TableofContents. Introduction. President saddress. YourBenefits.3

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2 Inoducon TabeoConens Congauaonsonhepuchaseoyounew EahLnked Geohema RenewabeEnegySysem,hemosecen,advancedandeabeheang andcoongsysem avaabeoday. Wehopeyouwakepdenowneshpohscung-edgegeohema sysem whchhanessesnnovaveechnoogy.theeahlnkedrenewabe EnegySysem povdesconssencomooyouhomeawhesavng enegy,moneyandeducngyoucabonoopn. Peaseacquanyousewhyounew sysem byevewnghsownegude. Thsgudewnoduceyouoheopeaonoyousysem andpovdesome gudanceonhow oakeuadvanageoseaues,asweaspopecae andmnmamanenancensucon. Pesden saddess WecomeoheEahLnkedamy.HeeaEahLnkedTechnooges,Inc.we beeveeveydayshoudbesmpe,ecenandeecveobohoupeope,ou echnoogyandyou.puchasnganeahlnkedrenewabeenegysysem sno jusasmaheangandcoongchoce,buaesyechoce. Aspesden,Iwoudkeohankyouoyounvesmenandam honoedha you vechoseneahlnkedoyouhome.weaepoudooucommmen,no onyohepeopeweseve,buasoohepaneweshaeanduuegeneaons ocome. Snce1980we vewokedwhhebesnnovaos,scenss,engneesand eseachesavaabeceangemakabesae-o-he-aechnooges.ou expesaecommedopovdngyouwhhebesgeohemaexpeence avaabeodayhoughyounew sysem. Iookowadoyounew EahLnkedsysem povdngyou,amyandoved onesaemeosmpe,ecenandeecvecomo. JEFFREYMILLER Pesden YouBenes.3 ComoCono.5 EnegySavngTps.6 How IWoks.7 Sysem Descpon.8 Manenance.10 PevenveManenance.10 Sysem Manenance.10 PoweFaue.13 SevceCeaance.13 FeezePoecon.14 Waany.15 SevceRecod.16 DeaeInomaon.17 EahLoopsLocaon.18 WARNING! YouEahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysem has beendesgnedandmanuacuedoyousaeyands ceedoineeksaeysandads.onyeahlnked Technoogesanedandauhozedechncansshansa,sevce,epao adjushsheangandcoongequpmen.faueopovdensaaonand sevcebyaneahlnkedanedandauhozedechncanwvodhe medwaanycoveageohesysem. Obsevepecauonsnheeaue,abesandagsaachedoheequpmen componens,andanyohesaeypecauonsoocasaeycodeshamay appy. Eeccashockom hssysem maycausepesonanjuyodeah!

3 YouBenes YouBenes TheEahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysem hasbeenengneeedo povdemanyyeasoexceponacomoandeconomywhebeng envonmenayendy. CosSavngs EahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysemsaeheony sysemshacandeve100% oaheangandcoongneeds,wh noaddonapumpsoequpmenequed.thesmpcyoou unsaow oamoeecenanseohea,devenghemos poweuandcoseecvegeohemahvacsysemsavaabe. FeeHoWae Thenegeny-desgnedEahLnkedGeohemaRenewabe EnegySysemscanheadomescwaeokeepapoowam, whepovdngcomooyouhome.thsangeandvesay makesheechnoogyamu-puposesouonhacanbeneany homeownewhemakngeeaseopeopeandpane. QueandReabe SnceheEahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysemsae uyencosedandpoecedom heeemens,heyequeess manenance.thesmpedesgnhasewecomponens,nowae pumpandnoexaheaexchange.thsnoonyboossheespan oheechnoogy,buasodeceasesmanenancecossassocaed whownngone. Quay MadenheUSAsnce1980,EahLnkedGeohemaRenewabe EnegySysemshavebeendesgnedohehghesengneeng sandadsanduseonyhebesquaycomponenpas,na mecuousmanuacungpocess. TaxCeds Youcanakeadvanageoupoa30% edea axced,asweasoheocaandsaencenves,ebaesand nancngbynsanganeahlnkedgeohemarenewabeenegy Sysem nyouhome. InceasedPopeyVaue Geenbudngpacces,suchasgeohemasouons,have beenganngnceasedaenonoheabyooeenegy savngsandoweuybs.updaedgudenespovdeea esaeappaseswhaspeccmehododocumenngenegy ecenupgades,aowngeaosobeeevauaehevaues ogeenhomesvesusadonapopees. DeceasedEnvonmenaFoopn BecauseEahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysems usehesoaenegysoedwhnheeahoheaandcooyou home,youcaneduceyouneedonauagasooandohe omsoneueesouces.thshepsyoudeceasehecabon oopnassocaedwhyouhomeandsaveshousandso poundsogeenhousegasemssonseachyea.theu.s.epa anddoehavedeemnedhagoundsouceheapumpshave heowesenvonmenampacoaheangsysems,andcan educeconsumponandcoespondngemssonsupo75%. ComoandHumdyCono Humdycausesunnecessaymosue,modand mdew pobemsnohomeownewansodeawh. EahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysemspuhea andhumdyouoyouhomebyuznghecoo,conssen empeaueoheeah.humdyconowasoconbueo aheaheesyeandmpovedndooaquay. MnmayInvasveInsaaonOpons EahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysemsae compacandequeasmaeamounoyadspaceonsa hananyohesysem.theycanbensaednanyhome, egadessopopeysze.weoennedeeneahoop sysem conguaons,whchaow usheexbyonsa geohemasouonsnbohageandsmaepopees. Dagonaeahoopconguaonscanbensaednaeasas smaasheeeendamee.pus,becauseheechnoogys pacedundegound,youwhaveessequpmennsdeyou homeovsbeonyoupopey.

