Minimally Strict Polymorphic Functions

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1 Minimally Strict Polymorphic Functions Jan Christiansen Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel Institut für Informatik Kiel, Germany Daniel Seidel Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Institut für Informatik Bonn, Germany Abstract In this paper we show how to efficiently check whether a polymorphic function is minimally strict. A function is minimally strict if it is the minimal element of a specific less-strict ordering. We prove that we can check whether two polymorphic functions are related by the less-strict ordering by either checking it a) for an arbitrary monomorphic instance of the functions or b) for all shapes of the functions argument type. A shape is a value of a monomorphic instance of a polymorphic data type where each polymorphic component is replaced by an element that identifies its position in the data structure. In contrast to recent publications that characterize polymorphic functions by monomorphic instances we consider non-termination and selective strictness, i.e., a language closer to Haskell. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.5 [Software]: Software Engineering Testing and Debugging; F.3.1 [Theory of Computation]: Logics and Meanings of Programs Specifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs; D.3.3 [Software]: Programming Languages Language Constructs and Features,Polymorphism General Terms Languages, Theory Keywords polymorphism, free theorems, parametricity, testing, less strictness, generic programming, selective strictness 1. Introduction Consider the following polymorphic Haskell (Peyton Jones 2003) function, called intersperse, which is defined in the standard Haskell library Data.List. It inserts an element between all pairs of succeeding elements of a list. intersperse :: α [α] [α] intersperse [ ] = [ ] intersperse [x ] = [x ] intersperse sep (x : xs) = x : sep : intersperse sep xs Research supported by the DFG under grant VO 1512/1-1. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. PDPP 11, July 20 22, 2011, Odense, Denmark. Copyright c 2011 ACM /11/07... $10.00 In (Christiansen 2011) we have shown that this function is unnecessarily strict and that this might cause a serious space leak when processing large lists. We can use a tool, called Sloth 1, to observe that intersperse is unnecessarily strict. To check a function, Sloth generates test cases, namely, elements of the argument type of intersperse. Therefore, we have to choose a monomorphic instance of the polymorphic function intersperse. Obviously, we want to choose the monomorphic instance of the polymorphic function that results in the smallest number of test cases. A candidate that might come into mind is the monomorphic instance for the unit type (), which has only a single element denoted by (). But, unfortunately, that the monomorphic unit instance of a polymorphic function is unnecessarily strict does not imply that the corresponding polymorphic function is unnecessarily strict. For example, consider the identity function id x = x. The function id :: () (), i.e., the monomorphic unit instance of the polymorphic identity function, is unnecessarily strict. A function is unnecessarily strict if there exists a function of the same type that is less strict. For example, the function const ()::() () 2 is less strict than id because we have id but const () () and id () () as well as const () () (). Here denotes an input causing a run-time error when evaluated. That is, for the argument the result of const () is more defined than the result of id. But, obviously, there exists no polymorphic function of type α α whose unit instance behaves like const (). To check whether intersperse is as non-strict as possible we instantiate all occurrences of type variables by an opaque type, called A, which is provided by Sloth. If we check this instance of intersperse for lists up to size four Sloth reports the following counter examples. > strictcheck (intersperse :: A -> [A] -> [A]) 4 3: \a (b: ) -> b: 5: \a (b:c: ) -> b:a:c: Finished 5 tests. The first counter-example states that intersperse a (b : ), where a and b are arbitrary values, yields while there exists a less strict implementation that yields b : for these arguments instead. The second counter-example states that intersperse a (b : c : ) yields b : a : while there exists a less strict implementation that yields b : a : c : instead. If we reconsider the implementation of intersperse we observe that it checks whether its second argument is a list with exactly one element. Therefore, the evaluation of the application intersperse a (b : ) yields. But, no matter whether the argument list has exactly one element or not, intersperse yields the first element of the argument list as first element of the result list. 1 Sloth is available at 2 Function const :: α β α is defined by const x = x.

2 Thus, we can define the following less strict implementation of intersperse, that prevents the memory leak caused by the original implementation (Christiansen 2011). intersperse :: α [α] [α] intersperse [ ] = [ ] intersperse sep (x : xs) = x : go xs where go [ ] = [ ] go (y : ys) = sep : y : go ys If we reconsider the test cases generated by Sloth we observe that Sloth has only generated five test cases to check intersperse for lists up to size four. In contrast, Sloth checks exponentially many test cases in the length of the list if we test any monomorphic instance of intersperse. As Sloth manages the same test with linearly many test cases it obviously treats the data type A in a special way. The correctness of this strategy is one of the contributions of this paper. So, when is a function unnecessarily strict? To answer this question, we have to introduce a less-strict relation between functions. For simplicity, we do not strictly separate syntax and semantics. We identify syntactic functions with their semantics in a standard denotational semantics. This is often done in the context of equational reasoning (Danielsson and Jansson 2004; Johann and Voigtländer 2004) to prevent proofs from becoming syntactically cluttered and hard to understand. In the following, denotes semantic equivalence and denotes the definedness order on the semantic domain. In the considered denotational semantics domains form pointed complete partial orders w.r.t., with the undefined value as least element. Definition 1.1: Monomorphic functions f :: τ 1 τ 2 and g :: τ 1 τ 2 are related by if the following holds. f g : v :: τ 1. f v g v If we have f g, i.e., f g g f, we say that f is less strict than g. Note that the less-strict relation in our previous work (Christiansen 2011) additionally requires functions to agree for total arguments. For simplicity, we omit this requirement here, but we can extend all results to the original definition by considering total arguments as a special case. Two polymorphic functions are related by the less-strict relation if and only if all their monomorphic instances are related by the less-strict relation. The instantiation of a polymorphic function f to a monomorphic type τ is denoted by f τ. Definition 1.2: Let f and g be polymorphic functions of equal type. The functions f and g are related by if the following holds. f g : τ ::. f τ g τ By τ :: we denote that τ is a type. Based on the less-strict relation we