..,11 ',...,: ' " ~ n. Beboo",..lall lie \ ad n ('DU,lmq,n',,., d tt ded t' d qt' ' ld "d ld b d ".,~~" n, d fp(' Hml 11mb~, 'err! ljlo,ltp(} quite u Q en. par les an rece lolls nn yen. 0.0 wou e s~ :enly, luh H-: SChOOl. educaton, 1+r1zona a qutu~- h fou"w!i: flilly 'radil':lt.e 11 tile ittl~ \ chjiled, but uld n;ot thnk of tl~e results. caught bad cold eghteen! n Columbus Ohio: lli~('i\.l' of thrty' men sa;r. be would bla;vc be~nl;:j;e "hellrtl of DO~drR Kldnf'Y Plls nnd months ago while ~eobtl"t1atin,g',and thi,s ~a.used,idaa.~mation O.f,th.e womb l. T " young "rl ~ho used yellj'~ 1<<JndilJlZ." David Mel'.On,1 ~test cattleman l~ t~(' whole 'Ve,. 1 and congested. OVUl"le'::; suffered ekerucl,littng' pa.tns and keptgettmg worse' bl rf\\"u "'('kh;oll. ' r... ~..., nt ~t dplpl'rpln to tl'v til( m tool, My attention was <lail~d to J our V 'getable Compound and,the w,ouderfuit utierlngfro m /liryngi- Dr..llul tmll11, (jll\' of th," lwst \'.l~~wl He btl.5 n. wife nnd V~~hlhlren.1 Tle n /1H tr'n ho~qk, f()l"p "'llfl wcll find cures it had perforimcd, :.'-nd 1 mad' up my mind to try ~t for two!mouths au~'1 f '1olce. 1he result of pllys] llljlh nlld»llb,erjl\f'\ tlte', lult('d " ta.mlly ~,"e in hln forty-file now [ (nil tr'w(1 ll,v sny t!j,lt am <111 6ee what it would do for me. Wi'thin one month f1elt much 'better and!1 lls most $llilsiaetory. :-;tu(('~' wnh the first mun,to f(j~hlnte wles e-njtt trom Jerorttei tb no qelgr rlg-l\~ The,t~9'1~1111~ H g-onl' rrom my at the close of the second was entirely well...',~ :P~h~~ u~ e te ~~~~/fj:n:e :Z;~ ~:~~~~~l~!\n!l:e \\.~ll\~ltthi~o\~f.~~ hil~t~~(w(:~dnl~~ bom nearer ullin sx ~ll B. EY'd- dnpr fl'd fill(,l!('gs,, ~ Jllne galn,>{l ('gllt " have advised a number lof my 1adr friends to -qse it, andl au ~,>' t~ be ab~e t he s entirely f,:ured. OJ tht' m: (lienl rl]'()f('s~l()tt of thih {'otl~ltl'y, 1s like e.'tery other 1~ t\l~' So,q:gs 0lf. po\l,~~h:l n "~ct~~*1 Uml can f>n'p well themselves as wdl satisfied with the res?lts as was."- MSS ROBE;.~~Slste so lj ty,' t Y /10!lot (Jd-ive prolllpt lu'! t-:ntis- The. w1~e works lu,t il poor nettledr at l'l'~llt 1l~1l1,,{,~(l'Y Hj'llptom of lly HENNESSY, 410 S. Broallway, LeXingto~. Kjr..; 11 r'he~' ll} ~irl Wll:; tlth".'..thl" /'111'(' of, f~(:()r: r(,~ll,l.~ll fro~ll (H lire Ofi :."l1 1'. thk~ Sisl rr '11 rlly llnd us('t! '('r\llill "n~(' t OHC to r. ~llrtlllnn, :\l,k." 't! thr t ('ntu Dud t Elk llrl~ 1 t...,., ~ t'1~'"!jtn bllr hil ~ lr t free book writtp[] by AlltJ ('!is V'. Hllrt rh ''1:n, Pro!ih11!l1t or days b911 ys and the work go s v...' d d ~c tio.y8 llre 9~'Ol tbe~.'.=f tr~,~~lel,~"~,il,.~');,,e now since was, 'Dhe experience am testim ny'of some 041 the most no~i foil" cutn rh h thl'out with good re- fulll Rt tf'ml'llt o.f ~;ol1r ('1181',.lnd he \n!l " 1 e g l('p cur und ~"~ 'lot had the f!1l~hte8t women o~ A!uerifa go to prqre b«1'yc.«!nd'b qu~8ion that Lydi~E. \!jjlts nil tbf" Y lettl'r tehti!i".'l, J,~ P'f'1!l~U to gve ~'ou ltih vulu he uj- timcb a. b'ltwdlng ~ attie, d t retu Jl ot nli l ~y',r:p~tom of the old trou- Phiklutm 8 'eg~t,..~lc C~mpotljll ~correct P.l such trouble and 'Spnd t\) T ~ rulln :r.t'"dlt'lllc Co.. CO' YC~ f!" ts.. ' other ti.q:tesu;ork abort the home. Bu ~ ble.' "j :" an~..omnaclea'nby hrccmal"tly,y,ncg"ntl~,e'tlo.canu. sand restorm the organs to a -Ut H~r WB ; ''ll", 11 11WUlJ Slllli,tn~illll1, COlu1 bm 'lt O. on ste~ly.,! fty Thila~~,"tEnnme~atol'l!l. "DEAR MR~ Pl~KnA:M'_ Abo~t two yenrs ago: l consulted a phy.. Usk ruggistfora free Pe ~a AJ~8nacfor1904. NeW"r he no, am.f b1, 'droll n h. 1 nl e ~ ~ es 0'" fty tbon, Bielan nbout my health which had become so wretbh.d that was no~ ~, ever!.l1l$ se-e-n l drul:n~. e,er lieq.rd n Bllnd enplll['r tor~! irorl>lllg Jl ('lluml"rn~ longer able to be about, had severe backache, bearmg-down paine, pams across the audomcn, Was very bervous and lirritable and this! ',,') ~ s tlve Birds. i No 8 itb onroe. years ago the Boggs y went to ~ reetn of tji"tje hundred supen lsors. trouble ~ew,""or!'e each month, The physician prescribed for me, butr conce-rt Qr been in,a1wurcb Solll~ tlon plstrlctsr. lbje~ tlh' mmediate dl- '.'pf th~ tj ' douiljtf'(~'y th(-' bltlp Two \SUbWllY ure118, aecordlng to dreus 111- Prescott, d d ths day tlf fire r TltrollOb frepp tile' Census 0lffice 500n discovere(l that he was unable to help me, add then decidell toll jllr s hllr e t ~ lol>t 'hhj\llsltl\ P1H'SS. tlle r."c~ York Pst were sittng,on events Qt that vsit r fented rub e~ at ~shl,ngio'n thef;~ 2tll!llr»CS fill n try Jydia E. l"i,.kjhtm~svegetable Compoum~ a~ld soon found thatll Al')ll thc'1y,; t1 e lllol-lt nosy P:"\:- n door tep lftpr ~htjlr lunellrop-, am thus1a1ca.u as tr tltie famly ha the J~lred nformation u!lon tl(' s<'!ln it W[1,S doll1g ll(' g!oou My al1lpetite WitH returning, tho pains disa.ppear-1 pre.ssing: t;' t H ug-h crow.s will hole OOkll.1; out on tlie:lft.