Research Article Effects of Sugar Substitution with (Stevianna) on the Sensory Characteristics of Muffins

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1 Hindwi Journl of Food Qulity Volume 2017, Artile ID , 11 pges Reserh Artile Effets of Sugr Substitution with (Stevinn) on the Sensory Chrteristis of Muffins Jingrong Go, Mrgret A. Brennn, Susn L. Mson, nd Chrles S. Brennn Deprtment of Wine, Food nd Moleulr Biosienes, Linoln University, P.O. Box Linoln, Cnterbury 7647, New Zelnd Correspondene should be ddressed to Susn L. Mson; Reeived 8 September 2016; Revised 16 Deember 2016; Aepted 29 Deember 2016; Published 22 Februry 2017 Ademi Editor: Mri Rosri Corbo Copyright 2017 Jingrong Go et l. This is n open ess rtile distributed under the Cretive Commons Attribution Liense, whih permits unrestrited use, distribution, nd reprodution in ny medium, provided the originl work is properly ited. Sugr is min ingredient of muffins nd other bked produts, so removl or redution of surose negtively ffets produt pperne, texture, nd mouthfeel. The im of this study ws to investigte the olour, texturl properties, nd sensory hrteristis of sugr repled muffins mde using stevinn in ombintion with oo powder nd/or vnill. Optiml results were obtined with 50% stevinn, leding to muffins similr to the ontrol produts nd hving high level of eptne in sensory evlution. Sugr-free muffins (100% stevinn) were hrder in texture nd more ompt in rumb ompred to the ontrol. Results from sensory evlution lso illustrted tht 100% stevinn ddition led to muffins with poorer eptne, hrder texture, nd drier mouthfeel when ompred ginst the ontrol. This study lso investigted the use of oo powder nd/or vnill to msk the stevinn bitterness in terms of ftertste. 1. Introdution Consumers re beoming inresingly wre of the nutritionl qulity of food produts nd the link with helth. The prevlene of obesity nd overweight hs inresed drmtilly with suggestions tht in Europe the prevlene of obesity hd risen threefold sine the 1980s [1]. As result, the food industry hs foused on reduing lori ontent by prodution of sugr-free foods. However, ontinued onsumption of low-lorie foods is diffiult to hieve s these produtsreoftenevlutedshvingpoororgnolepti qulities [2]. Surose in bkery produts mkes mjor ontribution to providing sweetness, ontrolling moisture retention, influening ir inorportion, stbilising ir bubbles, nd limiting the swelling of strh during bking, ll of whih help to rete finer texture [3]. There re mny reports tht show redued surose produts to be less eptble thn their full-surose ounterprts [4 7]. The struturl nd sensory properties of the muffin system hve been shown to be influened by the redution in surose levels [8]. Therefore, intense sweeteners nnot solely reple sugr nd the food industry is fing the hllenge of developing new bkery produts where reduing surose ontent of bked goods would redue lories while mintining the sensory qulity nd the eptbility of the produt. It is importnt to find lterntive sugr replers for trditionl sugrs in order to improve the qulity of low-sugr muffins. Stevi is the generi term used for food ingredients tht re group of intensely sweet ompounds extrted nd purified from the herb Stevi rebudin (Bertoni). A more preise term for these ompounds is steviol glyoside. The min sweetening omponents in Stevi leves re stevioside nd rebudioside A [9]. Rebudioside A is high-intensity sweetener with reltive sweetness times tht of surose; however the bitterness tht presents s n ftertste ffets the sensory qulity of the finl produt [10]. Stevi hs been indited for use s sweetener by dibetis [11]. Sfety studies hve shown no side effets nd stevi hsbeenpprovedssfeingredientbyjecfa,who, nd FDA, with FSANZ (Food Sfety Austrli nd New Zelnd) setting n eptble dily intke (ADI) t 0 4mgsteviolequivlents[12].Stevinnombinesthemin sugr substitute of rebudioside A (98% steviol glyoside; 1%)witherythritol(99%)toprovideonetimesweetness of surose (produt ode ST001 SE supplied by Stevinn NZ). Erythritol, four-rbon sugr lohol with sweetness intensity vrying from 60% to 80% tht of surose [13], is useful funtionl food ingredient beuse it hs high

