H a f j a t n a d u m

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1 For Christ and His Church T h e R t. R ev. S. H arrington L ittell, D.D., S.T.D., Editor T h e R ev. Ca n o n E. T a n n e r B row n, D.D., Associate Editor Entered as second-class matter February 4, 908, at the post office at Honolulu, Hawaii, under the Act of March 3, 879. У V ol. X X X. H o n o l u l u, H a w a i i, S e p t e m b e r, No. 6 H a f j a t n a d u m b e r Щ g T r r f i ( g i 8 У i M A D O N N A A N D C H L D A L T A R P E C E, H O L Y N N O C E N T S C H U R C H, L A H A N A, M A U By DeLos B lackm ar g 8 g 8

2 2 HAW AAN CHURCH CH R ONCLE Septem ber, 940 ijaumuatt dljurdi (Ehromrle Successor to th e A nglican C hurch C hronicle T h e R t. R e v. S. H a r r i n g t o n L i t t e l l, D.D., S.T.D., E d ito r T h e R e v. C a n o n E. T a n n e r B r o w n, D. D. A sso cia te E d ito r T H E H A W A A N C H U R C H C H R O N C L E.is published once in each m onth. T h e subscrip tio n price is O ne D o llar a y e a r% R em ittances, o rd e rs a n d other business com m unications should be addressed to T. J. H ollander, 222-B Q ueen Em m a Square, H onolulu. N ew s item s o r oth er m a tte r m ay be se n t to the R t. R ev. S. H a rrin g to n LittellL S.T.D., Q ueen E m m a S q u are o r to th e R ev. C anon E. T a n n e r B row n, D.D., 55 W ilder Avenue, H onolulu. - A dvertising rates m ade known upon application. C A L E N D A R September 5th Sunday after Trinity September 8 6th Sunday after Trinity September 5 7th Sunday after Trinity September 8 Ember Day September 20 Ember Day September 2 S. Matthew Ember Day September 22 8th Sunday after Trinity September 29 S. Michael and All Angels 9th Sunday after Trinity October 6 20th Sunday after Trinity _ W H E R E S A C O M F O R T A B L E P E W? T h e R ector of St. Clem ent s, D r. E. T an n e r B row n, spent Ju n e and Ju ly on the M ainland in search of a com fortable pew. A s S t. C lem ent s is planning an enlargem ent of its C hurch building during the com ing y ear it seem ed w ise to in vestigate w hat experim entation had been m ade tow ard this p articu lar problem. H e sat in pew s of m issions in A rizona and N ew Y o rk ; parishes in A nnapolis, B altim ore, P hiladelphia and N ew Y o rk and has yet to find a com fortable pew. H e talked w ith an em inent architect of the C hurch Com m ission on A rchitecture and discovered th a t little thought has been given such a subject. T h e firs t conclusion is th a t w e in H aw aii m ight well do a little investigation on this subject provided it is thought th at the sitter m ight be given a break. T h e second conclusion is th a t despite the discom fort of the average pew a heap o f people are sitting in them all over th e country. F ro m the glories o f the G rand Canyon one day to a m odest little m ission in W illiam s, A rizona, the next, m ight seem to som e a descending scale, b u t to this clergym an and his son it w as quite the reverse for the w onder of God came upon the A lta r of th a t tiny C hurch and hearts w ere filled w ith splendor. P ew s didn t count as knees w ere used. M aybe th a t s one answ er. C. J, D A Y & CO* GROCERS Service and Quality Deliveries to All Parts of the City 060 FORT ST. - - PHONE 344 P ossibly these w anderers w ere fo rtu n ate fo r they found large and devoted congregations in all the large parishes they visited and th at despite sum m er and heat. nterestingly enough a t the re a r of every C hurch w ere a heap of cans fo r o fferin g s quite sim ilar to the L aym en s T h an k O ffe rin g o f H aw aii, b u t in these cases all fo r the local parish. M aybe we can sw ing them all over to M issions. W ith confidence w e leave such an e ffo rt to o u r D eputy to G eneral Convention, E d o u ard R. L. D oty. K neeling in the Chapel a t the C hurch M issions H ouse in N ew Y o rk fo r the noon-day service is alwavs an experience. T h e prayers th ere are inclusve. N o o fficial or visitor can come aw ay w ith any thought th a t C hrist and H is C hurch have anything but a w orld-w ide vision and would throw protecting arm s around the needy ones o f th e w hole w orld. t is a pleasure to rep o rt th a t the D epartm ent of C hristian E ducation is planning a practical program w ith definite suggestions and helps fo r all ages. T his will be published soon. W hile no request had com e at th at tim e fro m the C hurch of E ngland fo r assistance in th eir w orld m issionary activities yet the N ational Council officials w ere alert to th a t possibility. W e will have to stretch our im aginations and our love and o ur m oney no doubt to assist th a t stalw art C hurch. W e m ight well think about this now. A s the object o f the trip, despite the headline, w as to see a son enter the N aval A cadem y we will leave the read er a t the glorious Chapel set in the center o f the Y ard a t A nnapolis. T h e very center of th a t noble building is th e w indow depicting C hrist upon the w aters. T h is Chapel has been enlarged so th a t the en tire R egim ent can attend services in a body. A bove these fine boys is another w indow, a newly com m issioned E nsign and behind him is C hrist. T h e atm osphere pervading the A cadem y is deeply religious. * U