4 Com o Con o Ene gysav ngt ps ENERGYSTAR:I youhaveanea hl nkedgeo he marenewab eene gy Sys em comp sedoacomp essoun andma chedw hanea hl nkeda Hand eocasedco,youhavea eadys a edsav ngene gy,becauseyou haveanene gys a a edsys em.theene gys ap og am,sponso edby he U. S.Depa menoene gyandenv onmen ap o ec onagency, sap og am des gned ohe phomeowne sp o ec heenv onmenus ngsupe oene gy e c enp oduc s. THERMOSTAT:Adj usyou he mos a oacom o ab ese ngand eave he e.don bea he mos aj gg e. Mov ngyou he mos ase ngw no makeyousys em heaocooany as eandcan esu nh gheope a ng cos s. Du ng meswhenyouhome sunoccup ed,sav ngscanbe ea z edby se ngyou he mos aup n hecoo ngseason,odown n hehea ngseason. Dono a seo owe hesepo n empe a u emo e han3deg ees om you no masepo n.dono a seo owe he empe a u e youhome son y go ng obeunoccup ed oasho backsshou dbe ese ved o mes whenyoua eawo k,as eep,oonvaca on. CONDI TI ONEDSPACE:Keepex e odoo sandw ndowsshuwhen he sys em son.m n m z e a csoex e odoo sa enoopen oexcess ve pe odso me. AI RCI RCULATI ON:P ac ng u n u e, ugs,e c. nsuchaway ha hey n e e e w ha ven sw makeyousys em wo kha de oach eve hedes ed eveo com s equ esmo eene gyand nc easesyoue ec cb. LAMPSANDAPPLI ANCES:Loca e ampsando heheap oduc ngapp ances ( compu e s,tvs,hea e s,e c. )away om he he mos a.i heya ec ose o he he mos a, hehea om hese emsw g veyou he mos a a se n o ma on abou he empe a u e n he oom. DUCTWORK:Aspa oyea yma n enance,besu eyouea hl nkeddea e checks heduc wo k nyouhouse o eakageand nsu a on.hav ngsea ed, nsu a edduc wo kensu es hayoua ee c en yde ve ngcond oneda o he n ended ooms. 5 MAI NTENANCE:I ss ong y ecommended ha egu ayea yp even ve ma n enancebepe o medon heea hl nkedcomp essoun ando he sys em componen sbyanea hl nked a nedandau ho z ed echn c an.the echn c ancanensu eyouma n enancep og am mee s hecond onso he L m edwa an yand hae c encyo heequ pmen sma n a ned. 6

5 How IWoks Sysem Descpon YouEahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysemswhavedeen componensdependngonheappcaon.beow sadescponosomeohe mancomponenshacancomewhyousysem. EahLnkedGeohemaRenewabeEnegySysemswokseamessywhhe soedsoaenegynheeah.byusngsma,hghyconducvecoppe eahoopsandenvonmenayendyegean,onyasmayadspaces neededobegnheheangandcoongpocess.inhewne,heeahlnked heapumpnenseshewam hemaenegyom heeahandconves noheaoyouhome. Inhesummemonhs,hepocesssevesedandheunwanedheaom youhomessoedbacknheeah.oupaenedechnoogyconoshs pocessmoesmpyandecenyhananyoheheangandcoongsysem avaabe.condonedaowaessenohe dsbuonunwhch devescomooyouhome sadanoooocedaducwok.


7 Manenance Manenance



10 DeaeInomaon EahLoopLocaon Fohepuposesopevenvemanenanceosevce,nheoowng nomaonabouyoudeae(nsae)andeahlnkedgeohemarenewabe EnegySysem.Besuehensaecompeeshenomaononhenex pagehadescbesheocaonoheeahoopsysem. Usngapemanensucueasbassomeasuemenandusnganguaon, hedeaeshouddeemneandecodheeahloopmanodsocaonand hegeneaoveadmensoned ouneoheeahlooped.

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