2 2 Journl of Food Qulity digestive tolerne (dily t doses of 1 g/kg body weight), is nonlori, nonriogeni, nd nonglyemi, nd hs been reported to hve ntioxidnt properties [14]. It is the only sugr lohol produed ommerilly by fermenttion of whet or orn strh [10]. Erythritol hs been lssified s nontoxi from ute nd subhroni studies in nimls [15], nd onsequently the FDA hs delred erythritol generlly reognized s sfe (GRAS) for use in foods. In bkery produts, using stevi to reple surose uses n inrese in hrdness, ohesiveness, nd toughness of ke struture nd hs therefore been evluted s being suitble for high sweetness intensity but it does not support texture hrteristis [4]. Similrly, Edelstein et l. [6] found tht ompred with other rtifiil sweeteners stevi produed lest desirble upkes when repling surose on w/w bsis. They lso reported tht stevi hd distint bitterness in flvour or strong ftertste tht ould limit its pplition in foods. However, dding hydroolloids, sugr lohols, or plnt fibres my hve positive effet on the loss of volume nd bulk when the mount of surose is redued in bkery produts [10]. Lin et l. [16] reported tht use of erythritol sthebulkinggentforsugrreplementinhiffonkes resulted in desirble physil qulity hrteristis but indited tht if 100% surose ws repled by erythritol there ws signifintlossofsweetness. Zhn et l. [17] used ombintion of inulin with rebudioside A to mke redued sugr muffins nd illustrted tht the resulting produts hd hrteristis lose to referene muffin formultion s determined by sensory evlution. Bev et l. [18] lso demonstrted tht omplete surose substitution ould be hieved by repling sugr with sprtme nd bulking gents (sorbitol, whet strh, nd whet germ) in sponge kes for dibetis. Additionlly replement of 50% surose by mixture of erythritol nd surlose in redued ft hiffon kes resulted in no negtive influenes on the sensory nd physil qulity hrteristis [19]. It is well known tht onsumers re highly sensitive to even smll vritions in sweetness [5]. Mrtínez-Cerver et l. [8] studied the effet of polyols on the eptbility of muffins nd showed no differenes for sensory eptne. Similr results hve been obtined in studies using sweeteners in kes, where overll eptne followed losely the sores of texturl properties nd tste [7]. Mnish et l. [20] onduted reserh using mixture of stevioside nd liquid sorbitol in kes illustrting tht hedoni response profiles sended grdully with inresing surose replement ontent. Our previous work [21] illustrted the effet of surose replement by stevinn in muffins nd onluded tht replement of up to 50% of sugr resulted in produts with texturl qulities similr to full-sugr muffins. This mnusript fouses on the effet of sugr replement by two levels of stevinn in muffin produts with the ddition of oo powder nd/or vnill. The usefulness of oo powder nd/or vnill to msk ny potentil ftertste tht my result from the inorportion of stevinn ws evluted. The formulted muffins were evluted for their physil properties (olour nlysis nd texturl properties) vi instrumentl nlysis. A sensory pnel ws lso used to ompre the effet of sugr replement on the produt s sensory properties. All muffins were ompred to ontrol muffin formultion with no dded stevinn, oo powder, or vnill. 2. Mterils nd Methods 2.1. Rw Mterils. Muffins were prepred ontining 0%, 50%, nd 100% stevinn (produt ode ST001 SE; Stevinn, New Zelnd) s replement for surose. Stevinn utilizes one perent Reb-A 98% steviol glyoside s the min sugr substitute long with erythritol (99%). Whet flour (Medl Premium Bker Flour, Chmpion, New Zelnd), white sugr (Chelse, New Zelnd), bking powder (Edmonds, New Zelnd), iodised tble slt (Cerebos, New Zelnd), skim milk powder (0.1 ft, Pms, New Zelnd), 100% oo powder (Cdbury, New Zelnd), vnill (Hnsells, Austrli), nol oil (Pms, New Zelnd), nd fresh eggs were purhsed from lol supermrket nd tp wter ws used Muffin Preprtion. Muffins were prepred bsed on the reipe previously desribed [21] using ingredients shown in Tble1.Bkedmuffinswereooledtroomtemperturefor 1 h, then pked in plsti reselble bgs, nd stored t 4 C until physil nlysis. Muffins for sensory evlution were prepred on the morning of eh tril Physil Mesurement on Muffins. Firmness nd springiness of the muffin smples were determined with Texture Anlyzer (Stble Mirosystems, Godlming, UK) using the Texture Expert softwre provided. Mesurements were onduted using 50 kg lod ell nd 75 mm ylindril probe. The texture prmeters were determined with test speed of 1.0 mm/s nd the pplition of strin of 25% of the originl height. The ompression test ws obtined from the two primry texturl prmeters from the urves, s lulted by the Texture Expert softwre. The test ws performed on four muffins from eh reipe. The olours of inside (rumb) nd top of muffin (rust) smples were nlysed using Tristimulus Colour Anlyzer (Minolt Chrom Meter CR200, Minolt Cmer