> ff i fashlona~jll.! peered oto be 0 gq.tes of h~ve ues'l rj~ t1~e Jl?rt'Qllos Jlre tbl'n tran8~ llg, and the golh'ld benetits '''((} welll:rhll,rked. '-'lose Jf'(' <1 H':', f ll lt fully til/' tljorqu f~'(l. i ':" mitt ~,b t~~ Cf'llSUfl Ollice, whe're all "You cannot rquhzo how:pleased ~ was, and af~r taking the medi.l eq)ml. 10 ~h jnyr, fwrt'ecll('u nw) "lj:o ',01/1. know"eulor' said Pat.,f" THREA EN1D W~18L1NDNES the orl~ (~~r dlldl~l.ltlon nnd tnljnlll-1 cineforolllythre~tuonths lfouqdtll~was com letelycured ofj!ly\ / wljjlstln} nn di \1 ll-ll 'COl\~u!-\ion of al~ [wor!.orth fo~('e~1 mu1l0n~'l'~ b:~r~ :1 1 tloni ~ 1)(>1 ol-lli(,t~ n Eglund fiull trpuble, and have been wed apd hie arty! ever since a d no more fear the the son ds ',.a 'dom~!h:'llr Diy honh~. ;roll a.n PPy you sfxt':f lounrs!l ~\ef1'k. Little! ban e for tce n.ro~,j 'Val!l tlw o/l."'.(ll.olt orgulllzlltion for monthly pcilod, ll$ ~t. now pa~es.,vitho4t pain to me., YotJ,rsyerytrtJ.ly,1 recently. '1" thlln n dozen.ll1ied, "Sll'C''' rplj1jeti! ~ll, an 1 what.co ( Thl... Uoa, the rgl~tr«titoll of hlrths lnd ueau1s MSS PEARL ACKBHS, 327 No h Shmm~r St" NashVille, Tenn." '!n~o a $m, 'rf,:"'pqn tree fm the', 'youl,d ~ e wallt rnd to d T' ', Physl an wbo ba:v ven his C l1.pt!l fqf tll1fhlg the CClSUS, and B..~k.. n. P 11' ('nme" from scnrnl : "Well '}'on BN" l~d bu n tw6-~llllon. consider tlori declnr~ hat.tu tic the orj ~1.11 s fic('o~'dlngly under the When a. m~diclne hts eeo. s,uccessfu in r~t4?ri~g to health h9 1ls "s d'1 ('om... roulh.h'" S mo~e than a mllion wo""e,you callnot well ~ay'~wlt"out t 1 1 llllt~"; all curious to ". P!l,r Oise, ln jjo~u",'" _ \ Henry Brown, 0 P"< e l'll'n1too tei cba B,0 tpe l"l.'glstrur gellernl.----een U do not bellene lit wni"l11 p me/' ~:f you. are ], d~'inot know" h i tce mnttrrr wth the "fl the ~,.o~ nlng at ~ix u ~lock ~nr W~k(l Buprem Court, cnn or escape bind tury ( to!get a bottle Of Lyd.la EJ, Pi~khain's Vegetabl Co~po bl~,us?' t fi l;'11 <l to be r- "want to i, :}:fl, "l.' n~ ness, 18 not like ~ however, tha write Mrs. Pi~kham at Lynn, M8.&~., for specialladvice. lw ow " n til 'ides, T~(\ juyr had.' l;,ltnt!l PiRY ~ncjlllg1j, ~~ll ~, the cou vy wtll be d p v~ of h~ aer StAT vice is free and helpful. 'Write to-~y. Delay m)ay be fa 'dl~cov~r u l ;>,'alldllg U.['('_kY ltlollg" ~w(,l~r(]; hut nftf'r,u lllo~l,.{'llt qe l sar d,, Fn $ 000 FORFli!tT if we cqllnot fort'\:lwith' oduce tbl;)ortglnallettersand:' 'lj,tllc' flll.(' [1 tlf' low HJJtthhf'":-, nelll' And lslthnt ull t1le,jo~d, 5 abonte.s1ruionulja,wlilcb'wullirov-et ira~solu~ea:ep.ui~zness.':., v:';':';;" 'n~r ur.d r 'p lce-trce. Tb\'rp WH "r-;owjye.rc. g-ettlng down.110 1he, : Ly &.P~'j,ecL~.~~ ~; no l!: ne!>t n 1 ; '1 'nlly, tllld,.\;0 fllr 1!i ~lnee 11O{~ t~x ~;~:O: /\~~(~~k ~ra~ ~~~ eo~11cl b a c 'J! U cd; tl(' cnt hnd not lhc' ~u! 's ~md holpet' nftp!' Y~l1~ 'Glt at~;l{'l;:('d th ~\'".ut,...hnt t llallllc-, d ~'tj l). t<i glt ~.p. md,lium of j :Y j rgoll on'r olle l1('e];: r);lt e-r. ~~\l!,:: u\e k~1Og', qu e. t! Till' jnys OU[{lill 1 ~~o~ ~~nn :~~l tl('~/?dt t~el posl. th1rnspl'ps, l'nlli'll out warly ali 't~~i b' tl ' 1 ' th~ OCC pal t l f thl' nwny lwuses OU ton i e w!' e f'w., : ; t~t str e-t. ' 'lel0111:'1. : l };'U:ln~ ~bfj' Limit. ". : "~o," snid the ollitlfjr r "we! fun't rts(l '. ~l 0 the ~o.",c,. )-0\11" sn T. '11h{'r~'::l too murh <f'iginnllty 4n A writ' n 01l1110SPl',Y3.S tallung about it ", to jl frle d H 1ad'jlll:iLc(Jlllt' fl.'oll a "'l~,o much, ori;.\"i.la,li~~'!" ccllded ~he eo)('('l1. h.'[' 11) he stuul'uts of a can l'(llltri.ll1: or. "\Yh)'j, 1 ~hvught loll wll.llt- 1:J{'r','ator 0 Jllsil'. ed nj'll!:llal mlltt(ll'., lt"wa 0 f 1ho,,~ l"+lt:p~, RUY!'! "Sp \~e (10," lls\'1'j,"e~ be. of tle!jlue' Hnl'nwr' \\l '11},,VlJll'h *,r8' mmally [len:}!, but we orlw U~o, huo at SlJ~l-,D... ~ldeu lly 1, i(jiull!'\,' ng.,,, ~he f~klh 'jlid: "1 have_ just hf'lll'd 1'h~ WfY lor h. tj fjnq! of tlue p! ll. fl, a little' ;.rlrl of (,ight, Sh~ rol~1" {,'jell lin~ber e1ma to ~11 YO'r p (, ' 0 n Wll(l Ho:;e.''' huve ~er he \'e~~ et tor old n e.' he. usli l:i l{l1ed lull suid; i-eo- h,. that 19 p.l!~1jfl1jly d,1 e to,lls ', Sill plh,' S le ljulc'li 1t tp by the long inc nliltunce nt l bourulls ~ouso, roo' ~." poultty, "\,' ~,.

