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1 ''''~'''''''''~',',;.,..., 'i i,,

2 A PREf,mNARY fact FOREGN ENVOYS N (CHNA AGREE UPON termb> ~- J~rJnc elj and fjtjlh Officials ~11l8t be Exc( utcd lllhl China ~U~~ lunko ~ A~OOJtY to Ger1llnny for- tl~11uurde~ of Von Kettclcr


4 ", :., luljr"'ton. U oul<l cc 1\,;, ''PU,! ~,:(>n The Oreat'Repubncan VictorY. ZED WH''E N A cave W'\'" m,\d. "ll.\' l.'~l..\ \i'\l\'t.t {'3 6. R~p'uh[{de.n~va{anotl.e. Almost lhn,pw\'. n~"t1 1\\ hj,t 1 l'\1)~p)' ali the.tat whl.h the Br.,nlle,.'ld 1'HE POSSUM HUNTER OF TENNfSSE'E fn/' :nmy tl~ (;(),J(~ awl \\'('ut 11/ were 111 rlottljt. R.r~ 'oarried by t.he RiapUblicADs. MoKiDley bas tremando~b --,--- T,ELLS OF A VSON. ',lr' phue.uti.08 tn N'Elw Ym:k. and tltno\el. Ohio, whiob th~ ohail'mall of the Bi';Y QntEl national commftt,tee, deoltu1d ~81oDg 'to l;h~ evoof eleotion wa.s ~'an:vbody's statej" 1'0118 up a roomng potel-ltty ftor tl'l distiugu[8h(..d l,.,oa. odia.rlia 1'1 Rep~bllc~n by B bigger margin th~n mo~t o( the p\i.rty's oampaign mf\[h~ger8 looked fof. i Tbe e8il1t 1 tbf' mirldle- West aad mapy of the 8t~t.eg or t.he MfB:iOUri River rfrioi :!ood tbe PaolO" coast b~s been swept "y the l'apablloamr, Theie hm been no collapse for t~e losing party: in any presfdentlal 10Bt vass ibinoe 1~72 whioh was al'l abjeota d tlom~lete as that which bas hit t e Brysnite P6~ty. ts vote n New YO~'k Olty.~nd Cb~oago has been muoh 8ma 1 er th~n wha.t hey predjeted. The e verbe in New York City means the overthro* of Tarp.loany in thq next mllnlo- ',,! ival.l.oti~n, The, Cook oonnty Dem- ~"'Jf, Qorat rioi ~as been aljjnaly rebuke4. NE a~s not aye gumption till one has 1leen n m6,t of the great ollys of the conn, ch 1\.. P 'f ",l,..~ try the Reptlblloans Qalve been Vlotorproper y e, te. er~onf,0 gump'1~t are All th 11 h B 't usi~~ vory Soap, women!who have ~~tecl b::sjeen b:a~::. ~o ~:Ob :ev:~::~:: them dves~oo hear *e!precipice ot false oom~ to onr' p~rty in a nalional oam L 'X h t pal~tl sinoe the overtbrow of Greeley economy alld who n nof apprecl te t ~ rue1 econ O' and ~he llbe~al Repnblioan.Democrat., my in a soap made of pure veget, e oils anq other io oo*litoo tw.nty-,ight yea" a~o, hjgt-c1ass,ingredien s, bjt made, in such quant,tyas Nobody whl be inaoy donbt as to /~ ct. f h tbe oonsequenoes of this great Repub. to ring th~ price w' hin ne reaf'l ~ t e very poorest lioo~ viotory, t make' the gold,tond. faniily.,ndeed it is e v,e,y poor who most need it, for a,d.af. C,olO f.,ther posslhillty of a,-.t. ' " ft d ~ _-it,j, d of mmon J.~ap srult. Hryahlam and 8tl the absurdl- ",ey can east ~.,'O.,:'",,e,,.e1<.:..a.,.~a.~~~,.:.e ", co >U. 8S dtlau 8~ AH'iol:!ou "hl.ver,y. No gr~at party in the United States w1ll ever ~ dart! to a.ttfi.~k tbe n,atiou&l honor of r:he WAYN~ HE-R~:L -:--tre;:;;doo. mbjorltle, the '~~~l dl. st.billty. Bfyan himself add all the _ "" J. _ triots~l\v~ MoKinley. Tber8sult ttxe rest of the polittc,al ~rlgands who have ~~~t.c n~d :t'ul' 'O'. T t Jjji~,~; \\'~~~U~-" beyotl(f dqubt tbe Bte.tuS of the rhra n~~~'c(>ll,lcla";ill[lillulll~~e,l,e voters, ~hey oannot be tooled, ap been in oontrol,or t~e Demooratio par ty ror the pabt r(jill: years and have -: 1, ' there are ~re 7,000,000 of them.--nte been l tnfliot~ng d(sa~ter on the ooun- : w. H. McN6AL. Edit~r, O"ean. - tl'y elt home Rod refleoting disoredit j., lt Wlli AHlu:.' Coons lind "ONlqriJ. by till.' HU1HN~({Mn Hi \\\\, ~Vb.icb." D~ E,'cllt!o. J~roved...~"M All,," : tTUlM. 'l'lu'nllhlujlj Lh. i, Croke' ~ays that Bryan la btill 10l).~ upon the oonntry abroad will be sent na.turalle der." Croker pr~mised BryJ to the rear. LTbe demooraoy will be a.r Q1ajorlty in the only Grellter'l obli"ed to (rlop its 6bliqutties and in n- alnd htt go~27'ooo. ):t1w, w~at s BrYj iquities in 1900 jnst as it was foroed ~o, i :0..;.:..'":~~~\ ~~s' ':t' abs oplni n of Oroker? We'kuow 'fha~ drop some or its vaouities and auaob ' - ~..l~~, -~ ~,- it wss l ;G eat is Tammany ~nd Croke rontsl:ds after 1872, and adju8t tself ~o ~"'AHl YO l _,AMi': ZW \\ 1111'1':': ftublblffin ffivlury THU~l;DAY. i~)1fi rjorop et." 'l'hat Voal rhl&n 01 the l~ving asur~s or the day. Baae moll!"'r. L!Uf : lid.\' l'h! g(jt tu gou{j to =;:--:-,_.:~-::--- --::: =l,== k--. w,asgo~ng 0 give him that ~OOOO. Un money 18 deapbe'yond th~ POB8bill~ thcl,l lllll('std! ' (Jl\'ps. \lad 11 11!JWtH', 1 d otreaurreotlod. No party of any Btan. ful '-!,111l11 J',- J\1~l\t. flllll)' \!