Co., Jpn). The instrument ws equipped with CR200 mesuring hed onneted to miroomputer nd ws librted using the stndrd white tile (L 98.03, 0.23, nd b 0.25). Mesurements were onduted in triplite, nd the results re expressed s men for L,,ndb vlues of the illuminnt C system (CIE, stndrd, 6774 K). In ddition, results re expressed s totl olour differene (ΔE ) between ontrol smple nd sugr-redued produts ording to the following eqution [22]: ΔE = ΔL 2 +Δ 2 +Δb 2, (1) where L is brightness nd rnges from 0 (blk) to 100 (white), is redness from +100 (redness) to 100 (greenness), nd b is the yellowness from +100 (yellowness) to 100 (blueness). The pereption of the olour differene ΔE hs been observed to vry ording to the olour nd the sensitivity

3 Journl of Food Qulity 3 Tble 1: Formuls for muffins t two stevinn levels, with or without oo powder nd/or vnill. Formultion C V CP CP+V 50S 50S+V 50S+CP 50S+CP+V 100S 100S+V 100S+CP 100S+CP+V Ingredients Mss (g) Whet flour Sugr Bking powder Slt Skim milk powder Oil Liquid whole egg Top wter Coo Powder Vnill Stevinn Smple nme of formultion: ontrol (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP); 50% stevinn + oo + vnill (50S + CP + V); 100% stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V).

4 4 Journl of Food Qulity Tble 2: Desription of the sle nhors used from left side to right side. Vribles tegory Visully Colour Texture Mouthfeel Sweetness Overll liking Sle nhors Not t ll ppeling to extremely ppeling Extremely light to extremely drk Extremely soft to extremely hrd Extremely moist to extremely dry Not sweet t ll to extremely sweet Dislike extremely to like extremely of the humn eye [23]. When ΔE is less thn 1 no olour differene is obvious to the humn eye; 1 <ΔE < 3minor olour differenes ould be ppreited by the humn eye depending on the hue, nd when ΔE > 3 olour differenes reobviousforthehumneye[24]. The three-dimensionl L,,ndb olour re lso expressed s browning index (BI), s shown in the eqution below [22]: BI = 100 (X 0.31), (2) where X= L /(5.645L b ) Sensory Evlution. Sensory evlution ws onduted in the food sensory suite t Linoln University. The tril ws pproved by the Linoln University humn ethi ommittee ( ). Pnellists were reruited by emil nd were not informed of the tretments. Potentil pnellists who hd historyofseriousnphyltiretiontonyfoodor history of signifint bowel disese (inluding Crohn s; ulertive olitis; Coeli s disese) were exluded. The experiment involved three sessions whih were onduted over 3 weeks. A onsumer pnel of 40 untrined pnellists (stff nd students of Linoln University) ompleted the sensory evlution study. In this study, muffins were ut into qurters, reveling both rust nd rumb. Pnellists reeived four smples of muffins t the first tsting session, nd 5 smples were provided t eh of the following two sessions. All smples were oded with rndom 3-digit numbers nd were served simultneously on white plsti trys. Line sles of 15 m were used to reord pnellists opinions. Line sles re more ommon thn tegory sles in ontemporry sensory studies. Their dvntges re tht they void deisions by the experimenter bout tegory lbels nd sping nd tht they re less onstrining in tul use by the pnellists. Pnellists indite their judgments by pling mrk t ny point on the line nd so my indite minor differenes between produts whih my hve been grouped together under tegory sle [25]. The detiled informtion ofslenhorsisshownintble2.theresponsetegories were pperne, olour, texture, mouthfeel, sweetness, nd overll liking of the muffin. Pnellists were sked diretly bout the presene of n ftertste nd if present to desribe it Sttistil Anlysis Dt Anlysis of Physil Mesurements. All physil results were nlysed using Minitb 17 in one-wy ANOVA model. Signifine ws determined using Tukey s omprison test (P < 0.05) Dt Anlysis of Sensory Evlution. For ll produts, prtiipnt rtings on the lbelled 15 m line sle were mesured geometrilly to produe ftor vlues (m). In the dt proessing proedure, the ontrol vlue ws subtrted from the smple vlue for eh prmeter for eh prtiipnt before the dt ws nlysed. The ontrol smple vlues were usedsthereltivevlue(0)forehprmeterinthisstudy, s the ontrol muffin ws presented t eh session with the restofthesmplesndwsevlutedinrndomordermong pnellists. This gives positive or negtive vlue whih n be interpreted s being more or less thn the ontrol s shown in Tble 3. Thus, figures obtined in the present work re reltive vlues. Dt from ssessment of pperne, olour, texture, mouthfeel, sweetness, nd overll liking