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1 Please note that not all ages are included This is urosely done in order to rotect our roerty and the work of our esteemed comosers f you would like to see this work in its entirety, lease order online or call us at

2 Concord Series, N!!82 Orchestration may be obtained of the ublisher W S GLBERT BASS Finale from "The Gondoliers" "Dance a cachucn, fandango, bolero" Allegro Allegro A Fourart Chorus for Metls Voicts R, U ARTHU SEYMOUR S LLVAN ( ) Arranged by A TD Accomaniment by 0 WW, l a 8 _ bassa, = 31 r 8 5 : _n_ J (_ i,:,,,_!!:_ *" ;H " =, :i" z : :::!!: =: :::!!: :!L ::11"' z F a if :! '=rm:2' R,C, S Reiew coy only 8 ',,, A PubJ;!';hed a1so as a chorus for \Hred Coyright, 1925, by F_C Schirm"r Music Co ;c",:eommonwealth Series1''? J't1 a1c \\omens \ oices 1,Ch1Jra! &,r t; l Coyright renewed, by E C Schirmer Music Co

3 chuca, fan dan go, bo le ro, Xe res we'll chuca, fan dan go, ho le ro, Xe res we'll chu ca, fan dan go, ho le ro, Xe res we'll, chu ca, fan dan go, ho le ro, Xe re& we'll drink, Man za nil la, l\on te ro \Vine, when it_ rum; in a,,,,,, ** t:::= drink, Manza nil la, Mon te ro Wine, wl:t:n it_ runs in a la, Mon te ro Wine, when it runs in a nil la, Mon te ro Wine, when it runs in a Reiew coy only E CS

4 111 _!ii: :!! bundance, en han ces The reek less de light of that wildest _n_ :hd: :!! tt T "'T T light of that wildest ' :E :E bundance, en han ces The reek leas de f k :z: bundance, en han ces The reekless dfl light of that wildeat of bundance, en han eea The reekless de light of that wildeat of 9 :;::: fl L it,,;_ 1 a ::!!! :i T, T liiiiiil L T T l7 J ' L ::r r T l, T 1T F' /fj _l t) /' L,, ' & & _1 _h_ A 1' dan!s! fl daoja1 To the daocea! daocea! T ::t;" r of 1h "'!" T "l!'", : retty 1tter,1t ter, at ter, fl T T T J!" clf T And the e ttter, itter, s t ter, a : AL rt, h E_ "?" 11 l \' "?" KCS!! Reiew coy only n: _L,;,; \' \'

5 6 wine,when it it bundanct:, bundance, runs in a bundance, runs in a bundance, en ; Ah!,,== Ah! han ces The 8 q ::; :::; :::; q' Ah, Ah, ah! That wildest of dan ces, The of dan ces, The dan ces, The Ah, ah! That wild est of dances, The Reiew coy only

6 Ld_J_ P ::zi:: :z; :::iz: tj r;cklss de light! ce more ' gon;do lr i, Both J j fl_ J:i::J!' z tj reekless de light! T :'!: Once more J': gon do t!sr i,u'oth : :r z :a: :::i: reekless de light! o!ce more gon do l!9r i, Both 1?_ ::: : :::i:, 3 T reekless de light! o!ce more gon do lr i, Both s A : :i: ::: :i: :C Al1 t _l = if r :;:::'[ AJ1 i j,_ z z 4 A A A " = l 7 :st :st zi:z:: z ::rl, " '!? _1_ " :;;;;;:; ZZ::iJ= "'!" "!' "'! ::J!: 1 [i AL1 c:::: c::,, l l!!!! z:::a: :::: skil ful and wa ry,_ Free ft fu!a rorn 1s quan ry,_con tented are A_!_ :a: :& :& :::n: :::: tj, =:: sk'i1 ful lnd *a ry;'_ Free from this quan dary,_con tented are : :z; :z: :::i: skil ful and la h, Fiee rlomtfils qdan 1Y,c fend Je = ::iz :a: ' Ja iy, Fre rlom this q/an a y, Cn ntd skil ful and ll L1 _[ :i "' :::i!: ECS l l ] l J, Reiew coy only _1_ " 1i li fy li z l!!: 7 :J

