A new converse in rate-distortion theory

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1 A new converse in rate-distortion theory Victoria Kostina, Sergio Verdú Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, NJ, 08544, USA Abstract This paper shows new finite-blocklength converse bounds applicable to lossy source coding as well as joint sourcechannel coding, which are tight enough not only to prove the strong converse, but to find the rate-dispersion functions in both setups. In order to state the converses, we introduce the d-tilted information, a random variable whose expectation and variance (with respect to the source) are equal to the rate-distortion and rate-dispersion functions, respectively. Index Terms Converse, finite blocklength regime, joint source-channel coding, lossy source coding, memoryless sources, rate-distortion theory, Shannon theory. I. INTRODUCTION The fundamental problem in non-asymptotic rate-distortion theory is to estimate the minimum achievable source coding rate at any given blocklength k compatible with allowable distortion d. Similarly, in joint source-channel coding, channel blocklength n and distortion d are fixed, and one is interested in the maximum number of source samples k per channel block. While in certain special cases these non-asymptotic fundamental limits can be calculated precisely, in general no such formulas exist. Fortunately, non-asymptotic computable upper and lower bounds to the optimum code size can be obtained. This paper deals with converse, or impossibility, bounds that the rate of all codes sustaining a given fidelity level must satisfy. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the notion of d-tilted information. Sections III and IV focus on source coding and joint source-channel coding, respectively, while Section V discusses and generalizes the results of Sections III and IV. Section VI investigates the asymptotic analysis of the new converse bounds. Section VII considers lossy compression with side information at both compressor and decompressor. Denote by II. d-tilted INFORMATION ı S;Z (s; z) = log dp Z S=s(z) () dp Z (z) the information density of the joint distribution P SZ at (s, z) M ˆM. We can define the right side of () for a given (P Z S,P Z ) even if there is no P S such that the marginal of P S P Z S is P Z. We use the same notation ı S;Z for that more This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant CCF-0665 and by the Center for Science of Information (CSoI), an NSF Science and Technology Center, under Grant CCF The first author was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. general function. Further, for a discrete random variable S, the information in outcome s is denoted by ı S (s) = log () P S (s) Under appropriate conditions, the number of bits that it takes to represent s divided by ı S (s) converges to as these quantities go to infinity. Note that if S is discrete, then ı S;S (s; s) =ı S (s). For a given P S and a distortion measure d: M ˆM 0, +, denote R S (d) = inf P Z S : I(S; Z) (3) Ed(S,Z) d We impose the following basic restrictions on the source and the distortion measure: (a) R S (d) is finite for some d, i.e. d min <, where d min =inf{d: R S (d) < (4) (b) The infimum in (3) is achieved by a unique P Z S, and the distortion measure is finite-valued. The counterpart of () in lossy data compression, which in a certain (asymptotic) sense corresponds to the number of bits one needs to spend to encode s within distortion d, is the following. Definition (d tilted information). For d>d min, the d-tilted information in s is defined as j S (s, d) = log E exp {λ d λ d(s, Z (5) ) where the expectation is with respect to the unconditional distribution of Z, and λ = R S(d) (6) A general proof of the following properties can be found using, Lemma.4. Property. For P Z -almost every z, j S (s, d) =ı S;Z (s; z)+λ d(s, z) λ d (7) hence the name we adopted in Definition. Property. R S (d) =E j S (S, d) (8) Property 3. For all z ˆM, E exp {j S (S, d)+λ d λ d(s, z) (9) Restriction (b) is imposed for clarity of presentation. We will show in Section V that it can be dispensed with.