were evluted seprtely by nlysis of vrine (one-wy ANOVA) using Minitb 17. A vlue of P < 0.05 ws seleted for sttistil signifine using Tukey s omprison test. Responses to questionboutpreseneofftertstewereodeds 0 for no-ftertste nd 1 for n ftertste. The ftertste dt ws evluted using nominl logisti regression of Minitb 17. In order to nlyse the reltionship between different produts types bsed on the individul response tegories, priniple omponent nlysis (PCA) ws performed on individul dt using Minitb 17. Briefly, this method ttempted to explin the reltionship between vribles nd eh mjor xis produed is result of their joint ontribution. In order to produe meningful results, the first two or three xes must ount for onsiderble perentge of the totl vrine [26]. 3. Results nd Disussion 3.1. Colour Anlysis of the Muffins. Theolourofmuffinsisn importntftorwhihffetstheeptbilityoftheprodut nd is diretly influened by the rw mterils used in the formultion. Figure 1 is photo of smples of the muffins nd demonstrtes the olour hnges with eh tretment. Figures 2 nd 3 show L,,ndb : the lightness, the redness, nd the yellowness, respetively. The smples were divided into two groups: without oo powder nd with oo powder (Tble 4) Crust Colour. In the group without oo powder, L vlues of muffins were not ffeted by the replement of surose with stevinn. Smples ontining stevinn hd higher vlues (redness) when ompred to the ontrol while smples with 100% stevinn (100S nd 100S + V) hd signifintly lower (P < 0.05) menvluefortheyellowness (b ) thn the ontrols. The hnges in nd b vlues my be beuse stevinn is thermos stble nd ontins nonreduing substnes, does not ret with mino ids by Millrd retion [6], nd hs limited rmeliztion. This is

5 Journl of Food Qulity 5 Vribles tegory Tble 3: Desription of lulted ftor vlues. Ftor vlues fter lultion Positive (+) 0 Negtive ( ) Visully Better thn ontrol Sme s Control Worse thn ontrol Colour Drker thn ontrol Sme s Control Lighter thn ontrol Texture Hrder thn ontrol Sme s Control Softer thn ontrol Mouthfeel Dryer thn ontrol Sme s Control Moister thn ontrol Sweetness Sweeter thn ontrol Sme s Control Less sweet thn ontrol Overll liking Better thn ontrol Sme s Control Worse thn ontrol There vlues re reltive to ontrol muffin. Control +50% S Coo powder Control Vnill Coo powder + vnill Crumb olour d d d b b b L b b b b b de d b b ef f f def def ef b +100% S Figure 1: Effet of stevinn without/with oo powder nd/or vnill on the rumb olour of muffin. muffins re, from left to right nd top to bottom, ontrol (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP); 50% stevinn + oo + vnill (50S + CP + V); 100% stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn+vnill(100s+v);100%stevinn+oo(100s+cp); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V). C V CP CP + V 50S 50S + V 50S+CP 50S + CP +V 100S 100S + V 100S + CP 100S + CP + V Figure 3: Effet of stevinn without/with oo powder nd/or vnill on the rumb olour of muffin. Control (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP);50%stevinn+oo+vnill(50S+CP+V);100%stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V). Crust olour b b L d b b b C 50S 100S V 50S + V 100S + V CP CP + V 50S+CP 50S + CP +V 100S + CP 100S + CP + V Figure 2: Effet of stevinn without/with oo powder nd/or vnill on the rust olour of muffin. Control (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn+vnill(50s+v);50%stevinn+oo(50s+cp); 50%stevinn+oo+vnill(50S+CP+V);100%stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V). b b b b b in keeping with the findings of Mrtínez-Cerver et l. [27], whih showed the ddition of erythritol in muffins ppered not to influene the rust olour. The ddition of vnill lso filed to hnge the olour of the muffin rust. Within the group with oo powder, rust L,,ndb vlues were not signifintly different for 0%, 50%, nd 100% stevinn with or without vnill muffins (Figure 2). In the group without oo power (Tble 4), the stevinn ontining smples hd ΔE > 3 ompred to the ontrol smples nd were ppreibly different by the humn eye. The rust ΔE vlues of muffins with oo powder were notbly higher thn those of the ontrol muffin (Tble 4). The drk olour of oo powder used in this study influened the overllolourofthemuffins.akesown[19]showedsimilr result in tht the inlusion of oo powder ffeted the rust olour of the muffins. No signifint differenes were found in rust ΔE duetotheuseofstevinninthegroupwith oo powder. The results indited tht the oo powder diminished the rust olour hnge from stevinn.