s e fu l G ifts to th e H o s p ita l M rs. G w endoline Shaw, superintendent, continues to rep o rt generous supplies of gifts, particularly food supplies, given to the Shingle M em orial H o sp ital by M olokai residents. H e r last rep o rt tells o f a donation from the W o m an s A uxiliary o f the diocese o f N ew Jersey o f $368, to be used a t h er discretion, w here it m ay be m ost needed. N ew Je rse y th u s joins C hurch w om en in the dioceses o f K ansas, M assachusetts, N ew Y ork, N ew H am p shire, an d.m a n y others w ho have begun to take interest in this m issionary medical center on M olokai in a practical way. и : я Sanford Optical Co. A. M. GLOVER, Optometrist 206 Boston Building Fort Street Honolulu, Т. H. sland Orders Promptly Attended To S S V S T O F T H E D E A N O F D E L A W A R E H onolulu has welcom ed w ith special pleasure the V ery R ev. H iram R. Bennett, D.D., D ean o f th e C athedral Church of St. John, W ilm ington, Delaware, and M rs. B ennett in a 6-day visit. T h e connection betw een D elaw are and H onolulu has been strengthened by the arran g m en t w ith th e N ational Council th rough w hich D elaw are has adopted th ree of our H onolulu C hurch leaders as its special m issionaries in the field. These are the Bishop, the H eadm aster o f olani School, and the V icar o f S t. L u k e s M ission. D ean B ennett s m ain reason for com ing to H aw ai w as to acquaint himself personally w ith o u r m issionary work. W ith keen interest and u n tirin g energy, he certainly accom plished this aim. N othing seem ed to escape him, and he retu rn ed to the m ainland on A ugust 23rd a fte r a visit w hich he declared w as most satisfactory. t certainly w as valuable as well as delightful from o ur point o f view. D ean B ennett preached in the Cathedral, a t St. C lem ent s, a t S t. Jo h n s-by-the- Sea, and at H o ly T rin ity. H e visited every one o f the 5 m issions on the island of O ahu, and carefully studied olani, the P rio ry, St. M ary s H om e, and, by long distance, the H o sp ital on Molokai, and m issions scattered throughout th e other islands. H e and M rs. Bennett w ere w idely entertained, and especially enjoyed their contacts w ith the clergy and congregations com posed o f A m ericans of H aw aiian and O riental ancestries. They have retu rn ed to D elaw are filled w ith zeal to m ake th e ir intelligent study o f the C hurch in H aw aii a w ay of increasing the m issionary vision o f th eir diocese. T hey have seen for the firs t tim e a D om estic-and-f oreign M ission Field in operation. * B u t ll tell y u th is ; a m iddlin doctor is a p o rt thing, and a m iddlin law yer is a pore th in g ; but keep m e from a m iddlin m an o f G od. O w e n W iste r. HAWA & SOUTH SEAS CURO CO. Largest Pacific Souvenir Store in the W orld 033 Bishop St. Honolulu Branches: Royal H aw aiian and M oana H otels on th e B each a t W aikiki 2385 Kalakaua Ave. W illiams Mortuary, Ltd. T o b e s e rv e d b y W L L A M S is a m a r k o f d is tin c tio n. P ersonal A ttentio n B y An E x p e rt S ta ff o f A ssistants Twenty-Four Hour Service S. B e re ta n ia P h o n e si

3 j a t u a i t a n ( U l t u r d j ( H b r m t i r l f Devoted to the interests of the Missionary District o f Honolulu V o l. X X X. H o n o l u l u, H a w a i i, S e p t e m b e r, 940 N o. 6 A H A W A A N M A D O N N A A N D C H L D N H O L Y N N O C E N T S, L A H A N A, M A U By nez A shdow n T h e introduction of a H aw aiian M a donna and Child and allegorical figures with tropical coloring and in local setting into the m ural of a C hristian church, though new, is entirely fitting. T his has been done w ith g reat artistic effect, and in a deeply devotional spirit, in H oly nnocents C hurch, L ahaina, M aui, by the visiting N ew Y ork artist, D el os Blackmar, w ho is th e house guest of the Rev. J. M iller H o rto n, V icar of the Church. M r. B lackm ar has been m uch im pressed during his visit, w ith the beauty and color o f H aw aii, the pleasant sim plicity and graciousness of the H aw aiian people. mpelled by his im pressions, he has p ain t ed the church m ural in the native m otive. T he three low er panels of the altar, once o rd in ary celotex, now contain three symbolic figures. T h e firs t is the figure of a H aw aiian m an w ith arm s outstretched tow ard b read fru it ready to pluck; the m iddle is a fisherm an before a background of w aves, fish, canoe and H O L Y N N O C E N T S C H U R C H net; the th ird H aw aiian stands am ong luxuriant taro. E ach figure has a halo P ainted below the altar table, these A bove the altar in a large central panel of light along th e le ft side, giving a scenes sig n ify the h ig h er spiritual food is th e H aw aiian M adonna and Child, spiritual quality to the com position. A th a t is received in th e S acram ent of the S m aller panels to the rig h t an d le ft conrainbow m otive is used in each panel. H o ly Com m union. ta in decorative flow ers A w a P u h i on one side, and P u a H ala on the other. T h e L ehua and T i are the background fo r the M adonna, as they w ere of p a rticular spiritual significance to the ancient H aw aiians. Com pleting the m ural, the wall above the altar is night sky, star-studded, w