No Yol. IV.] LONDON, NOVEMBER 7, [Price One Penny.

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1 A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE HISTORY, PHENOMENA, PHILOSOPHY, AND TEACHINGS OF SPIRITUALISM. [r egistered as a new spaper for transmission in the unit ed kingdom and abroad.] No Yol. IV.] LONDON, NOVEMBER 7, [Price One Penny. MRS. TA PPA N AT T H E R O Y A L MUSIC H A LL, HOLBORN. Mediumshii*. The third letter of the spiritual alphabet mediumship. For On Sunday evening last Mrs. Cora L. V. Tappan delivered her the two previous Sunday evenings we have given the first and the second letters namely, the Divine Spirit, and the individual usual discourse on Spiritualism iii tho above place. London, so I human spirit, embodied and disembodied; to-night we wish to proverbial for wet, almost outdid itself in humidity on that occa- \ speak upon mediumship a question which more intimately son, one quarter of it seeming to vie with another in raining. The. connects you, more than any other, with the philosophy of attendance was in consequence thinner than it has ever been before,. modern Spiritualism. As the existence of the Divine Mind' has though there was still a good house. been conceded by all religions in every age of the world, varying only in the outward form and expression, so also ha3 the existence On the conclusion of the introductory hymn (48 in tho Spiri- ' of the human spirit been conceded in the various forms of tual Lyre ), Mrs. Tappan rose and, as usual, gave one of her i revelation and religious belief. Mediumship is that distinguishing beautiful invocations. phase of modern Spiritualism that divides this belief from the I nvocat ion. i past religious movements of tho world, and reduces the spiritual Our Father and our Mother, God! Thou infinite Spirit 1 Thou philosophy to a science. Understand u s; we do not say that life. Thou source of being! Thou ineffable delight! Thou light ; mediumship has not always existed ; we do not say that there have amid the darkness of time! Thou perfect good, above all human not always been instruments, not only for the Divine Mind, but error! Thou transcendent power, surpassing wonderful, even in the for disembodied individual minds; hut ii is only to-day that the midst of human weakness thy strength doth abide! Thou that, term <! medium, as applied to individuals who are chosen a3 the from all eternity into the future eternity, art tho only unchangeable instruments of communication between two worlds, has been ower! Thou that hast seen neither beginning nor ending, but only discovered. For instance, of course you know that between Efe for ever! how can the finite mind grasp thy being? how can any two elements there must he a means of conveyance. Between the finite essay to understand thy vastness? O God, we may only your sense of hearing and tho voice that vibrates upon the praise! Upon the altar of thy being we may bring our offerings, atmosphere, there must be an intermediate atmosphere; this is our infirmities, our shortcomings, our weaknesses, our imperfections,. called tho medium of conveying the sound. A letter is the and tkv great perfectness will enfold the whole. O Father, we i medium of conveying ideas. Human language is in itself a would conic to Thee as children, to a kindly and indulgent parent, 1 medium ; and whomsoever you may employ to hear a message to seeking thy counsel when we are at a loss, to ask for wisdom in our 1 a friend is a medium. Y ou have the atmosphere as the great varied strivings for tlie good and for the truth amidst the errors medium not onlv of sound, hut of light and, indeed, of all the and falsities of tho finite mind, pressing beyond the sophisms of essential properties of life upon the earth's surface. Y ou know sense and intellect to the one true spirit that never misleads. O sound itself is the medium of conveying intelligence, whereby one Father, each spirit has its own burden to bring Thee ; every heart mind, through the voice and organism, expresses its thoughts to has its own cares and sorrows. Some are bowed with anguish, another mind. Now a medium, in the modern acceptation of with the misfortunes of life ; and there be those that walk in the that term, is that person chosen by organisation or by gifts to be great darkness, struggling with poverty, and striving in tho midst the instrument of communication between your world and the of their sorrow to find Tliee. Oh, let some guardian angel of light spiritual world. Because it must occur to every intelligent mind bid them look above, beyond tho earth, beyond physical suffering that beings of a different order from yourselves organised and sorrow, and find comfort and rest and peace. Some there be differently, inhabiting a different atmosphere, and having no phvsieal bodies wherewith to transmit their intelligence must that look with fear and shuddering upon death. Let these know that life is endless that the being born of Thee, the living Spirit, employ some instrumentality whereby they may reach your cannot perish, but is immortal, even as Thou art. Some there be minds. Now ibis instrumentality is, first, the spiritual atmosphere which they inhabit and which surrounds them ; secondly, certain revel in luxury, and go blindly on through eaithly life imagin ing that all of pleasure lies in the senses and in the splendours of properties and elements of your own atmosphere, finer than material power. O Father, open the avenues of their souls! let electricity, more subtle than magnetism, different from Od force, them behold tho brother or the sister that is in w ant; let them see and different from that psychic force which has lately been discovered or supposed to have been discovered but an element the misery that is often by their very firesides, and at the very of such a nature that they can operate upon it and produce pal doorways of their dwellings; and let them know th a tlh o u hast pable results. Then the next means of inspiration or mediumship said through the lips of thy inspired one, Even as ye do it unto is your own physical organisation. the least of the.-11, so also is it done to me. O Light and Life, let Certain persons are endowed by nature wirii a physical organi us look beyond and above to find t he strength that comes from sation that permits them to be used as mediums between the two Time. Let us aspire to all truth ; let us search earnestly for (he worlds. Now, tho varieties of mediumship are as great in number best gifts of the spirit : let us strive to understand the mysteries that have Is cn v e i l e d and shrouded in human ignorance; and Gb, let us all remember that in thy sight there is no preference: allure as one with Tliee, and ev rv child of earth is a child of thy care, Let. mankind be bound tog rlln-r bv ties of love, of kindness, of affection,.1 charity, until tin y may feel that they are allied to the fcojtf*d-w<u Id, and chirp Itund i with tlm that sing thy praise for wit/tht'. Amen. Another brum ( No, <>(» of tli on/ Mr*, lappait again p >*«Mf on : S p i n t u a 1 Lyre r f*> md deliv- having been d tho follow- as the individuals that exist in tho world: and when we make the general statement that all persons are mediums,do not be astonished because you have never had any tables moved about your house, or witnessed any of those startling manifestations which distinguish modern spiritual phenomena, for your mediumship may not be of that kind. Sometimes mediumship is wholly of tho mind, belong ing to what wo term impre.-sional" or inspirational" mediumship. Of this character were tho ancient seers and prophets, bards and sagos, who were especially endowed with the gift of inspiration, having a higher sense than that which pertains merely to physical organisation, and who received by intuition tin? words of the

2 ; < ) THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. - M kkh 7 Divine V I'gUt ft!!'! -pokc til? iltt ri.'.i' - -f angels through their own re art- ;Lei! - ill of mediuuiihip that are alno not eru days: and wiien l a til enumerated tle : k- he cthii-i ii. u, iiv* Dt" the gin- th it U 1 rig ; id, ( ] spiritual powers of A-r ; m ini these- ill ofwbic r pre ntly are physica of media: i - ^ P seal* imsa.u on t * they lave arro them a pe pints i to appr >av tu.rrri 1 unct's*. to i ite. a bv whi d.. t, ie\ \ iitt use tlj< t ' i s or»yrt;rs for o tbe JVXr*z^i jm sn ip artc* Jt*u llcou. thiev : r x t he siev to uni - m i th e pbenoni< ena of mo ut et :Ul nn v»n tins aiscui.--ion and. i j w u.-t be a - are 111 lit it require;s not on ie initiated into the IDVStr ri<--. a t lu > as far as ] ole undcrstnn the laws that govern arid c ntr>. - nividium.-lip. t that v u <1 with all candour aiid DCei-itj. guardiing ever imp-.-lit: but always ready to h. True mediums Lip 1 l A V I ' S. «. *. i «ir : ust R5 capable of l*rin<r tested a- t:.e my of Djht > capable oi analysed, or as the atom is caps1 le»i being investigated. Of t a m e vou must subjv.-t U to the condition* required: for do ; connected with any volition on tle'nart,< another phase. Then, as we have statffi ^vorld around whom tni* atmos]>here or ^ > material substances pianos, tables, chair; *" jkowerfu'. : 1... e place without certain requirement*; j be moved through their influence : and.-u. a other arti'-b "entimes u,e^'v ~ < ;md these must "be of suc-b a nature as to guard the mind against possessing' such wonderful power, are r--~;"ovj.- 1, m v external imagin. I ft any imposture by di'hont st manifestations at improper times and >1 :. pers,,ns. Modi uuiship if so well established, is so well attested a j There should «lw&vs be _ a proper tame, mme. a l. go m a y thouaands of y o v fellow being* are poonooed of serious and earnest spirit o: investhratio occaston., it tue ew..n-.i have witnr -*d it; erects, that we will not insult your inteifi- very few persons exist in the world that bav^.ence bv r-resuming you do not rec-tcnise its existence. the air by the power of disembodied spirit,; - V~ v^" W e w i nass to other phases of mediumship that constitute the 1 wed of course to investigate everv w i wjtn, it-iessi: n and voice bet wren the spiritual world and yours. By the power of human scrutiny, so that you mar 1^. /...g, j cm-.1. vment of this channel :r means of communication, the spiri tual world are enabled to express their ideas : but remember, in the '.' resent imperfect state- -'-f h uman devel -pment, surrounded, as all mediums and all human bedims necessarily are. with the external atmosphere, conflicting inri uences. divers temptations, Ate., it is not io le supposed that spirits have a os. lute control oi any numan being: nor is it to be.-uopoet-i that one can enter up m the career of mediumship carelessly, for it is one of the most important steps that anv human being can be celled upon to tune. _ nose who take this Rep lightly : tn ose w ho solicit, for the inselves or others, devt,; r>ment a-m edium s: those who ask that tbev themselves mav be level pea for the manifestation of spirit-life, wouid du well to con sider what they ask for. For be sure mat wnen -once this gift i- bestowed upon y< tt. r when once it is unf.ied from y our nature, i: is ik light matter. It is t t a timing thing a something to be solicited, as the pastime of an. hour, and then cast aside : it is for the advancement and development of one of the most important principles that have been given to the human, mind. If true, it em bodies all that pertains to immortality: if false, it enfolds the wi. 1- ; Id m materialism. See to it that you do not covet spiri tual gifts lightly, or in a trifling manner. The m ost external form of medium-hip, as 1: is called, that which appeals to the senses, and through the senses to the intellect, and dually, to the spirit of man. ie that which produces these tappings and mis uplifting of material bodies, occurring in the presence of certain persons. Ii is not always with these persons, nor is it true that they can draw it to themselves, although they may cultivate me gift. It does not come when a person ask- for it; but it is found on experiment mm certain t*ersons possess this power, tle cultiva te n and guidance of which is the first step in the scientific investi gation of modem Spiritualism. It therefore behoves all th >se who i-ut etui- gift, to inquire carefully into the conditions that are best to surround the medium. It is claimed by scientists that electricity -it -e tee agency employed, because electricity is the most sub-tie element of which the human mind knows anything. But it is not true that electricity is the agency employed: on the contrary, the manifestations occur 'under circumstances that altogether preclude -he possibility of their being produced by electricity. The emana tion from the medium's body that the spirit employs to produce the rappmgs or other physical manifestations, is not of the nature of electricity: it is more subtle. Take an instance: Some mediums have produced these tappings, when isolated from table and chair and room, by glass plates. You know electricity will not penetrate g-a;-. and that it is impossible for it to be generated in a table or chair when isolated by glass balls or plates: yet, notwithstanding this isolation of the medium, the sounds Lave been heard, conse quently it cannot be electricity which produces them : hence you must look to a more subtle element, and an agency more universal than electricity, for an explanation of the phenomena one that does not require such circumstances for its creation, but is produced from the human organisation, and is therefore amenable to the spirit; for them to direct their force by. Sometimes one person alone cannot produce sound;, but two- persons sitting together, or three, or more, will receive the sounds not one is the medium, but all when united form the medium of communication between the spirit-world and vfiurs. Yew there is no name known in the scientific vocabulary that we can give to this substance or element, that i- an. mauction from the form of the medium: but be sure, *i- science advances, it will acquaint you with a term whereby you can be. igjiav this Free beyond psychic force, and different from n g i v e n t o >ou. - Is jm.wtr. or this clement, to produce those ext*nal manifest nti' ns. and ii anv -ne of you is desirous of becoming a m< dinm, or lather of develf/piug whig,, well to f a llt S il ^01 when by placing your hands upon the s t 7 i,j : > object, you will soon discover whether iov? "V Ji r >f m e f i i it i-.not to Is coured iightlv: h -. a means of pa-ring ;be time. Alth' u -!,, /. O08&and xniitl 11 ; u. kill!