arxiv:gr-qc/ v2 23 May 2005

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1 Pionee s Anomaly and the Sola Quadupole Moment Henando Quevedo Instituto de Ciencias Nucleaes Univesidad Nacional Autónoma de México A.P , México D.F , México axiv:g-qc/ v2 23 May 2005 (Dated: Febuay 7, 2008) Abstact The tajectoies of test paticles moving in the gavitational field of a non-spheically symmetic mass distibution become affected by the pesence of multipole moments. In the case of hypebolic tajectoies, the quadupole moment of an oblate mass induces a displacement of the tajectoy towads the mass souce, an effect that can be intepeted as an additional acceleation diected towads the souce. Although this additional acceleation is not constant, we pefom a geneal elativistic analysis in ode to evaluate the possibility of explaining Pionee s anomalous acceleation by means of the obseved Sola quadupole moment, within the ange of accuacy of the obseved anomalous acceleation. We conclude that the Sola quadupole moment geneates an acceleation which is of the same ode of magnitude of Pionee s constant acceleation only at distances of a few astonomical units. Electonic addess: 1

2 I. INTRODUCTION Pionee 10/11 ae spacecaft which wee launched moe than thity yeas ago to exploe the oute egion of the Sola system. They wee also the fist missions to ente the edge of intestella space. Due to thei especial stuctue, they also epesent an ideal system to cay out pecision celestial mechanics expeiments which pemit acceleation estimations to the level of 10 8 cm/s 2. Afte encounteing the oute planets Jupite and Satun, the two spacecaft followed hypebolic obits nea the plane of the ecliptic to opposite sides of the Sola system. A caeful analysis of obital data fom Pionee 10/11 has been epoted in [1, 2] which indicates the existence of a vey weak, long-ange acceleation, a P = (8.74 ± 1.33) 10 8 cm/s 2, diected towads the Sun. The most intiguing esult about this acceleation is that it is constant, with a single measuement accuacy aveaged ove 5 days. Moeove, it has been measued at distances contained within the appoximate ange of 20 to 60 astonomical units (AU) fom the Sun. The most consevative hypothesis about the oigin of this anomalous acceleation is that this kind of effects on Pionee s tacking data must be due to some technological easons elated to the configuation and equipment of the spacecaft. Howeve, the analysis epoted in [1, 2] seems to have uled out all possible non-gavitational foces geneated inside and outside the spacecaft. Moeove, the authos have taken into account the accepted values of the eos in the detemination of the planetay ephemeis, Eath s oientation, pecession, and nutation. Moe adventuous explanations of the anomalous acceleation suggest the existence of new physical phenomena, especially inspied by the fact that a P is of the ode of ch, whee c is the velocity of light in empty space and H is the Hubble constant. Fo instance, in [3, 4, 5] it is suggested that the expansion of the Univese induces local tidal foces which geneate the anomalous acceleation. In [6] a Kaluza-Klein model is poposed in which the fifth dimension becomes dynamical with an expansion ate that geneates a P. A scale dependent cosmological tem has been used in [7] which affects the motion of test paticles. A diffeent explanation is suggested in [8] by means of a time-dependent Newtonian gavitational constant that poduces a long-ange acceleation. Moe sophisticated explanations have been poposed in the liteatue (see, fo instance [2], fo a ecent eview) which include dak matte and stingy inspied scala fields [9, 10]. In this wok, we investigate the possibility of explaining the anomalous acceleation by 2