define minimal strictness. A function is minimally strict if it is a minimal element w.r.t.. In the presence of parallel, i.e., non-sequential, functions there even exists a least strict function, i.e., a least element w.r.t.. In contrast, in a sequential language like Haskell we are looking for minimal elements w.r.t. (Christiansen 2011). On the way to an efficient test for minimal strictness of polymorphic functions we obtain several results about polymorphic functions in Haskell with/without a strict evaluation primitive. The contributions of this paper are as follows. We characterize a polymorphic data structure like a list by its shape and its content (Lemma 2.3) and prove that a polymorphic function is characterized by its behavior on shapes (Lemma 2.4). This approach is similar to the container view by Bundy and Richardson (1999) and Prince et al. (2008) but in contrast we consider non-termination and the strict evaluation primitive seq 3. We employ the characterization of a polymorphic function to prove that two polymorphic functions are related by the lessstrict relation if there exists a type such that the corresponding monomorphic instances are related by the less-strict relation (Theorem 2.1). We observe that this theorem breaks in the presence of seq. We show that we can check whether two polymorphic functions are related by the less-strict relation by checking the functions for all inputs where we replace the polymorphic components by integers that encode the position of the component in the data structure. This approach is similar to an approach by Bernardy et al. (2010), but again, in contrast, we consider non-termination and seq. Furthermore, we show that we can use a similar approach to check whether a polymorphic function is minimally strict. Finally, this paper can be considered as a kind of tutorial for proving statements about polymorphic functions in the presence of non-termination and seq by employing recently developed extensions of free theorems. Note that the presented results are not restricted to considerations about less strictness as we can define f g by f g g f. Furthermore, some of the lemmas presented here are useful for proving other properties about polymorphic functions besides less strictness. In the first part of this paper (Section 2, 3, and 4) we prove the considered statements for functions of type [α] [α]. In this setting it is easier to develop an intuition. In Section 5 we generalize the proofs to other polymorphic data types by employing a generic representation for data types (Magalhães et al. 2010). To generalize the proofs we replace three functions on lists by corresponding functions for arbitrary data types. 2. Less Strict Functions on Lists In this section we consider functions of type [α] [α] that do not use seq. We show that, if any monomorphic instance of two polymorphic functions is related by the less-strict relation, then all other monomorphic instances are related as well. This result implies that two polymorphic functions are already related if one of their monomorphic instances is related. Note that this does not imply that a polymorphic function is unnecessarily strict if a monomorphic instance is unnecessarily strict. As we have observed in the introduction, there may exist a monomorphic, less strict function that does not have a polymorphic generalization. As a first step towards the result about the less strict relation we prove for polymorphic functions f :: [α] [α] and g :: [α] [α] and an arbitrary type τ that f τ g τ implies f () g (). Lemma 2.1: Let f, g :: [α] [α]. For all types τ the following holds. f τ g τ f () g () We can prove this statement by employing a free theorem and relate all elements x of type τ such that x with () and τ with (). Note that the proof employs that the type τ has an inhabitant, thus, in the following we only consider non-empty types τ. A free theorem (Wadler 1989) states a property of a (polymorphic) function that can be derived solely from the function s type. 3 The function seq :: α β β satisfies the laws seq y and seq x y y if x.

3 For example, the free theorem for a function f :: [α] [α] states that map g (f τ1 xs) = f τ2 (map g xs) holds for all functions g :: τ 1 τ 2 and all lists xs :: [τ 1 ]. Originally free theorems were considered for languages without general recursion. But, Wadler (1989) already observed that they hold in the presence of if certain functions are strict. For example, g has to be strict above. Throughout this paper we employ various free theorems without stating them explicitly. The web application Automatic generation of free theorems 4 can be used to generate these theorems (Böhme 2007). If a proof step is labeled with free theorem for f you can generate the free theorem by entering the type of f into the web application. Focusing again on the goal of this section, we need to prove the converse of Lemma 2.1 to succeed, which is a considerably more complex task than proving Lemma 2.1. We start with the definition of a function shape :: [α] [Int ] that replaces the elements of a list by their index in the list, starting with index 0. For example, we get the following results. shape [ c, a, b ] [0, 1, 2] shape (3 : 10 : ) 0 : 1 : The function shape is similar to the function template defined by Voigtländer (2009). While shape yields only the shape of a list, template additionally yields a mapping from indices to the original elements of the list. By using this mapping it is possible to reconstruct the original list. Here, we define the mapping by means of the list indexing function (!!) :: [α] Int α. The function (!!) takes a list and an index in the list (where the smallest index is 0) and yields the element at the corresponding position. If the index does not exist the function yields instead. More importantly than the fact that we use list indexing, shape can handle partially defined lists, while template cannot. For example, we have template (3 : 10 : ). Note that this difference is essential as we want to use shape to prove statements about less strictness. The characterization of a list by means of shape and (!!) is similar to the container approach by Prince et al. (2008). As Prince et al. (2008) do not consider or seq a list is represented by its length (i.e., the shape, appearing as the parameter of a dependent type) and a function from index to element. Definition 2.1: We define the following function that replaces the elements of a list by increasing natural numbers, starting with 0 5. shape :: [α] [Int ] shape = zipwith (λn n) [0..] The expression [0..] generates an infinite list of increasing integers starting with 0. To prove that we can characterize a list by its shape and (!!) we prove the following lemma. Lemma 2.2: For all x :: τ and xs :: [τ ] the following holds. map ((x : xs)!!) [1..] map (xs!!) [0..] Although this statement looks quite obvious we have to use a relational free theorem to prove it. We cannot use a standard free theorem as we have to somehow incorporate that (x : xs)!! on the left hand side is never applied to the index 0. 