* j ijj h t jiurjiose <f the spiritual w--..j]d i;r-jelv tai! ;j e n t: but e t - r- s.-luj'.i. everv r< '.- If in 'i riii: - tbuuse cir ^. - :;, -.. tine m em iter 4 r in vial u ceal them. Perhaps some men moved to w rite: in such ca-e t rded, and an extraneous force produces violent motion : at las and the pencil is made to move ra liiwl % the same time that every well-authenticated cas/msv'bh-,unr " of human consciousness and human science." ^ 1 1 The spiritual gifts to which we have ref e-; are \ stepping-stones to spiritual science. Iiat-nini-; ar- n-"-' tables are moved, bodies are borne thro util ait D--J"u' * have stated, for your amusement, but to c.- t Te~!. l l 1 -,^ r* fit variance with scientific knowledge *hst* "b~ - r -. know ' overcome vour ium oi gravitation without j - v ' 1 t-l,! r ' ; b - -.UlUiUlS:,,, ' ani mat tnese mvismie urces are emnlovei -- in-.-ti--' " means to effect one purpose. The great iur-ien* * -tuu -V.!, mer-lv. * t: teach. th t :._s :.: ^*Y»Ui!U7. «..r 1. L-. JUUCr. but m every instance, and in every quarter -of the vti-gthese things have occurred, the same message W b r-, ~ Jj. given. Whether spelled out by the aid of the alphabet "ii by the hand of the medium, or vhether communicate - m-m ' tawe tilting u]. _.. " ^ e are the spirit- of y:m departed friends/ dm: w m one small voice in thr :ur smalltown of America ~rim -rr. rrgago; and wherever these manifestations have been hear! since tit same intelligence has claimed to guide them. Y-jw, it would be quite a source of investigation to tla sm-ntim man. who claims that these things are the result of Lunian imagnati-on and that they proceed from some law in nature, t: uni lx. whence the intelligence proceeds that directs the motions of m tahies and chairs, and these rappings. If it be the wil-oovet.: those present, why she aid it claim to be a disembodied st.irit when as is almost universally the case, those verv persons did not -~-t know that spirits cotiifl communicate m thr mxtten ~.-; m..- science: But simultaneously with these manifertiitions there appeared other forms. Young children were thrown it.: i. stf.:; of unconscic>usness. and then.-poke far beyond their year;. I'tmn unlettered in the sciences or in the languages were male spear other tongues than their own. and in philosophy ani science transcended any possible knowledge or education. lire:; indi vidual intelii_-e_ce- controlled numbers of persons they ore n:r counted by the tho usand who spoke words during these state; or transcending their ordinary culture, beyond any kno vm-dre thy had gained in schools : andin every instance these utterances claims: to be dictated by the spirit of some departed soul. Then is another fact for the scientific man to explain away: it w f possible for magnetism and clairvoyance to produce tr-cm com munications, where is the mind of the magneriser from whence they emanate, and why is it so persistently claimed. - ^ e f.n :k spirits of those who once lived upon the earth." Beyond the* utterances, many are endowed with the gift of healing. This gu n of course a natural r ift: but it is unfolded and developed under tht guidance of spirits, who have better opportunities for x '. o p ' j the laws controlling the human organism than you nave throigt the ordinary systems of medicine. It is alleged by spunti::.: that the healing power that thev are enabled to bring ttruth * tain human organisms can. when properly employed, cure o-d curable case "of human sickness and relieve those that ue cure. It cann.t build up a r.ew body and re-make decavea uu-.- bers. car.::. t ere at ; which does :: senses, but there are many endowed with the yiaon, wlf see forms you cannot see, and describe, u )f {j,nt

3 N\'v * i'*- - IS TTIK MEDIUM ANTD PAYRREAK. 507 j j lt a? they see them in spiritual life; and t\> the vision ilmt you may be enabled to s' T* f, uliv of \our departed friends hv the dcserip- -r 'U ' :i; v.\< O aeatim es they tran*oeud iu lo v ella s- jiii'di11;11 -j*. 0t';entimes the grey-barred sire looks more -'.x>i,-a; U] '. \ x'o mind never grows old : but the resemblance ;''f.jl0 description corresponds so well with your A.-t. s -. ur departed friends, that you are enabled to r oll0# that have passed from your side. Many A, X.vnver who are not aware of it, and ofttintes in. ^ Vnation this sight comes : but the palpable spiri- _ id fact os sight to the senses and tar less jj of the mind and not of the body.,, b";u''1 fitted, every person is endowed with sot \v. ;'#Vv.m^'in: what that phase may be you must detero'f ;r ''v'ui!'i'on!bv paving attention to it. by giving your time, ye ' 'V''1,j;id vour earnest elvorts to it* investigation: and it o'"'1* l!'-, jetermine whether you can do so and do justice to ',N;S y e 1 '' \ l0r. instead of building up wholly iu the material devoting vour time to the cultivation of the ' a, a'ii'devote some time and cultivation to the spiritual. yo» n0. eontineil^to the present day, although the word J jjqq, Ji-is been employed to designate those endowed \ f communion with the spiritual world, is new. In y,- Christ these same gitts were spoken of. ot. and Jesus,ie. >f>;<followers, and all those who believed in him.. that t n -\i.-rearer things than he had done. Now these g ifts have been ignored, or they could not have been ' f- i V t h e Christian church. If they become cultivated ; ' '. r h l.ref and investigation, and aspiration and prayer, you not the same power in existence now that granted - ' ^ t'heso gifts? liven in heathen countries, we are told '!'l'"4 vu'us. one of the heathen writers, distinctly portrays the : ; \y,y.ent by the spirits, lie calls them the gods, and says :*'\vv<".is are so under the influence of the gods that they ' 'hr bevomi their senses and in a state of ecstasy; and he. V~the word "obsession" as a distinct expression of spiritq "This brings us to that phase of mediumship wherein a thrown into an unconscious state, and another indiv takes possession of the mind for the time being: he :'u' person you suppose him to be, but different, distinct. " person, claiming always to be some disembodied spirit. ' " :ho intluence of this control, which we call obsession, not 1 'o-ulvving anything, since, when the spirit which takes possosr-l.'enters, it is the control of another mind other than his own, " 'v person manifests all the characteristics, uses the various language, and exhibits the peculiarities of manner that 1., ne claiming to speak through him did on earth. This is a i 1?0 of the subject that opens up a vast range of thought,!. there are many persons in your world that are the victims \,i> jsion, who arc not aware of it. Sometimes this is what tills, ir.-iute asylums; sometimes this causes those singular forms jf mental disease that have bullied the treatment of medical science. A thorough investigation of the laws of spiritual control would lead everyone to know that mediums are sensitive, susceptible, and oftentimes extremely delicate, possessing external organisations that cannot resist, especially if not aware of it, an untoward induence. Now, entirely disconnected from Spiritualism, there are sranv eases in your insane asylums that could he treated by spirit ual _r.etic healing, because it. is the control of some disembodied i'.'iri; who does not know the fearful power that it can employ over mortals. We say this especially as a warning, because those of you who want mediumship should take very great care that you Kek earnestly tor the best gifts, and in seeking lor the best gifts, that you seek also for the host influences, and that such intluencos is you sometimes have about you be not of a nature to attract irks who are undeveloped, and who do not understand the delicate laws ot'controlling another human mind, by which means many persons aro driven to insanity. We say this, not because eases of in-arrity are common among mediums, but because cases of insanity outside of Spiritualism may frequently be explained bv I his same subtle law. You seek to become the instruments of the spirit: but there are three conditions you must, guard against. You must seek, first, to have full knowledge of the laws that govern spiritororol; then see that your material surroundings and your associates are of an aspiring nature for if not, they cannot draw ta yon spirits of nu aspiring nature. Then, when your spirit con trols you, or a guide leads you into spirit-life, your first questions should bo: Aro they advanced? Do they know the power they are using? Can they use i t to m y benefit, and th e advancement o f "ihoi's?" Having an answer to these questions and by their fruits you must know them try the spirits and see what manner they we of. Then, under the intluence of harmony, of privacy, of the Kin-ion of the fireside, of every circumstance that is favourable, find ot no circumstance that is unfavourable, then you may prayer fully give yourself up to their control, seeking ever the highest. Hut k-sure that it is a most dangerous power in unskilful and in.i udoped hands; he sure that it ever brings unhappiness on i!i iv who are not aware of its wonderful and potent mysteries; he suro vuu may not lightly enter the lists and covet the gifts of the spirit as the instrument lor the means ot other communications; ami I* sure ud> that you cannot adapt it to any unworthy purpose any Merely material or physical desire; but be sure that, in that "ill nut satisfy you, bringing you, if you use it lor that purpose,rather kii-erv than happiness, liut, it the spirits that are around you par take of your own nature, if you attract such spirits as those that \Yv ".'illy a<' crate with v. u. th n vou rm>t be siumuhi. jor >1 world i* made u\ of just such beings a> are coming ni vonr mi Ut dailv. 1; vou. mire to the jgh. noble, and lotty. just as surely as one atom attracts another, or one chemical property attracts another that has an atliuity lor if, so surely will you attract spirits that are like yourself or your sur roundings. Guard alwavs against those physical depression* arising from more immediate surrounding that oftentimes draw unde- 1 veloped spirits. You stand -omowhat appalled on eutering upon the investigation of a subject where undeveloped spirits are! > bo considered: but you must remember there are undeveloped spirit*. i:i your world, that humnuitv is a vast sea of undeveloped souls, but that far bey ond am merely temporal or external influence there is the Divine Mind : and there be angelic ministers that may not K» down to anv service of morel v vvovl iiv entertainment. S i 'i arch earnestly, inv, -tigate c.uefullv." If the medium bo ot a very sensitive, nervous, and susceptible organisation, let him h> sur rounded by influence* of family and friends that wii! be conducive to his cultun\ 1 fatty iudiv i buds consent to hi e me the unmthpie» <» of spiritual di es not thereto;- follow that their own individuality is lost; by no means - vou are otilv under the influ ence of teachers, friends, or guardian spirits who are drawn about vou. and these, with your own earnest \v.