3 means of the Sola quadupole moment. Clealy, the additional acceleation due to the quadupole is not constant, but deceases with distance. In this sense the, quadupole moment could immediately be uled out as an explanation fo a P. Howeve, ou appoach is diffeent. Since a P has been obseved only at distances less than 60 AU, with an accuacy of aound 15%, ou goal is to detemine whethe the acceleation geneated by the quadupole is of the same ode of a P and can be fitted within its ange of accuacy. This idea is based upon the fact that the quadupole moment of the Sun has been detemined in an exact manne only ecently [11], and has been given the value of J 2 = ± 15%, whee J 2 is a dimensionless paamete to be intoduced below. Befoe this value was known, diffeent methods geneated completely diffeent values of J 2, sometimes with diffeences of seveal odes of magnitude. (In fact, such a geat ambiguity in the value of J 2 could easily be used to explain a P in the complete ange of obsevation!) With this new value, we will show that the quadupole moment of the Sun poduces an acceleation which is of the same ode of a P at distances of a few AU s, but is seveal odes of magnitude less than a P at distances between 20 and 60 AU s. We will analyze the elativistic hypebolic motion of test paticles in the gavitational field of a mass with quadupole moment. Fo the sake of simplicity, we will assume that the quadupole is due only to the aspheicities of the mass distibution, peseving the axial symmety, and will neglect the otation of the souce. This allows us to use a static, axisymmetic solution of Einstein s vacuum field equations as the metic which descibes the spacetime. In paticula, we will use the Eez Rosen metic fo ou analysis. Moeove, we will assume that the motion is confined to the equatoial plane of the souce. This is in good ageement with the actual path of Pionee 10/11 which move nea the plane of the ecliptic. II. GRAVITATIONAL FIELD OF A MASS WITH QUADRUPOLE MOMENT In this section we pesent a static axisymmetic solution of Einstein s vacuum field equations which was fist discoveed by Eez and Rosen [12]. This solution genealizes Schwazschild solution to include an abitay mass quadupole moment. Oiginally, this solution was obtained in polate spheoidal coodinates, but fo the puposes of this wok spheical coodinates (t,, θ, ϕ) ae moe appopiate. In these coodinates, it can be shown 3

4 that it is symmetic with espect to the equatoial plane, θ = π/2, so that it becomes a geodesic plane. Fo the sake of simplicity we will limit ouselves to the investigation of fee motion on the equatoial plane. Accodingly, the Eez-Rosen solution can be witten as [13] ( ds 2 = 1 2m ) ( e 2qψ dt 2 1 2m ) 1 e 2q(γ ψ) d 2 2 e 2qψ dϕ 2, (1) whee the constant m epesents the Schwazschild mass, q is a constant paamete that detemines the quadupole moment, and ψ and γ ae, in geneal, functions of and θ. On the equatoial plane, these functions take the fom ψ = 1 [ ( m 6 ) ( 2 m + 2 ln 1 2m ) ( ) ] + 3 m 1, (2) γ 1 m (3) 4 The geneal fom of the function γ is athe cumbesome. Hee we quote only the leading tem in the limit which is sufficient fo the analysis we will pefom in the next section. In geneal, the Eez-Rosen solution is asymptotically flat and this allows us to detemine its multipole moments in a covaiant manne. Fo instance, using the Geoch-Hansen [14] definition of multipole moments one can show that the monopole is m and the quadupole moment is (2/15)qm 3. Highe multipoles ae given in tems of the monopole and quadupole moments. So the paametes m and q acquie a clea physical meaning. As expected, in the limiting case q = 0, the Eez-Rosen metic (1) coincides with the Schwazschild solution on the equatoial plane. The hypesuface = 2m tuns out to be singula, in accodance with the black hole uniqueness theoems. An additional singulaity is situated at 0. Outside the hypesuface = 2m, the spacetime is completely egula. At lage distances fom the souce, the expansion of the metic component g tt leads to g tt 1 2m [ 1 2 ( ) ] m 2 15 q. (4) Late on we will use this expession to detemine the acceleation geneated by the quadupole moment. III. MOTION OF TEST PARTICLES Let us conside the motion of test paticles on the equatoial plane of the Eez-Rosen metic (1). The geodesic equation can be educed to a set of fist ode diffeential equations 4

5 due to the existence of two constants of motion p t and p ϕ associated with the time-tanslation and the axial symmety, espectively. Fo the case of a massive test paticle, the geodesic equations can be witten as: ṙ 2 = e 2qγ [p 2 t ( 1 2m ) e 2qψ ṫ = p t, (5) 2 e 2qψ ϕ = p ϕ, (6) ( 1 2m ) ( e 2qψ 1 2m ) ] p 2 ϕ 2 e4qψ, (7) whee a dot epesents the deivative with espect to the affine paamete along the geodesic. It is possible to pefom a detailed analysis of these set of geodesic equations [13] and find out all the effects of the quadupole moment on the motion of test paticles. Hee, howeve, we ae inteested only on hypebolic motion. Hence, let us conside the special case = (ϕ) so that ṙ = (d/dϕ) ϕ, and intoduce the following notations: u = 2m u, α = 2m p ϕ. (8) Then, the geodesic equation (7) educes to (u ) 2 = F(u) := e 2qγ [ u 3 u 2 + α 2 ue 2qψ + α 2 e 2qψ ( p 2 t e 2qψ 1 )], (9) whee a pime denotes the deivative with espect to the angle coodinate ϕ. Since the expession (u ) 2 is positive fo a timelike geodesic, we must demand that the condition F(u) 0 be satisfied. Accodingly, fom Eq.(9) we obtain α 2 p 2 t (1 u)e ( 2qψ α 2 + u 2 e 2qψ). (10) Because the left-hand side of this inequality is a positive definite constant, this implies that the oots of the equation F(u) = 0 must be contained in the inteval (1 u) > 0 o, accoding to Eq.(8), in the inteval (2m, ). As mentioned in the last section, the hypesuface = 2m contains in geneal a cuvatue singulaity. Thus, hypebolic motion is confined to the egion whee the Eez-Rosen metic is egula. On the othe hand, simple algebaic manipulations show that the equation F(u) = 0 can be expessed as a quadatic algebaic equation fo the function exp(2qψ), i.e., e 4qψ + α2 u 2 e2qψ α2 p 2 t (1 u)u = 0. (11) 2 5

