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1 Supplementary Figures Supplementary Figure S1. The effect of window size. The phonon MFP spectrum of intrinsic c-si (T=300 K) is shown for 7-point, 13-point, and 19-point windows. Increasing the window size decreases the range of MFPs probed. Relative to the 13-point fits reported in the main text, fitting windows of 7 and 19 points do not change the shape of the MFP spectrum. S1

2 Supplementary Figure S2. The effect of a constant phase shift in the experimental data. The phonon MFP spectrum for c-si at T=300 K is shown with a ±0.2 constant phase shift in the measured phase response. The largest effect comes at longer MFPs, with a maximum ±3% deviation from the MFP spectrum reported in the main text. S2

3 Supplementary Figure S3. X-ray reflectivity measurement for transducer thickness. Fitting the measured X-ray reflectivity data yields values of 8 nm and 54 nm for the Cr adhesion layer and the Au layer on c-si. S3

4 Supplementary Figure S4. X-ray diffraction on a-si sample. Theta/2theta X-ray diffraction scans on our a-si film on a c-si substrate and a blank c-si substrate. The broad hump in the a-si scan verifies the amorphicity of the a-si film. S4

5 Supplementary Figure S5. The MFP spectra for 500 nm, 1 μm, and 2 μm thick films of a- Si. All curves are normalized to the maximum value of the 500 nm thick film (1.7 W/m-K). The plateau of the MFP spectra increase with increasing film thickness, suggesting phonons with MFPs larger than the film thickness are contributing significantly to thermal conductivity. S5

6 Supplementary Figure S6. Window fitting procedure. (a) The phase response data is divided into different windows. Each window is fit to a value of thermal conductivity and plotted at the median frequency of that fitting range. (b) The fitted thermal conductivity and median frequency for each window is used to generate the accumulation function. S6

7 Supplementary Figure S7. Measuring spot size. Knife-edge beam profile data and resultant spatial intensity for pump and probe laser beams is used to determine the laser spot size for fitting. S7

8 Supplementary Tables Supplementary Table S1. Phase-lag data from BB-FDTR experiments shown with constant k fits, and the parameters used in the fits for each sample. Sample: c-si, T = K C v 40, (kj/m 3 -K) 1840 k transducer, (W/m-K) 110 L transducer, (nm) 62 L sample, (nm) 5.25x10 5 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 225 k constant, (W/m-K) 73.1 A o (mw) 20 DC ΔT, (K) 16.6 k bulk 25,29, (W/m-K) 100 Sample: c-si, T = K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1692 k transducer, (W/m-K) 110 L transducer, (nm) 62 L sample, (nm) 5.25x10 5 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 210 k constant, (W/m-K) 99.1 A o (mw) 20 DC ΔT, (K) 11.4 k 25,29 bulk, (W/m-K) 143 S8

9 Sample: c-si, T = K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1061 k transducer, (W/m-K) 110 L transducer, (nm) 62 L sample, (nm) 5.25x10 5 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 160 k constant, (W/m-K) A o (mw) 20 DC ΔT, (K) 4.7 k 25 bulk, (W/m-K) 350 Sample: c-si, T = 81.3 K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 466 k transducer, (W/m-K) 110 L transducer, (nm) 62 L sample, (nm) 5.25x10 5 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 120 k constant, (W/m-K) A o (mw) 19 DC ΔT, (K) 1.3 k 25 bulk, (W/m-K) 1200 S9

10 Sample: doped c-si, T = K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1692 k transducer, (W/m-K) 112 L transducer, (nm) 61 L sample, (nm) 3.8x10 5 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 220 k constant, (W/m-K) 82.6 A o (mw) 20 DC ΔT, (K) 13.8 k 27 bulk, (W/m-K) 120 Sample: 500 nm a-si, T = K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1677 k transducer, (W/m-K) 117 L transducer, (nm) 60 L sample, (nm) 500 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 40 k constant, (W/m-K) 1.49 A o (mw) 9.5 DC ΔT, (K) 5.5 k bulk, (W/m-K) n/a S10

11 Sample: 1 μm a-si, T = K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1677 k transducer, (W/m-K) 115 L transducer, (nm) 58 L sample, (nm) 1000 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 35 k constant, (W/m-K) 1.35 A o (mw) 11 DC ΔT, (K) 6.3 k bulk, (W/m-K) n/a Sample: 2 μm a-si, T = K C 40 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1677 k transducer, (W/m-K) 130 L transducer, (nm) 61 L sample, (nm) 2200 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 30 k constant, (W/m-K) 1.0 A o (mw) 6.1 DC ΔT, (K) 4.6 k bulk, (W/m-K) n/a S11

12 Sample: SiO 2, T = K C 28 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 1677 k transducer, (W/m-K) 130 L transducer, (nm) 61 L sample, (nm) 1000 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 60 k constant, (W/m-K) 1.48 A o (mw) 11.5 DC ΔT, (K) 6.6 k 28 bulk, (W/m-K) 1.4 Sample: Pt, T = K C 28 v, (kj/m 3 -K) 2848 k transducer, (W/m-K) 118 L transducer, (nm) 62 L sample, (nm) 1x10 6 G, (MW/m 2 -K) 850 k constant, (W/m-K) 71.9 A o (mw) 12.5 DC ΔT, (K) 18.8 k 28 bulk, (W/m-K) 72 S12