*h for truth, will lead you in the paths of knowledge. When you once have found your position, when you once know vonr platform, when you are coco aware of the powers you po-soss. then vou mav be guide' and directed for the use of mankind ; for it is no ILht -i t to be the means of conveying messages from one world to another; it is no trilling matter that the tongue may speak and the ey e may > e tim thought* of those regions that lie hevond the r aim of mortal vision. You will not boatraidof the influence* of fa: her and mother.ot\ arid and friend: and there is no human being who goes out into the spiritworld that is not somebody's child, and all are amenable to the intluence* of kindness and charity. So win n there c m e voices of discord, overcome them with gentleness; when there come spirits in prison, perchance yours mav be the voice and yours the hand to release them ; for it was sard of desus that, after hi* crucifixion, he was absent and visited the spirits in prison th e who wore disobedient in the day* of Noah. Oon.-ider what spirits go i ut from your earthly prisons in spiritual darkness. lyrclianoe -. nm member of your own family for every tttvsido has its sorrow, and every house ha* its skeleton -some member fallen from the fold and wandered from the flock; and you. a- the earthly ml: v or mother, brother or sister, have wept and prayed for that orm, and there has come to you from theology the thought that that loved one may have gone down, down into endless perdition ; and it has sent a thrill of horror through y our hearts and tircsid. s. D sure, however, that is not so : the God of intitule love is iutinite in love, and your pravers, and tears, and aspirations can reach that spirit in prison and draw it up to light. Oh, there are more things in this philosophy than ye wot of! Yet ye go on in your usual way, and the wounds that death and care have made arc healed up; but remember that many a restless and perturbed spirit i- wandering, asking for admission to your hearths, and seeking for a ray of light to lead it. to higher realm* of spiritual guidance. Yes, when vou remember that the spirits in prison a.-k for and come that you may give them forgiveness: if any soul* have injured you, I and have gone out into the other world unforgiven, see to it that you do not harbour resentment against th em - not even it they remain here : for tire spirit is often impeded in its upward flight by the remembrance of some one that remains on earth, some iiijury that lias boon done, some evil unforgiven. Let them all be forgiven. Sometimes the spirit comes to your fireside asking tor this forgiveness: your daughter may be the medium for manitea- ; tations: if, therefore, the name of your enemy be giv en to you from the world of souls, see ye cherish no hatred. If the Most High Christ, in the supreme hour of life and death, could say : " bather, forgive them," meaning those who reviled, those who condemned, and those who crucified him; if lie could do this, how little is it for you to forgive vour petty foes! It the mother has tollowod her erring child, even to the ignominious death outlie scallold, be sure that her love forms the very chain that binds that soul to the Intitule, and bridges over the great chasm ot despair that otherwise might divide them. Spirits arc thronging around you ; the air is full of their breath ; your lives are largelv made up of their influences : they impel you in one way, they impel vou in another: seek, therefore, the good influences" the soft voice of angelic ministration. You are often angry : anger attracts undeveloped souls. You are often envious : envy does not belong to the higher influences. Mete out to others that which you would have them do to v o u r -it docs not draw the brighter spirits. I ho soul must be made tree and pure and garnished; seek the best light the holiest influences; then you may benelit. others and lead them also to the light. The gift of mediumship, as we have stated, belongs to each one of you, more or less. Each day and hour, strange beings walk by y our side : one withdraws you from the danger, another impels you towards it. The guardian of your lives the appointed spirit, that has been by vour side from infancy finally prevails, for the light is greater than the darkness: it always conquers; for love is move supreme than hatred ; for Cod is love ; and error shrinks away before the light of his divine countenance. Ye are mediums : between your lives and the spiritual world is an intricate and an I absolute stream of thought interwoven ; it rests with you to culti vate it, to nuke it subserve the highest and loftiest purposes. I, if vou remain wilfully blind, it goes on, even as some of those blind elements in nature, unguidod and unresisted, doing its work iu

4 , os Tl l K MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. Novv.Mnp.n 7, On tk tuo ii Wfivi' ' i\ - Tne } redrva > \\.., v<wor h:i '.hero heel in the lighining siui'ix it «.i, ; >. \! wh.i! il,'-::»«> ;. \vh> it it is uncontrolled.,0, '. u, t:. \ : of illl lilllill'uoo* till* tu 'I lldit-i to \ lilt* \ \l vtt.l v!, It :l X!l It I'll.'C'lM lit I gv;;,v : i'o.o coxii htv.tlh of -piruual w w «is,.. v,. anv'.i'. vtlt'otf'l s\ stout lit" cultivation it..,.f c.'ul i.'lt h.'lvix'.'tl X«MtVsollls Wild till'..i,!vt'\. r. xour >' nmi others; ling ni,led, unaided,. <t, jv'wor tint! often wiwk«out human...,. x,, u i huns, \ our jiouti. nti.tvii s ttitil jails,... tliit i t *'0 xxho tttv xxulaing ;lbi>>;id. lint,,. u'.if.diled l-' ' ar m i l due, t ll f l l " i l l. of ia,wa m\»t< vie-.t ill proldeiti* form tho, - t d, -... t i i. ' i i xx i '. : i '. v o l. ' l l t o \, '. i. -.ini ton hmo tv; n nil t'uo unto, ivusoiou.ili or v.i t o ut!vuttiout* of ilisi'itilioilo'tl mul ls, thou will it,,.v.., f. v t. li.'. itfs. nml to Ifni out inon in j \, i : * i ni.'.o I1* ii m o.'.i,' to o\oii nil' tluit...i... «; 'mu,f..i.-.o.l \on.low is..niil ill,it beyond.,,..1.; I',;, i.'v th in tuvlisxugel*, the..iv.ii.if.... i t h. tu nil, dually s.'n i it." VOl l il vl'dl VX SPIRITS. -i il, viv'i ' o n thin* h >ur of birth.» i 's i. oisl t.h? wav,. i, i, ion!«.. ".. >:< (',, '? ax. Vi. i. d. o., ;, v. :i l..rki\l. O.- v.. >. a w f g 'I'i'ko 1 \\.. nor sorrow > u"i: (war \\ i, :i. :. :.,ii'r a,vi ii.s br, in > _. it f ort t h e * * ; \V... i.. i.."g, r i...i.v.iio, - s. '.. >. pmrer \ '... a g. i '. ox or \i.v your sdol.... M you.uvi' s. rayed,.; i. ;el n.i is.. >.... o \.,. or no: afraid ' >. nark, si i' toe,, s : : f ? '.'.-Ol'.'.e : '..... g. I...o r.nmol's ft.'.', \.... s.. '. yo..r.i.r.'si dream. If ii. ub:.vid n : Tv>ur WAT, A: d r : ). c;: aer >, vic, -. > r c. ;*.$ d:n.. cv^r vi. :.-. nl'ide. i.i * f ii: s a '. - no i'.ivs;. > if solve : o :..r, o.. in ' dark, VVf f» pros, noo of love. v... s.f.s : - ; o tie v. X - alone s r hare s:rayed. AV i.. *. o - x i or e v i l c h o i c e, 0 os', i i i f. s. no apnonitniont made: rough - sht or through the dark,.s.f. o oo r'o.n a:::: love I S or;. ' i Os 0T T.'.ar Side-- : > or. :o prove T-rr. y ; _ mi -I 1 sior. to its Toire : I: s\ tsi B e -.-tie. true, and kind: f '-r; ^ J O Y?. s :, ; o;s vour s." to bind. V'" :;Vr be:..ifs sorrow.f-ooome Il: mror. ever bv vo..~ side, -.. loafs y ou i it 1..-o..s o... pc-:', wide. f.v.jr.'s >hi: ir.g war, f ^ela stand in light arrayed ; 1the via open* tl. - ;.. y... o. y yi L.. 5, v G 7 HA.'.J Of It- YO Has caught you even in the dark, A f. :_a: o..s po wer like a cove Desoeada upon you hark, oh, hark! v y. ;..._i.s. Ir-vordy I... -o. A v 0. V. 0 ft s. -i d of strife. Y.-r ai'f.l ev.r br.' js.".,.., ;; ; :hfs :>? chninuiio rose nude the -. ; o_.. mi... u r > o.i->:-. a.duiioii to e is.- v. - - i.vmn s~d u.s.;b oenviiicuon, t i e -. -, _v ':' --ds-viiy '.T.ZZ ds -Hx. CAYENriSH " ROOMS. s im war iisao o: las: w ok, Mr. Mors.'s fourth 3. v py.o? ;n the ad'ote hi., on the' ever.::.; M M : y- '.a uliimo w..s.... ;.. : -f a:...s.. b r.._.. mus:.12 n " rk, y resneet t O' : OBlfCUal *a wbosc - -,. t /O ' a " ; V'Cli ** s; an early hour, when tea and other... ' o.uv. Maxtor tho ^MpcrintomloDvV ot* Mw, Multhj, to whom CP(. for th.< Miivtv- \vhit'l» nttt'dil-tl tho t'yt'uin^ s (; : >r.'^im:imu' of tho M*irv <*, howt'vor, Aitl not h ojiu unnl a U. Otl-vA. w.i'ii th arrivol of a Ur-ry numlvr of frevn v >t»: *, hall. *o well ktu'w to Spiritualists, to Ivo imn nlm u i J o. iih'<l. 1 u nil. thoro inrt\ lukvoh 'oti from 1AM to A-m) j>.,. Vt tho vorv outst-t of iho pro vi u-,;, ' itiuh'rstniulmkr throatotii'tl to disturb iho dfsirahl 11 t».'i A>u*n ; h.i thu.. vots Imppily»vortt*fl by tuo Ju tppvd iltsi ohainntn. It nppm s that Mr. Mor»o s a»p-.rii go. i ' a w >h thol otio of two i l'iit If.tirn should tako tho chair oit t e, j Mr. l\'obh"< t*r* Mr Hums,»o that, ns tin* former i!'*ntlwimn N h n way t<» Ann rn'ik, tho pro* dootml duties noo s«krily <1. v i'lv, tho latter. This ohoioo, howovor, did not npp tr to in- tu t.oii of a very *mau minority pn> -nt tho prvnnotors «t a r.»4*f, ^ajv'r who threatened to lea\ e the moot inif this ini* nt wpf,. 4»>ut. To avert this dilemma Mr. Hums desired to I.1all -wh! ". i his s p... -, propos. d ns * *."i us tho eotupanv eould reeovor from the* a,-: emonni b) Mi*. H imib s aim<)unv'om*nt. A v«*rv f- w I. - w in favour of this proivosal, hut more on the contrary. It w.wt tiiat Mr. Burns be ehoted eliairinan, whi- h r«-*..on w..* <1;.v and I'tvrried amnl great enthu*»>:«. Mr. Burns aecisr-*.: the seat of honour. Tho menaoed stonn haring bron thus n,r. tho withdrawal of one or two minatory elrment*), the tur... evening provv«tled with unrii'.lhd serenity. Tho fhairman, in his opening address, spoke of h i...;.i tiou with Mr. ^terso fi*r the last four years. Durr.g t; v Ivon U>und together hv ties of no ordinary character; Mr. M *J boon nearer t... ; - members»>f his family : and lie could not h -Ip on i::»» v*,." rb wae not an earthly lor s \tm* from any oor.sidera:ion of ]vr*>>n, but purely a spir.* from tho common aim which hel l them together th u ;.. spiritual truth. No one knew tho labour# they had <.i.r-. : the oppv'sition they had ru lie red together; but t-? b. «j i opposition had had their fruit# : and it was grat!f) ;r.g *.. ; tne past tour years ns yi ars of groat an.i tun;-.o tuahsm. The Chairman then called upon the M *s jl y * a happy rendering of the overture of ** or.. followed by a son.. y < -.. ^fr. Enmore Jones was then calleii upon, wiio sv.. U'en to one of Mr. Morse s seances, but that.-they r, *. ;.r.» certain points, he bad never goi ^nie evening, however, ksk i c '. :e to cougra:u'.-ate Mr. Mi 'rse on having biwrae a Good T- Forty-five yoar* ajo, in the city of Edinburgh, a? L...; pledge to abstain from rum. jin, brandy, and all s..i'v :* - kept it ever since, so that he lei: there wai one bard. :. ; himself and Mr. Mors.'. I: was a good thing he bid t peratuv man, and he felt that he was row safe, as x;. to a great deal of eiitioeinent. Many p rsons, dr-'-.... s : - the spirits could do, brought out their wine. i.\. ai.i s.. mediums, expecting thereby to go: something g : S. t hus fallen into error, and had become a curse to their fneoai & would therefore adv sc all who received the visits : -> i- the bottle ;* by ao dtnng they w...get better ma * must r..-c s : ing : ' warm them, 1?: it be a good my m «da cotlhe made from the _ d. wholesome berry, r t a or: cv oory. with bullock's b- '.xl and sawdusr In c r..:! So:ritualist va: e.l... ir.vestigat rs and ctuc-ri s-. vices. He considered they were essemi.vlly bid.v.. - "... result in good. Everything that was good and b;um. a-:: duced in the light. Madame S.hneegats having favoured the company wit. o tifully-rendered s. g. "Sac wattierci d. : Shorter was called to the platform. These anniversatv ;- ' - said, had now become nn established institution, and one»--- thought ail would ree.'grisc as very pleasant ard. x-i:[ of late been more meetings of various kinds in o;uuf.::.- ' '. tualism than had formerly been the case: this? cm'-'? " cultivation of the social affections not perhaps s: :.'i-tuti :.y might advantageously be. These soirees were :::: ord.y s: 'U- : living more: they wore also, and pre-eminently so t : : :»' v..i the ad ent to v.ii.. mediumship of c. :... ^ ' use i d a. rkers in : : cause.; Spiritualism in Engi t were much needed, and. in tact, were never m.r. ', ".. story of Svirttualism than at the present time.... ire. very valuable aocnisitioes to their via:form, but so great ' for spiritual knowledge that the supply still seemed to ****** i.uiand. Then, speaking of the necessity there was :;r! midi.mas to prepare the way for missionary t.' d? - Y..'.lowed to aider with the preceding speaker with rehrer.:-# ' of dark seances. He then narrated the eh.ef m.-ide-ts. 1 a f 1...ken place on the previe t.s evening, a: whi. a: d. of which an accott: t was given by Mr. Cc;per tr.. ' week. A wreath formed by the spirits a: that "seance w.u ' excited greet interest. Space w ii no: aav.i: o: car go ' d der this gentleman's excellent address.-oressed as we ^ J ' matter. On the conclusion of a sor.g by M ss Mhltbv, Mr. I---- address the meeting before d. ug w' i.-h, w :u a purse of money, by Mrs. Maltby. the prooe.ds After a dew preliminary remarks, lie said in..: some ii-. vu ;i i not a but th: vc.-v reverse. : r v.s.. ' later taut: that he became practically acauairtcd with f. ;UV- ut six months subs pu? :ly, e was ir.t rod...i to they evening, in the then month of October, he eali.d at toe Sruihatnpioa R ow ; he there met Mr. Barns and re o; the most s.nw*sful Latter of whom hud scon him cnee before, and mm dor.. ' him a place. He penniless and weli-ntgh ito«?-f> or S'-. : be : a quentiy rot in a very ut state to take care of;.: i..e result was that Mr. Burns gave him t ae bread into his mouth mnd made him a Iit ng Lad it not been for him he weald u. t nave been thsre " /