6 Since exp(2qψ) > 0, we need to conside only the positive oot of this equation which can be expessed as q = 1 2ψ ln α p2 t u 2 2u 2 α 2 1 u 1. (12) Now, the function ψ is positive in the inteval (2m, ). Then, fom Eq.(12) we obtain that α 2 2u 2 α 2 2u p2 t u 2 α 2 1 u 1 > 1 fo q > 0, (13) p2 t u 2 α 2 1 u 1 < 1 fo q < 0. (14) These conditions can be epesented in an equivalent manne as f(u) := u 2 (u 1) + α 2 (u 1) + α 2 p 2 t > 0 o < 0 fo q > 0 o q < 0, (15) espectively. On the othe hand, as can be seen fom Eq.(9), the function f(u) coincides with the function F(u) fo vanishing quadupole moment (q = 0), i.e., f(u) detemines the motion of test paticles in the Schwazschild spacetime. This is a nontivial esult. In fact, suppose that the equation F(u) = 0 has a oot at u = u 0. Then at u 0 the value of q is elated to the value of u 0 by means of (12) with u eplaced by u 0. If, fo instance, q < 0, then accoding to Eq.(15) the Schwazschild function f(u 0 ) is negative. In the case of hypebolic motion, the value u = u 0 coesponds to a vanishing velocity, i.e., u (u = u 0 ) = 0 o, equivalently, ṙ = 0, a condition which can be satisfied only at the peihelion of the hypebolic tajectoy. At this point, the motion of test paticles in the Schwazschild spacetime is not allowed, because thee f(u 0 ) < 0. Fom the fom of the functions F(u) and f(u) one can show that in geneal f(u) < F(u) fo q < 0 and f(u) > F(u) fo q > 0. (16) Let us conside the case of an oblate configuation (q < 0). Hypebolic motion coesponds to the case whee F(u = 0) > 0 and possesses (at least) one positive oot, say u 2. The motion is confined to the egion 0 < u < u 2 with 2 = 2m/u 2 being the peihelion distance. At u = u 2, accoding to (16), we have that f(u 2 ) < 0 and so no motion is allowed in the Schwazschild spacetime. If we move fom u 2 towads u = 0, we will find a point, say u 1, whee f(u 1 ) = 0. Stating fom this point and up to the point u = 0, whee f(u = 0) > 0, the motion is allowed in the Schwazschild as well as in the Eez Rosen 6

7 spacetime. Fo the tajectoy in the Schwazschild spacetime the peihelion distance is given by 1 = 2m/u 1 and at this point, accoding to (16), F(u = u 1 ) > 0, that is, the tajectoy in the Eez Rosen spacetime would coespond to a non-zeo adial velocity. So we see that the peihelion distance of a hypebolic path becomes affected by the pesence of an oblate quadupole moment in such a way that 2 < 1, (17) a esult that tivially follows fom the fact that u 1 < u 2. Thus an oblate quadupole moment educes the peihelion distance. Let us denote by ER (ϕ) the hypebolic path of a test paticle in the Eez Rosen spacetime with mass m and a negative quadupole q, and by S (ϕ) the coesponding path in the Schwazschild spacetime which is obtained fom ER (ϕ) by setting q = 0. Notice that the mass m must be the same in ode to be able to compae both tajectoies. Clealy, S (ϕ) must be a solution of the equation (u ) 2 = f(u), wheeas ER (ϕ) is a solution of (u ) 2 = F(u) with the same mass. As we have shown above, at the peihelion we have that ER (ϕ pe ) < S (ϕ pe ). Moeove, since in this case f(u) < F(u) fo all values of u, we obtain that in geneal ER (ϕ) < S (ϕ) (18) at all points of the tajectoy. The diffeence between these two tajectoies will become smalle as inceases. Moeove, ER will appoach S asymptotically at, whee the contibution of the mass quadupole moment becomes negligible. If we wee analyzing the motion of a test paticle in the gavitational field of a mass with negative quadupole moment, ignoing the contibution of the quadupole, we would expect a path S (ϕ), wheeas the measued path would be ER (ϕ), which is always less than S (ϕ). Then, one could intepet this esult as due to an additional acceleation diected towads the souce of the gavitational field. In fact, the pesence of a quadupole moment geneates an effective acceleation which leads to defomations of the tajectoies of test paticles. In the next section we will estimate this effective acceleation. To finish this section we mention that in the case of a polate quadupole moment (q > 0) the effect is opposite, that is, the peihelion distance inceases and the effective acceleation would be diected outwads the gavitational souce. This case, howeve, is not expected to 7