6 6 Journl of Food Qulity Tble 4: Totl olour differene (ΔE ) nd the browning index (BI) of muffin determined using different stevinn levels without/with oo powder nd/or vnill. Produt Colour Crust Crumb L b ΔE BI L b ΔE BI Without-oo-powder group C ± ± 2.09 d ± ± b ± ± ± 1.11 de ± 1.14 e V ± ± 1.67 b ± ± 9.74 b ± ± ± 1.23 d ± 1.25 e 50S ± ± 0.57 b ± ± ± ± ± 1.04 b ± 1.16 de 50S + V ± ± 1.94 b ± ± ± ± ± ± 1.44 bd 100S ± ± 0.41 b ± 1.64 b ± 5.55 b ± ± ± 0.46 b ± 0.41 d 100S + V ± ± ± 0.39 b ± 1.81 b ± ± ± ± 1.41 bd With-oo-powder group CP ± 1.03 d ± ± ± 6.24 b ± 1.36 d 5.04 ± ± 0.20 ef ± 2.13 CP + V ± 0.16 d ± ± ± b ± 0.90 d 6.70 ± 0.96 b ± 0.43 f ± 2.21 b 50S + CP ± 0.31 d ± ± ± 1.96 b ± 0.69 d 7.56 ± 0.84 b ± 0.44 f ± 1.95 bd 50S + CP + V ± 0.25 d ± ± ± 0.69 b ± 0.70 b 6.48 ± 1.10 b ± 0.36 def ± 1.87 b 100S + CP ± 0.34 d 9.90 ± ± ± ± 0.57 b 6.62 ± 0.31 b ± 0.41 def ± 0.42 b 100S + CP + V ± 0.20 d ± ± ± 2.95 b ± 0.08 b 7.41 ± 0.37 b ± 0.38 ef ± 1.03 bd All mesurements re men vlues ± SD of triplite determintions. Mens in the sme olumn with different letters re signifintly different (P < 0.05). Control (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP); 50% stevinn + oo + vnill (50S + CP + V); 100% stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V).

7 Journl of Food Qulity Crumb Colour. For the group without oo powder, Figure 3 presents b vlues whih indite greter yellowness (P < 0.05)oftherumbof50nd100%stevinnwithvnill muffin, but the mesured L nd vlues of olour did not show ny signifint differenes. The rumb ΔE vlues for 100% stevinn smples without oo powder were in exess of 3 units; however these vlues were lower thn the rust ΔE vlues (Tble 4). The differene between the rumb nd rust olour ws due to the ft tht the rumb temperture does not get s high s the rust tempertures nd therefore rmeliztion retion does not our in the rumb [28]. Within group ontining oo powder, s the level of stevinn inresed, the rumb ΔE vlue showed deresing trend, inditing slightly lighter rumb ws obtined s result of the stevinn substitute. vlues nd b vlues from the muffin rumb indited tht both the red nd yellow olour did not hnge signifintly due to different mounts of stevinn with oo powder nd/or vnill. However, the lightness of muffin rumb ws ffeted (P < 0.05) by the 100% stevinn replement in muffins with oo powder (Figure 3). Lin et l. [16] reported tht the ddition of erythritol used L vlues to inrese in the rumb olour Browning Index. BI is presented in Tble 4. The BI is n pproprite index for investigting the olour differenes in stevinn muffins due to the brown olour observed fter the oo powder ddition (Tble 4). Overll, in muffins ontining oo powder, olour hnges observed due to the different stevinn levels were less intense in the rust thn in the rumb. This is beuse the rust olour is ffeted minly by Millrd nd rmeliztion retions, while the rumb olour depends to higher extent on rw mterils [29]. The ddition of oo powder resulted in signifintly higher vlues (P < 0.05)ofBIthntheontrolsmple Texturl Properties. Firmness nd springiness re the min texturl properties of muffin, whih re relted to qulity. Texturl nlysis provides n urte estimtion of firmness through mesurement of the mximum fore during the 1st ompression. Springiness provides informtion bout the smple s reovery from deformtion, with springiness referring to the reovery between 2 ompressions [30]. With respet to surose replement, the 100% stevinn (100S) muffin showed firmness vlues signifintly higher (P < 0.05) thn the ontrol (Figure 4), while springiness deresed when 100% of the surose ws repled by stevinn (Figure 5). Overll, these results indite tht the ddition of 100% stevinn s sugr repler in muffins gve hrder nd more rumbly muffins with more ompt, less erted rumb. These results ould be relted to the bility of sugr to retrd the geltiniztion of strh, whih hs been found to led to softening effet on bkery produts [31]. Therefore, removing sugr from the muffin ws responsible for the effet on muffin firmness nd springiness. Similrly, Mrtínez- Cerver