5 N<» \T MI" M i H 7 : t. Tine ANI, IMVH/tKAK. >; luii.k i>)i I I m mill' * b< H/l f dl lil ''»l"l III, (/ l In I lll /l I'M I'M M I; Uni. 1i *'/!If/11 II, 1, '"' I I..M f,, <> i' 1, v, llll t*n. I.'ll oninindf'/l d I, '-I H lll> ' 11 >* iiu l " l I I I,.1 I "" I 1' '-I" - I I. 'I l'i lurid* w lm Im'I l " l..... 'i Hi' Hi. I., y, him, and i" Hi"- nil, n, ' 1' * '/;'/ t M. lil * '" " I hi II! ii M I'I'ii " 1 r»'f/ ''i I r -(»»* i i '[> I 11 <iul i Kin II l lg I. I, I ll'i) i,'i,, I,,, u I clnliilli I" ' Im Ii i >i r i Ii in I,'iii, ( In Iill H I l.i UK I ''.Il IM win 7 I,,, ' I lllilimi II, Ii ill 1,1, I- 'Mf/... I it linll V " (I I., I 11" 1,1 " ' i < ' ' I m ' ii f.1,.,1 ' -I " I',11"1" I.,i 11< > I in*",1my 11VI i i 't I ii'mu in, (; llll"1 y V'. 11' mil'!' Ii / Im v Ii, I \t,...i'1'!/)r 'ft 111 " d I ions m il 0 j; for 11, wi", <11',(. ' \ihn VV I..*' /nm!'in< <! him inl< rimlly <»,, ' d, Hi. /,, I. a,., llll' ih. nail 1{,,, j' l V ''i'll 1i i i, *,,{ j,, tftl >' 1 ' * ( " " " I y o u ' >' i t ' '! ' i'l hf/ I,', 1J,-!' (, ll'i' 1 (, if If III - I'll g'll I'-ll, /,, 1' n I f II, ' I n d. " '!' I/, Hie!'^l*! 'n, i 'i' II;, Il" i"1,1 ml' 'I I / ' ' 1I ft'a i I.J/i; Slid, ' niii-l"1"",-iiink <»i'tol" I>ui'"i i il,ni. lllt'i I uv#,loi/te j I lii I'" _ j j, v in 11 i Ml! Mi ' l l r I y n i l I I n l. i, g, vnn in ii.- / (,.i,7. Mas di " a I:, I>// l lllll, 11' * ",,n Inn', inly Im I in' I '/i.illi'l inni m " : '1 'I i / i 7, i,i,// I,ini I,',I,'ll,'il. 'I/'. /I,;,, " A >lil fnl'i" 'll III I' *' 11 '.'l i. Il<,ll'i. ' I I, I " ' ll 1,1. H11, I ' i liini/ Ml' H'uxe / j. Wi ljj/xr. f/; /,, p, w n», M'lM Ml i n, ' I y MibIimI"", 11,1'. Ini,,,11,, '>! hi t Vi f r o m M r. r ; rr ' Ill'll 1 1 ' ' " * Mll.-)l " IM 'I Ill'll, III' ilii'l 1,1,,,... k «d U» '1 nr. Mul l n,f J <,^ /. h.' n #K Mull by now fitv/mn.l l.lm <»j j y fii /t wif.h imi Mr uu /.in /. V,- 'll,i' ', 11r- f V11l' ' l JV1 ttlaimm lil 'IlfM'l f',l IjrJ h.'.ui" II'.V'/jr l/i'f /'//, M r i/;. 1 v r'-ftui /, I /null 1, v<:.y HulKl I <1"I ', </Ol'MH'l f "It l.lj'fi lu, j, i. ft' i '«/ <i 1/,v /. ' i ' I'tU/l o'. 'K y/.'.i i-, r,; frmn Mm*"1'1 111 l,l,u-r,'1mr- 1 jjil'il UJ., >Hin I I" 1 ('jjiurin'in now r. tl l'*<i upon M r«, ( i I*. \. 'I,i #I ' j r #r - n { ' ' / v 1 ' i < II.. Jintf.wl HT'-Mpoli I*. III*. /ii*1!'fi'i' il l li", pi. itform, urni*l fjjr-, if-., it. bu ill l,f! if, In'l /joi. li'rfui 11mi* nit.i, b.ii" i'th l.o f 1 H ( \j<jf t.' V I J r; J', j f'j... ;. 1., ((, j, lint I. MU'ling Mill' I- I III", in, Il,I d a l o r. dill lh<- wu«a T iih {'In/ /.i'i'i/. ///,//// /jof/.v.-. t I, h, y»-i h er lo say a h-w IV',I II I. '1 In y 1,11/1 U". ' > 'I'j. j/inl.ii'ilis.7 Kv.' In it in' ilium I o n w orker in the j,i,,l u.d,-, 1,111 f i,y posted Uji Ki f.)/' J(,,i c n i l c c r n i hii/.' g iiimii ii'if I ii il mu, rn,i, mnl I ml li'lvii;, v,, Jni'l f i, give/, MU' Mi l 1,«t.ffJ'/ffj M. i. 11 f,;ri ' II'" 'J il wnilm «.'»«... i mlvmn l.n l.lm friend* ni ini ijiinnh, min, /. to W i k, Ui's '1' i;, [/ 1 f */:'< i-.,f./y, <; So "ilium I'onlil (/'/ lorwnril i,n)i-i-.<,i,i, wliomi:,(, ehosen ju'nim.ii ft >;,! ) ' 'iri'. tr,y mi'lu'lil" M" 1iii1»I, I;11JM"" 11 Iiy li, >'il.j,i/-:i:'l wil l,, mnl m,itim<:'l ai I'./, " I am with yoi v:,,nrrj, f,,,1will'll l.lm wm I: f'ivmi tin in l/y l.lm m,(/"in I o i, M uliun,.. I', f/'aurtkiiwr.i., A //el r; 'i'l 1,1,1. <-,/ll i Vii.1r-, «j»irii mil f / i l l i in l.lm mi l l it. ol ii worl'l 1.1ml. w;m ' 0 7 M. in Ih". UniiiJn-.rirrM 1,,,'ij 1111-y it i i'i not. ininlii ol <I,ITiii,i,,I. f I i Hint l,,,,,, l.o nl.ln-r *1 (' wil.r,e»-t'-d at.. 1r. Harvey'*, A lorn,y H.o.d. 'J,'. "nilil liii'l 'M/1, Iji'iili in'i'lil i 'I ill ii 11111i' lit, rinion to I In. mi I.lily I Id : eirele war alluded l.o in our :, /...e, "i /,l, " ' "i n i/ Ml' Un i" wm'i! li'i lili'., iminy i-.i.i o;,,,,,,j. with i'/ii;i'l.y, '', 1,i,onml' d by "Il fm'imi ol nntiif/oninm. 'I In y nhonl'l Hi:'-, t.o it, HlIKCKOI'.-.K. T h e Wcr.hnl C n g r t / , I,, llinl 11n ir tin (linin ', i h t h hin-.l.iiini il, I hu t l.lmy w /'i: nti il to A II wood, r"!mi',: ; v'/hat with f>hr< nolo.7 v.,... oilivil" tlio'i" hfiiritniil (.oil."t with which tiny li.'id lim'ii cinlownil. 'I in'i i; borne lint ol.'a'e lr en m a, 'u o of e//;,t.'.//,, ;.t i. o '. going ".pirit of,1k i ehahilm.'-.- *crii niuny C hrilinil f'lflh, nll inl l'f l.lm I'n nto t win, d m c ity. Iv/ci-y f ri,i ol ni"ilimm>liip Ini'l ill*, mm in tin*, mliniiici'in'iiit of Hj/iril.n;ilnim ; T nr. ohjee'ion of the l;.er,,j, f/i.-,;,> to,, i,;.,.,..i ; willnmt n ", Ironi t h e i.oll."ii!. I n > nn t h e Inl/li. to th e Ini l n- I. r.t.rong llial. he 7. i. I not O": i..".',.':in j/....trunm nr Jolt i <n ' word* ever fiv 'ii ; ((leh I nrin with mlujil/;il l.o l.lm medium ipmlny. fin propo e>. to de.:7* r a.." on. juinhiiiln of noun ini un iii(/ miinl. 'I In r", w;ih. room for nil. 'I'hit li.'in'ot. iii'-.ertiori that 1trmie i. a i/u dinm in a.: i,...,, w.i i ii (i'l v, h n t (,1m I n h o n r i T, : w ri I. A n;// I. vv i e t.liroiifon;' iirournl im-r, i.jiifiili/i floor. Holijil Ii I ii/' 11,111 l i f ' i i n m n l o l d m I; i.< i i.o r i - *. I'.i'n lli-v li i'l tinir ii'i it, 'I'll" llowei':'. hud li"ld n dark i;".'inee in l.lm f/ronnd I,-to.'" I:i' y rln'd IIn ir j,i>.itiiinn in oun-l. 'I lie limit v m. too r.l roi,)' I o r lim h ini' r rlioiitu, mid 11 my miii.1. in'"' I : he r.l n i l "in'i m l.lm {'r ound. T i n y do linl, wirli In ml.'o('.'ite irominenomi immie. ". ; d, w.'m n"ei n y to chon " '/. "II ii':'l ili-'-riininull:. T h e r e wilt nn m ore diini'nr in Urn durk l.hmi in the l"/!it. In flu,re wlm w ith pure. isonnt.liinj; luul In-en uid uhout nmdium 1 Ii"!' into Ifini, inn -hccouiilif.' (Irinki-rr. 'limy luul imv", li"nrd ior'li ii (('turf'll prnf'i rri'd u^'uinr.l. llm m u.iii body Imlor". It, wn. il vie", ivn,i l, ji'i vuded all rniik* of Moeicly, nnd which it '.vie ronmnim n d o ty to r i 'M, not mm In he Inid rpcciully to the niedimit-. uceounl. In e Miel1111i i;< mr rjieeeh, Mr.r. 'l itfijiun re c ite d One of h e r i m p r o m p t u IMpTiitiiiiial poenir. On t.h it* oee irion il tv.oh odd reh/.'d more nrl ien - liirlyto Mr.,\1 o r,",n*the honoured ;.nu ;.t ol l.lm evening; it wm;, however, impoeeii>1 it lor u» to toke it. H," * huirman nextcii lled upo n Mr. Morre, who, on hein;' e n l r n n e e d, pol.e lh*.t, under the inlhi' iiee of Tmieiuen l.i' mid limn under thut. " die " f i t r o l l i n g i layitr, A n o t l u - r t r m i e e n i e d i u n i, Mrn. Ol iv e, nluo lini/le nonut reinurkh, under the indneneo of the Hj/irit Kunrhine. e i *11; 11 o t h e r r o u g e w e r e r u i n ', m i d p i u n o l n r l. e, r e c i t u l H i n v e n, "I'/nt'rf ollii-i'h a ii.onw from Mr, ( Imiliey, whom,'.". Tom Howline in i f.v leiod r.l.vle, Mr. VVTtil.hy ulr.n r i n g Wnndm mi, f*,'ir" th e tr"", Jith good olfeet. 'J'hf, pro;.;r,iniiii" of l.lm e v nin,', which win oil Hi" 'd very ngiv.eiihle iiul.ure, win hrought to ;i friumj/hmit. elom hy (. j, d l>('/i, j I i ful performmicem on the limuilmllh hy the I oynl,jnne IImidheli Itingei'H, who Juid kindly eonr,"nl.e'l l.o he jn'eeenl, on '"'(:,"lion,. QOW 1011 S T H K I O T ; I'll.MT C AT-lm l I O' M I'T'iT J NOS. At Hie Ineel i ii{'", in 8e ifeinher mnl fjel.oher i i well Inn.n. (. 'ii)1" "ullloti* of lint iidnll, pojmhil.ion ol l/mdon mid Ih" 1 1 ' d ii f a i r l ' o '. Vl " i!, ' " o f t i n t mi l n r e o f. i ; u f i t 1" Mi ( '* ; " "Ol «I,.,,. v t o m; :. e u i d. - m " ", m n l w " i ' I n '. I n ' I,,1'iij.,,',l/ y 1'» it i'"ri"n i c mof i meet il I I inu't iii : I i h ii rough ' '. ' * on ' I * I ',ondon m"i the. "u"'i' y.,- n,, - ' " n t ii'o,., o r i t, my Hurpriim.. wium I f, o u n d t,j h,,,1 a t n,,ine i n e nerhonr, fiermni.t', I Hiu- ineliuling ng, r,"' hn iiuihil d - ndeiith.i in no way with 11H, hud, a I'w ;, /'r Ul" liiktof o u r public meelinge, held a. nueling m the front h t ' h n i r o f I I I ", w. a l i n ' d,, d f o ( J o W"i'iSfre"l l.'oome or Mull,!nif " i m d l y uni' ll iih llm I,.dug room."i II." family, M"'1 K,v " "P eel /'T-'hiitlo the IiiiIh I,I,(I cloak* of I he ]ilai.(orui-h mak"i K; Uni n'lft, print, in-1,1"; / i,11d (,ili"ia!iv, hut ""Iruidy, held in "r-ki, l M,, joimh <11all I and a* " l.lm al tendance... (S^^erpool Spiritual! i, i da i.i v.-r"...>'... 1' I ^ 1' ' eolimin,. I hi f.f, f il,.,,ine-l,iiuian f jo i ow»:i r, i ii",. v > d I hrne,n "I h adini' ni - I ' iid", " boldly i.. i. 11., eel ting fori Ini I h Ii tlm h e inert uu-.eim;, lie; "I»» ":,aui, 0 Pi. -.. I f r a n k l y Hay 1 (Tit {//-m'vx/, a* I, nn, I l-n >»-in of f'" 'hullo,, llm. Inti, of October had h.-.-n l '! '.,N j( '"'eiifll: >!l r» the... / 1,l,! '^i-,! ('I, ^Ilin/inr. on I h". IT1 I'" ml,,. Hill f?' '!^ wi.i"d, many porter* of lb" ' " dr*t time, and on the following m o rm n g r.)iread hmau,j( ' h olijnela i pii-itualieu had in view. loll.*' It'i'.-l., 4, f/revdie,'il.r""(. Jlol,ore!/ him for many year ', and ha* ". oe i lor eo, < o hook. We regret; we have not, r;,;,ee lor t-.i... ' eneloeeil hy Mr. Howe. T ho. ie who d'. ; to heco.'.ie hi merit * had heft r r. ihierih'. lor i. hnol. Hl'llt/T.l.-AM.VI I TIIK l'i.l.n;, T lie,v//«/a <.i.( long rej/orl. of a iu rmoii deliv* r«-d h. the H-v.,... U'hapel in Keiiiiingtoii Hum. The i.m '. my.* J win cerlainly not prepared 10 In :, n, / gravely, warmly, and even logically advimn -.d..,o - the heterodoxy, or any rei-upl': in d'eiarii g ;. r. II- preaelnr, believer.. -. pi ritual i in to he in i.o /.;. oj.ju. e 'o > of revelation, but he claim* it to he taught I y r the name tiuue maintaining that fae'ri and i:., Mon go ha- d- T'bc report w ndudeii Once again 1 eu,"i-g"d... o i.- e" hut il, wan iii a more thoughtful mood than 1 had o. ' i - J critic would, n'/ doubt, /led i/inch a*..,.mli to -.v.d in.1, J / : remark i, and indeed he had a very pliahie eonf'.-1' ga I, if ineinher* are not r< ady to ''xcommomeale him lor).-f/i for inyr.elf, 1 felt 1 had lim/ ned to a man who, at I ily In what he *aid, and whor.e erot'-het# or ' i roi, cull l!m/n v. i were at. any rate of no great harm to limit' II or anyone -. n than can he raid of the erofebeu of many..1. O. v;. A He.ic.u, fti.-eoi.'-tio..'. M r. I. H. Ilenly, : i fx.-.a eh N. W., allude. 1// the, pr'/poral t'/ hidjd a In. 11Ion j n.' 1.' H ' and flunk* there i* not iiullieient inotmy at 'I;.go- I Ion 1 mn a p- at the pr'-kent time. He Kay*: 'Jill there m, ve in follow the example of Jehiir and J,i* njiohlh ihrough llm lann.,./id alley* of Horidon uiel ov, village lo village In Ihe country, w- nr i. in in. ledge iif Spirit null, m, and r:o carry tie- light, ol rilling in darknee* and the shadow nl d". do he aceompliebed? Why, in Ihi* manner. H i. H".-' haw money l.o id in building church', ni'ree n - ' rfain Hum ray f l.'/o per annum to a < I.un * (chosen under spirit guidance) who ni ;/ he di d for thi* work, and who will dcvop tbeir whole inn. undertaking. Let llese ifieniber* he uuthori/"d lo i 0 f I f v I public lecture*, s;!e of book*, Ac.; iiu-h money!., I.. ",,!o. lit!'!' < I Ii, all in repayment of the XT..O guarani "d. xpended hy the i.ember, hut the wi such member, or eh; nonary, a- you utay probably induce him I" u. ;.! ra dil'g' i " II is hire,' I lake it, in I hi* a* w' 11 a* in oil, C I Vic* fif/d r Ur if r in '!«jl r n p i i n * very Id I" Ion : ighi. lo prople "v 11..o' i 1.;* ( mv I," carried on' and nii'd" si I! ' upfe rl u." Iron, i but at the name I ii ic y on ei.n hardly i, peel, nr n -. :, for Ihi* work In i"hgn pruhahly Inr mm< riif h t ilo.v, f h»:n. II, ill' 1 I I I ' i l lo I/*- 1 i of It/.)! I 111J ft,u-il iftli o! mif'o v* c. i n ' ; ' i n»i : i " ; iij>! I-» i lii 'l, j 11»»> m#< ; 11 ; i *,' 1 I k ihi* in hand mile* they w,.,. I mi:/ e I. ' * p.y I he ordinary expen- ml o f '"I. which Hu urn I n.-i.imight. I,i-r. If thin proporilion of mine nu.i.l* with 1 " p "1 r :, l l l and any ol tlu-m uro willing to ne lie n u n I mention, lo he rcuaid out of my -arning*, J for oi," in, willing to undergo uu eiaminutjon, and, il' chosen, will enter at oneo upon tbi* work.