4 The generator is available at 5 The function zipwith is defined as follows. zipwith :: (α β γ) [α] [β ] [γ ] zipwith f (a : as) (b : bs) = f a b : zipwith f as bs zipwith = [ ] Now we can show that a list is reconstructible from its shape by employing list indexing. In the following proof we employ the free theorem for zipwith, which can be generated by entering zipwith into the free theorem generator. The theorem states that for all functions f, g, h, p, and q of appropriate type that satisfy h (p x y) q (f x) (g y) for all values x :: τ 1 and y :: τ 2, we have map h (zipwith p z v) zipwith q (map f z) (map g v) for all lists z :: [τ 1 ] and v :: [τ 2 ]. We give a detailed proof of the following lemma as we reconsider it in the presence of seq. Lemma 2.3: For all lists xs :: [τ ] the following holds. map (xs!!) (shape xs) xs Proof: Proof by structural induction over xs. Base Cases: If xs or xs [ ] we reason as follows. map (xs!!) (shape xs) { definition of shape } map (xs!!) (zipwith (λn n) [0..] xs) { definition of zipwith, xs or xs [ ] } map (xs!!) xs { definition of map, xs or xs [ ] } xs Inductive Case: If xs y : ys we reason as follows. map ((y : ys)!!) (shape (y : ys)) { definition of shape } map ((y : ys)!!) (zipwith (λn n) [0..] (y : ys)) { definition of [0..] } map ((y : ys)!!) (zipwith (λn n) (0 : [1..]) (y : ys)) { definition of zipwith } map ((y : ys)!!) (0 : zipwith (λn n) [1..] ys) { definition of map } ((y : ys)!! 0) : map ((y : ys)!!) (zipwith (λn n) [1..] ys) y : map ((y : ys)!!) (zipwith (λn n) [1..] ys) ( ) { free theorem for zipwith, ((y : ys)!!) strict } y : zipwith (λn n) (map ((y : ys)!!) [1..]) ys) { Lemma 2.2 } y : zipwith (λn n) (map (ys!!) [0..]) ys) ( ) { free theorem for zipwith, (ys!!) strict } y : map (ys!!) (zipwith (λn n) [0..] ys) { induction hypothesis } y : ys To show the use of a free theorem in detail, we exemplarily state the instantiation of the free theorem for zipwith to prove the step labeled with ( ). h = ((y : ys)!!) q = λn n z = [1..] p = λn n f = ((y : ys)!!) v = ys g = id It is easy to show that we have h (p x y) q (f x) (g y) for all appropriate x and y. We return to the steps labeled with ( ) and ( ) when we consider the presence of seq. The just proved characterization of lists directly allows for a characterization of polymorphic list functions via their behavior on shapes. The Int instance of the polymorphic function f may be compared with a corresponding container morphism of f (Prince et al. 2008).

4 The following proof employs the free theorem for functions of type [α] [α], which states that for all strict functions g :: τ 1 τ 2 and all xs :: [τ 1 ] we have f τ2 (map g xs) map g (f τ1 xs). Lemma 2.4: For all functions f :: [α] [α] and all lists xs :: [τ ] the following holds. f τ xs map (xs!!) (f Int (shape xs)) Proof: Let xs :: [τ ]. We reason as follows. f τ xs { Lemma 2.3 } f τ (map (xs!!) (shape xs)) ( ) { free theorem for f, (xs!!) strict } map (xs!!) (f Int (shape xs)) We return to the step labeled with ( ) when we consider the presence of seq. Lemma 2.4 enables us to prove a kind of standard lemma about functions of type [α] [α]. It is a formalization of the intuitive explanation of the validity of free theorems. A polymorphic function of type [α] [α] can only use the elements of its argument list and for the elements of the result list. Therefore, for every element in the result list there exists a position in the argument list, where it is taken from, or it is. Furthermore, because the function is polymorphic, it can distinguish argument lists only by their shape. Thus, if we apply a polymorphic function to two lists with equal shape it chooses elements from the same positions of the argument list for the result list. The following proof employs an instance of the free theorem for functions of type [α] α. More precisely, for a number n :: Int we consider the function (!!n) :: [α] α. The free theorem states that for all strict functions g :: τ 1 τ 2 and all xs :: [τ 1 ] we have (map g xs)!! n g (xs!! n). Lemma 2.5: Let f :: [α] [α] and xs :: [τ 1 ], ys :: [τ 2 ] lists such that shape xs shape ys. For all n :: Int there exists k :: Int such that (f τ1 xs)!! n xs!! k and (f τ2 ys)!! n ys!! k. Proof: Let xs :: [τ 1 ] and n :: Int. We define and reason as follows. k = (f Int (shape xs))!! n (f τ1 xs)!! n { Lemma 2.4 } (map (xs!!) (f Int (shape xs)))!! n { free theorem for (!!n), (xs!!) strict } xs!! ((f Int (shape xs))!! n) { k (f Int (shape xs))!! n } xs!! k Let ys::[τ 2 ] such that shape xs shape ys. We reason as follows. (f τ2 ys)!! n { like above } ys!! ((f Int (shape ys))!! n) { shape xs shape ys, k (f Int (shape xs))!! n } ys!! k Note that, if n is out of bounds, then (f Int (shape xs))!! n, i.e., k =. Back on the road, the following lemma is the essential lemma to prove that f () g () implies f τ g τ for all types τ, or, more precisely, to prove its contraposition, i.e., f τ g τ implies f () g (). This proof relies on mapping a list xs :: [τ ] such that f τ xs g τ xs to a list ys :: [()] such that f () ys g () ys. But, constructing a suitable map, we encounter the following problem. When we consider an arbitrary type τ, the type [τ ] may contain values xs and ys such that xs!! k, ys!! k, and xs!! k ys!! k. This case does not occur for values of type [()] as the elements of a list of type [()] are either or (). By the following lemma we elude this problem. It shows that for every problematic list there exists a non-problematic list that can be considered instead. Lemma 2.6: Let f, g :: [α] [α]. For every xs :: [τ ] and n :: Int such that (f τ xs)!!n, (g τ xs)!!n, and (f τ xs)!!n (g τ xs)!!n there exists ys :: [τ ] such that (f τ ys)!! n and (g τ ys)!! n. Now we are ready to prove that f τ g τ implies f () g () for all types τ. We employ that we have xs ys if and only if shape xs shape ys or xs!! n ys!! n for some n :: Int. Furthermore, if there exists a list xs ::[τ ] such that (f τ xs)!!n, g τ xs!!n, and (f τ xs)!!n (g τ xs)!!n by the previous lemma we can instead consider a list ys :: [τ ] such that (f τ ys)!! n and (g τ ys)!! n. Lemma 2.7: Let f, g :: [α] [α]. If there exists a type τ such that f τ g τ, then f () g (). Let us summarize the statements so far, namely that less strictness for any monomorphic instance implies less strictness for all other monomorphic instances. Theorem 2.1: Let f, g :: [α] [α]. For all types τ 1 and τ 2 the following holds. f τ1 g τ1 f τ2 g τ2 Proof: By Lemma 2.1 we have f τ1 g τ1 f () g () and by Lemma 2.7 we have f () g () f τ2 g τ2. Employing Theorem 2.1 we can check whether two polymorphic functions are related by the less-strict relation by checking whether the unit instances are related by the less-strict relation. The characterization of lists by means of shape allows for a statement that is even more powerful than Theorem 2.1 w.r.t. exhaustive testing. We prove that it suffices to check two polymorphic functions for all possible images of shape to check whether they are related by the less-strict relation. Note that, if we consider lists of length n, then there are only linearly many shapes while there are exponentially many lists of type [τ ] for all non-empty types τ. Theorem 2.2: Let f, g :: [α] [α]. The following holds. f Int shape g Int shape f g Proof: : Let xs :: [τ ]. We reason as follows. f τ xs { Lemma 2.4 } map (xs!!) (f Int (shape xs)) { monotonicity, f Int shape g Int shape } map (xs!!) (g Int (shape xs)) { Lemma 2.4 } g τ xs : We prove the contraposition of this implication. If there exists xs :: [τ ] such that f Int (shape xs) g Int (shape xs), then there exists a list is :: [Int ], namely is = shape xs, such that f Int is g Int is. Therefore, we have f g by the definition of the less-strict relation.

