arxiv: v1 [] 11 Jan 2019

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1 The Generlized Dehn Property does not imply liner isoperimetri inequlity Owen Bker nd Timothy Riley rxiv: v1 [] 11 Jn 2019 Jnury 15, 2019 Astrt The Dehn property for omplex is tht every non-trivil disk digrm hs spurs or shells. It implies liner isoperimetri inequlity. It hs een onjetured tht the sme is true of more generl property whih lso llows utells. We give ounterexmples. L propriété Dehn pour un omplexe est que hque digrmme de disque non trivil des Ãl perons ou des shells. Cel implique une inéglité isopérimétrique linéire. Il été supposãl qu il en étit de même pour une propriété plus générle qui utorise églement les ellules de oupe. Nous présentons des ontre-exemples Mthemtis Sujet Clssifition: 20F67, 57M20 Key words nd phrses: Dehn property, isoperimetri inequlity A disk digrm D S 2 is finite ontrtile 2-omplex. The oundry pth p D is the tthing mp of the 2-ell R giving the deomposition S 2 = D R. A disk digrm in -omplex X is omintoril mp D X. It is miniml re if it ontins the minimum numer of 2-ells mong ll D X with the sme restrition to p D. Miniml digrms re redued: there do not exist djent k-to-k 2-ells in D overlpping in t lest n edge e, mpping to the sme ell in X with the sme indued edge sequene on the oundries strting from e. A spur is vlene 1 vertex in D. A shell is -ell R for whih more thn hlf the perimeter forms ontiguous segment of the oundry tthing mp p D. An X in whih every miniml nontrivil disk digrm ontins shell or spur is sid to stisfy the Dehn property. Removing shell R (more preisely, removing the interior of R from D nd the longer portion of the oundry) dereses the re of D y one nd the perimeter y t lest one. Removing -ell S leding to spur (more preisely, tking the losure of D S) dereses perimeter y two. So the Dehn property gives rises to liner isoperimetri inequlity: tht is, there exists K > 0 (in this se K = 1) suh tht every nullhomotopi egde-loop in X (equivlently, every edge-loop in the universl over X ) of length t most n dmits disk digrm with t most K n 2-ells. (We do not onsider our 2-omplexes X, disk digrms, or the oundry iruits of the 2-ells tht omprise them to hve se points.) Gster nd Wise[1] delre tht -omplex X stisfies the generlized Dehn property if eh miniml disk digrm D X is either single 0-, 1-, or 2-ell, or ontins spur, shell, or utell type of 2-ell whih we shll desrie momentrily. They onjeture[1, Conjeture 2.2] tht if X is ompt 2-omplex with this property, then its universl over X enjoys liner isoperimetri inequlity. The likely intuition ehind the onjeture is tht utell will e the site of nek or of rnhing in digrm. Gster nd Wise propose three definitions of inresing strength for when -ell R in disk digrm D is utell: (1) D losure(r) hs more thn one omponent. 1

2 The Generlized Dehn Property 2 (2) The preimge of R in p D onsists of more thn one omponent. (3) (Strong) The preimge of R in p D onsists of more thn one omponent, eh nontrivil pth. Wise[2] suggests dding the ssumption tht eh 2-ell R in X emeds in the universl over X tht is, (R, R) (X, X (1) ) lifts to n emedding(r, R) ( X, X (1) ). This renders definitions (1) nd (2) equivlent. We present ounterexmple to the strong form: Theorem 1. The presenttion 2-omplex X ssoited to the presenttion,,, 2,, 2, , of G= 2 F 4 enjoys the strongest form of the generlized Dehn property (definition (3) of utell). Moreover, oth 2-ells in X emed in its universl over X. First we will present n exmple whih is more elementry, ut where one of the 2-ells of X fils to emed in the universl over X. Theorem 2. The presenttion 2-omplex X ssoited to the presenttion, [, ], of G= 2 enjoys the wekest form of the generlized Dehn property (definition (1) of utell). Both 2 F 4 md 2 hve qudrti Dehn funtions, so the omplexes X of Theorems 1 nd 2 do not dmit liner isoperimetri funtions. Figure 1: A digrm over, [, ],. The exmple of Theorem 2 illumintes the differene etween the three definitions of utell. In the digrm depited in Figure 1 eh of the four pentgonl ells re utells in the sense of (1) sine removing one nd tking the losure disonnets monogon. But they re not utells in the sense of (2) or (3). For n exmple with utells in the sense of (1) nd (2), ut not (3), see the remrk t the end of this note. The utells disussed in our proof of Theorem 1 re utells in ll three senses. In generl, disk-digrms need not e topologil disks. They n hve 1-dimensionl portions or utverties. The following lemm tells us tht we my fous on disk digrms tht re topologil disks. Lemm 3. For the generlized Dehn property (with ny of the three definitions of utell), it suffies to restrit ttention to miniml disk digrms D X where D is topologil disk. Proof. If D is 1-dimensionl nd is not single vertex, then it possesses spurs. Otherwise, onsider mximl sudigrm D 0 of D whih is topologil disk. A utell in D 0 will e utell in D. If shell in D 0 is not shell in D, then it is utell in D. 2