6 < 111 jlfe!mf!)!i M A Nf> I>AVBkF.AfC. r*w T h I THE CftCTTLAYni 07 THE A* c? iu B v/rirn r# et. 4 *-V,»**»A.. 44,»** «r i 4. * f l 3M- I* ^ m, 14. awn *r» &:4 ft* «**««««* H+v» TIIE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. O f t / I m r \ o I I:\fbK ft ; J r - ^ / K f.. B M f U n. L e ~ d»... t. / i _ ar'^ e th e r s W h are tfc T V ; * 1» «2 v. /»... r...., " I/? M f t l i H t» «^T T U r.-. «* mtrrvnrnt..:.... ;... : \. i -i;,.- W wyef j tf. \ t'.^r.i. V..- >.-, -h* M R S. T A P P A. V S L E C T U R E A T S I R A lp r tw S «cb»e*cc advocacy, but tr^ ac4. A T>rT fc Tf frifrta ii n ti l l _ i_ w it h T h a u n ^ r fr',r'' " l H i > * * * * c w» t m a.-> er. * = <.fr. A I w j s * * - ' 'I v..«ar./i 2 - v ' ' ^... exhibition by aa a 'J *...' 1 " '. * -- - : ea o t & x tu» I r 7 ~ - ^, a uoboar. 7. ««i arni ure tie c i^ ge o f *ellau -»x»de*. n*t Tb»,«drt i. JW(, <* <,. ot. im ^ g? * in»f ii turn fctta/** * it, m Ifr. U m A tmmz*.*? ref..* *. ::, *. T--> to e fe e on tw y * ^ e. W l * fw fm at <rtie«. Dr* SUmekhm* tbrowr. -rim Ur lia adwn j,... t, r.. -.: =! ^ -.: ' ' *.'. - ' -..I -'. - -.>.. -.-, ,. to tr.<- -,A^ -': -...'. t..-":.... log th ir.-sar,* or a m - crowded v. tendance. w*«'? lf ' ** ' * *» *-»*. ';.... :> >.* V, ancon. t»r.v *^7 h- add reseed Office of the M r.rm.if. i-var a. ; o r, a-1! 1. A ^ A r r. - H - c Lop«it w ill iri a irp -tr. t h e a t t e n t io n ca ou_- > on o w laat p a^ %T; -ic Lmi&y po idio it 2 - i. t o l o - ; t - ^,f r Vcm i m n l v w. a* - ^ ' *Cil_... - * r or. r.*.. a j C"IqIST^ ^ r. Ii o m I '.'.af.- -.v:':-- practi w' the of I i! ; 1 v f«n A.a --'-...o'.-.i c r o 0 w it h ' ^Tfer la ± \ Tzrr& a t t e n ' i: r<ce o or' / 'or.r : /. >.;.i... "...; ; ';..- :i' * - V x i K i - r,- - - /i TV r- z ; a n ' C o ' t o - >***» i) K «k n. Tb-. o n. :-.:i ta bare alto been h^c ' a r A. as. j» '- - - a - im e T --- ^ - j p a r u c i^ w iic u t r. -.a. _ 2 a2u l? only eiuall per-«mage of tb^xte who iw kto JP*1* ^ 5 *» «e ^ ~ * * * * ft praaeota itaelf. >Vo*ild not th- Fo * * IlttBI takliw far*: of aric.ii-'. ^T»?. i. V.r'"-' ad r a «t &»,.... * o rf * r.. tohrr of *.,*', ' r~.,i'\k U p r ;, 7. i r. i f>t ih < * ir» n * ir b - ilj * fra>lfr-? Jt ta /a- ' li»e do >r, or tf,. r i/ o f,!, a f«ar.;.. '. be filled by tif kr-t!h *- to. - i.w itb t, ^,?'o'.aanr-* e,r n tt If, T, ^. ''Cf. r «.. ' >. ' JIT*. R v p H n A J W O tfr/ff; rt r.. r'i - lh T 4 e/- b a t a h a d f o l * m W teaching, f; * h r. d -! a t.. < i he c. i* CiARt0 A\r.- V.Vit th e rru& V s xrzri&}j± with t [7 l t ' ; c / im n < f tljo her Bttarao.-:ea. T h i* o u g h t t o j... ' Uybout th e 0 ' * L J tfj wc-rwurfully V atin.ulated -ino fjc* "vu v- o f ti.. r it f i. f/*? r : r, >» T t O str':-. I r.o wit ri r.ey can.-,..., f o r 111 *> -v-1... *: TJ oeft w h' a. i f,»!, A ver., i ; A t '..- ta k e n a t... to feuj>i»lv '.nee. The aaectiag w. o :.... _ »C bootea often at a rreat diatanee a a t.» * - ; 7. " " * '. - * -* - * s. S h e i s c o w a t i l r r ' i * v r. «: > t A V a l: * M a o e k e e te r. / I. t r. o i *. tt - w r it e s f r o t n I b t t<o *o.*r *. v. t -* ' -1 wetit,a:.d rtau.oe....,-... a:..'.. o...'..'.. o v M t h t H I C A R i/ / n. i T l- a - r -. rl t orofor - M y d d ; e f.,ri H a il. Is iin g t o n, n r. W - d r.- k ;r. - ciaia rn u iic a i er.ter^air.r'uer.t, ar.d M adam e Taaca m erit. r f r. - r. d * I n tr» e f a i t h o f. S p i r i t ;....» n..... / - V.» e r?» h - r i t.o.- m a k e u p r.. - d r n r At-; ir..: <:e. oy atnv.ncer.o tnts. Send In your orderi.'oi..-. ' f'u th... 1 'if r:..«o f r>,rjfi our rntny rt-olrr. t uat the r^p- ittirk c>w, II-.. ;;h AT f :o r :. ; f Il'.rn.e hae a t 7 t o ; : * 1. r. I I w i i l a c c o rd in g '.day e re i i. t r-..-r'

7 THK MEDIUM and daybreak. S pik it ua i M j VIii;. 1 1 i N. 1 l s? J-i-4 ilr<- ^ J 1 ^ - i 1 1 f f * 3 t I t t 1 r r ::J g g- -i E --frj* r r loud song of prft'* To ()od w,iost> goodnessoeaipless fiown J'f, l_ -r-i-rurr U=~J-iL=1 l ^ I - F - - "d I it-] r a p p a l l i :.'ZT 3 ~ «1 l i i r r s J i J sy 9 j & ( :J- : 1 E 1L;. 1.1 > - f» ^. a. 1 (S* 1 il 1, i i j i u fils enthron'd beyond the skies, And life and breath on all bestows. j^ tisdon*- Let all of good this bosom fires To him, sole good, giro praises duo; Lot nil the truth himself inspires Unite to sing him only true. In ardent, adoration joined, Obedient to thy holy will, Let all my faculties combined, Thy ju st commands, 0 God, fulfil. And may my song, with solemn sound Liko incense rise before the throne, Where thou, whose glory knows no bound, Great cause of all things, dwell st alone. HYMN N*. lf», " Spir it u a l Lir e. Old Litany, 13f/i Century. -I- THK SPIRITUAL PIONEERS. During the past fortnight twelve pprnons have been engage I m (b tributing amongst the poor of London, in various pjiioih-p -, im V '» I rai'ts, small Looks, Ac., wliicli have Im-p-m will received pp p(l lileres' I'11" biion awakened. Morn than 3,tKK) >Hpcri have tlm* II disposed of, and opportunitiei are ooming before our notice every day, il ii i bouminds more might b«s advantageously iimhi il we were p c > of I hemlie Secretary desires to aelrnowledge the following donation* with Free libraries liave al«o been eoiiiin> tic*i in sf-vornl parts ol f whilst, donations of books have also been made to two or three win' 11 were already in existence., ArrangcuienL are now nearly complete for Ibo institution of free (uri's in Pimlico, Islington, South Ismdon, Marylehonc, Hendon, ai Chelsea, full particulars of which we hope to give in the nei'. issue of the Medium. T many,v thanks:- R. W., l\ 1..; F. W f..,; S. (!. J., ; L os.; J. F. C\, C'., Ids, Ids.; and two paresis of hooks and tracts from Mr. W., with fifty copies of tlm Miinii h weekly, from Mr. Ji. The objects of the society are: 1. To circulate freely tract*, psperr, pamphlets, Ac. 2. To arrange for free lectures as opportunities pregent themselves. 3. To institute free-lending libraries in the various districts in which the work rnay be taken up. All donations, gifts of tracts, Ae., for free distribution, book- for the library, Ac., Ac., and communications, may be addretsed to the Secre tary, care of Mr. Burns, Publisher, 15, Southampton Row, Holboro, W.C. Lecture Arrangements. Tho first of the scries of meetings above alluded to will take place at Hass's Assembly Rooms, Vnuxhall bridge Road, Pimlico, S.W., on Monday evening, Nov. JO, at eight o clock, on which occasion a It core will be delivercd by Mr. J. Burns. Tiik second meeting of the series will be held in the Hall of Progress, 90, Church Street, Paddington, on Friday evening, November 14th, at 8 o clock. Mr. J. Burns, speaker. c--- the hea? n]y scenes of peace, W here the e tor ms of passions cease; i i i -4. i pr-tgq rrf-4 fn F -} =P=F= L_-----;----._**> o er, Wearied na - ture weeps no more. - Weleome, welcome, happy bowers, M here no passing tempest lowers; Hut the azure heavens display Smiles of everlasting day! Where the choral seraph-choir Strike to praise the harmonious lyre; And the spirit sinks to case, Lulled by distant symphonies! 4 0 to think of meeting there Friends whose graves received our tear; Child beloved, and wife adored, To our widowed arms restored! «-> All the joys which death did sever Given to us again for ever! Hail! the calm reality, Glorious immortality! HYMN No. 11, Spir it ua l Lyre. Tune Ol d Hundr edt h. Im m ortal praise to God be given, Hy all in earth, and all in heaven ; The First, the Last, who reigns alone, And fills an undivided throne. A TEST OF ALLAN KARDEC. To the Editor. Sir, Anyone who had ever read any of Allan Kardecs books would probably answer to the question, What do you think M. lvardec s spirit would reply, if asked what is most wanted at many English seances?" why, those who have read his books would probably say at once, If we are to judge Kardec s spirit by the man, he would 6ay undoubedly, plu-s dc rccucillcmcnt more prayerful research, more holy meditation. There is no word perhaps so frequently repeated in his writings, tending to produce anything of lasting value, any teaching of any high import, as this word rccucillement; for the above reason there seems good cause to suppose that tho spirit who has sought out Dr. E. B. Boulland as a co-worker is the spirit of Kardcc. L ambda. Mr. W. R ic h a r d s, 7, Tachbrook Street, Pimlico, will be glad to receive the names of persons desirous of forming a local association. H olland. Het Vadcrland of the Hague gave a report of Mrs. Tappau's orat ion in the issue of September 24. We hear that Mr. Riko, with his accustomed industry, is about to translate one or more of these DR. SEXTON S APPOINTMENTS. Town Hall, Barrow-in-Furness. Wednesday,November PAii, Onjurers and Mediums, illustrated with an exposure of coniur'.-z experiments; Thursday, November I3tb, The Philosophy of Trace* Friday, November 14tb, The Claims of Spiritualism upon Public Attention. The Barrow friends have sent us a specimen of (heir wall-bills, measuring six feet in length and forty inches wide. It ought to command the attention of the public. Those who engage Dr. Se. 'on on this tour will not be charged travelling expenses. Address Hr. Sexton, 17, Trafalgar Road, Old Kent Road, London, S.E. MR, MORSE S APPOINTMENTS. Liv er po o l. Sunday, November 9th, Islington Assembly Rooms; after noon, 2.30; evening, 7. B lackburn. November 10th, and during the week. Newcast l e. Sunday, November 2-*rd, Old Freemasons Hall: evening, at 7, Life: its'laws and Lessons; Monday evening, November 24th, at 8, What is Spiritualism? Tuesday evening, November 25tb, at 8, Disembodied Man; Thursday evening. November 27th, at 8, Heaven and Hell viewed in relation to Modern Spirituali-m; Friday evening, November 28th, at 8, The Religion of SpiriimJ'sui. Tickets for the course of lectures at Newcastle may be had of Mr. E. J. Blake, 49, Grainger Street, price 2s. Admission to a single lecture, Is. B ebsiiie. November 29th. Gateshead. November 30th. J arrow. December 1st. Seoiul l. December 2nd. B arrow-in-furness. Town Hall, Thursday, December 4th, at 8 p.m. Friday, December 5th, private meeting. Darlington. December 7th, 8th, 9th, lutb. St ockton-on-tees. December 11th. N ew Shil don. December 13th. B isho p Auckl and. December 14th, 15th, 16th, and 19th, Sal tburn-by-t he-sea. December 17th and 18th. Mr. Morse has a few dates to spare from Monday, the la b of this month, about four nights; he will be pleased to hear from anyone in the Blackburn and Manchester districts. Address Mr. J. J. Morse, care of J. B. Stones, Esq., Pleasington, near Blackburn. Du. Sexton has had great success at Leeds. Report too late for this week s M edium. E dmont on. Mr. Briley-Ortton reports sittings lie 1ms had with a lady who he thinks may become a good singing medium. Peter talked to them, and a spirit-light was seen. L iv er po o l. On Tuesday evening Dr. Hitchman lectured on Spiri tualism, to tho Woolton Mechanics' Institution. The subject was, An hour with myself, or what I have seen in the world of spirits, at home and abroad! Mr. B urns gave a lecture to tho Mechanics Institution, Devonport, two years ago. lie has been again invited to lecture on Spiritualism, on Dec. 19th. Friends in Cornwall or Devonshire who desire a visit thoukl : write at once. I Q ueensbur y. Mr. E. J. Langthome writes stating that a friend of The satno plan orations, and re-deliver them to Dutch audiences. his has lately been operated on by spirits in a most extraordinary might be adopted in other countries. manner, and has since addressed three public meetings, and great pro So uth London Progressive So. gress is expected. ibty.-m r. Weeks has kindly offered the use of his large room, 24, Stamford Street, Blaokfr.ars, S.E capable M r. J ohn Collier, who is so successfully promoting Spiritualism in of accommodating thirty Bitters, any evening - in tho week,, except. Birmingham, by his Sunday Evenings for tlm People, will be in Tuesday, for the use of any society or whof «ay desire to London next week, and will be glad of any suggestions or help friends in London may feel disposed to offer. Any invitations to seances or qi oi'mcdfomislc c lia m c te r a rr^ u ire d t o c o m p E the circle which sits j be a,=isted wi there every Tuesday evening