5 3. Less Strict Functions in the Presence of seq In this section we consider a language that provides a strict evaluation primitive seq. Although Theorem 2.1, proved in the absence of seq, seems quite natural, it breaks when seq is available. In the presence of seq the property f () g () does not imply f τ g τ for all types τ. For example, consider the following functions of type [α] [α]. f :: [α] [α] g :: [α] [α] f (x : y: ) = [seq x y ] g (x : y: ) = [seq y x ] If one of the first two elements of the argument list is, then both functions yield [ ]. If both elements are (), then both functions yield [()]. That is, we have f () g (), or, more precisely, we even have f () g (). But there are obviously types τ such that f τ and g τ are incomparable. For example, we have f Bool [False, True ] [False ] but g Bool [False, True ] [True ]. This example shows that Theorem 2.1 fails in the presence of seq. So, how about Theorem 2.2, does it break as well? It holds for the previous example, but it breaks for the functions f (x : y : z: ) = [seq x z ] and g (x :y :z: ) = [seq y z ]. The functions f and g act identically on shapes but are incomparable w.r.t. the lessstrict relation. Hence, Theorem 2.2 is also not valid if we consider seq. In contrast to Theorem 2.1 the assertion of Theorem 2.2 directly depends on the notion of shape. Thus, maybe we can prove a similar statement when we alter shape. Let us track back where the current proof is corrupted by seq. We start with the proof of Lemma 2.4. Lemma 2.3 is still valid because none of the considered functions uses seq. In this case we are quasi considering a language without seq. In contrast, Lemma 2.4 considers an arbitrary function f that might use seq. According to Johann and Voigtländer (2004) the step labeled with ( ) in the proof of Lemma 2.4 might not hold in the presence of seq as (xs!!) is not total 6. In fact, the lemma fails completely. For example, consider the function f again. We have f [, True ] [ ] and, on the other hand, the following holds. map ([, True ]!!) (f (shape [, True ])) { definition of shape } map ([, True ]!!) (f [0, 1]) { definition of f } map ([, True ]!!) [1] { definition of map } [[, True ]!! 1] [True ] That is, we have f xs map (xs!!) (f (shape xs)). The function f is able to distinguish the list [, True ] from the list [0, 1] by employing seq, although these lists have the same shape. Hence, in the presence of seq a polymorphic function cannot only distinguish two lists by their shape like it is defined by the function shape. It can also distinguish them by the occurrences of as list element. Thus, to take seq into account we have to consider a different notion of shape, implemented by the function shape seq. shape seq :: [α] [Int ] shape seq = zipwith (λn x seq x n) [0..] The function shape seq replaces all elements x of a list with x by their position in the list. But, in contrast to shape, shape seq keeps all elements x with x. In the remaining part of this 6 A function f is total if for all x with x we have f x. f :: τ 1 τ 2, f strict and total. g :: τ 3 τ 4, g strict. xs :: [τ 3 ]. t xs t (map g xs) ys :: [τ 1 ]. map g (t xs y) t (map g xs) (map f ys) Figure 1. The specialized free theorem for zipwith where t zipwith (λx n seq x n). section we prove that a theorem like Theorem 2.2 holds in the presence of seq if we replace shape by shape seq. The proofs in particular highlight the role of free theorems. If we replace shape by shape seq in Lemma 2.4 we can provide a characterization of polymorphic functions in the presence of seq. To prove the characterization, first we have to ensure that Lemma 2.3 also holds for shape seq. This is not obvious, because shape seq uses seq and consequently its free theorem is more restrictive. We employ an extension of free theorems by Seidel and Voigtländer (2009) to manage the proof. According to Johann and Voigtländer (2004), in the presence of seq, we have to guarantee that certain functions are total. However, the extension by Seidel and Voigtländer (2009) allows for less restrictive free theorems. Given a function definition, it assigns a refined type to the function and uses this refined type to derive less restrictive free theorems. To generate a free theorem for a specific implementation of a polymorphic function we have to define the function in a simple functional language with a fixpoint operator and a seq primitive. Figure 1 shows the free theorem that is generated for zipwith (λn x seq x n) :: [α] [β ] [α] 7. By inspecting the implementation the generator observes that we only use seq on the second argument of the function passed to zipwith. Therefore, in contrast to the general free theorem the specialized version does not require g to be total. This enables us to prove the following adjusted version of Lemma 2.3. Lemma 3.1: For all lists xs :: [τ ] the following holds. map (xs!!) (shape seq xs) xs Proof: We reason the same way as in Lemma 2.3 but replace all occurrences of shape by shape seq and all occurrences of (λn n) by (λn x seq x n). Instead of the general free theorem for zipwith we employ the specialized free theorem for zipwith (λn x seq x n) shown in Figure 1. We replace the steps labeled with ( ) and ( ) in the proof of Lemma 2.3 by the following reasoning. We prove the step labeled with ( ) by instantiating the specialized free theorem as follows. g = ((y : ys)!!) x = [1..] f = id y = ys We prove the step labeled with ( ) by instantiating the specialized free theorem as follows. g = (ys!!) x = [0..] f = id y = ys Note that id is strict and total and that ((y : ys)!!) and (ys!!) are strict. To complete the proof of an adjusted version of Lemma 2.4 with shape seq, we still have to recover the step labeled with ( ) in the original proof. That is, we want to prove that f (map (xs!!) (shape seq xs)) map (xs!!) (f (shape seq xs)). 7 The generator is available at

