arxiv:cond-mat/ v2 25 Sep 2002

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1 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses arxiv:cond-mat/ v2 25 Se Introduction Hidetoshi Nishimori, Cyril Falvo and Yukiyasu Ozeki Deartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Oh-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo , Jaan Abstract. We study the two-dimensional ±J Ising model, three-state Potts model and four-state Potts model, by the numerical transfer matrix method to investigate the behaviour of the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy on the Nishimori line. The result shows a maximum at the multicritical oint in all the models we investigated. The large samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy as well as the existence of a singularity in these fluctuations imly that the bond configuration (or, equivalently, the distribution of frustrated laquettes) may be exeriencing a nontrivial change of its behaviour at the multicritical oint. This observation is consistent with the icture that the hase transition at the multicritical oint is of geometryinduced nature. PACS numbers: q, Lk The two-dimensional sins glasses, esecially the ±J Ising model and the random q-state Potts model, have been studied both by theoretical and numerical methods. Some exact results have been derived [1], the hase diagram has been drawn [1, 2] and recently the exact location of the multicritical oint has been redicted [3]. However the characteristics of the multicritical oint are not well understood excet that the critical exonents have different values than those along the ferro-ara critical curve [2, 4]. The roerties of the multicritical oint are of great interest because this oint reresents one of the simlest non-trivial renormalization grou fixed oints in random sin systems [5] and also because we may be able to understand the significance of the Nishimori line from the study of the multicritical oint. In the resent aer we investigate the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy near the multicritical oint. The thermal average of the Hamiltonian, namely the internal energy, has different values from one bond configuration to another, given a fixed robability arameter ( for the ferromagnetic bonds in the ±J model, for examle). Although the internal energy is self-averaging, the variance of its distribution is of order N, the system size. If the variance is anomalously large and singular at some oint, it would mean that a non-trivial (and ossibly drastic) change haens in

2 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses 2 the bond configuration at that oint because the value of the internal energy fluctuates strongly from samle to samle. This is exactly what we shall show in the resent aer to exist at the multicritical oint by observing the system along the Nishimori line. The Nishimori line lays an imortant role in the determination of the hase diagram. In articular it is believed that the multicritical oint lies on the line [1]. We have another advantage to study the samle-to-samle fluctuations along the Nishimori line: These fluctuations are directly related to the average secific heat on the line. This fact reduces numerical efforts considerably because it is not necessary to generate very many samles to calculate the variance. Only the average of the secific heat needs to be comuted. We shall make full use of this relation later. In the next section, we show that the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy are very simly related to the secific heat on the Nishimori line. This facilitates numerical calculations enormously as mentioned above. In section 3 we investigate numerically the behaviour of these fluctuations near the multicritical oint on the Nishimori line for three models: the ±J Ising model, three-state Potts model and four-state Potts model. We will see that these fluctuations show a maximum at the multicritical oint. The hysical significance of the results is discussed in the final section. 2. Average fluctuations of the internal energy Let us consider the random Z q model with gauge symmetry which includes the ±J Ising model and the random q-state Potts model. The general Hamiltonian is written as follows: H = ij V (S i S j + J ij ), (1) where S i = 0, 1,..., q 1 is the q-state sin variable, J ij = 0, 1,..., q 1 is the quenched random bond variable and V is an interaction function of eriod q. The summation is taken over the first-neighbouring sites of the square lattice. The J ij variable follows the robability distribution P(J ij ; β ) = eβv (J ij). (2) q 1 e βv (η) η=0 The Hamiltonian (1) is invariant under the gauge transformation S i S i σ i, J ij J ij + σ i σ j, where σ i = 0, 1,..., q 1, but P(J ij ; β ) is not. Using the gauge theory [1] some exact results can be derived such as the average internal energy on the so-called Nishimori line defined by β 1/T = β, βv (η) η V (η)e [E] [ H ] = N B. (3) η e βv (η)