et l. [27] showed signifintly higher firmness vlues in the surose-free muffins when using 100% surose replement with erythritol thn in ontrol muffins. Akesown [19] Firmness (g) C b b b b V CP CP + V 50S b b b b 50S + V Figure 4: Firmness vlues for muffins ontining two levels of stevinn s sugr repler with or without oo powder nd vnill. Control (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP); 50% stevinn + oo + vnill (50S + CP + V); 100% stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V). Springiness (%) b b b b C V CP CP + V 50S 50S + V 50S + CP 50S + CP + V b 100S 100S + V 100S + CP Figure 5: Springiness vlues for muffins mde from two levels of stevinn s sugr repler with or without oo powder nd vnill. Control (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP); 50% stevinn + oo + vnill (50S + CP + V); 100% stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V). lsofoundninreseinthefirmnessofsugr-freehiffon kes prepred with n erythritol-surlose mixture. No signifint differenes in firmness or springiness were found t 50% surose replement with stevinn ompred with the ontrol smple (Figures 4 nd 5). The results were onsistent with previous reserh [21]. When only 50% of sugr is removed, there is still suffiient sugr present to support better texture Sensory Evlution. In order to ssess the eptbility of the muffins formultions, sensory evlution ws rried out. The trnsformed dt of rust olour, mouthfeel, texture, sweetness, pperne, nd overll liking of the low-sugr muffins with/without oo powder nd/or vnill re presented in Tble 5. 50S + CP 50S + CP + V 100S 100S + V 100S + CP 100S + CP + V 100S + CP + V

8 8 Journl of Food Qulity Tble 5: Sensory evlution of hlf-sugr/sugr-free muffins in omprison with the ontrol muffin whih ws tken s reltive vlue nd proessed ftor vlues for eh experimentl smple. Type Colour Mouthfeel Sweetness Texture Visully Overll liking V 0.82 b 0.18 d b 0.31 b 0.24 b CP d b b CP + V d b S 0.38 b 0.42 d b S + V 0.3 b 0.46 d b S + CP bd b b 50S + CP + V bd b b 100S 1.01 b 1.74 b S + V 0.34 b 1.49 bd S + CP b S + CP + V b b Men vlues with the sme supersript letter within the sme olumn re not signifintly different t P < Crust Colour. Muffin smples ontining stevinn t levels 50% nd 100% with or without vnill were judged not to be signifintly different in rust olour to the ontrol, beuse the properties of stevinn do not ffet the rust olour of muffin. This result ws onsistent with the instrumentl nlysis. Understndbly, muffins ontining oo powder showed signifintly drker rust olour (P < 0.05). Pnellist rtings greed with ΔE vlues, whih indited tht the rust of muffins beme drker when the oo powder ws dded. Mrtínez-Cerver et l. [24] evluted the effets of oo ddition on sensory hrteristis of rust olour, nd smples were pereived to hve stronger hoolte olour thn the ontrol muffin. Generlly, the sensory evlution of rust olour followed the instrumentl mesurements, while the pnellists did not distinguish the minor differenes deteted by the olorimeter Mouthfeel nd Texture. The sensory evlution of texture ws in good greement with the instrumentl mesurement of firmness. The muffins with 50% sugr replement were evluted s not signifintly different to the ontrol muffin in terms of texture nd mouthfeel. At 100% stevinn replement levels, ll muffins, with/without oo powder nd/or vnill, were pereived s being signifintly hrder nd hving drier mouthfeel (P < 0.05) when ompred to ontrol. The trend in mouthfeel is ounter to the moisture ontentofthemuffins(dtnotshown)ndmyreflet the humetnt effet of the erythritol holding wter ontent. Instrumentl texture profile nlysis lso indited tht higher levels of stevinn hd negtive effet on the texture qulity of the muffin. Severl uthors hve obtined similr results in other lowered sugr produts. For instne, Akesown [19] inluded differing levels of erythritol-surlose in ke formultions nd found tht with inresing ontent of erythritol-surlose the ke texture beme hrder thn the ontrol. Mrtínez-Cerver et l. [32] lso found signifintly lower texture