4 Dr. oaidwell lml~a nlr praotir to tho 6 ~~~:,a~u~;~:t~f f~;'~::~~'~;;(l e ~i:' e B88, Dis6Cl1W8 of Ulu:dreu ~ all hronic,nervous ami Durglcal D seasen _ f a cur~ble nature, E lrly CQlll:"U ption. roncbili,-f1, Bronclllal Gatantl, rolle (a.tarrh,', J;fep.rl Alllt', C0t?-Btl aliou, tomachlinoi.;j. Bow"} Trooh]PA, n. f'ulllol t SD, Nelp.ru.1gill., ~[;lll.twa, Hrjgh 's JtSe C Kiqno.y D1B0nR06, Dil'f'culf'A tf tll\> lv~r an~l Blwlrlf'r, n'zzlul'56,: N( rvotu- P:~;i~~~ll~e~~~~~, (~r%'\~1/6"il~)~~ ~l~;~; d all ti!1g' Dl~eas(Jf. iu lld 11.", J).!. (Jl!llJ ~')(.lt, Cllrn),U(t:J of t e Spi DH;ell.fle~ of the Eram.! Par "4YB:~~ \mtb?ib~~;~~t~/l~p~jje~+~~;~:',tin in tlh~ B HlPg, (-imnular E*large leots, tl d 1111 long standwg d,semer, OOl \ "D,;KJ:'O Dl::H~Af,~:Si i p,mp~'b, Biotehes, Ernl)t10ns,! Liver 'l()ots, li~lllin,; of th'l H l.tr, Had! Uo'n -j XiOD,, <'CZt'rllfl,,' Throne (JloerA~ B'll:, Cl8, B fl.drlt-r TrouhlE'~, \Vltal!: B.ck rningjurillo, PlUl8 lug-urmqtoqoftell '.le effe~t8 01 constitutiolitl.l siflkth~"'s or ~ e taki g ~f too much ~ujuriju"'l mcrll o ne r Cf'lveA f'if>arohlng' ttrea.t,ment, J ~~~:J~~~: aw~~~~.re;;~~:ll:),j '", " 'i,t " UfB rnot,lve a rl etjjoyllbje tnpl ;fn ani' AETRb,sp CTVE::.., ' : i "1~'(J68 at B rha ho Raul he b(1,d been W'f.~:Ud its 'i!>~rr )ludipg. 1h d~: "S \ r~ eyed of 0 l8 of 1UB fears Of HlV6- show uot Jer yelllll:of rqt[flyid~gr~wt!tl r th t f he we not elected presid,ft H a.nd i pr vomen~~ \VfJ.yne ~fl con\ ':0, ld be dlffl nt lo fi~d gojd lllat;ji out parati ejy!a. youog; to n, but; fworu itt! 81dj3 of OW ~emoc~a.t1c party to npl'c',' jncept~ol~ i~ has gate hend rapldly; uti T Be~t the Gil/ed St'llte~ abroad,",' Hr'l til it thl.f:;l~l~comp, 'tl 'ze anrl ~Bi1l0'"'" aclfn.owledge th:1t be found gnorl n - oue ofl the!most 1nt or aot, coun s>~~~t.'\! ~mb!han:!3 ov r':vi'bero who honor ~:m(t in tbo~kt«tt fts ip;r wtll nllh at bflctl loa n diplom tf: n~~~~~rposl:hollf"1 of the/tua"lbroom V:llrit,ty, ~nt snb~tat ".: f it holds ood that B Jlrem.l Obrist- tlllllulf! folly Wll,mu; rl hy ts reronl."cek mas meads fat cemetery, tho '/R'ravp t~ tnb~t(~ly t::oultrv d;~>llt...pt tlllt::e atl~ dlggio~ bush esh will be rnbre pro(itablc. S C '~~lr1ere<jl Ull'~l~, th~, rlcltesc ana than a gold tiline or a piano eol~tert tll'l most 19'bJy dfjvcjopeq agr1cujt~rlll see: coming yenr,l t WliS 8 f.:t e.q. Ghrist;. tiodb f rlrn, w:ddla W~8t. "tj,v,6red b:y Dlas, but unibtentional comil1c"ridg the excel! \Utl.8?hOOls, qhutoh8s R?(}~ty, and,~ay the Wl?r-ther Roten, Oldl Boreag optjor nolltjes for profitable mv'ef'tment wall in [lttetl~ance?arly in t,he tn6r\lijlg; CLud ilinllil"try, ill!!n jome-seek4rs have aed had the ~lcmcnt,scracking with(eolcl: ~ lttt'hcted h fb e eil ye~r. ~?,in: in a bhol"t t~p' but lbe supply of 6['owl flux lilf [{'." P Jile and lu bm l(lmr b&d evirlen ly been foxhlloatep.: dowllj ow'rahooh, H~(:;l has,ben no dee,pti.'otl east, forlthe shoot from the Bit hi'll 11 to thlll'l j1 1' h,' O l\1 year dawll.s, with was repe'lte(\ly 0llened and ont 'ft fevj thfj. bo,~t faivorablp t)ro.~peet8 for thlfl f1ake~-t;he ~eavidgij-came do ~,seat. seeflrm anrt Wfl n;ay! reasol.la~ly lqok tl ring and J!,lowing into the racks cd f<jrwl1rd! to grfjatflr ~rogrea.~ ~:thdl ~~~ sidewallts d leaving tho (a;th [lfl been n1alde (luring-,any year of,hf' pat:!~, ~. 1 ~reen and f9~i'lboding as p08bibb3,i How. The blt.\ltl hi\,'l *lstily gu.!'hfon d l:a 1,l )11 J J 1j ~h1l1ty yea~s lc ever, th<\ go~d intention ma.y 'mitigate li6~ of. ~ill,pro\'e~outtmade ial.waiu;e,!)j:l! [lvchng! ar:oun(l the the calamity, reducing the il:4~lillat!fm!tori vlcl'oity dur1l1~ t e year, Wiith ~hf' lp 1 1'" sti~l tr;jtv~ling, to k11l ollf th~ rhoce in udusual number"" npprox\mate ("J)st, u the htlrlll:t it 0'M Health and Pil1!ort =. " been impossible til h ve the 1st cl"'"'," A renewed df'itermination to p,atrorl. plote or rpsj.,tion,th~ runoy m nor~. lc goes't",, ize home m~chantrand givo l'ot~ing to pro"{lsntb' V~~ne' 8' e mermy 8l~i-. tlll: cons n1ptiy~ he roreign dep rtment stores or ~oreign mate flnd R~m8 na be n. htle ~o l' " thc..::s~rcng h anli flesh peddlers W 0 come into the cotinty to high hilo o!hers mar be too 10'!V. a~t t' _,r) ltuc'l needs 11 ' rea.p a bn.riest, should be a.d)lopk the the lift u:ivcs an i-f.la pf whl1t ~L8 been, ';"\J all weak, and - $ickly good reaolu ons of New Yeajr'$ dl1y, done ndl'wdl doq.bt'e~s be ofl,'gcll'tnll re n hp givc$ rich and ~ocal deale s are the 01i8S who glvt;l luter!'t, : i' \ ".),''::LJl'Cn'11~''food. ~:~~: ~Ur~:;tse:l~Sr:~:::e(\~d~a~::.~ : l~ WAr~lt: ' "'() thin and T1('tl~ persons '\'OOd~lUHHjh\eAonthflfloalit.y()~'their (Jetrnan panlonag" *1100 ': ~ \'/ firm flesh and wa.reo.,wl~h foreirn nstitutions, it is,h"1 1r y BUlh, newl house a~td j,1(),)(1 a'r\clly a ehlll bubilh'8~ nnd thnya.rb :f;.l,ooo. " 1, i J" b. not here t face the Ul~FliiJ in cuses of Dr..T. ~J ~]lialn.'l,1 new houm, $lp9, '~ L '~,\' 10 1St 51 1 W t lc llissatibtuf1ti n Thohomemrxliallt lb (My, llnw' wtllj8 ~ud POW(ll' hohse, 'L~l \.ll:l the sh al-~ now c\"arypnti edtoyonr trade an:! will $:1,000,! l"il. up and h vc ch~ldren illfmrtljouteater sathif[\,qtion i~ botib WUl. P~ej:ienAt~d{, 11 l( nwll. ' quulity au dollars aod cents tl~fh the houae, $>.COO, '( Sl,:~lds for Scott's. Ernul out~ide dell 'r. Also, locnl uje1chnllts Mt fl H Boyd, ne l,f pure cod :'ivcr' oil-a cm practgf. the same good dt!lctrine $2,:00. t.. _ f l'!f f,rl d h 1 witr. lldvrm age to themsalvel1!lond to 'led P lllpo, new otlse,!!'l,oloo,,11 ~H" arj a atura tbe town in which they ara interesttd, Pr~Rltt ut ]ftlf', 1m rovemputs, $')~O i [(:>r chjlclrcnjor old folks 'clltho~lic chute ll11provcmeotef, " \\'11 ) n(jed flesh and WORKED: SCHOOL DRECTORS. $::.