13 Supplementary Notes Supplementary Note 1: Effect of fitting window size. Throughout this study, a fitting frequency range of 13 points is used. This choice is justified to provide enough points for an accurate fit while still allowing for a large range of the thermal conductivity accumulation function to be explored. The effect of different fitting frequency ranges can be seen in Supplementary Figure S1, where the thermal conductivity accumulation functions are plotted with 7-point, 13-point, and 19-point fitting windows. As the fitting window is increased, the accumulation function becomes smoother but a smaller range of MFPs are probed. Most importantly, however, 7-point, 13-point, and 19-point fitting windows show no discernible change in the shape of the accumulation functions. Supplementary Note 2: Effect of DC phase shift. One source of uncertainty is uncertainty in the measured phase. Supplementary Figure S2 shows the propogation of error in the measured phase to the error in the MFP spectra. Since our data is all measured at the same frequency, we have no reason to believe that there would be a heating frequency dependent shift/error in our measured phase data. Thus, to examine the propagation of an error in the measured phase to the MFP spectra, we refit the c-si (T=300 K) phase data with a ±0.2 DC shift in phase. The MFP spectrum is most sensitive to the DC phase shift at low frequencies (long MFPs) and decreases with increasing heating frequency. The largest change in the MFP spectrum is small (±3% at the lowest frequency/longest MFP). This uncertainty has been combined with the uncertainty due to other sources (L transducer, k transducer, r spot, and G) to calculate the total uncertainty reported in Fig. 3 and 4. S13

14 Supplementary Note 3: The transducer layer. The thickness of the transducer layer was measured using X-ray reflectivity (XRR). Supplementary Figure S3 shows the result of the measurement for intrinsic c-si. The fit yields values of 8 nm for the Cr adhesion layer and 54 nm for Au layer, with total thickness L transducer =62 nm. Electron-phonon equilibration lengthscales are of order 100 nm since the electron-phonon coupling parameter in Au is low 33. This, combined with an optical extinction length of 20 nm for 488 nm pump light, suggests that the 54 nm Au transducer is isothermal. To include this effect in our analysis we reduce its thickness to 1 nm, multiply its heat capacity by 54 so the total heat capacity is invariant, and multiply its thermal conductivity by 54 so in-plane heat conduction is not impacted by the reduced thickness. The Cr layer is modeled normally, with no interface resistance between the Au and Cr layers. Transducer thicknesses for all samples are shown in Supplementary Table S1. Supplementary Note 4: Characterizing amorphous silicon. In order to confirm that our a-si sample is indeed amorphous, low angle X-ray diffraction (XRD) scans were performed on both the a-si film on the c-si substrate and the blank c-si substrate with no film. Conventional theta/2theta scans were completed with a two degree offset to suppress the c-si substrate peaks and are shown in Supplementary Figure S4. The scan of the blank c-si substrate shows a large peak at Si[400] as expected. The scan of the a-si film shows a broad hump, which is absent in the blank c-si scan, and a sharp peak at Si[400]. The sharp peak at Si[400] is present from the underlying c-si substrate because the penetration depth of the X-rays is greater than the a-si film thickness. The presence of the hump with no additional sharp crystalline peaks, however, is convincing evidence that the a-si film is amorphous. S14

15 Supplementary Discussion Film thickness dependence of a-si MFP spectra. Supplementary Figure S5 shows the MFP spectra of 500 nm, 1 μm, and 2 μm thick a-si films. There are two main features in the figure, (i) the value measured at low modulation frequencies increases with increasing film thickness, and (ii) as the thickness increases, the location of the abrupt change increases. Regarding (i), we expect some film thickness dependence of thermal conductivity if phonons with MFP longer than the film thickness make significant contributions. Consequently, the value at which the accumulation function plateaus should increase with film thickness since all of the curves are normalized to the same value (1.7 W/m-K). Regarding (ii), in a thin film, the integrand of the accumulation function (from Eq. 1 of the main text), should display a spike near the film thickness because phonons with MFP greater than the film thickness now contribute with a MFP similar to the film thickness. This spike in the integrand should translate to a sharp increase in the accumulation function. The location of this sharp increase should increase with increasing film thickness and should happen somewhere near the film thickness. Our observations are consistent with (i) and (ii), and we believe that this provides evidence that long MFP phonons contribute significantly to thermal transport. The lowfrequency values of thermal conductivity that we observe are consistent with the thickness dependent ranges tabulated by Ref. 36. S15

