Estimates for the affine and dual affine quermassintegrals of convex bodies

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1 Estimates for the affine and dual affine quermassintegrals of convex bodies Nikos Dafnis and Grigoris Paouris Abstract We provide estimates for suitable normalizations of the affine and dual affine quermassintegrals of a convex body K in R n These follow by a more general study of normalized p-means of projection and section functions of K 1 Introduction The starting point of this paper is an integral formula of Furstenberg and Tzkoni [5] about the volume of k-dimensional sections of ellipsoids: for every ellipsoid E in R n and every 1 k n one has (11) E F n dν n,k (F ) = c n,k E k, where ν n,k is the Haar measure on the Grassmannian and c n,k is a constant depending only on n and k; more precisely, c n,k = Γ ( n 2 + 1) k / ( Γ k 2 + 1) n It was proved by Miles [16] that this formula can be obtained in a simpler way as a consequence of classical formulas of Blaschke and Petkantschin Later, analogous quantities were considered by Lutwak and Grinberg in the setting of convex bodies Lutwak introduced in [11] for every convex body K in R n and every 1 k n 1 the quantities (12) Φ n k (K) = ω n ω k P F (K) n dν n,k (F ) ) 1/n, where P F (K) is the orthogonal projection onto F and ω k is the volume of the Euclidean unit ball in R k For k = 0 and k = n one sets Φ 0 (K) = K and Φ n (K) = ω n respectively Grinberg [8] proved that these quantities are invariant under volume preserving affine transformations; this justifies the terminology affine quermassintegrals for Φ n k (K) From the definition of Φ n k (K) it is clear that (13) Φ n k (K) ω n P F (K) dν n,k (F ) = W n k (K), ω k 1

2 where W n k (K) = V (K, [k] B n 2, [n k]) are the Quermassintegrals of K Lutwak conjectured in [12] that the affine quermassintegrals satisfy the inequalities (14) ω j nφ n j i ω i nφ j (K) n i for all 0 i < j < n For example, Lutwak asks if (15) Φ n k (K) ω n (n k)/n K k/n with equality if and only if K is an ellipsoid; note that the weaker inequality W n k (K) ω n (n k)/n K k/n holds true by the isoperimetric inequality Most of these questions remain open (see [6, Chapter 9]); two cases of (15) follow from classical results: when k = n 1 this inequality is the Petty projection inequality and when k = 1 and K is symmetric then (15) is the Blaschke-Santaló inequality Lutwak proposed in [13] to study the dual affine quermassintegrals Φ n k (K) For every convex body K in R n and every 1 k n 1 one defines (16) Φn k (K) = ω n ω k K F n dν n,k (F ) /n For k = 0 and k = n one sets Φ 0 (K) = K and Φ n (K) = ω n respectively Grinberg proved in [8] that these quantities are also invariant under volume preserving linear transformations, and he established the inequality (17) Φn k (K) ω n (n k)/n K k/n for all 1 k n 1, with equality if and only if K is a centered ellipsoid The case k = n 1 of this inequality is the Busemann intersection inequality (while the case k = 1 becomes an identity for symmetric convex bodies) Being affinely invariant, affine and dual affine quermassintegrals appear to be useful in asymptotic convex geometry So, one of the purposes of this work is to give upper and lower bounds for Φ n k (K) and Φ n k (K) in the remaining cases We introduce a different notation and normalization which is better adapted to our needs Nevertheless, the question we study is equivalent to eg [6, Problem 97] Definition 11 (normalized affine quermassintegrals) For every convex body K in R n and every 1 k n 1 we define (18) Φ [k] (K) = P F (K) n dν n,k (F ) ) 1 kn We also set Φ [n] (K) = K 1/n Lutwak s conjectures about affine quermassintegrals can now be restated as follows: (i) For every (symmetric) convex body K of volume 1 in R n and every 1 k n 1, (19) Φ [k] (K) Φ [k] (D n ), 2