2 with equality for P Z -almost every z. Remark. Using Property, it is easy to show that restriction (b) guarantees differentiability of R S (d), thus (6) is well defined. Indeed, assume by contradiction that R S (d) has two tangents at point d with slopes λ λ. Writing j S, (s, d) and j S, (s, d) for the corresponding d-tilted informations in (5), we invoke (7) to write ı S;Z (s, z) =j S, (s, d)+λ d(s, z) λ d (0) = j S, (s, d)+λ d(s, z) λ d () which implies that d(s, z) does not depend on z. But that means, via (7), that ı S;Z (s; z) does not depend on z, which leads to P S Z = P S,orR S (d) = 0. Thus R S (d) can be non-differentiable only at the point where it vanishes. Remark. While Definition does not cover the case d = d min, for discrete random variables with d(s, z) ={s z it is natural to define 0-tilted information as j S (s, 0) = ı S (s) () Example. Consider the stationary binary memoryless source (BMS) with P S () = p P S (0) and bit error rate distortion, d(s k,z k )= k k i= {s i z i. It is well known that P S Z ( 0) = P S Z (0 ) = d, and a simple calculation using (7) and λ = k log d d yields, for 0 d<p, k j S k(s k,d)= ı S (s i ) kh(d) (3) i= = w log p +(k w)log kh(d) (4) p where w is the number of ones in s k, and j S k(s k,d)=0if d p. Example. For the stationary Gaussian memoryless source (GMS) with variance σ and mean-square error distortion, j S k(s k,d)= k ( σ s k log d + ) log e σ k (5) if 0 <d<σ, and 0 if d σ. The distortion d-ball around s is denoted by B d (s) ={z ˆM: d(s, z) d (6) The d-tilted information is closely related to the (unconditional) probability that Z falls within distortion d from S. Indeed, since λ > 0, for an arbitrary P Z we have by Markov s inequality, P Z (B d (s)) = P d(s, Z) d (7) E exp {λ d λ d(s, Z) (8) where the probability measure is generated by the unconditional distribution of Z. Thus log P Z (B d (s)) j S(s, d) (9) The lossy AEP 3 guarantees that under certain regularity conditions equality in (9) can be closely approached. We denote the Euclidean norm by, i.e. s n = s s n. III. LOSSY SOURCE CODING In fixed-length lossy compression, the output of a general source with alphabet M and source distribution P S is mapped to one of the M codewords from the reproduction alphabet ˆM. A lossy code is a (possibly randomized) pair of mappings f : M {,...,M and c: {,...,M ˆM. Let us introduce the following operational definition. Definition. An (M,d,ɛ) code for {M, ˆM, PS, d is a code with f = M such that P d (S, c(f(s))) >d ɛ. Note that in the conventional fixed-to-fixed (or block) setting M and ˆM are the k fold Cartesian products of alphabets S and Ŝ, and an (M,d,ɛ) code for such a setting is called an (k, M, d, ɛ) code. We are now ready to state our nonasymptotic converse bound for lossy compression. Theorem (Converse, source coding). Fix d>d min. Any (M,d,ɛ) code must satisfy ɛ sup {P j S (S, d) log M + γ exp( γ) (0) Proof: Let the compressor and the decompressor be the random transformations P U S and P Z U, respectively, where U takes values in {,...,M. Let Q U be equiprobable on {,...,M, and let Z be independent of S, with its distribution equal to the marginal of P Z U Q U. We have, for any γ 0 P j S (S, d) log M + γ () = P j S (S, d) log M + γ,d(s, Z) >d + P j S (S, d) log M + γ,d(s, Z) d () ɛ + P M exp (j S (S, d) γ),d(s, Z) d (3) = ɛ + P M exp (j S (S, d) γ){d(s, Z) d (4) ɛ + M E exp (j S(S, d)) {d(s, Z) d (5) ɛ + M E exp (j S(S, d)+λ d λ d(s, Z)) (6) M = ɛ + M E P U S (u S) u= E exp (j S (S, d)+λ d λ d(s, Z)) U = u, S (7) M ɛ +exp( γ) E M u= E exp (j S (S, d)+λ d λ d(s, Z)) U = u, S (8) = ɛ +exp( γ) E exp ( j S (S, d)+λ d λ d(s, Z) ) (9) ɛ +exp( γ) (30) where (5) is by Markov s inequality, (8) uses P U S (u s), (9) is by the definition of Z, (30) uses (9) averaged with respect to P Z.