~un McKinley Re-~lecled. : fjow-~ow be oal rev se an reverb 11 b snw n,p, alld llj:l1 (':1 \ (> "11'1 : 'huek,'l'h~ 'intt'li~(j[)oe,: the integrity rnd ~tb to.t l nd make t truthful as wei ~~: :~~~t~y~~e~e::~~\:iy :::t o~: full of 1:1:11 PP'~'lllllS. f'ol~it stir p..ttllotism of the Alllerlca.npeople~,ave, ~s eplgra matio: Great 18 Oroke th whn~ bl'ulg" tile H'mllits tog-eth " but.~ alnd Tam Rny i8 hlb profit 8t Pan dollar for the oonntry, ex<lept t tl,,'l' th'y W:lS, :mel fltnr was )0 'ot tj~ulllphed. The 'e leleotlon of Wlll~aml (1)ispa~CJh..- whioh dema.nds 1000 io a~1 tbe mon y. :M;oJ}:inlej H.ttf\stfl the l!.at1sraou/;m 6t R' oeut"rl'l; of the world. All questions or '('ll." ', ~ '"'J "' don't [l'!i('n' lhithln of the\sol'tl' m~a,;oruy of the peolple with the tn. t WitH b~notioed that in the tbir forel~n POllO~s will be B~ttlEld Moord sup; till' uld "J'Hflll. 'Yo' ure ahus. tr'l\l f\ud bnsiuf'ss CC ld!l iods that alve., "onnore e io al %"..1lstrlot of Nebrask loo'~ l"> "V the dl ateb of the polltloal san- r!t('ylll. \,S 11lllS "~ loll 'j',11" adl OOlS phlvlli~d l11fhl' fl r~puhlican 8dm~ot8-1 there re ore than double the num ity. ''he "lmperialfsm" absurdity h~o9 and tjssll1s. ljut VD l~ P\ ('t k1l W{'U tlr{ti'~n find th~il' d~slte for R oont10u., ber ot: vot rs of any dstrict in th had lits little day landlwill never pe ;ro' to!ley n yislmn' 0 t clloljpill VOOU R)ne ot' th+-'ae ('onditio:hl. t rerffl~m. 1ate. ~'1C Platte and Ouming oountles heard or sgail). Tlle orr of..repub~io or hol'in eorn.' tl' ~9,popu" '0",1"n"""1 ", ' f ('r" ""'nd mdl,,ore e t ) 1 'j n another dl09tit r 0 th.r against empille"whi,oh Wfl.8 heard fr m "~ll(' W:1f> 'i:.>:ht.. 'bout tljfll," H~lif1 Zeh, 1' t\) ' (~ t\ul'rmltly Hll' f' l1', the meln.n- wouldte no doub' > 0f the e eo> 'on f bla.tant T Bryrnites l all ave,r the oount y with a r-;milc'. "mt t 1'1!'11 llf> u J'l~:-;t f t tl 'f- dtt t H. d h~' 1 d - the ''<,ih'. 1 nns\w'l'pd. bach: Ul'ty.. "~"~' 0 t,10 11''',1:\1 Ple,r tn. 'h ~oar rrpubl,oauloongressman n the tb l' during the oqnvassi wul: not oome pc 1Jl'i.'<:lr.lnntl ~~JJC go~, lllcl' rn. ~;r, :lth so o,~ ld,tun, ~ (emono'; i tl >, anoain n Amet-ioan t: liuc6. At lenlat l m,".,jl'it" ill' \..lu' nud,pie' ar,e not io s m. The re,sn tot eleotion'did n,ot effeo l">, L.' ~ we 11l1r1 h 1'0\1'. g'{lt up fjom till' table! ~' 1\" wth appl:'~llh, t,) Cl1!o8S preju~ioe il.~bside~ e,oep, t to increase it io bml tour 'years mqire or puplicfm Kover. nlld tool~ m~' ~11l :plll,,[l!stlpl! t, tlj(' J ~ ment, ~onert onan~e antl l general p - l111wg nll'd Hf:u'!P op.'.,ltld the 01(1 \'ll111' Wj1tJ!Sliaults on tjj:e judiciary and ith, S50 ntet R hke NeW ~ork, CbietalKo Uti0B!l sanity ~re a sul'e4. ''he ent r- an cflji('d out to lw that slt' hopl'l T'd the fosteriog of dif,cont~ot. and 'dis-, bur.d p~ia.and ot h er large 01 es prisela all ovel tne qounth whloh ba e be c1:tw(1d ljy Wlltlcr:nt~. wlllm't '1l n Sf!'ti~fnOtiO1.,i 18f,oOk~ of ~ll kinds inoreased in valul\ beed,held up pn the dre~d that Bryt D ll'boht ~ljnt dh!lm. WlS rill 0 " ',lly 'rj e rebuke to Brysuism if! ov,er,tifn and oattle, hogs and agrloultura llllck 10 ~ell. e,}'e~ \\~ltlc (Jlll'U, \\ J t1~ut 'd b h mlr'ht, throur'h so~e fattl mi8obal1qel 1"1 ' w,hs~min,g. To th,e inolitical fortun'e~ of,1>?duots o~n~lnue a on :_e Same., vis lun F; \\}l befp me, nud!ncl B f d f t ~6 '" oarr3't the OOU9- tr y, will now be p~t tllings so, clcal' t!tnt 1 fell nto n 'Vpl' p7 n hhnb~ hi:. e eat m~s p! ve Wbe~ tble Bryanltes, olalmed Mary througb. Prpo9perity wih be Axtendl~ blc. Tb0r, Wllfi a eave full of coun. {lru d:,iiat:itrouh. H se'e~!:1 hh,l'dly poba ble 181nd, New'l Jersey soj pdlana the apd ~lloreaseq, od eve~y bourse n possums'lah1 1 went ill and slayl'( r~in tj~tl.tlhe OH.~ ev~1' Rgjlllfi see~re,a nofi. ld\urt have tbougbt tbe oltlzens 0 Christendom ~oda~ Am~rJcan BtOC B by the huzhj'('(j'< nnd got '1l~lff'!l oney nm~lu fo fihf.\ pre~ldeno.v or even be t~obe stat~s were.fllpinob. But the will rse. 10 eir~fy divillzed laud uod r out of their "kill" to lllv me n lllp, '1.' 1 Pfl'lnttte'f to 8b!>uluW llol~tl(lm lea4,er- returns n ioated that they were true tile Bun Am~rf.cad people and t e want1d td, fix th:lt jl'uk'. of (,o'sc', lp~llt S!P bluo~ lit) Oll.ll ll6ver 8 f lltirely ~ee bn,e Ameri an oltizens. AmertOlui nation wl,l ll today gain n w Reem"d n 1OW'~'ful P,lll to f't th t '~,lhlmfielf from tbe8tlr'[lhl. 0 tbe un at : i p.restlre and glory. i shun go h~. lnt~n't g'ot lllo'p'll ll*lf rfvdo and daqgerqus teaob~tlg wh oh " mbe ~eop e saw Mark ajnna in Ne, : ~e~~~ t~~~~l1~~:~~~~~se ;;~~e;'~'~~~1' ~~~~;..fd~' fou!' yeal's he bf98 been mp~rttng. \:>rasklll an oame to the oonolu8ioo DeWitt's Li!ttle ~arly Risers are the 'p~nl'el1 tulltalw tilr ot} womflll's slue l~).y 1'/3001'd ts a re9ltless agitator ~tn.,tb.at, h~ wa a. pretty good sort of a best liver pi1~8 ev~r m~de. They are wlleue\'cr ~'(' lull l~ 'ow. Wjwu no.?l lt be eff'a{jed ll.l d the party at tehow, ~nd ather liked his advlce, to e88y to take and they never gripe. L. t\ccd 111m ltnllgill h~j(')",relilod 0 lt ut Slillllldhereafterm keblmieaderwouid ~Letwelle oughalone," P O'tb ' illm awl gh:j1.:jlc'u,up u club, bu ~c j+rl~e toe"7ltflble lefea.t. No pa.rty.",. r ", went out df si~ht like a. rabol. ' CHl be8\lcejhsfnl j thiroountrywhioh Ein'tllt w ndedul how the A\'Deriban Tle FHipinos will now oome ont ot wantetl,thn~ dnwg' to hol(: ille 1ll u,tb H '.. 