8 512 THK M FM l'm moi; ;i<s ^ * r Mr. M- 1H \ n Kn Mi«I \ *> 'MNii Mon. VNi'KS. suul.i br <n 1>AV UKKAK. inliuvk'.o lyu nil of hi*),iinl 1li«5 nn»«i»t, i»«n in w {till tii'i( l) lllid (or nn injt'iln nnu M.n i IM' )' ' Sv> iinli'ii, mnl \ on (lul not r t hi Wn i* t.» Si,' Oil doi N on i mh i it Mr no lu nt* ubern i\w»pm V, ;...,1 hi, v 11 «' 50 umoh lor >pin li 'norld, ihojto wouhi no* rl bun in tiio hour ot whumi tl tr ii i 11 ib-,» -Sl.,\ and ll VI T- Mil ll f*l o it rolioi I p< spirit briollv *Uudrd to mu to un- Itul now lb** 1^bU* v' a '' i 1inly yy orkim dertfo from other Spiritu*l»*i5, aiulnml that in tlw imul I > w o u K i p r n \ o \\ :l l il.-*, mill»'«>ndiiiminp iim' t gt iiorai n ilvulrd ji.tiu to himaoir, ami nhow tho hold wh rli hi huii* nnt( imii frtbb' il» l>«!«> * "l ',\\\ \ OU elevn it foienlioui 50n uvj» had jjiicn him on tho >\moo:h t tru^ Spiritual ; ' mkv'il Mr M «nru, mnl y-nthumil ;sl<. I'ho 5\urit> m oonohnnon, sod that it would at tirno# giv«uu*m pub* of I bo tfcbl imtlmnlv 1' jde.'whiiv to resume thou* aoaiuva, at tho Sjuntual li utuui, \> hrn l ho 1lnng \>at moiv' ror all pr«n t. t v>i medium»hould com* to London, tor Uiov tvlt deep pit rtufiohisl tii thoi A fool (Ytun tbo tublc, nntl pl.n'i ihtur hami Institution on aeoount of tho manv u n t» h tl luui hot u mib*i r wtirtli*. H' Vi'rnl int'lu'k noo\ > t h o I o p o f i t, t h o lahlo yy viont. i ho»pirifc* then delivered an addrei juriluni iulltnr*. mill w as, ol«-court phrase, 4 < nthoul v',,w ^ thooiah.iarr pro. i > *<!«ot ph\>; id mul inlclleoluid training.<1 support. ar I ftli.imtional cmminnu:, though uietul in i»omo rofptv;*, m. ht ho So I a r ovon h 1 IhMM! ( l o u t ' i l l t i l li ul i n v Mt u r s. a n d a d v o c a t e d i n n u t\ lm'd uunit.r tho.uni»lo> 'i as no\y wntt< J)ftrk<' i» l o r l o r n i * m n l lij»i u.0»;j n-,.?. ediuvition wlnoh, oalhni;»*nt tho innate power* of cltlt V 111 ptvo opi H5, but in 1111h oi\ iintniii'i 1. 4i\a.i ' i ' - ' i t Uioro or i «uh t \ aiol Urcemv** o f n i n u l t h a n 1 don t Indie mv tyunuu, \>bo j>ri*tmnl* i ;o i'i fo!.owio.; Authority usually adopted, Ihe * Sjrollin:; at this niessaire. as if " forms and lighn «. I'. i\or eon tinned tho 5oanee with a humorous paiahlo reeipeoiitu? a e.r- hull us happy as tin ' t' e d to 1.i.iU t v. i \ o l l o w lv»c>. Kjk\., ' ami Ins satellite, "Mr. \\. Lath,' who j repar.'iiion loen took nluee, for no two. pinl u- I) nin't'd to examine a ivrtain?ehool, hut woro slmwn thoir i^noranoo j sit together, the result im that I bad lo lo hv a l':.r bov.o i!:«o first form. I'lie moral ho dedueed w.c*, that brains ivlio-e sad fate 1 Was deeply grieved and v hot yvei 1..:l wi'rlh >1..M, ill Sp.ritual.>:u. bo allowed to take thoir plaoo over I have spoken of ss a medium ami the mod I teal gonl 1 >v portion or personal eoiuvit. Lbo evening yy.i'. have staled that the word cabinet " was al-o o u r it I i ll i;,vo. ;;u ulu lo. deeply interesting ami instructive. nil interval of ten minutes or so hod oecurei d, d u n no i table cloth to which was joined a piece of dark Am. I procured, and suspended in tin'.inly avail., ihlo con AT A SPIRIT! ATISTIC SHAXCE. leaving pist. space enough for a chair to he plac <1 helw..' I wall. As the lights were now to he ext in ;ms inl, we ;! Y A Ni'^-SPIRiTl AUSTll RKPOliTHU.) I survey of the room, peered into a chamber o. can, and tap, l r' - 0.tily S.t! \ 'ir :tber 1, ) ; in the cabinet ' with a knowing air, and having rvprr satisfied, took up our new p isitions. The window lur ters w r. It W1. i:, ca!i«equeno<' of n public invitation mnilo by Mr. Monck ul bis 1 s-'on.l lecture nt the Uravlmead Rooms a few weeks ago, ami a more «;ve tie otic fnmi the same sjrf.tleman on I lutrs.iiv ovening, that I found i".-s,i:--. for the first time in mv life, a spiritualistic scaneo. 1'ho let-cr com.*; * the invitation appointed the plaoo at Mr. Tommy's, 1 : : v S;re:t. tiie hour eight o'clock, and thither i repaired aee.ordinelv, r ill ' site respecting what 1 might see. In spite of the fact that 1 had vr:::ied myself for the occasion by a perusal of all the comic j-ioers per'uars as a consequence of the melancholy that deed ongend -red), the strange and mysterious errand on which I was bound made me recall the wish of Shakespeare s doughty knight, Would it were bedtime and all well." and it was with a sense of relief that 1 met on my way a gentleman of the press with a similar purpose to my own. On arriving, we were ushered into a fairly-sized room, nearly square, and here there were seated Mr. and Mrs. Tommy, whose names, having been already before the public in relation to this subject, may he fairly mentioned; a medical gentleman, who supported Mr. Monck at his lectures: a lady (this gentleman's wife), and a young man. A third press-representative with a friend, and another young man, arrived soon afterwards, and Mr. Monck, who was the last to arrive, completed the company. We sat round an oblong table, sufficiently large to allow the eleven persons ample room to place their hands upon it, and sufficiently heavy that it required an effort for one person to move it three or four inches. Light was afforded by means of a tube connecting a lamp with an ordinary gaselier ; and, although the gas was not turned on to tho fullest extent, the light was clear and bright, and the room in no part darkened. At ihe request of Mr. Monck we (the outsiders of the spiri tual circle examined the table and surveyed the room, and we all agreed that, so far as we could tell, there was no possibility of trick. Wo then sit down nt the table, Mr. Monck at one end, faced by a young man who wis found to be a medium. I was sitting at the table to the right of Mr. Monck, my companions being one on each side of me. Mr. Monck then, in a conversational tone, spoke of the subject which was upper most in the minds of all present, ami argued that from all persons, more especially from persons of a nervous or sensitive disposition, there emitted a something (they termed it nura, others magnetism) with which an intelligent spiritual agency clothed itself in order to he manifest to humanity. In the midst of the conversation I was atari led as, indeed, were all the company by a sudden peculiar rap almost immediately under my hand. All our hands were resting on tho table, and, after the lir.-t emotion of surprise attendant upon hearing tho first notification of the presence of this outside something, wo listened for more Io folio,i. Xor had we long to wait, for raps came with frequency from till pirts of the table; and I can vouch that none were produced by either of t.lio three rather sceptical persons pilling on my side of the table. It would not have been soothing to any very nervous person to notice Mr. Monck about this time, for in tho midst, of a sentence ho would over and agiiu g:v. a sort of twitch, apparently involuntary, his explanation lining that it occurred when ho fell a cold spirit-touch. JI is i.h'-h-e/s also at I raeb'd s >nte attention; his hands were fearfully colt), and one of them was trembling greatly, although ho seemed to try to c ntrol himself. At last Mr. Monck inquired whether spirits won; present, and three raps (the affirmative) coming in reply, three or four questions were put, with a view of finding whether the spirit was an intelligent one. I forgot what they were, for Mr. Monck suddenly observed, in an ordinary way. IliaL he saw a spirit hovering over tho head of one of the reporters present. We were going lo have a manifestation indeed. Jfow another change in Mr. Monck ex -it'"! our curiosity, for his hand was travelling rapidly as if writing, mid a large sheet of papa and a pencil being given him, lie dashed off, without once looking at. tho paper, booi j words which could not be well deciphered by any present. The words were then repeated, and tho question (not a little lo my astonishment) was, Will these gentlemen fairly report? SI., j fined together, concluded this question, and this Mr. Monck said ho believed to be the sigtivture of the spirit that generally makes him ils medium, SI.' standing for Samuel. (This was tho Christian numo, ho said, of an the light was put out, mid we were in darki ess that would i, total bad not the last, dying embers of the tire been just vis I.!, the bars. Now, of what, follows 1 pretend to explain nothing, but to of my recollection record tile tacts. There was sileur 1 fur as wo sat with joined hands in the spirit-circle, mid lbo 1 hissing voice, unlike any 1 have ever heard, but which 1 l,u Monck's, speaking from the other end ot th * table, 1 c.u what, was said. lie's m a trance, whispers someone; aim the thing I recoiled is, after a silenoo, hearing t he fall ns ot a li, r., and Mr. Monck, in his natural voice, saving, I ton t do tint:. don't. 1 have been told that he was suspended in 11- t ime before the fall, but as I could sen nothing, I cannot c my own responsibility. T he spirit-voice -I use the b riu tinguish between if ami the medium's ordinary vow 1 a and, from the direction of tho sounds, judge that Ihe in.-.i-.,[ entered the cabinet. The voice was husky, with a strange kind. :. producing a peculiar effort, on tho listener. 1 thru -nv, i 4 subdued, weird kind of light float upwards towards the..[ recognised it, without, tho direction of the voice, as in 111 ; :v human hand, the first linger being extended. We all suv it,,,. watched it until it gave way to what, tho voice claimed to lv a -, face. I did not myself recognise this so distinctly as fee li;c..i...;,i tho light appeared to me to bo merely oval shaped, and il, -,,.1 marked features. Neither did I notice, I am glad to say, an earl y smell, which soino present noticed at the time. Looking r a moment at the gradually-expiring fire, which was alumsi on my r, I was aware that a person Imd passed between mo and il.iind 1 aim >! immediately heard Mr. Monck (still in a trance) spaiking behind in', llo said there was present the spirit of a Bristolian, who..> irum hi mentioned (it was, I think, recognised by somo o.ic nt tbe other end of tho table, I mil not sure), and said that, lie hid been drowned in sailing from this port. A loud voice a direct voic it. termed ihmi shouted Ship, ahoy!" and, to the best, of my belief. Mr. Monck v. e either speaking at the time, or instantly alter. Mr. Monck t i returned to tho cabinet, and wo saw more lights. About ties line m sang various tunes nt tho request of the spirit-voice, inehnhng n'i different selections as Auld lnng svne, " Abide with in.' "Ss spirit, hear my prayer, mid the infantilo Twinkle, twinkle, litth' star, the last word being substituted for Shah, which somo one pro posed. Turn on the lig h t was an ngre able mnl to hear, from iv spirit, voioo, and when it was done, Mr. Monck gradually, ami it seemed painfully, regained his normal condition. lie ryrs «turned up so that, only the whites could lie seen, and his.'ipwaninf' generally, on regaining consciousness, reminded on. of what I id - i in those who had been put, or had been supp i-e.l to have b'.ui p-it, iu a mesmeric sleep. Almost immediately he called out for the 11- I *to be again extinguished, and manifestations simil'-.r I i those previously mtn -s»od ngiiti occurred. During this time niy cottipauiou on tie-l. t h - medium, appeared to he also getting more and lit ire under I'. >, >1 agency, and he told me he saw the form of r female spirit brt.ivrru liraself and me. 1 looked, but, could sei' nothin', llo wus iuferrel'e d 'V some, one olso, who mkod him to doscribe (ho form of a spirit bo ls< on his lull, and the description ho gave, accompanied In a reinin'* mad.. by Mr. Monck (still in a trance) ;m to the cause of her il-'itb, made a deep impression on tho minds of two pcesetii who had ln-u mutual friend of a similar description, and fr nn the illn - nnts -d. I do not refer at all to niy,-elf, hut believe 1 am correct in :< iting thi-- The medium on tny left was not entrance.!, hut said lie was pwl'-edy able to sec spirit-forms. Another interval of light -during whi.-'i Mf- Monck was searched, mid then tied H-am-ely, neck and li-.tulr Iter, followed, and I instantly fell. Mr. Monel; pin-a hi arm im my shoulder quite free. Thu gas was turned on, and ivc about h> separate, when tho other medium gave indications of appi-inohing me consciousness, uml, darkness being HOcumd, I felt him as if :-tmg ding severely. His hand, which had hold of. mine, grasped it tighter, him! 1 ST