ith coconut palm s on eith er side. T o bring to m ind the spread of the Gospel, the panels of the pulpit contain the ancient H aw aiian birds the A papane, O u, iw i, M am ao and Oo, the feathers of w hich w ere used in cerem onial cloaks, kahilis and leis. H e re again the background is T i and sky, giving the effect of the birds flying above the earth. T he m ural is com pleted finally w ith H aw aiian foliage, clouds and rainbow, around and above the entrance door of the Church. T hus the artist has created scenes of beauty, in the belief th at a people would naturally picture the S aviour and H is M other in the form of people of their own race; their sta ff of life as foods of their country, and their decorations or offerin g s as those trees and flow ers found in native environm ent. nterested visitors w atching the a rtist a t w ork discussed the m ural w ith him. H e gladly invited their criticism, w hether T H E A L T A R it term s his creation and tho u gh t, beauti-

4 4 HAW AAN CHURCH CH R ON CLE Septem ber, 940 ful and fitting, or too revolutionary. t is his conception of w hat is appropriate in a C hurch in H aw aii, and is his g ift to the people. R esidents feel th a t it is in deed a privilege to possess these beautiful paintings from the bru sh of a visiting a rtist w ho has a sincere love and rev erence fo r the beauty of our islands and fo r- our people. L A H A N A O L D A N D N E W B y the R ev. J. M iller H o rto n B eautiful O ld L ahaina! W h a t a train o f m em ories these w ords bring to m in d! G roves o f b read fru it and coconuts and chains o f fish p o n d s; m ists and gentle rain stealing dow n the m ountains to the s e a ; patches of taro, an d rainbow s arched across deep and m ysterious g u lc h es; a g reat L u au on the beach near the royal palace and the sound of gourds and plaintive old m eles; a hundred w haling vessels anchored fo r the w inter before the old to w n ; Q ueen L iliuokalani as a child playing around a H alepili (g rass shack) ; gentle D avid M alo teaching at L ahainaluna, and good S ister B erth a of St. Cross School w ith eager H aw aiian children clustered about h er. Gone are the g reat groves o f breadfru it and coconuts spreading M auka (to w ard the m o u n tain s). O nly a few sentinels stand lonely in the cane fields to tell o f the glory th a t w as once theirs. T h e m ists and rain rem ain in th e m ountains. O nly rarely do they venture fo rth tim idly, as though fearfu l o f the new change. T h e sun still builds its rainbow bridges, b u t th e patches of ta ro are h id den in the valleys w here few eyes see its lovely green. T h e royal palace has long since been forgotten. O nly the night w inds and strange and eerie lights tell of the old feasts an d dances of th e A lii. D avid 'M alo sleeps on the sum m it of M t. Bald, high above L ahaina. F ields of cane th a t he so feared, clutch a t his last restin g place. T h e V icarage of H oly nnocents stands w here Q ueen L iliuokalani once played. T h e w haling vessels have become like ships th at pass in the night, and good S ister B ertha no longer visits the hum ble hom es of her H aw aiian friends. A m ighy arm ada, the U nited S tates F leet of the Pacific, now replaces the old w haling vessels. A nd S ister B erth a has le ft behind influences still show n in the lives o f devoted H aw aiian church wom en and th eir descendants o f fo u r generations. O ne o ften lam ents the passing of the old days. B ut tim e m arches on and leaves but little room fo r regrets. N othing o f beauty and goodness is ever lost. L ahaina is still beautiful. G reat fields o f vivid green cane creep up the m ountainsides. Lovely cocoa palm s bend g racefully over the beaches. F ine hom es w ith beautiful tropical gardens line the m ain street o f the old tow n. V enturing into the p lantation cam ps, one is stru ck by the T H E S A N C T U A R Y W A L L sheer beauty o f flow ers and plants, carefully tended, th a t surround and often hide the little houses. F in e roads now link L ahaina w ith practically every point o f interest on M aui. H ow d iffe re n t from the days w hen W illiam A ult, the priest, rode a m ule from H a n a to L ahaina, a distance of oyer 60 miles, over rough country w ith deep gulches, d ifficu lt to cross. D a n c in g a n d W e a v in g A s long as H aw aiians live, the H u la will not be forgotten. M rs. D avid Sharpe, a m em ber of H oly nnocents, is one of the forem ost H u la teachers in H aw aii Nei. She has devoted m uch tim e to the study of the dance; and gives freely o f h er stren g th to teach the younger g en eration of boys and girls both the ancient and m odern H ulas. T o see over a h u n dred figures, ranging from children of 3 to adults, gracefully sw aying to some lovely old H aw aiian song, is a sight long to be rem em bered. T h is is one of the activities th a t still carries on th e old H aw aiian tradition. A n o th er is L auhala DELGHTFUL MEMORES Keep them forever in snapshots. Use a Kodak and Verichrome Film EASTMAN KODAK STORES 059 F O R T S T R E E T, A N D O N T H E B E A C H A T W A K K 232 K A L A K A U A A V E. w eaving. A t the hom e of M rs. Alice B anham, we m ay view the exquisitely beautiful w ork of h er m other, Mrs. K