8 occu in astophysical bodies because any deviations fom spheical symmety ae usually geneated by otation which leads to oblate configuations. IV. THE EFFECTIVE ACCELERATION To find the exact hypebolic obit of a test paticle in the gavitational field descibed by the Eez Rosen metic one must solve the diffeential equation (9) in the ange whee this kind of motion is allowed. This can be done by applying standad numeical methods. Anothe possibility is to conside the case of motion at lage distances fom the souce, whee we can use a Taylo expansion of the functions ψ and γ that ente the function F(u) in Eq.(9), and peseve the leading tems only. The esulting function F(u) tuns out to be a cubic polynomial of u. In this case, the diffeential equation (9) can be solved analytically as ϕ = ϕ(u) (see [15] fo an analysis of the esulting solutions), an expession fom which, in pinciple, we could deive the acceleation due to the quadupole moment q. Nevetheless, the esulting expession is athe cumbesome and an analysis seems to be possible only by applying numeical pocedues. To evaluate the acceleation a q induced by the quadupole moment, we will use the analogy with the method applied to measue the Sola quadupole. Indeed, fo an axially symmetic distibution of matte, fo instance the Sun, the contibution of the quadupole moment to the exteio gavitational field can be expessed in the metic component g tt as g tt = 1 2 m [ 1 + J 2 ( R0 ) 2 P 2 (cosθ)], (19) whee J 2 is a dimensionless constant, P 2 (cosθ) is the Legende polynomial, and R 0 is the adius of the Sun. Evaluating this expession on the equatoial plane (θ = π/2) and compaing it with Eq.(4), we can see that both expessions coincide if ( ) 2 R0 q = 60J 2. (20) Then, fom Eq.(19) we can ead the expession fo the gavitational potential whose deivative with espect to the adial coodinate poduces the leading tem of the acceleation. Thus, we obtain a q = 3J 2R 0 m 2 4. (21) 8

9 Fo the evaluation of this quantity we take, accoding to [11], the value of J 2 = fo the Sola quadupole moment and R cm fo the photospheic adius of the Sun. Moeove, we expess the distance in astonomical units, i.e., = n cm, whee n is a positive eal numbe. Thus, we obtain a q = 1 n cm/s 2. (22) So we see that at a distance of one astonomical unit, the ode of magnitude of a q coincides with a P. Consideing the uncetainty in the values of J 2, R 0 and m, one can show that a q and a P ae still of the same ode of magnitude at distances smalle than n 2.1. In the inteval between 20 and 60 AU s, whee the anomalous acceleation has been measued, a q is seveal odes of magnitude less than a P. V. CONCLUSIONS In this wok we have investigated the possibility of explaining Pionee s anomalous acceleation by means of the Sola quadupole moment. In the analysis of the hypebolic motion of a test paticle in the gavitational field of a mass with a negative quadupole moment, we have shown that the complete tajectoy becomes close to the gavitational souce, an effect that can be intepeted as due to the pesence of an additional acceleation, a q, geneated by the quadupole moment. Although a q is not a constant quantity, its value at distances vey closed to one AU is of the same ode of magnitude of a P. The discepancy between a q and a P inceases dastically with distance, indicating that it is not possible to explain the anomalous acceleation at distances whee it has been measued fo Pionee 10/11 spacecaft. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This wok was suppoted by DGAPA-UNAM gant IN and CONACyT-Mexico gant E. [1] J. D. Andeson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2858 (1998); S. G. Tuyshev et al., g-qc/

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