3 where D n is the Euclidean ball of volume 1 (ii) For every convex body K of volume 1 in R n and every 1 k n 1, (110) Φ [k] (K) Φ [k] (S n ), where S n is the regular Simplex of volume 1 In view of these conjectures, in the asymptotic setting it is reasonable to ask if the following holds true: There exist absolute constants c 1, c 2 > 0 such that for every convex body K of volume 1 in R n and every 1 k n 1, (111) c 1 n/k Φ[k] (K) c 2 n/k For k = 1 the Blaschke-Santaló inequality shows that (19) holds true Proving (110) for k = 1 corresponds to Malher s conjecture Clearly, (111) for k = 1 follows from the Blaschke-Santaló and the reverse Santaló inequality of Bourgain- Milman [3] Note that for k = n 1 we have (112) Φ [n 1] (K) = ( B n n(n 1) 2, Π (K) where Π (K) is the polar projection body of K Then, Hölder s inequality and the isoperimetric inequality show that (19) holds true The same is true for (110): this follows from Zhang s inequality; see [30] Definition 12 (normalized dual affine quermassintegrals) For every convex body K in R n and every 1 k n 1 we define (113) Φ[k] (K) = K F n dν n,k (F ) kn Grinberg s theorem about dual affine quermassintegrals states that if K has volume 1 then (114) Φ[k] (K) Φ [k] (D n ) c 2, where c 2 > 0 is an absolute constant As we will see, if the hyperplane conjecture has an affirmative answer then (115) Φ[k] (K) c 1 for every centered convex body of volume 1, where c 1 > 0 is an absolute constant In view of the above, here one asks if the following holds true: There exist absolute constants c 1, c 2 > 0 such that for every centered convex body K of volume 1 in R n and every 1 k n 1, (116) c 1 Φ [k] (K) c 2 3

4 Our estimates on the normalized affine and dual affine quermassintegrals are summarized in the following: Theorem 13 Let K be a convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, for every 1 k n 1, (117) Φ [k] (K) c 1 n/k log n and, if K is also centered, (118) Φ[k] (K) c 2 L K, where L K is the isotropic constant of K In particular, assuming the hyperplane conjecture we have that Φ [k] (K) 1 for all 1 k n 1 We also have the bounds (119) Φ [k] (K) c 3 (n/k) 3/2 log (en/k) and (120) Φ[k] (K) c 4 n/k log(en/k) which are sharp when k is proportional to n For the proofs of these estimates, we attempt a more general study of normalized p-means of projection and section functions of K, which we introduce for every 1 k n 1 and every p 0 by setting (121) W [k,p] (K) := and (122) W[k,p] (K) = P F (K) p dν n,k (F ) K F p dν n,k (F ) respectively The k-th normalized affine and dual affine quermassintegrals of K correspond to the cases p = n and p = n respectively: (123) Φ [k] (K) = W [k, n] (K) and Φ [k] (K) = W [k,n] (K) We list several properties of the p-means and prove some related inequalities Acknowledgment We would like to thank Apostolos Giannopoulos for many interesting discussions The second named author wishes to thank the US National Science Foundation for support through the grant DMS

5 2 Notation and Preliminaries We work in R n, which is equipped with a Euclidean structure, We denote by 2 the corresponding Euclidean norm, and write B2 n for the Euclidean unit ball, and S n 1 for the unit sphere Volume is denoted by We write ω n for the volume of B2 n and σ for the rotationally invariant probability measure on S n 1 The Grassmann manifold of k-dimensional subspaces of R n is equipped with the Haar probability measure ν n,k We also write A for the homothetic image of volume 1 of a compact set A R n of positive volume, ie A := A 1 n A If A and B are compact sets in R n, then the covering number N(A, B) of A by B is the smallest number of translates of B whose union covers A The letters c, c, c 1, c 2 etc denote absolute positive constants which may change from line to line Whenever we write a b, we mean that there exist absolute constants c 1, c 2 > 0 such that c 1 a b c 2 a A star-shaped body C with respect to the origin is a compact set that satisfies tc C for all t [0, 1] We denote by C the gauge function of C: (21) x C = inf{λ > 0 : x λc} A convex body in R n is a compact convex subset C of R n with non-empty interior We say that C is symmetric if x C implies that x C We say that C is centered if it has centre of mass at the origin: C x, θ dx = 0 for every θ Sn 1 The support function h C : R n R of C is defined by h C (x) = max{ x, y : y C} The radius of C is the quantity R(C) = max{ x 2 : x C} and, if the origin is an interior point of C, the polar body C of C is (22) C := {y R n : x, y 1 for all x C} Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, the Blaschke Santaló inequality and the Bourgain Milman inequality imply that (23) K 1 n 1 n Let K be a centered convex body in R n For every F, 1 k n 1, we have that P F (K ) = (K F ), and hence, (24) K F 1/k P F K 1/k 1 k The Rogers-Shephard inequality [26] states that (25 P F K 1/k K F 1/k ( /k n en k k We refer to the books [28], [21] and [25] for basic facts from the Brunn-Minkowski theory and the asymptotic theory of finite dimensional normed spaces 5