6 If we consider Johann and Voigtländer (2004) we have to show that (xs!!) is total, which is not the case. First of all the position we are projecting to might be out of bounds, for example, [1, 2]!! 3. Furthermore, the list xs may contain, which also breaks totality if we project to the corresponding position, for example, [1, ]!! 1. We cannot employ the extension by Seidel and Voigtländer (2009) because we do not consider a concrete function like zipwith before but an arbitrary function of type [α] [α]. Thus, we cannot weaken the requirements of a free theorem by providing a concrete implementation. But there is rescue. For a specific list the requirements proposed by Johann and Voigtländer (2004) are unnecessarily strong. For example, for the free theorem map g (f xs) = f (map g xs) they demand that g has to be total. But it is sufficient if g is total w.r.t. the elements of the list xs. The following theorem proves this observation by employing the relational version of the free theorem for the type [α] [α]. Theorem 3.1: Let f :: [α] [α]. For all strict functions g :: τ 1 τ 2 and for all xs :: [τ 1 ] with for all n :: Int, we have g (xs!! n) if and only if xs!! n map g (f τ1 xs) f τ2 (map g xs). Proof: Let xs :: [τ 1 ]. We use the relational free theorem for f to prove the statement. We define a relation that relates all elements of the list xs with the image of g of this element. R xs := {(xs!! n, g (xs!! n)) n :: Int} {( (xs!!i), g (xs!!i)) xs!!i i I chain, I Int} i I i I As R xs has to be a continuous relation we close the relation by relating the suprema of all possible chains. First we show that R xs is a strict, bottom-reflecting and continuous relation. For details about these concepts consider Definition A.1. We have (xs!!, g (xs!! )) R xs and xs!! as well as g (xs!! ) g, i.e., R xs is strict. Next we show that R xs is bottom-reflecting. Let (x, y) R xs. Case 1: x xs!! n and y g (xs!! n) In this case we have g (xs!! n) if and only if xs!! n by precondition. Case 2: x i I (xs!! i) and y i I g(xs!! i) We reason as follows. (xs!! i) i I. xs!! i i I i I. g (xs!! i) i I g (xs!! i) Finally, we have to show that R xs is continuous. Let x i i I and y i i I be chains whose elements are pair-wise related by R xs. We consider the following set. K = { {i} if x i = xs!! i J if x i = i I j J (xs!! j ) We have ( k K (xs!! k), k K g (xs!! k)) = ( i I xi, i I yi) and, by definition of R xs, we have ( k K x k, k K y k) R xs. Thus, R xs is continuous. We have (xs, map g xs) lift{[ ]}(R xs) where lift{[ ]}(R) is the relational structural lifting defined as follows. lift{[ ]}(R) = {(, ), ([ ], [ ])} {(x : xs, y : ys) (x, y) R, (xs, ys) lift{[ ]})(R)} Intuitively (xs, ys) lift{[ ]}(R xs) means that ys is the point-wise g image of xs. Or, in other words, ys map g xs. Since the relational free theorem states that (xs, map g xs) lift{[ ]}(R xs) implies (f xs, f (map g xs)) lift{[ ]}(R xs), we obtain that f (map g xs) is the point-wise g image of f xs, that is, map g (f xs) f (map g xs). For proving statements about functions in the presence of seq the previous theorem is quite useful as we are not restricted to total functions anymore. While the previous theorem does only consider functions of type [α] [α], by employing the generalization presented in Section 5, we can generalize this theorem to arbitrary first order type constructors. Furthermore, this kind of generalization of a functional free theorem is also valuable in the absence of seq. For example, the standard functional free theorem for a function f :: (α β) [α] [β ] states that h (p x) q (g x) for all x of appropriate type implies map h (f p xs) f q (map g xs) for all xs of appropriate type. By employing the relation R xs defined in the previous proof we can derive a free theorem that states for a list xs that for all n :: Int already implies h (p (xs!! n)) q (g (xs!! n)) map h (f p xs) f q (map g xs). Actually, we have used this statement to prove Lemma 2.2. We want to employ Theorem 3.1 to prove map (xs!!) (f (shape seq xs)) f (map (xs!!) (shape seq xs)) to fix step ( ) of Lemma 2.4. Thus, we have to show that xs!! (shape seq xs!! n) if and only if shape seq xs!! n. Therefore, we show a connection between (!!) and zipwith, namely that (zipwith f xs ys)!! n f (xs!! n) (ys!! n). This statement is quite similar to the free theorem for (!!), which states that (map f xs)!! n f (xs!! n). And, indeed, these statements are closely related. In the context of free theorems mostly only two-ary logical relations are considered. The connection between zipwith and (!!) is the functional instantiation of the relational free theorem for (!!) if we consider three-ary relations. Alternatively, we can prove the following lemma by means of structural induction. Lemma 3.2: For all strict functions 8 f :: τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 and all lists xs :: [τ 1 ], ys :: [τ 2 ] the following holds. (zipwith f xs ys)!! n f (xs!! n) (ys!! n) By employing the previous lemma we prove a characteristic property of shape seq, which is not valid for shape. The shape of a list w.r.t. shape seq is at a certain position if and only if the original list is at that position. 8 Here strict means f x and f y for all x, y.