3 For lossy compression of a binary source with bit error rate distortion, a simple particularization of Theorem using (4) leads to the following easily computable bound. Corollary (Converse, source coding, BMS). Consider a BMS with bias p and bit error rate distortion measure. Fix 0 d<p, 0 <ɛ<. For any (k, M, d, ɛ) code, ɛ sup {P g k (W ) log M + γ (3) g k (w) =w log p +(k w)log kh(d) (3) p where W is binomial with success probability p and k degrees of freedom. Similarly, the particularization of Theorem to the Gaussian case using (5) yields the following result. Corollary (Converse, source coding, GMS). Consider a GMS with variance σ and mean-square error distortion. Fix 0 <d<σ and 0 <ɛ<. For any (k, M, d, ɛ) code, ɛ sup {P g k (W ) log M + γ exp( γ) (33) g k (w) = k σ log d + w k log e (34) where W χ k (i.e. chi square distributed with k degrees of freedom). IV. LOSSY JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING A lossy source-channel code is a (possibly randomized) pair of mappings f : M X and c: Y ˆM, where X and Y are the channel input and output alphabets, respectively. Definition 3. A (d, ɛ) code for {M, X, Y, ˆM, PS,P Y X, d is a source-channel code with P d (S, c(y )) > d ɛ where f(s) =X. The special case d = 0 and d(s, z) = {s z corresponds to almost-lossless compression. If, in addition, P S is equiprobable on an alphabet of cardinality M, a(0,ɛ) code in Definition 3 corresponds to an (M,ɛ) channel code (defined in 4). On the other hand, if the channel is an identity mapping on an alphabet of cardinality M, a(d, ɛ) code in Definition 3 corresponds to an (M,d,ɛ) lossy code (Definition ). In the conventional block setting X and Y are the n fold Cartesian products of alphabets A and B, M and ˆM are the k fold Cartesian products of alphabets S and Ŝ, and a (d, ɛ) code for such a setting is called a (k, n, d, ɛ) code. Theorem can be generalized to the joint source-channel coding setup as follows. Theorem (Converse, joint source-channel coding). Fix d> d min. Any (d, ɛ) code for source S and channel P Y X must satisfy { ɛ inf sup P X S γ>0 { sup sup E γ>0 P Ȳ sup P j S (S, d) ı X; Ȳ (X; Y ) γ P Ȳ (35) inf P j S (S, d) ı X; Ȳ (x; Y ) γ S x X (36) where in (35), S X Y, and in (36), the probability measure is generated by P S P Y X=x, and ı X; Ȳ (x; y) = log dp Y X(y x) (37) dp Ȳ (y) Proof: The encoder and the decoder are the random transformations P X S and P Z Y, respectively. Fix an arbitrary P Ȳ on Y. Let Z be independent of all other random variables, with distribution dp Z(z) = dp Z Y =y (z)dp Ȳ (y). Wehave, P j S (S, d) ı X; Ȳ (X, Y ) γ ɛ + P exp(ı X; Ȳ (X, Y )) exp (j S (S, d) γ){d(s, Z) d (38) ɛ +exp( γ) E exp (j S (S, d)) { d(s, Z) d (39) ɛ +exp( γ) E exp ( j S (S, d)+λ d λ d(s, Z) ) (40) ɛ +exp( γ) (4) where (38) is obtained in the same way as going from () to (4), (39) is by the change of measure argument, and (4) is due to (9). Optimizing over γ>0and P Ȳ to obtain the best possible bound for a given P X S, then choosing P X S that gives the weakest bound, the code-independent converse (35) follows. To show (36), we first weaken (35) as, { ɛ sup sup inf P j S (S, d) ı X; Ȳ (X; Y ) γ γ>0 P P Ȳ X S (4) and then observe that for any P Ȳ, inf P j S (S, d) ı X; Ȳ (X; Y ) γ P X S = E inf P j S (S, d) ı X; Ȳ (x; Y ) γ S x X (43) V. THEOREMS AND : DISCUSSION A. Block coding In the conventional block coding setting, fixing any three parameters in the quartet (k, M, d, ɛ) (in source coding) or (k, n, d, ɛ) (in source-channel coding), Theorems and can be used to compute converse bounds on the fourth parameter.

