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2 A PAPCR ON 7HZ PLANNING 07 7Hi RCLCASC flandzla CAHPAIQN IM7ROPU.C7ION 7hl*. oa.pe.si I a I n t e n d e d to.u t l l n e 't h e n a t u r e of the Release flandela C a m p a i g n and It* m o d u A o p e r a n d!. (1, e - t h e - w a y I t - 1 a going to.e c a r r i e d out). I t 1 a n o t an at.aotu.te on. definitive d o c u m e n t t u t only meant to A u g g e A t and 1 a A u t j e c t to i m p r o v e- mint Ly dellle.ratlona that w i l l f o l l o w ItA p/ieaentatlon. ; A I R S A N D 0 D 1 L C 7 I V L S _ JjiAt to A-e.pe.at w h a t 1a a l r e a d y k n o w n to people., the RAC 1a e^aaentlally a p o l i t i c a l effort. I t 1a I n c l A l v e In U a call f o r the u n c o n d i t i o n a l a e l e a A e of. a l l p o l i t i c a l p/ilaontna, the e n d i n g of lannlnga, l a n l A h m e n t A, d e t e n t l o n A and all allied r e p r e A A l v e l e g l A l a t l o n and, f i n a l l y the a etunn of all e x i l e * - all culminating I n a n a t i o n a l c o n v e n t i o n fon the end of apartheid, e c o n o m i c e x p l o i t a t i o n a n d all veatlgea of I n j u s t i c e, f o r the CAeatlon of a t A u e non-naclal, d e m o cratic A o c l e t y. H o wever t h e RflC 1a n o t to le continued a* a p e r m a n e n t p o l i t i c a l OAganlzatlon, tut a c o m m i t t e e Apec±- f l c a l l y e. A t a t l l A h e. d to f a c i l i t a t e a n d p o p u l a n l z e the aim*. a n d o L j e c t l v e A of the RTiC w h i c h a r e p r o p O A e d aa (1) t o c a m p a i g n actively f o r t h e u n c o n d i t i o n a l neleaae o f NeJ.Aon Handela and all other S. A political prl-. AoneA.A and d e t a i n e e * (11) to campaign actively (a) foa the unlannlng of the o p p n e A A e d and the e x p l o i t e d p e o p l e l l l e n a t l o n m o v e m e n t * a n d the r e t u r n of a l l p o l i t i c a l exilea. ( I ) t h e unlannlng and u n t a n l A h m e n t of people*a leadeaa. (±11) t o c a m p a i g n a c t ively for the a l o l l A h m e n t of all tanning (Iv) (v) (Iv) a n d t a n l A h m e n t orde-aa and d l l a llied expreaau.ve lecla- l a t l o n A > t o e.ncoarage the w i d e s t p o i A l L l e p a r t i c i p a t i o n of the m a A A C A and OAganlzatloru In the R A C at home and a L r o a d. t o p r o m o t e the Tneedom C h a n t e r aa the vlalle dem.ocr.atlc L a A \ 6 f o r an a lternative SA A o c l e t y aa envlaaged Ly N e l A o n H a n d e l a and all other p o l i t i c a l prlaonera and e.xllea - t o a c t i v e l y oppoae all r e f o r m l A t l e g l A l a t l o n and other m e a A u r e A that fall Ahori of a c c o m m o d a t i n g the alove- m e n t l o n e d p r l n c l p l e A. r.*