())!>,, ', ','.,,~~ll. Hartill,!{tob Hpeuial to TU3f1day'~ ~toux He~lll!n ~'l1dner, rnllroye~enllh t~. ',1'T _ nowne Chemll$ts, CitY'100rna~: "Rpf"cntlyaverf&mooth hi~ hbo~e. $l!)lo. :' :.. ~, ",r) ~... ~C, Ne,'WYor'k. luoking iur vidual ('rcnlatpd t~rollgh E ~~llrljilljf"n.ml n w OUAl1,:t 1,()(H) J 'if nj ':-',...-v:... J druljw/3ts. the COUllty nd dhlll very good btlflluess M Vq'n~'g'kl.rnl lj D, $~.-)O, :1.. BmOJ1R dir(lftor8 of Af\verul lohqol <lr E.,J. N~l)glp, lt"jlr Vernents ~o houhe'i tf rile WAYNE HERALD. tdotr, J01"nRoneoftho<okidgleved, $'f).. Men 6truatiO~ J<'allim' of the Wotnb,1 Bel\r. hlg Do PlllU-, Female Di8pW"e~f)ntA,,, ~-' -r+ ~- oily tollgu~j individuals andklewhjll,j())n~wful~ol'lle baru,$m 1'iF 01iCltl1lH~p"r "f W~))ll U r~ W,Y_q, C()lJl~tv :.. llack or exua To!)p, Leucorrht111f,1-Her.,. ~~'lhj~he(~.,e\,'r y 1htlr~:11.iL- piece to pfl fection, So many of the C' H U1~Ol imp otflnlpllrj $lr,o,[ '.- ij,ityor, ~rrenlle88, collfmlt Dr e \d * : ~e~~ei~ r~~~l~~~~~ht~~ ~f~ym J:~r~~:~' cured. W'l' tn CANd~R, OOTER, lrstula, PL~~ opd enlnhod gtond, "eat,,{,,*hcutaneottr UJ(t( two method,,tbso tely w~th()ut paw and wltl10n thf l '19 of a ~lrop f blood, ot' h r OWlJ d scovedra, llh lh roll.lly tlte mo~l R lentlfic,lmothort of this advflrlcp- 1 n~" r Ca.ld~flll,),'"! practced her rofeb ; 'on n in~e of the largest hoflta.lf t roogh ~t thb country Shje al! no B*perlOr trp l!,g and dm:;rnosl f{ dlt e"ses, d~forull f,." -err ::;he hafl hlte 1.1 opened an otlilo Omaha, Tebr, ~hera shr Wll spend t porton of enoh eak tre~thlg hl'r many pat'pnt No i onrabl~cflses accepthd for trca ent onsulta lon, 8XfLmlnatlOu nnrt a Vt e, o P dolla to th08'"1 wterest'ld AddreB all cdmmndlcatlons tl!lee ulldmg Omaha, Nebr DR RA CALDWELfJ & Ot w. HUSE«SON EiJit ts. director~ U~uKht thlh p!pll.llantand t{l- l~pr,rron~on,lw rovemnlt,$:3no!.. markuhly alfuble ~8ntl(lman had ~n{'h a ('htl1'! Nlflfl,lnrlditlO to bou~e $..HO.!.,. '~;J~r~~\f,~",lt'~Jl~~(;~~~~~~::~t,1~:~'f'1e,;'ieli" R'ood thlllg t~at they orderrd his boo~8 iv \lto", new b rd, ~101) l ~ <- on si,tbt and tu order to take KdvfLntll.~e R l'. Lap, lmpro"tementfl, $ ') ~!'" &UbSCflplion, ~J,00 a Y'1tr 1;-A:l.!a:-;;;- of the dl8cgunt. they ssued warraoth ~o Wm Rl kllbaugh, tpro",m~!jt-l'$7,~ &Sa =:-=:::,;:-=-:::-,. ----=-:::-=--=-- ~,-.::::;::-~--r-=-" _.: pay for thfl ilibrary hooks ltl advaueq. A. 8 Jdfrj;' new am, $100, ~ AlHtit6r w, ston l70t hi rath tn.ngllld H d'll d n ' st-corlng 'p "0t f F Pub t\, Ult 1 b Po' "'lb r-- J ~ HUCO( e y Q a er, atn, buljl1hlls \ff!lirs in Wyo liq~ i illt socb warrants!~l1d,calihed thf'm at tue banks H H 11 ~~, new 1 OU5tl,.j;~"jO ' :l shape tkat; he was ab] to llctnrn to in UartillgloD. Not a book hay hefllj ~~brn~kn,;a~t WPl'k, delivered, 1n~, moreover, Wl~ not be.". 'tt ill rep9rterlltlitat Will f1~~, Hearst Lawrence, th~ muj.lfl tbollgl"llt ga\'c, ih ba hougljt ~he Daily P lt tltj J-"lucol,ll at lar~e. 'rj~~" bnnkfl now Wl~nt ca);b :m that W. J. Dr"van aurl W'1" Ml:mpin f""r the warmptr, but Ulfl OfTCl1!H (Jf tile wi 1 havf):n hll,'1rt th,e P, bhe tiou vanou~ distdcth rdosfl to }ll\.v' becn.ufiel no b:m]cf! havf1 lwen ( lh ( T( 1f1 firm :{Jenul Dr! het:irlh, who~ trilllllho' hf>f,j1 tho hunks, ljuvill;..'; tho warrlll,t ~ Lo. ~~ J(~d fait\.1, fho,thllt tm fll'hoo\ ulliebrs axff rnornlly rp,sipownljl", at, h~llht, :to, l'll{(~ tlll~ lo~af)8 g-oojl. The warrant", luou~jt in tbe ljirgrf'g<lt. to nourly $1,000, l~j at h,llld somethin2 to make th~ h~{\rts of their frend!:) happy, and \\'e!l l':e,1 big line of that ch.'1s of merchanc!jse d~, such as Fancy BOX\'~, Toilt:!t Cases, GJ)\"<: and Lmdkl rehid,grjxt's, Jrliu Trays, Vase~', line, and at a big glowmg reductlun Ollt at tnt: cnd u[ the St':i.lSUJ1 b4t C" ' right at the start. Will be pleased t,) have you drop in and Jf these things~interegtyou we will gladly ~how them and qu'jlt' tht: price on them. ~nd \Ve also have all co!ul"s of Kid Glovl:s and lens, Handkerchiefs, H~slery, Underwear, in arc v.ijlil)g to sacnflce on ready made or in ~he pattern. Pattnn in hlack or cl,lor" ~ that will go very l heap, Llct everything W"l:',We can sejj ) ou a wai~t for 112,no, Call and ask to see tt1"m, will sdj them o you away helow tilt' mhl<.d, as we1l as Golf GJo\'es and.'vlit~ $4 00 or $5.00, worth $350, $5 00 and $7.00, Ho\.\" about a j)r(';)~ WTLSON BROS..\,k for Outino/s 16 yards forst 00, 12 Yfrd~ for $.oo. Gin,;:hams, good gtarlechecks~l6~'ardsfor $1 001.\ Ladic,:j,lcket": 60 rorcen,, rlj'lcouot. Yours for,buslnt'ss, Omllh~r Nebr Chicago, _ 01. f'allal t WU bel so lopglbefore R-J- c -C -k E S. 1- 'b~ \',atorlcont!'lel ill actnn.llylst41tltd and ' ar. ye peel S,"o,upleled lbut toe lawn's e'lth,,'iusm.,-" "". '''"f'...!aw'l headachf', ner 'OlS- f 'd.,. 1 g OWUl~ expectatlous \'Vere '1D~tlllltly ;q, T.,l "lfllll' d Hils r ttud fully rcall:t..,d ' WL BE N WAYNE n;:b, 1904 ~~epra..ontl\tivei citlzfln6,, froe points u.ldnf{ *~ M:i8si~uri riv~ tor 1501 miles "'- DAMMEYE north o~ ~nlaha tnet ill that ~ity, Mdn- SOL N BL~~~: ~~~~x _~:~Y: 1~.1 ~e- -vnl be p}liread onjt, and n.ot ba)~ qp [lind bp(j'lme,ll-1jurl0us, as lllgl;t bu~th~j Cl1se.,u, and ~ odople,d re,ol~t\all~ jl'~ibg OR,S WEST OF P. O. co~a'rella to tak~ a~eps ~o Plloter. ~h. bapkll of '1h~ streallj and P1vefVe~t f rther du.dlage, ~nd apptintedll 'a Jom ittee t;o Proos tjte matter,at wa~~in~to. 'i~:::~~r::.n:,,~1:;~~~~~~' ~~!~~1 o:~~ ~~lltriee,~n ~ow iuailltll h t ith' tofn ta fn the 1 ad t;! 'the ma~ f illdipt. ~q:l(s, ~nel.tlolj~~g t':at "1 ~'bllhe r~nd Jury flllu cl thl ty.s~ c, til;; a a~'at Gauc"ral 0 ~by 0 th., 1 ~Ul7 'it 0 nd only thir,j.-thresi QllU fa, ~,a qst He a. Die'iridb of H41stdUg~, ', to l