unane. H e re indeed is a m aster craftsm an. O ne leaves feeling th a t in the march o f m odern life, m uch has n o t been lost. T h e spirit of D avid M alo still lingers a t L ahainaluna. U n d er the direction of the present headm aster, M r. A lton Rogers, and his corps of able teachers, this school not only carries on its old tradition of teaching the island boys agrculture and d a iry in g ; but has advanced scholastically. n linguistics it stands am ong the first. n the years to come, m any an island boy and girl will lie tru ly g rate fu l for the training received in this school th a t rests so beautifully on the m ountain slopes of W est M aui in the shadow of the great H aw aiian historian s grave. T h e C h u rc h S tanding on the m ain street of Lahaina, adjoining K am eham eha school and n ear the center of the tow n, is Holy nnocents Church. T his is a beautiful little gothic structure com posed of stucco ex terio r walls, concrete floor, open beam s, and in terio r walls and ceiling o f celotex. R ecently a unique m ural a H aw aiian M adonna and Child, together w ith allegorical figures, has been painted and presented to the church by a N ew Y ork artist, D elos Blackm ar. A parish hall and vicarage on the beach com prise the other tw o buildings on the C hurch property. A beautiful H aw aiian g ard en w ith ra re plants and shrubs surrounds the buildings. A new Halepili (g rass shack) now stands a t one end of th e vicarage gardens. T LGHT is cheap... SGHT is dear!! Protect your eyes with W ESTNGHOUSE M A ZDA LAM PS The HAWAAN ELECTRC CO., Ltd. Palace Square Telephone 343 'S

5 Septem ber, 940 HAW AAN CHURCH CH R ON CLE 5 T h e baptism al fo n t now in use in the church w as hew n from a K oa log in 877 by the late Rev. Sam uel H. Davis. T he K oa top of the C om m union Table in the old church now takes the same position in a splendid new altar. A B ishop s chair of K o a wood is soon to be added the g ift of M rs. K aluakini in m em ory of her daughter Calanthe, a devoted m em ber and w orker in H oly n nocents. T he earliest baptism al record dates from 863. T h e old m ission day school has long since been abandoned, but it lives today in a th riv in g and vigorous S unday School o f over 60 p u p ils: Caucasian, Chinese and C hinese-h a- w aiians. T h e early 7 o clock Com m union seems to be the service best loved by all. Since the arrival of the fleet in A pril, hundreds of sailors have visited H oly nnocents some to attend services, some silently to pray in the quiet church, some to take photos, and to view the gardens and plants, and still others to while aw ay an hour o r so in talk w ith the V icar. T he parish hall has been turned over to the N avigators, a religious organization in the N avy, fo r their S unday m eeting of fellow ship and w orship. t is good to be in L ahaina to enjoy its beauty and its m em ories. t is good to be w ith the kind haoles and gentle H aw aiians to share in th eir joys and sorrow s. t is good to m eet the fine sailor lads to tell them old H aw aiian stories and show them the sights of M aui. B ut best o f all, is to see the d iffe re n t races o f the com m unity m eet together in com mon w orship o f A lm ighty God. T hen, do the w ords of the g reat m issionary ring forth, T h ere is neither Jew, nor G reek, there is neither bond nor free... for ye are all one in C h rist Je su s. - i f c - N E W L E P R O S Y C A S E S H E R E S H O W D E C L N E T rend of the disease of leprosy in H aw aii again w as definitely dow nw ard in the fiscal year ending Ju n e 30, w ith continued decrease in the total num ber of active cases to a new low of 438, or a rate of.04 p er,000 as com pared w ith.68 per,000 n July, 93, a decrease of m ore than 37 percent fo r th a t period. T h e num ber of active patients a t K alaupapa, M olokai decreased from 457 in 93 to 360 in 940. D u rin g the year there w ere 38 new cases of leprosy certified. T h is is in keeping w ith the _steady decrease of new cases over the p ast years, and particularly in the nine years existence of the board of hospitals and settlem ent. N ew cases of leprosy dropped from 60 in to 38 in THE BSH O P S SCHOOL U pon th e S cripps F oundation. B oarding and day school fo r girls. n te rm ed ia te G rades. P rep aratio n for E a ste rn Colleges. C aroline Seely C um m ins, M.A., V assar, H eadm istress. T h e R ight R ev. W. B ertran d S tevens, P resid en t, B oard of T ru stees. L A J O L L A, C A L F O R N A T H E C H U R C H D O O R (n te rio r V iew ) L A H A N A C H U R C H H S T O R Y U ntil 845, L ahaina w as the capital o f the K ingdom of H aw aii. Som etim es as m any as 00 w haling ships w intered there, and it was a place o f considerable trade. T h e tow n had a population of some thousands, and w ith its ta ro patches, banana plants and bread fru it trees it presented an attractive appearance. T here w as a M arine H ospital there until the w haling business ceased, w hen it was no longer needed. A t this im portant place, Bishop Staley established his firs t w ork outside of H onolulu, sending first a M r. Scott, who opened a school. H e left in 863 and A rchdeacon M ason at once succeeded him. M rs. M ason tau g h t a school fo r girls, w hile he had one fo