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1 F Pa Ca a Nw O-D F Caa CORD Da Ra G Ea a a a w. a a a C CD KS a a G E. W w a aa a wa a a aa. W wa w a aa Ra 22 Fa! P DG K F G E Da Ra a G E 3 qa w CORD. CD P aa Pa P- a a a a a a. w a a w a a NGO w a w a wa w CD a a a a a a a a a a a. a P- w CD a a w a a. W aa Ca aa a CORD a a a a a D O wa. P w w a a w a. a a a a a a- w a wa w aa -aa aa. CORD a a Ka Ka Fa w a a a aa. N wa a a a a a wa a wa aa a! W a a w? F a w a wa a. S a 3R //-. T a a w a a w a a a w a a a a a. G a a D Ja Ba a a w a a a a a a a aa a awa. S a w- CORD a E B Paa K a w a w az. a a a aa CORD a w a a a a w w a a w w a a a a aa w aa D. CORD w Ca aa a a w w a wa a a aa D a a a a a w a wa CD w a a P- a a aa. K.S. a C a Ca D SOW OUR SOLDRT FOR CLEN UN N DEL B JONNG TE U N R L L O N SUND 22 FEBRUR 2009 SEE LST PGE FOR DETLS

2 F Pa Ca Ca aa a CORD a a P Paa & wa aa Pa CD. T a a CORD aa Ca aa a a a a awa a a -a aa a a-. T qa Nw a a a w w w a a a. Ka aa K a 22 aa CORD. T a aa a a a z D aa a- a a a a a. C a a - a P & CEO CORD a a a a a a a z a a. Daa wa a aa a. T a a w a a a w aa a wa w a a a w. T a a a w w. S w a a a a a a a aw a a aa a a a NGO 2 a Nw O-D a aa a w a a w a a R a a D. N a 22 a D ( Wazaa aa Oa) a a a z D w a a a a. T a... w w a a a w a... w? a qa aa 4500 a a a w a. T wa a awa a a qa a R aa. CORD a a a P a a a a a a a a a. CORD aa w a: Raaa Raaa a Paa Dwa a Raa Ga U a a w a Sa... D a Da. wa a w w a aa D a a a w a P Ja. CD a D Ja Ba w aa. P a - POP. Sa wa aa a- Da a wa a a...wa a? T aaa a CORD a w CORD aa a...a a a. a a aa a a a a a! a D - T a a a O a Nw a! Ca aa a a CORD 4 a Dwa a aa K W Fa aa Sa C D U C a a w a w Wa R S aa a Paa Wa aa a Sa & W 2 a a a a a C a P O-- a a a a Pa a w q a a D qa 49 a a 18 a 58 a a aa! Ra a a...

3 F Pa Ca a Nw O-D E B Paa K a a R aa D CORD a a w a a a aa a Ra La a 22 w az qa. T a a a a w a w a w aa. S w a: w aa a a a wa a w a a a a a aa a a 22 w a a 75 a a a a a a P. a 98 a a a w aa P. T w wa a q : a a a a wa aw aa (56 ) aa (23 ) aa (10 ) a a (3 ). w -a (92 ) q a w aa (51 ) a (67 ) (90 ) a a w wa (41 ). a a a a a a (96 ) (88 ) a (82 ) a a w. C O R D w aw Ta S CD C az 5 a a w Raa. T wa w- a a aa aa. 22 S Pa w w a a w: 3 O Raa G F B Saa Ba 5 O a Kaawa Naa Caw 5 O B 5 O T 5 O Sa a 7 O Da Pa Paa K B Caaa Pa 7 O S Cw Kaawa Naa 8 O Da Pa Paa Dwaa 8 O Saa Swa S Pa G 8 O Raa G B B Naaaa a 9 O Dwa a Ca Pa O Ra Naa 9 O Dwa a 9 B Ka Ba 19 O Dwa a S P aa K 25 O Dwa a Pa N. 3 a a 9 N B-1 B D Pa Jaa 11 N a Saa Sa aa S a E Baa 12 N S aa za a Ka a 4 D aa Sa C D U 5 D D C Jaa 6 D Saa Bazaa a Ra 12 D Wa Pa Ta Ga 24 D Sa Naa Ea D Fa w: a a awa a aa R Na Ga Bazaa Saa 3

4 F Pa Ca T wa a a a awa a wa aa P. wa Ka a w aa a RW aa aaa a a aa a aa aa a a. Kaa Ba Sa Naa aa Ta aa & Caa w NGO/CBO: a w- Ta N a a CORD a aa R Ta aa a a w 7 a a w-a a 1 w 14 aa a a qzz. T w aa w a aa aa/k. a 55 aa 19 NGO a 3 a w a a a a aa a w. T a a w: 01: R aa a : a a aa a a -. 02: R aa P C D: w a 22 Wa z a a O a a a w a wa a w a a a a w. 03: Ca P a P a a Wa 4 a Nw O-D aa : a a a w a a qz a aa a a wa aa a -. 04: a Ra: a a aa w R aa a a a a q w a aa. Ea a a a a a wa a a. 05: R Pa: aaz a a a a a a w a a aa a a a. 06: S-a Pa F a: awa a a a a a aa. 07: B R aa: a a a wa w a a a a aa. 08: T Ta aa J aa S aa aa z Ga aa z Ta Sa-w S Pa Pa Ka Ka a a aa w aa a F aa Ra Pa Sa aa aa Fa Ca aa a a a a CORD a a. T w a a a a. CORD a a a a w aa a w a a a aa a w aa a a a a a aa/ K. aa S q Sa S & S a a q> a q q q q X qe q P- L STP qe STP q> S