5 /

6 L1'co]n :tttorne\s [lrf' no goer to have jl l monopoly of the SplCV T'lUlllg" mattel j th&t (>OOH'S lnto. ll the files 01' tbe conrts, but nstead "( acfiers o( t'otl fp Slllg D(l'\ S pnperl'l ~ ~(t the shml at first hands Wttbont th(' (OU, r ntwnul t >;!':njd <~Bpeclnlly "ill t1111s!jl' trill of thoi\'l'l n ~VOi(( pro! dl11j::"l b(c:luse rec'ttly ~~~~~l~('(::~l;l~ /1;t\( l~~l 1~~ t:l~ll(i~~~ll~ V[~~:~j or ('lrry ll'\u} ~fje fills "ltlinn! Jill{ pt'r mlssjon llllig nhnes" as ('onstrllln"d to make till nrf'm,(':1t b('c311sq he could lqt find when M want ral documents n CllseS t * The Sllpremp conrt ths decided tbat ex RegiS!, t of D( ('us Holm of lloejn did not hslw' t~ll) buck moner re ej ~~ as fees COl g lip the names of 81 n. era of saloon he O':,S to S'C f they w re, treebold-crs ('ourt held "A cou t:l' r officer S not re llred to lr'collot; fot: Olr' pay over to his ('built'\'" mode'\'" jecp,ed h., him n pllvmc'ou of sernce's pc'rformrd for anothel hv U:rJ'\'":lte ll~~c'mpnt "lurh n~e 110 part of tij' nutle!l of ll" nffl('(l nh(') which llh' not l~nmp:tlblf' ~nth fll1d un not mcluded \\Jtl~n.hl:officilli unties' Attoro('y (~knf'j(d Prout 1" at ro~)('-lm Kiln cllglltf'd the trwl at' the C[l"e of the Statf' of ::Scbr(lska agamst J ~.Bur ton of (:}oollhf'l!r!! Kall who "n~ on th~ ~e:n~k1~~rya~~~d~~ru ~~;h ~:~st"t~;,t'd~r~ lug the- lhrtlev!,:t'lmf', 10M ~40 1>12 Slllt wu qnglnr(lly h ollght ll ~(brasl fl: bl1t Borton ~ o~ a re!l <t-ot of f\.nnsh!l lila tl~l pres~llt f;llt wns llwthllted the Ulff1d States t rcult ro,ut fflr hnlls Ul

7 i( J CHCAGO SWEPT BY A VEfllTABLE, REGN (/F "liejror,/, No Man'. Life dr f Property elld8 to =:b::ec~::-~i'::~::::~: lor Blxty DaYB_, ~e~~~: P~l"EN"ON Of D1SrASl [VlRYBODrS BUSNlSS. Vie stand together and fpllglon c.::lllnat redllln a watertight compartment ot s:pjritual Sl2'ltiBhne.&" Wltb. such a By Antlrew Wlfson ja our Df'lghibOi n n sanitary wind blo~lng l!ke a gale upon one's facp bave we not sen8~, becau8e be or she ~S&8Se8 till!' power of reason to px:pect that the message of the next revival wll lnrtl.<;!tln.g dll>nlb~ upon Ul', ThP; C'ommUlllty die h" OO<'lal r'lght~uswss uull its effl'{ t the ledemptlon of the r~ pends for ts prot~ Unn a~ll!llst dlst>:),5h' Ull thp llutlollld \lfp' 'f,j unltei<): ei'f()l";l<j of all Hs l1nh8 Hell" thl for', Eight murders nmi lOilluO nnd burglurles in the Ul'lt Hlxty duys > the E"erybody appalling rccold of crme n CllH 1/;0 l'!j.e community H uuder n relgu pi ter ~ ~~~'llllu~~~ ~~:~~~:~:~~~~~ ~U~~~J:ll~~:~!lnd olle or moj;'.e muruererfl or tjlugs oj' ttw nrg-unflut that t v( r}~)()(j SbOllltl he "tin lynl'1wd in oluer to, fljccij: the dbpera does Under l)re~enycoddltl~hll:e nnd 'nted n the dol" O'hsenalH(l of l('ulth la\h and pngtb of Ul,}S wlll onl} bf'lro/flp a Dlt))f1a fl:l pt'operty lltl' lu1h(r.(e 'l'houblllhjs ut p H'enble (,1t1z~ms "ho lure Wh('ll 8-'; n peojll' "'\f> u\\aken to tbf' (on ne,er (1lned a l\elliloll before.ul~ el"- selou~lh~"g of tbe fllct tlmt "p (all prp\f'llt 11JU h dl~(a~ rj m,; arlnh to day for self [JlOteqtlOD n ljy mbch lntelligont to-operll!!on WililY t;cdlona of the lit)-,\ OlH'll nre Dlplltheria bu.'> alv\-aj i br pn legunled BR H 1i!lu,{ nt njlt afraid to,entnr\,! out uuei nightj"ull to prd,e fala to cblldr~n Prr,lollB to tbf (mpl JJ'1r>nt or Thtre ha8 been n Rtnrthng ll{'rease in nntltqxlll tlje d(":lbb rtl.tr3 WlS 3U per (f nr Sin ( ( ado\,! the sale of firearrns latcl,;: hnt the sule tloll df t.l.je trelitment tj qllesjoll the JlJ( r!nllly his /-;1111h: hils not \H'cn 111to>tet!lN to llh'll Qf goc.{1 to 11[ per CPllt f.!rs, (~arl\ tt Allde-n;.on R all 1} SlS or tll; charn( ter S unquc!\tlonalj tnje etrect~ ot Va(CllH1.~loflj,,'Jlh rt>fpf{ to the... Jllfloll 8m l! pox f'(:lltlomle ot 1~1 1P2i s lntr-f{ sting- But smallv!x lji in ar bejrllc cll!:l~asc!t~f> terms rl'!if'h ls n a far mor/' su 1 slllljly n uet~nnld('(1 nud 8'S~(mntH move bj the pol\(~e of (Ove With thlc crllll ~~;Stl~ef :1~;~~~~"~l:::b:oee~:,e:r t:n~\rj~o n Jf'f"lOd of mactn ' h'l'r f11»( e the fight "th nnd rupture! of the (llr t"tl bulhhta-vllll Ville l"h>(lrrm{>\l1r uud Roeskl-there blta \)e('l1 un et\ulejml< of roblh'nc! llllflle!.'"!! and nth mpts.t lllur der ln(\ robbcf) Bl'fore the 11l1tlP~tfl \\ t r>' hell! on the :letp(tl,>' \\110 \'$11 kill/(} liv th... bulldh~ at tlu lullllu ('UgDnt 1111(1 the rl1l~:!)!1l1lkrmnll \\111) /lafplllf'(] h\!'\ tflllll!l~llm!!t ~(,~lre hy lu ol)\\r llilld loat 11~ 11(" ll~h\,n\lllen \\,1\ 1[\11!lllll lollnuh \\<lllndt d llonllll( 1t n\1 }pr \1! \M ~~,,:<\:l1;\,njdll~;::<~ i '1~\111~n \~l::,,!l;;t;~:!~~p 1l11(,!l" r, r 111(' 11lofU('r "1111 agoo f tll' ~tnll lard Ol! (orjlllul\ \' ho~ \1 P rll't!(nd ijj llnt' hlg'll\l\d11'1l t,) lhr<~\\ lip hl9!lund!; lilel 1'0 liut thlll~ln~, hilkht psr llll(> ~tllrt, d tn ftlll to hll!, ll' n 11rwk (hstnllt He rt ('el\,>(1 n hull( t lll'l hack "ltlc'h (lll$erl h" ((,ll~h '! dill " llh~' r" flr,1 i1!hl tht poll! E arl' ll~ \et \\tllout \U clr\\ to t~(lll T 'llm, llll..;ht \lblll l'(u \, l'dtln' h()nw dl'\ltr of ~{n,k!ol(l ll, 11) hud hut JU'lt arrn 1Cd 10 th(' (t\ "ar fjrcost"d n 1111 '\orlhwl'st/ rn J{allwnd stf~tj()11 by n "trulj.;'l'r l\ lo n pn nt llmstlf 11'1 1\ fl'):;l"lllld J.;'ulue of th.. (t\ tin: ftll ploj(',] thl' nl]) flllll Pl\1l1~ lplll," pln' J large r.,ll of illlli'l \" 11,( \ \\1 rf ro'l~!l1.:' bl HlJ.if JPllr til( sl!l :\1,: r ", glll\'ll~l. ;Jl::;:~~\11~ \ ~:~t,: ll~~:r~: 1,1 1\\1 ~ 11,111 rr>\ "h, r! took $1 (){)lj fllid j (> lllll(, a terfltr~f\ 'l- llttle QuElt or tht! \\ oul'! w Pflf holdnp mell Ub Ons qu('rulr d ~ t pollcemfill's atnh nnd fl ~~~~:~n~: ~~~~:Hj~ll~:~l~~':U~foornt~rp~:~e