6 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n For every q 1 and θ S n 1 we define ( 1/q (26) h Zq(K)(θ) := x, θ dx) q K We define the L q -centroid body Z q (K) of K to be the centrally symmetric convex set with support function h Zq(K) L q centroid bodies were introduced in [14] Here we follow the normalization (and notation) that appeared in [23] It is easy to check that Z 1 (K) Z p (K) Z q (K) Z (K) for every 1 p q, where Z (K) = conv{k, K} Note that if T SL(n) then Z p (T (K)) = T (Z p (K)) Moreover, as a consequence of the Brunn Minkowski inequality (see, for example, [23]), one can check that (27) Z q (K) c q p Z p(k) for all 1 p < q, where c 1 is an absolute constant, and (28) Z q (K) c K for all q n, where c > 0 is an absolute constant A centered convex body K of volume 1 in R n is called isotropic if Z 2 (K) is a multiple of B2 n Then, we define the isotropic constant of K by ( /n Z2 (K) (29) L K := B2 n It is known that L K L B n 2 c > 0 for every convex body K in R n Bourgain proved in [2] that L K c 4 n log n and, a few years ago, Klartag [9] obtained the estimate L K c 4 n (see also [10]) The hyperplane conjecture asks if L K C, where C > 0 is an absolute constant We refer to [19], [7] and [23] for additional information on isotropic convex bodies Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n For every star shaped body C in R n and any n < p, p 0, we set ( /p (210) I p (K, C) := x p C dx If C = B n 2 we simply write I p (K) instead of I p (K, B n 2 ) K 3 p-mean projection functions and estimates for Φ [k] (K) We first consider the question whether there exist absolute constants c 1, c 2 > 0 such that for every convex body K of volume 1 in R n and every 1 k n 1, (31) c 1 n/k Φ[k] (K) c 2 n/k We can prove that the right-hand side inequality holds true up to a log n term 6

7 Theorem 31 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, for every 1 k n 1, (32) Φ [k] (K) c n/k log n For the proof of Theorem 31 we introduce a normalized version of the quermassintegrals of a convex body 31 Normalized quermassintegrals Let K be a convex body in R n For every 1 k n 1 we define the normalized k-quermassintegral of K by (33) W [k] (K) := P F (K) dν n,k (F ) We also set W [n] (K) = K 1/n and W [0] (K) = 1 Note that /k (34) W [1] (K) = [h K (θ) + h K ( θ)] dσ(θ) = 2w(K) S n 1 From the definition and Kubota s formula (see [28]) it is clear that, for every 1 k n 1 one has (35) W [k] (K) = ( /k ωk V (K, [k]; B2 n, [n k]) ω n Applying the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequality (see [28, Chapter 6]) one can check the following: (i) If K and L are convex bodies in R n, then, for all 1 k n, (36) W [k] (K + L) W [k] (K) + W [k] (L) (ii) For all 0 k 1 < k 2 < k 3 n, (37) W [k2](k)w [k1](b n 2 ) W [k1](k)w [k2](b n 2 ) ( W[k3](K)W [k1](b2 n ) ) (k 2 k 1 )k 3 k 2 (k 3 k 1 ) W [k1](k)w [k3](b2 n) (iii) For all 1 k 1 k 2 n, (38) W [k2](k) W [k2](b2 n) W [k 1](K) W [k1](b2 n) Proof of Theorem 31 Since Φ [k] (K) is affine invariant we may assume that K is centered It is well-known that Pisier s inequality (see [25, Chapter 2]) on the norm of the Rademacher projection implies that there exists T SL(n) such that (39) W [1] (T (K)) = 2w(T (K)) c n log n 7