9 sr?.. the MEDICS! DAY BEE ' V f> A >- A^r E ~ ' - IC E S. \ T i >r ;;! f ; s*' d. On D i t n M a-i *a -» ' *> r. I r f r of \f> * - >*0 r. j.1 *. * j3 *i:t n'= >' =>vrj. ^-. io- - : G.. / >m m.ggc-1 I. i '1.; * j....-> i platform if ope - *A >? who? >1 O' ;-;,-,0 '. : ' - ; - GO1 1 P7-7? - - o Lc O.i - Allv inv.te ant I;,V: -I ij *» "* cutl ^ d teto»- that *"*»ge enu m alts if TU to ser < ;**. i n i eorurr. Hee i.- > At i Ti-T sli=: pnn t _ through the town will m akespo.r.t_... ng evidence of those : «i n iu m *2? - r ns o: 1he a?.ere.-t ter :,i».... tse r 73 ar j -,, at. u e~. 2 *;-i: with : i:.. ' : : '.... ao 2 >w being mat It i* w.m... re-2»- T i ivtrr. :.a ; :y-.''-' LocOc o:. L'. (I...' t. ' '.. ' t. i ' 1 - t s. r. * in' >n ion : ' '" "; :.; u si-, 7.1 f _*_-.a rj' - M ~g c 1 " - - ;*: : oc i. i t.1 -.i.- ne bxhr a t - a zc*fi a. -T s' iinip a :r : i WG O- ;r? : i i '.'_r 2 : V.t a:1.', it. Tr.- 1 -: i y _ He m«u»- Can friends at a distance suu utese xnrimn^c W2 -rets a: ; l i t :- ; ; ' i.'.: -. '. r: ' ir^ thus e.viea-y-riug *. ; : jur.i a 5tirit-al Ii= m «ov u..ih.-.i ss.... \ 7 C 4 i 7 : ;. I r......tsc th s i - i t i t a tr.-sted beta t --r u.j &wa t t i t.... ' :'.1 i - \ _ G-. j ' h r.. -. : ' -. '. : L. G ' h. r.. ' f ' Gr * - 1. ' 1' - ' 0"tos t it hi 1 ion:.*.:. Gen E CURED JGL heir sc*6 Oi: a. p ::e : git,:r. r :r.2 go f :--* a: 0 A*: 10 ::e. -*0 er- - r : r :: - n.; - of :ho ab : 75 caro I a: 0 b e: go '.ogog T o 0 ;: 0:5 o io 1.*1 r i atneo: wa= Ro -.*d Erain. a ;_..n : ; or ;j.or= 1 : i i'i : :d:r.i witn. a J o _ Lie--LLi:.*- pweets in Chapel Street, Islington. ta d nee: '. :VJ.V-rd 1; i w of hls illness, -rho sa 'l ar.j meai;ir.e ne ccu-n 2 :re w; be o: se_-. -w ttar.y ;... '. a f.-utsr a - io A t this stage ol the ecm pg tnt I st ' the p t. 1 _. - :: h. I ad-can : t th e z f. laps ana t t t i. e were oric. ar.a ite 'wvu-a.:e tnr nnurs a A..>ec ^-:,-sa --- All r_'s : i t : t tr tss' s t t j t.. 11.: 'te t'.u was tast appr.jaening health I.; = which he : 01 ll.olri Irl. r. '. i " ; -' v '- i - 11 Oil 7 O.. O.'... Ot G loe :o 11 1 U. l i t cbd aot 2i;*:o : t 1L0 oolii.i Loi been o-o* risen. I hare cured has-e c:* the tram were. u t...tit.:es ^ but this is the terminated in complete HBRSb»«irphtid I hi'e e^et uttett'.ted. :>:hp In : _ - ^.. ' : i: t ; t : : h : - t t t s u t t i s t t as t ; fm fanui, c-t mire -tases as they fall it- nty ty. -. ti '.tser- u.-. r :.-:ti : n. - f : _ ; ; ; t. '. : r t t _it even sitt._-t t t --.. r.. -- _/ --..h.'; \f a r ss o : ipe.-2 ^n; :o -i-e 'j _o»o ::.i..- eiej :1 *1 : *-.. *. L ' p. 0^. u - : - L<; - z:r _ - *- 01 ~ 10 -O'- -: 1 : n ^5 c: ob*l To h i = r : JTSsG-^a 11 i.. 1 :; " - : Lures go : : L i * o oeo,!-.. o ' t go«._.i Hi ~o - Tig. 7 1o o ii ir 7 - r _ r 5-r l-m O.J - I * ;- --. I T ' ' 1* :. ^ l i t - h.. - : rco: : : : h 0:. 0. :. : : ~ - S : L ioih _r WkkLzv. Old Ford Road. Boa. ' Eozx-r Jcwsixc-xs.. - A - ' i _ i - n A r 00''. ' "rc 0-5 MO - - V- L:~Z5..?-- :-- H- LT-ti - -- *rj 1n. iw-fro f ; ' Z1 Ol ' 0*3 A HALL FO B S P L E IIi [SIS IN O i l ~ * T.-l.-rt- A s 7 ---it ; :a Son oat base 10- r: i gij ' 1 r H rl-t T-! 7 '.* OllcOl *10 1 : RiG -Or it : Tears.. _ - - : : t t e. i. Mr. K ;T c i r-o A ^ - - o ~ '»ti. - 1 r - -.=. T, : G - ' G..GOOr f : : : : 1 -' - 1 ' ~ - Plater reod an anor.tmoas le..r. o c ---- G-IO- : Mr. 31: rs:- a v i aiz :: _ -7* I t ' : : t : - t h i ' Log Lr goo nc Mr. M ane f z M ^ e * ± w : L j -i -' * '.. A / I _...i.. '.. i : -.*G_ : : gig OrOG 1 :1 ice -_il 11-- = - OOlrOi. "in iuring be O.- ur _T t ; R ; *'* i'-i e. ;-t L ^ - I 1 0; ' tt n o : : : * - - * O ci Feih.-ws u_. ~ T o o 1_ - ' - * ~ - to hold. lie b O O A r sic;.:d iio co tair ro ntr h g.t 00 i =:i : - i t-_ - - ;; m OicO Gl. - -* o r o i u i i l J b l l L w b i o k.: -h:i t i l s tt - i i - ' " we;;- ni>u o: :T: : ,r..O,--G- e - - ** c l it: the sale O - -' - ' 1 ' t i l ' h Sii«p Hi :: m e M ' o.,.. i.- i. - s e features w _:;-i i r e :.. -:G :1 - Ir in :.t'- --I alt.; _G. n :: m_ 101-A0:.O... Ittsh tu titti - i. l t it : =7 - ;-L :: 7-7 _ : 0 ' nit i L : >- aa : ' r : i. "i h.- -i te itre to s :i«7 - _... ' r. :. / *- or.0 _i-.i -,.i - o....., - 1 i_; T : * gig: g -lo *.: i :o corcaiaac ^ 7 -- : : '. ^ o - 1;.. o - laemorertamb ' m v. 77 \ r - v.'. -* - - ' - - ' - -. ~ ' Oi-oo- - : -7VOrS saji : W w r i -" ' - - -O - i., :-. : --r :.. v. r titters JSs ' f O,. 1 :--LiO i-' T;; - holv.ulll - t-o tt :, h O c t t O ^ IT- o' 01: * --- r - ' O "... " - - a -. : A* : GGr*r 111 I~li Li **f in - 1. ' -. G O O, - r ' i V I I V i t.. tue -^.xcxis^ - re at Trowbridge, B..»». list -O n Thursday ec u -I. il tr s tr was ^ S ' before the members a -... l o r o - : ^ ' ' i the satisath-n v a i - - i. -- i h. 1.0 _ fftn y er" brought*pleeannt and ; '... * t-oe*.. : W11G ' 1.. r - ' G-. :_OG G i GO * LG L ll O - G5 ' _ - * ^ -.To a -: =o: o o i t o o- - - A ' - 0 :*: G5 z t 00 ^ -OCOrr SlGtefS M f " ' TeEi* ~ *w-*" G O c. ; - : ' - ' : ? s ; g - - i -7 _ i- s..- = :-;g : o on L ' - ' J ' _ O-.' t : -' - : : - - G.. _' 1

10 514 THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. Noykmbf.h 7, I W. L Ci.AitKR (Lk.k.u *).- Xhn point of jour rpistle ia an fine Unit wo cannot aee it. "Tni; Sium* ok tub Timm." We oarinot find apace for Una com munication. Tim co-operation of SpiritualiaU ia required to form eirolo in rtapbam. llioae interealed may communicate by letter to Air. J. lliiuibr, 1, Cottage drove,.slockwell, S.W. II. V Your vera.a are very thoughtful more ao Ui&n poetical. You might improve them, \Vo regret that the demanda on our apace alnioft wholly preclude the publication of the many poetical effusion* we receive. 1 tnu.i.tx " write* to aav that the apirit* have deaired him to atudy Spiritualism retetically and defend it aeientiflca dv, and that ho Ime already eiillioiont experimental knowledge thereof to commence the work He promis'd, in reply, to do hie duty in the matter. A New Pohiiuit ok Mint. Oi itt. -In reply to an inquiry made r. jpn-tmg a gooil portrait of thia lady, alia haa written the following note, do. d October "hth; "Having had my photograph taken hy Mr. Urmlersoii veeterdav, and approving much of it, I have authorised him to aell ivpn a, and therefore refer you to him. They are on Bale at the Progressive i.ihrary, lv>, Southampton How, price la. eucli. Su 'Mvvii I'uivim As-.diiTtoN ok Hi-ik it u a l ist *. -The Secretary writes ' \Ve held an extra aeanoe laat week for the benefit of aome sceptical friend*, and Mrs. Knaaelt waa kind enough to lend her assist ance, and, the manifestations were ao good that the aooptioa woro changed firm believer*. \Ve had Mra. Bassett's apint.guidea, ' Jamea' mid v I. irle*,' who talked to ua for half an hour. Lighta were aeen at each end of the room at the aaiue tune, and nearly every peraon felt the p rtt'lm'uis. Several other phenomena occurred, which I have not timet record. Our association haa been in eiiatenoe in ita preaent stars marly twelve montha. Moat began as inquirer*, but now wo are all Spiritualist.* > I.1NKS ON THE TRANSITION CALLED DEATH. Ah, who can die when onoe poasesa d Of God's almighty gift of life? The #oul is but the body's gueat I pon earth's tleeting aceno of atrife. The frame that holds him ia not he, 'Tis but his mantle for a time ; This mantle falls, and leaves him free Cnto a higher goal to climb. Lament not those who from that Bleep Awake, a brighter life to find; Or if thou needst uuit sadly weep, Weep that thou hast been left behind. Melrose, Sept. 24th, lt-75. Hkukis IIume. Wiisti are tub Spir it -Va ults? An engine driver and stoker on the M dland Railway, a few days ago, oalled at tho shop of a well-known temperance man in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, and asked him to show thorn where Messrs spirit-vaults were situate. Yes, replied our friend, come tliii way. and taking them through his shop and house, the back of which faces the parish churchyard, he said, pointing to the graves, There are the vaults, but the spirits are all gono. F rom The Lie* axd Corrbspobdbicb or Joiuv F ost bu. It does always appear to me very unaccountable that the state of the soul after death should be so completely veiled from our serious inquisitiveness. That in some sense it is proper that it should be so needa not bo said. But is not the sense in which it is so, the tarns sense in which it is proper there should be primitive circumstances, privations, and inflic tions in this our sinful stats? For one knows not how to believe that tome revelation of that next stage of our existence would not be more influential to a right procedure in this first, than such an absolute It is true that a profound darkness, which we know we aro destined ere long to enter, and soon to find ourselves in an amazing h-" '- is a striking object of contemplation. But the mind still, again and again, falls back from it, disappointed and uninstruetsd for want of some defined forms of reality to seise, retain, and permanently occupy it. In default of revelation, ws have to frame our conjectures on some E ;ue of analogy, which is itself arbitrary, and without any means of ringing it to the test of reason. Just received from Neve Yrrk, A NEW WORK BY JUDGE EDMONDS, Being an Enlarged Edition of his JIT T E R S ANI) TRACTS ON SPIRITUALISM. It has Hi pages; price 2s. Co btumas: No. 1. An appeal te the publio on Spiritualism- No. 2. Reply to Bishop llopkius. No. J. The News-boy. No. 4. Uncertainty of spiritual intercourse. No. 5. Certainty of spiritual intercourse. No. t>. Speaking in many tongue*. No. 7. Intercourre with spirits of tho liviug. No. 8. Fal-e prophesying. No. 9. Spiritualism as demonstrated by ancient and modern history. No. 10. Letters to the Aina York Tribune, embracing medium ship, circles, physical manifestations, test modiuiuship, healing mediums, king in many tongues, speaking and writing mediums, end ami aim of spiritual 11. Instances of spirit-communion : with my brother, with Martin van Bnren, with Abraham Lincoln, and with J. Wilkes Bo >th. y 12. Ales.-ages from George Washington, on government and the future life. \o 13, Questions and answers on Spiritualism, in reply to u letter from Edinburgh. London : J. Bvbn0, 15, Southumptou Row, W.C. LAY SERM ONS B Y A LAYMAN, NATURAL RELIGION & SOCIAL RIGHTEOUSNESS, MR. ROBT. HARPER Will deliver a Kories of SIX D I 8 COU RSEs IN THE CAVENDISH ROOMS, MORTIMER ST,, ON S UNDAY MORNINGS, Commencing November Oth, at 11 o Clock. SUBJECTS. NOV KM HER Oth - Omniprosenco and Omniscicnco; or, a New Theory of a PorBonal God. NOVEMBER lfitli M om ontous T h oological Q uestions, and their rela tion to Societury Reform. NOVEMBER 23rd M oney; tho great oconom ic question of the Ago, NOVEMBER 30th Dr. D w ight upon tho natural relationship of Women to Society. DECEMBER 7th M otherhood; tho great natural lover for tho Refine ment of tho Human Race. DECEMBER 14th M esm erism ; or, tho Cure of Disease by Soul-action. Tickets for Reserved Seats, Sixpence each, or Jlulf-a-cr own the Course, at lo, Southampton Row, Ilolbom, and ->5, Cun.- \ Rust, Oxford Street, TV. A D M ISSIO N F R E E, COLLECTION AT DOOR, ADDRESSES DELIVERED IN TIIE TRANCE BY J. J, MORSE W H ILE UNDER SPIRIT-INFLUENCE. What of the Dead? Price Id. The Phenomena of Death. Price Id. DR. SEXTON S ORATIONS ON SPIRITUALISM. No. 1. The Claims of Modem Spiritualism upon Public Atteniix Price Id. No. 2. How I became a Spiritualist. Price Id. No. 3. Spirit-Mediums and Conjurers. Price 2d. God and Immortality viewed in the light of Modem Spiritualism. Price 6d. The best book for Inquirers. Second Edition. HERE ARE TIIE DEAD? or, SPIRITUALISM EX W PLAINED. Containing well authenticated and selected reports of all the different phases of modem spirit phenomena, from table-turning to ths visible materialisation of the faces and forms of tho departed, and the ph t graphing of spirits ; proving by undeniable facts that those we mourn a DEAD ARE STILL ALIVE, and can communicate with us; and that Spiritualism is sanctioned by Scripture, and consistent with science and common-sense; with speci mens of intensely interesting communications received touching death, the future life, and the experiences of the departed. Also extract* from the literature of Spiritualism, advice to investigators, list of books, addresses of mediums, and all useful information. By Bum. Opin io n s of tub Pkbss. Christian Spiritualist. A very clover and attractive book.,, T o best introduction to tho new revelation that has appeared... Thx author has eminently succeeded in his purpose. The Spiritualist. The more especial use of the work is for presenta tion to inquirers... It gives a clear bird s-eye view of tho leading features of modern Spiritualism. Spiritual Magazine. It is a handy little volume for inquirer*, Ths disposition of its matter is good, and its selections on tlm whole judicious, as aro also tho observations with which tin'v aro inurspersol.* Tublic Opinion. The book is characterised by an evident death) to examine the subject without prejudice. Tho facts recorded are very curious. Atheiueum. His book will be read with interest. Examiner. It ought to give many readers a better idea of Spiri tualism. Eastern Morning Seus. The book is full of interest." Price 3s.; or, post-free 3!> stump*, from A. Ittv.t a nd & Co., publisher;, Manchester, who will forward copies of tho table of contents on appli cation. London: Sold by J. Burns, 15, Southampton Row. NOTICE. The Author will be ylad to receive the names of Xsicspap11 where an impartial review of the foregoing work can be expected.