pose holclmg up lind robbing Bjlx mell tbnt mg-ht rie...'ur cllpturc~ h,ml,rf Bnd t!! now ns('ortnlued that ore ~ gudty ot' thlrtj rohberles >\. l.jflrtel.lder pllrsplllg tw) brufj;"lnrs \\ hn fhllllshed the show \\ mdolv Of a 1111( wv.:cln stqrl' earl) the mornj~g, aod '" lio th~atenel.l to shoot f th~y dld not stop got a blljlqt tlle brc'llist Ho H 1l tht> hospital Two ll1ghts lbiter the postotll( (' at,"\ nnetli1rt n p09ujous Bub \llh \\ns entered hy tl!ll'\es, wuo blew orh'~ till' safe am g-o~ 1l1~lJ wlth l $l,ooo There ls no t 1e'" to them f A roaplc of nights lllt('r h 0 robberr VRJtCtl :\11lywood flud blllglar!zc' BeV(lO busmc>:s plncf'r Ol1l!:lUPceSR va mgllts sevl?rnl Bnloonkeepl'r~ f\ t(lllol!, a; grocer nnd t" 0 Clllnl.'sJ (nu~drymen w~re held up lind robbed n tllcut plnces all' busmesb the bnndlts 10 c(lch clise obtalnl~g large sums of monl'j A mol f'mc'nt h! now takm~ plnce for the formutloll of cltl~ens' prot cti~e com mittel's throughout till!! {'t\: t i~ ndmlt tert thnt no mall, WOillll or t dtl 1:'1 Slife nfter dnrk One's life muy h t~ken U,Y n thlellng thlla' nt (lusk u tlll uibtonfj 8 throw oj' tl1l1 fhce f1tntlon 01 pubue 111llll.':, ~ th (' OWd pnssln Oil nost lit nrm'a l'o,::'th hnt J ('Tert tl e ave of C11~ s!n\ n~ upo thcl ml d of tbe lono/.:' s c,hll't! ;('d 11 rf'pl'nt nr cats of truants thfough!mt tie Clt\ n most [f those arrest('~, fill they e nl ln der 13 yenrs, w re fouml llst ff kplv3 R blackjacks alld tler dnngero s enpous ~:~~~~t f~l~~)jn ~~a~~)~ul~~~:je~h;~12;);~~ldl'lfel~1:~t\hp~1~~ :l[it to CODllJllt O,"er ~!lld oiel l)..;alll p ll} flg'llfph hi., Shlnlll the dr-"u[]lloua (1x«(~fl of JOrllllft) umo11; l!l\ll Pf'{lp!t' /l.h JnlHlfPd \\lt~ tlmt foljtld n jal Jiatrd ]all, lite! M11,Andel'Sun Jl11ds tillt l\m)) lr..!,'j prlll,l to'! f>ll11d thclr,l,ny to fll 8fllfllJpox!JOf;p lar rf J<llll!" Of j!lfol numtkr 1 HtH Jj'd ''1 ]l(l~ ft jjft ' nl" (\p;u fllj!' (f 1- )J N \, 1S ron, Ll th' fiitua.tjod,,111'0 tile church!j, t tll" dh lof 10' p. to j hi S,. \\ til) had no si,.;:n of human nnd th( (hlj.r1 h asked pf'uplp. to belle"e in the sacrifice of ~ ljrls.t "hpn she H~rself nu'! makng nd sa(ntice to save thf ljl from t p. life of h"'a~t!'\ "Whl n (~otl s pl('af';~d to.!iend 1lH f' \\ plophet oue expe-tts tbat H "111 preach the g08:pel of s.1{jlil U]\prall(p' tbat P: "hltl" femalo slaves who Sf'''' trom momma' tlll nlgbt and half through tbe night. al!!lurd!y gf't the \\he:rev..-ithal to kef'p soul and body togell( r should be df>jh ered from tbelr boudage that every la!lohl V.lJ'l s wllllng and u'mperntc should have hls lj,~ in.>:' wllge "h{'rm-;lth t() kpf'p hmself and Ws famlly. tb!lt [~ q (tlzpn ho"wf'\er humble,!:lhonld have hs OV.D HUe h illjp \\ hpfr>ln 10 ll\ e lu p ar (' and tomfort. that the coun~ tn lil3tl ShOllltl not he!vh ~d 'rllll the,lnr to make room f() \\ld lnlmul!l and rl( '0 H HpOrt, that the ownet"3 01!n"UllJtal) pfolh M) SbOllld h' punlhhed and not com~ pt n~ t'od tit t tf'ulpu'.-.l)s SH))ld not h' pll-cpu at every -;rl t «)f(ler n till.. ) Jf h~ p:ror athl llsprablr, tuat '1(1\ mnll "lmllid 11t~p frl" urllfoil" to l'f1uqatloll to tle ('{>Olltr} to Jlalth nnd Just PlljOyltlflt lind t1:l.at the burden " \\Plrllls~ nnu t;i,klpsh alld t\rllilfly Hhould be llfted flom till' suould('l"s of them \\ hu labor and are ljf'avy laden. p~r M'nt :s n.. n (Jol, _(ri H rs )lls \\ h) 11 l" \ [f dllntjd <ontrl\(flu ijmlpr)\ (ll ll1r"l 1'1 11-;!lol' \--, STOCK SHOWS lllvate STANDARDS. >ljpre of nn ag( ht''l-n 1'111, 11\1 _'J \Plln, lull! 1'-\ polnl(, By V... /t"nry DC.ln of Cof/efle of Agrculture Unly Wsconsn. Olt tilllt till tarl} \,',W l J 1Ulll \ 11 t l'rh"(d ~ Tu (>11'\l\tf> thl st;ltluartboft!oml~tll animals must flt till' p~fl{?d 111 qu" lin 1 rlj!lll1( H" }11\11l~ 'n Ollr flflwi h onp. of thl' g'ff'iltcst pr()bll'lus lllgf'jv \llhn lthl f {t HU 1! ~ ' llr! 1111' hlt ( lnfruntlllg us S ;n agricultural p('opl('~ (Oll~ no dqn;hl r l \( f'lrlllll'll i ljllilrl 11 \\ 1r' rl'1 (lrdt il \\ hill' the sjucl" for a tlloulf nt thl'r! 1\ btu has helped tbe lbt HGO\\t d t>lat} i,h / l\!drl'l!-l d' lltlj~ 111](,1 till' l].;~ f U ~ Hrltlsll Jr'Qplr' t) ther lllgh attlllnment; 1n anl~ J'L"fint l'lf's/' l:l~l h ttl l~ l ilt \ 11 \i\ ( 'd \ ]] mal!ju/oiljuudr} rst of all was thl?lr nsular f 11 RlTllnllpox ih-a:lh ml 1~'1\\1')1 tll( ))1.;1<; of 1") nll lonc}lt!oll pauslng thf'lll to ljf'lome selfrellant. 30 Y~l S UllOlJ.{ thi> v qrolnll.. d,.; b' ~tlllllted at "' 'i Thpn tlwrp has il, r nth!' 101'a] frr>e nter ("ommunl~ per dent uml ll)ll(l~g bl llln f n llr d at 0\ r )0!lr-r (( nt auon ld all mat("'r~ pert lllllllg to lvf' stock such ~~~~~a~l:l:llu:n~p~~rdl/~;nl~~11 ~ ~ ~ J\\~ \{" ~~l 11; 1~~(>~\Jf t]~:' l~; l\r~:l ~~:1~1; ~;:~e~~~io[} t~: a~~~~/f ;u:~;~, ~fll/~~~~~~ [\~a~r:(::~ djmlnlltlon of tl)n nljl( tit b n!t lffl, r] J ordl[jrrn!';l li O!l1pr tlthp (>xhlb!llon~ til'!,;) ~t( culminating n the taryhllllro.