1"1' h L the wet or get hurt, Gt:f1n"s COl' P1lllClpl santi polioles hos.. eople W irruy W en tbe~r conntr'or 8,' l of tile cnye whilc,vput n\_ 1slnil1gll. tilf' to natloual in!?l{rlty ~nd national n dan~e~. i D~Wltt's \VtCh ' Haz~11 Salve W~ll tefell tile n:*lll1t~, alh] 1 Je,t 11:L{~f:! up' hfllo' &'l doestbe pryauito party,,, quio y hea.l, tbe l worst' burne. a{d lll;\i mllld. to 1:11l him Wlll'D [ ;;ot Jl~lllle. H,tlp~b\it;an vleto'll'y meaqr flo co~tinu-' L'd' ~ktlv -B Wond,f:rTe~. soa~ 8 and not leave l\ Be l', [t oan e 'l'ilnr waf,! thl'(>c (':''P;,;, :ll if. was 4 ~ix ] r -1 ~ Col to~, \\to, arry Otl 'uvxmgtonl d t c t d f 1 h mile trip. The L(ll1l(' ('~.\C wus', tho fi eo of,thc conditipus, wb,i~h bo.veglv. ' '~nn, n ekploriug Mam~otb Cave l app leo u s an raw ur aoes W blgg('~t. nnd,tlh'1i l'p.nr }H,ult 1011i:l'd ell the country 1)t'uh"~.1lty,uud i stim~ "d L -, f prompt and soothing liltfeot. Use t,, l',, t ontrao,,'il,. severe 0611e a, pi es. s tor!jies snd akn diseases Bewa e nil nruund fur, tl'ficks. \"ot onp w ~ to n U~ to anhj,rgli llrel'ttloent~ i\:nd new (liok ~rlre' throngh usng BtlOkl~n'a " be COU1Hl, hnt that lltlu't dlr'l~01 ru...c e lterpdses. t rn~kns tbe s'trenathen. ~rnioa sa~le oonvinoed himltisanoth- of w rthless oountrrtelts. Sold by m~. pel'l':ll', moll)!l 'lli' H1ll'"lJ i g '~f tlnanolr ooptlrlenoe. lilt m~qns e' worl's onder 'Oures pue8 ijl~nr~ p, 0 th., then w(\nt. t wa~ l\ l:ll \ {'t 01' n n, ft tt. er'lndn!:llrlfil,fl.nrl (Jomn1erolal)de- 1 s n{laal RUon ~nd all bcduy up.' Th~e people 8how~d t?elr,dlt3r.pprov 1 nlh tll' ('un' \\n~ 111bl'l;:, hut llld "rio OHmt. t, nlell.1js greatjr p'es~lge,. 1 t R d" of 0 t~e use ot Linooln s tlll-me by t. e hl'llngo nlolla' Jl~flll!;l' ('lll'lljp la'~t 'cl, t ~ ODS. n 250 a aymon 8. oopp~rhead foroes lunder BertHl. 111{' ('lllldl<' nlhp!-:t111 tu look n!lol\t! il P. a 1d infllletulb florofti. t me ns 8. pol. ~ \, ~ ~' "Dotl rot t! ~ll\t whnt H full' n :\11 n 19" ill 'e~)eot to '0 U new p,s1>essi" ns T e k ard l n that slet lone wil be r t OU have everlse~m8 ~hil~ in t e ltln mnk{\ of hhnri>1r wllf'll he tl]f>.jl" Ulld, Wilt best (,(nfo! va the.o(far of, ee,y +noqgh. The fenoe th~t i let &gonr of oror p fou ol;lu'realli:le h w exclaimed th(l 'old lhan Ofti'' [l p:,'118(1. t~tllr (J;60plo aud l'horllgll,j,rd ~mer1 an on," Wll\,~t poor enough. Th~b eed~ 'Rrat~rulmoth ra ~re for p'ne Minu e 'l'adybrxlyot' l:3cul;c!tnowsthat coon. and.iuterestb. ":,1 f ~t~ood Bwok wlll ~edome sor bby OOll~h Oure wihio~ gives r~uef as so D POSSUlliS uon't ~,~ il,uugln!ll'oullti C~VfS. lt! is e. gloriuu triumph \ for he 'f st e ong f let. alod8 1 The arm admlnletered' l t qulokly ofres oong s 'fhat ylshuu wu~ [11 tumllt;uun lie. irljat llhlt~ll~1 honor' an (1!:ltrlotl in an ~ ' ill fa io, n fast enongh 1 flef~ a one. oold~ and all tjhro~t and lfng troub can wu~ u::; bit;' p~hah an aen,), 1UQ i>jrjtj*di~ tl'ibulo t~ Wm M Kinle._ 11 re~~~r ~ no efforts tor t~lng81't,bp L. P Orth. ~ wjllked nil 0\'('1:' lilt and fuullu )n. Be," ', " J',laok"walr., Negleot them alnd tlf,e,l,sl 'fh:e saud. so thjis'do more, thb r. wns mall hll(lllu klll llly,'il'lf when ld T k h 1'"' stnl'tccl to ~o 01lt. llllt h:tdll't dne ' "=- -r----' 6ss i s l on., oml~ et ngs"o\afl d vubl~oana w8lkfn large gains tber, fl1l' when the r9of,of thl:' ('ny(' '!lclu'l'o '~ They cannt Be Fool d. ott, etter all t e ti61e requires wo,rki,and but~oa.d;1e pretty nerr being a.~;lut 8 to fall OO\\U U1Ol~ 11l1:'. MubJe t wus _1:M rf',l ttmn G,OOOrUQO, Holle ulets l f rom ~ o~ ~v r1'tbin,l:f wul,have 80,11 a nortb as it :109 ~osblble to ~e, ' hq.lf p.o!lout' fnjlt'l'lwilell opene p'y 'll: <ll'~ th\'c~ blloll l'~oe'ived, t ~he 0 n-,' m l' ~tte tlon.-homes~ea~.. y...,oqo't afforil~to risk yonr dre b c;r{:s and fouu( ty~ell" Otl ll}' nek, \.1 't t t W t j t T~ R W nnll t ~N'ml'd n~ 'f on~ fllde of lny s g ee,l.r men l~, ~~ lfoc "lj,l ebe v. ba... SBvldge, tbe BU0'1':ing a ooqa-b ' oold to de'lflo e hi'ad' hnd bin dn...l~tl n.' foud] my dl~fl, e a,~urh ~o'tl' or 'OlMf.oct? at ~ re oher a d author ot 0a:rah8J~r'~e': intppnenmonla or oonbu~ptlou. 