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1 RAHAMA I NTEGRATED FARMS LI MI TED RC CORPORATE PROFI LE Registered Name of Company: RAHAMA I NTEGRATED FARMS LI MI TED Office Address: No: 1 Gi dado I dr i s Road Adj acent For mer BON Guest House, Of f Ma i dugur i Roa d, Ta r a uni, Ka no St at e. Fac t or y Addr e s s : Ma i y a k i, Ka no Ol d Ci ne ma Ha l l, Kwanar Kwanar Dangor a, Ki r u Local Govt, Ou r Bo a r d o f Di r e c t o r s : Al ha j i Mu n i r B. Da n a g u n d i Ha j i ya Bi nt a Mukt a r Jamu Babba Danagundi Ha bi bu Muni r Babba Awa i s u Muni r Babba Co mpa ny Se c r e t a r y : Mo h a mma d Ab d u I n d a b a wa Bus i ne s s De s c r i pt i o n: Seed pr oduction in our large farm lands with numer ous registered

2 out gr ower s i n Kano, Ji gawa and Ni ge r St a t e r e s pe c t i ve l y a nd a l s o wi t h a f ul l y i ns t a l l e d me c ha ni z e d pr ocessi ng pl ant. Pl an Obj e c t i ve s : As a ne w s e e d e nt r e pr e ne ur wi t h a pr ocessi ng capaci t y of 5 6 t ons per hour and on cr ops l i ke whe a t, ma i z e, rice, soybean, sorghum, mi l l e t we ha d e nvi s a ge d hi gh farmers demand for good quality seeds whi c h gua r a nt e e d our immediate installation of our pr ocessi ng pl ant. We al so processed seeds and gr ai ns f or var i ous cr ops t o sui t s and meet t he st andard of our international market. Te l e pho ne : , & Ema i l : rahamaseeds15@y g ma i l.com We b s i t e : www. r a ha ma i nt e g r a t e df a r ms. c o m Authorised Representative: Abdul l a hi Ada m I dr i s & idrisbabs@y a h o o. c o m

3 TECHNI CAL/ MANAGERI AL PERSONNAL STAFF OF RAHAMA INTEGRATED FARMS LIMITED Na me s, Qua l i f i c a t i on a nd Pos i tion of key Technical/ Ma n a g e r i a l p e r s o n n e l S/ N NAMES QUALI FI CATI ON POSI TI ON 1 Dr Ha ke e m Aj e i gbe PhD, MSc, BSc Agr onomi s t / Re s e a r c he r 2 Dr Ami nu Sul e i ma n PhD, MSC, BSc Economi s t / Consul t ant 3 Dr Emma nue l Ade PhD, MSc, BSc Br e e de r / Re s e a r c he r 4 Abdul l a hi I s ya k PhD i n vi ew, Ma n a g i n g Di r e c t o r MS c, BS c 5 Mo h a mme d Ab d u I n d a b a wa B. A Eng/ PGDM De put y Di r e c t or (Admin) 6 Ha bi bu Muni r BSc, MSc Comput e r Sc i 7 Abdul l a hi Ada m I dr i s BSc, MS c Ag r o nomy 8 Ado Yus uf u Da wa ki j i PhD Pl ant Pat hol ogy i n Vi e w, MSc Pl a nt Pat hol ogy, BSc 9 Shehu I s hak Sagagi HND Agr i c. Engi neer 10 Mo h a mme d Ma j i n Mo h a mme d B. Tec h De put y Di r e c t or ( HR, Ope r a t i on & Ma i n t e n a n c e ) Ge ne r a l Ma na ge r Ma n a g e r Qu a l i t y Cont r ol Ma n a g e r Ma i n t e n a n c e Internal Qual i t y Cont r ol Of f i c e r 11 Gr a c e J obs BSc, Agr onomi s t MS c Ag r o n o my 12 Ha mba l i Tukur Bel l o HND El e c Engr. Pl ant Super vi s or 13 Auwa l u I dr i s ND El e c t r i c a l Ma i n t e n a n c e Of f i c e r 14 Mu s a Da l h a BSc Pol Sc i e nc e Ma n a g e r Ad mi n 15 Abuba ka r Mus a BSc Economi cs Ma n a g e r Ma r k e t i n g 16 Us ma n I nuwa Dut s e BSc Economi c s Ma r k e t i n g Of f i c e r 17 Jamilu Yakubu HND Ac c ount i ng Ac c ount Of f i c e r I

4 18 Shams i yya Bal ar abe Di p in Ac c ount Of f i c e r I I Account i ng 19 Ba l a Moha mme d Ra be N. D St a t i s t i c s St or e Of f i cer 20 Mo h a mme d I l l u HND Agr i c Ext. Ext ension Of f i cer

5 In vi ew of the current seed entrepreneurship busi ness Ra ha ma I nt e gr a t e d Far ms Li mi t ed i s i nvol ved i n t he pr oduct i on, pr ocessi ng, packaging and market i ng of t he following crops; ü Ri c e ü Paddy ü Sesame ü Mi l l e t ü Wh e a t ü Ma i z e ü Soybeans ü Sor ghum ü Gi nge r ü He r bi s c us f l owe r ü Gr ound nut ü Mo r i n g e r f l o we r ü Ba oba b f r ui t s

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