sores in low-surose muffins prepred with surlosethnontrols Apperne. The 100% stevinn muffins with/without oo powder nd/or vnill were signifintly (P < 0.05) less ppeling thn those mde with 0% nd 50% stevinn, showing tht when higher levels of stevinn were used muffins lost visul ppel. It is likely tht the flt upper surfe of the muffins resulted in the lowest pnellist visul rtings for 100S muffins Sweetness. Compred with ontrol smples, there ws no signifint differene in pnellist rtings for sweetness of the sugr-free or sugr-redued muffins without oo powder. It ppers tht the mount of stevinn dded to the formultions is theoretilly equl to the mount of surose in the bsi formultion of the muffins, sine stevinn produt is 1 time sweeter thn surose. Tble 5 illustrtes tht the use of inresing mounts of stevinn with oo powder resulted in slightly lower pereived sweetness when ompred ginst other muffin smples; however this ws not signifint. The bitterness of oo powder ould hve ffeted the pereived sweetness of the muffin. The result is in greement with previous findings whih showed tht sugr replement by different polyols in sponge kes did not ffet the overll sweetness of the produt when surose ws repled by xylitol, sorbitol, nd mltitol [33] Overll Liking. The pnellists rtings for overll liking tended to derese with inresing surose replement level, following the trend observed for the other sensory prmeters. Those muffins prepred with 50% stevinn were not signifintly different to the ontrol muffin nd were more highly ppreited by pnellists thn the 100% sugr-free muffins. The lowest overll liking rtings were obtined when 100% stevinn ws in the muffin produts; these muffins hd poor pperne, hrd texture, nd dry mouthfeel. The sensory result shows the poor overll liking rtings of 100S muffin produts were minly due to the effets of pperne, mouthfeel, nd texture. Struk et l. [34] reported similr observtions, illustrting tht prtil surose replement by rebudioside A resulted in produts hving similr overll liking to the ontrol muffin used. The smple with 50% of the sugr repled by the stevinn hd similr visul pperne, olour, texture, mouthfeel, nd overll liking to the ontrol muffin.

9 Journl of Food Qulity 9 Tble 6: Pnellist desriptors nd frequeny of ftertste in muffin produts. Aftertste Desriptors Totl ount (number of times) No-ftertste NA 475 Bitterness Choolte flvour, drk hoolte, bitter hoolte tste, oo tste 37 Other ftertstes Artifiil sweet, egg, bking sod, sour, flour tste, not good ftertste, little bitter, plnt Aftertste. In preliminry study with muffins ontining stevinn, bitter ftertste ws noted so the dded flvoured ingredients were tested for their msking effet on this negtive tste. Coo powder nd vnill were hosen s lssi muffin flvour with nturl bitterness nd sweetness, respetively. Tble 6 presents the ftertste results obtined by nlysing the desriptions given by pnellists over the three sensory nlysis sessions onduted for ll types of muffin smple. It n be seen tht 8.6% of pnellists noted some ftertste nd used words suh s little bitterness, rtifiil sweetness, sour, nd flour tste, in muffins without oo powder. Aording to the pnellist desriptions, stevinn substitution in ontrol muffins resulted in the ourrene of little bitterness whih is ttributed to the inherent bitterness of steviol glyosides [9]. Of the totl number of prtiipnts, 6.6% of the pnellists expressed n ftertste of bitterness tht ws ssoited with the oo powder ontining muffins ndhenemybereltedtotheflvourofoo.when nominl logisti regression ws fitted to dt it showed the stevinn muffins hd bitter response, with the min bitterness derived from the presene of oo powder (P < 0.05). In this group of pnellists, the overll liking improved when vnill ws dded to the oo formultion (Tble 6). This implied tht the ddition of oo powder ould msk the stevinn bitterness in terms of tste nd tht the ddition of vnill enhned the flvour in muffins. This observtion is similr to results obtined by Hui nd Nip [3] nd Belščk- Cvitnović et l. [35] who reorded tht the