0 e l'lft! with the 1l:1t1kk bl'ohn, n d 1 ~l~' tn the oountj'ylal l1.r~. "'l r l ~ave se n the Dr. Kal's.rr'D~V Mihute Coug~ Onre will oure ~~ro t could Brollll h'u1r ~\~ 1l1'o\llld. t d do't fill' the stlites'pl1rtioula ly tbo of for and Dr. Kay's LungBRim u~'d wit' and lung trouble~ quioker tha~ 8 'i tal;.:e UtC ou; t O>\Ul;l'' out ilult 11 u~llr t e rem m'cldltj West the r ral vo era exoepert r SUits. Mr. Geo. W. ener, othet prepara~ion known. 1A.1an~, ~o. had folk'!'l'll lll~ ~lllo the cnve UrJ a own muklir~' knd ho ~ ow era eiditbr ot he Omaha Weekly orld- tora 'use t a~ a. 'sp,oi60,tof [V e rt,tch~cl me:t wl~n(' 'lol~sl{l~ til{' c t1. T.he are ~j~en~y l~t1'te\;:ell n,"'-ani 1'1 ihert'ldi an ' ~ulte 8 nud';1be!r Or~oth'er Cbilfren like ~t. ll~rther8 tndo~be,to n n mlnlt hl'tl\'c1 11m Hldmn lind,,- can pohmeg ~wi 'pt1n(hple" Nat ve Oma a. peo e have beenoured b theae P,O th. ~ ~1;n~~j~~\n~lc~~~~~~tl~o~:;~; ('fl~l~' (;~:H~lt~d,~ b'pr,ali ror6ir',~, h;;[)1dth~,y, ll, k out f om kre~ r me le~. wrjte this tes 10lOnl' ''ho,. who' blbl' v'ed the ml'llta',.' r * He \\'f~ yln hn~'1l f,ah' n tll(' Wl1,V, llhu the a:l':ll Q 01' frc:'l " thftlr \"i age ho es 1801 b~o UBe' onestly believe t s del and lmpel'il\1ibm ~mgabooefl of Dry n C j, J. ~t '., h i ( wn~ his llt'isullfl" \ lly 1'1ie 1161' n.to l futnre tbat; S to be, bettrr! tor ~erv'4'~'.f ~root ot many alwlol:lt mlj will ~ due time glsoovej tel' err r nu rj/{ht, 1 con]l he,"' ~ot 1'1l1 or hi n'ln Arm loans f.b~n the pa<,t. 'rue 0 be ~raotlij0j18 0 r,s and tor tree ~dvloe :ndtl~pl wo~(ter ~ y they followed a Uil011 order, bu t ~~ou\tlu't be fir til trad tiarls of ~l\(l rl(~~ubho,tl ey hqv' al ~m~le aod books, write Dr, B. lj, {ay: 8,r 6e KO s. " "A::! tlle h'm' w:u 'l C modu ) he, way bean tl)e bmwa.rk of he usltion arafoga, N t. : M~ny people :worry beoanse t~ey b sbowed bl~ tl'ctll nql) gl'owlell,11l l,w,lly in olritlbat tlrtl.el'l. ". ' llllrtl:e they have beart disease. T e to make tly h'a;l' S~ltl\{} up. l~t. dftl'l t " orne easo s j K D C t!llll:~!lt t '\\':11, ) 'gt to 1'('l'P ~tl! tur :H Wa~ to th~so ~ llul i ot r", ('8'> nk', bti~les 8r~ that their hearts are J ;n ",','n1;'tl"".t:',~::"t:n, 'o,n"'~'l' i l o ","" t""'~t"'~"'l"'o"llltn, 'almjst"onn hq.lfdlhb.e f,(ltal vota or he ',. ~, rl ~ bnt theh. at'1maohs are unbble!,.1'.,.-, g.. nati ')], tl",.t, BrYlH UPl-!t'lH.~, n f,h~ re-, n 'dl;85t fqol,, O( l )'spepb fi l e ~ l\\ 11111' /lu(l s!'(' lr ll' \\llllldll't go :qvuy, oent~08mpltij,{n w! lj 1\11 the arl of lh& ' di,s~s wt, t ~ou E,!ut and pr(>.\,e,uto9 ~ e fln(l 11'dJ' l"l\1\'\', fmjlj til t1l(' Wl'jt o~ ~Y decl im(,\l'!:lnd n.l t \1 lntltloes of, he hy. You Should nsist on Having:, fotm~tiop or i gr~ whioh DllJ.ke!i f. e ~('li(\f that ( ltt l " '1 \'n~ rl~j!t to a'ecl l. dem,\o~~np. lt \j"" to t H'C, by p ef- A HARtlESS OL' fltdtl~oh pre8~ 8R',lDRt tbe hl:latt. t 1 (jjlllllll't ~ \\ lhollt ' Pl~lll uvt'r ereoi' h' t r ""~dee"~, J h a-lulm na ~ b ih~ will ~.re lull'!or~, ortodig'6ti<>n, 'hilli,hul t '"'' "t'' lot, ",,, (h~" t10~ ~'rt 1'tl1P~ri811,"m!\~rt mhitarl-m. shard)::lh~r~f~' P.O~tb, J : '. ~ ke~t quiet tul'ltw fours, and heln~v. t V'l s to ttwtu th<jt hlj! d.ll ted 0'(1 the E ecial1y prepared. ~o~. A.. dbufchj\j, Ex Attr. Ge 2. (\1' moved. +t.'h~u.ltlullg a lst~db, at ins f ;'he Repubjt:oao ~l.rt n fa~d. ls,~eps out W;ter. 'er f Neb..jql itee: "Havlnj,{ kl~ow~ llrn, nnd he wol;:c \1~' nnd growled dll ~ ' T 'UheaVY'bodled oil. ~,'. L< had n chill. 1 "D~ roerioan ter l~ory gl,u at tbf ro. i of fit me r~mllrkrble cures of qma a "Mebbc yo'il Bay 1 orter.bev tfklm te.e.,t 1'F'iUplnr r 'l'bljlf> r " ARNESS '/1 P ~",.etfe'ot~d~ytbetlaeof[)r.klys comfortlntlt4tlcn.. tl"llmt'\tlten1lfund M~. Bryan n;ow hll."l tbj al!>wer ~f he n e3:celleht preservatire. R no ator,,"ud D : l{toy'li Lurtj,{ B>l.J, ~e uftcrlloou wearl')ll away arjd toe ru11l,"otetb to tlll l fllt.ntio false~o ds. e~l1c~s cost of :rou!' h~~n~sr. ~u~ve tb~t tbe e "teat remedias R e b'ni' lullgin o~ 1, w,~s mgbty'll.~el 4le A.nci tbey woro not decel ed, 'T ey lij$ci~:~f::r~=~, ttl> w' r~by ot:t~e bod~dedoe of,bt' PUlllil. over t,t, 'l'he,h'tt's Of 'l'ennesse~ow~d t erj not dlv~h'ted tram the parauio nt gc"re8les~service: M. s. t:bqfobui has ll~ad Df',!{~Y'~ t.. - ow a pow('r!lj S1'l<l~e fur thc tbv Y, 1 ssnj ~.. 