4 In addition, fixing the rate and d and letting the blocklength go to infinity, one can use Theorems and to obtain strong converses in their respective setups (Section VI-A). In the practically relevant setting in which design parameters d and ɛ are fixed, a simple Gaussian approximation to the optimum finite blocklenghth coding rate can be obtained via the analysis of the bounds in Theorems and using the Berry-Esseen Central Limit Theorem (Section VI-B). B. Almost lossless data compression and transmission Using (), it is easy to check that both Theorem and Theorem still hold in the almost-lossless case, which corresponds to d =0and d(s, z) ={s z. In fact, Theorem gives a pleasing generalization of the almost-lossless data compression converse bound 5, 6, Lemma.3.: ɛ sup {P ı S (S) log M + γ exp( γ) (44) Similarly, applying Theorem to the almost-lossless sourcechannel coding setup, we conclude that any joint sourcechannel code with error probability not exceeding ɛ must satisfy (36) with j S (S, d) replaced by ı S (S), which can be regarded as a generalization of Wolfowitz s converse 7 to nonequiprobable source outputs 5. C. Theorem implies Theorem Theorem can be viewed as a particular case of the result in Theorem. Indeed, if X = Y = {,...,M, P Y X (m m) =, P Ȳ () =... = P Ȳ (M) = M, then ı X;Ȳ (x; Y ) = log M a.s. regardless of x X, and (36) leads to (0). D. Channels with input cost constraints If the channel has input cost constraints, Theorem still holds with the entire channel input alphabet X replaced by the subset of allowable channel inputs F, where F X. E. Theorems and still hold even if condition (b) fails Even if the rate-distortion function is not achieved by any output distribution, the definition of d tilted information can be extended appropriately, so that Theorems and still hold. Instead of imposing restriction (b) of Section II, we require that the following condition holds. (b ) The distortion measure is such that there exists a finite set G ˆM such that E min d(s, z) < (45) z G Then the rate-distortion function admits the following general representation due to Csiszár. Theorem 3 (Alternative representation of R(d) ). Under the basic restrictions (a), (b ), for each d>d min, it holds that R S (d) = max {E α(s) λd (46) α(s), λ where the maximization is over α(s) 0 and λ 0 satisfying the constraint E exp {α(s) λd(s, z) z ˆM (47) Let (α (s), λ ) achieve the maximum in (9) for some d> d min, and define the d tilted information in s by j S (s, d) =α (s) λ d (48) Note that (9), the only property of d tilted information we used in the proof of Theorems and, still holds due to (47), thus both theorems remain true. VI. ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS In addition to the basic conditions (a), (b) of Section II, in this section we impose the following restrictions. (i) The source is stationary and memoryless, P S k = P S... P S. (ii) The distortion measure is separable, d(s k,z k )= k k i= d(s i,z i ). (iii) The distortion level satisfies d>d min, where d min is defined in (4). (iv) The supremum sup PX I(X; Y) is attained by a unique P X. (v) The channel is stationary and memoryless, P Y n X n = P Y X... P Y X, either discrete with finite input alphabet, or Gaussian with a maximal power constraint. A. Strong converses The strong converse for source coding on a general alphabet under a distortion constraint was previously obtained in 8. In joint source-channel coding, if the source and the channel are both discrete or both Gaussian, strong converses can be obtained via the error exponent results in 9, 0, however no strong converses as general as that in 8 are known for joint source-channel coding. As we show next, Theorems and lead to very general strong converses in their respective setups. Due to (i) and (ii), P Z = P k Z... P Z, and the d tilted information single-letterizes, that is, for a.e. s k, j S k(s k,d)= k j S (s i,d) (49) In the lossy compression setup, weakening (0) by choosing γ = kτ for some fixed τ>0and choosing log M = kr(d) γ, we obtain { k ɛ P j S (S i,d) kr(d) kτ exp( kτ) (50) i= i= Using (8), we conclude that the right side of (50) tends to as k increases by the law of large numbers. In the joint source-channel coding setup, we choose γ as above, choose P Ȳ = P Y, where P Y is the channel output distribution generated by the capacity-achieving input distribution P X, let P Y n = P Y... P Y, and for each n,