7 Lemma 3.3: For all lists xs :: [τ ] and all n :: Int we have (shape seq xs)!! n if and only if xs!! n. Proof: We reason as follows. (shape seq xs)!! n { definition of shape seq } (zipwith (λn x seq x n) [0..] xs)!! n { Lemma 3.2, seq strict } seq (xs!! n) ([0..]!! n) If we have n or n < 0, then seq (xs!! n) ([0..]!! n) seq as well as xs!! n. If we have n 0, then seq (xs!! n) ([0..]!! n) seq (xs!! n) n. That is, (shape seq xs)!! n if and only if xs!! n. Employing the characterization of shape seq we prove the analogous lemma to Lemma 2.4 in the presence of seq. Lemma 3.4: For all functions f :: [α] [α] and all lists xs :: [τ ] the following holds. f τ xs map (xs!!) (f Int (shape seq xs)) Proof: Let xs :: [τ ]. We reason as follows. f τ xs { Lemma 3.1 } f τ (map (xs!!) (shape seq xs)) { Theorem 3.1, Lemma 3.3 } map (xs!!) (f Int (shape seq xs)) Now we are ready to prove the analogue of Theorem 2.2 in the presence of seq. Theorem 3.2: For all f, g :: [α] [α] the following holds. f Int shape seq g Int shape seq f g Proof: The proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem 2.2 but instead of Lemma 2.4 we employ Lemma Minimally Strict Functions on Lists We return to a setting without seq to consider minimal strictness. If we reconsider Theorem 2.2 one might assume that we can check whether a polymorphic function f :: [α] [α] is minimally strict by checking whether there exists a function h :: [Int ] [Int ] that is less strict than f Int w.r.t. all shapes. Consider the following function of type [α] [α] that yields a singleton list that contains the first element of its argument list. f :: [α] [α] f (x: ) = [x ] The following function h :: [Int ] [Int ] is less strict than f Int w.r.t. shapes as we have h [0] f Int, for example. h :: [Int ] [Int ] h = [0] But obviously there exists no polymorphic function whose integer instance behaves like h. The function h invents a list element, namely 0. As Lemma 2.5 tells us the elements of the result list of a polymorphic function of type [α] [α] are taken from the argument list or they are. To prevent the monomorphic function from inventing elements we do not compare f Int xs with h xs but with map (xs!!) (h xs). In the example above h is more defined than f Int, but map (!!) (h ) is as defined as f Int. Therefore, h is not a witness that shows that f is unnecessarily strict. Theorem 4.1: Let f :: [α] [α]. The function f is not minimally strict if and only if there exists a function h :: [Int ] [Int ] such that g f where g is defined as follows. g :: [α] [α] g xs = map (xs!!) (h (shape xs)) Proof: : As f is not minimally strict there exists a polymorphic function i :: [α] [α] that is less strict than f. By Lemma 2.4 we have i xs map (xs!!) (i Int (shape xs)). That is, there exists a function h :: [Int ] [Int ] with the required property, namely i Int. : The function f is not minimally strict because g :: [α] [α] is less strict than f. We can prove a similar theorem in the presence of seq by employing shape seq instead of shape. Sloth uses a slightly different lemma to check whether a function is minimally strict. Instead of considering a polymorphic function g as defined in Theorem 4.1 we consider a function g that map lists of integers to lists of integers. More precisely, for a function h:: [Int ] [Int ] we consider a function g xs = map (xs!!) (h xs). To check whether a polymorphic function f is minimally strict we check whether we have g shape f Int shape. It is easy to prove this refined statement by Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 2.2. Note that Sloth indeed uses shapes similar to the shapes defined via shape. Thus, polymorphic functions that use seq cannot be tested using the monomorphic A instance, but in return the number of test cases is reduced. If we check a function f :: [A] [A] Sloth checks whether there exists a shape for which f :: [Int ] [Int ] is unnecessarily strict. We can check this using the standard approach that is also used for other monomorphic functions (Christiansen 2011). If there exists a shape xs for which f is supposed to yield a more defined result ys, i.e., ys f xs, we check whether we have map (xs!!) ys f xs as well. If this is the case xs is a counterexample that shows that f is unnecessarily strict and map (xs!!) ys is the proposed result for f for the argument xs. 5. Generalization In this section we consider polymorphic functions that do not have the type [α] [α]. For example, consider the following data type for binary trees. data Tree α = Empty Node (Tree α) α (Tree α) We define a function breadthfirst that enumerates the elements of a tree in breath first order. The function partition takes a list of values and a list of subtrees and adds the components of a Node to the corresponding lists. partition :: Tree α ([α], [Tree α]) ([α], [Tree α]) partition Empty level = level partition (Node l v r) (vs, trees) = (v : vs, l : r : trees) The function breadthlevel takes one level of a tree, splits the level into values and the next level by employing partition and concatenates the values of the current level with the recursive result. breadthlevel :: [Tree α] [α] breadthlevel [ ] = [ ] breadthlevel level = values + breadthlevel nextlevel where (values, nextlevel) = foldr partition ([ ], [ ]) level

8 type instance Gen Tree = U + Rec Tree P Rec Tree instance Representable Tree where from Empty = Inl U from (Node l v r) = Inr (Rec (from l) P v Rec (from r)) to (Inl U ) = Empty to (Inr (Rec l P v Rec r)) = Node (to l) v (to r) Figure 2. Instance of Representable for Tree breadthfirst :: Tree α [α] breadthfirst tree = breadthlevel [tree ] We can check whether breadthfirst is minimally strict by instantiating all type variables with the data type A. > strictcheck (breadthfirst :: Tree A -> [A]) 3 5: \Node (Node a ) b ) -> b:a: Finished 9 tests. Sloth states that breadthfirst is unnecessarily strict. The implementation presented above does not yield any value of a certain level if any of the trees on the same level is. To improve the implementation we simply have to replace the tuple pattern matching in partition by a lazy pattern matching. This minor change has a quite significant effect on the runtime of the function. For example, when we enumerate the elements of a complete binary tree of depth 22 the less strict implementation is around 9 times faster than the unnecessarily strict implementation. Furthermore, this performance gain increases with larger tree sizes. To test whether breadthfirst is minimally strict Sloth uses a generalization of the results presented in Section 4. In this section we present this generalization and verify its correctness. More precisely, instead of considering functions of type [α] [α] only, we consider functions of type ϕ α ψ α where ϕ and ψ are functors that are isomorphic