r boys, and in ad d i tion, he did the w ork of a parish priest. T h e schools w ere conducted and the Services held in leased buildings, situated on the lot w here the governm ent school now stands. n 865 three S isters of the H oly T rin ity began St. C ross School fo r G irls К K. in the old m arin e hospital, a coral building, w hich M iss Sellon purchased for $900. A s long as A rchdeacon M ason rem ained they enjoyed church privileges, but at one tim e, being needed in H onolulu, he rem oved his boys there, but took them back a year later. B efore Bishop Staley resigned in 870, he again rem oved his school to H onolulu. W henever there w as no clergym an stationed at L ahaina, H en ry D ickenson, Senior, a D istrict M agistrate, read the service in the chapel of St. Cross School, and the Rev. G eorge W hipple (b ro th er of H en ry B enjam in W hipple, Bishop of M innesota, A postle to the n d ian s ), or w hoever was at W ailuku, cam e over at stated tim es. T he D ickenson fam ily cam e from A ustralia, and fo r m any years rendered invaluable service to the C hurch in every possible way. A fte r M r. M ason left, there w as no regular clergym an until 872, w hen the Rev. T hom as B lunden was ordained deacon and sent there. n A pril, 874, a lot w as purchased and the erection of a church com menced. T h e consecration occurred on Ja n u ary, 875, and was m ade the occasion of an im pressive fu n c tion. Bishop W illis w ent to L ahaina, accom panied by the R ev. A lexander M ackintosh, J. G. T rem beth, and nine choir boys from lolani School. T hey w ere entertained in the large house of G overnor N ahaolelua, w ho w as confirm ed a t the aftern o o n service. (T h e foregoing paragraphs are quoted from Bishop R estarick s book H aw aii from the V iew point of a B ishop. ) T o continue o ur history Clergym en who succeeded M r. B lunden w ere the Rev. R. C. Searle, ordained in A u s tra lia ; the Rev. Sam uel H. D avis, tran sfe rred " C T Y T R A N S F E R C O M P A N Y LM TED B ag g a g e, F u r n itu r e a n d P ia n o Moving-Shipping-Storage Fumigating A gen ts A ll O ver the W orld TELEPHONES Fort Street, Pier Eleven Honolulu, Т. H. С. BREW ER A N D COM PANY, LMTED (E S T A B L S H E D 826) NSURANCE nsure against such contingencies as FRE, AUTOMOBLE ACCDENT, BURGLARY, PERSONAL LABLTY (A risin g fro m th e p u rsu it of B usiness o r P leasu re) L e t us attend to you r every nsurance need P H O N E P. O. B O X H O N O L U L U, Т. H.

6 6 HAW AAN CHURCH CH R ONCLE Septem ber, 940 fo r tw o years from C h rist C hurch, K ealak ek u a; the R ev. C harles E. G roser, an A m erican; the R ev. W. H. B a rn e s; the Rev. V incent K itc a t; the Rev. W illiam H o rs fa ll; the Rev. W illiam A ult, later at W ailuku, and then fo r m any years at S t. A n d rew s C athedral, H o n o lu lu ; and the R ev. A lbert B. W eym outh, M.D., from th e diocese of L os A ngeles. n 907 M iss H ild a V an D eerlin (now superintendent o f St. M ary s H om e for C hildren, H onolulu) a fte r study a t St. F a ith s T rain in g School, N ew Y ork, was sent to L ahaina to help in the C hurch w ork, and there opened a n ight school. She rem ained a y ear un til the R ev. L eo pold K roll, now Bishop o f Liberia, came to take charge. M r. K roll opened a day school, and also carried on the night school fo r O rientals w hich M iss V an D eerlin had established. F ro m this school m any w ere baptized, and at one tim e he presented 3 K oreans fo r confirm ation. M rs. K ro ll w as of g reat assistance in the w ork. She taught the girls in a cooking class and instructed them in all hom e duties. She helped get up entertainm ents and w as a tru e help m eet as a m inister s w ife. n Ju ly 90, M r. K roll w as appointed to the H aw aiian C ongregation of the C athedral. n 9, the Rev. J. K n o x Bodel arrived, and rem ained in charge until 95, w hen he w as succeeded by the R ev. F ra n k N. C ockroft. M r. Cockro ft w as at L ahaina fo r 2 years until his retirem ent in 936, w hen he w as succeeded by the present V icar, the Rev. J. M iller H orton. S is te r A lb e r t in a s A c c o u n t o f th e F o u n d in g o f th e L a h a in a M is s io n St. A n d rew s P rio ry has in its possession a letter to the R ev. J. K n o x Bodel, of L ahaina, in 93, about the early days, w ritten by S ister A lbertina at his request. n p a rt it s a y s : D r. Staley, the firs t Bishop of H o n o lulu, landed in his diocese on the th of O ctober, 862, having been consecrated by the A rchbishop o f C anterbury. M r. bbotson and M r. M ason, priests, accom panied him. M rs. Staley, children, governess, servants, as well as M rs. M ason and child, w ere o f the party. M r. Scott, also a p riest, soon follow ed. 4 M r. S cott w as the first priest sent to L ahaina, w hich w as then the second tow n of im portance in the kingdom. T he C hurch services w ere firs t held in a store fo rm erly occupied by B. F. Boles, situated near the big H au tree on the beach. H e lived in an old coral building on the beach and established a school fo r boys. M r. M ason and M r. bbotson had rem ained in H onolulu. T h e A rchdeacon and M rs. M ason had begun a school in P au o a V alley, (S t. A lban s ), b u t on M r. S cott s leaving L ah