3 T k U e o n s u l t a t i v e " d i n g i s. R e s i d e s U i n g i n g a» - «* «* t, j r U ) to»» «««* c o g i t a t i o n with» < «««* f i i ; i. «s ««O'* W o n. tactics and strategies. U U ) ti.lay down a f ^ - c o o p e r a t i o n and c o - o n i s n a U o. U v, to too, i n t o I'undraising possibilities. the d e s i g n ' % all «C sy.tols. insignia and 7-Shirts (e.g. logo ficae-to attached); A to took into M. of., giving the W C a n a U o n a l (ia)? : : ; ^ n t o * national C o - o rdinating Committee the puafio«0 * **«_ le a m o n g s t others work out the ". _, o «a i o/! l a u n c h i n g the campaign nationally an proje that would k e e p the M C actively involved With. Issues that w o u l d Identity it w i t h community need Toe instance the working committee of UK.. «i U t on its mission to Aon- M C tranches throughout the coun ry, - LLlied a community need at H u n g i i the (.on* of. a Uidge. b o r d e r to implant the campaign in the minds of. the people. t and indeed the whole of. the K. Cape, st J-s here y ".d that the M C undertakes, as a community development PAOI, ecf the continuation of a iridge. 7h U will U done " ^conj u n c t i o n with local people. Consultation, shall te. conducted with Engineers and architects. 7A. ^ p o s e of t h e M C must te to generate active.ass involve- n i i. i W * campaign for the fel k Africa, legitimate * n d authentic leaders of the people S7RUC7UR _ Attempts have teen made in the ^ S l Z " a U ^ ^ t Z of our 'leaders. However, from "our analysis, t h e campaign f i l l e d out due to loch of CO- ordination and concrete structures that would sustain it. order to le a l l e to direct and sustain the campaign, formal and concrete structure should te s n s U t u. A that regional structures may U established in any where thire exist 3 or more M C tranches that would Z Z u to ao-ordinate with one another and contain the cam. fiaigk*.

4 n! m m n i t t e e s»*-* *- in consultation u±th the These regional c o a» U l «/ J m l c m e n - r raxku the Aesponsitillty of 4.npiemen o «U n a U * 9. C o m m U t * * carry t P t a U U h m M t U n g the M C p r o g r a m * * of a c U o n t h r o u g h of. the l o l l o p i n g s u l - c o * «U U e s : a ) p'ullicity r I) C o n tact ( C o - o r d i n a t i n g ) c ) dj c ; E d u c a t i o n 7J.nan.ce I n t e r n a t i o n a l l i a s o n n&d-ia.dl6ta.-llu.tlon :: a) Legal C o n s u l t a t i o n (See itructure d i a g r a m hereto altac e 7 A * / f i W Co-ordinating Committee and regional Lilli. h a l l conault w i t h and encourage other organis a t i o n * to p a r t i c i p a t e in the campaign. The Co-ordination. i t U e and r e g i o n a l committeea Ahall a* {.a* a* p o t t l e Z Z l i t a U the m aximum participation of. U>e ma**e* and orgal a t i o n in accordance with non-racial d e mocratic principle, and on t h e la*i* of guideline. M c h will U drawn ly the taid *tructurea in the courae of. the campaign. v ; ^ * ^ * T u l U e campaign ineoitally involve* financial commitment of leriou* proportion.. It U propoaed h e n that the M C ludget a c c o m o d a t e the following U * i c point* 7 r a n s p o r t - N a t i o n a l C o - o r d i n a t i n g office i T u i c A y and PullicaiionA (e.g. M C Hew.tetter). employment of f u l l - t U e f u n c t i o n a r i e s.* < <* «" s V * a U.?.. a u i u» Ilientially an overt politicoi eff ^ ^ J the course of. tatting up v < laue* directly or indir,ctly falling within the ACope of t on there may ie i n c i d e n t A of d u p l i c a t i o n and ^ c K of co-ordination Letween the M C and other organiaationa. I I A U light, it n e e d A to te e m p h i A e d that the nature of the rel-t-onahip of the M C with Auch organiiationa