7 8 ; :a: tw ' :n: y «= tt g :z ::y _L Z: 2:k we La la a la a la la la la la :y: :::iz: :z:li :!' :JLl: :y:, " ii :J"!' ::: :A: :A: ::: :ii: =it= we La la la la la Ta la la la la z:u:: m :t :E we Ah, ::: :E _1 : 1f; :1!: : ::J we Ah, ah, ah, ah, s;::_;:: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::;::: \ _o id {f luih Jii j\ f, =' :J[: == :E = :ii: == == = = _,;,,;, = = :!: :z 11 :n: i :::!!' qj' u:: _,,, l 3 :::k: == _,;,_ :E W*; ' ::i i l fii, = = :: r::i /A L1 jj :z =w= z z AM: :x ::: = :x la la, From Roy al ty fly ing, Our b'z :?'!' :!: == u: :::iz: ::iz: =, 1a 1, Flom Roy al ty tfy ing, Our 1!_ 3': z :: :JC :JC ::E' :::iz: c z, li From Roy al ty fly ing, Our :::k: :J: :JC : Ai1 Zjf ::iz: :u: ah, ah, From Roy al ty fly ing, Our 8 ;;:; =: ;;:; = : 8: _n _L _ii _la j;_ Jr : :: : :zl 3f ::: :J: li = = : =: =: < dim i;;,i _n_ J_j _,;, _ ;, 3L ( = :::!!' = tt \ ( n J_j_ '' T ::::_ :::::; dim r ::!L ::E : ""!" : E :L :L i: u::, K CS 1 1= u Reiew coy only :!

8 _A J_ rff :::!!': _ cresc Ah, ah, ah! We _A J_, n:: :iii: ::!!!: :::!!': ft 1' :JXJi: ::ir:: :iii: :J!C z z : :z L :z :z :z ::ir::: a :::m:li 1 ::ir::: :iii: :ii: :ii: :ii: V Ah, ah, ah! We cruc b k b b ft Old Xeres, dieu_ Manza nil la, Mon te ro_we ft ::u: :z :A z ' _ Ah, ah! Ah, ah! We 8 A J_ ); ::!!: """) ;, :r crest: Joce a Joeo j i:m: = = 1 _A _L _ it it == :L = :::Jii:::U:::C :ii: fil L'''"::::;_ :r """ ::Jll: lf?'" PPJ<icoa :ii:,, ff A _L1 _,Lt_ f =: :z,"v leae you with feelings of leasure! Once more, gon do 11 ll 4 Ji: V leae you with feel ings ol leas ure! OQce more, T gon :So :iiz fr Ji L :A Once leae you with feel ings of leas urel more, gon do ;f_ :a: :ii: :ii: :a: ::ir::: :l!!!:: ::n: leate you witb feel inga of lea::ttel cjnce more gon do 8 j'i " &;_ :!!:: == r T _l :r " 11!l _h:ii_!h ::i: :J!C L l J T T A 11 A t rl :ii: < tj r:;i Bcs!: 1 r, " : :ia: Reiew coy only _L ; l= _ :ii: u :

9 15 dance a fare well to that measure; Old r ' ' Old ' ' µ j dance a fare well to that meas ure; Old Xe res, a dieu_man za nil la, Mon te ro _We leae you with lg :L4==t J =f :+ µ ()µ L Xe res, a dieu_man za nil la, Mon te ro_ We leae you with Reiew coy only ECS :::

10 ur11! Reiew coy only ECSD)UiL»JLTrCC1HTrNGCOMMTTED TO THE lf JD) Jll2) Jl COMPOSER'S CRAFT 7

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Please note that not all pages are included. This is purposely done in order to protect our property and the work of our esteemed composers. Please note that not all ages ae included This is uosely done in ode to otect ou oety and the wok of ou esteemed comoses f you would like to see this wok in its entiety, lease ode online o call us at 8006472117

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A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W Volume 52 Fall 2000 Number 1 B E F O R E D I S A B I L I T Y C I V I L R I G HT S : C I V I L W A R P E N S I O N S A N D TH E P O L I T I C S O F D I S A B I L I T Y I N

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Please note that not all pages are included. This is purposely done in order to protect our property and the work of our esteemed composers.

Please note that not all pages are included. This is purposely done in order to protect our property and the work of our esteemed composers. Please note that not all ages are inclded This is rosely done in order to rotect or roerty and the work o or esteemed comosers yo wold like to see this work in its entirety, lease order online or call

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