to a functor composed of the unit, the identity, the constant, the product, and the sum functor. The approach employed here is very similar to the approach by Magalhães et al. (2010). To generalize the statements from the previous sections we have to define generalizations of map, (!!), and shape for arbitrary first order functors. In the following we introduce the generic representation that is used to generalize the statements. First of all we define a type family that maps a type constructor to the isomorphic functor composed of sums and products. You can consider a type family simply as a function on the type level. type family Gen ϕ :: This type family, called Gen, takes an arbitrary type ϕ and yields a type of kind, i.e., a type constructor. The type class Representable provides two functions. The function from takes a value of the original functor and yields the corresponding value of the generic representation. The function to takes a value of the generic representation and yields the corresponding value of the original functor. class Representable ϕ where from :: ϕ α Gen ϕ α to :: Gen ϕ α ϕ α Next we define the generic functors. The unit functor U represents constructors without arguments. The constant functor K takes a type τ and ignores its second argument α. The identity functor P contains a value of type α. data U α = U data K τ α = K τ data P α = P α To represent several constructors we use the sum functor. data (ϕ + ψ) α = Inl (ϕ α) Inr (ψ α) For example, data Maybe α = Nothing Just α is represented by the generic functor U + P. The product functor is used to represent constructors with multiple arguments. data (ϕ ψ) α = (ϕ α) (ψ α) For example, data WithInt α = WithInt Int α is represented by K Int P. Finally, the two-ary type constructor Rec is used to represent recursive components of a functor. In contrast to the definition by Magalhães et al. (2010) the constructor Rec contains a value of the generic representation, i.e., a value of type Gen ϕ α and not a value of type ϕ α. This way we can prove statements about functions on generic functors by a simple structural induction. data Rec ϕ α = Rec (Gen ϕ α) In the following by generic functor we refer to an unary type constructor that is composed of the type constructors U, K, P, +,, and Rec. As an example, Figure 2 shows an instance of Representable for the tree data type defined before. The product and the sum + are right associative, i.e., for example, x y z stands for x (y z). The following definition states that the considered instances of Representable provide functions from and to that form an embedding-projection pair. Definition 5.1: We call a type constructor ϕ representable functor if Gen ϕ is a generic functor and ϕ is an instance of Representable that satisfies the following properties. to from id from to id In the following we assume that instances of Representable are representable functors. Note that Definition 5.1 implies that from and to are strict, which is employed in several of the following proofs. To generalize free theorems from lists to representable functors we employ the type class Functor. The type class Functor provides a single function called fmap that is a generalization of map to arbitrary unary type constructors. class Functor ϕ where fmap :: (α β) ϕ α ϕ β We define instances of Functor for all generic functors. Besides, for every type constructor ϕ that is an instance of Representable we have to define instances for Rec ϕ 9 and ϕ. We abstain from defining one generic instance of Functor for all instances of Representable as this requires UndecidableInstances. In the following we assume that instances for representable functors are defined by means of the instances of their isomorphic generic representation. More precisely, a function f :: ϕ α ψ α for representable functors ϕ and ψ is defined by to f from, where the latter f is an instance of the same overloaded function for the corresponding generic functors. The free theorem for a function f :: ϕ α ψ α states that we have f (fmap ϕ g x) fmap ψ g (f x) where fmap ϕ :: (α β) ϕ α ϕ β and fmap ψ :: (α β) ψ α ψ β are structural mappings. For example, map is the structural mapping 9 To define this instance we need FlexibleInstances.

9 instance Functor U where fmap U = U instance Functor (K τ) where fmap (K x ) = K x instance Functor P where fmap f (P x ) = P (f x ) instance (Functor ϕ, Functor ψ) Functor (ϕ + ψ) where fmap f (Inl x) = Inl (fmap f x ) fmap f (Inr x) = Inr (fmap f x ) instance (Functor ϕ, Functor ψ) Functor (ϕ ψ) where fmap f (x y) = fmap f x fmap f y instance Functor (Rec Tree) where fmap f (Rec x ) = Rec (fmap f x ) instance Functor Tree where fmap f = to fmap f from Figure 3. Instances of Functor instance Shape U where gshape U = U instance Shape (K τ) where gshape (K x ) = K x instance Shape P where gshape ds (P ) = P (reverse ds) instance (Shape ϕ, Shape ψ) Shape (ϕ + ψ) where gshape ds (Inl x) = Inl (gshape ds x ) gshape ds (Inr x) = Inr (gshape ds x ) instance (Shape ϕ, Shape ψ) Shape (ϕ ψ) where gshape ds (x y) = gshape (L : ds) x gshape (R : ds) y instance Shape (Rec Tree) where gshape ds (Rec x ) = Rec (gshape ds x ) instance Shape Tree where gshape ds = to gshape ds from Figure 4. Instances of Shape for the list functor. It is kind of folklore that fmap presented in Figure 3 is the structural mapping for a generic functor but to the best of our knowledge there is no appropriate formal treatment of this question. To prove the following lemma we mainly replace all occurrences of map in the proof of Lemma 2.1 by fmap. Lemma 5.1: Let f, g :: ϕ α ψ α. For all types τ the following holds. f τ g τ f () g () To prove the generalization of Lemma 2.7 we need generalizations of the functions shape and (!!) to representable functors. The generalization of shape is called gshape. As it is a generalization of shape we can use gshape for lists as well. For example, consider the following applications. shape [ c, a, b ] [0, 1, 2] shape [, False ] [0, 1] shape (3 : 10 : ) (0 : 1 : ) The function gshape instead yields the following. gshape [ c, a, b ] [[L], [R, L], [R, R, L]] gshape [, False ] [[L], [R, L]] gshape (3 : 10 : ) ([L] : [R, L] : ) We use lists of type [Dir ] to identify positions in a polymorphic data type where Dir is defined as follows. data Dir = L R A value of type [Dir ] represents a path to a polymorphic component of a data type 10. Constructors with multiple arguments are considered as cascaded binary products. Consider the polymorphic data type for binary trees again. For example, we have gshape (Node (Node Empty a Empty) b (Node Empty c Empty)) Node (Node Empty [L, R, L] Empty) [R, L] (Node Empty [R, R, R, L] Empty) 10 As we only consider total lists of type [Dir ] we can also interpret them as integers. All paths in the