3 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses 3 Here the square brackets denote the configurational average, the angular brackets are for the thermal average and N B is the number of bonds. If we denote {V } = q 1 η=0 equation (3) is exressed as V (η)p(η; β), [E] = N B {V }. (4) In the case of the ±J Ising model, q = 2, V (0) = +J and V (1) = J, the average internal energy (3) reduces to [E] = N B J tanh(βj). In the case of the q-state Potts model with V (0) = +J and V (1) = V (2) =... = V (q 1) = 0, 1 [E] = N B J 1 + (q 1)e. βj We also find from the gauge theory that [ H 2 ] = N B {V 2 } + N B (N B 1){V } 2, (5) when β = β, thus, with equation (4), N B ({V 2 } {V } 2 ) = [ H 2 ] [ H ] 2. (6) Since the secific heat is defined by T 2 [C] = [ H 2 H 2 ], (7) we obtain, combining equations (6) and (7), N B ({V 2 } {V } 2 ) T 2 [C] = [E 2 ] [E] 2 ( 0). (8) The right-hand side of equation (8) is the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy, [( E) 2 ]. Note that equation (8) holds only on the Nishimori line β = β. In the case of the ±J Ising model equation (8) reduces to the well-established inequality T 2 [C] N B J 2 sech 2 (βj). Equation (8) indicates that the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy can be evaluated from the average of the secific heat because the quantity {V 2 } {V } 2 is trivially calculated. This fact is a great advantage since it eliminates the necessity to evaluate the variance directly by using a large number of samles; the secific heat is a self-averaging quantity and therefore can be calculated with high recision from a small number of samles with sufficiently large system size. Away from the Nishimori line, we do not have such a simle relation because equations (4) and (5) do not hold. Since the actual distribution of bond values (and therefore of frustration) changes from samle to samle in finite-size systems with given β, the internal energy takes various values from one set of bonds to another around the average value. The relation (8) hels us to estimate the variance of the internal energy [( E) 2 ], and directly deends

4 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses 4 P T F 0 = 1 c Figure 1. Phase diagram of the ±J Ising model in two dimensions. There exist ferromagnetic (F) and aramagnetic (P) hases, and no sin glass hase exists. The Nishimori line is shown dashed. on the distribution of frustration, which has a geometrical nature: The samle-tosamle fluctuations of the internal energy should reflect the geometrical structure of the distribution of frustration, which is a quantity indeendent of thermal variables but deends only on the bond configuration. This argument suggests that we may be able to investigate the roerties of the distribution of frustration by looking at the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy, or equivalently, the average secific heat on the Nishimori line. It is believed that the Nishimori line intersects the hase boundary between aramagnetic and ferromagnetic hases [1] (see figure 1). If the distribution of frustration goes under a shar change of its behaviour, it would be reflected in anomalously large samle-to-samle fluctuations of hysical quantities including the internal energy. Such an anomaly, if it exists on the right-hand side of equation (8), is related to the singularity of the secific heat at the multicritical oint on the Nishimori line due to equation (8). Since the secific heat is singular at the multicritical oint, we may conclude that the samle-to-samle fluctuations are also singular there. Hence, by calculating the average secific heat near the multicritical oint, we are able to investigate the structure of the distribution of frustration, which is of urely geometrical nature. A similar argument has been used to relate the free energy and the entroy of frustration [6]. The next section gives us some numerical suorts to confirm this idea. 3. Numerical calculations We have tested the ideas of the revious section by numerically calculating the average secific heat on long stris by transfer matrix method. We have studied three models: the ±J Ising model, three-state Potts model and four-state Potts model. We have used long stris of length 5000 and of various widths with free boundary conditions and without external field. By the transfer matrix method we calculated the free

5 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses 5 energy along the Nishimori line. The secific heat was obtained from numerical second derivative of the free energy by the inverse of the temerature. We averaged the secific heat over ten samles. For the ±J Ising model the widths of the lattice are 3 L 14. The lattice size (u to ) and number of samles (ten) are much smaller than the existing numerical transfer matrix studies [4, 7]. However, since our urose is much more modest than these investigations (not trying to evaluate the critical exonents, for instance), our system size turns out to be sufficient as we shall show. Another reason for the small scale of our comutation is that the use of the formula (8) greatly reduces the necessary number of samles as discussed in the revious section. We define the arameter for the ±J Ising model by e 2βJ = 1. Thus is the robability that J ij = 0 i.e. V (J ij ) = +J. Each bond follows the robability distribution P(J ij ) = δ(j ij ) + (1 )δ(j ij 1), and we restrict our studies to 0.5 < < 1. For the three-state Potts model, 3 L 9 and for the four-state Potts model, 3 L 7. For the q-state Potts model, we define e βj = 1 (q 1), and the robability distribution (2) is then q 1 P(J ij ) = (1 (q 1))δ(J ij ) + δ(j ij l), with 0 < < 1/(q 1). For each oint on the Nishimori line β = β we extraolate the secific heat to the limit L. We have found that the extraolation by the L 1 -law works quite well in almost all cases (see figures 2, 3 and 4). This is natural because we are mostly treating values of away from the multicritical oint. Exactly at the multicritical oint, the extraolation needs some care, in articular if one wishes to estimate the critical exonents [4]. However, for our urose to confirm the existence of a eak in the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy at the multicritical oint, the method of extraolation is rather irrelevant, which we confirmed by using other owers such as L 1.5 in some cases. The error bars in the extraolated values have been estimated by changing the range of extraolation fitting, for examle, from comarison of extraolation using 3 L 14 with the one using 6 L 14. The resulting values of the energy fluctuations are lotted in figures 5, 6 and 7 for the ±J Ising model, three-state Potts model and four-state Potts model, resectively. The osition of the multicritical oints are redicted in reference [3]: for the ±J Ising Notice that we use the Hamiltonian (1) where J ij takes the values 0 and 1. This notation is comletely equivalent to the usual Hamiltonian H = J ij S i S j where S i,s j and J ij /J take the values ±1. l=1

