Jicamarca. Ronald Woodman Instituto Geofisico del Peru

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1 Jicamarca Ronald Woodman Instituto Geofisico del Peru

2 VU /s /_ /.a^t ^0^000 I- LooeCtt'on - MAane7/c> ( f. -?o:nt± /;?S> 3- li)eum,^en^^ ~ 3>*ft/Lr'» ^»< - ZS. \ rfiz. (2 ^ ra-dltu^. OL ^ CiO^tyrt*!^ YOueLet^ ^C(n<0(^Ae^pcc>^ C, AfST" /zi-ct^v y 2 3 / / ou V v/ -/// / ^1rV// b c. / // /y

3 ScaJ^y ^ filfifuje^t f>re^^/cs (i) - Icn-qurc cy^ts -Drr/fj, (dj r>^l//c, 1 - fb > (z)(^ - lofo^tdk/ yjg.eca^ - ^'arpr<ti^a^yrc ^ /ccfi^y c-t^ " ys"^ A'COC' y ^ ^ S y ya-'ocm^ ~ Or)/y r«i A 5 7" ~ (SyAiAA.^^^^ ^ftreitos^^ y%'tc ^eso$/fite>te,.

4 7000 T r 1 1 I 11 1 [ I Mill 1 r- T r T I I M JICAMARCA 19 JUL EST 1550 EST -o EST g »- 700 X o 600 uj 500 X ' I» Mil* 10', I I I I I I I Ili 1» I I I»1' ELECTRON DENSITY (N/m^) Figure 12 C31-5^2A

5 B -0.3 GAUSS k cm"' T-I156PK -I onr H TIME IN MSEC/.217 2Th j I I I I I ' ' FIG. 7a. Autocorrelation function envelope C(t) for a [H] plasma showing the effect of variations in the direction of the wave vector k as it approaches the perpendicular to magnetic field (a = 0). CollisionleBB model, other parameters as shown in the figure.

6 8-0.3 GAUSS k»0.02i cm ' T«II58-K 0, «45.0 H 1 h TIME in msec/ o* s 1.4 k * 0.02t Alliiude s 750 Km Time «19 August 00:14 0* «1.4 k «0.021 AllitJde«750KAi Time 16 August 01:53 lo 0.2 Figure 2. Comparison betwroen measured and experimenuity determined values of the correlation fctnctton doa* to the first and second hydrogen gyro-peak. Temperature and composition was adjusted for best 9L (After Woodman. 1967, vwhh experimental points from Farley, 1967).

7 Geomagnetic Field by Incoherent Scatter T= «T:«870«K I > cm 0* r r t' 0.030* * * * e * MM T. o.to* f 0.90* * * * * Fig. 1. msec Theoretical autocorrelation functions p(a, t) for different angles a, where a is the complement of the angle between k and B. 20.0

8 ' f oct n lt>b?i43 Cernill Hns-I lob B.I.M 100 Ji camarca dv I I mlts «80. n \ E 60. M O O O > -20. "id -40. o M -60. L O > Local Time (75W) 8

9 isa3 ly.-fji".{ y. j! ;).v -&St A too *5 o 20 > o ^ j-j Se^»70 Eotl««r4 Vttocil) ^Vtrtietl V*1oeilj ScientificComribntioiwoltheJic«m«fc»Ob»«fvatopy- JICAMARCA DRIFTS,2 H 16» Ot Locol Tiinc (TS*W)"^ 500*^1 33 eu.'i; 'iiiji nc V m/s k'. 40 ig cr WINTER SOLSTICE 8 Moy -7 Aug JiCAWARCA VERTICAL ORl-FTS ::.. &dj. _20 -do 00 Iv-; -qs irtmzirll 0 i);)iiiv EOUIHOX 4 Feb-7 May 8 Aufl-9 Mov SUMMER SOLST»CE 10 Nov-3 Feb OS'- i r.no tocal TIME ngurasb (75*W) BgunX Exampto of 1ht<flumalv«w^w» of tlwvwtical and E-W drift vakwlte. 3b) Vertical drift velocity or different seasons and solar activity.

10 I I f GSFC (12/66) ^1 J// vil : / I I I I * # f*z_l6rf (10/68) I- X o 600 UJ ^ » II it 11! f #* #/ #/ 1/ 11 # t # # ' # n If JICAMARCAI EPOCH I I I Morck.69 J L INCLINATION Fig. 6. Inclination of the magnetic field along Jicamarca vertical ( 11.95* latitude 76 52'20" longitude). The interrupted solid line corresponds to values determined experimentally at Jica marca; the other two correspond to two of the latest earth magnetic field models, GSFC and IGRF 10/68.

