Explaining the Phenomenon of Neutrino Particles Moving Faster than Light Speed. Le Van Cuong

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1 1 Explaining the Phenomenon of Neutrino Particles Moving Faster than Light Speed Le Van Cuong Abstract: According to published scientific information, scientists at CERN (European) used instruments in GPS satellites to calculate the velocity of the neutrino particles and they find that the neutrino particles are faster than the speed of light. This proves that the space and time which are changed by the change of gravitational field in Einstein's General Relativity is correct. It also clearly demonstrates that the speed of light is relative rather than absolutely constant and equal to c299,792 km/s 300,000 km/s, true in all inertial reference system. If time data measured by the device in GPS satellite system that provides scientists at CERN have used it to calculate the velocity of the neutrino particles are right, then is also not possible to conclude: Einstein's special relativity is wrong and will collapse completely. In contrast, the time data measured by the GPS satellite system provider, (because these scientists calculate that the neutrino particle velocity is faster than the speed of light), makes the physical science in world will understand better and know how to fix the flaws in Einstein's special relativity so that it has higher value. Explains this as follows: According to relativity, the space and time dependent gravitational field. In space and time where the strong gravitational field will be different in space and time where there is a weak gravitational field. Gravitational field on Earth's surface is stronger than gravitational field in the air, where there are the orbits of GPS satellites. Thus space and time on the surface of the Earth will be different with the space and time in the air, where there are the orbits of GPS satellites. Assuming if we consider the surface of the Earth as a reference system, in which space (distance) with unit of measure is kilometers: km and time with unit of measure is second: s, then, where there are the orbits of GPS satellites is also a reference system, in which space (distance) with unit of measure is kilometers: km' and the time with unit of measure is seconds:. Measurement units: km and s are different from units of measurement: km' and. And km > km' and s >, because the gravitational field on the surface of the Earth is stronger than the gravitational field in the air, where the orbits of GPS satellites. Assuming In the orbits of GPS satellites, GPS system calculates the time-lapse measurements of photon (light quanta) started from A (CERN in Switzerland) in a

2 2 straight line (the distance: AB 731 km) to B (Gran Sasso in Italy). The orbits of GPS satellites in the sky, so GPS satellites is as a frame of reference with a measurement system, in which are unit of space (distance): km' and the unit of time:. The fact that a frame of reference: GPS satellite with units of space and time: km' and, so naturally measuring devices in the GPS satellites must be calculated by this measurement units. So time when photon (light quanta) goes from A to B would be: AB ' t ' c 300,000km' / 731 ( 300,000 (c 300,000 km'/ and AB 731 km', because the calculation in frame of reference: GPS satellites, we must calculate measurement units of space: km' and time: ). If time measurements of photon (light quanta) when it moves over distance AB, (moving from A to B on a straight line with distance: AB 731 km) with the units of measurement of space:: km and time: s, which are in frame of reference: the earth's surface, we get: AB 731 t ( ). s c 300,000km / s 300,000 (c 300,000 km/s and AB 731 km, because the calculation in frame of reference: the earth's surface, we must calculate measurement units of space: km and time: s ) Compare between t and t 'or s and, we find that if t or s, the relativity of Einstein claimed space and time depends on the gravitational field is not correct. Space and time depends on the gravitational field only when t or s. And s > or t > in place of reference for spatial unit: km and time: s and have a stronger gravitational field in place of reference for spatial unit: km' and time:. To more easily understood and consistent with General Relativity, we set t /γ or s /γ, (where γ is called the coefficient of variation of space and time as the Theory of Relativity, with γ 1). If t > t 'or s > is the coefficient of space and time between two frames of reference, with γ > 1. Until now the physical sciences in the world who have not tested, this experiment. No one can understand or do not care about problems of space and time depends on the gravitational field in General Relativity. So it raises a new incident at CERN, scientists use satellite equipment GPS to measure the velocity of neutrino particles and they find that it faster than the speed of light: According to published information, the scientists at CERN have been used in equipment for testing GPS satellites to measure the velocity of neutrino particles as they move from A (at CERN in Switzerland) to B (at Gran Sasso in Italy) on the line (with distance: AB 731 km). From the calculation results of time-lapse: (when the neutrino particle moves from A to B) provided by the GPS satellites and applying the formula: v AB /, calculate the results: ).