left subtree of the outermost Node constructor start with L. The path of the value as well as all paths in the right subtree of the outermost Node constructor start with R as a value Node l v r is represented by a product l (v r ). To define gshape we define a type class Shape that provides a single function called gshape. In contrast to gshape the function gshape takes the path of the root position as additional argument. class Shape ϕ where gshape :: [Dir ] ϕ α ϕ [Dir ] We define gshape by means of gshape as follows. gshape :: Shape ϕ ϕ α ϕ [Dir ] gshape = gshape [ ] Figure 4 shows the instances of Shape for the generic functors (Figure 3). If we discover a polymorphic component, namely an element of type P α we replace its contents with the provided path. Instead of using the list directly we reverse it because we extend paths at the front and not at the back when we apply gshape to the components of a product. That is, we could as well not use reverse in the instance for P and use ds + [L] and ds + [R] instead of L : ds and R : ds in the instance for ϕ ψ. In the same way as we have defined instances of Functor for Rec Tree and Tree we define instances of Shape for these types. The generalization of (!!) is an indexing function called gproj that projects to a position identified by a path. gproj [ c, a, b ] [R, L] a gproj (3 : 10 : ) [L] 3 We define a type class Proj that provides a function gproj. The function gproj takes a path and projects to the corresponding component of the data structure. class Proj ϕ where gproj :: ϕ α [Dir ] α Figure 5 shows the instances of Proj for generic functors. The constant indexerror is an error message that is used when we project to a position that does not exist or does not refer to a polymorphic component. We only yield the content of a polymorphic component if the path is empty, otherwise we have projected to a non-existing position. Next we show that we can reconstruct a data structure from a generic shape by employing gproj. To prove this statement we need

10 instance Proj U where gproj = indexerror instance Proj (K τ) where gproj = indexerror instance Proj P where gproj (P x ) ds = if null ds then x else indexerror instance (Proj ϕ, Proj ψ) Proj (ϕ + ψ) where gproj (Inl x) ds = gproj x ds gproj (Inr x) ds = gproj x ds instance (Proj ϕ, Proj ψ) Proj (ϕ ψ) where gproj (x ) (L : ds) = gproj x ds gproj ( x ) (R : ds) = gproj x ds instance Proj (Rec Tree) where gproj (Rec x ) = gproj x instance Proj Tree where gproj = gproj to Figure 5. Instances of Proj two standard properties of reverse. We consider the standard linear complexity implementation of reverse. Lemma 5.2: For all total lists xs :: [τ ] and x :: τ the following properties hold. reverse (reverse xs) xs x : reverse xs reverse (xs + [x ]) On basis of these statements we are able to prove the following lemma about the connection between the functions fmap, gproj, and gshape, which is used to prove the main lemma. We prove it by induction on the structure of generic functors. Lemma 5.3: For all generic functors ϕ and ψ, all total lists ds :: [Dir ] and all x :: ϕ τ, y :: ψ τ, and z :: (ϕ ψ) τ the following statements hold. fmap (gproj (x y)) (gshape (reverse (L : ds)) z) fmap (gproj x) (gshape (reverse ds) z) fmap (gproj (x y)) (gshape (reverse (R : ds)) z) fmap (gproj y) (gshape (reverse ds) z) Now we are ready to prove the following lemma, which is the generalization of Lemma 2.3 to generic functors. For its proof we use induction on the structure of generic functors. Lemma 5.4: For all generic functors ϕ and all x :: ϕ τ the following holds. fmap (gproj x) (gshape x) x Finally, we prove that we can reconstruct a value from its generic shape by employing gproj. Lemma 5.5: For all representable functors ϕ that are instances of Shape and Proj and all x :: ϕ τ the following holds. Proof: We reason as follows. fmap (gproj x) (gshape x) x fmap (gproj x) (gshape x) { ϕ is an instance of Shape } fmap (gproj x) (to (gshape (from x))) { definition of gshape } fmap (gproj x) (to (gshape [ ] (from x))) { ϕ is an instance of Proj } fmap (gproj (from x)) (to (gshape [ ] (from x))) { free theorem for to } to (fmap (gproj (from x)) (gshape [ ] (from x))) { Lemma 5.4 } to (from x) { to from id (Definition 5.1) } x By employing Lemma 5.5 we can prove the same lemmas as in Section 2, 3, and 4. In fact, we only have to replace all occurrences of map, (!!), and shape by fmap, gproj, and gshape, respectively. The following lemma proves the generalization of Lemma 2.4 to representable functors. Lemma 5.6: For all representable functors ϕ and ψ that are instances of Shape and Proj and all functions f :: ϕ α ψ α and all x :: ϕ τ the following holds. f τ x fmap (gproj x) (f Int (gshape x)) Proof: Let x :: ϕ τ. We reason as follows. f τ x { Lemma 5.5 } f τ (fmap (gproj x) (gshape x)) { free theorem for f } fmap (gproj x) (f Int (gshape x)) In the same manner as we have generalized the previous lemma we can generalize the other lemmas and theorems of Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4. To generalize the statements concerning seq we define a function gshape seq. instance Shape seq P where gshape seq ds (P x) = P (seq x (reverse ds)) The instances of Shape seq for the other generic functors are the same as the instances of Shape. By employing gshape seq the shape of a polymorphic data structure contains in all polymorphic components that where in the original data structure. 6. Related Work and Conclusion We have presented techniques for proving statements about polymorphic functions in the presence of selective strictness and nontermination. In particular we have shown how less strictness and minimal strictness of polymorphic functions is reduced to less strictness and minimal strictness of specific monomorphic instances. To the best of our knowledge the presented approach is the first to the characterization of polymorphic functions by means of monomorphic instances that considers non-termination or selective strictness. Disregarding non-termination and selective strictness our approach is closely related to the work of Bernardy et al. (2010). Bernardy et al. (2010) prove a characterization for all functions whose type can be transformed into the form of a canonical testing type (ϕ α α) (ψ α τ) κ α where ϕ, ψ, and κ are functors and τ is a monomorphic type. For example, by employing a similar technique as Prince et al. (2008) they consider the following function, which is isomorphic to reverse in a setting without run-time errors and non-termination. reverse :: (Nat α) Nat [α] reverse proj n = map proj (reverse Nat [1.. n ]) In contrast, we would consider the following function. reverse :: (Int α) [Int ] [α] reverse proj shape = map proj (reverse Int shape)

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