8 More precisely, (39) follows from Pisier s inequality in the case where K is symmetric However, it is not difficult to extend the inequality to the non necessarily symmetric case (see eg [22, Lemma3]) Then, using the affine invariance of Φ [k] and the fact that Φ [k] (K) W [k] (K), we write (310) Φ [k] (K) = Φ [k] (T (K)) W [k] (T (K)) Since W [k] (B n 2 ) = ω 1/k k 1 k, it follows from (38) that (311) W [k] (T (K)) W [k](b n 2 ) W [1] (B n 2 ) W [1](T (K)) c n/k log n This completes the proof Next, we introduce the p-mean projection function W [k,p] (K) and the p-mean width w p (K) of a convex body K and prove a weak lower bound in the direction of the left hand side inequality of (31) 32 p-mean projection function Let K be a convex body in R n For every 1 k n 1 and for every p 0 we define the p-mean projection function W [k,p] (K) by (312) W [k,p] (K) := P F (K) p dν n,k (F ) We also set W [n] (K) := K 1/n Observe that the k-th normalized affine quermassintegral of K corresponds to the case p = n: (313) Φ [k] (K) := W [k, n] (K) It is clear that W [k,p] (K) is an increasing function of p, W [s,p] (λk) = λw [s,p] (K) for every λ > 0 and W [s,p] (K) W [s,p] (L) whenever K L Moreover, for every 1 k < m n 1 and every p 0, one has (314) W [k,p] (K) = In particular, (315) W [k, m] (K) = G n,m W [k,p] (P E(K))dν n,m (E) Φ km [k] (P E (K))dν n,m (E) G n,m ) 1 km 33 p-mean width The p-mean width of K is defined for every p 0 by ( /p (316) w p (K) = h p K (θ)dσ(θ) S n 1 8

9 It is clear that w p (K) is an increasing function of p, w p (λk) = λw p (K) for every λ > 0 and w p (K) w p (L) whenever K L Note that, if K is the polar body of K, then (317) w n (K) = Also, for every 1 k n 1, (318) w p (K) = and, in particular, (319) w k (K) = ω 1/k k ( B n n 2 K w p p(p E (K))dν n,k (E) (P E (K)) dν n,k (E) /p ) 1/k Using the above we are able to prove that, in the symmetric case, W [k, q] (K) c n/k as far as q n/k; recall that Φ [k] (K) = W [k, n] (K) Theorem 32 Let K be a symmetric convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, for every 1 k n 1, (320) W [k, n/k] (K) c n/k Proof Using Hölder s inequality, the Blaschke-Santaló and the reverse Santaló inequality, for every p 1 we can write P F (K) p dν n,k (F ) k c k = c k (P F (K)) p dν n,k (F ) ω 2p k 1 ( ) p 1 S F h k K (θ)dσ F (θ) dν n,k(f )) = c kw 1 (K) We set p := n/k 1 Then, from (317) we get (321) W [k, n/k] (K) w n(k) c k S F 1 h S n 1 1 h K (θ)dσ(θ) K (θ)dσ F (θ) dν n,k (F ) 1 c ωn 1/n k K n/k 1/n 9

10 This completes the proof Note What we have actually shown in the proof of Theorem 32 is that (322) W [k, p] (K) ( ) p 1 1 k S F h k K (θ)dσ F (θ) dν n,k(f )) c w (K) k for all 1 k n 1 and p 1 4 p-mean section functions and estimates for Φ [k] (K) Next, we consider the dual affine quermassintegrals We first provide a lower bound which is sharp up to the isotropic constant of the body Theorem 41 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n and let 1 k n 1 Then, (41) Φ[k] (K) c L K Proof By the linear invariance of Φ [k] (K), we may assume that K is in the isotropic position Let F be a k-dimensional subspace of R n We denote by E the orthogonal subspace of F and for every φ F \ {0} we define E + (φ) = {x span{e, φ} : x, φ 0} K Ball (see [1] and [19]) proved that, for every q 0, the function ) 1 (42) φ φ 1+ q q+1 q+1 2 x, φ q dx K E + (φ) is the gauge function of a convex body B q (K, F ) on F We will make use of the fact that, if K is isotropic then (43) K F 1/k L B k+1 (K,F ) L K See [19] and [23] for a proof Therefore, (44) Φ[k] (K)L K L kn B k+1 (K,F ) dν n,k(f ) kn Recall that the isotropic constant is uniformly bounded from below: we know that L Bk+1 (K,F ) c, where c > 0 is an absolute constant It follows that (45) Φk (K)L K L kn B k+1 (K,F ) dν n,k(f ) kn c, 10