'tches1iept frow' breaking.') OV"~~ Bnd has be~l'l ~r('a.tly bcn',.fit d lind sll'm g htel'c(l tllcm, nnd wh WlS,.,; '\ ' ttl t i th~ i id-', ' :::.;/ t~ =:lbelhacll HelVe' be~u lloblo 0 to tell what tl~~sicrlttcrpl'oposed) do? He could ftnish nl,?oltauytj he nl~o~kdg0f:er:,evoe 'll,rey. ~ : 4i. ~Dd West rn states, th Am,rlol\D Sj.s91d inall 11 d oy relle~ hpt0re\fo~ her stoma, h wauted to, but lie' 'Penred to be y~o :who eepeots is Qwn peop, 8n~!bas Lpealities' JlaaUfactu~-h:r tr u l"." Free l\dvee, samples a a aj!aothel' gllme.,bjl}1cz.,y it COUlE('~al'k, fa1t~ n their utq,1'9 must e p4!lrl~tj(le a '. 8talUl.rd oj. COlllpft.ny. book wrtte ~r. B. J. Kill', Saratog but be ddn't J..lQve.,!Vas llungl:yiyj thrll o,r eatlsta,otlop when.. b.not~' ~~e Nt w ark. ~rsjy~, ~Qd i'~1~~ ;rtjw'aqjjj,,t'!"t D ili:/ : ',",..: ':",, ;,.) '-), "',,Ci ' ',! : "", :',.' ~-,-' ',: ' l,"~:i~1,',' ";', :,;"j~" ". ( \ ~F~",,! ' ",,' c." ' [ do~'t rc'':.1 h' ('~\JW l)\.d\ ' " 1\ ~\~~~\ ;'ll~~~jt~' f~~;,l,to~:': t~~~~~~) t ~J~'\v Jl~1~:~~ nil \'l~ht '\ 'll <:j:rl\g-lt 1)\"01\" and l\w'l 1 \\'.h' "") ll"'} 1Jllll hl1j;:j'y J gut Ul'1>f/l'"t((. "lttl' tilt' l:"ltll' i, iu m,l fllluu"; ~ :tllnl1:td lo Hlc (~r ttll' ellvt al~t1 ~ 'll, ~l til' tlhn to ~'\' ' \ an! hl'\!' it,'jllt \\111\ lu'. Be \\01) ]:1'1 <10 t ll' "'r(),\'j"! aw} rolll'''d J )l) c]aw('l1, lmt ~' \\ o{'11dn't ('Olll(' n. rt WitS a \'\U1'rcl' \l1:h'elto ~lt lout, :lwl.;" had till thd Hl\'l1l'1t~gp. ~,'n'll!'!] 'i~l wbooped n.*u t1ungll,~t(}uc~ and cnlh! him nrtmes 1 \)ut hetlt me tirt' m~'b' t out. ~oon ~omc, ~f be wah still tba~, 1 had anot~lc" row with him, add f he'd!jin n 1['Oper 'ar 'he'd hey COll\' td and sho\ypd ll'l' grit, but!lc Hfntd otltsldf' alll} r,'t'owle~. ' " looked fur tlh' ~d WOlllall all tll,lt afternoon, t~ut she {ildn't collie. 1 Uad an old sbo1g",ull in the houst'" und: [ knowed that [f she corne shc'!.li loodl it with ljucli:>fl1ut and brng t ailing r the 1)'31' wi~'lt('(l ftl~ '1ler, he,,,ns a gop" ('1'. Night <roldc fl1ojlg:ng'ln, nll~l wlir b'ln over kith l m1r1.ess and rntdy *0 ('uft nnlls from hud""r.l~., Tile only th1~a' Chllld do ~WlS to ~l~~p, hut t W(li) n lli,{;"btdlnte llll fll1'o~gll the long /lm:,l. houl s. 1 kin tell hi' was mlg-hly gl11(] to H.'e,the day ~~ht ng'jn. 1 WOJ' to look fur tile b'ur, anu hc was n tl e!'ame old pl/w(> aud n~ e!;eerfl1l H)'l (',;,cl.. We hnd a ~ltw. put' he '\\'ouhln't flglit. 1 1ll1l(lp llp 1J1~' llhllll to 'valt ahout two hon!'!; 11m! 1!lPll killlbr he klllrtl, hilt was out of tbe ca\'~ llefore that tlllle. The olil womnn harll ('ome hulltin fur me, ami she, ~(Jt c H \lp to that b'ar aud fired 11 ljaudfu f buekshot into him!t'fu' hh kllo\l"e,eltat was ll'.,\s' crnwl(l() Ollt of thj f'llve "he looked at ill:; ;:~:~~,::~!;~)t :;~~l V,1~~1 J~~~~C;~~~';:;~,~ Are yo'l' nllhw'zdlj Whlte?'.. 'That's t,' says t. ' "'Ginerall~' spoken of as the possum hunter of TenDcsse,?'.. 'Yes.' "'M~n what hna~ vlahuns of coons and posstmls n n e v4?'.. ' thousht t wa ~ vishun.'.. 'Yes, {!low but it was mighty sing'jar that when NO' was hf;!vln a vishun of emns and the possums yo' ddn't see, nut!lilll;o~ the b'ar. Zeb Wblte, yo' corne ~long bome aod go to work on t'bd~ cnbt'root and let vshuds and br~llmh' 0 o.pot.' " was glbrl 'nut't 080," explained the old m.ln; wltb, n ~~rrowfn Bmlle, " tagged along ~blnd her till we reached home, ex tin a'be would hey mo' to sayl but sb was mighty good about t. i:be COO~ed me the biggebt meal had ever en, 8n1 ~he let me go ~~eb:~:n:4=~eep! l' 20 hours, and all "'Zeb, yere's nanl nod hammer and boards, and DOW yofbey a vishun 'bout leaks n tb~ roof ot s cabin.' ", 1M. QUAD.. : A Salt TJ~. The old saylng ~b~t the wny to catch a bird s toliput snlt on Us tnu has been verified Jves n by: N~udnin' mtle 'J'mmy a reet. Belew, Jimmy wbo was sent by hl~~ grandm tber for two bngh of snit f0f: aolne] omestlc operation already 'Jo lprogr~, After an hour's absenee hel retufn' in u high state of excitement1!~rying1''ve got the birdl" Sure enoul~' he h a sparrow clutcb ed tlghtly!lp his ~ st. "But',,vbere'.e the sa.lt?"il, asked his grlludmotber. "Oh, the lit!" s d Jmws. "Why. tbat's arou :d the~**rner n tlw middle of the stre :t/' ~. nvestlga. ton ah l"ev,f, that tbc boy, returnng trom hi errlti!l, saw some ElJiln.rrows o~ the car' tracl. 1He opened ode bag and pour~out the contents, whlell. 