5 ihould U d e i g n e d a. elatonate.anco.plicated and de'ocnat.c T 1 «n o i u t u w ^ 0Z ai!, i t n a c t u n e *uca a. the U.B.T. # p p o r i l i 1 T J M M 3 M : Q L g j l i M U M. ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 7 ^ i» «.../ **«** «-. there. U a need to draw a frame.work w U r u n dl U \ 1 \ m c l l u o penate and to I U Profile in '» ' _ ^ 1th the aim of promoting the.. Treedom Charter a4 i \ : r : : z > t T o U > * ^ - ^ * e U M 4 ' : i /cr J t ^ u u y u * *. * «- ^ W U. A M < ** C. ^. T k U *»» * > * ' a. I. c. Popularizing? ««* «C W «M e C ^ ^ a i i n? o deepen u n d e n t t a n d ^ g of the f.c. Ly C,.. ^ l i n k i n g I t th.xough.out the campaign to Conte.Ktuallz4.ng and U n k i n g y Lhm day-to-day l**ue*, * U u g f U * and a c U v ^ U i. l. J a n d I K * U. p * o 9~ * * i» * organisation* through t h e. clau*c* that c o m W s ^ U o a n t ±**ue*, - - W > - and act+vltle-**.v-, mil that the RAC u I I I deprive o r g a n z * c U o n * lflu do«4 not «M «i < * * * ^ ^ ^ ii «* ^ T e a c U i i Z V A. «ut,i ** the * K ^ I f a c ^ U a U ^ ^ ^ ^ zr?::::z::z - < * r r M C ' l n e l a t i o n t h i p»±th the iav.lued organisation. I n i*. W s A i.* i i * «««*» M * r ^ «. * «* - * A. U organisation* n e e a U e t. to the campaign l C on.t a. t l y c o n t U o u * of A. «. * W place, at a pantioula* point *n U m e k ^ p a o a U n d a of. date* uhi-ch one n. U. a n t to taklnq C- a l l d which p n o g n a * * ^ on. c U u U U * can U o n g a n ^ d J n. Dau ol the R-Lvon±a JA-LaL) (e.g. T/veedom day or Day of. campaig, c a p

6 QU S7I0N±., e K o u ^ o you *ec t h e M C plan f i t t i n g «you/, local situation u i h /ie.^cre.nct. to a. {.u.nd-'iala-lng L. p r o j e c t s c, structure. and i. t h e p o l i t i c a l i i * e n U o n of the c«/ «*» * # * * * ' * * Ao* can u * c o - o ^ ^ ««* h e a t h e n M C I n a n c h e * throughout the. country? r % C


8 tclcate. "ta'-'oeca c W a.u n W'-**' tmc t4«vib*i*x. **Vi. - M - C 1»4 TF< LIAISON NAtT(o M A l Ce>* t*m*tim<» CoMMITTEC Lfc O /SU c»^ucta~noh _ ( o x c x i l > M C v i i VU Ko> + * V* AS6 MiV^^EcA C A M P A» C * K» fceoko^al C*MrtHn«- tt- v.' t + y^*,'c>u#f* _ re, Pu Bl»c \'Tv<!C*S W*U»t\' V Fir***^ «4»wV J jw» I io*

9 Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg 2012 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. People using these records relating to the archives of Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, are reminded that such records sometimes contain material which is uncorroborated, inaccurate, distorted or untrue. While these digital records are true facsimiles of the collection records and the information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand has not independently verified their content. Consequently, the University is not responsible for any errors or omissions and excludes any and all liability for any errors in or omissions from the information on the website or any related information on third party websites accessible from this website. This document is part of a private collection deposited with Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand.

* 7 *? f 7 T e & d. ** r : V ; - r.. ' V * - *. V. 1. fb & K try *n 0AC/A+J-* ' r * f o m e F o ^ T *?, * / / L * o : ± r ' *

* 7 *? f 7 T e & d. ** r : V ; - r.. ' V * - *. V. 1. fb & K try *n 0AC/A+J-* ' r * f o m e F o ^ T *?, * / / L * o : ± r ' * AM 19 4 i i I i J f j. * 7 *? f 7 T e & d -w?5*.? 'f & G s V J 'f / Z > / y ^ K f i r r t s K f S r 7 4 M C r v l * / ' f c : 0 * * < - / l r P r ~ r o s d «4 r ** r : V ; - r.. ' V * - *. V. 1 *f*rotrrrtc,

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