3 The Generlized Dehn Property 3 Proof of Theorem 2. The universl over X is plne tessellted in the mnner of Figure 1. Suppose D X is the lift of redued topologil-disk digrm D X suh tht D is not single 2-ell. By Lemm 3 it is enough to show tht D ontins utell in the sense of definition (1) or ontins shell. Now D nnot onsist only of monogons, for it would then hve to e single monogon. So D inludes pentgonl 2-ell. One suh pentgonl 2-ell R must mp to squre in X with the property tht the squre ove it nd the squre to its right do not ontin the imge of pentgons from D. It follows (sine D is redued nd topologil disk) tht its upper nd right edges re in D. If R enloses monogon, then R is utell. If R does not enlose monogon, portion of its oundry lelled 1 1 is prt of the oundry iruit of D nd so R is shell. 2 2 X 2 3 y T= 2 x Figure 2: The presenttion 2-omplex X of Theorem 1 (left) nd portion of tesselltion of the plne whih is quotient of the universl over X (right). Proof of Theorem 1. The presenttion 2-omplex X is depited leftmost in Figure 2. It hs two 2-ells, tringle of perimeter 5 nd pentgon of perimeter 9. If we let = nd = 2 nd eliminte = 1 2, = 1 2, nd = , we otin G =,,, 2, 2, 3 [, ] = 2 F 4. Tht oth 2-ells in X emed in its universl over X is then evident from the oservtion tht every suword one reds portion of its oundry iruit represents non-trivil element in 2 F 4. Letπ : G 2 e the projetion killing the ftor F 4 nd sending nd to(1, 0) nd(0, 1), respetively. Thusπ( ) = (1, 0),π( ) = (0, 1),π( ) = (1, 1) ndπ( ) = π( 2 ) = π( 2 ) = π( 3 ) = (0, 0). This mpπis indued y the omintoril mpρ from X to the presenttion omplex T ( torus) of,, 1 1, 1 1 otined y ollpsing, 2, 2, 3. The ell omplex struture on T = 2 is tht of the unit squre grid with eh squre divided into two tringles, s shown on the right in Figure 2. The lift ρ : X T sends pentgons to the upper-right tringles in T nd djent (vi the pth lelled 2 3 ) tringles to lower-left tringles of the sme squre. Now onsider redued topologil-disk digrm D X whih is not single 2-ell. By Lemm 3, to estlish the generlized Dehn property, it suffies to show tht D ontins shell or utell. Let p=(x, y) T e the point of the imge under ρ with miniml x mong ll points with miniml y. Let R e -ell of the disk digrm whose imge in T ontins p. We onsider ses. If R is pentgon then its left, ottom nd digonl fes (i.e. edges) re free. Otherwise the imge in T of n djent 2-ell would ontrdit our hoie of p or the ft tht D is miniml re nd so redued. Therefore R is shell in this se. If, insted, R is tringle then, similrly, its left nd ottom fes re free. So (s D is redueed) it uts pentgon long its length-3 digonl oundry segment. But then this pentgon is (strong) utell. So X stisfies the (strong) generlized Dehn property. 3