ain a the A rch deacon w as sent there to carry on the w ork. Schools w ere a very im portant p a rt of the L ahaina w ork. M rs. M ason opened a school fo r girls in the old A m erican M arine H ospital on the beach road, (S t. C ro ss). T h e Sisters, (S ister C atherine, S ister B ertha and S ister M ary C lara) arrived from E ngland in 864. T hey had expected to rem ain in H onolulu, but they w ere so m uch w anted a t the school in L ahaina th a t the Bishop sent them there to relieve M rs. M ason. Sister C atherine retu rn ed to E n g la n d ; the tw o others carried on the w ork for H aw aiian girls, taking it over from M rs. M ason N ovem ber 30th, 864. n 867 M iss Sellon (th e M other S u p erio r) and three S isters cam e to H onolulu. E ldress P hoebe w as then sent to L ah aina and S ister B ertha cam e to H onolulu and began the w ork at St. A ndrew s P rio ry w ith S ister B eatrice and S ister A lbertina. was at L ahaina in 867 and attended the service (co n firm atio n ) of the first class of 2 girls from the S isters school held by Bishop Staley in the old w ooden C hurch on the beach, w hich w as a fte r w ards blown out to sea on a rough night. (S is te r A lbertina died in 930, and S ister B eatrice in 92. T hey cam e to the slands together in 867, and lived here 63 years and 54 years, respectively, w ithout ever retu rn in g to E ngland.) * В Я W ith one exception, all over the W orld the so-called race problem is acute... T he one place w here th a t injustice does not glare in the black eyes at the blue is in the T e rrito ry of H aw aii... H aw aii is the only place in A m erica w here the things th a t can t happen do. W illiam A llen W hite. s a W O R S E T H A N P A G A N S M V ery o ften people w ho denounce Comm unism do nothing to prom ote th e only antidote fo r it, the cultivation o f justice, tru th, m ercy and love. F ailu re to supp o rt the m issionary w ork of our Church u n d er existing conditions is nothing short of the basest treason to Jesus C hrist our L ord. f C hristian nations will n ot concern them selves about the conversion of the pagan w orld there are nations who will displace paganism by doctrines infinitely m ore detestable. C hrist Church Chimes. * T h e 5th N ative Japanese to be raised to the E piscopate is the R ev. D r. S adajiro Y anagihara who w as consecrated S u ffra gan B ishop of O saka in June Я MAKNG YOUR WLL T h is book let gives valuable h in ts on m ak in g y o u r will. t explains in a convenient, practical w ay the various m a tte rs con cernin g p ro p e rty d istrib u tio n w hich experience tells us are often little un derstood. t o u tlines th ree basic will p lans w ith sufficient space for notatio n s and com m ent. t explains D o w er and C o u rtesy rig h ts, gives a schedule of a d m in istrativ e fees and presents th e v arious facto rs involved in the selection of E xecutor, T ru stee and G uardian. t will assist you to p ro tect y o u r fam ily s future. A vailable upon ap plicatio n a t o u r offices, o r will be m ailed upon resp onsible request. Dependable T rust Service For A ll Hawaii Bishop ; Trust C 0 S tp A \Y.aiM n E D 4 V a D ependable T ru st S ervice F or A ll H aw aii К

7 Septem ber, 940 HAW AAN CHURCH CH R ONCLE 7 Л е л е a n c f П Г І г е п е S n Ч Т а е D i o c e s e D a y o f S p e c ia l P ra y e r W e are m ore than glad to support the request of P resid en t R oosevelt th a t S u n day, S eptem ber 8th, be observed as a special day of p ray e r fo r peace. C oncentrating upon one day does not in the slightest lessen the sp irit of p ray er before and a fte r the special tim e appointed. W e have long prayed, and will continue to o ffe r our prayers fo r an outcom e to the present w orld conflicts w hich is based on the w ay o f justice and tru th, established {upon th a t peace w hich is the fru it of righteousness, th a t the nations of the world m ay becom e the K ingdom of our j L ord and S aviour Jesus C hrist. F o r j public w orship, no prayers could be m ore j appropriate an d adequate th an those found * in the Book o f Com m on P ra y er, such as n tim e of W a r and T u m u lts, p. 4 ; F o r the F am ily of N ations, p. 4 4 ; F o r! O ur C ountry, p. 3 6 ; and A P ra y e r for Congress, p. 35. N othing could be better fo r reg u lar use than the Collect for the 5th S unday a fte r T rin ity, p. 95. j D e v e lo p m e n t's a t E p ip h a n y D a y S ch o o l T h e steady increase in the num ber of i pupils at this School in K aim uki has necessitated additional space to accom o date them. R earrangem ent of the parish hall, and the building of new classroom s are under w ay, and will be ready fo r the opening o f the school term this m onth. M rs. G eorgia C rutchfield is the principal, and is assisted by M rs. V eda G lassey and several others, in o rd er to insure the. benefit o f instruction in sm all groups N e w s o f F a th e r R o b e r t H e lle m a n s i T he S u p erio r o f the Cowley F ath ers j in Cam bridge w rites an interesting account j of F ath e r R obert, the B elgian priest w ho i was recently received into o u r Com munion, and w ho has long since taken j out his firs t papers for A m erican citizen- * ship. F ath e r R o b ert is enjoying excellent j