'the brds pr cceded to nvestigate. Then! be tht w the contents of tbe other bag on tp of the sparrows, BUbmerging tbem ~uf6elentjy'to cap" turc one be:l!ore t ~uld extricate itself from :tllle 8~a1aocbel of salt,-fbjladel-' phi. Mcor([. Th~ ~.t.l Quarter. Tba~ker8.Ylsaid 0 the 9uaft1el' Latl»,' the noted \art dis t ()i( Paris:, "The :~~~,O~~l::i:t~~ e ~t ~~~~e~c~~::: ble. He conies to rls ~robablyat 16 from his 'P~OVDce~ lisparent8 settle 40 n year dn h1mt d pay hlb mabter, be establsh s blm e ~ the PllYl' La tin, he llrrl PR at 1 ~ a~l1el' at a tol ernbb" cllrl~' hc;lur,~. bors among a. "core of c~,l',"lo,ii'""'llcrry and,fe 110m' ls hlnl~olf. tr~c atndents' quill' tel' s OClLte<! '~the Seine, where the prlnclpll collcg.' twa 8chools hn~e been 81tuotp 1 80llthf for centurler lnd where numel'ou8 stu ent's havc tlved.,.e~.,.. Df.! _edt. A luan lll~, stan~,'on '. sinking B~ at Rea or pi P,gh tb ug thp. vortt~ of (lestrl1ctton t6dn thbtfickt,.of battle nn~' Rtm be SC1~osseS5~, b~t t''' dll'ter~nt with him hen h~ n~r flint he Ull'l been sltttd on treti~l ~laid t.-chleago TiUteB.Her~d.,, : The greatest of 1t~\ lluman benefits. that, at leaat. wtthb t Whieh no oth+r benetl.t can!be trul enjoyed~ s independence.-farke G'!'dwln. We find,t hard to love those "1';10 measure ourse}vcs gotnst--espectnl y t the pattern s a ttl<j larg e.-b... Kenilall.', ' ( it 'Rail Ro";d Time T~!~le tiuc~~o,8'1'.p.'ol,m.dl APOL" qll""'" -1--::- Tralb.Golb~Ba.t. Slo~Olt,. Pa 8bl'er 'l:~o a. m ;r~~'=ko~~l~o~:t~~~:i: :::::::: ~;gg ~::. *D~~. Trains Go~nCWelt ', Norfol~~ralSebl'er..._... 9:40 a,m. OB~~~p~:a~t=~~~.~~ ~::::::::: ;:~~ e::: ~ ,..---_:--'-- /~ J',

5 J ", ".' J. J. WLLAMS, -,., Physician O'd ootg~!in. WlLyn~, Nebr8.sk~., j: O.fficc over 1;hB Wayne Nll,t~p 81 Bank _ _' ~----- EDWAW '~. 'JLAR, M.ll,'. " illay!c, llelj'. i ' f Wayne K~t'l Hank liu'~ld.~ng. l~6bldelloe 1 bljck east of 0 er house, A A. WELCH, ~. lttorley at ljaiw., W~YDe, NelJ. Office ~p.btair8'qverthe Cit>' ~1~8Bank. ', 1



8 '. A'.'o~'".miSsion ;,11stad " ~mll,,-',", '..,1,, -_cal',.l_...;....""':r., -F..f EWRt.,.jTe'eth ~~""'~--"~---"'..#;31 ' -(,,, "(',"K""; '11 ',' : $,4~ :::.::::: :.:::,:::,::W'~Hp~~~:;,~' ~J_~tl ~ 27...,.....HemyGarmH,1l c..--k~.:7@. ' :; r; :1), ' J Wm l'rl\")oe # ~': 2J...J,JMoo.te ' 'Tn6CAR J." Sl.ycu,. OrTO VO(jH, $ ::::::..1; Simm'r.man.~, Henry Bart(lls ~ i ifavne, Nt..br. '1 :1(;.. "!.... :J Gluwool1 tf Tn '. $n...j......poterprsol ~~..:G~:~S;:~:~~';, 4f/... John Brllse _'. Road,hol no", "d'.' ill this ihl>ue '1tml '!~l' ' "., 'i $!', '..,~,i 7\.,liT G",J ---s;: r-~:_'1 $ Owing protit t.hereby. to~a rush of job work we are DR, CARRATTE. - unable to iva the paper the attention The emi~lent Sioux ~ity specialist, ' " " we s 'h ~udllll but h' op.e t 0 be.8 ble to do who hm; p:ained,!l. wide l'opu(ation in.' ~,, so in s,we~k or t~o.. 1. his prorcsalfon. as' an e~pert extractor, ~:. i,it', The HEn.~LD this week contams the will be at f ROJ 1 '\1 t'j correctod o illci.lc.nva5s::of the vute Boyd Hotel, Friday, November 23.:' : of WQyoe!ounty cast at the general.,, " election h Jd \i~ovember Gtb. h'o' the noju of those being at a :,1', ~, We! arj aiivay!f 1Ju}1in~, b~ying ACcardi' g to the Fed~ral. trea~urer'8 ~~:t:::: ;~~veano'~pt~~a;~~~it: :i~~~ h~ ~~iwith \ Round O~k Burrns Cobs, 52ft Coal or \ Har~ C9al to Perfection. See them at E. P. Olmsted's.. ':....,, repurttheresourcesofthefi,o.1 y r ~~i::~f~;'ofa":ra~~~~~~~l.~~~~~;.tio~ Hardwrlre ""tor i~1:;;: p over ~he prec"dl~g ye,r of ~~.:C:en~ ;:d::ed b::t (~~i* ~~~~~~;~~;..'..1."1.'" Stov~~, :$,lotn~es a~,. Fhrhac't~...~ '. ~ll >;' '.~., : - Yeaterd y Judge Hunter issued 1'- safe~jv pa less m~thod e ;01' yet pro ~,,,-,- ' llj); O T! N T " "1. censeto'w dto Geo. H. Morrowaod duced. mple, effective "and hal'm- R0alEstat0T~anSrer$'1,;,,j:.,r,; :;,~, " ii, l,.~. G" illt! ',',.T!\.. LL N :.'. '.,.' _'~i~s~:.rs~ ~:aa;,~sla~~t~m~~.~:~~~leflb.twj/ltyyear;'j.succe fulpractice TfurroUrWeektienUin g NOn!llbO12'jFor Fa'rmers au,d.,s't.'.o.',ckmeu!' is 8 ij'uar,1;ltee. This l!:lelvice is yours 1{j~, reported hy W. Alterll bonded.' Tidrick, both ot Wayne. to com A.,~Dd, E.'xpert plate worker. cjt 'cle,' W no N b $ W 0ka "! oj; ways' se lug sel ng ~,ro. ; f.;y, e 1'8",..' j:"1 '! : :)'1', alte, :" 1' -1,1, 'MarcuSDalYlth~"rea.tmilltnll iklng,qermf!op: oken.' -.-~ s NatlBnkWaynetO}1'rariJ M Th'"~' i'. " ' "". thes. 'vjr.y best P'00 s. at....l!ices, of Mont.na, died qt hls~p.rtmentsin Of Bar ett Dental Association, J>orthr~) ne' '"6" $ 1J.. t( Dam. ~, 'which 0 h~k, d nnot ho e to: du;vhcate. city Mond.a Y mo pin g. He was the Sioux Cty, low., la1h n.i 3~6 ~ :,' 2000 DOuble. 'Geared F.eed! G~inde.t, 'OLLEGE NOTES..., ' ' ', t", 1 J 1 ~.. f..' 'i', r L ' $the Neth.rland ~otel ld New York Fr.nk M orthr~~ t~' f;"m ~i~e' :, ' '.',, i 'P'1l',.' $ '!!! i r.', t tj '. ",. polftacal rh:al of Sonator Clark. n bt raps c[u nto l1errn.ul [~rtle-,'.' ii., " ",! '11',_ '..1 _. ;1 :::. 1:1:' " "r i A ' The~. W. A. Lodge have been for- ale Dt 7~ " 1,,"... ". y <1>11, li,~v u,~tl1 De ejube~~.2, tunat.ln~. curjn~ W. lj. TOlVn.o~:d nf ~i.