5 choose k so that kr(d) =nc +3γ. Then, (36) weakens to ɛ E inf x n A n P k j S (S i,d) i= n ı X;Y (x i ; Y i ) kτ S k j= exp ( kτ) (5) n inf ı X;Y (x i ; Y i ) nc + kτ x n A n P j= k P j S (S i,d) nc +kτ exp ( kτ) (5) i= Recalling (8) and E ı X;Y (x, Y) X = x C with equality for P X -a.e. x, we conclude using the law of large numbers that the right side of (5) tends to as k, n for a fixed ratio k n > C R(d). B. Gaussian approximation analysis In addition to restrictions (i)-(v), we assume that the following holds. (vi) The excess-distortion probability satisfies 0 <ɛ<. (vii) The random variable j S (S,d) has finite absolute third moment. Theorem 4 (Gaussian approximation, source coding). Under restrictions (i) (iii), (vi) (vii), any (k, M, d, ɛ) code satisfies log M kr(d)+ kv(d)q (ɛ) log k + O () (53) where V(d) is the source rate-dispersion function given by V(d) =Varj S (S,d) (54) Proof: Consider the case V(d) > 0, so that E j S (S,d) R(d) 3 B =6 (55) Var j S (S,d) 3 is finite according to restriction (vii), and Berry-Esseen bound, Ch. XVI.5 Theorem applies to k i= j S(S i,d). Let γ = log k in (0), and choose log M = kr(d)+ kv(d)q (ɛ k ) γ (56) ɛ k = ɛ +exp( γ)+ B k (57) so that log M can be written as the right side of (53). Substituting (49) and (56) in (0), we conclude that for any (M,d,ɛ ) code it must hold that k ɛ P j S (S i,d) kr(d)+ kv(d)q (ɛ k ) i= exp( γ) (58) The proof for V(d) > 0 is complete upon noting that the right side of (58) is lower bounded by ɛ by the Berry-Esseen bound in view of (57). If V(d) =0, it follows that j S (S,d)=R(d) almost surely. Choosing γ =log ɛ and log M = kr(d) γ in (0) it is obvious that ɛ ɛ. Using Theorem, the following generalization of Theorem 4 can be shown for joint source-channel coding. Theorem 5 (Gaussian approximation, joint source-channel coding). Under restrictions (i) (vii), any (k, n, d, ɛ) code must satisfy nc kr(d) nv + kv(d)q (ɛ)+o (log(n + k)) (59) where V is the channel dispersion 4 given by V =Varı X ;Y (X ; Y ) (60) and V(d) is the source dispersion given by (54). Matching achievability results can be proven, 3 ensuring that the reverse inequalities in (53) and (59) also hold (up to the O (log k) term). VII. LOSSY SOURCE CODING WITH SIDE INFORMATION The results of Sections III and VI can be easily generalized to a setting in which both the compressor and the decompressor have access to side information Y Y which is statistically dependent on the source outcome S M. A lossy code with side information at the compressor and the decompressor is a (possibly randomized) pair of mappings f : M Y {,...,M and c: {,...,M Y ˆM. Definition 4. An (M,d,ɛ) code for {M, Y, ˆM, PSY, d is a code with f = M such that P d (S, c(f(s, Y ),Y)) >d ɛ. The notion of tilted information introduced in Section II is easily generalized when side information is available at the compressor and the decompressor. In parallel with (), (), denote dp SZ Y =y ı S;Z Y (s; z y) = log (s, z) d(p S Y =y P Z Y =y ) (6) ı S Y (s y) = log P S Y =y (s) (6) For a given P SY and a distortion measure d: M ˆM 0, +, denote R S Y (d) = inf P Z S,Y : M Y ˆM Ed(S,Z) d I(S; Z Y ) (63) Under the same basic restrictions (a) and (b) in Section II (replacing R S (d) by R S Y (d) and P Z S by P Z SY ), Definition is generalized as follows. Definition 5 (d tilted information with side information). For d>d min, the d-tilted information in s with side information y at the compressor and the decompressor is defined as j S Y (s, d y) = log E exp {λ d λ d(s, Z ) Y = y (64)