3 3 and v AB AB > c 300,000km / s t t s AB AB 731 < t ( ). s v v c 300,000km / s 300,000 (Of which: t is the time when the light: c moves on distance: AB ; is the time when the neutrino particle moving with velocity v in road AB according to the GPS satellite system provided. If calculation with velocity: v, the neutrino particles will move faster than the speed of light: c 300,000 km/s). Consider the calculation of the actual testing of neutrino velocity particles in the system data on GPS devices provided above, we see the scientists at CERN should only explain and conclude: 1, Whether perceptions measurement units of all frames of reference are the same as standard measurement systems on earth (km km' and s ), the time: in a frame of reference: satellite GPS, is also faster than time: t in a frame of reference: the earth s surface, (t > ). Actually measured: t > and t /γ, ie γ > 1, it means that there was the coefficient of variation of time between two frames of reference. Thus Einstein's General Relativity claimed space and time depend on the strength or weakness of the gravitational field is correct, and this is automatically tested by actual experiment to measure the velocity of the neutrino particles. 2, - We can not confirm the velocity of the neutrino particle faster than the speed of light: c in the frame of reference: the earth surface, (in our frame of reference). Because measurements can not take the result of time of this frame of reference to do result of calculation for another frame of reference. Specifically, in calculation we can not use time: in the frame of reference: GPS satellite to calculate the velocity for the frame of reference: the Earth's surface. Or we will can not calculate if the equation in which there are units of two frames of reference. For example, we will can not calculate equation: v, because the unit of space (distance AB 731 km) is km belong to the frame of reference: the earth's surface, but the unit of time: which is belong to the frame of reference: GPS satellite, ( s). We can only calculate the velocity v with unit of time: s and unit of space: km, because km and s are belong to the frame of reference: the earth's surface, for example as the formula: v. t t s - The truth GPS satellites measured drift time: < t, so the velocity: v of the neutrino particles must be calculated by units of the frame of reference: GPS satellite, it is v ' '. Applying the formula: t /γ or s s /γ and km' km /γ,

4 4 (because between two frames of reference: GPS satellite and the earth's surface appears coefficient for change of space and time: γ > 1), we get: v ' 731.( km / γ ) ( ).(1/ γ ) ( ). 1 ( s / γ ) t s t s γ (Calculating such, because velocity of two inertial frame of reference with different units of space and time are only congruent with each other, but not equal each other. To better understand for this, please reading: "The mathematical postulate:1/2 2/4" in the journal GSJ). Because: AB c ( ) 300,000km / s t t s ' 1 v ( )., So t s γ γ c, with γ > 1. From v c /γ and with γ > 1, so in fact at the frame of reference: the earth's surface, the velocity v of the neutrino particle is smaller than the velocity of light c. Symptoms: < t or t /γ by the equipment in the frame of reference: GPS satellites measured, we can be understood and explained that the time lapse in the frame of reference: GPS satellite is faster than time drift in the frame of reference: the earth's surface. Because time in the frame of reference: GPS satellite passes more quickly, so, the receiving and processing the information in the GPS satellite are faster than the receiving and processing the information in the frame of reference: the earth s surface when space and time of GPS satellite and the earth's surface are the same. To better understand this, please refer to the following explanation: Assuming GPS satellite navigation in the air at the point C so that the three points C, A and B (A at CERN and at Gran Sasso B) forming isosceles triangle with the base is AB. The next point I in the middle of the CA and BC, and time passes: t 1 IC /c, (c is the speed of light and IC CI BI AI), and time passes: 1 IC / c', ( IC CI and c' is the velocity of light in the case of GPS satellites as reference system with faster time-lapse frames of reference: the earth's surface, 1 < t 1, and with the units of measurements of space and time are km' and ). Set the time when the light: c moves from A to B is t 2 AB /c. A GPS satellite, (at point C ) turn on the light ray and light ray moves to the point A, at A sets a mirror to reflect light ray to the point B, at B also sets a mirror so that light ray back GPS satellite at the point C. Compare travel time of light ray when it from GPS satellite comes to point A, from A to B, then from B back the GPS satellite in the two cases: first case, GPS satellite and the earth's surface are in a frame of reference with homogeneous space and time. The second case, GPS satellite and the earth's surface are two frames of reference with different space and time, with 1 < t 1 and km' < km. We see travel time of light ray in the first case is greater in the second case. ( See this illustration in Figure 1).