~~:/it;~ t~~~ f~;:s ~;o~::~to~,nt M ry,.e G tljch to OCh~o~ a"j ~~';s w:ill suit YOU in every way; hl'j;s.'. ()ubj1e th,:. k. for he BU.eks mo~.:"lange lectureatth.op.r. h.ouse nthisoity -ljr.o '~~lvrlt.s that h. i. g.tting A a oo~ojo'aberllll 1 "lk',.' 1 Or n.. ar y ~n;.n lrsrl' '.' l~ '.' 7 ' ":.,L -', ", - ~.. Munday, Dec.mber 3rd. SU,hject of along nl ~ly.sprinoip.1,st Lltohafild. e ad.yne nlshed Wth both'course and,ne, burrs, fo" f ~ th r: Oh' db t ' ', A T' Gh8of}iln to N W Bn~tltne [:"t' t.,..:r lii-, -~.-..:. ~! e eotur " lp,.n as. Nnr. ~leu went h tn with Mi,. 232(,2" ' grinduig ear c'orn, shelled corn', oats, rye ana.,' :', ''," "j ',,' :. i 1 ". '... $Shelbyvll)e, lle.,'whn will dol11.r aj,m, eoreer ",t "'2j 'l, 20 capacity ofthe d', d l " t' fur '. tqw.o..... _ ~ 'lj TicketH t~ all points of Europe?an WelliDR" n Bud rewui,neq. from 'CbUfB-,C 1"11'fCDch!.'r to L<'run~ \Vei~)le' lttl \.,!l : '.,;;')::( be serv.d,,,a th. North-Western Lme, d.y to ~?nd.y...aoj ble 0 J & 1"; ad Winside... 4" barley. Foi sale by '!,.: ~~.q'l~"'.;\ c. St. P.. & 0" tla all steamers and Messl',~lvin and -Walter Barr oame illi,ehaol Kelly to J E Blenldhd tie.t t~ ~.~;~~.'..;;.,~~ ',', 1'1.t Gen. Pas. Agt., S",PaUl, Minn. i Miss onrsan, prlmal'y teaoher of B,ttte of Neb to A'r C1'ap,\olsf~i23., '...,i.!".1 ' 1'1," "..;.-..l..' ' W Therei no ple'~snre'ln life it yon Jeft'crsol'. S. D" cume over with ho' 202.,.... 'j. J:.!O ' l. atlowestjrates.,t'~r,particlllarscjll up'from ta.nton,sunds~tobpendtbe 1&n1hswineitl&;DdS?i~~2i. PHbiLEO" '&' S'O"N ', ~';. '.. ' on,agent or Bdd~eB8 T. W. Teasdae, winters college. f :.,: i.,.i..'..r"t:, 81~O i', i i. ""...,.. dre~d g,oi' g to ~e table to,eat 8~~ brother ad tllree o,tb~r 1tudents. l!' t~ ~t~k;trath to l\lte~' Lllr,ch~t;wt " i \ i, i, ;: oan t rest at 1lgh on 8000nnt 01 hldt- Mi 1 t rhes that.elhe s teach... ",13... ". i r 3200 ; '.. t ~' tr~-r--~--,-" ~ ":,, gestton. anr)' lliamslot Boopv1lle tbsti r tllb~a Rene al hiator and Ran Frazier to Alfred Clar~ lt~ 10 ""...~~r'i''''@~@... rn 2000 U1 r CafloU 'f.,f... ".200 rs.ptoce dirgs.' '\ 8Upp ies, nd., s.ay he s fle,red tbat way for. ~~O~O t; gi: 1 ihe ~smo.nd yhigh b 12 blk 2 ts 1 2 bl~ (j Col L~l. 12G. l : ' ': '. Fra~k oqd, guar in~ and years, un he 00 menoed, the use o~,phi' Ed Voorhees to W L Elur)t)ert ', w.% ) ':', '. Waytli, Ne'b "Nov"12, 19qO. takl gpatient~o Bylu,m. 700 KodolD' pepsiacure,andadfls,iuno\f so 001., :. " f.wi2-2u.2 '"...;.L..ṫ... ',, J ' '_. no~~. tl U!ct puri uant <hu.1j ur.nment.ob~~ Jones, surve ing, 7 0() loan e ll.t nythinfc like and want Mes~r. Berry, ~ertra.nd, Boursan V m M Hoberts to Belile W Gu Bo au tneil1berlr-pre l cnt. ' Perkt BBros,. Col, upplfes, li~ 05 and slee sdundly,every night. Kodol "lld MS Baenohemm atrved fr.omje~- 3l.26-1 l 1 r",2000 ], :~r~ h':~optn ~',~wed " Co. \dmber;, i L.P, Ort,. next A ust,..' iln Perrla Hotel ') J911'~~~yltrpl1Y' ': oad or~ 1$ 6 QO Edwa ~ & Bradf?r ~utt1ber RepUbl can: rs. J.;_ G. ~ines en- The rm opened T esday with. a ~nry Yeckeohauer tq R & f G (~:..,a.,.e. '.i.'c~ ~Veri. R'hol1 ~ 7 50 CO~, 1 luber, cl~j ed,.~7~'. tertained a pat~:y of mot~er8} apa good e ollmen~. ~eveta.l more wll. l'hllleo nwi ~.. J. l i.4100 Are' ) (~W;'JJtiil1,. tr ad work 3 7S ~110 d. 76 ~6 babies T orsday ~rternoon in,hoaor ot enroll onday. The a. tendanoe wlll J hn P White to C E fouet:i~v~l blk e~e Alfr:~~Jonefl., 37S John rnpgton,& Co., lum ',. ~o tbesooon anniversary of the birthot belarg this term., j g' ' ''!' ber, 341 ~ J,... e A A t, ',,"h~edi:''ltrat,e, " l~; W H Neal, pri' ti g ballots, 'Elizl),~et... R~1 Ash Jl,nd so~e other Miss base returned lle5d~r morn- r s _ s or to ~,~lt)n ll'oll' <). J~hn qlsoo" J, clai d $72 salal o"led '28 05.ds w~re ~lldi~g,downa rauing.t tp. ing fro the.tato m.ou g of the Y.W. lc! n 01,,, :.". '..,..1.00,, 1 \ WiR.iiif.'iog'..1.' 2 ~o of tb ce. fnr',tb 2dl.~nd. 3d qaa.r- When!n 'me 1"y.roth.r th.lad g.ot prout me.ting, ',,wf ~'i 2... t," Don't pay more than we ch reje you for,. H.r~Y!Tldrick, ' ten 0, 1900, wa~ xa~l1lned and ap~ &'-fall ha resa ted,n the fraoture,ot MO' t (l f 11 OD b 0 gbt C rollne ~Mllicr to Eli1t~bct 1,' T Ef ]~,i~~'~ter.~o:~,', " 226: prgl d. tiod' tb~'co nt~ t~easurer fs tbe rl ht arm.. lfrlday evening c[rl ble ~a ~t:: ~v~r ;tl~ ~a/to ;e~8in Howe)t 1(1 T & W'tl ad Wa,Yoe,~jO D G d B t S,h Ji, 1j. ri'stsvdo:v; ~ s: ens nl. :1' '. 375 carn1y bridge fu~'d. 0 h. c6untv gop- oar O~d t~elp..essions ul hlms 1,1 t:;.na~ a ~;r~d;r;.rm, p p 12:) blk 14 W.Yue.....j...,.. 