4 The Generlized Dehn Property 4 We onlude with three remrks. Remrk 4. The presenttion,,, 2, , = 2 F 2, (1) otined y killing nd 2 in G of Theorem 1, produes n exmple whih, y dpting the ove rgument, n e proved to hve the following properties. The 2-ells of its presenttion 2-omplex emed in its universl over. It stisfies the generlized Dehn property in the sense of definition (1) or, equivlently, (2) of utell. It dmits miniml re digrms whih fil the generlized Dehn property with utells s per definition (3). For exmple, in the digrm for[ 1, 2 1 ] of Figure 3 the tringle lelled R is utell in the sense of definition (1) or (2), ut this digrm ontins no spurs or shells nd it hs no utells in the sense of (3). 1 R Figure 3: A digrm over presenttion (1). Remrk 5. Wise[2] proposes imposing n dditionl hypothesis on X. Sy there re no ig piees in X if ny ommon oundry r etween two 2-ells is lwys stritly shorter thn hlf the shorter perimeter of the two 2-ells. This no ig piees ondition in onjuntion with the generlized Dehn property does not imply liner isoperimetri inequlity. Our rgument for Theorem 1 estlishes n exmple in the form of the presenttion 2-omplex (shown in Figure 4) of,,, 2,, 2, 3, d 1, d , d 1 1, d 1 2 d 1 2, d = 2 F 4. (2) 2 2 X 2 d 1d2 3 Figure 4: The presenttion 2-omplex of (2). 4

5 REFERENCES The Generlized Dehn Property 5 Remrk 6. The question remins whether some resonle notion of utell n e dded to the definition of the Dehn property without losing the liner isopermetri inequlity. We hve no lol ondition to suggest. The est we n see stems from: Proposition 7. Suppose finite onneted 2-omplex X stisfies the property tht every miniml disk digrm D X tht is non-trivil (i.e. D is not single vertex) hs vertex, edge, or fe R for whih the losure of D R is union of disk digrms eh with oundry iruit stritly shorter thn the oundry iruit of D. Then X enjoys liner isoperimetri inequlity. Proof. Let e the length of the longest oundry iruit of -ell in X. Suppose w is iruit of length n > 0. Let D e miniml re disk digrm with oundry w. We hveϕ(w) 1+ iϕ(n i ) where i n i n+ nd eh n i < n. Define f : reursively y f(0)=0, f(n)=1+mx i 1 f(n i ) where the mximum is tken over ll finite sequenes of non-negtive integers{n i } stisfying i n i n+ nd n i < n. Thenϕ(n) f(n) y the previous prgrph, so it suffies to demonstrte liner upper ound on f. We show y indution on n tht f(n 1) ppers s summnd in mximum sum defining f(n) nd tht f(x) f(x 1) is nonderesing on[1, n]. The se se n = 1 is trivil: f(1) = 1 = 1 + f(0). For the indution step, note tht if n 1 does not our mong the n i, then the nonderesing ondition implies we n inrement some n i y 1 t the ost of derementing nother, until n 1 ours; hene the first onjunt of the indution hypothesis follows from the seond. Now onsider sequene{ n i } suh tht f(n 1)=1+ i 1 f( n i ). By the indution hypothesis, we my ssume n 1 = n 2. Setting n 1 = n 1 nd n i = n i for i 1, we find n f(n) 1+ f(n i )=1+ f(n 1)+ f( n i )= f(n 1) f(n 2)+1+ f( n i )=2f(n 1) f(n 2) i 1 i 2 whene f(n) f(n 1) f(n 1) f(n 2). Therefore f(x) f(x 1) is nonderesing on[1, n], ompleting the indution. Now tht we know there is sum defining f(n)=1+ i 1 f(n i ) with n 1 = n 1, we dedue tht there is suh sum in whih the remining terms stisfy i 2 n i = + 1. Let K e the mximum of j f(m j ) over ll{m j } with j m j = + 1. Then f(n)=1+ f(n 1)+ K for ll n + 2. (The ound n + 2 mens the ondition n i < n utomtilly holds given tht i=2 n i = + 1.) Tking n= + 2 we find K= f(+ 2) f(+ 1) 1. Therefore f(n)= f(n 1)+ f(+ 2) f(+ 1) when n + 2. The desired liner upper ound on f follows. i 1 If R is spur or shell, then it will stisfy the ondition of the proposition. So ny notion of utell whih lso stisfies the ondition of the proposition will give generlized Dehn property whih implies liner isoperimetri inequlity. Aknowledgements. We thnk Jonh Gster nd Dni Wise for shring their onjeture with us nd for engging disussions. Referenes [1] J. Gster nd D. T. Wise. Biollpsiility nd groups with torsion,rxiv: , Otoer [2] D. T. Wise. Privte ommunition,

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