16 Supplementary Methods Phase response data and fitting parameters. The phase response measured as a function of pump heating frequency, the best-fit lines when the entire frequency range is fit to a constant value of thermal conductivity, and fitting parameters used for each sample are shown in Supplementary Table S1. The thermal conductivity of the Au-Cr transducer layer (k transducer ) is determined using the Wiedemann-Franz law based on 4-point probe resistivity measurements and the transducer thickness (L transducer ) that is measured by X-ray reflectivity (XRR). The sample thickness (L sample ) for intrinsic c-si, doped c-si, and Pt is the thickness of the wafer, while L sample for a-si and SiO 2 samples were measured using profilometry. The thermal interface conductance (G) for each sample is determined by fitting the 10 highest modulation frequency points of the phase response to minimize the mean square error (MSE). The highest frequency points are chosen because this range is most sensitive to G (at lower frequencies the signal is dominated by the substrate thermal conductivity). The electro-optic modulators (EOM) used in BB-FDTR sinusoidally modulate the intensity of the incoming, constant intensity lasers. Modulation of a DC signal, however, results in an output signal with both an AC and a DC component. While the EOMs are tuned to minimize this DC component, we still must consider DC heating in our samples. We can estimate the DC temperature rise using Supplementary Eq. (S1) from Ref. 21, (S1) where A o is the power absorbed by the sample and w is the 1/e 2 spot diameter. In our experimental setup, 3% of the total pump power and 5% of the total probe power absorbed, which is used to calculate ΔT DC for each sample. In Supplementary Eq. (S1) we use k bulk because S16

17 the steady state response does not induce a thermal penetration depth that causes non-diffusive thermal transport. Values of A o and k bulk for each sample are given in Supplementary Table S1. For temperature dependent measurements of c-si we used a MicrostatHe cryostat and an ITC503S temperature controller from Oxford Instruments. For low temperature measurements we cooled using liquid N 2 and stabilized the temperature using a resistance heater local to the cold finger. We took measurements at T=400 K, 150 K, and 80 K as reported by the temperature controller. Thus, the temperatures given in the paper include the effect from the DC temperature rise, from Supplementary Eq. (S1). Throughout our experiments, the temperature drifted by <1 K. The best-fit lines when a constant value of thermal conductivity is used to fit the entire frequency range are also shown in the plots for each sample. These constant k fits deviate significantly from the data in the case of c-si, doped c-si, and a-si. The corresponding fitted value of thermal conductivity (k constant ) is also listed in Supplementary Table S1 for each sample. The constant-k fitted values for c-si, doped c-si, and a-si are lower than bulk thermal conductivity values. As expected, constant-k fits of SiO 2 and Pt yield the bulk value of thermal conductivity since we do not expect a heating frequency dependence in these materials. Fitting details. Because fitting the entire frequency range to a constant value thermal conductivity does not yield bulk values, we investigate the heating frequency dependence of measured thermal conductivity. To do so, we divide the phase response into sections, as seen in Supplementary Figure S6a, and use a window fitting scheme. If, for example, we define a fitting frequency range of 13 points, then Window 1 includes points 1 through 13 of the phase data, Window 2 includes points 2 through 14, and Window i includes points i through i A value S17

18 for thermal conductivity is fit for each window (k i ) and plotted at the median frequency of each fitting frequency range (f i ) as seen in Supplementary Figure S6a. A thermal conductivity accumulation function can be obtained by plotting k i /k bulk as a function of as seen in Supplementary Figure S6b. In BB-FDTR experiments, both the normalized amplitude of the surface temperature oscillation and the phase response data are recorded. The phase response data is used when fitting thermal conductivity because it has a higher signal to noise ratio due to the insensitivity to fluctuations in laser power. For every data set, however, one to three points at multiples of 13.5 MHz deviate up to 20 from the expected trend. These spurious points result from interactions between the high-voltage cables that drive EOM1 at f 1 and EOM2 at f 2. The large noise signal at f 1 -f 2 persists in the probe beam even when the pump laser is turned off, which is evidence that it is directly imposed by EOM2. These points have been removed from the data sets. Determining spot diameter. The spot diameter is measured using a knife-edge profiling technique. First, a silicon wafer coated with gold is cleaved to create a sharp edge and the sample is mounted on a micromanipulator stage with a resolution of 62.5 nm. To focus the beams at the knife-edge, the BB-FDTR signal is maximized using the lock-in amplifier. After focusing, the modulation is turned off and the pump and probe DC laser intensities reflected from the sample are measured simultaneously as the micromanipulator translates (see Supplementary Figure S7). Initially, the silicon sample does not interfere with the beam path and no light is reflected into the photodiodes (zero voltage is measured). As the stage translates, the silicon sample enters the beam path and a portion of each beam is reflected into separate S18

19 photodiodes. Ultimately, when the stage translates far enough, both beams are completely reflected and the maximum voltage is measured. Since the measured voltage represents a spatial integration of a Gaussian laser beam incident on the photodiode, fitting a cumulative normal distribution function yields a spatial profile of the pump and probe beams at the surface of the silicon sample, as seen insupplementary Figure S Supplementary Figure S7. An effective 1/e 2 beam diameter (w effective ) is calculated using Supplementary Eq. (S2), (S2) where w pump and w probe are the 1/e 2 beam diameters of the pump and probe beams. The data from Supplementary Figure S7 yields an effective spot diameter of 7.0 μm and is one of nine data sets used in an average to determine our spot diameter as 6.8±0.2 μm. S19



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