11 and the result follows Note Theorem 41 shows that if the hyperplane conjecture is correct then (if we also take into account Grinberg s theorem), for every centered convex body K of volume 1 in R n and for every 1 k n 1, (46) c 1 Φ [k] (K) c 2 where c 1, c 2 > 0 are absolute constants This would answer completely the asymptotic version of our original problems about the dual affine quermassintegrals The proof of Theorem 41 has some interesting consequences: Corollary 42 Let K be an isotropic convex body in R n For every 1 k n 1 we have (47) ν n,k ( {F Gn,k : L Bk+1 (K,F ) cl K } ) e kn, where c > 0 is an absolute constant Proof From Grinberg s theorem see (114) we know that Φ [k] (K) Φ [k] (D n ) c 2, where c 2 > 0 is an absolute constant From (45) we get (48) L kn B k+1 (K,F ) dν n,k(f ) kn c 3 L K, and the result follows from Markov s inequality We complement Theorem 41 with a second lower bound for Φ [k] (K), which is sharp when k is proportional to n Theorem 43 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n For every 1 k n 1 we have that (49) Φ[k] (K) c n/k log(en/k) For the proof of this bound, we introduce the p-mean section function W [k,p] (K) of a convex body K 41 p-mean section function Let K be a convex body in R n For every 1 k n 1 and for every p 0 we define the p-mean W [k,p] (K) by (410) W[k,p] (K) = K F p dν n,k (F ) The normalized dual k-quermassintegral of K is W [k] (K) := W [k,1] (K) Observe that the k-th normalized dual affine quermassintegral of K corresponds to the case p = n: (411) Φ[k] (K) = W [k,n] (K) 11

12 Hölder s inequality implies that, for a fixed value of k, W[k,p] (K) is an increasing function of p The next Proposition shows that the normalized dual quermassintegrals W [k] (K) are strongly related to the quantities I p (K) Proposition 44 Let K be a convex body of volume 1 in R n and let 1 k n 1 Then, ( /k (n k)ωn k (412) W[k] (K)I k (K) = = nω W [k](d n )I k(d n ) n Note It is easy to check that ( (n k)ωn k nω n /k n Proof We integrate in polar coordinates: I k k (K) = nω n 1 n k S n 1 x n k dσ(x) K nω n 1 = ω n k (n k)ω n k G n,n k S F θ n k dσ(θ)dν n,n k (F ) K F nω n = K F dν n,n k (F ) (n k)ω n k G n,n k nω n = K F dν n,k (F ) (n k)ω n k The definition of W[k] (K) completes the proof Proposition 44 has the following consequence: Proposition 45 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, for every 1 s m n 1, (413) W[s] (K) W [s] (D n ) and (414) W [m] (K) W [s] (K) W [m] (D n ) W [s] (D n ) Proof It is known (see [24]) that for any q p n we have (415) I p (K) I p (D n ) and (416) I q (K) I p (K) I q(d n ) I p (D n ) 12

13 Then, the result follows from Proposition 44 Note It is easy to check that (417) W[k] (D n ) = W [k,p] (D n ) = Φ [k] (D n ) 1 Proof of Theorem 43 Hölder s inequality and Proposition 44 imply that (418) Φ[k] (K) W [k] (K) c n I k (K) Now, we use the fact (see Theorem 52 and Lemma 56 in [4]) that there exists T SL(n) such that (419) I k (T (K)) c n n/k log en/k By the affine invariance of Φ [k] (K) we have (420) Φ[k] (K) = Φ [k] (T (K)) c n I k (T (K)), and this completes the proof 5 Duality relations In this Section we prove some inequalities involving the p-means of projection and section functions of a convex body In particular, we obtain duality relations between Φ [n/2] (K) and Φ [n/2] (K ) These will allow us to obtain a second upper bound for Φ [k] (K) which is sharp when k is proportional to n One source of such inequalities is the following L q version of the Rogers- Shephard inequality which was proved in [24] Lemma 51 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, for every 1 k n 1 and every F we have that (51) c 1 K F 1/k P F (Z k (K)) 1/k c 2, where c 1, c 2 > 0 are universal constants A direct application of Lemma 51 leads to the following: Proposition 52 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n For every 1 k n 1 and p 0 we have that (i) c 1 W [k,p] (K)W [k, p] (Z k (K)) c 2, (ii) c 3 Φ [k] (K)Φ [k] (Z k (K)) c 4, (iii) c 5 Φ [k] (K)Φ [k] (K) c 6 n/k, 13