6 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses T 2 C L -1 Figure 2. Extraolation of T 2 C near the multicritical oint for the ±J Ising model, = T 2 C L -1 Figure 3. Extraolation of T 2 C near the multicritical oint for the three-state Potts model, =

7 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses T 2 C L -1 Figure 4. Extraolation of T 2 C near the multicritical oint for the four-state Potts model, = ( E) Figure 5. model. Samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy for the ±J Ising

8 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses 8 ( E) Figure 6. Samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy for the three-state Potts model ( E) Figure 7. Potts model. Samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy for the four-state model c = , for the three-state Potts model c = and for the fourstate Potts model c = By comarison of those values with figures 5, 6 and 7 we see clearly that the samle-to-samle fluctuations of the internal energy have a maximum at (or at least very near) the multicritical oint for each model. It seems reasonable to exect similar behaviour in other random models with Z q symmetry.

9 Energy fluctuations at the multicritical oint in two-dimensional sin glasses 9 4. Conclusion We have studied the ±J Ising model, three-state Potts model and four-state Potts model by the numerical transfer matrix method. We have first shown that the samleto-samle fluctuations of the internal energy are, on the Nishimori line, related to the secific heat and are exected to have a eculiar behaviour at the multicritical oint. It was found indeed from numerical calculations that the samle-to-samle fluctuations become anomalously large at or very near the multicritical oint in all the models we investigated. Since these fluctuations are related to the secific heat by equation (8), they should have a singularity at the multicritical oint (as the secific heat is singular there) although it is difficult to see this effect within our numerical recision. The existence of a eak at the multicritical oint in conjunction with the existence of a singularity, anyway, suggests that the bond distribution and the distribution of frustration go under an anomalous change of the behaviour at = c. This oint of view is in agreement with the argument in reference [6] that the hase transition at the multicritical oint along the Nishimori line is induced by geometrical anomaly. Since the rate of the thermal excitations (e βj /e βj ) coincides with the ratio of the bond configurations ((1 )/) on the Nishimori line, the hysical situations are very secial there, which may be one of the reasons for the existence of a maximum in the configurational variance of the thermal quantity at the multicritical oint along the Nishimori line. It is an interesting future roblem to investigate what haens on the samle-to-samle fluctuations of hysical quantities away from the Nishimori line. Note added in roof. We have found after submission of the aer that the samleto-samle fluctuations of the energy, equation (8), is roortional to the derivative of the energy by K with K fixed. Thus a maximum in these fluctuations means that the energy changes most dramatically at the multicritical oint as K changes. The exact uer bound on the secific heat is the sum of two derivatives by K and K and corresonds to the derivative along the Nishimori line. References [1] Nishimori H 2001 Statistical Physics of Sin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press) [2] Jacobsen J L and Picco M 2002 Phys. Rev. E [3] Nishimori H and Nemoto K 2002 J. Phys. Soc. Jaan [4] Aarão Reis F D A, de Queiroz S L A and dos Santos R R 1999 Phys. Rev. B [5] Le Doussal P and Harris A B 1988 Phys. Rev. Lett [6] Nishimori H 1986 J. Phys. Soc. Jaan [7] Merz F and Chalker J T 2002 Phys. Rev. B This never imlies that the critical exonents should coincide with those of the simle conventional ercolation transition.

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