('mf'llt~u r~s, ) ' llll(d llpm 'll :1'<1 of \\Olf],rUllO}a!11J1( ~lll[tbti(ld SU\'" otb.e~ infp(llq\~ 1'(Jllll'l!l 'lljlll' '-:1'(111" lldltl! tn \\lull \11 '!ljt tbp ('hlla~o st,j({ F;h)w 'ach fall and 'Pthf'1 expjllllatlfln of ~bd tllsllljll lg n tll( 11 "tllill "'" jll mnnp!ous animals tl.llln,; lhl' tbousllnus ot staus, ;.acdn!ntl~ lnnpf n~ f 1\ nut 0\" U pet sto{ k tb(' pride of OUf pye, <'omes in close llljjplltlon with nullll?rous anlmal~ ffom au over the! nl then tllr nudal test lh at hllnd PrJ (e vanishes. rt judll E' lias llilt a. f/>athprwelght fl1ld morjt only Wj~ li!jj Pt illp!ts a\\a} and s('llles drop from our eyes ~p 1 lut,pl ]ldw px(elllllt tbe lttn!nr{lent W~ are humble.,.. j l1ll;.:-1\.ut illsloufugf't! ar return to our hoh's burnng- \\ tl! ambition to lia.h" su bettef lne Btock and to go to tl.h "110'\\ th(' H":!t Y;'ar 1\ttli sontetldug- bet:t(f thnn ever (fol' 1lJ(,ll tljple S 111(' g pat bplpfullj('s~ that comes from n..:lmg- \\ tll othp!s lllti( sted ill tll!:' same llue of stock brf'pl!ln:z; [S ollrseh PS \\' lw t hllndredr of people work~ "': for th('!lllprmi ill( nt or lilt! l' llle particular br("('d that lllil ( 11'tllird onr fan<y H\lsln('~>: ll11lttlrs are talknl o.. er. ~ 111l1ntlmps axf' mad", fllelhbljlps are Truewell, and (10111 til( dotf' of tl(> llpltln,..: om 11lll,JUlses lod ambitons arc ~nrtc cl on fl nl'" round of effort Th' curfer! n..:e betl\eell our O\\n pet u{hl the nearest to pl.'fff'lctjol J~ oftf>n mudl gf('ntn thlln we magine t s for us tn lllrrow thlfl t,llfrf>lem f' 111:1 ml< h tlfl possible ami n {'\cry V>lY '\ork to\\~fdr 1bp mprov('t1l'tlt of live stace n Arnprlrn \\e nn do t OlO llf'ttl'l 'lly than by our (1~\ Ji dlfl"l't ohsl"l"'\"ntlon and no /}1'ld is!lo ('oruplete for this Rl f du("llllon 1'1S the stodt shovl S ]l("f of fbe ljotisehollj "ble,b tlh''y did Wth such mutal pleasul'b that the s('hoolmfls(~r dl'dared that the king mght hnve bt"'f't a prof(>s.90r be talked so cle.. prl,)' llld the j{ing o,'uld that not

8 D. A, DA~EL80N. t JEWELER Second door west of t08t O~ L. B. WNSOR, i BLAOKBM'f! A. A.- WELOH. Wa7Ue,Ne," Uses the uneve1'811p" sht for bo~. ROC: '" FORTNER, WAYNE MEAT. W. ALTER, BONDfuD ABSTR~OTOR Real Esi.ate Rnd Loane. nsm B.noe and 004eot1ons. Opposite Love Hotel. JlfAS. 1. ORAVEN, : PHOTOGRAP~ER Cabinet Photos a Sf8Ctalt]'. GalleT)' overl Poot bllloa. iwa;rn.a. Neb E.A. LUND~URG. Lawyer Over First Natidnal ARKET [''lra.t meau alwa B on hand. A.lso duelers in hides, i and pel...,. WELOH & DAVS,!rTORNEYB At LAW Wa:rne, N~b. B$nk. A. R. D.&TlB O1Doe o.p-stairs oyer the Pltiz&DBBank. J. J. WLLAMS, PHYSCAN AND $URGEON,, Wayne, NebrtBka. omo~ over the Wayne ~ational Bank. G. A. NEMt\.N, -! ~~ ---~ r--" PjYSOAN AND /3UKGElON. GB.~vMlic ~nd Fara4io Electricity and Oxygen. Treatm,nt of Chronic DiSBro l es a Specialty. Oalls Night or day,euehe prompt at~ntlon. a G. LE8E~RNG,illl.D., 'SURGEON AND ~HYtlOA~ ;X Ray ExamlnationBlmade Q.t otft or bedside of patient.* 'omce 3 Doors West rpost~oaqoe Wayne,Neh aka., iaentral MEA i MARlET VOLPP BRO. Prop$. 'i ' gtjebts ofth,1 mily, of A. L. TJoki~r', One Hundl"'ed DollaM} o,!box. ~,~...~~'"~!PBRSONAL MENTON. re~ned ho~e!monda.y.,j ':' s the,value H. A. TOOale,i Bummer-. '.,.'.;. JOageBeg%tPl andwit eofh o.lw."".,' ton, S O"plao~8 on DeW1 W ~ 8WitDb! GOOD.b ~ ~ -P, Hazel Salve. Be says, \ill hbll the p\lel ' '!' " ~ N.~r., retm,e. 10 beir borne yeel~r~&y for 20 ye""b. t<led \1BOY doctorb ll1d ;. W. Altor wa. in Emer;on Friday. m<u-oing aft~r lvi'itlog, week ~~ t~e: medicme" butallfaued excelii DeWltt'6 F"t~er Haley vi.ited Norfolk Mon Kateand Ho1f~rd borne., '.!: Wilch H Salve. t onr~d n.'' t ' day. ' " -liarry Luck.!" who WBe be... v~lti,fg ~e~ ~f"'~lttc~oub:~~ ~~~'~~te~~ Rjo~ard RllBBeU went 'to Norfolk re~tiveb, retnred t'o hl~ homb'''t,t ~a'p~r Mld emollients; relieves add PUJDaDent- MondE?" MQUday. Hlis l wife ~m"ln8 B~ ~~~ ly ouree blind, bleeding, itching and B.,F). Swan made a busipeu trip to pla.cf:'l for a. more extende!'d vi.6it., ", " p't'otnlding piles, \!.Ores, out6, btu.i.aetl~ Pender Friday.. [lmr. Knittl;;llJol Sioux :Oity, f1o.icit~r: eczema, salt; rheum and all akin djs- Will MoOabe arrived from Omaha for,,:the E. H. frtnoe oommissionj~. abbea. Sold at Raymond's pharmacy Jrrid",. avenina'. ot whioh Ju~ Britton i8 WaYD6:w.O- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. BtW. Ramtrey of Winside, "v1bited ager, was io the city yestetda.y ~()r'd- Digests $ll olmbib of foods l tones and Way e Saturday. ing,. 1 strengthens the 8'tom.fwh and dlgest1'fe N U Nye of Pender, was a Wayne John Dobb~n of. Oa:rroll, w~ i ~n ~~:::;h t~~i~,d~:r~:d~ohti~ti ~.l. n,.anljas OiJY 1;0 visit hi. t""thal', J..'PSS pepsia. Oore rebuilds WOl"DQut ti.8auell, JEWELRY STORE MOVED. have moved my fitook of j~wolry to the second floor of my buil-dlng "est of the postofflee, where will t>e (l:l~ to meet all my:old oustom.ers,:, D. A. D""!,,j.soN. Oandies, tobacoos at Myers'. padned,goods, oiear" and ----:--..,.. FOUNDl A man's appfltita.,p~y m.ay receive the same by oalli,dg at! tbe mite Oa.fe. Tpe beet Qf all fruit&. ot tbt\ s6bboj) at Brookings' Grocery., Buy whole wheat pancake dotr at qandy's. Coughirlg Spell Cauied Dea~h'. rhe Lone Star State. Down in TeJtn.ll at Yoakum. ts a big dry ROOds firm of whiob Mr. J. M. Hal ler is the bead. Mr. Haller on one'of f~8e~~p~~:a~::~hh,:t t~d p~~: oar, "Here, take one of thes;) L\nle Early RiBers upon retiring and you will el~'h~nf:i~~ :~~~:nety~~~:i~f Olloe and four bottles entirely cured her" Gnaranteed by A. F. Lane, drugkist. Prloe 50c and Trial bottles ftee. He Found A Cure. R. H. ~'",ler, 818 S. 2d Sireet. Salt Lake Oit"" writes: " have been bothlred with dysoopsia and indigestion for 21 years, have tried many doctors without relief, but have foond a oure in Herbine. r600mmend it to all my friends, who are aftllcted in that wa.y. and it is curing thedl, too 50a at Raymond's drug e&ore. ''1 We Sell The Genuine Powell's Run,Hocl\ing Lump, And Washed Hilt, UNDERTAKiNG NATON~l Capital and Surplus, $ STORE The following li"t of Furniture S always appropriate for Holiday pre,enk aud are always useful as well as! be109 an ornament to ally home. W,ll suggest a few of' our many pieces of furniture n the following: - Morris Chairs Arm ltockers ('ombination Book Cases ('ouehe, Sewing Rockers Carpet Sweepers Misses' Rockers (;enter Tables Child's ({ockers.jardinear Stands ~lusic Cabinet.s Bible Stands Ladies' Writing Desks Foot, Stools A fine line of Framed Pictures: also an elegant line of Picture Moulding. Bring in your pictures early and let usframe them before the rush. ltemember the place. l'nees are nght and everything Just as represented. We wonld alsn call your attention to the fact that we have added a complete line of Undertakipg Ooods. and heing licensed emhalmers. we are lfepared to give perfect sati,faietion l to all who may de,ire our services. Hesidence. 