14 where c i > 0, i = 1,, 6 are absolute constants Proof From the definitions and (51) we readily see that W [k,p] (K) = K F p dν n,k (F ) /() P F (Z k (K)) p dν n,k (F ) = W 1 [k, p] (Z k(k)) /() This proves (i) Then, (ii) corresponds to the special case p = n Since K cn k Z k(k), (iii) follows A second source of inequalities is the Blaschke-Santaló and the reverse Santaló inequality Since (K F ) = P F (K ), for every 1 k n 1 and F we have (52) c n k ω 2 n k P F (K ) K F ω 2 n k Therefore, W [k,p] (K) = ω 2/k n k = ω 2/k n k K F p dν n,k (F ) /() P F (K ) p dν n,k (F ) G n,n k P F (K ) p dν n,n k (F ) = ω 2/k n k W (n k)/k [n k,p] (K ) Working in the same way we check that (53) W[k,p] (K)W (n k)/k [k,p] (K ) c (n k)/k ω 2/k n k We summarize in the following Proposition /() /() Proposition 53 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n For every 1 k n 1 and p 0 we have: (i) c (n k)/k ω 2/k n k W [k,p] (K)W (n k)/k [k,p] (K ) ω 2/k n k (ii) If n is even, then W [n/2,p] (K)W [n/2,p] (K ) 1 n (iii) If n is even, then Φ [n/2] (K)Φ [n/2] (K ) 1 14

15 Taking into account Proposition 52(iii) we have the following: Corollary 54 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, (54) Φ[n/2] (K) Φ [n/2] (K ) and Φ [n/2] (K) Φ [n/2] (K ) We can get more precise information if we use the M-ellipsoid of K Let K be a convex body of volume 1 in R n Milman (see [17], [18] and also [20] for the not necessarily symmetric case) proved that there exists an ellipsoid E with E = 1, such that (55) log N(K, E) νn, where ν > 0 is an absolute constant In other words, for any centered convex body K of volume 1 in R n there exists T SL(n) such that (56) N(T (K), D n ) e νn Theorem 55 Let n be even and let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, (57) c 1 Φ [n/2] (K) c 2, where c 1, c 2 > 0 are absolute constants Proof We will use the following inequality of Rogers and Shephard [27] If K is a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n then (58) K K 4 n We choose T SL(n) so that (59) N(T (K K), D n ) e νn Then, for any F G n, n 2, (510) P F (T (K K)) N ( T (K K)), D n ) PF (D n ) e νn c n Moreover, using (58) we have that P F (Z n 2 (T (K))) P F (conv(t (K), T (K))) P F (T (K K)) 4 n P F (T (K K)) Combining the above with (510) and (51) we have that (511) T (K) F P F (Z n 2 So, we have shown that for any F G n, n 2, (512) T (K) F c n 2 1 c n 2 0 n 2 0 c (T (K))) e νn c n =: c n

16 This implies that (513) Φ[ n 2 ] (K) = Φ [ n 2 ] (T (K)) min F G n, n 2 T (K) F 2 n c2 This shows the left hand side inequality in (57) The right hand side inequality follows from (114) Combining Theorem 55 with Proposition 53 and Corollary 54 we conclude the following: Corollary 56 Let K be a centered convex body of volume 1 in R n Then, (514) Φ[n/2] (K) Φ [n/2] (K ) Φ [n/2] (K) Φ [n/2] (K ) 1 Note In view of Corollary 56, if n is even and k = n/2, then (44) becomes a formula: Corollary 57 Let K be an isotropic convex body in R n Then, (515) L K L n 2 /2 G n,n/2 B n 2 +1(K,F ) dν n,n/2(f ) In particular, there exists F G n,n/2 such that (516) L K cl B n2 +1(K,F ) ) 2/n 2 Making use of Theorem 43 and of Proposition 52 we can now give a second upper bound for Φ [k] (K), which sharpens the estimate in Theorem 31 when k is proportional to n Theorem 58 Let K be a convex body of volume 1 in R n and let 1 k n 1 Then, (517) Φ [k] (K) c(n/k) 3/2 log en/k Proof We may assume that K is also centered By Proposition 52 we have that (518) Φ [k] (K) = Φ [k](k) Φ [k] (K) Φ [k] (K) cn/k Φ [k] (K) Then, we use the lower bound of Theorem 43 for Φ [k] (K) References [1] K M Ball, Logarithmically concave functions and sections of convex sets in R n, Studia Math 88 (1988),

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