6 where the expectation is with respect to P Z Y =y, and λ = R S Y (d) (65) The counterparts of Properties 3 in Section II are stated below. Property. For P Z Y =y-almost every z, j S Y (s, d y) =ı S;Z Y (s; z y)+λ d(s, z) λ d (66) Property. R S Y (d) =E j S Y (S, d Y ) Property 3. For any P Z Y where S Y Z, E exp { λ d λ d(s, Z)+j S Y (S, d Y ) (67) In parallel with (), for discrete random variables with d(s, z) = {s z we define 0-tilted information with side information at the decompressor as j S Y (s, 0 y) =ı S Y (s y) (68) In the following stationary memoryless examples, P S k = P S... P S and P Y k = P Y... P Y. Example 3. If S and Y are binary equiprobable with bit error rate distortion and P S = Y =0 = P S =0 Y = = p, then j S k Y k(sk,d y k )=ı S k Y k(sk y k ) kh(d) (69) if 0 d<min(p, p), and 0 if d min(p, p). Example 4. Let S and Y are zero-mean jointly Gaussian with variances σs and σ Y and correlation coefficient <ρ<. Denoting the variance of S conditioned on Y by σs Y = σ S ( ρ ),wehave ( ) x k ρ σ S σ Y y k j Sk Y k(sk,d y k )= k log σ S Y d + σ S Y k log e (70) if 0 <d<σs Y, and 0 if d σ S Y. We now state the counterpart of Theorem. Theorem 6 (Converse, source coding with side information). Fix d>d min. Any (M,d,ɛ) code must satisfy { ɛ sup P js Y (S, d Y ) log M + γ exp( γ) (7) Proof: Let the encoder and the decoder be transformations P U SY and P Z UY, where U takes values in {,...,M. Let Ū be equiprobable on {,...,M independent of all other random variables, and let Z be such that S Y Z and P Z Y is the marginal of P Ū P Z UY. We have, for any γ 0 P j S Y (S, d Y ) log M + γ M ɛ + M E P U SY (u S, Y ) u= where (7) is obtained in the same way as going from () to (7), (73) is by P U SY (u, s, y) and the definition of Z, and (74) uses (67). Similar to Theorems and, with the substitution in (68), Theorem 6 also applies to almost-lossless data compression (i.e. d =0and d(s, z) ={s z). In addition, Theorem 6 leads to a strong converse and a counterpart of Theorem 4 for source coding with side information. VIII. CONCLUSION Using the representation of the solution to the rate-distortion minimization problem (3) via the so-called d-tilted information, we have shown nonasymptotic general converse bounds for source coding (Theorem ), joint source-channel coding (Theorem ) and source coding with side information (Theorem 6). The new bounds are tight enough not only to show the strong converse, but to find the corresponding rate-dispersion functions once coupled with the achievability bounds in, 3. REFERENCES S. Verdú and T. S. Han, The role of the asymptotic equipartition property in noiseless source coding, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 43, no. 3, pp , 997. I. Csiszár, On an extremum problem of information theory, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, vol. 9, no., pp. 57 7, I. Kontoyiannis, Pointwise redundancy in lossy data compression and universal lossy data compression, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 46, no., pp. 36 5, Jan Y. Polyanskiy, H. V. Poor, and S. Verdú, Channel coding rate in finite blocklength regime, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 5, pp , May S. Verdú, ELE58: Information theory lecture notes, Princeton University, T. S. Han, Information spectrum methods in information theory. Springer, Berlin, J. Wolfowitz, Notes on a general strong converse, Information and Control, vol., no., pp. 4, J. Kieffer, Strong converses in source coding relative to a fidelity criterion, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 37, no., pp. 57 6, Mar I. Csiszár, On the error exponent of source-channel transmission with a distortion threshold, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 8, no. 6, pp , Y. Zhong, F. Alajaji, and L. Campbell, Joint source channel coding excess distortion exponent for some memoryless continuous-alphabet systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 3, pp , 009. V. Kostina and S. Verdú, Fixed-length lossy compression in the finite blocklength regime, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, to appear, 0. W. Feller, An introduction to probability theory and its applications, nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, 97, vol. II. 3 V. Kostina and S. Verdú, Lossy joint source-channel coding in the finite blocklength regime, in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Cambridge, MA, to appear, Jul. 0. E exp ( j S Y (S, d Y ) ) {d(s, Z) d S, Y (7) ɛ +exp( γ) E exp ( j S Y (S, d Y )+λ ) d d(s, Z) (73) = ɛ +exp( γ) (74)

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