5 F Pa Ca a Nw O-D W W a a S S \ a (WW1) P w< + w R a D Oaa q a (RDO) D C a aa S (DCS) S q Kaaa Sa w R q a SBS Fa Saa RD a q Saaa Oa a URD q Sa Caa S z. a Gaa Sa Fa z. a q aa T a S S z. a q a a 2 (SOS) D... Eaa a Wa S ~L ) K a/t a a Wa. S z U ~ Z Fa W Z aa: a a w L 19 NGO w aa aa w: S. S a S a a S a W a Oaa a- C P R a. a aa. Nw a w a aa. T w w w a a wa w a aa... W a w a w a a - a w aa. W a a a a z.. a. T w w a. Paa aa. a 4 Caa a aa aa w a. a w a: a a aa & R a w a 5 a a. q S w> q ç w " F / a q a a & a a S a a q a L P N S a a q a a & a ç a a & a q ç a q F a 5

6 F Pa Ca CORD ZØ F q F q Z q q PN Ta q qn F Z a F q> q EZ S Ÿ. S Z a a {= 22 - S çw S a S q> a F q U Z S. a q L + S Da % U. Sa F a a LPN a a Nw O-D a a aa a a a. aa Paa a a. CORD aa a a a a a a. wa aa a U/Paa a. a a q T a a a. Ka Ka W R F (102.6z)...a w z! Fa: w! D qa CORD a w FGD: w a w a a. Paa FGD a a: aa T: a w a CD a D a P - Sa: a a aa a a a a a D Kaa aaa F G D: aa w a a a a a. a a w a a a w. D wa. P P a. 6 aa S Ja Pa SCO Ta a Ta Ca P RW a : La N a a G a C Jaa aaa Pa Ca Cw 40 Ka Ka a aa 08- CORD a D a a. w aa a- aa a a w a w a a a a. T w w a : E Fa a aa a a a wa D. Pa Gaaa Ta - a Baa: w w z a aa S w qa w: Saa Ga a C D RC T Ca P C Ba Saa Saa S. E Naa %1 w a S q S ` S q S a a U S q S a q> S q S q q) S q S wa a q w S q S + S q S <+ S q S Ra S/ S Ba -a N D.-Gaa Naa (U.P.)

7 F Pa Ca %2 a Nw O-D La a Nwa (a ) : a a w D q S 29 Jaa: CD Ea D Z Naa R Naaa q> S & a W D. a S q D 30 Jaa: CD q w a S q S Z S Ca Saa a ªa ZU a W F Paaa a Ka Ba ª U a ç w. S q w Ta w aa q q a q w : 7 Fa L w + q a UN RLL: a R q w q 22 Fa a a! q a Na.N. 84/31 Nza Naa Nza. W aw q a a : q a T W Z} a Ca aa a Nw a CORD. Pa a a : a@aaa. aa Pa- D : D q a aa a Z \ a a w CORD (a C & Swa Ta Pa w Z w Sa (STP) D U a S q a Z Pa w \ D) : Pa a aa a : D q a w Z aa C a S\ a aa aa a a. E a : R S a a D q T aa! S Sa\ D P : : D w / q CD a CORD Oaa Ra & C -126 Ga Kaa Nw D P N Fa: w Z Z \ D Sa F a S a S\ Ca aa a: : T w a wa : D q FGD w - L F S\ a a a : Jaa 2009 D -aa wa W: S\ : D q a ªC w ¼ è ½ S\ : a w Ea Ta: P DG K K Waa Kaa S 7

8 F Pa Ca a Nw O-D aa Pa Ca aa a UN RLL. W D w a a aa Sa Wa- Ca C a Sa 22 Fa Fa- L G D : D a G Jaa a aa Oa z D a aa aa Ra w a w z!! C : a / a / a-aa aa NGO/G: B a a Ba D aa C -: S a Sa aa : D L C Sa aa: a w LET US PLEDGE TO WORK TOGETER FOR CLEN UN FOR ELT DEL Ca: D a Saaa N Baaa za Ea: a@aaa. - wa a w aa Ra az : a Ca D / a C Oaa Ra & D /Jaa a aa aa Ra - R C C a : 1. R aa w CORD. B a 2. a/a aa a a. a a a a a- a a 3. D w a. C1: / a / a-aa a a a a 4 7 a 2. G aa a a 2 a / / w aa a C2: aa-a Ba a 1. Ba z aa - wa a Sa a a a aa / ONE a 4. Tw- a w q wa w aa Ra 5. a a Ba a w a a a - aa Pa Ca aa a aa Ra CD / CORD / Jaa a aa/ 22 Fa 2009 a w a / C3: Sa w E-C 1. Sa a a Ra ONE a - 2. Pa z a 3 a aa a 3. Laa a / Pa / U / E a a-w 4. Na a a a - w a a 8

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