presene of vnill in erel produts serves to enhne the sweetness of produts through both flvour nd odour reeptors Prinipl Component Anlysis. In order to illustrte the differenes between produt types bsed on individul pnellist pereptions of senstion, prinipl omponent nlysis (PCA) ws utilized. The group verge plot (Figure 6) shows tht ll the muffin smples were seprted, nd the replites of eh muffin nlysis were lose to eh other inditing tht the pnel evlution ws onsistent [36]. PCA extrted two omponents tht explined 96.5% of thevrition.thefirstomponentwhihsegregtedthe smples bsed on sugr replement nd ddition of oo powder/vnill ws positively orrelted with the ttributes of pperne, overll liking, nd sweetness nd negtively orrelted with mouthfeel nd texture (explining 64.5% of the vrition). The seond omponent, whih explined 32.0% of the vrition, ws minly positively orrelted with rust olour. Consequently, the sensory hrteristis of ll the smples re minly explined by the positive side of prinipl omponent1(pc1).thesesmples(v,cp,cp+v,50s,50s+ V, 50S + CP, nd 50S + CP + V) possessed the highest rting Prinipl omponent 2 (32.0%) S + CP 3 100S + CP + V 100S + V Mouthfeel Texture 100S Colour 50S + CP + V Sweetness 50S + CP CP + V CP Apperne Overll linking V 50S 50S + V Prinipl omponent 1 (64.5%) Figure 6: Prinipl omponent nlysis of muffin ttributes. Control (C); vnill (V); oo powder (CP); oo + vnill (CP + V); 50% stevinn (50S); 50% stevinn + vnill (50S + V); 50% stevinn + oo (50S + CP); 50% stevinn + oo + vnill (50S + CP + V); 100% stevinn (100S); 100% stevinn + vnill (100S + V); 100% stevinn + oo (100S + CP); 100% stevinn + oo + vnill (100S + CP + V). for pperne, overll liking, nd sweetness. Muffins mde bythedditionof100%stevinnshowednegtiveoordintes long PC1 nd were minly hrterized by ttributes mouthfeel nd texture s n index of the texturl properties of the smple. The min desriptor whih ws ssoited with PC2 is rust olour, when with-oo-powder smples were more distnt from the without-oo-powder smples orresponding to differentitions in hoolte olour. Therefore, the results of this study indite the potentil of using stevinn to ompletely reple sugr when ombined with oo powder nd vnill to hieve the desired sweetness of food produt. However, further optimizing is required to obtin muffins with stisftory texturl properties nd mouthfeel nd n ppeling pperne tht would stisfy onsumer preferene. 4. Conlusions The results of this investigtion show tht n enourging option nd novel formultion of muffin prodution with stevinn nd oo powder/vnill were developed. Muffins formulted with prtil replement of surose with up to 50% stevinn hd sensory nd texture hrteristis omprble with muffins prepred with 100% surose. When 100% stevinn repled sugr in the sugr-free formultion some negtive sensory rtings were observed, nmely, bitter ftertste, poor pperne, hrd texture, nd dry mouthfeel leding, to redued eptbility. Coo powder nd vnill were dded to the formultion with stevinn in n ttempt to msk ny bitter ftertste rising from the stevinn nd to

10 10 Journl of Food Qulity enhne produt flvour. While this ws suessful in some sensory properties, 100% stevinn muffins possessed poor physil qulities nd were ssoited with texture filure. Further work is required to ondut n in vitro digestion nlysis to ssess whether the sugr replement of the muffins n led to redution in the predited glyemi response from the muffin mteril. Competing Interests The uthors delre tht there is no onflit of interests regrding the publition of this pper. Aknowledgments TheuthorswishtothnkMirimHodgeforssistnewith sttistil nlyses. Referenes [1] F.Brn,H.Nikogosin,ndT.Lobstein,Chllenge of Obesity in the WHO Europen Region nd the Strtegies for Response, EURO Nonseril Publition (CH: World Helth Orgniztion Regionl Offie for Europe), [2] H. M. Devereux, G. P. Jones, L. MCormk, nd W. C. Hunter, Consumer eptbility of low ft foods ontining inulin nd oligofrutose, Journl of Food Siene, vol.68,no.5,pp , [3] Y.-H. Hui nd W.-K. 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