5 5 - Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for the results of actual data provided by GPS satellites (calculated neutrino particle velocity faster than the speed of light, < t) that the velocity of the neutrino particle moves from A (CERN) to B (Gran Sasso) on a straight line (AB ) with normal speed of light: c 300,000 km/s. But because space and time in frame of reference: GPS satellites are different from space and time in frame of reference: the earth's surface. So speed of light in the frame of reference: GPS satellites is different from speed of light in the reference system: the earth's surface. If we consider the velocity of light in the reference system: GPS satellite is c'300,000 km'/, we find that the neutrino particle velocity equals the speed of light c which is in the reference system: the earth's surface, will be faster than the speed of light c' which is in the reference system: GPS satellite. Calculation results of GPS satellite shows that: if the velocity of the neutrino particles is equal to the speed of light: c, (the neutrino particle motion in the frame of reference: the earth's surface, where the time goes slower than frame of reference: GPS catellite), the velocity of the neutrino particle will be faster than the speed of light: c' in the frame of reference: GPS satellites. Basically, the system instrumentation time and velocity of the neutrino particle moving from A to B is located at GPS satellite should be calculated by the measuring unit of the frame of reference: GPS satellite. Applying the transformation of space and time by a coefficient of change as in Special Relativity, ( t /γ, s /γ and km' km /γ), and

6 6 new discovery information is that the velocity in two frames of reference with units of space and time being different are only congruent with each other, but not equal each other. Neutrino particle velocity is v c 300,000 km/s, calculate with the units of frame of reference: GPS satellites will have the results: v c 300,000 km/s 300,000 (km'.γ) /(.γ) (300,000 km'/). γ c'.γ AB ' t ' ( ).. < v (300,000km'/ ). γ 300,000 γ AB ' 7 t " ( c' (300,000km'/ ) 300 (In which γ is the coefficient of variation of space and time ; c'300,000 km /s is the velocity of light in the frame of reference: GPS satellite, and c > c' when γ > 1 ; t" is time passing when light: c' moves on distance AB ; is time passing when neutrino particles move on the distance: AB with velocity v c ). To understand more about this, see illustration in Figure 2.

7 7 3, If you check the figures provided by the GPS satellites is that time flies: < t is true, the obvious fix to the problem of second postulate on the speed of light in Einstein's theory of relativity. In fact the speed of light is not constant and equal to c300,000 km/s true in all inertial reference system. Because: In addition to analyzing the results as calculations of the time goes faster in GPS satellite above, assuming the observer is standing in the frame of reference: GPS satellite and with unit of space: km' and time:, observer assert that his velocity of light which is c' 300,000 km'/ as in the actual units of km 'and is true. Meanwhile, the observer is standing in the frame of reference: the Earth's surface with unit of space: km and time: s also confirmed by the his speed of light which is c 300,000 km/s as unit actual measurement is km and s is true. Because the velocity c' 300,000 km /s differs from c 300,000 km/s in the units of calculation as km' km and s, so, is the speed of light which c' or the speed of light which is c correct? We can't confirm that the speed of light which is c300,000 km/s is correct and the speed of light which is c'300,000 km /s is wrong, or vice versa. Only able to confirm both the velocity of light which is c and which is c' in both two frames of reference with different units of measurement of space and time are correct. So the speed of light in two frames of reference with different units of measurement of space and time are only congruent with each other, but not equal to each other. Because the speed of light in two frames of reference with different units of measurement of space and time are only congruent with each other, but not equal to each other, so the speed of light is only constant in each inertial frame of reference in which space and time are constant. That is why the speed of light which is constant and equal to c true in all inertial frame of reference in the Einstein's Special relativity must be revised. The problem should correct the second postulate in Einstein's special relativity of how to fit and still preserve the correct value of the change in space and time relativity, please refer to all: "Open letter: To Scientists and professor are teaching students in the universities of the world" and "Light velocity is not the limit of all velocities", was published in the journal General Science Journal, (website: Conclusion: In fact the test measurements and velocity calculations based on neutrino particle basis of data from measurement devices in GPS satellite provider, although the scientists at CERN can not confirm the velocity of the neutrino particle faster than normal speed of light which is c, but asserted that space and time depends on the gravitational field as found in Einstein's General Relativity. Also the calculation results in faster time-lapse satellite GPS also showed that the speed of light is not constant and equal to c true in all inertial reference system. This event will be a

8 8 landmark in the science of theoretical physics, it is empirical evidence to revise the theory of relativity of Einstein and to make it is more correct. Basically, the theory of relativity of Einstein is right, but it must revise about the absolute speed of light which is constant and equal to c true in all inertial frames of reference. In fact the speed of light is relative as the relativity of space and time. Speed of light is only constant in each frame of reference in which space and time are not change. If we compare the speed of light in two inertial frames of reference, in which space and time are different, we will find that the speed of light in two inertial frames of reference are only congruent with each other, but not equal to each other. In the universe, there are many frames of reference with different space and time, so, there exists the speed of light is less than or greater than the velocity of light c. And the velocity of light c also must depend on transform coefficient which is γ as space and time, ( c' c.γ). Hanoi, 25/10/2011.


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