11 t THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. 115 <» V Xoii' ready, a Xeie Edition of The Charming Song, A N D I) II E A M r N,, i N K I x success G G - ith great sue by Mr. W. Ca stle, tlic American ' I'enor Words hv M. A. 11a in k s, Music by BKimiui.n T one Tree by post, Two Shillings.,t C»., 201, Regent Street, London; and at 88, Western $ 1!li lton and meet ings during tl HE, h e WEEK, AT THE SPIRITUAL a^c INSTITUTION, INSTITUTION. 15. IS. SOUTHAMPTON SOUTHAMPTC HOW, HOLBOKN. Novfmhkr 7, Singing Practice nt 8 o'clock. y )VI,MnER 9, Oration at the Royal Music Nall, 212, Kolboi-ii, 1IV Mrs. at 7 o'clock. Admission by ticket only. See advt.. y'ovkmdkii 10, Mr. Herne at 8 o'clock. Admission 2a. 6d. Seeadvt. ^kspay, Novkmbkr 12. Sir. Herne at 2. Admission 2s. 6d. Seeadvt. tver-'',fis Jits. 011,0 at 8 o'clock. Admission 2s. Gd. lav, Novkmbkk 12, Mr. Herne, at 8. Admission, 2s. 6d. See advt. VVt& SEANCES IN LONDON DURING- THE WEEK. 4V, Novkmbkr 9, at Mr. Cogman's, 15, St. Peter s Road, Mile End Road, *** it 7 o clock. Service by Mr. Burns, at 8G, Goswell Road, at 7 o'clock. satrsal Novkmbkr 10, Developing Circle, at Mr. Coginan s, 15, St. Peter's Road, jlile End Road, at 8 o clock. Mr. Williams. Bee advertisement. Novkmbkr 11, Seance nt Temperance Hall, 102, Mile End Road, at South London Association, 24, Stamford Street, Blaokfriars, S.E., at Write for admission to Mr. F. Af. Taylor, at the above address. jjisbdat, Novkmbkr 12, DaUton Association of Inquirers_into Spiritualism. Beance at their rooms, 74, Navarino Road, Dalstou, E., at 8 p.m. ticulars as to admission of visitors on application to the Secretary. Bt. John's Association, 7, Corporation Row, Clerkeuwell, at 8. Free. Mr. Williams. See advertisement. Par- SEANCES IN THE PROVINCES DURING THE WEEK. gilubday, Novkmber 8, N e w c a s t l k - o n - T v n k. Old Freemasons Hall, Newgate Street, at 7.80 for 8 o'clock. Birmingham. Midland Spiritual Institute, 58, Suffolk Street, at 7. Erawr, Novkmbkr 9, K eighley, a.m. and 5.80 p.m. Messrs. Sbackleton and Wright, Trance-Mediums. Children s Progressive Lyceum at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sowerbv Bridge, at Mr. W. Robinson s, Causeway Head, Children s Lyceum, 10a.m. and 2 p.m. Public Meeting, 6.30 p.m. Trance-Medium, ilr. Wood. Bowl ing, Spiritualists Meeting Room, 2.30 and 6 p.m. Hall Lane, 2 and 6 p.m. Bowl ing, in Hartley's Yard, near Railway Station, Wakefield Road, at 2.30 and 6 o'clock. Manchester, Temperance Hull, Grosvenor St., Mount St., at Cowms, at George Holdroyd s, at 6 p.m. Gawthorpk, Spiritualists' Meeting Room, 2.30 and 6 p.m. Mrs. S. A. Swift, Test and Healing Medium. Mobley, Mr. E. Baires s, Town End. Halifax Psychological Society, Hall of Freedom, Back Lord Street, lister Lane, at 2.30 and Children's Lyceum at 10 a.m. Nottingham, Clmrchgate Low Pavement. Cldldren's Lyceum at 2 p.m. Public meeting at 6.30 p.m. 086KTT Common, Wa kefiel d, ut Mr. John Crane s, at 2 and 6, p.m Healing and Trance-speaking Medium, Mr. John Crane. Bishop Auc kl and, at Mr. Faucitt s, Waldron Street, at 6 o'clock. Notice ia required from strangers. Newcastl k-on-tynk, at Freemasons Old Hall, Weir's Court, Newgate Street, at 6.30 for 7 p.m. Liver pool. Public Meetings at the Islington Assembly Rooms, at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Trance-mediums from all parts of England, Ac. Batlkt, at Mr. Parkinson s, Taylor Street, at 2.30 and 6 p.m. Darl ington Spiritualist Association, Large Room, above Hinde Brothers Stores, Kidsdale Street, Yarm Road. Public Meetings at a.m. and 6 p.m. SouTHfflU. At Mr. W. H. Stripe's, 31, Middle Street, at Bir ming ham, at Mr. Perks, 312, Bridge Street West, Well Street, Hockley, for Spiritualists only, at 7 p.m. Physical and Incipient Trance- Medimn, Columbus Perks (boy medium, twelve years of age). LoughuoHo. Mrs. Gutteridge, Trance-medium, Dene's Yard, Pinfold Terrace, ut 6 o'clock. Gl asgow Association of Spiritualists. Public meeting, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., at 164, Trongate. Seance at 5 p.m. Hul l, 5, Strawberry Street, Drypool, at New Bhildon, at 16, Strand Street, at 6 p.m. Munur, November 10, Hull, 42, New King Street, at 8.30, Gl asgow Association of Spiritualists. Seance at 164, Trongate. Doors closed at 8.30 p.m. New Bhil don, at 16, Strand Street, at 8 p.m. Bir ming ham. Midland Spiritual Institute, 58, Suffolk Street, at 8. IPWDAT, November 11, K eigiil ey, at 7.30 p.m., at the Lyceum. Trancemediums, Mrs. Lucas and Messrs. Wright and Bhackleton. Sower by Bridge, at Mr. W. Robinson s, Causeway Head, 8 p.m. ffnimday, November 12, Bowling, Spiritualists Meeting Room, 8 p.m. Mobley, Mr. Emmanuel Baiues s, Town End, at 7.30, for development. OSSett Common, at Mr. John Crane s, at Healing and Trancemedium, Mr. John Crane. Darl ingt on Spiritualist Association, same place as on Sundays. Public Developing Circle at p.m. Glasgow Association of Spiritualists. Public meeting at 164, Trongate, at 8 p.m. Occasional seances during the other nights of the week. Birmingham, Midland Spiritual Institute, 58, Suffolk Street, at 8. Thursday, November 13, Bowling, Hall Lane, 7.30 p.m. Gawt horpk, Spiritualists Meeting Room, a Developing Circle, at West Hartl epool, Seance at Mr. Hull s, Adelaide Street. Bisho p Auckl and, at Mr. Faucitt s, Waldron Street, at 8 o'clock. Notice Is required from strangers. Newcastle on-tynj:. Old Freemasons Hull, Weir s Court, Newgate Street. Beance at 7.30 for 8. Bir mi ng ham, Circle ut Mr. Thomas Godridcs, 16, Court House, 12, Wrentbem Street, at mm. Developing Circle for Spiriiuulists only, nt 308, Kin I; id, at Doors closed ut 8. ii w Khilihin, ut 16, Strand Street, ut 8 W Novi MB* II I (. 1,1 VI KPOOL, Weekly Conference and Trance-speaking, at the hi,nyt' a Assembly Rooms, at 8 p.m. Tile Committee meet at 7. Mvnuwu* w, thuuligute Low Pavement, beance ut 8 p.m. T I I E G I! A M M A R SC H O O L, DA LTON-1N-FU1IN E S S, JL NORTH LANCASHIRE. Head Master: P er cy Ross H arrison, II.A., of Pembroke College,Oxford. i A thorough Classical, Mathematical, Scientific, and Commercial Eduj cation is given, comprising the following subjects : The Greek, Latin, German, French,and English Languages and Litera ture ; Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Algebra, Geometry,Trigonometry, Land ) Surveying, and all the higher Branches of Mathematics; Mechanics, Chemistry, and Natural Philosophy; Geography and History; Shorthand, Drawing, Music, Drilling, and Calisthenics. I Care is taken to meet individual requirements. Pupils are specially J prepared for the University and Civil Service, also for the local and other ; E x a m i n a t i o n s. The highest attention is paid to the.physical and moral, as well as intellectual development of the pupils; and every eifortis made to secure their comfort and happiness. - Terms, including Board, Laundress, Books, Stationery, and all Branches of Education, Th irty-t wo Guineas it :it Annum. Dalton is situato in a health} and picturesque locality, being only one mile from the ruins of Furness Abbey, and w ithin a few miles of the English Lake District. A FRENCH GENTLEMAN, holding a Diploma and the highest XX testimonials for good and quick Teaching, is open to ENGAGE MENTS, and would be glad to translate with his pupils the French works of the late Allan Kardcc, the founder of Spiritualism in France. Address, LL.I)., Seadding s Library, Belgrave Road, S.W. ANTED, by a Spiritualist, a SITUATION as Messenger, or W Collector, or Packer in a bookseller or stationer s warehouse. Age 2S. Address G. F. Tayi.ok, 5, Trinity Place, Trinity Street, Newingston, S.E. A N I N V E N T O R wishes to meet with a gentleman (a Spiri- XA tu alist) who would advance 20, to assist in bringing before the public some inventions of great utility. Liberal terms. References given. Apply by letter, M. A., 14, High Street, Clapham, S.W. 8, ARTHUR MALTBY, TAILOR AND HABIT MAKER, HANOVER PLACE, PARK ROAD, REGENT S PARK. Established Orders executed on tin shortest notice. guaranteed. liberal discount for cash. Workmanship and Fit R. YV. KINGSLEY, Pianoforte Tuner, Repairer, and M S el ect or. Address, 20, Brower Street, Golden Square, W. N.B. Musical and Phenomenal Seances given. F. FUSEDALE, Tailor and Draper, has a splendid assort ment of Autumn and Winter Goods. An immense variety of Scotch and West of England TWEEDS. A perfect fit guaranteed. Everything on hand. Visitors passing through London supplied with goods on the shortest notice, a t special prices lor cash. No. 8, South ampton Row, High Holborn. HOME FOR SPIRITUALISTS in London at Airs. Jack - A son s, 3, Torrington Street, Russell Square, W.C. Visitors from the Country will find a home from home, or Apartments with or w ithout Board may be had for a permanency. K KENSINGTON. TO LET, a well-furnislied eight-roomed VILLA, with Conservatory and Garden. Near the Railway and Park. The late tenants were people of position (Spiritualists). Terms 2 5s. per week. Apply at 37, Abingdon Villas. M R. JESSE SHEPARD takes pleasure in announcing to his friends that he has returned to town from his third successful tour on the Continent, and will continue to give PRIVATE SETTINGS for Developing, Magnetic Treatment, and Diagnoses of Diseases, Ac., (Ac., a t his Reception Rooms, 23, Duke Street, Manchester Square, W. Come, see a man which told mo all things that ever I did. rplie past and future Incidents of your life revealed to you by au JL Astrologer: the past by way of proof of the genuineness of the investigations; the future to enlighten, prepare, and guide you. Mediumistie communications are often vague and contradictory, but the testimony of the heavenly bodies is unerring. The destiny of every living being is written in the stars of heaven. P tolemy Institute, 9, Bell Yard, Doctors Commons, London. L etters unansw ered unless stamp enclosed. R WORTLEY (the well-known Medium), UNDERTAKER, provides Special Funerals for Spiritualists in an y p a r t of L o n d o n, a t moderate terms. Telegrams allowed for. 27, Victoria Dock Road, E. SENIER S ASTHMA REMEDY NEVER FAILS. S OLD wholesale by Newbery and Sons, 37, Newgate Street, London ; and Raimes, Bianshards, and Co., L eith W alk, E dinburgh, General Agent for Great Britain, M. J. Sutherland, Burnley, Lancashire, who on receipt of 2s. 9d. will send a box prepaid. Solo proprietor, Alfred Senior, Pharmacist, Mazomanie, Wis., United States. DRY CLOSETS. DRY CLOSETS. NEWEST AND BEST. g flarbon CLOSETS AND COMMODES, from 1 upwards. : \J KING S PATENT SELF-ACTING, 2 I2s. (id. to 10. Wholesale and Retail at 5, Moscow T euracb, Victoria Park, K., Adjoining tlio entrance to the Victoria Park Railway Station.

12 7-:'/. y.y.:, ;;r, / THE SP KOVAL Mi> J AL O H J P C H. '-L ; fjo L L O L N Ol:.\ JON i r -. r r L \ T I :. L I> I V - 1 M r s. C O R A On SUNDAY EY1/T V \rr, \ r r v -iu A a rsi I N j -. v L» X A JL.7 U.. T. «-fc V. * * ' -..N'T '.'X' "_7 - v- Lrx :. n. - v - i '* -.»=' Wit s'"'*' ' ~M («MM «irtfcfr ty If T?, *. > **-' * *..' t - ' '..'.' i- J v.:-_»>. *.»-»*- *.* 7 ; t. - M ; * V 7 '.. ' ' - 7 \. ' ' -. 7 X... - ciflmmi WB B V- b.* - jr &. f - ' ' * : :» V». \' z. M ta»»» wtn csbimb wimt- w <mm tk ** is tte stimsfir Hmry~ K*? i. t *fi *.* * V» ' 7 v» b. /; //. X *-.' >>:*.«-. n. - * > 7 *?: t j'* i.. i.w,'. il't V vu. a i-i.v ; *&- **, ; v -saz & nr/'**- */. : p&r**v**~ MR< TAP PA V AT STRATFORD. v.v ; ' >/.. a a y -, - -rr. v»..» IsHSkAUNI ' Z ' ~ ' VI':? - >».*r - i ~ : 1 2 -l iatr-jf. :0..v<r*s. rr. xal* sxr-. ORATION ON SPIRITUALISM '",Av; r\' TlfT " *' ' 1 T- ' H v _ -. * A/i XL* i *' A Il A L P ~A -» -I - «J>. -y V ' -. C*r. y On Monday Evening. November 17th v i *r - v.-:. * ^ N ' ; L sj.'f out. ' ~-r> L I*r.. i '. : mo 2 T AX»M.'3 I03r v-.-sr-. &d L. S d.; Sevnnc E>ss»ti, I s.: Trvvrd Seats. 6<L 97. ' : > -- :. 1- _i - mm i- -' 5:. I n **... x?d.. i v..'!«tee:.. *.. v. *tv*r ~ Cl " ' - ' P-IntY SLr. O i '. 2 T.' ~ ^.2- V 5V isa :m : * Mr. C w u r ' 2 ' :... Mm ll.< zy. N: ;, J.-; / -,. ; 1r... /' T..vr_.M- : r.. -0 : : N-. : /. - 0 ' 1 U: : * it -.. :. 7 r.' ':. :.^r: r_. j:. MN CHAJBLBS EL W ILL/-: L* 7 [;. ; <.. 77 :.J ie :.: J..Z -. ^.'I * rv.vivr. l :e...7^ ' ' : -.. ' ' ' :. ' >2. - A-nr-rwca ; ' - ' ' 2.;. :.. 2 7:... :.i.t v: -.. r '' '.. : V' > ri<-. a,. r vd<sw»? '-'mjc. uumm vi iivi -. - M p ; - * - zts-s* r - f ' 9? 7- ^ * ' V.. "... /. «2. -.»,. v- ^. Am A - i >',2- r T ft-.^ v..... r \f 7 Vs.-.s.. t->:sjl < > *'r- y,. V> '-.Et*. - * Vf- i. X fy \ : - * 7f ATT.*2- *V.P. TiK. IL W U A U a B,* * i::... J:.. -:.7-. v. '.... r- -.. r - *'> d^-veiv;. '..-* / « vv ' - v>w. r-.y-;..t -r Hm% h Ik a O w nd Ur» t a n M W h l 'f MwidcnliML /; - '< '. V. ' 2..v... ;....- >. i. ve» l&e* m U m ^ Iflr- A H 'iu^aih, jfcr-r-v t fit- GUI. - h ' ' >. : V : > r V... -' - - i ' TV. : - : \hijs~}. : - v t ro... J; k : On V flt5. M. A. V.-;;.-- FiRr r*w m m i.. «y.~ v. :* ". 7 - ' r. -. H* : 1-77 v:. Ci-7 n_: A.v ir-7 * - : 2 rixi xi c - >...l-lti.". 2 ij* 2 Z. U ?. A l/jj H - il J T T E iw PA TIEjriB «d p < M C o M te im B a. 1j>2" - 2' ' * \T 2m.' m JO.7. ms.'] 54. n mfcm Boad, Shcyhcrft BaA,«apt to &e* ^ ~ 1/jKLfjy; /"i.-.vw i.v: 37 JAMJL5 K I'? -15. v. -'-. >2.:: m K A


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