health, and w rites th a t he is happier than he has been in m any years. A t last S reports, he w as visiting w ith a friend in ; the diocese o f M aine. R e tire m e n t- o f D r. J ag g a r j t has been announced th a t D r. T hom as i A. Ja g g ar, w orld fam ous volcanologist, j retired as the principal scientist and ad- m inistrative head o f th e H aw aiian V olj cano O bservatory on Ju ly 3st. H is retirem ent does n o t m ean th a t he either І gives u p his residence in the N ational j P ark on the B ig sland, o r th a t he ceases j to use his w ide experience gained from j the special opportunities w hich he has enjoyed since 92 a t th e O bservatory at H alem aum au, w hich he started under ] the M assachusetts n stitu te o f Technology and the V olcano R esearch A ssociation. Dr. Ja g g a r has now assum ed his duties o f research associate in the U niversity o f H aw aii, and will devote m ost of his tim e to w riting. W e rejoice th a t the C hurch in th e slands continues to com m and the active and enthusiastic services o f this outstanding C hurchm an. N e w L ig h tin g in th e C a th e d r a l T h e sanctuary, the choir, and the first bay of the nave o f St. A n d rew s C athedral have received the g ift of m odern and efficien t lighting from M rs. W a lte r F. D illingham, as a trib u te to her m other. Concealed lights now flood the altar, replacing the electric fix tu res w hich form erly disfigured the beautiful capitals o f the colum ns in th e choir. T h e C athed ral is deeply indebted to M rs. D illingham fo r this g reat im provem ent in the appearance of the building rem arkable fo r its architectural beauty and fo r its devotional atm osphere. T h e N e w R e c to ry T h e C athedral parish v estry has com pleted the alterations in th e new rectory, 277 M ott-s m ith D rive, w here C anon Pennell and his fam ily have taken up their residence. T h e house is com pletely furnished, and very attractive. t com m ands a m agnificent view tow ard the south and w est, from D iam ond H ead, p ast the harbor, to the W aianae range. P re s e n ta tio n o f th e U n ite d T h a n k O f f e r in g T h e C orporate C om m union of the w om en o f the C hurch, a t w hich will be presented the g reat U nited T h an k O ffe r ing, will be held in K ansas City, M issouri, on T h u rsd ay m orning, O ctober 0th. T h e national W o m an s A uxiliary and our local diocesan branch express the hope th a t there will be sim ilar services everyw here in the U n ited S tates on th a t date. n the evening a t a m ass m eeting a t K ansas City, announcem ent will be m ade of the total am ount received. T h e special speaker will be the g reat Chinese C hristian leader, D r. T. Z. K oo. в : a Are you familiar with the advantages of the All Gas Kitchen? f not, it will be to your interest to consult us Honolulu Gas Company CELLOPHANE- WRAPPED ASK YOUR GROCER for the Cello -lb. carton of Mayflower Kona Coffee.St - a

8 8 HAW AAN CHURCH N e w M o r m o n M is s io n a rie s fo r H a w a ii A dispatch from W ailuku, dated A ugust 22nd, tells of the arriv al o f four new M orm on elders fo r the island of M aui. T hese, added to the num ber already w orking there, brin g the num ber fa r above the three resident m issionaries of our C hurch on M aui (th e Rev. С.Fletcher H ow e of the C hurch of th e G ood Shepherd, W a i luku ; the R ev. J. M iller H o rto n of the C hurch of the H oly nnocents, L ah ain a; and M rs. Y. C. Shim of St. Jo h n s, K u la.) T h e M orm ons rep o rt 67 m issionaries in the T errito ry. T hey are now com pleting a $250,000 tem ple in H onolulu. S tu d e n t* fr o m T a h it i E n te rs o la n i P erh ap s no pupil a t olani n ex t term will come from a m ore distant place than R otui K ellum, aged 0, w ho has arrived from his S outh Sea sland hom e to study at olani. H is parents are ow ners o f a plantation on M oorea in the Society slands, 5 miles across the channel from T ahiti. T h ere are boys in the school from Sam oa, and not a few pupils from A rm y and N avy posts who come from distant hom es on the m ainland, living here tem porarily w ith their fam ilies during the period o f service. By a fo rtunate chance, a sum m er excursion steam er stopped at T ahiti, th u s enabling the K ellum boy to com e to H onolulu d irect; otherw ise he would have been com pelled to travel from T ah iti to H onolulu either by way of the P an am a C anal or by N ew Zealand. S e v e n B ishops V is it H o n o lu lu Seven Bishops in as m any weeks have looked in upon us, six from the O rien t on their w ay to G eneral Convention, and one, B ishop M oreland, retired Bishop of N o rth ern C alifornia, fo r a ten days visit. F ro m C hina we welcomed in passing the retirin g Bishop of Fukien, D r. Jo h n H in d ; the Bishop of Shanghai, D r. W illiam P. R oberts, and the B ishop of A nking, D r. D. T rum bull H u n tin g to n who will retire n ex t m onth. T h e visiting Bishops from Japan, w ho will be needed fo r conference w ith the N ational Council in regard to the tense situation created by the anti-foreign and anti-c hristian action on the p a rt of the Japanese governm ent, w ere Bishop C harles S. R eifsn id er o f N o rth K w anto, Bishop Shirley N ichols of K yoto, and Bishop