20~ Boy'" d1'othes,' etc., ' f, yo. d you ar,e Rob.rt Ge",m,",," 125 orderf 10 tr~o~fe $,500 from the Kraodca e n, ~om M.suu\1 with r. d \ e t Sh will re ar. L Landreth 10 Geo \'VaL!, "" 11 t ry < 00 S, 00 S' '1' J hnll'ino,' '!,, ere U d.1.,! and '1111 am He rlchs, Mr. H. a ~ ~,,.... H Mo(,;lu,ky t. e~ M~l.r ~ 10,... 4,,;,,1 J~ukins,, 'r' n oun~.ct: 00 o_.the establish: the:.n\ es.re n their w.y, here b,.geo, uoge of b,mon A. E Llttel\" hlk 4 B & 1". at! ''llili~e. "'"' "5, ' 't h *"r 'h oe4 d.111. Jil,*,.bReichert,/1 \ r' '~1! f' ro~d ~et e'o.. wa.yoo aod team. 1 S e,el~ 11e. left her.e sever. 01 Pi,.., J.s. K. ngs' n 01 Stsnton" & F G l'hll1oo to 'D,D~~~ paymg eok- 00 mue. fv e, a v~a arger n :\1:;",...l\jmBh o.;,. t 25 po Cu. n coanue,i ~id over to tbo ~earsl' '-t.klu~ up th~lr abode lb M,s M berry of Pend r, Mr. Niohols leohaao,', 401 ~ bl ~,n' "to better l.tock than e''',''erl'n -l'h s QS U''!!',. 1 1 lbl,j,,:g(eo'. Hofeldt,," 1 25 ne~t meting of tb boar(l. Missouri and atter testing the twb 018 of., on08, Mr. Dilt of Wakefield, Wuyne ~ t ~ ~,",!~,.\l!1mf,,2000 :::l V,V,u.~ U :i,.'."irl'\"\~:., lr,"i11 ause oue.,'. ';: -,25,,00. ql U~R.. eil9:1.er~,.. o. 'n~.r 'of.tb.e.. west COt!.n~~ie th.e Y Murphy, bal:fbftbesout,w stjquarter of sec- e t "'e r.sk. a~.e lisfully the satl~fted.n.ort4... be,t pl.ee oh are d.y, fo.r er stud., e~ts W.h.enrOll.e.d. Mon..,ll5hlkl W. "1'.renn Wln..de ~o GOd.,reṿOlq.~.hl.'W...,.,....' 500,. are prepared to gv,~ L, ypu tees 1ttl ere/. "Pt),llt>r, ' i 6 00 tio~'z3 townshi' "rlange 2, Wa.yn'e earthfa d consequently.they oo~e Mlss.{COnoer 'Yaterburr, Xr. ' J-'~':L~--. ', J, bo!b Cob.,, co"lily Neb., b vi g,filed a writteo' b.ok h. e, just.s dozens' 01. 9t~ers L.thro of Vermlllion./S. D.,Mla.O.rt-. o'e.:..,,, is for the least moa~,y"",~ ~ /. S~~o:n! Strate, 'a~te ent with :th c9unty clerk con~ have 0 e wh9 have gapeaway expeo~. ney ot YODS, Mr. llix all of Osmand,' "SHUitTZB":"'At hibi qof6, fu PJJm " b Vo:'H:'~rune, i 500,senti' to take O. 0 ~s damages for log t b tter t~eir.oonditions n.ure.. Mr. +exander of Orch rd, Mr. Steele qreek ~rocinut, Th. U~tid~Y"iNolrember~, Our stook of 'ftroceri s s alw ysl ; l~errrl,~n Brune,, "~' 7 50 thf'le t~b.1ishm~flt f *r?ad descr~bed..! -"._-..-.'~~---'. at Beld,n, Mr. Ca.lins f Stanton, Bre l~ov. SJU1~ze t1asl:c4:. ~ro~j'~' ar~~l _to life. ~GV\!H~mr'l 250,fl/ow.: '9!>m.nc1Dg 35» ro~s ' MAitRED. ' i amodgnewstud.nt,en ou.d Tue.d.y "e...,al,doooasedh\ld ~op':l~ poor fresh,anditdoesn'lltakeasmllchmgnev ~ ~ G)ldersleeve'l 1 25 nort f the south e,t corner of sec Qebrl;f H. Morrow' and L~ura Jj!.i. morniljjiit'. h~~hh or.mally JDOll~QS.,ad, gpne to " ~ '. 11', j llki~ D i"l r::, tioo 25 2, thence u/1l'ing.oot threo spa~s f Qixon. were m.~ried'.t.,t~e '----- t~e m aelains hoplfg. tp, '' il_i. hi, Here as at othor stores to b y them. tto l1 ooc1c, 5!OO 68>'- l1&.'north hi h~ Bouth west cor- w.~s. Brown', and Mrs. Laura itid- ~Boh ntght;for t"o we.e~8 has/put meln only tp g'i'adully aopl{)ac~ rh fina.l JiBill{U~t LQh~pr~, :: 1 ~OOO ner b,'ection 2~.2S 2'1 On,motion the ri~k e e united in marriage by Re~. my 'leods' QKain t write~;o, H. Turner solutiu~., the' r~nerlll, 'Jatl hc1.4 on j' ~ Atkins,.. 40,00 rods ~om east.118i e ': of public road, Boy; h tel in this. Oi.. ty by Rev. B,it~e~J". Made Young '1gai~. hṗalth fl.~.d. for & tl~ll~ '. ap~~ar ~. t.o be j \ :f3 Rroa', 40 ~ then runniag:,lao t~ and term,nating Wed es BY, Nov 14., : ~o'lle of pro ifios's _:Jtfew, Lire Pills h;dpr.ov~4, ~nd.cam6.~ack ltr,ebraaka, M Cprblt, : &aid greemen~i' ~ccepted and the. Bith t the l\j. E. pars,onage in ~bi8 of DempseytowD, Pd.. tc}"cg the best su,nda.y,.an~ wa~ h\r~el~.lltt ~dcl~ by, Fi ~ ~ccd, i road i hereby ta l:ibhed. city thi afternoon.. Nu~~rousW~y~e in the. ard,tor liver,s omaob, bowels, hosts 0(, (rl6n<1~ ~h~ 91l~ \ a~ned to " ~~d~e~llr ':, 'On otion ti ar~.' adjourned.,unti~i co' n'ty riedns rill extend congra.t~l~~ Parely vegetlloble, Nev r grip. Only 250 Jove him. durillg 'blii VCu ~."'..,work,io ~ ~,;tvs'.li Dece ber 3d, 1 tio s! at R8)1" ond's.' ' their m~tl8~.', ~~~~;~~~j~,g~ :::~'Jork z:;~ t BleRT R,~~, CountvClfrrk. : ~.. c' L... _L'_:,:,.,._,,' ~ ~_ \,1'9,', fienn~,y," "'1 3901)., ~SES~O ~ELECTi';.. 1 '',' '/ li".:ii!le;jn,l~v,", 7 50 w. J "' Gra.,,"e"" :::!(j O{! Plttlr <::rcek....george Berm;, i' 4(, 50 l-0lrjhs..aug Z,em('r i ~0 f,( ~Hr.d~jln. G t' Porter i ~5 00 Les,... ".Aug-.JO(l~t.; f'l Tll t(fr.. J W AKlcr Hhf'l'jan \Vm J.lll1~l< ~~;:' ~l (k...'....:::t~\.(".o/:e~t~i~:li~;~. \. lnr..,~.. H ') Hansen Wl'dlo- t... CT'~Milll'rl!:,~ 11\,\.....Perrv B(~nl<loof Ch.ll'fn J 1~ Wahh),llrl! kc,creek L Sil11menll'lll G.. rt1~{......j;:.,.chris lcr;lnuan, ' 1-'

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