1st Door North of Catholic Church FUEETWOOO &. JOHNSON first J. M.STBAHAN, Presdent. F. E. STRAHA.N, Vice-Pres. DiBEOTORS: ~ COAL 200l,bs. f or ATon vibitpr Thursday }yayne Frid." momwg on bis ~ ~n blood. health rmd'tr6ngth Kndol Dy.. The Best For Heating and CooKing J. R. :Manning made a b.,...inesb ~~ Dobbin, w./jo is in the retail bq8ln~8e: in purifies, strengthens and sweetens the to Ofarrell Tnesday. twr.t city. stomooh. Gov. G. W. AtklJ180n of W. N~l oorouttmade a busine trip '0 lis.emma.audel'llouvi81ted,fl'iende ;:'~ii::y;f:k';;:o~ i.~.=~o~~be~:j $L.'.~HLLE~O..&._".SO~ SioUx ity Tuesday. in the cit, ov4r night Tuesday, o:p. 'her hate found it to be a very effective C. A. Berry left Friday on a buines. way from a visit with home f~lk8 at and, indeed, a powerful remedy for tripto Minneapolis. Ooncord to Vtemont, where abe 1~ em~ stomach aument8. reoommend it t,o :Mrs. F. A. Berry retu,roed Monday played in the Hammond Bros.'printery. my friendll. Sold by E. J. Raymond. fro(l & visit at Oarroll. MiRS Pearl, Wilson oame' op from Good for Children. Dr. Hammond made 8 business trip Tekamah Tn~d8Y to take her brother'e The pleaaant to take and harmle8b to Randolph Monday. place in the E'.iw Oa~e, tho la.tte"- bav- Pa~ r~~~;t:no~~~~r~f~:~~:n':~~i~\:;;=::;;;:;:~::::::::::;:::::~ Asaistant Postmaater BmHh went '0 i.n~ accepted, employment with Ed- tuld 111. grippe because it does not pasa ~~-_._ , ~-----~~-~ Coleridge Tnt8day to vudt. wards, Wood & Co. immedibte y into the stomach, but takes Attorney E. A. Lnndburg left for Ohas Beebetand famuy went to S$an eifeotrlghtatthes"atoftbetrouble t NEW funntune LioOQln UhriBtmaa morning. ton 1118t-Tbnrfjday to observe Obrt8tlnM ~:~~ ~~~t::..:::e~~~::~~yt;,a~ln:~~ K ' K ~. Blazzu of Osborne, Mo., spent with relat.iv~s. Mr. l:seebe' reftul'lled l"g the ODW k) contribnte pure lite- O~'m&llhere with friendll. ::6 ~:~:~~~dw~~: ~11 :~~: ~x~e;:~~ ~~dga:d t~~e~:s1lbtai~:.g 1~~~~~0:'g t~~ F,ed Wright returned TU611day to vult. ~~~:'i8t~~ ~:~-:.o~::~~t;;:~l:d;n~:re~ hill B~dies at the university. John T. Bressler went to Omaha Bold by E. J. Ravmond. 86!Dl'Y Lessman of Logan, Dixon To,esday and while there Will attend a ;ooupty, was in Wayne Monday. meel:inr' fo,r the purpose of organifing, ~ugh O'Oonnell was a pa8songer for kl help the oandidacy of llon. Jno,. L. Em,erson Wednesday morning. WebBtet for ~he repnbliea.u, Dbmmation i 60n W88 born to Mr. and Ml'B. Oeo. tor,ioe,president.. W~8worth, ThDl'8day, Deo. 24. Joh;' ra.yne and family were vl~ted a~ory Eikhoff of Plon Oreek, was over Chri8tmas by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. doip;g busineu in Wayne Monday. Joy" of arest~n, la.. and Mr_ and ~rs. be up early in the morning feelillg AtliOrntly Davis went to Hoskin8 Fri- Frank Wella, of Olearfield, la, They good" For t,he "dark brown" tbste, Rnd that lolly feblinr' DeWitt's Little doy returning Saturday moruing. returned ho~e yesterday morning. be- Elll'ly R 661"8 are the bfst puis to uso..rs. Harriet Jones, mother of Mrlil. log accompanied W far as Omaha by Sold at Raymond's Pharmaoy. M.,:8. Dnies, ill reported quite ill. Mr. Payne and wife. 'i88 Maud Perry of Omaha, arrived Prof. Snodgras8 left Mond4Y evening for Lincoln to attend' the meeting of Fight Will Be Bitter. ''h08e who will persist in olosing their hete 1&st Thursday to visit rela.tlyes. the State Teaohers' Bl'.8ooilltiOD i&nd ears aglliqst the oootinqbl recommendaiion fa Dr. King's New'Di'Boovery tor Henry Meyer, dealer in bl~dedatook, waa acoottlpllnied by Arthur Neely, aod of W&.kefield, was in Wayne TU6sdijy. Edgar Warner who have gone ~o itake ~~~:P~t~; ~i~ ~:bi;:ni' ~~~ e~lt tttorney John Bioghw8 of Tekamllh, p!\'rt in the atate 8pelling ODneat. 'Tbe ad earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall. Miss" w,+- doing busin988 ha&' to in Wayne Monday. HltRALD hopes the boys will ratam say: "LBBt fall my wife had evpty ~. A. Leahy went to Norfolk Ohriet- bearing the bonor of wlnoers. ilmptomotoonsumption. She took ljr. m~ day, returning home Friday mo!'ll l',;xtra seleoted Oyst&111 ~n, the o~n at ink,. H. L. MyelB~ Short Order WstMlfant. ldi.js Edna BrUton went to Hastings Served in a~r style or BOld by tbe 'can. O~tJ:D.U mording to spend tbe holi- QualitV clln~~ ex~~ da,.s. Morria ohairs at Gaertner's. Ralph Olaybaugh of Albion, arrived in Wayne Friday morning to vib1t relatiiv~s. Arthur Tucker ot Cedar RapiJls, Neb., J: M. Strahan. 1<'. E.8trshan. R. E. K. Mellor, Georae!Tank Fuller, John T. Bressler llnd H. F. Wilson.


A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W Volume 52 Fall 2000 Number 1 B E F O R E D I S A B I L I T Y C I V I L R I G HT S : C I V I L W A R P E N S I O N S A N D TH E P O L I T I C S O F D I S A B I L I T Y I N

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~,. :'lr. H ~ j. l' , ...,~l. 0 ' ~ bl '!; 1'1. :<! f'~.., I,, r: t,... r':l G. t r,. 1'1 [<, . f' 1n. t.1 ~- n I'>' 1:1 , I. <1 ~'.. ,, 'l t (.) :;,/.I I n ri' ' r l ' rt ( n :' (I : d! n t, :?rj I),.. fl.),. f!..,,., til, ID f-i... j I. 't' r' t II!:t () (l r El,, (fl lj J4 ([) f., () :. -,,.,.I :i l:'!, :I J.A.. t,.. p, - ' I I I

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