N o rm an S. B insted of T ohoku. T h e R ic h a rd S m a rts P u rc h a s e L a n d A d jo in in g N e w o la n i P ro p e rty O u r nearest neighbors, w hen once we have actually occupied the 25 acre trac t purchased fo r olani School a t W aikiki, will be the fam ily of M r. R ichard S m art, ow ner o f the P a rk e r R anch on the island o f H aw aii. H e has purchased ap p ro x i m ately fo u r acres on the m auka side of the A la W ai Canal, and will s ta rt at once to build. T h e grounds will follow an H aw aiian m otif in landscaping, and will have a sw im m ing pool and tennis courts. T h e S m arts plan to live here t ^ L :.! <;» several m onths each year, dividing ш е rem ainder of the tim e betw een their villa in B everly H ills, C alifornia, and the P a rk e r R anch a t K am uela. W h e n o la n i W i l l S ta r t to B u ild * F rien d s of the school in the slands and on the m ainland are asking w hen the school will occupy its new property. T he answ er is w hen funds fo r construction of the buildings are in hand. W e have spent som ething like $08,000, of w hich $33,000 is borrow ed, for the purchae of the 25-acre plot w hich is ideally situated fo r a boarding an d day school. m p rov e m ents to th e value o f about $5,000, in cluding earth fo r filling, labor fo r clearing, athletic field bleachers and flood lights, have been given to the school. t has ju s t come to our ears th a t d u ring the last p a rt o f. A u g u st the P ark s B oard decided to construct the roads, long since planned, on three sides of the property, at a cost of approxim ately $20,000. T his action will provide not only a proper fro n t entrance to the School, but also a service road at the rear. t will also connect w ith the athletic field in such a w ay th at parking space and exits will be am ply provided. T h e Diocese needs the $33,000 to pay o ff the debt and $65,000 fo r the firs t buildings. A hun d red th ou sand dollars is the answ er to the question, W hen W ill olani S tart T o B uild? T h e B ishop L e aves fo r G e n e ra l C o n v e n tio n Bishop and M rs. L ittell sail on S eptem ber 6th fo r the m ainland. T h e Bishop has tw o weeks of intensive m issionary speaking in the diocese of D elaw are before the C onvention opens on O ctober 9th. T h e S peakers B ureau of the C hurch M issions H ouse has arranged a five w eeks itin erary fo r him a fte r the Convention closes, O ctober 24th. T h e Bishop will re tu rn im m ediately a fte r fulflling these engagem ents. N e w T e a c h e rs a t o la n i a n d th e P rio ry W e are gled to welcome ten new teachers to the P rio ry and olani Schools. T h e SAM CHNG TRE SH O P OFFCE PHONE 2265 PHLP AND SAM 245 N. Queen Street and wilei Road Opposite New Market Expert Vulcanizing & Tire Repairing K~ 7 ".В 2330 Beckwith Street, Hdndlulu, Щйр^йт&ег, 940 jtusnop has called a S ta ff M eeting for Septem ber 5th, the night before he sails, to m eet these new arrivals. H eav y registratio n s are rep o rted in both schools. A p p o in te d N a t io n a l G u a rd C h a p la in Canon Pennell, rector of the C athedral parish, has been appointed C haplain with the ran k o f C aptain in the 298th n fa n try H aw aii N ational G uard. H e succeeds thi R ev. H en ry P. Judd, w ho recently retired a fte r m any years service. C anon P ennell before com ing to H onolulu, w as Chaplain o f the 06th n fa n try, N ew Y o rk N a tional G uard, and before th a t w as a member of the A rm y R eserve C orps fo r eight years. T w o others of o u r clergy in H awaii are C haplains, one th e R ev. A lbert H. Stone of th e 299th n fa n try, H awaii N ational G uard, and the R ev. K enneth D. P erkins, of H ilo, in the O fficers R eserve C orps o f the N avy. T h e V ic a r o f H ilo a t th e C o lle g e o f P re a c h e rs T he Rev. K enneth D. P erkins has accepted an invitation from the W arden of the College of P reachers, connected w ith the C athedral at W ashington, to attend a conference, and classes ju st prior to the G eneral Convention. t is not often th at an y of our clergy can study at the College, o r participate in such conferences, because o f distance. W e are glad th at M r. P erkins has m ade this occasion an im portant p art of his visit to the m ainland. NUUANU FUNERAL PARLORS, Ltd. David Y. Akana, Prop. 374 Nuuanu Avenue, near Vineyard St. M orticians and Funeral Directors D A Y A N D N G H T P H O N E K~ -a A L E X A N D E R & B A L D W N Limited S U G A R F A C T O R S S H P P N G C O M M S S O N M E R C H A N T S N S U R A N C E A G E N T S Offices in Honolulu, San Francisco and Seattle THE LNCOLN NATONAL LFE NSURANCE COMPANY FORT WAYNE NDANA EDUCATONAL NCOME PROTECTON T H E O. H. D A V E S & C O M P A N Y, L M T E D TERRTORAL AGENTS.S JA

Form and content. Iowa Research Online. University of Iowa. Ann A Rahim Khan University of Iowa. Theses and Dissertations

Form and content. Iowa Research Online. University of Iowa. Ann A Rahim Khan University of Iowa. Theses and Dissertations University of Iowa Iowa Research Online Theses and Dissertations 1979 Form and content Ann A Rahim Khan University of Iowa Posted with permission of the author. This thesis is available at Iowa Research

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