11 jm mtrnm cvmii ia»-t «y.i. 2/03/ :28:08.4 To 2/03/ :29:36.5 Nint^ I mill I ' I 1 I I mil 1280 Tx= K 500 Ne.,=1.75x10 I I I mill n 10 10' Ne (cm"'')

12 ISiiii'iaiiii.iiii"jD ubijutiiiiitjitrjuuiii ''iiiiiigltliliililillite I :.'UU.IUBI><M ain""! imrmi. ii.i:.,... tt:; iii i" ''^'J'iaisiiSBBgMagiSllgiW '!?i"' iiiiitilli' I' IIUHIMilHI III,mill;, j.' 120* 160* lio* * 270* 300 S *

13 JICAMARCA, 6 OCTOBER 1984 Wh 4P.I'.V 19:07:44 20:00*00 21»00:00 22>00:00 23:00:00 JBm LOCAL TIME (75»W)

14 a> m < r» O o o fs> J >-_l. J HEIGHT (Km) v;; rical drift.locitv J I 1 J L

15 iv 7^ ' *'/» ( tvix# fry' JCAMARCA. PERU 90/01/15 8/N \ 19:09^)0 19:1000 LOCAL STAfOARD TIME (hours)

16 m/s 2 I 1 1 r MESOSPHERIC WINDS JICAMARCA SEP. 24, 1970 ' ' < ' V.'. '.. ' -.i- T 1 I -r JICAMARCA RADAR POWER PROFILE EST, 14 DEC O-Experlmftrtol polnli, -Incoherent leetltr livil X-From turbulence model V Sk)[_flott^lewMwHh ut_fi^^ (siyl^» LOCAL TIME (.75 W) Sky noise level-withfii1ering\3'^(316 pulie tfvero9e)«^ C Heigth in Km

17 ^ ; 55' I > ^ \ ii- \k 1 ^=^'.i:.'l 'i % a '5 J «-' > : J -^..-, t ii :. $.-. '< ' I r>:m".::<<^<t^' I I H. H.. '.!.:ir-> 1..hi 'If ^ ; i i I h. ^ 'I i> ^ 7 I iii» I' ^ y\ \ ^ i I V 25 H L it lif^.lih#^ _ irit^,, ^Jl A ij.(! ^ 'I' '.wu>','l lh t. 'ji t.!^ th»li'^! d. \\. 0\\. rhit! -\ i/4 M!l!i'**' \ t i «*h} I I f i {i 4v\ \ i;hi I i 4'^t ^ \,5 <5 ir i?' 1^ H I. ^»fi n I ^ ^ ' < H'l HI <1^ li 'i. J. lmi. P,l J ' '» M ^ _ h.0 ^ >C tiiii'm'ir/i '.UMi? r.,i^fi J.l^Jl!fivtrVi^»'AA' i - :/:! : -;. r.::.r.:-. r i\:<<iri>yy-'ty.-&:*.r :. ' y- ' '..i r'-.z-.:^, : ^l i^. '.y.' J.-j,,ff..;;-tA< > :>:: : \i^ A i< ^I#*' ji^(i M^ '1^ I. ^ $' i#li/ ). #! 1^1 J S ^ A!< i fij-^hu V4ly ^ ii >%><. I i' lii * ' ^ ' *( ^ j jm i<v lijlj J.> jfc'v.. 5.J--^ i-xv^: l-;..,j)( f- -I r ami/ ' '.-.^ DATE: 1 AUG 89 ANTENA: -11.9S DEC., Om Os JICAMARCA - POWER MAP NORMALIZACION: C LOCAL TIME IHORAS)

18 25.5 _ J V. \. y.vl r>. ^IP ; I' 'a ^^ ll / J.O^. CVV^'^'-S A'V , 2l \ r E» sm m n 20.5 Ja V J 10.0, f g.o SEP 89 - Rx " &'

19 bv, - 88 d3s B2 \J o-«o'ot V^- OB _l V>s/ i.. C3 - O'^S W a: AtJX?\ r-j\ - - fi-b2-0'^ - c-^ A/^ - O'BE B5 ll- -0-B5 - B'BS - o oc - fi-oc. - 0-l - 4-"1

20 y.w.v «w». m. K- imii S:5S:»>:; S««P o=*-- ' V S5 fj-e/ -

21 cm-y _ Wv 73.3 _ CV '^vy; ^ 74.0 J 7J.3 - V 73.C. - /-v rt 72.S _ 72.0 _ ' ^ W/^ 'n i/-^.yr^' ' ^ I "^N f-n ' V -, A"'^.' '"N r^.-^'^' 'N. Vv. ri _ _ V n --^ V 7^\ - ^ 'v-v ; \ V i - -vv^ y-'^v Vv. i x'*^.;-^'\r- «Av -x/- // 9.0 lo.o n.o 11 SEP 89 - Rx "A"

22 Antenna IrcPiSnni i f3j s # New Switches Power Combiners and Splitters L0J Drivers Exiter Master Osc SCSI -0- Low-Noise Frontends Cohei ent Receivers Trock and Holds Multiplexer 20 MH2 AOC Preprocessor Minicomputer (Horris 800) Tope Units QQ DD O L) Radar Controller Hexobyte Loser Printer Printer Graphics Terminal Terminal Operator CRT "T T Diskette Diskette Microprocessors CRT Schematic Diagram of the Jicamarco Rada

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